03-28-2006 (City Council) Agenda Packet • Y i eCity ounci.//1. ._ .11. r:- 1L. D NOTICE OF MEETING Regular MeetingAgenda Tuesday, March 28, 2006 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North John Mondy Mayor Eric Hogue Mayor ProTem Earl Newsom Place 1 Reta Allen Place 2 Merrill Young Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mark B. Roath City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: wwwwylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.vvylietexas.gov. ov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS • Proclamation for "National Library Week" • Proclamation for "Student Government Day 2006" CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. March 28,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the March 14, 2006 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, an Easement Agreement with TXU Electric Delivery for easements generally located on the east side of Ballard Avenue and south of Cloudcroft. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) C. Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat creating three retail lots for the Trout- 78 Addition, subject property generally located north of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) D. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for the R.O.W. Dedication for the Stone Road Extension, subject property generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) E. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Wylie High School Number Two, subject property generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) F. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of.016 acres of land out of the S. B. Shelby Survey for right-of-way for Cooper Drive. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) G. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of.047 acres of land out of the S. B. Shelby Survey for right-of-way for Cooper Drive. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) REGULAR AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. (Requires A Motion To Remove From Table): Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-18 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Community Retail (CR) District for retail development, generally located south of Alanis Drive and west of S. Ballard Avenue. ZC 2006-02 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The subject property is located at 400 Alanis Drive and totals 2.1618 acres. The property was annexed into the city in 1988 and is currently zoned agriculture. The applicant/owner is now requesting a change in zoning to Community Retail(CR)to allow retail development. 2. Conduct one of two Public Hearings for the annexation of a 61.26 acre tract of land located in the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, Collin County, Texas; generally located west of F.M. 544, north of Elm Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) March 28,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 Executive Summary This request for annexation was made by the property owner, Michael Hood. The applicant property is located on the west side of F.M. 544, north of Braddock Place Estates Development. As a procedural matter and prior to annexation, two (2) public hearings must be held to allow interested persons an opportunity to comment on the annexation. 3. Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-19 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development for mixed uses to allow for Commercial and Industrial uses, generally located south of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. ZC 2006-01 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The subject property totals 71.259 acres and is divided into three (3)tracts. As proposed, Tract IA and 1B will be developed under the guidelines of the Commercial Corridor(CC)District. Tract 2 will be developed under the regulations of Industrial Zoning District, which the applicant seeks to construct an electrical switching station. Tract 3 will be dedicated to the City of Wylie as Parkland. 4. Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-20 amending the zoning from Agriculture (AG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District for commercial and/or retail development, generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Sanden Boulevard. ZC 2006-04 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The subject property is located south of F.M. 544 and west of Sanden Boulevard and lies completely within the Muddy Creek Floodplain, which has been reclaimed. The applicant/owner is requesting a change in zoning to Commercial Corridor(CC)District to allow commercial and/or retail uses. GENERAL BUSINESS 5. Consider, and act upon, a request by Imperium Holdings, L.P., to have Innovative Transportation Solutions represent the City during the F.M. 2514 alignment process. (M. Roath, City Manager) Executive Summary Imperium Holdings, L.P. has engaged the services of Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS)to provide consulting services to them during the (re)align process for F.M. 2514. In an effort to develop a united front, they are seeking permission from the City Council to have ITS represent the City during the realignment process,at no cost to the City. 6. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-21 amending the Wylie Code of Ordinances Chapter 22, Article X, Section 22-211 regulating abatement of dangerous buildings. (J. Bray, Building Director) Executive Summary The purpose of this Ordinance is to establish the legal process for the City to abate dangerous buildings. 7. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-22 related to the issuance and sale of "34,375,000 City of Wylie, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006", authorizing the issuance of such bonds and awarding the bonds to the lowest bidder. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Executive Summary The City has solicited completive bid for $35,325,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006. Bids will be opened on March 28,2006 at 11:00 a.m. The winning bidder shall be based on the lowest true interest cost to the City. The proceeds of this bond sale will be used to fund 3 years of the design and the construction of Projects approved by the voters on November 8,2005. March 28,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 8. Consider, and act upon, entering into an agreement with McLain Decision Support Systems for an Update to the Water and Wastewater Rate Study in an amount not to exceed $14,500.00. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The City Council awarded a contract to Maximus, Inc. in March 2003 to conduct a Water and Wastewater Rate Study. Since that time, the City has updated its Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and review of associated Impact Fees. It is now necessary to update that Study in order to factor expenditures and projected revenues associated with the Impact Fee Study. 9. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2006-10(R) authorizing the purchase and installation of credit card reading equipment, amending the budget to provide appropriations for the purchase of the equipment, and authorizing the Finance Director to include the annual operating cost of credit card services in the scope of services being provided under the City's depository contract. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Executive Summary The Finance Department has received requests from various departments for the ability to accept credit card payments for city services. The City's depository bank can provide the platform for these services through the contract with the City and would bill the city through compensating balances. All reading equipment to implement a credit card payment system would be purchased outright by the City. 10. Consider, and act upon, accepting the letter of resignation of Gary Bowland and the appointment of a new member to the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board, to fill the unexpired term. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Executive Summary Mr. Gary Bowland was appointed to a three year term on the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board beginning in July 2004 and expiring in July 2007. On March 15, 2006, Mr. Bowland resigned his position. A replacement list of potential candidates is attached hereo. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cent that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 24th day of March, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: wwwwylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed .11 Wylie Cityounce TLi Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, March 14, 2006 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor John Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tem Eric Hogue, Councilwoman Reta Allen, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Carter Porter, Councilman Earl Newsom, and Councilman Merrill Young. Staff present were: City Manager, Mark B. Roath; Assistant City Manager, Mindy Manson; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Public Information Officer, Mark Witter, and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend Harold Hembree, Pastor of the First Christian Church of Wylie gave the invocation and Councilman Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Mr. Gary DeFrain, residing at 8235 Douglas #650, Dallas, Texas addressed Council requesting consideration of sanitary sewer service outside the City of Wylie city limits. He explained that the property is located in the City of Parker. He stated that he was in conversation with a builder who wished to build large lot homes in the quarter of a million to million dollar range but he basically was requesting that sewer service be provided to the proposed development. Mr. DeFrain explained that the sewer line would have to come from the north around the Creekside Estates to the 67 lots proposed for Parker Road. There would be no cost to the City of Wylie for the extension other than the maintenance which he described as simple. He was requesting direction from council to continue negotiations both with the City of Parker and Wylie staff. Mayor Mondy directed staff to place this item on an April agenda if Mr. DeFrain presented a change from the action item that was denied previously. Minutes- March 14, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 1 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the February 28, 2006 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Creekside Addition, Phase 5, subject property generally located north of McMillen Road, east of McCreary Road and west of Lewis Drive. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-13 extending until July 31, 2006, or until the new Franchise becomes effective, the Franchise granted to ATMOS Energy Corporation, to own, operate, and maintain a gas distribution system in the City of Wylie. (M. Roath, City Manager) D. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2006-09(R) amending Section IV (D), entitled Reporting of the City's Financial Management Policies. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Change Order No. 1 decreasing the Landmark Structures Contract by $21,740.00, for the Creekside Elevated Storage Tank. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman White to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearings 1. Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, continuing the Public Hearing to the March 28, 2006 Council meeting to act on a change in zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Community Retail (CR) District for retail development, generally located at 400 Alanis Drive, being south of Alanis Drive and west of S. Ballard Avenue. ZC 2006-02 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that this Agenda item was tabled to the March 7, 2006 Planning and Zoning meeting to afford time to re-notify all concerned with the correct legal description. Due to State law provisions, action is required at this meeting to open the public hearing, and then continue it to the March 28, 2006 Council meeting. Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m. No one was present to address Council during the Public Hearing Minutes- March 14, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 2 Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue to continue the Public Hearing until the March 28, 2006 meeting and thereafter to consider an ordinance to change the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Community Retail (CR) District for retail development, generally located at 400 Alanis Drive, being south of Alanis Drive and west of S. Ballard Avenue. (ZC 2006-02) A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 2. Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-14 amending the zoning from Planned Development (PD 2002-52) to Planned Development with Special Use Permit to allow for a Day Care Facility, generally located at the northeast corner of Collins Boulevard and FM 544.(ZC 2006-03) (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that the applicant property is located at the northeast corner of Collins Boulevard and FM 544. The applicant request is to designate lots 1 and 2 of Block E as a Day Care site totaling 2.02 acres. The City's Zoning Ordinance, specifically Article 5, (Use Regulations), Section 5.2 (Listed Uses), requires that day care uses within single-family residential districts obtain a specific use permit. All property owners had been contacted and staff was recommending approval. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue asked Ms. Manson if the Planning and Zoning Commission had approved this item. Ms. Manson replied that they had approved. Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing at 6:18 p.m. Mr. Phil Clegg, residing at 1771 Internate Parkway, Richardson, Texas addressed Council as the applicant requesting a Special Use Permit to allow for a Day Care Facility. Councilman Newsom asked what capacity the daycare center would have. Mr. Clegg replied that a third party would construct the day care and it would be within the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6:20 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve Ordinance No. 2006-14 amending the zoning from Planned Development (PD 2002-52) to Planned Development with Special Use Permit to allow for a Day Care Facility, generally located at the northeast corner of Collins Boulevard and FM544. ZC 2006-03. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 3. Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-15 adopting Standards of Care for Youth Programs. (R. Diaz, Superintendent, Parks and Recreation) Staff Comments Assistant Supervisor to the Parks Department Diaz addressed Council stating that Texas Senate Bill 212, Section 42.041 (b)(14) requires the Governing Body of a municipality, who operates a recreation program(s) for youth, between the ages of five to thirteen, to adopt an ordinance setting forth the standards of care. This Ordinance, and attachments, satisfies the State requirement noted herein. Mr. Diaz explained that the Standard of Care Exhibit was the same as in years past and comply with all state legislation. Minutes- March 14, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 3 Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing at 6:21 p.m. No one was present to address Council during the Public Hearing. Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6:21 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve Ordinance No. 2006-15 adopting Standards of Care for Youth Programs. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. General Business 4. Consider presentation by Rutledge, Crain & Company, P.C., and act upon and place on file, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Mr. Lewis Crain representing the audit firm of Rutledge Crain and Company, P.C. addressed Council stating that Article VII, Section 13 of the City Charter requires an independent audit be performed by a certified public accountant. Mr. Crain, stated that it was a pleasure to address Council and explained that this year it was very important, due to the growth of the City, that management discussion and analysis take place and attention be given to compliance to the new laws regarding GASB 34. He stated that the comparison of the final budget to the expenditures showed that the city was able to spend $653,000 less than what had been budgeted. He commended both the Finance Department and City staff for their excellent estimates and expense controls utilized for the FY 2004-05 budget. He explained that the City did receive a clean opinion. He asked Council to look at the management letter attached to the audit and explained that he was required to show deficiencies which were outlined in the letter. He suggested that a number of items have controls put in place. He explained that the Finance Director who has only been in that position a short time had been putting some of these controls in place as the audit was being conducted. He stated that there were several serious items regarding WEDC that needed to be addressed. The most serious of these was the lack of minutes for open meetings. He explained that these were required by law and should be available to the public. He suggested that the City and WEDC work together for the economic good of the area. He asked Mr. Williamson to address these issues with WEDC in a formal manner to try and get some agreement between the City and WEDC to comply with state requirements. He stated that a formal memo had been sent to WEDC addressing the issues in question. In closing Mr. Crain stated that Wylie had a very good year. Council Discussion Mayor Mondy explained to Council that he, the City Manager, and the Finance Director met to discuss the management letter presented by the auditing firm and the follow up memorandum by the Finance Director. He explained that all the items were addressed in length which resulted with a follow up telephone conference, both with the WEDC Board Chairman and Executive Director. He explained that all items were covered with these representatives and a follow up letter will be received from the WEDC Board and Executive Director responding to these issues. He stated that he had additionally sent a formal letter to the WEDC addressing the items in the management letter from the auditing firm. He said the letters were well received by WEDC and he felt all issues would be addressed. He explained that meetings will be set up quarterly with the Mayor, WEDC Executive Director, WEDC Chairman, City Manager and the Finance Director to review the controls put in place. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue asked Finance Director Williamson if the memo sent to WEDC regarding the issues in February of 2006 had been responded to by WEDC. Mr. Williamson stated that they had not. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue asked if the December memo regarding minutes had been addressed and minutes were being taken. Mayor Mondy replied that WEDC had always been transcribing minutes but had not made them available on the webpage. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue asked what the related party transactions were. Mr. Crain replied that if a councilmember accepted a business transaction from an affiliated entity to council such as WEDC that Minutes- March 14, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 4 would be a related party transaction. He explained that these types of transactions must be disclosed within the financial statements. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue had concerns with several other items on the management letter including the banking depositories, personal expenses, and donations made by WEDC to not for profit organizations such as Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation. Mr. Marvin Fuller, Chairman of the WEDC addressed Council stating that The WEDC Executive Director was out of town and encouraged the Council to address these issues with him when he returned. He explained that the business/personal expenses in question had been approved by the board because it was viewed as a business transaction for team building. He went on to say that all the issues in question had been approved by the WEDC Board. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue then asked about the Blackland Prairie Playground donation. He stated that the council had denied a donation to this organization and did not understand why the donation was made thru WEDC when it had no economic development benefit. Mr. Fuller explained that this was an effort to advertise throughout the metroplex to draw people to Wylie. Mayor Mondy stated that Mr. Fuller should take back to the WEDC Board that this item gave him quite a bit of concern. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue asked if this donation really brought economic development to Wylie. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue stated that he could go on but the bottom line was that some checks and balances need to be put in place to control the auditing of expenses. Mayor Mondy stated that there needed to be some team building between City staff and the WEDC to put checks and balances in place. Mayor Mondy stated that the City Finance Director had fiduciary responsibilities to see that monies were spent appropriately. Mayor Mondy asked about the date and distribution of the management letter from Mr. Crain which was dated December 22, 2005. Mr. Crain replied that the letter was written in December of 2005 but it was the customary procedure to wait until the audit was complete before submitting the letter with the CAFR to the Finance Department. He stated this was done approximately two weeks ago. Mayor Mondy stated that this tempered some of the concern with no response to the management letter. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue stated that he appreciated the attention the Mayor had taken with regard to the meetings with the City Manager and Finance Director and subsequent conference with the WEDC Chairman and Executive Director. He stated that he believed that the Council needed to look into these concerns and decide if there was checks and balances that need to be put in place. Councilwoman Allen asked Mr. Fuller if he voted on any items related to the depository or loans issued to the WEDC. Mr. Fuller replied that he abstained on all items relating to banking of any nature. Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Williamson if he would address and resolve all the other items relating to the management letter for the 2004-05 CAFR. Mr. Williamson stated that he would correct all items mentioned in the management letter, as stated in his response to said letter, and they would not be in future management letters. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Hogue, seconded by Councilman White to approve and place on file the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) as presented. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 5. Consider, and act upon, an Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Texas and the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). (M. Roath, City Manager) Staff Comments City Manager Roath addressed Council stating that on September 27, 2005, the City and WEDC entered into an Interlocal Agreement for office space and administrative services. With recent changes in staffing in the City Manager's Office and recognition of the WEDC's need for additional administrative services, the City Manager and WEDC Executive Director met and developed revisions to the earlier agreement. The WEDC Board of Directors reviewed and has approved the proposed Agreement. Council Discussion Mayor Pro Tem Hogue asked Mr. Roath if the Council should wait on this amended contract until some of the issues in Item #4 had been addressed. Mr. Roath replied that he gave some thought to that issue and stated that the agreement was more of an operational issue and the previous item was more of a financial issue. He explained that this was defining the duties of the secretary 1 position and how they would be provided to the WEDC. Councilman White asked if the lack of staffing addressed in the last item needed to be reviewed to see if the additional staffing provided in the amended agreement would be Minutes- March 14, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 5 adequate to resolve the issues in the management letter with regard to WEDC. Mr. Roath stated that this was a decision that would need to be made by the WEDC Executive Director, but the WEDC Director had noted that the additional services provided in the amended agreement were adequate. Councilman Newsom asked if this agreement could be amended at any time. Mr. Roath replied that it could. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Newsom to approve an amended and restated Interlocal Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Texas and the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). A vote was taken and passed 7-0. Mayor Mondy excused himself from discussion on Item #6 Mayor Pro Tem Hogue opened Item #6 for consideration. 6. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-16 of the City Council of Wylie, Texas, adding Chapter 54 to the Wylie City Code relating to Graffiti Vandalism and Establishing a Program for the Removal of Graffiti on Public and Private Property. (M. Roath, City Manager) Staff Comments City Manager Roath addressed Council stating that Graffiti vandalism has grown from exclusively a big city problem into affecting smaller communities. Graffiti vandals have inflicted damage on public and private property, which has been reflected in cost of clean up and replacement of graffiti areas. This Anti- Graffiti Ordinance is designed to address graffiti vandalism issues as well as establish a program for removal of graffiti on public and private property. He explained that the ordinance was written to complement the state legislation and provide additional issues regarding graffiti. Council Discussion Councilman Newsom asked how many offences the city had issued for graffiti. Mr. Roath replied that there had been 35 vandalism incidents resolved by the Police Department during the months of March 2005 to February 2006. Mr. Roath stated that he felt this was a complement to our Police Department to have so many citations resolved. Councilman Newsom stated that he had a concern with the portion of the ordinance which addressed chalk as a type of graffiti. Mr. Roath explained that if the person using the chalk, such as in a game had the permission of the property owner to do so they would fall under exclusions in the ordinance. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve Ordinance No. 2006-16 of the City Council of Wylie, Texas adding Chapter 54 to the Wylie City Code relating to Graffiti vandalism and establishing a program for the removal of graffiti on public and private property. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Mayor Mondy abstaining. (Mayor Mondy signed an affidavit of abstention on file) 7. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-17 adding Chapter 74 to the Wylie City Code regulating the use and possession of Laser Pointer Devices. (M. Roath, City Manager) Staff Comments City Manager Roath addressed Council stating that this ordinance, on the use and possession of laser pointer devices, contains the common elements of laser safety recommended by such entities as The Laser Institute of America, the Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA) and others, such as allowing children to use laser pointers only with adult supervision, prohibiting the shining of a light beam into the Minutes- March 14, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 6 eyes, on pointing a laser pointer beam at another person, and on projecting laser pointer beams on law enforcement officers and other public safety personnel. Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked Police Chief Butters to come forward and address this ordinance. Chief Butters addressed Council stating that the ordinance took laser pointers out of the hands of minors who were not always the most responsible persons. He stated that he felt the City needed this ordinance. Councilman Newsom stated that the new green laser pointers were even more dangerous than the red pointers. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman White to approve Ordinance No. 2006-17 adding Chapter 74 to the Wylie City Code regulating the use and possession of Laser Pointer Devices. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 8. Consider, and act upon, an agreement with HISAW & Associates, in the amount of $60,825.00, for Construction Manager at Risk Services for the Animal Shelter Expansion Project. (J. Butters, Police Chief) Staff Comments Police Chief Butters addressed Council stating that this agreement is to engage the services of a Construction Manager at Risk to complete the Animal Shelter expansion project. The City received two bids for the CM at Risk, which the firm of HISAW&Associates was low bidder. Dwayne Brinkley, Animal Shelter Architect, reviewed and recommends acceptance of this bidder and agreement. He commented that this was also the lowest bid submitted. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Newsom to approve an agreement with HISAW & Associates, in the amount of $60,825.00, for Construction at Risk Services for the Animal Shelter Expansion Project. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Carole Ehrlich read captions to Ordinances 2006-13, 2006-14, 2006-15, 2006-16 and 2006-17 into the official record. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before Council, a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman Newsom to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. Minutes- March 14, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 7 Wylie City Council (01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: B De artment: En ineerin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p g Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: 3/06/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, an Easement Agreement with TXU Electric Delivery for easements generally located on the east side of Ballard Avenue and south of Cloudcroft. Recommendation Motion to enter into an Easement Agreement with TXU Electric Delivery as described in Exhibit"A". Discussion Utility companies have been notified to relocate any facilities in conflict with the expansion of Ballard Avenue. The NTMWD has a forty foot water line easement located on the east edge of the future right of way which is exclusive to their facilities. As a result, TXU will be moving their facilities to the west side of the roadway and bringing services across Ballard to serve customers located along the east side. TXU is requesting three (3) electrical easements on City property previously purchased for right of way. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 District: Plano WR#: 2181017 ER#: EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF Collin § That City of Wylie, hereinafter called "Grantor," whether one or more, for and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration to Grantor in hand paid by TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY, a Texas Corporation, located at 1601 Bryan St., Dallas, Texas, 75201, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee", has granted, sold and conveyed and by these presents does grant, sell and convey unto said Grantee, their successors and assigns, an easement and right-of-way for overhead and/or underground electric supply and communications facilities, consisting of a variable number of wires and cables, supporting structures, surface mounted equipment, conduits, and all necessary or desirable appurtenances over, under, through, across, and upon Grantor's land described as follows: SEE EXHIBITS "A" ATTACHED Grantor recognizes that the general course of said lines, or the metes and bounds as above described, is based on preliminary surveys only, and Grantor hereby agrees that the easement and right-of way and its general dimensions hereby granted shall apply to the actual location of said lines when constructed. Together with the right of ingress and egress along and upon said easement and right- of-way and over and across Grantor's adjoining properties for the purpose of and with the right to construct, maintain, operate, repair, remove, replace, reconstruct, abandon in place, and to change the size and capacity of said facilities; the right to relocate said facilities in the same relative direction of said facilities; the right to relocate said facilities in the same relative position to any adjacent road if and as such road is widened in the future; the right to lease wire space for the purpose of permitting others to string or lay wire or cable along said facilities; the right to prevent excavation within the easement area; the right to prevent construction of, within the easement area, any and all buildings, structures or other obstructions which, in the sole judgment of Grantee, may endanger or interfere with the efficiency, safety, and/or convenient operation of said facilities and their appurtenances, and the right to trim or remove trees or shrubbery within, but not limited to, said easement area, including by use of herbicides or other similar chemicals approved by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, to the extent in the sole judgment of Grantee, as may be necessary to prevent possible interference with the operation of said facilities or to remove possible hazard thereto. Grantor shall not make changes in grade, elevation or contour of the land or impound water within the easement area as described above without prior written consent of Grantee. Grantor reserves the right to use the land within the above described easement area for purposes not inconsistent with Grantee's use of such property, provided such use shall not, in the sole judgment of the Grantee, interfere with the exercise by the Grantee of the rights hereby granted. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and right-of-way unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, until all of said electric lines and facilities shall be abandoned, and in that event said easement and right-of-way shall cease and all rights herein granted shall terminate and revert to Grantor or Grantor's heirs, successors or assigns; and Grantor hereby binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives, to warrant and forever defend the above described easement and right-of- way unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this day of , 2006. By: Name: Title: (Corporate Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF Collin § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared , as the of , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and he/she is authorized to do so. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , A. D. 2006. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas After recording, return to: TXU Electric Delivery Land Records P.O. Box 970 Ft. Worth, Texas 76101-0970 PAGE 1 of 3 EXHIBIT "A" 10' TXU EASEMENT EASEMENT A OWNER City of Wylie, Texas BEING a tract of land situated in the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of that same tract of land as described in deed to the City of Wylie, Texas, recorded in Volume 1053, Page 876 in the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod found with plastic cap stamped "Corwin Engr Inc" in the east line of an unrecorded right-of-way dedication to Ballard Street (variable width right-of- way), at the northwest corner of the remainder portion of said City of Wylie tract, same being the southwest corner of Lot 1 , Block B of Southplace Estates, Phase VI, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume Q, Page 411 in the Map Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE S 89°38'59" E, departing the east line of said Ballard Street, along the north line of said City of Wylie tract and south line of said Lot 1 , 42.08 feet; THENCE S 00°21'01 " W, departing the north line of said City of Wylie tract and south line of said Lot 1 , 10.00 feet; THENCE N 89°38'5 9" W, at all times remaining 10.00 feet south of and parallel to the north line of said City of Wylie tract, 42.07 feet to a point in the east line of said Ballard Street and lying in a non-tangent circular curve to the right having a radius of 5720.00 feet; THENCE northeasterly, along the east line of said Ballard Street, along said curve to the right, through a central angle of 00°06'01 ", an arc distance of 10.00 feet and having a chord which bears N 00°19'05" E, 10.00 feet to the POINT of BEGINNING and containing 421 square feet of land. PAGE 2 of 3 EXHIBIT "A" 10' TXU EASEMENT EASEMENT B OWNER City of Wylie, Texas BEING a tract of land situated in the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of that same tract of land as described in deed to the City of Wylie, Texas, recorded in Volume 1053, Page 876 in the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod found in the east line of an unrecorded right-of-way dedication to Ballard Street (variable width right-of-way), at the southwest corner of the remainder portion of said City of Wylie tract, same being the northwest corner of Lot 1 of Alanis Addition, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume P, Page 287 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, and lying in a circular curve to the right having a radius of 5720.00 feet; THENCE northeasterly, along the east line of said Ballard Street, along said curve to the right, through a central angle of 00°06'01", an arc distance of 10.01 feet and having a chord which bears N 01°46'57" W, 10.01 feet THENCE S 89°38'59" E, departing the east line of said Ballard Street, at all times remaining 10.00 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said City of Wylie tract, 58.82 feet THENCE S 00°21'01 " W, 10.00 feet to a point in the south line of said City of Wylie tract and the north line of said Lot 1; THENCE N 89°38'59" W, along the south line of said City of Wylie tract and north line of said Lot 1, 58.45 feet to the POINT of BEGINNING and containing 586 square feet of land. Qr ,vi‘...korrti...itik.;, ‘ A .14. - ._,..: 4 eye•17 4`\ ____Ae t_ Brad Spa Sparr Surveys BR , SPA Registered Professional 4, 2553 County Road 722 Land Surveyor No. 3701 s 3701 4 0 p ea i. McKinney, TX 75069 ir+42's.i t!.4• f ! (214) 544-2297 r X I—I I E3 © Lot 1, Block B o w Sou Vol.thp QlQce, Estates a Phase VI o Pg. 411 MRCCT j a JPOINT OF FIR 1/2" � c/CAP BEGINNING S 89 38 59 E 273.39 ESMT A FIR 1/2" :::.::.:..: ?:os'.....: r.1 „ - w/CAP ::.......:............:....:.. s002101 W N 89`38159" W 10.00' 42.07' 10' TXU Easement DELTA= 00'06'01 RAD= 5720.00' ARC= 10.00' CHD= N 00.19'05" E 11111111 10.00' LLI Aim 11016 01) ,. ❑ELTA= 0212'03" Remainder RAD= 5720.00 City of Wylie ARC- 219.71' Vol. 1053, Pg. 876 CHD= N 00 43 56 W cv 219.69' DRCCT ICC 55 yeal DELTA= 00'06'01" RAD= 5720.00' ARC= 10.01' CHD= N 01.46157" W 10.01' 10' TXU Easement 5 89'38'59" E 58.82' 00'21'01" W rOINT QF ...�:.:::.;.... ...:. :.:.:.. .... � 10.00' SM T B FIR N 89'38'59" W \i" 1/2" Lot 1 NOTES: Alanis Addition BEARINGS ESTABLISHED BY ASSUMING Vol. P, Pg. 287 N 00'19'56" E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF MRCCT BALLARD ST. SOUTH OF CLOUDCROFT DR. FIR DENOTES A FOUND IRON ROD. Sparr Surveys Scale .' = 40' 2553 C.R. 722 Dote 02-15-2006 McKinney, Texas 75069 (214) 544-2297 JOB No.: 2181017 DWG FILE: ESMT4 PAGE 3 OF 3 PAGE 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" 10' TXU EASEMENT OWNER City of Wylie, Texas BEING a tract of land situated in the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of that same tract of land as described in deed to the City of Wylie, Texas, recorded in Volume 5983, Page 1825 in the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod found in the east line of an unrecorded right-of-way dedication to Ballard Street (variable width right-of-way), at the southwest corner of the remainder portion of said City of Wylie tract, and lying in a circular curve to the left having a radius of 5839.58 feet; THENCE northeasterly, along the east line of said Ballard Street, along said curve to the left, through a central angle of 00°05'54", an arc distance of 10.02 feet and having a chord which bears N 04°16'34" E, 10.02 feet; THENCE S 89°14'42" E, departing the east line of said Ballard Street, at all times remaining 10.00 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said City of Wylie tract, 25.57 feet; THENCE S 00°45'18" W, 10.00 feet to a point in the north line of the remainder portion of that same tract of land as described in deed to Lone Star Gas Company, recorded in Volume 273, Page 119 in the DRCCT; THENCE N 89°14'42" W, along the north line of said Lone Star Gas Company tract, 28.19 feet to the POINT of BEGINNING and containing 259 square feet of land. ,,,,.. .,-,-----i-ii,_ r, ,,,. . (4.:‘ rky.'41 g r 4%,.-1-...(A\ lic,7/4!v 4,T cl,'..itrk Brad Sparr '"` "� `BRAD R ? Sparr Surveys Registered Professional �.�: 2553 County Road 722 `�‘�" �. TX 75089 Land Surveyor No. 3701 V o 0+:, McKinney, '.1 ' ° t'S I;ik 1 074,E tssip!,....:,.,A (214) 544-2297 J __EXI—ILIE3IT A `` Remainder R ° City of Wylie Vol. 4901, Pg. 2484 a DRCCT LIU 0 A. Ij - 0 res E FIR „ FIR .. 1/2 „ S 89 19 49 E 105.21 1/2 CO 1_4..1 " Ci z t 7,..„0 7114 O Tr %11 i14( (13 DELTA= O'37'54" Remainder rig 64.39 ► City of Wylie 5 o RAD="likii ' �— Vol. 5983, Pg. 1825 0 ARC= 6439 ❑ELTA= 00'05'S4" CHD= N 04"00134" E DRCCT to 64.39' RAD= 5839.58' ARC= 10.02' CHD= N 04'16134" E co-- 10.02' FIR 7 0 TXU 5/8" S 8914142" E Easement 25.57' :. . .:.:.....; 10.00' j POINT OF ..:..: ::2 6.1�9'.: BEGINNING 1/2►► N 89.14'42" W V\--e Remainder Lone Star Gas Company Vol. 273, Pg. 119 DRCCT NOTES: BEARINGS ESTABLISHED BY ASSUMING N 0019'56" E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF BALLARD ST. SOUTH OF CLOUDCROFT DR. FIR DENOTES A FOUND IRON ROD. SParSueYs Scale T 11 — 20 .R 22 Dote 01—07-2006 McKinney2553 C, Tex. as 75059 (214) 544--2297 JOB No.: 2781017 DWG FILE: ESMT3 PAGE 2 OF 2 I Wylie City Council (01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: C De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/09/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat creating three retail lots for the Trout— 78 Addition, subject property generally located north of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-3, Block A of the Trout-78 Addition for three retail lots located north of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. Discussion The Preliminary Plat creates three retail lots totaling 1.909 acres and is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District. A twenty-four foot mutual access easement is platted by this plat. Lot 1 is 0.503 acres and contains an existing 5,400 square foot one story retail building, Lot 2 is 0.562 acres in size, and Lot 3 is 0.844 acres. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (5-0) for the Preliminary Plat on March 7, 2006. A Site Plan was also approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 7, 2006 for the subject property. The applicant is proposing to construct a 7 bay carwash on lot 2. A concept plan for a future 5,000 square foot single story office/retail building is proposed for Lot 3. The Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 e s a Wail*r tl....0J-scam t ,CC+.! ■P 0$ 900E'WaW.#od OLht Y►iii# C IfOiC■■■rL'�1r1.1•11 f..11f..1111 ti=I �yL,���►I�LYi ■4.Eit[.11 .��I i-� a •R 1[YMM'►+■1 w.el C i� ___...-.- 1 i �Y ►lam, -, 7 �'►�_ I .;. q'0•!i I6x ...I M1 , 5,P,o0 to ANC Mfi. 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Yn•1 6M■w/.1 rt..w�Y.R•.'s.Rus"b r 4.y i i.w.R•.w P Sr.w 6rw.•.ur0 .R�.►i.G.Met a+M ra+s,p,o4 I■q�'+di. �� at+Nr. it wr,%...■1.d■.ww I+u r►1 7. ■e1 1W tin!.■•1••■pr f w.Rw1•w -'- �. 1'rY P.■r +■rYl1.11 Ir■•M t■+-P►+I•A1+LM•fial•PIM ..l•MI••■r 1M.1 d'[iL1f N^•t..IiIY ..T- - '� i.•P.■Md•■•re P 1M.�ML t..•.■M�•MP Pa.+�•!•.■y ■wl 1■r1 ill r.t■■rM/■la■a p•■Ls Pfrr ..MonikiO x7 WI a].( P.. /.•11 4+•r••..M P.■.L'•M oi...1 wg 7.+w ■w■••.M.� P1M M+r,1np...a,044 O"•4 iO 1 •, 71■4 11.■;we H sow•a••A■■•R■■■■M..1 r.rs 76r^n0 .■•al aft/M e}a •.r7 M*++yl P■■9'IY.11.O i1 Mr+rM■RJ•yy..pp Aiw7. we pw.w N■10 Y 0. 0.ulr..^7■■•w a1.a ..r,. -b..al.y...04•...seep , I «..11p r..r.nr.a+•a.[1►i•r.1.rw t■1.1Y.•.4...A■+..•r■Y1 i...a r,X PI■■'[tip-1.01.R..•4K4• 1 •]ir.q.1►/../w■1hi 7..rr+L■■•-1a-wfv•tRnr►++•w•.r•• +M Pwr. r.e■s•■1 1+R.P4 y r►�►i1P■PRitw .'Ir110y.Wr 70J�10M7A10001r. r r ,�p.�, wrq.1 r p.m.L.rAm1.1 a...Se.i pa root rw+.a••f■s r....I /,' *�7 tra r~ ■■ -' e;0•09.M.r Lair mR.1.1••.•i p■r■■M 0.1 Y■.2■•s 11,,.0.11 pl■■N I■■.r 00...■.Py■1 P■t00,Z1:Zak.....t*..ww.wwr..+ ws n ea r■0....k 1r v■+r•t■+vr.I.,4w3 ue■i■r-..•■•�+•n •rG1 l•+40 .■i•••1M I•+1 r P•1 M a y.sq■M/w. ++■1�•1 r a►1■�w 1•1■R A RI■Mr[1.wlwfR 1•r+rnel•a'..,w SAN x 5 il 31VIS 4Lv,L L1Fa"3 s.t.ai �.- Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT _: Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: D De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/09/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for the R.O.W. Dedication for the Stone Road Extension, subject property generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for the Right-of-Way Dedication for Stone Road Extension. Discussion The proposed plat dedicates 1/2 of Stone Road from WISD property (east of Cimarron Estates Phase II) running north to connect to S.H. 78. The right-of-way extension varies in width from 100 feet at S.H. 78 to 50 feet at the northwest corner of the proposed Wylie High School #2 property line. The southern portion of Stone Road was platted under the new WISD High School. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (5-0) of the Final Plat for the Right-of- Way Dedication for Stone Road Extension at its March 7, 2006 meeting. The Final Plat complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 ' berry C.liww.sy OYINER1 CEIFTWICATE vol.:vv,Py.OW / AS STATE TExAS A+O71110.23" �• COUATE CF NTY TY OF rtC`OL.IJI'! COUNTY Of 17CLI.61 R+•37�.61' kr..En4,11.1.r.e. L.100.00' - ...1 -,t1.e Wyi.ter...a.nt 5.w/1711.1 r 04 denser aI a as. IIEHI It.No wick..1aa a.,t■arkr.i Sokry Pug.Fr and kr tr.a .:rF 110 ua-170'J411• F 0174'2370'E a!I 1.4.1.a In U.e Frawc:.ca LM La Poor 9wwny.Abwraae Ira.RIW. skate.A Tesa..6.If.r.day para■r.•P.to. �,� ar r•,A1s.Cobin Coo Sara+,and t+Nnp■u.t t4a lrVCn W qrW i olaveth.ern.td a.1a.p""%rmma'"nw.a r"*"'.d►a M-urw� 1ti0.0D' �� *oat r I.il.1 ea■.yaa mthan 11tia1 IS by deals rra.ra.a e.Gain:.w'.►1 d.A. 1.y. ria and.i St.ki yw U t tr YI..pa rat Ono ant arrow --/ r*aaor la bY0 Far Ha.t00a-%.t1NOG[�.end 2i7U0-ipa.t7lxlrx,oetl b4rrlY R.we Yarl.arlorlj ry.a rhd■pandeef Stnaw DI■trk!for rho pwpara end L.eldaiWl++r. • .."- esecnfaad e.Tpl.w.' I..4■.....,elr.tl m N..owoity Y•arolo W.I. • ,..••.- . �� �.. ._...._.- Rf.AIItI o!a I/T'1�'Crs rod rw..W Iw eanrr.tnakl poY.s iwq p.+ Llrl7L rhwr my.rs.7 aka naW d Wk.IaF lb.* by■! _" ..a 7./Was awns of Lot 27,Ipdd.A,Cimarron Wows.Ptna■.i A. ��..0d. �-- I.ddWan b ih■a!r al*M'~Ta.ut w renamed M CW►i.ot I],Now Irt .1 �� 3h7. .o!HENCE.Np7'132.23`..,a dater.a1 233 3S 6.L ba o 1 f r Ir.n ro4 sotail L•Dooma. ta.ia / fa comer erld 11•a ii.ow rnq a*6 ow,.W Chi haft ba.0.oaniroi 1..iK P.r-�.HT -:r ' Trwtr.a-E.ew.M[.Ray Tnwe I♦1t ka...of t17f'D4,a roar.al 190000 1.s1,a Wart iwo.at 7+11,Xl IM> a1 F..er • -�" .tl ` a+ ?13'.16'4iY YVL re7..P¢.rip 1177 hot..■Wawa O win hovirofw 363-02 raat ---- ,•'. 19.24' O 1O0 300 dlreO 1•aEMUE In vol..vol.. 11ph demo saki c1.rs•a to the tan,a PC ���- � W aaldaaw 56933 loot to■1/1"Fen red art!a.Cc+t1/and I1M a,W .- NT8'3 V.'' GRAPI31. SCALE A1.110E h1'.'iI a11K a.4011.1 oe ty.27 I.a a 1/3.P.rod r.t 19.x7' 1+100� [ar Warner N ern.awth IF.a.+NaH•aYhpl 1.0 7i t.w.sar.s•Idtn y- Art.04'4a'46� NH r.o.1.1.►.ia tfto aaot Vn 0 Pa vI a..a c..b Ye... �d for ApprWer ...."' R.x000 00' h..wny.ar.ri d w.f■.0 oo'S!73.■roau.ai 57 n Ll.■*a�yrnl • 7,64.0e .e::of 30.00 r aw dud M thwd Warr,wir.,..rt,ie..,herb. tiariooh s leer r.v`ea-no,d�:cw D. C11.51 1 111E1tCC w e narYw..twTy dFwlkn aanf Wald oww to the InR drA riYh Ckr d wy.a.to.a i. CBrr313"I 4' a!n aa..Nn+Fee of 5lah wpr...ny 1.a 7p...arc d•.tanaa as I0oG0 I.rt A+1900.0. 7 i7.94' sea 1/T ion'ad r.t.,t.wnan Mau .P4anad ror Ar.ebructW r Alk c 7.291.0W TM[rR7E sts~sr4tl...aarift ut.1lipho6Y Nw 7E a au w td■ of 19 �� L�Dd6.r4 f.d to a%Y toe r.Q w4!.r aomor ar.4 11•.r le•Wit o Of.srrw to •Np47'09`MI aptW.,p r t:ehuttl tt+ya or 04.41Ya6.,a raiu.M MGMMGM.... u.yar.Cqr oI Wria,Too. Dot. �. r 2. 4 t.nIlk aptrrr.l wr.yu.or 3404 La.R a.d a ch.o oirna Stri2't9'L t47.94 loot. At3.L ri e.wsnaAY tltaatloo rar4 acid prra to tern.ryYrL n dro y,p°�� ti ,._' dMa�w d 1sr snot Ina 1/2' .rod ett.mono.ehd n..na of I.ikerki ■ f TAISCE 1102027]1T,a dtat.os al t377 is faH to a 1 ft Fdn era/hat �•4 a�MYfR T.eva le.,comer: 7aftw.pwr.tta. 1fiE7tCE ioft'Or'22'rt a 9..[aua.s.•977.93 hat IA r 1/Y"..rod art IIII:(Sift IWr aW.'hr R lino narla une d e koWl of land rsn.+yaa 4e tM to/q Yp.Sthi,Pr,,tra i.y.ywrdonl 1.a•e..pralrtcl yr a.w,Z.-as i.Gall,Chanty C...A•. . I I Iil♦jH - 1I.zoos•u04t83, � a n Tif7aC1'e.aa719....,With Wu nor.IRO of.1 N'tl••ISO,rant!.. `fha.Nrorri^.R 11M OW R1ehY..y K Llrr Mena t Tree.rwr..Yr. Ia•yay• u 7� aYr14..r+■4f 1t76o h+r!lu•1/'='Fan ova 1,w�. iw cwrrr iL!hO.o.t w'•W�rr Mot der for Tral Hot us nd itrael kelanwan. tin.of YM or.rrtlw�NwHtl t3P olo ioi K f9.OM 4. aad.M..1.w CO,of 1•W autwwlkad to tY.■u►Y CaY►ci<an i1.. day d w 20r34,.4 w Cdu1.a,by formoµa.., PF ThLKI rarr'O1 Sot,will.the Oast Ina.i Chrarran 11 O..P.a..., r�irn ana tl.a+r.Ctaylval @w Or dot 1I rllir•r-df-'+d/r. ► �.r. a*Mao.a+S77 3i root to 04 oCco,OF IIEoheod a.W C.C.TAp.17 ao.a.rl.rAa.na epga.a woo.entl ar.lar'a.!R IHM spar■Gd Pfat. t.81S saw d IaP.L Mel e41/Co...for.,aW.■Igod bona R.pyp 10 rna4 Iqr.ecapl•- pNp ann ossmer by atom,by..mono.6........w0ocnt.0... ++ H 6ASIS OF QE11Rr406: woo.har hood thi ^-.�_d� o1 of __....-.A0..2094. x ostL!oar»aC-Look I r.n,9 0 111 ..44oa.Pt-24110 TI..Irwin,.earn era hal.an Fru.North,Par COS Obar.a... A Q Iri4oriigo Pt : r er r Hoot 71...FORE,mom ALL MEN pY THESE►RESINIS: 0 okay ...Wad dp 04....... os atr pat tta.p.traa by w Owai t o.4 rrss..�� y C,.r eha Wm.Wwvr Woer.4 proa.(1,ea rump Mr.Eat..., SAY.a,anion of halo ofloo.w.4.1 by....ma.aw.d.r e wAvi..n w�� 'lower.rr'�. . t• p.Wait:..to In.C.tr.I WA,Carlin Co.,I... A.oasem•ta al otter er...:o and aorta.or.is la orawet to..1.d4w0 of 01111. 1.4.A N SURVEYOR'S CE1111F1CA1t M..,thorran era twat*nee,.Par Um pwrwooa In.itatrd. w.a bul n9 W'*^.. Tba VT..nd.too..0e011011..Owl le e1wr1 M r..#•era.rso a.d La .. 30 21 . 10401Y AL.Mk IF//PM MAWS- MA,kik.L■o to/4w. P.a..4.,9wlhaN wba nalib.osboetidn atom,and rl public ■Iby+Krod Pm..L.I...mbar w we$1.d T.a.....br one wrire...tiot.tar■ik.p r.r.r.+.a. T o nagosonanao of r rut}... .W■end!I...I W�M ap tool.A•.t Ow.an .awd.• s. -O•�Yp••^d p•ul,au,.I 00.q'wail a.w Pio Woo aneot.M the 1'isw... fft al Worm}.f w.lava,end tare remarwR..ta ai.u.•.the:....+ie;wad ao4 ►ho w« l. , twW wow. So boll....h. ..,r....er o.M. . a anger m por.bar►d wp.rAa.on an0 n WWdraargLr wiles 0•■ Fnpr....annta or.OrwM.■ah...M ran7trycS.d.mro...tr.rciad w pucka _.... P.■tf.r.p It+/r.na .gro[•aru of tA.oty.I 9y4..T..w. y N p,,. fat F.d.mu 9 melee.of■.i Dk. uri u.sa r d.i os to eat..aw AN 044 a.p MI■br obis hwa too MO to 4..wr.Art.neap ramw.l 01 ar are N.ry rorbox, ..._-._.. foam,Weak Mv.aa.r aRHll' r.b.+s.tb p►ro+Ur rra.h in tnI tfat►w L.e•0hrilrw unpro ,...� jp NegatraR..w Ito.li6T g�u.yy erne!f x Fn4■rirr■Mh tlw aarrtrwt.en.manw.wce...or orfrpor.gl o+ka►..!.,berm gofer'don Un.adorno■Is.and as li' Wdtb.o so.at.w tine.F.O.. of anorow and ep.w.to.r l STATE OF TEX.&O burn en0 rl•or Yee we,'m t•r.Nu.w pptt�� ar combo etit: f �-- COMITY OF GOl Liba rstanaaruct4p.lciapocltnp.paw., lairar..r•d adtlnY to err +ar+ 19 K P•/M of Ma rai.petilw.rw.ma r/1nv..t we new nFty �. IILFt71♦E LIE:,Vne unMrei�..4 s,ihor.ly.■x.+arY►.irc s.w.■Ito V•a R and Is..womata two or..a.ar..tpr•w Ow/M•61kr•rtMtY ' Sitvr..1 1....the atyr wt.r../.0.L.K.q.brown to rq■ k.M Harr t,.rSpht of Fgr■ra one hoar to pr.wu prap.rty Ex tM F I N A L PLAT t.M.Me p.m..I.uer non.a a taaa.yaed td 14 r..'�i..trw.w.! of r fern p..1,.Mod.nI hVkar■�.r..r•..a rer.aroo r sr.4...raM...gotl td rr.o kW i..e.Grtrd tl.s... .p.rpdar pP"'. y p ..p by 0 1..toil} MM..a aa.ramr.0 r.ad also had a4t+aldraliane IlwraN e..p.+M■a..a H n.a...ay tow.,atdt.L Paw.Lett•.Y won d worl.k.0.poor*or canrourdua halm moot- 1 tom..of tn.*Worm, ..,.wM Id moo coma. natal- R.O.W. DEDICATION LI►A;3t w..lr my hard.hand....A of OW.thi!wA boor et ouan pod aeaFlt■oohC.a7 1AMfnd■ti dnr.aut.,aM rota roar srrir).. p hem w+a.aM to ika w4 r w,pn�.,o.nwd!..41 d r.m..ae W r1rh f0 pfdUor•y rynrrnrds Iwr:n yrVntaa tFgEl 4■tlatMmY.W by 1Mk 11.79.a tom. STONE STREET EXTENSION C.ar O.Pry 7a7 0 $A ,i..P.r al 1n and for Niue too are art tOu;olad r.IM City oI My. a o. Vr 54ase al Tees p.4.0 nwo.Waver,for IM pwpaaa h.iltreea.an 11..plri_T- - Fhia,tint a woo...bolo.!,■ow oholoo.r.Y..o..:..,rah....y.irl.n. Situated In The e. - !hater!9 4e.w on0 rort.r.yne of ih.coy,.t hay...Tam, /' a0.00' FRANCISCO DE LA PIMA SURVEY r.Ir tin M..my bend at _.._.r. X '�.. WO. ABSTRACT No. 688 11,.a r.a.,...,,spw ti7,vl.trtal WYLIE. COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS �._ flier. �Iiax ~ W1lla Indapondent School DII■triet n 951 balk.Street y >t7'tla hoop.. Wylie iaxaa 75005 hoop..9.h..•Db.trl■t Telaphona 972 429--3000 ;II coo r...esva-t.ve1.131 C _...,_..____..-.--.J "--. RL1S E1e.ilnaal■A4,Inc. 1 T T Moat ttlpM.StrabrL Allan,T.K. 75013 talophona 972 369-1733 �� Fatruvey 6.2006 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT _: Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: E De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/09/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Wylie High School Number Two, subject property generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Wylie Independent School District, Wylie High School Number Two. Discussion The applicant is proposing a High School on one lot totaling 63.550 gross acres. The subject property was rezoned to Agriculture District (A/28) in April of 2005. The Plat dedicates one hundred (100) feet of right-of-way along the western portion of the property that will extend from Bennett Road and connect to Stone Road Extension (on the current Agenda) which will ultimately connect to Highway 78. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (5-0) of the Final Plat at its March 7, 2006 meeting. The Final Plat complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 ' berry C.liww.sy OYINER1 CEIFTWICATE vol.:vv,Py.OW / AS STATE TExAS A+O71110.23" �• COUATE CF NTY TY OF rtC`OL.IJI'! COUNTY Of 17CLI.61 R+•37�.61' kr..En4,11.1.r.e. L.100.00' - ...1 -,t1.e Wyi.ter...a.nt 5.w/1711.1 r 04 denser aI a as. IIEHI It.No wick..1aa a.,t■arkr.i Sokry Pug.Fr and kr tr.a .:rF 110 ua-170'J411• F 0174'2370'E a!I 1.4.1.a In U.e Frawc:.ca LM La Poor 9wwny.Abwraae Ira.RIW. skate.A Tesa..6.If.r.day para■r.•P.to. �,� ar r•,A1s.Cobin Coo Sara+,and t+Nnp■u.t t4a lrVCn W qrW i olaveth.ern.td a.1a.p""%rmma'"nw.a r"*"'.d►a M-urw� 1ti0.0D' �� *oat r I.il.1 ea■.yaa mthan 11tia1 IS by deals rra.ra.a e.Gain:.w'.►1 d.A. 1.y. ria and.i St.ki yw U t tr YI..pa rat Ono ant arrow --/ r*aaor la bY0 Far Ha.t00a-%.t1NOG[�.end 2i7U0-ipa.t7lxlrx,oetl b4rrlY R.we Yarl.arlorlj ry.a rhd■pandeef Stnaw DI■trk!for rho pwpara end L.eldaiWl++r. • .."- esecnfaad e.Tpl.w.' I..4■.....,elr.tl m N..owoity Y•arolo W.I. • ,..••.- . �� �.. ._...._.- Rf.AIItI o!a I/T'1�'Crs rod rw..W Iw eanrr.tnakl poY.s iwq p.+ Llrl7L rhwr my.rs.7 aka naW d Wk.IaF lb.* by■! _" ..a 7./Was awns of Lot 27,Ipdd.A,Cimarron Wows.Ptna■.i A. ��..0d. �-- I.ddWan b ih■a!r al*M'~Ta.ut w renamed M CW►i.ot I],Now Irt .1 �� 3h7. .o!HENCE.Np7'132.23`..,a dater.a1 233 3S 6.L ba o 1 f r Ir.n ro4 sotail L•Dooma. ta.ia / fa comer erld 11•a ii.ow rnq a*6 ow,.W Chi haft ba.0.oaniroi 1..iK P.r-�.HT -:r ' Trwtr.a-E.ew.M[.Ray Tnwe I♦1t ka...of t17f'D4,a roar.al 190000 1.s1,a Wart iwo.at 7+11,Xl IM> a1 F..er • -�" .tl ` a+ ?13'.16'4iY YVL re7..P¢.rip 1177 hot..■Wawa O win hovirofw 363-02 raat ---- ,•'. 19.24' O 1O0 300 dlreO 1•aEMUE In vol..vol.. 11ph demo saki c1.rs•a to the tan,a PC ���- � W aaldaaw 56933 loot to■1/1"Fen red art!a.Cc+t1/and I1M a,W .- NT8'3 V.'' GRAPI31. SCALE A1.110E h1'.'iI a11K a.4011.1 oe ty.27 I.a a 1/3.P.rod r.t 19.x7' 1+100� [ar Warner N ern.awth IF.a.+NaH•aYhpl 1.0 7i t.w.sar.s•Idtn y- Art.04'4a'46� NH r.o.1.1.►.ia tfto aaot Vn 0 Pa vI a..a c..b Ye... �d for ApprWer ...."' R.x000 00' h..wny.ar.ri d w.f■.0 oo'S!73.■roau.ai 57 n Ll.■*a�yrnl • 7,64.0e .e::of 30.00 r aw dud M thwd Warr,wir.,..rt,ie..,herb. tiariooh s leer r.v`ea-no,d�:cw D. C11.51 1 111E1tCC w e narYw..twTy dFwlkn aanf Wald oww to the InR drA riYh Ckr d wy.a.to.a i. CBrr313"I 4' a!n aa..Nn+Fee of 5lah wpr...ny 1.a 7p...arc d•.tanaa as I0oG0 I.rt A+1900.0. 7 i7.94' sea 1/T ion'ad r.t.,t.wnan Mau .P4anad ror Ar.ebructW r Alk c 7.291.0W TM[rR7E sts~sr4tl...aarift ut.1lipho6Y Nw 7E a au w td■ of 19 �� L�Dd6.r4 f.d to a%Y toe r.Q w4!.r aomor ar.4 11•.r le•Wit o Of.srrw to •Np47'09`MI aptW.,p r t:ehuttl tt+ya or 04.41Ya6.,a raiu.M MGMMGM.... u.yar.Cqr oI Wria,Too. Dot. �. r 2. 4 t.nIlk aptrrr.l wr.yu.or 3404 La.R a.d a ch.o oirna Stri2't9'L t47.94 loot. 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A Q Iri4oriigo Pt : r er r Hoot 71...FORE,mom ALL MEN pY THESE►RESINIS: 0 okay ...Wad dp 04....... os atr pat tta.p.traa by w Owai t o.4 rrss..�� y C,.r eha Wm.Wwvr Woer.4 proa.(1,ea rump Mr.Eat..., SAY.a,anion of halo ofloo.w.4.1 by....ma.aw.d.r e wAvi..n w�� 'lower.rr'�. . t• p.Wait:..to In.C.tr.I WA,Carlin Co.,I... A.oasem•ta al otter er...:o and aorta.or.is la orawet to..1.d4w0 of 01111. 1.4.A N SURVEYOR'S CE1111F1CA1t M..,thorran era twat*nee,.Par Um pwrwooa In.itatrd. w.a bul n9 W'*^.. Tba VT..nd.too..0e011011..Owl le e1wr1 M r..#•era.rso a.d La .. 30 21 . 10401Y AL.Mk IF//PM MAWS- MA,kik.L■o to/4w. P.a..4.,9wlhaN wba nalib.osboetidn atom,and rl public ■Iby+Krod Pm..L.I...mbar w we$1.d T.a.....br one wrire...tiot.tar■ik.p r.r.r.+.a. T o nagosonanao of r rut}... .W■end!I...I W�M ap tool.A•.t Ow.an .awd.• s. -O•�Yp••^d p•ul,au,.I 00.q'wail a.w Pio Woo aneot.M the 1'isw... fft al Worm}.f w.lava,end tare remarwR..ta ai.u.•.the:....+ie;wad ao4 ►ho w« l. , twW wow. So boll....h. ..,r....er o.M. . a anger m por.bar►d wp.rAa.on an0 n WWdraargLr wiles 0•■ Fnpr....annta or.OrwM.■ah...M ran7trycS.d.mro...tr.rciad w pucka _.... P.■tf.r.p It+/r.na .gro[•aru of tA.oty.I 9y4..T..w. y N p,,. fat F.d.mu 9 melee.of■.i Dk. uri u.sa r d.i os to eat..aw AN 044 a.p MI■br obis hwa too MO to 4..wr.Art.neap ramw.l 01 ar are N.ry rorbox, ..._-._.. foam,Weak Mv.aa.r aRHll' r.b.+s.tb p►ro+Ur rra.h in tnI tfat►w L.e•0hrilrw unpro ,...� jp NegatraR..w Ito.li6T g�u.yy erne!f x Fn4■rirr■Mh tlw aarrtrwt.en.manw.wce...or orfrpor.gl o+ka►..!.,berm gofer'don Un.adorno■Is.and as li' Wdtb.o so.at.w tine.F.O.. of anorow and ep.w.to.r l STATE OF TEX.&O burn en0 rl•or Yee we,'m t•r.Nu.w pptt�� ar combo etit: f �-- COMITY OF GOl Liba rstanaaruct4p.lciapocltnp.paw., lairar..r•d adtlnY to err +ar+ 19 K P•/M of Ma rai.petilw.rw.ma r/1nv..t we new nFty �. IILFt71♦E LIE:,Vne unMrei�..4 s,ihor.ly.■x.+arY►.irc s.w.■Ito V•a R and Is..womata two or..a.ar..tpr•w Ow/M•61kr•rtMtY ' Sitvr..1 1....the atyr wt.r../.0.L.K.q.brown to rq■ k.M Harr t,.rSpht of Fgr■ra one hoar to pr.wu prap.rty Ex tM F I N A L PLAT t.M.Me p.m..I.uer non.a a taaa.yaed td 14 r..'�i..trw.w.! of r fern p..1,.Mod.nI hVkar■�.r..r•..a rer.aroo r sr.4...raM...gotl td rr.o kW i..e.Grtrd tl.s... .p.rpdar pP"'. y p ..p by 0 1..toil} MM..a aa.ramr.0 r.ad also had a4t+aldraliane IlwraN e..p.+M■a..a H n.a...ay tow.,atdt.L Paw.Lett•.Y won d worl.k.0.poor*or canrourdua halm moot- 1 tom..of tn.*Worm, ..,.wM Id moo coma. natal- R.O.W. DEDICATION LI►A;3t w..lr my hard.hand....A of OW.thi!wA boor et ouan pod aeaFlt■oohC.a7 1AMfnd■ti dnr.aut.,aM rota roar srrir).. p hem w+a.aM to ika w4 r w,pn�.,o.nwd!..41 d r.m..ae W r1rh f0 pfdUor•y rynrrnrds Iwr:n yrVntaa tFgEl 4■tlatMmY.W by 1Mk 11.79.a tom. STONE STREET EXTENSION C.ar O.Pry 7a7 0 $A ,i..P.r al 1n and for Niue too are art tOu;olad r.IM City oI My. a o. Vr 54ase al Tees p.4.0 nwo.Waver,for IM pwpaaa h.iltreea.an 11..plri_T- - Fhia,tint a woo...bolo.!,■ow oholoo.r.Y..o..:..,rah....y.irl.n. Situated In The e. - !hater!9 4e.w on0 rort.r.yne of ih.coy,.t hay...Tam, /' a0.00' FRANCISCO DE LA PIMA SURVEY r.Ir tin M..my bend at _.._.r. X '�.. WO. ABSTRACT No. 688 11,.a r.a.,...,,spw ti7,vl.trtal WYLIE. COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS �._ flier. �Iiax ~ W1lla Indapondent School DII■triet n 951 balk.Street y >t7'tla hoop.. Wylie iaxaa 75005 hoop..9.h..•Db.trl■t Telaphona 972 429--3000 ;II coo r...esva-t.ve1.131 C _...,_..____..-.--.J "--. RL1S E1e.ilnaal■A4,Inc. 1 T T Moat ttlpM.StrabrL Allan,T.K. 75013 talophona 972 369-1733 �� Fatruvey 6.2006 Wylie City Council (01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: F De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: Date Prepared: March 17, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, acceptance of.016 acres of land out of the S. B. Shelby Survey for right-of-way for Cooper Drive. Recommendation Motion to approve acceptance of.016 acres of land out of the S. B. Shelby Survey for right-of-way for Cooper Drive. Discussion As a part of the redevelopment of the Cooper Drive area, a portion of the extension of Cooper Drive to Highway 78 was platted within the Cooper Retail Addition (attached). Due to the fact that multiple property owners were involved, including Collin County's portion of the former KCS right-of-way, all of the necessary land for the Cooper Drive right-of-way could not be included in the plat. This parcel, in addition to a .047 acre tract, will complete the right-of-way necessary for Cooper Drive. The Subdivision Regulations allow for the City to accept right-of-way dedication through a document other than a plat. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 223 200940-18 31 A SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED "NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER." Date: February 10, 2006 Grantor: James L. Hughes and wife,Mary Genene Hughes Mailing Address: P. G. Box 1329 Wylie, Texas 75098 Grantee: The City of Wylie Grantee's Mailing Address: 2000 Hwy. 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Consideration: $10.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed by Grantor. Property (including any improvements: Being 0.016 acres of land in the S. B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, and being part of a 3.988 acre tract of land described in deed to Raymond B. Cooper by John L. Bostic, Jr. and the Estate of Marguerite M. Bostic recorded in Volume 868, Page 626 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds on Exhibits A and B attached hereto for all purposes. Reservations from and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: None Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: Validly existing easements, rights-of-way, and prescriptive rights, whether of record or not; all presently recorded and validly existing instruments, other than conveyances of the surface fee estate, that affect the Property; and taxes for 2005, which • Grantee assumes and agrees to pay, and subsequent assessments for that and prior years due to change in land usage, ownership, or both, the payment of which Grantee assumes. 223200940-t 831 A Grantor, for the consideration and subject to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty, grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, BY, THROUGH OR UNDER GRANTOR, BUT NOT OTHERWISE, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty. As a material part of the Consideration for this deed, Grantor and Grantee agree that Grantee is taking the Property"AS IS" with any and all latent and patent defects and that there is no warranty by Grantor that the Property has a particular financial value or is fit for a particular purpose. Grantee acknowledges and stipulates that Grantee is not relying on any representation, statement, or other assertion with respect to the Property condition but is relying on Grantee's examination of the Property. Grantee takes the Property with the express understanding and stipulation that there are no express or implied warranties. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EFFECTIVE DATE: February 10, 2006 ames L. Hughes 1 )ol;) # Wm,ji Mary Genene Hughes Accepted by The City of Wylie: By: John Mondy, Mayor • 223200940-1831 A STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of February, 2006, by James L. Hughes `• '`''°`' •`• D BARON COOK r• e 1 \ i Notary Public t • - •' State of Texas 1•`L^•• r Notary Public, State of Texas Yam`` a�R—c.a•1AMM.ZN'ti'm 4 STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of February, 2006, by Mar Genene Hughes =•', d• D.E IRON COOK Notary Public SS•J St ete of Texas •=t:i ti ry� • !r 03-28- 2007 ..:., •• Notary Public, State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of February, 2006,by John Mondy, Mayor of The City of Wylie on behalf of city. Notary Public, State of Texas After recording return to: Commonwealth Land Title Co. 108 W. Marble Wylie, Texas 75098 223200940-1831 A Exhibit"A" • .......' . . . . . . • . . • . . . , • . . •••.-.:•.! . • - . . • • ' .. • .•. . . • . . . ; . ' • .. . ; . . . . • • • • . . . ; .. • • .• . . . ••• ' . .. . . . . . .• • . .. . • . . . . , . •-, ' • • • . . . .. • • 1 . ' • . . , ; . •. „ - ' . • : . . ' . . • . . , • •,.• • • . . . . . .• • • • . • . ;•• . • .!:.: . f. . . EXHIBIT "A" .. ..-; ..., • • ,. . LL=12 I—SN52°01'498.14°2 01 1WW 2555..1 225] i 111 .....•. L-3 5394-0120°E 2:42. ..: ,. r...4. .;, i•....•,,,, ..,.., -.! . '" 1.,••,..:....,`,.., y . -- ,. - . • ',t J.', .i'-•' i -' 1 . y I," ..,• C-1 Radius-= 175.00' Length 5Q , ... .56' - -i 'Delta = 16'3312" . i .Chrd. Brg. = 47•56156.1E .i. \ . . ... Chrd. Length = 50.38' - f i . ‘ • Wylie Partner. LP. ! Volume 5903. Page 312 i • D.R.C.C.T. 87,185 sq. ft. / 2.001 acres \ Mary Cenene Hughce • la . Volume 3997. Page 0865, . . ; . D.R.C.C.T. • I - . • I • \ • . \ - - - ..• . , 726•sq. ft. ... — _ 0.016 acre • • / -i — — .......—.--1- „_....................... ..------------ / . . .• i . -,.. r Remainder of .. Wylie EConornic ' ! ' Development Coeporoticn :•'? Volurrie'4572, Page 356.3 • c--1 /V Z voiurne 5a15, Page 2219, • i,Ci Prop / ia( (0 4 3' F . . 6 ,-•• • g. gc.e*iv. • , . . . b 6 L-73 • . .../. . . . . fr CPI gk' "--- ..... ... Z 1 • ' ,-1 .i.4‘•.i.c1'IC:" C.P- s• C:0 1 . . . ,.. \-- \ . • . P.0 I,. • \ . . .• . , • i • \• •Z ile' • .: \'4, -.... , . • . \ \ D. "../ • 1.i t,. -c '4, • • Shafer Pla \za XXX3Y, Ltd. \ \( . . . Volume 5858, Pogi 1315, a D.R.C.C.T. • \/ ' ,\CY.(IF . •137.431 3g. IL / 3.154 acres k? . .j::.. •//7 Pail° cf • •. ,.......• •. %- . .„....,...ill . F, ficoning . . ..-,, ., c i -,i • ...‘ .c c.: . -: A--•7 .A V. .• . , . •:,•i'X r Cut: Found • ...... - .....,•.. 1 • fel6 CD•.* i" I , I ....:...... . A ..... .. ... . P : T._ 1/2- Ira. Rod z r,./ se • .- H17 311- • !f With Cop Stamped r,}..•.,........ •• ....... ..r. 7 . "LONE STAR": Set . F '' 118 5 14,.'' C/ . ICT.•• ....• -.4 €.-. •• -r- Wan Cop Stamped •-•••-•• S U 4. 'LONE STAR': Found • --_, ZartIMB MIAM WIWI% I OF 2 erVaVrirriEle %Ma& * Right—of—way flit: I 2/07/05 botheag It.Mtt. 101 c-,;....%;;:=',--"%11;:i•..V.;;;,;.-ii,c,., .54,il-ii•,:,';1.4,.;ICA+-•.,,,,,,t...12- Dedication JOS NO.: 2004-0582-3 limiChumay.Tvizai Tien ••,...'s•;44,7,!......'e,Ait'. ,,,t.r,.:;4,•..,..,.:..v..!..,, • 6•••..;4..•••l'•:.!'•11;i7,14;;',(:".!•;,..0.;:i t'..):r DRAWN NY: CSH OA)1114-44.4-mi (tar) 1114-644-1111114 1 rw,tf.',..i5;zt.-:4,-,4'..Tii•VEL.,::;4:1,- -. %Ti''':•;4-N• i'Y',....i.1,!=iil...',-.1%.,11;111:-.:•;':N 223200940-1831A Exhibit"B" • • • • • • • • . . • EXHIBIT "B,' METES •AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION Being a tract or parcel of land situated in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being part of the S.8. Shelby Survey Abstract Number 820 and being port of that tract of land described in deed to Mary Geneve Hughes recorded in Volume 3997, Page 0565 of the Deed Records 'of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a '4. inch iron rod with cap stamped "LONE STAR" set for-corner in the northwesterly line of the remainder of that. tract of land described in deed to Collin County, Texas recorded in Volume 4980, Page 2156 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, being the southeasterly corner of that tract of land,described in deed to Wylie Economic Development Corporation recorded in Volume 4572, Page 3563 of the Deed Records of .Collin County, Texas and being the southwesterly corner of said Hughes tract; • THENCE North 20`48'20" West along the common line of said Wylie Economic Development Corporation 'and Hughes tracts a distance of 55.25 feet to a % inch iron rod with cap stomped "LONE STAR" set for corner; • THENCE in o, southeasterly direction leaving said common line and along a curve to the right whose chord bears South 47`56'56" East, having a radius of 175.00 feet, a central angle of • 16"33`13" and an•arc length of 50.56 feet to a inch iron rod with cap stamped "LONE STAR" set •at the end of•said curve to the right; THENCE South.39`40120" EaSt.•a. distance of 2.42 feet to a. inch iron rod with' cap stamped •.•'"LONE•STAR'".•set:•for•corner•.in northwesterly line of said Collin County, Texas tract; -'THENCE South 5019'40" West.-along the common line of said Hughes and Collin County, Texas E't'rdcti'a' distance of 25112. feet•'ta the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 727 square feet or 0.016'acres of 1gnd. • • • ija • • 1-07. - q I • f • 2 OF 2 Right—of—way DAM 12/07f05 Dedication Jo$ xo.: 2004-0562-3 713 Trowr Lino Ilaarking 11. balm BAR r i} 11401.160.taXIM ?WO aft Hwy 2 e 4-su-t17+a(az)nor- -srw -,�;;��♦,4ifi; :���-;� [.ar rr'r trt) arts ..r ... ru[-ar J r> �••••",�• Sr..Al Z,'wa+n P.v r.1rr,•1■•. ...pro sr�-- i••' 1 01 t. r..ra. r.... rwr.Y.[r ....►�.y.y tart vL ax.i•...�..i•.<tow �yu.riri,•.+s r■x.avc � •.re r...+ril r:p..+..;ir..•r.■••.} qtl .1s.� -.qor YG•W ►•1.Ma■aw•l•P.1•••.•.a Ar.r•■+w6 0.w ■y•.w•ar►1■+.r■.yw.Rio.rr+taw f ru.-tsr(•:r) oc t-r.1.mot 1.■t.....e...woo.4,u rr [r.R 'r s►} f r dl f / /' .4 Mri1 .••.t 1.pC wwt•_...tool •,...•►.e••........■grwr...,.a r•.■.•..r...r Aw+■...■....low...Ai.•a....•.r r..........P. ar.•.■•A...a,[F a■r•.*H Mr..41.i,■i- / r l/ N 8�L k►'_i� v0C••"r 'Oil.f a. c[•'� i....i.. wN,■i•Vr os inw+a■..+.r.r•...••l••G K n■�■•i�■• `.a'7 tli..HYlW 11r Pa•yw+..Nn WPM.w•p.r'rrr...■9r we..M n..wa..•[r■v+•*•w a a..0■1 r•lr+w■•a■• x..■r�3 wary M.Gii a..w■.Ipw.,w.■p+kvl+■■M■1 W.l■iit■•Y W a.4�r.rr L•ln.■P.;..rw .7► M.) ......,.,........A.■y.c v+7.,w•■....,,.w.N ii.ii n■•+v....'...-.•.... rt,.wr y•r•r i !D LAM.) a.w.ae.1 F.•rw Irp.wl•+ y+i•w..%M n.Pa,R Mau,4r.■.■7,■■r /X/ /4/ rrrL9'L I .r+•./aw aat SV]L3L!Q 31Y:S •SV7C3k 30 7tV15 r s.....1,.Cl _ r m-oos4'.]�\jw••�wswa v>M f • [s>c+r Zs:). •� Ar . 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L.. 1i 1+3 ............rrr.Q..r.o N rF�.•ono A.M r S.ts..•.•t...i�+4•w r w•..r 4r,..a.r rr•w••••.■ � ,r--A.. -----. ��iE�3`:7l�i�tlTi� `'1 1 W....r.•.l•/K M�...■.17=r s•r.N 1:w.i r r•Mti 1 a.+i•r.■T3 MrJ I r.r••..■■�7 M t - ,l�s{ MUM �_]_. ••■. ...na..r■►......a.1 _rovr.�ir•••w'V s.•t w •.r++r+•►..w r/rCw r r aaP w,�wwa�]�r.�••rr.■•a.+.■ty.ir r:�Lr w...y...a.�......r...•c,.i'^•■t■p'■a.q.,r..■q..Pew.r,. .owL r...a►•R74 1-F.. r 1rr.w•r rr+.r T■1 p.r r M riot wi.+Ir)y...0 K r++W Irk M-»s 1s., .:ii 4,:t t iruwt K4++af 9.Kwn{/•o.ri.M■l�Mrpp.ryllr a.Y/M• /lc'.4�-i �_1 wr.P■a■r�.mist w..•.■r"..;r.5.P .... .1,4 a ..■vP•.J -'"7.•wo ''4•4 .ilp in,n,...►..r wwa,4 ru..[c w..l•w■..►•wA+.e■i.yr"Jr,[ -1 ..rra►..r...r•w+.•....N r..rr M r r.+o N■•�••M.w►■ ■r ti.....•a r w.�.r aa.�. P.r'+M+o.w r.•aws M1111i3�'L.*� .+..+r w.r..■■.+ti•Lip■1.M+ern+r+�..r P...ra■s•r 4.w r.•+a t. •r wt r++•+w i+Ll r.N�•1-a r•..l x ►•+:::dwr w r■is�■r 1•w"wa r.■.ir0 >.1•w a..4rt,4s cx. ...wr 4•Ma+e+.�►�! ■.i• +rrrr u rr...`rar�wzrau w .«nL>.rva..w uin.a.lrrr.r.l f� 4•+.sy ye■s Pry■w•i wa,Pr■.'.rrr'.w.3[Wl.anw>o wp ow u.Prrr a,o.ia. [. TIM 1FS[318 0 ICd Wylie City Council (01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: G De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: Date Prepared: March 17, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, acceptance of .047 acres of land out of the S. B. Shelby Survey for right-of-way for Cooper Drive. Recommendation Motion to approve acceptance of.047 acres of land out of the S. B. Shelby Survey for right-of-way for Cooper Drive. Discussion As a part of the redevelopment of the Cooper Drive area, a portion of the extension of Cooper Drive to Highway 78 was platted within the Cooper Retail Addition (attached). Due to the fact that multiple property owners were involved, including Collin County's portion of the former KCS right-of-way, all of the necessary land for the Cooper Drive right-of-way could not be included at the time that the plat was submitted. This parcel, in addition to a .016 acre tract will complete the right-of-way necessary for Cooper Drive. The Subdivision Regulations allow for the City to accept right-of-way dedication through a document other than a plat. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 223200940-1831 SPECIAL WA NTY DEED "NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER." Date: February 10, 2006 Grantor: James L. Hughes and wife, Mary Genene Hughes Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 1329 Wylie, Texas 75098 Grantee: The City of Wylie Grantee's Mailing Address: 2000 Hwy. 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Consideration: $10.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed by Grantor. Property (including any improvements: Being 0.047 acres of land in the S.B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, Collin County, Texas and being a portion of the land described in a deed to James L. Hughes as recorded in cc# 2006-0201000135790 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds on Exhibits A and B attached hereto for all purposes. Reservations from and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: None Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: Validly existing easements, rights-of-way, and prescriptive rights, whether of record or not; all presently recorded and validly existing instruments, other than conveyances of the surface fee estate, that affect the Property; and taxes for 2005, which Grantee assumes and agrees to pay, and subsequent assessments for that and prior years due to change in land usage, ownership, or both, the payment of which Grantee assumes. 223200940-1831 Grantor, for the consideration and subject to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty, grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever. Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, BY, THROUGH OR UNDER GRANTOR, BUT NOT OTHERWISE, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty. As a material part of the Consideration for this deed, Grantor and Grantee agree that Grantee is taking the Property"AS IS"with any and all latent and patent defects and that there is no warranty by Grantor that the Property has a particular financial value or is fit for a particular purpose. Grantee acknowledges and stipulates that Grantee is not relying on any representation, statement, or other assertion with respect to the Property condition but is relying on Grantee's examination of the Property. Grantee takes the Property with the express understanding and stipulation that there are no express or implied warranties. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EFFECTIVE DATE: February 10, 2006 James L. Hughes il2dA4 )jefteite -deefKice.4- Mary Ge ene Hughes Accepted by The City of Wylie By: John Mondy, Mayor 223200940-1831 STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of February, 2006, by James L. Hughes. �� �`Fu .~„' Notary Public otary D.BARON coop Public, State of Texas " •J State of Texas My Comm.Exp.03-28-20O7 STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of February, 2006,by Mary Genene Hughes. BARON COOK Notary Public State of Texas r..\ l r l V.,�'�❑ �� :4..A•.�yy..=.�� ,� L�;;?im. Ext.; 2007otary Public, State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of February, 2006,by John Mandy, Mayor of The City of Wylie on behalf of said city. Notary Public, State of Texas After recording return to: Commonwealth Land Title Co. 108 W. Marble Wylie, Texas 75098 223200940-1831 Exhibit"A" FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION TRACT 3 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Being a tract of land situated in the S. B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, Collin County, Texas and being a portion of the land described in a deed to James L. Hughes as recorded in cc# 2006-0201000135790, Land Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a red plastic cap stamped W.A.I. in the southerly right of way of the St. Louis Southwestern Railroad (100 foot right of way) and the most northwestern corner a tract of land described in a deed as Lot 7, James L. Hughes, recorded in Volume 1794, Page 603, DRCCT; THENCE South 36 degrees 38 minutes 01 seconds East a distance of 292.72 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a plastic red cap stamped with W.A.I. for corner; THENCE South 52 degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 365.83 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped with W.A.I. for a POINT OF BEGINNING; - i THENCE continuing South 52 degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 45.14 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped with W.A.I. for a corner; THENCE North 17 degrees 41 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 61.91 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped with W.A.I. for a corner; THENCE North 52 degrees 47 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 25.12 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with a plastic cap stamped with W.A.I. for a corner; THENCE South 36 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 58.41 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing within these metes and bounds 0.047 acres and 2051 square feet of land more or less. Bearings within are based upon the ground survey performed in the field on the 10th day of June, 2005 utilizing G.P.S. measurement. v CC tG a WnialkalEafiaiiri kotaanbatee, rhea S.B. SHELBY SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 820 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS W�'1-IE, TEXAS 75098 ( 972 ) 490-7090 FAX( 972 ) 490-7099 Scale :N.T.S. Date :02/06/2006 SHEET Design : 8..1.E. N Drawn : D.D.T. 0. 047 ACRE 2 Dwg. File :47104BDY1.DWG OF Project No. : 47104.00 2 0 223200940-1831 Exhibit"B" I \L , 1\11\ �5 ❑A�+PP I VI, •� N � s, COCoo ❑AC ' �,, 11- �, g ACID AC I �, ØWv°a *COLP Wylie Economic D velopment C,► p. �,SQ � 3/4" Volume 06069, 'age 04252 9BOL I',;=�,-P77' ( DRCCT PP n I L \ EBOCO •Y ' N 36 'S2" 1N w� ���'P �� '1 4 2.14 �j . .* , �. . N 52'47'4 ,,, E z 4) • 25.1 6'- Z dooe,.a ., v. . . iRS CPOLti. 1/ \ ` \IR Point of N 17'41'46'1 W \ - Beginning 61 .91' \ ,�bc ,, Tract 3 Z \ \1/2"\,.�4) IRS �J °'1 I t-\ck `L oa /;o� . o, ro, �a/ PGA. 1 �° �° /CP c,c3 (� Z,,\` �o'�,� TR A C T 3 \ ,,,, ,,ci. q‘;') e,...- ,Q GG I), pf !�;t{`�tea°�a G C 0. 047 ACRE \ �(� ;\. Q\ 4 4 2051 SQ. FT. ci Q ��; \1\ e- 1/4-5\ , . C-) \--\' 6 0 IV a• pit `p,�� • •• COMMENCEMENT DETAIL b4; , Ak cc; .frob.,\ tV <09 CV t- C �- POINT OF BEGINNING cc 0 0 .itIcN zy Wfirtakelirmaffaum ° 5.8. SHELBY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 820 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION co a �'i®�f�R°I1��iL�®q Ike. CITY OF WYLIE• 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH .0 CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS ■ SURVEYORS COLLIN COUNTY. TEXAS WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 ( 972 )490-7090 FAX (972 ) 490-7099 7r Scale : 1"=40' Dote :02/06/2006 SHEET c Design . B.J.E. g Drawn D.D.T. 0. 047 ACRE I ,, Dwg. File :47104BDY1.DWG OF ', Project No. : 47104.00 2 ti' 1 v 0 E NM . APPROVED . C eNE.8 u c iE +.a 8aen,ara arc hdaad a,t,c plat of Wnaf'_vlCul1'4 FApr.an aardltF,s b Err tier d t cimpoorm.-ft. 7:1 County. f.aa.,saCOrretr tp th■pMt-.eerda��s VburM 4 Pepd 56•d she tkp R.ca/v eT i'dt� h Trwa NE'?1.1..eFP+Cc.,.... . sy arFrrrFly" ar ' F.fEtLAa. >•rc..e..ie a.+'Wsnrns �5•t.fr Fl.e.>amiC i 10-..Tea ivp.I an N.rw..e e'a 1 .�. ll+ .'*1r Z)udMYYqq a artroa of G.:.v,.Jtarar-ar er.t.t.end 6q.A,de k O yal,rix sT sty rr,iaMfo.O,0 ata[e Ire.a,d "trot a we+of teen.fcwt..n.,..Cky H ali Cdir Cant T....,ii:r•r•aE tn.Ss tr" 7�rry Aeak..l ftamar rai t-1 N,1.0 to rHhl tit aT d.tii a,d i■di,p...ils4 t+hR d M tat is Krl pyre of tek 9 eAd is Rsek A d tY}M rwlrN Rrk N.IM�'tlN he!bs l7lY d rl�i vK[+dM'p Fs thv MH seders re.o/tr..*Yy■tl.R F.e.ad e•.MeYey R.ew.A L7orrn ry.c.near s.r.p d H dry cerCaYr por6n...+tagr i_ E'Ftlk Ftra,i.p Clgnr�a,ei4 ratty i7,A•riplt-sl4rer near see w 1h.ed r.,d 71srd r mc.■e.a Sy w■tar•ardtr.xr rtua.r tfioFrd�to.ra■d [.r 1,17.11'31'7 -�` : d w.rrte. ra■ey fHr<k efa Ra.br pGJ+-01RaE+7■si Rsrww.1 adFt PewdF m+wa bMl�el dr find trdst d kid drrntlyy k L-f . tr i�4����-y�1� _ vN! Ili L.e.+tr(a a+�Ojrerrt Garan{+e+rrvsMFf in 1kkm.+R;P �l7 H�.L'Md RvarA.of Cafr.Corr! iaw e �[' �1C�i� __ - r�vr tarry _ cn.arc �1 eF tee z.ct'Ira a..>�.e T arty m n so....',7,7 ae.rs tor�.r.ur r+tr.V u worded.eta.�.r. 77rar e1 1M IF.1d kati/s y dryly Sownl}�Two aUe lrviy.{M r+at v.r4 rr fMd Mwle■d I.ANd Is EMlrr Plea■JpPI►:L►d.. Ha.•Lrtitt It.ni. Arm 71..si t.., awl �J "ACC ,Fn' v�Y a dad,...es zi.►or..d F w+...sped.Far 33'a of w new+tr.+.at Can wr eri>.a.a d tromp.w■ W] :..'1:•• Cr 1 V..,in.'14 el'T3•��T= �y' er fa.«arbor `� C•• _C495�'11Z4'Sar_'`2?'1r a6f7? ararOarlar 1 a.S hd,tv.red 2Q.v.,.1w1c><1 .M fr ern■-A M•aerl■sYnby 1■F• v.aetr.c CI i HKlrny Wnbw {a rerFrbM Ndtlt a.v��t en rot bsy Fltr aa.t wdM e+rr■r aF rid taw .r•,- ,G•3 14,6r',12.Qr'_OW, 117y 5Y27"E• 1547. -��' f G-S �r Ow.Ire..t r+rw+yrr pert{h••••• Fca■f!►•}rear r+1ry are veer wHy a.rnr..t.. Rt.a w Fn.appter,:i: Cri %L1�.r343'mrx.r.misrtnew t62S Rita.e r 135A.Z4' 1rFr.C'Rr.1 W.,Uwe .. Came....k.4 t.:n fA1.t,!prole�4 n wrlallrr.+to e.t ut of ar9a,.,mrsq tr a,a ed,e,r.■r rr.rear fi h: 1. �fi 7�EV-4 7 -1..+arena',zayr"ttw Ii73sr1et worst' _...-` ; ten,T+/5,'Ae' zr.e w R.t bares rrcabr�a.,ex Tsar IMMIM# ,MIL!t..I -�- aml.ft,r M72'Sr•s'E -64, ii....Y MMh.3.04...e..g.u.wo ed er said yyps Eon.r•p.....,!Cinmedrt root held-r.dart.r... �1110. 1'44i.LaLi 7 Thrr ir,.n s•Crr+•rr N tl,e G'k of.dyer.'arena.Afr.y cvt3,ee tirpf trey ttldJaa,p Tied plot 2Har), a riJar feat rerun'ert..r are., 'rclf eM the wAh■i aN+4 d del Lr 1F V r►.n.t1u n W c#a _ C7,rri _r1t�.sT �ar•+q Y wens w>K'w;x�i F.:si w.emu it i� �w '"'�ae°�■ow.. m�t�y tea�.sr,...-�'te�e�}.,+Z>et •_ ET4,:,:EI.1 Y�' C"'"' or tAa'roT 11ET,t1C►arioFt a tl'n fifty o!tyre■+w..rr r t.c la saF airy r.wtcr on ..,.,....._..,„.:ey 1 el � THE _ ,N�-�__ 2A6ar,and the Ce,rtrN,by'.e.r•o:aL,i,aL fl•w+ded ttrw eupEad tln ddctFx, cdrl.ew.■err irpr ere rro w bra arrwh fse M..Y Lot A4�.,.e.Arrdwly w.r er.•e tM/a EYa,...etc Ili -�- D A R.T. ...t.�dfl■y.Poll.�M.tplt.ar'' trfC■d vld veer o,d MN r...w a1MNa dad gat fr.,re end,�.. ;..real+*+Crrrr+w.r v.....a.7.t'rw►Irarsk r edW Phut and reef Cocoa briber edit...rerye to note the dcc.PEarrvte thereof by,the r.r t.drtnt fIwRL twu 9e7>''ef!'reM• the uswllE►d1r1,vj7oif�./d Lab 7 wd ari�v.i!Nor iM rrlwN iR.N sld tlyi aaRrwti ',i- 1:: �.1Lall ---� ��r µ J 1 w fir d.aoer.ratr.eretiaa . a.wAv� vaea,ria�.t�da�ed Lam.'Qrl,r •.r''TsiFK 4rN,t►w r 4.,. Zt ft IYCa.nir . •2 i 1 i xI - _ (St. Lots 3.1N nerd) yy rr y ..t ltfhtaea„y Mend a,r /ur a 1u 1.,Y[t:Id. Mule f'er,..;irF.••Me,,,,ezt..t•e...es a t.M.11,F..w N 7A4Rar a.l w N'X•A F v,rrf lw.■nw ct tM i•4 ]MI 1:4 {e tov ece-of-wry, \�y � nr+r....eg ea,.er x..r'7�a.e �M'J��:.'ikli:1'� 1'� 1'� nLlar1F a,r r.rGMgsKly 4�C6F7�n�ue nrr+hrV it,r M deli'rtnrr r w p�e�a.w,.t a it:AIM>'1t.r rd,Ys lovra t/.rbt MIEFMINT.111E i•�fi1,1 ��, rT atl E■.t.dm ten:N' ■rr,. t t7ar.i k.t.a wrrbs.'yk.t 1.+Zt'7:,r R.a 1rr aF iM Iwt N r-r iT' siYa �L�3.a�1�'14! }' �] C1.1 F e.eprt.aryl Hale end yr a.4,ter.■m u,.Ntlk j��fl :'Y iY.l t5 tAo.r.tv.r■dnt \ _y `y. su!'ve I tilt'Sop'etary•.- wars M.•th era to Eak v..ima.d:mt.kvt+.a a R Fok ti red vRk pop...,'It lr/R"rk.t th■r.rar...�• `??i wiii.l ,io.e A.ate 5, Y• !s �4'{!S ll [� W7,et layik T.+qr rom.r M f.IC ,wM 1'aN h t4.aKr�ry„/M/A)7re,+w of w4 avalvK DHw rpM1e--oF- �U o.rrxly are.or�Y Ffr. Ln►Ear.. M.Y.c.G 7, S.' S-e• h- 52° Her,/vMv fJ.r+CP'w••t�•'M Mv■t{YWnn iarl7.F.p.le Yd4me R ibd a. Eaerrrd SC of l >W.a.C,[:.19" k dr,e aaar,Ptaar.auL �.�]5�r ri .-- - _ s�r narenr..srly rrsceke d<.•y crFn�.ses.rly t.+nwr ut Coop«art..`sYrt.err o.d Rr.et"ty w.r wa A:ardr+.e ar d,M FbM) t iirt,q�M e wnd�r.�t� e,rr■w�. ,xv %A,r�■e5■.rt:a k•#C�arsFYT �I mrrr. Dh0.L.T. !arar',.�F ,� tiC^ifU1}■.d an w ,� (s.eedc..e ay,-..t Piet) tent 1 s•+t•a are..vctrr.Fy da...r.ad 7'rvd P:r` �.` =L..w..nt �jrl. .grrsr tkry.1 Pwr seas, !. 3 ,wl,d,r s.,.t',efr'!s'4C 11h�p teethrq aaFl■a•ttny wherry e.Fd ar�r yr r..rrrrr rFr,W, Y'a cd+•a ttiW,..w sheen+..t[ �. AR.C-C-"_ ku r'7i'b cs�4+tee a+l.1 1M bpMrYy yr v wrw dt.ey.k �� mu,w,...J _ 10CCk A.Lot 2 1 i 71Yp6b o ire.k.n ciaep pid.w.ilnrl Wr.of'Pa'aeS 4'm7 irr,6.Md,err.Ic Srw rl�et ehw a1.ad hwr.3.4m ,ii, - -r r..., i. mr.i,ewxeS..■t fr mrwr run Mtn,IrF+lr,•!`•��9r'tipM a 1M e.var.rl�pv d 1Fc sx.a.n K,.n of aid Lv4,1p vrW __�__•-___ �' - �a. rler't�tr•tr�iaN�r r■r.r,�r,p.rv.M.er,X+�.pp .o..xat.rgle M vnsti�oR,tng•t a+w•pa#c•t tow x ~_f- - � -,-.--..:L"� e _ --..-_ -_ L7.185 s ft_ 2_�1❑t^res� r ar n"' WI i: ._1_.. q, _ 6o .0 1 I tt■d d HBZ felt ttvm ttre apmr.,a.o■�'t•b wrv.-H.dd Let.ro 1 rd'>t.,.e.,.r 7l 1 �� '' rr."4 j 7YdC12 Nye•r7CIXCY Ear.!FoH.rE wi.ere.nei.l�iWly Cent vRl nb"q Ir■crrnu�fee•sf cull L.A 1a and t1 rnd Ctwq r-. -_ - - •~4d rr.rr ` i -� ''.. "�.E� ----_...--. _ !ar d.etwty 1N.d 1. fiaerwn„e frnwk.F.edne Cdrpxvli.F trwt a di.taMve d'LA.l4 IYt!a n 1�r we ac,rt1h vrM _ Dom.t_� x 5 ........- n'r +fender urt sr�,lis.r:i.v.: r,....d+11 Ny.r d+aa+tyre.a ze 11.T....lee of. y at nd 1 a 4:,rar,F,.nt ru T..raa Parr A- - \ 1 _ }• l �! 239.34.. ' ;a�a rjF.'id°I•Yo r` mlCegxa""dot,Ft'R•r•••d.w•aT.la,.e:,2,4 kM 4nwt,w Mary a,a ti#s Co:pdn \VA 1 g _._._...__.. trot raw,f37,rap.1. _ �YY y^� I n.rreR�•d o,a ararw..wty rF..ttrr seer.dd aw err.riyrro�..y sear tr...rw.+y t.,,df.e a�u�,x.r■ore D,Z.fSC:r. ; > `. t r 1Fti Fs.+■,�rc 1w !Larventkn trect aa4yi■ar�r.rrek ri.l.R.I....alrr!e.w■rlvw triletid'[.aC aver trey. r t � tlLyrk •1 •.e•eR.e tor nawoo~coo to ith A1frA let a4. tYreM iw iat„lir emohe No�rl....Ifd sT*iir wtytr erwHr areir eo}-.--- ao f 111 Eat 1 D �.' � erne..tndl vard el w>t�ew�ee Y,er■e m w+ry aide..IYJMM Noe•M r►Ra+ne�MM w W.[Mr Retard.of ry r i ,,,Oi . x�~ 0-4 7.lfw Cwetls rtr red n... �r err.er dd 1►yi.i1.1.wr,M,1..IM.,.e,t VMtd Lot 11,B1ocA A ! ,.� �+_ W f VV" („u�e.�.cr. nwpl[sn.a Ode.=_..t..e,.owed.ra,a.r wie:wit.seaw.F aww.(rwt ,e.d rayte.trr.prp tM WYl_[E!NDS!i-f<#AL I •X. tTç t,r. 1�r -� 1,17/ _ 7! l i/''"/� °'(+_,y '` .' c�• H7�,.nyt Tu.■...•ei,a wed dht.,v.a 2]ar-x[«:E.a i„d,ww+M 1111, tn 7..1771.1.41 rP Iw.rNl 7dFt YrMC ears f■r ex,w+ssd Y.R.C.C.T. t 4 C� '4'a / t'�` nr J,►wi.rlr :-awuy IM.!i1>✓w rM�.,r�fle,wfar 74 IreYrr inr..■err rr,.r rf wa>1rYM favtar■f.ar.�.pv+et J �•�`€ .rt� �__ •y -.'� r Cbrp.•.U.n [Ydon1.NIR P..welt'..Yn■A1,NW..'run Cowl.to.mwekler 1..04 1 --e q rs'4- -� `{ram S• 71wNrd a.rw.a^'J9'sr•tyro VIZ �p t".rt yew arM.o.N1r�/r il,anh.iar.y b.+e,+.ra..rR/an.i.d1e eyw tt°t /f -4 C....r.. crea.atrr bats{v.'-'24 Fsr.1s1tq■..rune.1,l.4t yet to w..'Irrw•ar1Nu•■,d r f 1 O f e...• 1 , ." r `" i/ 4,�� vo,4dred�.yuer+1..1.r seem -or Mnd. r.'prey .' •6•..l f .,d� r ` T0- ^� Bork A,Lr.,< •�- =�.A,f -Sr r r R1pAt-.fire'Abdndev,.:,1 /r,^TV+� ' - ,���'N , 17.2,,,.R.f 0.7p7 owe , �/ I at,;fxano:tn Ra ICD4+C ��SS � ra \ I/ l].r.1 the lea.7rp4�•Mar2ta+.I • / /1q a _o�ecr_T._J 1 1 11 L,,,:' r ssa� � rr ��I/��,'`F NOW,zrE��of�.KNOW ALL MEN BY r..E w,RESENTS. J / 'fits.tl,.w Ean.vvrd=6.r.ioP•++•+t�arp�a-nbar.wd SYr.rr haw VC.LTC,a T.xor-�rtws por�mwh�,xa,y 4r Twee,• Eos�sty lee 1.''s.0 L'.`4' 1, u'` 71�`]4.\.* r / //I lhrxgh`M� awl. F.K.rren '� -r� a,_{ Y' / / r •I• RETNi MWTOM�ar',".llan to• � t"Ct pent dwi�,etny!er h"mow 1=1.d P`vRr"#1 a Fs...d.. } >yl"Ci ... r 1 , ` ea.4,Let 3 , rr h.rrbi r■a.r.d4 re,r tide purasws.vMccte.,fire girt iR'world v R.,e�mi.b sr+se a in a llr.pM�DW F`.a+d j1 / \ , * / / t o Ietr lrtl[I.arn'aretp dlld r,bbrdl Mip■Ctbe".,1,..h e1d d l 2^4 and P•h�dfc.11�i i .,1 pm'Zt:=. �["CuF F :!,.....,............ ...521.,'--. i r .\ r,q.R a.69.3ay. 'J, 1 r �r J i► ...weft*of nMq m the vMhy mq eie...edeement.k fhar,......ty,,..W..,o.nr..No...11be. Ceeeretr ietr,d •`- i� >perr r • r \ ♦ 1 `e4"r,! / r'f J !arroyo kadq r„r,�e a el,hm trorrwr,la r'trurlrr�rd�be rsoe,.�.rca.d.�MKINne'Isd u plaesd,�fl,,trier Dr (a.e:lyd w,rt.rwrly- ` #..n7 � ,a0 r \ r--. / r &71' 'cr I'e..envniar ar thd.n.1 wsowr: brdq Fir.by ro.rved::,.. u..a,d xe-rldoifw•et rY., -vv., ' r .r \ J r / / oV rt., 9 or deirt.to t..e Pte arcane.All aid art'Pyb1c vtgty 0.lens td.-1.1 to ranter.atd kos,timers �1 S. r / r r r � \\\• r fy1.... ;.y`'r ,/ nears' .dr Par!,'v.y ,..:--',....R keno drab.r.o�pry► � ntera.t a.hkh t s.y ray m•y er::-t er � .p� ��� I \ei,...4, 1 1 '"=S' � k+trrheerF,Wdasrbuc�ier,RteY,ts,a�ds yr NRdrt eF�.4.�R ore tlN.Nlrn.nlw ru,daN o�ylx\ d ,y+5 I - �Y attrfat oar of,!tr...Mt t M apron and to a frera Mrd•erhtit.ande.errr+5►Fa.Cooper Drf - 7r� f xrr /r p \ 1 �"•e aft r!r"' Jr� cY.r7•.tytnenoRahv41.�'+. r1p.pang 1,.of o'r r sad oadV,vwar rr,wr,p de r-acre.yr k. ~I t� r� 'fitrC '\ � - / +Iwt�++•r+l.ms.,ttl,wt @..rveoe.l:vt v�Lmr of xocrna ltn �,Rart ar R, (MY,P��elk,hAi �.- +-JSi (+ c...faro'! t3 Whey Wwnrat - t,y t f r r p�P,, \ 1 r/ / !� hwe.r of .1a and xc to a,•.a.wwrt W.q s d r m...and a e......a..a �;f"� , 7 '-' -='r� i. 5 (r � Yr f f V. r r r 4+• car aP r n cn4 Mi 7 F�1[.R,CL".`l� � p Thin plot] • 4_1 ��J � sg 1 \ � r/� r J /�{�,. .,.,f.►mend.•'crawly asiv.ted try rrw veldt']MatrF main cn4...Ur eaecrmL ahaE she ircM■ �F-'ZFiC'�`� L��".Y�7"i��•"-a'•''=� r \ \ r r / ductlon�� a4�aRt.nv�t wee a eorttr.p.ptrw f.r.r+r nee�Y w th■ay.tems..td!![onci s•ae�iao raar,.e}tl ter (��j .y �'.i� \ r r / J hit-eha ire r MRvnrrr,w,of rib......y ...as o+M.e,root ea■Mere firer to wow, ,..Mr dp6n+ah■d by G�� f�►'e'"� f r r �� / f / I� �s1 � 11�7. ��" AydrdatR.1rLr.r.htrar and rants td•.w ertkn learn ine ���^�^� alr �� _._ r ,./ \ r r/ �a'l»C7':�� �."nk:-l:rd1:, ��� 1tL4.3S'Te - rs; �r.� /r r Lot 9 '�` ,-r r I they�wa�ew,ore iwsv +. mgF' w-terr'rq 7�Y rest Hip1.•ay 844 3�! (1p1/i `1 dA �/rr rr ��' \rr/ J/ / fr L.tlPC.y w t This Fkt r...at•d..ebj.cl to ati runt.ordAo■e a,.r.,rrgllattm..rd re..t�tk.rw d#.1..7.wrtk,deers.• re'lr a ai �!o..al['S4m'''om ;`�.rM rf R°r . J r' \ / / / ri'.i��'TEiCi^tli[YzscrS1/1�1'rii"'!�! i -_`__l 'x•cti.:s A. ✓,r r Rr.�1. Lot 1 ./ , r 6 f alr..ny erun.trio iha nay M r;�itT'i1['"t['df f''•.�.t r Caecrrt.�i,a<,d t / /C r 7vr,. / r✓ J .�vatmil •a-:r- r NN<I^1i ' T!73ii. {O�"t•"""•,U Jr/.' r/ .5,:71.q r•./,666 acres ,r/ // /` Optie Eos.,,en! My+1r toarsartr 4w,.leper.nt Cow.. 1tyn.7a vvbtra LP.v Tp.e.Aotvi patr,e•Y,ir 1'�3in',r•`aF.,lin r ..>• I ! + rr t- r / 4�eweaud ry IMTNIK R'%SIi'1'111'7'",i�""�'Y'�7 i� /- '.hh D f 6 wrft vice 9,,A-A a T..m.[mud 9idblitr car,l.d•.r vier,1�airrar!T.'•'�'_Ii.,./ii1TJ11}IT'iTin L Zit'5e1 (' / /I .' t I �.tby /-ar N.Gnr.d r..... :'+irrra mrourn i ! /rJ /r~* � • �, / /r Y� xarw tar.-rw.awl rmrsiroma. 1,71V.G"k' i NC6-27'00I } 40I rr rr ' .• '� 44t- /r/.4 ( 'v 1 6 f9fE ittrwa F.:L••_A•a.l TiE� 228.0 [ r 'r ,1 ,, y,. /rr / �1 F r r .].� � pncr.Fom xxwr.t.w.,a rtu s ioxtad a +b gy tt�t<,td�ra,a..Fr.r.oyr , ifMr"rmv F')li •i""'f^"' f" -t.� 111111111111 -----.------I i I r �� d gr J/r r J� / ` 3 .1� `. ,$,3' 1'7,3T'1 IIrma -raI.tr.,,t,•�ar'A�'R3i r, r/ , .., . / r/ w/ J 0. .....F-6.s ar-Man*, 1 !� i"X 31,-. r•. / , r // 1 �7�k° er:,,, STATE OF TEXAS� �rr Lot 8 � � / / ti �7 cat 7,/kck A �' �` f/ / / r°y�1' cowl a CP C'OLLlk: 17:IIiiiC�l•a�f�' t i WYLLE INDSU[1dIAl_ Lr r 15'u Ede.eeet 'U F.r r / + f eFry r.0 ire erri� a++ete�r rrbrc ie me�r fre stab df T.xe w,tii.oar F• +d'r eFr � v..:wt+i! *� f • / ++ r / 7� / ttARV1t F1k.CE>!.to rear fn one Fn be Ito rwtlon shoe.name la wbeabec to Y,e f F,i wsut.7 r a 11 * �F PAR? r r f {w a•F af.) • rt+r� • / / �o .•1...ete..to.u.vr•t r■room.the awr•r rat A.prS*>oee,red canalderdlk.•t,err■t,e.pr.n.d,oad H ir' {l'T3fi ",iwR?T"i'L�iE?3�iE'3i71♦ iFr.m.a. SE, r b3'r[de.,+.e,:ead {�.bert,tt.ed Di Tees Fro:] ~�, ,q# +r thr,epa.rty 11+r..n r.•:.d. - � ���G""'l MIWI il■ IAR._.0--. r t r I r.'-at ray r ' 7="rr'f1• J r r Te T-ic c++,�7ty / ✓J / s tal+FrOn^..FRT[F7c.ATE 1 `11U'r� >Ei�"�"7ti ��•. Y.1,4171_5.159. /r a / / 1G Watt r r RJr.RGC.r. /r r.� / / /1; farma.t EN.yarrow my..d dnt r.I ar eff c.t.thr Eey of .6. i�LAT r iS'LiPMr reermwrt r r / ,�,,,,,, STATE tlF TpLAS: e. ! '@ (vet R Pa 66) /J r r¢ s•�T" COL NTT 7F CO..: F./ r \tr [�....by ale v.) / r ._._.. COOPER RETAIL ADDITION f/2'Iron / / � / f r �tr� �t � Metry F.AWc h and far•'the SFATLr OF Meld -R.Bald f r I - t, ""`Ol'r + KAM ALL FDF air'artm FIt1[el'18r he L Ow.W_'ettiFa•tt.a}ltlr.d Proi.�knd Lw,d SAr..r■r i•,b,. f.OTS 1^4••BLOCK A r r L`I! reC -y /I / ore ,ti keno.9+re..de tyro'...the t 11.pr.pani he ph,ride ore xarate or-lhe-praurd se...ar STATE OF TEXAS r /r A.s r ` l ./..„ .I:.r•and the•.eu...Md.n br.=ie.bound sr preyrly tabu.tetdoe my o radr9'sup.rldal OW CQIJHTY Cr :W: r J [ / in xdardanse■!!k ea.flatthp laMe os IOapWi4ans d tfse caret wyw To.. acme tlL t.....rA¢tai d OW.Poen in and for the St..1..T....an thk dtayypprr.wwy....vrr. .0.d n trio x f/ 2,,�-_ �`. .$a r r r ' "r Ea..e - edn• ,�t9iria I to wono tto be .parrson sboos;rind an alOa,0,le ewes,o4=1,etJ $91iE_9Y St1FiLEr-ABSTRACT NO.$ZO _ [ �-- 1 Lf>-tr '_f r f r iM._£+ tM .tir wr. .....• `- -- / .,.r-u-•, I� SW.It tint. ,'':4a*i;x (sty of Wyk,CoAln Cw nty,Texas /_ ��' Point of T ...inn Ni,Ni.153 ,.WOK::, .5•rns unary.hmw end u.d 4,....arty the edr of 2., RoR iarr,r.r sr../r-'/ Beginning .r; OW,_: 2i2.7:7 arq.f#./5.flOz acres ' rr i »-.. �y set,+°,: •a'tR ley Ea. .,: r / 1fY ere,rod s. Ile,heel,•err far tarn sTATr aF L16+�4 scaly I.-4O' woes rgnuory,zOOB No...Pp_a5) e / / tiK 9 sm ttFri ��83'3'f30"yV r / 1pNE MAE:sat STATE OF TF_XAS' Lot.,R...n 217.87' r J r/ / �- STATE Cr lExAS.- lhfie Y�'tltd'fy7i�retppnnd,a"son P rz in xrs W.9y sisF.of T....on r.ddy prr.onoll axwit, COUNTY CF CX,: REPEAT 78 "' .,./ y r / Bd.ner R■der.it+a,.n la n■m br t,.P.ran+++,wa•,o++.A.ub.ww.d x r,.mnirserq 1re6umw<d w,a aevCRr t+L tn.v+HRai�re,a notary 1'a59s n ant rflr tho sloe.yr r.rpti or,tnr dvv s«+ r aAa■r.e ►MI.ya•7 rrt...LP r f.••-2ti CM•,on Meese en.....dlratl to yes tray rear ee.c,.ted 7,.with.for the VvMa■Q,d co..bdaradena there,uw.pradrat.oM i•. tRL Hklpptlf�01.,.R.,Iva.,,tr dyer b 6a tM AKwn.draw t,rrte:wrarsersed to rh.sera6.vtp,..,,T d SeGEtYrG .3.k.c.o.Ccr.+..., CORNER AeOD/93N 2:), / , spa![aaYn.F.tere e.F.cty shwanatMec. .rd.....,.i..d trare.t,rt h■at.we.d tide..,.rod is..'w.pae.,d cer.idrA. ,m.nein 91,re.s.e. me hm Ls7It.. xfa drew 7s2S1 ('si R..ition; 1 ( 1a9 xara] and n tlra opao4tty a:.rre.Eel.d*"I'l F,14.r'1' .,..,;::•:' r4 [IIIT 344�&1713 (yc}qSS-:Tlp P.1EC.C. /r 2fy U141r MIDI a,dw my tmd earn net of With.fh.1M tart'■f ptr]F wdr my Fmd ale see d afore 11.w Thar die df TOTE 'bhp r ide siare•••r, --25'ere, _ Shorty rim 7rt�7L LID, (del.P,P¢MO Cwe 01:14:4711; X.Oar S.W.Ned Ha 20T A.aio..a.n!L.9,,,z°- {1kt.v,Pr.emu a ew,f A.at and lay lh.SA.Of 1..4.s CcFaL 7rc■T52G5 •T Ned.KIM In dnd ter due sun the TI S ow.<Il 3a1-7774 {tir52)i42-3J87 ...t;1�a�, t IA Oi'E9Pf I.FT8 041 Wylie City Council .,,=d Li r L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 1 De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/09/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Four S u b'ect Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-18 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Community Retail (CR) District for retail development, generally located south of Alanis Drive and west of S. Ballard Avenue. ZC 2006-02 Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-18 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Community Retail (CR) District. Discussion Owner/Applicant: Frances D. Campbell The subject property is located at 400 Alanis Drive and totals 2.1618 acres. The property is approximately 135 feet in depth and has 700 feet of frontage along Alanis Drive, which the Thoroughfare Plan shows as a future six lane divided thoroughfare. An existing one story brick and frame residential dwelling occupies the far eastern portion of the property. The subject property was annexed into the city in 1988 and is zoned Agriculture. The City of Wylie owns a 39.76 acre tract of land to the west of the subject property that is zoned SF-10/24 and designated as parkland. Although not within the city limits of Wylie, the land to the south of the subject property includes a mobile home tract, agricultural and other residential uses. The applicant/owner is requesting a change in zoning to Community Retail (CR) District to allow retail development. CR District allows for the development of higher intensity uses providing shopper and consumer goods, retail and personal services. The philosophy of the Comprehensive Plan is that CR Districts be unified in plan and design, and be located at major intersections to support several neighborhoods and is located adjacent to commercial corridors, business parks or industrial parks within the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan recommends low-density residential accommodating lots in excess of 1 acre in size for the subject property as well as properties to the north, south and east. Existing surrounding properties Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 consists of medium and low density single-family residential and agricultural uses. Although the retail development of the request does not conform to the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan it lies only 1,020.43 feet (.1932 miles) west of the intersection of Ballard and Alanis. The northeast and southeast corners of Ballard and Alanis are currently zoned Neighborhood Services (NS) District and does comply with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (5-0) for the requested change in zoning on March 7, 2006. Notification/Responses: Seven (7) notifications mailed, one written response returned favoring the request at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager MBR 03/21/2006 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2006-02, TO COMMUNITY RETAIL (CR) DISTRICT ALLOWING FOR RETAIL DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Community Retail (CR) District allowing for retail development, said property being described in Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. Ordinance No.2006-18 Zoning Case#2006-02- Alanis Drive and West of S.Ballard Avenue 1 SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 28th day of March, 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of Publication in The Wylie News—April 5, 2006 Ordinance No.2006-18 Zoning Case#2006-02- Alanis Drive and West of S.Ballard Avenue 2 Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Case#2006-02 Tract 1 BEING a tract of land situated in the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of the tract of land conveyed to Melvin H. Delaney by deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 96-00823 84, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron rod found at the intersection of the South line of Alanis Drive with the West line of Goll Road; Thence S 01 deg 46 min 00 sec W, along said West line, a distance of 134.99 feet to an iron rod set in the North line of a tract of land conveyed to Pedro Resendiz by deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 95-0078510, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; Thence N 89 deg 58 min 00 sec W, along said North line and the North line of a tract conveyed to Jose P. Resendiz by deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 96-0076218, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, a distance of 322.84 feet to an iron rod set for corner; Thence N 01 deg 46 min 00 sec E, along the remainder of said Delaney tract, a distance of 134.99 feet to an iron rod set in said South line of Alanis Drive; Thence S 89 deg 58 min 00 sec E, along said South line, a distance of 322.84 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 1.0000 acres of land. Tract 2 BEING a tract of land situated in the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of the tract of land conveyed to Melvin H. Delaney by deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 96-00823 84, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron rod set in the South line of Alanis Drive from which point the intersection of the West line of S. Goll Road with said South line bears S 89 deg 58 min 00 sect E, a distance of 322.84 feet; Thence S 01 deg 46 min 00 sec W, along the West line of the remainder of said Delaney tract, a distance of 134.99 feet to an iron rod set in the North line of a tract of land conveyed to Jose P. Resendiz by deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 96-0076218, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; Thence N 89 deg 58 min 00 sec W, along said North line, a distance of 377.16 feet to an iron rod set for corner; Thence N 01 deg 46 min 00 sec E, along an East line of said Resendiz tract, a distance of 134.99 feet to an iron rod set in said South line of Alanis Drive; Thence S 89 deg 58 min 00 sec E, along said South line, a distance of 377.16 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 1.1683 acres. Ordinance No.2006-18 Zoning Case#2006-02- Alanis Drive and West of S.Ballard Avenue 3 ... ). tx)2+'107r t I , ,.., r URVIY p 1.1 1 Ill 'I'iliS I: '10 ('1.1:111'1 that I haer. 11ii. :la,le, ode a ci-ireful and a'.' uratte iitrvc•v, on Ulf, ground of isro[rr:•rty located of No tt3() ALANIS LANE in the (it of _.-- - ---- W1•I.tF. ('UI.1.[N---f:oirritl', '1'ctas -.--_ -------- --• . [tEIN(. a tract of land sit united iii the Henry I.. I)riiiglats Survey, Abstract No. 292. ('itv- of I1'v lie. Collin County, Texas, and being a part. the tract of land conveyed to Melvin 11. I)r'lanr',. by deed ree_orrtrcl in Cu iintv ['leek's File No. 0G--()082:3ti I, Deed Records,ds, , Collin I-•rurrrit■. Texas,s, and being inure part iu•ularly utese•ribc•rt as follows: Beginning a1 7un iron rod found at. the intersection ioii of tin' South line of :1laiiis Lane with tile (lest line of S. (Grill Nowt: Thence 5 1)1 deg -16 iiriii 01) see IF, along said West line, ai distance of 131.9t) feet to a+n iron rod set in the North line of ai tract or land r•onveveil to Pedro Reselirtiz by deed r•er orrlr'rt in County Clerk's. File No. 95-0071151 D, Deed lb,cords,onric, Collin Count-y, '1'r'Nat*: •l'tienc.e N 81) deg Ott slit} 0(1 sec It, along ni id North line and the Noi-t-hi line of ai tract conveyed to .lose P. [lr'sendiz ho deed i-erordr'el in County Clerk's File No. 9(1- li071;:_'I II, Deed lberorrls, Collin County, Texas, ai distance of :322.11.1 feel. to an iron rod set for corner: Thence N 01 dig -IC ruin 01) see 1?, arlong t he reniainirler of said Delano traur.t, a distance to of 13-1.99 feet to and iron roil set in said 'bouillr line of Manic lane: Thence 5 IV.) den ;:r13 min t)() see E. along said South line, a dist;3iic-e of :122.8.1 feet to the Point of Beginning, and r'nntairiirig 1.00(1(1 ar•re of land. :11ri1 According to Community-Panel No -1tl0f3O(.' • 00115 Rev (;_ of tlit' I'I:LER•11.1 M1E:RCA:Ni') Il l)1t;EME.'r'l':1uEbC1 Flcrnnil Henri t1oundaut y or I•I{rci insIll alncr'Imautc' Mar(riled-.I=.(`3-9(i-._ the -ul►jr•r 1 I+rrrl>c-rt G -_--- IS NOT - tru th•ni in a rl(•,igrrr:l c•rl Zone_-_. A... . (Area of 100 Year flirt Plain). MEIN H.DELINEY 4 I 1 l J �� CC 196-00E384-DR/CCT 1 i i.b.1 Cu if I I I I N 01'46'00"E 139.44' 1 s . 1 IRS CY IRS ! i I m )-' E ra P. l rV ! I I m Elf v, �- I { r I r M� X l CNI PI I I � 4 - ! M it:,. s, w .,:1,. n r .:,„ ti I� .._ ., ion ' - ,�j ,. PART HENRYL.DOUGLAS ' X- 4g SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. i `tit I 292-1.0000 ACRE ] 16 a -X_._..— _._�.k..�-_ r4 i i,., is x I..,' 'E 4 I I � o ` i r MD sr r:111 1r-1 urr ,`'' } .c.,......, _LI.-... ' 'rill' 1 A, `` ; p; f •o1 _SoDi a 1 ' I P 1 i ff 0) I _ U1i 77) I ,` IIIMMO Z - ' ,r~ I 1.1 ohf MeuoC14 rrz-rrut 4 1.1 IiA1 I . r �u 1 ; 11.1 �'`r a„l in i 1 1I.f ` . I 1() THEI11•:-'l' ()1•' 1l \nli l ti; - c I , i I lif'[.l[:I Till:, 1=:14 11I:N I' I'l:('()tllil:lr IN {_ __ l i till \'1'1 t'l.t:tolv'-n [''tl,t': 1(). ..1ri--(11li;:3'li'' ! ' . ' , I 1 Ilaisis of bearings is i ;- 11r 1l.: N[1'[' 1'lll lr 11.1.1 ll l l:1 !' Till.: ;� ; South lure of Alainis St l;.tl•:(.'l' I'1:t)1'I•:i;l'1. Larir'. ills [' I • -_ -.-._ IRS S 01'46'O0"W 134.99' rrtr�r !i— POINT OF •_• 111111 BEGINNING ._fiff10,11N1 r alk N01111[I4f5GOL1.,100ftfilh(Ni --; - — RoAD I . ,1111:1‘).!(.:1ti NATIONAL 11.1N1: 'l'n l:l•:l'l'111.1(' -1'1'1'1.1.: ill I'rnune l irrri ►►1111 llrr• 1 FallStt D011 riu'.n rrlrr'cl inn t;l' tiin tl t F11:ir•1'ltf 1'('0(1 Inn of lllis nor nun hi olhff p,irinr'r rind.or f:_r in inr': pin''pnse sliidi Err,at li>n•r''s I ci :unit rim' lrr: t{,ll!ir2, front at 1111 t,r- :it+rll !run'. be 1 he re,pnnnilrilitl nil Hit m inim ilrn•{I ill II' lint a t•r r•r;r, is it rrirr{•c l afrru: accord(' ir-pyri,okikoll of Hie properly: lines arid dimensions are rss indtr,utr•r!. °rrt•,nticsir -,unit line of linlilrlin J,nine ais SIini rt; arnn EXCEPT .lti`llll tb. (,ll sinus nnr•lrr•rnl. we local,' willirni the hnirrrrllr r. lire nli-t,+r rr•:'intiir.drfI. i-nni Elt'EI'r:s birth\. lirr rr•ail. no vrsitn:n- ar3lrl ari.l.lrr r-til r 11'1 c,dlrli►'lll Of pr{rl'i ior+.,on the gin in..1 I'i'Ill'I I 1 1:1, ('I111'1;1•'l.l, r ti, '' ' 't l i.1: I - l(1' ALLIANCE 1..\N 1) I'I l'1.F. 1 [,1 E\' .r' .`,, -- - -, , I)al. 1/1:1,i?T) ('.(). 13()l 870075 i urn+,r.• I,1l i t 1 _'R 1.FI1?111.1 1rl.-t11-'1'1 1: l'1:V1:' 7's 1'�rl .4.'t..., ., inn 11�1r,r - Pr r1,,1 r,-,rl Pc of.c iu'.r+i Lil'',.111 . 13i Im►►' -- - 9i�'''••I:l,t-t)9)3i7 FAN 971.!'-(il:t-1:417 • u•' l.rrr,rl -ti'+re•e c Jr,r•.10.•IFi—1:3 4;7)(11101T 8 ... _......... ,, S .11--.?,\J!E.:'i. 1)1 ,i\ri' THL, L-' .10 CF1N'll') 1101 I !hive. this date, made ;i (..irptil and n-i,..t.ini.iile alluvr.y, on the gronul of propeily lire lid i-:1. No .100 ALANIS LANE in the City . ...._ ....... ..... ..........._ of WYLIE . COLLIN County, Tr.xos 111.:INC, ni tract of land situated in llotiry I,. Douglas Stii.,.\. Abstract No. 29'2, ('.ily of Wylie, Collin Counly, Texas, and being ii part of the tract of laud eonveyed to Melvin II. 1)(,1,ii,,%- I)- (1,(.,(1 recorded in County 1:1,•rh's File No, 90-0011'..!:.111-1, Deed IZecords, , Collin r•ontilk., 'rexas, and being innre /,,,ri ienilarly desei-ii,d as. follows: lloginiiiii., at ail iron rod set in the South line of Alan's Lane ('torn whir...11 point the intersection of I.ho West litre of S. Coll Road with said Smith line hears S 89 deg fr13 min 00 ,-,•(• E, a list nor' - of :122.13-I feet; 'I loin N 01 deg .1/1 min 00 sec IV, along II, (lest litre of the rein.-,iinler of said Delaney tract, a disIlf14.1. of 13-1.99 feet to an iron rod set in the Not I, line of a tract of land (.-onveyed to „lose P. IZesendiz by deed recorded in County ('let'!, s File No. 96-0076'.2 i 13, Deed Itecords, Collin County, TeXf.IS: Unit))1' N /19 deg 5/1 Illifl Ott see It, along said Nort It line, a dist once if :377.16 feet t o an 111111 rod sit for eornor; Thew-e N 01 deg .11; inn 00 sec F., along an East lino of said Uesenitiz tract, 1 liistance of 11-I.99 feet to .in iron rod set in said South line of 11itini, Lane; Thence N 119 deg 5/1 inin 00 see- l.., along said South line, as distance of :177,11; feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 1.1(31:1 acres. And, Arwrding to Community-Panel Na •180135(.` - 0585 i-t.,' (j_ of If ril91'if.11,INF iW.I.:NL'Y MANAQMENT ACENCY Florid Iliiznird Entindatv or Flood in:Anion i.. II.!,' %kin:, didoll I-19-96 . 1hr Hilnii,I iails-IC l!': NOT' localt-d in a fIt'sigrink.,1 Zonr A (Aron of 1110 l'enr. Flood Plain). JOSE P.RESENDIZ CC 196-0076218-D1ICCT N 01`46'00"E C"'" 139.44' IRS ,____,• --_, , Q ,. .... x IRF - IRS 0 •-- ---, . . 36 ZS' ..1 1.1.1.I.V f.):' i „ I 1 • AT fA51111 AT # CII011 CC 196-0061111 I • -,_ Mal III. 1; 11iCiSt4i• --...• -- -• __.. ....._. _._ ... CLAM FRI \ 1 •, z:, 41... 4 1... 1 1 , ! -••a•_ .__.,. • ii ' , - -•a•.. .._ ',52,-• •-•--..... .. zis 11,,i ,,,,..4,......: , , 7a . ., PART HENRY L.DOUGLAS i 1 SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. CI ilif N.. 292- !1.1683 ACRES ` ....; ea •...).. e ...—:. , l' ,...._ ..., ..., ,... u --,,, ..1 L'-'- : , a , . , i .... • 12,- ce, In I a, az ;:r, 03 1'71., at • (6 1.,..,•. , • . 1 Cl) 1 ,..., ; 1 . P ., 111:1C 1 / • I ' 4 . • • POINT OF . , . : , • , 1 BEGINNING • i . IRS 0 1• '.0 1 IV 1 4.99' 1 , AfEt IN H.DEL4NEr • i\ii.t.ic_IN N-V1.10NAL BAN!: i CC 196-0082384-oR/ccr..• To PEPI..IIIC -11ILE in cunri,,Ipni ,1111 lire li.insaclion :Ictril)f•cl in 11 Nu 0!E05,,r,:..tt pu.W,...„.. I's,of 111,:•tircioi. In.C111',.1 pill 11! :Ind on f:Fr.o:11,- Hi'leq,nil 1,(.dt lo•i's...I:.'k ond wry ,1,...i.11ifit, 'lulu ,)thpi 1., ,h,iii 10! lie tlic 1-,,pri.-iliiIII, of thr 'roll,1.-T.,:nwil I'd) If Ail Iftr-oni L ii totp.ct nirni i-icontrol(- Ii.preonfil.on of 1111. proN•tly, line, inn.1 dinenHonr,no: ...o, Indic-ANL ia,,Iloti Aid I v.- i)I 61;niniint2,ink' in, sho'Ati; ond E\CI.Pi •V 111AN,,II ;iniiiimt•:ii,rik Of, lire-hut willnA tht. Inonnodon,h, lInf-di,knin•-: ,,,,11,-,,1,1 rm.! F\cf:p!',:1: 11AN. Hip',,iii'ii, intl,Lipitn1 1,,I(..,t,.Inn.nk. 01 1)10111]:,4.,11:,011 IR'eloiril PrI11.