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03-13-2018 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council COF -..WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda March 13, 2018 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Diane Culver Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T.Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Stephanie Storm City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS 00 Presentation by Kevin Dinnin of BCFS on behalf of the State of Texas thanking Wylie for the support during Hurricane Harvey. March 13,2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 5 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of February 27, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Redwood at the Lakes Phase 2. The Plat will create 2 lots on 30.58 acres. The subject property is generally located southeast from the intersection of Vinson Road and Allen Road (County Line Road). (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-09 to change the zoning from Agricultural—30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Single Family Estate on approximately 27.7 acres, located at 801 Lake Ranch Lane, within the Lake Ranch Addition. ZC2018-01 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) D. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3B-2 consisting of 14.143 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2514) on Inspiration Blvd. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director° E. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 5A-3 consisting of 3.125 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2514) on Inspiration Blvd. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) F. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-14(R) authorizing the Mayor to execute a Project Specific Agreement for striping RE: Various Roads, "Type B" Public Roadway— Made Pursuant to Master Road & Bridge Interlocal Maintenance Agreement Between Dallas County, Texas and City of Wylie, Texas. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) G. Consider, and act upon, the approval of a second modification to contract #W2016-15-E a professional services agreement for Sewer Assessment with Pipeline Analysis Inc., in the amount of $92,756.16 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) H. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of January 31, 2018. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) March 13,2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 5 REGULAR AGENDA Tabled from 01-23-2018 Remove from table and consider 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Planned Development for Patio Homes on approximately 18 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way within the D.W. Williams Survey, Abs A1021, Tr 2. ZC2017-09 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The applicant is requesting zoning for a Planned Development to allow for single family residential uses on 18.393 acres generally located on the northwest corner of Brown and Westgate. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a Replat for Southside Addition Lots 43R-48R; being a Residential Replat of Lots 43-46 of the Southside Addition, generally located on Stone Circle 125' east of South Birmingham Street. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The applicant is requesting a residential replat to establish six residential lots of 0.6428 acres. The purpose of the replat is to reconfigure four lots into six for a townhome development. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses (PD-CC- LI) on approximately 8 acres, located at 1900 N S.H.78. ZC2018-02 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The applicant is requesting a Planned Development to allow for retail and commercial/light industrial uses. The plan also includes relocating existing non-conforming buildings. 4. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located west of Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The subject request consists of 5 separate tracts. Tract 13: 23.888 acres, Tract 2: 9.689 acres, Tract 7: 9.719 acres,Tract 6-9: 8.7976 acres;Tract 6: 1 acre, for a total of 53.0936 acres. Tabled from 02-27-2018 Remove from table and consider 5. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-13(R) reviewing and approving the Chapter 380 Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Texas and Cross Development, LLC; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the Chapter 380 Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same; and providing for an effective date. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) March 13,2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 5 Executive Summary In June 2017 Cross Development formally approached the City/WEDC to discuss a mixed-use project to be located on Westgate Way across from Home Depot. This meeting was a direct result of discussions held in May of 2017 at ICSC with brokers for Cross and the Seller with representatives from the Planning Department and WEDC. The meeting at ICSC focused on the potential for a multi-family development at the location being presented to Council. Being that a zoning change would be required, it was Planning staffs' direction to the developer that any request for multi-family would have to include mixed-use components. Also discussed in May was the well documented landfill which has provided development challenges to this site for the past 25 years. 6. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-08 of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, approving a tariff authorizing an annual rate review mechanism ("rrm") as a substitution for the annual interim rate adjustment process defined by section 104.301 of the Texas Utilities Code, and as negotiated between Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos Mid-Tex" or "Company") and the Steering Committee of cities served by Atmos; requiring the company to reimburse cities' reasonable ratemaking expenses; adopting a savings clause; determining that this ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the open meetings act; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the company and legal counsel for the steering committee. (M. Manson, City Manager) Executive Summary The City, along with 171 other Mid-Texas Cities Served by Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos Mid-Tex" or "Company"), is a member of the Steering Committee of Cities Served by Atmos ("Cities"). In 2007,the Cities and Atmos Mid-Tex settled a rate application filed by the Company pursuant to Section 104.301 of the Texas Utilities Code for an interim rate adjustment commonly referred to as a GRIP filing(arising out of the Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program legislation). That settlement created a substitute rate review process, referred to as Rate Review Mechanism ("RRM"), as a substitute for future filings under the GRIP statute. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article HI, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087--Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073 -Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. March 13,2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 5 of 5 CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on March 9, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF W"' LIE- Minutes Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Secretary Stephanie Storm took roll call with the following City Council members present: Councilman David Dahl, Councilwoman Candy Arrington, Councilman Jeff Forrester; Councilwoman Diane Culver, and Councilman Timothy Wallis. Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens was absent. Staff present included: City Manager Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager Chris Holsted; Finance Director Linda Bantz; Development Services Director Renae 011ie; WEDC Executive Director Sam Satterwhite; Police Chief Anthony Henderson, City Engineer Tim. Porter; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly; City Secretary Stephanie Storm, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilman Dahl gave the invocation and Councilman Wallis led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • CWD Annual Report—Robert Medigovich,CWD Municipal Coordinator Greg Roemer,president of CWD, gave CWD's annual report regarding solid waste pickup, Green Extreme Events, and sponsorship within the City for 2017. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Minutes February 27, 2018 Wylie City Council Page 1 • Presentation by Becky Bernardi regarding a request for the City Council to consider an amendment to Resolution No. 2017-25 related to the recommendations of the North Central Texas Council of Governments' Collin County Strategic Roadway Plan. Becky Bernardi with the Lavon Pro Corridor Freeway addressed Council requesting amendments to Resolution No. 2017-25(R) Section 1,A and D, related to the recommendations of the North Central Council of Governments Collin County Strategic Roadway Plan. Several area residents spoke in favor of Resolution No. 2017-25 and spoke regarding the Collin County Strategic Roadway Plan proposed by the North Central Council of Governments. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of February 13, 2018, Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, the award of bid #W2018-47-B for Alanis Avenue at S. Ballard Avenue Traffic Signal Installation to Durable Specialties, Inc. in the amount of$270,000.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) C. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for January 31, 2018. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for January 31,2018.. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) E. Consider, and act upon, vendor application for Wylie East High School Cross Country Team to sell items at a cross country meet to be held September 1, 2018 at Founders Park. (R. Diaz, Parks &Recreation Superintendent) F. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-05 to change the zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Planned Development Multi-Family/Community Retail (PD-MF/CR) to allow for a 286 unit multi-family development with commercial uses on a 15.72 acre tract of land located northwest of the intersection of State Highway 78 and Westgate. (ZC 2017-12) (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) G. Consider, and act upon,Ordinance No. 2018-06 to change the zoning from Agricultural—30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Single Family (PD-SF) on approximately 52 acres, generally located northeast of the intersection of South Ballard and Pleasant Valley Road ZC2017-13 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) H. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-07 of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, amending chapter 74 (offenses and miscellaneous provisions) of the Code of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 2005-07, to add Article XII (use of city seal, emblems and logos), prohibiting the use of the city seal, emblems and logos without prior written authorization; granting authority to the City Manager or his or her designee to authorize limited use of the city seal, emblems and logos; establishing criteria and conditions for the authorized use of Minutes February 27, 2018 Wylie City Council Page 2 the city seal, emblems and logos; providing a penalty clause, savings/repealing clause, severability clause and an effective date; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. (C. Kelly, Public Information Officer) I. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-11(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas and Rockwall counties, Texas, amending Resolution No. 2018-04(R), Section 1, to amend the election judges; and providing for an effective date. (S. Storm, City Secretary) J. Consider, and place on tile, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of December 31, 2017. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Forrester, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens absent. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Single Family Estate on approximately 27.7 acres, located at 801 Lake Ranch Lane, within the Lake Ranch Addition. ZC2018-01 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie addressed Council stating the applicant is requesting a Planned Development to allow for a single-family residential dwelling on approximately 27 acres. The owner desires to construct a 3,610-sq.-ft. two story dwelling of log exterior with wrap around porch. The subdivision is surrounded by large acre lots and is accessed by a private road (Lake Ranch). No enclosed garage is proposed. The development standards of this Planned Development set forth the architectural design criteria for the property. Most exceed the base zoning of the current ordinance. Porches are larger than required, multiple roof pitches, and the minimum dwelling size increased from 1,900 to 2,400 sq.-ft. There are no known building related codes that would prohibit the log construction 011ie reported that 11 notifications were mailed; with two responses returned in favor at the time of posting. The owner also received approval from the HOA to allow log exterior material. The Commissioners voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the request. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on ZC2018-01 at 7:44 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. Christine Hubley addressed Council in favor of this item. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Minutes February 27, 2018 Wylie City Council Page 3 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Dahl, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Single Family Estate on approximately 27.7 acres, located at 801 Lake Ranch Lane, within the Lake Ranch Addition ZC2018-01. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens absent. 2. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-12(R) approving and authorizing the publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Bantz addressed Council stating at the February 13, 2018 Council meeting a work session was held to discuss the possible issuance of certificates of obligation to fund the remodel and expansion of the Public Safety Building. Council directed staff to proceed with the issuance of debt for this purpose. This evening Council is requested to consider and approve the publication of the notice of intent to issue the certificates of obligation. Citizen Comments Matthew Porter, Wylie resident, addressed Council stating that if there is any savings beyond the additional items, that council strongly consider taking that money and applying it back to the principle of the bonds or, if it is permissible, to other bonds that may have a higher interest rate, whatever works best from finance standpoint rather than keeping the money in the bank. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Arrington, seconded by Councilwoman Culver to approve Resolution No. 2018-12(R) approving and authorizing the publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor pro tem Keith Stephens absent. 3. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-13(R), reviewing and approving the Chapter 380 Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Texas and Cross Development, LLC; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the Chapter 380 Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same; and providing for an effective date. Staff Comments WEDC staff, Sam Satterwhite, presented to Council a request for fee waivers via a Chapter 380 Agreement from Cross Development. Cross recently secured zoning to construct a 286-unit multi-family complex on 15.72 acres on Westgate Way between State Highway 78 and F.M. 544. Staff described how the site plan/zoning allows for 2,300 sq. ft. of general retail space, approximately 7,000 sq. ft. of restaurant space, and approximately 1.8,000 sq. ft. of office space. Cross is requesting from the City, development fee waivers of $475,000 out of total estimated fees of $800,000. Staff indicated that should Council approve the 380 Agreement, the WEDC will consider an additional $275,000 from the WEDC in the form of Qualified Infrastructure assistance. The return on investment for a total of$725,000 in public assistance was estimated at 6 months with annual net benefits to the City of$365,000. Minutes February 27, 2018 Wylie City Council Page 4 Staff described that the assistance was being requested to offset site work directly resulting from the existence of a landfill on the property which was operated by Electro Extraction, Inc. from 1972 — 1979.. Site work costs have been estimated at $816,000 with an exact figure difficult to determine prior to the ultimate excavation of the Impacted Soil. The Performance Obligations identified in the Agreement were presented as follows: (1) project cost for Phase I of at least $32,000,000, (2) purchase the 15.72 acres no later than March 20, 2018, (3) break ground on the multi-family component no later than August 1, 2018,. (4) certificates of occupancy issued on all multi-family no later than September 1, 2020, (5) provide documentation supporting the expenditure of no less than $500,000 in site work to address the removal/remediation of polypropylene and shredded plastics and site preparation, (6) certificates of completion on 2,300 square feet of general retail and 3,200 square feet of restaurant space no later than September 1, 2020. Council Discussion Mayor Hogue reminded Council that only the multi-family, the general retail space, and a portion of the restaurant space is guaranteed with no timeline for Phase II. Councilmen Forrester and Dahl were concerned that the community may never realize the proposed Phase II and pressed staff for stronger assurances from Cross for development dates, clarification that the area south of the Explorer Pipeline Easement is accessible, and that the site would be fully prepped for development with no lingering development obstacles resulting from the landfill. Councilwoman Culver reiterated that the site has been. vacant since 1979 with limited to no interest and that the proposed project presents a good opportunity to get this property back in production. Councilman Wallis expressed concern with the level of investment in the project with little control over Phase II development. Citizen Comments Matthew Porter, Wylie resident, addressed Council expressing concerns about the easement and the Chapter 380 Agreement. