02-19-2018 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet Zoningof Ad • us men.44, OF Wki... r _ [fir i .1.1..-- ---..--4, r(i ��— LLL ii a:opVia, p / r '''' 6-— 14) - "" \''''r � 11/1 — \,.... \ L. { � ar 7, A+ra \ IlkIf 034 49 4fI OF T1 ' February Regular Business Meeting 0 Wylie Zoning Board of `` Adjustment �.a NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Monday, February 19, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Linda Jourdan Chair Jason Potts Vice Chair Robert Holcomb Board Member Andres Gonzalez Board Member Kevin Finnell Board Member Robert Reynolds.......................... .............Alternate Board Member Kevin Lanier Alternate Board Member Renae' 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wyli.etexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes for the October 30, 2017 Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Noel Torres for a Variance to Section 4.2.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding building setbacks, property located at 2001 Alanis Drive, being Tract 18 in the EC Davidson Subdivision. ZBA 2018-01 February 19,2018 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Steve Gullickson for a variance to Section 4.2.8 of PD 2005-24, to change the side setback from 10' to 7' to allow for the placement of an attached unenclosed carport on a property located at 1213 Braddock Way, Lot 4 Block A of the Braddock Place Phase I addition. ZBA 2018-02 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 16th day of February, 2018 at 5:00p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie Zoning Board of CITY Wyrift Adjustment q Minutes Zoning Board of Adjustment Monday, October 30, 2017 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER The Zoning Board of Adjustment was called to order at 6:30 PM and a quorum was present. Board Members present: Chair Linda Jourdan, Board Member Jason Potts, Board Member Andre Gonzalez, Board Member Robert Reynolds and Board Member Kevin Finnell. Staff members present were: Renae' 011ie, Director of Development Services, Bret McCullough, Building Official, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 1. A motion to nominate Vice Chair. 2. A motion to nominate Chair. A motion was made by Board Member Finnell and seconded by Board Member Holcomb, to nominate Board Member Potts as Vice Chair and Board Member Jourdan as Chair. Motion carried 5 — 0. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the August 21, 2017 Meeting. A motion was made by Board Member Holcomb and seconded by Vice Chair Potts, to approve the Minutes of the August 21, 2017 Meeting as submitted. Motion carried 5 — 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 1 —ZBA 2017-10 Minutes October 30, 2017 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 1 of 3 Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Joey McMullin for a variance to Section 11.3 of Planned Development 1999-32 (SF-A) requiring a minimum of 20 feet side yard setback for building, property located at 3110 Jacob Drive, Lot 11, Block H of the Creekside Estates Phase 1 Addition. ZBA 2017-10 Staff Comments Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is requesting a nine (9) foot side yard setback that is adjacent to a street. The property is within the Creekside Estates Addition, and is a corner lot with the front facing Jacob Drive and the side faces Eugene Drive. On August 28, 2017, the applicant submitted an Accessory Building permit application to construct a 582 square foot patio cover that would extend sixteen feet from the side of the house. On the site