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04-11-2006 (City Council) Agenda Packet
• Y i eCity ounci.//1. ._ .11. r:- 1L. D NOTICE OF MEETING Regular MeetingAgenda Tuesday, April 11, 2006 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North John Mondy Mayor Eric Hogue Mayor ProTem Earl Newsom Place 1 Reta Allen Place 2 Merrill Young Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mark B. Roath City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: wwwwylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.vvylietexas.gov. ov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. April 11,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 A. Approval of the Minutes from the March 27, 2006 Joint Meeting, the March 28, 2006 Regular Meeting and the April 4, 2006 Special Called Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat creating 85 single-family residential lots for Braddock Place Addition, Phase 1, subject property being generally located west of South Stone Road (Old F.M. 544) and south of Elm Drive. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearings 1. Conduct a Public Hearing, and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-23 amending the zoning from Community Retail (CR) to Community Retail with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a hotel, generally located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and West Kirby Street. ZC 2006-05 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The subject property is located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and West Kirby Street. The applicant is requesting that the property be rezoned to allow for a hotel on one lot. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend denial(6-0)for the requested change in zoning on March 21,2006. 2. Conduct a Public Hearing, and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-24 amending the zoning from Agriculture (AG) District to Townhouse (TH) District, generally located on the northeast corner of Lynda Lane (C.R. 389) and Forrest Ross Road. ZC 2006-06 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. The applicant is requesting that the property be rezoned to allow for townhouse development. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-2 to recommend denial for the requested change in zoning on March 21,2006. 3. Conduct a Public Hearing on the updated Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary In accordance with Section 395 of the Local Government Code,the City Council adopted an Ordinance on February 28, 2006 establishing the date for a public hearing on the update Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. General Business 4. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-25 amending Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4, and 2001-19 regarding Water and Wastewater Impact Fees to be assessed by the City of Wylie. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary In accordance with Section 395 of the Local Government Code, a public hearing was conducted to receive public comments on the updates to the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. Approval of Ordinance No. 2006-25 would thereby amend Ordinance Nos.90-10,93-4,97-4,and 2001-19. April 11,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 5. Motion To Remove From the Table: Consider, and act upon, the appointment of a new member to the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board, to fill the unexpired term. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Executive Summary As per section 4.01 Board of Directors of the First Amended Bylaws of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation, the business and affairs of the Corporation and all corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of the Board of Directors,appointed by the governing body of the City of Wylie. Mr. Gary Bowland was appointed to a three (3) year term on the Wylie Economic Development Corporation in July 2004 with the term expiring in July 2007. Mr. Bowland is moving out of the City Limits and has resigned from the Board effective March 15,2006. 6. Consider, and act upon, the appointment of a board member to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Executive Summary The City of Wylie has two board members on the NTMWD Board; Mr. Harry Tibbals and Mr. Marvin Fuller. Mr. Fuller, whose term will expire May 31, 2006, has confirmed that he would be willing to serve another term. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cent that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 7th day of April, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: 1. ylietexas. ov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed WISD Board of Trustees & f, Wylie City Council !�L _����� JOINT MEETING Minutes Joint Meeting Wylie City Council and WISD Board of Trustees Monday, March 27, 2006 — 6:30 pm Wylie High School — Room 125 2550 W. FM 544 Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chairman Sue Nicklas called the Wylie Independent School District Board of Trustee to order at 6:30 p.m. Trustees present were Ronni Fetzer, Henry E. Garland, Ralph E. James, Eric Lindsey, Susan Shuler, and John M. Simmons. Staff present was Dr. John Fuller, WISD Superintendent; Dr. T. J. Theisen, Assistant Superintendent; Brian Miller, Assistant Superintendent; David Spann, Technology Director; WHS Principal, Gary Brown; McMillan Junior High Principal, Jon Peters; Burnett Junior High Principal, Mike Williams; Birmingham Elementary Principal, Sherry Betts, and Dodd Elementary Principal, Scott Winn. Mayor John Mondy called the Wylie City Council to order at 6:31 p.m. Council members present were: Mayor Pro Tem Eric Hogue, Councilman Rick Young, and Councilman Earl Newsom. Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Carter Porter, and Councilwoman Reta Allen were absent. Staff present was City Manager Mark B. Roath, Assistant City Manager Mindy Manson, City Engineer Chris Hoisted, Public Services Director Mike Sferra, and City Secretary Carole Ehrlich. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Sue Nicklas gave the invocation and Mayor John Mondy led the pledge of allegiance. PRESENTATIONS & DISCUSSION 1. Discussion, and possible action, on planned City and School Infrastructure Projects for the next three years. Minutes—March 27, 2006 Joint Meeting of the WISD Board of Trustees and Wylie City Council Page 1 A. Planned School Facilities WISD Superintendent Dr. John Fuller gave a presentation regarding the proposed schools in phases reflecting the population growth of the school district. He explained that the construction of new schools was directly linked to student population forecasts, not years. The principles guiding this plan were to project a neighborhood concept, maximize joint use opportunities and not overbuild. The current forecast at build-out is estimated at between 20,000 — 25,000 students and could include 12 Elementary Schools, 4 Intermediate Schools, 4 Junior High Schools, and 2 to 3 High Schools dependent upon whether the Board of Trustees choose to keep one large high school or two to three smaller high schools. He stated that cost for the basic facilities including the maintenance on existing schools would be around $100,000,000. He displayed a map showing the areas where land had been acquired for new schools and areas that were being considered for acquisition of land for new school sites. B. City Bond Projects, Phase I City Manager Mark B. Roath gave a presentation regarding the City Bond Projects. He explained that portions of the total bonds for roads, parks and city facilities would be completed in two phases. This phasing would allow for better control in building quality, better access to existing roads and thoroughfares, and more detail in park improvements. He displayed the two phases and which bond issues would be covered in each phase. C. New Subdivision Information Assistant City Manager Mindy Manson gave a presentation to those present regarding future subdivisions developments within the City of Wylie. Some of the developments with new phases in the planning stages were: Woodbridge, Braddock Place (Rice Tract), Wylie Lakes, Creekside Estates, and Estates at Creekside. D. Student Population Trends WISD Assistant Superintendent Brian Miller gave a presentation regarding student population trends. He explained that over the past 10 years there had been a 150% growth in student population. Just in the FY 2005-2006 school year, the growth was at around 9%. He explained that the school district was very sound financially with a fund balance of around 4,000,000. City Manager Roath stated that the City of Wylie was also in sound financial condition and as of the last audit had a fund balance of over 4,000,000. E. Planned Road Improvements City Engineer Chris Hoisted gave a presentation regarding future road projects. Some of those mentioned were: FM 544 to Parker Road (1/07), Brown Street — FM 1378 to Ballard Ave. (1/08), Brown St. — H 78 to New High School (1/08), Stone Rd.- Ballard to Akin (1/07), Stone Rd. —Akin Minutes—March 27, 2006 Joint Meeting of the WISD Board of Trustees and Wylie City Council Page 2 to Vinson (1-08), and S. Ballard Ave. — Stone to Alanis (6/08). He explained that 2 additional lanes were scheduled for construction on Hwy. 78 from Spring Creek to the 190 Turnpike. 2. Discussion, and possible action, on Joint City and School Collaboration Projects for the future. A. Current City/School Collaborative Projects. WISD Superintendent Dr. John Fuller and City Manager Mark Roath presented the current City/School Collaborative Projects which included: Resource Officers, The Wylie Wave Program, Character Education, Parking at Founders Park and Pirate Stadium, Weekly Construction Planning Meetings, Reach for a Star Program, School Government Day, Tennis Courts at Founders Park, Emergency Operations Center, Use of School Facilities, Joel Scott Memorial Park, Fire Protection Programs and Students, Purchasing of land for Wylie High School and Founders Park, and Crossing Guards. Dr. Fuller complemented the Wylie Police Department for going over and above the needs of the Wylie Independent School District. He also mentioned the Graffiti Ordinance passed by City Council and stated that the School District and City had worked very hard to eradicate graffiti from school buildings and the City. City Manager Roath stated that the two entities worked well together to enforce this issue. B. Status Report on Parks/Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Public Services Director Mike Sferra presented a short presentation showing the Parks and Recreation Open Space and Master Plan. He explained that hike and bike trails were in the planning stages for possible construction in and around the TXU utility easements. The plan was to link the trails into one and extend the trails through the city and into adjacent cites and to include the Wells Property on FM 1378. He stated that future developers would share in the cost of these trails. Also mentioned were the new athletic fields included in the City Bond Projects which would add fourteen soccer fields, seven of which would be lighted and two additional baseball fields at Founders Park along with one mile of hike and bike trails. School Trustee Ronni Fetzer stated that the School District would be interested in the possibility of shared hike and bike trails. C. Other WISD Superintendent Dr. John Fuller expressed his gratitude to the City and expressed his appreciation for the collaborative work the City Manager and he had completed. He also expressed his appreciation to the Joint WISD/City Subcommittee which meets monthly to address issues involving the school district and the city. Trustee and WISD Subcommittee Chair Susan Shuler thanked the subcommittee members stating that she believed progress was being made thru this joint effort. Mayor Pro Tem Eric Hogue stated that as Chair for the City side of the Joint Subcommittee, he also felt that issues were being addressed and thanked the Board, Council and the other subcommittee members for their commitment to these joint efforts Minutes—March 27, 2006 Joint Meeting of the WISD Board of Trustees and Wylie City Council Page 3 ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the WISD Board of Trustees, Chairman Sue Nicklas adjourned the Joint Meeting at 8:24 p.m. With no further business before the Wylie City Council, Mayor John Monday adjourned the Joint Meeting at 8:25 p.m. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—March 27, 2006 Joint Meeting of the WISD Board of Trustees and Wylie City Council Page 4 111/11 Wylie CityounceUr 1 n; 1:Affr‘ Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, March 28, 2006 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor John Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tem Eric Hogue, Councilwoman Reta Allen, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Carter Porter, Councilman Earl Newsom, and Councilman Merrill Young. Also present were WISD student counterparts for "Student Government Day 2006". Staff present were: City Manager, Mark B. Roath; Assistant City Manager and Planning Director, Mindy Manson; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Building Director, Johnny Bray; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; WEDC Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite; Public Information Officer, Mark Witter, and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend Harold Hembree, Pastor of the First Christian Church of Wylie gave the invocation and WISD student Mark Comrie led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • Proclamation for "National Library Week" Mayor Mondy and Student Mayor Cameron McCord presented a proclamation honoring April 28, 2006 as "National Library Week". Accepting the proclamation were Library Director Rachel Orozco, Library Board Members Shirley Burnett and David James and Tricia Smith, Vice President of Friends of the Library. • Proclamation for "Student Government Day 2006" Mayor Mondy and Student Mayor Cameron McCord presented a proclamation honoring March 29, 2006 as "Student Government Day". Accepting the proclamation was Lynne Tinsley, representative from Wylie High School of Wylie Independent School District. Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 1 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No one was present to address Council during "Citizens Comments". CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the March 14, 2006 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, an Easement Agreement with TXU Electric Delivery for easements generally located on the east side of Ballard Avenue and south of Cloudcroft. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) C. Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat creating three retail lots for the Trout-78 Addition, subject property generally located north of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) D. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for the R.O.W. Dedication for the Stone Road Extension, subject property generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) E. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Wylie High School Number Two, subject property generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) F. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of .016 acres of land out of the S. B. Shelby Survey for right-of-way for Cooper Drive. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) G. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of .047 acres of land out of the S. B. Shelby Survey for right-of-way for Cooper Drive. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Council Action Councilman Young asked that Item B be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered individually. Councilman Hogue asked that Item E be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered individually. Consensus of Council was to remove these items. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman Young, to approve Items A, C, D, F, and G of the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and passed 7- 0. Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 2 REGULAR AGENDA B. Consider, and act upon, an Easement Agreement with TXU Electric Delivery for easements generally located on the east side of Ballard Avenue and south of Cloudcroft. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Council Discussion Councilman Young asked City Engineer Holsted if the above item was a full size station with transformers. Mr. Holsted stated that the reason for these ROW agreements was to allow for easements by North Texas Municipal Water District and as a result of the easements and water lines, TXU is relocating their lines to the west side of the road and bringing service across to service those on the east side. This easement is for a poll and guide wire. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman Young to approve an Easement Agreement with TXU Electric Delivery for easements generally located on the east side of Ballard Avenue and south of Cloudcroft. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. E. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Wylie High School Number Two, subject property generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Council Discussion Mayor Pro Tem Hogue asked City Engineer Hosted if the ROW was to go to SH 78. Mr. Holsted replied that was correct. Mayor Pro Tem Hogue then asked if the road was going parallel with the road to become part of Bennett Road. Mr. Holsted replied that it ran directly north of the new school site to SH 78. Ms. Manson stated that Item D was the ROW approved from the north end of the property up to SH 78. She explained that these were approved in two separate items. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman Young to approve a Final Plat for Wylie High School Number Two, subject property generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. (Requires A Motion To Remove From Table): Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-18 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Community Retail (CR) District for retail development, generally located south of Alanis Drive and west of S. Ballard Avenue. ZC 2006-02 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 3 Tabled Item Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue to remove Ordinance No. 2006-18 from the table for consideration. Consensus of Council was to remove from the table and consider. Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that the subject property is located at 400 Alanis Drive and totals 2.1618 acres. The property was annexed into the city in 1988 and is currently zoned agriculture. The applicant/owner is now requesting a change in zoning to Community Retail (CR) to allow retail development. Ms. Manson stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission did recommend approval of this request. Notices were also sent to residents within 200 feet and one request was returned in favor of the change. Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing at 6:16 p.m. No one was present to address Council Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6:16 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Councilman Young to approve Ordinance No. 2006-18 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Community Retail (CR) District for retail development, generally located south of Alanis Drive and west of S. Ballard Avenue. (ZC 2006-02). A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 2. Conduct one of two Public Hearings for the annexation of a 61.26 acre tract of land located in the Allen Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 23, Collin County, Texas; generally located west of F.M. 544, north of Elm Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that this request for annexation was made by the property owner, Michael Hood. The applicant property is located on the west side of F.M. 544, north of Braddock Place Estates Development. As a procedural matter and prior to annexation, two (2) public hearings must be held to allow interested persons an opportunity to comment on the annexation. Consideration of the annexing Ordinance will be conducted at the April 25, 2006 Council Meeting. No Action is required on this item 3. Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-19 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development for mixed uses to allow for Commercial and Industrial uses, generally located south of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. ZC 2006-01 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that the subject property totals 71.259 acres and is divided into three (3) tracts. As proposed, Tract 1A and 1 B will be developed under the guidelines of the Commercial Corridor (CC) District. Tract 2 will be developed under the regulations of Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 4 Industrial Zoning District, which the applicant seeks to construct an electrical switching station. Tract 3 will be dedicated to the City of Wylie as Parkland. She explained that the land use plan showed these types of commercial and industrial uses but differed in determining "heavy industrial" and "light industrial". Council/Applicant Discussion Mayor Mondy asked about the fence which was proposed to be chain link. Ms. Manson explained that with a PD there was some flexibility in fencing. She stated that the reasoning for the chain link fence with bob wire on top was a safety measure. Applicant Dallas Cothrum representing TXU Electric Delivery, 900 Jackson #640, Dallas Texas 75202 addressed Council stating that the request was for a switching station and he explained that he had presented this item to the Wylie Parks and Recreation Board with approval and also to the Planning Commission with approval. He explained that this was a mixed use project that included a switching station, commercial property development and parkland. He explained that there had been a concern in the past regarding the entire area being developed commercial. He stated that the switching station would generate several thousands of dollars in tax revenue as well as convenience of services to current and future residents. Additional sales tax and property tax will be derived from the proposed commercial portion of the PD. Mr. Cothrum than presented pictures of current switching stations and adjacent properties in the Dallas area. He explained that the proposed retail component on Highway 78 would screen the facility. Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Cothrum what the dots were on the plan. Mr. Cothrum stated that TXU had agreed to place trees along the side of the facility facing the parkland dedication. Mayor Mondy then asked if the chain link fence would be visible from Brown Street. Mr. Cothrum stated that he did not think it would since it was set back so far. Mayor Mondy asked staff if chain link fence was still allowed. Ms Manson stated that the chain link was permitted. Mayor Mondy asked City Engineer Hoisted if the City could request TXU to assist in the widening of Brown Street. Mr. Hoisted stated that he did not believe that the City could. Mr. Cothrum explained that TXU felt the parkland dedication was compensation for the Planned Development. Ms. Manson stated that during the last legislative session, it was ruled by the state that proportionate impact must be proven before any impact fee for road construction could be addressed. Councilman Young asked what the retail frontage would include. Mr. Cothrum explained to Council that TXU was not directly planning the retail portion of the PD. He introduced the development partner, Mr. Dale Foster residing at 3333 Beverly Drive, Dallas Texas. Mr. Foster addressed Council stating that the property would be replatted as need arose. He explained that at this time it was premature to enter any planning stages. Mayor Mondy then asked Mr. Foster to address Councilman Young's issue as to the time frame for development. Mr. Foster replied that it would be around 3 years but depended on the market cycle. He stated that development would be demand driven. He commented that when this project was built, it would be quality style and he would continue to own it. Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. M. G. (Red) Byboth, residing at 2722 F.M. 544, Wylie, Texas addressed Council regarding the fence/screening wall of the proposed electrical switching station. He stated that the night that this item came before Planning and Zoning, Mr. Byboth asked Mr. Cothrum about the fence issue. He explained that he had a great issue with the chain link fencing and explained that he used to live on Brown Street and stated that the chain link would be visible from the road and residents living there. He stated that Mr. Cothrum told the commission that TXU always used chain link on all their facilities. Mr. Byboth stated that he has since found out that this is not always the case and asked Council to consider very carefully this issue. He requested that this item be tabled so the commission and council could investigate the usage by TXU of masonry and other materials at their facilities. Mr. Cothrum rebutted by saying that in some cases there was masonry used (sub-stations), but never for a switching station because of the mere size. Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Cothrum if he would be agreeable to using masonry materials for fencing along Brown Street. Mr. Cothrum replied that TXU would prefer using landscaping along Brown. Mayor Mondy replied that he was asking for the masonry in addition to the landscaping. Mr. Cothrum asked if Mayor Mondy Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 5 was asking about just Brown Street. Mayor Pro Tern Hogue interjected that he would like to see the entire area abutting Brown St. and the parkland included. He stated that the point could be argued further but he felt the masonry would provide safety to the children. Mr. Cothrum asked if this included all of Brown Street and the parkland running adjacent to it. Mr. Cothrum then asked if this was approved would the City or TXU maintain the fencing. Mayor Mondy replied that it would be the responsibility of TXU to construct and maintain the fence. Mayor Mondy also stated that he wanted a neutral color. Mr. Cothrum stated that he would get with staff regarding the color. He asked if Council would consider doing only the Brown Street area. He stated that there was flood plain area involved in the parkland. Mayor Mondy stated that he would like to see all the area done and come back to Council/staff, only if areas were not found to be engineering sound. Mr. Cothrum agreed. Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6:48 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Hogue, seconded by Councilman Newsom to approve Ordinance No. 2006-19 amending the zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Planned Development for mixed uses to allow for Commercial and Industrial uses, generally located south of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road with the modification that the parkland is being dedicated to the city and that fencing will be masonry (Brown Street and adjacent to the park). A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 4. Conduct a Public Hearing, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-20 amending the zoning from Agriculture (AG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District for commercial and/or retail development, generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Sanden Boulevard. ZC 2006-04 (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that the subject property is located south of F.M. 544 and west of Sanden Boulevard and lies completely within the Muddy Creek Floodplain, which has been reclaimed. The applicant/owner is requesting a change in zoning to Commercial Corridor (CC) District to allow commercial and/or retail uses. Public Hearing Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing at 6:50 p.m. No one was present to address Council during the Public Hearing. Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6:50 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Young to approve Ordinance No. 2006-20 amending the zoning from Agriculture (AG) District to Commercial Corridor (CC) District for commercial and/or retail development, generally located south of F.M. 544 and west of Sanden Boulevard. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 6 GENERAL BUSINESS 5. Consider, and act upon, a request by Imperium Holdings, L.P., to have Innovative Transportation Solutions represent the City during the F.M. 2514 alignment process. (M. Roath, City Manager) Staff Comments City Manager Roath addressed Council stating that Imperium Holdings, L.P. has engaged the services of Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS) to provide consulting services to them during the (re)align process for F.M. 2514. In an effort to develop a united front, they are seeking permission from the City Council to have ITS represent the City during the realignment process, at no cost to the City. Mr. Roath explained that Council could take no action, accept the request, or direct City staff to work with the requestor but not authorize the City's representation to Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS). Requestor/Council Discussion Mr. Stephen Schattner representing Imperium Holdings, L.P. addressed Council stating that he was requested by some of the businesses on and around F.M. 2514 to represent them regarding the proposed Collin County alignment of FM 2514 to the north. He explained that this could be a loss of sales tax revenue to the City and commercial development of both Wylie and St. Paul. He presented several option alternatives to the proposed alignment and asked for City Council's approval to represent Wylie during the negotiations. Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Shatner if this was just speculation on the proposed alignment by Collin County. Mr. Shatner stated that this was speculation. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman White to direct City staff to work with the requestor but not authorize the City's representation to Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS) during the F.M. 2514 alignment process. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 6. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-21 amending the Wylie Code of Ordinances Chapter 22, Article X, Section 22-211 regulating abatement of dangerous buildings. (J. Bray, Building Director) Staff Comments Building Director Bray addressed Council stating that the purpose of this Ordinance is to establish the legal process for the City to abate dangerous buildings. He explained that this was for property maintenance codes. The Texas Local Government Code regulates this area and the City Attorney has recommended this ordinance be enacted to assist in carrying out the process. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Newsom to approve Ordinance No. 2006-21 amending the Wylie Code of Ordinances Chapter 22, Article X, Section 22-211 regulating abatement of dangerous buildings. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 7. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-22 related to the issuance and sale of "34,375,000 City of Wylie, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006", authorizing the issuance of such bonds and awarding the bonds to the lowest bidder. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 7 Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that the City has solicited completive bids for $35,325,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006. Bids were opened on at 11:00 a.m. He explained that there were 9 bidders. The winning bidder shall be based on the lowest true interest cost to the City. He announced that Citigroup Global Market Inc. was the lowest bidder at 4.41%. The proceeds of this bond sale will be used to fund 3 years of the design and the construction of Projects approved by the voters on November 8, 2005. Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Williamson what the proposed bond rate was initially. Mr. Williamson replied that when the bond package was compiled they were estimating 5.50%; recently the rate was estimated at 4.50% which is higher than the final bid of 4.41%. This computes to a cost savings over the life of the bonds of approximately$2,470,000. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman Newsom to approve Ordinance No. 2006-22 related to the issuance and sale of "35,325,000 City of Wylie, Texas, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2006", authorizing the issuance of such bonds and awarding the bonds to the lowest bidder. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 8. Consider, and act upon, entering into an agreement with McLain Decision Support Systems for an Update to the Water and Wastewater Rate Study in an amount not to exceed $14,500.00. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that the City Council awarded a contract to Maximus, Inc. in March 2003 to conduct a Water and Wastewater Rate Study. Since that time, the City has updated its Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and review of associated Impact Fees. It is now necessary to update that Study in order to factor expenditures and projected revenues associated with the Impact Fee Study. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman Young to approve an agreement with McLain Decision Support Systems for an Update to the Water and Wastewater Rate Study in an amount not to exceed $14,500.00. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 9. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2006-10(R) authorizing the purchase and installation of credit card reading equipment, amending the budget to provide appropriations for the purchase of the equipment, and authorizing the Finance Director to include the annual operating cost of credit card services in the scope of services being provided under the City's depository contract. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that the Finance Department has received requests from various departments for the ability to accept credit card payments for city services. The City's depository bank can provide the platform for these services through the contract with the City and would bill the city through compensating balances. All reading equipment to implement a credit card payment system would be purchased outright by the City at a cost of$7,000. Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 8 Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Williamson if this type of payment could be used for Municipal Court and Permitting. Mr. Williamson replied that the system would be set up to take Municipal Court payments, Wylie Wave, parks and building permits, and utility billing. Mayor Mondy asked what the rate from the credit card companies would cost the City. Mr. Williamson replied that they very depending on the credit card used, whether it was a residential or commercial customer, and whether it is voice activated or not. He explained that based on the department utilization mentioned earlier the best estimate of annual cost would be around $21,000. Mayor Mondy asked if the City would try and recoup the cost of these charges. Mr. Williamson stated that this agenda item would put the system in place. The Council could initiate a fee for using this type of payment or budget annually for the expenses in another agenda item. Councilman Young asked if the $7,000. would cover the cost of implementation. Mr. Williamson explained that this was the initial installation cost. Councilman Newsom stated he believed there could be a$5.00 service fee paid by the customer using the credit card. Mr. Williamson reported that when he was researching this item, he found legislation that allowed the City to charge up to $5.00 for the use of credit card payments. Councilman Newsom stated that rather than entertaining a fee to all customers, he would rather see a service fee for users of this type of payment. Mr. Williamson explained that this was a policy decision by Council as to whether the cost should be carried to the user or paid by the City. Councilman Newsom asked Mr. Williamson to give comparative figures regarding how much it cost the city to process checks and cash payments opposed to credit card payments to get a true cost of accepting credit card payments. Councilman Newsom stated that he was in favor of allowing credit card payments for convenience but did not at tax payer expense. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue to table this item to the April 25, 2006 Council meeting in order for staff to provide detailed information to Council. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 10. Consider, and act upon, accepting the letter of resignation of Gary Bowland and the appointment of a new member to the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board, to fill the unexpired term. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) Staff Comments Executive Director Satterwhite addressed Council stating that Mr. Gary Bowland was appointed to a three year term on the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board beginning in July 2004 and expiring in July 2007. On March 15, 2006, Mr. Bowland resigned his position due to moving out of the City limits. He requested that a new board member be appointed to replace Mr. Bowland. Council Discussion Councilman Newsom stated that he felt the Council should accept the resignation of Mr. Gary Bowland and recognize his long service to the WEDC however at this time he recommended tabling this item for the time being until other issues regarding WEDC had been resolved. Councilman Young responded that these issues were being addressed by WEDC and with the appointment of a new member to the board, it would ensure the continuation of this process. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young to accept the resignation of Gary Bowland and appoint Mitch Herzog to the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board. There was no second on this motion. Councilman Young withdrew his motion. Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 9 Council Discussion Councilwoman Allen stated that she was in favor of the nomination of Mitch Herzog to fill the unexpired term of Gary Bowland but felt that putting a new member on the board now, would not be beneficial to either party. She suggested tabling the item until the issue surrounding WEDC had been addressed or to the next meeting. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Allen, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue to accept the resignation of Gary Bowland and to table the appointment of a new member to the April 11, 2006 Council meeting. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article Ill, Section 13-D. City Secretary Carole Ehrlich read captions to Ordinances 2006-13, 2006-14, 2006-15, 2006-16 and 2006-17 into the official record. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before Council, a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hogue, seconded by Councilman Newsom to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes- March 28, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 10 Y ieCity ounce c;r1 1 F'..;f !r‘ Minutes Wylie City Council Special Called Meeting Tuesday, April 4, 2006 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor John Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tem Eric Hogue, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Carter Porter, Councilman Earl Newsom, and Councilman Merrill Young. Councilwoman Reta Allen was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mark B. Roath; Assistant City Manager, Mindy Manson; and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Hogue gave the invocation and Mayor Mondy led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No one was present to address Council. REGULAR AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold the second of two Public Hearings for the annexation of a 61.26 acre tract of land located in the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, Collin County, Texas; generally located west of F.M. 544, north of Elm Road. (M. Manson, Assistant City Manager) Minutes—April 4, 2006 Wylie City Council Special Called Meeting Page 1 Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that this annexation is at the request of the property owner, Michael Hood. The property is located on the west side of F.M. 544, north of the recently approved Braddock Place development (the Rice property) and east of the Twin Lakes Subdivision. She explained that before a municipality may begin annexation proceedings, the governing body of the municipality must conduct two (2) public hearings at which persons interested in the annexation are given the opportunity to be heard. Notice published for Public Hearings March 15, 2006 First Public Hearing March 28, 2006 Second Public Hearing April 4, 2006 Adoption of Ordinance April 25, 2006 Mayor Mondy opened the Public Hearing at 6:05 p.m. No one was present to address Council during the Public Hearing Mayor Mondy closed the Public Hearing at 6:06 p.m. No action was necessary on this item. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before Council, Mayor Pro Tern Hogue made a motion, seconded by Councilman Newsom to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—April 4, 2006 Wylie City Council Special Called Meeting Page 2 Wylie City Council '- AGENDA REPORT __,� AGENDAF , Meeting Date: April 11, 2006 Item Number: B De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/23/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One Subject Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat creating 85 single-family residential lots for Braddock Place Addition Phase 1, subject property being generally located west of South Stone Road(Old F.M. 544) and south of Elm Drive. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat creating 85 single-family residential lots for Braddock Place Addition Phase 1, located west of South Stone Road (Old F.M. 544) and south of Elm Drive. Discussion The property totals 53.770 acres and will create 85 residential lots. The subject property is part of the larger Braddock Place Addition Planned Development (PD 2005-24), which consists of Single-Family Residential of varying densities, and Common Open Spaces. The entire Planned Development is 185.1449 acres in size. The property was annexed into the City of Wylie on September 28, 2004 and was the subject of a Zoning Case approved by City Council on July 26, 2005. The Final Plat substantially conforms to the approved Conditions of the Planned Development District, but varies from that of the Development Plan. The Development Plan depicts a single loaded street at the south side of the park just south of Future Elm Road. However, the Final Plat proposes that the rear of these lots abut the park, therefore creating a double loaded street for Braddock Way. The proposed Final Plat depicts 18,000 square foot lots. Cedar Point Drive will serve as the primary point of access. A 30 feet wide right-of-way along South Stone Road is dedicated by this plat. Lot 1, Block A shall serve as a landscape lot, Lot 10, Block A shall serve as a detention and drainage lot and both shall be dedicated and maintained by the HOA. Screening/fencing along the rear lot lines of Block A, Lots 1-9 shall be open fencing or living screen if a fence is not provided. In addition, Block A, Lot 10 shall be fenced to separate the lot from the Park with tubular steel in wrought iron design eight feet in height. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval (6-0) for the Final Plat on March 21, 2006. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 04/06/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 ,L=10.2857" R=967.50' // ,/ T=177.01' ,1,,:2530.245%39n L=177.01' „ ' 1 C=176.76' T=97.86' „ /// , „ ELM BOZIAAN '' B=S8,4.45'32"E L=193.57' / C=192.50' '„ i/ 0 25 50 100 B=589.55'531'E „' CREEKSIDE SCALE:1"- 50' li 30. 30. , F? / ONONT V LOT 10 BLOCK A ,.?, , D"101T 1j*EDUI1C1A-TTEYD%S EAT T r LOCATION MAP ,,,,, F) E '`:, „--'' tci:•,' \'19, „- ,-4: MAINTAINED BY THE H.O.A. -.,-, N.T.S. LINE TABLE Q,01,', P 8 --' ,,,,, 11, B BLOCK A „. ' LINE NO. BEARING DISTANCE .,_+.' cg5OFAWZrP=IOAETOICN,0-Ti ,,'' 7 ...., D---1727. 11.67. 131.3o. ''' - 1. N 42°33'07'E 26.10' 2 P, CURVE TABLE '.5 ,' S88.0119E iao.oi. allow '00'4 CURVE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEARING ------,- , ,--„SI' ',,, - --1. o 1 r'-'1: a. _,, 41-4.1 16 48 W FA O.5255"E 7. 35.32'43" 350.00' 217.13' 112.19' 213.67' 622°58'49”E '''''' t, j ._, ! Klarar E i i 8. 17°17'42" 350.00' 105.65' 53.23' 105.25' S03.26'23'4 - . ' , 1.\,,, s © P, 10. 10°05'42" 600.00' 105.71' 52.99' 105.58' S85°18'22'4 -_.,,'' 11. 22°37'28" 600.00' 236.92' 120.03' 235.39' S68.56'47.W 4')? 2 \\, C r\ V--------'''''''' ,'';''''' ' 12. 31°43'41" 300.00' 166.13' 85.25' 164.01' S73°29'53'4 'U tA) "VoTuw \\ ' 4 ,.'s,'.4 .,-. , -'8 13. 00°24'43" 300.00' 2.16' 1.08' 2.16' S89°34'05'4 \ 1 , 14. 30°21'13" 375.00' 198.66' 101.72' 196.35' S72°48'39'4 - .,:',. © 15. 32°43'09" 1020.0' 582.48' 299.42' 574.60' S73°59'38'4 „ 0, a''<, 10 !._. , s ,, 1 g 1 4 g 16. 25°31'52" 350.00' 155.96' 79.30' 154.57' S77°35'17'4 Pg. ',D,,,'` 8- 50.,,,--,,_,..-6,, •,,, 18. 25.31'52" 500.00' 222.80' 113.28' 220.96' S12°241'43”E e , ! f,c,.--/r sl..)- 19. 32°43'09" 810.00' 462.56' 237.78' 456.30' S73°59'38'4 4V 2.., 9 1 I ill 'I, S89.5614E 389.3847E 347.60 A 168.67' 4 ‘ ,,-' ' - '1-I - °/60.111111. 100.00. 100,0\ 47.60.-52.40. 100.00. 16.27.B3.73. 100.35.\,0, ,,,V-4, - . 13 ,,,,- 4 ,,i.,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,- ., 2 ,a, 1-±0, NAT H ELsTARTATuETRBriYou:URVEY '' 1',' gS 2 ,, g ,. 14 ,„,..„_,,,,9• 1 , .. 1\4\ 0', 1,,,,, V .,,, 11 ,,.,___,-, ,,, 6 1- ---, ,''''', _ .B.L. i '__\ ___,.,____________-, .„.:, I_..-,'6 , ,,,,,"a,„----ae 22 0' 8 , /-," . 6, 0 ''UIDEDOCI E ! 3°‘' _______------0 ,,,,,,,e--.. a, 4,,,A4:" .0. " ..,-.., ,,,,,, , 5,,,,,,,,g,,,,,,o'i .,1 1,i, , 8 . ;: 85 6 4'1s 8$, I TOTAL LOTS NOTES /S894P047"E 17MT NB9.38.47".1.7\ E't.'''': . -.,', TOTAL ACRES 54.608 ., 2 '3, '11{,2c:urdnacyrnc'dosrnsiedrtsn,bTo'cricioNrnEeNr,R.pMs" Pcsursveattuarte,all ';',,, . ,, P ' points of tangency,and angle points in public right-of-way 0, I ;11P, 2- P, § . ,`,i %"' unless otherwise noted. '-'\\,,, ® , 'If. 1,', ,„, . . S89.46'26W 268.67' 3 OA V\177' d;.,, _ * , 3.'°--1 (6) POINT OF BEGINNING U.E.-Utility Easements FINAL PLAT BRADDOCK PLACE c.m.-Controlling Monuments '2,--, 2 \\ -'): t 6., 6., q 8 , ..„,__1:,,-W.,, s ki;',' -,'• :1,8 1 ',,, T=20.74' C 41 40 PHASE I 5."Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds 2- , ,.,! Esc, = . ' , is a violation of City Ordinance and State Law and subject B=S86.20'04"W OUT OF THE to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits." . .A, 1 _°, ,„, ,,, ,\_____„-- E.M.PRICE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.725 6. Clis(hall'IlrekmAc;it'cciinileYbY btileleaSdurrsilbo'nn H.O.A. 4/,-- sr, 1 '\.,.;;°,1. %,,,,,, \ ,,--.9..‘ 31.°1' lc... BEI... 36... 98.63'-- C, z z:', ...A., * ') WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.860 D.W.WILLIAMS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.680 2k10296'33"Wil ,,6 2,9'" 'IV, , :,,,,,,,,,"\, '' , - N13,38.47".199.132' ---------------- '----1-- - '-- " 4 ' NATHANIEL ATTERBERRY SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.1099 '7.Laro:(t„5s,h13alotcek mCaianntclainLeodt,6),B.,1„o:suHbcslitIrly,eociz.landscape lots -- ,,4 , IN THE ,L=06.3043n ' '/G15' . - ----. R=380.00' 2?!-':-DTC SE)-1°- CITY OF WYLIE GB 8. rmii_.2(VFsetrelcelnog,,i11,,;,4 xterelrzt lines of Lots 1-9,Block A shall =21.62' . .,-,, ....--,,,..!___--------- __ _ -- ---- - '4. ; A '''' COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS ... OWNER B N45 48 28 E ) ''' ';IL,1)1t0a,11131O'ickmtra'nctitel"fu'ttuereel fgepsabrIb<111 Idldirceagttne.bi between C=43.171 4,, , ,/,/,,' BRADDOCK PLACE ESTATES,LTD. „ = . ' " , rt's/A''. 'qN, 8- 9 c$, © '''',,, 3838 OAK LAWN AVENUE,SUITE 1212 DALLAS,TEXAS 75219 „0,,,'\-". 214-522-4945 N89.38'47"W 261.87' 100.DD. 11,20. 97.16. 112-9,,-------. PREPARED BY ' -e'z'' ,,,, */,' C,C,(\_'W, 32 CORWIN ENGINEERING,INC. 'a,'''',11\- '''' 'c 33 307 i , * ,L=29.59'4 \ '3.'''''' . '''' '• N_ 4. ' "W 200 W.BELMONT,SUITE E 85, R=1230.00'9% ALLEN,TEXAS 75013 T=329.54' 972-396-1200 \\. L=643.96' C=636.63' MARCH 2006 SCALE:1"=100' B=575.21'19W \ . SHEET 1 OF 2 -....,-....,,.. I/ Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT ;2:2 Meeting Date: April 11, 2006 Item Number: 1 De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/28/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Seven Subject Conduct a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-23 amending the zoning from Community Retail (CR) to Community Retail with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a hotel, generally located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and West Kirby Street. ZC 2006-05 Recommendation Motion to (accept/deny) Ordinance No. 2006-23 amending the zoning from Community Retail (CR) to Community Retail with a Specific Use Permit(SUP)to allow for a hotel, generally located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and West Kirby Street. Discussion Owner: Ken Lim Applicant: Pat(Brandon) Fussell The subject property is located on the southeast corner of S.H. 78 and West Kirby Street and totals 1.926 acres (83,927 square feet). The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property to allow for a hotel on one lot. The proposed two story building will be approximately 25,195 square feet in size and consist of 48 separate rooms where entrance to each room is gained from a completely enclosed area. The main entrance to the hotel will be from the east. A residential subdivision is located directly east of the subject property therefore requiring a six feet high masonry screening wall along the length of the eastern property line. The proposed design utilizes the parking lot as a buffer between the main entrance of the hotel and the Holiday Terrace Subdivision. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend denial (6-0) for the requested change in zoning on March 21,2006. Notification/Responses: Thirty-four(34) notifications were mailed, with two written responses returned favoring the request and three written response opposing the request at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 04/06/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2006-05, TO COMMUNITY RETAIL (CR) DISTRICT WITH A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) ALLOWING FOR A HOTEL; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Community Retail (CR) District with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) allowing for hotel uses, said property being described in Exhibit"A", attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this day of , 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: ,in the Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Case#2006-05 BEING a tract of land located at the southeast corner of State Highway No. 78 and West Kirby Street, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being all of Lot 4, Block A in the Martinez Phase 3 Addition. 1 Lij ____..._, Li;y21J _� 1 .��.- - a1 i • i . ,itts gig.mi NI!;;••, .rms. dm m• not ■■VM r•INIISSW. il.OVIIIIIWEI 1.4erritIMAIIIII1.141111111 illa 1"I. 72 i ". Subject ...). , alio,„-,:„-Alu 7.•mum ..... 00 l'i NImillI ,,„kiii_v____ ,-* iiint.,-.Eriattp_wdeihri, Liv mignitior der.ip-_. _ .,...... r jiir III - l_r117147 4:11 1... i �:.:Property I 1,2 �=�,����_..i.i.mzimur�1► Sri���r� .� �►..RI i��il 1 � �, ,..... .... 41,14inuip ainiwaii.„8141, .rimennwrrn . -11•711..al�� ►WV •� iiiiiii-- ��� iniiiiiiiiiiii . .. -IMIS== _,...AL 'tip ili:IP 41111111111111iiME MMII NMI= } Aki-*IA. / 1IDIUIIUIIh • lIlIhiiiiiiijpjf #v•�%% �. ./.. i Y .. .. /a.,1 .Th,.....m....._.u_..mi1n11g,.17i„o1.1n11 I,I.Ia.u1 miIl1il111l-.i,...u...,......Im,iI , ._.4 ,; 11g#1411..4671 / •,_,:f.,.., = tram,iiii.,= rilT -I*:7 - e-- - , ,,,. i ,.. , .(1. i./.. '&''.1 Min= s1*IW' Z!iiiii:;JrIL1.. 1, aim ..L.5 ' 4,Ii.Nli.iM i,., ' " •/1,`ice, • ; NrNr..r'�.r. z,, i. .... .._._..r_r•.._«_ a 1 .■ 1 C Ullr+1 13, , _ _ i • .sue _,i_.. 1 ■■w... ..= i ;gpv-,72-77-im, i i Li ; i i i ! i i I . „um in in-Num ! • i . i: � :iik !. tuff or II =IN i i ; I f ihipt_h:. i Hi MOM ---;111 ''. M 4 4 i i i I I I I 11‘,1 M 1 1,•* „) f , , , qWh....., .1410= '4 911" 1--' - i ,./ 1 ‘..y„ 11111 MN Elm=sr ra=jowl NE on [ upils i 1 �••� $ a a•aa 1'r-.�a� A p :am ow gra .off s 1 r', a I as i• 1 y 1.-.......-..,, , ..,..-----. On'NM'pi .P.--,./ IV SW. '' " .) Ail %VP ,4 F ' 11111't,uukr-47.1.,•• ...4 - ..-ar e- iiipm.:1111",..":111;1111:PP ' %411d1111111 ily i RI 0s748111i , ..... 1 • 01IIIf : , 4414..-aa,r, Ilb 4 c,,1/40, A• i i „----- tio ! • i ........... e ; .., i 44 e tvi i ,.. H R11111111111 [ 11111 U1i111111 111UUl11u F [11. rr i , . 1 HI- _ I11 . 1 SLIV-7, , i iiii 1111 Mil NIL 0 ., q' [11r.r111 r■ ■■r111r 1; ■r,9 ± f ■■ r In t:i Mt ME',,,ME NM.:111.'MEd Elk .PA . ... „ '.. '. .. " . .VA %' s i : .._.. --- .,,,,E atl 41111.1 ' �� a 4- = 1 r ,7 ... ` i il_ + : g 1 i ! i i t t i i ! i --) i ., r I „...: 1aim- 1 iim• F I i _I , i - I - = r.._.._«_., FT _ ! 1�1 - [ ir L , � _. f i i ' i i f 1 i , 1 1 i f� FF ,, IrI f m I I I i #2006-05 DRAWN BY: GENERALEQXFA CHECKED BY: 1. Insulation and insulation assemblies shall nt.tbe requirements of...ion 708 657.-7 1/5. Standard Building Code,current edition. A a, Concealed insulation shall have a flame spread of 0.75 and a smoke PROJECT NUMBER: 3/, 76,0 7/8. 293,1 7/, 8. developed of 0-450 except that in combustible(wood frame) 11.1111111111111ffk ,, • 11= 1.1111111111111 • construction,facing may comply with SBC 708,2.2. ' ''..•-1" e ,„ „ -----',-7" )(3.,N ,,, ,,-,--- 7 .....- ''' 2)-- \\\ (s-);,‘-'-;\ ,2 - -- LOT 4R,BLOCK A ,. / ,(4, 7 83,927 SQ Ff ----7-'- , '---,V' _c_C';'- IN>--7 kil.9.--°.:`,---'-r-----1 EgiVtrgSTAIrs \ s?1, \ \\ \0 \\`'e, ,<, ,/ -\1/-----------1\\ \\`\:',- PARKING GENERAL NOTES: 1.TOTAL PARKING SPACES-(75)PREDICATED ON 1.5 SPACES PER INHABITABLE ROOM. 2.(75)PARKING SPACES-(3)REQUIRED TO BE HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AND OF THESE(3),(1) REQUIRED TO BE VAN ACCESSIBLE. 4.PARKING LOT STRIPING MIN.4"WIDE, COLOR SAFETY YELLOW. 5.HANDICAP PARKING SPACES AND VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE STRIPING TO BE PAINTED BLUE. SITE LEGEND PROPERTY LINE UTILITY EASEMENT BUILDING LIMIT LINE 1-- LLI Lil CC CO ›- CC ;''', WI_ (1) 11.1 b. Exposed instdation shall have a flame spread of 0-25 and a smoke developed of l,,-450. c, Cellulose fiber thermal insulation shall meet the requirements of paragraph SI3C,708.8. d. Foam plastic insulation shell meet the requirements of SBC Section 2603. 2. Locks on doors in mcans.of egress shall not requite the use of a key,special - device or special knowledge,or effort for operation front the egress side of the door.- 3.- Pmvide panic hardware al all exits.No special keys or locks.1.11 be used that may inhibit exit. 4. Enclose interior stairs with 1 hour lire resistive construction including self l ARCHITECT'S STAMP CONTRACTOR , FENCE . . . ,,, b e 0 0 e 0 closing 1 hour labeled door/fiatne assemblies. K.'d'' I --, r -;\ \ GAS LINE GAS-GAS-GAS-GAS-GAS-GA Y I ,....______J I, S. Guard rail opening shall not exceed 4"up.toe height of 3;4.engird rails shall , , 1 t2 be at least 42"high and are required when a change in elevation exceeds 30". Provide at the opm side(t)of s.irs. Li 1 l \ 8 6. Exit discharge shall provide occupants safe access to a public way. alk________AL______All.,__I __ IL \\ '----,,,,,, ________ T POLE-, \ PROPERTY LINE\,_ 20-1 1 2 ', '..' 7. Provide illumination of means of egress in accord.).with 5.8. •• LIGHT POLE NOODO2'00"W 293.99' - i - Aillin S -.ACE. •' '' .P .;''' a r-,.- ,0'SET BACK\ 1 1 mug .. Provide emergency lighting according to 101;54.'.._, , ,...-,1,1 9914 ...•,,., =111111 E3) I • ,.--....-,... (7, 1 4 • i,m,,,,, VAN ACCESSIBLE ...... •-• i' -... PAVED -..." 15'ACCESS EASEMENT L11 -L-2 9. Exit signs complying with 101:5,10 shall define exits and access to exits where 1.1111M3 le' FIRE LANE ' Alk. ' 1 5'UTILITY EASEMENT -1 ; S. .. 'the eXit ie not immediately apparent. . . - .-. 10, gepmate stmage rem.and janitor elosawilenrothe power.building by -, T 1XLIGHT'LE =.=. .=.,=. [ILIGHT POLE E2-' one hour fire resistive consituction with selfcloshag 43 ininute'labeled door/frame o 1 -,,, s SPACES 0 ,I 9 PACE• 0 8 S4CES . aW40613, ARCHITECT Z 1 i .,'IL Penetrations through the designated fire wall shall ho.sealed with a tutorial rgrc!sg: FIRE LANE WA/R'C'ONNSCSGII WA/RG'Z'N'C!SO-L,F: NORTH LOT 6,BLOCK A .' rd- H're ,,, capable of preventing the passage of flames and.hot gams Aida tested in . , LIGHT POLE DR" 'itt 24,709 SO FT cr,I w - accordance with.ASTM-E814. 