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Forrester, seconded by Councilman Wallis to table approval of Resolution No. 2018-13(R) reviewing and approving a Chapter 380 Agreement between the City of Wylie and Cross Development, LLC; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the Chapter 380 Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same; and providing for an effective date until the March 13, 2018 meeting. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens absent. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article HI, Section I3-D. City Secretary Storm read the captions to Ordinance No.'s 2018-05, 2018-06, and 2018-07 into the official record. Mayor Hogue convened into Executive Session at 8:40 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: §§Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. Minutes February 27, 2018 Wylie City Council Page 5 A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. • Consider the acquisition of property by the Wylie EDC located near the intersection of Brown& Eubanks. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. Mayor Hogue reconvened into Open Session at 8:47 p.m. No action was taken as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Dahl, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens and Councilwoman Culver absent. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Minutes February 27, 2018 Wylie City Council Page 6 Wylie City Council .0. 1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 03-13-18 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 27, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Redwood at the Lakes Phase 2. The Plat will create 2 lots on 30.58 acres. The subject property is generally located southeast from the intersection of Vinson Road and Allen. Road (County Line Road). Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat for Redwood at the Lakes Phase 2. The Plat will create 2 lots on 30.58 acres. The subject property is generally located southeast from the intersection of Vinson Road and Allen Road(County Line Road). Discussion Engineer: Yes! Communities Owner: TRC Engineers,INC The property totals 30.58 acres and will create 2 lots. Lot 3 Block A of Redwood at the Lake Phase 2 Subdivision will allow for the development of a use that is allowed within the Neighborhood Services Zoning District and measures 2.16 acres, located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Vinson Road and County Line Road. Lot 2 Block A of Redwood at the Lake Phase 2 measures 28.42 acres and will contain 118 manufactured residential units and 5 private streets that will be privately maintained. No on street parking will be allowed on the private streets as they will be designated as fire lane access. The plat shall dedicate the necessary rights-of-way, fire lanes, and utility easements. A 40 foot screening buffer on the frontage of County Line Road will be provided. Planning& Zoning Commission Discussion The Commission questioned the plan for the Neighborhood Services tract. The applicant stated there were no plans for development at this time. The Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the request subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Page 1 of 1 CURVE TABLE CURVE# LENGTH RADIUS DELTA CHORD BEARING CHORD TANGENT (� JOE S. GUZMAN ���\ Cl 162.45 305.00 30°30'59" N32° 07' 09"W 160.53 83.20 R-7099-000-0030-1 F, `b C2 127.04 255.00 28°32'43" N31° 08' 01"W 125.73 64.87 WYLIE, TX 75098 J\/,\DcP D.R.C.C.T. F WILMER J WADDLETON EARLENE JONES DRAIN BARNEY & PEGGY BROWN ESTATE OF B W BROWN JR. BARBARA METHENY CONTROL POINT 1 C3 26.95 30.00 51°28'06" N71° 08' 26"W 26.05 14.46 O Ja .��1- DARYL SKINNER 2031 VINSON RD 2033 VINSON RD 2035 VINSON RD # 2021 VINSON 2071 VINSON RD. '�\ •<- GOJ , 2015 VINSON ROAD WYLIE, TX 75098 WYLIE, TX 75098 WYLIE, TX 75098 WYLIE, TX 75098 BENCHMARK SQ. CUT IN C4 202.30 60.00 193°11'11" NO° 16' 53"W 119.21 519.10 �G'9 \;" WYLIE, TX 75098 WYLIE, TX 75098 CURB WITH X p C5 27.40 30.00 52°19'48" N70° 08'48"E 26.46 14.74 ti N = 7045343.90 rFq<<� -� 713' 808' �- E = 2575786.21 C6 244.74 305.00 45°58'29" N66° 58' 09"E 238.22 129.39 ELEV. 496.28 s� �,p oJ� �� MIN. 475' S-OPPING SIGHT DISTANCE M N. 475' STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE C7 226.92 304.99 42°37'44" S68°43'46"E 221.72 119.00 �A, 120' R.O.W. �A��JL��O - ��G-G�J - - - - EX. 6" PVC SAN. - CONTROL POINT #2 C8 30.93 20.00 88°36'12" N88° 17' 00"E 27.94 19.52 O\' EX. 12" PVC SWR. FORCE MAIN BENCHMARK SQ. CUT IN �' �� WATER LINE ---\ 5' CURB WITH X C9 31.61 20.00 90°32'48" S1° 17' 30"E 28.42 20.19 �P VISIBILITY TRIANGLE N = 7044637.30 C10 28.88 18.50 89°26'54" S88°42'21"W 26.04 18.32 � _ - - - - - - �, � �, COUNTY LINE ROAD (FM 544} VISIBILITY TRIANGLE FUT. PAVEMENT LIMIT �% - E = 2575092.66 / �. ,,, , ---- tr-----h (EX. PUBLIC STREET) --- -- '� C11 156.28 305.00 29°21'28" S58° 39' 38"W 154.57 79.89 --_, 60 R.O.W. r5 ,_._ ._.. ELEV. 495.74 /r FUT. PAVEMENT LIMIT 60 R.O.W. NEM ,6 DEDICATION DEDICATION C1229.12 18.50 90°12'02" S28° 14'21"W26.21 18.56 �'46' 7 J ..-- S46°26'42"E CONTROL POINT #3 .� - - - ,, " _ .,», - ,� C13 135.82 255.00 :::: " ::: 09"E 13422 :: : 38967 r . 71442 40' RG A, EX. OD 40 SING BUFFER r. M 1/ CAPCOUNTY LINE I N = 704534468 130.99 25500 " ' 51"W 129.55 7 ���,^ ELECTRIC r BUFFER - ,� POINT #4 E = 2574393.99 ° ° „ / VISIBILITY I I 50' ACCESS _ ELEV. 503.36 C15 28.97 18.50 89°43'33" N61 43 26 W 26.10 18.41 s3 49' 06": 45 cb• PROP. 15'x15' STRM. / & U.E. DIAMOND DRIVE c7I:- :4•8 DRAINAGE ESMT. TRIANGLE I "4\ M C17 140.55 298.22 27°00'13" N30° 12' 56"W 139.25 71.61 VISIBILITY TRIANGLE (PROP.CONCRETE PVMT.) I� CONTROL POINT 4 ° ° EX. 60' `b C' # C19 30.28 18.50 93 4645 N2 54 28 W 27.01 19.76 ...\ \ EX. 8 DIA. R.O.W. _ LOT 3 G'li ' `� _ _ 540.06' 454.58' `� sAN. SEWER MH 1/2" ROD WITH RED CAP BLOCK A /� / N46° 34' 12"W N = 7045454.29 C22 28.88 18.50 89°26'54" N88° 42'21"E 26.04 18.32 W 93.18' n w I ' \\ 15 C' 0L C� _ E = 2575864.61 C24 29.24 18.50 90°33'03" S1° 17'40"E 26.29 18.68 NH - NEIGHBORHOOD \ 15' G� �� I G 1� G ° ELEV. 496.52 i 183.01 186.78 N46 24 46 W _2 / \ G28 VISIBILITY C27 29.24 18.50 90°33'06" N 1° 17' 39"W 26.29 18.68 z Q SERVICES ♦ �� / VISIBILITY TRIANGLES VISIBILITY C28 189.34 255.25 42°30'03" N68°46' 57"W 185.03 99.26 I o Et 2. 16 ACRES (if,(`' 110 ��' TRIANGLE I I TRIANGLE I CONTROL W W _Z cL 1 V g� s I POINT #1 o w C29 14.84 18.50 45°58'29" S66° 58' 09"W 14.45 7.85 wI BOUNDARY �`b�' �`!'�� J� � / `�� cg 9� I ( I O o cr 0 C30 28.86 18.50 89°23'17" SO° 42'44"E 26.02 18.30 / \ 1 - LINE ♦ p� �`�' c29 G° I x w I 1,1 ♦ O �� / 4.8 F `s I I w W J Q C31 29.26 18.50 90°36'43" N89° 17' 16"E 26.30 18.70 o I� / O� J� Q I 30' CURB Zoi f`: �� �'•� �� p o N o- w C32 43.27 18.50 134°01'31" N23° 01' 51"W 34.06 43.61 or \P C' v1 bpi `L6, cr Q I ( w RADIUS (TYP.) / "' �OQ • / A' `0� C32 N w Q I v w I UTILITY C35 204.62 255.00 45°58'29" S66° 58' 09"W 199.17 108.18 z ♦ L � �w� ,� � � � I J >_ I BOUNDARY �-- / EASEMENT I ♦ ~o � °°Io° LOT 2 w cr LINE \ ° ° / C M 0 I / \ C37 28.86 18.50 89°2317 SO 42 44 E 26.02 18.30 W, i / / z BLOCK A w o // 451 PROP. PAVEMNT C39 29.26 18.50 90 3643 N89° 17' 16 E 26.30 18.70 oI2 ��� I O I M H - MANUFACTURED _1 PAVEMENT C40 212.45 280.00 43°28'24" N68° 18'25"W 207.39 111.63 i I ♦ I 5 ' a HOUSING I `� I LOT 1 I-0-45'--► ./� CENTERLINE ° „ / VISIBILITY ( 0 ACCESS I - C41 224.68 280.00 45 5829 S66° 58 09 W 218.70 118.78 z TRIANGLE rio & U.E. I 28.42 ACRES � IBLOCK AI---45 -•-I II / I 6 oo / C42 67.86 43.50 89°23'17" SO°42'44"E 61.19 43.04 Lo 43 N �' MOBILE HOMES ESTATES / / / w M u) 145' C43 139.50 280.00 2$°32'43" S31° 08' 01"E 138.06 71.23 tx, �' PG. 163 \ / 100 Eo LO VOL. 200021 16 I I CV / °I N ° co `� C44 149.13 280.00 30°30'59" S32° 07' 09"E 147.37 76.38 / \ t/ ° P. R. D.C.T. Ud <n �,> "' I�, I 50' ACCESS I C45 142.49 280.10 29°08'49" S58° 33' 37"W 140.96 72.82 I w� z I iii-_ & U.E. 50' ACCESS I PROP. 45'X45' I� PROP. 15' STRM.- � & U E TRIANG E VISIBILITY DRAINAGE ESMT. -. � I I EASEM NT 20' ROW W w I I I EX. 15' STRM. DEDICATION � � I / I � [DRAINAGE ESMT. ( N R I f lE _ I I LOT LINE Loin l fir TYPICAL INTERSECTION I1 i o L PROP. 15' STRM. R ' } TRIANGLE VISIBILITY EASEMENT L0 t_PROP. 15 STRM. �, I i Q a I DRAINAGE ESMT. DRAINAGE ESMT. I I PROP. EX. 36" RCP NOT TO SCALE I I DRAIN TAGE STRM. SWR. LINE i 0 I W I I I ESMT. I > i- 0 (ii, 0_ (I) ( EX. 8 PVC (SDR 35) o (13 1- 0 SAN. SWR. LINE �i 5 9 .26' rn co � i' W Q ill I d' cr ' , I ( I r M(71 I M I COUNTY LINE 50 ACCESS I W N ;. �, (0 W in in & U.E. �tI� I I ti� yes. I 1..., I N °r° „..... zo w EX. 8" PVC (C-900) ry � says c�ti oti �sr N ° �, I WATER MAIN SUBJECT Fro S LAKE I iN TRACT BREEZE DF- s G� TRIANGLES VISIBILITY z VISIBILITY z I IV VISIBILITY I `' °P �F A``� TRIANGLES TRIANGLE *F e,T9 OWNER i C 183.01' ---.. .,,,,\ 5/ /� �� I ��^_______==-- Q���° � y� P9�o °� YES! COMPANIES � ��, co 183.01' ,� U 9 REDWOOD AT THE LAKE i �' G �'p 3 c�9�--_ C1� S73° 08' 20"W /U ""o ��' _ - - - S45° 24'22"E 44.63' DALLAS Ay�� �P�� P��y 5s H �3 Q,�py 1201 ALICIA ANN DRIVE WYLIE, TX 75095 WI 1.91 530.10' - C43 / S COTTONWOODLN ���� PHONE: 972-286-6905 500.84' � 5� ado G3 __- 9•As, I �o ��� I 0\ SAPPHIRE DRIVE 2 si15 I �y ENGINEER s°s \ �_ VISIBILITY S47° 24' 13" `� ��"� TRC ENGINEERS, INC. I z (PROP.PRIVATE STREET) cos %o- 9 TRIANGLE 9�, F 46, 90.03' 700 HIGHLANDER BLVD. SUITE 210 \9\ \ C�3 542° 35'47„W $ �5s ARLINGTON, TX 76015 I �' 0.00' PHONE: 817-522-1000 513.21' C44 94.02'f ° - - - - -- - - - S47 22 39 E S47 24 13 E N ti4� SURVEYOR CONTROL - - - 23 92' I N45° 24'22"W �'""� 94.03' SHERWOOD SURVEYING & S.U.E. POINT #3 ` � � C/"--- �- 94.04' \... I 6477 FM 31, P.O. BOX 992 • / • ♦ EX. 4' DIA. SAN. SPRING BRANCH, TX 78070 o� tis° ��� SWR. MH PHONE: 830-228-5788 I I 1ti' ,�°' 0s- oo, CONTROL I LOCATION MAP BOUNDARY I I JofI �a �9 ‘ POINT #2 °'17 1 "=1000' PRELIMINARY PLAT /��' FRANCISCO MARTINEZ • 4 LINE I (�;'o o / DOC. 20070191784 _ lu) REDWOOD AT THE =o cr O.P.R.D.C.T. MARIO & CLAUDIA GARCIA 300.61' a (v_. VOL. 216, PG. 6400 N47° 29' 01"W LAKE, PHASE 2 I '-� O.P.R.D.C.T. m SUBDIVISION, 100' R.O.W. I HOLLON B TR & 30.58 ACRES BERNICE G ALLARD PRELIMINARY 2820 VINSON RD PLAT WYLIE, TX 75098 A SUBDIVISION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, DALLAS I COMMUNITY BOAT AND RV FOR REVIEW COUNTY CONTAINING 30.58 ACRES OF LAND, MORE PURPOSES ONLY OR LESS, BEING PART OF THE 96.23 ACRE TRACT . STORAGE, LLC DOC. 2015003213186 RODOLFO DOMINGUES 130 COTTONWOOD LN 80 40 0 80 160 AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 200049 PAGE 3497 O.P.R.D.C.T. WYLE, TX 75098 CRAIG SCHELLBACH,P.E. VESTED IN YES COMPANIES, LLC. SCALE 1" = 80' TX LIC. # 86027 FEBRUARY 2018 SHEET 1 OF 3 / I \ �� � L - PROP. _ _ �_ �_ OUNTY LINE ROAD (FM 544) - _ - = __ �, 63 LF 18" C \ / EX DRIVEWAY / RCP CULVERTIrr (EX. ASPHALT PVMT.) u„,,x- i`y.' /// __-_ _�_ _.,,_.. -.._. _.._. _.-.._ \ \ \ - EX. 6" PVC SAN. - I \ } .... .w / :. 15/r 60' R.O.W. DEDICATION k' / SWR. FORCE MAIN FUT. PAVEMENT LIMIT _ ,,____---- ,� EX. 12 PVC _ ,., - WATER LINE - FUT. PAVEMENT LIMIT 5ip _____4•1 -__-..--- ____ 40'N„,,.., SCREENING COUNTY LINE ` EX. OVERHEAD ' PROP. 15' STRM. 50' ACCESS s BUFFER --N,, 1` # ELECTRIC SDRAINAGE EASEMENT I �& U.E. UNIT T 6 I \: UNIT 7 50'-0" ACCESS, FIRELANE, 8,975 SS \l T 5 UNIT 4 SNIT 2 UNIT 2 8,695 SF 1 & UTILITY EASEMENT Ilh > 8, 169 SF 8, 182 SF 8 680 SF 8,680 SF18" PROP. DROP - e / \ PROP. STRM. ' INLET , \ PROP. 30" PROP. 8" WATER SWR. LATERAL 11'-6" 11'-6" SNIT 7 STRM. SWR. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' �- UTILITY �- -� 27'-0" B-B �- -ig UTILITY -�--' I4 1 ; PROPERTY LINE 7,622 SF 1 I W -W � � EASEMENT EASEMENT DIAMOND DRIVE Ex. 8, DIA. ,' SAN. SEWER MH ROLLOVER LOT 3 / (PROP.CONCRETE PVMT.)-- CURB (TYP.) 6" REINF. BLOCK A -T- CONC. EX. 60' I II NH-NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES PROP. 24" \‘ UNNI 8 j \\ - - - - - -S Qj` S ____� PAVEMENT ROW 2.16 ACRES STRM. SWR. \ 204 sT / \ PROP. 8" I PROP. 18" STRM. WITH 6" CROWN \ I : i UNI7 9 \ i UVIT 69 \ 7 SAN. SWR. SWR. LATERAL `SO- / 10,545 SF ( UNIT 92 • '�� � % T ri �4 284 SF PROP. 24" 7 11,515 SF I SNIT r 8 UNIT 7o7`(;\ s STRM. SWR. ISF ��,��,��, T 7,296SF `r `` 50' ACCESS 7,ss2 SiSS 7" LIMED STABILIZATION is I PROP. 18" ( & U.E. I TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION I `` STRM. SWR. UNl7 68 I I 'I I NOT TO SCALE UNIT T T �J T 2,359 SF SNIT 70 1 UNIT 97 UNl7 94 E ' 7,284 SF 7,897 SS 7,898 SF 898 S .. �II 1 _ PROP. 8" 50' ACCESS m UNIT 777 41,°'''' SAN. SWR. 0 PROP. 18" 50'-0” ACCESS, FIRELANE, r_ 20 ROW ,,.. r & U.E. 0 a 8 7 S4 SF 1 „ DEDICATION STRM. SWR. 5 1 cr & UTILITY EASEMENT PROP. 18" STRM. �' SNIT 7� 3 I �' UNrr 90 uNrr 90 o c SNIT 116 J 0 7'-0" 7'-0„ 7,897 SS 7 898 5f 7 898 SF : Q z 8, 127 SF •- -• 36'-0” B-B I.-- -_- { SWR. LATERAL SNIT 67 CL o v) EASEMENT EASEMENT I SNIT T 2 � / �� % 7,897 SS W v 7290 SF LOT 2 € 1 J�i �1 BLOCK A w o ROLLOVER UN T 72 �� � I a MH-MAN��FA�T11RFn HOUSING CURB (TYP.) 6" REINF. CONC. I. 7,299 SS O Q ct OF- 28.42 ACRES a_ I PAVEMENT 0 ��� UNl L. 49 UNIT 66 wUNIT 115! _ O Q, 0,640 SF... ( t� 7,897 SS f- v UNIT 96 8,097 SF WITH 6" CROWN �G I �� UNl 7 72 O z UNl 7 89 7,898 SF /11 SNIT T4 OAP �o PROP. 8" SAN. PROP. 8 SAN. 7 897 s 0 898 s ��������������� . ° . yvy�yvyy 796 sF oQ SWR. SWR. E. " /��i��/i��ii !i��!i�!r Q`- w � ////.< .< 7 ,(////%./////j I / LOT 1 \/X"/ / / /�/%/A % 7 LIME STABIL"A'fi N I I SNIT 65 a_ SNIT 88 * I t/� SNIT 774 BLOCK A // // // / // SUBGRADE' I I; PROP. 8" WATER897 5F PROP. 8" WATER ' NrT97 898 sF898voL. 20002116, Pc. 163N NITss P.R.D.C.T. (STA. 8+74.47 TO END) ( SAN. SWR. SAN. SWR. NOT TO SCALE 0 ACCESS NIT 48 & U.E.11, 753 SF 18" UNl T 74 UNl T 7 T 2 SNIT 87 SNIT 98 1 SNIT 57 PROP. STRM. 897 SF I 8, 707 sF NOTES: I I` 1 7,898 SF iF` SWR. LATERAL 898 SF 898 SF PROP. 21" STRM. C] � I UNIT 16 , Q � 9 777 SF ® XNIT 64 � SWR. LATERALO I sss sFPROP. 36" 1 . ALL STREETS SHALL BE PRIVATE. PROP. 15' STRM._ =1 CONNECT TO EX. 2. THERE SHALL BE NO PARKING ALONG / / ii PROP. 24 STRM. UNIT S 1 /1' o PROP. 21" STRM. STRM. SWR. ---I SWR. LATERAL DRAINAGE ESMT. PROP. 36 ALL STREETS. 1 Oz az sss SF UNIT ss SWR. LATERAL I 36 RCP STRM. z `� 822 SF PROP. 18" STRM. SNIT 62 7,893 SF I I SNIT 99 STRM. SWR. SWR. LINE 3. MAILBOXES SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE v) cnI U vrT 86 7,982 SF I 1 ? CLUBHOUSE. 1 X u�r 7 7 7 893 SF o UNIT 7 r2 494 1� SWR. LATERAL 7 982 SF w - - - - nr s7ossF I PROP. 18" I - _ EX. 36" RCP PROP. 15' STRM. I PROP. 24 STRM. sss ssSTRM. SWR. LINE UNIT 85 PROP. 21" STRM. UNIT 771 1 STRM. SWR. I U viT 53 SWR. 987 s I 8 092 SFLEGEND I w > DRAINAGE ESMT. 892 SF SWR. LATERAL _EX. 15' STRM. UNITss s� 3 I , SNIT LATERAL I I I DRAINAGE ESMT. > Cl-n I ;� 1 9, 755 NIT SF 0 w I46 sss SF PROP. 24" `� sss sF PROP. 21" STRM. �_ PROP. 8" SNIT loo 1* -�. _ PROP. 8 - - EXISTING CONTOURS SWR. LATERAL SAN. SWR. 895 SF SAN. SWR I ; o I STRM. SWR. PROP. 30" S SANITARY SEWER Z z N I STRM. SWR. I N W WATER LINE O o PROP. 8 SAN. I SNIT I70 ''N EX. 8" PVC (SDR 35) i SNIT 19 M I SWR. UNIT 54 I SNIT 67 II Q SNIT 77 UNIT 84 UNl% 70- 8,087 S0 STORM SEWER 10,059 SF - 7,897 SF ( 7,897 SF I ( 898 SF SAN. SWR. LINE ® WATER VALVE 00 SNIT45 789/ S ... 7898SI-- I I I i a_ 7,897 SF W j » I- cc -6- FIRE HYDRANT ' G SS SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE PROP. 8 0 a 0 SEWER CLEAN OUT I t UNIT 55 0 SAN. SWR. < UNl7 00 898 S ... UNIS 60 SNIT 78 3 PROP. $ WATER - ,� SNIT T 09 s'"" STORM SEWER MANHOLE [ 10,554 SF ( SNIT 44 W o 7,897 SF 7,897 SF z 7,8\ SF ss// gs I I U 081 SF 0 CURB INLET :' oN 898 SF UNIT 7 02 I w o Q o PROP. 8" WATER 1898 SF I F- LINE W3 1 50' ACCESS V) o v, I X es. `'�"100' R.O.W. SNIT 27 & U.E. I w EX. 8" PVC (C-900) i ' UNIT 59 ; I I SNIT 708 WATER MAIN RESIDENTIAL UNIT MINIMUMS. r t 70,235 UNl T 79 UNIT 82 UNIT 45 PROP. 8 WATER 7,397 SFP° I 7 7,897 SF 7,897 SS SNIT 702 8,074 SF 897 SFUNIT ( 7,897 SF I ( s AREA: 7200 S.F. I I 1898 SF I I 1 s s� WIDTH: 60 FT. OWNER 3 ,' 3 \s I CORNER LOT WIDTH: 70 FT. YES! COMPANIES 1 1 N I ' I DEPTH: 100 FT. REDWOOD AT THE LAKE 1201 ALICIA ANN DRIVE SNIT 22 UNIT 57 `' �� !