--TU CAMPBELL ..,,N. •-•('11.1: I ,In' ALLIANCE 1..ANI) 'HITE :-.d'ii.%i.: , .,,,,,*#,,... . ..:,.-.,.• . -. - .- • — . ..--- .. . 1,.\.1 . II,"I 3,/o5 r.o. no\ iri0075 , ,..., •„, , . . o.2H .',4,) ..2(1,-)03,H mi:,),..111::. '11:\.1:-' -i.7,1-,0 ,!., .,,, i/ t JP,Pit - ri trisit,,,i P,Iiil 7,1e11,111 Iill li N lit j),_ _ _ 97,2-6i:1-9997 FIN 4.1-;---i;13--17W; ' '- brmi .,,,,,r yro, ./().iii.i3 4 � � ! I r i Skkne brook rive L Y _ ia i Fo sone Ma - i i . i i 2. I iledaaw a e t R Estates Lane ! ! - to.. i r - I ! i I ! ! ,.,..-.._.._.._.. t 1 '� win. pia .. r I I T ! 1 i _ 4 t `moo r j c� ro o _.._. �� �_ o Z a o 0 G , r W ou ;❑11ard Avenue Soul oHlord `...... ! ! � � "� ! I I t t I ! •�. I r i o + 1 i i 1 i i .-.._.. 0 I i_.._.. .. �. i I Srnda Peak Cr ! l ! '� R A en Lane _ _ �..�-._.. 4 [ -= : - - � i Broorid e a i Vail Cain lo.i rlve r r Muddy Creek Drive _ a Fans Court o 1 k 2.601 FA. . 2 ,pi cos tr 406- Tr 64-p-- Alan ' s Dnve A22 o Tr `l Tr Tr fro 01A(7� ZONING CASE #2006-02 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Frances Campbell APPLICATION FILE #2006-02 6404 Ben Road Sachse, Texas 75048 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX 1.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 6404 Ben Road 1 Frances Campbell Sachse, Texas 75048 5404 Ben Road 2 Abst 292 Tract 5 R-6292-000-0050-1 Frances Campbell Sachse, Texas 75048 308 Alanis Drive 3 Abst 292 Tract 9 R-6292-000-0090-1 Jose Resendiz Wylie, Texas 75098 PO Box 56 4 Abst 267 Tract 9 R-6267-000-0090-1 Milford Founders Wylie, Texas 75098 PO Box 56 5 Abst 267 39 R-6267-000-0390-1 Milford Founders Wylie, Texas 75098 2000 Highway 78 North 6 Abst 267 65 R-6267-000-0650-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 2000 Highway 78 North 7 Abst 267 66 R-626 7-000-0660-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 405 Alanis Drive 8 Abst 267 68 R-6267-000-0680-1 Danny Sellers Wylie, Texas 75098 9 10 11 12 13 I A 14 15 r � 16 17 18 •w PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-02. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-02. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, March 28,2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas t _ r 1. Name: P f k re kiI r 0.04 4S (please print) Address: Signature: f `T.U1--E..z 4r1 , T Date: ) / -� ~ 0 4 COMMENTS: Wylie City Council (01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 2 De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: Date Prepared: March 15, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two S u b'ect Conduct one of two Public Hearings for the annexation of a 61.26 acre tract of land located in the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, Collin County, Texas; generally located west of F.M. 544, north of Elm Road. Recommendation Discussion This annexation is at the request of the property owner, Michael Hood. The property is located on the west side of F.M. 544, north of the recently approved Braddock Place Estates Development (the Rice property) and east of the Twin Lakes Subdivision. Before a municipality may begin annexation proceedings, the governing body of the municipality must conduct two (2) public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are given the opportunity to be heard. In compliance with State law, staff has prepared the following public hearing schedule: Notice published for Public Hearings March 15, 2006 First Public Hearing March 28, 2006 Second Public Hearing April 4, 2006 Adoption of Ordinance April 25, 2006 Article 1, Section 3 of the Wylie City Charter authorizes the City Council to adjust boundaries. This annexation is being conducted in compliance with Sections 43.052 (h) (2) and 43.063 of the Local Government Code. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 .. .. . . ........ ,__ _- Woli-a-7•Wre 1,61111111 AM usar "a Ni mow It . 4 au ` ! _ _ !llIOhi ; i ! i �11111 _i`__% A41411 1� ' �111111111 � ` i I ci ■","`` uiiiiirr\S����11�gi�� �� TT ? 1TTT 1TTTTTTT_,__.__ . i,11i��Ii�r�\II) .liimi- WO HIIuIu• ' 5rummiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim aIllni oMI '� Jam- . , ■■■�■r �1I11i11I11 �111� � 11111 � I- �' i m ' UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - -- 11 4* 1 -, im,_ 11 iliiiiiiii- --------- Iltt (`,, ��,, �.. 1 _.■111111111■I1.= ,�_I�" .�ii��11�11�1 111►�1111111111111' •_ _- - - - __-- ____. . _ `•�..IIII_�--�, • ��I�"111111111111� ul �M1. ►.. A 1j1111i ' _�I , 2 ---_ � 'gm win me = == =����lf • Al Sub ec - L_ ____..... 11111woo;( •I`�: ill 9 1 ope Li___� II,wwt1I1 ,j� i i 11111111ii MP��� � —' 111111111 ��� •����4 I1I IWW...gg� Ir�� C _T_ • - q 1 _ _,igilA i � I { r-� i li H i i i ' ,1 i ! j ,,� I i tLLL —_ 1 1 ,,, , ,........., . ... . f , , / / = wi-47-qg , ,-- #,• --- / 4v,. ./ _ ...., al Ii,11117 # lift ism 0 y 411V 4/4 % 1 �Gma mill , \ Via,. MI WA. , ------.....----4 A.,•,:,•• , LOCATION MAP - PROPOSED ANNEXATION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SERVICE PLAN FOR ANNEXED AREA KREYMER TRACT ANNEXATION ORDNANCE NO.: DATE OF ANNEXATION ORDNANCE: ACREAGE ANNEXED: 61.26 acres SURVEY, ABSTRACT& COUNTY: Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, Collin County, Texas Municipal Services to the acreage described above shall be furnished by or on behalf of the City of Wylie, Texas (the `City"), at the following levels and in accordance with the following schedule: A. POLICE SERVICE 1. Patrolling, responses to calls and other routine police services, within the limits of existing personnel and equipment and in a manner consistent with any of the methods of the City, extends police service to any other area of the municipality, will be provided within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 2. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient police personnel and equipment will be provided to furnish this area the maximum level of police services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and population density within the area as determined by the City Council within four and one-half (4-1/2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, or upon commencement of development within the area, whichever occurs later. 3. Upon ultimate development of the area, the same level of police services will be provided to this area as are furnished throughout the City. FIRE SERVICES 1. Fire protection by the present personnel and the present equipment of the Fire Department, within the limitations of available water and distances from existing fire stations, and in a manner consistent with any of the methods of the City, extends fire service to any other area of the municipality, will be provided to this area within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 2. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient fire and emergency ambulance equipment will be provided to furnish this area the maximum level of fire services consistent with the characteristics of topography, land utilization and population density within the area as determined by the City Council within four and one-half (4-1/2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance, or upon commencement of development within the area, whichever occurs later. 3. Upon ultimate development of the area, the same level of fire and emergency ambulance services will be provided to this area as are furnished throughout the City. C. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND CODE ENFORCEMENT SERVICES 1. Enforcement of the City's environmental health ordinances and regulations, including but not limited to, weed and brush ordinances, junked and abandoned vehicle ordinances and animal control ordinances, shall be provided within this area sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. These ordinances and regulations will be enforced through the use of existing personnel. 2. Complaints of ordinance or regulation violations within this area will be answered and investigated within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 3. Inspection services, including the review of building plans, the issuance of permits and the inspection of all buildings, plumbing, mechanical and electrical work to ensure compliance with City codes and ordinances will be provided within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Existing personnel will be used to provide these services. 4, The City's zoning, subdivision, sign and other ordinances shall be enforced in this area beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 5. All inspection services furnished by the City, but not mentioned above, will be provided to this area beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexed ordinance. 6. As development and construction commence in this area, sufficient personnel will be provided to furnish this area the same level of Environmental Health and Code Enforcement Services as are furnished throughout the City. D. PLANNING AND ZONING SERVICES The planning and zoning jurisdiction of the City will extend to this area within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. City planning will thereafter encompass this property, and it shall be entitled to consideration for zoning in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. E. PARK AND RECREATION SERVICES 1. Residents of this property may utilize all existing park and recreational services, facilities and sites throughout the City, beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 2. Additional facilities and sites to serve this property and its residents will be acquired, developed and maintained at locations and times provided by applicable plans for providing parks and recreation services to the City. 3. Existing parks, playgrounds, swimming pools and other recreational facilities within this property shall, upon dedication to and acceptance by the City, be maintained and operated by the City of Wylie, but not otherwise. F. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 1. Solid waste collection shall be provided to the property in accordance with existing City policies, beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Residents of this property utilizing private collection services at the time of annexation shall continue to do so until it becomes feasible because of increased density of population to serve the property municipally. Commercial refuse collection services will be provided to any business located in the annexed area at the same price as presently provided for any business customer within the City, upon request. 2. As development and construction commence in this property and population density increases to the property level, solid waste collection shall be provided to this property in accordance with the current policies of the City as to frequency, changes and so forth. 3. Solid waste collection shall begin within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. O. STREETS 1. The City's existing policies with regard to street maintenance, applicable throughout the entire City, shall apply to this property beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. Unless a street within this property has been constructed or is improved to the City's standards and specifications, that street will not be maintained by the City. 2. As development, improvement or construction of streets to City standards commences within this property, the policies of the City with regard to participation in the costs thereof, acceptance upon completion and maintenance after completion, shall apply. 3. The same level of maintenance shall be provided to streets within this property which have been accepted by the City as is provided to City streets throughout the City. 4. Street lighting installed on streets improved to City standards shall be maintained in accordance with current City policies. R. WATER SERVICES 1. Connection to existing City water mains for water service for domestic, commercial and industrial use within this property will be provided in accordance with existing City policies. Upon connection to existing mains, water will be provided at rates established by City ordinances for such service throughout the City. 2. As development and construction commence in this property, water mains of the City will be extended in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Regulations and other applicable ordinances and regulations. City participation in the costs of these extensions shall be in accordance with the applicable City ordinances and regulations. Such extensions will be commenced within two (2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance and substantially completed with four and one-half (4 1/2)years after that date. 3. Water mains installed or improved to City standards which are within the annexed area and are within dedicated easements shall be maintained by the City of Wylie beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 4. Private water lines within this property shall be maintained by their owners in accordance with existing policies applicable throughout the City. I. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES 1. Connections to existing City sanitary sewer mains for sanitary sewage service in this area will be provided in accordance with existing City policies. Upon connection, sanitary sewage service will be provided at rates established by City ordinances for such service throughout the City. 2. Sanitary sewage mains and/or lift stations installed or improved to City standards, located in dedicated easements, and which are within the annexed area and are connected to City mains will be maintained by the City of Wylie beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 3. As development and construction commence in this area, sanitary sewer mains of the City will be extended in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Regulations and other applicable City ordinances and regulations. Such extensions will be commenced within two (2) years from the effective date of the annexation ordinance and substantially completed within four and one-half(4 1/2) years after that date. J. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Any facility or building located within the annexed area and utilized by the City in providing services to the area will be maintained by the City commencing upon the date of use or within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance, whichever occurs later. 2. General municipal administrative services of the City shall be available to the annexed area beginning within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the annexation ordinance. 3. Notwithstanding, anything set forth above, this Service Plan does not require all municipal services be provided as set forth above if different characteristics of topography, land use and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different levels of service. 4. The Service Plan is valid for ten (10) years from the effective date of this Ordinance. Wylie City Council 1__,=][ir.).-(01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 3 De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/09/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Nine S u b'ect Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-19 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development for mixed uses to allow for Commercial and Industrial uses, generally located south of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. ZC 2006-01 Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-19 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development(PD) District for mixed uses to allow for Commercial and Industrial uses. Discussion Owner: TXU Electric Delivery Applicant: Dallas Cothrum of Masterplan The subject property is located south of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. The property totals 71.259 acres and is divided into three (3) tracts. Tract 1 A is 3.014 acres in size, Tract 1 B is 15.908 acres in size and both will be developed under the guidelines of the Commercial Corridor (CC) District, Tract 2 is 38.031 acres in size and will be developed under the regulations of Industrial Zoning District, and Tract 3 is 14.306 acres in size and is dedicated as Parkland to the City of Wylie. The Comprehensive Plan recommends that Tracts 1 A and 1 B of the subject property be developed as Commercial Corridor and Tracts 2 and 3 be developed as Light Industrial. The proposed scheme generally conforms to the recommendations of the Plan. The applicant is proposing to construct an Electrical Switching Station on Tract 2. There are existing towers on the subject property which are 85 feet in height. The new equipment for the facility will be a maximum of 61 feet in height. Under the previous Zoning Ordinance, this use would be permitted by right. However, under the newly adopted Zoning Ordinance the use is allowed by SUP only. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The PD Conditions list specific uses to be allowed on the Industrial Tract as an effort to conform to the permitted uses under the Light Industrial Zoning District. A chart is included to compare the uses being requested and the uses allowed under the old Industrial Zoning and the newly adopted uses of Light Industrial Zoning. The Zoning Exhibit shall suffice as Preliminary Plat. Tract 1 will require a Site Plan and Final Plat. Tract 2 will require a Site Plan only. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (5-0) for the requested change in zoning on March 7, 2006. Notification/Responses: Twenty-three (23) notifications mailed, two returned opposing the request at the time of this posting. Requires simple majority to approve. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager MBR 03/21/2006 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2006-01, TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD-2006-XX) DISTRICT ALLOWING FOR MIXED USES CONSISTING OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Planned Development (PD- 2006-XX) District allowing for mixed uses consisting of commercial and industrial, said property being described in Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 28th day of March, 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of Publication in The Wylie News—April 5, 2006 Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Case#2006-01 Tract 1A Being a 3.014 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of that certain tract of land described to TXU Electric Company by deed recorded in Volume 4659, Page 1333, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 3.014 acre tract of land being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and being in the centerline of Rush Creek and in the southeasterly right-of-way line of State Highway 78 (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE Northeasterly along the northerly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and the southeasterly right-of-way line of said State Highway 78 the following courses: North 51°41'3 8" East, a distance of 104.18 feet to a point for corner; North 47°24'20" East, a distance of 200.02 feet to a point for corner; North 51°41'3 8" East, a distance of 241.51 feet to the westernmost corner of that certain tract of land described to Texas Power & Light Company by deed recorded in Volume 651, Page 434, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 25°17'42" East along the southwesterly line of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land, a distance of 221.16 feet to the southernmost corner of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land; THENCE South 51°34'37" West, a distance of 702.47 feet to a point for corner in the southwesterly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and the centerline of aforementioned Rush Creek; THENCE Northerly along said southwesterly line and said centerline the following courses: North 05°13'32" West, a distance of 132.73 feet to a point for corner; North 57°54'07" East, a distance of 48.07 feet to a point for corner; North 08°29'54" West, a distance of 33.77 feet to a point for corner; North 36°44'07" East, a distance of 44.55 feet to a point for corner; North 12°10'11" West, a distance of 61.43 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING a computed area of 131,297 square feet or 3.014 acres of land. Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 Tract 1B BEING a 15.908 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of that certain tract of land described to TXU Electric Company by deed recorded in Volume 4659, Page 1333, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 15.908 acre tract of land being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and being in the southeasterly right-of-way line of State Highway 78 (a variable width right-of-way) and in the centerline of Eubanks Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 00°10'53" East along the easterly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and the centerline of said Eubanks Road, a distance of 563.56 feet to the easternmost southeast corner of said TXU Electric Company tract of land; THENCE South 89°01'32" West along the southeasterly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land, a distance of 18.24 feet to a point for corner in the centerline of Crumes Branch; THENCE Southwesterly continuing along said southeasterly line and along the centerline of said Crumes Branch the following courses: South 20°36'11" West, a distance of 169.86 feet to a point for corner; South 26°23'59" West, a distance of 330.77 feet to a point for corner; South 41°3 8'3 0" West, a distance of 22.99 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 38°25'23" West, a distance of 900.94 feet to the point of curvature of a non- tangent curve to the left, the radius point of which bears South 21°53'59" East, at a distance of 2609.96 feet; THENCE Southwesterly with said non-tangent curve to the left through a central angle of 13°40'07", for an arc distance of 622.24 feet, a chord bearing of South 61°15'57" West and a chord distance of 621.17 feet to the easternmost corner of that certain tract of land described to Texas Power & Light Company by deed recorded in Volume 651, Page 434, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 25°17'42" West along the northeasterly line of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land, a distance of 211.31 feet to the northernmost corner of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land and being in the northerly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and the southeasterly right-of-way line of aforementioned State Highway 78 and also being the point of curvature of a non-tangent curve to the right, the radius point of which bears South 33°21'35" East, at a distance of 2436.54; Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 THENCE Easterly along said northerly line and said southeasterly right-of-way line the following courses: Northeasterly with said non-tangent curve to the right through a central angle of 03°24'26", for an arc distance of 144.89 feet, a chord bearing of North 5 8°20'3 8" East and a chord distance of 144.89 feet to a point for corner; North 3 0°49'3 5" West, a distance of 5.00 feet to the point of curvature of a non-tangent curve to the right, the radius point of which bears South 30°49'45" East, at a distance of 2804.79 feet; Northeasterly with said non-tangent curve to the right through a central angle of 11°32'37", for an arc distance of 565.09 feet, a chord bearing of North 64°56'33" East and a chord distance of 564.13 feet to a point for corner; North 72°13'44" East, a distance of 65.80 feet to a point for corner; North 72°45'47" East, a distance of 83.77 feet to a point for corner; North 74°05'17" East, a distance of 84.03 feet to a point for corner; North 76°3 8'53" East, a distance of 83.48 feet to a point for corner; North 77°40'30" East, a distance of 83.54 feet to a point for corner; North 79°47'48" East, a distance of 84.12 feet to a point for corner; North 81°21'27" East, a distance of 83.74 feet to a point for corner; North 82°52'11" East, a distance of 83.92 feet to a point for corner; North 87°36'15" East, a distance of 124.79 feet to a point for corner; South 17°49'41" East, a distance of 31.00 feet to a point for corner; North 89°43'35" East, a distance of 32.31 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING a computed area of 692,956 square feet or 15.908 acres of land. Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 Tract 2 BEING a 38.031 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of that certain tract of land described to TXU Electric Company by deed recorded in Volume 4659, Page 1333, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 38.031 acre tract of land being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northerly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land, same being the southeasterly right-of-way line of State Highway 78 (a variable width right-of-way) at the northernmost corner of that certain tract of land described to Texas Power & Light Company by deed recorded in Volume 651, Page 434, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 25°17'42" East along the northeasterly line of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land, a distance of 211.31 feet to the easternmost corner of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land and being the point of curvature of a non-tangent curve to the right, the radius point of which bears South 35°34'06" East, at a distance of 2609.96 feet; THENCE Northeasterly along said non-tangent curve to the right through a central angle of 13°40'07", for an arc distance of 622.64 feet, a chord bearing of North 61°15'57" East and a chord distance of 621.17 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 3 8°25'23" East, a distance of 900.94 feet to a point for corner in the southeasterly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and being in the centerline of Crumes Branch; THENCE Southwesterly along said southeasterly line and the centerline of said Crumes Branch the following courses: South 41°3 8'3 0" West, a distance of 24.73 feet to a point for corner; South 00°24'39" West, a distance of 103.42 feet to a point for corner; South 03°40'16" West, a distance of 121.66 feet to a point for corner; South 15°29'16" West, a distance of 95.97 feet to a point for corner; South 08°54'45" West, a distance of 139.06 feet to a point for corner; South 05°00'45" West, a distance of 197.94 feet to a point for corner; South 14°23'45" West, a distance of 99.08 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 87°57'29" West, a distance of 978.43 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 38°25'23" West, a distance of 899.99 feet to a point for corner; Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 THENCE North 51°34'37" East, a distance of 440.98 feet to the southernmost corner of aforementioned Texas Power& Light Company tract of land; THENCE North 25°17'42" West along the southwesterly line of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land, a distance of 221.16 feet to the westernmost corner of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land and being in the southeasterly right-of-way line of aforementioned State Highway 78; THENCE North 51°41'3 8" East along the northerly line of said Texas Power & Light Company tract of land and said southeasterly right-of-way line, a distance of 44.36 feet to the point of curvature of a non-tangent curve to the right, the radius point of which bears South 38°18'25" East, a distance of 2436.54 feet; THENCE Northeasterly continuing along said northerly line and said southeasterly right-of-way line and with said non-tangent curve to the right through a central angle of 04°56'50", for an arc distance of 210.39 feet, a chord bearing of North 54°10'00" East and a chord distance of 210.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING a computed area of 1,656,635 square feet or 38.031 acres of land. Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 Tract 3 BEING a 14.306 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of that certain tract of land described to TXU Electric Company by deed recorded in Volume 4659, Page 1333, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 14.306 acre tract of land being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at southernmost corner of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and being in the centerline of Crumes Branch and in the northerly right-of-way line of Brown Street (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 87°57'29" West along the southerly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and the northerly right-of-way line of said Brown Street, a distance of 1063.08 feet to the southwest corner of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and being in the centerline of Rush Creek; THENCE Northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and the centerline of said Rush Creek the following courses: North 65°25'36" West, a distance of 32.68 feet to a point for corner; North 24°13'58" West, a distance of 156.20 feet to a point for corner; North 12°54'20" West, a distance of 152.77 feet to a point for corner; North 75°21'12" West, a distance of 54.02 feet to a point for corner; North 13°44'26" West, a distance of 43.07 feet to a point for corner; North 32°53'03" West, a distance of 347.84 feet to a point for corner; North 71°17'3 5" West, a distance of 77.14 feet to a point for corner; North 25°35'42" West, a distance of 85.46 feet to a point for corner; North 84°17'31" West, a distance of 48.85 feet to a point for corner; North 27°43'18" West, a distance of 77.85 feet to a point for corner; North 05°13'32" West, a distance of 48.25 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 51°34'3 7" East, a distance of 261.49 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 38°25'23" East, a distance of 899.99 feet to a point for corner; Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 THENCE South 87°57'29" East, a distance of 978.43 feet to a point for corner in the southeasterly line of said TXU Electric Company tract of land and the centerline of aforementioned Crumes Branch; THENCE Southwesterly along said southeasterly line and said centerline the following courses: South 14°23'45" West, a distance of 195.18 feet to a point for corner; South 26°04'28" West, a distance of 111.90 feet to a point for corner; South 04°05'54" West, a distance of 47.17 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING a computed area of 623,189 square feet or 14.306 acres of land. Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 Exhibit B Zoning Case No.: 2006-01 Conditions of the Planned Development District Southwest Corner of S.H. 78 and Eubanks Lane in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas 71.259 ACRES A. General Conditions: 1. This Planned Development District request shall not affect any regulation found within the Code of Ordinances, unless specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Corridor Commercial (CC) Zoning set forth in Section 4.2.B of the Zoning Ordinance (as adopted November, 2001) are included by reference and shall apply to Tracts 1A and 16 as specifically provided herein. 3. All regulations of the Industrial (I) Zoning set forth in Section 4.3.A of the Zoning Ordinance (as adopted November, 2001) are included by reference and shall apply to Tract 2 as specifically provided herein. B. Special Conditions: 1. No uses shall be permitted on Tract 2 except the following: a. Electric Substation b. Local Utilities c. Mounted Antenna d. Telecommunication Tower e. Utility or Government Installation other than listed f. Accessory Outside Storage 2. The following uses shall be permitted by right on Tract 2 as functions of the PD: a. Electric Substation b. Electric Switching Station 3. The applicant shall be in compliance with the new Light Industrial Zoning in every respect with exception to uses indicated in Section B.1 and 6.2 above. Ordinance No.2006-19 Zoning Case No.2006-01 Q N �� 'f'1/2 ,�P� o ��G� TRACT 19 IY PROPOSED CORRIDOR [n -[�� COUL(ERpAL ZONING Y r7 15.908 AC. Q x�.ru* CO ' ''..1-X''''''''''-':''--\.--. kPOWs:"'''I'£AS r �ur,+� cap .4 rb7py�/�G ..-•.,..,.. • .•,,.,\ r 11 ,.e c. .c i r S`± w: f‘ . ' -- - ... - .. TRACT 1A PROPOSED CORRIDOR ANY ,/. :':.;: :- ROPO RCIAL ZONING VOLi4b59.PC."t333;:. 3 .- .].414 AC. �r C-E;.� i � L Q >a r f r i T �cSrxz:: .$4..\-. ''".. .,-.::, '\‘' PRQPQEQ �ID[15TRlAL ZONING -:1.-:::'.'.''''':'. : ' ' -. . ., - S :x L.: :„n i _ .�r'R � i ��L L 1 �L'. 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I 11111.1111111111: I , NW Mk:,..grarj•Evi.. ri ... ._....... _ . _ , fampbisilffiEita _.._...._...,__, ___,, r i ; J. , - g & ,, miumiltfm i i 4 I zna.m.iii.-Irr.1 irry ...ialLi ... - ' 11111111111191111111111 --4 TIE • c IIIITIVP •MWP"-- 1. 1 1 . , '.. ‘ Inn'01 II.: - .• ,, ._ „.„.••_.•.••_•• ......... .. .._ up .. • • Li_ #4/. .Ac.11111111111111111 C •aVii:iii,7 .,4 .•'' 1111111 Iti, MN iip.11116110 - Ai 0 0 I 1111 I 1.I I I I.I I I.L••7 7, .r. 1111111111_41..... I / ' 4V• 41011111r 1 i : . \-\- -fIrrrarwriqrw—mow Waft . I \ lir(Fe\i41111111/111,11.•t 1 . .1. LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2006_01 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Dallas Cothrum with Masterplan APPLICATION FILE #2006-01 900 Jackson Street#640 Dallas, Texas 75202 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX 1.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS T Applicant- Dallas Cothrum 900 Jackson Street#640 1 Masterplan Dallas, Texas 75202 1011 E. Brown Street 2 688-1 Tract 54 R-6688-001-0540-1 Rodney Smith Ode,Texas 75098 PO Box 219071 3 688-1 Tract 77 R-6688-001-0770-1 TXU Electric Company Dallas,Texas 75221 i r r 14337 County Rd. 485 4 688-1 Tract 79 R-6688-001-0790-1 James McKee Nevada, Texas 75173 Pa Box 219071 5 688-1 Tract 81 R-6688-001-0810-1 TXU Electric Company Dallas, Texas 75221 PC Box 219071 6 688-1 Tract 82 R-6688-001-0820-1 TXU Electric Company Dallas, Texas 75221 210 S. McDonald Street 7 688-1 Tract 83 R-6688-001-0830-1 Collin County McKinney, Texas 75069 . PO Box 516 8 688-1 Tract 93 R-6688-001-0930-1 Ladylike Shop, Inc. Wylie, Texas 75098 1775 State Hwy. 78 North 9 688-1 Tract 196 R-6688-001-1960-1 Ronald Trout Wylie, Texas 75098 r • ' 5113 Heritage Circle 10 688-1 Tract 204 R-6688-001-2040-1 Farmtek, Inc. Sachse, Texas 75048 r 5113 Heritage Circle 11 688-1 Tract 209 R-6688-001-2090-1 Farmtek, Inc. Sachse, Texas 75048 14337 County Rd. 485 12 688-1 Tract 210 R-6688-001-2100-1 James McKee Nevada, Texas 75173 1011 E. Brown Street 13 688-1 Tract 213 R-6688-001-2130-1 Rodney Smith Wylie, Texas 75098 1440 Greenfield Drive 14 688-1 Tract 214 R-6688-001-2140-1 LP Boquin Plano, Texas 75025 4008 Rolling Knolls Drive 15 688-2 Tract 58 R-6688-002-0580-1 Sharman Family Trust 1997 Parker, Texas 75002 4506 Parker Road East 16 688-2 Tract 60 R-6688-002-0600-1 Robert Heath Allen, Texas 75002 2200 W. 35th Street ._ 17 688-2 Tract 204 R-6688-002-2040-1 Texas National Guard Armory Board t Austin, Texas 78703 � rN�V 1 4506 Parker Road East 18 688-2 Tract 206 , R-6688-002-2060-1 Robert Heath Arlen, Texas 75002 9 688-4 Tract ] 11753 S. 87th East Avenue R-6688-004-1100-1 Archie Kreymer Bixbv. Okla r,oma 74008 Bill Kreymer PO Box 483 � 20 68$-4 _ Tract i 1 2 R-6688-0 - fl4 1 1 20-1 Kreymer Ranch Wylie, Texas 75098 1012 E. Brown Street 21 688-5 Tract ] 15 R. 6688-005-1150-1 Gary Sixkiller ie Texas Addn. ` wyl , 75098 Rowan �.,ll 1 r 22 Bik A Lot 1 R-4804-DDA-041�- 214 James Drive - James Rowan Rockwall, Texas 75032 Bill Lovil, P.E. PO Box 90 23 . Hwy. 78 North Te xas Dept. of Transportation McKinney, Texas 75069 24 Brown Street 210 S. McDonald Street Collin County McKinney, Texas 75069 25 26 27 I r 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 _ i r-. - L . •- - ,- ...... L�aitfaad - -• -i Ra tl' d •-2 rea �-�v atlas �' , I ± / • I f Fr F• ril III'nt°2 1 1 / • I i ti 1 I f� ....._ ......_ 1 I ,• • I.. , . , .-,-,.. r. I L.•� Fly x \ , , . - . . . •,., ...,...- - ,,,_ .. ,..,,,..,.., ..,,,,.. ,— ..,... . ;...-;•.,.....-....-:- :..,-:'.-..,-,_:', B_,., ,,,...:.„::• ..,•/„.„.„..,,, -_ . 1 1 .. 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PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-01. Y' I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-01. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 7,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,March 28,2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: TA-a/iieltz • (please print Address: cl Signature: Date: ( 1 COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case / #2006-0 1. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-0I. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 7,2006, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,March 28,2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas ,771/- Name: '17, /(_—;/ r (please print} • `y Address: , f/ _„/"277 .' J �r Signature: �� l Date: ;-' COMMENTS: Permitted Uses //Id A.AGRICULTURAL&ANIMAL-RELATED Animal Boarding Kennel with Outside Pens P P , 2. Animal Boarding/Kennel without Outside Pens P P 3. Animal Production 4. Commercial Greenhouse or Nursery P P 5. Crop Production Y 6. Stable(Commercial) P P .. B.RESIDENTIAL&LODGING 1.Assisted Living Apartment , 2.Bed&Breakfast Inn 3.Boarding or Rooming House 4.Hotel or Motel P P P 5.Manufactured Home 6.Manufactured Home Park 7.Multifamily Dwelling S. Single Family Dwelling,Attached 9. Single Family Dwelling,Detached r i C.INSTITUTIONAL&COMMUNITY SERVICE 1. Cemetexy or Mausoleum P 2. Church/House of Worship P P P 3. College or University P P P 4. Cultural Arts Facility P P P 5. Day Care Facility P* p* P* 6. Group Home P P P 7.Hospital or Sanitarium P S. Library P P P 9. Mortuary or Funeral Home P P , 10.Nursing,Convalescent Home or Hospice 11. School(Public or Private)Elementary P* - P* P* 12. School(Public or Private)Secondary P* P* P* 13. School,Business P P P 14. School,Technical or Trade P P P D. FFICE 1.Financial Institution(with drive thru) P 2.Financial Institution(without drive thru) P P p 3. General Office P P P 4.Medical Clinic P* P* P* E.RECREATIONAL,ENTERTAINMENT&AMUSEMENT 1. Commercial Amusement or Recreation(Inside) S 2. Commercial Amusement or Recreation(Outside) S 3.Community Park,Recreation Center,or Golf Course(Public) P P - P 4. Country Club or Golf Course(Private) P P P , 5.Golf Driving Range S 6. Health Club P P P 7.Neighborhood Park or Playground P P P 8. Sexually-Oriented Business 1 P* P* 9. Shooting Range,Indoor P P 1 0.Theater S Permitted Uses /7/, F.RETAIL,PERSONAL SERVICE&COMMERCIAL 1.Animal Clinic or Hospital 2.Automobile Rental P* P P 3.Automobile Repair,Major P P 4. Automobile Repair,Minor P S 5. Body Art Studio p* p* P* 6.Car Wash 7. Club or Lodge(Non-profit) 8.Contractor's Maintenance Yard S P P 9.Dry Cleaning or Laundry,Drop-Off or Self Service P P P 10.C leaners(Commercial) P P P 11. Equipment Rental P P 12.Food Processing P P 13.General Merchandise or Food Store 5,000 s.f or less P* 14.General Merchandise or Food Store greater than 5,000 s.f 15.Home Improvement Center,Lumber,Brick,or Building Materials P P P 16.Household Equipment&Appliance Repair P P 17.Motor Vehicle Fueling Station P p P 18.Pawn Shop P 19.Personal Service Use P 20.Restaurant with Drive-in or Drive-through Service P f 21.Restaurant without Drive-in or Drive-through Service P P P 2 2.Truck,Machinery&Heavy Equipment Sales,Service or Repair S P P 23.Vehicle Display,Sales or Service P a G.UTILITY,TRANSPORTATION&PUBLIC SERVICE 1. Airport,Heliport or Landing Field r P P P 2. Animal Shelter P P P 3. Commercial Bus Station,Terminal or Service Facility P P P 4. Commercial Radio or TV Transmitting Station P P P 5. Electric Substation or Gas Regulator Station S P P 6. Helipad P P P r 7. Local Utilities P P p 8. Mounted Antenna P P P 9. Police or Fire Station P p ` p 10.Post Office P P P 11. Radio,Television or Microwave Tower S S S 12.Railroad Yard i P p 13. Sewage Treatment Plant P S 14. Telecommunications Tower P P P 15.Telephone Exchange without Shops or Offices P P P 16.Transit Passenger Shelter P P P 17. Utility or Government Installation other than listed P P p _ 18. Water Treatment Plant,Reservoir or Water Storage P P P H.INDUSTRIAL&MANUFACTURING 1. Asphalt or Concrete Batch Plant P S S 2. Industrial(Inside) S P P 3. Industrial(Outside) P " S S 4. Light Assembly&Fabrication P p 5. Mining S i S 6. Printing&Publishing P P P 7. Salvage or Reclamation of Products(Inside) S S 8. Salvage or Reclamation of Products(Outside) S S Permitted Uses //// I. WHOLESALE,DISTRIBUTION&STORAGE 1. Auto Auction S _S _ _ 2. Contractor's Maintenance Yard P p P 3. Freight Terminal P p 4. Landfill - S S 5. Livestock Auction Pens or Sheds S S A 6. Mini-warehouse(Self-storage) P 7. Office Showroom/Warehouse P P* p* 8. Outside Storage P p p 9. Recycling Collection Center S P p 10. Warehouse/Distribution Center S P p J.ACCESSORY USES 1. Acessory Agricultural Buildings 2. Accessory Community Center(Private) P p P 3. Accessory Game Court(Private) P P p 4. Accessory Outside Display of Merchandise P* 4 5. Accessory Outside Sales 6. Accessory Outside Storage p* P* p* 7. Amateur Communication Tower P p p 8. Caretakers Quarters/Domestic or Security Unit P P p 9.Home Occupation 10.Private Stable 11. Swimming Pool(Private) P p p I.TEMPORARY USES 1.Christmas Tree Sales T T T 2.Occassional Sale.Garage Sale 3. Seasonal Sales Stand 4.Temporary Concrete or Asphalt Batch Plant T T T _ 5.Temporary Construction Yard,or Construction or Sales Office T T T 6.Temporary Crop Production T T T 7.Temporary Grazing T T T 8.Temporary Living Quarters 9.Traveling Show,Carnival or Circus alt ki masterplan 900 Jackson St. Suite 640 Dallas, Texas 75202 214-761-9197 www.masterplanconsultants.com Case File ZC Number 2006 -01 Presentation Ma teria l EXHIBIT A GEIIERAT111G3 PLAIIT fITcHIII4; STAT1O11 ___A00"71111.1. 11411.414144411111114%ssithi SUBSTATIO11 SUBSTATIOII SUBSTAT1G11 gist r��et Custoinei s Elects i+� Elect' is Customer s ustomei s Panel Elect'Elect' is Elect' is - Panel Panel EXHIBIT B , - .:"'i.:;''• ,- . . • , B• , _ 84-59 , , , , ; As I r'-' 8.7 39 •g.,, .:_,.. '.:: :,k,•:, _.. .... , • . . _. . 3 .,,,,,,_, t . _ .:.:,,:••• ,,,, .. . , 77 4'' 1 . , i 1 ': 86-8. 99-24 ‘ ,\, -'• . e -::-.,..,,- ,,,.. ;k, s F _ I ,:2 84-34 ---" : . L-, 87-39 ........„, . . . ... ,,.. ..: ' I .. '., • ;.' ' • .?' . 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A- 1--', - ac 45 1 94- .-.-- 47.ii •-5,y" . . 77-... off kg 7, 7 86-62 '.. •_., ::-:'-'• SF = i':::.,. -', ! .; $-- :Uhl.. • rsl NOP,.li•,•_ ar: . :r-- . .,, 2,1 0)1.1_j i----• ..„._,. ,'-‘ 67.-- r.,, ,:.- , ni r. „F.,. , , _ . ... i i A ',_i war:' , --...„.:,A-,-.,-,-, • .......... . —,.. •• FM'Or ...' •• .r...1 il..7.'3' •-•' 01' ' y if PD . .101 ,.._1•,. .; .. ,7 ! 14 , imIr-'-R-.1"./2: A , 1,87-41 VI - _ . ', •', legi;411o1.1.!'I Z. . 11 rim 'ff•±4i,,i41-.7....' ', ''''' A:4._ 1:‘ iikii..17010_114:111;',.,,... ' '21.qijit t • . • . • ,fie . 1 Ow I 11111111111.-*AVM!Mk ' JAM ' wk..= • .. ''', , ,',"• • i -7 'ow w"1:1'•J'''•4..•" •° ' fillA111111111111 lille,„, ,., to .,., .. —,. .. Pi — —1-11:1111r:;11! — . • ..., zui- ::2... .1,. .. •• ' ;,4% •.,•' Ailo '.:•1 r, EXHIBIT C iig iii4 -( , Iwiiiiia- - _ i _ _ _. - - - 1 vio. JOSEPHINE COPE IEEE , 4271 AL CA ii. .4,,,,ac o..ew, lir __ E. - _ - \,= IIIIIM ems_ =; AIM .. nint f,a.t 11 SAINT jIi . 611_________ 411411ititz- ,'.i-r.. PAUL ,S1161 -'" 1 LAVON, -.— 5d,T ,NEVADA 1 `1, 6_1 l_i_a/ \M m J E.::. �l 111-bai IURPHY Ir..��, lik�� ., egail --------------Z------z--z„11 I I I I I SE ——�; "I��ICWALL �:ou'F�+ir" -��11111111pr „ . 101 LIBERTY _ _ ® � �� lt,„��._,�//�_ 1 e. = GROVE _ 0Ni�� ClTYE '4 - IIIIr tfaf ( _ *, . , _,....... ROCKWALLyieri„,,,=„ if Is �11 t .,, 1 ill a a 1:0 4;1 I I I 41 k ROWLETT / R E /Cso.> j MCITY E 44,,,,,,,io-- ',ilk ,„.. „ 4111NR011.11110. 4111P l- � ,, NW '' FOUBEIARO Ali 44''" ' ._ L t4. leirictip °"ri .....,,,,, f"? CKLAND UNSO l ..o r idaiwrilripl - - tio..„..,1 r 7 4 0 1 7P/441111 IN) =ice°. IVjfi' . 1 _ - - - r i 111111 McLENDON a' LW N EATH � ISHOLM r"°t IL - fnn i mil,k 8 16 {�" W14 14 0 . .wr SUNNYVALE`• �, UITT _ 1 � 4.,. ! .,:"''� FORNEy,-- - , I . EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E . _ .� Commercial/Industrial development Office/Industrial across SH 78 from site. across SH 78. EXHIBIT F EXHIBIT G • 1. --rri�t• .1 ma y r }_$ 4v(0, 'Sl Ir J.,d. w a � -e? l� gtiq� �' i,..0 ljf'LG fe¢� + n ye.}-*'S r—a `u. r.s....'} .�Y '^d�y. Y" 1, fir, • ,.1' * NTMWD plant north and west of site. NTMWD plant with electric substation on plant site in the background. EXHIBIT H EXHIBIT I . • fr • .. Y ... -. _ .. .' + •� •y ten q n, 4.' v;t�I: w ¢t I ... .1 n , . Transmission line looking north across Contractor storage yard across Eubanks SH 78 from substation. Road. EXHIBIT J EXHIBIT K s , 0 Y 4 , ly •' r • �J ' '11x .i 7s h 1,Y (,,1 ff �'- 4'! r v �' • , I ' Y' � 1 z4. i. Looking west on Brown Road, site on the Looking east on Brown Road, access right. drive to site on the left. EXHIBIT L EXHIBIT M , f' �..- r,' T Aifr • Site looking southwest across SH 78. SH 78 looking east, site on the right side. EXHIBIT N EXHIBIT 0 A • , •000 Substation as viewed from western property Existing TXU Electric Delivery substation line at SH 78. Proposed switching station to from SH 78. Proposed switching station the right of the existing substation. behind this facility. EXHIBIT P oaS,V051 . at- LET , , on .0 \ ,•• lcs •5:. . c.:• - (- \ ..,4•ONA.•• '\.• \:\ '"-". ‹US . co xl. \ , Ld / . s ••.., ' \ ' \, • 4 i OCHE COMPANY ‘ t. • •,;:\ YCl.a,,PcG•T 454 % r,",.., ,,, t* \ , A --/\ -' •.• ,-- ‘ \ ,,,,\ , _ ,,,,,, \ k L.1.LE s \ •, f L. KA11,00 —0" -‘'.'.4.,v,•-• - , , ,, .. . \ Ls..‘„,,,e- • -•‘-‘4,.-. ,4 i *',N' .' >,.\; \ . .\'' '(\', i 4e• ' 2•L7''' t' \K,• / ..'' ' N' iL, 1 .• ' /< . \S\ , ''' \ i'•'41 \ '' ,••.4,0,:ktsvi, .< / ,, z \ '•<\>,\\ \ '',' • • V,,' /' • , • LS LIS s.p • \ \ •, &‘.' %.'/ s'' ; LI • \ la, ./ -•-•• \ .V f',\ tsu—•-•; ,,•',.••:'' .-• TwO ELECTRIC COWPAR7 • ':•S' ' . 'V'. \ ,`i5S,. T'T'. 4••!r 7'\ Wilk.,,,,TT',y• ‘..' VOL.4659.PG.1353 - gt isA v• ‘< i ea . Oil: `, ,,_ ",y,S,;., ' ".'; 44, '`. l'• .•\, • ,, ,,,, • - • . A• • "• \'''''' * <‘.>'. ' • ..* ' TRAC r 2 & , , , , . . .%\. .45..,a.• \ ,z5•;.•,•,,,,,;> ,.,<,,,,. 5 , •. ii.•5 „ „ . . . . •IN.w.--4 •' • •' • ' 07- .4,64. Kiiit4 -AA, ,, .,..- WICW15318701/13LI AcZO.WIG P -.. \i,. RI` • '' ,,,,t-r. - --P,A.,T,,t.. ,,W , --_ .- . . . . —I:. • •-it • .43 ' ',4 5:110"'cc:...-,,%-.-- „. _!.„...w,. —____ \*.; ; -I. :' , 8 • 'z.N, .,'','' . . ' — ---,...,,% .„ . . . . N;'.- 9r„. •%,-'• ,V"< \ ', ,, -----___ 15 LI IV • '\" : : 114 : , ",,,,\‘,V.>,,,,,'-‘,,=--,____ • ,,, ',', . . .\• • ,, . ', -',•\,,,,, .ii.., i ---—__ b A w ,r2p A• • • • ''‘' • " ,- ‘,,`0.( x-,\., - ,I=4,7,-— r * • • •t . . ..... • ' 'N":‘, `7 " IM 's, • • • -, _,, \ ,,,, • 00 ...a?., . . . . . . . . .,p.. . s 2 . . . .\. . . . . ..,.., ,P ZOt4ING EXHIBIT MAP N ' _ LOS•5•79. ILLS, 4. J , , T XEI ELECTRIC DELIVERY c . .\\ 4•,,v,-a-q,/,', p pv:en --,-,.m V kl iti .,.,o-4 pep L AVON SUBS I A LION k . • •x . . . . . . . . " • '„I'lx I.6° / .# WYLIE,TEXAS _ TRACT .ff t'r I: :: . . . .(. I ______— PREPARED By, LOPETGARE,GROUP r .4."''' Ian BARBET CENTER BLVD.,SLATE 500 r"Virta...V..74'Ira tg„Tco . . . . ., • 7 . • v • r ' ".." WI sm.re....E.SS•LL.1 K.not . ' ' : I.\. : DE........... .....14 TclE.Y.0p.IMIE, . “ IA. . . . . . . ... • 1 . . . . : : . : . . . . ZI., 71 d DAIL AS.IP 75207 t2141 is11-1717 l'' . . . . .%. s • • • • • • • • • • ":Sir': ,J.i - . .ty. A 04/141-940 Ea.El‘" ' • ' •N .J 1 . . .4. .ill .1 i,...al L . . —wsra.,: It.11,.;. . . . ISPLISgsi csusiA • E3ROWN ROAO EXHIBIT Q EXHIBIT R 6-—,..e li II ` yy III'1 LL —.4.mile mi /Rh r 7ii�1 PIP 0i ( I A -' -. Ir:101. Iloilo 1;11.',...kti .;� .... { il; ''' •' . - '''' ''''''': ' . Allen Switching Station, adjacent to Clark Clark High School adjacent to site. Field in Plano. EXHIBITS EXHIBIT T • r, • \\\\ r5 r ILO' fa__ 'i(rp} r'f,�k r� f` , ., +:.: M 1 I- a NL z. _ u _ 3_� ; ' SUNNY''B' ' RR PANADERIAYEMN�IU�� p 1 - s l� i{� �r, am: — v 7 O r d r'r 0. z sal, i pp L � Arlington switching station screened by Station equipment in background as well retail as distribution pole and transmission tower. EXHIBIT U EXHIBIT V �. i,..,.....40,0001 p I,L I f _L. . \ , t _ _ , , _ \ _____-_ 1 ---i, ,.., , ,, ..!:_i.---,t: i _ . nil 1 'I , - ' ' ' .*1 -t 'I ' ' ..‘„.1° ,'4. i ,'' iv 1 k 1 I .s. 0,41141 I if f - yq �lJ ti, ° L lie alpit Rear of Arlington retail site with switching Keller station in background screened by station and multi-family shown. retail along Highway 377. EXHIBIT W a1 Al *401J Allil:;4-.- I ,►,4 i 1 " 1 i BP nci!F �- i�;.. 7_______ IiIr" Keller station with equipment in background and transmission tower. EXHIBIT X POPULATION CONSIDERATIONS Rapid population ulation growth in the community and throughout the area make TXU Electric Delivery's project vital to helping sustain reliable electrical supply, Year Population 1980 3,000 1990 8,000 2000 15,000 2001 16,700 2002 18,350 2003 21,170 2004 26,150 2005 30,000 ` ctedgrowth for Wylie is significant and a reliable electrical supply is both necessary as well as a potential economic Projected l g Y CNN/Moneyoneofthe top 100 tool. A strongpublic school system and low crime rate resulted in a poll ranking Wylie . development �' reside. The also has a population average that is quite young, enabling sustained growth. The rapid expansion results in cities to city p p g the city likely reaching the following benchmarks significantly sooner than expected: �' Pop. Benchmark Year 40,000 2008 50,000 2011 75,000 2018 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS - -- initial � � nt costs. The ultimate build out of the facility TXU Electric Deliveryplans to make an investment of$12.5 mil, in equipment is currentlypaying more than$250,000 per year�n1 see the introduction of$32 mi . (in today's dollars) in equipment. TXU p Y g would � equipment in Piano. The Piano site is well less than half the size of the Wylie taxes for a switching station that has $20 mil, worth of , school district rates will be higher in Wylie. As a result, TXU Electric one and possesses no retail. Likewise, both the city and , the $250,000 in Plano. This does not take into account the �nclus�on oliver tiv�ll be to the tag base at a fgure similar to Delivery adding the potential sales tax revenues on the retail tract. -1,1*S "..•••I II L;;-• 1.1111 pill iL,II! IT)ifsiti 1111:1.I i 1 11.1 # .111:.• • ! .74 I, 1,•• Aum u •E5 Ai) I !...11. 1 11 1 1.1 1111 lift!:11, 1 1(1 1 L.T 111:11 III I.ill t 11 1!'t l!11111N I I ti •' 1 l• III" I 1 I 11..I ; I Ili',II I III fij:.11.111 '5.111-,-, I i-1111,`,1111Thil!;51.;I:.\(11'0111 OW, 11,1, 111:.111t1L,F1.1;1) 5:1:11?i11111)111',IIIr?. 111.Y.iiiII1)7,111,1SQ:`....1 101H 11,1 1,1111D1ni 1,1 L.4111,1 1,11L: •.c117),:+1,.. nis!7,1 •ct, .11.;,111 1.-Tkpli•klA11 it litii .101;i1U I -• i!(!11.11,/ 1,0/p1i 1! AIT11,1 1-r,)111.111111 StP/j,.1u1UII I11fl IUU'LL-'11"1:1 -E,i1.01011 IC) lti 010.1(1.111-01111 Ill IlIUHU IIILI'OW SI11.1:11:3 ".11!1 itIti 111,2G,I Mfr.) .3t1,11.. it!flc1il I?. EF,1,11.:1 Z-1.11.11 . • . • II! AS!I 111 )1;,I I 11;111 IN OrS11Ii111 A11111 -stirals,(s tittt. st.tw:titi,11 soILl (11 1,1, .11 1.,1.,;(•;-},H.10..,1: 11 I[Iflfllfll ,{11, 110)11.10 , st ifoi;JA0 ;-•:{ii I ii!11.11•:HH ititrtiv sm(11. Fowl tip Pill E,i11" 11.-T,E101,-.11(,,11 .1,, Diois DA\ U1flllo )•qA lOtti ;Aft AP11,'InT,11 '1111"'IE1 pipit!oi ttit 1"11' 11) otil 1-,--)W IS itj si:1;t1t)111 rik.‘(it1 co!] I1T11.11+., 1 flIUllIllI!luiUl ! 11 ruin plutti-,1) ;1911t11(11 tIII (11111i1-111111.1 =,111_16 Ill II 111!11`,1.-161'1 (1111 1)-11) 111111: iHIllIlillI 1.1?!stit).) ',71111E -)111 11Wl z1H tio11161k.s,•11,41 AA.:111tr:; Irptin 1 El Oil, • [h,0,1i1J!! 1111111:i tillpHJ(1 `.‘11,111 1,0 (1.-) 1 in.\() jilt' 11)::1E1.1;111 F.! tiLi`,1 fill U 111.11"1 1111'1'11" 1 ti [I! 11(I 1 tp:s Lim:Tic, -Sit'i.).S11) TH.:A rill1111J1F:.1(-):)thl "P'1"11i: „Iffil)1111110 5.-.11111.1 111.1!5 CLII„ , IL,Li Jo ... I oil-,.9. Oilir.19?18 - pi-Z.1511.11:W c)i l 11,: iiilii11111 tii, aiti I I ..•:111 Jill ili:,L.H 11 :;:il, iii:Ali j ,-,1111111 i-;---1(1C11 )fip:;'...6ilitil EAI.V.iti ;.1!'311::14ii kJH: U Iii 11‘1!)11.1-..iti.Cil II•j1;J)11111-i:-/l1',4'aAill!--U11111j11 1,III!id.11,1..) IIILt.l.--SGIVi-I ..,1111i,1 11,1 Z,111 kl!-..i,.(1!1 IP.!...;I ,it..‘ . 1.,,.i 1 ic,;) i ;,,, , im, ,Ho..11,,i1...;.iioLii:-ii;ill iii.-_,Ettt.,,:1::I Liii.oni.w..,:-,i !..11'.....,.I,I,L,J ,i.i:il l'1.','•,--,,.,H.,11Cli ,IIMI,',ill,.ii.-A-Iii :.11.1.:{\,,,,:1 1.,-.11.1 JIII 1J.,,-1 111J1111t:J\II!II! 11.111!Ap1'...liti 11 Illi,y, j„Thi .,,,.,-Sipd:1111i)illiV,--S11.. .1:itill II!:-111.115 WI)E::01-711:f..:-.71111111.T;;;IIM:IIIIii i1,1 3III III!WW1.1Z11110 Illtii.! 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'-\\",)1 lid .1ik)- El , 1,1 1-1-:1P,H-111i(0.1 .1)11t2,!.`..:,Inn ' ').':1.`, k) i: li), 111-11(.--•!7- in _ .. R: ,, those areas causing the congestion. INIIIIIMMIMIIIMIIMMINIIIN ERCOT advocate this nodal system? t-.. The cities of Demon and Garland t;: The current system spreads the cost .. transmission congestion . - - did ask this question in a formal of local ._ _. over the entire ERCOT grid where all hearing before the P LTCT last ALi., - customers pay a pro rata portion of The PUCT's response was that costs. - _=; ::- -..A. they did not expect generators to site these The M p etro lei is the most trans- within DFW region, but that higher Texas. In -- .. prices would cause DFW area con- mission constrained area in . ..- . ,.. . ?003, transmission congestion coats sumers to change the way they use 2S8 million. "When LIMP was electricity. In other words, they theo- were �--� � � rized a "demand side response" implemented in the New EnglandP area in 2003, customers in the south- _ ,. where consumers' behavior would .; west portion of Connecticut, whichr :. : respond to higher electricityprices. same transmission constraints has the The PUCT envisioned that consumers as the Metro let, experienced aver- . , - would cut their use of electricity, shift P GO • it to off-peak hours (i.e., the night_ age increases in electricity bills of cent to 70 percent," said Carolyn time when it's less expensive.) or night- percent ,. --' .- � .�_. reduce their reliance on the grid by ' Pengidore, CEO of Comperio Energy, �� r,ti.. an energy consulting firm. installing solar panels and fuel cells. b Critics of nodal pricing say that •`: :: .. . the proposal could double electricity rya++ �: - . gi�''� the e D Lr + ix h wa u�i ii 3 1p N. rates for consumers in L11 i •f` ; turn, would hammer AL -. ... The DEW Electric Consumer area. That in ��` the Nletroplex's ability to compete Coalition is studying the proposed i- w promulgated by the against other major Texas cities r-�, i.,,- --- .T: __: . f,,,-. �., plansbeing whose drop rates may actuallyunder PUCT and ERGOT. The Coalition the plan. _ fears that the implementation of -...;Y•,.,., ,:_,_,,,_,__•:. n r .,.">r nodal pricing will have dramatic Coalition created t. fight nodal pricinc continued on page 22 The DFW Electric Consumer i Coalition was formed to defeat the # k-__ - . 1 nodal pricing and1:10-:-';:-.,'-':"'. - . -harsh impacts of n to offer more en ible solutions tozs,,, ::` .�,•._ . . the issues -�- :�`�;;' } resolving e of local trans- ;, -...,:._ le;1 1imn { •mission congestion. The Coalition is ,. _,� . , .:.,i,- 1 bringing together ail segments of the �,.... �.ir A. 4 ;�.. DFW economy building owners '4','' =; `' - . �'> 't i .. .. . , ,. governments, hospitals, manufacturers Y'� - �a and retailers to ensure equity in the pricing of electricity. _ .......... Ms. Pengidore, founder of the DFW Electric Consumer Coalition, notes that "according to the PUCT, nodal pricing is supposed to incen- 20% saven s onyour to �PP ���'�� tivize generators to build plants in electricitycosts. where theyare most needed. business's areas r However, the five county area of the in Texas you have the ability to choose a retail electric provider and extract savings from your electricity purchases. ' Metroplex Collin, Dallas, Demon, Loo;for a company that offers great pricing options,proven financial stability and top-notch customer seruce. Ellis and Tarrant do not meet led- At!;a�nrtellntlon iNewE-oerri';'we simni+fv the electricity buying process and help your business control your total eral Clean Air htanclarus. Power OurontraUt are simple and •_,1.- +':nvr?-,-- r_, r+1 Ir 7--,,,!:w 7r Hill!C pis tin/Prgi,r1C v i r-hi smear demands. •- s r plants are major polluters and must 1 ; easy to understand. _)ur energy experts are objective,straightforward and knowieoaeahle.we're located right f gain federal and state pollution per- 1 I l hard r U.i .ra�n.ri,,!.:act as ,allocates for your business. wits to build. Therefore, it is not probable that new plants will be 411Hr_ Constellation built in the Dallas-Fort �,Vorth area 1 anytime soon." - ,,,„„„,,,:,..,:.ii NewEnergyU So if new generation cannot be MakHig Electricity More Affordable For Texas Businesses built to resolve the local congestion 'T and 866.237.POWER•www.newenergy.com �7roi7iena, why would the PUCT I 3030 LB.S Freeway,Suite 1385,Dallas TX 75234 •1301 McKinney,Suite 200,Houston,TX 77010 l I • ,cr1r'c v. r-nnavAc=Qrt❑l RF❑1 FcTATE MAGAZINE • ,iJMuIMFR 7004 • ?ACHE 21 �r r i i � decline 1.��rZ L. i 1� r���.��,l .-•'xw �'�'°�`.�W4:fy.;i r.��'.r'-iY `�l+� '.+c1'..+,R.....r+a�t�i :�J�'!;;A iv�:i N•1�JFC unemployment.tent. a t_� rty :.2. ;-: , .3 "�;.. ...:,,,. ,r a 'H i=. . :;• values. as well ll as eroded tax bases The DFW Electric Consumer turcing local a ()I t2 I-I1m nts to curtail Coalition is urging state officials to. ter even ��r ti'it:es. change course on L�UlPnd to con- 4 a _just ,as i apur-tarrit, HucLLt pricing sider simpler, less costly and more was not part or lie re u l:.a tiun lr isla- effective alternatives to nodal pric- effects on the Metr{_gyp lex, beyond Lion, so 13E a too v Jr- into ocrc gu- ing. These include: charging local congestion costs to latiori the rules art,-: being changed • Change ERGOT'S '`if you build consumers in DFW which could again. Als(). this is i \,c r-y trio. t1v pro- it, we will come" transmission result in sharp h' higher retail ele.c- grain e,tizrraret_1 implementation policy. tr-icit y prices. costs ar-t; 5;t) ) million to i-ix a • This is a policy allowing gen- t The DFW Region is east starting; '5 million l)aunierra. And these erators to build power plants to recover economically, and these increased prices go to the generators anywhere they want with costs could derail that recovery. The not t1,, l-mild Muni' transmission to ERGOT promising to build f ramifications could include higher resolve. the congt~stion problem. transmission to them which will be paid for by consumers. ■ Require permitting of genera- ; ton that tales into account 1 transmission constraints. L BARBOSA MECHANICAL • Eliminate subsidies to genera- e __ �.,' .. tors that are required to cut .- ,c _ t,,:i' .-- E Heating 1 : - ...w_ .-„; r, 4:�1,V:;j- production. ...:,�'.� Air Conditioning • Enforce current market rules, . BARSOSA sem4 including federal and state i { : MECHANICAL 1979 ME Electrical }{y� r `t I"1°,'J SAUS.SERVICE•HCATNNG•a!A CONDITIONING ra[' al ucr i1��,iis asSocrasisr an it Lls l laws. n. aawooWrc • 1 214-3 " °3a Use existingDFW generation I -- Quit Cleaning sites and emissions credits to r: _, e4 ' � NAQC certifiedbuild new efficient generation. i . - 14H..`y 3. �.+ia 214-35.1'"`7030 The mission of the ,. DFW Electric —�..- ---_--- -T_ -------..- Consumer Coalition is to ensure that i r - the needs of the consumer are artic- : - ulated in any changes proposed to 7 - k• `" - . the electric market design. The �" " Coalition's goal is to solve the prob-- _ , lems facing the Uietroplex and ensure s r. that the changes implemented do not cripple the DFW economy. 1 1f i !Y BOMAallcii III .,.......A ,r„, :,,,: .,...„.. , ...,,,• , ,,„, . ., -._.... , Harness the power of an innovative, minority-owned, national electricity provider. Diane Weklar is the executive We measure our performance by the amount we save director of the DEW Electric Consumer our customers and have helped thousands of businesses coalition. The C{��litzon represents reduce oneof p P - c electric consumers in the commercial, their biggest operating expenses ele�tric ty. industrial, governmental and institu- . in addition to saving your company money, we offer you: tional arenas., as well as. trade f 7., a iurLi that represent those consumers. • Liberty `a-;noose a company Zany;hat V2lues Re!ation�.,nirs. Coalition The is the consumers' voice Diversity:I Corporate Gosoonstoiiits. I r Power o put our industry experis try''Mork tor your company. I before the Public Utility Commission, ERCOT and the Texas Legislature. Our %�w '7 members include area building owners . Ltertyftwer rind managers, hospitals, municipal and count,' representatives, mania/ac- • Powered by People Who Care. tur ers. retailers and protessional sense- es firms. The, Coalitions Weh.rite is Contact us-at8�6PaWEF-99(866-769-379�•w i viIibertyp owercorp com 101`tw'.D/wEcc.0017•. PAGE 22 • OFFICE & COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE * 71jMMEP 200i www.OffireCommarriaf_mm Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT _: Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 4 De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/09/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Six S u b'ect Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-20 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District for commercial and/or retail development, generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Sanden Boulevard. ZC 2006-04 Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-20 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District for commercial and/or retail uses. Discussion Owner/Applicant: Ben L. Scholz The subject property is located south of F.M. 544 and west of Sanden Boulevard and totals 4.2256 acres and lies completely within the Muddy Creek Floodplain, which has been reclaimed. A Certified Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) was submitted to the U.S. Corps of Engineers on April 7, 2002 to reclaim portions of the Muddy Creek Floodplain(including the subject property)thus making it available for development. The applicant/owner is requesting a change in zoning to Commercial Corridor (CC) District to allow commercial and/or retail uses. CC District allows for retail, personal service, office and light commercial needs. The philosophy of the Comprehensive Plan recommends that commercial corridor uses are located along major thoroughfares to accommodate easiest vehicular access. The proposed request meets the philosophy of the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (5-0) for the requested change in zoning at its March 7, 2006 meeting. Notification/Responses: Five (5) notifications were mailed, with one written response returned favoring the request at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2006-04, TO COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR (CC) DISTRICT FOR COMMERCIAL AND/OR RETAIL USES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Commercial Corridor (CC) District allowing commercial and/or retail uses, said property being described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. Ordinance No.2006-20 Zoning Case No.2006-04 SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 28th day of March, 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of Publication in The Wylie News—April 5, 2006 Ordinance No.2006-20 Zoning Case No.2006-04 Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Case#2006-04 BEING a tract of land situated in the M. Milliron Survey, Abstract No. 563 in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being a part of a 210.5 acre tract of land described in a deed to Clarinda Mathews as recorded in Volume 270, Page 205 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod found at the southeast corner of a called 9.9031 acre tract of land described in a deed to the Wylie Independent School District as recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 95-0012337 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas and in the north line of a 34.412 acre tract of land described in a deed to R. Richard Parker and Ben L. Scholz as recorded in Volume 4708, Page 1628 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE along the east line of said 9.9031 acre tract, North 17°03'25" West, a distance of 379.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set with a red plastic cap stamped "PBS&J" (hereinafter called a 5/8" iron rod set) at the northeast corner thereof and in the south right-of-way line of F.M. 544 (120' R.O.W.); THENCE along the south right-of-way line of said F.M. 544 as follows: South 70°31'3 8" East, a distance of 1073.10 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set at the beginning of a curve to the left, having a central angle of 01°09'3 3", a radius of 6925.59 feet and a chord bearing South 71°08'41" East, a distance of 140.11 feet; Southeasterly along said curve, an arc distance of 140.11 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set at the most northerly northeast corner of a 0.2706 acre tract of land described in a deed to Collin County, as recorded in Volume 5058, Page 2753 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE along the north line of said 0.2706 acre tract, the north line of said 34.412 acre tract, the south line of said 210.5 acre tract and a wire fence line, North 87°44'44" West, a distance of 1033.94 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4.2256 acres of land. Ordinance No.2006-20 Zoning Case No.2006-04 i i 1 1 f / i I / ,- j 1 I f r f' 1 1 I F.' 1 i I ,- i i,: i i i i i ; i ; i ; i i i I i 1 i ih..-......-----.7.--..u..{..a.nlo 1 i II Subject F i ,. 1i i i J 11111111111 1 Properiy _ . i 4• i 414111111:11 I 1 i i 1 ***L/■a �•■2fi � - 04- I 1 ■ i � ■r . 1 • illimullumar & ,� f� •-�• 'two .-• 1 •a:_ .__ an I 7/ . .. ,. .,/./.. ..::: 4 i i i .= •- • 1 i i i i f " ' i j j i • % i i 1 1 �' ' i 1 1 % , . 1 �. 1 J ,. f 1 ,: ; % f / ,. 1 ; %J• ,. 1 1 f % + I� 1 1 , J i {5_.._._.._.._.._.._.. .._._.._.._.._.._.._._. j i I 0 i i i I 1 i -■ i i i 1 i .� C i 1 I r.---------------; i e 0 i .... v) i i ... _ .7 ; i f i i �" j i i i ; i i ' i L., i i i i i ,.• ' 14'r7 buy Poole ' ' i , 1 1 % .,. .,..,,.... .,, . . 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Ballard Avenue 3 Abst 563 Tract 3 R-6563-000-0030-1 Wylie ISD Wylie, Texas 75098 * I PO Box 307 4 Abst 563 Tract 5 R-6563-000-0050-1 Richard Parker Wylie, Texas 75098 Richard Parker PO Box 307 �] 5 Abst 841 Tract 1 R-6841-000-0010-1 Ben Scholz Wylie, Texas 75098 210 S. McDonald Street 6 FM 544 Collin County Commissioners Court McKinney, Texas 75069 7 • 8 1 A 9 I � 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Fut 17 18 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 l• I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-04. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-04. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 7, 2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,March 28,2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 sway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: f(17/77? (please print) Address: 'X 3627 affie, Signature: Date: `1,6 COMMENTS: Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 5 De artment: CityMana er (City Secretary's Use Only) p g Prepared By: Mark B. Roath Account Code: Date Prepared: March 17, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Three S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, a request by Imperium Holdings, L.P., to have Innovative Transportation Solutions represent the City regarding the F.M. 2514 alignment process. Recommendation Motion to (accept/deny) the request by Imperium Holdings, L.P., to have Innovative Transportation Solutions represent the City regarding the F.M. 2514 alignment process. Discussion Imperium Holdings, L.P., has engaged the services of Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS) to provide consulting services during the County process to (re)align F.M. 2514. In an effort to develop a common front, they have sought and received permission from St. Paul for ITS to represent them. Now they are seeking permission from the City Council to allow ITS to represent the City of Wylie. And, according to their letter, ITS services will be at no cost to the City if you approve their request. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 HOLDINGS, LP. WWW .IMPERI UM -.HOLDINGS .COM 6350 LBJ FREEWAY,SUITE 163 1802 CRESTHAVEN DRIVE DALLAS,TEXAS 75240 AUSTIN,TEXAS 78704 972.385.1907(phone)972.991.1192(fax) 512.587.5679(phone)775.305.1 (fax) March 6, 2006 Mark Roath City Manager City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 RE: Traffic Consultant Representation for the FM 2514 Alignment 'Dear Mark: Imperium Holdings, LP has retained traffic consultation services from Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS) for the FM 2514 (re-)alignment. Through separate agreement, we have received permission from St. Paul's Mayor Pro--Tem, Opie Walter, to represent by name "St. Paul" when presenting case information on the FM 2514 (re- }alignment to Collin County, TxDOT and other governing agencies. We also would like to request from Wylie's City Council, similar representation rights by ITS, on behalf of the City of Wylie, for the FM 2514 alignment with respective transportation authorities. A consolidated voice through one consultant, on behalf of two cities, when giving public presentations allows for simplicity, unified focus, and greater strength in presentations and debates. ITS's sole purpose is to keep the location of the future FM 2514 alignment east of FM 1378 on the existing Collin County future thoroughfare plan where it is currently proposed. As you know, there are plans under review by Collin County transportation departments that are considering the realignment further north and outside the city limits of Wylie and St Paul. This would be a loss of over $600,000 of annual sales tax and property tax revenue to Wylie. This agreement would be by and between ITS and the City of Wylie. There would be no costs expended by the City of Wylie at any time for any reason that would be requested by ITS, or any other party affiliated with this agreement, for the representation in FM 2514 (re-)alignment discussions by ITS with transportation authorities. P. WWW .IMPERIUM-HOLDINGS .COM Page 2 3/6/06 We would like to request for the Council's March 28, 2006 agenda that the Wylie City Council consider ITS's representation for the FM 2514 alignment on behalf of the City of Wylie. We have attached the Power Point presentation material for Council's reference. I am available to City Council by email or telephone prior to the March 28th meeting to discuss the FM 2514 alignment implications and representation. Thank you again. Sincerely, Stephen Schattner Imperium Holdings, LP 214.808.7156 mobile 972.385.1907 ext 301 sschattner@imperium-holdings.com CC: Mike Starek via email: mikes C itsinc-tx.com Opie Walter via email: opie.walter@us.fujitsu.com Attachments: Power Point presentation material 6350 LBJ FREEWAY,SUITE 163 1802 CRESTHAV N DRIVE DALLAS,TEXAS 75240 AUSTIN,TEXAS 78701- 972.385.1907(phone)972.991.1192(fax) 512.587.5679(phone)775.305.1800(fax) Wylie City Council (01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 6 De artment: Buildin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Johnny Bray Account Code: Date Prepared: March 20, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-21 amending the Wylie Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22, Article X, Section 22-211 regulating abatement of dangerous buildings. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-21 amending the Wylie Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22, Article X, Section 22-211 regulating abatement of dangerous buildings. Discussion Recently, the City of Wylie adopted the 2003 International Property Maintenance Code. The Property Maintenance Code is a tool for identifying and regulating substandard, unsafe, or dangerous buildings. As a stand alone code, the 2003 International Property Maintenance Code does not adequately address State law requirements for the abatement of dangerous structures. The adoption of this Ordinance would address those requirements of the Texas Local Government Code Chapter 214, and thereby provide the legal process to abate dangerous buildings. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 lik 1. • C • in Count obeli y y '.4 * : ,, , . _... . . Plan2006 Update — FM. .. .. . .,••• ,. .• :. , :..... .. ....„. . .. ., 2514 Al . .. .. , . .., F ... . . _ . . . ., , , „.:. . .. .... • -:. .. . .. ... . .. , . ,L,, MOMMIliMMIN • L. ....„ �. ` R Lis ''n�.i .r III'•-�!!►I /' ; ) s‘c L ...L.., !! r r- • .r:' ,,A, t Existing T Plan . ., _ . ,, ,... rair.etT . j !ft .. - Information x �` . .. Collin t..-r.11r,Ec .,;;_ a County Thoroughfare (111 ` w 4. . . ,:, a�� ,___: . . ,4. ntli S 1R.� - a !i ow, re- ! o�.. a Ya `/,, � K r. . `1' ,, w i ,low*... i . . R . iLi , � .•. r.w.�AA/A lw .,t W re lei i--... ...............1...,............„:„.... 1 1 . .. ..„ ,,,. IIIIIIIIIIIII-N /A Of li'll'i" "ri-141, 2110.4.4r A i - 44. 