Ordinance 2004-14
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of
Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws ofthe State of Texas with reference to the amendment of
the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise,
and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally
and to owners ofthe affected property, the governing body of the City is ofthe opinion and finds that
the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended;
That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is
hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described
property a new zoning classification oflndustrial (I) District, said property being described in Exhibit
"A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes.
That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the
same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of
this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes
provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting
of this zoning classification.
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject
to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 ofthe Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is
hereafter amended.
Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be
adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this
ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid,
illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as
a whole.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council
and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases.
The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be
construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it
have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor
as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the
time of passage of this ordinance.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,
Texas, this 11 th day of Maw aOij~.
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Date of PubUcation- Mav 19. 2004 in the Wvlie News.
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
Exhibit "A"
Zone Change #2004-05
Legal Description
Tract 1
Description of a 169.5435 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract
Number 688 and the James Truett Survey, Abstract Number 920, Collin County, Texas, and
being those certain tracts ofland conveyed to North Texas Municipal Water District, a called
44.039 acre tract ofland as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 4476, Page 2219 of the
Deed Records of Collin Couqty, Texas, a called 6.90 acre tract ofland as evidenced by the deed
recorded in Volume 1276, Page 388 of said Deed Records, a called 7.94 acre tract ofland as
evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 600, Page 306 of said Deed Records, a called 27.51
acre tract of land as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 600, Page 164 of said Deed
Records, a called 6.161 acre tract ofland as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 3159,
Page 958 of said Deed Records, a called 19.28 acre tract ofland as evidenced by the deed
recorded in Volume 684, Page 384 of said Deed Records, a called 24.57 acre tract of land as
evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 493, Page 442 of said Deed Records, the remainder of
a called 12.149 acre tract ofland as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 1097, Page 587 of
said Deed Records, and the remainder of a called 21.22 acre tract ofland as evidenced by the
deed recorded in Volume 600, Page 264 of said Deed Records. Said 169.5435 acre tract of land
being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the common Northwest corner of said called
44.039 acre tract and Northeast corner of a called 2.33 acre tract ofland conveyed to Keith
Anderson, et ux, as evidenced by the deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number 93-0080080
of the County Clerk's Records of Collin County, Texas, and being in the South Right-of-Way line
of A & K Railroad Materials, Inc., a 100 foot Right-of-Way;
THENCE, NORTHEASTERLY, along the common North line of said called 44.039 acre tract
and said South Right-of-Way line, along a curve to the right having a radius of 1,899.44 feet, a
delta angle of 19029'15" (called 19016'15"), an arc length of642.64 feet (called 635.49 feet), and
a long chord that bears NORTH 67044'15" EAST (called North 66010'58" East), a distance of
639.55 feet (called 632.50 feet) to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the point of tangency;
THENCE, NORTH 77028'52" EAST, (called North 75049'05" East, North 76034'09" East, North
76034'00" East, and North 77059' East), continuing along said common line, passing at a distance
of203.03 feet (called 209.95 feet) the common most Northerly Northeast corner of said called
44.039 acre tract and Northwest corner of said called 6.90 acre tract, continuing along the
common North line of said called 6.90 acre tract and said South Right-of-Way line, passing at a
distance of943.23 feet the common Northeast corner of said called 6.90 acre tract and Northwest
corner of said called 7.94 acre tract, continuing along the common North line of said called 7.94
acre tract and said South Right-of-Way line, passing at a distance of 1,558.79 feet the common
Northeast corner of said called 7.94 acre tract and Northwest corner of said called 27.51 acre
tract, continuing along the common North line of said called 27.51 acre tract and said South
Right-of-Way line, passing at a distance of2931.70 feet the common Northeast corner of said
called 27.51 acre tract and Northwest corner of said called 6.161 acre tract, continuing along the
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
common North line of said called 6.161 acre tract and said South Right -of-Way line, passing at a
distance of3, 187.83 feet the common Northeast corner of said called 6.161 acre tract and
Northwest comer of said called 19.28 acre tract, and continuing along the common North line of
said called 19.28 acre tract and said South Right-of-Way line for a total distance of5,128.02 feet
to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the Northeast comer of said called 19.28 acre tract, being in the
West Right-of-Way line of Eubank Drive (Variable Width);
THENCE, SOUTH 00032'02" WEST, (called North 0024'19" East), departing said common line,
and along the common East line of said called 19.28 acre tract and said West Right-of-Way line, a
distance of 138.62 feet (called 139.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the Southeast comer of
said called 19.28 acre tract, being in the Northwesterly Right-of-Way line of Kansas City
Southern Railroad Company,_ a 100 foot Right-of-Way~
THENCE, SOUTHWESTERL Y, departing said common line, and along the common
Southeasterly line of said called 19.28 acre tract and said Northwesterly Right-of-Way line, along
a curve to the left having a radius of5,779.58 feet (called 5,779.70 feet), a delta angle of
11 042'00" (called 4058'11"), an arc length of 1,180.21 feet (called 501.32 feet), and a long chord
that bears SOUTH 57035'20" WEST, a distance of 1,178.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set at the
point of tangency;
THENCE, SOUTH 51044'20" WEST, (called North 57028'11" East, North 50049'05" East, South
51045' West, and South 50048'00" West), continuing along said common line, passing at a
distance of686.57 feet (called 980.21 feet and 378.80 feet) the common Southwest comer of said
called 19.28 acre tract and Southeast corner of said called 6.161 acre tract, continuing along the
common Southeasterly line of said called 6.161 acre tract and said Northwesterly Right-of-Way
line, passing at a distance of 1,028.93 feet the common Southwest comer of said called 6.161 acre
