07-10-2017 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet G48gOF1.14:t4 ■ r=-- Wylie Parks and Recreation Board I ,:,-vr vfi•r NOTICE OF MEETING a1887> BT,,rE OF T5-1"$ Regular Meeting Agenda July 10, 2017 - 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers 300 Country Club #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Matt Rose Chair Bobby Kinser Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member David White Board Member Emmett Joness Board Member Joni Robinson Board Member Samantha Dean Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Brent Stowers Parks Manager Mike Sferra Public Services Director Janet Hawkes Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. ELECTION OF BOARD CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR Board Members will have nominations and elections for Chair and Vice-Chair positions for 2017-2018. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. July 10,2017 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA (May Minutes review will be moved to a future meeting) 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the May 8, 2017 meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 12, 2017 meeting. 3. Consider and act upon vendor application for Wylie Orthodontics Associates 10 Year Anniversary Celebration to be held September 22, 2017 (Rain date of October 6, 2017) at Olde City Park. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Hail storm damage facility update-Brown House and Wylie Senior Recreation Center. • Municipal Complex Trail-East Meadow project update. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 7th day of July 2017 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD BYLAWS ARTICLE I Name As authorized by the City Charter, City of Wylie and City Ordinance No. 78-18. This body shall be known as the Parks and Recreation Board. ARTICLE II Meetings Section 1. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be held monthly at the Municipal Complex council conference room unless the Board determines otherwise. Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the call of any two members of the Board, provided that notice thereof be given to all Board members. Section 3. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board. Section 4. All questions presented for a vote of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be decided by a simple majority of the quorum, including the vote of the Chair. Section 5. Any member of the Board who misses three consecutive meetings without good cause shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Board will recommend to City Council that a replacement be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term. Section 6. Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Board, in cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws. Page 1 of 4 Park and Recreation Board Bylaws 2-8-2011 revised.docxl 1 ARTICLE III Officers Section 1. The officers of the Board shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary (City Staff member will be serving as Secretary). Section 2. Officers shall be elected and take office at the first regular meeting after new Board members have been appointed and sworn in. Section 3. Vacancies in office shall be handled as follows: (a) In the event of resignation or incapacity of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall become the Chair for the unexpired portion of the term. (b) Vacancies in officers other than the Chair shall be filled for the unexpired term by election from the remaining Parks and Recreation Board Members. Section 4. Duties of the officers shall be as follows: (a) Chair: (i) Preside at all meetings (ii) Represent the Parks and Recreation Board at public functions. (iii) Appoint special committees. (iv) Assist Parks and Recreation staff in establishing the agenda for each meeting. Agenda items can be requested by the Chair at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Agenda items requested by any single Board Member will need to be submitted and approved by the Chair first prior to being submitted to the staff liaison. Any two Board Members (not including the Chair) can submit an item to the staff liaison to be placed on the Board Agenda at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Agenda items submitted must be made in writing to the staff liaison. (Keep in mind that staff will need sufficient time to properly research agenda items before they are placed on an agenda.) (b) Vice-Chair: Page 2 of 4 Park and Recreation Board Bylaws 2-8-2011 revised.docxl 1 (i) Assist the Chair in directing the affairs of the Board and act in the Chair's absence. (c) Secretary: (i) The City Secretary's office will be responsible for recording and maintaining the minutes. This "Secretary position" will be occupied by a City Staff member and not be an official Board position. (ii) The Staff Liaison will be responsible for producing the agenda and distributing the agenda and minutes to the Parks and Recreation Board and City Manager. An official record of attendance will be kept in the minutes. . A yearly calendar of monthly meetings will be approved by the Board at the regular December meeting prior to the next calendar year on an annual basis. ARTICLE IV Committees Section 