4 4 '.1111511thelli*, . 4 . , -4.1 1-.— .- 4. '4 - ' T 4_. — ,, lii_ril -WIL 11‘, ... " ' - * ' RIffaiell; q � F I u_ _ v rr,o p,:.i.l,-.;.t;-;6L741..i,-,,,-0.1t.w.11.:i.,l-.k01,.. 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Ea 1 I"yhI L i • .-_ !cj,,..,ta•-,t i_—n_ty,_,4••4„.,_..—,P.:,.-.,c4-i,,. \ : 'i r/ri4 1,, ,1.L_.,:a— r rch __ -...., ,, , '_ 1., , #1 I_-I‘.-'i I. .i ,U2•. .4_°— 1 u ' 4 f •1'Q rn.1 (,1. J 1 „ ���/, 7La • .... . 0„y, -/ t " is - „ 9 0 Y '•'1 A1' T'TT .1 l 0 1'A r —„ 1,1 0 {ALL, 1 , Mt / l Parker •:. Wylie 1..tri.A1CliWiAt4 -� T t.- i; _�:. :1 — --� ,�� . ��, 1 �11, 1 Preferred and Northern Alignments i ____ . .. .,... A' / 1 il . ,/" ,-- / df.1.1/ :o .0------- ',Z. . ,..' --- --T--- , ---Cliamr,-,...---...-.....--....... • ...: [ ' - :r_ • .11 _i_ i j 1 7 --1 . ,, __,. fi' _ ?_ , e _tom _ if,1 ': :\‘ ,i1 J c.r to _ % f _ _ -T— 'r_,r, ,i. ,,I r, jri i '111111 -� VI/ 2 l Lucas ;o , a_I poi I tl.m1 i 1 FM 2514(. . , —1 I 1 ' I l'` I.1-'I ` ✓Qun1y ,, , I• 4 —t y1.'�1 cy ..� .r/./ i!/,�. .L:9 :rr-ram ",i-r top Y /40/1/1 - III m — YY.}.�. — ' i rij \�„ u u Y •'1.• I t UJ I !� w - p a'� .._� L] i^='�T'� L Y,, '/ �4• i ,,,, .'/ '....___I 441 m i L _, III Parker Wylie i -= i , I _--::.::..;, -1- ,,,,-.a_ = I • u onpi Jo Lwp Ise@ aLp. jo s6uissoao aigissod anon smogs ueld aapju6noaoul Aunoj unioo atwo (z86 NJ oiui buiooj) u0n2-1 a)lei jo wap uaaisann auk. ssonp gan pup qnos auk. 8L HS 'u�aou auk 04 08E Sn Aq p0p!AOJd si kflAflD0UU0D ISOM — sea kl!A!p0Uu03 I2U0 ! 60�J a)tpl auk 40 5UISSOJD uaaypnos puewap aanin4 qaau o� 'palupaaenn 'ic4iunlaoddo auk sapinoad pup 'spaau pug s,Appoi. s4aaw 'waisAs A2Mp2OJ 6u !1S!X ye sanoadwi 1uWU6! lV PWJJd ail 441 dooi aino kiunoj uNio3 psodod aye pup 8L HS 04 SL Sfl woau a4noa ISOM — 4sea P !P apinoad PIflOM sill •98ze NJ Jo uoisualxa auk si luiodpupis A1!AlpuuoD I2U0! 6J p woau 'waes Ise@ 6U !SSOJD I2D!601 isow ail -41 luoD 'tij.inipauuo3 I2U0 ! bJ pJLggn1I , /Cum . ;'. . A4( nth' - • • p - : _ _, • • Add , `ang _ J . • _ ti t� ;�xt'1 , kitinO.) ��--L . {: ' r� k[1,t1O ) t i 6 `.H. I • - ' , . ".: .1::: • \ - UoWu6 ! IVUJLflJON pry gqg►l II -+ ���� • 7r t r. f •' _ t f .. wi _.., .►• - •1 ! • �t uo ttr i i� an6 ,,. + A c r. r - '�I11 1) `, __/ I 14- 1� ; q11411 y • 1 C . E- + rr ,t , I ! — ;U1(1,tlO 3 - , , .. y 4 y4 's i V I:, . .. .: H. . . ' .' P .,:'.:'..*: . %:i!., ' .-,* . a- rr t(. r UOLdO) uwu6ii P • y.• 1/4 04 • . _ ,.. ,.----:Aitigimit _ ,‘ - i-... . . _ YI+ .i.4,, _. , A. _ 4; ail 1A } • ._ . i •- , i 1 1 LA. ,, ( ' lit, ; • y pip. . '1� T ` tl I r.fsy " b . -. ., • t 1 i s fj r._ .a X t;[ t, ,.nan +o ttrn tom. �'wS,- Atli? ? . ` -.b'T . y t. . •• �Ael C., .+� �• t,` '-� i t: C. " rf UOL1dO ) uowu6ii P 4uauau6iiy uaaylJoN auk upy4 sanw aupl aannaJ Lig saainbaa 4uawu6iib POJJOJ1d qJA iuwu6! i uaau4-10N aLP upu4 MO�J Jo saa02 aanna4 saainbaa UWU6! IV POJJ4Jd ayl � spedwj 4so3 suaaDuoD Aipedeo pug AaJ2S ssaappe o4 waa4 4aous auk ui paivawaidwi aq ups iuwu6 1 'ISZ PJJ4Wd smogs ueld aaeiti6noaoyl kiufloj urno3 6UflS!X] ewe aye ui SUJODUOD A1aJ2S pue Ap2d2D off. anp jJ anoadwi o4 paau aipipawwI � sanssi uonDn4suoD pug 6U ! pUflJ 1pivawuoainua off. anp saeaA Au2w a)ipi. aa4em .4o saipoq aano s6uissoaD a6piaq 'i(ileoiaoIsiH 4 bulw !j i c "47) a) Ec o •a' -r-fia L-r) 0 N 74:151 z � LL 73 Northern Alignment Excludes Required Bridge Connection — - LAKE LAVON , Sim" C 18�YR F1AOD PLAIN 1— — _ 2 _ _ 1_, I ; OBA� et 4 _ i F�TWIE CONNECTION TO PENINSULASC�— 1� —G.- NETWORK OF FUMRE BRIDGES ad a I \it . I I t .F-- a .. c, . . i: A 4.-41 c-�'.. —9 .0 1,,. ° N CJ Q 61ON1nOOIllylb -ff —IniaL) 4t• Z U I mar �P4; : : I OI I Ig e ° I Lucas c.� _ _ _ b° V fri c 8 t..1 f' GLa I IF TFTAZ314(mrd►) -----SEe=fie • I I ?„, 12114.11 a - I ool ,m 1 '— — .ti CI) a , oY� II 1 _oar untya ..._. % kc� oU r- �J . 1 . . _ 1! �, a ° ►-a— e : y i 0° p - O 4woo e. J 1 - - f-- : 10G-YR F�PLAIN r.......=dL. -41 4 a _ all 4 ° u E J 1 ` 0 — --- I � I4 Parker WylieN. ' "'�ihi ` $t.l Pa>�1 R , - n 1 I , I 1 NORTHERN ALIGNMENT-OPTION 2 Preferred Alignment Existing Thoroughfare Plan f //,►f ''���/% -A ''AVON- III -^C � , PO-YR FLOOD PLAIN i A/0 I / / 1 -' � ,o L I C o _ _ FUTURE CONNECTION TO PENW ` I B` 'a I jy I_ 41 •e ' '' NETWORK OF FUTURE BRIDGES 1 ,i I I J I Lj - r Lucas s . • a — — — — 13 t. • ° Ft 2514(._ ; SECTION — �-° �� 11 1411 IrLI o 1 1' 1_�I'iLr. i ' r�A' . e o_ ` tii tY n' a a -_;•,,,,,f,_- .,• r, girl'''. 3 . :Novi� ,_ice _ . . - WA I Parker ' Wylie i _�LEwi� . '�! '- v, — j g Y '� is 1 i -; ZA PREFERRED ALIGNMENT - OPTION 1 quapppp DWpal ssaDDp awoU ,quapisaa eaae aoj sdiLispapH sivawanow 6U ! UJfl1 AJ2SSDUUfl uonsa6uo3 ttd : aiean 8LET Nd/i7'ISZ NJ 42 suonoasaalui-1 PWO6I52ISI k1OJ2S : T # DflSSJ s6uiaeay I2U0fl!PP2 aoJ. awn ON ssaDoad l2AOJdd2 IUDWUJDAO6 I2U0fl!PP2 aoj. awP ON saipms I2U0! ! PP2 400 saeaA ao.j awn ON al MON ui si.uawanoadwi a0.4 IDOOU au -4 6U ! W !j : z # OflSSJ suopdo aayio aae aaayl' 213A3MOH nnou si A !AflDUUOD ao; ueid oa awii ayl . saeaA OS < PU aan;n; e aq ' UM SO? HS 04 8LET : suonDauuoD I2UO! bOWila AliAipouuoj I2UO ! bOd OflSSj (Allenuu2 +000'00£$ jo ssoi) Fled 'IS 4/1 (All2nuu2 +000'009$ Jo ssoi) aHAM 44 : ui saspq xel 1ppawwoD jo %OOT 6uneuiwp Aq saiwouoDa pace sa6ewep Alienue4sgns M021 auk 6uPiys . 078z. = uoneindod) fined 41 (Io8'E = uoneindod) seam -41 (008'6Z = uoneindod) aHAM 441 VTSZ W.d/8L£T 4o uopasaaiui aye aapaoq sanp a'qj... suoispap aaeju6noaoyi Aq pap2dw sano 44 1uwdoloAoG D ! WOUODJ : t7 # OflSSJ aaaynnou o4 sa6piaq a04 1A11400341 M02i 40 same T •gg 4 sanw-auel Z'8T © spew ao.4 WWZ'831 u0n21 a)121 4sej (sD6ppq leuolAppe) 6uisson Apnnpool4 yW3J 40 4aa4 pgT 'T 1 M02l 40 saaD2 818£ 44 sanw-aupl L'9T © spew a04 WWL'9T$ -41 uonei a>12-1 j.o 4saM iuowubiiV uaaLII.aoN I.S03 : s # onssj Northern Alignment ROW Area and Lane- mile Calcu lation Total Lane-Miles : 16 . 7238 miles Total Net ROW Area : 12 . 9357 acres (assumes 100% dedication from Hunt & Caruth, otherwise it will require 38 . 8733 acres) Option 2: Northern Alignment Name Existing Proposed ROW Analysis Total Lane Exist ROW CL Exist ROW Area New ROW Area Net ROW Required Lane Length Section Number Length (ft) (sq ft) CL Length (ft) ROW Area (sq ft) Required by Other (sg ft) (ft) Total (ft) 26,046.0707 1,193,968.8620 26,046.0707 2,087,290.4620 1,693,321.6000 563,480.4340 08,301.7480 Total (mi) (acres) 4.9330 27.40975349 4.9330 66.2831 38.8733 12.9357 16.7238 Preferred ROW Area and Lane- mile Calcula tion Total Lane- Miles : 8 . 0024 miles Total Net ROW Area : 12 . 2513 acres (assumes no dedication from any v Option 1 : Preferred Alignment Name Existing Proposed ROW Analysis Total Lane Exist ROW CL Exist ROW Area New ROW Area Net ROW Required Lane Length Section Number Length (ft) (sq ft) CL Length (ft) ROW Area (sq ft) Required by Other(sg ft) (ft) Total (ft) 11,137.5530 768,375.5040 11,137.5530 1,302,042.2040 533,666.7000 533,666.7000 42,252.6016 Total (mi) (acres) 2.1094 17.63947438 2.1094 29.8908 12.2513 12.2513 8.0024 Summary Lane- mile a cu ation R W Area an ► Northern Alignment Requires MORE : Lane-miles constructed : 8 . 7214 miles more ROW acquisition : 0 . 6844 acres more Northern Alignment Premium Name Existing Proposed ROW Analysis Total Lane Exist ROW CL Exist ROW Area New ROW Area Net ROW Required Lane Length Section Number Length (ft) (sq ft) CL Length (ft) ROW Area (sq ft) Required by Other (sg ft) (ft) Total (ft) 14,908.5177 425,593.3580 14,908.5177 1,585,248.2580 1,159,654.9000 29,813.7340 46,049.1464 Total (mi) 2.8236 9.7703 2.8236 36.3923 26.6220 0.6844 8.7214 kJagTT $ = wnpaad uaaynaoN AlppdpD aamrnj pue ivaaanD spy a6piaq 98z£ kid 6unsixa aul El suondo 6ui6piaq aaIrJous aae aaaul aseq lepaawwoD Tiy asol sanip 6uipunoaans rr uieid pooij 6ui6piaq pue saiiw-auei aaow aainbaa inM M02i aaoW aainbaa II!M 151 (NNooI $+) sa6piaq jo vonniau aainbaa inM • 1uWU6! IV uaaylaoN aLP. anoaddd -41 SUO !lfl SOS A42s ao4 poou sa4pinallb' saai(pdxe4 aoj ssai s4soj (ppnlDu! fined 'iS pU2 ilAfV\) uinn sanp Ilb' • sa6piaq aanpnaiseauui 6U! IS!X sash sauw-auei aannaj. aainbaa II!M MO' J ssai aainbaa ii !M 4uawu6iIy POJJO4OJd 0noaddy441 SUOLfl los nl.odoad isaai(pdxe4 aoj uapemis asohasohasoI bu !12n inopnn A !A!pUUOD I2UO! bJ apinoad � ? ueid Aqow bUflS!Xo auk aapun aapju6noaoui snonunuoD p uieuaaa ups V[ SZ kiJdoJd ,saaunno I2flP!A!PU! panas SOSSOJD osie pup MOd JJON saainbaa IuWu6! IV uaay4a0N psodod au1 • 3S1VI • u�ld uogp4aodsupal A4unoj uillo3 4uaaanD uo unnous sp spaapd 4uawdoianap Hews aidninw 6U !SSOJD upu4 aauppa A2M- O- LI6!J appupnp AI ! p2J sazqpn 6 • 1uaWuNy DL11 6U !AOJddV a6 . q leuonippe U ! 000' OOO' OOT $ a A al, bUIA2q 4noypnn a6piaQ 98ZE Nd a4p. Ja,4 aDinaas sianai a4enbape ql!M POP!AOJd ApoJI2 S! ssappy ]S1VI • einsuivad aye uo ypnnoa6 A4uenb a4e4i1iDej pinom frJSZ jj Apaiip einsuivad uonei a)1e-1 aye woad ssaDDe I2U0! bJ sapinoad w4uawu6iIy UJOJON aye buiAoJddV (-17 LiLip.d ) upid /qpqou wnD 3n esin5uivad at44 uo ;/ Apm 6ugsixi. asn ,4 suondo 6U !SSOn a)ipl aaiJogs ins a-le aaaul 3S1VI ' Upid UOnpi.IOdSUp.11 A4uno3 urno3 iruaunD auk uo unnogs auo auk upt.p si(ennpesoa I2U0! 6J aaLI4o papuuoD aapaq pug aawus uopespoi p 12 uonesi a)lei j0 Esai uaalsann aye. jO 6U !SSOJJ p sapinoad ml.uaWuNb UJOq1JON @LI4 bu !AoJddV asuai aana 4! n1 'suoisuapG apppne Ap2oJI2 S! 06p!Jq 98ZE W� dt.14 atpwinj ' saw 6U ! pUflOJJflS saDinaas asap 6U ! p!AOJd aMM Pup Ifl2d '4S JO 'uonpi 'semi ui popodxo Aoq ae JOU 'algenpnp you aap q.upld luatiAeall. /cfllflfll 3J1 pinsuivad auk. uaoVoff. suoisua4xa lioddns mop 121I 6UISSOJJ ale' p sapinoad m4uaWu6iIb UJ (.flJON OL. bu !AoJddV �N tdiys�du�ed atenod/Dugnd siu4 -1441pE 6unsixa auk sey 'Aileuopppy • papnaisuo uaaq Apeafip set.' ewe auk anaas al a6piaq e aaayr saaAedxel Jo i.soD auk spunk aye anal aanau 'um pug uonedpp.led (viiN) a4eniad 1,aoddns aanau Him 'uoneindod SS2W nnoi/Alisuap MOI any � sAennip iunn 4eyp. eaae ue ui tan!' auo ou aaaynn 'eincuivad P 6uipua4xa sa6piag 4 3Slb.A 4 sasn apeds uado pue leuoneanaa aoj diLisaaunno a6pa s,aaaui6u3 4o daoD auk aziinn Alanipal4a o4 sdiysaaulaed a4eniadhilgnd 4o uoppan aye wont " 11.uaWu6lIy UJDL] JON auk bu !AoJddV ORDINANCE NO. 2006-21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING WYLIE CODE OF ORDINANCES ("CODE") BY AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE X, SECTION 22-211 REGULATING ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to amend Wylie Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 22, Article X, Section 22-211, regulating the abatement of dangerous buildings as provided herein; and WHEREAS, the requirements relating to, among other things, repairing and abating of dangerous buildings found in the national and international codes adopted by Wylie conflict with Chapter 214, Subchapter A of the Texas Local Government Code, which is required to be followed by cities in Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that adoption of the regulations set forth herein is necessary to help protect life, health safety and welfare of persons and to protect property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: FINDINGS INCORPORATED. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: AMENDMENT TO WYLIE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE X, SECTION 22-211 REGULATING ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. The Wylie Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22, Article X is hereby amended for Section 22-211 to be replaced and read as follows: Section 22-211. Procedures for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and Structures. (a) Securing and Abating Dangerous Structures. The City hereby adopts the procedures set forth in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 214, Subchapter A, as it exists or may be amended, as the procedures of the City for the vacation, relocation of occupants, securing, repair, removal or demolition of a building or structure that is substandard, dangerous, dilapidated or unfit for human habitation and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare ("Dangerous Structure"), including but not limited to the notice, hearing and imposition of lien requirements set forth therein. Hearings shall be before the Construction Code Board. This Section 22-211 Ordinance No.2006-21 Amending Chapter 22 Wylie Code of Ordinances does not govern routine code enforcement citations for structures other than Dangerous Structures. (b) Minimum Standards. The minimum standards for the continued use, occupancy and maintenance of all buildings and structures are the standards adopted by ordinance, including but not limited to any National or International Code Council regulations and local amendments adopted by ordinance such as the International Property Maintenance Code, the International Residential Code and the National Electric Code (hereinafter referred to in this Section as "Building Standards"). (c) Assessments and Liens. 1. The City Council hereby finds and declares that the general administrative expenses of inspecting buildings, locating owners, conducting hearings, issuing notices and orders, together with all associated administrative functions, require the charge of not less than $450.00 for each lot, adjacent lots under common ownership, or tract of land for which an order is issued under this Section 22-211, and such minimum charge is hereby established and declared to be the charge for such administrative expenses to be assessed in each instance where the City secures, demolishes or performs other work in connection with an order or contracts for such services thereon. Notwithstanding any tabulation of recorded costs, a charge of not less than $450.00 is hereby expressly stated to be a minimum charge. Further, the costs of securing, demolishing or performing other work in connection with an order, either by the City or by persons doing so under contract with the City, shall be separately calculated and assessed in each instance in which the City takes the described action pursuant to this Section 22-211. 2. The building official shall certify all administrative expenses and costs of vacating, securing, repairing or demolishing a building or buildings incurred by the City, or by persons doing so under contract with the City, as a charge that shall be assessed the owners thereof, and shall constitute a lien on the land on which the building or buildings are or were situated, privileged over all other liens to the maximum extent allowed by law. Upon the filing of the lien statement with the county clerk, the charges shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent per annum until paid. 3. If the City has let a contract for demolition of a building pursuant to a valid order issued under this Section 22-211 and the building is subsequently repaired or demolished by persons other than the City or its contractors prior to completion of the contract let by the City, or such demolition is not carried out due to events beyond the City's control, the administrative expenses and all costs for cancellation of the demolition contract shall be certified as a charge that shall be assessed against the owner thereof, and that shall constitute a lien on the land on which the building or buildings are or were situated, privileged over all other lien to the maximum extent allowed by law. Upon the filing of the lien statement with the county clerk, the charges shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent per annum until paid. (d) Execution of written release of lien upon payment of charges or where lien placed on property through error; execution of written notice of compliance. 1. Upon full payment of the charges assessed against any property and upon the compliance of the property with all applicable orders as well as the terms of this Section 22-211 Ordinance No.2006-21 Amending Chapter 22 Wylie Code of Ordinances or any Building Standards, or in the event the lien is placed on the property through error, or an unenforceable lien on a homestead, the city manager, or his/her designee, is hereby authorized to execute, for and on behalf of the City, a written release of lien. 2. Upon compliance with an order issued hereunder, the building official shall be and is hereby authorized to execute a written notice setting forth the date the notice of compliance is issued, the date the City found the building to be secured, repaired or demolished or otherwise in compliance with the order; and if the building had not been demolished, whether or not the building is in such condition that it may be occupied. An order to secure a building will be released only upon issuance of a certificate of compliance by the building official. (e) Violations;penalty for disregarding or removing notices or orders. 1. It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant or lessee in possession of any building subject to an order issued under this Section 22-211, or anyone having an interest in the building as shown by the real property records of the county in which the building is located, and under a legal duty to take the ordered actions with respect to the building, to fail to comply with any applicable order issued pursuant to this Section 22-211. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any notice posted under the provisions of this Section 22-211. Violations of this subsection shall be punishable as a Class B misdemeanor, as authorized by Section 214.002(c) of the Texas Local Government Code, as it exists or may be amended, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished in accordance with the Texas Penal Code, as its exists or may be amended and may be punished in accordance with other applicable penalty provisions contained in this Code. (f) Procedures in this Section Prevail. The procedures established by this Section 22-211 are adopted as a local amendment to all Building Standards that contain procedures to secure or abate dangerous buildings and structures. SECTION 3: PENALTY PROVISION. Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance, as it exists or may be amended by this or any other Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not to exceed TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each continuing day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 4: SAVINGS/REPEALING CLAUSE. Wylie Code of Ordinances shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other Ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: SEVERABILITY. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent Ordinance No.2006-21 Amending Chapter 22 Wylie Code of Ordinances jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 6: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication as required by the Wylie City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 28th day of March 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of Publication in The Wylie News—April 5,2006 Ordinance No.2006-21 Amending Chapter 22 Wylie Code of Ordinances I/ Wylie City Council 1__,=][ir.).-(01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 7 De artment: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Larry Williamson Account Code: Date Prepared: March 15, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-22 authorizing the issuance of "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2006"; specifying the terms and features of said bonds; levying a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax for the payment of said bonds; and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, payment and delivery of said bonds, including the approval and execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and the approval and distribution of an Official Statement; and providing an effective date. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-22 authorizing the issuance of "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2006"; specifying the terms and features of said bonds; levying a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax for the payment of said bonds; and resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, payment and delivery of said bonds, including the approval and execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and the approval and distribution of an Official Statement; and providing an effective date. Discussion The city has solicited completive bid for $35,325,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006. Bids will be opened on March 28, 2006 at 11:00 am. The winning bidder will be selected based on the lowest true interest cost to the City and the winning bidder will be recommended to Council. The proceeds of this bond sale will be used to fund the first 3 years of the design and construction of Projects approved by the voters on November 8, 2005. Those Projects are: Streets $18,820,000 Sidewalks 250,000 Fire Station#3 1,500,000 Founders Park 5,470,000 Recreation Center 600,000 City Hall 545,000 Library 8,140,000 Total $ 35,325,000 Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Mana er MBR 3/21/2006 Y g ORDINANCE NO. 2006-22 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2006"; SPECIFIYING THE TERMS AND FEATURES OF SAID BONDS; LEVYING A CONTINUING DIRECT ANNUAL AD VALOREM TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS; AND RESOLVING OTHER MATTERS INCIDENT AND RELATED TO THE ISSUANCE, SALE, PAYMENT AND DELIVERY OF SAID BONDS, INCLUDING THE APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF A PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT AND THE APPROVAL AND DISTRIBUTION OF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City") finds and determines that $35,325,000 in principal amount of general obligation bonds approved and authorized to be issued at an election held on November 8, 2005, should be issued and sold at this time pursuant to V.T.C.A., Chapter 1331, Government Code, as amended; a summary of the general obligation bonds authorized at said election, the principal amounts authorized, amounts heretofore issued and being issued pursuant to this ordinance and amounts remaining to be issued subsequent hereto being as follows: Principal Amount Amounts Date Authorized Heretofore Amounts Being Unissued Authorized Purpose Authorized ($) Issued ($) Issued ($) Balance ($) Street Improvements 11/8/2005 38,000,000 0 18,820,000 19,180,000 Sidewalk Improvements 11/8/2005 500,000 0 250,000 250,00 Fire Fighting Improvements 11/8/2005 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 0 Founders/Community Park 11/8/2005 6,965,000 0 5,470,000 1,495,000 Recreation Center/Parks 11/8/2005 10,200,000 0 600,000 9,600,000 Admin. City Hall Facilities 11/8/2005 8,645,000 0 545,000 8,100,000 Library Facilities 11/8/2005 8,140,000 0 8,140,000 0 $73,950,000 0 35,325,000 38,625,000 AND WHEREAS, the City Council hereby reserves and retains the right to issue the balance of unissued bonds approved at said election in one or more installments when, in the judgment of the City Council, funds are needed to accomplish the purposes for which such bonds were voted; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Authorization—Designation — Principal Amount — Purpose. General obligation bonds of the City shall be and are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of$35,325,000, to be designated and bear the title "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2006" (hereinafter referred to as the "Bonds"), for the purpose of providing funds (1) for permanent public improvements and public purposes, to wit: (i) $18,820,000 for construction of street improvements at FM 1378, from Brown Street to the southern intersection of Parker Road; Stone Road (FM 544), from Ballard Avenue to Vinson Road; Brown, from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue; Brown, from SH 78 to Stone Road and Alanis from Twin Lakes Drive to FM 544 with any remaining funds being used to construct or repair other streets and thoroughfares within the City; including drainage, curb, gutters, sidewalks, landscaping and traffic signalization and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor, (ii) $250,000 for construction and repair of sidewalks within the City, (iii) $1,500,000 for construction, improvement and equipment of fire fighting facilities, (iv) $5,470,000 for construction, improvement and equipment of park and recreational facilities for Founders/Community Park, including the acquisition of land therefor, (v) $600,000 for construction, improvement and equipment of park and recreational facilities for new Recreation Center/Park Administration facilities, including the acquisition of land therefor, (vi) $545,000 for construction, improvement and equipment of City Hall facilities, (vii) $8,140,000 for construction, improvement and equipment of municipal library facilities, and (2) to pay the costs of issuance, in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 1331. SECTION 2: Fully Registered Obligations - Bond Date - Authorized Denominations - Stated Maturities - Interest Rates. The Bonds shall be issued as fully registered obligations only, shall be dated March 15, 2006 (the "Bond Date"), shall be in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple (within a Stated Maturity) thereof, and shall become due and payable on February 15 in each of the years and in principal amounts (the "Stated Maturities") in accordance with the following schedule: Year of Principal Interest Stated Maturity Amount($) Rate(s) 2008 $ 400,000 % 2009 450,000 2011 1,200,000 2012 1,425,000 2013 1,490,000 2014 1,565,000 2015 1,640,000 2016 1,720,000 2017 1,805,000 2018 1,890,000 2019 1,985,000 2020 2,080,000 2021 2,180,000 2022 2,285,000 2023 2,395,000 2024 2,515,000 2025 2,63 5,000 2026 2,765,000 2027 2,900,000 Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 2 The Bonds shall bear interest on the unpaid principal amounts from the Bond Date at the rate(s) per annum shown above in this Section (calculated on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months). Interest on the Bonds shall be payable on February 15 and August 15 in each year, commencing February 15, 2007. SECTION 3: Terms of Payment-Paying Agent/Registrar. The principal of, premium, if any, and the interest on the Bonds, due and payable by reason of maturity, redemption or otherwise, shall be payable only to the registered owners or holders of the Bonds (hereinafter called the "Holders") appearing on the registration and transfer books maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar and the payment thereof shall be in any coin or currency of the United States of America, which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, and shall be without exchange or collection charges to the Holders. The selection and appointment of JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Dallas, Texas to serve as Paying Agent/Registrar for the Bonds is hereby approved and confirmed. Books and records relating to the registration, payment, transfer and exchange of the Bonds (the "Security Register") shall at all times be kept and maintained on behalf of the City by the Paying Agent/Registrar, as provided herein and in accordance with the terms and provisions of a "Paying Agent/ Registrar Agreement", substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, and such reasonable rules and regulations as the Paying Agent/Registrar and the City may prescribe. The Mayor and City Secretary are authorized to execute and deliver such Agreement in connection with the delivery of the Bonds. The City covenants to maintain and provide a Paying Agent/Registrar at all times until the Bonds are paid and discharged, and any successor Paying Agent/Registrar shall be a bank, trust company, financial institution or other entity qualified and authorized to serve in such capacity and perform the duties and services of Paying Agent/Registrar. Upon any change in the Paying Agent/Registrar for the Bonds, the City agrees to promptly cause a written notice thereof to be sent to each Holder by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, which notice shall also give the address of the new Paying Agent/Registrar. Principal of and premium, if any, on the Bonds shall be payable at the Stated Maturities or the redemption thereof, only upon presentation and surrender of the Bonds to the Paying Agent/Registrar at its designated offices in Dallas, Texas (the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office"). Interest on the Bonds shall be paid to the Holders whose name appears in the Security Register at the close of business on the Record Date (the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date) and shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar (i) by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the Holder recorded in the Security Register or (ii) by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the Holder. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Bonds shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the City where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. In the event of a nonpayment of interest on a scheduled payment date, and for thirty (30) days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a "Special Record Date") will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received from the City. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 3 five (5) business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. SECTION 4: Redemption. (a) Optional Redemption. The Bonds having Stated Maturities on and after February 15, 2017, shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the City, in whole or in part in principal amounts of$5,000 or any integral multiple thereof(and if within a Stated Maturity by lot by the Paying Agent/Registrar), on February 15, 2016 or on any date thereafter at the redemption price of par plus accrued interest to the date of redemption. (b) Exercise of Redemption Option. At least forty-five (45) days prior to a redemption date for the Bonds (unless a shorter notification period shall be satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar), the City shall notify the Paying Agent/Registrar of the decision to redeem Bonds, the principal amount of each Stated Maturity to be redeemed, and the date of redemption therefor. The decision of the City to exercise the right to redeem Bonds shall be entered in the minutes of the governing body of the City. (c) Selection of Bonds for Redemption. If less than all Outstanding Bonds of the same Stated Maturity are to be redeemed on a redemption date, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall treat such Bonds as representing the number of Bonds Outstanding which is obtained by dividing the principal amount of such Bonds by $5,000 and shall select the Bonds, or principal amount thereof, to be redeemed within such Stated Maturity by lot. (d) Notice of Redemption. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to a redemption date for the Bonds, a notice of redemption shall be sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, in the name of the City and at the City's expense, to each Holder of a Bond to be redeemed in whole or in part at the address of the Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the business day next preceding the date of mailing such notice, and any notice of redemption so mailed shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given irrespective of whether received by the Holder. All notices of redemption shall (i) specify the date of redemption for the Bonds, (ii) identify the Bonds to be redeemed and, in the case of a portion of the principal amount to be redeemed, the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, (iii) state the redemption price, (iv) state that the Bonds, or the portion of the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall become due and payable on the redemption date specified, and the interest thereon, or on the portion of the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date, and (v) specify that payment of the redemption price for the Bonds, or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall be made at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar only upon presentation and surrender thereof by the Holder. If a Bond is subject by its terms to prior redemption, and has been called for redemption, and notice of redemption thereof has been duly given as hereinabove provided, such Bond (or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed) shall become due and payable and interest thereon shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date therefor; provided moneys sufficient for the payment of such Bond (or of the principal amount thereof to be redeemed) at the then applicable redemption price are held for the purpose of such payment by the Paying Agent/Registrar. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 4 SECTION 5: Registration - Transfer - Exchange of Bonds-Predecessor Bonds. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall obtain, record, and maintain in the Security Register the name and address of each and every owner of the Bonds issued under and pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, or if appropriate, the nominee thereof. Any Bond may be transferred or exchanged for Bonds of other authorized denominations by the Holder, in person or by his duly authorized agent, upon surrender of such Bond to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation, accompanied by a written instrument of transfer or request for exchange duly executed by the Holder or by his duly authorized agent, in form satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar. Upon surrender of any Bond (other than the Initial Bond(s) referenced in Section 8 hereof) for transfer at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall register and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee or transferees, one or more new Bonds of authorized denominations and having the same Stated Maturity and of a like aggregate principal amount as the Bond or Bonds surrendered for transfer. At the option of the Holder, Bonds (other than the Initial Bond(s) referenced in Section 8 hereof) may be exchanged for other Bonds of authorized denominations and having the same Stated Maturity, bearing the same rate of interest and of like aggregate principal amount as the Bonds surrendered for exchange, upon surrender of the Bonds to be exchanged at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar. Whenever any Bonds are surrendered for exchange, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall register and deliver new Bonds to the Holder requesting the exchange. All Bonds issued in any transfer or exchange of Bonds shall be delivered to the Holders at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar or sent by United States Mail, first class, postage prepaid to the Holders, and, upon the registration and delivery thereof, the same shall be the valid obligations of the City, evidencing the same obligation to pay, and entitled to the same benefits under this Ordinance, as the Bonds surrendered in such transfer or exchange. All transfers or exchanges of Bonds pursuant to this Section shall be made without expense or service charge to the Holder, except as otherwise herein provided, and except that the Paying Agent/Registrar shall require payment by the Holder requesting such transfer or exchange of any tax or other governmental charges required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. Bonds cancelled by reason of an exchange or transfer pursuant to the provisions hereof are hereby defined to be "Predecessor Bonds," evidencing all or a portion, as the case may be, of the same obligation to pay evidenced by the new Bond or Bonds registered and delivered in the exchange or transfer therefor. Additionally, the term "Predecessor Bonds" shall include any mutilated, lost, destroyed, or stolen Bond for which a replacement Bond has been issued, registered, and delivered in lieu thereof pursuant to the provisions of Section 11 hereof and such new replacement Bond shall be deemed to evidence the same obligation as the mutilated, lost, destroyed, or stolen Bond. Neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to issue or transfer to an assignee of a Holder any Bond called for redemption, in whole or in part, within 45 days of the date fixed for the redemption of such Bond; provided, however, such limitation on transferability shall not be applicable to an exchange by the Holder of the unredeemed balance of a Bond called for redemption in part. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 5 SECTION 6: Book-Entry-Only Transfers and Transactions. Notwithstanding the provisions contained herein relating to the payment, and transfer/exchange of the Bonds, the City hereby approves and authorizes the use of"Book-Entry-Only" securities clearance, settlement and transfer system provided by The Depository Trust Company (DTC), a limited purpose trust company organized under the laws of the State of New York, in accordance with the current operational arrangements referenced in the Blanket Issuer Letter of Representation, by and between the City and DTC (the "Depository Agreement"). Pursuant to the Depository Agreement and the rules of DTC, the Bonds shall be deposited with DTC who shall hold said Bonds for its participants (the "DTC Participants"). While the Bonds are held by DTC under the Depository Agreement, the Holder of the Bonds on the Security Register for all purposes, including payment and notices, shall be Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, notwithstanding the ownership of each actual purchaser or owner of each Bond (the "Beneficial Owners") being recorded in the records of DTC and DTC Participants. In the event DTC determines to discontinue serving as securities depository for the Bonds or otherwise ceases to provide book-entry clearance and settlement of securities transactions in general or the City determines that DTC is incapable of properly discharging its duties as securities depository for the Bonds, the City covenants and agrees with the Holders of the Bonds to cause Bonds to be printed in definitive form and provide for the Bond certificates to be issued and delivered to DTC Participants and Beneficial Owners, as the case may be. Thereafter, the Bonds in definitive form shall be assigned, transferred and exchanged on the Security Register maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar and payment of such Bonds shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Sections 3, 4 and 5 hereof. SECTION 7: Execution - Registration. The Bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City by the Mayor under its seal reproduced or impressed thereon and countersigned by the City Secretary. The signature of said officers on the Bonds may be manual or facsimile. Bonds bearing the manual or facsimile signatures of individuals who are or were the proper officers of the City on the Bond Date shall be deemed to be duly executed on behalf of the City, notwithstanding that such individuals or either of them shall cease to hold such offices at the time of delivery of the Bonds to the initial purchaser(s) and with respect to Bonds delivered in subsequent exchanges and transfers, all as authorized and provided in V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 1201. No Bond shall be entitled to any right or benefit under this Ordinance, or be valid or obligatory for any purpose, unless there appears on such Bond either a certificate of registration substantially in the form provided in Section 9(c), manually executed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, or his duly authorized agent, or a certificate of registration substantially in the form provided in Section 9(d), manually executed by an authorized officer, employee or representative of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and either such certificate duly signed upon any Bond shall be conclusive evidence, and the only evidence, that such Bond has been duly certified, registered, and delivered. SECTION 8: Initial Bond(s). The Bonds herein authorized shall be initially issued either (i) as a single fully registered bond in the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds with principal installments to become due and payable as provided in Section 2 hereof and numbered T-1, or (ii) as multiple fully registered bonds, being one bond for each year of maturity in the applicable principal amount and denomination and to be numbered consecutively from T-1 and upward (hereinafter called the "Initial Bond(s)") and, in either case, the Initial Bond(s) shall be registered in the name of the initial purchaser(s) or the designee thereof. The Initial Bond(s) shall be the Bonds Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 6 submitted to the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas for approval, certified and registered by the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas and delivered to the initial purchaser(s). Any time after the delivery of the Initial Bond(s), the Paying Agent/Registrar, pursuant to written instructions from the initial purchaser(s), or the designee thereof, shall cancel the Initial Bond(s) delivered hereunder and exchange therefor definitive Bonds of authorized denominations, Stated Maturities, principal amounts and bearing applicable interest rates for transfer and delivery to the Holders named at the addresses identified therefor; all pursuant to and in accordance with such written instructions from the initial purchaser(s), or the designee thereof, and such other information and documentation as the Paying Agent/Registrar may reasonably require. SECTION 9: Forms. (a) Forms Generally. The Bonds, the Registration Certificate of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, the Registration Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar, and the form of Assignment to be printed on each of the Bonds, shall be substantially in the forms set forth in this Section with such appropriate insertions, omissions, substitutions, and other variations as are permitted or required by this Ordinance and may have such letters, numbers, or other marks of identification (including identifying numbers and letters of the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures of the American Bankers Association) and such legends and endorsements (including insurance legends in the event the Bonds, or any maturities thereof, are purchased with insurance and any reproduction of an opinion of counsel) thereon as may, consistently herewith, be established by the City or determined by the officers executing such Bonds as evidenced by their execution. Any portion of the text of any Bonds may be set forth on the reverse thereof, with an appropriate reference thereto on the face of the Bond. The definitive Bonds and the Initial Bond(s) shall be printed, lithographed, or engraved, typewritten, photocopied or otherwise reproduced in any other similar manner, all as determined by the officers executing such Bonds as evidenced by their execution thereof. (b) Form of Definitive Bond. REGISTERED REGISTERED NO. $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SERIES 2006 Bond Date: Interest Rate: Stated Maturity: CUSIP NO: March 15, 2006 % February 15, Registered Owner: Principal Amount: DOLLARS The City of Wylie (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), a body corporate and political subdivision in the County of Collin, State of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner named above, or the registered assigns thereof, on the Stated Maturity date specified above the Principal Amount hereinabove stated (or so Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 7 much thereof as shall not have been paid upon prior redemption) and to pay interest on the unpaid principal amount hereof from the interest payment date next preceding the "Registration Date" of this Bond appearing below (unless this Bond bears a "Registration Date" as of an interest payment date, in which case it shall bear interest from such date, or unless the "Registration Date" of this Bond is prior to the initial interest payment date in which case it shall bear interest from the Bond Date) at the per annum rate of interest specified above computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months; such interest being payable on February 15 and August 15 in each year, commencing February 15, 2007. Principal of this Bond is payable at its Stated Maturity or redemption to the registered owner hereof, upon presentation and surrender, at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar executing the registration certificate appearing hereon, or its successor. Interest is payable to the registered owner of this Bond (or one or more Predecessor Bonds, as defined in the Ordinance hereinafter referenced) whose name appears on the "Security Register" maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the "Record Date", which is the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date, and interest shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the registered owner recorded in the Security Register or by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the registered owner. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Bonds shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the City where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. All payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Bond shall be without exchange or collection charges to the owner hereof and in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. This Bond is one of the series specified in its title issued in the aggregate principal amount of $35,325,000 (herein referred to as the "Bonds") for the purpose of providing funds (1) for permanent public improvements and public purposes, to wit: (i) for construction of street improvements at FM 1378, from Brown Street to the southern intersection of Parker Road; Stone Road (FM 544), from Ballard Avenue to Vinson Road; Brown, from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue; Brown, from SH 78 to Stone Road and Alanis from Twin Lakes Drive to FM 544 with any remaining funds being used to construct or repair other streets and thoroughfares within the City; including drainage, curb, gutters, sidewalks, landscaping and traffic signalization and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor, (ii) for construction and repair of sidewalks within the City, (iii) for construction, improvement and equipment of fire fighting facilities, (iv) for construction, improvement and equipment of park and recreational facilities for Founders/Community Park, including the acquisition of land therefor, (v) for construction, improvement and equipment of park and recreational facilities for new Recreation Center/Park Administration facilities, including the acquisition of land therefor, (vi) for construction, improvement and equipment of City Hall facilities and (vii) for construction, improvement and equipment of municipal library facilities, and (2) to pay the costs of issuance, all in accordance with authority conferred by and in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including V.T.C.A., Chapter 1331, Government Code, as amended, and pursuant to an Ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City (herein referred to as the "Ordinance"). The Bonds maturing on and after February 15, 2017, may be redeemed prior to their Stated Maturities, at the option of the City, in whole or in part in principal amounts of $5,000 or any Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 8 integral multiple thereof(and if within a Stated Maturity by lot by the Paying Agent/Registrar), on February 15, 2016, or on any date thereafter, at the redemption price of par, together with accrued interest to the date of redemption. At least thirty days prior to the date fixed for any redemption of Bonds, the City shall cause a written notice of such redemption to be sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the registered owners of each Bond to be redeemed at the address shown on the Security Register and subject to the terms and provisions relating thereto contained in the Ordinance. If a Bond (or any portion of its principal sum) shall have been duly called for redemption and notice of such redemption duly given, then upon such redemption date such Bond (or the portion of its principal sum to be redeemed) shall become due and payable, and interest thereon shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date therefor; provided moneys for the payment of the redemption price and the interest on the principal amount to be redeemed to the date of redemption are held for the purpose of such payment by the Paying Agent/Registrar. In the event a portion of the principal amount of a Bond is to be redeemed and the registered owner is someone other than Cede & Co., payment of the redemption price of such principal amount shall be made to the registered owner only upon presentation and surrender of such Bond to the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and a new Bond or Bonds of like maturity and interest rate in any authorized denominations provided by the Ordinance for the then unredeemed balance of the principal sum thereof will be issued to the registered owner, without charge. If a Bond is selected for redemption, in whole or in part, the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall not be required to transfer such Bond to an assignee of the registered owner within 45 days of the redemption date therefor; provided, however, such limitation on transferability shall not be applicable to an exchange by the registered owner of the unredeemed balance of a Bond redeemed in part. The Bonds are payable from the proceeds of an ad valorem tax levied, within the limitations prescribed by law, upon all taxable property in the City. Reference is hereby made to the Ordinance, a copy of which is on file in the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and to all of the provisions of which the owner or holder of this Bond by the acceptance hereof hereby assents, for definitions of terms; the description of and the nature and extent of the tax levied for the payment of the Bonds; the terms and conditions relating to the transfer or exchange of this Bond; the conditions upon which the Ordinance may be amended or supplemented with or without the consent of the Holders; the rights, duties, and obligations of the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar; the terms and provisions upon which this Bond may be discharged at or prior to its maturity or redemption, and deemed to be no longer Outstanding thereunder; and for other terms and provisions contained therein. Capitalized terms used herein have the meanings assigned in the Ordinance. This Bond, subject to certain limitations contained in the Ordinance, may be transferred on the Security Register only upon its presentation and surrender at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, with the Assignment hereon duly endorsed by, or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar duly executed by, the registered owner hereof, or his duly authorized agent. When a transfer on the Security Register occurs, one or more new fully registered Bonds of the same Stated Maturity, of authorized denominations, bearing the same rate of interest, and of the same aggregate principal amount will be issued by the Paying Agent/Registrar to the designated transferee or transferees. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 9 The City and the Paying Agent/Registrar, and any agent of either, shall treat the registered owner whose name appears on the Security Register (i) on the Record Date as the owner entitled to payment of interest hereon, (ii) on the date of surrender of this Bond as the owner entitled to payment of principal hereof at its Stated Maturity or its redemption, in whole or in part, and (iii) on any other date as the owner for all other purposes, and neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar, or any agent of either, shall be affected by notice to the contrary. In the event of nonpayment of interest on a scheduled payment date and for thirty (30) days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a "Special Record Date") will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received from the City. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five (5) business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. It is hereby certified, recited, represented and declared that the City is a body corporate and political subdivision duly organized and legally existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; that the issuance of the Bonds is duly authorized by law; that all acts, conditions and things required to exist and be done precedent to and in the issuance of the Bonds to render the same lawful and valid obligations of the City have been properly done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the Ordinance; that the Bonds do not exceed any Constitutional or statutory limitation; and that due provision has been made for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds by the levy of a tax as aforestated. In case any provision in this Bond shall be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The terms and provisions of this Bond and the Ordinance shall be construed in accordance with and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City Council of the City has caused this Bond to be duly executed under the official seal of the City as of the Bond Date. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Mayor COUNTERSIGNED: City Secretary (SEAL) Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 10 (c) Form of Registration Certificate of Comptroller of Public Accounts to appear on Initial Bond(s) only. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ) ) OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ) REGISTER NO. ) THE STATE OF TEXAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this Bond has been examined, certified as to validity and approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and duly registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. WITNESS my signature and seal of office this . Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas (SEAL) (d) Form of Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar to appear on Definitive Bonds only. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR This Bond has been duly issued and registered under the provisions of the within-mentioned Ordinance; the bond or bonds of the above entitled and designated series originally delivered having been approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, as shown by the records of the Paying Agent/Registrar. The designated offices of the Paying Agent/Registrar in Dallas, Texas is the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office" for this Bond. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Dallas, Texas Registration date: Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 11 By Authorized Signature (e) Form of Assignment. ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto (Print or typewrite name, address, and zip code of transferee:) Social Security or other identifying number: )the within Bond and all rights thereunder, and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints attorney to transfer the within Bond on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. DATED: NOTICE: The signature on this Signature guaranteed: assignment must correspond with the name of the registered owner as it appears on the face of the within Bond in every particular. (f) The Initial Bond(s) shall be in the form set forth in paragraph B of this Section, except that the heading and paragraph one of the form of the single fully registered Initial Bond shall be modified as follows: REGISTERED REGISTERED NO. T-1 $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, SERIES 2006 Bond Date: March 15, 2006 Registered Owner: Principal Amount: DOLLARS The City of Wylie (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), a body corporate and municipal corporation in the County of Collin, State of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner named above, or the registered assigns thereof, the Principal Amount hereinabove stated on February 15 in each of the years and in principal installments in accordance with the following schedule: Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 1 2 PRINCIPAL INTEREST YEAR INSTALLMENTS RATE (Information to be inserted from schedule in Section 2 hereof). (or so much principal thereof as shall not have been prepaid prior to maturity) and to pay interest on the unpaid Principal Amount hereof from the interest payment date next preceding the "Registration Date" of this Bond appearing below (unless this Bond bears a "Registration Date" as of an interest payment date, in which case it shall bear interest from such date, or unless the "Registration Date" of this Bond is prior to the initial interest payment date in which case it shall bear interest from the Bond Date) at the per annum rates of interest specified above computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months; such interest being payable on February 15 and August 15 in each year, commencing February 15, 2007. Principal installments of this Bond are payable in the year of maturity or on a prepayment date to the registered owner hereof by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Dallas, Texas (the "Paying Agent/Registrar"), upon its presentation and surrender, at its designated offices in Dallas, Texas (the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office"). Interest is payable to the registered owner of this Bond whose name appears on the "Security Register" maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the "Record Date", which is the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date, and interest shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the registered owner recorded in the Security Register or by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the registered owner. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Bonds shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the City where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. All payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Bond shall be without exchange or collection charges to the owner hereof and in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. SECTION 10: Levy of Taxes. To provide for the payment of the "Debt Service Requirements" of the Bonds, being (i) the interest on the Bonds and (ii) a sinking fund for their payment at maturity or redemption or a sinking fund of 2% (whichever amount is the greater), there is hereby levied, and there shall be annually assessed and collected in due time, form, and manner, a tax on all taxable property in the City, within the limitations prescribed by law, and such tax hereby levied on each one hundred dollars' valuation of taxable property in the City for the Debt Service Requirements of the Bonds shall be at a rate from year to year as will be ample and sufficient to provide funds each year to pay the principal of and interest on said Bonds while Outstanding; full allowance being made for delinquencies and costs of collection; separate books and records relating to the receipt and disbursement of taxes levied, assessed and collected for and on account of the Bonds shall be kept and maintained by the City at all times while the Bonds are Outstanding, and the taxes collected for the payment of the Debt Service Requirements on the Bonds shall be deposited to the credit of a "Special 2006 Bond Account" (the "Interest and Sinking Fund") maintained on the records of the City and deposited in a special fund maintained at an official depository of the City's funds; and such tax hereby levied, and to be assessed and collected annually, is hereby pledged to the payment of the Bonds. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 13 Proper officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be transferred to the Paying Agent/ Registrar for the Bonds, from funds on deposit in the Interest and Sinking Fund, amounts sufficient to fully pay and discharge promptly each installment of interest and principal of the Bonds as the same accrues or matures or comes due by reason of redemption prior to maturity; such transfers of funds to be made in such manner as will cause collected funds to be deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar on or before each principal and interest payment date for the Bonds. SECTION 11: Mutilated-Destroyed-Lost and Stolen Bonds. In case any Bond shall be mutilated, or destroyed, lost or stolen, the Paying Agent/Registrar may execute and deliver a replacement Bond of like form and tenor, and in the same denomination and bearing a number not contemporaneously outstanding, in exchange and substitution for such mutilated Bond, or in lieu of and in substitution for such destroyed, lost or stolen Bond, only upon the approval of the City and after (i) the filing by the Holder thereof with the Paying Agent/Registrar of evidence satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar of the destruction, loss or theft of such Bond, and of the authenticity of the ownership thereof and (ii) the furnishing to the Paying Agent/Registrar of indemnification in an amount satisfactory to hold the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar harmless. All expenses and charges associated with such indemnity and with the preparation, execution and delivery of a replacement Bond shall be borne by the Holder of the Bond mutilated, or destroyed, lost or stolen. Every replacement Bond issued pursuant to this Section shall be a valid and binding obligation, and shall be entitled to all the benefits of this Ordinance equally and ratably with all other Outstanding Bonds; notwithstanding the enforceability of payment by anyone of the destroyed, lost, or stolen Bonds. The provisions of this Section are exclusive and shall preclude (to the extent lawful) all other rights and remedies with respect to the replacement and payment of mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen Bonds. SECTION 12: Satisfaction of Obligation of City. If the City shall pay or cause to be paid, or there shall otherwise be paid to the Holders, the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds, at the times and in the manner stipulated in this Ordinance, then the pledge of taxes levied under this Ordinance and all covenants, agreements, and other obligations of the City to the Holders shall thereupon cease, terminate, and be discharged and satisfied. Bonds or any principal amount(s) thereof shall be deemed to have been paid within the meaning and with the effect expressed above in this Section when (i) money sufficient to pay in full such Bonds or the principal amount(s) thereof at maturity or to the redemption date therefor, together with all interest due thereon, shall have been irrevocably deposited with and held in trust by the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, or (ii) Government Securities shall have been irrevocably deposited in trust with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, which Government Securities have been certified by an independent accounting firm to mature as to principal and interest in such amounts and at such times as will insure the availability, without reinvestment, of sufficient money, together with any moneys deposited therewith, if any, to pay when due the principal of and interest on such Bonds, or the principal amount(s) thereof, on and prior to the Stated Maturity thereof or (if notice of redemption has been duly given or waived or if irrevocable arrangements therefor acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar have been made) the redemption date thereof. The City covenants that no deposit of moneys or Government Securities will be made under this Section and no use made of any such deposit which would cause the Bonds to be treated as "arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 14 Any moneys so deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, and all income from Government Securities held in trust by the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, pursuant to this Section which is not required for the payment of the Bonds, or any principal amount(s) thereof, or interest thereon with respect to which such moneys have been so deposited shall be remitted to the City or deposited as directed by the City. Furthermore, any money held by the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and remaining unclaimed for a period of three (3) years after the Stated Maturity, or applicable redemption date, of the Bonds such moneys were deposited and are held in trust to pay shall upon the request of the City be remitted to the City against a written receipt therefor. Notwithstanding the above and foregoing, any remittance of funds from the Paying Agent/Registrar to the City shall be subject to any applicable unclaimed property laws of the State of Texas. The term "Government Securities" shall mean (i) direct noncallable obligations of the United States of America, including obligations the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America, (ii) noncallable obligations of an agency or instrumentality of the United States, including obligations unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the agency or instrumentality and on the date of their acquisition or purchase by the City are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent and (iii) noncallable obligations of a state or an agency or a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of a state that have been refunded and on the date of their acquisition or purchase by the City, are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent. SECTION 13: Ordinance a Contract- Amendments - Outstanding Bonds. This Ordinance shall constitute a contract with the Holders from time to time, be binding on the City, and shall not be amended or repealed by the City so long as any Bond remains Outstanding except as permitted in this Section and in Section 28 hereof. The City may, without the consent of or notice to any Holders, from time to time and at any time, amend this Ordinance in any manner not detrimental to the interests of the Holders, including the curing of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or formal defect or omission herein. In addition, the City may, with the consent of Holders holding a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding, amend, add to, or rescind any of the provisions of this Ordinance; provided that, without the consent of all Holders of Outstanding Bonds, no such amendment, addition, or rescission shall (1) extend the time or times of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds, reduce the principal amount thereof, the redemption price therefor, or the rate of interest thereon, or in any other way modify the terms of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds, (2) give any preference to any Bond over any other Bond, or (3) reduce the aggregate principal amount of Bonds required to be held by Holders for consent to any such amendment, addition, or rescission. The term "Outstanding" when used in this Ordinance with respect to Bonds means, as of the date of determination, all Bonds theretofore issued and delivered under this Ordinance, except: (1) those Bonds cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar or delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation; (2) those Bonds deemed to be duly paid by the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 12 hereof; and Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 15 (3) those mutilated, destroyed, lost, or stolen Bonds which have been replaced with Bonds registered and delivered in lieu thereof as provided in Section 11 hereof. SECTION 14: Covenants to Maintain Tax-Exempt Status. (a) Definitions. When used in this Section, the following terms have the following meanings: "Closing Date"means the date on which the Bonds are first authenticated and delivered to the initial purchasers against payment therefor. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by all legislation, if any, effective on or before the Closing Date. "Computation Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Gross Proceeds" means any proceeds as defined in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations, and any replacement proceeds as defined in Section 1.148-1(c) of the Regulations, of the Bonds. "Investment" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Nonpurpose Investment" means any investment property, as defined in section 148(b) of the Code, in which Gross Proceeds of the Bonds are invested and which is not acquired to carry out the governmental purposes of the Bonds. "Rebate Amount" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Regulations" means any proposed, temporary, or final Income Tax Regulations issued pursuant to Sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Code, and 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, which are applicable to the Bonds. Any reference to any specific Regulation shall also mean, as appropriate, any proposed, temporary or final Income Tax Regulation designed to supplement, amend or replace the specific Regulation referenced. "Yield" of(1) any Investment has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-5 of the Regulations and (2) the Bonds has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-4 of the Regulations. (b) Not to Cause Interest to Become Taxable. The City shall not use, permit the use of, or omit to use Gross Proceeds or any other amounts (or any property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed directly or indirectly with Gross Proceeds) in a manner which if made or omitted, respectively, would cause the interest on any Bond to become includable in the gross income, as defined in section 61 of the Code, of the owner thereof for federal income tax purposes. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, unless and until the City receives a written opinion of counsel nationally recognized in the field of municipal bond law to the effect that failure to comply with such covenant will not adversely affect the exemption from federal income Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 16 tax of the interest on any Bond, the City shall comply with each of the specific covenants in this Section. (c) No Private Use or Private Payments. Except as permitted by section 141 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall at all times prior to the last Stated Maturity of Bonds: (1) exclusively own, operate and possess all property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed or refinanced directly or indirectly with Gross Proceeds of the Bonds, and not use or permit the use of such Gross Proceeds (including all contractual arrangements with terms different than those applicable to the general public) or any property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds in any activity carried on by any person or entity (including the United States or any agency, department and instrumentality thereof) other than a state or local government, unless such use is solely as a member of the general public; and (2) not directly or indirectly impose or accept any charge or other payment by any person or entity who is treated as using Gross Proceeds of the Bonds or any property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed or refinanced directly or indirectly with such Gross Proceeds, other than taxes of general application within the City or interest earned on investments acquired with such Gross Proceeds pending application for their intended purposes. (d) No Private Loan. Except to the extent permitted by section 141 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not use Gross Proceeds of the Bonds to make or finance loans to any person or entity other than a state or local government. For purposes of the foregoing covenant, such Gross Proceeds are considered to be "loaned" to a person or entity if: (1) property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds is sold or leased to such person or entity in a transaction which creates a debt for federal income tax purposes; (2) capacity in or service from such property is committed to such person or entity under a take-or-pay, output or similar contract or arrangement; or (3) indirect benefits, or burdens and benefits of ownership, of such Gross Proceeds or any property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds are otherwise transferred in a transaction which is the economic equivalent of a loan. (e) Not to Invest at Higher Yield. Except to the extent permitted by section 148 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not at any time prior to the final Stated Maturity of the Bonds directly or indirectly invest Gross Proceeds in any Investment (or use Gross Proceeds to replace money so invested), if as a result of such investment the Yield from the Closing Date of all Investments acquired with Gross Proceeds (or with money replaced thereby), whether then held or previously disposed of, exceeds the Yield of the Bonds. (f) Not Federally Guaranteed. Except to the extent permitted by section 149(b) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not take or omit to take any action which would cause the Bonds to be federally guaranteed within the meaning of section 149(b) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. (g) Information Report. The City shall timely file the information required by section 149(e) of the Code with the Secretary of the Treasury on Form 8038-G or such other form and in such place as the Secretary may prescribe. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 17 (h) Rebate of Arbitrage Profits. Except to the extent otherwise provided in section 148(f) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder: (1) The City shall account for all Gross Proceeds (including all receipts, expenditures and investments thereof) on its books of account separately and apart from all other funds (and receipts, expenditures and investments thereof) and shall retain all records of accounting for at least six years after the day on which the last Outstanding Bond is discharged. However, to the extent permitted by law, the City may commingle Gross Proceeds of the Bonds with other money of the City, provided that the City separately accounts for each receipt and expenditure of Gross Proceeds and the obligations acquired therewith. (2) Not less frequently than each Computation Date, the City shall calculate the Rebate Amount in accordance with rules set forth in section 148(f) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. The City shall maintain such calculations with its official transcript of proceedings relating to the issuance of the Bonds until six years after the final Computation Date. (3) As additional consideration for the purchase of the Bonds by the Purchasers and the loan of the money represented thereby and in order to induce such purchase by measures designed to insure the excludability of the interest thereon from the gross income of the owners thereof for federal income tax purposes, the City shall pay to the United States out of an appropriate fund, or if permitted by applicable Texas statute, regulation or opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, the Interest and Sinking Fund the amount that when added to the future value of previous rebate payments made for the Bonds equals (i) in the case of a Final Computation Date as defined in Section 1.148-3(e)(2) of the Regulations, one hundred percent (100%) of the Rebate Amount on such date; and (ii) in the case of any other Computation Date, ninety percent (90%) of the Rebate Amount on such date. In all cases, the rebate payments shall be made at the times, in the installments, to the place and in the manner as is or may be required by section 148(f) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, and shall be accompanied by Form 8038-T or such other forms and information as is or may be required by Section 148(f) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. (4) The City shall exercise reasonable diligence to assure that no errors are made in the calculations and payments required by paragraphs (2) and (3), and if an error is made, to discover and promptly correct such error within a reasonable amount of time thereafter (and in all events within one hundred eighty (180) days after discovery of the error), including payment to the United States of any additional Rebate Amount owed to it, interest thereon, and any penalty imposed under Section 1.148-3(h) of the Regulations. (i) Not to Divert Arbitrage Profits. Except to the extent permitted by section 148 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not, at any time prior to the earlier of the Stated Maturity or final payment of the Bonds, enter into any transaction that reduces the amount required to be paid to the United States pursuant to Subsection H of this Section because such transaction results in a smaller profit or a larger loss than would have resulted if the transaction had been at arm's length and had the Yield of the Bonds not been relevant to either party. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 18 (j) Elections. The City hereby directs and authorizes the Mayor, City Manager, Finance Director, Assistant City Manager and City Secretary, individually or jointly, to make elections permitted or required pursuant to the provisions of the Code or the Regulations, as they deem necessary or appropriate in connection with the Bonds, in the Certificate as to Tax Exemption or similar or other appropriate certificate, form or document. SECTION 15: Sale of Bonds - Official Statement Approval. The sale of the Bonds to (collectively, the "Purchasers") at the price of par plus a premium of $ , plus accrued interest from the date of issue to the date of delivery is hereby confirmed. Delivery of the Bonds shall be made to the Purchasers as soon as may be after the adoption of this Ordinance, upon payment therefor in accordance with the terms of sale. It is hereby officially found, determined and declared that said Purchasers are the highest bidders as a result of invitations for competitive bids in compliance with applicable law. Furthermore, the use of the Preliminary Official Statement by the Purchasers in connection with the public offering and sale of the Bonds is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved in all respects. The final Official Statement, which reflects the terms of sale (together with such changes approved by the Mayor, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Finance Director, one or more of said officials), shall be and is hereby in all respects approved and the Purchasers are hereby authorized to use and distribute said final Official Statement, dated March 28, 2006, in the reoffering, sale and delivery of the Bonds to the public. The Mayor and City Secretary are further authorized and directed to manually execute and deliver for and on behalf of the City copies of said Official Statement in final form as may be required by the Purchasers, and such final Official Statement in the form and content manually executed by said officials shall be deemed to be approved by the City Council and constitute the Official Statement authorized for distribution and use by the Purchasers. SECTION 16: Control and Custody of Bonds. The Mayor of the City shall be and is hereby authorized to take and have charge of all necessary orders and records pending investigation by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, including the printing and supply of definitive Bonds, and shall take and have charge and control of the Initial Bond(s) pending the approval thereof by the Attorney General, the registration thereof by the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the delivery thereof to the Purchasers. Furthermore, the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Secretary, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Finance Director, any one or more of said officials, are hereby authorized and directed to furnish and execute such documents and certifications relating to the City and the issuance of the Bonds, including certifications as to facts, estimates, circumstances and reasonable expectations pertaining to the use, expenditure, and investment of the proceeds of the Bonds, as may be necessary for the approval of the Attorney General, the registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the delivery of the Bonds to the Purchasers, and, together with the City's financial advisor, bond counsel and the Paying Agent/Registrar, make the necessary arrangements for the delivery of the Initial Bond(s) to the Purchasers and the initial exchange thereof for definitive Bonds. SECTION 17: Proceeds of Sale. Immediately following the delivery of the Bonds, the proceeds of sale of the Bonds, excluding the accrued interest, received from the Purchasers, shall be deposited with an official depository of the City to finance the permanent public improvements referenced in Section 1 hereof. Such proceeds of sale of the Bonds shall be disbursed and deposited for the payment of costs of issuance and for the payment of the aforesaid improvements. Any Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 19 investment earnings realized shall be expended for such authorized projects and purposes or deposited in the Interest and Sinking Fund. Accrued interest received from the Purchasers as well as all surplus proceeds of sale of the Bonds, including investment earnings, remaining after completion of all authorized projects or purposes shall be deposited to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund or another fund created for the payment of any Bonds. The premium received, if any, associated with the portion of the Bonds relating to improvements shall be and applied in accordance with the applicable provisions of V.T.C.A., Chapter 1201, Government Code, as amended, as follows: of the $ of premium received from the Purchasers, $ is applied to [original issue discount, and $ has been used to offset a portion of the compensation paid to the initial purchasers of the bonds (total underwriter's compensation, $ )J. SECTION 18: Reserved. SECTION 19: Notices to Holders-Waiver. Wherever this Ordinance provides for notice to Holders of any event, such notice shall be sufficiently given (unless otherwise herein expressly provided) if in writing and sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing in the Security Register at the close of business on the business day next preceding the mailing of such notice. In any case where notice to Holders is given by mail, neither the failure to mail such notice to any particular Holders, nor any defect in any notice so mailed, shall affect the sufficiency of such notice with respect to all other Bonds. Where this Ordinance provides for notice in any manner, such notice may be waived in writing by the Holder entitled to receive such notice, either before or after the event with respect to which such notice is given, and such waiver shall be the equivalent of such notice. Waivers of notice by Holders shall be filed with the Paying Agent/Registrar, but such filing shall not be a condition precedent to the validity of any action taken in reliance upon such waiver. SECTION 20: Cancellation. All Bonds surrendered for payment, redemption, transfer, exchange, or replacement, if surrendered to the Paying Agent/Registrar, shall be promptly cancelled by it and, if surrendered to the City, shall be delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar and, if not already cancelled, shall be promptly cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar. The City may at any time deliver to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation any Bonds previously certified or registered and delivered which the City may have acquired in any manner whatsoever, and all Bonds so delivered shall be promptly cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar. All cancelled Bonds held by the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be returned to the City. SECTION 21: Legal Opinion. The obligation of the Purchasers to accept delivery of the Bonds is subject to being furnished a final opinion of Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P., Attorneys, Dallas, Texas, approving such Bonds as to their validity, said opinion to be dated and delivered as of the date of delivery and payment for such Bonds. A true and correct reproduction of said opinion is hereby authorized to be printed on the definitive Bonds or an executed counterpart thereof shall accompany the global Bonds deposited with the Depository Trust Company. SECTION 22: CUSIP Numbers. CUSIP numbers may be printed or typed on the definitive Bonds. It is expressly provided, however, that the presence or absence of CUSIP numbers on the definitive Bonds shall be of no significance or effect as regards the legality thereof and neither the City nor attorneys approving the Bonds as to legality are to be held responsible for CUSIP numbers incorrectly printed or typed on the definitive Bonds. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 20 SECTION 23: Benefits of Ordinance. Nothing in this Ordinance, expressed or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any person other than the City, the Paying Agent/Registrar and the Holders, any right, remedy, or claim, legal or equitable, under or by reason of this Ordinance or any provision hereof, this Ordinance and all its provisions being intended to be and being for the sole and exclusive benefit of the City, the Paying Agent/Registrar and the Holders. SECTION 24: Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances, orders or resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and remain controlling as to the matters contained herein. SECTION 25: Governing Law. This Ordinance shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. SECTION 26: Effect of Headings. The Section headings herein are for convenience only and shall not affect the construction hereof. SECTION 27: Construction of Terms. If appropriate in the context of this Ordinance, words of the singular number shall be considered to include the plural, words of the plural number shall be considered to include the singular, and words of the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall be considered to include the other genders. SECTION 28: Continuing Disclosure Undertaking. (a) Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms have the meanings ascribed to such terms below: "MSRB"means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. "NRMSIR" means each person whom the SEC or its staff has determined to be a nationally recognized municipal securities information repository within the meaning of the Rule from time to time. "Rule" means SEC Rule 15c2-12, as amended from time to time. "SEC"means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. "SID" means any person designated by the State of Texas or an authorized department, officer, or agency thereof as, and determined by the SEC or its staff to be, a state information depository within the meaning of the Rule from time to time. (b) Annual Reports. The City shall provide annually to each NRMSIR and any SID, within six months after the end of each fiscal year (beginning with the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006) financial information and operating data with respect to the City of the general type included in the final Official Statement approved by Section 15 of this Ordinance, being the information described in Exhibit B hereto. Financial statements to be provided shall be (1) prepared in accordance with the accounting principles described in Exhibit B hereto and (2) audited, if the City commissions an audit of such statements and the audit is completed within the period during which they must be provided. If audited financial statements are not available at the time the financial information and operating data must be provided, then the City shall provide unaudited financial statements for the applicable fiscal year to each NRMSIR and any SID with the Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 21 financial information and operating data and will file the annual audit report when and if the same becomes available. If the City changes its fiscal year, it will notify each NRMSIR and any SID of the change (and of the date of the new fiscal year end) prior to the next date by which the City otherwise would be required to provide financial information and operating data pursuant to this Section. The financial information and operating data to be provided pursuant to this Section may be set forth in full in one or more documents or may be included by specific reference to any document (including an official statement or other offering document, if it is available from the MSRB) that theretofore has been provided to each NRMSIR and any SID or filed with the SEC. (c) Material Event Notices. The City shall notify any SID and either each NRMSIR or the MSRB, in a timely manner, of any of the following events with respect to the Bonds, if such event is material within the meaning of the federal securities laws: 1. Principal and interest payment delinquencies; 2. Non-payment related defaults; 3. Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; 4. Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; 5. Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; 6. Adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-exempt status of the Bonds; 7. Modifications to rights of holders of the Bonds; 8. Bond calls; 9. Defeasances; 10. Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the Bonds; and 11. Rating changes. The City shall notify any SID and either each NRMSIR or the MSRB, in a timely manner, of any failure by the City to provide financial information or operating data in accordance with subsection(b) of this Section by the time required by such Section. (d) Limitations, Disclaimers, and Amendments. The City shall be obligated to observe and perform the covenants specified in this Section while, but only while, the City remains an "obligated person" with respect to the Bonds within the meaning of the Rule, except that the City in any event will give the notice required by subsection (c) hereof of any Bond calls and defeasance that cause the City to be no longer such an"obligated person." The provisions of this Section are for the sole benefit of the Holders and beneficial owners of the Bonds, and nothing in this Section, express or implied, shall give any benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim hereunder to any other person. The City undertakes to provide only the financial information, operating data, financial statements, and notices which it has expressly agreed to provide pursuant to this Section and does not hereby undertake to provide any other information that may be relevant or material to a complete presentation of the City's financial results, condition, or prospects or hereby undertake to update any information provided in accordance with this Section or otherwise, except as expressly provided herein. The City does not make any representation or warranty concerning such information or its usefulness to a decision to invest in or sell Bonds at any future date. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 22 UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CITY BE LIABLE TO THE HOLDER OR BENEFICIAL OWNER OF ANY BOND OR ANY OTHER PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR DAMAGES RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM ANY BREACH BY THE CITY, WHETHER NEGLIGENT OR WITHOUT FAULT ON ITS PART, OF ANY COVENANT SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION, BUT EVERY RIGHT AND REMEDY OF ANY SUCH PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF ANY SUCH BREACH SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN ACTION FOR MANDAMUS OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. No default by the City in observing or performing its obligations under this Section shall constitute a breach of or default under this Ordinance for purposes of any other provision of this Ordinance. Nothing in this Section is intended or shall act to disclaim, waive, or otherwise limit the duties of the City under federal and state securities laws. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Ordinance, the provisions of this Section may be amended by the City from time to time to adapt to changed circumstances resulting from a change in legal requirements, a change in law, or a change in the identity, nature, status, or type of operations of the City, but only if (1) the provisions of this Section, as so amended, would have permitted an underwriter to purchase or sell Bonds in the primary offering of the Bonds in compliance with the Rule, taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule to the date of such amendment, as well as such changed circumstances, and (2) either (a) the Holders of a majority in aggregate principal amount (or any greater amount required by any other provision of this Ordinance that authorizes such an amendment) of the Outstanding Bonds consent to such amendment or (b) a Person that is unaffiliated with the City (such as nationally recognized bond counsel) determines that such amendment will not materially impair the interests of the Holders and beneficial owners of the Bonds. The provisions of this Section may also be amended from time to time or repealed by the City if the SEC amends or repeals the applicable provisions of the Rule or a court of final jurisdiction determines that such provisions are invalid, but only if and to the extent that reservation of the City's right to do so would not prevent underwriters of the initial public offering of the Bonds from lawfully purchasing or selling Bonds in such offering. If the City so amends the provisions of this Section, it shall include with any amended financial information or operating data filed with each NRMSIR and SID pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section an explanation, in narrative form, of the reasons for the amendment and of the impact of any change in the type of financial information or operating data so provided. SECTION 29: Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance and the application thereof to other circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the City Council hereby declares that this Ordinance would have been enacted without such invalid provision. SECTION 3 0: Public Meeting. It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Ordinance, was given, all as required by V.T.C.A., Government Code, Chapter 551, as amended. SECTION 31: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its adoption on the date shown below in accordance with V.T.C.A., Government Code, Section 1201.028. Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 23 [remainder ofpage left blank intentionally] Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 24 PASSED AND ADOPTED, this March 28, 2006. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary (City Seal) Ordinance No.2006-22 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2006 45730150.1/10504877 S-1 EXHIBIT A PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT 45730150.1/10504877 A-1 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF ANNUAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION The following information is referred to in Section 28 of this Ordinance. Annual Financial Statements and Operating Data The financial information and operating data with respect to the City to be provided annually in accordance with such Section are as specified (and included in the Appendix or under the headings of the Official Statement referred to) below: 1. The financial statements of the City appended to the Official Statement as Appendix B for the most recently concluded fiscal year. 2. The information in the Official Statement under Tables 1 through 6 and 8 through 15. Accounting Principles The accounting principles referred to in such Section are the accounting principles described in the notes to the financial statements referred to in paragraph 1 above 45730150.1/10504877 B-1 Wylie City Council '- AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 8 De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: 611-5719-56040 Date Prepared: March 17, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, entering into an agreement with McLain Decision Support Systems for an Update to the Water and Wastewater Rate Study in an amount not to exceed $14,500.00. Recommendation Motion to approve an agreement with McLain Decision Support Systems for an Update to the Water and Wastewater Rate Study in an amount not to exceed $14,500.00. Discussion In March 2003, the Council awarded a contract to Maximus, Inc. to conduct a Water and Wastewater Rate Study. The purpose of the Study was to establish the amount of revenue required to support water and sewer operations. A report was made to Council on December 16, 2004 recommending an increase to the sewer rate to support the construction of the Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and expansion, and no change to the water rate unless the Council desired to implement a conservation rate. Since that time, the City has updated its Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and review of associated Impact Fees. An update to the Study is necessary now in order to factor in the expenditures and projected revenues associated with the Impact Fee Study. The funding for this proposed study will come from the Utility Fund. Bob McLain, of McLain Decision Support Systems is formally a principal member of Maximus, Inc. and conducted the initial study in 2003-04. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS �lC'LAI.N March 2, 2006 Mark Roath City Manager City of Wylie 2000 HWY 78 Wylie, TX 75098 RE: Proposal to Update Water& Wastewater Rate Study Dear Mr. Roath: Per your request, following is a proposed workplan to update the water and wastewater rate study: Workplan: The work plan will consist of the following tasks: Task 1: Collect data. We will need to have the following information sent to us: • CAFR for FY 2004 (Already received). • CAFR for FY 2005 (If available) • Published budget for FY 2006 (Already received). • Capital improvement plan for water, wastewater. • Audited actual water and wastewater revenue and expenditures by line item for FY 2004, including capital improvements and the activity in the restricted asset accounts, such as impact fees, that support the CAFR. • Audited water and wastewater revenue and expenditures by line item for FY 2005, including capital improvements and the activity in the restricted asset accounts, such as impact fees, that support the CAFR. • Budgeted water revenues and expenditures by line item for FY 2006, that support the published budget; • A download of the billing history in electronic format (Already received). Task 2: The billing history will be sorted and summarized and incorporated into the rate model. Task 3: A revenue proof test will be conducted for the purpose of validating the accuracy of the downloaded billing history. Task 4: The working capital balance and the balances of the impact fees will be determined for 09/31/2004, 09/31/2005. Task 5: Load actual and budgeted operating and maintenance revenues and expenditures for FY 2004, FY 2005, and FY 2006. Proposal to Update Water and Wastewater Rate Study Page 1 MCLAIN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS Task 6: The water and wastewater capital improvement plan will be incorporated into the rate model. Task 7: Load any additional proposed bonds (or any type of debt), into the rate model. Task 8: The revenue requirements for water and wastewater will then be identified, over the multi-year planning period. Task 9: Up to three financing scenarios will be prepared, based on input from City staff. Task 10: A report will be prepared on the revenue requirements. The memo report will contain the following findings: • The key planning assumptions that drive the multi-year financial plan, such as growth, staffing increases, inflation drivers, capital improvements, forecasted impact fees, and planned debt issues. • The overall revenue percentage increases that will be necessary to fund the anticipated costs over the multi-year planning period. Task 11: An onsite meeting (meeting # 1) will be held with City management and staff on the findings conveyed in the report on the multi-year financial plan. Task 12: The multi-year financial plan will be revised, if necessary, based on the results of the meeting. Task 13: Up to three rate design alternatives will be prepared, based on input from City staff. Task 14: The impact on customers of each rate design alternative will be identified. Task 15: A draft of the final report and presentation will be prepared. Task 16: An onsite meeting (Meeting # 2) will be conducted with staff and management for the purpose of reviewing the draft report and presentation. Task 17: The final report and presentation will be revised, if necessary, based on the results of the meeting. Task 18: An onsite presentation(Meeting # 3) of the findings will be made to City Council. Proposal to Update Water and Wastewater Rate Study Page 2 MCLAIN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS Timing of Engagement: We will be able to start the engagement as soon as the City is able to retrieve the electronic download, and have the necessary information available. We anticipate the schedule will be as follows: Meeting Weeks After Authorization is Received City staff meeting on financing requirements 4 weeks City staff meeting to review draft presentation with rate design alternatives 6 weeks Presentation of findings to City Council 8 weeks Estimated Fees & Billing Schedule: We can perform the tasks as outlined in the work plan for an estimated fee of$14,500. We will bill the City as follows: Task Completion Invoice After Completion of Tasks 1 — 5 $5,000 After Completion of Tasks 6— 11 5,000 After Completion of Tasks 12 — 16 2,500 After Completion of Tasks 17 — 18 2,000 Totals $14,500 Please remit payments to: Robert McLain 1932 Robin Ln. Flower Mound, TX 75028 Proposed by: Agreed to by: (24‘19-/j1/4 Robert McLain Mark Roath Principal City Manager McLain Decision Support Systems City of Wylie Dated: March ?, 2006 Dated: Proposal to Update Water and Wastewater Rate Study Page 3 Wylie City Council '- AGENDA REPORT Ji Meeting Date: March 28, 2006 Item Number: 9 Department: Finance Department (City Secretary's Use Only) p p Prepared By: Larry Williamson Account Code: Date Prepared: March 13, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ 7,020.00 Exhibits: Two S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2006-10(R) authorizing the purchase and installation of credit card reading equipment, amending the budget to provide appropriations for the purchase of the equipment, and authorizing the Finance Director to include the annual operating cost of credit card services in the scope of services being provided under the City's depository contract. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2006-10(R) authorizing the purchase and installation of credit card reading equipment, amending the budget to provide appropriations for the purchase of the equipment, and authorizing the Finance Director to include the annual operating cost of credit card services in the scope of services being provided under the City's current depository contract. Discussion The Finance Department has had many requests from various departments asking for the ability to accept credit cards payments for city services. Utility Billing, Municipal Courts, Park and Recreation, Building Department and the Animal Shelter have made the request and they have enough volume to support the need for this method of payment. The City's depository bank can provide the operating platform for these services through the depository contract with the city and bill the city through compensating balances. The city would purchase the reading equipment outright. The attached schedule details the operating cost as well as the capital cost required to implement a credit card payment system. In summary, the equipment costs for 5 departments are $7,020.00 and the annual operation costs of the system would be approximately $21,055 per year. The operating costs for 2005-2006 would be $10,000 for the remainder of the year. The annual operating cost would not be a budgeted item, but paid for through compensation balances. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO 2006-10(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF CREDIT CARD READING EQUIPMENT, AMENDING THE BUDGET TO PROVIIDE FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE AND AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO INCLUDE THE ANNUAL OPERATING COST OF THE CREDIT CARD SERVICES UNDER THE CITY'S DEPOSITORY AGREEMENT. WHEREAS,the City has had many requests from citizen asking for the ability to pay for city services with credit cards WHEREAS,the City's Depository Bank can provide these services under the city's depository agreement. WHEREAS,the City Council desires to purchase its own card reading equipment instead of leasing it. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE: That the city council authorizes the purchase and installation of credit card reading equipment in various City departments , amends the current budget to provide funds for the purchase of card reading equipment , and authorizes the Finance Director to include the annual operating cost of the credit card services under the city's depository agreement. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this 28th day of March, 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No.2006-10(R) Amendment of Financial Policy CITY OF WYLIE Credit Card Implementation Analysis Fees & % of Municipal Parks & Building Utility Animal Service Charges Usage Courts Recreation Permits Billing Shelter Total Number of Transactions ( yearly) 770 850 4,800 6,000 480 12,900 Visa/ Mastercard Sales Volume 120,000 100,000 500,000 588,000 12,000 1,320,000 Number of Terminals 2 1 1 2 1 7 Average Transaction Amount 155.84 117.65 104.17 98.00 25.00 95.13 POINT OF SALE Annual Service Fee 90.00 8.18 6.82 34.09 40.09 0.82 89.18 Authorization Fees Voice Authorization 0.65 20.00% 100.10 110.50 624.00 780.00 62.40 1,614.60 Terminal Authorization Visa/ Matercard 0.10 80.00% 61.60 68.00 384.00 480.00 38.40 993.60 Discount Fees (all swiped) Debit 50.00% First Tier 1.87% 40.00% 448.80 374.00 1,870.00 2,199.12 44.88 4,891.92 Second Tier 1.95% 40.00% 468.00 390.00 1,950.00 2,293.20 46.80 5,101.20 Third Tier 1.95% 20.00% 234.00 195.00 975.00 1,146.60 23.40 2,574.00 Credit 50.00% First Tier 1.95% 25.00% 292.50 243.75 1,218.75 1,433.25 29.25 3,188.25 Second Tier 2.49% 10.00% 149.40 124.50 622.50 732.06 14.94 1,628.46 Third Tier 2.98% 5.00% 89.40 74.50 372.50 438.06 8.94 974.46 Total Operating Cost 1,851.98 1,587.07 8,050.84 9,542.38 269.83 21,055.67 Equipment Costs** Terminals ( 7) @ $675.00 each 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 675.00 3,375.00 Cash Drawer @ $200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 600.00 Receipt Register @$1,015 1,015.00 1,015.00 1,015.00 3,045.00 Total Capital Costs 675.00 1,890.00 1,890.00 4,455.00 1,890.00 7,020.00 Wylie City Council (01gii L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 03-28-06 Item Number: 10 Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: 03-07-06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, accepting the letter of resignation of Gary Bowland and the appointment of a new member to the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board, to fill the unexpired term. Recommendation Motion to accept the resignation of Gary Bowland and to appoint to the WEDC Board for the unexpired term. Discussion As per section 4.01 Board of Directors of the First Amended Bylaws of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation, the business and affairs of the Corporation and all corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of the Board of Directors, appointed by the governing body of the City of Wylie. Section 4.02 Number and Qualifications requires that each Director shall meet at least one (1) of the following: (a) serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company; or (b) serve, or have served, in a position of executive management of a company; or (c) serve, or have served, in a professional capacity. In addition to the above qualifications: (1) each director must have lived in the City Limits or operated a business in the City Limits for a minimum of one (1)year; and (2) each Director must live in the City Limits during the tenure in office. Mr. Gary Bowland was appointed to a three (3) year term on the Wylie Economic Development Corporation in July 2004 with the term expiring in July 2007. Mr. Bowland is moving out of the City Limits and has resigned from the Board effective March 15, 2006. The City Secretary maintains a file of citizens interested in serving on various City Boards and Commissions. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 03/21/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 March 10, 2006 Honorable John Mondy& City Council Members City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mayor Mondy: It is with great regret that I must resign my position as Board Member on the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. Being that my new home is not located within the Wylie city limits, I no longer meet the residency requirements within the WEDC by-laws. I take great pride in the accomplishments of the WEDC and hope that the Wylie community continues to support economic development efforts. Please accept my resignation effective March 15, 2006. Sincerely, Xei===== Gary Bowland