2 IHOT AND COLD WATER -.-'1',•1/- g Ad g ,r,,, L3 12. Interior walls and ceilings shall have a flame&pleader 0.75 and a smoke g 1(7)g II . , 1.SPAC S 1 SF.A.S ,. 6 S4ACESI development rating of 0-450. 11 Li) 11111111101 N. _L_ - . 13. Provide landings outside exterior doors level with the floor.Thresholds shall tft,2 - --- 7-------' - ' .not be more than Ve height and beveled if over 14. 6, 1.III BOLLARDS 10'SET BACK 1 _,,y A LICHT POLE SOODO2'00"E 654.31' PROPERTY LINE-/- 14, Stairs shall comply with the appropriate Stair Table andADAAG. PROPERTY LINE-I Iv ' 320' 29-41/, 4,-0 3/4' 19,3 1/4. 25. S-3 3/, .. 44 inch.minimum width(48"minimum-elear width between handraila 2,3 5•L at stairs used within an accessible means duress. 65T-7 1/8" b. 7"maxiimm and 4"minimum.rise. PROJECT 0 SI TE PLAN SCALE 1"16'-0" Li S87D37'00"E 44.68' c. 1 1"minimum tread depth. L2 NO2D36'26"E 1 0.00' : 15, HVAC system shall bco e nstructed in acsordame with 101:7.2. = , L.3 S87D37'00"E 80.00' , I c CD R L LC ACC:NW:WAY ClUIDKUMS cn Cl 57D29'52" N28D42'56”E 91.1 4 91.46 87.67 1. Ground and Boor surfaces(slip resistant under all weather eenditiems). Lli .'-.141e11181111E1 1,2" • - ; . 2. Parking spaces and aisles shall be level.Ramps shall not encroach into aisles. i- W ... 3. Handicap parking sigitage shall n.be obscured by vehicle. • v • . •• •• •'a•• • a • • v • • a •.• • • •.••. .v.,- , •.•,•• 2-.4 BARS CONTINUOUS PARKING 4. A.minimum 36"clear accemible rotik shall be Maintained and shall not be . ' SIDEWALK^-v- '14 7:7..:.-.7"------ 7---7--' --'--7-7--,,•-------- , -v--SIDEWALK 2 reduced by automobile bumpers overhanging the sidewallts. •-..... ...,.';.' GALVANIZED*6 DOWEL 1'.0" a. •-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,S44,*,HIDN 1..,,,-A.1''IM.;)1.11,7t-:-;1117-7-;)'.7•'- COMPACT ED Fl LL , 5. Provide curb ramps wherever an accessible mute emotes e curb.Slope of ••;.•..; 7111illrffai 'I'' • s'-s. 1• ramps shall not exceed 1:12. • i NOTE: 6. Parking spaces andeccess aisles cann.include a ramp or any other sloped i,Ftfe"UtO lat'Jr'Xs W'isc; ' '' m I N. surface exceeding 1:50(2%)in any/all directions. REVISIONS I OTED. L HANDICAP RAMP CD 7. Provide edge protection at open sides or ramps end landings.Curbs shall be A PRECAST CONCRETE BUMPER CONSTRUCTION JOINT C)SCALE: not less than 4"high A C)SCALE: . 8. Landings at ram.shall bc 60"in length am&as wide as detratup.A 60"wide __ SCALE: ...M. by wide by 60"long minimum.lauding is inquired Whom a change of direction A ,• ,.., 1111111 :".L!,tetiVr•Vgo:T.5W`a. is necessary-. DATE I4 GA.STL.PLATE a, PAINTED. 74:117.,,,,,,::;,,,,,C6 IR" SEAL.EXPANSION„JOINsT WITNT 9. Prervide handrails at both sides of ramps with rise greeter tan 6".Handrails 01.30.2006 c3A,::!3:',..',;vt,'..-AL- ., . i i ... .. shall.comply with 4.8,4.9,and 4.26. telo•BAcc AT la"C".EACH XII.A9ATDIO,O6VVANe.'INT •; ISSUED FOR BID PAV I NG 1.0. Handrails shall extend at le.12"beyond then*rim and ail..12"plus the .„, 77---7.-,•,---..: '."..--.-.4,---14 '--.'-;. ---- -E. , : 'I, t`.17.4,'D:11,C,f..;,`A-°`' /----•PAVI-N6 ON CONCRETE ill .. • ..'•..1 _bit..• ..:2-4•RINGS width of one tread beyond the bottom rime parallel.*eland*,Handrails shall extend at least 12"beyond thetop and-the bOttom of the ramp pat.]. to the landing. , . ISSUED FOR CONST. ',,I,NS-e-ijip,-,:01,-,i, --", IL-Aci€0,,, * , MM.,, CONCRETE FOOTIND 11. Provide signage at accessible entrance(s)andtlimetion.signage.all (2,:,,J.;---e.olAavyria CONCRETE inaucessiblo entrances. SHE,TITLE ,[•-•frr..,,,,-11,-,1,7,,IM(1)1-,,,,, ..1 ,,, ....,11,1',11' -4..1 1111 RC SIGN MAY BE I MOURTELDON EXTERIOR 1 WALL WHERE APPLACAB,,....• -,;,.•I,- 12. Maintain."clear on t.latch side of doors. SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER . 13, Doors can not obetruot more Man half oft.width oftueens of egnssa. /5-)EXPANSION JONT HANDICAP SIGN DETA CH PE IL PE BOLLARD DETAIL A-03 \..____./SCALE: 0 SCALE: SCALE: SHEETDA OF1,1 DRAWN BY: © 2 208' 10" 3 ' A 4 ,Mr A 4 15-11" 25-9" 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4'\ 2'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4"I 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" 12'-7 1/2" 16'-4 1/4" CHECKED BY: / / / / / / \/ / I/ / / / / 12' / ® �/- CD - _- S ®®.A.... -� — A��� ---a0 ___ 7 PROJECT NUMBER: I, R BEDROOM 1 I LIVING RM ~ I I I ARCHITECT'S STAMP Fa I M �' ___ � ® LEI I HC GUEST GUEST HC GUEST GUEST I I GUEST II GUEST I GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST I W� LAUNDRY EQUIP.RI I ® ® ® I ® r,I ® MI ® 1E3 ® I J 1� Il ELEV. � 110 ( ' I f —-— ®c�� 1/2 7 7 = 7 7 7 -- 7OIOOOOIOJl / O 5 J — 0 IL 4 O, °.�1 I— --0 ° o O —0,1i o— o L D 0 0 �_o 0 O o �' i� O 4 x4 U 1� coRRl®R 1 e. .0' ———...... / ® n m MECHANICAL ' OFFICE T:; -H 8 I — = — _ -}- 411) —� CONTRACTOR ,,—„ ,_4,} , 4 II _I n 0�0 �, . , 0 ,0 o cp.—, O�0 0 17 0 OI 3 !� 11 O i L r9� 6Or; 0I0 — �I� — — ��� �i� --� ;11coI---- --�VENLDING A 6 Nir \ i_ —— 1-, Ili Oi I, i , i ~ STAIR Q N LOBBY I) GUEST GUEST I GUEST GUEST I GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST d GUEST ( GUEST SUITE �� \ I f l I I ® „3 i „� ® ® ® I ® �\ )��r t 2 PERSON III JACUZZI TUB ,n I i I I I i N I ARCHED BATH SUITE I N I,UP I I ( i I 12' i4 OPENING ® N O -- ® 00� 0 OI — 0 A -J A A _ O 0 4 � \ r 1 L_ r L �r �IC ARCHITECT�" 7 /3' /3'/ /3'/ /3'/ /3/ /3/2WET BAR WITH SINK N UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR AND COUTER TOP MICROWAVE o a m ,a-irk 1`7.cl 42'-8 1/2" 12'-2 5/8" 12'-10 1/8" 12'-10 1/8" 12'-3 3/8" 12'-3 3/8" 12'-10 1/8" 12'-10 1/8" 12'-3 3/8" 12'-3 3/8" 12'-10 1/8" 12'-8 1/8" 11'-11 5/8" `''o / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ow /r----J __, 197' 3" \ / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-'16 3/4" / o o /6'-8"/ 11'-8" jr 6'-8"/ GENERAL NOTES: 0 1.WALLS AT LAUNDRY,STORAGE ROOMS,STAIRS,AND MECHANICAL ROOM I 1 PROJECT TO BE 5/8"FIRE RATED GYPSUM BOARD,(1 HR.ASSEMBLY) I . 12'40"CLEAR TYP. 'n 2.ALL EXTERIOR WALLS 2x4 CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONED TO OUTSIDE FORTE COCHERE EDGE OF STUD AT BUILDING CORNERS. 3.ALL INTERIOR CORRIDOR AND SEPARATING GUEST ROOM PARTITION W WALLS 2x6 CONSTRUCTION WITH SOUND ABATEMENT. THESE WALLS ARE 2 H !— DIMENSIONED TO THE CENTER LINE OF STUD TYP.ALL. 4.ALL OTHER INTERIOR PARTITION WALLS 2x4 CONSTRUCTION, 0 I W DIMENSIONED TO THE CENTER LINE OF STUD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Cr J 2 ��IDI IDI 00 Q 0_ BUILDING SO FT O U L J 83,927 SQ FT J " 1 CO W o � I-cc W W RAB BARS V Z 2 W 1ST FLOOR OVERALL -� Q o SCALE: i/8"=1'0" 6 0,+ t i 1 U gait bare at sides of 3 is�2"3attq& I \ ro 1 '-3 3/8 .«" tane batik wa5.l. \ -1 �� c REVISIONS 18" 111 A lavatory insulate ® = _— _I A 8 a#ra,'&w ter supply, n 0 : \ 36" kitfloat°.be lever -0 d 7 6tieled,push type. O spae�under le�ra- (0: 1. I 0 _ j 7, A 7 0 0 -)„, ., 111111 � wtery 8 min..toe space 0ni 1-� � " 3 n, l_ \ ISSUED FOR PERMIT __- -__—_— a a� Q �TAB;L'dWiYB t9 13@ A dipil -. M 1 v lr type. GRAB BARS ,T I ,J1I' i.,. 6'-9 3/4" / 5'-9" / / 6'-0 1/2" / 6' 6 1/4" / ISSUED FOR BID ISSUED FOR CONST. 6'-61/4" 6' 61/4" r- TYP. H T. ROOM TYP, 3�TYP. KING/DOUBLE J SCALE: 1/4"=1', SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SHEET TITLE 13'-0 1/2" 1ST LEVEL PLAN 4 TYP. HALLWAY ENTRY ®TYP, H.C. TOILET SHEET NUMBER SCALE: 1/4,'-0" SCALE: 1/4,'-0" SHEET 040F 14 DRAWN BY: 15'-11" / 25'-9" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-6 3/4" / 12'-7 1/2" / 16'-4 1/4" / CHECKED BY: / COUNTER SVC. 12' SINK —--. • \ __...- ....� --... .._.. .. -- --- _-- _-- - \ \ PROJECT NUMBER. iIIMIIIIIi IIMM. HOUSEKEEPING 0 0 0 © I ® O O O O O O O E LAUNDRY I I ARCHITECT'S STAMP 0 SHELVING —_ CHUTE ( I ( I O GUEST JANITOR I FLOOR TO T GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST j GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST I GUEST I GUEST , GUEST ® ELEV. I ® ® ® ® 1 ® ® ® II ® I ® QUIP.i GUEST 10'-0 3/4" 5'-11" --__----i ® I j II I I / / ELEV.�Loo0 -_ I_ 3 T° ID000�� 00 �� OoCIO OOo �OoO �� 0000O IlioO1 I F 4 r-- r H 4 4 I-I— r--I 4 r--I OCORRIDOR 2 v�\ 03 \ IFITNESSROOM 3 ® __ —_ _ _ STAIR EU ® O L 1 LJ TT �_ —�_— LJ �— L J^ CONTRACTOR O j O 04 0 0--0 4 0 o— 40 © n- 4 - 4 4 4 �.., 4 4 Dom O 03 j10 �1 o j o 0 O o j o 0�r=1 O c j o 0 O o—I—o OIO'41�1 0—j m STAI . 0 O O,O O 010 O O O 0 0; O I O O cl O O i'O010 O —I� O ,O 0 —I— O H U ® H, I T.V.---.V\, h VENDING 1 O 11' 8 3/4")QOWN j —I— I". I (STAIR ;� EYEBROW TOP I j j ( I I — I - ____I / \J, ARCH WINDOW I GUEST GUEST I GUEST I GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST GUEST I GUEST GUEST I GUEST SUITE I 5-4 " MKM ECU ® IEMI EMI ® j RE ® EMI ® j MU ® ® I ® n 2 P RsoN BATH SUITE m I JACUZZI TUB I 1 1 j 1 ® I 1 I 1 N O O O _J C 1 0 � _J a j 0 ! O 0 1 n I LA�I �T I--�—— —1—— � -- —te —L \ �— Lam_— J LAI 4'L5 3/4"12'-5 3/4" 13'-1 1/2" 12'-7 1/2" 12'-3 1/4" VVET BAR UVITH SINK ARCHITECT / / / / / /3'/ /3/ /3/ /3/ /3/ /3/ UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR AND -/ 12'-9 1/2" / 12'-10 1/8" / 12'-3 3/8" / 12'-3 3/8" / 12'-10 1/8" / 12'-10 1/8" / 12'-3 3/8" 12'-3 3/8" / 12'-10 1/8" / 12'-8 1/8" /11'-11 5/8"/COUTER TOP '� MICROWAVE e fl2ND FLOOR OVERALL 60'-218"SCALE: 1/8 1 0 - 0- .— `✓J L—JII II� - _ i-,,,-,_), \ 10 GRAB M BARS - 1 c~n L` ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE - , O 1 ° ROOM NO. ROOM AREA FLOOR WALLS CEILING HC GUEST H.C.TOILET Cr?)O AO Q 100 LOBBY CARPET 5/8"GYP'BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT M ® 1 -II. ® DRINKING FOUNTAINS N Z 101 REGISTRATION CARPET 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT Cfl (1)ADA ACCESSIBLE _a Q 102 OFFICE CARPET 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT D�, a. 103 ELECTRICAL SEALED CONCRETE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT N "I FLOOR i �\ 104 LINEN TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT SINK I R/A ----CO \ 105 LAUNDRY TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT I C� A C ® EU 106 JANITOR/EQUIP.ROOM TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT I 5-9 1/2 2i 4 3/4 I 5'-10 3/4" ,'-11' ` / 107 H.C.REST ROOM TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT _ - x - 4 __ �\ PROJECT 108-130 GUEST ROOMS CARPET 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PI \ a 131 VENDING TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT L .N , , III'.'-5 1/4"'�-2 5/8'4-11 1/2yz'-2 3/8"M 132 BATH SUITE TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT - ,� \ / / / 133 STORAGE SEALED CONCRETE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT m I ELEV.E®.RM I. (III d' W 200 CLOSET TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT Q LAUNDRY I c CHUTETo n r—r--PAY PHONES 'in c 201-203 GUEST ROOMS CARPET 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT (� 2ND FLOOR I JANITORS (, I r \\ � N ®O 204 HOUSEKEEPING TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT .. Q I.CLOSET/ .. 205-228 GUEST ROOMS CARPET 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT JO 4/O .I I I I ,. i ® W 229 VENDING TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT SERVICE COUNTER I '�• J S 230 BATH SUITE TILE 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT CC G 231 FITNESS CARPET 5/8"GYP BRD-PT 5/8"GYP BRD-PT iO 8'-4' 5'-10 3/4/6'-11 1/2' _I J I co 0 O O \ DOOR SCHEDULE LAUNDRY 13 w w I I- E a o Fl� i LOBBY W Lll NO. SIZE DESORPTION in 14'-3 3/4" 12'-3 3/'" v ® W N 1 2-30x70 GLASS ENTRANCE IN METAL FRAME / r W 7 CG 2 30,0 GLASS ENTRANCE IN METAL FRAME ;( ©' ' L 2 W 3 30,8 "B"LABEL 1 HR W/10,0"WIRE GLASS,PH&ENCLOSURE COUNTER TOP _ Q 4 30,8 S.C.WOOD 20 MIN.FLUSH W/ENCLOSURE —� 5 30x68 "B"LABEL 1 HR.WITH ENCLOSURE ,I DEEP BASIN 6 30,8 S.C.WOOD FLUSH UTILITY SINK I 0 LINEN 7 30,8 S.C.WOOD FLUSH \ 8 26x68 S.C.WOOD FLUSH WITH RA GRILLE , ® O I 8 H ISIONS 0 12 40x70 INSULATED METAL _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __I O 13 40x68 "B"LABEL 1 HR WITH ENCLOSURE \ �� u OFFICE - - - - \ 14 30,8 CASED OPENING L- I \ 11 ELEC. / - 13'-6 7/8" - STAIR A CO DRYER THRU MO WINDOW SCHEDULE WALL VENTS I 0 �\ ISSUED FOR PERMIT HNO. SZE DESORPTION \ - ,---- - - - w r A 40,0 ALUM.SINGLE HUNG,DOUBLE INSULATEDx3 B 300 ALUM.SINGLE HUNG,DOUBLE INSULATED /3-7�0 ISSUED FOR BID / I I MECHANICAL ISSUED FOR CONST. GENERAL NOTES: O' I I 1.WALLS AT LAUNDRY,STORAGE ROOMS,STAIRS,AND MECHANICAL ROOM I TO BE 5/8"FIRE RATED GYPSUM BOARD,(1 HR.ASSEMBLY) 2.ALL EXTERIOR WALLS 2x4 CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONED TO OUTSIDE \ SHEET TITLE EDGE OF STUD AT BUILDING CORNERS. L J 2ND LEVEL PLAN 3.ALL INTERIOR CORRIDOR AND SEPARATING GUEST ROOM PARTITION 20' 9 1/8" 19'-7" 20' 1 1/2" WALLS 2x6 CONSTRUCTION WITH SOUND ABATEMENT. THESE WALLS ARE / / / / SHEET NUMBER DIMENSIONED TO THE CENTER LINE OF STUD TYP.ALL. A-05 4.ALL OTHER INTERIOR PARTITION WALLS 2x4 CONSTRUCTION, 2 ENL/\/-'�RGED SER\V/IOEJ /\RE/\ DIMENSIONED TO THE CENTER LINE OF STUD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. AREA SCALE: 3/16" -0" SHEET 05 OF 14 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: - ± PROJECT NUMBER SIGNAGE BY OTHERS PROVIDE POWER , , ARCHITECT'S STAMP / COUPOLA 35 YEAR ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES 1M 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 -__ ----„„, ---- \FIN CLG - - ri II .... ------11111!11.--- - - - CONTRACTOR MI 171 it : V GROVE-\_ '' STUCCO M M Illi= .1. .i-oo:\\FF,INN FELL -- - - - - - - FIN CLG - - - 11 STUCCO - - - 7 r=1 n T1, a * m Lm 17] 'a m m U -- , FRONT ELEVATION L EXTERIOR COLUMNS Li— SIGNAGE BY OTHERS PROVIDE - POWER '-, ARCHITECT STUCCO CORNICE I DETAIL 1 -STUCCO § -... 35 YEAR ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES Vc7i< STUCCO BAND AT 12 12 ' ALL WINDOW/P-TAC 16 16 12 UNITS TYPICAL 16 lir, _____ \FIN CLG cc.5 E 2 g — _ sTuccoi - - ___ ___ _ -___ ___ ____ _ STUCCO BAND - ,,,,1/4, IN FL . - - - - - - - - - - FIN CLG - - - - 7-STUCCO - - - - _ M M * -CO PROJECT \FIN FL -I w 2 REAR ELEVATION 0 0 Z SCALE 1/8,'—O. 0 I W CC -I 2 ,c,< 0_ •st 0 0 FE DI LLI > ., ....., SIGNAGE BY OTHERS I _ 0 PROVIDE POWER '\ REVISIONS i-----\STUCCO CORNICE '1-----1:\STUCCO CORNICE A COUPOLA DETAIL DETAIL A 12 STUCCO STUCCO A M 61 12 12 E A 16 16 ISSUED FOR PERMIT VV STUCCO 1 STUCCO i ISSUED FOR BID STUCCO-1 STUCCOi \FIN CLG FIN CLC/ STUCCO-1 -c) -ci CLEARANCE \ - ISSUED FOR CONST. , OD '00 FIN FL FIN FL PORTE COCHERE -\ / I - FIN CLG FIN CLG -d- SHEET TITLE \FIN FL FIN FL;) STUCCO i 1-1 7 \ pi PORTE COCHERE ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER LEFT SIDE ELEVATION A-06 RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8”—1'-0” SHEET 060F 14 .1 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Pat Fussell APPLICATION FILE #2006-05 110 N. Harrison Street San Augustine, Texas 75972 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 110 N. Harrison Street 1 Pat Fussell San Augustine, Texas 75972 Martinez#1 2121 Posey Lane O 2 Blk A Lot 1 R-2591-0OA-0010-1 Henry Martinez Wylie, Texas 75098 w Martinez #2 2121 Posey Lane D 3 Blk A 2 R-2570-0OA-0020-1 Henry Martinez Wylie, Texas 75098 Martinez#2 PC Box 250 4 BIk A 3 R-2570-0OA-0030-1 Flying L Cellular Commerce, Texas 75429 Martinez #3 5608 S. Lamar 5 BIk A 4 - R-4620-OOA-0040-1 Ken Lim Dallas, Texas 75215 Martinez #2 2121 Posey Lane 6 BIk A 5 R-2570-OOA-0050-1 Henry Martinez Wylie, Texas 750998 Martinez #3 9334 Whitehurst Drive 7 BIk A 6 R-4620-OOA-0060-1 Zack Ahn Dallas, Texas 75243 Wylie Shopping Village PG Box 1411 8 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-2446-001-0010-1 Brookshire Grocery Company Tyler, Texas 75710 Holiday Terrace PC Box 54 9 BIk 1 Lot 1 R-1163-001-0010-1 Geneva Schultz Wylie, Texas 750998 802 Mardi Gras Lane X 10 BIk 1 2 R-1163-001-0020-1 Pete Hernandez Wylie, Texas 750998 PC Box 69 11 BIk 1 3 R-1163-001-0030-1 A.A. Hatfield Wylie, Texas 750998 806 Mardi Gras Lane 12 i Blk 1 4 R-1163-001-0040-1 Ngarge Shaw Wylie, Texas 750998 , 808 Mardi Gras Lane 13 Blk 1 5 R-1163-001-0050-1 Bobby Gothard Wylie, Texas 750998 810 Mardi Gras Lane 14 Blk 1 6 R-1163-001-0060-1 Jerome Men, Jr. Wylie, Texas 750998 900 Mardi Gras Lane ID Fora 15 Blk 1 7 R-1163-001-0070-1 Frances Simmons Wylie, Texas 750998 i A X AGisgt+.i,s-V 902 Mardi Gras Lane 16 BIk 1 8 R-1163-001-0080-1 Lois Leopard Wylie, Texas 750998 Wells Fargo Bank 3 Ada 17 BIk 1 9 R-1163-001-0090-1 TR for Option One Mort Loan 2003-1 Irvine, California 92618 906 Mardi Gras Lane 18 Blk 1 10 - R-1163-001-0100-1 Dorothy May Wylie, Texas 750998 6001 Lakeshore Drive 19 Blk 1 11 R-1163-001-0110-1 Hal Portman Rowlett, Texas 75089 . 910 Mardi Gras Lane 20 Blk 1 12 R-1163-001-0120-1 D.W. Ward Wylie, Texas 750998 1000 Mardi Gras Lane 21 Blk 1 13 R-1163-001-0130-1 Atha Wigington Wylie, Texas 750998 1002 Mardi Gras Lane 22 Blk 1 14 r R-1163-001-0140-1 Justo Ortega Wylie, Texas 750998 6809 Sable Lane 23 Blk 2 Lot 26 R-1163-002-0260-1 James Mangan Sachse, Texas 75048 Housing &Urban Development 5040 Addison Circle#300 24 Blk 2 27 R-1163-002-02 70-1 c/o Southwest Alliance of Asset Mgrs Addison, Texas 75001 311 Willow Wood Street 25 Blk 2 28 R-1163-002-0280-1 Ralph Rozier Ill Plano, Texas 75094 905 Mardi Gras Lane 26 Blk 2 29 R-1163-002-0290-i i Ramon Alvizo Wylie, Texas 750998 903 Mardi Gras Lane X 27 Blk 2 30 R-i 163-002-0300-1 Lola Michael Wylie, Texas 750998 901 Mardi Gras Lane 28 Blk 2 31 R-1163-002-0310-1 Shelba Lemons Wylie, Texas 750998 Randolph Living Trust 5365 FM 1569 29 Blk 2 32 R-1163-002-0320-1 Roy Randolph Farmersville, Texas 75442 1421 Harlin Drive 30 Blk 2 33 R-1163-002-0330-1 John Crowe Wylie, Texas 750998 807 Mardi Gras Lane 31 Blk 2 34 R-1163-002-0340-1 J.R. Hickman Wylie, Texas 750998 805 Mardi Gras Lane 32 Blk 2 35 R-1163-002-0350-1 Retha Campbell Wylie, Texas 750998 803 Mardi Gras Lane 33 Blk 2 36 R-1163-002-0360-1 Eric Smalley Wylie, Texas 750998 4504 Winter Park Drive 34 Abst 267 Tract 26 R-6267-000-0260-1 Sooner Group, LP Richardson, Texas 75082 35 36 37 38 39 40 \I\ (...) w.4 i 04 11 C 1 iL TLC) ) ;I .. 0 - ' " „ _. .z West K ' X -'• ,,,,.may:. _.. ' r 0_ #3 , • ,,-, .• . c)1 ‘.. ' :: ,.,-::- 4..::--",::. 35 3 ' ' �_� w- # „ ..:y:4 ate.' J ^` ,,,. . ,;:-..„:„- ,„, . , \ ,. - .,- (D-i .. • - e) . t : › v ..,_•.. „ q j ,,,,,....,: . • :, : izir :: VI\ X .---.' . -:-,..,',,,! 33 •- ./ ,.,„t:.'''‘,1*-. < -...-1-,.-,'. .5 c4. ;,,:,..„:-_-,- k fkli\p- A,,,,,....,4„.,,,:,..--_,=_N , ,... 0 - ''' 0 llrc. Imo`--: .J ^yi k_ ,� �iii. �1 1.l 3 - . -'',:.t-.1.:".*:-%4_:;',* 5.•,Nia -• [i ••ti ,r--.-:','. .ftktp I'.., 7:::....',...T.,;:.+.:. 23 u::, - >-.\•-,\\ % r s ... . \\ .... a. , .. - -_,_ =.„.. - ,., 0 ,. 1 -,-• o \ .. 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II. < ', Tr 2.C, ._ t " WO f 1 • Yet"s r PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-05. 410 I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attachedpublic notice for Zoning Case#2006-05. a Ivirte9 Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 21,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 11, 2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: f)..t._ t' (-¢ -e_ 1---/VA- ( d-Z. -- (please print) Address: ,'c9 h'!A Xi,t q r S i ture: if "1-1-444-arx-efb Date: I/ e`f j2 COMMENTS: C3 4-CSC it 2 A e tz ) . 1 7 2-o PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-05. i am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 21,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 11,2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: 4PLk ? h4irjC--CA----i\4,14 (please pri ) l Address: PCB S rkkkO. I 6'RA-3 1- c-(:)ctie I. '< 7szY~ Signature: -44 . (—_ Date: Y q --C COMMENTS: tie hci / i p 7 1 i ', r. ci Itt_-e:P._,--_ 36 ci i-ct,e_ (,-_- (\t ri (_,,_\C-" 4fv-i__( . : flccief ci 6 n i,:._ +� i2.._ei rvb tc- »),__y ci fcc (___; 0.4�1�i L (--. ( , r koct,:s ,4-.",_ ek,' () cy cur e it- i,-) .1)___ 'i.--A I,s. al e.t_ ( . Nr rf r '(Nvc i 1)., n La 4 t- (-,,7 hi, 1 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-05. am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-05. Date,Location&Time of 3--� /—U 6 Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 21,2006, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 11,2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: ko4,(7 E. 11 AFL (please print) Address: 90g M rci 14(+tq S iii)Y ,`e rexi5 'X5',V9A' Signature: q - 1Mfac 1 q Date: 3 - -0(� COMMENTS: -Too 0,1,o5 e 1'P Y`�5 1 d /9- -Q# mtLy �aus�s, LW di5TtLrb hi) fe rh yre ;c4c ,t'Ts P-r\k,4 Tig ke_ u04.y TA e 42tiAltitry p f e �v� e,Ujoy r` N cur A/ 6-.) ,',2Aber,hocei /½ fQrTy A1 c i ñtit'T 7 7;-) `-f'i4. `y I1OU? $ I' 5 /11 LL KLA Le r. 7-4 o.p PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 V7 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-05. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 21,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, April 11,2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: L ?EK i„,4-711s em-k,:r. (please print) Address: 62/2 S, 79/4-'1/vJ 79 J; i7-4---- Jo 0 " Signature: "° )-24-17)4 Date: � ---.Z k— Q 6 COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2006-05. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2006-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,March 21,2006,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,April 11, 2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas Name: Henry A. Martinez (please print) Address: 2121 Po s ey Lane Wylie, TX 75098 Signature: Date: H.„.€77.._ Q <0 COMMENTS: ._� .._... �....� ... a.s4�. ia,a, .+ii VC+1`1,30t11.:1Ci,LCS Page ye 1 of 2 11 HOTEL EXECUTIVE The Luang Edge Publication to Senior'Management and kistilitione itwedo s fir, •i,,�:°`' 3=+-'rs.�C:.�".: �.•x;.4. .,�.w;r ,+3u•y. ��iipp�- - "h" �r.l' _.•c:..., .t Y.i :�.�Yi^+-�.'---'3.' R— ..� .. .w ......... ... "• .— �IY.•..i Fussell Named CEO of Pat Fussell & Associates Pat Fussell & Associates, Inc., iya:� = : named Brandon Fussell as tile •::::: company's chief executive of icer. l•-de ��. succeeds his father, Pat Fussell, .� o r � T.w,_ founded the company and � iti wa� become chairman emeritus and remain a consultant to the company. The company has be f been involved nor 30 :;�-,��, ;:�u: •_ .;gin years in hotel and motel manageme.n t, site selection, ownership, financ,no, brokerage and construction. The i works with major hotel and mote! franchisers, developing lodging ..... ..... .. .. facilities, etc. for corporations E:r,d individuals in the U.S. A native of San Augustine, Brandon Fussell joined the company as a vice- president in 1979, assisting clients in site selections and acquisitions of hotel and motel properties. Between 1993 and 1997, he was employed by Hospitality Franchise Systers-3, Inc. (now Cendant Corporation) as a director of.franchising and development in the Western U.S. and by Choice Hotels International as a development director in the same region. He returned to Pat Fussell&Associates, Inc., in 1997 as president and formed a strategic alliance with Benchmark Development o9 Dallas, giving Pat Fussell �. Associates, Inc., the ability to offer total development and/or desi nfb =l l construction services nationwide. He is a member of American Hotel/Motel Association, the Texas Hotelli ot,ei Association, the National and Texas Associations of Realtors, and t w Nacogdoches Board of Realtors. He is a licensed real estate salesman in Texas and a graduate of the Realtors Institute. Fussell is a graduate of San Augustine High school and attended Texas Christian University and the University of Texas at Arlingtc n. Pat Fussell & Associates, Inc., can be reached at its 14 e ww.patfussell.com http://w .hotelexecutive.cornlA7rchives/2000/De /0202000 2.htm 3/26/2001 11)....1rk rbm LL Moutoursville Super s Casa Grande, Arizona Opens in southwest Style O r•' :� 1 s, F - e� ,:: -,-. . f" .aw L•, m _ a � a to Rooms rsire �� �� �. K�r q� . 'fb6=bC - 6n 1r - •'Fab'. 3' r.: fa �i' r c �5 ?-,-,At!, -. ., .8 E -, „4.-- . , r ry xa-F ms _ a xa. Disaster of TII . . . ., , „�. � R " ,,yam w3,? '"' �:r�;..:�+ep;. r;xr:_:r.. .. .. �F,�gs'. r�v'•6:-r.iri.�`"0�-. .� 5_.,s_„r:.,• _-J;^, .ram' � : � ,a' L;;��� i y. in 1 �: Motel <' 8i s ;�:, y � �z -� 00 m Super ;� The ,. : . 43 r , ..�. �h .���-� P, .4� offered corn- f: •.j,r t:.:: Montoursville,Pennsylvania, -;�� ,� -40 �. } r -Y memorial services4f,,,',.. ..,';i:ap _...:'rooms durin mem ��: �°�. l�mentar g Montoursville k;� �,;, ;'e to families of the 17 .,:� � � ,� �-€��� �p.f out of JFKli;4°.-,-f:''' E, flight 800 ,,,,::,,:til %: ..--. .' i ,; . �; victims of TWA �f ......�... v„ PowG. K a International Airport. 7 ,., �s like this . .-, A terrible tragedy has a pro- ommu- ; :. : found affect on everyone in the c =- r .,' ?, nity. I am grateful that we were able to -.. ....._. in makingfamilies the _.�. - �.��.=r...� assist sure the of ,� `, victims comfortable601$ were made as : ., possibl e duringthis difficult time, said ,�?-° y Donna Heist, general manager of the . :K;s'�,--:- '. : y1 - . -; i The newly constructed Casa Grande,Arizona Super 8 Montoursville Super �' �`=';�,�' ACC 8 Mote a -� z:.r 2066 E. Florence Boulevard is now open for �r �� ^Y`" Motel, at 45.;�= M , ; . business. The motel,owned and managed by Piyush Patel, Olympic tk, ,,, was designed with a Southwest Santa Fe theme. Tickets Donated tO "We are excited about our opening and hope that our ■ p g �l ren s Charities , i,'' . guests will find the accommodations to be of the highest Atlanta Ch d -,, i More than 140 underprivileged chil- quality," Patel said. "The newly decorated guest rooms, A,y ; dren attended the Olympic games thanks `, •:' '`° coupled with its proximity to many area attractions, in- to the new � ° 238-room Super 8 Hotel in , cluding the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument,two • Atlanta. Olympic tickets for the major factory outlet malls and casino gambling, make Downtown FUSSELL baseball July game on Sunday, 21,at Fulton the motel ideal for visitors to Casa Grande." County Stadi um were distributed to the fol- To get off to a great start,Patel hired Pat Fussell&Associates,Inc.of San Augustine, lowing charitable organizations: Georgia Texas, as motel developer and consultant. And, a great start it was. The Casa Grande g Baptist Children's Homes and Family Super 8 sold out the first two weekends it was open. Ministries,Inc.(Palmetto campus)and the "Of all the Super 8 motels I have worked with, it has ",,,As a new FridayHome; Christian City Home for been my experience that they enjoy a good occupancy right Children; and the Atlanta Union Mission. away. Super 8's success rate has been phenomenal. As a construction, "We were thrilled to donate these tick- new construction, Super 8 outperforms any other lodging Super 8 ets to children who otherwise would not chai n,"" Fussell said. � have been able to attendOlympics" the For franchisees who don't have motel experience, outperforms , said Sandra Lewis, general manager of the Fussell can help get a property up and running. Fussell, any other Super 8 Hotel. who has been in the motel development business since 1970, The Georgia Baptist Children's Homes is a Certified Hotel Administrator and has built,owned andlodging g p offer residential care for children ages 6 to operated motels and hotels at all price points. chain. 18. The Friday Home is an emergency shel- The company has built more than 50 motels and ter for neglected or abused children. hotels. Its specialty is"turnkey development" from the Christian City Home for Children pro- "desire" to the "grand opening." They complete the feasibility study; select the site; vides residential care for children from dys- prepare loan documents; select and direct the architectural plans; choose the general functional an d financially distressed families. contractor; purchase all the furniture, fixtures and equipment; assist in selection of Village Atlanta,a ministry of the Atlanta personnel;and prepare the property for opening. Union Missi on,provides a safe haven with "Pat Fussell does a great job in developing and designing a motel. We had a few a village atmosphere la e for homeless women tough situations which he helped solve right away," Patel stated. "Fussell made sure and their children. everything was working perfectly before I took over." StrEIGHT Talk September 1996 11 (:)!Ici,..1 111) Toledo Bend, Texas Super 8 Motel Opens in Record Time Adickes. Pat Fussell and Associates, Inc• in tart to F�n�sh From of San Au ustine,Texas,was the develop- BusinessSu er � Motel �onstructed 65g historic men(and management consultant respon- motel is flourishing for the Super 8 located in beautiful east Texas on selectingand supervising the P After $1.5 million Highway 21 (once known as El Camino sible for in East Texas. dollar investment, the new construction Real, early an trade route into Mexico contract and completing the project ahead project was completed in a record 65 from the United States) and Louisiana of schedule and within budget. ' hwa 6 at Pendleton Bridge. Other Adickes said, "We could not have from foundation days to finish. It is the Highway Y first national franchised motel on the guest amenities include boat and RV been more fortunate to have selected Pat 1,200-mile shoreline of Toledo Bend parking spaces s aces with outside electrical Fussell and his staff to develop our new connections and guest laundry facilities. Super 8 motel. They were able to guide Lake,the South's largest fresh water lake. .