survey includes the 20 foot build line and the outline of the patio cover. The application was approved by Building Inspections on September 8, 2017. A foundation permit was also approved on September 8, 2017. The application and foundation permit were approved in error because of the zoning on the property; being located within a Planned Development, and the Zoning Ordinance set in place at the time the property was constructed, requires a 20 foot setback when adjacent to a side street for accessory structure sharing the same roofline as the main structure. The side setback must meet the same side setbacks as the main structure. The error was not caught until October 5, 2017, when a framing inspection was done. The applicant was notified to stop work. On October 11, 2017, the applicant contacted Ms. 011ie to request permission to do work that would protect the weather elements from his home. This request was granted. The request represents a 45% adjustment to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The setback is an established building line, parallel to a property line, over which no part of a building shall project, except as otherwise provided by the zoning ordinance. The applicant did obtain approval from his Homeowner's Association, with notation that permits were obtained from the City of Wylie. The application to the Homeowner's Association included the same drawings that were submitted to the City of Wylie. Public comment forms were mailed to 28 property owners, and two comment forms were returned both in favor of the request. Board Discussion Mr. Joey McMullin, 3110 Jacob Dr, Wylie, applicant for the subject property, stated that new concrete was poured on the side, but not on Minutes October 30, 2017 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 2 of 3 the back. The estimate of cost for construction did change from $18,000 up to $25,000, depending upon how it is finished out, and now it could cost about $40,000. The work on the project is being done individually and not by contractor. The structure sits about eleven feet from the fence. Public Comments Chair Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Joe Jerrier, 1414 Eugene Drive, neighbor of the subject property, and the president of HOA, spoke in favor of the request stating the structure is an enhancement to the neighborhood. Mr. Jerrier further asked for clarification on accessory buildings setbacks. Ms. 011ie stated that in 2015 the Zoning Ordinance was revised due to number of variances made because of rear setbacks, not because of side yard setbacks. Chair Jourdan closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Holcomb, and seconded by Board Member Gonzalez to Grant the variance to Section 11.3 of Planned Development 1999-32 (SF-A) allowing a minimum of 20 feet side yard setback for building, property located at 3110 Jacob Drive, Lot 11, Block H of the Creekside Estates Phase 1 Addition. Motion carried 5 - 0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice Chair Potts, and seconded by Board Member Finnell to adjourn the meeting at 6:52PM. All Board Members were in consensus. Linda Jourdan, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant Minutes October 30, 2017 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 3 of 3 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 19, 2018 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Case Number: ZBA 2018-01 Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Project Location: 2001 Alanis Drive Date Prepared: February 5, 2018 Subdivision Name: EC Davidson Survey Location Map, Aerial, Applicant site plan and comments, and Notification Exhibits: List and Map Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Noel Torres for a Variance to Section 4.2.