Ordinance 2004-20 ORDINANCE NO. 2004-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2004-10, TO CORRIDOR COMMERCIAL (CC) DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners ofthe affected property, the governing body ofthe City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Corridor Commercial (CC) District, said property being described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions ofthis ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification, Ordinance 2004-20 Zoning Case #2004-10 1 SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1,5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended, SECTION 5. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole, SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases, SECTION 7. The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance, DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 8th day of March, 2004, By: \\\\111)0" Mondy, ,,\\\ 0 F 'A~ '" , _I I'V', ,'.fl.' ........ ("" "" .. '" ..- -.../ ,; "" '- . . ......A'\.~ ~ () ..- -.. '\ ,. ~ :: .e-~.' ~ { SEAL 'E ~ -:. ~. ~.: :: ". .- Date(s) of Publication: 6-16-04 in the Wylie Nt.'\V~ ...... .....~_ g 4'J. ~ ........ ~J "" '//1 YL. {E It..i- ,\"", Ordinance 2004-20 III"", , 1"'\\\\ , 11\ Zonmg Case #2004-10 2 Exhibit "A" Zone Change #2004-10 Legal Description Being a tract ofland situated in the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract No, 841 and the 1. Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being part ofa 34.412 acre tract ofland conveyed to R. Richard Parker and Ben L Scholz by deed recorded in Volume 4708, Page 1628, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a W' iron rod found for the most easterly southeast corner of said 34.412 acre tract, the southwest corner of a 0.4 7 6 acre tract ofland conveyed to R. Richard Parker and Ben L Scholz by deed recorded in Volume 4708, Page 1628, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, the northeast corner of a called 5.050 acre tract of land conveyed to Wylie Economic Development Corporation by deed recorded in Volume 5620, Page 705, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas and the northwest corner of a called 0,55 acre tract ofland conveyed to the City of Wylie by deed recorded in Volume 5620, Page 709, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; Thence, South 86033' 57" West, along a south line of said 34,412 acre tract and the north line of said called 5.050 acre tract, a distance of570, 17 feet to a 60d nail found in the base ofa Bois d'arc tree for a re-entrant corner of said 34.412 acre tract and the northwest corner of said called 5.050 acre tract; Thence, South 85001'38" West, a distance of 172,03 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for corner; Thence, South 45052'01" West, a distance of66,37 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for corner; Thence, South 65026'38" West, a distance of 122,74 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for corner; Thence, South 83042'07" West, a distance of 85,5 1 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for corner; Thence, South 52049'39" West, a distance of 131.49 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for comer; Thence, South 13 039'35" West, a distance of54,30 feet to a point for an easterly corner ofa called 8,8866 acre tract ofland conveyed to The Wylie Independent School District Board of Trustees by deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number 95-0042766, Deed Records, Collin COUIity, Texas; Ordinance 2004-20 Zoning Case #2004-10 3 Thence, Northwesterly and Southwesterly, along the northerly lines of said called 8.8866 acre tract and the centerline of said Muddy Creek as follows: North 58052'34" West, a distance of 121.60 feet to a point for corner; South 14056'26" West, a distance of 121 ,00 feet to a point for corner; North 75006'24" West, a distance ofl17.90feet to a point for corner; North 19028' 09" West, a distance of 70,00 feet to a point for corner; South 76027'26" West, a distance of 181.80 feet to a point for corner; North 10043'41" East, a distance of114.80 feet to a point for corner; North 156054'59" West, a distance of208.30 feet to a point for corner; North 1 r36'33" East, a distance of 173.70 feet to a point for corner; North 44050'04" West, a distance of73 ,00 feet to a point for corner; South 45051 '51" West, a distance of76,81 feet to a point for corner; South 42049'41" West, a distance of93, 10 feet to a point for corner; South 72055' 58" West, a distance of 108.18 feet to a point for corner on the east line ofa 33,8983 acre tract ofland conveyed to The Wylie LS.D. by deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number 92-0012336, Land Records, Collin County, Texas for the northwest corner of said 8,8866 acre tract; Thence North 04015'46" East, along the east line of said 3 3.8983 acre tract, a distance of 600.71 feet to a 5/8" capped iron rod set on the south line of a 9.9031 acre tract ofland (Tract II) conveyed to Wylie I.S,D, by deed recorded under County Clerk's File Number 95-0012336, Land Records, Collin County, Texas for the northeast corner of said 33.8983 acre tract; Thence, South 87043' 49" East, along the north line of aforesaid 94,9 acre tract, the south line of said 9.9031 acre tract and a south line of a tract ofland conveyed to Frances B. Wells by deed recorded in Volume 90, Page 136, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, a distance of 1,435.05 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for corner on the southerly right-of-way lineofF,M. 544 (120' R.O,W,) and being in a curve to the left having a central angle of 04 005'57", a radius of 5,789,58 feet and a chord which bears South 74008'24" East, a distance of 414,13 feet; Thence, Southeasterly along the southerly right-of-way line ofF,M, 544 (120' R.O.W.) a said curve to the left, an arc distance of 414,21 feet to a concrete right-of-way monument found for corner; Thence, South 39045'49" East, along the southerly right-of-way line of F,M, 544 (120' R.O.W,), a distance of31, 91 feet to a 5/8" capped iron rod set for the northwest corner of said 2.387 acre tract; Thence, South 03058'29" East, along the west line of said 2,387 acre tract, a distance of 407.60 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 1,236,074 square feet or 28.376 acres of land, Ordinance 2004-20 Zoning Case #2004-10 4 .