�rrE,a. ,f:�r'Q !,�. �.f ,�a�p� The �""+{,�Y�z,•� �•'qA ...ba��+.eap,•, ' 6� y,3 ..-:err ..•r ��'� e s� .•. " r•�';�) r >• ,v -1 ."•,'1?' . 'tom 1 •,,:..,te r.4, ., • o ,i. R s "1"..;n ','s A.1:'.['.e 1 .i r4. !., ' ' ,+�..•- y.. : n :� i` i..•,A,....)::','::,..! ' .'• '.. �;' .' r? ..�1y s 1i 4-0,',, �:4a c x ; �.z, ,�P E,` .p � e :� 7 4.. � new r 'T " +IS' �t , � r ..+ 1J� �f,,, r �y• �° ''" ':. ?i w a��� �•r� 'Aye� *,3 'v 'i 7 i"yy..������ �.i;ig. � � q�t . Y •N �R � 3c �` � 'ti,.�: ,;1.. i „..::, !lw'h• .✓,, t �;, „,, <err -.,;. M.'�;n„ •,,,,,`. 'r °.-•`t x.',-,,,`i ,„..t.i,i .tji•f �•^;,+,€'+TA) ^7ar . 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' -----i �..sa,�;�.: i' un}.' °..r.•1r..•�'�� ...ur• Y'il -' ~,i. .. , '. - +.• .- - �-.a.r:pear,,,...'•''-y-Y'-r,a.:_� r�.-.r^.w'..:•Ws � 0,..4..".'..:n.4irm.-.,r,. :7Prl• .•R. 0 , ,.. ..•:r•'. ••...i...:..-s+.:.s Y sCsYi:•fn, +• Bend, • � _ h a _ .r'.r,l� � : ewr:' Yaw?�f P . ex„,,, F? RA?•ZtlYa' c-v- y,,« Q.,,,,� 44 ,,,1'.1d�.., .,-w+:b, .ri "' "4,;SL E. R':'''".••r.r �i i•T+•siMtriria14 . ._ ... _ _... Texas rN:• de- enthusiast, there is a new us through a mass of red tape with our The brand new 44-room motel was For the golf . , , signed specifically for the Toledo Bend championship 18-hole golf course and a SBA 504 loan, in addition to getting our Lake resort area. 9-hole course directly across the street. motel built in 65 days. My partners The motel is situated on the lakefront The Toledo Bend Super 8 Motel is and I are very happy with the profes- and features a boat ramp launchingand a owned by Sunrise Hospitality, Inc. of sionalism of Pat Fussell and Associates special fish-cleaning house for fishermen Hemphill,Texas, which is a group of five and job them highly. They get pleasure leasure boaters. It is easy to find, local businessmen led by Mr. Leon the done." �1Saves 1 eu or ana er ��rn orneo ,8 00 Romeoville,IL Super 8 Manager Janice Hiller came to the rescue of a guest who apparently s a =. Concerned familymembers and friends tried to contact the guest several times, ,„x T attempted suicide. , r, : ; that there was something wrong,Hiller went to check. _ j but he did not answer the phone.Suspicious ,. did not answer the door, so Hiller announced herself and tried to get in,but the bar - ''' The guestA ' latch was thrown.Still unable to get a response from him,she got her latch opener and entered the room.The guest was in a coma and barely breathing,so Hiller called 911 and stayed with the guest �, .�$ until EMS arrived in case he stopped breathing.EMS arrived and took him to the hospital.The guest :t remained in a coma for several days. "He may need a liver transplant,but the responding EMS personnel told me that it would have been much, much worse if not fatal if Hiller had not taken matters into her own hands and checked on the guest. We are very proud of Hiller for her persistence and caring, which led to savingguest's life,"said Tony Burke,regional manager at Rivett Family Management. a Janice Hiller 10 StrEIGHT Talk November 1996 HOTEL/MOTEL DEVELOPMENT RENOVATYGN MANAGEMENT � ASSD CYATES YN�• PAT1,WELL P. Brandon Fussell Patrick . Fussell, CAA 110 North Harrison � P.O.Drawer 1010. San Augustine,TX 75972 Sang Augustine,TX 75972 inviable market at a competitive cost in ❑ D� a new Hotel/Motel a • Develop for the CLIENT, minimum time asonable cost within a specified time frame ▪ Renovate the CLIENT s HotellMotei at a rem solvin management if needed. effective"hands on"specific proble • Provide the CLIENT LENT RE E -- ❑ CL CONVENTIONAL, SBA, OR ALTERNATIVE financing NTS • Ab iI i to qualify for Ability • Cash equity immediately available and verifiable ❑ MEETING THE NEEDS renovating, managing and owning hotels/motels. • 30 ears experience in developing, repo g� � Over Y exclusively in the lodging industry since 1970 • Involved directly and exclu y with the ma hospitality industry Franchisors • Work directly major retractors attorne s, CPAs and vendors with lenders, architects, general co Y . • Regular contacts aspects of the lodging industry. Experienced in providing goods and services to allp ❑ P kI ECT ANALYSIS CLIENT'Sparticular franchise and situation • Provideproject specific proforma adjusted to e to lender feasibility studymeaningful to CLIENT and acceptabl • Assist CLIENT in obtaining a f �' , . 1 merit strategies analyze cost benefits of combinations of various development• Compare and y ❑ OUR STRENGTHS industryallow deliveryof complete services • Experience and knowledge within the hospitality FINANCING • access for CONVENTIONAL, SBA, AND ALTERNATIVE , Ready architects and general contractors experienced in hotel industry • Access to vendors, Franchisors,• Hands on knowledgeconstruction, of site selection, franchise selection, financing, manufacturersstaffing,of FF&E, marketing, management and renovation a KEY BENEFITS and • Our knowledge and experience can save you timemoney • Contacts from years of developing, financing,nancin , and renovating projects are directly available to CLIENT • We can provi de CLIENT complete development or renovation or specific management solutions ❑ NEXT STEPS • CLIENT must execute a Development Agreement for our services • Furnish verifiable financial statements • Furnish last 3 years tax returns • Provide a resume and background information as may be needed by Lender �' y Hotels/Motels Developed, Renovated, Owned, Sold and/or Managed by . Built, w Pat Fussell& Associates Or Re dated Companies and/or • r Partnerships a rsh cps since 1970. � AR �50 units Center, Fayetteville, Zoo units *Hilton Hotel and Conferences AR • Conference Center, Hot Springs, 180 units *Hilton Hotel and . *HolidayFayetteville, AR 140 units Inn, Y e Fort Smith, AR 45 units Econolodge, � . Ramada Ltd. Suites, Marana, (Tucson) 5 units Super 8 Mote Casa Grande, AZ 44 units 62 Super 8 Motel, Mesa, AZ 3 o units * Motel,Needles, CA 11 0 units Super 8 Streets Motel, Anaheim, CA(West 5 0 units Super 8 M , Super 8 Motel, Auburn, CA 5472 units u er 8 Motel,Fortuna, CA 40 units SCA(At the Capitol Downtown)8 Motel, Sacramento, 5 3 units Super � (Aott South}ote San Francisco, CA 3953 units Super 8 Motel, Street)Cisco CA (Lombard St ) units Super 8 Motel, San Francisco, 1�0 p ILunits Best Western, Great Lakes, 100 *Ro dewa Inn, Shreveport,LA 121 units yLA units Holiday Inn, Lake Charles, 43 Super 8 Motel, Ruston, LA 52 units p Sulphur, LA units Super 8 Motel, 82 Wingate Inn, Sulphur, LA 120 units Econolodge, Charlotte,NC 90 units &onolodge, Charlotte, NC 45 units Econolodge, Weldon,NC �$ units Econolodge, Charleston, SC (East) 40 units Econolodge, Columbia, SC 96 units Econolodge,North Charleston, SC 142 units Econolodge, Knoxville, TN r l DO units *PonderosaMotor Inn, College Station, TX . 3�o units * park at Six Flages, Arlington, TX Sheraton Centre 150 units *Sheraton Inn and Conf. Center at North Texas University, Denton, TX 140 units *Ho LidaY Inn, Texas City/La Marque, TX _ 150 units *Sheraton Inn, San Angelo, TX 150 units *Sheraton Inn, Sherman, TX 252 units * Inn and Condos, South Padre Island, TX Sheraton 150 units *Sheraton Inn, Texarkana, TX 100 units Super 8 Motel, Abilene, TX units Super 8 Motel, Cleveland, TX units Holiday Inn, Denton, TX 110 ulu3 units Super 8 Motel, El Paso (Anthony), TX 450 units Super 8 Motel, Groves, TX SuperMotel, 43 units 8 Toledo Bend Reservoir, Hemphill, TX �5 units Super 8 Motel, Houston(Federal Rd.), TX . 80 units Rodeway Inn, Kingsville, T w 44 units City, TX 45 units Super S Motel,LeagueY units p Lufkin, TX5 uni Super 8 Motel, Lu a �units TX 60 Quality I� Mesquite, •ts bran e, TX 5 2 units Super 8 Motel, � Pasadena, TX 50 units Super 8 Motel, . Augustine, TX 6500 units Holiday Inn, San � , Somerville, TX S I units Super 8 Motel, . Best Western forth, Temple,le TX 44 units 1 Van Horn, TX504 units Super 8 Motel, 44 units Super 8 Motel, Victoria, TX . p Waxahachie, TX46 units Super 8 Motel, . lode Blacksburg, VA 48 units Bc4r`° g ' V Aunits lod a Roanoke Rapids, 80 Eeono g � � Avondale, AZ Limited Inns and Suites, 60 units Ramada Houston,T (Bush Intercontinental), units Quality Suites 52 Super 8 Motel, Weimar, TX 60 units Super 8 Motel, Kountze, TX6 units Houston, T **Independent Motel-�-Ha Co units TX ' ** raneh�d Motel�-Clarksville, 6�units FTX ** ranchised Motel—Woodville, units **Franchised Motel—Vinton, LA 60 units **Franchised Motel—Wills Point, TX 40 units 0 **Franchnse d Motel—Plaquemine, LA 60 units **Franchised Motel-Wylie, TX 4 unit s **Franchised Motel-Brookshire, TX Total 5,725 units * Partnership Owned and Managed Part p ** =Currently under development de of feasibility studies and consulting assignments We have performed a multitud e along with the, brera brokerage and selling of over 250 Hospitality Properties. g 09-05 Wylie City Council - AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2006 Item Number: 2 De artment: Plannin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 03/24/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Five Subject Conduct a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-24 amending the zoning from Agriculture (A) to Townhouse (TH) District, generally located on the northeast corner of Lynda Lane (C.R. 389) and Forrest Ross Road. ZC 2006-06 Recommendation Motion to accept/deny Ordinance No. 2006-24 amending the zoning from Agriculture (A) to Townhouse (TH) District, generally located on the northeast corner of Lynda Lane (C.R. 389) and Forrest Ross Road. Discussion Owner: Arapaho East, Inc. Applicant: LGD Properties, Inc. The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Lynda Lane (C.R. 389) and Forrest Ross Road. The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property to allow for townhouse development. The proposal will include 50 townhouse units on 5 acres. The property is an odd triangular shape tract that is bordered by Industrial District to the north and west and a Planned Development District for mixed use development including residential of varied densities and commercial uses to the east. The entire tract will be developed to Townhouse (TH) District standards with a minimum of 3,500 square feet for exterior lots with side yards and 3,000 square feet for interior lots without side yards. Minimum dwellings size shall be 1,200 square feet. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-2 to deny the proposed request at its March 21, 2006 meeting. Notification/Responses: Four (4) notifications were mailed, with no written responses returned at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 04/06/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2006-06, TO TOWNHOUSE (TH) DISTRICT FOR TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT;; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Townhouse (TH) District allowing residential uses, said property being described in Exhibit"A", attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this day of , 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: ,in the Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Case#2006-06 BEING a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688 in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being a portion of Tract 1 conveyed to Jesse Geneva Boyd, Trustee and her successors in Trust, of the Boyd Living Trust dated November 29, 1993, as evidenced in a Special Warranty Deed recorded in County Clerk's File No. 94-0059168, Land Records of Collin County, Texas (LRCCT), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows (bearings are based on the northern boundary line of Lot 1, Block B of Woodlake Village Two, as shown on the Final Plat of same recorded in County Clerk's File No. 95-0014915, Plat Records of Collin County, Texas [PRCCT]): BEGINNING at a fence post found for the northwest corner of Tract 1 of said Boyd tract and the southwest corner of a called 36.471 acre tract of land conveyed to North Texas Municipal Water District as evidenced in a deed recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417, LRCCT, a found concrete monument bears North 01°5 8'06" East, a distance of 1,05 8.90 feet; THENCE South 8 8°24'15" East, along the common boundary line of said North Texas Municipal Water District tract and said Boyd tract, and generally along a wire fence, a distance of 601.79 feet to a 5/8-inch"KHA" capped iron rod set for a point in the westerly right-of-way line of County Road No. 389 (a 60-foot wide right-of-way) recorded in Volume 3227, Page 442, LRCCT, said point being in a non-tangent curve to the right, a radial bearing from said point bears North 58°21'39" West; THENCE southwesterly along said westerly right-of-way line, generally along a wire fence and the arc of said curve to the right, having a central angle of 20°46'29", a radius of 1,020.00 feet and an arc distance of 369.84 to a 5/8-inch"KHA" capped iron rod set for the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE continuing southwesterly along said westerly right-of-way line, said wire fence and the arc of said curve to the left, having a central angle of 36°59'O1", a radius of 1,080.00 feet and a arc distance of 697.12 feet to a railroad spike set for a corner in the east boundary line of a called 142.262 acre tract of land conveyed to North Texas Municipal Water District as evidenced in a deed recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417, LRCCT; THENCE North 01°48'09" East, departing said westerly right-of-way line of County Road No. 389 and along said east boundary line, a distance of 858.89 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5.032 acres of land, more or less. ii 1 .., .-...-. • . . . c-I . . -- . 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C.� J J J • J J J t J• J J J ZONING CASE #2006-06 Wylie City Council (01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2006 Item Number: 3 De artment: En ineerin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p g Prepared By: Chris Holsted Account Code: Date Prepared: 4/03/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: S u b'ect Conduct a Public Hearing on the updated Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. Recommendation Discussion On February 28, 2006 Council adopted an Ordinance setting the date for a public hearing on the updated Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. Section 395 of the Local Government Code specifies the process necessary for the implementation of impact fees. The Impact Fee Advisory Committee met on February 21st to file written comments on the proposed Fees. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 04/06/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 I/ )fir Wylie City Council (01 L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2006 Item Number: 4 De artment: En ineerin g (City Secretary's Use Only) p g Prepared By: Chris Holsted Account Code: Date Prepared: 4/03/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Three S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-25 amending Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4 and 2001-19 regarding Water and Wastewater Impact Fees to be assessed by the City of Wylie. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-25 amending Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4 and 2001-19 regarding Water and Wastewater Impact Fees to be assessed by the City of Wylie. Discussion On February 28, 2006 City Council adopted an Ordinance setting the date for a public hearing on the updated Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. Council also approved the updated Land Use Plan and 10-year Capital Improvements Plan during that same meeting. Section 395 of the Local Government Code specifies the process necessary for the implementation of impact fees, and a public hearing was conducted to receive public comments on the updates to the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees. The impact fee report specifies a maximum amount of$1,304.97 for the water impact fee and a maximum amount of$1,231.01 for the wastewater impact fee. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 04/06/2006 Y g Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS.90-10,93-4,97-4 AND 2001-19 REGARDING WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES TO BE ASSESSED BY THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; ESTABLISHING A COLLECTION DATE; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEES; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE APPROPRIATE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City Council") has previously adopted Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4 and 2001-19 of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") establishing water and wastewater impact fees to be assessed by Wylie; and WHEREAS, Wylie has fully complied with Chapter 395, Local Government Code, concerning the notice, adoption, promulgation and methodology necessary to adopt land use assumptions and a capital improvement plan establishing impact fees and has properly adopted Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4 and 2001-19; and WHEREAS, the City council has amended the land use assumptions and amended the capital improvement plan by Ordinance No.2006-10 and desires to amend the amount of impact fees for water and wastewater based thereon; and WHEREAS, Wylie has reviewed the impact fees for water and wastewater adopted under Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4 and 2001-19 of Wylie in compliance with Chapter 395, Local Government Code; and WHEREAS,the City Council held a public hearing to discuss the proposed amendments to the impact fees for water and wastewater; and WHEREAS,the Advisory Committee, created under Section 395.058, Local Government Code, filed its written comments on the proposed amendments to the impact fees for water and wastewater before the fifth (5th) business day before the date of the public hearing on the amendments; and WHEREAS,within thirty(30)days after the public hearing on the proposed amendments to the impact fees for water and wastewater,the City Council is approving amendments as more fully set forth below; and WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 1 448720.v 1 WHEREAS, Wylie has fully complied with Chapter 395, Local Government Code, to approve the proposed impact fees for water and wastewater charged per service unit; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to amend the impact fees for water and wastewater. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendments to Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4 and 2001-19. Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4 and 2001-19 are hereby amended, and Wylie's impact fee regulations for water and wastewater are adopted as follows: Article 1. Purpose. This Ordinance is intended to assure the provision of adequate public facilities to serve new development in the city by requiring each such development to pay its share of the costs of such improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development. Article 2. Definitions. Area-related facility means a capital improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the impact fee capital improvements plan and which is not a site-related facility. Area-related facility may include a capital improvement which is located offsite or within or on the perimeter of the development site. Capital improvement means any of the following facilities with a life expectancy of three(3) or more years that are owned and operated by or on behalf of Wylie: (a) water supply, treatment and distribution facilities; wastewater collection and treatment facilities;and storm water,drainage and flood control facilities,whether or not they are located within the service area. Capital Improvements Plan means a plan adopted by the Ordinance No. 2006-10 that identifies capital improvements or facility expansions for which impact fees may be assessed. City or Wylie means the City of Wylie, Texas. WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 2 448720.v 1 City Council means the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas. Facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of an existing facility that serves the same function as an otherwise necessary new capital improvement,in order that the existing facility may serve new development. The term does not include the repair,maintenance,modernization or expansion of an existing facility to better serve existing development. Final plat or final plat approval or approved final plat means the point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval and the plat has been released by the city for filing with Collin, Rockwall or Dallas County, whichever is appropriate. Impact fee means a charge or assessment imposed as set forth in this Ordinance against new development. The term does not include: (a) Required dedications of land for public parks or payments in lieu thereof; (b) Dedication of rights-of-way or easements or construction or dedication of onsite or off-site water distribution, waste water collection or drainage facilities, or streets, sidewalks, or curbs if the dedication or construction is required by a valid ordinance and is necessitated by and attributable to the new development; (c) Lot or acreage fees or pro-rata fees to be placed in trust funds for the purpose of reimbursing developers for oversizing or constructing water or sewer mains or lines; or (d) other pro rata fees for reimbursement of water or sewer mains or lines extended by Wylie. Land use assumptions means a description of the service area and the projections of changes in land uses, densities, intensities, population and employment growth in the service area over at least a ten(10)year period and adopted by the city by Ordinance No. 2006-10, as may be amended from time to time, upon which the capital improvements plans are based. New development means a project involving the construction,reconstruction,redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration,relocation or enlargement of any structure,or any use or extension of the use of land, any of which has the effect of increasing the requirements for capital improvements or facility expansions, measured by the number of service units to be generated by such activity, and which requires either the approval of a plat pursuant to the city's subdivision regulations,the issuance of a building permit or connection to the city's water or wastewater system, and which has not been exempted from these regulations by provisions herein or attached hereto. Installation of a larger water meter will constitute new development. WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 3 448720.v 1 Off-site means a facility or expansion that is not a Site-related facility, as defined herein. Plat shall mean a final plat as described in the city's subdivision regulations. Plat includes replat. Property owner has the same meaning as the term "applicant" in the city's subdivision regulations. Property owner includes the developer for the new development and the owner of the property. Recoup means the imposition of an impact fee to reimburse the city for capital improvements which the city has previously oversized to serve new development. Service area means the area of the city's corporate limits and the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction, as they exist or may be altered, to be served by the capital improvements or facilities expansions specified in the capital improvements plan. Service unit means the standardized measure of consumption,use, generation or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development, that had been calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering and/or planning standards,as indicated in the land use equivalency tables located in the "Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update", which is attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated by reference herein, as may be amended from time to time. Single-family residential has the meaning given the term in the city's zoning regulations. Site-related facility means an improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of a new development and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of water or wastewater facilities to serve the new development,and which is not included in the capital improvements plan and for which the property owner is solely responsible under subdivision or other applicable regulations or which is located at least partially on the plat which is being considered for impact fee assessment. Site-related facility includes that portion of an off-site water or wastewater main, equivalent to a standard size water or wastewater main,which is necessary to connect any new development with the city's water or wastewater system,the cost of which has not been included in the city's impact fee capital improvements plan. Utility connection means authorization to install a water meter for connecting a new development to the city's water system or to the city's wastewater system. Wastewater facility means a wastewater interceptor or main, lift station or other facility or improvement used for providing wastewater collection and treatment included within the city's collection system for wastewater.Wastewater facility includes,but is not limited to,land,easements or structures associated with such facilities. Wastewater facility excludes a site-related facility. WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 4 448720.v 1 Water facility means a water interceptor or main,pump station,storage tank or other facility or improvement used for providing water supply,treatment and distribution service included within the city's water storage or distribution system. Water facility includes, but is not limited to, land, easements or structures associated with such facilities. Water facility excludes site-related facilities. Water meter means a device owned by the city for measuring the flow of water to a development, whether for domestic or for irrigation purposes. Article 3. Applicability. The provisions of this Ordinance regarding water and wastewater impact fees apply to all new development within the corporate boundaries of the city and its extraterritorial jurisdiction, as they exist or may be altered. Article 4. Impact Fees Adopted for Water and Wasewater. The previously adopted impact fees for water and wastewater have been reviewed,evaluated, updated and revised. The City Council finds that: (1) the impact fees for water set forth in Exhibit A,attached hereto and incorporated for all purposes,representing fifty percent(50%)of the total projected costs,are hereby adopted and approved; and (2) the impact fees for wastewater set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated for all purposes,representing fifty percent(50%)of the total projected costs, are hereby adopted and approved. Article 5. Impact fee as condition of development approval/permit issuance. No final plat for new development shall be released for filing with the appropriate county,or in the cases within Wylie's extraterritorial jurisdiction for which no plat is submitted to Wylie, no application for a utility connection shall be approved,without assessment of an impact fee pursuant to this Ordinance. No building permit shall be issued,or in the cases within Wylie's extraterritorial jurisdiction for which no plat is submitted to Wylie,utility connection made,for new development, until the property owner has paid the impact fee imposed by and calculated herein or a contract for payment is approved by Wylie and executed by the parties. Article 6. Assessment of impact fees. (a) The assessment of the impact fee for any new development shall be calculated and made at the time of final plat approval (as defined in Article 2); however, for the sole purpose of phasing in the application of this Ordinance, for complete applications for final plats WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 5 448720.v 1 