11-14-2017 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council CITY OF WY I : NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda November 14, 2017 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Diane Culver Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T.Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS • Wylie Way Students • Promotional Badge Pinning • Presentation by Kevin Dinnin of BCFS on behalf of the State of Texas thanking Wylie for the support during Hurricane Harvey. November 14,2017 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 • Proclamation for Shriner's Clown program • Recognition by the Mayor and City Council, Girl Scout Unit 148, for their assistance with the Arbor Day tree giveaway event on November 3,2017 at the Wylie Municipal Complex. • Proclamation for Homeless Awareness Week CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of October 24, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-21(R) authorizing the Mayor to execute a Master Interlocal Agreement between Dallas County and the City of Wylie pertaining to transportation-related maintenance on or about certain designated roadways situated within the territorial limits of the City of Wylie. M. Sferra, Public Services Director) C. Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of a 2018 Ford Brush Truck in the estimated amount of $200,000.00 from Chastang Ford through a cooperative purchasing contract with Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC), and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) D. Consider and act upon a request to construct a new Prairie Style residential structure for commercial uses on a single lot within the Downtown Historic District, located within the Keller's 1st Addition, Block 2, Lot 3 (105 N. Jackson Ave). (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) E. Consider and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of September 30, 2017. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, an amendment to Planned Development 2013-37-Single Family District and Planned Development 2016-27 (PD2016-27-SF) to include an additional 2 acres, adjust the allowed total lot count, and to allow a day care use, generally located east of Sachse Road/Ballard Ave. and south of Pleasant Valley Road. ZC2017-07 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) November 14,2017 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 Executive Summary The owner is requesting to amend an existing Planned Development Ordinance to include the 2 acre tract that was annexed into the city limits on April 25, 2017. The proposed PD eliminates the maximum density of 2.7 homes per gross acre. Instead, the lot mix is divided by lot types and indicates a slight increase in Type A 70'width lots. 2. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-22(R) casting a vote for a candidate(s) to the Board of Directors of the Collin Central Appraisal District for a two year term beginning January 1,2018. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Executive Summary The City of Wylie has 58 votes that they may cast for a candidate(s) to the Board of Directors of the Collin Central Appraisal District for a two year term beginning January 1, 2016. There are currently 5 positions open on the board for expiring terms. 3. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-23(R) casting a vote for a candidate to the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District for a two year term beginning January 1,2018. Executive Summary The Property Tax Code requires that the Chief Appraiser conduct an election for the purpose of selecting representatives to the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District every two years. WORK SESSIONS • Discuss the Long Range Plan (C. Holsted, Asst. City Manager) • Discuss the Public Safety Building (C. Holsted, Asst. City Manager) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. November 14,2017 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on November 10, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 24, 2017 - 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Secretary Carole Ehrlich took roll call with the following City Council members present: Mayor pro tem Keith Stephens, Councilman David Dahl, Councilman Timothy Wallis, Councilwoman Candy Arrington, and Councilman Jeff Forrester. Councilwoman Diane Culver was absent. Staff present included: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Chris Hoisted; City Engineer, Tim Porter; Fire Chief, Brent Parker; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; Development Services Director, Renae 011ie; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilman Forrester gave the invocation and Assistant City Manager Hoisted led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Concerned citizens spoke to Council regarding the Collin County Strategic Roadway Plan proposed by the North Central Texas Council of Governments, specifically the East Lake Corridor extension. These citizens were opposed to the project planning. Minutes October 24, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 1 PRESENTATIONS • Employee Milestone Anniversaries Mayor Hogue and City Manager Manson presented Millstone Anniversary honors to the following employees: Lisa Price Mapping Technician 30 years of service Mark Johnson Professional Standards Officer 15 years of service Art Maldonado Municipal Court Judge 10 years of service Shaun Butterley IT Systems Analyst 10 years of service Helen Taylor Detective with Child Advocacy 10 years of service • Presentation by Mary Lange of the American Legion to Recognize Regional Award Winners for Firefighter of the Year — Randall Barber and EMS Personnel of the Year — Debbie McKinney. Mary Lange, representing the American Legion, presented Regional Award Certificates to Debbie McKinney for EMS Personnel of the Year and Randall Barber for Firefighter of the Year. • Proclamation of November 3,2017 as Arbor Day in the City of Wylie. Mayor Hogue presented a proclamation to Robert Diaz, Recreation Superintendent, and Brent Stowers, Parks Manager, designating November 3, 2017 as Arbor Day in the City of Wylie. • Proclamation for Municipal Court Week November 6-10. Mayor Hogue presented a proclamation to Wylie Municipal Court staff designating November 6th -10th as Municipal Court Week in the City of Wylie. • Proclamation designating October 22—October 28th as "Magic of Wylie Week." Mayor Hogue read a proclamation designating October 22nd —28th as Magic of Wylie Week. He noted the activities that would take place in Historic Downtown Wylie. These include: The Night of Wonder Magic Show, Boo on Ballard, and Glow in the Park scheduled this week. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of October 10, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-29 authorizing the annexation of a 29.677 acre tract of land situated in the D.W.Williams Survey,Abstract No. 980, and a 21.992 acre tract of land situated in the William Sutton Survey, abstract 860 for a total of 51.669 acres in Collin County, Texas, generally located northeast of the intersection of South Ballard and Pleasant Valley Road. A2017-03 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Minutes October 24, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 2 C. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County and the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library for library services for fiscal year 2017-2018 in the amount of$15,778.8. (R. Orozco, Library Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for September 30, 2017. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) E. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Preliminary Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for September 30,2017. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) F. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-30 amending Ordinance No. 2017-26 (2017- 2018 Budget) for proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2017-2018; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing an effective date of this ordinance. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) G. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of heavy duty trucks from Southwest International Trucks in the amount of$173,624.36 through cooperative purchasing contracts with Buy Board, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) H. Consider, and act upon,the approval of the purchase of a Toro Groundmaster® 5900 mower from Professional Turf Products in the amount of $91,827.68 through a cooperative purchasing contract with National IPA and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) I. Consider, and act upon, rescinding the award of bid #W2017-75-A for Delivery of Portland Cement Concrete to Bodin Concrete L.P, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) J. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-20(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby authorizing the support of an application filed with the Attorney General's office for a Victim Assistance Grant (OVAG) in the amount of $41,658.00 to be used for a Crime Victim's Liaison position and designating the "Authorized Official." (A. Henderson, Police Chief) K. Consider, and act upon, a vendor application for the Wally Watkins Elementary PTA for a fundraiser event at Founders Park on November 23, 2017. (R. Diaz, Parks & Recreation Superintendent) Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. READING OF ORDINANCE Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinance No. 2017-29 and 2017-30 into the official record. Minutes October 24, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 3 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Forrester, seconded Mayor pro tem Stephens to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes October 24, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 4 c, eE r , .r �'I ,, Wylie City Council I AGENDA REPORT LPTz XYYb M Meeting Date: November 14, 2017 Item Number: B Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: October 19, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Master Interlocal Agreement and Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-21(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a Master Interlocal Agreement between Dallas County and the City of Wylie pertaining to transportation-related maintenance on or about certain designated roadways situated within the territorial limits of the City of Wylie. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2017-21(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a Master Interlocal Agreement between Dallas County and the City of Wylie pertaining to transportation-related maintenance on or about certain designated roadways situated within the territorial limits of the City of Wylie. Discussion Dallas County has requested that the City of Wylie enter into a Master Interlocal Agreement with the County for the purpose of partnering on the repair and maintenance of certain roadways, drainage culverts, pothole repair, roadway debris removal and other transportation related services. The Agreement would apply to roadways which are collocated in the City of Wylie and Dallas County. Staff has verified with Dallas County that portions of the following roads are eligible for this program: • County Line Road • Vinson Road • Sachse Road • Pleasant Valley Road Having a Master Interlocal Agreement in place is critical to timely action when joint maintenance road projects are needed. Once the Master Interlocal Agreement is in place, Project Specific Agreements can be executed by both parties for any individual projects identified as candidates for joint participation. Any percent of reimbursement will be clarified in the respective Project Specific Agreements. The proposed Master Interlocal Agreement sets out respective responsibilities, obligations, expectations and duration when undertaking qualified road maintenance activities. The proposed agreement will provide for continued partnership on these types of projects until December 30, 2022. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-21(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO EXECUTE A MASTER INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY AND THE CITY OF WYLIE PERTAINING TO TRANSPORTATION-RELATED MAINTENANCE ON OR ABOUT CERTAIN DESIGNATED ROADWAYS SITUATED WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of WYLIE, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of WYLIE, Texas, a Master Interlocal Agreement between Dallas County and the City of Wylie pertaining to transportation-related maintenance on or about certain designated roadways situated within the territorial limits of the City of Wylie. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. RESOLVED THIS THE 14th day of November, 2017 ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution No.2017-21(R) ILA with between Dallas County pertaining to transportation-related maintenance on or about certain designated roadways situated within the territorial limits of the City of Wylie. MASTER INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY AND THE CITY/TOWN OF WYLIE PERTAINING TO TRANSPORTATION-RELATED MAINTENANCE ON OR ABOUT CERTAIN DESIGNATED ROADWAYS SITUATED WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY/TOWN OF WYLIE This Master Interlocal Agreement ("Master Agreement") is made by and between Dallas County, Texas(hereinafter"County")and the City/Town of Wylie, Texas (hereinafter-City/Town"refers to the applicable City or Town, which is a party to this Master Agreement) acting by and through their duly authorized representatives and officials, for the purpose of Transportation Improvements on roads inside Dallas County. WHEREAS, pursuant to Court Order .,, dated , County Commissioners Court approved participation in Transportation Projects within the City/Town of Wylie; and WHEREAS, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Chapters 251 and 472 of the Texas Transportation Code provide authorization for local governments to contract amongst themselves for the performance of governmental functions and services; WHEREAS, the County and the City/Town desire to enter into an Interlocal Agreement (hereinafter "Master Agreement") for the purpose of jointly coordinating, facilitating andlor funding improvements and/or maintenance activity on certain duly qualified "Type B" Roadways, also situated wholly within the territorial limits of the City/Town; and WHEREAS, the County and the City!°fown desire to enter into a Master Agreement for the purpose of jointly coordinating, facilitating and/or funding improvements and/or maintenance activity on certain duly qualified "Type "C" Roadways, also situated wholly within the territorial limits of the City/Town; and WHEREAS, the County and the City/Town desire to enter into a Master Agreement for the purpose of the City/Town retaining and authorizing County, through its Road & Bridge forces, to maintain and/or improve various "Type E" Roadways, situated wholly within the territorial limits of the City/Town; and WHEREAS, the County and the City/Town desire to enter into a Master Agreement for the purpose of the City/Town authorizing and retaining County, through its Road & Bridge forces, to perform minor transportation-related improvements and/or maintenance services, including but not limited to pothole repair, cleaning and clearing of drainage culverts, roadway debris removal, and the like, which services do not fall squarely within the purview of"Type B" or "Type "E" Roadway Projects, such projects to be performed on or about public roadways and alleyways situated wholly within the territorial limits of the City/Town; and WHEREAS, this collaboration between the County and the City/Town is consistent with Strategy 4.2 of Dallas County's Administrative Plan in that it fosters partnership between the County and W,lie MASTL::R 11.A for Road&Bridge 2017 local cities therein on local transportation projects; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into between the County and the City/Town for the mutual consideration stated herein: I. DEFINITIONS The following definitions are incorporated by reference into this agreement for all purposes. 1. Type B: Improvements and maintenance of thoroughfares and bridges of major cross-county importance which are either existing or proposed. The Regional Thoroughfare Plan for North Central Texas Council of Governments will be used as a guide to determine Wvlaich thoroughfares are of major cross-county importance. 2. Type C: Improvements and maintenance of that:ughl:ares which are affected by state highway programs„ planning and policies, including right-of-way, curb and gutter. and storm sewer projects that participate with state department of highways and public transportation as designated by the state as being part of the state highway system. 3. Type E: Improvements and maintenance of streets. alleys, roads, bridges and drainage facilities for a local governmental entity as defined under Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code. II. PURPOSE City/Town has requested in the past, and will likely request in the foreseeable future (1) that the County participate in the funding of, certain roadway improvements and/or maintenance projects ("projects") on the City/Town's street system, which projects shall be duly qualified "Type B" Roadway Projects; (2) that County participate in the funding of.. certain roadway improvements and/or maintenance projects ("projects") on the City/Town's street system, which projects shall be duly qualified Type C" Roadway Projects; (3) that the County provide certain roadway improvements and/or maintenance services ('`projects") on the City/Town's street system, which projects shall be duly qualified "Type E" Roadway Projects; or (4) that the County, through its Road & Bridge forces, perform certain minor transportation-related improvements and/or maintenance services on or about the City/Town's streets and alleyways, which do not fall squarely within the collaborations contemplated by either of the aforementioned. The terms and conditions set forth herein provide the cooperative framework for the County and the City/Town to jointly undertake one or more of these transportation-related maintenance projects upon public roadways situated wholly within the incorporated and territorial jurisdiction of the City/Town. Each roadway maintenance project commenced hereunder shall be fully and specifically set forth and described in a separate Project Specific Agreement ("PSA"), and shall be approved by specific order of the Dallas County Commissioners Court, as well as the governing body of the City/Town. Projects undertaken pursuant to this Agreement are for the benefit of the City/Town and the County, and not the purposeful benefit of any third parties. It is the express intention of the Wylie MASTER ILA for Road&Bridge 20117 City/Town and the County that any person or entity, other than the CityTown or the County, receiving services or benefits hereunder shall be deemed incidental beneficiaries only. Nothing herein shall be construed so as to prevent the County and the City/Town from collaborating and working jointly, without prior and formal approval of their respective governing bodies, in cases of national, state or local emergencies or natural disasters. III. CITY/TOWN'S CONTRIBUTION For duly qualified "Type B" and "Type C" Roadway Projects contemplated hereunder, the City/Town shall be responsible for the total funding and payment for the roadway maintenance services, less any amounts contributed by the County, which contributions, if any, may not exceed fifty percent (509,6) of the total project costs, and may be made through commitment of financial resources or in-kind services, i.e. use of County's labor, equipment andior materials. For all other projects contemplated hereunder, the City1°own shall be responsible for one hundred percent (100%) of the funding for services provided in whole or in part through the use of County Road & Bridge personnel, equipment and'or materials. All expenditures herein undertaken by the City/Town or the County for the performance of these government functions shall be made from current revenues available to them. IV. CITY/TOWN'S OBLIGATIONS Prior to the commencement of any project hereunder, the City/Town shall clearly detail the location, scope and nature of the services it desires performed. Should the City/Town desire that the County, through deployment of its Road & Bridge workforces, perform such services, the County shall prepare a written and detailed proposal for the City/Town's consideration and approval, indicating all work to be performed by the County, and at what costs and expense to the City/Town. Before any such work commences, the City/Town and the County must have a clear and mutual understanding of the scope of services to be provided by the County and the costs associated with each such project. Said mutual understanding shall be evidenced by written documentation, i.e. project specific agreements, which shall only be binding once approved by the County and the governing body of the City/Town. For all projects wherein the County is obligated to provide improvements and/or maintenance services, immediately upon the County's commencement of work duly authorized by them, the City/Town shall set aside, segregate and escrow for the County's benefit, the full agreed amount for costs and expenses for each project undertaken. County may elect to bill against segregated funds on a monthly basis for services performed during the course of the month, or it may bill against the segregated funds in full once a project is completed. In either event, the County shall be paid promptly, and in full once the project is completed. Where required by the nature of the projects undertaken, the CityTown, at its own expense, shall be responsible for the following: (1) informing the public of the proposed maintenance or construction activity regarding the project; (2) acquiring any right-of-way necessary to complete 3 Wylie MASTII!S.R ILA for Road&Bridve 2017 the project under consideration; (3) locating all manholes, water valves, and other utilities within the project; (4) making or causing to be made, all utility relocations or adjustments necessary for the execution and completion of the project; (5) remediating any hazardous or regulated materials, or other environmental hazards on or near the project site; and (6) where necessary, providing appropriate traffic control support, including but not limited to flagging, cones, barricades, shadow vehicles, arrow boards, signage, police presence, etc., to enable the project to be completed in a timely and safe manner. City/Town agrees to accomplish these functions, if required by projects under consideration, in a timely and efficient manner to ensure that such activity will not delay the County's timely performance of its improvements and/or maintenance activities. City/Town agrees to permit the County, at the County's expense, to conduct routine special studies of traffic conditions within the City/Town, which studies may include traffic counts, measurements of speeds, delays, congestion, etc. V. COUNTY'S CONTRIBUTION For all projects contemplated hereunder, the County shall contribute as follows: 1. For all duly qualified "Type W and "Type C" Roadway Projects, the County shall contribute an amount not to exceed fifty percent (50%), which contribution may be through pledge and commitment of County Road and Bridge funds, use of County Road and Bridge personnel and/or equipment, or a combination of the two. 2. For all other duly qualified projects, the County's contribution hereunder shall be limited solely to supplying labor, materials and"or equipment necessary to provide improvements and/or maintenance services, all of which shall be provided at the City/Town's, or another funding source's, expense. VI. COUNTY'S OBLIGATIONS County shall not undertake performance of any project hereunder, until such time as same has been specifically approved per the protocol set forth in Section II., as listed above and incorporated herein by reference. Once so approved, if called upon to do so, the County shall perform all services contemplated hereunder in a good and workmanlike manner. Further, the County shall not assign its rights, or delegate its duties and obligations hereunder to any third party without prior written approval of the City/Town. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the County from using subcontractors, where reasonably necessary, to aid in the completion of projects. Should the County, in executing any project contemplated hereunder, encounter adverse conditions unforeseen by the City/Town or the County, the County shall immediately bring same to the attention of the City/Town, and await direction and guidance from the City/Town on the resolution of same. Where reasonably required by nature of the unknown condition, the County may cease performance hereunder until such time as adverse conditions are rectified or remedied by the City/Town, and such delay shall not constitute a material breach of this Agreement. q Wylie MASTER[LA for Road&Bridge 2017 VII. TERM The initial term of this Agreement shall be from the date of last execution by any required signatory party hereto until December 30, 2022. However, either party hereto, shall have the absolute right to terminate this Agreement, without cause, at any time, upon providing sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. If necessary, notice of termination shall be tendered consistent with the notice provisions and protocol, which is stated below and incorporated herein by reference. VIII. LIABILITY County and City/Town agree that each shall be responsible for its own negligent acts or omissions or other tortious conduct in the course of performance of this Master Agreement, without waiving any governmental/sovereign immunity available to the County or the City/Town or their respective officials, officers, employees, or agents under Texas or other law and without waiving any available defenses under Texas or other law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, in or to any third persons or entities. IX. FISCAL FUNDING Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Master Agreement is expressly contingent upon the availability of County funding for each item and obligation contained herein. City/Town shall have no right of action against the County as regards this Master Agreement, specifically including any funding by County of the Project in the event that the County is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Master Agreement as a result of the lack of sufficient funding for any item or obligation from any source utilized to fund this Master Agreement or failure of any funding party to budget or authorize funding for this Master Agreement during the current or future fiscal years. In the event of insufficient funding, or if funds become unavailable in whole or part, the County, at its sole discretion. may provide funds from a separate source or terminate this Master Agreement. In the event that payments or expenditures are made, they shall be made from current funds as required by Chapter 791, Texas Government Code. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Master Agreement is expressly contingent upon the availability of City/Town funding for each item and obligation contained herein. County shall have no right of action against the City/Town as regards this Master Agreement, specifically including any funding by City/Town of the Project in the event that the City/Town is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Master Agreement as a result of the lack of sufficient funding for any item or obligation from any source utilized to fund this Master Agreement or failure of any funding party to budget or authorize funding for this Master Agreement during the current or future fiscal years. In the event of insufficient funding, or if funds become unavailable in whole or part, the City/Town, at its sole discretion, may provide funds from a separate source or terminate this Master Agreement. In the event that payments or expenditures are made, they shall be made from current funds as required by Chapter 791, Texas Government Code. W}°lie MASTER ILA for Road&Bridge 2017 X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Entire Agreement. This Master Agreement and any attachments hereto, set forth the entire agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter contained herein, and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings and agreements, whether oral or in writing, between the parties respecting the same. B. Applicable Law. This Agreement and all matters pertinent thereto shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and exclusive venue shall be in Dallas County, Texas. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, this Agreement is expressly made subject to the County's and the City/Town's Governmental and/or Sovereign Immunity, pursuant to Title 5 of Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, and all applicable State of Texas and federal laws. C. Severability. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Master Agreement shall be declared invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect by a tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions shall remain in full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. D. Not an Agent. County and City/Town mutually agree that neither entity acting hereunder shall be considered an agent of the other, and that each entity is responsible, if at all, for its own acts, forbearance, and deeds. E. Venue. This Master Agreement and all matters pertinent thereto shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and venue shall lie exclusively in Dallas County, Texas. F. Amendment. This Master Agreement may be supplemented and/or amended at any time through the mutual consent of both the County and the City/Town, so long as all amendments, changes, revisions, and discharges of this Master Agreement, in whole or in part, are reduced to writing and executed by the parties thereto. G. Notice. All notices, requests, demands, and other communication under this Master Agreement shall be tendered in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when either delivered in person, or via certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested to the respective parties as follows: COUNTY: CITY/TOWN: Director of Public Works Mike Sferra 411 Elm Street, Fourth Floor Director of Public Works Dallas, Texas 75202 300 Country Club Road Wylie, Texas 75098 6 Wylie MASTER ILA for Road&Bridge 2017 H. Counterparts. This Master Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. I. Headings. The headings and titles used herein are for sake of convenience only, and are not intended to affect the interpretation or construction of such provisions. J. Contingent. This Master Agreement is expressly contingent upon formal approval by the Dallas County Commissioners Court and the governing body of the City/Town of Wylie, Texas. The City/Town of Wylie, State of Texas, has executed this Master Agreement pursuant to duly authorized City/Town Council Action on the day of .................................................................................................................... 2017. The County of Dallas, State of Texas, has executed this Master Agreement pursuant to passed Commissioners Court Order Number and on the day of 2017. 7 Wylie MASTER ILA far Road&Bridge 2017 Executed this the day of Executed this the day of .......................................................................................................................................... 2017. 1017. CITY/TOWN OF WYLIE: COUNTY OF DALLAS: CITY/TOWN MANAGER CLAY LEWIS JENKINS COUNTY JUDGE ATTEST: CITY/TOWN SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM:* FAITH JOHNSON DISTRICT ATTORNEY Assistant City Attorney Sherri Turner Assistant District Attorney 'By law, the District Attorneys Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties. Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client, Other parties should not rely on thus approval,and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s). 8 Wylie MASTER[LA for Road&Bridge 2017 c o E,.Irk, A � 'I , Wylie City Council � � , AGENDA REPORT ""��",, ,, " ,—ki LPTz XYYb b"p�M Meeting Date: November 14, 2017 Item Number: C Department: Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: G. Hayes Account Code: 100-5231-58510 Date Prepared: 10/27/2017 Budgeted Amount: $200,000.00 Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of a 2018 Ford Brush Truck in the estimated amount of $200,000.00 from Chastang Ford through a cooperative purchasing contract with Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC), and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to approval of the purchase of a 2018 Ford Brush Truck in the estimated amount of$200,000.00 from Chastang Ford through a cooperative purchasing contract with Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC), and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion This is a replacement for a 2006 apparatus which will be retired. The brush truck will provide brush and grass fires, provide support for structures which are off-road and that the larger apparatus cannot access, and will provide additional towing capability for trailers and other equipment if needed. Staff recommends the purchase of a 2018 Ford Brush Truck in the amount of$200,000.00 from Chastang Ford as the best overall value for the City. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. HGAC CONTRACT#FS12-15 /WYLIE W2018-21-I (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 c, eE r , A ".r �'I ,, v : Wylie City Council I AGENDA REPORT LPTz XYYb M Meeting Date: November 14, 2017 Item Number: D Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: October 27, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider and act upon a request to construct a new Prairie Style residential structure for commercial uses on a single lot within the Downtown Historic District,located within the Keller's Pt Addition, Block 2, Lot 3 (105 N. Jackson Ave). Recommendation Motion to approve a request for Substantial renovations of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2013- 17, generally located at the northeast corner of Jefferson St. and Jackson St., and more specifically at 100 W. Jefferson within the Downtown Historic District. Discussion Owner: Wylie Economic Development Corporation Applicant: Charles A. (Mac)McClure, CCIM, McClure Partners McClure Partners is seeking approval to redevelop 105 N. Jackson. The development will consist of a residential structure for commercial purposes. The applicant is proposing a Prairie/Four Square period style structure. The property is currently owned by the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. The existing structure has been demolished and will be replaced with a Prairie Style home from the 1920's. It will be a two story, 5,065 square feet residential structure, with a 506 sf covered porch. Front porch depth is 7'-11". Railing around porch is a 30' high wall with cast stone cap. The primary exterior will be composed of brick and cast stone, with lap siding on the rear elevation upper level. There will be an ADA compliance ramp on the front and back of the structure. Per Section 6.3.E.4.c(4) allows some flexibility in parking requirements for commercial uses over 4,000 sf. A minimum of 50% of the required parking shall be on site; up to 25% of the required can be on-street. The remaining parking can be located at a facility within 1,000 feet of the site. There is a City owned free parking lot immediately to the south of the subject tract. 5 on-site parking spaces are required for the subject development based on the aforementioned regulations. The primary roof will be an 8/12 gable roof. According to Virginia Savage McAlester's book A Field Guide to American Houses, gable roofs replaced the more typical hipped roofs. High style examples typically have both front facing and side gables, each with exaggerated eave overhangs. Vernacular examples usually have simple front or side gables. Identifying features of the Prairie Style are low-pitched roof,usually hipped,with widely overhanging eaves that typically are boxed. HRC DISCUSSION: The Commission discussed the style of roof proposed. It was commented making the structure more Four Square Style rather than Prairie Style. The slope of the roof is to allow for central heat and air. The applicant stated that the two ADA ramps are being required by the State. The Commission voted 3-1 to recommend approval to the City Council. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 2 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC REVIEW # Date: 0 Ler « NOTICE TO APPLICANT 1 Completed applications and drawings must be in the Planning and Engineering Office no later than 10 days before the meeting. (Regular meetings are held on the 4th Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, or Special Called Meetings as needed.) 2 It is imperative that you complete this application in its entirety. Incomplete applications will be returned and could delay the commencement of your project. 3 The presence of the applicant or his/her agent as designated herein is necessary at the Historic Review Commission Meeting. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: + Phone: Mailing Address: P --1 Email Address: Fax; PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: L " C.,, G 4.DC Phone: Mailing Address: Email Address: Fax: PROJECT INFORMATION Name of Business (if applicable): GL u Current or intended use of the building: 0 - rIncx.C14.5ree. kt Address of Project: ( ALA. renc$2,414...,. eft ,y.•ems,. -� �es1�.. (The below information (Lot, Block, Subdivision, and Frontage) can be obtained on the County Appraisal District's website by entering the physical address of the property: 1 din q m �", g or I If you do not have access to the Internet or cannot locate this information on the website, contact the Planning Department at(972)516-6320 for assistance. Lot 5 , Block Z , Subdivision t Current Zoning: a' 14 Q1'd.rar4h'h 1.4T 4 Which District is the property located within? ❑ Downtown Historic District O South Ballard Overlay District ❑ OtherOCT 0 6 2011 What do you plan to do to mitigate the loss of the landmark structure? 44544.5454.4 4.14/414414444 o Si2n Type of Sign: o Attached Sign o Pole Sign o Temporary Sign o Banner o Monument Sign o Other(Specify) Sign Dimensions: Total Square Footage Will the sign be connected to electricity or lit in any way? YES NO If YES, what is the method of lighting? Will this sign project over a public sidewalk? YES NO If YES, what is the distance from the sidewalk to the bottom of the sign? Have you submitted an application for a Sign Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO o Fence What is the proposed material and style of fence you intend to install? 444..4 What is the proposed height of the fence?,......................... �„ rvrvrvrvrvrvmmmmm rvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvrvry Are you replacing an existing fence? YES NO If YES, what is the current fence material? Have you submitted an application for a Fence Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO � � � ad Provide a detailed description ofthe nature of the proposedproject (attachditional sheets if necessary): P260 e � ��T��� ��p �� 2 v rr-' z15:*. , 0y. 1"r wc_L y*e. P4 er►Rr'0O 11.342.irS 4 � 0...s[7 C ?i `Tie)g4e . � lrea r+rsa' �`��.,,,,., �" Ig2C) F .mv ex,cm:-red 1200,0, r +gyp k�-c 4a....a. a 6' .a s�► �T�► �"k � tA, 4-s, Pl.Uh" LJ drwlm„� C1 es►laiS l lc. 1 UNIMPROVED 20'ALLEY 3O'-O" / /10'-0" 10.-O"I O'-0" .0 '-b" 89 25' O -SD"R.) �O"R .. 4 CURS I I Cl a- „ O • 6\ FLATWORK - m . I I-f'-O". 0 ir I \m RESERVvED m PARKIt1G SIGN c}./t: -. ADA RAMP • m PATIO ' 03 1 ' -- oiii o L uZ N Q17 ztz 2V-5" 5V-0" 5>.: 'M. PROPOSED NEW o FLATWORK 1 CONSTRUCTION ill r 20'-0" IN • O� . U u 1 �Z / p PORCH STEPS FLATWORK p 5'-0"WALK El 7.0 .. 5925' .. •• b'-O"WALK 105 N. JAGKSON AVENUE OCT 2620111 NOV 1420111 OWNER: McCLURE PARTNERS V BUILDER:}GIUUp & [ v PTLEAN LEI 20 1303 COLUMBIA DRIVE SUITE 203 OCT 0 6 nil LOT SSNORTH 1/2 OP LOT 4 RICHARDSON,TEXAS mom OFFICE(972)690-9600 d BLOCK "2" Before construct].of any kind,builder,.contractor,or person In authority --..- - -----•---- KELLER ADDITION on this Jot Is to cheeks verify all property Ito,setbacks,skleyards s easements In order to c I with alisPEDERAL,STATE t LOCAL CODES ,‹,riRD ES ��� WYL I E, TEXAS DATE DRAWN: -1-18-I-f 5 1,2 • g_ : �_ air .N,. 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I 6 II I ulill„u' li IVII10'IN,INd uW1�I ""IIIIdIII'I'�IN11 I i,"ulI�I 1 I I 7„' IIII,,;' ,�' Y' ,„ „ a mI p. III ll I hdI ! lm'lum �I luull, lwl IV"u'lVl �I II.I lI l° V Ni��N"I,uw'l � ,� IT Vlu'l 11, u Idu6lIl u`l' �II " lxlip i'IIIIV „I lI'I Id I V Idl i I luIwV p i Iw N,, p�qV, ,J IIII ,, oI, ,, 6 l4'uNI I II i 00, IN ,ol ,N"hI mil°� l ,yV Vh'iul ,l° I;II�I�,II^,,Ir ,pe.," '' V I , "'wd I ul '�u�u�u1,ur ,T,'IIJp IIIII,„�I„ V'gl(w VrX'i 'M1� u I ,:IollW�II�w Mq„,1,1uI lJt usII�p'IVI 4NYlIII0il Nv� ��l���,u�d,, ,, AGM E rP, 1Ilr[;: N; Wylie City Council � � AGENDA REPORT L,,XI V d'M' M Meeting Date: November 14, 2017 Item Number: E Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Angel Wygant Account Code: Date Prepared: November 3, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of September 30, 2017. Recommendation Motion to approve, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of September 30, 2017. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on October 25, 2017. Page 1 of 1 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Statement of Net Position As of September 30,2017 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 889,325.42 Receivables $ 426,014.22 Note 1 Inventories $ 8,329,085.50 Prepaid Items $ Total Assets $ 9,644,425.14 Deferred Outflows of Resources Pensions $ 66,481.55 Total deferred outflows of resources $ 66,481.55 Liabilities Accounts Payable and other current liabilities $ 213,757.95 Unearned Revenue $ 216,347.56 Note 2 Non current liabilities: Due within one year $ 580,608.43 Note 3 Due in more than one year $ 3,976,099.86 Total Liabilities $ 4,986,813.80 Deferred Inflows of Resources Pensions $ 2,839.41 Total deferred inflows of resources $ 2,839.41 Net Position Net investment in capital assets $ Unrestricted $ 4,721,253.48 Total Net Position $ 4,721,253.48 Note 1: Includes incentives in the form of forgivable loans for$371,666.66 Note 2: Wylie Ice Cream loan payments;Exco amortization;deposits from rental property Note 3: Liabilities due within one year includes compensated absences of$57,489.00 Note 4: The WEDC provides monetary incentives to companies to relocate/expand within the City of Wylie. At September 30,2017,these commitments totaled$515,000.00 I 94-4914-2 5.7 n.2'.'.1 4 AM CI TY OF WY 11 01, PAGE"" 1 EIRB5N1681 S 11 FRP AS 07: OF PISMBII,9 3 91 PH„ 291 1 1 -WEI I A EVONOM 1 0" 29Boa C ORA ABC 0 UR T# II 5)5') AS 31 6,20 52 AL-- 1 0 A 5-4 91 I 0 Is 14 ON' C A SA 2 CA 6141 0.0111V 559 4',.325,,4 2 1 0 0-4 91 1 5 BASIA - WEBB - INN D 93 0 0 1 0 00-1.91 35 ESCROW 00 0 0 1 A 0 9-1 A 1 S 0 DEPOSI TS 2:,,,01 64.91 1 110 -1 9 1 555 OTHER - MI AB CIRIA R114 B 341 1 11114,000 1 0.01 1 0 111-11 1.4 3 LOGIC 11,14 9-1 AN 8 1 I 121 TE ERNI RECEI 196NL.A 1111L 0 1 0 081 1 5 1 1 .ACON34 AFC - MI S49 0 1 0 9 0-A 18 1 7 ACC')" EEC - SALES TAX 0.0 01 1 US)-1 111 I 0 TEASE 5 FIME141T E 45)5E,111111,B 1 191 0-1 2 9 5 0 1.2111AN 61,0111196415 RE cl'1vAatE 1 9 010-I 2 9 8 8 LOAN B ECEI NABOB 54,347,56 1 01)0-4 2 9 0 7 IN TS FE - JIM 5)5) 03 0 0 1 99 91-111119 B AC11111 REP .4- EMMET VEABLE L099.19111 311,666.66 1 0 D 0-A 4.1 111 II1VENT(0131 - MATS BIALA: SST PAY 0,A 19149 0,-I 4 1 1 16 9 EVER TOR' - LAN D 6, BEA LEIN GN 8, 1 0 OMB 1 4 1 1 8 IN VD 19 LFs)./ - BAY CO A S ARDEN BLVD 0 PRE PAT 0 RR A EASES 4. MI SC 0,0 0 1 0 014-1 4,1 1 0 841,110(DABS 141.1911101')s s 1 5,(US __________,................2„ 10,1 511,4 21-1 4 „02......2...............................2„.....2.23...... 5)1'T 0,1 ABORTS I 0,1 511 4 2310 IA 6",---A-------8 A L I.:4811T T TDB 06„BA 02A GA 040 2 0 0.0'-'2 0 10 o rq.,,DABA L 1 14 A OM 12 TAB ?Pf 3 Aal,z 11 0 0 0-1'91 IA ME D It1542 P154211171 1:111., 0.Al 2 0 0 0-1 0 1 I 9 (ni:(410 $UP 14001" PAY ABBE, 2 001 0-11 04'1 1 5 01111 DIT 141 ON FIVY ABLE 2909-2 01 4 IRE LEVY FAYABLE 04,0 0 2 0411'0-41 0 1 1 5 NAT A/WW2 DB DE.rE11,BF D 8'OMR 0.0 2 0 9'9-2 1 1 6 'WALT 19 I 5)40 U 8 PAT-12M141,MAE 20,01-2 0 1 17 TMRS 111118A555E 0.IF 0 0 0-2 0 11.8 ED,T11. 1.14,/5 1:BABA:BIG AM 9 0 2 01 0-9 01 1 9 MCRAE.11,S 919148 NAM A alE o.o a 2 0 0 0-41 01 2'M 18 I C/I. PAYABLE 200(4-SF 0 1 2 I 'SRC PAYABLE 0,01 2 01 0-243 122 EDO BENT 7511A5) L EVY' PAYABLE 0.0 01 0 0 0-2 912 1 ALIMONY PA FA111,1 0.0 0 21 9 0-.2 012 4 16/1N,ERMA T C1(' 1,1133161116IB 5' 049 2 01 0-2„01/,5 VA)IS1 OE BERARD (111M1 2 0 0 0-2431:2 6 1 AMA 1'A/5)71114 5' 0 0 IF)0-14119 2 5 FM P, LA11 Al, ,S 1.11.RV I CR 0 PA Y AB LE 0.01 2 01 0-11 01110 FL EXI BLE S PEN DI NG ACCOURT 1,1,.2 5„0 D 2 0 0 0-41111 3 1, DOWA,81 JON R S DADE RIkr,D BOMA 5'„89 9 0 0'0-2101 31 NMI CAROB 111 I T E 1 2.1 2 0 0 A'-201181, 5)'5' WAGES PAVAN)E 0.5'F 9 A 01-21 1 911 AD 0 I T BM?LOIER INNER 1.21 Y 0.0 0 .5'0 0(D-2:01 9 9 MISC PA F114011, PAYAM ILI 04„9 0 3 10-20-2011 02:64 PM CITY OF WY LIE PACE: 2 BAMANCE BURET AS OF: SETIEWDER 30TH, 2017 III-WYLIE ECONOMIC MEMEL CERA ACCOOKTi TITLE 2000-20701 AP RENDING 10YY03012+46 2005-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1050265,13 2000-50540 U'ULN TAYES PAYABULE 0.09 PU00-20540 NOTES PAYABLE; 6155000.00 2000-201410 DUE TO GENERAL. FUND 0.00 2'011CY 0-7.22'Y/U F.EFEI4R F.117 'Y'y;N 01.00 N 21.Y:024'7.56 ()00-222 I YY1 UN u„IF NUN - SE BB, INN NI 0.09 2000.22.228o 6:607ERRyy72y 2:NBLI114 2 LEASH INT 0.00 2000-22915 BRUTAL, DEPOSITS 30000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 5450106651 scusscusscusscus, EQUITY 54664A 3000634110 FUND BALANCE - RESERVED 0,00 2000-RA500 FUND BALANCE-uNNZSEJW1tNDESIG 5022071551,A6 Toel"Al BECiNNING EQUITY S,229,361.45 TOTAL REVENUE 5,243,882.01 nEERI, FEAENSES 4,25E0919..84 REVRNOF ovER/(UNDER) RETENSES 9840562.11 TOTAL. EQUITY S. OVERS(UNDEPA 9,214,319661 TOTAL 1+IABIAOTIE20 EQURTY 00015111;UNDEA1 19,1590425.14 ----Goss-2,70055.0 -0011 ME:54 PM: CETI OF WTI ITS 616.GE3 1 BALANCE S 8'MET Sr OF: SEPT EMBER 30TH, 2014 020-31,RN 4CO G TEAM DE NT )RC DC) ACC'S UN71( T 1 TI 61 ASSETS 1001-1 0312 61.03VS RN NE NY" NOT E 1000-16110 11 09:N - WE bc 08.00 1080-8818.0 1808LN - B I RM I NETH AM 05,00 1000-1.811.0 AM(68 NT TO HE PRO VI MED 0„01' 1000-167220 81 61314 NENAM LOAN 0„00 1000-19050 ORS' fAM161.48:1 - CO NTRI B UTI 014 S 67,8243,21) 1000-19075 OE F. 001115014 - I NVESTMENT E XV 34,333.48 100)0,-19100 OR,"F: OM TT L011 - AC1: 6 6(PT AS N UNE 4,2,85.88 1000-891.25 iGIN,IAll/LOSHS ON ASS NMPTIO(.14 O.8.611 2,819.41) 63E,8:41.14: TOTAL A SSE T S 88464 8.14 EIAalLITANS, 38sTAAT BABA. 2000-360310 8061P E MS ATE Ey ABS EMTES PAYABLE SA,6,03,61. 