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding building setbacks,property located at 2001 Alanis Drive,being Tract 18 in the EC Davidson Subdivision. ZBA 2018-01 Discussion Applicant: Noel Torres Owner: Noel Torres The applicant is requesting a variance to Section 4.2.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance regulation on building setbacks that require a 10' side yard setback for commercial uses in a light industrial zoned area. The applicant/Owner is requesting the setback be reduced to 5' from the required 10' in order to place a 3,500sqft commercial structure on the property with room for parking and landscaping. The property is on a corner lot and is required to have a 25' setback on both street frontages. These setbacks are difficult to reduce because of the City's design standards that require visibility triangles at street intersections. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance to the side setback. The reduced setback is adjacent to a property that is currently used as a Contractor's Maintenance Yard and is also zoned Light Industrial. The property to the north is a legally non-conforming residential use. A unique circumstance may exist for this property in that,while currently zoned Light Industrial,the property was zoned as single family according to the 1991 Zoning map. Because of this previous zoning the property is only 1/3 of an acre, which is small for a commercial property. Public comment forms were mailed to sixteen(16)property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. At the time of this posting one response was received in favor of the request.No responses against this request. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Peiuiits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2018-01 (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions,the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions,the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance,if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date RO 02-14-18 Department Director SANDEN 34 , 1 _. _.. r �R a ' HOLLAND HITCH i 2R1 1OTEC-C ,m 2 r ,f .,� ." S t� ; i WAY,78 USINE PARK 1 PREMIER r V �� i p r. i ,f F81f` C N UR Subject �_.� 20 } ' r aUSINES eA ? G I LOT R, LC Property ,, 1 ' 3B ,„I r ij : � -I-7 ....� -. CREEK BEND 1s , 1 INDUSTRIAL SPARK ILU CENT URY BUSINESS PARK f I. 7 Ali ..� ._......_, .. 1 11 24 j \v< v ,,� 01 15 __.._. 1 R ,aft; .� w 2R I ,, !3__k 11 1I II c° -9„�N '` v} 12 RTINEZ RGENT A ITION DITION 1 8 1 10 4R 71 4 sR 1 .Mr... / / 8R 1 7R k GLEN KNOLL DR / /7.a E! 1 .w / f 6 GLEN 0. KNOLL,MH�P " }c Y L. I� 1G y t�f f / 3 L> a ,, 1 _ _ r 11 f t,f WOODBRIDGE tL ti r 1 30I r.[ ,24i2-1' ,e \ COUNTY , 33�52`1:1 Ill' ( I 8 _ � �, 1 1 \ LIN r 281 l 4UUf9C �.11 . ��l t E WOODBRIDGE #12 t� 36.35 1 .) 2-43 it 4 8�lf-r 7- ', -i, ) , .i_!i.2. LOCATION MAP 7itis ZBA #2018-01 Map Date:1/18/2018 8 J cW L L.1..0 0 DENOTES REQUIRED SHADE TREE ' Tire o Q NEW WOOD SCREENING FENCE - - W r vi DENOTES REQUIRED FLOWERING TREES x x x x _ N x x x x x . - x- x _ aay 585°41 00 E 135.00 I � o DENOTES AREA SERVED BY SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION 2SF '� :,, �� _ 7 6 LS NAPA Auto Parts- a up 0 R DRIP SYSTEM )(press Auto , ... z w IN ROW Ascend Ousts ® a, o ;; �.. x c Enterpris.eRent-r*EarExtrusio Ln •W t. x �WE a 41: N a cn s a 8 a ilteggify z t One 00 (I) T- ci LA\ DSGAD - AOT=S . �`� a 9(37.0 I Scarecrow Galleries Save W p Morningstar Tattoo Company I- r .