--- . . . . l__i ..- ... .' ... 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E r; Ell III II II III fII1 jlll/lllllllilll r\\\\\\\\\\\ITIT l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \~\ \IT ~ 1/1/111/11/11 LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2004-1 0 I I I .. r" -.. -.. -.. -" -..- I I I I I I I I L.._.._.,_.._, I ..-.-I @ pJD^8/no8 I I I I ~~ \n~ ~ ~ ~~ " ~~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ " --\- " " ~ , " "l'.-" I I I I I I I -... ~ \\ -- I I I I I I I fa ) .' ...- I ~ o o N % w CJ) <( U <.D z - z o N r"-'" I I I 1-"-"- THE WYLIE NEWS t:ovenng Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surroundmg area 110 N, Ballard P.O, Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the foregoing attached City of Wylie Ord. No. 2004-17, Ord. No. 2004-18, Ord. No. 2004-19, Ord. No. 2004-20, Ord. No. 2004-21, Ord. No. 2004-22 was published in said newspaper on the following date(s), to-wit: June 16,2004. ~ Chad Engbrock, Publisher Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the ? .j1~ day of ~ , 2004 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ADA L, MOONEY Notary Public State of Texas My Comrn, Exp. 01.02.07 ~~~ Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My commission expires 01/02/07 '\,I'1I,..J~.l"'" u.1.~ ........:"'-...............-..~. -- . ........"., ~ ~....-~. -- of 3/4 of the members of the City CounciL The application is on file for public examination in the Planning Department at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas. For additional information, please contact the Planning Department 972/442-8158. Please ref- erence the zoning case number when requesting infonnation. This facility is wheelchair accessible and handi- capped parking spaces are available. Requests for interpretation services or assistive hearing devices must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at (972) 442-8103, or (TDD) (972) 442-8170 for aSSistan!llt Exhibit "A (p Legal Descriptio ZC #2004-12 Lease Area BEING a 0.014 acre (616.77 sq. ft.) tract and being all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situ- ated in the E. C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 267, Collin County, Texas, and being part of a called 3.953 acre tract described in a deed from Robert R. Martinez, Marcos F. Martinez, Ronald F. Martinez, Ernesto F. Martinez, Eugenio F. Martinez and Elida M. Price to Greenway-78, L.P. as recorded in Volume 4886, Page 4459, Collin County Deed Records, and being more particular- ly described as follows: COMMENCING from a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the southwest corner of said 3.953 acre tract on !he degrees 13 minutes 05 seconds East across said 3.953 acre tract a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said 0.014 acres (616,77 sq. ft.) oland. 4-lt-33 ORDINANCE NO. 2004-17 ORDINANCE NO. 2004.20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETO- ORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPER- TY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2004-10, TO CORRIDOR COMMER- CIAL (CC) DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDI- NANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 2004-21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2004 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2003, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2004, BY AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 2003-21; REPEALING ALL CON- FLICTING ORDI- NANCES;, CONTAIN- ING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PRO- VIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO. 2004-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2001- 53; ADOPTING THE 2003 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE AND ADOPTING AMENDMENTS The project includes but is not limited to removal of existing mechanical equipment and installation of new roof top units, ductwork, electrical and plumbing connections, drains, equipment curbs and other miscellaneous work as required. Plans and specifications may be obtained begin- ning June 14, 2004, from Coffee, Crier, Schenck & Hammond, Architects, 509 Oakland Avenue, Austin, Texas 78703, tele- phone 512-478~0741, fax 512-479.0971. A deposit of $50.00 is required. The deadline for requesting bid documents is July 2, 2004. Bid documents will 'not be issued after this date. The TMFC encourages certified Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB's) to bid on this project. A list of certified HUB's will be included in the project manual. The Texas Military Facilities Commission may be con- tacted by telephone at 512~ 782-6982, fax 512- 782-6958 . or by mail at 2200 West 35th Street, Building 64, Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas 78703-1222. 4-11- Look what ~ America NOTICED! . School district budgets . Property atKtions . Publk hearings . local tax changes . Adoptions , IW 001_..... ...__10,.......-' ,\ P HtlClpatt H1 Dt nlOCnC\, ,~i" J~ ~:::L-. Rl 10,0 If Publj{ ~Jotl(r~ ~.J~ ssional Directory · Business & Professional Directory AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A CERTAIN 14.7751 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE L.B. OUTLAW SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 173, ROCKWALL COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT THE OWNERS AND INHABITANTS OF THE ABOVE- DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND SHALL BE ENTI- TLED TO THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF WYLIE AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND HEREAFTER ADOPT- ED; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR A VIO- LATION OF THIS ORDI- NANCE AND COMPRE- HENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 2001- 48; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDI- NANCE; AND PROVID- ING FOR THE PUBLI- CATION OF THE CAP- TION THEREOF. ORDINANCE NO. 2004-18 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A CERTAIN 44.039 ACRE TRACT OUT OF THE FRANCIS- CO DE LA PINA SUR- VEY, ABSTRACT 688 AND JAMES TRUETT ms----, ---.-......----- ..................- r .-.-.-...-~- -----~ -~-------- ------ tOOl '91 ;:Junf 'AUPS;:JUP;:JA\. - SA\.tlN tinA-A\. tlH.L - s: UO!P;:JS - OT ;:Jllud