Ordinance 2004-07 ORDINANCE NO. 2004-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, PLACING RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE AND OPERATION OF MOTOR ASSISTED SCOOTERS BY LIMITING OR PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF MOTOR ASSISTED SCOOTERS ON CERTAIN STREETS, illGHWAYS, PATHS AND ALLEYS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR ADULTS, PARENTS AND CHILDREN FOR THE USE OF A MOTOR ASSISTED. SCOOTER IN A RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED AREA; REQUIRING THAT CHILDREN WEAR A PROTECTIVE HELMET WHILE OPERATING OR RIDING A MOTOR ASSISTED SCOOTER; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR PARENTS AND CHILDREN FOR FAILURE OF CHILD TO WEAR A HELMET; PROVIDING A REPEALING, SEVERABILITY AND SAVINGS CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF TillS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. 'VHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie ("City Council") has determined that restriction of the use and operation of motor assisted scooters on the streets, highways, alleys, paths and trails within the City of Wylie ("Wylie" or "City") is necessary in the interest of safety; and WHEREAS, City Council has determined that requiring children to wear helmets while operating or riding a motor assisted scooter is necessary in the interest of safety; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it will be advantageous, beneficial and in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to prevent potential traffic hazards and safety hazards resulting from unauthorized use of streets, highways, alleys and certain pathways and resulting from children failing to wear helmets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Definitions. Adult means any individual eighteen (18) years of age or older. Child means any individual under eighteen (18) years of age. Helmet means properly fitted protective headgear that is not structurally damaged and that conforms to the standards of the American National Standards Institute, the American Ordinance #2004-07 MOTOR ASSISTED SCOOTER ORDINANCE Page 1 Society for Testing and Materials, the Snell Memorial Foundation or any federal agency having regulatory jurisdiction over bicycle helmets, as applicable, at the time of the manufacture of the helmet. Motor assisted scooter shall have the same meaning assigned by Texas Transportation Code Section 551.301(2), as it exists or may be amended, and includes a self-propelled device with at least two wheels in contact with the ground during operation; a braking system capable of stopping the device under typical operating conditions; a gas or electric motor forty (40) cubic centimeters or less; a deck designed to allow a person to stand or sit while operating the device; and the ability to be propelled by human power alone. Parent means the natural or adoptive parent or court-appointed guardian or conservator of a child. Public way or Public property means real property owned, leased or controlled by a political subdivision of the State of Texas, a governmental entity or agency, or similar entity, or any property that is publicly owned or maintained or dedicated to public use, including, but not limited to, a path, trail, sidewalk, alley, street or highway, and a public park facility. Wearing a helmet means that the person has a helmet fastened securely to hislher head with the straps of the helmet securely tightened in the manner intended by the manufacturer to provide maximum protection. SECTION 3: Restrictions and Prohibitions for Motor Assisted Scooters/Penalty for Violation. A. Restrictions and Prohibitions on Locations of Use. (1) It is unlawful for any child to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter on any path, trail, alley, street or highway within the City, except on paths and trails set aside for the exclusive operation of bicycles or on a sidewalk. (2) It is unlawful for a parent to allow or permit a child to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter on any path, trail, alley, street or highway within the City, except on paths and trails set aside for the exclusive operation of bicycles or on a sidewalk. (3) It is presumed that a parent allowed a child to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter in a restricted or prohibited area. (4) It is unlawful for any adult to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter on any public way or public property for which the posted speed limit is more than thirty-five (35) miles per hour. The motor assisted scooter may cross a road or a street at an intersection where the road or street to be crossed has a posted speed of thirty-five (35) miles per hour or less. Ordinance #2004-07 MOTOR ASSISTED SCOOTER ORDINANCE Page 2 R Penalty. ( 1) A person who violates any provision of Section 3. A., above, shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined an amount not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00). (2) The purpose of this Section 3 is to promote safety and discourage the use of motor assisted scooters in unsafe areas. The courts may consider deferred dispositions under the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, as it exists or may be amended, whenever the circumstances warrant deferred dispositions. SECTION 4: Helmets RequiredlPenalty for Failure to Wear Helmet. A. Helmet Required. (1) It is unlawful for any child to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter unless the child is wearing a helmet. (2) It is unlawful for a parent to allow or permit a child to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter unless the child is wearing a helmet. (3) It is presumed that a parent allowed a child to operate or ride a motor assisted scooter without wearing a helmet. (4) It is a defense to prosecution that the motor assisted scooter was not being operated upon public property or a public way at the time of the alleged offense. R Penalty. (1) A person who violates any provision of Section 4.A., above, requmng helmets, shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined an amount not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) upon