2000-21311 COMP AMS ENG 8S, RAMAT:LEH(C G RREN T 0..01 20 OP-01411 A TOMO E 8 t H' R RE S'I' PAY)a18 44 6308,85 2000-282'05 wI8887, LoP,8881381318REVI 5186498.56 28800—,:e 8128) 81 8NINNEAM SC 1AN 8.00 040-68230 1681008 LOAN 2000 4263032 AN)) LOANS E DMZ 0.00 20.80-28233 AN): LOAN/PEDDIcoRD WHITE 5582'.4.873 201.0- CC 'I 16N B LOAN/PAN DSC K B U.(3'86E 20,3:955"n 21110-(18235 AN 8 L01,61.64 0.00 20013A C, CC 36,68 CM(NNESNICI'l ON 'LOAN OT 0 0 2010-28133 SC a LOAN/ 1oOD.8,8,18c88 FA RKVAT 548,808 2000-28238 ANTI LOAN/MVSMANAN 16E6440.60 2.900-2E72419 AMP L,GAN 6.1M11.61H(HONS,AT PA Y OFF 19,36 693.04 2880.0-2 88240 II UNSER FCC/FCC 0.5 00 2000-28S 45 SC 6( MOAN/DA LEAS WP1;MENG L 2,CC))C,0007,001 21)0.0-28T-4A JA RRAAD LOAN, 881,878„44 2000-28250 C ITT 0 F 'BBL I B. LOAN 65 00 2000-26(260 Plu mE MUT(3 LORAN 0.00 20101-2,92 70 "CC WI P,NLAS N PEP SON 1.3:3414 05.00 20.08-281(90 OA 6 I TAP CC')S OP/.AL LOAN 6,00 8260 MO RAPT 08•OMMEA:8(3 LOAN 0,00 20.09-118194 NEC PEWS:10M E1669:I LIAn': C.'FCC,812.18 T 0'84844 LI AN I t8I T.1E8 4.,5568.888„29 8.........................8.....8................................................................_ E QUI TT 60,6506,6 30.00-C') 'C 0 FUND BA 174:61C136.UNRESSOV i(j11DC SI GA 3.,'8364 'C, C) 310008,35800 UNEAS0 RI CTE D MET 630S1 TA NN C 114 8......................................................................................3 TOTAL 11.6141 MN 1 NN: ROVE T 11 ( 34850,998„5(» TOTAL. REmENuE C 06 3004 C Ot.00 C TOT6,1, ENT 8.14M(6.61 ( I,6574 932„.315) 10-20-210117 0254.1, PM CITY C7IF' WYLJE PAGE 2 8/ILANCE SHEET II OF': SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2017 922-CFN DDNG TERM DEa (WE DC, All IL REVENUE M/ER/(UNDER EXPENSES 642,067,65) TOTAT, E III 11 I OVER/(UiNnEt0 ( 4493,066,.15 TC.)TPJ EQflITY I OVER/(UNDER) 63,E.142.11 10-20-2011 3 59 P14 1).1 TY Cr F We LIE P.P.S,;E: 1 REVENUE AND 3331,,,ENSE. RE'PO.RT - 11,13103811/1.TED.1 AS OE: 0 31 331'0311111 33 3 OT 11, 2 111 1.7 1)1 1 31/133 LIrY 1111013 NI/EC COS.2 33 I NANCI I A.111 30131,01AR 31 3.81PREIN IT (1181.1331131112 PE t OF "e 0 A 0) 2 312-11 NU NG 1111.'II 11 OE 8)1 IIIIR SF PE 11.1 00 PS) ANL 0 S T, .13 c T u AI. 11,118.131331111PA3C.01 VALANCE BUDGET 1111.331111111E. 13113418.33/331 113011.30,0 2,696,6.12..00 210,971,D0 33„CIO 2,16 4„010„69 0.Of.) 533,3131.11 130.25 I I1T 011110VE 01111112113 TA 1. PE,V, 0„N 0 (1 00 0,N I) 11.80 0. INTEREST 1 31330108. 1.3,388,.13 0 1,.i."/2.50 0,10(.1! 1.7„„„(i E.,7.16 0.00 .3,2"'„!'9,11 33 1 22 HI 552 P.171313111,100311 1.3310101ME 1,580,3.)338„I)0 1 3,1)10.00 0.0 0 3132,3 0 4.1,31 0,0(1 8/1,85 3,„84 18,21 0T H E„P, F 2.117)NE.I NG 7I11,11102 ES 0.ON I).00 0,,013 2,100,ONO,:ON 0,00 3 ,,.,),1100,803)„1.10 0.0 31 2011A1 1101011,0111/313 4,291.,088.00 225,1 1)11.:50 0„011 5,24 3,882„01 0,00 3 952,194,811 122,20 ('XI 0 N 1,11.11711PE S UMVARY 23 E,I VE 330,10403111 1301313-111.13331 5,2 0 3,71 1,110 378,.31'4.15 0.00 4 2 IA.,11).1 9 81 0.0 0 13(12 4,3191-133 1811.60 am L EX PE N DI:7U R.F.'S 5,283,111„0 0 :378,1134„1 13 0,08 4,358,9„.I.9.101 0„0 I) ,02 4,19 1.)3), 80.NO P,EVENUE, 0 FLA/CNN DER) EX P EN 13)I 31311335113 I 002,(223,00) ( 1 332, )2"I.65 .0,,00 98,1,962,',17 0.00 1 1,977,535.111, 99„23- 10-20-2017 02)59 PM CITE OF WYLIE PAGE) REVENUE AND EXEENNE REPORT - (UNADDITED3 AO NI'' Cl MINI' ((II'), 2017 111-NE144F ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR 5 C N N BUDGET 4 OE BUDGET PERIOD ('1) A)II)'' ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000-40150 REV IN LEIU OF TAXES 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0„00 0.00 4000-40210' SALES TAX 2,698,042.00 210 974 00 0,00 2„166±010,69 0.00 532„,631.31 80.25 TITT A I, 'CA XE S 2,836,642.00 210,974.00 0.00 2,164,010.69 0.00 (532,631 ,31 80.25 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV limo-131.1 380 ECONOMIC 11614EEMEN7 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVS o,..olo mio (1,00 o.oc 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST 'INCOME 420o-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEROSTT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46.1)0 ALLOCATED IN EARNINGS 2,430.00 376.01 0.00 3,517.18 0.00 ( 1,087„48) 144..75 1000-40140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 4000-46143 LOG EC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000446150 INTEREST EARNINGS 2,962.85 229.65 0,00 5,1E4,66 0.0(1 ( 2,191.81) 173.98 4000-46160 LOAN REPAYMENT (PRINCYRAI) 8,995.15 766.84 0.00 8,995.02 0.00 0.12 100.00 4000-46210 BANE MONEY MARKET' INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 TOTAL INTEREST' TNCOME 14,38(3.00 1,372.50 0.00 14,607.10 0.00 ( 3,279.10) 122.79 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000 48110 RENTAL INCOME TF43300.00 13,100.00 0.(10 125,856.64 0.(0 ( 6,556,64) 105.74 4000-48310 RECOVERY -- PRIOR YEAR 1/PEN 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48410 MISCELLANEOUS IIN 'OM1.3 115,756.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 115,798.00 0.00 4000-48430 GATN/(LOSS) "'WULF (WF CIAB ASS 1,350,000.00 0.00 0.00 6414,4347,057, (1 CC) "1986523048 47.z.. .1, TOTAL MTSCELLANDOUS INCOME 1,580,058.00 13,100.00 0.00 762,204,16 0.00 817,853.84 48.24 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 1000-49(60 TRAREFER EROM GENERAL EUND 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0„00 0,00 4000-49325 BANK NOTE PROCEEDS 0.00 8.05 0.00 2,400,00(1.00 0.00 ( 2,300,000,00) 0.00 4000-49550 LEASE P134NCIPAL PAYMENTS (Cl 0.0)1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0„00 0,00 4000-49650 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0,00 TOTAI, OTHER FTNANCING SOURCES 0.00 0,00 0.00 2,300,000.00 5.00 ( 2,3003000.00) 0.00 T045541 REVENUE 4,291,088.00 225,446.50 0.00 5,243,482..01 0.00 ( 952,794.01) 122.20 1 0--2 0-2 0 1'I 0 2 4 13 9 PM CI,Ty OF 141Y1.1..11.! PAGE) 3 PEVIE NU 15 AN].] EX.P ENSE RE POR T - (114NA 411D:0T 03 D) AS OF J SE PTIEME ER 3 0 I?El, 2 0 I. r,i Y IL I 67" 10(110NOM I G c EVE L CC)R D DE VE LE)13 P1113.111 C.C./RP-OE DC DE PA RTMENT AL FT X PEN D I ru RE(3 C 411:13,063131 51 CU RRE NI? PRIOR Y EA R 113 4 1173(3114,1I 114 0 ID EP P R 11 0 13 PO A.43,11717417 1171„ ACTUAL, ENCUMBRANCE (11113.1.4j5.tic c 131111701,PT' OF.R,S 0 N1413 F. SERV:CCP 5 61 1-51 1 I 0 SA LAR I13 S 2 9 0,401.0 0 42,990.75 0„00 2:8 5,3 8 8.2.1. 0,0 0 5,0 2 4,,'7 7) 9 8.2'7 13 6:I.1-15,I J 3 0 DV/PRY T.ME (3,,00 0..COO C)..0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0,,0 0 0.0 0 5 6 1 1.-''.}11 4 0 LON CEP V I TN PAT. I,3 6 3.0 0 0.0 0 0..0 0 1.,I 6 8..0 0 0.C/0 0,,CI 0 1 0 0.0 0 5 611-5 1.1 4 5 S I C K II,PAVE a U 8:)34 ACK 0,0 0 0.0 0 0..0 0 CI..0 0 0.,0 9 Cl,,(1 1] 0.0 0 5 6 17 I-5 1 1 6 0 CERT I II3 I CA 1)1.ON IN CENT.IV]] 0 0 0 C).0 El 0.00 0.0 0 0,0 0 0,,00 o„CEO 5 6 11--13 11 7 0 PP A 13377)„ME 0 I C T.NCENTI VE 0„ICE 0,0 0 0„0 0 0.OFF 0,(710 0„00 0.TO 5 611-54 1 21.C4 CAR ALL 0 VI AN C E 12,433.00 1,4 5 3.1)5 0.00 12,432,174 0..0 0 0.2 6 1 0 0.00 15( FL---5 1 2 2 0 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,6'5 6„0 0 0„0 0 0..0 0 1,756.00 D.(7)0 4 ..t.(1 0„0 0( 1.D2.1 5 5 6 I 1--5 1 2 3 CI CLOT 11 I.MP ALLOWANCE 0,0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0„0 0 0.0 0 C).0 0 5 6 1.1 15,7 2 E 0 MOVING Al,LO WAIN C m c,o c o.o c c.c c o.c o o„o f,I, o.r,)01 o,,CC] 5 6 71.71-141..4 1.0 'EMIRS 4 4,8 5 7„0 0 Ei„7 4 5..,3 9 0,00 4 4„895.1 3 0.0 61 4. 77 8.1.A) 1 0 0.0 9 .5 6 3.1-5 1.4 1.0 11 OS P I TA L ,S, LIFT'.. .11 NS IRAN CE 34 3,5 5.1.,0 0 2,II 0..12 0...0 0 33,550.96 o,0 i) Cl.0 4 1 0 al„o a 5 6„LI'JOT 5 EXECU 11 I VE 11 5.1.1)131T111 PLAN 0.0 0 0.0 0 0..0 0 0.0 El 0.00 0..0 0 01„0 0 5 6 I 4-I I 4 2 0 LONG-TERM 0 I SAP 1 L.I 17 Y. 9 6 0,0 0 El.000 0,(1 0 9 5 I .110 C.) 90 8,2 0 7.4 9„1'3 5 61..4.--3 1 4 4 0 FICA 15,,321.00 2„456..1.5 0..(4 0 1 EI y 1 2 2.711 0.CO 0 .1.9 8..2 7 9 8.77 1 5 6 I I.-151.4 5.0 (4I ED:CARE 4,1.8 Ei..0 0 614 4.9 8, 0,00 4,J.9 8.7 9 0„00 ( :1.73,7 9 4 .4.0 r),,A 3 13 61 3.!!!!!5 11 7 0 WORKERS COM 1? PREMIUM 6 2 8.0 0 0.El 0, 0..0 0 495.36 0,.0 0 132.64 '78.88 5 6 1.1-51 4 a o EINEM PLO Y.M1.17,NT c om P 4(WI )11 8 1 0..0 0 0.0 0 0.00 2'/.CC] 0„11)0 7 2 A.FOCI 11110311AL PEORS ON NE 1, SERVICES 409,382,00 ,7,1 73..1..3.1. 0..0 0 403,386.72 0.00 5,995..28 98.54 S 0 PpL11111310 15 6 1 71-5 2 dlr., 0 FPI:CP I1314/61 P 117(ES 5,0 0 0. 00 5 3„4 4 0.00 1,573 2,2 71.. 0.0 0 3,41E1079 28.22 14 61 1-5 2 C)4 0 POST I,GE & PRE I G c-T 980,0 0 0,00 0..0 0 2 E.,.6 9 0,30 9 5 3,,:31 2.72 5 6 I I-5 2 1.3 0 Too LS/ POP 1.P 4 NON-CEA P I TA L) 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0,0 0 0,0 El' 0,El 0 b El 1-5 2 8 1 0 (00(1 .43 4101;6 i ro,s 2,2 5,Li,0 0 1.7/0..I.8 0..0 0 71,6 4 3.9 4 01.0 El 606.06 73.06 5 61 1-13 2 9 9 0 6/712(.1 ER !13,0 0 0.0 0 4,,4 71 0„310 0,00 4,I 1.0..0 0 0 0 0 13 9 0,0 0 8 2..2 0 . , Tut AIL (.3 11 P P I,I ES 1 3,7::),0.0 0 4,6 3 74,6 2 0.00 "7,Ei 32.8 4 0.00 0,0 97,,1 6 5 5.(5 9 MATERI A15 S 30/F MA INIPE NAN C 75 611-13 4.6 3.0 01001,S & 10 7.4 3.IPM IP,N 1.1" 0.00 0..0 0 0..(4 0 0.00 3,00 0,00 0,08 00 I I-5 4 8 1.0 COW DOTER El IARD/SO 61.11,11,0(14E 713,,000.(10 10.5,00 0,00) 3,,0215.66 El,,0 0 ( 25..66) 100.86 13 6 3.1!!-•5 4 73 9 0 OTHER 0.0 0 0..0 0 C)..0 0 1,00 0,0 0 0.00 0.00 'TO TA 11 M1011?E RI ALS FOR ("MINT ENANC? 13,000.00 1.0 5.,00 0,00 3,,0 2 5.6 6 0.00 ( 2 5..6 6) II 0 0..8 6 GON111.1714ACI:0 IA IL 1?)E R V 11.:CE 13[El-5 6 El 3 0! INC PNTI VE(3 1.,1.6 0,521..0 0 1 9 0„7/3 9..2 4,5 0,0 0 924,828.07 0..0 0 23 5,6 9 2.9 3 '7 9.6 9 5 Ei I..I..-5 6 0 I 0 S P EC I AL S ERV II.CIO S 381,851..00 .1..34,4 5 8.0 1 0.0 0 263,569..39 0.00 118,201.ci, 69,02 5 61 1-5 6 0 8 D ADVE RT.I.0:I NG 1744,700.00 2 2,6 1 6.(IC] 0„0 0 -7 8,3 5 7.CC 0.,0 0 6 6,:1 4 3.IC) 15 4.1 5 5 611-5 Eri 0 9 EI) COMM LI N I 71'Y REVEL°PM ENT 52,000.00 774,8 4 0.8'2 0,0 CI 4 1,1.0 1..13 0.00 71 0,8 7 43..8 7 "/9..1 9 14 6 1.1-5 611.0 C OMMU N 1 GAT ICONS 9,350„CO 6 0 6..'/1 0„0 0 8,'75 4.9 4 0..0 0 5 9 5.IC 9 3.6 4 5 6.1..1-1.4 61 BO REN T23 I., 29,328.00 .7.9 4.001 0,00 29,337/.42 0.00 ( 9..4 2 1, 10 0.(4 3 713 El 71-5 6 2.1.0 (.111RAV FE 111 0 1111RA.1.N I NIG :3 2,,a 4 p..a o 2,54 1 2.I 7 0„0 0 3 8,'7 9 6.5 3 0.00 15.1..4 7 OF.8°7 5 6 II 1-5 6 2 5 0 ID LIE 13 8 SID SCR I 1:T To NI s 21,,8 7 3„0 0 8 4 7.0) 0„0 0 1 7,97 8..8 7 0,00 73,894.13 82.20 5 6 1.1-5 6 3 3.0 [1 S 14,RANC 11 4,3 1 0..0 0 0.0 0 0,,0 0 .3,266.43 0.00 1.,0 CI 3„5 7 '7 5.77 9 5 6.110 5 6 3 1.CI AND IT 6 LEGAL, 0 E RVI C IF,3 33,010..00 1,0772.30 0„0 0 2 9,8 6 2..77 4 0,00 .1,:I.4 1..21. 9 0.4'7 7:4 e,.1.1.--b 6 5 7 0 ENG T NEP R 1:El 63/Af3,(311ITEC075(71R A E., 42,863.00 2,5(5.70 0,,0(4 13(/,I'n,7 0.00 4 7?,3 I 4.7 77FL .5 61 I.-5 6 6 1.0 II T 17.17,I 1101:18:S-E EEC 711R I E.: 2,400..00 0.0 0 0„0 0 1,018 41 0.0 0 511.7 I 5 5 7 5 3/7 , „7 , . 1101:172(51, CON T 51 ACETUAI., SE IRV I CjE 33 ir 921,054 AO 242,2115.26 0.Cl)) :1.,487,928.075 0.00 433,1.25.25 77..45 I El--2 0 '2 Fl 1',/ Ch 2 7 5 9 PIN C1'Il11 01' Al Y1,I 1-7 PAGE 7 4 1(17 VEN 7/171 AND E XL )7771 17/.111877.87/71 (11187/.111,711 ./91 or'7,7 0 171,1,111191161,1R EC569, 201 7' I 1 1 -1/EI Y 151/, ItICONOM,Fr' I/1'E/1E11, F106111.1 EJINV El,111"11,151N11,1 CF)E1.16 W611)1.1 I JE I'A 1.211111NE NEPA 0, 61 X J'5119 NJ'1'JI 1E,12 9 ()J.111)P,ENT "LE RP PNT P16 I()Ilt YN,AR Y-Ell-I) 010 l)C31,,T 7, CJI, ril.„111661.15 PE,21 II()IF) IlF/ A I JEY 1.19.11„ 101 T/1P.1, 0111(71111481/7.AN711171 0(11,77101717 110 77(-1077/1' 0701171' 7.1011(V1(.01 6., CAP. or 561 I- 5/'1 I 0 11E1 l`11 1',I,rt,..91 I 1111t1 1,9 1 0,9 0 6.C)CI I El 1 .Et 1 0,10 1.81.„61. 0 7 00 1,5.1 1 Cl, /'2 4,. 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A 1.1,PY 51 6136„ /00.00 (LOU CI.0(1 4911,914.05 0,III 0 1 9 6,0 51)„115 2 '1 II,4 1791 1 77811 0 (NI,71/ TAR'Y' ,`;EfAIER fl„00 0 7 0 0 0 7(I 0 0„0 0 II,7770 717 7 CIO (./.0 0 561 1 755(71 Cl (9102111IF111 11/511177/101771'1712 1177 5,000„00 1171.7 92 0.(10 1,049,20 (1,00 1„1 50„17771 'i 6„90 F717 1 7 1k El 611E1 111.11(41 1'11'11171 F. l'1 XI'Cd REF) 2,1770(I.(10 0 7 00 0..0() 0.0 C7 0 7 00 2,170 0„0 0 0.00 ;6i 11 17 10 1 73 1111 I 17071 N(731 0.00 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 (I,,0) 0„0(11 (1,0 CI 0.(1)) 17(77 I 0 5/7995, (10(11'1115 (IIIF 1'17AI, (7111'117AM 0.n o o.00 0.00 ( 2„5 i 2,055 7 A 1 I 0.GO 2,7772„0 775.61. 0 00 700 , • '7'09'A 1, (1A I-1 I 155.1, (7111'V 7/7.7' I,C125,619.0 0 I.2.1..92 0„0 0 191,4 9 3..88 0.0 0 1573.I.„145.12 III.21 01'17119 P. 1?I NA.NCING 41..J S E S 77(7 1 1 -1.7 1 0 I 1 TEA 1 1711114. '117) 11711111/111.71 I I l''11 io 1.) o.o o 0.o o o,o o o.a() o.112 o.'II (..).o o ,0 1 I 1,9/90 1'19AM/7[1'7171 'II 'NH 01(110 0 1',77 REF) Ill P (I.,0(1 0.0 C1 0 7 00 0.00 C;„079 0,9 G 0„00 'I,I I-717/34 PI(1 '1'1/A11,170ER 'I'() 0710 07 II'1AI, P 71(7/I ("17 0.00 0,00 0.00 (17 0 0 0,00 0,GO 0,CIO 76 I 0 ',1 9 900 171(97,7111(7'11 20717(7C717N'1'1 NG 0.CIO 9,()CI 0.00 (1.(1)1 CI (10 0 197 0 C1C7 '1'010/1, 701'F11,719. I7'I IVAN(/'I N(1 /(1317131 I ()7 0(1 0.00 0 7 0 0 0.(10 (1.0 0 0 77700 (1 7 Fl 0 1171111 I 7 1)1111111 779 114171101 1019117-770E1I1: 5,283, 1 1 .110 1/8„'7/1„117 0.00 4,2177 8„9 I 9„f1/.1 0..0() 7,024,'7 91 „I 6 80.,AO 11/1'.17 17 EXPEND I T1.11'7(09 17,28,37,711 „CIO 1 1, II . 1 0.00 4„258,91.9„84 0 700 1,024,'0)1.1E7 ao.60 f3171'17171N1I171 07/1711 (1101)17119) I71>(17 1-11);I)I ' ' ( 952,62,1,CIO I ( I 52,9(/..A17 I (..0(1 984,9E72„1.'i 0..0(3 ( 1,97'/,5135 7 I'I) '19.23- 1177N I; 1./7," (7177007-111' Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub Ledger September 30, 2017 Notes Payable Date of Rate of Principal Purchase Payment Beginning Bal. Principal Interest Interest Balance September 1, 2017 4,334,820.36 ANBTX-88130968 HUGHES/RANDACK(#58 of 60) 10/23/12 10,107.00 30,910.50 10,000.50 106.50 3.99 20,910.00 ANBTX-88130976 WOODBRIDGE PKWY (#37 of 60) 8/15/14 13,267.93 560,665.44 12,008.84 1,259.09 2.61 548,656.60 ANBTX-88148481 BUCHANAN(#37 of 60) 8/13/14 7,331.95 169,240.85 6,800.25 531.70 3.77 162,440.60 ANBTX-88149711 PEDDICORD/WHITE(#33 OF 120 12/12/14 7,382.45 558,302.04 5,428.39 1,954.06 4.20 552,873.65 ANBTX-88158043 K&M/HOBART(#24 of 48) 9/2/15 8,745.25 209,435.18 8,047.13 698.12 4.00 201,388.05 ANBTX-88157334 LINDUFF/EDGE(#15 of 27) 10/21/15 17,059.81 522,349.45 11,816.06 5,243.75 4.25 510,533.39 ANBTX-88158357 DALLAS WHIRLPOOL(#10 of 60) 11/22/16 2,000,000.00 0.00 6,888.89 4.00 2,000,000.00 JARRARD GRAYS AUTO(#9 OF 120) 12/1/16 3,109.15 283,916.90 2,052.13 1,057.02 4.50 281,864.77 September 30, 2017 $56,153.30 $17,739.13 4,278,667.06 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Inventory Subledger September 30, 2017 Inventory - Land Date of Pur. Address Acreage Improvements Cost Basis Sub-totals Cooper McMasters 7/12/05 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a $202,045 Heath 12/28/05 706 Cooper 0.46 $32,005 3,625 186,934 Perry 9/13/06 707 Cooper 0.49 Demo 200,224 Bowland/Anderson 10/9/07 Cooper Dr. 0.37 n/a 106,419 KCS 8/1/08 Cooper Dr. 0.41 n/a 60,208 Duel Products 9/7/12 704 Cooper Dr. 0.50 n/a 127,452 Randack 10/23/12 711-713 Cooper Dr. 1.09 217,500 8,880 400,334 Lot 2R3 7/24/14 Cooper Dr. 0.95 n/a 29,056 $1,312,672 Industrial Ct. Ind Ct-Hwy 78 7/06 -4/16 Ind Ct-Hwy 78 3.32 1,928,306 Jarrard 12/22/16 201 Industrial Ct 0.29 32,893 3,900 300,493 2,228,799 Regency Regency Pk. 6/4/10 25 Steel Road 0.65 n/a 25,171 25,171 Commerce Hobart Investments 11/12/13 Commerce 1.60 n/a 156,820 Hobart 1/6/14 605 Commerce 1.07 396,263 20,000 386,380 Dallas Whirlpools 11/22/16 900-908 Kirb 4.79 2,182,080 2,725,280 Downtown Heath 3/17/14 104 N. Jackson 0.17 Demo 220,034 Udoh 2/12/14 109 Marble 0.17 n/a 70,330 Peddicord 12/12/14 108/110 Jackson 0.35 155,984 4,444 486,032 City Lot 12/12/14 100 W. Oak St 0.35 n/a Jones (K&M) 9/3/15 106 N. Birmingham 0.21 42,314 4,125 190,596 FBC Lot 6/15/16 111 N. Ballard St 0.20 n/a 150,964 McMillan 8/24/17 105 N. Jackson 0.26 n/a 89,482 1.207,438 Alanis White Property(Alanis) 12/12/14 Alanis 6.63 n/a 420,336 420,336 South Ballard Birmingham Trust 6/3/15 505-607 S. Ballard 1.12 Demo 409,390 409,390 Total 25.92 $876,959 44,974 $8,329,086 $8,329,086 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and not part of land value. *Prime Kuts total purchase price was $306,664.45. The distribution between 207 Industrial and R.O.W. purchased was developed by Seller for tax purposes. (**) Costs Basis adjusted for partial sale of property(.28 acres or 22.76% of the property at a cost basis of$170,755.53). WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2017 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2015 2016 2017 16 VS 17 16 VS 17 DECEMBER $154,719 $166,418 $197,808 $31,389 18.86% JANUARY 156,685 163,463 196,347 32,884 20.12% FEBRUARY 241,858 260,166 276,698 16,532 6.35% MARCH 171,741 167,082 191,648 24,566 14.70% APRIL 134,475 154,920 168,844 13,924 8.99% MAY 211,645 238,646 244,816 6,170 2.59% JUNE 161,426 180,194 191,732 11,538 6.40% JULY 159,973 212,620 223,571 10,951 5.15% AUGUST 216,962 268,976 261,573 -7,403 -2.75% SEPTEMBER 195,347 197,339 210,974 13,635 6.91% OCTOBER 160,876 201,506 195,549 -5,957 -2.96% NOVEMBER 226.078 270,426 Sub-Total $2,191,785 $2,481,757 $2,359,560 $148,229 6.70% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $2,191,785 $2,481,757 $2,359,560 $148,229 6.70% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $300,000 ._ ..... .. ... ......... ... . $250 000 ........ 1 1 i $200,000 ' rtr r(j/ / I 1 ,I I 150 000 f � l� �1 � 1 fII� 1 jrl j( , j 1 / ear, �m' III /r l ffiI 1 4 1 I .i $100,000 i ?� / l t 1 41 All l l / 6 rl i $50,000 . � (I! I( 10 (If' �( of I! t ij ( I) I 111f rl 1 7I A II % (II( I% if I % / i $0 i�' .4- - 4 1_ , .y..., . L = T N .+ N ti f6 _cr3 Q 2 01 O d 8 t .0 2 Q a) fi a) N -.' lL Q O 8 a co') Z S AGME,. r , 'I �.r � ,a� Wylie City Council � � AGENDA REPORT LPTz XYYb M Meeting Date: November 14, 2017 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: November 6, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 8 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, an amendment to Planned Development 2013-37-Single Family District and Planned Development 2016-27 (PD2016-27-SF) to include an additional 2 acres, adjust the allowed total lot count, and to allow a day care use, generally located east of Sachse Road/Ballard Ave. and south of Pleasant Valley Road. ZC2017-07 Recommendation Motion to approve an amendment to Planned Development 2013-37-Single Family District(PD2013-37-SF) to include an additional 2 acres, adjust the allowed total lot count, and to allow a day care use by Specific use Permit, generally located east of Sachse Road/Ballard Ave. and south of Pleasant Valley Road. ZC2017-07 Discussion Owner: Wylie DPV LTD Applicant: Wylie DPV LTD The owner is requesting to amend an existing Planned Development Ordinance to include the 2 acre tract that was annexed into the city limits on April 25, 2017. The proposed PD eliminates the maximum density of 2.7 homes per gross acre. Instead, the lot mix is divided by lot types and indicates a slight increase in Type A 70' width lots. In addition, the applicant wishes to add a Day Care as an allowed use by right. Although the exact layout is uncertain at this time, the Concept Plan shows the location of the Day Care at the intersection of Dominion Drive and S. Ballard Ave. South Ballard will eventually be a four lane divided road. Comparison: CURRENT PROPOSED 50'lots 450 max 450 max 60'lots 427 max 427 max 70'lots 98 min 98 min,but could be as many as 148 Total 975 max 1025 max All other conditions of the PD remain the same (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The previously adopted Ordinance No.2016-27 amended PD2013-37 to allow for a 5' rear yard encroachment throughout the entire subdivision. The proposed request does not affect any provisions of the previous ordinance(s)unless specifically mentioned in the attached exhibits. Exhibit A Legal Description; Exhibit B PD Conditions; Exhibit C Zoning Exhibit; Exhibit D Concept Plan are included. Notification/Responses: Two Hundred and Thirty-Six (237) notifications were mailed; with three (3) responses against the request returned at the time of posting. The three responses against the request oppose the allowance of a Day Care. During the meeting, four residents of Dominion of Pleasant Valley spoke against allowing a day care center, citing traffic and the impact to property taxes. PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: The Commissioners discussed the widening of South Ballard and timing. City Engineer stated that plans have not yet been designed at this time. The applicant stated that the day care would not be developed until a four lane divided road exist in front of it. The Commissioners voted 4-1 to recommend approval of the request as submitted, with the following stipulation that a Day Care Facility be allowed with the approval of a Specific Use Permit. ril INiew iiiil Eill -.....,..17______— A II 11111.1 �,�� �� ,� AlII111 9■ 1 til w lil.4s I��iir[[[[[[[I`r[II �� � •1 r / �■ C r=G�ii�\f. w�Wl'�.- 1[.Illrf [[-6�. &I ■ V, IlU,1� �I^-Elii imp rIIii !F. w AAii=Jw- .T.x E:! i.E:.�_'ir'i twig . / Ili:-E..:..:E. ar��, r- `:..Ia• ii1i1►{i ui E- - ■(•��r SS -�l+j�= `�w�� _liIIIIl1 11[I1lIlI1[== r .r ■,21,1,:1„11 , � .i %'1 ,T $ Subje ��ilip 1„.„ lllllllll1111uuums Propettya . ■ �� �r,,,,.1 i[nuul►11IlIIIIIIIl1111�_. iii �I111 niuiunl iuullulluuiiiiiiiiUl iiiiiiiiiiii* IIII�1�111 111��1 ifiiii ..-r nilll al : ^I �� 1l1�aAli����j� p � uiu ■ y.l - �1Lu(�rrr �� �.wi=iMZ 'f. '.. I _� .� ;R rw . wrwwwr �� li�ittl��■-�'� w dlI ,[Imulflln. ��a////i�R�/■a■� VA lil - � 1nmiui/illlaniiuu.Ill IIBIiYJ� ,Ia111111,� 1111111 111P.11141 - ll■[n1111h °111111111111I1111111!11111a111111111� - _- mina •i� �:11x111'ivedI► 7: I.t11ii uiiiiiui ir'w r■ L.� I I i1111 ���� ■ll■I . ' k*,.y�'}�JX�1�+�ae {„T�i I�{��4,+■�`�"�w��IM1'l r•*l0{.♦l�l l\l IIR�I ,,IIII I°IpII 1,jII�lIi�JIjII Illi(kI(�Il�iI_�I)��II I IiIIUII'l���4��l(rrl�III��I�I�II NuII�d�I II I(IIAIpII�I Il�,II�, �I�'II,ljI�II�9_lI�gIlI1l�ll1_1y1�1�11iI 1..�I�1hI�,�I�11� 411\ c.,. 1 'II I(9I 1Il��1 l�,I i'V%(�IiliiII:�71�I;ifII°i f"�II^lV'dlrwhll�Iiil Il Illi;1! (+lIIIp7!I)lIi(�IIIlI fIII lII�uI(Il,I II Iqi II$F � . �,',fi�•� I'� 4. 1011 .11111 . ♦µ�.'! ♦►uuu u, r.r ^;' illI1luiulitur //q4413�1 �fIlw`��lR�iiilw■R!! II ::■[i.tl[rlI�2111111� ,,IuIII�=ili[inuu[Iunun1lllillig1[iuimr+� a1ap{/rll:�s.!//1[lII[rrlior[[i r U1��, W iii -If[ii1n1iI1l■urr r_r 111.. IIIIIII rr ���ASlii l� � � ri ,/$ - 0.. • 11 i . j L r ..l ♦ k iii 01 • 1111111B �" ill11�l1 il iii�*�dII • itw,(1.11l I ♦ 4 ..„.1 TtsY�i1D ! 1.1 4 NI _I` � w._ -p1.`�.„ 1�+i , # i OR 4�J �, `f\ , �� I t // v �I \ � , �q I AI 4" ' I I d II ( b i LI � ; �, ••..1 —.- �iii� �. �0 w 111 111 Ikll �' po / = 11111111 ( � ��� . I(o �� .v oli w 11��III III II Iiuuml i illl.. I� ff rI IIII :Nffgl(I I(I,Illllill uum lljll+l , _/ ,` . �+711111II��111 pi p 1�)) ��)tl UII�IIIII��h1` a{�II1i4111�11111 � � ,> rt �Illlglk����llllf '"'JP"/44*" 44 40o. 4. ..ii 101.