submitted to the city for consideration, on or before April 9, 2006, that are subsequently approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission,or deemed approved due to the Planning and Zoning Commission's failure to act,pursuant to the city's subdivision regulations and for which no replatting is necessary prior to issuance of a building permit, assessment for the new development to which the final plat applies shall be calculated and made in accordance with the impact fees existing on April 9, 2006. (b) Following initial assessment of the impact fee for a new development pursuant to subsection a), the amount of the impact fee per service unit for that development cannot be increased, unless the approved final plat expires or lapses under applicable ordinances or law or the owner proposes to change the approved development by the submission of a new development application or application to increase the number of service units,in which case the impact fee will be reassessed for increased meter size or additional meters or service units at the impact fee rate then in effect. (c) Following the lapse or expiration of a final plat that has received approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission, or a final plat deemed approved due to the Planning and Zoning Commission's failure to act,pursuant to the city's subdivision regulations,a new assessment shall be performed at the time of new final plat approval in accordance with this Ordinance. Article 7. Computation and collection of impact fees. (a) The impact fees due on new development shall be collected at the time of application for a building permit or,in the cases within Wylie's extraterritorial jurisdiction for which no plat is submitted to Wylie at the time of application for utility connection,unless an agreement between the developer and the city has been executed providing for a different time of payment. (b) At the time of final plat approval, or the request for a utility connection for an area in the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction for which a final plat was not submitted to the city, for all new developments,the city shall compute the impact fees due for the new development in the following manner: (1) The amount of each type of impact fee due (water and/or wastewater) shall be determined by multiplying the number of each type of service units generated by the new development by the impact fee due for each type of service unit in the applicable service area set forth in Exhibits A and/or B, respectively. (2) The amount of each impact fee due shall be reduced by any allowable credits for that category of capital improvements in the manner provided by this Ordinance. (c) Whenever a property owner proposes to increase the number of service units for a new WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 6 448720.v 1 development, the additional impact fees collected for such new service units shall be determined by using the amount of impact fee per service unit in Exhibits A and/or B then in effect, and such additional fee shall be collected at the time of issuance of a new building permit, or for an area in the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction for which a final plat was not required to be submitted to the city,prior to or at the time of enlargement of the connection to the city's water or wastewater system. Article 8. Credits against impact fees. (a) Any construction or contributions to or dedications of any area-related facility appearing in the capital improvements plan that is required to be constructed by a property owner as a condition of new development shall be credited against the impact fees otherwise due on that new development from the same category(water or wastewater)of impact fees assessed on the new development. (b) All credits against impact fees shall be subject to the following limitations and shall be granted based on this Ordinance and any additional administrative guidelines that may be adopted by the city. (1) No credit shall be given for the dedication or construction of site-related facilities. (2) No credit shall exceed an amount equal to the assessed impact fee. (3) If a credit applicable to a final plat has not been exhausted within ten(10)years from the acquisition of the first building permit issued or, in the cases within Wylie's extraterritorial jurisdiction for which no plat is submitted to Wylie,connection made after the effective date of the adoption of the applicable impact fees, or within such period as may otherwise be designated by contract, such credit shall lapse. (4) In no event will the city reimburse the property owner or developer for a credit when no impact fees for the new development can be collected pursuant to city ordinance or for any amount exceeding the total impact fees due for the new development for the category of capital improvement, unless otherwise agreed to by the city. (c) The available credit associated with new development shall be applied against an impact fee in the following manner: (1) For single-family residential lots in a new development consisting only of single- family residential development, such credit shall be prorated equally among such lots,to be applied at the time of application of a building permit for each lot,against impact fees to be collected at the time the building permit is issued. WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 7 448720.v 1 (2) For all other types of new development, including those involving mixed uses,the credit applicable to the new development shall be applied to the impact fee due at the time of approval. (3) At its sole discretion, the city may authorize alternative credit agreements upon written agreement with the property owner in accordance with the city's administrative guidelines. Article 9. Establishment of accounts. (a) The city shall establish an account to which interest is allocated for the service area for each type of capital facility for which an impact fee is imposed. Each impact fee collected within the service area shall be deposited in such account. (b) Interest earned on the account into which the impact fees are deposited shall be considered funds of the account and shall be used only in the same manner as which the underlying funds may be used. (c) The city shall establish adequate financial and accounting controls to ensure that impact fees disbursed from the accounts are utilized solely for authorized purposes. (d) The city shall maintain and keep financial records for impact fees, which shall show the source and disbursement of all fees collected in or expended within the service area. The records of the account into which impact fees are deposited shall be open for public inspection and copying during ordinary business hours. The city may establish a fee for copying services. Article 10. Use of proceeds of impact fee accounts. (a) The impact fees collected for the service area may be used to finance or to recoup the costs of any capital improvements or facility expansion identified in the capital improvements plan for the service area, including but not limited to the construction contract price, surveying and engineering fees, land acquisition costs (including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorneys fees and expert witness fees). Impact fees may also be used to pay the principal sum and interest and other finance costs on bonds,notes or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the city to finance such capital improvements or facility expansion. (b) Impact fees collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall not be used to pay for any of the following expenses: (1) Construction,acquisition or expansion ofpublic facilities or assets other than capital improvements or facility expansions identified in the capital improvements plan; WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 8 448720.v 1 (2) Repair,operation or maintenance of existing or new capital improvements or facility expansion; (3) Upgrade, update, expansion or replacement of existing capital improvements to provide better service to existing development; or (4) Administrative and operating costs of the city. Article 11. Refunds. (a) Upon application by an owner of property, any impact fee or portion thereof collected pursuant to city ordinance,which; (i)has not been expended within ten(10)years from the date of payment,or(ii)existing facilities are available and service is denied,or(iii)the city has, after collecting the impact fee when service was not available, failed to commence construction within two (2) years or service is not available within a reasonable period considering the type of improvement or expansion,but in no event later than five (5)years from the date of payment;shall be refunded to the record owner of the property for which the impact fee was paid or, if the impact fee was paid by another governmental entity,to such governmental entity,together with interest calculated from the date of payment to the date of refund at the statutory rate as set forth in the Texas Finance Code,Section 302.002, or its successor statute.The application for refund pursuant to this article shall be submitted within sixty (60) days after the expiration of the ten-year period for expenditure of the fee. An impact fee shall be considered expended on a first-in, first-out basis. (b) An impact fee collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall also be considered expended if the total expenditures for capital improvements or facility within the service area within ten(10) years following the date of payment exceed the total fees collected within the service area for such improvements or expansions during such period. (c) If a refund is due pursuant to subsections (a) and (b), the city shall divide the difference between the amount of expenditures and the amount of the fees collected by the total number of service units assumed within the service area for the period to determine the refund due per service unit.The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying the refund due per service unit by the number of service units for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount. (d) Upon completion of all the capital improvements or facility expansions identified in the capital improvements plan for the service area,the city shall recalculate the impact fee per service unit using the actual costs for the improvements or expansions.If the impact fee per service unit based on actual cost is less than the impact fee per service unit paid, the city shall refund the difference, if such difference exceeds the impact fee paid by more than ten WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 9 448720.v 1 (10)percent.If the difference is less than ten(10)percent,no refund shall be due.The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying such difference by the number of service units for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount. Article 12. Updates to plan and revision of fees. (a) The city shall update its land use assumptions and capital improvements plans at least every five(5)years,commencing from the date of adoption of such plans,and shall recalculate the impact fees based thereon in accordance with the procedures set forth in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395 or in any successor statute. (b) The city may review its land use assumptions, impact fees, capital improvements plans and other factors such as market conditions more frequently than provided in subsection(a) to determine whether the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan should be updated and the impact fee recalculated accordingly,or whether any Exhibits hereto should be changed. (c) If, at the time an update is required pursuant to subsection (a), the city council determines that no change to the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan or impact fee is needed, it may dispense with such update by following the procedures in Texas Local Government Code Section 395.0575 or its successor statute. (d) In addition to the reviews required by this Article, the city shall also conduct the reviews required by Article 4, Impact Fees Adopted for Water and Wastewater above. Article 13. Use of other financing mechanisms. (a) The city may finance capital improvements or facility expansion designated in the capital improvements plan through the issuance of bonds, through the formation of public utility districts or other assessment districts, or through any other authorized mechanism, in such manner and subject to such limitations as may be provided by law, in addition to the use of impact fees. (b) Except as herein otherwise provided,the assessment and collection of an impact fee shall be additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other tax, fee, charge or assessment which is lawfully imposed on and due against the property. Article 14. Impact fee as additional and supplemental regulation. Impact fees established by this Ordinance are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the city on the development of land or the WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 10 448720.v 1 issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy. Such fee is intended to be consistent with and to further the policies of the city's comprehensive land use plan,the capital improvements plan, the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations and other city policies, ordinances, codes and resolutions by which the city seeks to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities in conjunction with the development of land. Article 15. Relief procedures. Any person who has paid an impact fee or an owner of land upon which an impact fee has been paid may petition the city council to determine whether any duty required by this Ordinance has not been performed within the time so prescribed. The petition shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the unperformed duty and request that the duty be performed within sixty(60)days of the request. If the city council determines that the duty is required pursuant to this Ordinance and is late in being performed,it shall cause the duty to commence within sixty(60)days of the date of the request and to continue until completion. SECTION 3: Certificate of Compliance Statement. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the appropriate annual compliance statement required under Section 395.082 of the Texas Local Government Code or its successor statute acknowledging compliance with the requirements thereof. SECTION 4: Saving/Repealing Clause. Unless otherwise set forth herein,Wylie Ordinance Nos. 90-10, 93-4, 97-4 and 2001-19 shall remain in full force and effect for final plats receiving approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to the city's subdivision regulations,or for a final plat deemed approved due to the Planning and Zoning Commission's failure to act,on or before April 9, 2006, for which no replatting is necessary, as set forth in Article 6, save and except as amended by this or any other ordinance. All provisions of any other ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed Ordinance,nor shall the repeal prevent prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. Any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5: Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance,and each section,subsection,clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 11 448720.v 1 WYLIE, TEXAS on this 11 th day of April, 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: , in the WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE Page 12 448720.v 1 WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATE 2005 - 2015 ■ ■ Prepared For ■ CITY OF WYLIE ■ Prepared v By BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS ■ February 2006 I BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave.,#220 Dallas,Texas 75231 Fax(214)361-0204 Phone(214)361-7900 JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. PAUL A.CARLENE,F.E. MATT HICKEY,P.E. March 2, 2006 DOUGLAS K.SHOWERS,P.E. Chris Hoisted,P.E. • City Engineer City of Wylie 949 Hensley Lane Wylie,Texas 75098 Re: Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update 2005-2015 Dear Mr. Hoisted: We are pleased to present the results of the City of Wylie Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update for the 'planning years 2005 through 2015. This report includes discussions on Land Use Assumptions, impact fee methodology, the Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan, Capital Improvement Plan maps, utilized capacity calculations, and maximum impact fee by service unit equivalent tabulations. The maximum allowable fees per service unit(defined as a%-inch water meter), adjusted to fifty percent (50%)of the maximum calculated fees are as follows: Maximum Water Impact Fee per Service Unit $1,304.97 Maximum Wastewater Impact Fee per Service Unit $1,231.01 - Table Number 18 summarizes the findings and maximum allowable impact fee for water and wastewater services based on various size water meters. We have enjoyed working with the City of Wylie on this important project. The cooperation and input we received from you and the City staff was invaluable. We are available to discuss the findings and conclusions of this impact fee update further at your convenience and look forward to our continued working relationship. e OF7' '611i •.:9cS' Sincerely yours, • JOE RICHARD CARTERedele--"eepu* e cj .... 64O08 F'.•.• Joe Richard Carter,F.E. • 14121PZI..t.J. Enclosures j:lcicricallwylic12002-1 64 w&ww impact feeslreports\covcr letter fmal.doc CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. GLOS SARY 3 III. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS (Provided By City of Wylie) 7 A. Purpose 7 B. Elements of This Land Use Assumption Report 7 C. Methodology S D. Service Area Maps 9 • Figure 1 R 10 E. Base Year Data 11 1) Population and Land Use 12 2) Land Use 13 F. Ten-Year Growth Assumption 15 G. Ultimate Population Projection 18 H. Summary 19 IV. DEFINITION OF A SERVICE UNIT - WATER & WASTEWATER 20 V. CALCULATION OF WATER &WASTEWATER- LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENTS 21 VI. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 22 A. Existing Pump Stations, Ground Storage Reservoirs &Elevated Storage Tanks 22 B. Distribution Lines 23 C. Water Supply 23 D. Water Distribution System Capital Improvement Projects 24 • Figure 2—Water Distribution Master Plan 25 • Table 11 — 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan Water 26 E. Utilized Capacity 2 8 • Table 13 —Proposed and Existing Water Facilities Projects 29 • Table 14—Proposed Capital Improvements Waterlines 3 0 j:lelericallwyiie12002-164 w&ww impact feeslreports\indcx.doc Page No VII. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 33 A. General 33 B. Collection Lines 33 C. Treatment 34 D. Capital Improvement Program 34 • Figure 3 —Wastewater System Master Plan 35 • Table 15 — 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan Wastewater 36 E. Utilized Capacity 37 • Table 16—Proposed and Existing Wastewater Facilities 38 • Table 17—Wastewater System Bonds Debt Service Schedules 39 VIII. MAXIMUM IMPACT T FEE CALCULATION- WATER& WASTEWATER SYSTEMS . 43 A. Table 18—Allowable Maximum Fee Per Living Unit Equivalent 44 B. Table 19—Alternative Fee Per Living Unit Equivalent 45 j:lclerical\ylie12002-164 w&ww impact Cees\reportslindcx.doc Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. CITY OF WYLIE WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATE I. INTRODUCTION On April 24, 2001, the City of Wylie adopted Ordinance No. 2001-19 "Establishing Water and Wastewater Impact Fees" in accordance with Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code. The ordinance and associated impact fees were established and based on the Service Area Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan prepared by Hunter Associates of Texas, Ltd., dated March 2001. The maximum calculation fee and current imposed fees are summarized below: Fee Per Service Unit Calculated Fees Imposed Maximum (Ordinance 2001-19) Water $1,212 $606 Wastewater $2,446 $1,223 Since the adoption of the Impact Fee Ordinance 2001-19, the City of Wylie has expanded its corporate boundaries and environmental jurisdiction. The City adopted a new Comprehensive Land Use Plan in April 2005. These changes in the boundaries and proposed land use prompt the requirement for an impact fee update. In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 395.052 of the Local Government Code, this report updates the City of Wylie's Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvement Plan. Chapter 395, of the Local Government Code is an act that provides guidelines for financing capital improvements required by new development in municipalities, counties, and certain other local governments. The basis for determination of an impact fee requires the preparation and adoption of a land use plan and growth assumption, and the preparation of a 10-year capital improvement plan. A master plan of the water and wastewater systems is necessary to prepare a 10-year capital improvement plan. From these two phases, a maximum impact fee is calculated. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 1 - Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. The Act allows the maximum impact fee to be charged if revenues from future ad valorem taxes, and water and sewer bills are included as a credit in the analysis. If not, the Act allows the maximum fee to be set at 50% of the calculated maximum fee. The following items were included in the impact fee calculation: A. The portion of the cost of the new infrastructure that is to be paid by the City, including engineering, property acquisition and construction cost. B. Existing excess capacity in lines and facilities that will serve future growth and which were paid for in whole or part by the City. C. Engineering and quality control fees for construction projects. D. Interest and other finance charges on bonds issued by the City to cover its portion of cost. The engineering analysis portion of the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee review determines utilized capacity cost of the major water distribution and wastewater collection facilities between the year 2005 and the year 2015. Facilities in this analysis include, water pump stations, water storage tanks, water transmission lines, wastewater treatment plants, wastewater lift stations and wastewater collection lines. The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) water treatment and distribution components were excluded from this analysis. The study period is a ten-year period with 2005 as the base year. The impact fee calculation for the water and wastewater systems is based on land uses provided by the City of Wylie. The City's Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Master Plans were updated prior to this impact fee update. The Master Plans are available for review from the City of Wylie. The equivalency factors utilized in this analysis conform to the latest American Water Works Association Standards (C700 - C703). j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -2- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. II. GLOSSARY 1. Advisory Committee means the capital improvements advisory committee established by the City for purposes of reviewing and making recommendations to the City Council on adoption and amendment of the City's impact fee program. 2. Area-related facility means a capital improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the impact fee capital improvements plan and which is not a site-related facility. Area-related facility may include a capital improvement that is located off-site, or within or on the perimeter of the development site. 3. Assessment means the determination of the amount of the maximum impact fee per service unit that can be imposed on new development. 4. Capital improvement means either a water facility or a wastewater facility, with a life expectancy of three or more years, to be owned and operated by or on behalf of the City. 5. City means the City of Wylie, Texas. 6. Credit means the amount of the reduction of an impact fee due, determined under this ordinance or pursuant to administrative guidelines, that is equal to the value of area- related facilities provided by a property owner pursuant to the City's subdivision or zoning regulations or requirements, for the same type of facility. 7. Facility expansion means either a water facility expansion or a sewer facility expansion. 8. Final plat approval means the point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval in accordance with the City's subdivision regulations, and the plat has been approved for filing with Collin County. 9. Impact fee means either a fee for water facilities or a fee for wastewater facilities, imposed on new development by the City pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code in order to generate revenue to fund or recoup the costs of capital improvements or facility expansion necessitated by and attributable to such new development. Impact fees do not include the dedication of rights-of-way or easements for such facilities, or the construction of such improvements, imposed pursuant to the City's zoning or subdivision regulations. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -3- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. 10. Impact fee capital improvements plan means either a water capital improvements plan or a wastewater capital improvements plan, adopted or revised pursuant to the impact fee regulations. 11. Land use assumptions means the projections of population and growth, and associated changes in land uses, densities and intensities over at least a ten-year period, as adopted by the City and as may be amended from time to time, upon which the capital improvements plans are based. 12. Land use equivalency table means a table converting the demands for capital improvements generated by various land uses to numbers of service units, as may be amended from time to time. 13. New development means the subdivision of land; the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure; or any use or extension of the use of land; any of which increases the number of service units. 14. Plat has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Plat includes replat. 15. Platting has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Platting includes replatting. 16. Property owner has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Property owner includes the developer for a new development. 17. Recoupment means the imposition of an impact fee to reimburse the City for capital improvements that the City had previously oversized to serve new development. 18. Roadway means any freeway, expressway, principal or minor arterial or collector roadways designated in the City's adopted Thoroughfare Plan, as may be amended from time to time. Roadway does not include any roadway designated as a numbered highway on the official Federal or Texas highway system. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -4- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. 19. Roadway capital improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the roadway facilities or roadway expansions and their costs for each road service area, which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years. 20. Roadway expansion means the expansion of the capacity of an existing roadway in the City, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing roadway to better serve existing development. 21. Roadway facility means an improvement or appurtenance to a roadway that includes, but is not limited to, rights-of-way, whether conveyed by deed or easement; intersection improvements; traffic signals; turn lanes; drainage facilities associated with the roadway; street lighting or curbs. 22. Service area means either a water service area or wastewater benefit area within the City, within which impact fees for capital improvements or facility expansion will be collected for new development occurring within such area, and within which fees so collected will be expended for those types of improvements or expansions identified in the type of capital improvements plan applicable to the service area. 23. Service unit means the applicable standard units of measure shown on the land use equivalency table in the Impact Fees Capital Improvements Plan that can be converted to water meter equivalents, for water or for wastewater facilities, which serves as the standardized measure of consumption, use or generation attributable to the new unit of development. 