� WYLIE, TX 75095 P' T 0,547 SS I SNIT 42 0,574 SF 1 UNl7 �8 SNIT 80 I I I PHONE: 972-286-6905 I / 10,266 SF 0,876 S� 1 10,964 SF SNIT 87 SNIT 707 ' 7,897 SS / PROP. 8" WATER 1 \ 1 UNIT 104 8,450 SF �- - - - - -� �� - - - .� T 74,089 SF �3I ENGINEER UNIT 22 �� M w M -7 - _N _� �_ / TRC ENGINEERS, INC. 700 HIGHLANDER BLVD. SUITE 210 9,808 SF SAPPHIRE DRIVE �W w - -- UNl7 106 ARLINGTON, TX 76015 v D _ \ / / PHONE: 817-522-1000 G ( - - (PROP. CONCRETE PVMT.) a - 9,540 5s... 0 S S / - - - - - -r Lo yam- PROP. 18" SURVEYOR \ PROP. 8" SAN. STRM. SWR. SHERWOOD SURVEYING & S.U.E. __ SNIT 27 UNIT 28 SNIT 29 SWR, , \ CLATERAL 6477 FM 31, P.O. BOX 992 SNIT 50 I SPRING PHONE: 830 BRANCH,228 5788 0 7,248 SF 7,243 SF 7,512 SF UNIT 2T UNIT 22 UNl T 32 7,243 SF 7,248 SF 7,248 SF 7,248 S UNIT 24 UNIT 7 05 SNIT 4 E s 66� SS 11 722 SS UNl7 06 2s557 SF �� PRELIMINARY PLAT F' 8, /91 ST.. uNl7 25 8769sF •�, / im- T__ - r � 7 REDWOOD AT THE SNIT 25 PROP. 24" - - _ LAKE, PHASE 2 ! 15,602 SF v UNI7 26 STRM. SWR. _ _ 8,6 77 S o c f) EX. 4' DIA. SAN. SUBDIVISION, o PROP. 30" SWR. MH PRELIMINARY STRM. SWR. 30.58 ACRES M UNI 7 37 UNl T 4 7 I Q o o G, _,v FRANCISCO MARTINEZ 0,sgs SE.. 7,627 SF I PLAT _ oDOC. 20070191784 MARIO & CLAUDIA GARCIA ;N u A SUBDIVISION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, DALLAS N a: COMMUNITY BOAT AND RV O.P.R.D.C.T. VOL. 216, PG. 6400 UNIT 40 FOR REVIEW 60 30 0 60 120 COUNTY CONTAINING 30.58 ACRES OF LAND, MORE W o O.P.R.D.C.T. c SNIT 29 7 sss S� PURPOSES ONLY OR LESS, BEING PART OF THE 96.23 ACRE TRACT a v STORAGE, LLC coo DOC. 2015003213186 3 8 8,027 SS SCALE 1" = 60' AS RE ORDED D IIN N VOLUME 200049 PAGE 3497 O.P.R.D.C.T. CRAIG SCHELLBACH, �..._ - - _ MNP.E. FEBRUARY 2018 _ TX LIC. # 86027 SHEET 2 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION REDWOOD AT THE LAKE PHASE II 30.58 ACRES BEING A 30.580 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE E.M. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT OWNER'S DEDICATION: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NUMBER 1114, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING PART OF A CALLED 34.552 ACRE TRACT AND PART OF A CALLED 23.477 ACRE TRACT, RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 201600228831, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID 30.580 ACRE TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: That YES COMPANIES, INC., acting herein by and through its That I, RICHARD A. GOODWIN _, do hereby certify that I prepared this duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner BEGINNING AT A FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD, FOR THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF A CALLED above described property as REDWOOD AT THE LAKE PHASE II, an addition monuments shown thereon as set were properly placed under my personal 2.90 ACRE TRACT, RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 201500321386, OFFICIAL PUBLIC to the City of Wylie, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the supervision in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND FOR THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF• A CALLED public use forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public improvements Wylie. 2.37 ACRE TRACT, RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 20070191784, OFFICIAL PUBLIC shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS; purposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated, for the public use forever, for the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings, THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID 2.90 ACRE TRACT, N 88°32'39" W, A fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed DISTANCE OF 272.06 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD; or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that Signature of Registered Public Land Surveyor landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved Registration No. 4069 THENCE N 36°57'14" E, A DISTANCE OF 578.22 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD IN THE by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements may SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF VINSON ROAD; also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities STATE OF TEXAS § desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use to COUNTY OF DALLAS § " particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF VINSON ROAD, N 48°46 08 Before me, the undersigned authority, Notary E, A DISTANCE OF 614.65 FEET TO A FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD AT THE BEGINNING OF A public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. g a Public in and for the State of / Texas, on this day personally appeared RICHARD A. GOODWIN . Land CUTBACK; The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove Surveyor, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for THENCE ALONG SAID CUTBACK, N 83°49'18" E A DISTANCE OF 131.13 FEET TO A SET 1/2" the purpose and considerations therein expressed. "SHERWOOD or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with P P P IRON ROD (WITH CAP STAMPED SURVEYING ) IN THE SOUHTWESTERLY the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in Given under my hand and seal of office, this _ day of , 2018. RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COUNTY LINE ROAD; said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall at all FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. RELIMINARY, times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COUNTY LINE ROAD, THE easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, FOR ANY PURPOSE. FOLLOWING COURSES: patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring Notary Public in and for the State of Texas S 46°47'50" E, A DISTANCE OF 463.96 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP permission from anyone. STAMPED "SHERWOOD SURVEYING"); This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. S 46°24'19" E, A DISTANCE OF 640.14 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP STAMPED "SHERWOOD SURVEYING") FOR THE NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK A, MOBILE HOME My Commission Expires On: ESTATES, VOLUME 2002116, PAGE 163, PLAT RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS; WITNESS, my hand, this the day of , 2018. THENCE ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, THE FOLLOWING COURSES: S BY: 43°35'14" W, A DISTANCE OF 149.91 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP 'RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" STAMPED "SHERWOOD SURVEYING"); N 46.24'46" W, A DISTANCE OF 93.18 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP STAMPED "SHERWOOD SURVEYING"); Authorized Signature of Owner Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date S 44°04'11" W, A DISTANCE OF 940.97 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP City of Wylie, Texas STAMPED "SHERWOOD SURVEYING"); SFAN KING. VICF PRFSIDFNT OF DFVFI OPMFNT/ASSFT MANAGFMFNT S 47°24'13" E, A DISTANCE OF 90.03 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP Printed Name and Title "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" STAMPED "SHERWOOD SURVEYING"); STATE OF TEXAS § S 42°35'47" W, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP STAMPED COUNTY OF DALLAS § "SHERWOOD SURVEYING"); Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of S 47°24'13" E, A DISTANCE OF 23.92 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP STAMPED Texas, on this day personally appeared , Owner's Agent, "SHERWOOD SURVEYING"); known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing "ACCEPTED" instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the S 42°46'56" W, A DISTANCE OF 119.58 FEET TO A FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD IN THE purpose and considerations therein expressed. NORTHEASTELRY LINE OF A CALLED 209.75 ACRE TRACT, RECORDED IN VOLUME 4169, Given under my hand and seal of office, this _ day of , 2018. PAGE 7329, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS; Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID 209.75 ACRE TRACT, The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby N 47°29'01" W, A DISTANCE OF 300.61 FEET TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD (WITH CAP certifies that the foregoing final plat of the REDWOOD AT THE LAKE PHASE II STAMPED "SHERWOOD SURVEYING") IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF A CALLED 1.117 ACRE Notary Public in and for the State of Texas subdivision or addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council TRACT, RECORDED IN VOLUME 216, PAGE 6400, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, DALLAS on the day of , 2018, and the Council, by formal COUNTY, TEXAS; action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alley, parks, easement, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID 1.117 ACRE TRACT, N 06°35'49" W A My Commission Expires On: and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the DISTANCE OF 231.00' TO A FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD FOR THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. SAID 1.117 ACRE TRACT; Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 2018. THENCE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID 1.117 ACRES AND THE AFOREMENTIONED 2.37 ACRE TRACT, N 45°24'22" W, A DISTANCE OF 513.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING AN AREA OF 30.580 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS. City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas e . The area or areas shown on the plat as "VAM" (Visibility, Access and The undersigned does covenant and agree that the access easement may be utilized Maintenance) Easement(s) are hereby given and granted to the City, its successors by any person or the general public for ingress and egress to other real property, and and assigns, as an easement to provide visibility, right of access for maintenance for the purpose of general public vehicular and pedestrian use and access, and for upon and across said VAM Easement. The City shall have the right but not the fire department and emergency use in, along, upon and across saidpremises, with obligation to maintain any and all landscaping within the VAM Easement. Should P 9 Y P OWNER the City exercise this maintenance right, then it be permitted to remove and the right and privilege at all times of the City of Wylie, its agents, employees, YES! COMPANIES dispose of anyand all landscaping right, then it shallewithout limitation, anyworkmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, along, upon REDWOOD AT THE LAKE NOTICE: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation PP 9 P including and across said premises. 1201 ALICIA ANN DRIVE of City ordinance and State law, and is subject to fines and withholding of trees, shrubs, flowers, ground cover and fixtures. The City may withdraw utilities and building permits. maintenance of the VAM Easement at any time. The ultimate maintenance WYLIE, TX 75095 responsibility for the VAM Easement shall rest with the owners. No building, PHONE: 972-286-6905 fence, shrub, tree or other improvements or growths, which in any way may endanger or interfere with the visibility, shall be constructed in, on, over or across ENGINEER the VAM Easement. The City shall also have the right but not the obligation to add TRC ENGINEERS, INC. any landscape improvements to the VAM Easement, to erect any traffic control 700 HIGHLANDER BLVD. SUITE 210 devices or signs on the VAM Easement and to remove any obstruction thereon. ARLINGTON,ERTX 76015 The City, its successors, assigns, or agents shall have the right and privilege at all times to enter upon the VAM Easement or any part thereof for the purposes and PHONE: 817-522-1000 with all rights and privileges set forth herein. SURVEYOR SHERWOOD SURVEYING & S.U.E. 6477 FM 31, P.O. BOX 992 SPRING BRANCH, TX 78070 PHONE: 830-228-5788 APPROVED AND ACCEPTED PRELIMINARY PLAT This plat is hereby approved in accordance with Section 2.11.B of the City of REDWOOD AT THE Wylie Subdivision Regulations (Ordinance No. 2003-03). LAKE, PHASE 2 SUBDIVISION, Planning Director Date PRELIMINARY 30.58 ACRES City of Wylie, Texas PLAT FOR REVIEW A SUBDIVISION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, DALLAS PURPOSES ONLY COUNTY CONTAINING 30.58 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, BEING PART OF THE 96.23 ACRE TRACT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 200049 PAGE 3497 CRAIG SCHELLBACH, VESTED IN YES COMPANIES, LLC. P.E. TX LIC. # 86027 FEBRUARY 2018 SHEET 3 OF 3 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 28, 2018 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: 4 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-09 to change the zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Single Family Estate on approximately 27.7 acres, located at 801 Lake Ranch Lane, within the Lake Ranch Addition. ZC201.8-01. Recommendation Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2018-09 to change the zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Single Family Estate on approximately 27.7 acres, located at 801 Lake Ranch Lane, within the Lake Ranch Addition. ZC2018-01 Discussion Owner/Applicant: Kelli Hohenstein Zoning Case 2018-01 requires an Ordinance to amend the zoning accordingly in the Official Zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. The subject ordinance establishes Planned Development-Single-Family-Estates District zoning on approximately 27 acres and allows log exterior as the primary material. Exhibits A (Plat with Legal Description), B (Development Standards), C (Conceptual Floor Plan & Elevations) are included and made a part of this Ordinance. The above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. Page 1 of 1. ORDINANCE NO. 2018-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2018-01, FROM AGRICULTURAL — 30 DISTRICT (AG-30) TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE FAMILY - ESTATE (PD2018-09- SF-ED) TO ALLOW FOR A LOG EXTERIOR AS THE PRIMARY MATERIAL ON APPROXIMATELY 27 ACRES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Planned Development 2018-09- Single Family Estate District (PD-2018-09-SF-ED), said property being described in Exhibit A (Plat with Legal Description), Exhibit B (Development Standards), Exhibit C (Conceptual Floor Plan & Elevations) attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. Ordinance No. 2018-09-Change The Zoning On The Hereinafter Described Property,Zoning Case Number 2018- 01,From Agricultural—30 District(AG-30)To Planned Development Single Family-Estate(PD2018-09-SF-ED) SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, thisl3th day of March, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: March 21,2018, in the Wylie News. Ordinance No. 2018-09-Change The Zoning On The Hereinafter Described Property,Zoning Case Number 2018- 01,From Agricultural—30 District(AG-30)To Planned Development Single Family-Estate(PD2018-09-SF-ED) ..... ..... / .• 1:101 ....• 1,,,,, ,.. MOS 11011.2. 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VOL.498.PC.141 I. cn 1, T undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of trylie, Tex., aps.r,0 af e pial by Po Cay al Y.,CO.County,Teen,.n/not sonoUtote., O.R.R.C.T. Ili , hooaby certlfies that the foregoing finsl plat of Lot SA, Le. reor..66,tereurane,or Neront.that any bo.ng ethin Nell plat eh..e66.61. actreel.or permit theen.it..nor oh.wen appnr.ranettuto a,ni.s..10, N 00'08'53" E 4Ik I, ict....R.,,...!‘,!,,ol: tz224t.oil:,Of f 14411101.4„131.1.c.tod gy.,,t.he.,C,ity ono..re go...SY.City of Iffygaf.Coen County.Teros of.adeosn. and as.,0 ea.for sesame u.o.It...01.......nehla such 66. 201.30' r , •=1:41 by formal act.ion-ct'G;, and there accepted the N 89'45'30" E 533.33' I '... insljneeleit HMS IIIII eke.Awn net forth is Ire OF.thein glee ' sarefsS VT N. the •-112CA?__,Iyiy 01/414'114/V}I, Ir. 01 0 ,,......., .00 said Coo.. further .thoris. the Hey. to note the OWES i N 89'45'30" E - steeptance thereof hy signing hie ne hereintbose Subecri.d. . BY La.5,rin ..-- 1 e-1464e".4-41 APPROIED E..) 6605rf -.......•., PLANNING AND ZONING PAUL P. TAYLOR b cv VOL, 624,PC, 138 03 . D.R.R.C.T. O!i'• MA or wen ! CT1 cv 5 SURVEYOR'S=WIWI b e Now MERU inOW AIL YEN PRESENTS,TINT L tenet A Smith,do heeesy corlify that I pro* et,. •ad.•......on Jornen.wee.W.I..lee.a.to le. re,.of.land and Mot.ewer mono...v..0.. .......nom•I.*In.......0.Y.by ma A.a..•00,... Q N 89'2930" PT ...• ,7 ander i....'..'..i.,Tegik 4 ;Wirt, JULIE FISHER ,308.86' Pr' T.',.. A iN.R.P.LS.No. SS5 '... • i.i ''''.i.'4 z ...., th,C....g..34.9T . I 1, .ff.• ,."44•h/ ,.‘ 40e; ' . • , ,, . ....,..,..,..,,,,.,,,..,,,' . . V Tli, itiat STATE v' kill:Vx-Or - - • '. co.PITY OfXiat SCALE,II e g OW GATE:2/0I/25 WU.,E.O. 1 JOB#.ge-18.1 WOK us,a nat.'Put...thie Soy fOofoo1foOY 0pF•fand Deal A.Smith,known to-f.rerbilho REFTAT OF Nor rho.name Is I.e.000 to the foregoing docom.t.a.Seing by rne flne doe oNsm,dstarod LOT 8 Sc 9 SURVEYOR OWNER ILA,ri,Irrti...1:rehn ' an 1.4ga corr..Own en.my fel.a.a 6. a.. LAKE RANCH ADDITION PRECISE LAND SURVEYING, INC, LARRY SWINGLE _S. J_A-Q-4... .4..--W- ,,, ...4m, - n.1 IF HMO_ .: note obec 6 and tor the Slate of Taos '.: *.it Nat.NOloy .. G.W. GUNNELL SURVEY , ABST. NO. 351 TOWN EAST TOWER 3,-. )5 AT ME Of TRYC.F._ "„ AND MOSES SPARKS SURVEY, ABST, NO. 849 115501 LOJ FIRM SUITE 520 1503 lurcbT:HE DRIVE •;.u.,,,,4,,,,,, My Cen..in, 7 i LIESQUI1E.TEXAS 75150 RICHARDSON.TECAS 7soat - CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 014)eei-7072 (214)205-7524 EXHIBIT "B" CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ZC 2018-01 I. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Single Family- Estate District(SF-ED) 1. Purpose: SF-ED is a single family residential district for detached houses on individual lots and requiring a minimum lot size of 1 acre. The cultivation of agricultural crops and livestock are allowed. 2. Permitted Uses: See Use Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1. 3. Development Standards: Following are the yard, lot and space requirements for the Single Family—Estate District, including density, height, lot and unit size. Figure 3-2 - Single Family Estate District (SF-ED) of Size Lot Area (sq. ft.) Minimum 1 acre 43,560 sq. ft. Lot Width (feet) 100 Lot width of corner Lots (feet) 175 Lot Depth (feet) 200 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots (feet) 200 Dwelling Regulations Minimum Square Footage 2,400 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 50 Side Yard (feet) 20 Side Yard of Corner Lots (feet) 40 Side Yard of allowable nonresidential use (feet) 30 Rear Yard (feet) 50 Rear Yard Double Front Lots (feet) 50 Lot Coverage 45% Height of Structures Main Structure (feet) 40 Accessory Structure (feet) 20 ARTICLE 3: RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS 4. Additional Provisions: a. Refer to additional requirements in Article 7, General Development Regulations. b. A minimum separation of 50 feet between agricultural buildings and dwelling units on the same lot shall be maintained. c. A minimum separation of 100 feet between agricultural buildings and a dwelling unit on a separate lot shall be maintained, if the agricultural building is used for the raising of animals, otherwise the separation is 50 feet. d. Agricultural buildings for the purpose of this provision means those buildings used for the raising of crops or animals, or for the storage of agricultural equipment, supplies, or products. e. No more than two animal units per acre of pasture area. A mother and her un- weaned young are considered one animal unit. f. Livestock animals are limited exclusively to horses and other equine species,cattle, llamas, sheep and goats. Swine and fowl are expressly prohibited. Domestic animals are allowed consistent with the Code of Ordinances. Other types of animals which introduce an unusual disturbance to the community or adjoining property owners shall not be maintained. g. Accessory structures in the Estate District, except garages, must be located behind the main dwelling in the rear yard. II. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None III. DESIGN CONDITIONS: A. Land Design Standards Desired Land Design requirements are achieved by builder in accordance as set forth in Article 3, Section 3.4 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Residential Design Standards. B. Architectural Standards 1. Building Bulk and Articulation a. Base Standard In order to avoid large blank facades, variations in the elevation of residential facades facing a public street shall be provided in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. At least 20 percent of the facade shall be offset a minimum of 1 foot either protruding from or recessed back from the remainder of the facade. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 2. House Numbers a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have lighted front stone wall plaque with resident address beside the main entry of the dwelling unit. b. Desirable Design Attributes: 3. Exterior Facade Material a. Base Standard The desired design attribute for the proposed single family residential unit is to have a primarily log exterior structure with the balance being window boxes, gables, metal roofing and dormers. Glazing shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the front elevation of the residence. Vinyl siding and EIFS materials shall not be used for exterior walls. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 4. Exterior Facades—Porch a. Base Standard Each single family residential unit shall have a combined total covered front, side or rear entry of a minimum of 120 total square feet of floor area. Pti �5 a; N 'QK a y' ^A M ', Y m aak t b. Desirable Design Attributes: Two or more sides of covered porches, or pitched cover incorporated into roof lines of house. 5. Exterior Facades - Chimneys a. Base Standard Chimney flues for fireplace chimneys are to be within a chimney enclosed with matching exterior walls of the residential unit and capped. b. Desirable Design Attributes: Fireplace chimneys shall incorporate 40 percent stone, matching the accent exterior facade materials of the house for houses with Chimneys. 6. Roofs and Roofing -Roof Pitch a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have a minimum roof pitch of 8:12, 1 2 10 r�irrrurn'Roof r Pitch Allowed 8"12 �1? with articulation, dormers or a combination of hip and gable roofing. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 7. Roofs and Roofing - Roofing Materials a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have architectural-grade overlap shingles, tile or standing seam metal. Wood shingles are not permitted. Plumbing vents, attic vents, and other rooftop accessories are to be painted to match the roof shingle color. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 8. Roofs and Roofing -Roof Eaves a. Base Standard No wood fascia or soffits are permitted. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 9. Garage Entry a. Base Standard Garage doors can be located on the primary street elevation of a single family residential unit with an upgraded insulated door with carriage hardware. The primary street would be the addressed street front. Garages may face the street on a corner lot side yard. Each garage shall be a minimum of 2 car garage. �..,a u y r M �ti¢ � �y1 1 118 mP S " III b. Desirable Design Attributes: Detached Garage 10. Dwelling Size a. Base Standard The minimum square feet of floor space shall be 2,400 square feet, measured within the outside dimensions of a residential dwelling unit including each floor level,but excluding carports, garages, and breezeways. 11. Fencing a. Base Standard (1) Front yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 4 feet maximum with minimum 50 percent transparency constructed of wood or wrought iron. (2) Side and rear yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 8 feet maximum and constructed of wood with metal posts and rails to the inside. (3) Pressure treated wood is prohibited. (4) Fences shall be constructed of decorative iron next to public open space, and shall be minimum 4 ft in height. b. Desirable Design Attributes (1) Front yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 4 feet maximum with minimum 50 percent transparency constructed of wood or pipe fencing. (2) Side and rear yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 5 feet maximum and constructed of t-posts and horse fencing or pipe fencing. (3)Pressure treated wood is permitted. 12. Landscaping a. Base Standard (1) Each residential dwelling shall have sodded front, side, and rear yard with a minimum of 2 trees and 5 shrubs in front yard. (2) Each residential dwelling unit shall have an automated, subsurface irrigation system. b. Desirable Design Attributes None 13. Outdoor Lighting a. Base Standard All residential dwelling units shall have an illuminated standard porch light at the front entry and drive/garage. b. Desirable Design Attributes None 14. Conservation/Sustainability a. Base Standard Each residential dwelling unit must comply with the Energy component of the Building Code. b. Desirable Design Attributes None Revision Date: FIRST FLOOR 2,303 SF DECEMBERC2015 SECOND FLOOR 1,307 SF TOTAL LIVING AREA 3,610 SF PORCHES/BALCONY 1,725/184 SF TOTAL (under roof) 5,519 SF LEG END Switch, 11 DV single pole toz Switch, 110V three-way / 66'-0" / / 6'-0„ / 54,-0„ / 6'-0" / $4 Switch, 110V four-way / 15'-6„ 23'-0" 15'-6" / exF� ost 6x6 Past $x6 east 6xfi 9t \ \ o Switch, dimmer . \ \ ® © ® m ® ,® Porch Railing Req. d IF Switch, fan &light wired separateCD P c I -4" „ ,� 1 „ „ ' Height from top of Porch to Ground Exceeds 30" F Receptacle, b! outlet 110V { 7 -1 1 7 -2 I 6 -1 0 -� 7 -10 7' 4 7 -1 0 6 -1 0 7 -2 I 7 -1 ' { double ou a wall i, l (per IRC Handbook)(SLH recommends Railing if ' I I Front Perch I I I I over 24" from ground) Receptacle, multiple double outlet 110V _._. ._ .__. ,_ __ -_ -- - (Balcony Above) I I f� _ _1 _ o I F- --- - --- - -• ---- - �-- --- _ - - - -- -� 1 :4 Receptacle, double outlet 110V wall 11 - _ - . _ . _ . 11 ' 1�o T - - -• - - -�-1- 0 1 with ground fault protection 00 • f I I 1 I I '' '- • -co Owp Receptacle, double outlet 110V weatherproof •co k _._ ....... ._„ _--. ...._ _ . ' ; .. ....- , „ , „ Receptacle, double outlet 110V floor / 5'-8" • 6'-6" /- 3.--4' / 7 -8 10 -g /— 4 -1 0 / 5 -2 `1-6•2 / 3'-4"� 18 -2" '-6" ,-6' I 18'--2" _3'-4" �II� 'Itt' Receptacle, 220V single outlet I --- 1 ) • ceilin mount •temper�d 3840 ibwP I 2050 �068 1 1068 2050 3830 LI ht II p— I LINEN = _ S L. 06 S.L. — ^ I I # / Fl u y r 1 z shelves Fl Fl -0- Light, :::t toBench5rZ - SeatLanding441 spCe Col r - - a o Light, "LO1 1 2 =ATH I I' <i> r laLI Light, single flood ] \ Q" 1 / 1 2 a � UTILITY ApLight, double flood 10 `1".�" _I Q # T L Y L I, 3 3 _ cP l/2 MASTER BATH z46� / / 3 S zo6e\� E 3068 I r Exhaust fan, ceiling mount II C�. / 4 �� � ' \ - General Electrical Note: ALL electrical WIRING \ z` v/11/� (/ - 1 -0 / ® / 5 I �� c ~ a located in LOG Walls installed by SLH Crew. (tYp.) Exhaust fan, wall mount //• A � uNEN `V 'I- a,T `' F 6 1 HVAC •/ \ , ,_ . - Exceptions MAY apply. (Refer to SLH Contract for o `� l ENTRY 0 #2 / . detaiis)(Contract ALWAYS supersedes drawings) ® Bath heater ® 1 :� 1/ 4x6 6 \ 7 I ;1' Combination bath vent/heater or"as labeled" "� N. Custom c°Yi0 _ ° Wash Dry 36 FOLD 0 Closet_ a 3 C" /2'-4' .'� co , sh wer �-I ,� , a 1110110 � r-_- _- -- 0 Smoke detector, ceiling mount i� 4;IC -1 6 2468 , „ aei f `�''� I © en - - - `� glass door;] „ 3 10 3 —1 0 i 1 v HVAC I / 2x3 ' umbing Wall p( \ Television cable outlet �C1%Pi(a� �i 1 r V p y rot I TTGFl nGFl CD single rod �y I I n 3 -2'� - _ - I a Telephone wall outlet FN LINEN N 1/4\ �V o L N I N \ „I ` — Nk 3068 04 Ref I Q Telephone floor outlet I _ double rod m , Hidden line 'co I I . „ I , cor His Closet 0 4' 0: _ 8 -4 x _ . — .— ._ . _ . _ \ OFFICE 1 St© '' l a I Wiring line 1 ( a6� D • N 1 q PANTRY r . O ----� I General Foundation Note: ALL plumbing e „ ; �`� L • I ' f' �I `� I �' I located in INTERIOR Frame Walls ONLY. - 00 ; N _I \ 1 1 { .... „ �- ©W i o ® NO Plumbin in Lo Wall Area from - Ceiling line o Her C o5 1 - €- \ cn 4 -0 3'---8' --• .;F, 9 g ® -- , c� �' - I ; 1 1 �' __`, edge of House Slab to inside edge of - Roof line 1 -•/ - o > i. 4 e f �^ - Sholves • o 1117, ' a Log + 1" APP) - - Beam line single rod shoe double rod. n8i b I4 � .\ I shelves �� 5 m 1 I - N \ \ �� I -4 r _ o O 3030Wlndow/Door opening size 1 6'-2 / 4'-4 .�' 5 c- -- -• 4'-2" Jr 3 -6 / _ \I I +, 1 1 oo He. T T____ ight: Feet-inches (3 0) In in o � 3066 y/�1�(�/$�^ ��I �n I I— o Width: Feet-Inches .(3'-0") — \ r ./ 'l \ \ \ 7 ., Q KITCHEN j 1 - 4 2 0 4 8 Co I — 0 --U) 9 : Loft Edge Above NTO _7_, I ® I4„ _•- ' — y • — /-/ �.\\ I \ piavault vault iY7 \ - —��- •/ •\ Raised Bar J .` t a1a ' r -MASTER BEDROOM/} _ �:\ �. co . \ •/ + --....:„ (r) 1 t.'" I-0 1,9 p °^�1 / 1 I I DINING / CI 1i - ,. _ 0 - • I 11 I o �• 0o IIiri j -I t, - 4 1 r r _ . � - EN 4ii r 10 I CO 0 a I LIVING ' DOOM 1 I c°v I ll ! \ / N. • fff S • Miter-Cut Corker II Miter-Cut Corne '.� I O f l , To I 3 �/-016r \4 - 411` \ ©— \ L ►, Flat Ceiling Line 4 — \ `r `�' �- -- ►, Flat Ceiling L€ne ��i y� I�ysoo \ l . CF:IW206\ /060,' 1 I I - I •.2060 /060:ill J.1 , 1 /* // i�� I ;b9 —EF1� I •1. i��% key `foueddaeion f - \ 2— 060 1 I •f ,-jV] 1 2 0 i 7i,5 .�' no n I 2-..oso / � � � o r; / \ 8'-0,, 7,---.8" --�_:. /' :mot. 7' -8„ / 8'-0" 7' Pam' �1 l�- 0 15'-8" l I \ / I \. •l 15'-8„ 0 1 vauit vault 'CO �....___.-.� 00 C] 069 4 ilt#---• , ___ . L . _ •- ,- • - •-; - - 306= ,, 1 11 `�fff""" —�o / of Il_Il� _ z.-, /• 4 4 b . � in 1 , ,,., o _. r . 1 ngtil 0 / , , Bay Window Q} '? } 6'-9" ® 6',g" / 4 \1 } 6'i9' { 6 -s { \ Detail II rcil \ \ o 4 ? III I ( �b > / 0 1 I \ O fixed 5060 -- --- P fixed 5060 -- O / ii �`/ \. A / _ t L.UJI�i I = cog � . -. •�} ,/ 4'-6" 6'-1D" )( 6' 10" 4'-6" / { � ' - - _L '� ® o � QI ® - A 8'-4" , _ / 6'40„ -4„ / O T . — . J O N — II� I 'r, N 1 _. , . _. I ' riiiiMpi O vault vault a I r r tlo . ' Gable Porch I ' a 0 co)i, ,cli 2, loi �� 7'-8" 7'--1 0„ 7,-t0„ 7'-10" 7'--8„ op ,..40) ' ir �- - - - 4 nrrrn By: J. Cammack ® \ 6x8 Post 6x8 Post ex8 Post 6x8 Post \ / 6 -0' / 7 -8 / 8 -0 / 22 -8„ / 8 -0„ / 7'-8' / 6 -0„ / DATE SEPT, 2011 / 13'-8" / 38'-8" / 13'-8" • , ® SCAM 1/4„ = 1,_0„ FIRST pp PLAN �� I Salesman N/ArIRST FLOOR r" LAN S t lip .li. It (m-6 d (.0 (ail SHEET drawings represent common construction practices and are not engineered for a specific site Revision Date: REVISED-CODE DECEMBER 2015 41d ET n- T I I1 I �t1 I I I 6x61 Fiost 6x61 Pi I 6x61 Plast 6x6 Plost \ 7J 7, 7„ 71 4„ 7,-7" ■ -P-1 vault GA LE I ( vault o BALONY CD- 2'-0 I I I 23'-0„ 2'-0" - / / 8'-0" / 5'-6" "_ _.. i 8'-2" --- i I / 4'-10" 5'-B" / g'-0" / • / / 4,_0„ / 4,-0„ ---/ 6 -6" 5 -0" / 5 -0., / 6'-6„ A— 4'-0" / 4'-0" _;_ --_-- - -- _ - - 9ww 2a5a ` '`C . - I 2osa_ wP / O 3840 1- 1 ' 3840 IMMO \ a• O f i Z 3 o i �6a Closet o (:11 yo 173 rD t-vii- vii:Itfl-n ?° o tpp0 - „ r ito ii ID n � 3 CHILDREN'S PLAY AREA R/A Chase o ;!, I- i - !. co Br4TH 3 °° I 03 LINEN ! / - 1 - i RATH\2 LINEN C at,Wall �` E :- -1 6,_8„ r- , O + - . __. . .� ` \ `— \ f 2'-8 ' 1, 1 . l_ ' icy \ \ 5'-4" Bench;Seat 1;\ 1 G v cD ` .-. ®_ cal a# Wall ,. • t 4•--n - , -, N $ o -�, GP i Bench Seat glees door , r N \ 9 t I 1 Closet o o \ \ ; CIOS�a I�` glass door i - - I �I I I \ • 10 I .I- lu o -- use I L 8',0"_ piling Tc 1) N •\ a . co '-0" Ceilir II l in I hower to in '' N N \. 1 x -r gJ- ugto - C7 "CO - 12 hV 1 ir\e o hoover I \ (---1 8 l \ f ` E 1 • l 466 Y co 19 "T \ 14 . R �,-4„ / 8'-2" ' f 10'-0"�Ceirng Line 7'_4„ 14 0 7 I'f7 � FIXED. FIXED FIXED 15 \ N3 o \ UU 3o6B (06) 3068 3068 16 C_ 4_,...... a I O �^ i., 1 3 Irk > \ a ` Y . D 17 - o N \:` I CO I\ - \ T �• 1.1 ` .` :K BAL OJVY \ I . c., o — "' / I \ I-, - ,-, =7"\-"r-----.111.111111111.1°M.M1111.111111111.111111111111.111T111111.111MMI---=° kc > Open Below to Living 8I BEJ OOM 3 / 4'-6" / 14, -0" / 4'-6" BEDRO, NM 2 ,i a . o `\ 1 vault > < vault m �� �µ{ o a 5'-4" U_U Vault (fault di) ? a \ \ \ 5'-4" at wall \ \ L U vault vault 6 of wall a a o o 0 0 0 0 {} � 00 uo 1 tc 7'-0" Healder Height CO° 7'-0" Heaper Height 3040 L._- 3040 I cD . cy I i I i ) n it I /-- 3'-0" / 3'-0" --/ € /- 3'-0" / 3'-0" �_ I illilifi'l 4 ol cil i, ila/ 4'--0" / 6'-0" / 5'-8" fl€ 5'-8" / 6'-0" / 4'-0" / _- � i, 1 _ E ; vault > , vault •,., r_1" 11 LID II �+ E 0 ,i, &;,1 ;„ v }},, r� y� r� 0 � i'' 11°:,..t-1226.1-1a9 ._,L�.:... ,'Ifi aif�__ --. 11- dr=___-' _i c/�� 1-] I 5.�_ fixed trap. fixed trap• i "1 ; - r� ACI3 SECOND FLOOR PLANNiclflik 1) Drwn By: J. Cammack DATE SEPT. 2011 ® - SCALE 1/4" = 1'--0" 0 (MI Ill i -� Salesman N/A �. ► (IPII. 11:0 SHEET • 2 / ' 4 , drawings represent common construction practices and are not p engineered for a specific site 9 rr .i .. ,*:':g' '.a� t '5u"remora' u� - I - - .. .'- ., s.,_...�r .y_..:.,::,_,.u„m..a:.....�.-...:,,... .._,,., _ -, :. i:�.., .::.,._ :.....� ,....,< ._.:.: .. .,..a..... ..:...... ..... . . .....,....... . . .. .. .. ... -.. . .... .. .. .. .. . .a...,._. MJ..:.,.. � ...,..s`. .,..F,: )ea;5kY+1,1P."v"v:??�w+C T.�!�i C". 2 Wd!.:- wra 222 -nu..aa. .�,,x:�:,r<.,x —_. ., ,. .,........_... .._. .. __ _. i Revision Date: REVISED—CODE DECEMBER 2015 I ALL Gable Glass (above log wall plate) to be I'' �! �! i Provided and Installed by Customer. Measurement to be taken On—Site, AFTER Construction of Gable Wall. -=-`- :arU T. :l illit IV 12 . - �: �� 12 -41114 I 11141 8•5 illrr .4I■■■4 ■v�!■■�iA111rm ! FIiI.mL. ■IM II■■ ■■■ $iii I NI& Nmk M,1 6.1.111:11111.6‘1: 12 14 Al II 111111"111 - Allilimmojilliii EMP81.1-11 4 11 ... I ■■ .��■ -`��4 5 5� —4 -r ' I■■�01111 ■1S■] 1.111111111111111111111111.1111 III I _ _ _ i • iii IIIMIIII I pionmingrapin. II pookawitim ,=.10.01. ..: _ _ si \ cf) ..., ■I� IM■w■■welw■ -- ,,, ...,0, 0,,,, _,---,_. - ,,,,,....-_ ._. IIII�■1�■r�l ■ N■■■■■■w■■ ■w� imilmmim 41111 iimovirir•••=iiimE MI 11 1111 .■ III lidlionall ■ u ■ illm7[•1:11 II MI iffla .. • ) ! •• mini •• . • •• ilitlyi.......1........ 1 H , , 1 ......,1 ■ ��-. �� �� _� � am li111 1111 I ■ �- .!!M ■ l iii 111 111 Ii u • Ill iil _ [ il IIHhIHI11i1 HI _ IIl 111111IIIIII1111111 • IL" 0011 II Ill IIIIII Iill 1 . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ t . ■ ■ 1■■■■ ■ II ■ ■ ■ 1 ■■ ■ I . ■ESL NAL 1 .mmonimimim_ .+ ■ ■ ■ 11 II ■ m■ ■ ■ i . ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - rr i 11111111111111111111 I� REAR ELEVATION . _ �.w_ ___ __. - „N, — -- ...•- -X., . _ _ — f ^ems r - ..r__ ®e...._._ /" 1, N. / r t r r r 1 Roof Rafters On Top _ . of Floor Trusses — _ _ 12_-- E i0�} r. - _ _ 4� __ ...__ ..a ,E e - 1 rdi.„,„writrami.. or 1 -..g.......... A........h. 4„,..„,..,„-...... _ A, a) (1) Of . I m—in iummill _ illmil z..