-.. . ,a w ," ,a s _ �. t S€xioit� _ Cn .... lJ .. �, ., a s - g W}lie Good Year L_i_� O LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: ARTICLE 7, 7, � v. " , b �y tangentpoint _$ � °r SECT 7.7 C) _I v LANDSCAPE TO COMPLY WITH ARTICLE 4, NON RESD DISTRICT s, .� 25's� SETBACK a ,ada7aw . 4a • 1 . ALL PLANT MAILS SHALL BE NATIVE OR ADAPTED TO N. TX. y � '" d cp e oup ^ Q N 2. ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES MIN 3" DIA. 1 1 6 OVHD Q �� I u /, o - <I ,, -.a l , f / hOI� Texas Erosion Supply LP North Texas Customs Rai. , C D • 3. ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING TREES MIN 8'- 10' IN HEIGHT. 4. SHRUB CONTAINERS MIN 5 GAL. 3 GAL IS ACCEPTABLE IF �� `� w , � a w`w_r �' y . X r, a IL- SHRUB HEIGHT IS MIN 3'. - o- y I y41,. p� I� r r r r »a, " ` 4 Texas Tmbet Wolf I U 5. TOTAL LOT = .33 AC OR 14,375 SF WITH 135' FRONTAGE. 62 -6 / 4' // >> 2 / 24' N y} Cua ; ss µ llan; Dr o o LI REQU RED LANDSCAPING = 10% OR 1 ,438 SF ti �� a y =� w 4 LANDSCAPING PROVIDED = 3,342 SF `�� x�� . a � ` 6. REQUIRED TREES: SEE RECOMMENDED SPECIES LIST, ARTICLE � � �I I �°' Tvnfron'.�x.as 4Fni 4 Men / 3, PG 37. � 9C � � 1 TREE/30-40 LF FRONTAGE - 4 REQUIRED �I \ V A P �.T if 1 1 FLOWERING TREE/20 LF FRONTAGE - 7 REQUIREDI 7. DROVIDED: 4 SHADE TREES & 7 FLOWERING TREES l' ,,; I SCALE = NONE WI r co Li] _ I N W I E� I 1 0 ; I7- I .G =A =RAL \ OT=S ; I m Q W I 1-- ° . Q 1 . CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH: r - _ _ I 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) -Lc) o ' y£ y r, (n W g jw . 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) o _ C a� b '^^'yy N 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC) L C0 �: Q „- 1 " .. �� -_ zy o 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) I oA �.a �� a�� ! I N OC 33� r 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) ( ory _���`�� cal N �� 4 I , c) 2015 INTL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (IECC) _ ` it It it i �' ,�_ - ` ,� � , I �� TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS I �!1 _ ,` tangent pt CITY OF WYLIE ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS � . . a a 6 SIDEWALK / _ 20' / ,24 �`w . :1:7 .� a I Q 2. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FINISH DIMENSIONS 6 3. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. o _ a .. , _ a . a a . �, 4. WALL TES TO BE INSTALLED PER BC 2104. 1 .3 & 2109.6.3. 1 r v, u � ua � a _ . . �- a .. -� w . � I THE NAX VERTICAL DISTANCE BETWEEN TIES SHALL NOT EXCEED 24 AND : :: a a° a ja THE MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE SHALL NOT EXCEED 36 . ADDITIONAL ,-TM._ xn - r - - ,:. F F I a . TIES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL OPENINGS, SPACED NOT MORE THAN 36 _ . . I APART AROUND THE PERIMETER AND WITHIN 12 INCHES OF THE OPENING. -` a a a a - ' �� ,,,, �I� a s a at t . ,. k � a a 5. CART STYLE TRASH SERVICE PROVIDED BY CWD WHO HAS CONFIRMED d- � - r , _ - � - � . . _ - . _ . - .� . .. _ - _ r � - _ - �� � tiat . w a . k . a as taa _ t aa . .. a 0 �LS SAID SERVICE IS CURRENTLY PROVIDED TO THE EXISTING COMMERCIAL ��� 1°� 2 -LS -aF aaa o a _ aaatawaaa . uwru ru .. � . ww a . r _ w . w wr w � aH . w w . w ru � ru . r . . � w . w - ru . - _ H . ww u � � � � \ BUILDING ACROSS THE STREET. � . . . _ ., �., a � , a . , a �. a ,�o ..�a �. a _ , a _ �� . w � � w N86°28'48"W 1-15 01' - . a , U , .0 .0 „ , . P , . ,� . * e ,...