1. Committees may be appointed for special purposes by the Chair and with the consent of the majority of the Board. All committees will have at least one Parks and Recreation Board member serving on them. These committees are automatically dissolved upon completion of assignment. Section 2. Progress reports will be given at each Board Meeting and a final report on completion of assignments. ARTICLE V Powers and Duties of Board Members Section 1. Board Members shall: (a) Be appointed by the City Council. (b) Abide by applicable ordinances of the City of Wylie. Page 3 of 4 Park and Recreation Board Bylaws 2-8-2011 revised.docxl 1 (c) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council, City Manager and Parks and Recreation Staff. (d) Recommend policies to govern the operation and program of the Parks and Recreation Department. (e) Assist in planning and give guidance for expansion of parks and recreation facilities. (f) Assist in interpreting the policies and functions of the Parks and Recreation Department to the public. Encourage in every possible way the development and advancement of the Parks and Recreation Department. ARTICLE VI Amendments Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting, provided all members have been notified of the proposed amendments at least three days prior to such meeting. Such amendment would then be subject to approval by City Council. Page 4 of 4 Park and Recreation Board Bylaws 2-8-2011 revised.docxl 1 _74/1 CITY±F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday, May 8,2017—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member White, Board Member Jones, Board Member Robinson, Board Member Kinser, and Board Member Harris in attendance. Board Member Chesnut was absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, and Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Two Citizens who reside in Bozman Farms came forward for comment on non-agenda items: Deborah Miller, of 1712 Crescent Street, Wylie, Texas 75098; and Eugene Hauptmann of 1742 Crescent Oak Street, Wylie, TX 75098. Ms. Miller and Mr. Hauptmann are interested in the possibility of working with the City to develop the Bozman Farms green space area with future trails and pavilion. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 10, 2017 meeting. Board Action: Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 10, 2017 meeting. Board Member White seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0, with one abstention by Board Member Kinser. 2. Consider and act upon the request from the Wylie Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association (W.C.P.A.A.) Cops and Robbers Chase 5K Run and event at Olde City Park on May 20, 2017. Superintendent Diaz advised that the vendor application is a last minute item added due to the W.C.P.A.A.'s recent decision to sell items in the park during their event. The applicants plan to host a 5k run, sell late registrations and t-shirts, as well as have a bounce house, face painting, cotton candy, and popcorn; all proceeds raised will go to the W.C.P.A.A. The item has already been added to the City Council agenda for their May 9th meeting due to the timing of the W.C.P.A.A. event. Board Action: Board Chairman Jones made a motion to accept the vendor request from the W.C.P.A.A. for a 5K Run and event at Olde City Park on May 20, 2017. Board Member Harris seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. 3. Consider and act upon a vendor application for the Wylie ISD Council of PTA's "Back to the Future Back to School" event at Olde City Park on August 26, 2017. Superintendent Diaz stated that the vendor application is for a repeat event in Olde City Park held in August to raise money for the Wylie PTA. Spirit wear will be for sale, PTA memberships promoted, and local business are invited to set up booths; in addition, carnival games, free food, a pep rally, and drum line competition are also planned. With no problems being noted, this event has been successful in subsequent years. Board Action: Board Chairman Jones made a motion to accept the vendor request from the Wylie ISD Council of PTA's for their"Back to the Future Back to School" event at Olde City Park on August 26, 2017. Board Member Robinson seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. 4. Remove from Table: Consider and act upon the parkland dedication for the Woodbridge Townhomes Development. Board Action 1: Board Chairman White made a motion to remove from the table, the item to consider and act upon the parkland dedication for the Woodbridge Townhomes Development. Board Member Jones seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. Superintendent Diaz reminded the Board that this item was tabled from their April 10, 2017 regular meeting. The developer subsequently provided staff with better detailed graphics of the proposed trail areas, they addressed the Board's trail connection questions, and how the trail would be designed along Hensley Lane. Board Action 2: Board Chairman Jones made a motion to consider and act upon acceptance of the parkland dedication for the Woodbridge North Townhomes Development. Board Member Harris seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-1, Board Member White voting against. 