the first conviction and an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) upon the second and each subsequent conviction. (2) The municipal court shall dismiss a charge against a child and/or parent for a first offense under Section 4.A. upon receiving proof that: i. The defendant acquired a helmet for the child who was operating or riding the motor assisted scooter in violation of Section 4.A.; and 11. The defendant acquired the helmet on or before the tenth day after receiving the citation of the violation. (3) If the charge against a person is dismissed under subsection R(2), a later conviction for a violation of Section 4.A. shall be considered a second or subsequent conviction for purposes of subsection R(I). (4) The purpose of this Section 4 is to promote safety and encourage the use of helmets. The courts may consider deferred dispositions under the Texas Ordinance #2004-07 MOTOR ASSISTED SCOOTER ORDINANCE Page 3 Code of Criminal Procedure, as it exists or may be amended, whenever the circumstances warrant deferred dispositions. SECTION 5: SavingslRepealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinance shall remain in full force and effect SECTION 6: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 7: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or business entity violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as set forth herein. Each unlawful act or continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 8: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication as required by law the City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE WYLIE, TEXAS on this 23rd day of March, 2004. \\11111/11 J HN MO " \ ill ,\\' F IAJ 'I " _ \ 0 VV I~ " "A"' ....... r / , .f' ........... ..... ....;~...,... ... ()'.' . \ .. -:.. ..... . ~" .,;' ~ { SEAL .1 ~ -.~'- ; ". .: ~ -:. s. ..- ~ ~ .... .... r.-. ~ .....'" 1..11 ....... ~--...J,' "..~/I/ ..J '" , '1 r / I E "I''t 1-. '.' /11' <... - ,~,\.....\\... fl:/lnn '; ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTL Y RECORDED BY: DATE OF PUBliCATION: March 31.2004. in the Wylie News. Ordinance #2O(M-07 MOTOR ASSISTED SCOOTER ORDINANCE Page 4 THE WYLIE NEWS I.:overmg Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surroundmg area 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the foregoing attached Ord. No. 2004-07, 2004-08, 2004-09, 2004-10, 2004-11 City of Wylie was published in said newspaper on the following date(s), to-wit: March 31, 2004. f!1l!1t~ Chad Engbrock, Publisher Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the 1#~ day of ~ , 2004 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. '"."...,... /'~~~~ AOAL.MOONEY I i~/ '\'c.\ Notary Public I, 1. H Stat. of Texas ~>." ",,'j 11.1\1 ComtrL El<p. 01-02.07 "'-:;,,:;"1-' ' otary Public in and for The State of Texas ...- My commission expires 01/02/07 Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - THE WYLIE NEWS - Section B - Page 11 tisin~ Friday. Ballots may also be delivered in person at the annual meeting. All ballots not being delivered in person to the annual meeting, must be received by 12 noon, Monday, April 19, 2004 at 109 N. Warren. 45-2t-463 1 Southeast corner of said FOR FAILURE OF ORDINANCE NO. called 30.60 acre tract; CHILD TO WEAR A 2004-10 HELMET; PROVIDING A AN ORDINANCE OF THENCE, NORTH REPEALING, SEVER- THE CITY OF WYLIE, 24024'24" EAST, (called ABILITY AND SAVINGS TEXAS, AMENDING North 25022'56" East and CLAUSES; PROVIDING THE COMPREHENSIVE North 24058'44" East), FOR A PENALTY FOR ZONING ORDINANCE departing said common THE VIOLATION OF OF THE CITY OF line, and along the com- THIS ORDINANCE; WYLIE, AS HERETO- mon Westerly line of said PROVIDING AN EFFEC- FORE AMENDED, SO AS r remainder of a called TIVE DATE; AND PRO- TO CHANGE THE ZON-. CITY OF LAVON, 149.629 acre tract and VIDING FOR THE PUB- ING ON THE HERE- TEXAS most Westerly East line of LlCATION OF THE CAP- INAFTER DESCRIBED The City Council of the said called 30.60 acre tract, TION HEREOF. PROPERTY, ZONING City of Lavon will hold a passing at a distance of CASE NUMBER 2004-02, public hearing on ) 257.46 feet (called 251.15 ORDINANCE NO. TO SINGLE FAMILY Thursday, April 15, 2004 at . r_ _< _ TT '" ^~" rr..~< r..f 2flfl4-DR RESIDENTIAL (SF- 7:00 p.m. in the Council er 45-It-339 ~IGNS AND MARK- Corporation announces the on outSIde or me envelope. re GS; REGULATING Annual Membership Any bids received after the I); ORDINANCE NO. V HICULAR AND Meeting and Election on time and date stated above, 2004-07 PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC; April 20, 2004 at 7p.m., at regardless of the mode of ~d AN ORDINANCE OF PROVIDING FOR A 108 N. Warren (the busi- delivery, will not be con- id THE CITY OF WYLIE, PENALTY FOR THE ness office location). sidered. The City of Sachse ~d TEXAS, PLACING VIOLATION OF THIS Proxy election ballots may reserves the right to reject i, RESTRICTIONS ON THE ORDINANCE; PROVID- be returned by mail: any and all bids, in whole l, USE AND OPERATION ING FOR REPEALING, P.O. Box 442, Nevada, or in part, to waive any :s OF MOTOR ASSISTED SAVINGS AND SEVER- Texas 75173 or ballots may informality in any bid, and ~t SCOOTERS BY LlMIT- ABILITY CLAUSES; be returned in person to to accept any bid, which, in lING OR PROHIBITING AND PROVIDING FOR 108 N. Warren, between its discretion, is in the best If THE OPERATION OF AN EFFECTIVE DATE the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 interest of the City of MOTOR ASSISTED OF THIS ORDINANCE. p.m. Monday through Sachse. 45-2t-1370 SCOOTERS ON CER- I{ TAIN STREETS, HIGH- d WAYS, PATHS AND I, ALLEYS; PROVIDI~G n FOR A PENALTY FOR 1- ADULTS, PARENTS d AND CHILDREN FOR d THE USE OF A MOTOR it ASSISTED SCOOTER IN e A RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED AREA; Name o REQUIRING THAT If CHILDREN WEAR A Address 1- PROTECTIVE HELMET n WHILE OPERATING OR City 1- RIDING A MOTOR e ASSISTED SCOOTER; If PROVIDING FOR A Zip t, PENALTY FOR PAR- Y ENTS AND CHILDREN Phone Number Subscribe to THE WYLIE NEWS Covering Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surrounding area St. ll,l Today's Date '~"!!i,,.,,&;_'~"':b ~~ ....... a . .'-" t<i{~IIIii:i~