- idiot. LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2017-07 1 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land located in the City of Wylie, Collin and Dallas County, Texas, a part of the Guadalupe De Los Santos Survey, Abstract Number 1100 in Collin County and Abstract Number 1384 in Dallas County, Texas, and being all of a 68.080 acre tract of land described in a special warranty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership as recorded in Document Number 201300334379, Dallas County Deed Records, and being all of a called 62.744 acre tract of land described in a special warranty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership as recorded in Document Number 20131029001473040, Collin County Deed Records and in Document Number 201300334380, Dallas County Deed Records, and being a part of a 139.871 acre tract of land described in a special warranty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership as recorded in Document Number 20131029001473050, Collin County Deed Records and in Document Number 201300334381, Dallas County Deed Records, and being all of a called 80.178 acre tract of land described in a special warranty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership as recorded in Document Number 20131029001473060, Collin County Deed Records and in Document Number 201300334382, Dallas County Deed Records, and being all of a called 2.009 acre tract of land described in a general warranty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership as recorded in Document Number 20161227001743810, Collin County Deed Records and in Document Number 20161229001766050, Collin County Deed Records, and being all of a called 2.124 acre tract of land described in a general warranty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership as recorded in Document Number 20170622000816940, Collin County Deed Records and in Document Number 201700176627, Dallas County Deed Records, and being all of Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 1, an addition to the City of Wylie as recorded in Volume 2016, Page 97, Collin County Plat Records and in Document Number 2016000365552, Dallas County Plat Records, and being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a one-half inch iron found at the north corner of said 80.178 acre tract of land, said corner being the intersection of the southeast right-of-way line of Sachse Road (a variable width right-of-way)with the southwest right-of-way line of Pleasant Valley Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 45 degrees 13 minutes 21 seconds East, 1017.00 feet along the southwest right- of-way line of Pleasant Valley Road to a five-eighths inch iron rod found at the east corner of said 80.178 acre tract of land; THENCE South 44 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds West, 205.02 feet along the southeast line of said 80.178 acre tract of land to a one-half inch iron rod found at the north corner of said 2.009 acre tract of land; THENCE South 31 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds East, 178.21 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the east corner of said 2.009 acre tract of land; THENCE South 31 degrees 47 minutes 4lseconds East, 10.30 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE North 44 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds East, 272.65 feet to a"PK" Nail found for corner in the approximate centerline of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE South 45 degrees 04 minutes 06 seconds East, 900.66 feet along the approximate centerline of Pleasant Valley Road to a"PK" Nail found at the east corner of said 139.871 acre tract of land; THENCE South 44 degrees 35 minutes 16 seconds West, 479.78 feet along the southeast line of said 139.871 acre tract of land to a one-half inch iron rod found at the north corner of said 2.124 acre tract of land; THENCE South 32 degrees 29 minutes 19 seconds East, 253.67 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the east corner of 2.124 acre tract of land; THENCE South 44 degrees 35 minutes 16 seconds West, 281.60 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the south corner of said 2.124 acre tract of land and in the northeast line of said 62.744 acre tract of land; THENCE along the northeast line of said 62.744 acre tract of land as follows: South 72 degrees 50 minutes 34 seconds East, 728.12 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; South 45 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East, 659.02 feet to the east corner of said 62.744 acre tract of land, said corner being in the northwest right-of-way line of Pleasant Valley Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE along the northwest right-of-way line of Pleasant Valley Road as follows: South 44 degrees 40 minutes 56 seconds West, 1884.95 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the south corner of said 62.744 acre tract of land; North 45 degrees 51 minutes 04 seconds West, 25.22 feet along the southwest line of said 62.744 acre tract of land to a one-half inch iron rod found at the east corner of said 68.080 acre tract of land; South 45 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds West, 780.79 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found in the southeast line of said 68.080 acre tract of land; South 43 degrees 29 minutes 35 seconds West, 1100.30 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found in the southeast line of said 68.080 acre tract of land; South 46 degrees 27 minutes 29 seconds West, 62.08 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the south corner of said 68.080 acre tract of land; THENCE North 45 degrees 52 minutes 23 seconds West, 1539.67 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the west corner of said 68.080 acre tract of land, said corner being in the southeast line of said 139.871 acre tract of land; THENCE along the southeast line of said 139.871 acre tract of land as follows: South 44 degrees 57 minutes 28 seconds West, 994.96 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; South 45 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds West, 1285.49 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the south corner of said 139.871 acre tract of land; THENCE along the southwest line of said 139.871 acre tract of land as follows: North 37 degrees 59 minutes 42 seconds West, 99.48 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; North 08 degrees 17 minutes 42 seconds West, 187.81 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; North 13 degrees 51 minutes 18 seconds East, 132.60 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; North 11 degrees 18 minutes 42 seconds West, 47.80 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; North 33 degrees 08 minutes 42 seconds West, 204.37 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; North 31 degrees 22 minutes 18 seconds East, 65.70 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; North 07 degrees 23 minutes 18 seconds East, 131.90 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; North 14 degrees 36 minutes 42 seconds West, 176.00 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the west corner of said 139.871 acre tract of land; THENCE along the northwest line of said 139.871 acre tract of land as follows: North 44 degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds East, 1923.49 feet to a wood post found for corner; North 45 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds West, 254.14 feet to a wood post found for corner; North 44 degrees 31 minutes 39 seconds East, 649.98 feet to a concrete monument found at the south corner of said 80.178 acre tract of land; THENCE North 45 degrees 13 minutes 21 seconds West, 998.82 feet to a concrete monument found at the west corner of said 80.178 acre tract of land, said corner being in the southeast right- of-way line of Sachse Road; THENCE along the northwest line of said 80.178 acre tract of land and along the southeast right- of-way line of Sachse Road as follows: North 44 degrees 25 minutes 31 seconds East, 364.61 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; North 41 degrees 35 minutes 16 seconds West, 15.69 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; North 44 degrees 23 minutes 05 seconds East, 3078.93 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 354.943 acres of land. BASIS OF BEARING: The basis of bearing is derived from GPS observations using the City of Wylie geodetic monuments. (Coordinate System: North Central Zone 4202 State Plane Coordinates, NAD83). "This document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.23, does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared." EXHIBIT B PERMITTED USES Current Wording None exists. Proposed Wording Uses shall be allowed in accordance with the"SF 10/24"column of the Use Charts established in the Wylie Zoning Ordinance with the following exception. Day Care Facilities shall be allowed by right. GENERAL STANDARDS Current Wording 2.The maximum density in the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community shall be 2.7 homes per gross acre. (975 homes in the planned 361.4 acre community.) 3. Lot Mix: A. A minimum of 10%of the developed lots shall be"Type A" lots. (Estimated to be 98 lots in the planned 361.4 acre community.) B. A maximum of 450 lots shall be"Type C" lots. C. The remainder of the lots shall be"Type B" lots. D. As part of each final plat submittal,a table shall be provided which indicates the number of each Type of lot for that final plat as well as a cumulative total for each Type of lot within the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community. Proposed Wording 2. Eliminate this Section. 3. Lot Mix: A. A maximum of 450 lots shall be"Type C" lots(Minimum lot width of 50'). B.A maximum of 427 lots shall be"Type B" lots(Minimum lot width of 60'). C.The remainder of the lots shall be"Type A"lots(Minimum lot width of 70'). D.As part of each final plat submittal,a table shall be provided which indicates the number of each Type of lot for that final plat as well as a cumulative total for each Type of lot within the Dominion of Pleasant Valley community. DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY IULY 25,2017 / .gM " Qg.- %-'m+a �u o ys r'� `.e �<II'vi ).1 lI WI s r v," " t i��, •' Y ° '1(11111r �;: In' r w r/ 1st M -,1 YM17Mo IidF�A ;n( ipn °mi _ V)��dhl�u tl0 / 8p s a egg ) ' ' n ., L Ji UVp�ywa o��wr�u;�`' € II a, -NC, _ "a. 4's' p'T '/ — Milani ih Lam. v,2/ 1 /'- nke _ ks x "S 1 1 / "y, t` / r )j _ red,Eli011. " a , 83 q� i( to i '� 9..9re1w tititi�p .q�p.� IF. 8 ..p Y s$_ .. T 'I''','A„': R^" o . I) '7v. - Air _` r i "I'''''''''''" S"t ,, 11 LOCATION MAP 5 1 / "aTar 8" n ( — ; YA , 3 /i t'�. I''' s .."9'. _;�n1 .'"` 199>.4 ..n 1 Ti o�_;ig_i Ti*l , t r i r,f Mss �'_,' — ' /il'"'//''P/1/,i4ii �I,%,-irr ir/r ��Tvi,'J s/r / Y� , r , ; ' ,'� / ""-- a 'r ' ' iraPlr,,,,d,',,'S,',, � , , ��' , ,Its' 7,< , r, t ' ' ; , I"t, _ n\s_; r / ip,T///A.���,'.v,i i tT i/ -- o `` r r I �(I , I I /�-F °e,' H�� �IJIt.�. "� , /J *rti>7Yrrr_, 11 S)��5 vF`�111' i r /2 . �° 1/ i r Jri�/�% ;� �,,. r \ , ,i,rw�eer_�y',r,,; me.. l4,/V,iiit ;�V'.-a\5—=ll _i' ( i.%t. ' P7.1-' 7 r'�.�'ui)+,,11 li i i r ,-�yz--- ,,— �.. r r,� �,d,�/_'� ,,S - �) 5 1��_`, � ;.r ii�iu�r 7 1 r ‘„ �.A�c -I,�,� qj,'{„11r_, 4 ( tr r �..., s y>, — /0//,— _ r— ' 9 rr l_� cV,� v�iir%/��iir���G� �'t�'r 1S>12/ � '7= -'/�/ I� / r �i pf�4 � r \ / ✓ %/ e ,c, %i2' "%�i/� ,��`_``o�Q� ?,qd_ , r ,, —�,�r�3bw:i r / i I r/i___/, ssor3s /5..SYR. 88..os =_�J� J I'd I�r_ ,A 1 _ r i 1 , I tAmway -5l T5I t , , r I ,coo f-�5\\5,5, ,r(I �tl, -r�/ d t 1 -v ti;_— r P T f \ \�\-� \ I '^�9'"�-`-� r'� �Y���'�'J I / / r r I I ♦ PROPERTY ADDED TO ,� �5_, I r __ r r , t s. tea ".�® re..rea v,.,. 2 A �«�, lI � _ IC I—a-c` ___�_v—l_, i / i_ ) --�7-: P, , Gip" r r 1 , 7 zx-t .t o.von. oarCALLED 2124 ACRES Li3//i,//„i'�r T T It I i ) i _ - 'r e/ _ a. 940 >a.,.p 5 7. 5r tr ___ _-o'd"ro2 /'1 �_�° lri I5`r ,T A A , -�f- i j L-- A,„ oPreoCT T a / A _ _ _il '� A A/ r T THENCE n right of way line of Pleasant Valley Road asfollows LEGAL DESCRIPTION South 44 degrees 40 minutes 56 seconds West 1884 95 feet to a one harf mch iron rod found at the sou.comer of said 62 744 acre tact of land No.45 degrees 51 minutes 04 seconds West 25 22 feet along the so.hwest line of said 62 744 acre tact of land to a one half inch iron rod found t the an cons of aid 68 OH acre tact of land u� BEING a tact of land located m the City of Wylie Collin and Dallas Cowry Texas apart of the Guadalupe De Los Samos Sauey Abstract in Collin County Comty Texas and being all of a 68 OH acre tract of land described m a special warranty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership as recorded m Document Number 201300334379 bDallas Cows 3ed iv Dallas County DReRecords rdsand e harf mch iron rod found m the so.heast line of aid 68 HO acre tract of land and bemg all of a.led 62 7.acre tract of land described m a special warianty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partership as recorded m Document Number County Deed Records south4 degrees nmvutes 29 seconds west 62.oa feet foaoone talfivmuovroafoonaat the south comer of aid floao acre aaa of land in Document Number 201300334380 Dallas Comty Deed Records and bemg a pad.of a 139 871 acre tact of land described in a special warianty deed o 20131029001473040 a.e DPVQLi acre Partnership as scnbed i in Document I.mber 9001473050 Coln coonty Deed Records and in Document Number 2o13om34381 Dallas C owry Deed Records and in Document Ent Number 2 178 0130er34382oflwtltlunty Died THENCEdegrees 52mwtes23 seconds Wes,153961 feet toa one-Fvalfinch imvrod fowtlat the west comer of aid 68080anetiaa ofla'aitl comer bavgin the southanline of said 139 N1 special warranty deedto a.led2009DPV Partnership of land asrecmed idedn aDocument Number deed toWylieDPimitedv County Deer Recordsin and D in Dommont Nu mber2o13003a3810 Dallas Cowry Deed acre eactofiand Records and being all of acre Partnership as recorded Deed Records and m Document Number 20161229001766050 Collin County Deed Records and being all of a.led 2 124 acre tract of land described in a gene.warrantyallot to Wylie ofPVLimnteVPartnership as iHtN recorded m Document Number 20170622000816940 Collm County Deed Records and m Document Number 201700176627 Dallas County Deed Records and Dominion Wes,12854fetoa®Ffalfinch iron ma Pouf for COME! L HE TABLE waaawovtom y y srecmand,v vwume euld g [,w1,v[, y tltecmaswa,v Document Number eul6uuu56vse1,a11as[,owry nabltem,as�wabavg torths aesonbndasyrolNioaws Swth4 g< 02 minutes seconds Wes41285.49feettoa welalfi,ah iron rod foontlat the south comer of aid 139.S11 acre tract of land i NE BET PING Ill,NEE T BEGI.ING at a one half inch Ian found at.no. land,.A coma-bang.imersecnov of the swmun,ight-of y line of S,mse Road(a variable w.bleam right of way) THEN w.m m b esowhwest,ight y eofP1®ant Valley comer coma-bang.a(a variable right way) West,9948 feet to a one half iron rod found for comer No.OS degrees 17 minutes.seconds West,182.81 feet to one lalf inch iron rod Pound for Comer THENCE South 4 g< 13 minutes 21 seconds East 101700 feet along the southwest right of y Pl easant Valley e on ad to a five rod foaat the east comer of said 80.128 acre tract No.13 degrees 51 minutes 18 seconds East 13260 feet toa one#W finchiron rod found for comer of land West,47SO feet to a one half inch iron rod found for comer co x„3a,xw „voo No.33 degrees OS minutes.seconds Wes,204 37 feet to one half iron rod found for comer THENCE South.degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds Wes,20502 feet along the southeast live of aid SO178 acre tact of land to a one half inch iron rod found at the nosh comer of aid 2.009 acre tact of land No.31 degrees 22 minutes 18 seconds East 65 70 feet to a one half inch iron rod found for comer seconds East 13190 feet to a one TWfmch iron rod found for comer THENCE South 31g 53 minutes 00serwdsE3n 178 21 feet to a one half inch iron rod found at the east comer of aid 2 009 acre tact of land No 14 degrees36 minutes.seconds Wes,176 00 feet to a one half inch iron rod found at the west comer of said 139 871 acre tact of land EXHIBIT C: ZONING BOUNDARY SURVEY THENCE South 31 degrees47minutes 4lsecovas East 10.30 feet to a one halfmch iron rod found for comer THENCE along the no.west line of aid 139 871 acre tract of land as follows No..degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds feet for THENCE No g 25 minutes 51serwdsE3n2,T65 feet toa-PE-Nail found for comer m the appraa,mte centerline ofPlasat Valley Road East to awoodpostf a comma DOMINION OF PLEASANT VALLEY Noshmete es w g< 3l minutes seconds East y a m concrete 98 feet conemonument found attire sou. comer of 8o n8 acre tact of land BEING 354.943 ACRES OUT OF THE THENCE South 45 degrees 04 minutes 06 seconds East 90066 feet along the approximate centerline of Pleasant Valley Road ma-PIC Nal found at me an comer of ad 139.871 acre tact of land GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, THENCE as west 998.82 feet to concrete monument found the west comer of aid 80.128 acre tact of aid comer bang m the southeast right of way line of THENCESwm g< 35min,tes 16 seconds West,42y28 feet along the rwmastline ofad 139821 acre tract of�ama one�f inch iron rod fowaatthen°.come of ad2.124 acre tact of land Sac..a 13 nonntes2l reran ABSTRACT NO. 1100(COLLIN COUNTY) THENCE South 3 g< 29min,tes 19 seconds East 253.67 feet to e half a comer a one found at the er of124 acre tact of land THENCE along the no.west line of aid SO 178 acre tract of land and along the southeastright-of m way ofSareRadas follows ABSTRACT NO. 1384(DALLAS COUNTY) No..degrees 25 minutes 31 seconds East 364 61 feet to a concrete monument found for COME! CITY OF WYLIE THENCESwm.degrees 35min,tes 16 seconds West,28160feet to one half inch iron rod found at the sown come of aid 2124 acre tact of land and m the vom,an line ofaid 62.744 acre tract of land No.41 degrees 35 minutes 16 seconds West,11569 Teet to a concrete monument fowd fora COLLIN COUNTY AND DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS No..degrees 23 minutes 05 seconds East 3078 93 feet to the POPIT OF BEGINNIIG and containing 354 943 acres of land LtiLm.E.along the northeasume ot said 6.2/44 acre tact°nand as follows South 72 degrees 50 minutes 34 seconds�t 12 feet to JBI PARTNERS,INC. ENGINEER n rigid-of-way line of valley Road variable 16301 Quorum Drive,Susie 200 B (972)248-7676 w.mright of way) os,ovutes oo seconds of said 62.244acreaaa of land sand comerb g vomwe The arts ofb g derived from GPS observations g e City of Wylie gcoaaicmonuments(Coordi,ate System North Cental Zone4202 State Plane Comawtes NAD83) 163lson,Quorum D5001 A Texa 7 imoirea o,:nabii,n:a by tn:nrexio�o„:nwFls�,xio�ottn:bowaaw ottn:ooiunai,�bai�niw to,wnnn it wet,oreoa,:d Submitted August 7,2017 41 i _-,________c_ _ _ .,—„_, —_==_ ___ _=_ _ __________=,_ ===___ =_—_-=====-_-_—*_- _____:=2:____,__________ .44vr-7_A k_7-.6 ,::s),,,,,,,,,,,,4,01/1,s:;/.7,44pliriiirasiiiiiiiimal miimirm mom. EIIIMIlm 61111/11\"„, 441 /I rim ___________ __ = , _ __._. ___ _ _ __ _______ ____ _ ,____________,_ ___________, ____, __ _s_ --i,„=„=_-_, - ___ __ __ _ ---_ =_ -____," "==,"_,,= „=-_-_,-,„-=,,,,,„,,,,,„,--,,-,,, ,-------„=. ,=,, -,-, ,,_„=„.„ _ _ ___ _ _ _ „ _ _,_s___ _ ________ __ _____, __,,,__ ,,„„ jr, ,,, e1 • TA si,=,,,, ,i—..,, e „„- -,,,,d,„,,,..„,, _c_.___._,„,_=,_,== _ _ = _ _ ___ ____ _,,_:___,_ _/,=!_,--;:2 ,- - _,:i- j,14,es,-_-=*Z-4-=_a- _ 'f.-,-- r-:_-A "-,.--,---gr NZ is .... ,11111111111111 11111,..a. / Wi _ = _ = = -_ a ; .• ,i • ` __--- - - '_- -_ =- _- -- -__ - �,,,, � �1 ."0 ailIW ,. ate- 0g44 igir _ems- ==---= _- - £z _ - -_ ♦ • -= os el - „- 2 2 2 i== 7==--2,== n-f_E172S;_=Z25;E-1-2-E;;;L:1-------T? 7\' #4"/-4L4**N/ , 2 _____ „ r ' I I /r I I I ' ' - I II - -- ,-____ /4,-* a 4. .,_.-„/-0' *.\. tik \ ' / / -4 it , 1,4 .i_-_= �_ POWFRtINF `_ I _ li ________—___I_ __I \I --'��1 j\ ., f/f O- Mr; --- ROM PAK .. ''tom,_- ! �11 I I - __'// ' ' - // r, _ _- 11.--' /r r ,��a�m�a...„7 —� t,NF EhSEME ,a�� 'f i' 4 a�' � T� � I� 1-'11;7:1 ir 's=r-E,s1=1:-: _ - _2, _--- _ ---- _-_ 7_ HIKy'AND91 ,AI ____ -- I , / __ - 1 _ — _ _ _ '11'-'''I 7_14----ii:=--=:7:::'-1:r / = _ - / 1 _ ___= _ - , __ - - - _ __ _-___ ( lj'rI � ' yjc;; • j // 7as,, OWERLME EgSE -- - __ G x ______ "ft ' " „� -i =° 1-\I\ / __ _ _i i l ' ; , ri -tt?,-usiii-,,-m-A ___=_ _ __„___, , _ , , / , ---r---F-,--__ / \ — ,== Ili ;' T, ,, 1; -\L--\i40' ---- --- -- — ---1,1-L---,-,/__ /- / / / i ce; %-- __:- - -___ 1 _ COMMUNITY DATA } - r m s - `` ' \ _t_ ..�... ��:�_ .= _ = 0,'. _ -_ _ CITY APPROVED ZONING CONCEPT PLAN K • TR \\ 1 `�_-- -'.8 4 __=:- - `_ LOTS LOTS 3 ' , \ IEEE-- 6-1 I , --; ___- __ 60': 450 MAX 50': 450 MAX __- /\ ,�� \ 1 -\ Ir \l �' 0 - -- '' 60': 427 6C. 427 MAX =--' \\ 5 'L _ 70': 9S MIN 70' 148 _- _'a \ ®� y �r1 �— I __ _``_-- - _ 975 MAX 1025 MAX ---,3 \ - r I_ _ �I I _r LEH ��' __- --_ ---_H IKE AND BIKE TRAIL= = 3.90 MILES HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL= = 3.90 MILES - ':tEm �' - -� -_s__INTERNAOEN SPACE�IOS: 27.2 AC+/- INTERNAL OPEN SPACE(IOS�: 35.8 AC+/- _= _ __ _ - _ - _ -_ ___-- _4PERIMETRPEN SPACEBUFFER: 6.7 AC+- PERIMETER OPEN SPACE BUFFER: 3.2 AC+/- '- -- _� ill��� • '° - } - _- _ MAJOR EASEMENTS(4: 47.2 AC+/- MAJOR EASEMENTS f4: _ "- -a--€`t_N-V__ _R, - c - __--- -3e- _-- "- ROOD PLAIN: 77.1 AC+/- ROOD PLAIN: 16.6 AC+/- _ __ -- -- - -- __ - --_ >_-- TOTAL: 98.2 ACT/5 TOTAL: 103.1 AC+/- ,-__-___ - - - - 6 � u - EXHIBIT CONCEPT PLAN 1 ,�yC.0 4CO ,=2W' DOMINION of PLEASANT VALLEY Wylie,Texas ;., u wr 'wy'w IIYYMI I'IMIe,�!! �i�E ��mcs�.. s� ma>a,a y 1AiII flend y..,r>IM� „` "";ylI c,If�,!I,M�II'I,II,I"I uIlI IIIII,,IPIIII(,l,I,'IIII„�IlII/d I,I,IPIrIi'IIII,I'1v Il!WIvItlVhI,V�,vYJllIIll,IlII'diI,lvlIn I V'o,Isu'm„°Il uY'IYLI li I IIur0V II1S1,l YI NIo I,IIIi I!.lYoatl, 'uIli,�,N,Im„IllII^IIp,II;wl,JlIv,ll'l°'°,"'Y��I�I',„WI1IiIII I,IIIIIII,IIul/ur II l„I, uIIIWI"II qI°"I;I1wI I l;"l1IIPII.II1II Ii1ICI'l11 1lIlII1YuI,, I,IP,I I;IIII I!uIlrvl IIIuIII Il1 II,IIIIIIIuI II u IIi1 IIoII uf q"lI%YI, !,'")14:4044,,,,I$T-'1,1010,,1""0,t,o' iM1u' ill I. ligirlpii,..,,,,,,,,„,„,„,,.. ill 0. lib,°14 41,1 tit*t.lik7 • ,'171111 IIIIIIIII III II IV !nlll u HI illl IIII �IIII . 11111 o I1IIII II IIIII' d I II Ipl'Iu111YII"'J fl It Mr"", Eu1 IIIIIGIIIIV a +�VI„",.ll m1" "',II I(uid i 1NW�„W ;I'1 I l III I I I I IIII „� I I,IIp II u`.� I I VIIIm d. oiji 1ulpl III'I I� I I I IIu v -04:. 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M. � , n IIIIrl v IIIIIII un„ ,u1lI p 11 I I°IIIIIIIIIII„PIV ' I�l' sVpw i�`I gIIVIIr III IIIII a I I 1 u " ul'll,''IIII'Y'II"I��1uli" �IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII III ,410,11:4'1 uII�d u11I III I VII II�IlIr Iuiuluuupii ll!puV,IIVIg,,,g�'' : I 'IIgIII,p!:II 1dIIIIlYuUI ',I"I(I I I I,��.i� "� JMI,;'+hI II„IIII IIllui,"° ul lli'rl,,I1Q,IIa,,Y( I I w y ,pN w •,,,I,;,I IIII II I IIIIIIIIPI IIlIIIl ll I111u111I111I p II"I IlIrIP;ndUI �IIIIpI)JIIIIalm "N,,ll I,IIII I I IIll LII II IIY ul llllllllllIIllI il uI �I,,^,IIIIII1V',I'u Yruplm ullllu 7V1I' 1(V1 4 IYI Il II III II I ° Il 11111lII II IIII IIIIIIIIp I lV II+;' "l'an.uIIIIIIIIIIIIplI Ir�IUI pIIIi lu,,IwIII I .III I(IIIIIII II lIIIIIII111I V I , �IlIIIuIuIuIumm!I IIIIIIIIIII 1p)III � ,�IIi II 'N „°.0'.^I (I�""h Iu,1l61I1IIIII'YII II III,II du. I g1IYII�^I I ' a 'IIII IIIII 1l1IIIIIIIII, I I' Ilo I. p"I l lIlulog ,vr' I ,d' : irl,„:,,,,,f01*. 1‘. Se, t.. 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I Iiuo 'l ' Im I11',1+, �. 1111111 llhIInlill Oi VIIiiv% ;1 °l;l;y'I;gPI;II1 ,i liullllI lIIliill,,llllll l lll(llllIIII)I I u1 l IIII IIII ,1::I ,l I I llll 11II111 II �II 1�II II �llI 1II I III uIl lll";' 1pM I I �VI lilpuI l � +�` rli I is '„ ifl IVuuiII I uIlk (IIII I II u° I l� uIQIII II. Ih II III III +'II,11III , II I 11 ', l'IPr,III^IIIIII I .411„11,1,111 11 lliv°� ,,, 041111,pp';,IIuuIIIpIp III'pullhl1°llu IIIIII,IoY II IIlldl JIII" II1 Ips II I V�„ . lllO,l lII ll , 'l'll II I r,V m,lll'i IIIII,(Y • IIIIIIYI I I l IIIIII I 11111 Y I I 'IIII+II 111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIl IIII,IIIIIllllllllllll . 