10-13-2015 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet ( ..ecOF Itil � ;.__� Wylie Parks and Recreation Board : ,.. NOTICE OF SPECIAL s41887;.0 ir MEETING Special Called Meeting Agenda October 13, 2015 — 6:30 p.m. (approximate time) Immediately following City Council Meeting Wylie Municipal Complex Public Services 3rd floor Conference Room 300 Country Club #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Matt Rose Chair Bobby Kinser Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member David White Board Member Jeff Harris Board Member Emmett Jones Board Member Lisa Ulmer Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Shohn Rodgers Parks Manager Mike Sferra Public Services Director Janet Hawkes Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. October 13,2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 14, 2015 special meeting. Tabled Item from September 14, 2015 (Motion to remove from the table and consider) 2. Consider and act upon recommending to the City Council changes in the Fee Ordinance on Brown House rental fees. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING CERTIFICATION I certJ that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 9th day of October 2015 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed CITY OF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday, September 14, 2015—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Harris, Board Member Jones, Board Member Kinser, Board Member Ulmer, and Board Member White present. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, and filling in for the Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes, was Mary Bradley, Planning and Zoning Administrative Assistant. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 19, 2015 special meeting. Board Action: Board Member Chesnut made a motion, seconded by Board Member White, to approve the minutes from the August 19, 2015 Meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 2. Consider and act upon vendor application for Wylie East High School (WENS) Colorguard for the Breakfast with Santa event December 12, 2015 at the Bart Peddicord Community Center. Staff commented to the Board that this is the third year for this applicant to submit a vendor application to host the Breakfast with Santa event, and there were no issues with the previous two events. Board Action: Board Member Jones made a motion, seconded by Board Member Kinser, to accept the vendor application for Wylie East High School Color Guard for the Breakfast with Santa event, December 12, 2015, at the Bart Peddicord Community Center. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 3. Remove from table: Consider and act upon recommending to the City Council changes in the Fee Ordinance on Brown House rental fees. Board Action: Board Member Chesnut made a motion to remove from the table, seconded by Board Member Jones. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that the Brown House Subcommittee, which included Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Jones and Board Member Kinser, had met twice to discuss rental fees prior to the September 14, 2015 Board meeting. Superintendent Diaz and the Brown House Subcommittee proceeded to inform the Board of their ideas and recommendations. The Subcommittee recommended adjusting the fees originally reviewed at the July 2015 Parks and Recreation Board meeting, as well as a draft of an alcohol policy that would allow alcohol during reservations. Staff did meet with the City Planning and Zoning Department, who confirmed that current City ordinance, allows use of alcohol in the Brown House vicinity. The Subcommittee also discussed two approaches in regards to consumption of alcohol at the Brown House: 1)Allow alcohol to be provided by an outside vendor, with rules in place that require a vendor to possess a Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission (TABC) certificate and to meet City liability insurance requirements, and 2)Allow alcohol to be provided by the City after their acquisition of required permits and licenses. At this time the subcommittee preferred option one, using an outside vendor to provide alcohol. It was also clarified that as an addendum, with Director approval, the allowance of one bottle of wine or champagne for the purpose of a wedding toast, was acceptable without applying the more stringent alcohol requirements. Some of the amendments to the Draft Alcohol Policy and rental fees included doubling the deposit amount, and Director approval for the alcohol inclusion request. The Board suggested the policy to also include the requirement of having a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) certified law enforcement officer on site during a reservation, requirement of food items being served during the event, and the implementation of adhering to cut-off times for serving alcohol during event. The Board discussed the idea to include the Bart Peddicord Community Center(BPCC) in the allowance of alcohol during their reservations. In addition, the Board suggested adding a Wylie Independent School District (WISD) rate to the fee structure. Lastly, it was recommended that Fort Worth and Carrollton's comparison fee policies be removed from the presentation to City Council. Superintendent Diaz explained that prior to City Attorney consultation, the Board needs to first propose their ideas and recommendations to City Council for their direction. He added that if this item goes to a City Council work session, Parks and Recreation Board member attendance at the meeting would be beneficial. After receiving City Council direction, staff can consult the City Attorney and begin the process of amending the Fee Ordinance. The goal is for the amended rates and ordinance changes to be set in place by the end of this calendar year in order to implement them at the start of the new calendar year. Board Action: Board Member Jones made a motion to return the item to the table so the item can be considered at a future Parks and Recreation Board meeting in order to get more direction from City Council at a work session, seconded by Board Member Chesnut. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Motorized remote-controlled aircraft or unmanned aircraft system, including, but not limited to, drones, airplanes, and helicopters. The Board expressed concerns of privacy issues as well as safety issues with the use of these motorized systems. Also recommended was the consideration of adding other remote control vehicles, boats, cars, trucks, etc., to the prohibited use list, which the ordinance currently only specifies aircraft systems. Superintendent Diaz recommended, and the Board agreed, that this item be brought back for further discussion at a future meeting, because further changes to the current version of the Prohibited Acts will need to change with the passing of the new Open Carry laws. Minutes September 14, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Jones and seconded by Board Member Harris. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. ATTEST Janet Hawkes Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes September 14, 2015 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 c,t yrr;-cr. .}'_, tea --=-•' Wylie Parks and Recreation Board ! u�r" AGENDA REPORT A ,ss' Meeting Date: October 13, 2015 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: October 6, 2015 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 Subject Tabled Item from September 14, 2015 (Motion to remove from the table and consider) Consider and act upon recommending to the City Council changes in the Fee Ordinance on Brown House rental fees. Recommendation Motion to consider and act upon recommending to the City Council changes in the Fee Ordinance on Brown House rental fees. Discussion The City acquired the Brown House from the Birmingham Memorial Land Trust in May of 2015. In order to begin the process of accepting paid reservations from the public, a set of fees needs to be recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and eventually approved by the City Council. At their July 2015 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Board reviewed fees recommended by staff as well as examples from other municipal facilities in the Metroplex. The Board tabled a formal recommendation of any new fees, and they decided to create a Board Subcommittee to conduct further study of potential fees with the goal of subsequently bringing a recommendation back to the full Board for review. The Parks and Recreation Board Subcommittee consisting of three Board members met on August 19, 2015 and September 9, 2015 to discuss proposed fees. At the Subcommittee meetings, the allowance of alcohol at the Brown House during rentals was discussed, and the Subcommittee directed staff to develop a draft policy that incorporated this possibility. At the September 14, 2015 Parks and Recreation Board meeting,the Board removed from the table the Brown House fees to review the Subcommittee recommendations. The Board discussed the proposed fees and alcohol policy. Ultimately, the Board decided to again table the item and directed staff to schedule a work session with City Council to review their findings prior to a formal recommendation being made. A recommended fee structure and draft alcohol policy will be discussed at the October 13, 2015 City Council meeting in a work session. Immediately following the work session with the City Council on October 13, 2015 the Parks and Recreation Board (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 will meet to then consider a motion to make a recommendation based on input garnered from the City Council work session. If a recommendation is made and approved by the Board at that meeting it will then be forwarded to the City Attorney for review and then eventually to City Council for final consideration. Brown House - Rental Pricing Comparisons updated 9-16-15 Deposit Hourly Rate Minimum Other Additional Info Board recommendation $ 300.00 $ _100.00 3 hours Mon-Thu Resident (capacity 40-50) $ 125.00 4 hours Fri-Sun Resident $ 300.00 $ _125.00 3 hours Mon-Thu Non-resident $ 150.00 4 hours Fri-Sun Non-resident $ _ 50.00 per hour Photography session per hour rate (use of outdoor/indoor) ? ? WISD rate Birmingham Trust fees $ 500.00 $ 100.00 4 hours Photography Sessions:$35/hr for inside house access $ 200.00 $ 150.00 3 hours Package 1-Resident City of Farmers Branch Historical Park $ 300.00 $ 250.00 3 hours Package 2-Resident (Capacity Varies) $ 200.00 $ 75.00 3 hours Package 1-Non-Resident* $ 300.00 $ 125.00 4 hours Package 2-Non-Resident* $ 200.00 $ 60.00 4 hours Resident-Mon-Thurs _ City of Dallas-White Rock Lake $ 200.00 $ 76.00 4 hours Resident-Fri-Sun Big Thicket $ 200.00 $ 70.00 4 hours Non-Resident-Mon-Thurs (Capacity 50) $ 200.00 $ 70.00 4 hours Non-Resident-Fri-Sun $ 400.00 Alcohol security deposit I $ 50.00 Alcohol permit application fee *All Non-Residents are required to use$1000 worth if business with Farmers Branch hotels.A$25 per hour fee will be deducted from all deposits for reservations taking place before or after the Historical Park's hours of operation. DRAFT-Alcohol Policy-Brown House Alcohol may be consumed during Brown House reservations and at designated special events with written approval of the Director of the Public Services Department or his/her designee. The following guidelines must be adhered to: • Alcohol beverages shall be brought to the city facility and served ONLY by a contractor/vendor/concessionaire appropriately licensed by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. It is the contractor/vendor/concessionaire's responsibility to abide by all applicable laws/regulations/licensing/permitting. • Either the sponsor of the event or the contractor/vendor/concessionaire who will be serving/selling alcoholic beverages at the event must carry or obtain a Liquor Liability Addendum to their General Liability Policy and have such policy endorsed to the name City of Wylie as additional insured on the policy. Insurance requirements are as follows: General Liability Coverage: $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 annual aggregate G/L must include coverage for the following: a. Must be on an occurrence basis. b. Must include Medical Expense limits of not less than $10,000. c. Personal and Advertising Injury limit of not less than $1,000,000. d. Products and Completed Operations limit of$2,000,000 aggregate. e. Fire Damage, any one Fire limit of$1,000,000. The above insurance shall be in addition to any other insurance coverage required by the City policies or ordinances or contracts with the City. In the event any other policy, ordinance, or contract require greater levels of additional insurance than this policy, then the more stringent requirement will control. • The event sponsor shall be responsible for ensuring that intoxicated individuals are not served additional alcoholic beverages. • Consumption/service of alcoholic beverages will only be allowed in a specified area defined in the permit issued by the Director and his/her designee. • Any time alcoholic beverages are served, food must be made available by the event sponsor to attendees of the event. • Alcoholic beverages will not be authorized at an event where the attendees will predominantly be under 21 years of age (e.g. children's birthday parties, high school graduation parties, and similar events), which determination shall be solely at the discretion of the Director or his/her designee. • Any event where alcohol will be allowed and an alcohol deposit paid will require one or more off-duty Wylie Police Officers (or, if insufficient number of Wylie Police Officers are available, one or more law enforcement officers, as approved by the Wylie Police Department, with TCOLE certificate), as determined by the Director or his/her designee based on anticipated attendance at the event. Attendance exceeding the anticipated amount may require additional Police Officers and will be at the discretion of the Police Officer working the event. The cost of such officers shall be solely the expense of the event sponsor. • The deposit required by Fee Ordinance shall be doubled for events for which the Director and his/her designee have issued a permit pursuant to this policy. • Alcoholic beverages shall not be brought to the Brown House by an individual(s) or event sponsor for personal consumption or for ceremonial purposes; however, a single bottle of champagne, wine or other alcoholic beverage may be brought by the wedding party to a wedding event for which a reservation has been made solely for a toast between the bride and groom. This does require written permission of the Director or his/her designee, and the intent of such ceremonial toast must be indicated on the rental agreement.