tract and Southeast comer of said called 27.51 acre tract, and continuing along the common
Southeasterly line of said called 27.51 acre tract and said Northwesterly Right-of-Way line for a
total distance of 1,360.59 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for an angle point;
THENCE, SOUTH 79003'28" WEST, (called South 75002'40" West), continuing along said
common line, a distance of 110.42 feet (called 109.66 feet) to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the most
Southerly comer of said called 27.51 acre tract, being in the Southeasterly line of said called
24.57 acre tract;
THENCE, departing said common line, and along the common Southeasterly line of said called
24.57 acre tract and said Northwesterly Right-of-Way line the following five (5) courses and
SOUTH 51042'52" WEST, (called South 50048' West), a distance of478.60 feet to a 5/8
inch iron rod set for an angle point;
SOUTH 38017'08" EAST, (called South 39012' East), a distance of25.00 feet to a 5/8
inch iron rod set for an angle point;
SOUTH 51042'52" WEST, (called South 50048' West), a distance of739.51 feet to a 5/8
inch iron rod set for an angle point;
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
NORTH 77030'08" WEST, (called North 78025' West), a distance of39.54 feet to a 5/8
inch iron rod set for an angle point;
SOUTH 51042'52" WEST, (called South 50048' West), a distance of441.23 feet (called
440.95 feet) to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the Southwest corner of said called 24.57 acre
tract, being in the East line of said remainder of a called 21.22 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 00025'06" WEST, (called South 00030'00" East), departing said common
line, and along the common East line of said remainder ofa called 21.22 acre tract and said
Northwesterly Right-of-Way line, a distance of71.22 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the
Southeast Corner of said remainder of a called 21.22 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 51044'2d" WEST, (called South 50048'00" West), departing said common
line, and along the common Southeasterly line of said remainder of a called 21.22 acre tract and
said Northwesterly Right-of-Way line, a distance of 477.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the
common most Southerly Southeast corner of said remainder of a called 21.22 acre tract and
Northeast corner ofa called 14,290 square foot tract of and conveyed to the City of Wylie as
evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 3401, Page 461 of said Deed Records, being in the
North line of Brown Street, a 60 foot Right-of-Way;
THENCE, NORTH 89033'52" WEST, (called South 88054'42" West), departing said common
line, and along the common South line of said remainder of a called 21.22 acre tract, North line of
said called 14,290 square foot tract, and said North Right-of-Way line, passing at a distance of
227.49 feet the common Southwest corner of said remainder of a called 21.22 acre tract and
Southeast corner of said remainder of a called 12.149 acre tract, continuing along the common
South line of said remainder ofa called 12.149 acre tract, said North line of said called 14,290
square foot tract, and said North Right-of-Way line, passing at a distance 547.47 feet the common
Southwest corner of said remainder of a called 12.149 acre tract, Southeast corner of said called
44.039 acre tract, Northwest corner of said called 14,290 square foot tract, and Northeast corner
ofa called 15,565 square foot tract ofland conveyed to the City of Wylie as evidenced by the
deed recorded in Volume 3326, Page 357 of said Deed Records, and continuing along the
common South line of said called 44.039 acre tract, North line of said called 15,565 square foot
tract, and said North Right-of-Way line for a total distance of 1,509.83 feet to a "PK" nail set for
the common most Southerly Southwest corner of said called 44.039 acre tract and Northwest
corner of said called 15,565 square foot tract, being in the East line of that certain tract ofland
conveyed to Bill Kreymer, and wife, Wanda Kreymer as evidenced by the deed recorded in
Volume 523, Page 194 of said Deed Records;
THENCE, NORTH 01052'35" EAST, (called North 00021'09" East), departing said common line,
and along the common most Southerly West line of said called 44.039 acre tract and East line of
said Kreymer tract, a distance of 125.47 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the common most
Southerly Northwest corner of said called 44.039 acre tract and Northeast corner of said Kreymer
tract, being in the most Easterly South line of St. Anthony Catholic Church Addition, called 6.923
acres, an addition to Collin County as evidenced by the plat recorded in Cabinet I, Slide 439 of
the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas;
THENCE, SOUTH 89022'53" EAST, (called North 89005'41" East), departing said common line,
and along the common most Southerly North line of said called 44.039 acre tract and said most
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
Easterly South line, a distance of 147.06 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for a common ell corner
of said called 44.039 acre tract and most Easterly Southeast corner of said St. Anthony Catholic
Church Addition;
THENCE, NORTH 00051'07" EAST, (called North 00040'19" West), along the common most
Easterly West line of said called 44.039 acre tract and East line of said St. Anthony Catholic
Church Addition, a distance of 447.24 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for a common ell corner
of said called 44.039 acre tract and Northeast corner of said St. Anthony Catholic Church
THENCE, NORTH 89008'53" WEST, (called South 89019'41" West), departing said common
line, and along the common ftIost Northerly South line of said called 44.039 acre tract and North
line of said St. Anthony Catholic Church Addition, a distance of392.28 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod
found for the common most Westerly Southwest corner of said called 44.039 acre tract and
Northwest corner of said St. Anthony Catholic Church Addition, being in the East line of a called
0.56 acre tract ofland conveyed to Charles V. Grahmann, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese
of Dallas and/or His Successors in Office, as evidenced by the deed recorded in County Clerk's
File Number 96-0059039 of said County Clerk's Records;
THENCE, NORTH 01001'31" EAST, (called North 00029'56" West), departing said common
line, and along the common West line of said called 44.039 acre tract and said East line, passing at
a distance of 40.84 feet the common Northeast corner of said called 0.56 acre tract and Southeast
corner of that certain tract ofland conveyed to Edwin R. Boyce, as evidenced by the deed
recorded in County Clerk's File Number 97-0001038 of said County Clerk's Records, continuing
along the common East line of said Boyce tract and said West line, passing at a distance of 134.88
feet the common Northeast corner of said Boyce tract and Southeast corner of the remainder of a
called 6 acre tract of land conveyed to Edwin R. Boyce by the deed recorded in County Clerk's
Number 96-0082407 of said County Clerk's Records, continuing along the common East line of
said remainder of a called 6 acre tract and said West line, passing at a distance of 580.48 feet the
common Northeast corner of said remainder of a called 6 acre tract and Southeast corner of said
called 2.33 acre tract, and continuing along the common East line of said called 2.33 acre tract
and said West line for a total distance of 1,097.45 feet (called 1,097.31 feet) to the POINT OF
BEGINNING and containing 169.5435 acres ofland within the metes and bounds herein recited.