� a , a 58s9 LS SF _, CD o , ST= DATA S , VVARY y r T I 190 TO FH 3,342 SF LS WITHIN PROP LINES. SYNOPSIS: 2,299 SF GRASSY AREAS WITHIN A A \ S DR V - GROUND UP CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 3,573 SF (footprint) RIGHT OF WAY. SINGLE-STORY BUILDING ON A 14,045 SF (0.33 AC) LOT LOCATED I A\ DSCAP I \ G D =S G \ R =Q R =V =\TS AT 2001 ALAN S DRIVE, CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, STATE OF 4. TEXAS 75098. PG ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE (MUST MEET 4 OF 8) 57 LANDSCAPING IN YES 1 . AT LEAST 20% OF SITE SHALL BE LANDSCAPED IN NS, CR, CC, & YES 1 . LANDSCAPING THAT EXCEEDS THE MINIMUN BY 10%. SITE DESIGN: C REQUIRED YARDS BG DISTRICTS; 10% OF SITE IN CR & CC DISTRICTS FOR SINGLE BLDGS NO 2. LANDSCAPING IN SIDE & REAR YARD NOT OTHERWISE REQUIRED. S T 8c A \ D C CA P P A \ BRYAN D. ROGERS BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES U OF 100,000 SF OR MORE; 10% OF SITE IN LI & HI DISTRICTS. 4 -*1 YES 2. LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED IN THE FRONT YARD. �1► P.O. BOX 1454, WYLIE, TX 75098 �^ Property to rth 3. LANDSCAPING IS REQUIRED IN THE SIDE AND REAR YARDS ADJACENT SCALE 1 10 214-773-6460 is zoned 'LI'no TO, OR ACROSS THE STREET FROM RESIDENTIAL. . : LANDSCAPING OF NA 1 . SITE PLANS REQUIRING MORE THAN 12 SPACES REQUIRED TO HAVE YES 1 . LANDSCAPING 10% OR MORE IN EXCESS OF 50 SF/SPACE. 10 5 __"E._.._...0 10 CIVIL ENGINEEING: PARKING LOTS 50 SF OF LANDSCAPING PER SPACE. YES 2. PARKING LOTS WITH NO SPACE FURTHER THAN 40 FEET FROM A CARTER CLARK, P.E., CLARK ENGINEERING YES 2. NO PARKING SPACE FURTHER THAN 60' FROM LANDSCAPED AREAS LANDSCAPED AREA. ON SITE. YES 3. LANDSCAPED PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION TO MAIN ENTRANCE. 113 CLAUDE AVE, CLEBURNE, TX 76013 F„) NA 3. PARKING ROWS 12 SPACES OR LONGER SHALL HAVE LANDSCAPED PH: 903-880- 1937 C ISLANDS AT END. NA 4. ALL PARKING ROWS SHALL HAVE LANDSCAPED AREAS AT LEAST EVERY 12 SPACES. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR: VISUAL NA 1 . REQUIRED SCREENING IN STRIP AT LEAST 5' WIDE, PLANTS 3' IN JOHN GLAS, R.P.L.S., GLAS SURVEYING SCREENING HEIGHT WHEN PLANTED, INCLUDE ONE FLOWERING TREE FOR EVERY 20 2114 FM 1563, WOLFE CITY, TX 75496 LINEAR FEET OF AREA. PH: 903-496-2084 0 LANDCAPING OF YES 1 . AT LEAST 50% OF REQUIRED FRONT YARD DEVELOPED AS NO 1 . USE OF ROCK WALLS OR OTHER NATURAL LANDSCAPE FEATURES. N STREET LANDSCAPED BUFFER, AT LEAST 10' IN WIDTH. NO 2. INCREASE IN MIN WIDTH OF LANDSCAPE BUFFER BY 20%. ZONED: LI - LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FRONTAGES YES 2. TREES REQUIRED IN BUFFER, IN GROVES OR BELTS ON A 30' - 40' NO 3. PROVISION OF SPECIAL BENCHES, PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING, OTHER SPACING. STREETSCAPE ELEMENTS. YES 3. REQUIRED TREES AT LEAST 3" IN CALIPER. PROPOSED USE: NA 4. AT LEAST 4' MEANDERING CONCRETE WALKWAY ON PERIMETER WHEN OFFICE SHOWROOM/WAREHOUSE ADJACENT TO THOROUGHFARE. PARKING REQUIREMENTS: 3,573 SF © 1 :750 = 5 (4.76) REQD PARKING SPACES, INCLUDING SITE D =S G \ R =Q J I R = V =\TS 1 HC SPACE. PG ELEMENT BASE STANDARD DESIRABLE (MUST MEET 4 OF 8) 56 BLDG YES 1 . ENTRANCES AND/OR FACADES ORIENTED TO THE STREET. YES 1 . BLDG AT FRONT YARD LINE. DRAWING REV: PLACEMENT NA 2. BLDG FOOTPRINTS NO GREATER THAN 20,000 SF IN NS & CR YES 2. INDIVIDUAL BUILDINGS W/FOOTPRINTS = < 10,000 SF. DISTRICTS. YES 3. FRONT FACADE ORIENTED TO THE STREET. 