5. Consider and act upon amending the parkland dedication for the Woodbridge North Development. The developer has proposed to enlarge the approved parking lot in Woodbridge North with an additional 13 spaces, for a total of 26 spaces. Staff is proposing that the Board amends the dedication to reflect the change for the larger parking area. Board Action: Board Chairman Kinser made a motion to accept the amended parkland dedication for the Woodbridge North Development. Board Member Robinson seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Hail storm damage facility update — Brown House and Wylie Senior Recreation Center. Superintendent Diaz gave the Board an update along with pictures, on storm damage repairs. In the Senior Recreation Center, interior walls have been painted throughout; the Parks and Public Works staff assisted the Facility staff in completing the ductwork replacement; a contractor is in process of adding new ceiling tile grids, upgraded from the original 2'x4' size to the 2'x2' size; and the two window additions are completed. The three air conditioning units will be replaced in the near future; however the current units remain functional at this point. Staff anticipates the ability to begin clean up and staff move in early June. Minutes May 8, 2017 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 The Brown House is awaiting the arrival of the new roofing material, with the expected completion time to be approximately one month. • Municipal Complex Trail-East Meadow project update. Superintendent Diaz presented a picture presentation of the East Meadow trail project. He stated that the contractor is making very good time in completing the project. The boardwalk areas are in process of preparation for its initial construction. Weather pending, the trail project should be completed within the month of July. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Robinson. Board Member Harris seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. ATTEST Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes May 8, 2017 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 tit CITY O OF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday, June 12,2017—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member White, Board Member Jones, and Board Member Kinser in attendance. Board Member Robinson arrived late to the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Board Member Chesnut and Board Member Harris were both absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Parks Manager Brent Stowers, and filling in as Parks Board Secretary, Mary Bradley. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon vendor application for First Baptist Church in Wylie to sell items at an event to be held July 12, 2017 at Founders Park. Parks Manager Stowers advised that the vendor application is for a repeat event, which was successfully held last year. The applicant intends to have the Kona Ice truck vendor provide snow cones for a fee, wherein part of the proceeds from sales will go back to support the First Baptist Church Wylie. Board Action: Board Member White made a motion to approve the vendor application for the First Baptist Church in Wylie to sell items at an event held July 12, 2017 in Founders Park. Board Member Jones seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Hail storm damage facility update — Brown House and Wylie Senior Recreation Center. Parks Manager Stowers stated that the Parks Division has nearly completed all hail storm related repairs. At Community Park, all roofs have been repaired, with exception to a few siding and gutter repairs; the 13 bleacher replacements were all made and 8 bleachers at the baseball complex are waiting to be repaired. All other City park pavilions have been repaired and shade structures replaced as needed. Next on the schedule is Founders Park, wherein shingle repairs on the two sheds, and trim work on the Building C soccer facility will be addressed. Staff has begun moving back into the repaired Senior Recreation Center this week, and it is anticipated that the June 19th target date is still expected for the Senior Center programs to begin operation there. The Board requested staff plan a grand reopening event for the repaired facility and to be included in on the invitations. The Brown House roof replacement is partially finished, and the expected completion date should be met within a couple of weeks. Some exterior and interior repairs remain to be done, and most of the window repairs are complete; however, the stained glass status is unknown. Parks Manager Stowers added that he is uncertain whether staff will move their offices back into the Brown House upon repairs or continue to office in the Parks building; either way, a move would be months away if needed. The Board requested staff give them a status update of that by email. The Board also requested staff bring back a projected reopening date for the Brown House at the next regular meeting. Board Members suggested a grand reopening event be planned for the Brown House upon completion. • Municipal Complex Trail-East Meadow project update. Parks Manager Stowers presented the Board with pictures of the rapidly progressing East Meadow trail project. The Helical peers, frame, and railing post-ups have been constructed for