SA VE AND EXCEPT that tract ofland situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract
No. 688 and the James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920, in the City of Wylie, Collin County,
Texas and being a portion of a called 44.595 acre tract ofland conveyed to Kreymer Investments,
L.P., as evidenced in a General Warranty Deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number 94-
0090787 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas (LRCCT), and being more particularly
described by metes and bounds as follows (bearings based on the east line of the Replat of St.
Anthony Catholic Church Addition, an Addition to the City of Wylie, according to the Map or
Plat thereof recorded in Volume I at Page 439 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas
(PRCCT), said bearing being South 00 degrees 40 minutes 19 seconds East):
BEGINNING at a In-inch iron rod found for the most northerly northwest corner of said Replat
of St. Anthony Catholic Church Addition, same being the most westerly southwest corner of said
44.595 acre tract;
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
THENCE North 00 degrees 29 minutes 56 seconds West, along the west line of said 44.595 acre
tract and generally along the remains of a wire fence, a distance of 1,097.31 feet to a Ih-inch iron
rod found for the occupied northeast corner of a called 2.33 acre tract of land conveyed to Keith
Anderson and wife Jennifer Anderson, as evidenced in a deed recorded in County Clerk's File
Number 93-0080080 Land Records, Collin County, Texas, said iron rod also being on the curving
south line of a 100 foot wide St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad right-of-way, said curve being
a curve to the right which is non-tangent at this point;
THENCE in a northeasterly direction, along the north line of said 44.595 acre tract, along the
south line of said 100 foot wide railroad right-of-way and along a line which is 50.0 feet south of
and parallel with the centerline of the existing railroad track, the following:
Along the arc of said curve to the right, through a central angle of 19 degrees 16 minutes 15
seconds (called 20 degrees 22 minutes) having a radius of 1889.44 feet (called 2374.45 feet) a
chord bearing of North 66 degrees 10 minutes 58 seconds East, a chord distance of632.50 feet
(called 839.00 feet) and an arc length of635.49 feet (called 844.02 feet) to a 5/8-inch "KHA"
capped iron rod set for the point of tangency of said curve;
North 75 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of209.95 feet to a 5/8-inch "KHA"
capped iron rod set for the most northerly northeast corner of said 44.595 acre tract, same being
the northwest corner of a called 6.90 acre tract ofland conveyed to the North Texas Municipal
Water District, as evidenced in a deed recorded in Volume 1275 at Page 388 (LRCCT);
THENCE South 00 degrees 58 minutes 49 seconds East, departing said railroad right-of-way and
along the east line of said 44.595 acre tract and the west line of said 6.90 acre tract and generally
along a barbed wire fence, a distance of329.10 feet to a 5/8-inch "KHA" capped iron rod set at a
fence corner post for the southwest corner of said 6.90 acre tract;
THENCE North 89 degrees 30 minutes 09 seconds East, along the south line of said 6.90 acre
tract, the north line of said 44.595 acre tract, and generally along a barbed wire fence, a distance
of 402.15 feet to a Ih-inch iron rod found at a fence corner post for the northeast corner of said
44.595 acre tract, same being the northwest corner of a called 12.149 acre tract ofland conveyed
to the North Texas Municipal Water District as evidenced in a deed recorded in Volume 1097 at
Page 587 LRCCT;
THENCE South 01 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds East, along the occupied east line of said
44.595 acre tract, the west line of said 12.149 acre tract and generally along a chain link fence, for
a distance of 1630.99 feet to a 5/8-inch "KHA" capped iron rod set for the northeast of a called
15,565 square foot tract ofland conveyed to the City of Wylie, as evidenced in a deed recorded in
Volume 3326 at Page 357, LRCCT, same being on the current north right-of-way line of Brown
THENCE South 88 degrees 54 minutes 42 seconds West, along the north line of said 15,565
square foot tract and the north right-of-way line of said Brown Street, a distance of962.36 feet to
a 5/8-inch "KHA" capped iron rod set for the northwest corner of said 15,565 square foot tract,
same being on the east line of a tract of land, conveyed to Bill Kreymer, et us, as evidenced in a
deed recorded in Volume 523 at Page 194 LRCCT, same being on the west line of said 44.595
acre tract;
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
THENCE North 00 degrees 21 minutes 09 seconds East, along the east line of said Bill Kreymer,
et ux tract and the west line of said 44.595 acre tract, a distance of 125.47 feet to a 5/8-inch
"KHA" capped iron rod set for the northeast comer of said Bill Kreymer, et ux tract, same being
on the south line of the aforesaid Replat of St. Anthony Catholic Church Addition;
THENCE North 89 degrees 05 minutes 41 seconds East, along the south line of said Replat of St.
Anthony Catholic Church Addition, a distance of 147.06 feet to a t;2-inch iron rod found for the
southeast corner of said Replat;
THENCE North 00 degrees 40 minutes 19 seconds West, along the east line of said Replat, a
distance of 447.24 feet to a t;2-inch iron found for the northeast comer of said Replat;
THENCE South 89 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds West, along the north line of said Replat, a
distance of392.28 feet (called 392.73 feet) to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing
44.039 acres ofland, more or less.
Tract 2
Legal Description
Zone Case #2004-05
Description of a 92.3066 acre tract ofland situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract
Number 688, Collin County, Texas and being all of2 tracts ofland conveyed to North Texas
Municipal Water District, a called 32.078 acre tract ofland as evidenced by the deed recorded in
Volume 3950, Page 2431 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and a called 46.2467
acre tract ofland as evidenced by the deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number 91-0069472
of the County Clerk's Records of Collin County, Texas, and being a portion the following 2 tracts
ofland conveyed to North Texas Municipal Water District, the remainder ofa called 25.79 acre
tract ofland as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 4393, Page 0036 of said Deed
Records, and the remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract ofland, called Tract 1, save and except
7.637 acres, thus leaving a total acreage of 142.262 acres ofland as evidenced by the deed
recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417 of said Deed Records. Said 92.3066 acre tract ofland being
more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at a concrete monument with a metal cap stamped "NTMWD" found for the
common Southwest comer of said called 32.078 acre tract and most Easterly Southeast comer of
a called 3.459 acre tract ofland conveyed to Kenneth Putnam as evidenced by the deed recorded
in Volume 1079, Page 166 of said Deed Records, being in the North Right-of-Way line of A & K
Railroad Materials, Inc., a 100 foot Right-of-Way;
THENCE, NORTH 00051'32" EAST, (called North 00008'00" West), departing said North Right-
of-Way line, and along the common West line of said called 32.078 acre tract and East line of said
called 3.459 acre tract, passing at a distance of 19. 16 feet the common Northeast comer of said
called 3.459 acre tract and Southeast comer of a called 5.571 acre tract of land conveyed to
Kreyemer Investments, L.P., as evidenced by the deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number
94-0090782 of said County Clerk's Records, continuing along the common East line of said called
5.571 acre tract and said West line, passing at a distance of252.98 feet the common Northeast
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
comer of said called 5.571 acre tract and Southeast comer ofKinsington Manor Estates, Section
Three, an addition to Collin County as evidenced by the plat recorded in Cabinet C, Slide 568 of
the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, continuing along the common East line of said
Kinsington Manor Estates, Section Three, and said West line, passing at a distance of954.08 feet
the common Northeast comer of Block A of said Kinsington Manor Estates, Section Three, and
Southeast comer a called 2.5971 acre tract ofland conveyed to Janish, Inc., as evidenced by the
deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number 94-0040102 of said County Clerk's Records,
continuing along said common line and the East line of said called 2.5971 acre tract, passing at a
distance of 999.19 feet the Northeast comer of said Kinsington Manor Estates, Section Three,
and continuing along the common East line of said called 2.5971 acre tract and said West line for
a total distance of 1,222.05 feet to a "PK" nail with shiner set for the common Northwest comer
of said called 32.078 acre tract and Northeast corner of said called 2.5971 acre tract, being in the
South line of the remainder ofa called 53.46 acre tract of land conveyed to Paul E. Wilson, as
evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 407, Page 19 of said Deed Records, and being in the
centerline of Paul Wilson Road;
THENCE, SOUTH 88049'01" EAST, (called South 89038'07" East), departing said common line,
and along the common North line of said called 32.078 acre tract, South line of said remainder of
a called 53.46 acre tract, and said centerline of Paul Wilson Road, a distance of 19.49 feet to the
common Southwest comer of called 46.2467 acre tract and Southeast corner of said remainder of
a called 53.46 acre tract, being the end of said centerline of Paul Wilson Road with the beginning
of the centerline of Wilson Cut-Off (a Private Road), and the beginning of the centerline of
County Road 384;
THENCE, NORTH 00052'56" EAST, (called North 00027'00" West), departing said lines, and
along the common West line of said called 46.2467 acre tract and East line of said remainder ofa
called 53.46 acre tract, said centerline of County Road 384, passing at a distance of792.54 feet
the most Southerly Northeast comer of said remainder of a called 53.46 acre tract and Southeast
comer of a called 0.13 acre tract ofland, called Tract II, conveyed to Jim M. Foster as evidenced
by the deed recorded in Volume 972, Page 168 of said Deed Records, continuing along the
common East line of said called 0.13 acre tract and said West line, said centerline of County Road
384, passing at a distance of 804.44 feet the common Northeast corner of said called O. 13 acre
tract and Southeast comer of a called 1.000 acre tract ofland conveyed to Jim Michael Foster,
and wife, Mable Fay Foster as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 787, Page 318 of said
Deed Records, continuing along the common East line of said called 1.000 acre tract and said
West line, said centerline of County Road 384, passing at a distance of893.94 feet the common
Northeast comer of said called 1.000 acre tract and Southeast comer of a called 1.00 acre tract of
land, called Tract I, conveyed to Jim M. Foster as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 972,
Page 168 of said Deed Records, continuing along the common East line of said called 1.00 acre
Tract 1 and said West line, said centerline of County Road 384, passing at a distance of983.44
feet the common Northeast comer of said called 1.00 acre Tract 1 and Southeast corner of a
called 2.00 acre tract ofland conveyed to Janis L. Crosby as evidenced by the deed recorded in
County Clerk's File Number 95-0072113 of Said County Clerk's Records, continuing along the
common East line of said called 2.00 acre tract and said West line, said centerline of County Road
384, passing at a distance of 1,161.44 feet the common Northeast corner of said called 2.00 acre
tract and Southeast comer of a called one acre tract ofland conveyed to Beverly Joan Maphet as
evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 1824, Page 120 of said Deed Records, and continuing
along the common East line of said one acre tract and said West line, said centerline of County
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
Road 384 for a total distance of 1,233.86 feet (called 1,233.90 feet) to a 60d nail found for the
common Northwest comer of said called 46.2467 acre tract and Southwest comer of a called
2.000 acre tract ofland, called Tract 1, conveyed to Jason Lyle Janecek as evidenced by the deed
recorded in Volume 4147, Page 1335 of said Deed Records;
THENCE, SOUTH 88056'31" EAST, (called North 89044'13" East), departing said common line,
and along the common North line of said called 46.2467 acre tract and South line of said called
2.000 acre tract, a distance of582.96 feet (called 582.93 feet) to a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the
common Southeast corner of said called 2.00 acre tract and Southwest corner of said remainder
of a called 25.79 acre tract;
THENCE, NORTH 01003'21:' EAST, (called North 00027'00" West), departing said common
line, and along the common West line of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract and East line
of said called 2.000 acre Tract 1, passing at a distance of 147.49 feet the common Northeast
comer of said called 2.000 acre Tract 1 and Southeast corner of a called 2.000 acre tract ofland,
called Tract 2, conveyed to Jason Lyle Janecek as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume
4147, Page 1335 of said Deed Records, continuing along the common East line of said called
2.000 acre Tract 2 and said West line, passing at a distance of296.49 feet the common Northeast
comer of said called 2.000 acre Tract 2 and Southeast comer of a called 2.000 acre tract ofland,
called Tract 3, conveyed to Robert Frederick Raber as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume
1918, Page 836 of said Deed Records, continuing along the common East line of said
called 2.000 acre Tract 3 and said West line, passing at a distance of 445.49 feet the common
Northeast corner of said called 2.000 acre Tract 3 and Southeast corner of a called 1.00 acre tract
ofland conveyed to Robert F. Raber as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 4605, Page 99
of said Deed Records, and continuing along the common East line of said called 1.00 acre tract
and said West line for a total distance of 594.49 feet (called 594.42 feet) to a 3/8 inch iron rod
found for the most Southerly Northwest corner of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract,
being in the South line of the remainder of a called 28.503 acre tract ofland conveyed to
Madeline M. Massoud Irrevocable Trust, Don Massoud, Trustee as evidenced by the deed
recorded in Volume 2146, Page 732 of said Deed Records;
THENCE, SOUTH 89011'11" EAST, (called North 89018'06" East), departing said common line,
and along the common most Southerly North line of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract
and said South line, a distance of 400.67 feet (called 400.56 feet) to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for
the common interior comer of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract and Southeast corner of
said remainder of a called 28.503 acre tract, being in the Southwesterly line of a 250 foot Texas
Power and Light Company Easement or Right-of-Way;
THENCE, SOUTH 33046'31" EAST, departing said common line, and along the common
Northeasterly line of the Westerly remaining portion of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract
and said Southwesterly line, a distance of726.34 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the common
Southeast comer of said Westerly remaining portion of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract
and most Northerly Northeast corner of said called 46.2467 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 33048'33" EAST, (called North 33013'48" West), along the common
Northeasterly line of said called 46.3267 acre tract and said Southwesterly line, passing at a
distance of 494.43 feet the common most Southerly Northeast comer of said called 46.2467 acre
tract, North corner of the Southwesterly remaining portion of said remainder of a called 149.629
Ordinance #2004-14
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acre tract, South corner of said 250 foot Easement or Right-of-Way, and most Westerly
Northwest corner ofa called 7.404 acre tract of land conveyed to Texas Power & Light Company
as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 682, Page 769 of said Deed Records, and
continuing along the common Northeasterly line of said Southwesterly remaining portion of said
remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract and Southwesterly line of said called 7.404 acre tract for
a total distance of 1,512.96 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the common Southeast comer of
said Southwesterly remaining portion of said remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract and
Southwest comer of said called 7.404 acre tract, being in the North line of the remainder ofa
called 34.866 acre tract ofland conveyed to Texas Power & Light Company as evidenced by the
deed recorded in Volume 651, Page 121 of said Deed Records, and being in the centerline of said
Wilson Cut-Off;
THENCE, NORTH 88033148" WEST, (called North 87059'41" West), departing said common
line, and along the common South line of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract and North
line of said remainder of a called 34.866 acre tract, said centerline of Wilson Cut-Off, a distance
of 579.37 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the common Southwest comer of said remainder of a
called 149.629 acre tract and Southeast corner of said called 46.2467 acre tract;
THENCE, NORTH 88049'01" WEST, (called South 89042'11" West), departing said common
line and along the common South line of said called 46.2467 acre tract and said North line, said
centerline of Wilson Cut-Off, a distance of382.35 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set found for the
common Northwest comer of said remainder of a called 34.866 acre tract and Northeast comer of
said called 32.078 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 00049'52" WEST, (called South 00005'00" East), departing said common
line, said centerline of Wilson Cut-Off, and along the common East line of said called 32.078 acre
tract and West line of said remainder of a called 34.866 acre tract, passing at a distance of 513.36
feet the common most Westerly Southwest comer of said remainder ofa called 34.866 acre tract
and North corner of that certain tract ofland conveyed to Texas Power & Light Company as
evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 573, Page 269 of said Deed Records, and continuing
along the common West line of said Texas Power & Light Company tract recorded in Volume
573, Page 269 of said Deed Records and said East line, a total distance of 90 1.19 feet (called
899.09 feet) to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the common Southeast comer of said called 32.078 acre
tract and Southwest comer of said Texas Power & Light Company tract recorded in Volume 573,
Page 269 of said Deed Records, being in said North Right-of-Way line of A & K Railroad
Materials, Inc.;
THENCE, SOUTH 77028'52" WEST, (called South 76034'00" West), departing said common
line, and along the common South line of said called 32.078 acre tract and said North Right-of-
Way line, a distance of 1,354.57 feet (called 1,353.57 feet) to the POINT OF BEGINNING and
containing 92.3066 acres ofland within the metes and bounds herein recited.
Tract 3
Legal Description
Zone Case #2004-05
Description ofa 158.4063 acre tract ofland situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
Number 688, Collin County, Texas and being all of a called 11.587 acre tract ofland conveyed to
North Texas Municipal Water District, called Tract 2, as evidenced by the deed recorded in
Volume 3713, Page 417 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being a portion of 2
tracts ofland conveyed to North Texas Municipal Water District, the remainder of a called
149.629 acre tract ofland, called Tract 1, save and except 7.637 acres, thus leaving a total
acreage of 142.262 acres ofland as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417 of
said Deed Records and the remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract ofland as evidenced by the deed
recorded in Volume 4393, Page 0036 of said Deed Records. Said 158.4063 acre tract ofland
being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concrete monument found for the common
most Northerly Northeast comer of said remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract and an ell comer
of a called 30.60 acre tract orland, called Tract No. 4602, conveyed to United States of America
as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 701, Page 491 of said Deed Records;
THENCE, SOUTH 04032'34" WEST, (called South 05006'22" West and South 05008'47" West),
along the common most Northerly East line of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract and
most Easterly West line of said called 30.60 acre tract, passing at a distance of 515.13 feet aU. S.
Army Corps of Engineers concrete monument found and continuing along said common line for a
total distance of 1,013.58 feet (called 514.75 feet and 499.55 feet) to a U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers concrete monument found for a common ell comer of said remainder of a called
149.629 acre tract and most Easterly Southwest comer of said called 30.60 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 87013'42" EAST, (called South 86059'15" East), departing said common line,
and along a common North line of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract and most Easterly
South line of said called 30.60 acre tract, a distance of 115.00 feet (called 115.65 feet) to a US.
Army Corps of Engineers concrete monument found for the common most Easterly Southwest
comer of said called 30.60 acre tract, a Northeast comer of said remainder ofa called 149.629
acre tract, and Northwest comer of a called 10.43 acre tract ofland, called Tract No. 4603-2,
conveyed to United States of America as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 701, Page
491 of said Deed Records;
THENCE, SOUTH 01002'05" WEST, (called South 01036'04" West), departing said common
line, and along a common East line of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract and West line
of said called 10.43 acre tract, a distance of885.l2 feet (called 885.44 feet) to a US. Army Corps
of Engineers concrete monument found for a common ell comer of said remainder of a called
149.629 acre tract and Southwest comer of said called 10.43 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 87052'37" EAST, (called South 87022'18" East), departing said common line,
and along the common most Easterly North line of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract
and South line of said called 10.43 acre tract, a distance of 504.00 feet (called 504.56 feet) to a
US. Army Corps of Engineers concrete monument found for an angle point in the North line of
said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract, said point being the common Southeast comer of
said called 10.43 acre tract, Southwest comer of Glad Acres, an addition to Collin County, as
evidenced by the plat recorded in Volume 2, Page 36 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas,
South comer of Lot 32 of said Glad Acres, and Southwest comer of Lot 33 of said Glad Acres;
THENCE, SOUTH 89007'47" EAST, (called South 88032'06" East), along the common most
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
Easterly North line of said remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract and South line of said Glad
Acres, passing at a distance of858.66 feet a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the common Southeast
comer of said Glad Acres, Southeast comer of said Lot 44, and Southwest comer of a called
1.1780 acre tract of land conveyed to Kenneth W. Ridings and Gina R. Ridings as evidenced by
the deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number 96-0024057 of the County Clerk's Records of
Collin County, Texas, and continuing along the common most Easterly North line of said
remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract and South line of said called 1.1780 acre tract, passing at
a distance of 1415.65 feet the common most Easterly Northeast comer of said remainder ofa
called 149.629 acre tract, Southeast corner of said called 1.1780 acre tract, and most Southerly
Southwest comer of a called 1.28090 acre tract of land conveyed to Clarence M. McClean, and
spouse, Patsy M. McClean as evidenced by the deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number 93-
0104152 of said County ClerJc's Records, said common corner being in the West prescriptive
Right-of-Way line of Lynda Lane (County Road 389), and continuing along the South line of said
called 1.28090 acre tract for a total distance of 1,429.65 feet (called 1,415.65 feet) to a 5/8 inch
iron rod set for the common Southeast corner of said called 1.28090 acre tract, Southwest corner
ofa called 36.471 acre tract ofland, called Tract 3, conveyed to North Texas Municipal Water
District as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417 of said Deed Records, and
Northwest comer ofa called 5.032 acre tract of land, called Tract 2, conveyed to Arapaho East,
Inc., as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 4242, Page 1505 of said Deed Records, said
point being in the centerline of said Lynda Lane (County Road 389), from which a 5/8 inch iron
rod found bears South 07010'00" West, a distance of 1.48 feet;
THENCE, SOUTH 01014'28" WEST, departing said common line, and along the West line of
said called 5.032 acre tract, said centerline of Lynda Lane (County Road 389), a distance of
858.92 feet to a "PK" nail set for the common South corner of said called 5.032 acre tract, North
comer of a called 0 .1164 acre tract of land, called Parcell, conveyed to the County of Collin as
evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 3227, Page 437 of said Deed Records, and most
Southerly Northwest comer of a called 1.7031 acre tract of land, called Parcel 2, conveyed to the
County of Collin as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 3227, Page 442 of said Deed
Records, being the beginning ofthe centerline of said Lynda Lane (County Road 389) and the
beginning of the centerline of Eubank Drive (County Road 389), also being in the West Right-of-
Way line of Forrest Ross (County Road 389);
THENCE, SOUTHWESTERLY, departing said West line and said centerlines, and along the
West line of said called 0.1164 acre tract, said West Right -of-Way line, and along a curve to the
left having a radius of 1,080.00 feet, a delta angle of 13033'32", a long chord that bears SOUTH
08005'17" WEST, a distance of254.98 feet, passing at an arc length of 68.40 feet an Easterly
comer of said remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract, in the West prescriptive Right-of-Way line
of said Lynda Lane (County Road 389), and continuing along the common most Easterly East line
of said remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract and said West line, said West Right-of-Way line
of said Forrest Ross (County Road 389), for a total arc distance of254.98 feet to a 5/8 inch iron
rod set for a common interior corner of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract and
Southwest corner of said called 0.1164 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 88045'05" EAST, departing said common line, and along a common North
line of said remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract and South line of said called 0.1164 acre
tract, passing at a distance of 16.40 feet an Easterly corner of said remainder of a called 149.629
acre tract, being in the West prescriptive Right-of-Way line of said Eubank Drive (County Road
Ordinance #2004-14
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389), and continuing along said South line for a total distance of 30.40 feet to a "PK" nail set for
the common Southeast corner of said called 0.1164 acre tract, Southeast comer of said called
1.7031 acre tract, and Northwest corner of a called 2.08 acre tract ofland conveyed to Lorene
Virginia Hade-Freeman as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 2946, Page 77 of said Deed
Records, being in said centerline of Eubank Drive (County Road 389);
THENCE, SOUTH 01014'28" WEST, departing said common line, and along the West line of
said called 2.08 acre tract, said centerline of Eubank Drive (County Road 389), passing at a
distance of 164.08 feet the common Southwest corner of said called 2.08 acre tract and
Northwest corner of a called 1.688 acre tract ofland conveyed to James E. Holt and Barbara G.
Holt as evidenced by the deed recorded in County Clerk's File Number 92-0004182 of the County
Clerk's Records of Collin County, Texas, continuing along the West line of said called 1.688 acre
tract, said centerline of Euballk Drive (County Road 389), passing at a distance of 420.71 feet the
centerline of said Wilson Cut-Off (a Private Road), continuing along said West line, said
centerline of Eubank Drive (County Road 389), passing at a distance of 435.71 feet the Northeast
comer of said called 11.587 acre tract, and continuing along the common East line of said called
11.587 acre tract and said West line, said centerline of Eubank Drive (County Road 389) for a
total distance of 448.1 0 feet to a "PK" nail set for the common Southeast comer of said called
11.587 acre tract and Southwest corner of said called 1.688 acre tract, being in the North line of
A & K Railroad Materials, Inc., a 100' Right-of-Way;
THENCE, SOUTH 77028'52" WEST, (called South 78001'23" West), departing said common
line, said centerline of Eubank Drive (County Road 389), and along the common South line of
said called 11.587 acre tract and North line of said A & K Railroad Materials, Inc., a distance of
2,001.96 feet (called 1,998.00 feet) to the common Southwest comer of said called 11.587 acre
tract and Southeast comer of the remainder of a called 34.866 acre tract ofland conveyed to
Texas Power & Light Company as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 651, Page 121 of
said Deed Records;
THENCE, NORTH 01035'35" EAST, (called North 02009'42" East), departing said common line,
and along the common West line of said called 11.587 acre tract and East line of said remainder
ofa called 34.866 acre tract, passing at a distance of506.31 feet (called 505.94 feet) the
Northwest comer of said called 11.587 acre tract, and continuing along said East line for a total
distance of 521.31 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the Northeast comer of said remainder of a
called 34.866 acre tract, being in the South line of said remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract,
also being in said centerline of Wilson Cut-Off;
THENCE, NORTH 88033'48" WEST, (called North 87059141" West), departing said East line,
and along the common North line of said remainder of a called 34.866 acre tract and said South
line, said centerline of Wilson Cut-Off, a distance of278.40 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the
common Southwest corner of the Easterly remaining portion of said remainder of a called
149.629 acre tract and Southeast corner of a called 7.404 acre tract ofland conveyed to Texas
Power & Light Company as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 682, Page 769 of said
Deed Records;
THENCE, NORTH 33048'33" WEST, (called South 33013'48" East), departing said common
line, said centerline of Wilson Cut-Off, and along the common Southwesterly line of said Easterly
remaining portion of said remainder of a called 149.629 acre tract and Northeasterly line of said
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
called 7.404 acre tract, passing at a distance of 1,556.68 feet the common most Northerly
Southwest corner of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract, South corner of the Easterly
remaining portion of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract, North corner of said called 7.404
acre tract, and the beginning of a 250 foot Texas Power and Light Company Easement or Right-
of-Way, and continuing along the common Southwesterly line of said Easterly remaining portion
of said remainder ofa called 25.79 acre tract and Northeasterly line of said 250 foot Easement or
Right-of-Way for a total distance of 1,689.54 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for a common angle point
of said Easterly remaining portion of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract and aid
Northeasterly line of said 250 foot Easement or Right-of-Way;
THENCE, NORTH 33046'31" WEST, continuing along said common line, a distance of724.12
feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for a common angle point of said Easterly remaining portion of said
remainder ofa called 25.79 acre tract and said Northeasterly line of said 250 foot Easement or
THENCE, NORTH 32047'21" WEST, continuing along said common line, a distance of565.10
feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the common Northwest corner of said Easterly remaining
portion of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract, and an angle point in the South line of a
called 1.39 acre tract ofland conveyed to Paul R. Taylor and wife, Carole L. Taylor as evidenced
by the deed recorded in Volume 4423, Page 1219 of said Deed Records;
THENCE, NORTH 89042130" EAST, (called North 88011'39" East), departing said common line,
and along the common most Northerly North line of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract
and South line of said called 1.39 acre tract, a distance of 462.61 feet (called 462.87 feet) to a
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concrete monument found for the common most Westerly
Northeast corner of said remainder ofa called 25.79 acre tract and Southeast corner of said called
1.39 acre tract, being in the West line ofa called 2.00 acre tract ofland, called Tract No. 4601,
conveyed to United States of America as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 716, Page
480 of said Deed Records;
THENCE, SOUTH 26036129" EAST, (called South 28005'12" East), departing said common line,
and along the common most Westerly East line of said remainder ofa called 25.79 acre tract and
West line of said called 2.00 acre tract, a distance of389.45 feet (called 389.87 feet) to a U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers concrete monument found for a common interior corner of said
remainder ofa called 25.79 acre tract and Southwest corner of said called 2.00 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 89048139" EAST, (called North 87004'48" East), departing said common line,
and along the common most Easterly North line of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract and
South line of said called 2.00 acre tract, a distance of 158.08 feet (called 159.69 feet) to a U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers concrete monument found for the common most Easterly Northeast
corner of said remainder of a called 25.79 acre tract, Southeast corner of said called 2.00 acre
tract, most Westerly Northwest corner of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract, and South
corner ofa called 0.39 acre tract ofland, called Tract No. 4603-1, conveyed to United States of
America as evidenced by the deed recorded in Volume 701, Page 491 of said Deed Records;
THENCE, NORTH 22034'50" EAST, (called North 22047'31" East), departing said common line,
and along the common Westerly line of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract and East line
of said called 0.39 acre tract, a distance of3l0.05 feet (called 315.56 feet) to a U.S. Army Corps
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
of Engineers concrete monument found for a common angle point of said remainder of a called
149.629 acre tract, Northeast comer of said called 0.39 acre tract, and most Westerly Southeast
comer of said called 30.60 acre tract;
THENCE, NORTH 24024'24" EAST, (called North 25022'56" East and North 24058'44" East),
departing said common line, and along the common Westerly line of said remainder of a called
149.629 acre tract and most Westerly East line of said called 30.60 acre tract, passing at a
distance of257.46 feet (called 251.15 feet) a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concrete monument
found, and continuing along said common line for a total distance of656.68 feet to a U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers concrete monument found for a common angle point of said remainder of a
called 149.629 acre tract and said called 30.60 acre tract;
THENCE, NORTH 15052'32" EAST, (called North 16025'18" East), continuing along said
common line, a distance of 415.00 feet (called 414.26 feet) to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
concrete monument found for the common most Northerly Northwest comer of said remainder of
a called 149.629 acre tract and an interior corner of said called 30.60 acre tract;
THENCE, SOUTH 89002'28" EAST, (called South 88033'07" East), departing said common line,
and along the common most Northerly line of said remainder ofa called 149.629 acre tract and
most Northerly South line of said called 30.60 acre tract, a distance of650.00 feet (called 649.94
feet) to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 158.4063 acres ofland within the metes
and bounds herein recited.