(_1.)q4 ia•L.t imrsal � M IisIwIIim iim— � ■ 111 11i - 1u1I 4 + 01 ■■■� 1■ ■■■ ■ ■■ ■■■■ ■ ...i 11 ■� .o; ■■m ■ii NimNemE Il-ls NNuI iom I-I mi o• M1I11i lul ■ a■■ ■■ 1 ■ ■ ii II ■ �.■ �� 1 o �lymosa■■ ■�i■ II� ' pplinii � � ii I1111 � � � I'I ii � � � � � � [ � � i � � ii � IIIIM � � � i I � iiiiiI } = o _ ■ 1 � 11 II 11111111111111 1 11 � 111f111111I 11 1111 ■ l� � c�. . ■■ ■ � „ � � IIIIII� I , IIIIII , , � „ � , . Iiiii �IilLiii iiithilini i I1 _ _ � I� ut ► _= k :N:- ■■ r�''r/'� 1 ■ 6I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 1 N1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 . U 1 N (] RIGHT ELEVATION ■ x �L- `° 0 to il0 �� oaarn Drwn By: J. Cammack DATE SEPT. 2011 ...133 SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" 11.1k ,i� Salesman N/A 0 D Ti elilt0) 0 (ah) (11111 i I SHEET 3 / 4 drawings represent common construction practices and are not engineered for a specific site curYN&P+Nmh bb9 _, R ! - - atA! % ::fir 1 in ... d • •.. .:. 7: e,_ 1 .... Revision Date: REVISED-CODE DECEMBER 2015 II II 12 12 12 8.5- ® 8,5 ".......;>e- ., - _ • c=4 II II I II Il 11 iiii_ II II II II II II — 12 12 ------- r___. , r . . L __ ._ 5 __.... ------- 11 1 11 1 1: �� 5 1 �J III Ellil — — I ) 4 al — _ 0 _ F i 1, I \ [ 1 - �- 11111111111111 - - - - _ _ 7 - - _ _ � - � _ _ - - _ _ _ - ` �_ -' �-` _ _ _ _ _ W � _� _ _ ], - ! ! ! ! ! ! ! B ! ! ! ! ! i. : - � � _- _ _ _ - - - - - - -- - _ FRONT ELEVATION No Attic Ventilation Req.'d I 1 i — IF Spray Foam Insulation ____0' — r, .-. r E. 5. - ...... kff Thill r . , , , . , � , s bh. / \\ A CD Ci) Ijilit _ 1 - ®, E 1 ��� G a - III MI' II o Il (1) A !, 111 - - - - _ — —�- -1III +gild zm T03 � � I LEFT ELEVATION _*�ri,c(1.i� - x � 5co � 0 P .° co onoi.i)lik coax Drwn By: J. Cammack • DATE SEPT. 2011 • H ALE 1/4" - 1in) Salesman N A �. ��� 0 �, I .00 � (ila% SHEET 1 ( , 4drawings represent common construction practices and are not engineered for a specific site / J I . a"—"s. .. .... . .., .r`,.:.: ����a...... �.»�.-.:.:.::_,. . � �,ws..- ..a..,,�-l ;' , ftgdxd. 164.;As,;r..:.. .. .. . ..:...zPvctir,el:Rolar.twcw.r,..:'wo<. , minx. .... . ., s.<.... .. ... ._ - _.-.... ... ..... _..�.a, e,..,,..,,..,. _..........,. .._.-.�,.,.T�y..m,, ,�.s.. ,_.-.. _. .. _ .. ... -....._.. _.. .. __ _. __. __... .._ _ _ _ . . Irk 4 Wylie City Council ter:as 1/4.44 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: D Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 5, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3B-2 consisting of 14.143 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2514)on Inspiration Blvd. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3B-2 consisting of 14.143 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2514) on Inspiration.Blvd. Discussion OWNER: St.Paul Inspiration,LLC APPLICANT/ENGINEER: Kimberly K. Cornett,P.E.,CFM This Final Plat for Phase 3B-2 of represents 46 residential Lots and one open space lot on 14.143 acres. The Preliminary Plat for this Phase was approved by City Council in June 2016. There are a few differences between this final plat and the preliminary plat. - Lot numbers in Block MM are different and there are ten lots instead of nine - Lot 17 Block JJ is smaller and now adjacent to Lot 18 to allow for a larger drainage area. - Heavenly Place was named Eminence Lane but changed because Wylie does not allow street names to continue when a street turns 90 degrees. Inspiration is an approximate 700 acre master planned community; special municipal utility district (MUD) located in unincorporated Collin County and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of Wylie, St. Paul, and Lucas. When complete, the development will consist of approximately 1,400 single family lots of varied densities and multiple open space areas and a WISD elementary school site. In accordance with the approved development agreement; the MUD shall comply with.City's Subdivision Regulations and plat requirements for properties within Wylie's ETJ. The development agreement adopted in October 2011 requires that the average lot size be 8,500 square feet and unit density be no more than 2.65 per acre for the development within the Wylie ETJ. The combined average of the lots in all phases of the master planned community will comply with the requirements in the development agreement. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 7-0. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of I 2 DZ ASShJ83d _. -a - '"a=� :f s � � ..sat x. < c . -- - � � r� .isW 9 • � _ -,. t,., .xr �tisz=s ; ' a 101 1Yki 430tS38.N0 t - / SIO11YI1?Y0S3t3 9, <au,..,, r`n.„>. /a6,..- - t / iT iliii a Ax r, „E f 0 4'"1 l'TM 1.,_ = .,-.OW'saz u a ae x,an �r,x aar, VIA4 0-O Pf311a 1 !mil e alatc smnsa aw 3sarana awv '�,'j ww W'Ji °EE 6� 1 t '' ''''1RM 406 .."4"i9 Pta, - - vf _ � '� j slf3 •,y, '� \ � r aa�+ ryry }y{{fi�gg -„_`( NOLL ldSNI ...,-.,,: .., .,.0 _ „>,g�...,, ( ' cz �Y„yf�' _ ✓�' _ " lYld�"lYi'3i \ X t_ ' i" q ra->.+ ,a{;5 -'' « e. _S " - by } --.,11,,%,:: t te_./...':a' a� �. .-.�, ,, l'!.\;,,,i4,..,,,, ate. ;', ., i _ 4 a :,,,,-:::::::';',1,1,:' i.:'::::liri'i-1',:1;11::::71 _I �* yam �°- .r �-a a n sac. i p -_-_— 53eee4 io .vxa.mzn i.w,z .. . 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I eo-c ,co a a+❑ � a r r lo > 3 n xn, -n _ J r«u rr .ri a rr..,�r:.i.oc -rz.s„ ,..e." xc .,,i Y I s � C. dto .,,-= r x w e',.g-z...z, ma sna ,..,w,a.sw..0,. erne .v,.s, E 1 1�Yac 1.10 -Sx'';td 353wa,a5"nr'""°axaaa'''',wc i ,+ a:.n.>a s - „X4 .m, } r u1M_le. . ,..n seu,.a rx COME s am Olt Irk 4 Wylie City Council ter:as 1/4.44 AomzittlrA AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: E Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 5, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 5A-3 consisting of 3.125 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2514)on Inspiration Blvd. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 5A-3 consisting of 3.125 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2514) on Inspiration.Blvd. Discussion OWNER: St.Paul Inspiration,LLC APPLICANT/ENGINEER: Kimberly K. Cornett,P.E.,CFM This Final Plat for Phase 5A-3 of represents five residential lots and two open space lots on 3.125 acres. The Preliminary Plat for this Phase was approved by City Council in June 2016. There are a few differences between this final plat and the preliminary plat. - Lot 1 Block PP is smaller to allow for a drainage and pedestrian access easement,lot 4X. - Lot 4X from the preliminary plat became lot 5X Inspiration is an approximate 700 acre master planned community; special municipal utility district (MUD) located in unincorporated Collin County and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of Wylie, St. Paul, and Lucas. When complete, the development will consist of approximately 1,400 single family lots of varied densities and multiple open space areas and a WISD elementary school site. In accordance with the approved development agreement; the MUD shall comply with City's Subdivision Regulations and plat requirements for properties within Wylie's ETJ. The development agreement adopted in October 2011 requires that the average lot size be 8,500 square feet and unit density be no more than 2.65 per acre for the development within the Wylie ETJ. The combined average of the lots in all phases of the master planned community will comply with the requirements in the development agreement. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 7-0. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of I `,.1 ;74H1,': tu'ri ew. - .111 R 011E NO'+'ALL MN 6Y rrf£5E RMESeh 5 _ efts[iF rfx4tgrc 1 .amen a.mw, -s ra„ ' 's' ,_ . ttg. E 1 a J , c�i i x ! L,3. Z'V' u1; „".. ""'u_[n"€. ""' x1.,=c , it4. � 7: ..I ,, d- c RYEP ul r — ��_ .[s.aa .. 1 - .., •— i. arc ,. ,,! # ! s r. Y�5RY AAA SCALE IN FEET at sum, „..d "s, rer ',.5=,a d,:u!_ 3 c K4 ' .F.14/.1 1 J .x,;�mr , u a. a an.a If. i -e.G 1 >a w? # � ..!:.r res.. A v: -,.. - � "—" t x n l r k ,- -__AP_ t t ! K..,,,:. +, x,M2..,!,,c .,. m ,d.,.. .,K x rw 1 F t r t M zi s t � ss c# -6N£ .°& PA,eE '. a as- _ w. y r » ,,..,1 4.7 L` I. k IMP i"3'W 2a�s�` HeYF4 8YF 71.32 gg.y.FN£,W / 1 es 5 I ems. tr }ry£8'53�3y Yt } - Y E_SUl .kY LY mat £G+�G Pok sa.-__ <+I aAweauaar[ FA A FAR ewEwr ONLY FINAL PLAT +i R LE-AS£E 02.../4VZ91a '8tBE e c c � ° PHfSE543 }( ,f -scruu�a,.r�N.�€bf� �j F 11.IF t41 14k7NC I7JEc cIT GAL'TE1 NAG E AN 3 — _ I t 1 ? �-t �_ �e rc ..rY• E_ 'u to nu.,sm um� ,ter ,-_a.,ry�."v_y.-,..ur r T`i5Ah t .k IA v R4EY 1@'E d h r319 / J 1 .'r n-,.. �r95 ACRESc-r irxa3 "—. £ S RESIDENTIAL LOTS 1 t , ,- — 2 NON—RESIDENTIAL LOTS a f > --_i1 /� rnrc 'x',r. .a .#.rna€ . SHEET 5 OF I t =.____4�4 '- Ir J , .�- - �i- £e# l.sYf Y-1 / u+u m� v ..ra 4V, [., 1.,..3 .„.,.i ..r.,.arsa r . -. ._.r.x .n n !L-rn.:ate ,,, "r,., m+-�z sue, ,..a..,u— r_ r. -w., €a FEBRUARY 2018 lor sw, 4 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: F Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: 100-5411-54250 Date Prepared: February 26, 2018 Budgeted Amount: $30,000 Project Specific Agreement Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-14(R) authorizing the Mayor to execute a Project Specific Agreement for striping RE: Various Roads, "Type B" Public Roadway Made Pursuant to Master Road & Bridge Interlocal Maintenance Agreement Between Dallas County, Texas and City of Wylie, Texas. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2018-14(R) authorizing the Mayor to execute a Project Specific Agreement for striping RE: Various Roads, "Type B" Public Roadway Made Pursuant to Master Road & Bridge Interlocal Maintenance Agreement Between Dallas County, Texas and City of Wylie, Texas. Discussion On November 14, 2017, the Wylie City Council approved Resolution No. 2017-21(R) authorizing the City to enter into a Master Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County for the purpose of partnering on the repair and maintenance of certain roadways, drainage culverts, pothole repair, roadway debris removal, and other transportation related services. Now that the Master Interlocal Agreement is in place, Project Specific Agreements (PSA) can be executed by both parties for individual projects identified as candidates for joint participation. Staff recommends that the City enter into a PSA with Dallas County to stripe various roads that are located within both the Wylie city limits and Dallas County. As per the attached exhibit, these include portions of Sachse Road, Pleasant Valley Road, Vinson Road, and County Line Road. The County will provide $1,501.00 (50% of the total project cost) of in-kind services including labor and equipment to perform the roadway striping activities. Before commencement of the work, the City would need to deposit $1,501.00 (50% of the total project cost) into an escrow account with the Dallas County Treasurer. Total project cost is $3,002.00. Staff has coordinated with Dallas County to schedule this work in May — June 2018 timeframe and after a planned asphalt overlay on Pleasant Valley Road is completed. Sufficient project funding is in the approved, current fiscal year Street Division budget. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of I RESOLUTION NO. 2018-14(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A PROJECT SPECIFIC AGREEMENT FOR STRIPING RE: VARIOUS ROADS, "TYPE B" PUBLIC ROADWAY --- MADE PURSUANT TO MASTER ROAD & BRIDGE INTERLOCAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AND THE CITY OF WYLIE TEXAS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The Mayor of the City of WYLIE, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of WYLIE, Texas, a Project Specific Agreement for striping RE: Various Roads, "Type B" Public Roadway—Made Pursuant to Master Road & Bridge Interlocal Maintenance Agreement Between Dallas County, Texas and City of Wylie, Texas. (Exhibit A) SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. RESOLVED THIS THE 13th day of March, 2018. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: STEPHANIE STORM, City Secretary Resolution No.2018-14(R) Project Specific Agreement w/Dallas County Re:Striping of Various Roads EXHTBIT "A" Project Specific Agreement Resolution No.2018-14(R) Project Specific Agreement w/Dallas County Re:Striping of Various Roads 'PROJECT SPECIFIC AGREEMENT RE: VARIOUS ROADS, "TYPE B" PUBLIC ROADWAY MADE PURSUANT TO ROAD & BRIDGE MASTER INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS AND THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS This Project Specific Agreement,(hereinafter"PSA"),supplemental to the Master InterlocaI. Agreement is made by and between Dallas County, Texas (hereinafter "County") and the City of Wylie, Texas (hereinafter"City"), acting by and through their duly authorized representatives and officials, for the purpose of transportation-related maintenance, repairs and improvements to be undertaken on enumerated public roadway within the territorial limits and jurisdiction of the City of Wylie, Texas,as more fully set forth and described in Attachments"A"and"B," which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference ("Project"). WHEREAS, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Chapters 251 and 472 of the Texas Transportation Code provide authorization for local governments to contract amongst themselves for the performance of governmental functions and services; and WHEREAS, on or about December 19, 2017, County and City entered into a Master Interlocal Agreement(hereinafter"Master Agreement"),whereby County agreed to provide road and bridge maintenance and repair on certain duly qualified "Type B" roadways situated within the territorial limits and jurisdiction of City, and WHEREAS, City now desires County to perform such maintenance and repairs,consisting of striping of public roadway situated in the City of Wylie, Texas, as more fully described in Attachments "A" and "B." NOW THEREFORE THIS PSA is made by and entered into by County and City, for the mutual consideration stated herein. Witnesseth Article I Project Specific Agreement This PSA is specifically intended to identify a Project authorized under the Master Agreement, changes in the rights and responsibilities of each of the parties as set forth in the Master Agreement and additions thereto as incorporated herein. This PSA will be an addition to the Master Agreement and incorporates each term and condition thereof as if fully set forth herein. All terms of the Master Agreement remain in full force and effect,except as modified herein. In the event of any conflict between the Master Agreement and this PSA, this PSA shall control. Article I1 Incorporated Documents This PS.A incorporates, as if fully reproduced herein word for word and number for number, the following items: 2018 Wylie R&U Striping PSA—"Typc B"Roads 1 1. Master .Agreement authorized by County Commissioners Court Order 2017-1683 dated December 19,2017, and additions thereto as incorporated herein by reference; 2. The Construction Estimate (Attachment "A"), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and 3. City of Wylie Road"Type B" Striping 2018 List(Attachment"B"),which is attached. hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Article III Term of Agreement This .PSA becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signature makes the agreement fully executed and shall terminate upon the completion and acceptance of the Project by City or upon the terms and conditions in the Master Agreement. Article IV Project Description This PSA is entered into by the parties for repair,maintenance and improvements conducted on"Type B"public roadway within the City of Wylie,Texas. The Project shall consist of striping on various streets in the City of Wylie, Texas, (hereinafter "Project"), and as more fully described in Attachments"A"and"B." The Project is authorized by the aforementioned Master Agreement.,with the parties' obligations and responsibilities governed thereby, as well as by the terms and provisions of this PSA. The Project wi]l facilitate the safe and orderly movement of public transportation to benefit both the City and.County. The City has and hereby does give its approval for expenditure of County funds for the construction, improvement,maintenance,or repair of a street located within the municipality. Article V Fiscal Funding Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,this PSA is expressly contingent upon the availability of County funding for each item and obligation contained herein. City shall have no right of action against the County of Dallas as regards this PSA, specifically including any funding by County of the Project in the event that the County is unable to fulfill its obligations under this PSA as aresult of the lack of sufficient funding for any item or obligation from any source utilized to fund this PSA or failure of any funding party to budget or authorize funding for this PSA during the current or future fiscal years. In the event of insufficient funding,or if funds become unavailable in whole or part, the County, at its sole discretion, may provide funds from a separate source or terminate this PSA. In the event that payments or expenditures are made, they shall be made from current funds as required by Chapter 791, Texas Government Code. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this PSA is expressly contingent upon the availability of City funding for each item and obligation contained herein, County shall have no right of action against the City as regards this PSA,specifically including any funding by City of the Project in the event that the City is unable to fulfill its obligations under this PSA as a result of the lack of sufficient funding for any item or obligation from any source utilized to fund this PSA or failure of any funding party to budget or authorize funding for this PSA during the current or future fiscal years. In the event of insufficient funding,or if funds become unavailable in whole or part,the City, at its sole discretion, may provide funds from a separate source or terminate this PSA.. In the event that payments or expenditures are made,they shall be made from current funds as required by. 20111 Wylie MB Striping PSA—-Type H Roads Chapter 791, Texas Government. Code. Article VI Agreements City's Responsibilities:. 1. City, at its own expense, shall be responsible for the following: (a) posting appropriate and required notices to inform the public of the proposed maintenance or construction activity regarding the Project; (b) acquiring any right-of-way necessary to complete the Project; (c) locating all manholes, water valves, and other utilities within the Project; (d) making or causing to be made all utility relocations or adjustments necessary for the execution and completion of the Project; (e) remediating any hazardous or regulated materials, or other environmental hazard on or near the Project site; and(1)where necessary,providing appropriate traffic control support, including but not limited to flagging, cones, barricades, shadow vehicles, arrow boards,signage,police presence,etc.,to enable the Project to be completed in a timely and safe manner. 2. City agrees to accomplish these functions in a timely and efficient manner to ensure that such activities will not delay the County's timely performance of its activities. 3. City shall be responsible for maintaining the Project site once the Project is completed. II. County Responsibilities: 1. County shall be responsible for performing all transportation-related maintenance services contemplated hereunder, specifically, roadway striping activity, as more fully set forth in Attachments "A" and "B" in a good and workmanlike manner. 111. Funding: County and City mutually agree that the initial and anticipated total Project cost is $3,002.00, as set forth in Attachment "A." County and City mutually agree that the City shall be responsible to pay a total of$1,501.00 for its portion of the "Type B" roadwork. County shall contribute the remaining amount of the"Type B"costs, in-kind,in the form of labor and equipment in an amount not to exceed $1,501.00. In no event shall. County's in- kind contribution exceed Fifty Percent(50°/©) of the initial and anticipated total. Project cost for the "Type B" roadwork. l. Should the final cost of the Project exceed the initial and anticipated Project costs, City agrees to either reduce the scope of the Project, or to seek additional funding to facilitate its completion. In either event, City shall be solely responsible for all such costs in excess thereof. and County shall bear no additional responsibilities beyond those contemplated herein. Once approved by County,and before commencement of the Project by County, City shall segregate, set aside and place into an escrow account with the Dallas County Treasurer,One Thousand,Five Hundred One Dollars and Zero Cents ($1,501.00), representing the full amount to be paid to County either through monthly invoicing or upon completion of the Project, if the Project is completed in less than one month. 2018 Wylie R&13 Striping PSA--"T73N 13"Roads 3 Article VII Miscellaneous: indemnification. County and City agree that each shall be responsible for its own negligent acts or omissions or other tortious conduct in the course of performance of this PSA,without. waiving any governmental or sovereign immunity available to the County or City or their respective officials, officers, employees, or agents under Texas or other law and without waiving any available defenses under Texas or other law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to create or grant any rights,contractual or otherwise,in or to any third persons or entities. No Third Party Beneficiaries. The terms and provisions of this PSA are for the benefit of the parties hereto and not for the benefit of any third party. It is the express intention of County and City that any entity other than County or City receiving services or benefits under this PSA shall be deemed an incidental beneficiary only. This PSA is intended only to set forth the contractual right and responsibilities of the parties hereto. ILL Applicable Law. This PSA is and shall be expressly subject to the County's and City's Sovereign Immunity and/or Governmental Immunity,pursuant to Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, as amended, and all applicable federal and state laws. This PSA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Exclusive venue for any legal action regarding this PSA shall lie in Dallas County, Texas. IV. Notice. All notices, requests, demands, and other communication under this PSA shall be tendered in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when either delivered in person,via e-mail, or via certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested to the respective parties as follows: COUNTY: Director of Public Works Commissioner John Wiley Price Dallas County and. Road & Bridge District #3 411 Elm Street, Suite 400 411 Elm Street, Second Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 Dallas, Texas 75202 CITY: City of Wylie Mike Sferra Director of Public Works 300 Country Club Road Wylie, TX 75098 V. Assignment. This PSA may not be assigned or transferred by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. 2018 Wylie R&B Striping PSA—"Type 13"Roads 4 VI. Binding Agreement; Parties Bound. Upon execution by the parties. this PSA shall constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation of the parties,their successors and permitted assigns, VII, Amendment, This PSA may not be amended except in a written instrument specifically referring to this PSA and signed by the parties hereto. VIII. Counterparts. This PSA may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument, IX. Severability, If one or more of the provisions in this PSA shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not cause this PSA to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable,but this PSA shall be construed as if such provision had never been contained herein,and shall riot affect the remaining provisions of this PSA„ which shall remain in full force and effect. X. Entire Agreement. This PSA embodies the complete agreement of the parties,and except where noted, it shall supersede previous and/or contemporary agreements, oral or written, between the parties and relating to matters in the PSA. I. Contingent. This PSA is expressly subject to and contingent upon formal approval by the Dallas County Commissioners Court and by resolution of the City Council of the City of Wylie. The City of Wylie, State of Texas, has executed the Agreement pursuant to duly authorized City Council Resolution Minutes dated the day of 2018, The County of Dallas, State of Texas,has executed this agreement pursuant to Commissioners Court Order Number and passed on the day of 2018. The remainder of this page was intentionally left blank 20 I X Wylie MB Striping OSA—'1 ypC Er Roads 5 Executed this the day of Executed this the day of ,2018., , 2018. CITY OF WYLIE: COUNTY OF DALLAS: MAYOR CLAY LEWIS JENKINS COUNTY JUDGE ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM:* FAITH JOHI\ISON DISTRICT ATTORNEY CITY SECRETARY Jana Prigrnore Ferguson Assistant District Attorney *By law,the District Attorney's Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties, Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our chent Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval,and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s). 2018 Wylie R&B Striping PS,A "rype H Roads 2/21/2018 ATTACHMENT A 2018 TYPE B PAVEMENT MARKING ESTIMATE Date: February 7,2018 Roadway: Sache Rd, Pleasant Valley Requested By: MIKE SFerra Vinson Rd County Line RD City: WYLIE Type: B City Share: 50% Lanes: 2 Court Order I IJ: Begin: Varies MAPSCO: Varies End: Varies Roadway Length: Pre-Marking Length: Mile 1 One-way travel time to Project: Hours - ......... ...... MARKING LENGTH (Miles) BROKEN SOLID BROKEN SOLID- YELLOW YELLOW WHITE WHITE . - ._ ESTIMATE: 0.0 2.6 1 0.0 2.6 Actual: 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 EST. Actual UNIT EST. ACTUAL MATERIALS: QUANT, QUANT. PRICE COST COST Yellow Paint 44.00 0.00 $10 37 $456.00 $0,00 While Paint 44,00 0,00 ss 91 $436.00 $0.00 Beads LBS 704,00 0.00 50.50 $422.00 $0.00 Other Cans 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS: $1,314.00 $0.00 LABOR Direct Labor: Hour Estimate Hours Actual Hours Hourly Rate(FR) Estimate Cost ACTUAL Cost Pre-Marking 0.00 0,00 $95.15 $0,00 $0.00 Crew persons 10.00 0,00 $95.15 $952.00 $0.00 Administrative 2.00 0,00 $123,31 $247.00 $0.00 Note'(FR)-with Fringes Subtotal Direct Labor $1.199.00 $0.00 Indirect Labor: %of Actual Salaries: Indirect Costs 14.96 $179,00 $0.00 Value calculated by Office of Budget and Evaluation TOTAL LABOR: $1,378.00 Moo EQUIPMENT: Cost Cost HRS Estimate Hours Actual Hours Hourly Rate Estimate ACTUAL Survey Truck 0.00 0,00 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 Striper 10,00 0.00 $26,00 $260.00 $0.00 Pickup 10.00 0.00 $5.00 $50,00 $0.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT: $310,00 $0.00 TOTAL COST: $3,002.00 $0.00 %of Cost 'COST TO CITY SO% $1,50t00 PM COUNTY COST 50% $1,501.00 $0.00 I hereby certify that all Work depicted herein is complete effective the date stated shove. Stanley Brewer 1TRANSP FIELD SUPERVISOR 2018 STRIPING WYLIE TYPE B Attachment A Al I ACHIVIENT B City of Wylie Road Type B STRIPING 2018 TYPE SACHSE FRO DALLAS CIL to MUDDY CREEK PLEASANT VALLEY RD DALLAS CIL to ELM GROVE RD VINSON RD DALLAS C/L to WYLIE C/L COUNTY LINE RD DALLAS C/L to DALLAS CIL ROCKWALL ' ,,P" , '' > "' „m - r, 'I� 't-m 7a rc�, '^�, - I u� a,tt om t'*'9 _ 11 ,z „pA ,, t,eao���� t', itt re oP h i q'n Yliiio e'�` ,P "° ui i R 'Y" '' an � «r " "� �rM,r.w ,,,, t!,, t o ^t'� ' s, ,, " ,v gut' ��� tkr,'e t , '�I, a , ' ' .d t „y,,d''r a „d, d �wro, tyy 4. Aiq Waw a t " , ,w#` a 'A, o a - �ce� „§S, sre,'t\ r ,§fin r '4 i�� c4 r3 r+{S`, ,dd''.. A, *tA , s„F, 4r' § '' l',��.ttl,r,,A#Al>4',�<<,r„' ,}?Sr,rt r, r F ,ySu'' r„r34r 4,,„°ay>vS' ?`, ut`v ,t v `t�,� 'i„, ,r2r zv ', ,57 ,m irr4�4a r,t. ;4z;,r.4 s,t "rr,x, ,,rt„i,�>Srt„t. 1'`"p w d 44$$$r�t 641,4„{, , ,�, t?,'l„ Y3 �. ) l*A y \ \r 'y,3,tt>F4' >.i1ii,,A£tK'iiiiy S - t( , `L ,�,ts rA" a `4,r", I, =2`z4t,fi'v b i Aim \�}htt G"r St> "=£1 " ,' ti ,}u r , , Fk, v,> , b3 'n',"�' s '%�., r u,,,c=' t,st>r ttr t„,rt=4,4 r'ti` '''� v < ,va'tvt,,,' „ „ht;=ra r s"<` 't, ,=4 r s ,i,, S ,7`,' "' t `a>ti`\k„'t,4` " It zr}�>>,��;a;` \* , N�.. �t'i". �ti k' �z;tt«, ' ,t ��2', "�„ «` ,�'�i�r,tx=,;k,,' :5'^, ,S 2 if. T�r,r#,'t, t,i��,tt tt zi?3r;' ,ed ,r �4 ,4 cva, ,r,ti a,4 ��„,t:. tr, '�`vy .,t, ,`, 3'V,, 3t, rr ',„„ ,tti.' Z, 't;rr,= �„rrr3,tsi,t ';', „t'l', ,tyr,44 ,04,,,g Z,1 ,t S�stt,r'i,,,,.tl,s , +s `4*vt` �, v r ,�.. a} `v..,t `t;>,t,r, s„�F,, ,ttii,�r x r3 �r t,. `�„, ,t ,n ,r&,rmtn,Di,s,�},r rnr" r > ro n ,� r z,t',tiv*, rhr§,4`r '•, ,t,t',' i 2 4 t,S t t,t ry,trt., ,it,tz„ rZr r� ,v` a ,t ,sn ,i4' ,r`,, a'r'1tti,s t4`t, >S4 it r,�\'y ti, s, ,r c ,i, ,nt, tr `„ §'> 14, ,*,t ",- „z t rr,tt11°= �`` '��11 rG lr.s \' ;'s ',�.,,�r air »Dr,3 tr t> tS ,±. >< r4SS to tz "i � tm'`' z+7,t 4 3 t,, 'C � ,X Wit,F ,{„r�'t,,t, #rk 4 Y't ,y "`� }4'sr �tdrtr i,y t„` , S ,S� '� 1 ,rrttz;r,t, 4 yy, r s t,.,tatc,,i, u' t ,'at 4,� trszy ,k,. tr,.*' n,7' t' ,t rt, n5fty, t,t,,>, t v `, F,"xsr,s 1S'�r�.. r „�tt S`"z.. Si 'i s h rr% �4� rii=� , `t �,t f t v ,'� w a �, 'r; r t,` 3 r3„ t {, �rt11 ,r2,,trtst�t>,,rs, k \t\ , r,7 > ti r,,x „mt `t`*,.,, rr w^�ri ,t"r yt, rc{r `l r �`it� ' �,m7,}�{, .d t} � „�al£��,n 4 t,,� vztJ,tx,rf, rz l jr»§ , m a dF ��b, '.,4 a ,v�„,), k'r° r„ t \ ;mr r, ,,sc°§1 s. t` r '§ ',t,0...= ,>z ,{t t i>'a, „t r n,,`,�t a rr r n„,v;t r "r• ;ni r h nSr �zla� .� .� �� °,at '\ s\t,rr s„, as �` _�,xl, a,rt, r ��t?t�,S4Y,r s,,§,rs,r{tt tal„ ,t' � t,Cwir,t�?' v a '}ra, ?r,r `4r, t,lt „;s,t , , „,v " a' ,, ,utit, >F4 >rr ,i # ,Ft„ „r 3 yr , r� �, � F, # ,,nr, , � ��t Ar,';�1=,`,n ;zF,t �'' t l ta,s�l'� 4t„' r}„�, rr}�, � t„b„µ. `*� A Sr***, it ,4,y ` .„,z,r S r s3 cz�\i=,a rt 41 to u=c J t � :7,<oS 4,' r 5> ,S t,, >,t;,f' " ,§,a',, ',,°tit, '��� „ a, sE t l� „r� � �°,,4." ,`, '�~w,>`i;7„ �3{r i``{, 1,, `\`, rr£ �., '+�r,r . t>,ztstt�,tt> e`„ ` �rt, $, = h §\\\ �`� °�. zt° `mar ,'k �'tS, vit,` ,1�r.. ,s 11 <{c��?tr, „ `st$In,t,>'t Yz 'n 3R ,�,.lt 'q�^,t, ..w.r e ,m A 44,§vr sv .§, \4' 'o „ir{ t t „riztt,,(, t ,> ar ,. ,�,§" lY`.'°„ro,tSt, `Y§r,s})'�r „`\t'` s4..3 r §§ ,�tt t ES'S ,,,,�j�'Fya}'' 4,, :t �,rt t}', , "rii 1 ,,l` J ,rF" 4'Fx t \. } {t,r,`'utl s , 1 V r r r'}s w 5 r t 'l a - i ,g AA;; L`,ttv:ir',r r ft, ,h� `s", '`<Sy5'r S R Pe- ti`� 3`t h ,r>-z�'i,, F�Z, T', �C, C,tt ,tv'\ ,,\ `,\ru AA �'\' ,t'a„ °',„z lr„ ,: t tL Y#, ��,,', N,°,' ,�� dt°r �`{, }4'i r 'Y,'r' i�b,ti � ,„r,�tf �"`'''„ ,� t,"'444 44 ,S l t#' 6,s "attr'>r *t ,C r 4 srt(,=,rt ssr " as t§Fr" „ r �tir�" ,'t, m 1x'%ah t +:, `,,''<o,„r„ ,AA', S„m, ','+� - °4',',T° '}r Yt ,"=rr ",srr t ,� r S' x3 x ,t},,i 4 t,, has "t§4 ,1 '� y� �.{3�r y `m` 4S,,. i� �."s.> '„r§.4 v, � °\4`� , „ ",5'}DJ; r, t; r t, r� t,r>�, 3" t" -`", ty 07 ' 4,1 ' t >,t S A' t, r„t�,>, u l ,rt , r 'v v ',„,s 34A44444,�,„ +� , ,. Jt't 'r 4'i`>''s , ttta ,',t'> " 's>'t' tr 4,`m, zy§', `}l' ,,, r r ktt `v, ,=m "{ tt ,,i , � x,, , , t, d i r*{, s r ,?` '.„ -a '�, , ,M"' \ , "Its ;ti{it'`�.,. , � a �xt'1,. 4✓` t. %rat D'k �;,�„ J'�'ayt, ''i„< ,_�� -f�a1> ��{ ?x.. Y"r?'`tt", �, a''�, �r„r \. , ��"' x, �, 1�y rr,tr „ ' , , d� \.r J r§'\ Y,,t 'c `� ,~.>tr�' ",,t�s'i n t, ui�,'#t=<£,� +e`e, �.,r{' ;,�.`�{>2s £,tr`,is ,>#',.,r,,r r,3 tv'' r r ✓ �', ��+ a >�� 'yr=r,„4sis�;7,A 'r,>? „`?,. r.r'7, °„>SK,v�4, ,. t, mt mYxh 1.. 3{,.;}�}t� nth` _,^>� r��'{'aa§, <, l>.,r ;} ,r,,r > ,, ° ,':a,4, ,`�)))) ,t5, m `�S }} a m v, t'1s `�r, „fl, ,Crt > § fi`\�., „� t' r, tetr„t t," % �^ dM^ 3','rts' §:,. yyr, �� ,L�':f �"' `�', 3 '?»>Y'i�, �� �l e�' Y?>4,^ i, ) �. rY ' rzJ:,`i�� `"i t,'S4 4 ' �> , > 4313„i t 43u}4, S q{y�' e vs� , m 4 4 m,v t�'4 4n zrSi?4r s„x � `� „��S ,sS° r i 7 i',�� 1t t."r,,,t'rm3,tis,v,b p' �*e. 1, ,4,,4 `"y KK °W� m,„„;; �`}`,py`u. `S t�* \,t ,0 ,€ 4 ,r ,, . ~t v`{ { ".'9 s 4, r 'o t >t s,t,,, b,Tr r,�,c, ,`;,, >3§§�„r'r�=', m L"^."q""'" t`'~; Sy� Ai ' r i'tx, ,u;Z ,�;Lr?, 4 rtS A��`? {t''r�S����.tt r.>r~sCi 4 6',3,t drt ' At, & 's ,r t,lli,,4,r S�nt3.� X evv. 4t 4 C4 t,4, . s. 4 ?�,4, , 't',St r�r" r S�t'�'„c 4 �l ci t ti,}F A , CSt ¢} 'r,{Ci �� >� ti`t~��r't�, '�s, �, t�\r4'S))��5,.§,.I C��'r,i� i ,1S S:;,' " ,„>,t, rit\\"r A r{,, t ,, n t i{t' `,a;i, v, `h c, ' \, ,�\\ S itnJ t zrt t i4i�i'<t,,, "rtt'l„ty ,'t 3,fvwt, x , t,zt�>44 4 k 4,$ 't.JYtr# 4444 , m 4 4m; t sa t'', rvfi rrust7 3t,„, ,, ,,,,, , $�h4�! ,` t `ar,Si "t,4` r"3a IN* {44,#?. § 'S >+ r.,5r3 `### 2m?4„t rDNs�f' t 4644 t,', tl� "", ra �`t ;r a,§i 1, ,�'t��••. m'ut{. ,, .v 244, y F�l is ,t °r,nr t=,r' ryrvt r, 'Am, , y<4 ,wJ74 4.4 `C \'��'"`, 3°` � S it1 Sul ' t l� �t �,rr ,4 � 'i`"' iSs a", �„ �';,i i ,i{ r,tS t✓t, t zi tt„,,,t ,t,t,,,t F,rb „u tt„'4 i l "a, §, t 4 at � � t, s, ,�4`r`§`>�stt l Srfi ,S, t %,`t4 t\, 'm, ,ttlnz`i \7 st,� I>trsr ,5,, £'s, ta,t <q,, t Rt i,'� �„ x� t'r rtt 4°a\v >'t,„ ,\\`t 4 tl'sZ <,rrtz„ «_=st r, ,a t,,t N { ,`, ,s t r}= t ,�`Ztrs °i n, '", ,\�* ,t,t 4�, � { ,44,ia,t,ktz= „ i 2 ,'S"�„ 77t','t''2 t;4s4 Rt\ tt ''~ r r arts,l,;t'rfg„t,;, 't,rt,, �, i , 4 � rvt 1' V„ 5£a,4 S,ar t it \t 'ut,t, \`�iv? t y2,'it'`#'s` vu ''a t D,.l ,', t. Yr ��< ,D` \ Z rlt "\\ Jt t , ' `v, t n'= \, , §D;' ,a rzt ,Y4'"y, 'h 1{ �,�td't'r"'rim t„ � �` 3,' rs ,t'i .m J, ,t=zr,4,.zl „`�t,1r `. ,k r it,f' � ✓, '4t yi,r, 1, „� i,�4°°, Y, 4§xt* v,+,'n, t ,,tt§„ i'= t t ,rr,r,t 1, °, icy , t'`tl�,, ,r3 , s v�h t,+,, , " r,t Z ` t �� �'` ,� ,3t r,S kr° ,�15�}S, �„ � x„t?';,itr;,,'ist �i ��r �rva 4 ,� v{ i t £,4,F�{,r,?rt}�,r s�r t� ' tarsr r sr �, �> \ `t, <,Y4, �{r�.�,3tc, �rytt„ ,y'r�,�� �'y'm,* a \ c,'� `F �A^^r tr�n ,zt ,rat,x.t ��St?'t' ,t %£,'ir;''i xru„ tt r,y, r'�M�h ,'i' j } °,�" , a „err, „t ' P . \ „z 4 r,,� ti`a' >` ..� ' ;vt'l>stt\`y{t�,trr tr, ,trtl v rr, 3t tti'",,ztrs,xt 'rr,iftr ,am, t,r �. � tz,ns "1 ;tip 'v t m�i*,„,4 `,=,,S,4,"e'is t} i § y„ ,y z> ui r,r1'i 4 trt }},a,t4cA t`trtr`t ,t=5' „4 4{>srby'' trty,t'' ¢j"'t ,.* 4� , Dr, t rt"}rr 'xJ>t�;t`t{„'.''?r�,y rr ">ti r3 r ,r,sl 1i,y ,,tzt ;r .g ^ \,54�` `,.., S r`t,t �4t , { ,4* S 4 '"§i,', t; Y�,, r\,=tt, r\�„ \'`y. a t''`;vt4,44 y J=ns S` #i>�t r 't; 1 "'`, ', .'`r»ze"� Sr, i"r)i:L:, r ai i,t „ .�: ',, ,,,,,i 9,0 £< P m�,44' y t st ,=r� t` r\ i~ ,: _ '1„'i„,,,„<#44'*{S, �t`, l r >_ ,iat r,r„,s '.{�l` ,w� 3 t° ,t � �tt�it h r t 4 :1 5�'," „�� ,,F x E, ,t ,§ u`a\�,r1 :.„ 'z rtf,r n>,,, ' „t t'tr., "~r �� 4� '}' h', ' �rr,t,zt,ttt liti�}v tS,,��'', ." � ''�\„ "44 i s,.`;4,',y, t,," '~, `>, tm }} S '~,,;"` r , ,A a, a t w a^ ".. t,tt h, tt' ,4,ttr\ '"„ t '„ Al1r#3 tze;} t'17Tr< zh d "rtmr s „' , r „ , 4,§vxY lira 1' r,^, ';: .s 5+ t tt n ai siriS 4"ej,'}1tL,ti`try t'3'\ , ry' rF m .l,t >rc, a{4,'rrz't x`t „,}r 141 >tt, ,t. ,' 'n S# tv 1��t11 `,ti,,�+ S, as `\`.z t „`z">"�,,„ t ,i t ,, ,AA r sr` 3 t' 3•ook r;r 'r`oo,o 44z{stt` r`c `.,,a , y �'B ,sr t'' ?