2001 A RA \ S D R V FOR: NA 3. MULTIPLE BLDGS PLACED TO CREATE PLAZAS, COURTYARDS, ZBOA LANDSCAPED AREAS WITH CONNECTING WALKWAYS. PARKING YES 1 . PARKING SPACES AT LEAST 10' FROM RESIDENTIAL LOT LINE. YES 1 . SITE PLAN WITH NO PARKING IN FRONT OF THE BLDG. DRAWN BY: PLACEMENT (Property to north is zoned 'LI') YES 2. BLDG WITH NO MORE THAN ONE ROW PARKING IN FRONT. ACCESS Y/N 1 . MINIMUM WIDTH DRIVE OF 24', TURNING RADIUS OF 25'�(24' drive NO 1 . COMBINED ACCESS POINTS WITH ADJACENT TRACTS. Bryan D. Rogers DRIVES NO 2. ACCESS DRIVE AT LEAST 150' FROM INTERSECTION. & R20') YES 2. DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN BLDGS & STREET. OWNER / APPLICANT: NA 3. ACCESS DRIVES SERVING DEVELOPMENTS GREATER THAN 30,000 SF NOEL TORRES, THE TILE GALLERY DATE: SHALL HAVE SEPARATED MEDIAN, OR BE SEPARATED AT LEAST 150' FROM 115 N. BALLARD ST. 12-29-2017 EACH OTHER. WYLIE, TX 75098 YES 4. LANDSCAPED TREATMENT OF ENTRANCES. PH: 972-567-6571 SHEET LOCATION OF SVC YES 1 . SVC & LOADING AREAS SHALL NOT BE VISIBLE FROM A PUBLIC NO A. NOT VISIBLE FROM PUBLIC STREET BUT PROVIDE MASONRY & LOADING AREAS STREET OR ADJACENT RESD LOT.(Wood screening fence provided.) SCREENING. C 1 NA 2. DEVELOPMENTS UNABLE TO MEET THE ABOVE ARE REQUIRED TO (Bin service approved by CWD.) SITE DESIGN: HAVE MASONRY SCREENING WALLS W/GATES. BRYAN ROGERS, BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES LLC OF P.O. BOX 1454, WYLIE, TX 75098 PH: 214-773-6460 FAX: 972-429-0224 y�Y[" � miu o r,"41 - e v Ill,III' '; ;'rF`Ysit '������ ti.r}„Y,J ''V' ''JuoV����'''''P"" i2''' Al ya,'•1•101.4,;;jf~111' I�u' I '''Idly ��� ,�" „ ILVd,,,�ct"'L;„„ Sr StLC c� II,..,... ,,, }` , ,t 1, }r e yce \ \ £ 1�V yyy� * i� 3'``' " ,'`r�`"',m i`k1'=,t,'(iy,4.r„y , "s, ,t41'�i S„t, y$st'ai „'dnl �" My ' „ ;Zr t,r,t'9tL ;t >st "t y,,AO','',', '' �lA , ;i, }st 0,.,„;�s,`vp�\, ,3tstv`vik r ''\tsW"f>, ,,ri4�r' .. 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":i oi"„r. ,r,r/r„ a,,,,•t"t LMt ,a„+ _ ,': :`nSyi=,•,`.•2�.(v a> ,, ,,,> i»,a,»,•,n>n„ir,•n r tt ,,,��.,.,,,, S , ,,,.r ,";',,,,,»r'»`.:,. .,,:t,,,:,,•,tt.+ ''+:.i„•,,,,, } ,.,rn=:;., v�;�, i.F,t, rf;,r 71 li it tt GLEN �m� KNOLL � t,r,;„�.o�;s,mr»t,,,»a,.,...br.,,ax�„r ....,,.,�,,,,,r,�,,.•. ,,,»t,.,,rr,.r».,.,,,,.n•.w�r..�x,r, .,�,,,,e,r,.,,,,,,s,.�.,.,,, MHP.>" t v t,arF Iw tg • 1a GLEN KNOLL DR t ttr $ s #, t t ' ot, o x 3 I 7/ OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP J'9'"o' t- )rr.li: ZBA #2018-01 ' Map Date:1/18/2018 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF YLI. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 19, 2018 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Case Number: 2018-02 Prepared By: Kevin Molina Project Location: 1213 Braddock Way Date Prepared: February 05, 2018 Subdivision Name: Braddock Place Phase I Location Map, Site Layout, Statement from Applicant, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Steve Gullickson for a variance to Section 4.2.8 of PD 2005-24, to change the side setback from 10' to 7' to allow for the placement of an attached unenclosed carport on a property located at 1213 Braddock Way, Lot 4 Block A of the Braddock Place Phase I addition. ZBA 2018-02 Discussion The subject property is located at 1213 Braddock way and is currently zoned under Planned Development 2005-24. The applicant is requesting a variance to the development standards side setback requirement of 10' to be changed to 7' to allow for the placement of an attached unenclosed carport. In accordance with Ordinance 2005-24, Section IV. 3 only a single garage door may face the street. At no time may the carport become an enclosed garage unless the Planned Development is amended through the adoption of an ordinance. The applicant is requesting the 7' side yard setback to allow for the placement of the carport for additional covered parking. The homeowner has received approval from the homeowners association for this addition. Public comment forms were mailed to 13 property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. At the time of this posting, one response was received in favor of the request. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2018-02 In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date RO 02-14-18 Department Director L \\` T ._,,-Ai. ap WYLIE ETT .4 ! r / ,. yjD B3 ( L VB x' !' t 4..z1Ssu'nxc. s t J' k 4. ' S aG-0'5 P® D t I 1 , r :� 1 C t4 �>s ,2 __ iWN ya / E . .L d - ,-:- 0YLIE L A , t BL t Y� 7 5-) it ....il � Lk1 " 4 rx. .w . acxk3 <�c l. F w,s ..-x ,: nn ', J I ' 1 U-P :'I A O1dkd DRF_ �. � E ' ffE I s , 4 WATKIN ai. t,' t 1 ELEMENT Y / /' S r ? CHOO bj t , r ®L� y A 6 CK d= LI. ._ B.._ t Y:. E'L - Property t • LA A �. ' r l 1, j \ '' ,.PLA ARC _ DAOINT 1ra`E D L} : G �'¢p�yp p�qy� � - --1 -i-A,,,,!,\L'4.',, B---- ../4-4.. —"""B"1 , ',1 \, ,----, ,// ic '-•,,,,K.--..>\,N- -,.,>. /,''''',..'-''''' \>•;.:C;(41-P--- -c---\.,\ \--•-'••-4-4H l"----- ,.._._,,...,. • a i1 v ff, '411f1,11°1111:10-4 II: p_ • < "i '/ y ' a /, ,t LOCATION MAP Mil ZBA #2018-02 CITY(A:WYLIE- Map Date:1/18/2018 LED GLOBRITE• • • -0" PLANTER • WlDRAINAGE LOPIN G �• LEDBOG ti~ ,ice. / PEBBLE TOP DRAIN- 1 y 1: r PLASTIC 2" -- , , "' 5*3" "1 BACKWASH LINE _ - GLOBRITE`.Eti `f £ 'Z` , 35.GAS LINE TO !!O �lf,� EQUIPTMENT 12'X16`ROOF �G !� IT. CONNECTED doe _G' Atili �. 2 POST CEDE a" WATERVALV ----►d �'p ELECTRIC RI. TOUNGE ANC __. DEKCLOR OWNER SUPI PLANTER BED QUILT PATTERN FLAGSTONE ON ij a" WIDRAINAGE STONE BARTOP �! TANLEDGE BARTOP OVERHANG 12* DOOR 4 aeaswoor 7 144 HOSE 1 " ACCESS ' W/FULL SIZE TRAc 12'X 21'6"ROOF STRUCTURE AND SHUTTLE CONNECTED INTO EXISTING j ROOF 2 POST CEDAR EXISTING BRICK COLUMN i - LOUNGE AND GROOVE CEILING r ELECTRIC RUN WITH INSTALL OF HOME OWNER SUPPLIED BENCHMARK IS 2"BELOW THRESH HOLD .4 ROOF OVERHANt a' FAN/UGHT ON SWITCH. 0 CAP EXISTING PATIO � 4 1 -1-- - I._ - ADD(1)110 OUTLET IN CEILING - " „ : a 12' - DOOR ADD(1)110 OUTLET ON BRICK COLUMN ABOVE BARTOP --w * DECKING „'' fL 61n, r ADD BRUSHED CONCRETE TO ✓frr EXSTEND DRIVEWAY , - , ✓,= I EXISTING DRIVEWAY ( 62/7/f//;a7,2 ____ 1213 BRADDOCK WAY 25' DRAINAGE ESM'T. BY) .. m -_ -�� 1I SEPARATE INSTRUMENT �rw, F.I.R. F.I.R. C.M. N— 57'38'02" E 100.00' c.M. x— R _ . • 509.4 51E3 6 vF 'e "' 510.5 4 1 Lot 4 /, Block A a 509.4 x f 509.2 /111r; r ,. - 510.0 I 1 ;3.5.7'rr�' 22,9 c ,..b i 508.9 a. ,r 1 t.rt 17,1„ o al __ CO r- 10l3" . i ''„ ::,- 0I 1 .. �"9""� X a FORKS W In 1213 Braddock Way CO Lot 3 C F F.Elev.s 10,6 1 ii7 Lot 5 Pr) .1 ri iN N 1 v _ w 0 06 1 �1 I q ,. . e � t1 I sa r 0) PI a B I 5.3'.. ci _.,_ 6e • < ri.2' u 18 8' in t+: - V o ° m 1, 12.5' e3 rd r r " 21.2' u,M4M.i s 4 i 1 1 srp 35' BLDG. LINE 7 3 1.° ' '" II 4 1 -� transformer 0 i. ... 15" UTIL. & DRAINAGE ESM'T riser 1 F.I.R. A , F.I.R. N 57'38'02" E 200.00'C.M. 1 507.5 °: r C.M. AA .� — — 11 V 507.5 ,- ,•38•02i W 100.00' r F.Q.R. it 507.1 C.M. FL.507,5 y 'd 4f ,,.50 .4 r Q fire hydrant ". light _.. ._ ., r WAY pole t.c. 509.1 BRADDO C I1 A 1 (60'R -�O.W.) t.e. 508,9 ... .mum,. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 4,Block A of BRADDOCK PLACE,PHASE I,an addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas,according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 2007,Page 596,Map Records,Collin County,Texas. Date: !2!!2lZO!1 LEGEND-C.M.-Controlling Monument; F.I.R.-Found Iron Rod;F.1 P' Found iron Pipe; F,C P=Fence Corner Post OHE=C?verhead Electric. S.I.R=Set Iron Rods if2"diameter with The revi a C opy of survey., ASC Na. FI10764 yellow cap stain pad"Arthur Surveying CompanyTM.AU found iron rods am lC1"diameter unless = , . --- - otherwise noted.