the boardwalk leading into Creek Hollow Subdivision; the Trex material construction began last week. The creek overlook section on the trail's east side is not yet completed but will encompass an eight foot concrete section leading further toward the creek. The majority of grading surrounding the trail has been completed. A change order was necessary due to a low water crossing at the trail's west section that connects to the existing 20 foot pedestrian bridge. The contractor is removing 100 feet of concrete east of the bridge then building up the trail in order to connect to the new section. This change order has necessitated the temporary closing of a portion of the existing trail for a couple of weeks in order to complete its construction. The East Meadow Trail project is expected to be fully completed within the month of July. The Board inquired on a ribbon cutting ceremony preceding the trail's opening. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Kinser. Board Member Robinson seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. ATTEST Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes June 12, 2017 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 ': Parks and Recreation Board y e •�:: AGENDA REPORT p le oiss7•, Meeting Date: July 10,2017 Item Number: Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: July 5,2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and act upon a vendor application for Wylie Orthodontics Associates 10 Year Anniversary Celebration to be held September 22, 2017 (Rain date of October 6, 2017) at Olde City Park. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval for a Consider a vendor application for Wylie Orthopedic Associates 10 Year Anniversary Celebration to be held September 22, 2017 (Rain date of October 6, 2017) at Olde City Park. Discussion Wylie Orthodontics Specialists, a local Wylie business, is requesting to place food trucks in Olde City Park as part of a special event for their patients on September 22, 2017. On the Vendor Application the vendor describes how the food trucks would provide food at no cost to the patient participants and then sell any other food to the general public. The applicant will pay all applicable vendor fees for use of the pavilion at Olde City Park. Since this is a relatively short event and it will be held on a Friday, Parks staff will be able to prepare the park during the regular work day. The applicant has not indicated on the application that this a fundraiser or that any funds collected will be distributed to a not for profit organization. This is to just be an event directed to their patients as a thank you for their business. The organizers would be responsible for notifying the Collin County Environmental Services for health permitting. This the first time this type of event will be held at Olde City Park and this is the first time staff has worked with this applicant. Page 1 of 1 PARKS AND RECREATION 300 Country Club Rd, Building 100,Wylie,TX 75098 CITY OF WYLIE Office: 972-516-6340/Fax 972-516-6355 Email: parks@wylietexas.gov VENDOR APPLICATION-Once approved by City Council, vendor has 7 days to finalize event with Parks&Re advance of event. Please forward TYPED application to above address, email or fax. Applicant lnformatio Name of rganization: Primary Contact Person's Name: dadla C 16E1 Inic Na rvmuu i1 Organizati 's Phone Number: Pri ary Contact Person's Phone Number: g41 c 3 114113193 Org ization's Address: Pri ary Ccfntact Person's Address: EVWPrYOviVZ k OrganizatioEmail: _ Primar Contact Person's Email: t l,(. � _-- - _ 1 I G to )11W6 f Vlr . Gocn� Organization's Non-pr t Exemption Number/501c3(if applicable): ARernate Coact Person's Name/Number/Email: 1__ t ova b @W&j)i€orlho• Cow Event Information EVENT NAME/TIT E u�v: 11 C„v-rl da lc� SO OO!I+s—+S I O u rs (�JrJj/1 i y�r 'r• Event Type(fundrar er,etc.): Purpose of Event: G, 2/1i1 a-idvi fj�r DUY Cv6'1i ve}-S Y1,� I I ir- our UV)v)IV r' C Event L�occation: .1 I l Proposed Event Date: I Alternative Dat : 0 41 Ci l [.t! i i e Pri YIC 1" Date- S I� 2^4 Date «fit17 Anticipated Numb r of Partfcipating Vendors: Start Time(incl.setup): End Time(incl.cleanup): , 4 btu run( I 4 C0 frn S• pow Anticipated Event Attendance: Event Target Audience: 4-00 lowpi l EVENT DETAILS: Please list any and all specifics,as well as items intended to sell. If available,attach additional pages,announcements or flyers. Will ROV1141 47) ,radditi � Leo� � 1� a NOTE: If food is prepared on-site or off-site and brought to the location to be sold,the vendor must contact the Collin County Environmental Services Office in McKinney (972-548-5585 www.collincountytx.gov)in order to obtain a Health Permit prior to the sale of such products. An Inspector must examine food preparation and storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Sec.78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to sell any cold drinks,cigars, tobacco,cigarettes,fruits,candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facility;provided,however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation,or employees of any person who are recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and approved by the City Council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the city. Rev.7-29-16