24. Site-related facility means an improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of a new development, and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of water or wastewater facilities to serve the new development, and which is not included in the impact fees capital improvements plan and for which the property owner is solely responsible under subdivision or other applicable development regulations. 25. Utility connection means installation of a water meter for connecting a new development to the City's water system, or connection to the City's wastewater system. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -5- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. 26. Wastewater facility means a wastewater interceptor or main, lift station or other facility included within and comprising an integral component of the City's collection system for wastewater. Wastewater facility includes land, easements or structure associated with such facilities. Wastewater facility excludes site-related facilities. 27. Wastewater facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of any existing wastewater improvement for the purpose of serving new development, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing sewer facility to serve existing development. 28. Wastewater capital improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the wastewater facilities or wastewater expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years. 29. Water facility means a water interceptor or main, pump station, storage tank or other facility included within and comprising an integral component of the City's water storage or distribution system. Water facility includes land, easements or structures associated with such facilities. Water facility excludes site-related facilities. 30. Water facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of any existing water facility for the purpose of serving new development, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing water improvement to serve existing development. 31. Water improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the water facilities or water expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years. 32. Water meter means a device for measuring the flow of water to a development, whether for domestic or for irrigation purposes. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -6- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. III. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS (Provided By: The City Of Wylie) A. Purpose Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code prescribes the process by which cities in Texas must formulate development impact fees. The initial step in this process is the establishment of"land use assumptions" for the City upon which the impact fee program is based. These land use assumptions, which are derived from the Future Land Use Plan and from population projections adopted in the Comprehensive Plan, will become the basis for the preparation of impact fee capital improvement plans for water and wastewater facilities. To assist the City of Wylie in determining the need for, and the timing of, capital improvements to serve future development, a reasonable estimation of future growth is required. The purpose of this report is to formulate growth and development projections based upon assumptions pertaining to the type, location, quantity and timing of various future land uses within the community, and to establish and document the methodology used for preparing the growth and land use assumptions. B. Elements of The Land Use Assumption Report This report contains the following components: 1) Methodology -- Explanation of the general methodology used to prepare the land use assumptions. 2) Service Zone Map (Plate 1) — The impact fee service area for water and wastewater facilities. 3) Base Data — Information on population and land use for Wylie for each capital facility/impact fee service area. 4) Ten-Year Growth Assumptions — Population and land use growth assumptions for ten years for each capital facility/impact fee service area. 5) Ultimate Population Projections — Projections that reflect a completely developed condition, based upon the City's ultimate "build-out" scenario. 6) Summary—Brief synopsis of the land use assumptions report. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -7- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. C. Methodology Based upon the growth assumptions and the capital improvements that will be needed to support future growth, it is possible to develop an impact fee structure which fairly allocates capital improvement costs to growth areas in relationship to their impact upon the entire infrastructure system. The database and projections in this report have been formulated using reasonable and generally accepted planning principles and methodologies. These land use assumptions and future growth projections take into consideration several factors influencing development patterns, including the following: 1) The character, type, density and quantity of existing development 2) Existing land use patterns 3) Anticipated future land uses (as shown in the City's Future Land Use Plan) 4) Availability of land for future expansion, and the City's physical holding capacity 5) Current growth trends in the City and region 6) Location and configuration of undeveloped (vacant) land 7) Known or anticipated development projects 8) Potential sanitary sewer availability (e.g., topographical constraints) 9) Growth policies adopted in the Future Land Use Plan A summary of the general methodology used for the preparation of this report follows: 1) Establish impact fee water and wastewater service areas (see Section II — Service Area Map). 2) Collect/determine benchmark (i.e., base year) data on population and land use as of January 2005 (see Section III—Base Year Data). 3) Project population and land use growth for ten years by impact fee service areas (see Section IV—Ten-Year Growth Assumptions). 4) Project the ultimate population for a fully developed City, assuming full development of service area(s) (see Section V—Ultimate Population Projections). A more detailed methodology for each is contained within the referenced sections. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -8- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. D. Service Area Maps Figure 1R on the following page shows the proposed service area for water and wastewater facilities. The service area boundary for wastewater includes all land area within the existing City limits, all that land within the Wylie water CCN, and those portions of shared CCNs that Wylie will serve as development occurs. The service area boundary for water includes all that land within the Wylie water CCN, and those portions of shared CCNs that Wylie will serve as development occurs. A recommended priority listing of projects for water and wastewater facilities will be outlined in the City's Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The actual ten-year CIP upon which the impact fee program must be based will be prepared separately, per the requirements of Chapter 3 95. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -9- 1 I .w; L' r�•s 1 1 f S ' it F; 1 .�, + I. ,. r • J • ' tiL;. _ is .1 • 1 'j 1 .. I '. [f [ ' I • :1 t , I •I I I - tl II 1 • x.,+f j.,I,.^.til t `i • I f 1 i i • .. !' :. • • ky 1, 17 L. _ :a . • • 'i :TA,. -rig. - �.r 1 r: :'r 1' - :.: 1 I,+: ;.',II: i 1..5I 1 11'y f _ •• II.0 1. ` • • II I - . . I L ' 11.' III: .1 • ti- • 1 1 1 n� i [ t}f s:C:, r I 1. I!, +'li t' I • 1 II Ti 1:_ A '. i 11 I_ 1I 1 . ' 1. _1 I I I .',I_1 I—1 'r. ' r�� 1 Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. E. Base Year Data This section documents historical growth trends and base data for the City. This "benchmark" information provides a starting basis of data, as established in the City's Future Land Use Plan and updated in April 2005, for the ten-year growth assumptions. One method of predicting future growth is looking at past growth. The historical growth rates for Wylie are shown in Table 1 below. Table 1 HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE City of Wylie, Texas Compounded City of % Average Annual Year Wylie Change % Change per Period 1970 (1) 2,675 0.0% 0.0% 1980 (1) 3,152 17.8% 1.6% 1990 (1) 8,716 176.5% 10.7% 2000 (1) 14,965 71.7% 5.6% 2004 (2) 26,150 174.7% 15.0% Source: U.S. Census. (2) Source: City of Wylie,April 2005. Over the 30-year period of 1970 to 2000, the City of Wylie experienced a significant amount of growth. The City is continuing to experience a significant increase in population, housing, and commercial development activity. As of January 2005, the City of Wylie had a total of 2,852 residential lots in various stages of development, including recently approved zoning cases and plats. The build-out of these lots will increase the existing housing stock as follows: 8,980 existing units (2004) + 2,852 future units (2005) = 11,832 units or 31.8 % increase. Accordingly, it is anticipated that the City has the lot inventory to maintain the significant increases in population and housing growth experienced over the last ten to twenty years. It is also anticipated that the City will continue to receive petitions for the zoning and platting of new subdivisions. There are a number of pending development cases that will provide for additional new residential units. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 1 1 - Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. Another comparison and useful base data source for population growth is the past trends in residential construction. Table 2 shows the growth trend in residential construction in the City from 2000 to 2004. At the end of 1999 there were approximately 5,340 residential units this is the base number for percentage of growth. Table 2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS PER YEAR City of Wylie, Texas Year Prior Total Residential Units New Residential Units % Growth 2000 5,340 385 (1) 7.2% 2001 5,725 749 (1) 13.1% 2002 6,474 1,085 (1) 16.8% 2003 7,559 1,415 (2) 18.7% 2004 8,974 1,162 (2) 12.9% Average: 959 new residential units per year over 5 years Source: (1) Current Housing Estimates, North Central Texas Council of Governments, 2000, 2001 and 2002. (2) City of Wylie Building Department, 2003 and 2004. The growth in housing shown in Table 2 illustrates the recent trend in residential activity for the City of Wylie. The trend shown here reflects that observed for the recent trend in population growth. The City has seen sharp increases in residential growth over the past few years. As mentioned earlier, the City's available lot inventory is increasing. For the purposes of documenting changes in population, land use, density and intensity, the data format to be used as a basis to formulate the land use assumptions will be principally population and land use estimates. These estimates and the land use inventory, from the City's Future Land Use Plan, were used to establish a beginning baseline and updated to January 2005 for the projections for Wylie. 1) Population and Land Use Existing land uses were documented throughout each of the service areas in development of the Land Use Plan. Residential and non-residential building activity for each of the service areas was then analyzed to establish base population and employment estimates for January 2005. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 12- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. The estimated population in January 2005 for both service areas is: Water Wastewater • Population 25,325 29,427 • Dwelling Units 8,980 10,434 • Households 8,585 9,975 These residential calculations are based on the following assumptions: • Occupancy Rate 95.6 percent (2000 U.S. Census for Wylie); and • Average Household Size 2.95 persons/household (2000 U.S. Census). 2) Land Use Prior to an evaluation and projection of future land use patterns, an understanding of existing conditions is essential. Documentation of existing land use patterns within the City and its ETJ was included as part of the Land Use Plan. This data has been updated to reflect the residential and non-resident development activity that has occurred through January 2005. This documentation provides an overview of the general present physical composition and condition of the City. Table 3 shows a summary of estimated existing land uses for the land area within the water and sanitary sewer service zones. TABLE 3A Existing Land Use For The Water Service Zones—2004 City of Wylie, Texas Acres Used Percent of Land Use (Developed) Developed Area Low Density Residential 1,527 21.71% Medium Density Residential 2,352 3 3.43% High Density Residential 142 2.02% Commercial/Retail/Office 265 3.77% School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 198 2.81% Downtown Historic District 34 0.48% Utilities/Heavy Industrial 373 5.30% Light Industrial 2 0.03% Parks & Open Space 88 1.25% Agricultural 2,054 29.20% Total Area: 7,035 100.00% Source: City of Wylie,April 2005. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 13- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. TABLE 3B Existing Land Use For The Sanitary Sewer Service Zones—2004 City of Wylie, Texas Acres Used Percent of Land Use (Developed) Developed Area Low Density Residential 2,799 22.87% Medium Density Residential 3,501 28.60% High Density Residential 186 1.52% Commercial/Retail/Office 482 3.94% School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 334 2.73% Downtown Historic District 34 0.28% Utilities/Heavy Industrial 447 3.65% Light Industrial 155 1.26% Parks & Open Space 213 1.74% Agricultural & Floodplain 4,090 33.41% Total Area: 12,241 100.00% Source: City of Wylie,April 2005. Table 4 shows a summary of estimated existing land uses (as of April 2005), in acres per 100 persons, assuming 3 people per ESFU for the land area within the water and wastewater service areas. TABLE 4A Existing Land Use Per 100 Persons For The Water Service Zones—2004 City of Wylie, Texas (1) Acres Per Land Use Category 100 Persons Low Density Residential 5.84 Medium Density Residential 8.99 High Density Residential 0.54 Commercial/Retail/Office 1.01 School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 0.76 Downtown Historic District 0.13 Utilities/Heavy Industrial 1.43 Light Industrial 0.01 Parks & Open Space 0.34 Agricultural 7.85 Total Area: 26.90 (1)Based upon 2004 population of 26,150 persons. Source: City of Wylie j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 14- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. TABLE 4B Existing Land Use Per 100 Persons For The Sanitary Sewer Service Zones—2004 City of Wylie, Texas (1) Land Use Category Acres Per 100 Persons Low Density Residential 10.71 Medium Density Residential 13.39 High Density Residential 0.71 Commercial/Retail/Office 1.84 School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 1.28 Downtown Historic District 0.13 Utilities/Heavy Industrial 1.71 Light Industrial 0.59 Parks & Open Space 0.81 Agricultural & Floodplain 15.64 Total Area: 46.81 Based upon 2004 population of 26,150 persons. Source: City of Wylie F. Ten-Year Growth Assumptions Growth is characterized in two forms: population (residential land use) and nonresidential land use. Several assumptions were necessary in order to arrive at reasonable growth rates for population and employment in the City of Wylie. The following assumptions were made as a basis from which 10-year projections are initiated: 1) Future land uses will occur as shown on the Future Land Use Plan. 2) The City will be able to finance the necessary improvements to the water and wastewater systems to accommodate expected growth. 3) School facilities will accommodate expected increases in school-age population. 4) Densities will be as projected, based upon anticipated zoning districts. 5) Known or anticipated development projects will occur as presently planned. The 10-year projections, or land use assumptions, are based upon the establishment of a reasonable growth rate based upon past trends and/or other considerations. Considering the increasing trends in population and housing growth (Table 2) and the City's proximity to the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area and combining these factors with anticipated development projects provides a reasonable indication of growth potential. Based upon these assumptions, the annual average number of residential dwelling units constructed per year over the next 10-year period is projected to be 900. A household size of 2.95 persons per household with an occupancy rate of 95.6 percent was used to j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 15- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. calculate the future population based on the projected residential activity. The 2004 population of 26,150 (Table 1) is projected to increase to approximately 51,520 by the year 2015, representing a compounded annual growth rate of 7.02%. This rate would generate an average population increase of about 2,537 persons per year. The following shows the formula for calculating the ten-year growth assumptions: Residential: 900 dwelling units x 0.956 occupancy rate = 860 occupied dwelling units/year 860 occupied dwelling units/year x 2.95 household size =2,537 persons/year 2,537 persons/year x 10 years =25,370 persons net 10-year residential growth "Note: It should be noted that the 10 year population and housing projection assumes growth potential within the existing municipal boundaries and the existing extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). These projections do not assume residential growth beyond the existing ETJ." This rate of growth (7.02% compound annual growth rate) is a reasonable rate for Wylie to be expected to grow at over the next 10 years. The growth rate projected for Wylie is less than the compounded annual growth rate over the last 14 years (8.2%) and is consistent with other comparable cities within the region. The region, in which Wylie is located, is one of the State's fastest growing population and employment centers. Table 5 shows the average annual compounded growth rates for other cities in the area and for Collin County from 1990 to 2000: TABLE 5 Populations and Growth Rates of Area Cities and Collin County -- 1990 and 2000 Compounded Average City/Jurisdiction 1990 Population 2000 Population Annual % Change Wylie 8,716 14,965 5.6% Allen 19,315 43,544 8.0% Frisco 6,138 33,714 19.0% McKinney 21,283 54,369 10.0% Murphy 1,547 3,099 7.0% Plano 127,885 222,030 6.0% Prosper 1,018 2,097 7.0% Collin County 219,212 415,219 7.0% Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 16- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. Table 5 illustrates that the regional growth pattern is continuing to move outward from Dallas toward the City of Wylie. Those cities that experienced the greatest amount of growth from the 1980s to the 1990s have achieved significant levels of build-out and those cities further north have begun to experience significant population and housing increases. Those cities north and west of Wylie are currently experiencing growth rates similar to those projected for Wylie through 2015. The projected annual growth rate for the City of Wylie and the resulting population projection of 51,520 persons for the 10-year planning horizon is considered reasonable for planning purposes. As mentioned, this growth is projected throughout the City's water and wastewater service area, with a substantial amount of the growth being beyond the current municipal boundaries during the next ten years. The above mentioned growth rate represents growth throughout the water and wastewater service zones. It is anticipated that most of this projected growth will ultimately be incorporated into the City service area limits for several reasons: 1) More stringent environmental laws pertaining to septic waste systems. 2) Increasing insurance rates outside corporate City limits. 3) The City's progressive philosophy regarding water and sewer line extensions. 4) Proposed upgrading of construction standards in the City's ETJ. Changes in population affect the use of land. In the case of Wylie, increased population is due to the conversion of vacant or agricultural land into residential and other land uses. Non-residential development will increase in order to provide the goods and services that the increased population will demand. The estimation of the additional acres to be developed for the next 10 years will aid in the determination of demand for additional water and wastewater facilities. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 17- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. Table 6 shows the additional Retail/Office, Commercial, and industrial land uses required for the increase in population projected through 2015 (25,370 people). TABLE 6A TEN-YEAR LAND USE PROJECTIONS --2015 For The Water Service Zones—2015 City of Wylie, Texas Future Acres Acres Required For Land Use Per 100 Persons 25,370 Persons Commercial/Retail/Office 1.80 457 School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 0.67 170 Utilities, Heavy and Light Industrial 2.50 634 Parks & Open Space 1.03 261 Total Acres: 6.00 1,522 Source: City of Wylie, April 2005. The future acres per 100 persons reflect those ratios that have been observed for Texas cities with healthy local economies. It should be noted that these ratios also closely reflect the existing land use mix for Wylie's water and wastewater service areas. The ratios are used to calculate the amount of non-residential development that the local population may support. G. Ultimate Population Projection An ultimate, or holding capacity, land use and population projection was also established in the City of Wylie's Future Land Use Plan. First, known densities of development were considered. Then, based upon the remaining developable vacant land in Wylie and its ETJ, densities of anticipated development projects were applied. The ultimate population of the City of Wylie is a function of anticipated residential land use area (acres), housing density (dwelling units per acre), and population density (persons per dwelling unit). Based upon the land uses identified on the Future Land Use Plan, the total ultimate land use areas of residential development were calculated using the density standards adopted as part of the Future Land Use Plan. The ultimate holding capacity for the planning area, assuming that each residential area is built out to its maximum capacity, generates a maximum population of approximately 75,600 persons for the sewer service area, excluding the unincorporated lake areas. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 18- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. H. Summary The data used to compile these land use assumptions were from three sources, anticipated development for the City of Wylie, residential building data and other data from the City, and information from the Future Land Use Plan. The ten-year growth projections were calculated based upon reasonable growth rates and trends for Wylie and the surrounding area. Ultimate projections were based upon the holding capacity of vacant land using land use types and applying densities as established by development policies, the Future Land Use Plan, and known proposed development plans. The land use assumptions may be summarized as follows: 1) The Wylie wastewater planning area contains approximately 24.19 square miles, about 50% of which is presently undeveloped land or right-of-way. 2) The 2004 estimated population in the existing water service area is 25,325. The 2004 estimated population in the existing wastewater service area is 29,427. 3) The ten-year growth projections were calculated using a compounded average annual growth rate of approximately 7.02%. 4) The ten-year population projection for Wylie is approximately 51,520 persons inside the water service area and 57,996 in the sanitary sewer service area. 5) The ultimate (build-out) population within the water service area is approximately 55,900 persons and 75,600 persons in the wastewater service area, according to the adopted Land Use Plan. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc - 19- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. IV. DEFINITION OF A SERVICE UNIT — WATER AND WASTEWATER Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code requires that impact fees be based on a defined service unit. A "service unit" means a standardized measure of consumption, use generation, or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards. This update defines a water and wastewater service unit to be a 3/4-inch water meter and has referred to this service unit as a Single Family Living Unit Equivalent (SFLUE). The SFLUE is based on the continuous duty capacity of a 1-inch water meter. This is the typical meter used for a single-family detached dwelling, and therefore is considered to be equivalent to one "living unit". Many single-family dwellings were constructed with 5/8-inch meters in the City; therefore, 5/8-inch meters are also considered one "living unit". Other meter sizes can be compared to the 3/4-inch meter through a ratio of water flows as published by the American Water Works Association as shown in Table No. 7 below. This same ratio is then used to determine the proportional water and wastewater impact fee amount for each water meter size. TABLE NO. 7 Living Unit Equivalencies For Various Types and Sizes Of Water Meters Continuous Duty Meter Type Meter Size Maximum Rate (gpm) (a) _ 3/4 Ratio to " Meter _ Simple 3/4" 15 1.0 Simple 1" 25 1.7 Simple 11/2" 50 3.3 Simple 2" 80 5.3 Compound 2" 80 5.3 Turbine 2" 100 6.7 Compound 3" 160 10.7 Turbine 3" 240 16.0 Compound 4" 250 16.7 Turbine 4" 420 28.0 Compound 6" 500 33.3 Turbine 6" 920 61.3 Compound 8" 800 53.3 Turbine 8" 1,600 106.7 Compound 10" 2,300 153.3 Turbine 10" 2,500 166.7 Turbine 12" 3,300 220.0 (a) Source: A WWA Standard C700(1995)-C703 (1996) j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -20- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. V. CALCULATION OF WATER& WASTEWATER- LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENTS The City of Wylie provided the existing water meter count by size category as of January 2005. In total, there are 9,344 water meters serving the existing population of 25,325 residents and business. Table No. 8 shows the number of existing meters, the living unit equivalent factor and the total number of living unit equivalents for water accounts. The City also provided wastewater accounts as of December 2004. There are 10,743 accounts serving 29,427 residents. Table No. 9 illustrates the existing account and SFLUE's. Using the growth rate provided by the Land Use Assumptions prepared by the City, a straight- line extrapolation of water meters and wastewater accounts were calculated for the year 2015. Living unit equivalents were then applied to the water meters and wastewater accounts for 2005 and 2015 resulting in a total number of living units. The difference in the total number of 2005 and 2015 living units results in the new living unit equivalents during the impact fee period. The calculation of living unit equivalents is summarized in Table Nos. 8 and 9. TABLE NO. 8 Water Living Unit Equivalents 2005 -2015 2005 2015 Number Living Total Number of Living Total New SFLUE's Meter of Water Unit Number of Water Unit Number of During Impact Fee Size Meters Equivalent SFLUE's Meters Equivalent SFLUE's Period 5/8"&3/4" 8,991 1 8,991 17,720 1 17,720 8,729 1" 148 1.7 252 292 1.7 496 244 2" 185 6.7 1,240 365 6.7 2,445 1,205 4" 12 28.0 336 24 28.0 672 336 6" 8 63.0 504 16 63.0 1,008 504 Totals: 9,344 11,323 18,382 20,413 11,018 TABLE NO. 9 Wastewater Living Unit Equivalents 2005-2015 2005 2015 Equivalent Number Living Total Number of Living Total New SFLUE's Meter of Water Unit Number of Water Unit Number of During Impact Fee Size Meters Equivalent SFLUE's Meters Equivalent SFLUE's Period 5/8"&3/4" 10,390 1 10,390 20,477 1 20,477 10,087 1" 148 1.7 252 292 1.7 496 244 2" 185 6.7 1,240 365 6.7 2,445 1,205 4" 12 28.0 336 24 28.0 672 336 6" 8 63.0 504 16 63.0 1,008 504 Totals: 10,743 12,722 21,134 22,938 12,376 j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -21 - Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. VI. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. Consulting Engineers prepared computer models for the years 2005 and 2015. The models were developed from residential population projections and planning units provided by the City of Wylie. Employment population was considered in a similar manner. The land areas follow closely to the construction of major facilities in the system as outlined in Figure 2. These facilities include major distribution lines, pump stations, ground storage reservoirs and elevated storage tanks. All computer models were run for the Maximum Hourly Demand and the Minimum Hourly Demand to insure proper sizing of the facilities to meet peak demand periods. A. Existing Pump Stations, Ground Storage Reservoirs & Elevated Storage Tanks For purposes of this Impact Fee, the existing Nortex, North Texas Municipal Water District and Newport Harbor Pump Stations, ground storage reservoirs and two elevated storage tanks are considered fully utilized in the impact fee calculation. TABLE NO. 10 Water Distribution System -- Existing Pump Stations & Ground Storage Number of Total Number Rated Ground Ground Storage of Capacity Storage Available Pump Station Pumps (MGD) Tanks (Gallons) Nortex 2 0.86 1 900,000 NTMWD 4 2.88 1 *1,700,000 Newport Harbor 4 5.84 1 1 500,000 Total: 10 9.58 3 3,100,000 * -As directed, 1,700,000 gallons of 10 million gallon clear wells are assumed to be available for the City. Elevated Storage Tanks Capacity in Gallons South Ballard Elevated Storage Tank 250,000 Regency Elevated Storage Tank 750,000 Total 1,000,000 The pump stations and ground storage facilities were analyzed with the maximum daily demand, while elevated storage act dynamically and therefore are analyzed utilizing the difference between the Maximum Hourly Demand and the Maximum Daily Demand. j:Aclerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -22- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. B. Distribution Lines The distribution lines consist of all lines within the service area boundary supplying water to customers in the City of Wylie. Lines vary in size from 5/8-inch and 3/4-inch services to 24-inch transmission lines. Unless it is expected a smaller diameter water line will be constructed by the City of Wylie, only those water lines 12-inches and larger in diameter were considered in the Impact Fee calculations. The cost of water lines includes construction cost, appurtenances (water valves, fire hydrants, taps and the like), utility relocations, purchase of easements and engineering costs. Financing cost over a 20-year term is included for each project. Records for existing water lines were unavailable and existing distribution lines were not included in the impact fee analysis. Unit cost for proposed capital improvement water lines 12-inches and larger in diameter were classified as City initiated water lines including the full cost of the facility. Developer initiated water line projects, 12-inches or less in diameter, were not included in this Impact Fee analysis, as the cost for these size lines are the responsibility of the developer. C. Water Supply The City of Wylie currently receives all of its water supply from the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD). Wylie's allocation of the capital cost of services as a customer of the NTMWD was specifically excluded from the impact fee analysis. If included, Wylie's share of the NTMWD capital cost could include the original construction cost, expansion cost, financing cost, engineering cost and real estate cost of the following components: 1) Water Rights Cost in Lake Lewisville and Other Reservoirs 2) Raw Water Intake Structures 3) Raw Water Pump Stations 4) Water Treatment Plant and Expansions 5) High Service Pump Stations 6) Transmission Lines 7) NTMWD Owned Ground Storage Facilities 8) Metering Facilities j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -23- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. D. Water Distribution System Capital Improvement Projects In order to meet the demands of the anticipated growth over the next 10-years, as provided in the Land Use Assumptions, certain water distribution system improvements are required. Figure 2 shows the recommended system improvements and Table No. 11 itemizes each project and the project cost. These recommended improvements form the basis for the Water System Impact Fee Calculation. Actual capital cost, including construction, engineering and easements of the various elements of the existing water distribution system was utilized where the information was known. The existing cost of facilities was determined from records provided by the City of Wylie. Where actual costs are not known, an average cost in 2004 dollars has been calculated. The average unit cost is from a limited survey of projects, which bid recently, plus an estimated cost for engineering and easements. There are many variable factors that can have a significant impact on the actual construction cost of a project such as local conditions, material cost increases and fuel cost increases to name a few. The capital improvement plan provides for system improvements within the defined service area. Some of the system improvements may be physically located beyond the boundaries of the services area, but are necessary to provide adequate system service and capacity. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -24- • ..•1 • •__ •_' LI = l 1 - t- —.- — . • r—'•? I 1 1• • - --•- --.--•- - -- — 11-L T•1 _i 1::--'I ..•i -.- ' — -J I.•' i.T:.' L'.�. '1f.i ' — _..-- '- - -- '- --- --- •• . I 1= ' •rI 11" I • r • II I ,1r =I • • '1 f' 1 -1 ' y.Y .:1.=--_..- _,,-..=- =i=,'1r"r i1=. f 1 '- 1 ' 1[`' ' J 7 f I 'I ! 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(2/14/2006) Table No. 11 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 10-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Water Lines Opinion of Project Construction Debt Service No. Year Project Size Cost(1) (2) Total Project Cost L1 2005 Creekside Distribution Line No. 1 20" $ 866,000 $ 545,581 $ 1,411,581 L2 2005 Creekside Distribution Line No.2 16"-20" $ 416,500 $ 262,395 $ 678,895 L3 2006 Newport Harbor Distribution Line No. 1 12"-24" $ 1,396,000 $ 879,480 $ 2,275,480 L4 2007 Creekside Distribution Line No.3 16" $ 568,000 $ 357,840 $ 925,840 L5 2008 F.M. 1378 Distribution Line No. 1 12" $ 449,000 $ 282,870 $ 731,870 L6 2006 Westgate 20"Waterline Crossing at F.M.544 20" $ 97,500 $ 61,425 $ 158,925 L7 2007 State Highway 78 Distribution Line No. 1 20"-24" $ 942,000 $ 593,460 $ 1,535,460 L8 2008 State Highway 78 Distribution Line No.2 16"-24" $ 830,500 $ 523,216 $ 1,353,716 L9 2009 Hensley Lane Distribution Line No. 1 12" $ 916,000 $ 577,080 $ 1,493,080 L10 2005 East Alanis Drive Distribution Line 12" $ 250,000 $ 131,250 $ 381,250 L11 2010 Lake Travis Drive and Canyon Lake Drive Waterlines 8" $ 99,000 $ 62,370 $ 161,370 L12 2012 East Side Water Distribution Lines 12" $ 473,000 $ 297,990 $ 770,990 L13 2012 Woodbridge Water Distribution Line 8"-12" $ 740,000 $ 466,200 $ 1,206,200 L14 2007 Pressure Reducing Valve Vaults 8"-12" $ 314,500 $ 198,135 $ 512,635 L15 2007 Brown Street and Sanden Water Lines 12" $ 300,000 $ 189,000 $ 489,000 Subtotal: Water Lines $ 8,658,000 $ 5,428,292 $ 14,086,292 Pumping and Storage Facilities Opinion of Project Construction Debt Service No. Year Project Capacity Cost(1) (2) Total Project Cost PI 2005 Nortex Pump Station Improvements-Phase 1 2.3 MGD $ 163,000 $ 102,690 $ 265,690 S 1 2005 Creekside Elevated Storage Tank 2.0 MG $ 2,883,260 $ 1,816,454 $ 4,699,714 P2 2006 Nortex Pump Station Improvements-Phase 2 5.9 MGD $ 358,000 $ 225,540 $ 583,540 S2 2006 Newport Harbor Ground Storage Reservoir No.2 2.0 MG $ 1,255,200 $ 790,776 $ 2,045,976 P3 2006 NTMWD Pump Station Improvements-Phase 1 6.1 MGD $ 941,000 $ 592,830 $ 1,533,830 P4 2007 Newport Harbor Pump Station Improvements-Phase 1 8.3 MGD $ 160,000 $ 100,800 $ 260,800 S3 2007 Nortex Ground Storage Reservoir No.2 1.5 MG $ 913,000 $ 575,190 $ 1,488,190 P5 2008 Newport Harbor Pump Station Improvements-Phase 2 11.5 MGD $ 160,000 $ 100,800 $ 260,800 P6 2009 NTMWD Pump Station Improvements-Phase 2 9 MGD $ 130,000 $ 81,900 $ 211,900 P7 2012 Nortex Pump Station Improvements-Phase 3 8.8 MGD $ 135,000 $ 85,050 $ 220,050 S4 2012 Ballard Elevated Storage Tank Replacement 1.5 MG $ 2,675,000 $ 1,685,250 $ 4,360,250 S5 2012 Newport Harbor Ground Storage Reservoir No. 1 (New) 1.0 MG $ 844,000 $ 531,720 $ 1,375,720 S6 2012 Nortex Ground Storage Reservoir No. 1 (Replace) 1.0 MG $ 675,000 $ 425,250 $ 1,100,250 P8 2014 NTMWD Pump Station Improvements-Phase 3 10.9 MGD $ 136,000 $ 85,680 $ 221,680 Subtotal: Pumping and Storage Facilities $ 11,428,460 $ 7,199,930 $ 18,628,390 J:\Clerical\Wylie\2002164\Reports\Report W-WW CIP.xls\Water -26 Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. (2/14/2006) Table No. 11 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 10-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Previous Water System Bonds Debt Service Year Project %Utilized Principle (Actual) Total Cost 2002 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 50%of Total 45% $ 232,875 $ 99,024 $ 331,899 2000 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 20%of Total 45% $ 132,300 $ 61,632 $ 193,932 2000 Regency Elevated Storage Tank 20% $ 257,000 $ 159,340 $ 416,340 1999 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 50%of Total 50% $ 277,500 $ 118,533 $ 396,033 1999 Wylie General,Water&Sewer Bonds @ 22.2225%of Total 50% $ 226,114 $ 80,343 $ 306,457 Subtotal:Previous Water System Bonds $ 1,125,789 $ 518,871 $ 1,644,661 Planning Expenses Opinion of Debt Service Year Project Cost(1)(b) (2) Total Project Cost' 2005 Update Water System Master Plan $ 26,000 $ - $ 26,000 2005 Water Impact Fee $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 Subtotal,Planning Expenses: $ 46,000 $ 46,000 Total Expenses For Impact Fees Debt Service Project °fo Utilized Principle (2) Total Cost Water Transmission Lines 86.2075% $ 8,658,000 $ 5,428,292 $ 12,143,440 Pumping and Storage Facilities 80.1041% $ 11,428,460 $ 7,199,930 $ 14,922,108 Utilized Percentage of Previous Water System Bonds 100.000% $ 1,125,789 $ 518,871 $ 1,644,661 Planning Expenses 100.000% $ 46,000 $ - $ 46,000 Subtotal:Previous Water System Bonds $ 21,258,249 $ 13,147,093 $ 28,756,209 Notes: (1) Opinion of Cost includes: a) Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost b) Professional Services Fees(Survey,Engineering&Testing) c) Cost of Easements based on$15/L.f.of Open Cut Installation unless planned installation in existing right-of-way (2)Debt Service based on 20-year simple interest bonds at 6% J:\Clerical\Wylie\2002164\Reports\Report W-WW CIP.xls\Water -27 Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. E. Utilized Capacity Utilized capacity for the water distribution system was calculated based on the water line size required for each model year (2005, 2015 and build out). Master planning of the water distribution system is based on the maximum daily demand, maximum hourly demand, and the minimum hourly demand. Pump station capacity is generally based on the maximum daily system demand while transmission and distribution facilities are sized based on either the maximum hourly demand or the minimum hourly demand, whichever demand is greater for a particular water line. Often times, the capacity of a water line is determined by the flows generated by the minimum hourly demand. The minimum hourly flows are usually higher in those lines that are used to refill elevated storage. For each line segment in the water distribution model, the build-out flow rate in the line was compared to the flow rate in the same line segment for the 2005 and the 2015 models. The percentage of utilized capacity was calculated for each year based on the build-out capacity. The utilized capacity during the Impact Fee period is the difference between the year 2015 capacity and the year 2005 capacity. Table No. 12 below summarizes the project cost and utilized cost over the impact fee period of 2005 - 2015 for each element of the Water Distribution System. The utilized capacity for each water distribution facility, both existing and proposed, is presented in detail in Impact Fee Capacity Calculation Tables Nos. 13, and 14. TABLE NO. 12 Summary of Eligible Capital Cost and Utilized Capacity Cost Utilized 20-Year or Capacity ($) in Outstanding the Water System Facility Project Cost CRP Period Existing Water System Bond Projects $2,386,391 $1,228,321 Existing Regency Elevated Tank $2,081,700 $416,340 Proposed Pumping, Storage & CCN $18,628,390 $14,922,108 Proposed Transmission/Distribution Lines $14,086,292 $12,143,440 Planning Expenses $46,000 $46,000 Total $37,228,773 $28,756,209 j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -28- Birkhoff Hendricks and Conway,L.L.P. 2/14/2006 TABLE NO.13 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED WATER FACILITIES Pump Station Cost ($) Capacity Utilized(%) Capacity Utilized ($) Debt Service 20 Year Debt In The In The Project Year Projected Engineering& Interest Rate Service Utilizing Total 20 Yr. CRF CRF No. Pump Station Improvements Const. Capacity Const. Testing % Simple Interest Project Cost$ 2005 2015 Period 2005 2015 Period Newport Harbor Pump Station S2 (1) Ground Storage Reservoir(Cone.) [4] 2006 2.0 MG $1,185,000 $70,200 6% $790,776 $2,045,976 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% $0 $2,045,976 $2,045,976 P4 (1) Phase I Improvements [4] 2007 8.32 MGD $140,000 $20,000 6% $100,800 $260,800 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% $0 $260,800 $260,800 P5 (1) Phase II Improvements [4] 2008 11.52 MGD $140,000 $20,000 6% $100,800 $260,800 0.0% 90.0% 90.0% $0 $234,720 $234,720 S5 (1) Ground Storage Reservoir(Cone.) [4] 2011 1.0 MG $784,000 $60,000 6% $531,720 $1,375,720 0.0% 90.0% 90.0% $0 $1,238,148 $1,238,148 Nortex Pump Station P1 (1) Phase I Improvements [3] 2006 2.30 MGD $144,150 $18,850 6% $102,690 $265,690 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% $0 $265,690 $265,690 P2 (1) Phase II Improvements [4] 2007 5.90 MGD $316,600 $41,400 6% $225,540 $583,540 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% $0 $583,540 $583,540 S3 (1) Ground Storage Reservoir 2(Steel) [4] 2008 1.5 MG $863,700 $49,300 6% $575,190 $1,488,190 0.0% 90.0% 90.0% $0 $1,339,371 $1,339,371 P7 (1) Phase III Improvements [4] 2011 9.07 MGD $120,000 $15,000 6% $85,050 $220,050 0.0% 90.0% 90.0% $0 $198,045 $198,045 S6 (1) Replace Ground Storage 1(Steel) [4] 2012 1.0 MG $625,000 $50,000 6% $425,250 $1,100,250 90.0% 100.0% 10.0% $990,225 $1,100,250 $110,025 NTMWD Pump Station P3 (1) Phase I Improvements [4] 2006 6.05 MGD $850,550 $90,450 6% $592,830 $1,533,830 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% $0 $1,533,830 $1,533,830 P6 (1) Phase II Improvements [5] 2009 9.22 MGD $118,000 $12,000 6% $81,900 $211,900 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% $0 $211,900 $211,900 P8 (1) Phase III Improvements [6] 2013 10.94 MGD $123,500 $12,500 6% $85,680 $221,680 0.0% 90.0% 90.0% $0 $199,512 $199,512 Proposed Elevated Storage S1 2.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank(Creekside) 2005 2.0 MG $2,737,260 $146,000 6% $1,816,454 $4,699,714 0.0% 90.0% 90.0% $0 $4,229,743 $4,229,743 S4 (1) 1.5 MG Elevated Storage Tank(S.Ballard) 2010 1.5 MG $2,540,000 $135,000 6% $1,685,250 $4,360,250 33.3% 90.0% 56.7% $1,453,417 $3,924,225 $2,470,808 Proposed Facility Total $10,687,760 $740,700 $7,199,930 $18,628,390 $990,225 $17,365,750 $14,922,108 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING WATER FACILITIES Pump Station Cost ($) Capacity Utilized(%) Capacity Utilized ($) Debt Service 20 Year Debt In The In The Year Projected Engineering& Interest Rate Service Utilizing Total 20 Yr. CRF CRF Pump Station Improvements Const. Capacity Const. Testing % Simple Interest Project Cost$ 2005 2015 Period 2005 2015 Period Existing Regency Elevated Storage Tank (1) "Exist 0.75 MG Elevated Storage Tank I 2000 I 0.75 MG 0 $1,200,000 I S85,000 I 5% I $796,700 I $2,081,700 80.0% 100.0% 20.0% $1,665,360 $2,081,700 $416,340 Existing Facility Total $1,200,000 $85,000 $796,700 $2,081,700 $1,665,360 $2,081,700 $416,340 Facilities Total Existing+Proposed $11,887,760 $825,700 $7,996,630 $20,710,090 $2,655,585 $19,447,450 $15,338,448 (1) Estimated Cost [2] Number of Pumps J:Clerical\Wylie\200216,1aeports\Facilities Utilized Capacity.xls\Water P.S. -29 Birkhof,Hendricks and Conway,L.L.P. 2/01/2006 TABLE NO.14 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED CI?-WATER LINES *Average Unit costs are based in 2005 dollars unless otherwise indicated. Projects not in Phase I of CIP include 25%for engineering and miscellaneous contingencies. Projects in Phase I of CIP include proposed engineering fee and 15%for miscellaneous contingencies. All projects include 515/L f of open cut installation for easements unless they are planned to be constructed within existing right-of-way. Dept (%) Utilized Ca acity ($) Utilized Capacit II Avg.Unit 20 Year Debt • Total 20 Year Pipe Length Diameter Total Capital Service E Number (Ft.) (Inches) Date of Const. Cost Cost {$ Interest Service Utilizing Project ($WFt.) Ra#e, Simple Interest Cost ($) Du ring During 2005 2015 Fee Period : 2005 2015 Fee Period Project No.Li-Creekside Distribution Line No.1 [730 Service Areal This project connects the existing 16"waterline east of the Creekside Estates Subdivision to the existing 12"waterline at Creekside Estates Drive _ 1 352 5,100 20 $121.91 $621,750 $391,703 $1,013,453: 0%' 85% 85% 50 5861,435' 5861,435 1 199 1 1,400 24 $174.46 $244,250 $153,878 $398,128 0% 85% 85% $0 $338,409 $338,409 1 375 $0 0% 85% 85% $0 $0 $0 Subtotal: 6,500 2005 $866,000 6% $545,581 $1,411,581 $0 $1,199,844 $1,199,844 Project No.2-Creekside Distribution Line No.L2 [730 Service Area] This oject connects the existing 12"waterline along McMillan Road and McCreary Road to the existing 12"waterline south of Creekside Estates Phase? - - _ 2 223 , 140 16 $403.64 $56,510 $35,601 592,111 0% 85% 85% $0 $78,294 578,294 • 2 335 ` 2,500 20 $144.00• $359,990 $226,794 $586,784 0% 85% 85%/, $0 $498,766 5498,766 Subtotal: 2,640 2005 $416,500 6% $262,395 $678,895 $0 $577,060 $577,060 Project No.L3-Newport Harbor Distribution Line No. 1 [730 Service Areal The Newport Harbor Pump Station will serve the High Pressure Service Area. The Newport Harbor Distribution Line will allow for future growth in the High Pressure Service Area 2 399 : 740: 20 $208.31 : $154,152 $97,116 $251,268 0% 85% 85% $0 $213,578 $213,578 2 386 • 5,150' 18 $146,99 5757,010 $476,916 $1,233,926 0% 85% 85% SO $1,048,837 $1,048,837 2 25 $0 0% 0% 0% $0 $0 $0 2 24 $0 0% 0% 0% $0 $0 SO 2 403 : 50 0% 0% 0% $0 $0 $0 2 400 1,590 16 $145.30 $231,031 $145,550 $376,581 0% 85% 85% $0, 5320,094 $320,094 2 401 $0 0% 0% 0% $0 $O $0 2 219 2,400 12 $105.75 $253,807 $159,898 $413,705 0% 85% 85% $0 $351,649 8351,649 Subtotal: i 9,880 2006 $1,396,000_ 6% $879,480 $2,275,480 i 50 $1,934,158 $1,934,15 Project No.L4-Creekside Distribution Line No.3 [730 Service Area] This project begins west of the Creekside Elevated Storage Tank and connects to the existin 16"waterline along McCreary Road. - _ '2 218 5,100 16 $1 1 1.37 $568,000 $357,840 $925,840 0% 85% 85% $0 $786,964 $786,964 2 371 $0 0% 0% $0 $0 $O ! Subtotal: 5,100 2006 $568,000 6% $357,840 $925,840 $0 5786,964 $786,964 Project No.LS-F.M.1378 Distribution Line [730 Service Areal This project connects the existing 12"waterline along F.M.1378 at Brown Street to the existing 12"waterline in Lakefield Drive _2 361 4,900 12 $91.63 5449,000 5282,870, $731,870 0% 85% 85% $0, 5622,090 $622,090 2 360 $0 0% 0% 0% $0 $0 $0 2 l53 $0 0% 0% 0%. $O $0 $0 Subtotal: 4,900 2008 $449,000 6% 1 5282,870 $731,870 ' $0. $622,090 $622,090 Project No.L6-Westgate 20"Waterline Crossing F.M.544 1679 Service Area] This project connects the existing 20"waterline along West ate Way north of F.M.544 to the existing 12"waterline south of F.M.544 2 385 ' 150• 20 $650.00 r $97,500 $61,425 $158,925 0% 85%I 85%1 $0 $135,086 $135,086 Subtotal: , 150• 2006 $97,500 6% $61,425 $158,925 $0 $135,086 $135,086 Project No.L7-State Highway 78 Distribution Line No. 1 [679 Service Area] This project connects the existing waterline near Birmingham Avenue to the existing 14"waterline in Brown Street - 2 374 2,900 20 $232.06 $672,970: $423,971. $1,096,941: 0% 90% 90% $0 $987,247 $987,247 2 376 $0' 0% 0% 0% $0' $0 $0 2 379 1,150 24 $233.94 $269,030, ' $169,489 $438,519 0% 90% 90% $0: $394,667 $394,667 2 362 SO 0% 0% 0% 50 SO S0 Subtotal: _ 4,050 2006 5942,E100 6% _ $593,464 $1,535,460 $0 $1 81,914 $1,381,914 J-CkricallNyli02002164,Reparts'Proposni Wirier Linctiltxliazd c p . ,,d • -30- Birkhoff Hendricks and Conway,L.L.P. 2/0112006 TABLE NO.14 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED CI?-WATER LINES •Average Unit costs are based in 2005 dollars unless otherwise indicated. Projects not in Phase 1 of C1P include 25%for engineering and miscellaneous contingencies. Projects in Phase 1 of C/P include proposed engineering fee and 15%for miscellaneous contingencies. All projects include$15/4 f of open cut installation for easements unless they are planned to be constructed within existing right-of-wiry. --- Debt (%) Utilized Ca acity -. --- - $) Utilized Capacity Avg.Unit 20 Year Debt Total 20 Year Pipe Length Diameter Total Capital Service ; , Number (Ft.) (Inches) Date of Const. Cost Cost ($) Interest Service Utilizing Project (S/Ft.) Rate% Simple Interest Cost (S) During During ' 2005 2015 Fee Period 2005 2015 Fee Period Project No.L8-State Highway 78 Distribution Line No.2 [679 Service Area] .This project parallels the existing 14"waterline in Brown Street and from the NTMWD Pump Station to F.M.544 and the 8"waterline along F.M.544 _ T - 2 378 3,050 16 $121.66 $371,077 $233,779 $604,856 0% 90% 90% $O $544,370 $544,370 2 389 ; 400 18 $204.99 $81,995 $51,657 $133,652 0% 90% 90%' $0 $120,287 $120,287 2 377 : 2,400 24 $157.26• $377,428 $237,780 $615,208 0% 90% 90%, $0 S553,687 $553,687 Subtotal: 5,850_ J 2007 r $830,500 6% $523,216 $1,353,716 - SO S1,218,344, --$1,218,344 Project No.L9-Hensley Lane Distribution Line [679 Service Areal This project connects the existing 12"waterline along Maxwell Creek Road to the existing 12"waterline along Hensley Lane ' 2 310 • 9,750 12 ' $93.95 $916,000 $577,080 S 1,493,080 0°l0 85% 85% $0 $1,269,118 $1,269,118 2 311 : $0 0% 0% 0% so $o $0 2 312 $0 0% 0% 0% $0 $O $0 • 2 313 $0 0% 0% 0% $0 $0 $0 Subtotal: , 9,750 2008 $916,000 6% 5577,080 $1,493,080 _ $0 S1,269,118 $1,269,118 Project No.L11-Lake Travis Drive and Canyon Lake Drive Waterlines [679 Service Area] This project will Ioo he existing 8"waterlines in the subdivision to provide better pressures and chlorine residuals. 2 340 , 1,250 8 $79.20 $99,000 $62,370 $161,370 0% 85% 85%. $0 $137,165 $137,165 2 343 , $0 0% 0%! 0%. $0 $0 SO Subtotal: 1,250 : 2010 - $99,000 6% $62,370 $161,370 - SO $137,165 $137,165 Project No.L12-East Side Water Distributions Lines 1679 Service Area] This project will extend water service to the east of Spring Creek Parkway 2 349 ! 4,700 12 $100.64 $473,000 $297,990 $770,990 0°l0 85% 85% SO $655,342 S655,342 2 347 ; SO 0% 0% O% $0 $0 $0 Subtotal: 4,700, 2012 $473,000 6% $297,990 $770,990 $0 5655,342 $655,342 Project No.L13-Woodbridge Water Distribution Line [679 Service Area] This water line will connect water in Alanis Drive to Woodbridge Property _ 2 331 ' 5,500 12 ' - $95.76 $526,700 $331,821 S858,521: 0% 85% 85%i $0 $729,743 $729,743 2 354 • $0 0% 0% O%I SO $0 $0 2 355 $0 0% 0% 0°l0 $0 $O SO ' 2 329 3,450 8 $61.83 $213,300 $134,379 $347,679 0% 85% 85°lam $0 $295,527 $295,527 ' . Subtotal: 8,950 • 2012 $740,000 6% -- 5466,200 $1,206,200 SO S1,025,270 $1,025,270 Project No.L10-East Alanis Drive Distribution Line [679 Service Area] --- This project will connect the existing20"waterline along South Ballard Avenue to the existing 12"waterline along Alanis-Drive west of Martinez Lane 2 221 3,920 12 $63.78' $250,000 $131,250 $381,250 0% 85% 85% $0 S324,063 $324,063 ' 2 222 $0 0% 0% 0% $0 $0 $0 •2 381 SO 0% 0% 0% $0! $0 $0 2 387 $0 0% 0%. 0% $0 $0 $0 .2 388 S0 0% 0% % $O/� V J° $0 $0 Subtotal: 3,920 1 -- 2005 -- ---- $250,000 ___5% - $131,250 $381,250 $0 $324,063 $324,063 Project No.L15-Brown Street&Sanden Water Lines [679 Service Area] This project will connect the existing 12"waterline along from the existing Nortex Pump Station to 12"waterlines in Sanden Boulevard and Westgate Way 2 405 2,600 12 $115.38 $300,000 $189,000 $489,000 0% 85% 85% $0 $415,650 $415,650 • • 2 407 • $0' 0% 0% 0%!• $0 $0 $0 Subtotal: 2,600' 2007 ' $300,000. 6% $1.89,000_ $489,000' 50 $415,650 $415,650 l ]:Gk-ricaMyl,2002164xRsporeslProPnxd Wuwt.j cst dliecd Capacity_xlsepropused -31- lirkhof Hendricks and Conway, T L.L.P. 2 0f/L006 TABLE NO.14 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED CIP-WATER LINES *Average Unit costs are based in 2005 dollars unless otherwise indicated. Projects not in Phase I of CIP include 25%for engineering and miscellaneous contingencies. Projects in Phase I of CIP include proposed engineering fee and 15%for miscellaneous contingencies. All projects include$I5IL f of open cut installation for easements unless they are planned to be constructed within existing right-of-way. Debt (°/ Utilized Capacity T I$) Utilized Capaci Pipe Length Diameter Avg.Unit Total Capital Service —20 Year Debt Total 20 Year Number (Ft.) (Inches) Date of Const. Cost Cost ($) Interest Service Utilizing Project • ($lFt.) Rate a/o Simple Interest Cost ($) During During 2005 2015 Fee Period 2005 2015 Fee Period Project No.L14-Pressure Reducing Valve Vaults [679 Service Area&730 Service Area] This project will allow interconnection between service zones for emergencies and temporary+service. _ - 2 $314,500 $198,135 $512,635 0% 90% 90% $0 $461,372 $461,372 Subtotal: 2007 $314,500 6% $198,135 $512,635 $0 $461,372 $461,372 Water Line CIP Total 70,240, 8,658,000 5,428,292 14,086,292 0 12,143,440 12,143,440 l-City Participate in Cost Oversize 2-City Initiated and Funded 1:Clerical,Wylie124D216411teporls\Proposed W.I.Lines LAlizedCapae#ty'.xls,Psoposed —32- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. VII. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM A. General At this time, the majority of the wastewater generated in the City of Wylie (concentrating in areas adjacent to the present city center) flows by gravity and a combination of lift stations and force mains to the Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant located near the center of the City and the new Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant southwest of the City center. A small amount of current wastewater flow is handled through local residential septic systems. The Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant has an average daily flow capacity of 1.0 MGD and a peak flow capacity of approximately 2.0 MGD. The average daily flow capacity of the new Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant is 2.5 MGD and the peak flow capacity is 5.0 MGD. A planned expansion to the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant will provide an average daily flow capacity of 5.0 MGD and a peak flow capacity of 10.0 MGD. For the purpose of this impact fee study, the Lake Side Collection Basins are not expected to commence development, to a significant degree prior to 2015. Therefore, infrastructure improvements are not planned or included in the impact fee calculation. Muddy Creek, Cottonwood Creek and Rush Creek Basins are anticipated growth areas. 1) Muddy Creek: Muddy Creek includes the bulk of the existing development and produces the predominant volume of wastewater flow to the Wylie Treatment plant. The Muddy Creek Basin will add approximately 18,398 to the population by 2015. 2) Cottonwood Creek: Generally south of the City center is an expected growth area where approximately 4,342 will be added to the population by 2015. 3) Rush Creek: Generally east of the City center is an expected growth area where approximately 5,829 will be added to the population by 2015. B. Collection Lines The wastewater collection system analysis, a more static system than the dynamic water distribution model, covered all of the drainage basins within the study area. The wastewater project cost includes necessary appurtenances, purchase of easements, utility relocation, pavement removal and replacement, and engineering costs. For existing Impact Fee projects, actual costs were utilized where known. Future project cost estimates were based on 2005 average unit cost per linear foot and include engineering and construction cost. An allowance of$15 per linear foot was included for easements. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -33- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. The natural ground in the area to be served by the Wylie Wastewater Collection System varies in elevation from approximately 460 feet above mean sea level near the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant to 620 feet above mean sea level near the northwest City Limit. There is a natural divide running generally North to South near the Wylie city center(following Ballard Avenue to the Pleasant Valley Road). Generally speaking, the fall of the land on the west side of this divide is to the southwest and includes five main basins. These basins are (from south to north) Lower Muddy Creek, Tributary 1 to Muddy Creek, Tributary 2 to Muddy Creek, Tributary 3 to Muddy Creek and Upper Muddy Creek. The natural creeks, whose basins will collect wastewater through the installed system of trunk lines, flow into the geographic area normally serviced by the North Texas Municipal Water District. The fall of the land on the east side of this divide is to the southeast and includes three main basins. The basins are Cottonwood Creek (near the City center), Rush Creek (east of the City center) and Tributary 1 to Rush Creek (east of the main channel). These basins flow naturally into Lake Ray Hubbard. Flows in the City of Wylie service areas are collected in Lift Stations at the downstream limit of the service area and lifted over to the Muddy Creek basin. C. Treatment The Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant is located near the City center. Currently, this plant serves the City center through both a gravity flow collection network and a network of lift stations, force mains and gravity sewers. It also serves some additional developed through a network of lift stations, force mains and gravity lines. The new Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant was constructed southwest of the City center. An expansion of the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant is currently being designed. The North Texas Municipal Water District operates both treatment plants. D. Capital Improvement Program The wastewater facilities shown in Figure 3 include City constructed collection lines, trunk sewer lines, lift stations and force mains. The cost of the City constructed treatment plant and gravity sewers that are included in the Impact Fee Update are itemized in Table No. 15. The project locations are shown in Figure No. 3. The projects shown in Table No. 15 represent those required to meet the needs of the projected growth as provided in the Land Use Assumptions for Impact Fees. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -34- f• II r.l �11 1 -_ .;;G • TI i ..J - I•'-r` _ '.._ _ ..f�_� r---..• - __1 :1 {{I{ � iL 1 i r .I M1•J 11_ .. 1 • il. r ' -- S Y�1- r• I•r• yy 1 1 �1 r • 111. t 1 r II 11 i • L-l `'�41 1 1•1 ..1..I. .II - - 1 = • .!I 1 1 r 1 • ... f — a Yr•ti _ 1 .. • ' I I —1 r•I -. 1 • �� f 1 • ,I • I • 11 r1•_ ti -•-r cl �1 1= r • . 1 .:1 i1 1 1 .1 1 1 - 1 , 'I -1-f- r'1 r 1 4... y:1 � r • • Ir. . r ):Y rr ti:i 1 c r' • -f ti ti1:' c:• ' _I 1 • y _ - r - • 1 1 - • 1W r _ '_rr __ _ _ _^- _ I h' f' r-- -I I I •I I• 1 _' °,. 1' 7 I J I��• U 1- '.. •1 r•' 4 �• 1 .1 .�. �� �1 .fin �.� `,4.,� ... i iL Ir. 1. I ' I I _ 1.1I I'.' I 1 " .... _ •r �,�.�f�. I - III -' -t• ' I I • • - 1 - `I 1 • - -I, 'r.11•1 .L .. - .. •- - - - •'! 1. - - 1 �Lr I.... .rti- 11�1 ' IT,. • -- ••- - - '.y• • 1 1 I 1 - .. I 1 Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. (2/14/2006) Table No. 15 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 10-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN WASTEWATER COLLECTION LINES Opinion of Construction Total Project Year Project Size Cost(1) Debt Service(2) Cost 2007 Twin Lakes Relief Sewer 30"&42" $ 2,608,000 $ 1,369,200 $ 3,977,200 $ - $ - $Subtotal: Wastewater Collection Lines $ 2,608,000 $ 1,369,200 $ 3,977,200 TREATMENT FACILITIES Opinion of Construction Total Project Year Project Capacity Cost(1) Debt Service(2) Cost 2006 Treatment Plant Expansion#2 5 MGD $ 5,000,000 $ 3,150,000 $ 8,150,000 $ - $ - $Subtotal: Treatment Facilities $ 5,000,000 $ 3,150,000 $ 8,150,000 MUDDY CREEK WASTEWATER INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM&PREVIOUS BOND SALES Utilized Amount of Total Project Year Project Capacity Bond Sale(1) Debt Service(2) Cost 2004 NTMWD Muddy Creek Interceptor System(Bond 1) 95% $ 2,039,840 $ 1,111,089 $ 3,150929 2004 NTMWD Muddy Creek Interceptor System(Bond 2) 95% $ 9,416,875 $ 4,589,260 $ 14,006,135 2002 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 50%of Total 95% $ 491,625 $ 209,050 $ 700,675 2000 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 80%of Total 95% $ 1,117,200 $ 520,448 $ 1,637,648 1999 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 50%of Total 95% $ 527,250 $ 225,212 $ 752,462 1997 Wylie Water&Sewer Bonds @ 22.225%of Total 95% $ 429,617 $ 152,652 $ 582,268 1988 NTMWD Contract Revenue Bonds @100%of Total 100% $ 355,000 $ 43,924 $ 398,924 Subtotal: Treatment Facilities $ 14,377,407 $ 6,851,635 $ 21,229,041 PLANNING EXPENSES Opinion of Cost Total Project Year Project Capacity (1)(b) Debt Service(2) Cost Wastewater Master Plan - $ 20,600 $ - $ 20,600 Wastewater Impact Fee Calculation $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 Subtotal: Planning and Operations $ 40,600 $ - $ 40,600 Wastewater Collection System CIP Grand Total: $ 22,026,007 $ 11,370,835 $ 33,396,841 Notes: (1) Opinion of Cost includes: a) Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost b) Professional Services Fees(Survey,Engineering,Testing,Legal) c) Cost of Easement at$15/L.f.of Open Cut Installation (2) Debt Service based on 20-year simple interest bonds at 5% Report W-WW CIP.xls -36- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. E. Utilized Capacity The Land Use Assumptions from the City of Wylie were utilized to calculate the utilized capacity for the wastewater collection system based on land absorption from population growth projections. The population and employment growth in each wastewater drainage basin was determined utilizing the DSA growth projections. These growth rates were utilized to calculate 2005 and 2015 design flows. The following summarizes each design flow component utilized to calculate the wastewater design flows. 1) Population Based Flow: For the purpose of this wastewater impact fee study an average per capita flow of 110 gallons per day (gpcd) is a reasonable basis for the design of the wastewater collection and treatment facilities. Peak flows associated with this per capita rate have been estimated for various segments of the collection system by using the following formula (PF = (5/(population/1000)"O.167). The formula takes into account the estimated population, and, indirectly, the area of the drainage basin to be served. This method gives a ratio of peak to average flows varying from a maximum of 5.0 times the average flow for a population of 1,000 or less to 2.32 times the average flow for a population of 93,700 (includes 18,000 for the City of Murphy). 2) Non-Population Based Flow: Non-residential average flows are estimated based on an average daily flow per acre for each non-residential land use category. The following were used for average daily flow per acre for each category: Business/Commercial Corridor: 1,600 gallons Commercial/Retail: 1,400 gallons Neighborhood Services: 1,200 gallons Public/Semi Private: 1,000 gallons Heavy Industrial: 2,400 gallons Light Industrial: 2,000 gallons Parks/Open Space: 5 gallons Floodplains: 0.01 gallons A 2.0 Peaking factor was used for each non-residential land use. The combination of per capita and non-residential based flow is the basis for aggregate dry weather flow in the basins. 3) Infiltration and Inflow: Groundwater can infiltrate into the sanitary sewer system through faulty sewer pipe joints, tree roots, breaks in sewer pipes and manholes and faulty service lines. Infiltration creates an average day flow related burden on wastewater collection systems and treatment plants. Infiltration is fairly constant and not necessarily based on temporary storm based events. Normal plant capacity j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -37- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. must be designed to handle infiltration related flows. The City can embark on programs to rehabilitate lines that contribute significant infiltration volumes when economically and environmentally feasible, and/or desirable. Inflow is generally related to storm based events that increase groundwater and surface water flow into the sanitary system. The additional flow is generally recognized to enter through manholes, service lines, roof drains and storm drains. Inflow related flows could cause surcharged sewers, overflows at manholes and peak flows to surpass the capacity of the treatment plant. The wastewater collection system planning calculations include a combined infiltration and inflow rate of 400 gallons per acre per day (gpad) for the entire wastewater service area. This flow is not peaked. The percentage of utilized capacity was calculated for the design flow of each study year based on the build-out capacity. The utilized capacity during the Impact Fee period is the difference between the year 2015 capacity and the year 2005 capacity. Table No. 16 below summarizes the project cost and utilized cost over the impact fee period of 2005 - 2015 for each element of the wastewater system. The utilized capacity for each existing and proposed wastewater facility and collection line is presented in detail in Impact Fee Capacity Calculation Tables Nos. 17 and 18. TABLE NO. 16 Summary of Eligible Capital Cost and Utilized Capacity Cost 20-Yr. or Utilized Capacity Wastewater System Facility Outstanding Cost ($) in CRP Period 2004 NTMWD Muddy Creek Interceptor System Bonds (1) $3,316,767 $3,150,929 2004 NTMWD Muddy Creek Interceptor System Bonds (2) $14,743,300 $14,006,135 2002 Wylie Water& Sewer Bonds @ 50% of Total $737,533 $331,899 2000 Wylie Water& Sewer Bonds @ 80% of Total $1,723,838 $775,727 1999 Wylie Water& Sewer Bonds @ 50% of Total $792,065 $316,826 1997 Wylie General, Water& Sewer Bonds @ 22.2225% $612,914 $214,520 1988 NTMWD Contract Revenue Bonds @ 100% of Total $398,924 $79,785 Proposed Wastewater Collection Line $4,254,300 $3,403,440 Proposed Muddy Creek WWTP Expansion $8,150,000 $8,150,000 Planning Expenses $40,600 $40,600 Total $34,770,241 S30,469,861 (1) Muddy Creek Trunk Sewer— Wylie Share at 61% (2) Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant— Wylie Share at 61% j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -38- Birkhof Hendricks and Conway,L.L.P. TABLE NO. 17 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING MUDDY CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE $3,520,000 TOTAL BOND SALE (LOWER MUDDY CREEK INTERCEPTOR COSTS)Wylie Share 61% Maturity Year Principal Rate Interest(12/01) Interest(6/01) Fiscal Total 2004 $ 37,406.90 $ 37,406.90 2005 $ 76,250.00 4.875% $ 47,650.53 $ 49,509.13 $ 173,409.66 2006 $ 67,100.00 4.875% $ 46,014.97 $ 47,650.53 $ 160,765.51 2007 $ 70,150.00 4.875% $ 44,306.28 $ 46,014.97 $ 160,471.25 2008 $ 73,200.00 4.875% $ 42,520.81 $ 44,306.28 $ 160,027.10 2009 $ 79,300.00 4.875% $ 40,587.88 $ 42,520.81 $ 162,408.69 2010 $ 82,350.00 4.875% $ 38,580.60 $ 40,587.88 $ 161,518.47 2011 $ 85,400.00 4.875% $ 36,498.97 $ 38,580.60 $ 160,479.57 2012 $ 91,500.00 4.875% $ 34,268.66 $ 36,498.97 $ 162,267.63 2013 $ 94,550.00 . 4.875% $ 31,964.00 $ 34,268.66 $ 160,782.66 2014 $ 100,650.00 4.875% $ 29,510.66 $ 31,964.00 $ 162,124.66 2015 $ 103,700.00 4.000% $ 27,436.66 $ 29,510.66 $ 160,647.32 i 2016 $ 109,800.00 4.125% $ 25,172.03 $ 27,436.66 $ 162,408.69 2017 $ 115,900.00 4.250% $ 22,709.16 $ 25,172.03 $ 163,781.19 2018 $ 122,000.00 4.300% $ 20,086.16 S 22,709.16 $ 164,795.32 2019 $ 128,100.00 4.400% $ 17,267.96 $ 20,086.16 $ 165,454.12 2020 $ 134,200.00 4.500% $ 14,248.46 $ 17,267.96 $ 165,716.42 2021 $ 143,350.00 4.500% $ 11,023.08 $ 14,248.46 $ 168,621.54 2022 $ 149,450.00 4.625% $ 7,567.05 $ 11,023.08 $ 168,040.13 2023 $ 155,550.00 4.700% $ 3,911.63 $ 7,567.05 $ 167,028.68 2024 $ 164,700.00 4.750% $ - $ 3,911.63 $ 168,611.63 TOTALS $ 2,147,200.00 $ 578,732.45 $ 590,834.68 $ 3,316,767.13 J.,Wylie12002.1641 teparts45an Sew Lima CIP.xis-Existing -39- 2/14/2006 3:3 7 PM Birkhoff,Hendricks and Conway,L.L.A. TABLE NO. 17 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY w EXISTING - MUDDY CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE _ $16,250,000 TOTAL BOND SALE (MUDDY CREEK REGIONAL WWTP COSTS) Wylie Share 61% Maturity Year Principal Rate Interest(12/01) Interest(6/01) Fiscal Total 2005 $ 341,600.00 5.000% $ 216,548.48 $ 216,548.48 $ 774,696.95 2006 $ 356,850.00 5.000% $ 208,008.48 $ 208,008.48 $ 772,866.95 2007 $ 372,100.00 5.000% $ 199,087.23 $ 199,087.23 $ 770,274.45 2008 $ 390,400.00 5.000% $ 189,784.73 $ 189,784.73 $ 769,969.45 2009 $ 405,650.00 5.000% $ 180,024.73 $ 180,024.73 $ 765,699.45 2010 $ 423,950.00 5.000% $ 169,883.48 $ 169,883.48 $ 763,716.95 2011 $ 445,300.00 4.750% $ 159,284.73 $ 159,284.73 $ 763,869.45 2012 $ 463,600.00 3.300% $ 148,708.85 $ 148,708.85 $ 761,017.70 2013 $ 484,950.00 3.500% $ 141,059.45 $ 141,059.45 $ 767,068.90 2014 $ 506,300.00 3.700% $ 132,572.83 $ 132,572.83 $ 771,445.65 2015 $ 530,700.00 3.800% $ 123,206.28 $ 123,206.28 $ 777,112.55 2016 $ 555,100.00 4.000% $ 113,122.98 $ 113,122.98 $ 781,345.95 2017 $ 579,500.00 4.100% $ 102,020.98 $ 102,020.98 $ 783,541.95 2018 $ 603,900.00 4.200% $ 90,141.23 $ 90,141.23 $ 784,182.45 2019 $ 631,350.00 4.300% $ 77,459.33 $ 77,459.33 $ 786,268.65 2020 $ 658,800.00 4.400% $ 63,885.30 $ 63,885.30 $ 786,570.60 2021 $ 689,300.00 4.500% $ 49,391.70 $ 49,391.70 $ 788,083.40 2022 $ 719,800.00 4.600% $ 33,882.45 $ 33,882.45 $ 787,564.90 2023 $ 753,350.00 4.600% $ 17,327.05 $ 17,327.05 $ 788,004.10 TOTALS $ 9,912,500.00 $ 2,415,400.23 $ 2,415,400.23 $ 14,743,300.45 J:1Wylia12042-1641Reporus\Sen Sew Lints Clrilw-Exisitrg -40- 2/14/2006 3:37 PM L. Birkhof Hendricks and Conway,L.L.P. TABLE NO. 17 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING-WASTEWATER COLLECTION LINES € - -- - Avg.Unit' Remaining Remaining Total Remaining 1 (%) Utilized Capacity ($) Utilized Capacity ($VFt.) Principle Debt Service Cost ($) 2005 1 2015 1%Fee 2005 1 2015 1 Fee Period 2002 Water&Sewer Bond Sales @ 50%Total Bond Amount Need Breakdown If Possible $517,500 $220,053 $737,553 50% 95%i. 45% $368,777 $700,675 $331,899 Subtotal: $517,500 $220,053 $737,553 $368,777 $700,675 $331,899. 2000 Water&Sewer Bond Sales I@ 80%Total Bond Amount Need Breakdown If Possible • $1,176,000 $547,838 $1,723,838 50% 95% 45%. $861,919 $1,637,646 $775,727 Subtotal: $1,176,000 $547,838 $1,723,838 $861,919 $1,637,646 $775,727 - - a, -- 1999 Water&Sewer Bond Sales @ 50%Total Bond Amount Need Breakdown If Possible $555,000 $237,065 $792,065 60% 100% 40% $475,239 $792,065 $316,826 i Subtotal: $555,000 $237,065 $792,065' $475,239 $792,065 5316,826 1997 General Obligation,Water&Sewer Bond Sales @ 22.2225%Total Bond Amount T Need Breakdow If Possible $452,228 $160,686! $612,914 65% 100%! 35% $398,394 $612,914 $214,520 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal: $452,228 $160,686. $612,914 $398,394 $612,914, $214,520 _ 1988 NTMWD Contract Revenue Bond Sales I@ 100%Total Bond Amount Need Breakdow If Possible $355,000 $43,924 $398,924: 80% 100% 20% $319,139 $398,924 $79,785 Subtotal: $355,000 $43,924 $398,924 $319,139 $398,924 $79,785 Wastewater Collection Lines-Prior Project GIP Total Total - 1 I II I $3,055,728 I $1,209,566 I $4,265,294 $2,423,468 $4,142,224 $1,718,757 PiWyix42031-164,Roman Sew Lin.CIP.xlgEsiaing -41- 2/14/2006 3:37 PM Birkho ;Hendricks and Conway,L.L.P. . TABLE NO. 18 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSED CIP-WASTEWATER COLLECTION LINES *Average Unit costs are based in 2005 dollars unless otherwise indicated and includes 25%for engineering and contingencies and$15/L f of Open Cut for Easements (%) Utilized Ca acity -(S) Utilized Capacity -- Avg.Unit 20 Year Debt Total 20 Year Pipe Length Diameter Cost Total Capital Service @ 6% Project During i During Number (Ft.) (Inches) Date of Const. ($1Ft.) Cost ($) Simple Interest Cost (5) 2005 2015 Fee Period 2005 2015 Fee Period Twin Lakes Relief Sewer- Proposed Collection Lines . This Project includes 12,400 LF of new 30"and 42" Transfer Sewer commencing at the Twin Lakes Lift Station and running along Pleasant Valley Road to the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. i * 4,200 30 2007 • $153.72 $645,624 $406,743. $1,052,367 0% 80% 80%. 80 $841,894 $841,894 * 8,200 42 $239.56 $1,964,376 $1,237,557, S3,201,933 0% 80% 80% 80 $2,561,546 $2,561,546 Subtotal: -12,400^ - - - $2,610,000 $1,644,300, $4,254,300 $0 $3,403,440 $3,403,440 Sanitary Sewer Line-CIP Total Total I 12,4001 L.F. II I $2,610,0001 $1,644,3001 $4,254,300 $0 $3,403,440 $3,403,440 I t San Sew Lines CIP.x1s Proposed -42- 2/14/2006 3:40 PM i Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. VIII. MAXIMUM IMPACT FEE CALCULATION—WATER& WASTEWATER SYSTEM The maximum impact fees for the water and wastewater systems are calculated separately by dividing the cost of the capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated and attributable to new development in the service area within the ten year period by the number of living units anticipated to be added to City within the ten year period as shown on Table No. 8 and Table No. 9. To simplify collection, we recommend the fee remain fixed throughout the next 5-year period, unless changed by Council. The water system impact fee is calculated as follows: Maximum Impact Fee = Eligible Existing Facility Cost + Eligible Proposed Facility Cost Number of New Living Unit Equivalent over the Next 10-Years = S1,644,621 + S27,111,588 = $28,756,209 11,018 11,018 Water Maximum Impact Fee = S2,609.93 * * Maximum Allowable Water Impact Fee is 50%of the Calculated Water Maximum Impact Fee. Allowable Maximum Water Impact Fee = $2,609.93 x 50% = $1,304.97 The wastewater system impact fee is calculated as follows: Maximum Impact Fee = Eligible Existing Facility Cost + Eligible Proposed Facility Cost Number of New Living Unit Equivalent over the Next 10-Years = $18,875,821 + $11,594,040 = $30,469,861 12,376 12,376 Wastewater Max. Impact Fee = $2,462.01 *Maximum Allowable Wastewater Impact Fee is 50%of the Calculated Wastewater Maximum Impact Fee. Allowable Maximum Wastewater Fee = $2,462.01 x 50% = $1,231.01 Based on the Allowable Maximum Impact Fee Calculation for Water and Wastewater, Table No. 19 calculates the maximum impact fee for the various sizes of water meters. j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -43- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. TABLE NO. 18 Allowable Maximum Fee per Living Unit Equivalent 50% Maximum Water Impact Fee per Living Unit Equivalent $1,304.97 50% Maximum Wastewater Impact Fee per Living Unit Equivalent $1,231.01 Typical Land Meter Living Unit Maximum Impact Fee Use Meter Type Size Equivalent Water Sewer Total Single Family 5/8" & Residential Simple 3/4" 1.0 $ 1,304.97 $ 1,231.01 $ 2,535.98 Single Family Residential Simple 1" 1.7 $ 2,218.45 $ 2,092.72 $ 4,311.17 Single Family Residential Simple 1-1/2" 3.3 $ 4,306.40 $ 4,062.33 $ 8,368.73 Single Family Residential Simple 2" 5.3 $ 6,916.34 $ 6,524.35 $ 13,440.69 Comm./Retail Compound 2" 5.3 $ 6,916.34 $ 6,524.35 $ 13,440.69 Comm./Retail Turbine 2" 6.7 $ 8,743.30 $ 8,247.77 $ 16,991.07 Comm./Retail/ Multi Family Compound 3" 10.7 $ 13,963.18 $ 13,171.81 $ 27,134.99 Comm./Retail/ Multi Family Turbine 3" 16.0 $ 20,879.52 $ 19,696.16 $ 40,575.68 Comm./Retail/ Multi Family Compound 4" 16.7 $ 21,793.00 $ 20,557.87 $ 42,350.87 Comm./Retail/ Multi Family Turbine 4" 28.0 $ 36,539.16 $ 34,468.28 $ 71,007.44 Industrial Compound 6" 33.3 $ 43,455.50 $ 40,992.63 $ 84,448.13 Industrial Turbine 6" 61.3 $ 79,994.66 $ 75,460.91 $ 155,455.57 Industrial Compound 8" 53.3 $ 69,554.90 $ 65,612.83 $ 135,167.73 Industrial Turbine 8" 106.7 $ 139,240.30 $ 131,348.77 $ 270,589.07 Industrial Compound 10" 153.3 $ 200,051.90 $ 188,713.83 $ 388,765.73 Industrial Turbine 10" 166.7 $ 217,538.50 $ 205,209.37 $ 422,747.87 Industrial Turbine 12" 220.0 $ 287,093.40 $ 270,822.20 $ 557,915.60 j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -44- Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway,L.L.P. TABLE NO. 19 Alternative Fee per Living Unit Equivalent Alternative Water Impact Fee per Living Unit Equivalent $1,300.00 Alternative Wastewater Impact Fee per Living Unit Equivalent $1,230.00 r - Typical Land Meter Living Unit Maximum Impact Fee Use Meter Type Size Equivalent Water Sewer Total Single Family Residential Simple 3/4" 1.0 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,230.00 $ 2,530.00 Single Family Residential Simple 1" 1.7 $ 2,210.00 $ 2,091.00 $ 4,301.00 Single Family Residential Simple 1-1/2" 3.3 $ 4,290.00 $ 4,059.00 $ 8,349.00 Single Family Residential Simple 2" 5.3 $ 6,890.00 $ 6,519.00 $ 13,409.00 Comm./Retail Compound 2" 5.3 $ 6,890.00 $ 6,519.00 $ 13,409.00 Comm./Retail Turbine 2" 6.7 $ 8,710.00 $ 8,241.00 $ 16,951.00 Comm./Retail /Multi Family Compound 3" 10.7 $ 13,910.00 $ 13,161.00 $ 27,071.00 Comm./Retail /Multi Family Turbine 3" 16.0 $ 20,800.00 $ 19,680.00 $ 40,480.00 Comm./Retail /Multi Family Compound 4" 16.7 $ 21,710.00 $ 20,541.00 $ 42,251.00 Comm./Retail /Multi Family Turbine 4" 28.0 $ 36,400.00 $ 34,440.00 $ 70,840.00 Industrial Compound 6" 33.3 $ 43,290.00 $ 40,959.00 $ 84,249.00 Industrial Turbine 6" 61.3 $ 79,690.00 $ 75,399.00 $ 155,089.00 Industrial Compound 8" 53.3 $ 69,290.00 $ 65,559.00 $ 134,849.00 Industrial Turbine 8" 106.7 $ 13 8,710.00 $ 131,241.00 $ 269,951.00 Industrial Compound 10" 153.3 $ 199,290.00 $ 188,559.00 $ 387,849.00 Industrial Turbine 10" 166.7 $ 216,710.00 $ 205,041.00 $ 421,751.00 Industrial Turbine 12" 220.0 $ 286,000.00 $ 270,600.00 $ 556,600.00 j:\clerical\wylie\2002-164 w&ww impact fees\reports\report-1.doc -45- MEMORANDUM TO: COUNCIL FROM: IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SUBJECT: IMPACT FEE UPDATE DATE: 04/04/2006 CC: FILE Advisor Committee met with City Impact Fee staff and Birkhoff, Hendricks, and ru 21, 2006 to discuss and give comment on the update to the City's Conway, on February water andp wastewater impact fees. The IFAC discussed the findings of the report and recommended that the updates be approved without comment. DENNIS LARSON,Chairman Wylie City Council (01gii L.] AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 04-11-06 Item Number: 5 Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: 03-31-06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider, and act upon, the appointment of a new member to the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board, to fill the unexpired term. Recommendation Motion to appoint to the WEDC Board for the unexpired term. Discussion This agenda item was tabled at the March 28, 2006 City Council Meeting. As per section 4.01 Board of Directors of the First Amended Bylaws of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation, the business and affairs of the Corporation and all corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of the Board of Directors, appointed by the governing body of the City of Wylie. Section 4.02 Number and Qualifications requires that each Director shall meet at least one (1) of the following: (a) serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company; or (b) serve, or have served, in a position of executive management of a company; or (c) serve, or have served, in a professional capacity. In addition to the above qualifications: (1) each Director must have lived in the City Limits or operated a business in the City Limits for a minimum of one (1)year; and (2) each Director must live in the City Limits during the tenure in office. Mr. Gary Bowland was appointed to a three (3) year term on the Wylie Economic Development Corporation in July 2004 with the term expiring in July 2007. Mr. Bowland is moving out of the City Limits and has resigned from the Board effective March 15, 2006. The City Secretary maintains a file of citizens interested in serving on various City boards and commissions. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT ,__, Meeting Date: April 11, 2006 Item Number: 6 (City Secretary's Use Only)Department: City Secretary Prepared By: Carole Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared: March 22, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One S u b'ect Consider and act upon the appointment of a board member to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board. Recommendation A motion to appoint to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board of Directors for a term to begin June 1, 2006 and end May 31, 2008. Discussion The Board of Directors of North Texas Municipal Water District is a policy making body similar in nature to the City Council. The Board is responsible to both the State of Texas and to the member cities for assuring that NTMWD operations occur in accordance with state and federal law, in alignment with NTMWD policy, and in the best interests of the cities receiving services. In accordance with the statute creating the District (Article 8280-141), the qualifications of a director include the following: "No person shall be appointed a Director unless he resides in the city from which he is appointed. No member of a governing body of a city and no employee of a city shall be appointed as a Director." Under other state law, no other government official that receives compensation could be appointed. NTMWD is requesting that by majority vote, the Wylie City Council reappoint Mr. Marvin Fuller or appoint another Director to serve a term from June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2008. NTMWD's existing Board (18 member cities) is comprised of individuals who have worked to represent their communities in other capacities and who have a solid understanding of municipal concerns to share with other Directors. Historically, Directors have dedicated from 10 to 30 years of service to the Board, thereby gaining experience and contributing the necessary leadership. This provides the maximum benefit in order to assure the city's needs are met in the most effective manner. All NTMWD programs provide service based on cost to serve, with all cities provided equal treatment. Therefore, NTMWD policy established by the Board of Directors affects cost, performance and quality of service. The City of Wylie has two board members on the NTMWD Board; Mr. Marvin Fuller whose term expires May Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 31, 2006 and Mr. Harry Tibbals, whose term expires May 31, 2007. Mr. Fuller stated that he would be willing to serve another term. The City Council will need to make this appointment before the term expires May 31, 2006. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Cit Manager MBR 04/06/2006 Y g {., s' MAR 22Z00 6 NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Regional Service Through Unity March 20, 2006 Mr. Mark Roath, City Manager City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 RE: NTMWD BOARD MEMBER APPOINTMENT Dear Mr. Roath: This is your official notification that Mr. Marvin Fuller's term of office as an NTMWD Board Member expires May 31, 2006. The City Council, by a majority vote, should reappoint Mr. Marvin Fuller or appoint another Director to serve a term from June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2008. In accordance with the statute creating the District (Article 8280-141), the qualifications of a Director include the following: "No person shall be appointed a Director unless he resides in the city from which he is appointed. No member of a governing body of a city and no employee of a city shall be appointed as a Director." Under other state law, no other government official that receives compensation could be appointed. The cities served by the NTMWD appreciate the work and effort expended by the appointed Directors. It is my practice to visit with new Directors in an orientation session prior to their first meeting; therefore, please notify my office in writing when the City Council has appointed a Director for the new term. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, 6Ex JA ES M. PARKS utive Director JMP/mcf cc: Mr. Marvin Fuller 505 E.Brown St.,P.D.Box 2408,Wylie,Texas 75098-2408 Telephone:972/442-5405 Fax:972/442-5405