�r l ,£r, `t: t �Jl" y,",,`D,,Wc`r°<k s',5� _„ `, � r r d S „``t:``." i-, y y:' , ' ,< 1, ` ' r l*, `\\Sr y' liy{,�`"rs€t^t t tt {l� r Wb a4 �' ,7 eta~S,t` C ,1 4,ti` 4> " z S ' \\ i `4a mh y 4 '''4'. il 3`,, 3 , =bit tdt'° F s4'�( `ca " v.. ( '� '��'.�;TM,''''t�. l"„ "aa' "� 1S,�,`\�,'trt Sir,t ttt}„� { 4",';'}G':'��,§{a3, ,v a, t� „ 3° { ` W t ,t ' n,3 �,tr„ ` ,'a''etit ,fi �`Y's., =;?}y\''`�°_, , p4}z' m, M ';° R�* `" ,.? r''4,"`a,,i2x:, "'�t=tti,t ' 'r`'�;' �; 4, ,,, , tr ', ,,,A-Az. r}9\ }z, ,k3f is °a °"i'� , 4 ;va -5` ,,'`:tit ,atii,� smi�}t t{;55, tt ,F's, t .,.�tr>'`\f y?ro >it�'y t,t 'tit'^��.,'r#43y,W 7" a' `, 4 qis, #, 'ttt, ,� e �° ro tz \' \ a, t\t r`rr>?S^y=\\{r # °y „ . +` '. r i 4 $r& t t ' Y,'tu`14 1*;,', ti 4t4\ 44'y \�, §r °l a{ 4 ` t rdN p�mi „$ d,t Y K'1,'tic , y?" „`�S`;r"` "a a m�ttr,r,,,`, i=§. ,A r, ' t#"i,,''4 ?t`§4( : , tt tu`4 5`tt r� z5 `F§� i 's^`, , 't`" �fi+^ r ht§ s =t'tr.r , Y'LIEt " r „Sti� <{',? ,'s rm,t,h "„zl% , r, 'i ',� }3 t2 , l\\,: `,{ . I k ''. rev,,'t 4*"' 4�,un, ,a' „\t�{, n, �iittt tr t2fi },rt i`l �,, „ " < ° `,, "�;t ,£J 'C�y t �'^' Srtr \Yr tb=ity, ' ,a, "4:, "* , '#S,tttr t tt`, i9 S`?r tyiKi`1° t,t,` ` 6 ex-r t".' ''t' 1 3ja ``'t?,tr'�7f3,r §i`n,',�,,,1 S,', �„{;y q \;,` } Ae,.;" ',ss �. r 1?Y,, ,\�, r,; ,h ''1 b, ,atr'4r , „ „}#t t,ti),),),, 3 '�,ti 1 �,,° \ ~✓ , ;„`''r , ,3izr„ J ttt^ #'�h,14x^z�L 't,>8`y'�t�'{ ;r`ttt K\\5 "a {,., � ++" �t F� e iN 4` 'V"� """" " ;#„``�,,fi~:Y ts., 'r<t '? `,t t t",{i`t> y,st ,' ,i,s' rr3�1�, t`>cstt,5 i3r}l,t?t2Y�,".`,l„ >," m^ n dam „,` r**4** t,i" £1`'x� \,t. . ,, � W0" Y as 0, v`'t S tm ",` 'r,Fm°t °zr Sr3rr'r ' `;,-4 stets ,„„ t`"sS. , k',r,,,,t,", �,NSS','Ck',m�S#% a `� ,` "" ' ""� ' v #a „., \. t ,4 "\ tyv\ `, ''4, \. `,U1° ,rvW $ w '§4'm"�v't ,' ' r m,re „ t \, tit'„ "r,a„` n4 rac, yy;3��C ', tvu „ tY,t= �r t ,' r)h `,,t` `,, tit\l'I 444 ` y,�� .n „.».„,`` 4 ;,-U3 4 ,'L �'i+,` yt4 .r ,1` 'J', [� mz}4}:. ctt +,°b \„r\,'>a;,i1 t `"?`�>. ' ,p� *q'p' R T li�r= , 14 v/,i i' i>' ,mt.4b4 444 1� r „ ,r >tt'`' v .Av��� t>F*r?' b\\\.`\; �'u ,� hrvrim. `*tyi%,fz�t, v ?4 �`,w'fry��i§,f(\T 8 ' S' ,;S;r'J�4 t+d°' -">»� i J, , t,r'*v 7 >t ,v toy. ' 444 * 't}S �, "t �st 40 4` vra4'.,A ' ,4, ;i,zs t ° q,M1 r vo 44, i'is''ltnil sm't`' 'r} t tkr r, tr, �'v ,,t v,.. '�}tti ts`''rrtmr,rtt a >,, ', 't a" `R ' �,,� is=`� , r' , ,r %, '>ukat,', *» t,4' t,' ,,,t��,,tit\ = m „ , ,n> v' "r".' A usu�V , §, ""„ °my dp t ,4 ,v:> iti ,t ,� t'' r �„ 13ybe, ' ,y�,.t,<li'�r `mt„ v,1>,is,, 4,4�tr ',,,�lrz "�, S;ti'r`'%^ ,n r: ""' Am 'e «t',•w"»,nn,m�' 'k , )„ ,d, `"{ ,, 4 ,r 4 ti,il 4 tk��'�A', ,000 �, r,' t ,tT,y t 4 0 4,'`_ arm„ r�` `w dSd �, a0 S „ 11 44 4 4 S't i #4.< is,r 4444 44,4%? {k, 4t §?t}r ,tr or rltS�Si�� 4, ,t',v'a ,t'4,zs "M& Sa t t} „ ..4{a, r \, `.2`>-r3 Y J `V Fii, 'S r 4 t n s P.i y a { „ ,�, .`?, F. t�Z. 15T to ri ° t '} ,�c sr, "l\4 W'^2rt`v `\,`,"y S { r,tr'vt tt', zrrstt,;`;�„s„ ,Aty'rt{' ,1:Sit ',''r�,'ri'£ 7t1, t v"" , i§7,,; F ,`?4s,`>,`: `{, ,= ." ",, `'i�0,,, it �� ts,� "iS'r tr 'A ) iit.,z � �d , t�;e�ru,, r > ,r , �it sb, "t„r 4,tat8;t z '\\ t r2y4"t a, 4t4' r 11 t,=, �, 7"a'+"',,r4,� + t" `� r t,::t��ii.. ,,sy, ,tt{ `N*,,c t t "''t �, ,`ti }4{?` i t r,a i\� t,1i,{„�,,,\ °! ,\`'h"m. ?'r'}tt r ttti`rrtd 4,*�.��5 L�? �>,}"l, ' §1 r kr ., r A r 4>z, + 1t„t r� r �{�ikk ed r§;*��,mtt0,k,\ ,ltt,z .A, fS �dr«a� �„,�� " °v a ,r ,',i, t ,t " v e L a tYr\,`F`S�„,"� b4`ti,�t4t1 +, 44444C` 3 '„IYSi�Ctt tt S�ly} f�3 �� C., tz�}C It � "' i , ''3`' a' '4",i 's,., $�trtt}4,eycttym>aY m' ..'r „}y,4z',t:,f'r r,=, ,.�;{S� ,`; \fi1j, 4,,m„' > k, 't.A� ', .m „ z' r s„ l "'„ 4 ottk,=rrltt � .t.,rt, `''1=` ,s#r'tiz iv 4 bt , 'az,. ''ram;`\.r a " 'b�° t s� ' ,d,' �, y t r 4"�, ,r,:'> tt�'i„}V`1`t.K}�'�a �, 'rr t,m3a"'£d»a\3stziz x {4,`st StP tt>si �,rrL4 S' s,,,„',»�.t, y i ` , r,t, r "ty„xyi�>'s* �a `,**== *cit§}bihif miii'tt tl zr='3>s4 `.. L'\ is i u`,r r}7 d,;, . z #44=Ik `if3'rt>4, ,,rr(rr`,{y, an , t'#�`ti§4"�„ , ,`�+,tir> `,`l°r'-a #;'Y ;q' 3itiiA,`r\?x ,yrSy+'n�» , y .,;a`S" d , ,u'` � t �` ., tri.. ',�4"§ t '� "' "' a F t 4nen' "+ tt§r�` ,at r b ;� ;,b, ' ' t''t=6't, r,tk4r,t744„ryr,;t',ktr'`'et' r' § �,, > < ""' •" iC " ''� „t , ,t„IA ct , l 1 t ,..A " ',� `,' ' ,tt* z S ,imt 4, {`4,,,ro,.,44 r t,4i t`sY44 rr 4)4 4444 t' ` "{a= ,•• �� _ ,„''''''' IIN 4° t3! ry tat*,", =r,t t ,z,,,; ,,4 q 4).4,Z,y, 4,r,1 ,=rY Vi i r,a s''sr4 4 ? s y, vrt, t t` . 'd4bt',,y4 ,> {rx1"ria4 4,1, 4rt>,t„ r,'rtki,c}>,Si >`,s, l'„t'` 41x' ,�tjc �#yt,. zt,rr `'t,. 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'.�i'`',m �'t, ' � t4 33 ,��,z '� lit ti��,���'E`�a,r"�,' �f ,�1����b ,.,, a; ,a„ t t\ti''4, ''fit 'tJ,vr`>,„44 a rx tc h', g a> ,. `� A`` 4, 'S.,r "' ,t" t,'n�iA t?v ,\, svz ,„x, is rt'``a f§s�\'�\`:'SrS;i{,i �,r; 'a°+„= 3'i'1 ' t` u`\A. t ,t i4 tr 4 x;4.? r' 3' .�a " am §t st°*,r�z tt eY;,1,`§� ,5���,a i4,J ">}�,,.t` a „dr{'„ `1` ,4' ��a ,Si, '� 444 '4dr" ' '��r ", `tt oe„„s'z 't;;, , S tr >3 'tt 1§',x,.,,r ¢ 4} ',,u t, 1�„�?i a' v„ y' { c,, `r', �tzr 7,`"" rt ,t ,� ,�` i�„r ,.�i t 4`' '„' 3}yS��7 �� �lkt yC A, t ' 'Sv,�, i � ,t •,,,ta, t`, ty ,rk cat,. t yq 4't: ?' ? ,,yt ,2 F�rh ,"^,, z ,Y\\v.l 2kt, `? `� `' .2 i' t'=t v i 1 '' `4 lc, ,a ,4'.t2i n w tore r� r ' � �, ,�'yr�'sSv,, ;ti�1 ����4,� > `fi2` c aa,ri •°>`'`? t'a�„§" ,t,"s,tix, s,<r,,ti,�Y§, �r i � G' � 0 0 D '�. a�,` D � u a ,�. {rr , ` k „� e :vr {' m, , t`" t ->b,,,{ !,-. ,,, Yes+ , N 9 P > > a�` vy ��? ,, ���� � '�' t t ? So, e- ri, D �talC�lobe��ao� E`ar#I�sfiarG� o �a �, '�Jt�'�1,��'� � S• ,,�, , , o � #� fir'", ,,`"�� h'>n�`tl� , r`� ��; h�;� �,. g ,� � "� �� �, �h� ,�=�tn.'t _. ' ,t>". '���, '.�®.a t _� t � t _ �� � S� rt � ��;�,ti � � � !� 1�C� 1�`C�'C�II� �a �iC#�iC�I�''1��."� �a'�, P Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: G Department: Public Services/Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Account Code: 620-5730-56570 Date Prepared: March 6, 2018 Budgeted Amount: $1,201,301.00 Exhibits: Subject Consider, and act upon, the approval of a second modification to contract#W2016-15-E a professional services agreement for Sewer Assessment with Pipeline Analysis Inc, in the amount of $92,756.16 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to approve a second modification to contract #W2016-15-E a professional services agreement for Sewer Assessment with Pipeline Analysis Inc, in the amount of$92,756.16 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. Discussion On August 23, 2016 the Wylie City Council approved the award of bid #W2016-15-E for a professional services agreement to perform a comprehensive assessment of the City's sanitary sewer collection system. A multi-year/multi- phase contract was awarded to Pipeline Analysis, Inc., and divided into four phases. The goal of the project is to identify existing conditions that need repair before reaching the point of complete failure. Phase 1 consisted of performing comprehensive manhole inspections to assess the condition of each manhole in our system. Phase 1 also verified the length of the existing collection system. Phase 2 consisted of temporary flow monitoring to identify which parts of the collection system are receiving Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) from rain events, which can also be an indication that manholes and underground pipes have defects and failures or possible cross connections that should repaired. As a result of the findings of Phases 1 and 2, it has been determined that the linear footage of the collection system needing to be smoke tested is greater than previously anticipated. The total system footage identified during manhole inspections is 980,890 linear feet or approximately 186 miles. Flow monitoring identified wet-weather inflow is located in sewer basins comprising 664,656 linear feet of gravity sewer. In addition, staff is recommending smoke testing of three additional areas consisting of 48,586 linear feet. Contract Modification#2 is to increase the number of the linear footage to be smoke tested during Phase 3 of the contract from 520,000 linear feet to 713,242 linear feet (+193,242 linear feet). The total cost of Phase 3 smoke testing will increase by$92,756.16(193,242 linear feet x $0.48/linear foot). Original Contract Award: $1,201,301 Modification#1: 42,140 (3.51%) Modification#2: 92,756 (7.72%) New Total: $1,336,197 (11.23%) Page 1 of 1 gIttk Qt,t, „ Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: WEDC Prepared By: Angel Wygant Account Code: Date Prepared: February 29, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of January 31, 2018. Recommendation Motion to approve, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of January 31, 2018. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on February 28, 2018. Page 1 of 1 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Statement of Net Position As of January 31,2018 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,067,688.26 Receivables 422,914.75 Note 1 Inventories $ 8,329,085.50 Prepaid Items Total Assets $ 9,819,688.51 Deferred Outflows of Resources Pensions 66,481.55 Total deferred outflows of resources 66,481.55 Liabilities Accounts Payable and other current liabilities 113,377.39 Unearned Revenue 213,248.09 Note 2 Non current liabilities: Due within one year 727,872.53 Note 3 Due in more than one year $ 3,534,868.34 Total Liabilities $ 4,589,366.35 Deferred Inflows of Resources Pensions 2,839.41 Total deferred inflows of resources 2,839.41 Net Position Net investment in capital assets Unrestricted $ 5,293,964.30 Total Net Position $ 5,293,964.30 Note 1: Includes incentives in the form of forgivable loans for$371,666.66 Note 2: Wylie Ice Cream loan payments;Exco amortization;deposits from rental property Note 3: Liabilities due within one year includes compensated absences of$57,489.00 Note 4: The WEDC provides monetary incentives to companies to relocate/expand within the City of Wylie. At January 31,2018,these commitments totaled$513,000.00 2-26-2018 03.54 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OP: JANUARY 31ST, 2018 111-WYLIE ECONGOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNTI TITLE ASSETS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH 6 CASH EQUIV 1,055,688.26 1000-10115 CASH - WEDC - .INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 ESC. 0.00 1000-10180 DEPOSITS 12,000.00 1000-10198 OTHER - MISC CLEARING 0.00 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 1000-10481 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-11511 ACCTS REC - MISC 0.00 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.00 1000-12810 LEASE PAYMENTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12950 LOAN PROCEEDS RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12996 LOAN RECEIVABLE 51,248.09 1000-12997 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 0.00 1000-1.2998 ACCTS R C - FORGIVEIILE LOANS 371,666.66 1000-14112 INVENTORY - MATERIAL/ SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND c BUILDINGS 8,329,085.50 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO✓ SANDEN BLVD 0.00 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES - MISC 0.00 1000-14410 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS 513,000.00 10,332,688.51 TOTAL ASSETS 10,3:32,688.51 LIABILITIES 2000-20110 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 2000-2011.1 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000,-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-2011.5 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0,00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR PAY-EMPLOYEE ( 0.15) 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE 0.00 2000--20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0,00 2000-20120 FICA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20121. TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20122 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0,00 2000-20126 LC°MA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20127 EMP.. LEGA1. SERVICES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20130 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT 541.66 2000-20131, EDWARD JONES DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20132 EIIP CARE ELITE 12,00 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY 47.80 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0,00 2-26-2018 03:.54 PN CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF. JANUARY ;31ST, 2018 I11-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVFL CORP ACCOUNT. TITLE 2000-20201 AP PENDING 5,034,84 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 107,741.24 2000-20530 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20540 NOTES PAYABLE 513,000.00 2000-20810 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 2000-22270 DEFERRED INFLOW 210,248,09 2000-22275 DEE INFLOW - LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 2000-22280 DEFERRED INFLOW - LEASE INT 0.00 2000-22915 RENTAL DEPOSITS 3,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 839,625.40 EQUITY 3000-3411.0 FUND BALANCE - RESERVED 0.00 3000-.34590 FUND BALANCE^UNRASERV/UNDESIG 9, 127,718,57 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 9,727,718.57 TOTAL REVENUE 422,923.61 TOTAL EXPENSES 657,579.15 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ( 234,655,54) TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/ 9,493,063.03 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY F OVER/(UNDER) 1.0,332,688.51 2-26-2018 03:54 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 ? LA CE SHEET AS OF: JANUARY 3I5T; 2016 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT. TITLE ASSETS 1000-10312 GOVERNMENT NOTES 0 00 1000-18110 LOAN - WEDC 0.00 1000-18120 LOAN - BIRMINGHAM 0,00 1000-18210 AMOUNT TO DE PROVIDED 0.00 1000-18220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 1000-19050 DEF OUTFLOW - CONTRIBUTIONS 27,922.29 1000-19075 DEF OUTFLOW - INVESTMENT EXP 34,333,48 1000-19100 DEF OUTFLOW - ACT EXP/ASSUMP 4,225.78 1000-19125 (GAIN)/LOSS ON ASSUMPTION CHG( 2,839.41) 630642.14 TOTAL ASSETS 63,842,14 LIABILITIES 2000-20310 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 90;879.08 2000-20311 COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE-CURRENT 0,00 2000-21410 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 4,847.65 2000-28205 WEDC LOAO4S/CUAt NT 723,024.88 2000-28220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 2000-28230 INWOOD LOAN 0.00 2000-26232 ANS LOAN/LOGE 0,00 2000-28233 AN= LOAN/PEDDICORD WHITE 486,231,80 2000-28234 1 LOAN/RANDACK HUGHES 0,00 2000-28235 ANA LOAN 0.00 2000-28236 AND CONSTRUCTION LOAN 0.00 2000-28237 ANB LOAN/ WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY 401,725.96 2000-28238 AND GDAN/BUCHANAN 79,151,81 2000-28239 ANB LOAN/JONES:HOBART PAYOFF 95,009.40 2000-28240 HUGHES LOAN 0.00 2000-28245 AWE/ GOAN/DALLAS wmmuoar, 2,000,000,00 2000-28247 JARRARD LOAN 256,732.59 2000-23250 CITY OF WYLIE LOAN 0).00 2000-28260 PRIME RUTS LOAN 0,00 2000-28210 BOWLAND/ANDERSON LOAN 0,61 2000-28280 CAPITAL oNE CAZAD LOAN 0,00 200D-28290 HORART/C I ERCE LOAN 0,4n 2000-29150 NET PENSION LIABILITY 18e,812.11 TOTAL LIABILITIES 40326,416.14 EQUITY 3000-34590 man BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG( 4,368,437,30) 3000-35100 UNRESTRICTED NET POSITION I 114,969,00) TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 4 4,903,406.30) TOTAL REVENUE 0,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 220,632.30) 2- 6-20IB 03(BE TM C'1 TE UT 1'tYi I ", s LE: 2 BALANCE SXFET 922 GEN LONG TERM DEBT (;EDC) ACCOUNT(f TITLE ADVENOT x3l'LEC.I(t:N E.R; EXPENSES TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(tJ:'ST,EP) ( 4,2E2,2E4 AO) TOTAL LIABILITIES,LCTIES, EQUITY C COMP'(11&i[SU? 6,I,F,GC2.14 2-26-2018 03:56 PM CITY OF WYLIE PACE: 1- REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT — (UNAUDITED) AS OP: JANUARY tIST, 2018 113—45144E ECONOMIC IC MEL CORP FINANCIAL COMMAS CURRENT CURRENT FARE ?EAR Y_T_0 VE4943 BUDGET 1 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST, ECTUAL, ENCUMBRANCE SALANIGE BUDGET REVENUE-SU>s c wRY TAXES 2,331,944,00 191,895.71 0„90 376,744.30 0,00 2,454,729.70 13.31 TEDERGOVERVRENTAL REV. 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0 40 0,00 0,00 INTEREST INCOME 19,957,59 2,447.87 0,00 EG744a 2 0.00 9,213.57 36.40 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 1,696,020.00 14,135,00 0.00 40,435.00 0:.00 1,565,5 5,00 2,5 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES _ 0.90 .., ._. 0»00 LI.00 .....0.00 mwu_. 0.00 0.00 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES 4,452,451.06 200,470.55 0,00 4E2,923,61 0,00 4,029,526.27 9a54 EXPENDITURE SU 11. DEVELOPMENT EORP—ESE 44659)259)0B 234a 40)1)26 0a A 657097 .1 112)395)32 40 59a2E0)13 15,8 TOTAL. EXPENDITURES 4,059,259,00 236,703.26 0.00 657,579,15 112,419,72 4,089,290).1 3 144.8 a REVENUE OVERT CUSSER7 EXPENDITURES 4' 466,807.12) ( 28,229,66) C.00 ( 234,655.54) 1 112,41 ,72) ( 59,731.86) 5.5,3E T-25-2018 03'.4)5 FM CITY OF WYLLA PAGE: 6 REVENUE AND EXPENSE RAPORT ® (UNAUDITED) S }F: TFOiJt7ARY 379T, 401.8 SEEREMER CURRENT CURRENT Fr1t:N YEAR 'Y`ET-G Y-T-°C? EiUDLIET 2 NV FY(?2t.82 PERIOD Fit.! ADJUST. ACTUAL F,Ftt:ONFIRA?dCR BALANCE BUDGET 4700 4STSt9 REV IN LEIN OF TAXES 9.20 0.09 2.00 o.no Q,Qo F1,00 0.00 4000-40 218 SALES TAX 90 L,4'74„°° !9,1) 36.11 U,Q&7 762 4 92 °)°° 2 4>4 ?29, 7Q i 3 ,31. TOTAL TAXES 2,831,4/4.00 1 1,895.31 .. 