—x— (fence/( post) —ow— (overhead power) 'DrawnlChk d m. 7 ,,„ , , _._ _ _. FLOOD NOTE: It v my opinion that the property described bacon is not within the 100-year flood zone area 'Client FIRST TEXAS HOMES according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map C rams tityPanel Na 480759 05351,present Effective Date of map June 2,2009,herein property situated within Zone"x" G.F.No. 11428260-PR (Unshaded). - . SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION: The undersigned does hereby certify that this survey ,, A Date was this daymade on the of the f groundt10 best' ��� t ` V. ' ' legally described hereon and correct,and ►' ��.. 07 T " �� ` ��, . ; of my knowledge,there are no visible discrepancies, A ,rvQ;. G15.ER�- 1 T ,' °�, ar4r con[licts,shortages in area,boundary line conflicts, ('•¢ -+n� 4•.,�t 1 ' encroachments,overlapping of improvements, / - 1 t t easements or rights of way that I have been advised of 4 W. THAD M U R LEY III )► �, '^'+ ''J^` �� tJ�R except a9 Shawn 11e1eon.Tire bearings 9110wn hereon elli F. �frar t , ;a 5802 FIRST TEXAS �� � "� �� are based on int unlesse otherwise map or • t �I, :,t,, rtiu, rtiti1 "5 P I ~"i � tag� , �.� '� ��� plat oWenviac noted. •,�`9� D�F551a�'��� rthur Surve in Co., Inc. '"� �'_ A. V UR HOME i" a me µ'@ i y ; oral Land� � ��rw,.� .„ "' � ,..¢:i y "�� ui��\V 1�;�^'� peal. 1213 Braddock WayP.o.Box 54 ..Lewisville, Texas 75067 RE TERED PROFESSIONAL • Office: (972) 221-9439 Fax: (972) 221-4675 LAND SURVEYOR Wylie,Texas Established 1986 iA o rim., t,°m u oIPe eej ` 1 t °ENV "14"„ wP,F,l��,7y ° jGR t". v tCtC P, ';", i 'm"Jq� y ,''..' "Airy de.1 d`,, Pe '''� Po d'4taq`p N �"' "P4 U'A ,' ���"uv ��mn vR +PoK 1 "A o .n;Y•,ma,"At RA,"� .." a"til a �", u`'. N § m„, s �ysmn 'p phmo p.jijalgstiej i�{ PA , ,'+ d10 „ d i , AA q" ,, ':1 ':no 7 a, f n „�A b 00140 ;AAA n °t ��'`x,d i 4 uX.m m',040p0p00'0,R y A`� uM yn m ,A,' a '' � i�i N , il :,,,,,'',',,'',, ^A 0Ay b 4,401,00,4*,,t001.0,400,00,00444,40 IlIgA „i � e,° �,� a dre� i r v o' „, ,,,,,tt/0,,,H, ,1,: ,, „,„ • v Y"� t� BuM i • ul'•, 0000 �c Ao• k° n1 IMISAA.v, roo u g „„4„„end„Mn, P, ;; yv .���,.i'I 9o"NiP"M pi' ,4 "a, "r 1".Ah tv ,ArA u o Pit pt•�d�mviNt•Y c,#,!4 A „0.,„ ii dim mu to ' 83 it , 12 WATKINS ELEMENTARY ,.�1 154 CITY V _....j. SCHOOL L „/ PARK WALLY W WATKIN it 1.14 II r , 441 111 R001 1 6 Y,\ytI3 10 .,. =srIt kkkk It 68 1 :am, 444 1, BRAD D CK PL,A E ,. , °,'ARK(ERASE 1) ',.5 53 V Own r,.: M nic,6 a� 10 1 1 Y \ 2 Rj01 ft t tl t ip iTi. p 5 wp�pyy Y 1� U.� fny,do"k�Rr 1205 tt. ') 4 f t LO 11 ' s ,ti "1 B K 2 4, R 1A t '' 1 44 2 lu1 1700,' 621 ,t '.:�. t amoktkkkikkkkkotookkkkk 21 �', ,1. - r :h 1 it 3 ti P ,,.rrtADD© � a ' g 8 10, it�2 1 p 4 ��„ 29 ,' t j -.- _a_, R tt 22 9 170 �— 12^d 2 -. `v"s:. 40 1 .'124��� i 1801itv 1 :. s4,� 4 8,174448; ' F— 2 9 r �� t `� 12 20 `. ��_v, i } 2°9 512 2 , \`' 2 1 4 ki -, 1. . ..,._ .''I `121 3 23 24 I 1 134)5 1 - # i 2d i ,. 12 i ' 1 695 g 21 `,, 22' 1 i 20 1208= ' 2 1. 1R- 19 a,E OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP CITY 1 WY Lit ZBA #2018-02 Map Date:1/18/2018 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 / I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2018-02. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2018-02. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,February 19,2018,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: -.TAS04 i f 7—CHea—. (please print) q Address: .e 2,q Bf2A-t 1. oc/< WA4( Signature: Date: 2/.v// COMMENTS: