07-28-2008 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 1Pie Parks and Recreation Board
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Monday,July 28, 2008—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m.
Board Members present: Dan Chesnut, Donna Larson and David Willey. Absent were: Frankie Delgado,
Bennie Jones and Brandi Lafleur.
Staff members present: City Manager Mindy Manson, Public Services Director Michael Sferra, Parks &
Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson, Parks & Recreation Asst. Superintendent Robert Diaz and Parks
Secretary Charlotte Rice.
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approving the minutes from the June 23, 2008 meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Willey made a motion to approve the June 23, 2008 minutes and Board Member
Larson seconded. A vote was taken and passed 4-0.
2. Update of the 2008 Collin County Parks &Open Space grant application.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Public Services Director Sferra presented the Board with information regarding a submitted grant
application to Collin County that could supplement existing bond funds with an additional $628,675
toward improvements at Founders Park. Mr. Sferra explained that the grant would allow for three
primary facets of improvement: concrete walking paths, sitework grading/demolition, and utilities (water,
sewer and electricity). With this substantial amount pending, Mr. Sferra encouraged everyone to be
patient, as the money would significantly enhance the City's ability to provide additional amenities.
3. Project update for the Founders Park Improvements project.
Staff/Board Discussion:
Public Services Director Sferra reported that architectural plans were at 95% completion and presented
the current construction site to the Board. Mr. Sferra said that the City Engineer and staff recommended
one change to the plans: in lieu of the circular crosswalk drop-off area, citizens would enter the parking
lot for drop-off. Further, the Zoning Board of Adjustments approved a variance for use of a "paved grass"
for 20% of the new parking spaces. This was suggested on behalf of Atmos Energy Co. and Explorer,
who own the underground easement that crosses under the area of the proposed parking lot locations.
Daily gas-leak checks are performed by airplane and any leak reveals discolored grass; if a concrete
parking lot were installed over the buried pipeline(s), it would hide that discoloration. The alternative,
"GrassPave", (a plastic, sub-surface reinforcement structure, covered with real grass)will be used in
parking spaces located within the easement.
4. Discuss and consider two design concepts related to the concession stand/restroom facilities
proposed for the Founders Park improvements project.
Board Action:
Public Services Director Sferra presented concept renderings of two designs proposed for concession/
restroom facilities. The Board wanted the architects to capture a more historical atmosphere than was
presented in either of the two design concepts. They suggested a "train depot"feel that would reflect the
city's beginnings. City Manager Manson encouraged the Board to think about what they wanted to do
with the available funds, as they did not want to unnecessarily spend funds on additional research and
renderings by architects; it was decided that staff would research turn-of-the-century train depots and
present additional concepts to the architects for re-working. Board Member Willey motioned to table
the item & Board Member Larson seconded; the consensus of the Board was to table the item 4-0.
5. Discussion of athletic field usage fees, athletic light fees and parkland dedication fees.
Staff/ Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson presented a compilation of athletic-field usage fees,
athletic-light fees and parkland-dedication fees currently implemented by surrounding cities and the City
of Wylie. The Board indicated that the current field-usage fees appear adequate with the following
exceptions: change the tournament/one time usage fees to ten dollars per hour per field and start
charging the going rate for athletic light usage for tournaments. The Board reviewed the light fees,
current electricity costs and recovery amounts over the last year. It was determined that staff will
continue to coiled data on light usage, provide additional information regarding charges per kilowatt
hour and present updated information to the Board later this calendar year. The Board considered the
existing parkland-dedication fees to be adequate. The board will take action on all fees later this
calendar year.
A motion was made by Board Member Chesnut to adjourn and Board Member Willey seconded the
motion; consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
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Anne Hiney, Chairman
Charlotte Rice, Park Board Secretary
Minutes—July 28,2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board