04-20-2017 (Public Arts Advisory) Agenda Packet Ait Public Arts Advisory Board CITY;F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Public Arts Advisory Board April 20, 2017 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex City Council Chambers/Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Lynn Grimes Chairman Brooke Lopez Vice Chairman Michael Schwerin Board Member Michelle Pugh Board Member Nancy Peirce Board Member Lisa Green Board Member Anita Jones Board Member Carole Ehrlich Board Liaison Carole Ehrlich Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516-6023 or TD 972.516.6026. CALL TO ORDER DISCUSSION ITEMS • Update regarding the 2016 Thoroughfare Public Art Projects. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison) Executive Summary Staff will provide an update on the progress of artists Michael Szabo and John Davis and the fabrication designs of the three sites. • Discussion and update regarding Bluegrass on Ballard, July 1, 2017. April 20,2017 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 Executive Summary Staff and the board will discuss times and duties for each member during the event. Also for discussion is the purchase and sale of glow sticks for addition fund raising. Two shifts 6:30 am — 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm — 10:00 pm Volunteers and Logistics • Report regarding Public Art in the Community and Maquette Reception — Sponsored by El Centro Community College Executive Summary Chair Lynn Grimes and I attended Public Art in the Community panel discussion at the Bill Priest Building, downtown Dallas, which is part of El Centro Community College. Staff will report on the art coordinator discussions regarding a possible certification course for emerging artists, centered on public art. Many regional artists attended and displayed their maquettes. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the March 16, 2016 Public Arts Advisory Board Regular Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) 2. Consider and act upon the renewal of Café for 2017 Call for Artists (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) Executive Summary Café is a Call for Artist system that allows the board, staff and selection committees to review images, resumes, and other required documents online from artists applying for each Call for Artist project. Last year we utilized this system for the Thoroughfare CIP Art projects and the system worked very well for all viewers. We have the opportunity to renew the contract for an additional year. Based on the plans for additional art in 2017-2018, staff is recommending approval of the renewal. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 17th day of April, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed 741 Public Arts Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE ■ Minutes Regular Meeting March 16, 2017 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 CALL TO ORDER The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m. by Chair Lynn Grimes. Board members present included: Lynn Grimes, Michele Pugh, Michael Schwerin, and Anita Jones. Lisa Green, Nancy Peirce and Brooke Lopez were absent. Staff present included: Carole Ehrlich, board liaison. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Update regarding the 2016 Thoroughfare Public Art Projects. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison) Staff Comments Carole Ehrlich, staff liaison provided an update on the progress of artists Michael Szabo and John Davis and the fabrication designs of the three sites. She stated that Michael Szabo (Sites 1 & 2) was on schedule and fabricating both art pieces. Site installation of both art site was scheduled for early June. Ehrlich reported John Davis (Site 3) had concluded some base and art design issues and would be submitting the engineering plans and continuing with his fabrication. Site installation was scheduled for end of July 2017. • Discussion regarding an art placement site for the additional art piece from event funds. Stagg Comments Staff liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that there were several locations in front of the Animal Shelter with no restriction of utility lines. She indicated that after speaking with Sheila Patton, Animal Shelter supervisor, she recommended a median location adjacent to the entrance to the shelter. She explained that future construction of an animal adoption center was under review for the front portion of March 16,2017 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Page 12 the location and would be adjacent to the area recommended for the art. She reported the Call for Artists will have a theme of"Rescue" the Power of Adoption. Ehrlich stated the Call for Artists would be completed sometime in early June with a fall 2017/winter 2018 installation. The board previewed the recommended location for the art site and directed staff to continue with the plans presented. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the February 16, 2016 Public Arts Advisory Board Regular Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) Board Action A motion was made by board member Pugh, seconded by board member Jones to approve the February 16, 2017 Public Arts Advisory Board minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Lopez, Peirce, and Green absent. ADJOURNMENT Board Action A motion was made by board member Pugh, seconded by board member Jones to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 p.m. . A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Lopez, Peirce, and Green absent. Lynn Grimes, Chair Carole Ehrlich, Secretary Public Arts Advisory Board CIT_ILV1 Y OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 20, 2017 Item Number: Item#2 Department: PAAB Board Liaison (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code: Fund 175 —Public Art Fund Date Prepared: April 13, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon the renewal of Cafe for 2017 Call for Artists (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) Recommendation Motion to approve the renewal of Café for Call for Artists beginning September 1, 2017 and ending August 31, 2018 at a cost of$525.00 with the option to pay an additional $425.00 for an additional call. Discussion Café is a Call for Artist system that allows the board, staff and selection committees to review images, resumes, and other required documents online from artists applying for each Call for Artist project. Last year we utilized this system for the Thoroughfare CIP Art projects and the system worked very well for all viewers. I would like to start the renewal period in late August/September of 2017 to allow for an additional call within the annual renewal. Initially pay the renewal of $525.00 with the option to purchase a second call for an additional cost of$425.00 within the renewal year. Page 1 CaFETM SERVICE RENEWAL AGREEMENT Ca WESTAF 11743 Wazee Street Suite 300 I Denver, Colorado 80202 I www.westaf.org 11322221223 P (303) 629.1166 I F (303) 629.9717 This Renewal Agreement is dated on ,2017 ("Effective Date") and entered into between Western States Arts Federation, a Colorado nonprofit corporation ("WESTAF"), and the client identified in the signature block of this Agreement ("Client') for the renewal of Client's term under the original CaFE Service Agreement. WESTAF and Client agree as follows: 1. Annual Renewal and Fees. CaFE and Client agree that Client remains eligible for CaFE's pricing structure. Client agrees to renew its CaFE Service under the Service Agreement for the following annual access term and use fees per contest/s during that term, as follows: 12 Month Access Term from "Effective Date" , 2017 to , 20 Fees during an Access Term: Single Public Art Call RENEWAL included with renewal 1 call $525.00 Additional Calls: All calls in a package must be started within the annual term. Check to Select Package Number of Calls Use Fee ❑ Two Public Art Calls 2 $950.00 Concrete Package 3 $1,290.00 Steel Package 5 $2,100.00 ❑ Bronze Package 9 $3,675.00 Copper Package 15 $5,775.00 — All plans include up to 250 applicants per call and up to 20 media samples 1 per application. (Only 6 of these 20 media samples may be in the form of audio or video files 2.) 1 Media samples are defined as images, audio samples,or video samples. 2 Can be any combination of audio and/or video files, not to exceed 6 total Upgrade Options: Description Fee per call Option A: Accept an additional 100 artist profiles per call $150.00 Option B: Accept 2 additional media samples per call $200.00 [Check as applicable:] Client has elected to El include or El exclude an upgrade option as part of the CaFE Service. If included, then Client has agreed to purchase Upgrade Option(s) 'and accordingly, agrees to pay the corresponding use fees. If client modifies the Upgrade Options during the Term, then client agrees to pay the corresponding use fees. If client excludes the Upgrade Options, and later modifies options or incurs applicants or media samples beyond the maximum allowed per call during the Term, then client agrees to pay the corresponding use fees. 2. Meaning of Terms. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the terms used in this Agreement shall have the same meaning ascribed to them in the Service Agreement. 3. Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall be deemed as a part of the Service Agreement. Except as modified by this Agreement, all terms and conditions of the Service Agreement remain in full force and effect. Any reference to the Service Agreement in any other documents shall be construed as including this Agreement. The duly authorized representatives of CaFE and Client have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. Client: WESTAF Western States Arts Federation Date: Date: Signature: Signature: Printed: Printed: Title: Title: Address: CaFE Manager 1743 Wazee Street, Suite 300 Denver, CO 80202 For WESTAF Use Only For WESTAF Use Only I Licensee: PA INVOICE PAID SETUP ACTIVATED FEE AMOUNT PAYMENT NOTES RENEWED with One Public Art Call $525.00 Received I Awaiting I Bill Artist Profile Fee(over 250) / Received I Awaiting I Bill I I N/A I Auto Image/Media Fee(over 20) Received I Awaiting I Bill I I N/A I Auto License Effective Date START / / License Effective Date END / / 2017