0 I1ull1 lIII�IIIiI IuI,I;, lll lll1lll IIluII 1 IIIl I '' II l l 11I I 01 11uI IIIIIIII, ' 1,op I ' M I (IIII IIIIIIIIII I I(a III ! II ,IIIII llll!11 Iulnlll l ii III Ir Illll yp"illill'l1l1lll I�1111 l 11 �I�1';,�lu1u III�ll Y'II I III 1111111I, I IIIIII II I lu� aVI'lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIVI o ll � 1I1 wiiY iiiuI dIu,I!S;)(L' aI Y 1 II I II,I,lull 0 IliIIIIII I II„ °ihl III I I I r" I II III l nIlr? � 1pl I 'I I Il° ak111111I I ulIII mIIVII 1', I lIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiil1 illl) IIIIIIIIhI,III ilillll°llllii l II II'IIIII I uull 1411 II l l' t quufi, II1111m III Ii111I11II,�11" r3 'I.upIIIIIIulIp IIIIIIII1I11IiI IP'' „� lI I ° ,. ig. : II '1 FW . ^ 1euM m I WV1k� ,uIIIIII11�IlIIIIllll l ' \ 4\144 1* I�I�Iriligf �1I, do w,4Y "r"Ll.nll al', ms poq I 4p 4% ,4r 4. .n. Ah.41iiiihdbaki. _40-4,Cotintry I OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2017-07 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Ron Haynes with Wylie DPV Limited APPLICATION FILE #2017-07 8214 Westchester,Suite 950 Dallas.Texas 75225 FIBLK/ABST. LOT/TRACT TAX I.D.# I PROPERTY OWNER NAME I ADDRESS 7I I Applicant-Ron Haynes 8214 Westchester,Suite 950 I Wylie DPV Limited Dallas,Texas 75225 Woodridge I6 PO Box 201502 2 BIk A Lot I R-10566-00A-0010-1 Woodbridge HOA Arlington,Texas 76006 Woodridge 16 912 Lexington Drive 3 BIk A Lot 2 R-10566-OOA-0020-1 Gregory Coleman Plano,Texas 75075 Woodridge 16 305 Hogue Lane 4 Blk A Lot 3 R-I0566-OOA-0030-I Nicholas McPhaul Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 307 Hoguc Lane 5 Blk A Lot 4 R-10566-OOA-0040-1 Marvin Dao Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 309 Hogue Lane 6 BIk A Lot 5 R-10566-OOA-0050-I Gregory Colunga Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 311 Hogue Lane 7 BIk A Lot 6 R-10566-00A-0060-1 Sarah Demetriou Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 313 Hogue Lane 8 BIk A Lot 7 942590000A0070000 Jason Yeatts Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 315 Hogue Lane 9 BIk A Lot 8 942590000A0080000 Shannon Rice Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 317 Hogue Lane 10 BIk A Lot 9 942590000A0090000 Asmelash Sadik Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 1800 Valley View Lane#400 11 BIk A Lot 10 942590000A0100000 Megatel Homes, Inc. Farmers Branch,Texas 75234 Woodridge 16 321 Hogue Lane 12 BIk A Lot 11 942590000A0110000 Katherine Parrott Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 323 Hogue Lane 13 Blk A Lot 12 942590000A0120000 Brian Nguyen Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 PO Box 201502 14 BIk F Lot I R-10566-OOF-0010-1 Woodbridge HOA Arlington,Texas 76006 Woodridge 16 215 Hogue Lane 15 Blk F Lot 2 R-10566-00E-0020-1 Thangarajan Rathinasamy Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 213 Hogue Lane 16 Blk F Lot 3 R-10566-OOF-0020-1 Jacob Anthony Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 211 Hogue Lane 17 Blk F Lot 4 R-I0566-00E-0040-1 Ruth Alvarado Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 209 Hogue Lane 18 BIk F Lot 5 R-10566-O0E-0050-1 Carmen Brown Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 207 Hogue Lane 19 Blk F Lot 6 R-10566-00E-0060-I Veena Garcia Wylie,Texas 75098 Woodridge 16 205 Hogue Lane 20 Blk F Lot 7 R-I0566-00E-0070-I Henry Mathias Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 21 Blk A I Lot l IR-I0924-00A-0010-I MHI Partnership,Lid. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 22 Blk A I Lot 2 I R-I0924-00A-0210-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 314 Daylily Drive 23 Blk A I Lot 3 IR-10924-00A-0030-I Ebony Foreman Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 24 Blk A I Lot 4 IR-10924-00A-0040-I MHI Partnership,Lid. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 25 Blk A I Lot 5 I R-10924-00A-0050-I MHI Partnership,Lid. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 26 Blk A I Lot 6 IR-10924-00A-0060-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 27 BIk A I Lot 7 IR-10924-00A-0070-1 MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 324 Daylily Drive 28 BIk A I Lot 8 IR-I0924-OOA-0080-1 Mai Vu Binh Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 300 Country Club Road#100 29 BIk A I Lot 9 I R-10924-00A-0090-I City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 30 BIk A I Lot I0 I940500000A0100000 DPV Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N.Main Street,Ste C#108 3I Blk B I Lot I I R-10924-00B-0010-1 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City, UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N.Main Street,Sic C#108 32 Blk B I Lot 2 I R-10924-OOB-0020-1 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 304 Daylily Drive 33 BIk B I Lot 3 IR-I0924-OOB-0030-1 Kim Chung Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 302 Daylily Drive 34 BIk B I Lot 4 I R-10924-OOB-0040-1 Natash Brooks Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N.Main Street,Ste C#108 35 BIk B I Lot 5 IR-10924-00B-0050-1 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City, UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N. Main Street,Ste C#108 36 BIk D I Lot I IR-10924-00D-0010-1 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City, UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N. Main Street,Ste C#108 37 BIk D I Lot 2 IR-10924-O0D-0020-1 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City, UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 105 Lavender Lane 38 BIk D I Lot 3 IR-10924-OOD-0030-1 Melanie Nelson Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 39 BIk D I Lot 4 IR-10924-OOD-0040-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 109 Lavender Lane 40 BIk D I Lot 5 IR-10924-OOD-0050-1 Daniel Cordray Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ill Lavender Lane 41 BIk D I Lot 6 IR-10924-0OD-0060-1 Feldman Living Trust Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 113 Lavender Lane _42 BIk D I Lot 7 IR-10924-OOD-0070-1 Mahbub Chaudhury Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 43 BIk D I Lot 8 IR-10924-OOD-0080-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 117 Lavender Lane 44 BIk D I Lot 9 IR-10924-OOD-0090-1 Tommy Tomlin Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N. Main Street,Ste C#108 45 BIk D I Lot 10 IR-10924-OOD-1010-1 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion PIeasant Valley 100 Lavender Lane 46 Blk E I Lot 1 I R-I0924-00E-0010-1 Matthew Fuhs Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 47 Blk E I Lot 2 I R-10924-00E-0020-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N.Main Street,Ste C#108 48 Blk E I Lot 3 I R-10924-00E-0030-1 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 49 Blk E I Lot 4 I R-10924-00E-0040-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 108 Lavender Lane 50 Blk E I Lot 5 I R-10924-00E-0050-1 Dung Le Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion PIeasant Valley 108 Lavender Lane 51 Blk E I Lot 6 I R-I0924-00E-0060-1 Kumar Abhishek Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 112 Lavender Lane 52 Blk E I Lot 7 I R-10924-00E-0070-I Ramjibhai Dabhi Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 114 Lavender Lane 53 Blk E I Lot 8 I R-10924-00E-0080-I Zulema Grandos Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 54 Blk E I Lot 9 I R-10924-00E-0090-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 55 Blk E I Lot 10 I R-10924-00E-0100-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 56 BIk E I Lot 11 I R-10924-00E-0110-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 57 Blk E I Lot 12 I R-10924-00E-0120-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 124 Lavender Lane 58 BIk E I Lot 13 IR-10924-00E-0130-I Ankush Agrawal Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 127 Live Oak Drive 59 BIk E I Lot 14 I R-10924-00E-0140-I Jerome Floyd Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 125 Live Oak Drive 60 BIk E I Lot 15 I R-10924-00E-0150-I Munnier Abdulbaki Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 123 Live Oak Drive 61 Blk E I Lot 16 I R-I0924-00E-0160-I Michael Wilson Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 12I Live Oak Drive 62 Blk E I Lot 17 I R-I0924-00E-0170-I Jill Palmer Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion PIeasant Valley 119 Live Oak Drive 63 Blk E I Lot 18 I R-I0924-00E-0180-I Marlon Anding Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 117 Live Oak Drive 64 Blk E I Lot 19 I R-I0924-00E-0190-I Boi Cao Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 115 Live Oak Drive 65 Blk E I Lot 20 I R-I0924-00E-0200-I Quoc Dinh Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 66 Blk E I Lot 21 I R-I0924-00E-0210-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 67 Blk E I Lot 22 I R-10924-00E-0220-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 68 Blk E I Lot 23 I R-I0924-00E-0230-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 69 Blk E I Lot 24 I R-I0924-00E-0240-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 105 Live Oak Drive 70 Blk E I Lot 25 I R-I0924-00E-0250-I Yassin Mohammed Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 71 Blk E I Lot 26 I R-I0924-00E-0260-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 1(11 Live Oak Drive 72 Blk E I Lot 27 I R-10924-00E-0270-I Dineshkumar Patel Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N.Main Street,Sic C#108 73 Blk E I Lot 28 I R-10924-00E-0280-I Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#I04 74 BIk F I Lot 1 I R-10924-00E-0010-1 MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 102 Live Oak Drive 75 BIk F I Lot 2 I R-10924-00E-0020-1 Mark Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 76 BIk F I Lot 3 I R-10924-00E-0030-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 77 BIk F I Lot 4 I R-10924-00E-0040-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 78 BIk F I Lot 5 I R-10924-00E-0050-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 79 BIk F I Lot 6 I R-I0924-00E-0060-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 80 BIk F I Lot 7 I R-10924-00E-0070-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 114 Live Oak Drive 81 BIk F I Lot 8 I R-10924-00E-0080-I Elmostafa Echcharika Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#I04 82 Blk F I Lot 9 I R-10924-00E-0090-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 83 BIk F I Lot 10 I R-10924-00E-0I00-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 84 BIk F I Lot 11 I R-10924-00E-0110-I MHI Partnership,Lid. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 85 BIk F I Lot 12 I R-10924-00E-0120-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#I04 86 BIk F I Lot 13 I R-10924-00E-0130-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 126 Live Oak Drive 87 BIk F I Lot 14 I R-10924-00E-0140-I Joann Dao Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 88 BIk F I Lot 15 I R-10924-00E-0150-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 89 BIk F I Lot I6 I R-I0924-00E-0160-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 90 BIk F I Lot 17 I R-10924-00E-0170-I MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley I37 Turks Cap Trail 91 BIk F I Lot 18 I R-10924-00E-0180-I Terry Heavican Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 92 Blk F I Lot 19 I R-10924-00E-0190-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 93 BIk F I Lot 20 I R-10924-00E-0200-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 94 BIk F I Lot 21 I R-10924-00E-0210-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 95 Blk F I Lot 22 I R-10924-00E-0220-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 96 Blk F I Lot 23 I R-10924-00E-0230-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 125 Turks Cap Trail 97 Blk F I Lot 24 IR-10924-00E-02400-I Brian Lee Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 123 Turks Cap Trail 98 Blk F I Lot 25 I R-10924-00E-0250-1 Michael Scott Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 121 Turks Cap Trail 99 BIk F I Lot 26 I R-10924-00E-0260-1_ Alphonso Baker Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 119 Turks Cap Trail 100 Blk F I Lot 27 I R-10924-00E-0270-1 Chunyoung Lim Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 117 Turks Cap Trail 10t Blk F I Lot 28 I R-10924-00E-0280-1 Steve Yi Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 115 Turks Cap Trail 102 BIk F I Lot 29 IR-I0924-00E-0290-I Li Shi Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 113 Turks Cap Trail 103 BIk F I Lot 30 IR-I0924-OOF-0300-I Shakiru Ibrahim Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley I 1 1 Turks Cap Trail 104 BIk F I Lot 31 I R-I0924-00E-0310-I Robert McCarty - Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 105 BIk F I Lot 32 I R-10924-OOF-0320-I MHI Partnership,Lid. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 107 Turks Cap Trail 106 Blk F I Lot 33 I R-10924-OOF-0330-I Arthur Souza Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley I07 Blk F I Lot 34 I R-10924-00E-0340-I No Information Dominion Pleasant Valley 103 Turks Cap Trail 108 BIk F I Lot 35 I R-10924-0OF-0350-I Brandon Younge Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 101 Turks Cap Trail 109 BIk F I Lot 36 I R-10924-0OF-0360-I Thane Heeren Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N. Main Street,Ste C#108 110 Blk F I Lot 37 I R-10924-00E-0370-I Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 ill BIk G I Lot I IR-10924-00G-0010-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N. Main Street,Ste C#108 112 BIk G I Lot 2 IR-10924-00G-0020-I Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N.Main Street,Ste C#108 113 BIk G I Lot 3 IR-10924-00G-0030-I Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 114 BIk G I Lot 4 IR-10924-OOG-0040-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 115 BIk G I Lot 5 IR-10924-00G-0050-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 1 I Turks Cap Trail 116 BIk G I Lot 6 IR-10924-0OG-0060-1 Eric Welsch Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 117 BIk G I Lot 7 IR-10924-OOG-0070-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 118 BIk G I Lot 8 IR-10924-00G-0080-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 119 Blk G I Lot 9 I R-10924-00G-0090-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 118 Turks Cap Trail 120 BIkG I Lot 10 IR-10924-00G-0100-I Kim Tieu Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 121 BIk G I Lot 11 I R-10924-00G-0110-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 122 BIk G I Lot 12 I R-10924-00G-0120-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 123 Blk G I Lot 13 IR-10924-00G-0130-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 126 Turks Cap Trail 124 BIk C I Lot 14 IR-10924-00C-0140-I Jenika Eikcnbary Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 128 Turks Cap Trail 125 BIk G I Lot 15 IR-10924-00G-0150-1 Priya Chelladorai Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 126 Blk G I Lot 16 IR-10924-00G-0160-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 127 Blk G I Lot 17 IR-10924-00G-0170-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 128 Blk G I Lot 18 IR-10924-00G-0180-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 129 Blk G I Lot 19 IR-10924-00G-0190-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#I000 130 Blk C I Lot 20 IR-10924-00C-0200-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 140 Turks Cap Trail 131 BIk C I Lot 21 IR-10924-00G-0210-1 Adrienne Scott Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 132 BIk G I Lot 22 IR-10924-00G-0220-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 225 Red Bud Pass 133 BIk G I Lot 23 IR-10924-00G-0230-I Shawn Montague Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 223 Red Bud Pass 134 BIk G I Lot 24 IR-10924-00G-0240-1 Lance Barron Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 135 BIk G I Lot 25 IR-I0924-00G-0250-I MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 136 BIk G I Lot 26 I R-10924-00G-0260-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 137 BIk G I Lot 27 I R-10924-00G-0270-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 215 Red Bud Pass 138 BIk G I Lot 28 IR-10924-00G-0280-I Jason Evans Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 139 BIk G I Lot 29 IR-10924-00G-0290-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 140 Blk G I Lot 30 IR-10924=00G-0300-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 141 Blk G I Lot 31 IR-10924-00G-0310-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 142 Blk G I Lot 32 IR-10924-00G-0320-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 1 143 Blk G I Lot 33 IR-10924-00G-0330-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 144 Blk G I Lot 34 IR-10924-00G-0340-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 111 Autumn Sage Drive 145 Blk G I Lot 35 IR-10924-00G-0350-1 Terry Willis Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#I04 146 Blk G I Lot 36 IR-10924-00G-0360-1 MHI Partnership,Lid. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 147 Blk G I Lot 37 IR-10924-00G-0370-1 MHI Partnership,Lid. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 148 Blk G I Lot 38 IR-10924-00G-0380-1 MHI Partnership,Lid. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 149 Blk G I Lot 39 IR-10924-OOG-0390-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 101 Autumn Sage Drive I50 BIk G I Lot 40 IR-10924-OOG-0400-1 Corina Cavazos Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N. Main Street,Ste C#108 151 BIk G I Lot 41 IR-I0924-OOG-0410-I Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 520 N.Main Street, Ste C#108 152 BIk G I Lot 42 IR-I0924-OOG-0420-I Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 153 BIk H I Lot I I940500000H0010000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 154 Blk H I Lot 2 I940500000H0020000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 155 BIk H I Lot 3 I940500000H0030000 MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#I04 156 Blk H I Lot 4 I940500000H0040000 MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 157 Bik H I Lot 5 I940500000H0050000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 158 Blk H I Lot 6 I940500000H0060000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 159 BIk H I Lot 7 I940500000H0070000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 160 Blk H I Lot 8 I940500000H0080000 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 161 Blk H I Lot 9 IR-10924-00H-0090-I MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 162 Blk H I Lot 10 IR-10924-00H-0100-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 107 Lantana Lane 163 Blk H I Lot 11 IR-10924-00H-0110-1 Gaspar Ferroni,Jr Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 164 Blk H I Lot 12 I R-10924-O0H-0120-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 165 Blk H I Lot 13 IR-10924-00H-0130-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 166 BIk H I Lot 14 IR-10924-00H-0140-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 167 BIk H I Lot IS IR-10924-OOH-0150-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 102 Autumn Sage Drive 168 Blk H I Lot 16 IR-10924-OOH-0160-I Miriam Ramirez-Basco Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 169 BIk H I Lot 17 IR-10924-00H-0170-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 170 BIk H I Lot 18 IR-10924-OOH-0180-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 171 BIk H I Lot 19 IR-I0924-OOH-0190-1 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 110 Autumn Sage Drive 172 BIk H I Lot 20 IR-10924-O0H-0200-I Daryl Richardson Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 112 Autumn Sage Drive 173 BIk H I Lot 21 IR-10924-00H-0210-1 Jennie Vu Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 174 BIk H I Lot 22 IR-10924-O0H-0220-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 175 BIk H I Lot 23 I940500000H0230000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 176 BIk H I Lot 24 I940500000H0240000 MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 177 BIk H I Lot 25 I940500000H0250000 MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 178 BIk H I Lot 26 I940500000H0260000 MHI Partnership, Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 179 Blk H I Lot 27 I940500000H0270000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 180 Blk H I Lot 28 I940500000H0280000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 181 Blk H I Lot 29 I940500000H0290000_ DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 182 Blk H I Lot 30 I940500000H0300000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 183 Blk H I Lot 31 I940500000H0310000- Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 184 Blk H i Lot 32 I940500000H0320000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley 206 Red Bud Pass 185 Blk 1 I Lot 2 I R-10924-00I-0020-I 1 Joseph Moss Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 186 Blk I I Lot 3 I R-I0924-00I-0030-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 202 Red Bud Pass 187 BIk I I Lot 4 I R-I0924-00I-0040-I Dennis Brown Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 188 BIk I I Lot 5 I R-I0924-00I-0050-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 189 BIk I I Lot 6 I R-I0924-00I-0060-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 190 BIk I I Lot 7 I R-I0924-00I-0070-1 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 191 Blk I I Lot 8 194050000010080000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 192 Blk I I Lot 9 194050000010090000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 193 Blk I I Lot 10 194050000010100000 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 194 Blk I I Lot 11 I 940500000101 I0000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley 215 Dominion Drive 195 Blk I I Lot 12 194050000010120000 Barry Jones Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 217 Dominion Drive 196 Blk I I Lot 13 194050000010130000 Danielle Truong Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 t97 Blk I I Lot 14 194050000010140000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 198 Blk I I Lot 15 194050000010150000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 199 Blk I I Lot 16 194050000010160000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley 225 Dominion Drive 200 Blk I I Lot 17 194050000010170000 Kanya O'Brien Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 201 Blk I I Lot 18 194050000010180000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 202 BIk I I Lot 19 194050000010190000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 203 BIk I I Lot 20 194050000010200000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 204 Blk I I Lot 21 194050000010210000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 205 BIk 1 I Lot 22 194050000010220000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 206 BIk I I Lot 23 194050000010230000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 207 BIk I I Lot 24 194050000010240000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 208 BIk J I Lot 1 1940500000J0010000 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#I04 209 Blk J I Lot 2 I 940500000J0020000 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 210 Blk J I Lot 3 1940500000J0030000 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 7676 Woodway Drive#104 211 BIk J I Lot 4 1940500000J0040000 MHI Partnership,Ltd. Houston,Texas 77603 Dominion Pleasant Valley 220 Red Bud Pass 212 Blk J I Lot 5 I 940500000J0050000 Rotimi Akhighc Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 218 Red Bud Pass 213 Blk I I Lot 6 I 940500000J0060000 Funmilayo Ajakaiye Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 214 Blk J I Lot 7 I R-I0924-00J-0070-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#I000 215 Blk J I Lot 8 I R-I0924-00I-0080-I Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 216 BIk K I Lot 2 I940500000K0020000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley 15455 Dallas Parkway#1000 217 BIk K I Lot 3 I940500000K003.0000 Grand Homes 2014 LP Addison,Texas 75001 Dominion Pleasant Valley 304 Dominion Drive 218 Blk K I Lot 4 I940500000K0040000 Gurmej Chatrath Wylie,Texas 75098 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 219 BIk K I Lot 5 I940500000K0050000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 220 BIk K I Lot 6 I940500000K0060000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 221 BIk K I Lot 7 I940500000K0070000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 222 BIk K I Lot 8 I940500000K0020000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 223 BIk L I Lot 2 I940500000L0020000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 224 BIk L I Lot 3 I 940500000L0030000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 225 BIk L I Lot 4 I940500000L0040000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 226 BIk L I Lot 5 I940500000L0050000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Dominion Pleasant Valley Ron Haynes PO Box 346 227 BIk L Lot 6 940500000L0060000 DPB Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 520 N. Main Street,Ste C#I08 228 Abst 1100 Tract 1 R-7100-000-0010-I Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 520 N. Main Street,Ste C#108 229 Abst 1100 Tract 4 R-7100-000-0040-I Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Herver City,UT 84032 Ron Haynes PO Box 346 230 Abst 1384 Tract 3 65138456510030000 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Ron Haynes PO Box 346 231 Abst 1384 Tract 3.I 65138456510030100 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Ron Haynes PO Box 346 232 Abst 1384 Tract 4.1 6513846510040100 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Ron Haynes PO Box 346 233 Abst 1384 Tract 5 65138456510050000 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75206 Ron Haynes 3710 Villanova Street 234 Abst 1384 Tract 6 65138456510060000 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75225 PO Box 2408 235 Abst 1384 Tract 13 65138456510130000 NTMWD Wylie,Texas 75098 500 Main Street-Records Bldg. 236 Abst 1384 Tract 13.1 65138456510130100 Dallas County Dallas,Texas 75202 Ron Haynes 3710 Villanova Street 237 Abst 1384 Tract 4 65138456510040000 Wylie DPV Limited Partnership Dallas,Texas 75225 238 239 240 241 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2017-07. _yr I am.AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#42017-07. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,October 17,2017,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,November 14,2017,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: (please (please print) Address: Signature : ,././/i7C-/t,i(./1.1---- Date: i/e -- 7 - / 7 COMMENTS: _06 our-e, (1.4ut(1',53- 1,11/4(011 n C a (16,{,t,/li,L v-e. 61.'; 0 c Lt/1- c,4: 0 i/(,i7 i''‘(!,I(i JLI i/j1z1Y I' ( [ 4.,?,,tfe. ,:'(,L i t. , s tr.__ ()I' k-- kr.1.44'pe-0.-. 1(,...2.(y.__ Ai 44/14, -CrthiCtiqs,j, . -.1"L_ ,44 U,... v1,-C. i.".i.j.1.1!)Cr 4 II Ct---Ci, Pc t50, 0,5 , t'O Ai-CcL,-- oil t I- L(c.t,t::54 I, ( : ti-- , 1,:, j) i y ic11( 21n 7 )-c'if) s Lc,tvil ( ) /1,-Az.z t- /eich/ ai,r1 4tS — _ _ 1 / ) a ‘ -cu1C5 i +1L 7/7 ,c_ PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 100 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2017.07. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2017-07. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,October 17, 2017,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,November 14, 2017,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: e 14- ceecAr (please print) Address: Il I v rjL 4p r'r tay re r Signature, Date. 0 7/z COMMENTS: NTS: /I C I � f J®A .SSG C Sp,w 4/I ?�L ri PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 100 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2017-07. , I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2017,07. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting, Tuesday,October 17, 2017,6J10 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date, Location &Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday. November 14,2017,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 100 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas n I CA.,v4 us Name: eo (please print) Address: I( 4 4 n • by-, Signature: Date: 41'16t/CONINIENTS: 6-6 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT MIFAfi,M iRY'V40 Meeting Date: November 14, 2017 Item Number: 2 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: City Secretary Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared: October 23, 2017 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Resolution, CCAD letter Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-22(R) casting a vote for a candidate(s) to the Board of Directors of the Collin Central Appraisal District for a two year term beginning January 1, 2018. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2017-22(R) casting vote(s) for as a candidate to the Board of Directors of the Collin Central Appraisal District for a two year term beginning January 1, 2018. Discussion The City of Wylie has 58 votes that they may cast for a candidate(s) to the Board of Directors of the Collin Central Appraisal District for a two year term beginning January 1, 2016. There are currently 5 positions open on the board for expiring terms. Nominated candidates that were submitted to the Collin Central Appraisal District by cities within the CCAD District include: Earnest Burke, Ronald Carlisle, Wayne Mayo, Michael A. Pirek, Gary Rodenbaugh, and Ed Standridge. A copy of the candidate's bio and nominating jurisdictions for each candidate is attached for Council review. The City of Wylie may cast all of its 58 votes for one candidate or distribute the votes among any number of candidates that were nominated. Council did not opt to nominate a candidate for these positions. Council is asked to adopt a resolution casting its votes for a candidate(s) for the Board of Directors of the Collin Central Appraisal District. The resolution and ballot must be submitted to Bo Daffin, Chief Appraiser no later than December 15, 2017. Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-22(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, CASTING ITS VOTE FOR A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COLLIN CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 6.03 (G) OF THE STATE PROPERTY TAX CODE, AND DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY NOTIFY INTERESTED PARTIES OF SAID ACTION. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 6.03(G) of the State Property Tax Code, the City of Wylie is required to cast votes for a candidate to Board of Directors of the Central Appraisal District; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie has 58 votes to cast and said votes must be cast no later December 15, 2017. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas does hereby cast and confirm its 58 votes as provided for on the attached ballot, to the Board of Directors of the Collin Central Appraisal District. SECTION 2: The City Secretary is hereby directed to submit the official ballot, written Resolution, and notify all appropriate parties of this action. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas on this 14th day of November, 2017. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution No.2017-22(R)—Collin Central Appraisal District Election of Board of Directors Page 1 of 1 Cohn im ' Central Attnraisal; r'" tHetriet Collin Central Appraisal listrict OFFICIAL BALLOT ISSUED TO: City of Wylie NUMBER OF VOTES: 58 FOR: BOARD OF DIRECTORS, COLLIN CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT,TWO-YEAR TERM BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2018, EARNEST BURKE VOTES RONALD CARLISLE VOTES \A/AYNE MAYO VOTES MICHAEL A. PIREK VOTES GARY RODENBAUGH VOTES ED STANDRIDGE VOTES October 18, 2017 6c. Bo Daffin, Chief Appraiser Section 6.03 (g) of the State Property Tax Code requires the above action be taken by resolution, therefore, please attach a copy of the resolution to this ballot and return to the chief appraiser, at 250 Eldorado Pkwy., McKinney, Texas 75069, before December 15, 2017. 2501 Eldorado Pkwy Metro 469 742.9200 Admin Fax 469:742.9209 McKinney,Texas 75069 Toll-Free 86€1 46'7.1110 Custeme Service Fax 469 742.9207 www collinctad.org Collin Central AaaraiSar Collin Central Appraisal District District October 18, 2017 Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary City of Wylie 300 Country Club Wylie, TX 75098 RE: Board of Directors election, two-year term, beginning January 1, 2018 Dear Ms. Ehrlich: Enclosed you will find the ballot listing the nominees for the Board of Director positions for the Collin Central Appraisal District. The candidates are listed alphabetically by their last name. Each voting unit must vote in an open meeting, report its vote by written resolution, and submit the resolution to the chief appraiser before December 15, 2017. Each unit may cast all its votes for one candidate or distribute the votes among any number of the candidates listed. Since there is no provision for write-in candidates, the chief appraiser may not count votes for someone not listed on the official ballot. Sincerely, Bo Daffin Chief Appraiser Enclosure 250 Eldorado Pkwy Metro 469.742.9200 Admin Fax 469.742.9209 McKinney,Texas 75069 Toll-Free 866.467.1110 Customer Service Fax 469.742.9207 www.collincad.org '' Collin Central Appraisal; alstr,cai Collin Central Appraisal District OFFICIAL BALLOT ISSUED TO: City of Wylie NUMBER OF VOTES: 58 FOR: BOARD OF DIRECTORS,COLLIN CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT,TWO-YEAR TERM BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2018. EARNEST BURKE VOTES RONALD CARLISLE VOTES WAYNE MAYO VOTES MICHAEL A. PIREK VOTES GARY RODENBAUGH VOTES ED STANDRIDGE VOTES October 18, 2017 Bo Daffin, Chief Appraiser Section 6.03 (g) of the State Property Tax Code requires the above action be taken by resolution, therefore, please attach a copy of the resolution to this ballot and return to the chief appraiser, at 250 Eldorado Pkwy., McKinney, Texas 75069, before December 15, 2017. 250 Eldorado Pkwy Metro 469.742.9200 Admin Fax 469,742.9209 McKinney,Texas 75069 Toll-Free 666.467.1110 Customer Seniice Fax 469,742.9207 www.collincad.org Collin Central * Appraisal; o l l in Central District District C 2018 - 2019 CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S NOMINATIONS EARNEST BURKE Is a current board member and has served since 1/2016. Nominated by Plano ISD and Collin County Community College. Resides in Plano, TX. RONALD CARLISLE Is a current board member and has served since 1/1994. Nominated by Frisco ISD and Collin County Community College. Resides in Frisco, TX. WAYNE MAYO Is a current board member and has served since 1/1998. Nominated by the City of Lucas, the City of Richardson, the City of Sachse, Plano ISD and Collin County Community College. Resides in Richardson, TX. MICHAEL A. PIREK Is a current board member and has served since 1/2014. Nominated by the City of Piano, Plano ISD, and Collin County Community College. Resides in Plano, TX. GARY RODENBAUGH Is a current board member and has served since 1/2001. Nominated by the Allen ISD and Collin County Community College. Resides in Allen, TX. ED STANDRIDGE Nominated by the City of Parker. Resides in Parker, TX. 250 Eldorado Pkwy Metro 469.742.9200 Admin Fax 469.742.9209 McKinney,Texas 75069 Toll-Free 866.467.1110 Customer Service Fax 469.742.9207 www.collincad.org .44 ���� Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT 887 MIFAfi,M iRY' %%% Meeting Date: November 14, 2017 Item Number: 3 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: City Secretary Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared: October 24, 2017 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Resolution, DCAD letter Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-23(R) casting a vote for a candidate to the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District for a two year term beginning January 1, 2018. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2017-23(R) casting a vote for as a candidate to the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District for a two year term beginning January 1, 2018. Discussion The Property Tax Code requires that the Chief Appraiser conduct an election for the purpose of selecting representatives to the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District every two years. The Dallas Central Appraisal District has a four(4) member Board of Directors; one representing the County (Dallas County Tax Assessor Collector), a representative appointed by the Dallas ISD, a representative appoint- ed by the City of Dallas, a representative elected by the suburban cities (31 cities), and a representative elected by the suburban ISDs (16 ISDs). In the case of the representative from suburban cities, each city may make a nomination for that position in October. The nominations are compiled into a ballot which is sent to each suburban city in November and one vote may be cast by each city for the nominee of their choice. Ballots are are counted and the nominee with the most votes takes office on January 1st for a two year term. The City of Wylie chose not to nominate a candidate for this position. A listing of candidates and the cities that nominated each are included. Per the 1979 resolution adopted by the taxing units participating in Dallas Central Appraisal District, candidates are required to receive a majority of the votes in order to be elected to the Board of Directors. The City of Wylie City Council is required to vote or abstain from voting no later than December 15, 2017. Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-23(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, CASTING ITS VOTE FOR THE FOURTH MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Dallas County eligible taxing entities have expressed and approved an option which allows for representation to the Appraisal District Board of Directors (in accordance with Section 6.03 of the Texas Property Tax Code) as follows: 1. The City of Dallas shall appoint one(1) member of the Board. 2. The Dallas Independent School District shall appoint one(1) member to the Board. 3. The Dallas County Commissioners Court shall appoint one (1) member to the Board. The member appointed by the Dallas County Commissioners Court shall not be a resident of either the City of Dallas or the Dallas Independent School District. 4. Each of the incorporated cities and towns, except for the City of Dallas, shall have the right to nominate by an official resolution one (1) candidate as the fourth member of the Board of Directors. The said cities and towns shall, from the nominations received, elect by a majority vote, with each city and town being entitled to one (1) vote, the fourth member of the Board of Directors. 5. Each of the independent school districts, except for the Dallas Independent School District, shall have the right to nominate by an official resolution one (1) candidate as the fifth member of the Board of Directors. The said independent school districts shall, from the nominations received, elect by a majority vote, with each independent school district being entitled to one (1) vote, the fifth member of the Board of Directors. The votes required for election to the Board of Directors in 4 and 5 hereof shall be by a majority of those authorized to vote in 4 and 5 respectively and not by a majority of the quorum; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas does hereby cast its vote by marking the ballot below (check one only): ['Brett Franks ['Mike Howard ['Michael Hurtt Resolution No.2017-23(R) -Dallas Central Appraisal District Election of Board of Directors Page 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the City Council of the City of Wylie does hereby confirm its one (1) vote for the suburban cities' representative to the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District as indicated on the ballot marking. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas on this 14th day of November, 2017. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution No.2017-23(R) -Dallas Central Appraisal District Election of Board of Directors Page 2 of 2 gi@if Dallas Central Appraisal District Date: October 19,2017 To: Eric Hogue,Mayor,City of Wylie From: W.Kenneth Nolan,Executive Director/Chief Appraiser Re: Election of Suburban Cities' Representative to Dallas Central Appraisal District Board of Directors In accordance with state law, the nomination process for persons to serve on the Dallas Central Appraisal District Board of Directors has been completed. By state law, your agency is required to vote by official ballot resolution, which is enclosed. You must do so no later than December 15, 2017. If your entity chooses to abstain from voting,please notify me in writing. The nominees are as follows. Also included are the names of the nominating cities. Nominee Entity(s)Nominating Mr.Brett Franks Sachse Mr. Mike Howard Irving Mr. Michael Hurtt Desoto,Farmers Branch,Ovilla,Richardson If you have questions concerning the candidates please contact the entities who nominated them. Please act on this election process by official ballot resolution and return the ballot resolution to my office in the enclosed envelope by December 18, 2017. The 1979 resolution adopted by the taxing units participating in Dallas Central Appraisal District, which governs board elections, requires that a candidate receive a majority of the votes in order to be elected to the Board of Directors.Therefore it is imperative that your taxing unit cast its vote before the December 15,2017 deadline. We appreciate your interest in this very important process and look forward to receiving your vote. WKN/kld Enclosure(Official Ballot Resolution/Return Envelope) cc: Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Linda Bentz,Finance Director Office of Chief Appraiser 2949 N.Stemmons Freeway•Dallas,Texas 75247-6195•(214)631-0520 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ,DALLAS COUNTY,TEXAS,CASTING ITS VOTE FOR THE FOURTH MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS,Dallas County eligible taxing entities have expressed and approved an option which allows for representation to the Appraisal District Board of Directors(in accordance with Section 6.03 of the Texas Property Tax Code)as follows: 1. The City of Dallas shall appoint one(1)member to the Board. 2. The Dallas Independent School District shall appoint one(1)member to the Board. 3. The Dallas County Commissioners Court shall appoint one(1)member to the Board. The member appointed by the Dallas County Commissioners Court shall not be a resident of either the City of Dallas or the Dallas Independent School District. 4. Each of the incorporated cities and towns, except for the City of Dallas, shall have the right to nominate by an official resolution one(1)candidate as the fourth member of the Board of Directors. The said cities and towns shall,from the nominations received,elect by a majority vote,with each city and town being entitled to one(1)vote,the fourth member of the Board of Directors. 5. Each of the School Districts, and the Dallas County Community College District, except the Dallas Independent School District,shall have the right to nominate by an official resolution one(1)candidate as the fifth member of the Board of Directors.The said school districts shall, from the nominations received, elect by a majority vote,with each school district and the community college district being entitled to one (1)vote,the fifth member of the Board of Directors. The votes required for election to the Board of Directors in 4 and 5 hereof shall be by a majority of those authorized to vote in 4 and 5 respectively and not by a majority of the quorum,and WHEREAS, the City of does hereby cast its vote by marking the ballot below: (Check one only) O Brett Franks ® Mike Howard O Michael Hurtt NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of�� u, does hereby confirm its one (1) vote for the election of as the suburban cities' representative to the Board of Directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the day of , 2017 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY SEAL: Mike E. Howard 4004 N. Country Club Rd. Irving, TX 75038 (469) 426-8770 A brief biography for consideration in being elected the suburban board representative to the Dallas Central Appraisal District. Education Experiences Lamar University: Beaumont, Texas BBA degree in Accounting • Blue Key National Honor Society • Delta Sigma Pi Professional Business Fraternity University of Dallas: Irving, Texas Graduate courses in Business Administration Community College Business Officers Association Completed a CBMI two-summer program for SACUBO's leadership certification Professional Experiences Current: • Retired from the Dallas County Community College District • Provide internal audit work for an Irving business on a part-time basis Prior Positions: • Vice President of Business Services: Bill Priest Institute for Economic Development, DCCCD • Vice President of Business Services: North Lake College, DCCCD • Comptroller: Dallas County Community College District • Administrative Services Manager: School of Allied Health Sciences, UT Health Science Center • Assistant Chief Accountant: Olmsted-Kirk Paper Company • Treasurer: Church of the Redeemer Community Service and Involvement • Appraisal Review Board of Dallas County: Completed two plus years of service • Irving City Council: Served two elected terms • Irving Rotary Club: Past President, Director, Bulletin Editor • Boy Scouts of Irving: Twice chairman of annual fund drive • Irving YMCA: Several years as a committee chairman fund raiser • Irving Chamber of Commerce: Past Director • Irving High Spirited Citizen Award: Awarded by the Irving Convention and Tourist Bureau Summary I have utilized my professional and educational experiences to serve a number of community organizations. Those organizations are integral parts in assisting individuals with needs, achieving expectations, and assimilation into a vibrant community. My time serving on the Dallas County ARB was instrumental in increasing a base of knowledge and information concerning property valuations and processes, the operations of DCAD, and fulfilling the role of a fair and impartial board member. A review of my service on this board would reflect service which utilized sound judgement based on facts and circumstances as supported by considering all data and evidence presented. I believe DCAD staff and fellow board members could agree with this assessment. I understand the workings and mission of DCAD and would work to continue to serve Dallas County tax payers in a professional and open minded manner as the suburban representative. Leadership, team work and understanding are key determinations in maintaining an effective, efficient and productive DCAD. The only property I currently own in Dallas County is my homestead. I have no business relations with the Appraisal District. I do not have any delinquent taxes. I have extensive knowledge in city and college budgets, taxing rates of municipal/governmental entities, and operations of these types of organizations. Brett Franks City Council Place 1 City of Sachse Councilman Brett Franks was elected to serve in Place One in June 2012. He is an Orthopedic PA with Sports Medicine Clinic of North Texas. Mr. Franks currently serves as the Council liaison to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Prior to being elected to Council, Mr. Franks served on the Parks and Recreation Commission. He is a former member of the Sachse Baseball Association and former member of the Campus Improvement Team at Hudson Middle School. As an Army veteran, Mr. Franks also volunteers his time every year to organize the Annual Memorial Day Event. He and his family have lived in Sachse since 2000. I am interested in representing the suburban cities because of the increasing concerns by residents regarding appraisals. The consistent escalation of property values in Dallas County and the lack of transparency of the appraisal process, the role of the Board and its staff need to be addressed. We need to give better information and explanation to citizens about this and how the appeal process works and how DCAD do a better job serving the citizens in their District. CITY OF WYLIE BASIC ASSUMPTIONS to the FUTURE YEARS BUDGET PROJECTIONS General Fund Revenues: • Property tax revenue is based on estimated taxable assessed value and the projected tax rate for each fiscal year. The City's estimated taxable assessed value is projected to grow at a rate of 8% for FY 2019, 6%for FY 2020, 5%for FY 2021, and 4%for FY 2022—2028 while the tax rate remains at the current rate of 0.7810/$100. • Sales tax is projected to increase at a rate of 5% per year. • Franchise fees are conservatively indexed at 2%, which is slightly less than the five-year trend. • Licenses and permits revenue is conservatively indexed at 7%. • Service fees are indexed at 3%. • "Transfers from Other Funds" is indexed at 3% per year. Expenditures: • Personnel services expense is indexed at 3% per year which coincides with the five-year trend with the exception of FY 2020, 2023, & 2026 which are indexed at 8%to account for anticipated market survey adjustments. • Other operating expenses including "Supplies", "Materials for Maintenance" and "Contractual Services" are projected to increase at a rate of 3% per year. • Department requests are divided into three (3) categories; Recurring Costs, One-Time Costs, and Capital Items. Capital Items include items that would require an additional issuance of debt to fund (for example; projects with costs exceeding$1,000,000,or a new Quint). For the purpose of this schedule, all department requests are included in the "Total Expenditures" line item total. 4B Sales Tax Fund Revenues: • Sales tax is conservatively indexed at 5%. • Service fees are indexed at 2%. Expenditures: • Personnel services expense is indexed at 3% per year which coincides with the five-year trend with the exception of FY 2020, 2023, & 2026 which are indexed at 8%to account for anticipated market survey adjustments. • Other operating expenses including "Supplies", "Materials for Maintenance" and "Contractual Services" are projected to grow at 3% per year. • Transfers to Debt Service are based on "Total Debt Service Requirement" schedules plus the estimated annual payment on any projected newly issued debt based on the department request schedules. • Department requests are divided into three (3) categories; Recurring Costs, One-Time Costs, and Capital Items. Capital Items include items that would require an additional issuance of debt to fund (for example; projects with costs exceeding $1,000,000). For the purpose of this schedule, all department requests are included in the "Total Expenditures" line item total. Utility Fund Revenues: • Water and sewer charges, which make up 97%of the overall service fees collected by the Utility Fund, are projected to increase at an average of 9.6% per year over the next ten(10)years. These projections are in line with the most recent water &sewer rate analysis which was presented to Council on August 8, 2017. Expenditures: • Personnel services expense is indexed at 3% per year which coincides with the five-year trend with the exception of FY 2020, 2023, & 2026 which are indexed at 8%to account for anticipated market survey adjustments. • Other operating expenses including "Supplies", "Materials for Maintenance" and "Contractual Services" are projected to grow at 3% per year. • Payments made to the North Texas Municipal Water District(NTMWD),which make up over 50% of the total Utility Fund expenditures, is projected to increase 10% per year over the next ten (10) years. • Debt Service is based on "Total Debt Service Requirement" schedules plus the estimated annual payment on any projected newly issued debt based on the department request schedules. • "Transfers to Other Funds" is solely comprised of the annual indirect cost transfer from the Utility Fund to the General Fund. This cost is projected to increase 3% per year over the next ten (10) years. • Department requests are divided into three (3) categories; Recurring Costs, One-Time Costs, and Capital Items. Capital Items include items that would require an additional issuance of debt to fund (for example; projects with costs exceeding $1,000,000). For the purpose of this schedule, all department requests are included in the "Total Expenditures" line item total. City of Wylie,Texas Future Years Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 Estimated Population 48,856 50,090 51,170 52,095 52,558 53,021 53,484 53,946 54,409 54,872 55,338 Property Tax Revenue $ 31,349,629 $ 33,784,655 $ 35,783,454 $ 37,554,450 $ 39,063,813 $ 40,629,211 $ 42,262,925 $ 43,959,438 $ 45,724,417 $ 47,558,225 $ 49,465,926 Property Values $ 3,776,813,114 $ 4,078,958,163 $ 4,323,695,653 $ 4,539,880,436 $ 4,721,475,653 $ 4,910,334,679 $ 5,106,748,066 $ 5,311,017,989 $ 5,523,458,708 $ 5,744,397,057 $ 5,974,172,939 Tax Rate 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 Cost of 1 Cent Decrease in Tax Rate $ (377,681) $ (407,896) $ (432,370) $ (453,988) $ (472,148) $ (491,033) $ (510,675) $ (531,102) $ (552,346) $ (574,440) $ (597,417) GENERAL FUND Estimated Tax Rate per$100 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 0.7810 CURRENT PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2026-27 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 15,346,173 $ 11,922,020 $ 8,642,364 $ 3,814,593 $ (3,505,562) $ (12,633,191) $ (24,459,636) $ (36,027,164) $ (49,435,151) $ (63,312,319) $ (77,177,625) TOTAL REVENUES $ 37,518,258 $ 39,197,454 $ 40,988,824 $ 41,906,778 $ 42,287,543 $ 43,878,737 $ 45,365,493 $ 47,668,645 $ 49,788,273 $ 51,928,472 $ 54,310,925 Transfers from Other Funds 2,166,807 2,231,811 2,298,766 2,367,729 2,438,760 2,511,923 2,587,281 2,664,899 2,744,846 2,827,192 2,912,007 TOTAL REVENUES&TRANSFERS-IN $ 39,685,065 $ 41,429,265 $ 43,287,590 $ 44,274,506 $ 44,726,304 $ 46,390,661 $ 47,952,773 $ 50,333,545 $ 52,533,119 $ 54,755,663 $ 57,222,932 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 39,740,065 $ 44,708,921 $ 48,115,361 $ 51,594,661 $ 53,853,932 $ 58,217,106 $ 59,520,301 $ 63,741,532 $ 66,410,287 $ 68,620,969 $ 69,530,053 Use of Fund Balance 573,600 - - - - - - - - - - Transfers to Other Funds 2,795,553 - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES&TRANSFERS-OUT $ 43,109,218 $ 44,708,921 $ 48,115,361 $ 51,594,661 $ 53,853,932 $ 58,217,106 $ 59,520,301 $ 63,741,532 $ 66,410,287 $ 68,620,969 $ 69,530,053 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 11,922,020 $ 8,642,364 $ 3,814,593 $ (3,505,562) $ (12,633,191) $ (24,459,636) $ (36,027,164) $ (49,435,151) $ (63,312,319) $ (77,177,625) $ (89,484,745) FUND BALANCE-%OF EXPENDITURES 30% 19% 8% -7% -23% -42% -61% -78% -95% -112% -129% EXCESS FUND BALANCE(OVER 25%) 1,987,004 (2,534,867) (8,214,248) (16,404,228) (26,096,674) (39,013,913) (50,907,240) (65,370,534) (79,914,891) (94,332,867) (106,867,259) 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND CURRENT PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 2,362,614 $ 1,798,924 $ 1,807,712 $ 1,860,928 $ 1,432,000 $ 924,479 $ (57,115) $ (936,871) $ (2,818,923) $ (4,705,861) $ (6,537,895) TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,512,775 $ 3,668,009 $ 3,830,633 $ 4,001,011 $ 4,179,526 $ 4,366,579 $ 4,562,592 $ 4,768,007 $ 4,983,291 $ 5,208,931 $ 5,445,442 Transfers from Other Funds - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES&TRANSFERS-IN $ 3,512,775 $ 3,668,009 $ 3,830,633 $ 4,001,011 $ 4,179,526 $ 4,366,579 $ 4,562,592 $ 4,768,007 $ 4,983,291 $ 5,208,931 $ 5,445,442 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 3,684,315 $ 3,273,220 $ 3,387,417 $ 4,036,939 $ 3,943,047 $ 4,599,173 $ 4,694,348 $ 5,755,059 $ 6,366,229 $ 6,536,966 $ 6,681,575 Transfers to Other Funds 392,150 386,000 390,000 393,000 744,000 749,000 748,000 895,000 504,000 504,000 504,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&TRANSFERS-OUT $ 4,076,465 $ 3,659,220 $ 3,777,417 $ 4,429,939 $ 4,687,047 $ 5,348,173 $ 5,442,348 $ 6,650,059 $ 6,870,229 $ 7,040,966 $ 7,185,575 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 1,798,924 $ 1,807,712 $ 1,860,928 $ 1,432,000 $ 924,479 $ (57,115) $ (936,871) $ (2,818,923) $ (4,705,861) $ (6,537,895) $ (8,278,028) FUND BALANCE-%OF BUDGETED SALES TAX REVENUE 64% 61% 60% 44% 27% -2% -25% -71% -112% -149% -179% City of Wylie,Texas Future Years Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 UTILITY FUND CURRENT PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 8,653,370 $ 7,204,530 $ 5,894,890 $ 4,623,017 $ 4,546,749 $ 5,229,557 $ 6,029,901 $ 7,475,814 $ 9,820,803 $ 12,858,028 $ 16,452,757 TOTAL REVENUES $ 17,347,000 $ 19,086,050 $ 21,003,216 $ 23,116,914 $ 25,557,767 $ 27,833,463 $ 30,323,995 $ 33,050,561 $ 36,036,524 $ 39,307,638 $ 42,892,295 Transfers from Other Funds - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUES&TRANSFERS-IN $ 17,347,000 $ 19,086,050 $ 21,003,216 $ 23,116,914 $ 25,557,767 $ 27,833,463 $ 30,323,995 $ 33,050,561 $ 36,036,524 $ 39,307,638 $ 42,892,295 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 16,307,033 $ 18,163,878 $ 19,976,324 $ 20,825,454 $ 22,436,198 $ 24,521,195 $ 26,290,801 $ 28,040,672 $ 30,254,453 $ 32,885,718 $ 34,876,204 Use of Fund Balance $ 322,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TransferstoOtherFunds 2,166,807 2,231,811 2,298,766 2,367,729 2,438,760 2,511,923 2,587,281 2,664,899 2,744,846 2,827,192 2,912,007 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&TRANSFERS-OUT $ 18,795,840 $ 20,395,690 $ 22,275,089 $ 23,193,182 $ 24,874,959 $ 27,033,118 $ 28,878,082 $ 30,705,572 $ 32,999,299 $ 35,712,910 $ 37,788,212 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 7,204,530 $ 5,894,890 $ 4,623,017 $ 4,546,749 $ 5,229,557 $ 6,029,901 $ 7,475,814 $ 9,820,803 $ 12,858,028 $ 16,452,757 $ 21,556,840 FUND BALANCE-N OF DAYS OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES 144 105 76 72 77 81 94 117 142 168 208 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 1 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 GENERAL FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 CITY SECRETARY New Laser Fiche Licenses(15) $ 12,000 Adm in Assistant promotion to Deputy City Secretary $ 5,909 New Ad m in Assstant-Records $ 44,101 FINANCE New Accountant(WEDC) $ 63,605 New Payroll Supervisor $ 63,605 New Accounts Payable Supervisor $ 58,894 New Budget Manager $ 91,400 New Accounts Payable Specialist $ 50,492 New Accountant(General) $ 63,605 COURT Move 1 Judge from PT to FT $ 169,000 New Court Clerk $ 44,101 Move 1 Prosecutor from PT to FT $ 156,000 New Court Supervisor or Senior Clerk $ 50,492 HUMAN RESOURCES Increase in Wellness Program Initiatives $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Increase in HR Training for Employees $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 PURCHASING New Buyer II-Public Works $ 58,894 New Buyer II-Public Safety $ 58,894 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY New Technical Su pportTechnician $ 50,492 New Systems Analyst $ 81,607 Firewalls/SAN/Virtua IServer/Storage $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT New Assistant Chief $ 158,214 New Assistant Chief Equipment $ 15,000 New CAC Detective $ 77,786 New Patrol Officers(2) $ 155,571 New SRO(Achieve Academy) $ 77,786 New K-9 Unit-Average Recurring Annual Costs $ 8,000 New Jailers(2) $ 94,377 New Jailer Supervisor(Sgt.) $ 108,479 New General Cases Detective $ 77,786 New Warrant Officer $ 77,786 New Records Clerk $ 44,101 New Records Clerk Equipment $ 15,000 New K-9 Unit-Dog,Vehicle,Kennel(One-Time Costs) $ 138,000 New Lieutenant $ 126,288 New Lieutenant Equipment $ 15,000 New Jailers(2) $ 94,377 New Patrol Officers(2) $ 155,571 New CID Officer Narcotics $ 77,785 New Officer Traffic $ 77,785 New Sergeant-Traffic $ 108,479 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 1 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 GENERAL FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FV 2018-19 FV 2019-20 FV 2020-21 FV 2021-22 FV 2022-23 FV 2023-24 FV 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FV 2026-27 FY 2027-28 New Quartermaster $ 67,640 Replacement for 1st K-9 Unit $ 20,000 $ 20,000 New Professional Standards Position $ 77,785 New Patrol Officers(2) $ 155,571 New CID Officer Narcotics $ 77,785 New Officer Traffic $ 77,785 Traffic Scales/Equipment $ 25,000 New Patrol Corporals(4) $ 374,612 New Sergeant-Child Advocacy Center $ 108,479 New General Cases Detective $ 77,786 New Warrant Officer $ 77,786 New Admin for CID-Narcotics $ 44,101 New Admin for CID Equipment $ 15,000 New Records Clerk $ 44,101 New Records Clerk Equipment $ 15,000 New K-9 Unit-Dog,Vehicle,Kennel(One-Time Costs) $ 130,000 Replacement for 2nd K-9 Unit $ 20,000 New K-9 Unit-Average Recurring Annual Costs $ 8,000 New Patrol Officers(2) $ 155,571 New Patrol Officers(2) $ 155,571 Replacements-Patrol Tahoes $ 356,000 $ 696,000 $ 200,000 $ 365,000 $ 650,000 $ 150,000 $ 572,000 $ 800,000 $ 150,000 $ 572,000 New-Patrol Ta hoes $ 74,000 $ 162,000 $ 268,000 $ 134,000 $ 81,000 $ 81,000 Replacements-CID Vehicles $ 111,000 $ 108,000 $ 36,000 $ 185,000 $ 185,000 $ 144,000 $ 28,000 $ 108,000 $ 260,000 New-CID Vehicles $ 37,000 $ 37,000 $ 36,000 $ 72,000 Replacements-Other Vehicles(SRO,Motorcycle,etc.) $ 132,000 $ 360,000 $ 167,000 $ 35,000 $ 82,500 $ 360,000 $ 285,000 $ 65,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT Promote FF/Paramedics(2) $ 79,772 New FF/Paramedics for Station 4(5) $ 449,090 New Fleet Coordinator(Civilian Position) $ 80,000 New FF/Paramedics for Station 4/New Relief(6) $ 538,907 Promote Driver/Engineers(3) $ 34,264 New Relief FF/Paramedics(3) $ 269,454 New Assistant Chief $ 168,750 Hire FF/Paramedic to Backfill Assistant Chief $ 89,818 Upgrade Inspector/Investigator Captain(2) $ 79,772 New Admin Battalion Chief $ 150,772 Hire FF/Paramedic to Backfill Admin Battalion Chief $ 89,818 New Rotating Captain in Fire Marshal's Office $ 39,886 Hire FF/Paramedic to Backfill FMO Rotating Captain $ 89,818 New FF/Paramedics for Station 5(3) $ 269,454 Promote FF/Paramedics(3) $ 119,658 New FF/Paramedics for Station 5(3) $ 269,454 Promote Driver/Engineers(3) $ 34,264 New FF/Paramedic for Station 5(6) $ 538,907 New Relief FF/Paramedics(3) $ 269,454 Station 2 Remodel $ 750,000 Unit 276 Replacement $ 100,000 Unit 277 Replacement $ 100,000 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 1 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 GENERAL FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 Unit 284 Replacement $ 100,000 Unit 285 Replacement $ 100,000 Unit 113 Replacement $ 50,000 Unit 346 Replacement $ 50,000 Unit 262 Replacement $ 250,000 Unit 355 Replacement $ 100,000 Unit 377 Replacement $ 100,000 Unit M-601 Replacement $ 50,000 Unit M-602 Replacement $ 200,000 Station 5 Land Purchase $ 650,000 Unit 112 Replacement $ 500,000 Unit 380 Replacement $ 225,000 Unit 109(Quint)Replacement $ 950,000 Station 4 Construction $ 4,000,000 Apparatus for Station 4 $ 1,200,000 Relocate Station 1 Construction $ 4,000,000 Unit 108(Quint)Replacement $ 1,000,000 Station 5 Construction $ 5,000,000 Apparatus for Station 5 $ 1,000,000 _.... Unit 116(Quint)Replacement $ 1,000,000 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS New Dispatch Supervisor $ 84,672 New Dispatcher $ 70,720 New Dispatcher $ 70,720 $ 70,720 New Dispatch Supervisor $ 84,672 New Dispatcher $ 70,720 Dispatch Phone System-Years 2 thru 5 $ 78,000 $ 78,000 $ 78,000 $ 78,000 Dispatch Phone System-Initial Cost $ 150,000 Dispatch Phone System-Years 2 thru 5 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 ANIMAL CONTROL New Animal Control Officer $ 47,188 New PT Kennel Attendants(2) $ 34,393 New Adoption Coordinator $ 47,188 New Animal Control Officer $ 47,188 New MDC's for ACO Vehicles(3) $ 30,000 Replacement MDC's for ACO Vehicles(3) $ 30,000 New-Supervisor Vehicle $ 40,000 Replacement Supervisor Vehicle $ 40,000 Replacements-ACOVehicles&Animal Transport Units $ 100,000 $ 50,000 $ 150,000 $ 75,000 New Adoption Center Facility Addition $ 3,000,000 PLANNING/BUILDING INSPECTIONS/CODE ENFORCEMENT New Ad m in Assistant $ 44,101 New Code Officer $ 54,531 GIS Software Upgrades $ 55,650 $ 55,650 $ 55,650 Unit 133 Vehicle Replacement-Code Enforcement $ 32,000 Unit 135 Vehicle Replacement $ 32,000 Unit 130 Vehicle Replacement-Code Enforcement $ 32,000 Unit 137 Vehicle Replacement $ 32,000 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 1 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 GENERAL FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FV 2018-19 FV 2019-20 FV 2020-21 FV 2021-22 FV 2022-23 FV 2023-24 FV 2024-25 FV 2025-26 FV 2026-27 FV 2027-28 STREETS 1 Administrative Assistant(Fleet) $ 45,000 1 Equipment Operator(Streets) $ 60,000 1 Maintenance Worker II(Stormwater) $ 45,000 1 Maintenance Worker II(Traffic) $ 45,000 1 Maintenance Worker I(Stormwater) $ 40,000 1 Maintenance Worker I(Stormwater) $ 40,000 1 Maintenance Worker I(Traffic) $ 40,000 Asphalt and Concrete Street,Alley,Sidewalk Maintenance $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Comprehensive Street Condition Assessment $ 30,000 1 New Traffic Signal Bucket Truck(Traffic) $ 120,000 $ 120,000 1 New 2-Ton Landscape Truck(Streets) $ 75,000 Replace above Unit $ 75,000 1 New 2-Ton Utility Truck(Stormwater) $ 90,000 Replace above Unit $ 90,000 1 Upgrade Sand Spreader(2yd to 8 yd)(Streets) $ 30,000 1 Upgrade Sand Spreader(2yd to 8 yd)(Streets) $ 30,000 Replace(2)3/4 Ton Pick-Up Trucks(Streets) $ 90,000 Replace Unit 322 1-Ton to 2-Ton Crew Cab(Streets) $ 90,000 Replace Unit 323 1-Ton to 2-Ton Crew Cab(Streets) $ 90,000 Replace Unit 324 1-Ton to 2-Ton Crew Cab(Streets) $ 90,000 Replace Unit 34512-yard Dump Truck(Streets) $ 110,000 Replace Unit 3421/2-Ton Pick-up(Streets) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 3621/2-Ton Pick-up(Streets) $ 40,000 Replace(3)Dixie Chopper Units(Streets) $ 30,000 $ 30,000 New Zero-Turn Mower $ 10,000 Replace above Unit $ 10,000 _....J Street Reconstruction(Bond) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD PARKS Irrigator(Athletics) $ 70,000 Parks Planner/Landscape Architect/Project Manager $ 100,000 Crew Leader(Athletics) $ 75,000 Maintenance Worker II(Athletics) $ 45,000 Maintenance Worker II(Athletics) $ 45,000 Chemical Applicator(Parks) $ 65,000 Maintenance II(Parks) $ 45,000 Athletics Programmer $ 70,000 Maintenance Worker l(Athletics) $ 40,000 Irrigator(Parks) $ 70,000 Maintenance Worker l(Parks) $ 40,000 Maintenance Worker l(Parks) $ 40,000 Crew Leader(Parks) $ 75,000 Parks Supervisor $ 80,000 Twin Lakes Trail Improvements $ 200,000 Master Planning for Muddy Creek Trail Development $ 70,000 Park Service Center Additional Parking and Storage $ 500,000 Bozeman Trail Construction $ 500,000 Feasibility Study for Alanis Open Space $ 20,000 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 1 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 GENERAL FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FV 2018-19 FV 2019-20 FV 2020-21 FV 2021-22 FV 2022-23 FV 2023-24 FV 2024-25 FV 2025-26 FV 2026-27 FV 2027-28 Feasibility Study for Regional Park(NTMWD Landfill) $ 30,000 Feasibility Study for Lavon Lake/USACE Park Development $ 30,000 Add New Vehicle(3/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Add New Mule Side-By-Side ATV $ 16,000 Replace Above Unit $ 40,000 Replace Unit#173(6 Yard Dump Truck) $ 100,000 Replace Unit#M919(Kubota Tractor) $ 70,000 Add New Vehicle 3/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Add New Vehicle 3/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit#M930(Toro Sand Pro) $ 20,000 Add New Spray Truck $ 100,000 Replace Unit 299 3/4-Ton Extended Cab Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit 318 3/4-Ton Crew Cab Truck $ 40,000 Add New Vehicle 1/2 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit#933(5900 Toro Mower) $ 95,000 Add New 5900 Toro Mower $ 95,000 Replace Unit#M931(Toro Spray Rig) $ 35,000 Add New 8X26 Flat bed Trailer $ 20,000 Replace Unit 319 3/4-Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit 320 3/4-Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Add New Vehicle 3/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Add New Vehicle 3/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Add New 5900 Toro Mower $ 95,000 Add New Tractor $ 70,000 Add New Front Loader $ 50,000 Add New Sand Pro $ 20,000 Add New Spray Rig $ 35,000 Replace Unit#T887(8X26 Flatbed Trailer) $ 20,000 Add New 8X26 Flat bed Trailer $ 20,000 Replace Unit 2781-Ton Truck $ 60,000 Replace Unit#3393/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit#3403/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Add New Vehicle 1 Ton Pick-up $ 60,000 Add New Vehicle 3/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit#944(Toro Sand Pro) $ 20,000 Replace Unit#3413/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit 356 3/4-Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit#M897(New Holland Front Loader) $ 60,000 Replace Unit#3583/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit#3591/2 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Unit#3603/4 Ton Pick-up $ 40,000 Replace Mini Excavator $ 30,000 Replace Mule Side-By-Side ATV $ 18,000 Comm Park/Athletic Complex Land Acq.&Constr.