Ordinance #2004-14
Zoning Case #2004-05
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l:overmg Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surrounding area
110 N. Ballard
P.O. Box 369
Wylie, Texas 75098
(972) 442-5515
Fax (972) 442-4318
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of
The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general
circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the
foregoing attached
City of Wylie
Ord. No. 2004-14 and Ord. No. 2004-15
was published in said newspaper on the following date(s), to-wit: May 19,2004.
Chad Engbrock, Publisher
Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the
day of 9,,-~
, 2004
to certify which witness my hand and seal of office.
U~~ YdA~.,
." /
.Notary Public in and for
The State of Texas
My commission expires 01102/07
lecifications are on file
d may be examined
IthOut charge in the office
the North Texas
unicipal Water District,
15 E. Brown Street, P.O.
)x 2408, Wylie, Texas,.
;098, Telephone (972)
~2-5405, and the offices
Black & Veatch
orporation, 9441 LBJ
:eeway, Suite 300, Dallas,
~xas 75243, Telephone
:14) 570-7000. Plans and
lecifications may be pro-
rred from Black & Veatch
orporation, at the above
idress at a charge of
300.00 for each full size
~t and $250.00 for each
alf size set.
he cost of contract docu-
tents is not refundable.
bmit check, cashier
eck or money order
yable to Black & Veatch
orporation. Cash will not
e proposed work pro-
des for the construction
a new 140 million gal-
ns per day (mgd) Water
eatment Plant IV for the
orth Texas Municipal
ater District located in
ylie, Texas. The Work
ovides for construction
four basin trains, each
ntaining a rapid mixing
amber, flocculation
sin, and sedimentation
in; filter complex con-
ining 20 constant rate
avity filters; air-wash
lower facility; cast-in-
lace concrete elearwell;
udge lagoons; gas and
quid chemical feed sys-
ms; electrical and instru-
entation; associated plant
d yard piping; sit~\'Ir
eluding drainag s '~t\m, '
te access roads,!i spur;
d other miscellaneous
ems ofwofk.."
prebid conference will
e held at 10:00 a.m: on the.
6th day of May, 2004, at
e North Texas Municipal
ater District
dministrative Offices,
ngineering Conference
oom. Representatives of
wner and Consulting
ngineer will be present to
VIDING FOR A PENAL-' .52-1t-339
LARS ($2,000) FOR Notice is hereby given that
EACH OFFENSE; AND the Wylie Independent
PROVIDING AN EFFEC- School District, of Collin
TIVE DATE. County, acting by and
through its Governing
Board, will receive propos-
als for RFP #24-008
School and Office
Supplies until 2:00 p.m.,
Thursday, June 24th, in the
Business Office. Informa-
tion related to vendors sub-
mitting a proposal package
may be obtained online at
htt,p:/Istaffweb. wylieisd.net
Istaff(jasoni/. Questions
pertaining to this notice
should be directed to Jason
dOssej~.'n~!J.",O'R): .
The Wylie Independent
School District reserves the
right to accept or reject any
and all proposals and to
waive any irregularities,
technicalities, or. informali-
ties in any proposal or in
the proposal process.
Sanderson, Director of
Finance, of the North
Texas Municipal Water
District, will be received at
the Administrative Offices,
P.O. Box 2408 Wylie,
Texas 75098, until 2:00
PM, on Thursday, June 10,
2004 then opened and read
for one used tank trailer for
highway use, with a capac-
ity of 6,500 gallons or
By Marvin Fuller
President, Board of
Directors 52-3t-235
town Council of the Town
of Saint Paul, Texas on the
10th day of May, 2004.
Approved sIR. Steven
Hafstetler, Mayor;
Attest: s/Teresa Svoboda,
It Secre . 52-lt-28
CASE NUMBER 2004-05,
reading the
a family
affai r!
Stay up on local
news, sports,
and events
around town.
PO BOX 369
WYLIE. TX 75098
In Collin County
Out of County
Out of Texas
What if *
didn't NOTICE?
PuWk notices help expose:
. ~isllonest businesses!
. unfair cornpet~ive practices!
find ollabout these
and IIllldullOIe in '" \oQI newspiIllI!
\ Part!dpate In Democra(1. ty"
~ Read 10ur Pubil( Ijot,(e\, ",,~/