(West) $ 8,000,000 East Side Community Park Land Acquisition $ 3,000,000 Community Park Improvements $ 3,000,000 Municipal Complex Amenities $ 3,500,000 Braddock Park Improvements $ 2,000,000 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 1 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 GENERAL FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FV 2018-19 FV 2019-20 FV 2020-21 FV 2021-22 FV 2022-23 FV 2023-24 FV 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FV 2026-27 FY 2027-28 Pe rkside Park Improvements $ 2,000,000 Aquatic Center Construction(Includes Land Acqu sition) $ 10,000,000 LIBRARY Add Sunday Hours,12 pm to 5 pm $ 158,744 New PT Reference Assists nt(MakerSpace) $ 22,074 New Assistant Director $ 102,369 Upgrade/Replace Integrated Library System $ 100,000 Replace Sorter/Self-Check System $ 116,000 Remodel Exit Door $ 6,000 Breakout Windows Teen Center(3) $ 3,500 Upgrade AV Equip.in Computer La b/Storytime/Multi-Room $ 91,000 Remodel Computer Lab $ 50,000 Replace Computer Lab Furniture $ 25,000 Bookmobile $ 390,000 Bookmobile Operations(2 FT Reference Assistants) $ 88,320 COMBINED SERVICES Public Safety Building Remodel $ 12,000,000 Update AV Equipment in Council Cambers $ 86,000 Update AV Equipment in 2nd Floor Conference Room $ 22,000 (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED I$ 22,544,212 I I$ 3,899,123 I I$ 18,262,771 I I$ 17,791,341 I I$ 3,143,230 I I$ 11,638,737 I I$ 4,615,551 I I$ 2,487,683 $ 8,036,748 I I$ 2,963,025 (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED-RECURRING I$ 1,740,712 I I$ L755,123 I I$ 2,006,121 I I$ 1766,341 I I$ 1,124,230 I I$ 495,587 I I$ 651551 I I$ 724,683 I I$ 923,098 I I$ 525,025 (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED-ONE-TIME I$ 2,653,500 I, I$ 2144,000I I$ 2,256,650I I$ 1525,000 I I$ 2,019,000I I$ 1143,150I I$ 2,964,000I I$ 1,763,000I I$ 1,113,650 I I$ 1438,O00 I (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED-CAPITA( s 18,15o6100 I Is - I I$ 14,O00,000 I I$ 14.500,000 1 1$ - I I$ 10,000,000 I I$'. LOOG,OOO I I s I I s 6,000,000 I I s 1O0o,O0o I City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 2 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FV 2018-19 FV 2019-20 FV 2020-21 FV 2021-22 FV 2022-23 FV 2023-24 FV 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FV 2026-27 FY 2027-28 4B SENIOR CENTER Upgrade Facility Supervisor to Facility Manger-SRC $ 100,000 Area Supervisor Fitness,Class,&Front Desk $ 80,000 Senior Center Expansion&Outdoor Activity Area $ 2,000,000 4B PARKS Aquatic Center Operations $ 250,000 $ 500,000 Facility Manager-Aquatic Center $ 80,000 Area Supervisor-Front Desk-Aquatic Center(Seasonal) $ 20,000 Area Supervisor-Staff-Aquatic Center(Seasonal) $ 20,000 Maintenance Supervisor-Aquatic Center $ 60,000 Maintenance Tech-Aquatic Center(Seasonal) $ 20,000 Monitors-Aquatic Center(Seasonal)6-8 staff $ 40,000 GSS-Aquatic Center(Seasonal)2-3 staff $ 15,000 Head Lifeguards(Seasonal)3-4 staff $ 20,000 Lifeguards(Seasonal)10-15 staff $ 90,000 Program Supervisor-Aquatic Center $ 80,000 New Vehicle-Maintenance Supervisor-Aquatic Center $ 25,000 Friendship Park Playground Replacement $ 60,000 Kirby Park Playground Replacement $ 40,000 Valentine Park Playground Replacement $ 40,000 Riverway Playground Replacement $ 50,000 Southbrook Playground Replacement $ 20,000 Creekside I Playground Replacement $ 40,000 Sage Creek Playground Replacement $ 40,000 Birmingham Farms Playground Replacement $ 50,000 Pirate Cove Playground Replacement $ 500,000 Twin Lakes Playground $ 60,000 Wylie Lake Playground Replacement $ 60,000 Pheasant Creek Playground Replacement $ 50,000 Creekside II Playground Replacement $ 50,000 Olde City Park Playground Replacement $ 125,000 Eureka Park Playground Replacement $ 50,000 ,.........Founders Park Improvements $ 2,000,000 4B RECREATION Facility Supervisor to Facility Manager-WRC $ 20,000 Rec Programmer-Front Desk to Area Supervisor-Front Desk $ 15,000 New Recreation Superintendent $ 120,000 New Area Supervsor-Promotions-DIVISION $ 80,000 New Area Supervisor Maintenance-DIVISION $ 80,000 New Program Manager DIVISION $ 100,000 New Area Supervisor Fitness-WRC $ 80,000 New Area Supervisor-Childcare,Class,&Meeting Rooms $ 80,000 New Asst.Superintendent-Operation Services $ 110,000 Replace Unit 337 Van(Rec) $ 30,000 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 2 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FV 2018-19 FV 2019-20 FV 2020-21 FV 2021-22 FV 2022-23 FV 2023-24 FV 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FV 2026-27 FY 2027-28 Replace Unit 338 yen(Rec) $ 30,000 Replace Unit 321 Bus(Rec) $ 70,000 New Vehicle-Maintenance Supervisor $ 40,000 Replace Unit 382 Bus(Rec)for new bus WSRC $ 70,000 Wylie Recreation Center Renovations $ 1,000,000 Recreation Annex $ 2,000,000 (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED I$ 175,000 I I$ 70,000 I I$ 5,260,000 I I$ 300,000 I I$ 560,000 I I$ 1,390,000 I I$ 1,130,000 $ 515,000 1 1$ 160,000 1 1$ - (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED-RECURRING I$ 35,000 I 1$ - 1 1$ 120,000 I I$ 180,000 I I - I 1 330,000 I I$ 945,000I I$ 340,0001 I$ 1108001 1$ - 1 (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED-ONE-TIME 1$ 140:0001, 1$ 70,0001 1$ 140,000 I 1$ 1200001 1$ 560,0001 1$ 60,0001 1$ 185,0001 1$ 175:0001 1$ 50.0001 1$ - ' 1 (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING.:NEEDED-CAPITAL I - I I - I I$ 5.QQU.QQU I I$ - 1 1$ - I I$ 1:008O0U I I$:. - I I$ I I$ I I$ - 1 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 3 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 UTILITY FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FV 2018-19 FV 2019-20 FV 2020-21 FV 2021-22 FV 2022-23 FV 2023-24 FV 2024-25 FV 2025-26 FV 2026-27 FV 2027-28 UTILITIES-WATER Design and Construction 8"Water Line on Second Street $ 260,000 Des&Const8"WL on Dogwood from Stone to Butler $ 250,000 3 New Water Pump Station Back-up Power Generators $ 425,000 Des&Contt 8"WL on Duncan,Hilltop and Second St. $ 125,000 Des&Const8"WL on Oak from Birmingham to Ballard $ 75,000 Des&Const8"WL on Keefer from Brown to Jefferson $ 70,000 Des&Const8"WL on Butler from Ballard to Hilltop $ 175,000 Des&Const8"WL on Bria rwood from Stone to Park $ 75,000 Des&Const8"WL on Ballard from Oak to Brown $ 150,000 Des&Const8"WL on Ballard from Brown to Harvest Bend $ 225,000 Des&Const8"WL on S Jackson from SH 78 to Marble $ 125,000 Des&Const8"WL on Hilltop from Stone to Butler $ 175,000 Repaint Decker Court Elevated Storage Tank $ 75,000 Replace(2)3/4-Ton Pick-up Trucks(Water) $ 70,000 Replace Unit 14211/2-Ton to 2-Ton Util Bed Truck(Water) $ 70,000 Replace Unit 14611/2-Ton to 2-Ton Util Bed Truck(Water) $ 90,000 Replace Unit 149 1/2-Ton to 3/4-Ton Pick-up Truck(Water) $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Replace Unit 2571-Ton to 2-Ton Utility Bed Truck(Water) $ 78,000 Replace Unit 2791/2-Ton Pick-up(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 2801/2-Ton Pick-up(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 2861/2-Ton to 3/4-Ton Pick-up(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 2871/2-Ton to 3/4-Ton Pick-up(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 2881/2-Ton to 3/4-Ton Pick-up(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 31312-yard Dump Truck(Water) $ 110,000 Replace Unit 314 1/2-Ton Pick-up Truck(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 315 1/2-Ton Pick-up Truck(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 316 1/2-Ton Pick-up Truck(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 3572-Ton Utility Truck(Water) $ 70,000 Replace Unit 906 Caterpillar Backhoe(Water) $ 110,000 Replace Unit 916 Mini Excavator(Water) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 809 Belche Trailer(Water) $ 10,000 ,.........Ballard Elevated Storage Tank Replacement $ 5,100,000 UTILITIES-WASTEWATER 1 Maintenance Worker II(Wastewater) $ 45,000 1 New Vac-Truck(Wastewater) $ 375,000 Replace above Unit $ 375,000 Replace Unit 2561-Ton to 2-Ton Util Bed Trk(Wastewater) $ 90,000 2 New Lift Station Back-up Power Generators $ 225,000 Replace Unit 2703/4-Ton Pick-up(Wastewater) $ 40,000 Replace Unit 808 Belche Trailer(Wastewater) $ 10,000 Replace Unit 300 letter(Wastewater) $ 100,000 Replace Unit 917 Skid Steer Loader(Wastewater) $ 40,000 Sanitary Sewer Collection System Repair/Rehabilitation TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 3 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 UTILITY FUND =Recurring Costs =One-Time Costs PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED =Capital Items(Req Additional Debt) FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 ENGINEERING Engineering Assistant $ 82,375 New Admin Assistant $ 44,101 New Construction Inspector $ 58,894 Unit 271 Replacement $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Unit 361 Replacement $ 35,000 $ 35,000 New 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck $ 35,000 $ 35,000 UTILITY BILLING New Utility Billing Clerk $ 41,216 New Utility Billing Clerk $ 41,216 (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED I$ 1,117,375 I I$ 6,210,317 I I$ 350,000 I I$ 398,894 I I$ $10,000 I I$ 515,000 I I$ 221,216 I I$ - I I$ 180,000 I I$ 528,000 TTOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED-RECURRING I$ 82,375 1, 1$ 130,312 I ;IS - I IS 58,894 1 1$ - 1 I$ - I I$ 41,2161 I$ I I$ 1 I$ - 1 (TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED-ONE-TIME # 1$ 1,035,000 I 1$ # 980,000 I I$ #350,000 I 1$ 340,000 I 1$ 610,000 I 1$ 515,000 I 1$ 180,000 I 1$ 1 1$ 180,000 I 1$ 528,000I ITOTAI_ADDITIONtiL FUNDING NEEDED-CAPITAL 1$ - I 1$ 5,00,000 I 1$ - I 1$ - 1 1$ - I 1$ - I 1$ - I 1$ I 1$ - I 1$ - 1 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 4 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 THOROUGHFARE PROJECTS PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 Ballard/Alanis Signal $ 250,000 Eubanks Ln/Lynda Ln(78 to NTMWD Drive) $ 387,000 $ 311,000 FM 544(N.of Alfred to County Line) $ 1,000,000 $ 4,021,250 Woodbridge Pkwy/Hensley Signal $ 25,000 $ 250,000 Impact Fee Study&Thoroughfare Plan Update $ 50,000 $ 50,000 McMillen Rd(McCreary to FM 1378) $ 1,500,000 $ 5,076,150 Ann Dr(Kamber to Parker Rd) $ 330,000 $ 795,000 Ballard Ave(Creek Crossing to Muddy Creek) $ 250,000 $ 3,000,000 Pleasant Valley Rd(Ballard to City Limits) $ 500,000 $ 5,000,000 Highland Oaks Dr(Highland Ridge to Alanis) $ 1,006,250 Park Blvd(FM 2514 to Spring Creek) $ 7,663,500 $ 7,663,500 Park Blvd(FM 1378 to City Limits) $ 1,000,000+ $ 4,217,500 (TOTAL COST ASSOCIATED WITH PROJECT I$ 4,042,000 I I$ 14,509,650 I I$ 5,000,000 I I$ 7,663,500 I I$ 7,663,500 I I$ 1,000,000 I I$ - I I$ 4,717,500 I I$ I I$ 1 ITOTALALwOUNTcURRENTLY FUNDED I$ 4.041,000 1 I$ 5 38,50a I I$ - I 1$ - 11$ - I I$ - I I$ - I I$ I I$ - 1 1$ - 1 (TOTAL ADDITIONALFIJNDING NEEDED-CAPITAL I$ - I I$ 8,871,150 I I$ S.000.000 I 1$ 7,661,500 I I$ 7,661,500 I I$ 1,000.000 I I$".. - I I$ 4,717,500 I I$ 1 1$ - 1 y_E€#&1.€&t=aS !i%€:t-€IIa=€€.F. ,a.glilaiga_Z-&iP-1-4.,=i a _ _ ®— City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 5 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 CAPITAL PROJECTS(BY FUND) PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Unit 109(Quint)Replacement $ 950,000 Station 4 Construction $ 4,000,000 Apparatus for stetion4 $ 1,200,000 Relocate Station 1 Construction $ 4,000,000 Unit 108(Quint)Replacement $ 1,000,000 Station 5 Construction $ 5,000,000 Apparatus for stations $ 1,000,000 Unit 116(Quint)Replacement $ 1,000,000 ANIMAL CONTROL INew Adoption Center Facility Addition I I I I I I$ 3,000,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I STREETS Istreet Reconstru ion(Bond) I I I I TBD I I TBD I I TBD I I TBD I I TBD I I TBD I I TBD I I TBD PARKS Comm Park/Athletic Complex Land Acq.&Constr.(West) $ 8,000,000 East side Community Park Land Acquisition $ 3,000,000 Community Park Improvements $ 3,000,000 Municipal Complex Amenities $ 3,500,000 Braddock Park Improvements $ 2,000,000 Pe rkside Park Improvements $ 2,000,000 Aquatic Center Construction(Includes Land Acquisition) $ 10,000,000 COMBINED SERVICES 'Public Safety Building Remodel $ 12,000,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 ITOTAI_ADDmON/\1FDNDLNGt4EEDED-CAPITAL I$ '..18,15O,000I I$ - I I$ 14.O00000 I I$ 14$00,000I I$ - I I$ 10,000,000 I I$ 1.000.000 I I$ I I$ 6,000.000 I I$ 1.O00.000J -F ILA a#&4.-&ts :UCLA _EU,K-14, = a ®_ 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND 4B SENIOR CENTER l senior Center Expansion&Outdoor Activity Area I I I I$ 2,000,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4B PARKS (Founders Park Improvements 1 1 1 I$ 2,000,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 4B RECREATION Wylie Recreation Center Renovations $ 1,000,000 Recreation Annex $ 2,000,000 ITOTa1ADDITIONaI_FLINDING NEEDED-CAPITAL I$ - 1 I$ - 1 I$ 5.00a.000 1 1$ - 1 J$ - 1 1$ 2.OU0.OU0 1 1$ - 1 1$ 1 1$ 1 1$ - 1 City of Wylie,Texas EXHIBIT 5 Future Years Department Requests For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2028 CAPITAL PROJECTS(BY FUND) PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 UTILITY FUND UTILITIES-WATER (Ballard Elevated Storage Tank Replacement I I$ 5,100,000 I I I I I I ITOTaLADDITIONAl_FUNDING NEEDED-CAPITAL IS - I IS 5,1OOOOR I IS - I IS - I I$ - I IS - I IS - I IS I IS I IS - I gggggggggg g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g m g a, M r, e ELL �o o a�o o a o o 5 O G O G O G O G O G O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m .����M MQ o m m m m m m m m m m M m M m M m M m M m m Mai a Go fg M--a - N ' ' ry ' M a LL M a M LQ g g g N g g g g g e g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g e gd N m m e o o e o e o e o e o e o d o d o d o d o m oSoi� S O, m mjilL' n ,. ,. ,. ,. .i .i ry a m ry e n V N N ry n n m m ui o MMM m m m m m m MMMMMMMMM m m 5, 55HRRER a, �, nooa�ooaooe o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e mN���M � Mm o m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m M m a LL 0 .. a e M M .. 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S pg ¢ ., atop-."T ...� ��.,--� d nwN�� �, ,�,.t�..,b,&, .� ,.,;,ywwxx1 yt lei g \, `� ,� r 1p . ft„.it t3� " P II F {\ ` 9 tT uiS A .� 1 e b _, ,.- s . S I a.,>..<,.. 4 *!' '� k C' :Ex4 tt2c�t,4kn• ,�� m. � • sim . • -II g� p¢¢ p S P _ «." +w • � La , r a l -L. v..a... .� 4 tiw^ A�. _ - i .A R^.. f cnt Option A Phase 1 - $7.5 Million • Renovate Existing for Police, Holding and Courts • Try to reuse as much existing walls as possible • Keep major plumbing in existing areas • Dispatch in new Hardened Addition. • Fire Admin to remain in City Hall Phase 2 - $12.3 Million (in Today's Dollars) • New Courts and Lobby • Police Addition with Sallyport • Renovate former Courts into Fire Administration and Training Option A - Phase 1 , „,.„..i 5 ,'4.r.`4,1„2 yiHil € i 7 x k � ." �'�arw - 3 s .. :(4 � r# .. . w7 i e _ _ tw It 1 re, aµ ttt,,t,t, ,'',N,,,,It:,,,,,,,;vc,,,,t;:lit4:::::714::::::;: r————---—I ' itto4.„t4,004teptip titt,;'ix i ? itiN w 0 1 I ' x E i: tt t r,-v+are''.., _r' K ,s:v .r; Yam*'.d.• —.—., .�.._..�.___...._�.. ....._..._....,_....—. .mom.��.�,..,.�, _..,.,_._,�..,.....ma_,_._ � ,_.,........�.,.� ._m .t..4rwrase,-, h:s+wry ?} f $ —• E r ,_.,...._..i _-I t z ww '' L ,. d , ...., 1 q e q e il k Fire Admin Option A - Phase 2 , „ ... ., , , , .„,.,,,,, 5 ,ax F t roll- • 3-� ,: ,..,'m.. ..— ,,, a �.... ..... ... .._.. -.... ,n ,,, a. ..._�. _. • 44MiF Ril ' yS t • yy • �° 9 'IsiY d � a �...� { F�} � �'�kt y Z 1 t Y P . fit S 1{ t y t { x ._ .. �". ' .. r t$f v 4 tS yit }i t { '^ t a t �; Y t { ' VV' " " "^ww'v„ Fs - 4 FM°�w 1 q in e ` 66 .....Y• .,N..,..........,.....,. ..;,,,... .,.„,„.�,.., .,. p- r—— .:..�..,.,,, tom..,..... ,.,e...�m,�u _�.:.,mm.�,.m.... .m,.m.,,a a.o_.._ { { E i Option A rti Phase 1-Renovate Existing for Police, Holding and Courts- New Hardened Dispatch Phase 2- New Courts and Lobby, Add on for Police, Renovate Courts for Fire Admin Phase 1 Construction 36,980 $ 202.81 $ 7,500,000 Notes Base Building Demo/Repair 33,350 $ 47.00 $ 1,567,450 Roof, Exterior& HVAC Renovation 22,475 $ 155.00 $ 3,483,625 Police and Holding Renovation Minimal 10,875 $ 100.00 $ 1,087,500 Courts Area New Dispatch-Hardened 3,630 $ 375.00 $ 1,361,425 Dispatch only-Support in building Site costs not included Phase 1 36,980 $ 202.81 $ 7,500,000 Notes Courts/Lobby/Restrooms 10,875 Min Renovation of Existing Police/Holding 20,175 Keep major Plumbing locations Building Support 1,300 Keep Existing Dispatch -Support 1,000 Support for All Staff Dispatch-Hardened 3,630 Dispatch only-Support in building Fire Admin/EOC Stay in City Hall Phase 2(2028 Need) 45,670 $ 269.47 $ 12,306,750 Not Escalated for inflation Police/Holding 17,525 $ 280.00 $ 4,907,000 New Sa l l ypo rt 3,900 $ 200.00 $ 780,000 N e w Fire Admin 5,340 $ 150.00 $ 801,000 Renovate Courts Area to Fire Admin EOC/Support 5,530 $ 375.00 $ 2,073,750 New Hardened Public Area 5,575 $ 280.00 $ 1,561,000 Lobby/Community Room Courts 7,800 $ 280.00 $ 2,184,000 N e w Phase 3(2038 Need) 1,270 Total without Escalation $ 19,806,750 Option A — Phase 1 Pros • Uses the Existing Structure --, T i"......„,„ ,,,,„„,,,„,,, , =� ' , .,„ • New Dispatch is in Hardened Structure ��„";;, ..„,„... .„; �' �9 1 Conslir FF7 1, 5 ,, • Compromise On Police Layout To Use , �� p y As Much Of Existing Walls And Plumbing As Possible To Lower Cost Of � �y� Renovation �� f 1. `., y ro,i t5 7 tt ` - tk`tt x \ i • Courts Back in Existing Layout mm • Fire Administration Stays at City Hall �r � r E _ v Phase 2 - Renovates Courts Area For A Second Time Option B Phase 1 - $7.5 Million • Renovate Existing for Police, Holding and a New Safe Room • Dispatch Stays in Portables • Fire Admin and Courts to Remain in City Hall Phase 2 - $6.4 Million (in today's Dollars) • New Dispatch and Support • New Hardened Fire Admin /Marshal • New EOC • Courts Stay in City Hall Phase 3 - $5.7 Million (in Today' s Dollars) • Courts & Public Areas • Police Addition Option B MIN Phase 1 . „ . . _ . • • . „ . . N. , -, „ 4, , , 7 , f f , 'f,,„ . ,'. ' ' • If 3 4 tft".f.f ,! .f,S•f Lf,f,7 - , .„- - ,f ,. . . ifff.„..JH , fHIHITHI !'fI.,!!111111!!! Itiff , W1 , rm""A"'",2-11mYoorrli'•*1.1,,, A• , „ , ,, „, C-••,.•- f 1 ,,f 1, ,. , . , . t , ' '''/ , '.;-.7,--_,--.",„ 7.:•)' .: 1 :',, i 1. 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'nti t ttni{}I{{t g ` ,.,� 4,.. .... ; i(: u',Ann,* {,,,e 7§lg#tyo ks't,, * &i ${5}zS37��v 3}r1?�\i?t��y, h. V �-I�.`^y..y gt °£ ltt r,,t. t rs n.n7 1,f IDS 1rtyZ pl IN _ . -.. no no---Fa t toot r o***' $ pp %,5$1 #Si?ftt„., � t "ul• _..__.,. ...,...:_ < rvta- t t( ?t{3. t�t yrrm .. t ��t'r^ �4t?3 t d� 1 t n d,`'�ti,# t SSt c .4 • p ". �.�. no,'� #t}Y t 4;, it t t,t o f� t jy}� {'fir no t`}3tottontnnit+}�4tr�`� if } (..114.x:,Ain fnt----? ,, ,1,a', 2.,,t':.. n 3 r=tion b r w9' R�rS` t ..,., ., '",t`�t11}riSt>e no rity}'vi?fi'r Z,,,,..,:a#a, ,,..,nnonononnonionnonno -t ra "s'�' • w of tl 4110 .a.:3':. "� s t t { " a jtonv tintio ,�.-..�,�,�,.,�..,®� ,.®...,w...�.-.�....,w ,..... • • k Y _ K I t i S S ) b ry" u'u \n(\A\\p\\ t,( ttni\}tto } 4t z\\}j o ( n )1:111.1111\ e�\\ \\\ i f Qt t\ Courts Option B - Phase 3 . . . , . , , ... . , ., �ri E yy a. , 1 ..; • £ dto 3£t s ' �;;a ,,*i . ",tria;',t £ ,.��. YiYkt > ha+,{ �l l�y� yY�' r `a*4 >t dii ;�,{Ydf a q 1 i:5 1�£'t wit, ,p �;o �m 5 F 5 N o ,y t'p t£G`yti S k 2..a.. ;t)�111zz x�-�"?`;;,S2t�7z`"4., :,&1 `_, l a � t ,1s�ifY>,.Ott;;�,�,ft,`~,`<lF�,Y),`i ,ss�`,�y�,,< ;�., ,,,.w, ' K' Al++ „ £ . `I l.£, lrt,t�'},n<«,,;%yt,Y `'�',3�.n£`isnir`.t?rl``;S£ t£S?rT�'la41,�izstzl.: °A,,, '' § £ £i :S 11� ,`,v it?fl oliN>„szF#4i£}fr#,y t.N..�ti��, j.FWI,' `- ->..x,..,. ,. .. :Si 3 t£ 4, S} � xr t ;. +una t l�l,illtit? 4 al,;t4� Y i ,,,*Y .urn: ,.,z:�. ai: Y 1 { ,,im .ra+,ma tim 2` ,.t. " �l}1Y ?Y U titz tt7l`l.�t *. , .__ £�e,...,a".11 3Y'.y'l t�+ lE i # n..ult41 '�`, i}a.x`•ti£gEt{V�S�i.c`E 31� �s13 s4: z2� 'l*.,,31£ f f, t'; s 3 t ad :':',.;t��,t,l�.„tis:�Iit2tt ,pa, ?f,(`E t�J? ??`�2 '�, j'_J:rlI "P as it It': S to pp§�,e I H i t+`aS "t�'"`'�t%'qh 'A`R� _ .jA` 011}111111117101 fl — #'k:. •alM sx�, ;' ? S, �t7 pp}�r p '`+t ..„.at,i ?S� 'i' f5 98 �,:: zt t ,_..t o lit tOkAt 1 £s s�t. r}zf t �£ fir � " s l y ti 4£i `,jW £ `'` ,,. { 't tti ti `z S ' . z+v � � 'tt,llsrittomotittittftfm jr{ttfl;Ei stlilz �s max ,£ s sY` 1 ft� __,�. - t l�is(rts £ ''Cli't� �ITI -,- _..._.,.. ........:.. y, i�W- t M '' by ,E} fft 'tfu t rinft'`�' ti..t s tri to$ �0}1 ., T 3 t } `: !1t41!iAM� - d^r,l a. ; s £l t a 1,r,K3 over,'�'`� ~A r a xy ttt}�i slil liz 4ltli{ t : .. ,[ ��1 ,M,41 4 SY't: r& , 'n'f. ,:,,... } 147�}t?�l�f `'t?f»�111 pyt f 7 k,. ski ._at �.' Y.xt,v ,..�.,.�..-? ' .,, ,,? ,2FEY • 3 1 :.4ae £ �r ,£f�„ �t lt,}tE �` 7 �{t£Pz„iE s rcE43s :'E aS tialtrG F' S t 1" '� k .l ,t ",,, `t� r) t -.. .r'; �'v' ...,-G.,ci x. .,.,±''.�`6a Y o- , FRS J }. £i{{k 1 U 'v fl ;3n Sib f( } t L ,,rt £ 1 :u �A>s f.,,a,,,ta.ot.,[.-4t.t.i4ot. ettatto4 vat a a , r k fi t' • t 1 i 1 r c " _ -.. ..A.?_ p __ _ _ o. ... ,.. ,` Option B Phase 1-Renovate Existing for Police, Holding and New Safe Room w/restroom Option B Dispatch stayinportables, Fire Admin and Courts stayin CityHall p Phase 2- New Hardened Fire Admin, EOC, and Dispatch (Courts Stay in City Hall) Phase 3-Courts, Public Areas and Police Addition Phase 1 Construction 33,750 $ 218.34 $ 7,368,950 Notes Base Building Demo/Repair 33,350 $ 47.00 $ 1,567,450 Roof, Exterior& HVAC Renovation 33,350 $ 170.00 $ 5,669,500 Police and Holding New Safe Room w/Restroom 400 $ 330.00 $ 132,000 (space for 65) Site costs not included Phase 1 33,750 $ 218.34 $ 7,368,950 Notes Police/Holding 32,050 Keep major Plumbing locations Building Support 1,300 Keep Existing New Safe Room w/Restroom 400 Small Training Room w/RR(shelter for) Phase 2(2028 Need) 19,420 $ 330.64 $ 6,420,950 Not Escalated for inflation Fire Admin 5,340 $ 330.00 $ 1,762,200 New Hardened EOC/Support 5,530 $ 375.00 $ 2,073,750 New Hardened Dispatch 5,000 $ 375.00 $ 1,875,000 New Hardened Sallyport/Veh. Processing 3,550 $ 200.00 $ 710,000 New Phase 3(2038 Need) 20,575 $ 280.00 $ 5,761,000 Not Escalated for inflation Police Addition 6,000 $ 280.00 $ 1,680,000 New Public Area 5,575 $ 280.00 $ 1,561,000 New Lobby/Community Room Courts 7,700 $ 280.00 $ 2,156,000 N e w Additional Police and Fire 1,300 $ 280.00 $ 364,000 New Total without Escalation $ 19,550,900 Option B _ ._,.. _ ,. , Pros 7.,,,,,,,,,.., z • Uses the Existin Structure ` s �� fa g „. ',.„14,,,,,,,,:. , .• : ,,,,,„;E„,,,.. • Most Police Square Footage in Phase 1 a • New Hardened Safe Room for Staff Cons • Dispatch Stays •in Portables k,"'�'�3`���`� r � • Fire Administ • ration Stays at City Hall , ' 4a , g �`{_ • Courts Stay in City Hall Until Phase 31 z Si `@ aa.' { Tat Ertl�i E a t { s'fi b a k tlw 1 r �'ti a � Option C Phase 1 - $7.5 Million • All New • Police and Holding (5,000 sf more than current) • New Hardened Dispatch • Fire Admin and Courts Stay in City Hall Phase 2 - $8.3 Million (in Today's Dollars) • Police Addition and Add Sallyport • Courts and Public Area • Fire Admin and Marshal Stay in City Hall Phase 3 - $5.9 Million (in Today's Dollars) • Fire Admin/ Marshal • EOC & Support • Dispatch Growth Option C - Phase 1 DISPATCH I4.009 A'&44.014014000)040044 RkiAt***10kb pos.SF) Remain Fire Admin Courts Option C - Phase 2 „„„„..,...... ...,......„. .0,,„„,,,,,,,.„ �TC ,„„,, .. I awmommilmivommosomnal..' \ ,\ i a W ip�i,�(y,gyyp„p. 1 %!: �� �\\0 l Re �iri �' Hulk Fire Admin Option - Phase 3 ..,„,..„„„.......1111 ,,,,,,.,,,......r,,,,,,,,„,„„,,,,,,,,,z,„, ,....,,,,.„..,:,N 01,;‘,,,,4,44,1",NNWAtti p Option C Phase 1-New Building- New Police and Holding, New Hardened Dispatch with parking Fire Admin and Courts stay in City Hall Phase 2- Police Addition, Sallyport, Courts and Public Area (Fire Admin Stays in City Hall) Option C Phase 3- Fire Amin, EOC/Support and Dispatch Growth Phase 1 Construction 21,000 $ 357.24 $ 7,502,000 Notes Police 12,500 $ 280.00 $ 3,500,000 New Min Police Holding 4,500 $ 500.00 $ 2,250,000 New Min Holding Dispatch Only 4,000 $ 375.00 $ 1,500,000 New Hardened Spaces Cost/SF Parking and Subgrade 80 $ 9.00 $ 252,000 Phase 1 21,000 $ 357.24 $ 7,502,000 Notes Police 12,500 New Min Police Holding 4,500 New Min Holding- no sallyport Dispatch Only 4,000 New Dispatch Only Phase 2(2028 Need) 30,975 $ 269.93 $ 8,361,000 Not Escalated for inflation Police Addition 13,700 $ 280.00 $ 3,836,000 New Sallyport 3,900 $ 200.00 $ 780,000 New Public Area 5,575 $ 280.00 $ 1,561,000 Lobby/Community Room Courts 7,800 $ 280.00 $ 2,184,000 New Phase 3(2038 Need) 19,132 $ 312.42 $ 5,977,310 Not Escalated for inflation Police Addition 7,262 $ 280.00 $ 2,033,360 New Fire Admin 5,340 $ 280.00 $ 1,495,200 New EOC/Support 5,530 $ 375.00 $ 2,073,750 New Hardened Dispatch Addition 1,000 $ 375.00 $ 375,000 New Hardened Dispatch Expan Total without Escalation $ 21,840,310 Option C Pros • Does Not Spend Money To Get To A Base Building • New Hardened Dispatch Phase 1 Cons • Smallest Square Footage for Police Phase 1 • New Holding is Smaller Than 2018 Need But Larger Than Existing • Courts Stay in City Hall Until somma Phase 2 • Fire Admin and EOC Stay in City Hall Until Phase 3 ,1^ Phase 1 Options Comparison All Options Have a $7.5 Million Phase 1 Department IIM=I Option A Option B Option C • Option A Public 3,575 3,575 Police 11,800 21,000 33,000 17,000 • Renovate Existing for Police Courts 7,300 7,300 (21 ,000 SF) and Courts (reuse walls) Dispatch 1,800 3,600 Portable 4,000 Fire Admin 4,000 MEMMEMMEM • Leaves Fire Admin at City Hall • New Hardened Dispatch • Option B • Renovate Existing for Police (32,000 SF) with New Small Safe Room • Dispatch Stay in Portables • Fire Admin and Courts Stay in City Hall • Option C • New Building Police ( 16,500 SF) and Hardened Dispatch • Fire Admin and Courts Stay in City Hall