0,00 .. d76,74 �..__. . K 729,,,.0 _ 31 �' w I31 :3£i t1,2U 2,4r9, 72.9,12 L._LS. 4noo i bio BEO ECONOMIC ACI F'?FxENES 6.52 2.U6 0,09 0.00 Q.2C 2.Os1 p.23 EBEE „ ro .. TOTAL IIIMESCO1rk':S'NENTAT, PRE, 2,20 0,00 6.22 0.02 0,00 0,02 0,00 TNRRRE',FT INCOME 4000-46020 CERTIFICATE On DEPOSIT 0.00 0 oo N,t`s`1 's.440 C1.29 2,2{7 0,l31 4500-49110 ALLOCATED INTEREST F:.AIMMTIRE- 4,000.E20: .g°4,F1I,i. fl 9U 1,, 1 8.38 0.00 1.,241,65 '56,81,. 4000-6240 'T1;?;P001 tNTEFCF;L',T.` tL 00 0.00 0,00 RAO 0.00 0,20 21,N70 6000-48144 LEa,CIC1: INERMS91 0.00 1.013.. 5.20 a.n8: 0,20 2,00 0.00 4060 70ri5,0 Tii'i`r,ktl^.`:YT F.1P,NI1SES 2,702,6F1. ,13:8,00. 0,.00 $96.49:,;. 6.00 1.,.616,27 i5,4R 4C3D2-4€160 LOAN REPAYMENT IRRINCTFAIT '1,455.2 ,8546.14'. uY„CG' 1 848,4f": E.00 6,355,75 :1,,1R u'.. 4000-4501.8 ai4Nti. MONEY MRLbI.EE INTEREST 0.00t';,,,,g n.00 li, q 6po t;_2.7 2,Isc.,1: ., . ..�... �. ..�.... �. �.. a �.,_. ..... . ... TOTAL INTEREST CERIONTI 14,957,68 2,44 ,7,84 0,00 5,744.31 0,00 9,273,57 38,40 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000 4B110 RRNTA4 CNromR, 0,,,770,60 ,2Bv, ,`>- 0.CO 42/7ti. .00 t .ao 62, 16on(10 i9.tt1' 4'000 d2.11.6 RECOVERY . PRIOR YEAR EXERN 0.00 0, Y8 0,00 6,.10 0.80 6,09., 05,)0. 1600 4841.R NIRCESLANEORS INCOME o,t3 a4.t3A': 1i;:7G 0.00'..: o,00 0.00 t7,Re 40RE/ t 94.SP LP,iI-1' (T,)_.:) A 1,R II CA AS II a t3'0 50 2.CPts o 2` 0,/70 1t,1€Tp 1„i2 2,t32!1.9iLT 0,.0,1Y 1,006,020,.79 1,1, 135.0 0.00 40,435,00 0,00 2,565,5E,= 22 2,52 `Y"-.�Te11, 241'..3,.,7,Li St.f,7 t,Pr,.. 1.i�FC?`'Ct�3 ' � i="HER kT"2a:SD Ti'IS >cJC1F<.CRAS 400n 49160 TRANSFER a"F;t'M GENERAL FUND f..LD'F 5.9U 0.00 o,,O}. 0.06 noon 0.f11 4022-49325 BANK NOTE rR.tai.:7,EDS 8,00 0.00 2,00 0,06 0,00 1 1 1200 $9606 LEASE PRINCIPAL t:M'iMF1!lt (0 0,3t3 0,00 G.G?!? ^;,t`1;d: 6.0a 71.NT0;. (t,I I, 4929m121600 LNRURANcR PLCOVERIFIS :„22 6 22 T1„ 1I' 000 7.t`t3 i,,4 TOTAL Cl'C't1ET; N INR,C7.ING SOURCES 0.00 0.00 2,00 0,00. 0.00 ... (1,232,. 2,00 PIT:A) REVENUES 4,4,62,451,88 .293,4178,56 0„,(1,.41. a ,7, 11,,,,5 .. 0.00 4,029„529,27 9,57 REVENUE, AND EXPENSE REPORT - MINAODITED) S F: ,',d"iC[1ARY :3.1 1, ._'t`1.t i 11 ''„':ELTE ECDEOMEC I I V I.. CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WE:DC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES C:t.7h[S:.tt(:C' {::r,7g;,AENIT PRIOR:NEAR 6E i ED 6_,1,..!_, BUDGET ,. OF BUDGET PERIOD Po ADJUST. ACTUAL, ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET 27511 . 11i0 ,RLARIF`>• 284,473.00 21,833,46 0,00 6264E7E62 02.00 201,965,33 29,00 561 ;1130 OVERTIME, 0,00 3 0.00 0.00 0200 0400 0,00 0,00 6611 .`a'140 LOEMERITY FRY 1,.309,00 • 0,00 0.00 • 1.300 00 020.0 -9.00 99.31 5511-513.45 .ICEti LEAVE BUYBACK 0,00 0,00 0.00 02..00 0600 0.00 0.00 5611 1.160 CERTIFICKTION F@;CENTIVE. 0,00 0.00 9.00 03.00 0300 0.00 0,00 5612.3511.1U0 PARAMEDIC WREN IVE 0,00 0.60 0.00 04:00 0..00 0,09 0,00 561.1 -1210 CAR..tES,i_tE,°t,MCE 12,600,00 969.26 0.00 3,6604444 0 00 8,930,6F 29.12 F611 121;0 CHOI5 AILOtCi11OF 4,656.00 1,1.6.4.,00 0.00 2E428200 04010 2,328,00 50,00 5611 512.30 CLOT?I G ALLOWANCE 0,00 : 0.00 C p 00 0.,.00 0 E00 0.00 0.00 48151. 61 260 MOVING ALIONANOS 0.00 • 0.00 0,00 0 .0 9400 0,00 0,00 5621 ,`1310 liLPS 44,996.00 3,439„64 0.00 13,951,369 0.00 31,044.31 31..91 5E m1 4.51410 HDSPITAL 4 LIFE INSURANCE 36,671,00 6,241,32 0.00 12,613<:04 0.00 24,057,96 534,40 551 1 5 t 415 EXECUTIVE 14EA LTH L'LAN 0,00 0.00 0.00 C240 i1,:00 0.00 .2,00 SP1.1 .14.20 S,"CNE-TERM DT:;;rR 1; Y 1,62..E,00 80.47 0.00 402435 [t .tat' 16219,69 74,61 011 51E40 FICA. 18,500,00 1,347.74 0.00 3,003.31 t1 OE 15y49 .69 .1A.23 6611 551.4.60 614244.7'3,RE 4,327,00 315.18 00700 1,21.5,68 0999 3,111935 20,09 5611 s147U WoRKERG COMP PREMIUM '72i6.•0 CIAD 0.00 259,05 090 426095 45,66 56,11,6161.1130 1,04E PLOUCt,.,SiT COMP (TWEE 010790 '0,00 • 0.- 0 ,0„BO 04,05: 8:L0.40 _.:0,:0(} Ct'Cl PE7 ONMEL. SERVICES 2' ' 410,750.00 35 399.97 0.110 121,330.10 0300 269 419.90 2.8,54 SUPPLIES 0011 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16,41AA9 . 56,65 Or110 9931.45, 4,1;>'0,00 ,fE21,235 34,16 56,1 52040 e`~5['GE `< FREIGHT 9sPo 4aLl 26.:50 ["k..° 71,4.: 11 00 102'.,30:• 2,g0 6611 52:130 TOOTS/ EQUIP (NON-CAPITAL) ,0.40 0,00 40000 1F,d ' :01 00 •:•P';.011 0,00 3 SUPPLIES 240504131 A 33£30,12 A0200 M.,.:.31: :0.L50' 1.61a10 rr2.:- 40;95 5C,11 _,,.Ei0 t)"HEE. .0.6.00. 0400 40.0D a1n91 11.,:00 ...r,7.10 0I70:. TC.t41T, SUC'TL?E35 3 19,376M00 423.42 0.00 12 101.62 53320400 12,858.37 33,62 SATERI?I S FOR 884 CItTr Cv',TNC .Er1.1. ..4630 oOLL1, 6,•EQUIPMENT' 0.00 0.90 0.:00 0.00 0400 001Cl: 0,0.7 96.1.1-. 4610 COMPUTER HARDVANTOWARE 3,000,00 0,00 0:.00 967,50 0.00 $'d€,bf,.:; 1 2,92 _011 .4090 O52.E,P t700 (3(5 0 Ld1 632.00 f}.Ot: 0.00 ,a 91,81 Pit tl 35 COTAI IR.EJFRIFI33 FCth•MAINZr,C.ENC 9,009,00 9,00 9,60 987,56 0,00 2 4,912,59 22,34 0N110375030 INCENTIVES 1,672,652.90 103,415,93 040D 1536715.03 100,0004(0 4 66-93661.7 15..17 E11 6040 SPECIAL SERVICES 132,200,.00 6,9164:92 N0 pa • 1.4E91.3.99 7,,059,72 110,286,2=9 16.58 561.k ..60(1U ADVERTISING 146635.5.00 6,204.00 0 LEW 050.0 1:306.231, is 12,02 5611 9' 6090 C ORM U 12 T 19 i UAVO I,NEXTENT 52,350.00 5„,058,45 0,ao.. 20E429.33 0,•6161, 1.7.220,07 39,02 01..1 9 116L1.1 C0.11,110,1:C.r TI0110 9,976,98 616.11.. 04•6755 1,872,52 .0.7061,, 8,706.3,AB 18395 611 5b180 RENTAL 29,326,00 2,444,00 0709' 1.2,926,00 (Lop .57,312,00 42.01 5E11 :Ci?'7.[7 1 Al`7`..:. 3 7•;AINI4Ct:.i 36.450.00 4,264.2.5 h...4 :. 8,139,90 0,00 26,31021.0 22. 13.-. 5611 562550 DUES 0 SUBSCRIPEMONS 29,590.90 624,00 '04011 18,792,72 040t1• 12.,605,26 361 1.07 . 5E11 .`610: I14' C'fAANC:E 3,640.00 9. 1,0oo.oll0) poO • 2,,E3oo to J:po3'. • 949,84 lh07: 5611656410 AUDIT C LEGAL, SERVICES 73,009,00 5,._25,00 [400. 0,771.,67 0,0p • 2. ,228.37 32,6.*: 5611456570 ENETESERINGPARCHEMSTJERA2, 30,000.00 0.00 CP,{10 • 0.00 "0.09 30P000,00 1F.a9;,C: 91 e56E10 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 2,400<(1-".l ---147a06 .O,ar,3 ---AA_8la,5AAA1 ;3.0>1AQA .3,,,,58:3,.ga ,34:04. TOTAL CiO�bl CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2 1 8,0;79600 13`1,Ci64.34 0.'00 • 2586:;'.E2.9~? 10 .0.9 5`12 • :1,812E6`::6622 16.10. 2-- Es 2018 03)115 PM CITY OF WYLIE PtaGET 4 ESVE ER AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS ORA JANUARY 31`T, 2018 DEVELOPMENT CORP-REDO DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CMRPRE4T CURRENT PRIOR YEAR 4BY-I) 4-T-0 HU isEY 4 OF BUDGET FPfi TOO PO ADJUST, ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DRAT SERVICE 4 CAP, REPT. 551? 5 415 DEBT SERVICE 1,429,580,93 0,00 0,00 0.00 -00 1 949. 85.94 0.80 5611-574T.0 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 44.7.,2.31.54 50,127,73 O.00 220,651-50 0.OW 2A0,598,13,2 58,01 861.1-5741ti INTEREST EXPENSE, 1530,025.55 13,6 7+ 70 0.00 55,055,43 0.00 so,o6a,loo, 34.80 5511-5771 B BAD DEBT EXPENSE. 0,00 0.00 0 OE 0,00 0,09 ,.000, 1 0:0 TOTAL DEBT SERVIC-"E. 4 CAP, RE6=T 2,809,1136,09 63(1E5.43 0,00 275,708,93 --. 0,00 1,734,129.07 43,7X CAPITAL OUTLAY 5811 R51 0 ARD .RUAGTIASL PRICE A3 ,,"-1a^ ,09 0.00 ()Jo) 0,00 4.02 811(429,09 9.00 5111 -.581.L.0 DEVELOPMENT FEES 8,00 0.00 9,00 0.00 0.80 E1,0D 0,04 5011-5E150 id"ME-H,'EC1`EEMENT: o,no o,00} o.on 0„60 0.00 0.00 0.00 5511--n0910 , AREETS 1 ALLEYS 4,0 0.. 0 �i�°. ` .p.{� 'w+04 (MOO O.. ua`%gF. 5511-58440 SANITARY .SEWER 0,00 3.00 9.00 0.00 0.E711 0„06 0,00 EST 1-`1(1F;11 Cc.M T(TER 1.1ARDF°`SOFTrdd",RE, 4,0400,00 0.00 U.09 0.00 0,00 1,$1aIC",on 0.011 9841-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 4,000,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0„00 1,,808.00 0,00 5811 .58010 BUTLITECIT 0.00 0.00 :0.00 0,00 ;0,08 8,00 0,00 5611 58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAW 0,04 0.00 (ROO 0,00 0.00 0,00 0)00, TOTAL. CAPITAL OUTLAY 2290424.50 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 233E224.00 0,00. t5THER F I.44°NC80E42 U SES4 561A 083 E.1 TRANSFER.ER. TO GENERAL FUND 0,00 0,00 0,00 0..08 8.00 0,00 0.00 5611488190 TRANSFER TO `41.010'S(t';aI]1'='!TRE omp 0.00 0.00 d .00 o,770 0,00 0,00 0,00 5811 59430 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL. 7141.04 FE 0°1247! 1)MTIG'4 C.OG 0.00 0.00 0,00 3.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 £7,00 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT GORE-METRO 49859,258400 236,703.26 0.00 4257,.579.1.5 112,419,72 4,0B9,2.60,123 15,55 Ei911Ai 1112(IRS 1'1D2 TER.E^S 4„859,259,50 235,703,26 0.0(1 057,83.9.15 1,.1.20415,72 4,069,260,13 1.5,85 REVENUE OVER (t NDSR) EXPENDITURES f 406,,E1+5'7„12p C 20,22,11,.6EL 0.00 7 234,175.5,:54 212,419,72) T `S-, Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub Ledger January 31, 2018 Notes Payable Date of Rate of Principal Purchase Payment Beginning Bal. Principal Interest Interest Balance January 1, 2018 4,110,300.71 ANBTX-88130976 WOODBRIDGE PKWY (#41 of so) 8/15/14 13,267.93 512,389.97 12,117.34 1,150.59 2.61 500,272.63 ANBTX-88148481 BUCHANAN(#41 of 60) 8/13/14 7,331.95 141,911.38 6,886.11 445.84 3.77 135,025.27 ANBTX-88149711 PEDDICORD/WHITE(#37 OF 120 12/12/14 7,382.45 536,473.79 5,504.79 1,877.66 4.20 530,969.00 ANBTX-88158043 K&M/HOBART(#28 of 48) 9/2/15 8,745.25 177,085.35 8,154.97 590.28 4.00 168,930.38 ANBTX-88157334 LINDUFF/EDGE(#19 of 27) 10/21/15 17,059.81 464,687.40 15,389.22 1,670.59 4.25 449,298.18 ANBTX-88158357 DALLAS WHIRLPOOL(#14 of 60) 11/22/16 2,000,000.00 0.00 6,888.89 4.00 2,000,000.00 JARRARD GRAYS AUTO(#13 OF 120) 12/1/16 3,109.15 275,692.94 2,075.30 1,033.85 4.50 273,617.64 January 31, 2018 $50,127.73 $13,657.70 4,058,113.10 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Inventory Subledger January 31, 2018 Inventory -Land Date of Pur Address Acreage Improvements erg Cost Basis Sub-totals Cooper McMasters 7/12/05 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a $202,045 Heath 12/28/05 706 Cooper 0.46 $32,005 3,625 186,934 Perry 9/13/06 707 Cooper 0.49 Demo 200,224 Bowland/Anderson 10/9/07 Cooper Dr. 0.37 n/a 106,419 KCS 8/1/08 Cooper Dr. 0.41 n/a 60,208 Duel Products 9/7/12 704 Cooper Dr. 0.50 n/a 127,452 Randack 10/23/12 711-713 Cooper Dr, 1.09 217,500 8,880 400,334 Lot 2R3 7/24/14 Cooper Dr. 0.95 n/a 29,056 $1,312,672 Industrial Ct. Ind Ct-Hwy 78 7/06-4/16 Ind Ct-Hwy 78 3.03 1,928,306 Jarrard 12/22/16 201 Industrial Ct 0.29 32,893 3,900 300,493 2,228,799 Regency Regency Pk. 6/4/10 25 Steel Road 0,65 n/a 25,171 25,171 Commerce Hobart Investments 11/12/13 Commerce 1.60 n/a 156,820 Hobart 1/6/14 605 Commerce 1.07 396,263 20,000 386,380 Dallas Whirl ols 11/22/16 900-908 Kirb 4.79 2,182,080 2,725,280 Downtown Heath 3/17/14 104 N. Jackson 0.17 Demo 220,034 Udoh 2/12/14 109 Marble 0.17 n/a 70,330 Peddicord 12/12/14 108/110 Jackson 0.35 155,984 4,444 486,032 City Lot 12/12/14 100 W. Oak St 0.35 n/a Jones(K&M) 9/3/15 106 N. Birmingham 0.21 42,314 4,125 190,596 FBC Lot 6/15/16 111 N. Ballard St 0.20 n/a 150,964 McMillan 8/24/17 105 N. Jackson 0.26 n/a 89,482 1,207,438 Alanis White Pro Alanis 12/12/14 Alanis 6,63 n/a 420,336 420,336 South Ballard Birmingham Trust 6/3/15 505-607 S. Ballard 1.12 Demo 409,390 409,390 Total 25.63 $876,959 44,974 $8,329,086 $8,329,086 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and not part of land value. *Prime Kuts total purchase price was$306,664.45. The distribution between 207 Industrial and R.O.W. purchased was developed by Seller for tax purposes. (**) Costs Basis adjusted for partial sale of property(.28 acres or 22.76%of the property at a cost basis of$170,755.53). WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2018 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 1 2016 2017 2018 17 VS 18 17 VS 18 DECEMBER $166,418 $197,808 $184,849 -$12,959 -6.55% JANUARY 163,463 196,347 191,896 -4,452 -2,27% FEBRUARY 260,166 276,698 275,668 -1,030 -0.37% MARCH 167,082 191,648 APRIL 154,920 168,844 MAY 238,646 244,816 JUNE 180,194 191,732 JULY 212,620 223,571 AUGUST 268,976 261,573 SEPTEMBER 197,339 210,974 OCTOBER 201,506 195,549 NOVEMBER 270,426 267,816 Sub-Total $2,481,757 $2,627,376 $652,412 -$18,441 -2.75% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $2,481,757 $2,627,376 $652,412 -$18,441 -2.75% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $300,000 $250,000 ,.rt1 ti it ,. 4 $200,000 �ar .w9r.R....�.��.�, 1 th 3 $150,000 ry a k . , q' , . -_ <$100,000 , ' a _ , i < "y$50,000 -N"-- t SkI ' Q f i ' ... il : 1 k 'd2 0 � �k R. ` Z 'i 81. c � m m E g 2 E $ 2 -) -' S' E a E li 1 Q .P3 o 8 0 " 8 z lor sw, 4 Wylie City Council as AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: January 9, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 6 Subject Tabled from 01-23-2018 Remove from table and consider Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Planned Development for Patio Homes on approximately 18 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way within the D.W. Williams Survey, Abs A1021, Tr 2. ZC2017-09 Recommendation Tabled from 01-23-2018 Remove from table and consider Motion to approve a change of zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Planned Development for Patio Homes on approximately 18 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way within the D.W. Williams Survey, Abs A1021,Tr 2. ZC2017-09 Discussion Owner: Birmingham Land,Ltd. Applicant: Skorburg Company The applicant is requesting zoning for a Planned Development to allow for single family residential uses on 18.393 acres generally located on the northwest corner of Brown and Westgate. The current zoning on the property is SF-10/24, meaning a minimum 2,400 sf home on a 10,000 sf lot. In general terms, the applicant is requesting PD conditions that allow for homes starting at 1,800 sf on 5,500 sf lots with a minimum of 40% of those homes close to the 2,400 sf requirement at 2,200 sf. This property is within the General Urban Sector of the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This category calls for either commercial development or high density residential development, defined as multi-family or single family (attached) on 3,000 sq. ft. lots, with a mixed-use component. There is a single family attached development currently under construction less than 1/2 mile away(Westgate Station) on the southwest corner of Westgate and Fleming. Staff also believes that a mixed-use component is counterproductive in this particular case. Rarely is commercial mixed with detached single family homes and there is over 50,000 square feet of empty retail currently available within 1-mile of this site. The concept plan and parks plan for the PD (Exhibits C and D) show the proposed layout of the development. Conditions of the PD sets a maximum lot count not to exceed 60 lots. The proposal includes a 5.3 acre park dedication to the City (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 with the developer completing all park improvements, including continuation of a major hike/bike trail corridor. The Parks Board has recommended approval of the park improvements proposed by the applicant. This parkland dedication. represents approximately 30% of the total acreage of the PD. Other differences from standard zoning include (Exhibit B): - Lot coverage increases to 65% from 45% - Lot width is decreased from 75' to 50' - Lot depth is increased from 100' to 110' - Set backs are reduced to 5' side and 15' rear from 10' and 25' - Because of the lot coverage, accessory structures will not be allowed. - Lots along the park will use wrought iron and masonry fences. Notification/Responses: Forty-Four (44) notifications were mailed; with two responses returned against the item at the time of posting. PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: The Commissioners voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the request as submitted. if RE1011 Li' f II WViY11)' � .... _1liit: • : i giii01I11. M/ L .— /11111/,0 ..1_ '�til Ilan :: = L I I 7� ''I``�``��_�____1�� 1 u11 lulaL FM Ilaimal .......4 .11,1a. :; m1 Subject VAiiL_I „,. J=. I.i.- Property I. 1 •:1ii1 ......._ NINE Mir II M .—.� i --gill _ r \� 1111>f1,r �i 11111111111 � . , I> 1111111/III I III ,., ♦��1+jj���f, 1.- :IIH III.. 2 E6sa�ir� i :r�iNM �r"rl lit 111111111►►I+l fit 1, :l:�III1l1111 I11111'1111I11 ■`.:rzm . S. E ��rr �.�111 int :.; Iw1 .. r.'--� -=.- 11111111.411 slim 4jioi PS ,, ulllnu�ilnl�� ' ___ � ♦ ilr-,--im. F[ii: :::+ E' -� ,- ►� 1Ci. r �Ir1111l1 . + 11174�1�"r� ��� .: .�. �l�rlilrii � 11A111go 'y i� NM MO f■{C� :I: .. -J. , ^ . �• ��I. .. .. -..•1ix1rr111f,- .�■!ll MN No— Norm a� . 11111'1111n ►Ai.1� �`�► ��4 ♦�+ ...r .. —�; . - r' �V: slk. ,1 �1.=72 ■i�� ,` � A rii7 ri- no me -l�1,lxllrir �111111.�/�� �►,► ..i=�rr'R rl� �.� ,,.. -. .- .,,,, ./d11t111!!l111I11 Ili111111!l11t/itt . �►��+1\� ri.V.,�.. ‘4 \\rt - -. MI. -- .. - ■It11111'11U1r ' 1` ♦ �, ♦ t� a.m .. .. �. .. . 1r111t1t11uI�� �,`�,`\\\ ♦♦ �r�" \�, r I !_-_ —r. -! -- r 1111111111\� r r\r\� ♦ 411 t 44:0 �low T. INN Mr. ■. -�riiii '� •r� 70 'V ..../ 44 'V .., illoplzivripli.:: in p. .1 si--.... L., ...,,r.,.. , �� \\ �0 .j1111111 ■11110:V•�: ►•;11111 1111111 ijr„p, IIG=lir11■ 1rru1,■ WI/ •r s —.R 111111101111 i WI i 1 Illpf 1 01111'11.1111g: $ tiiiiii. . ilium ; otgia ...4111 -li,1.1.!:..,FrEi.„„.i 111r111 .0„II 1� �►v►... aim. .r !ra __ �� ` �!1 i..- . L rr►r11111 �� Ill i. :: = .. ��. Iy1111Q�s►� r. .� ■111►i �+i:...� \ .. 1 -. N..•rltlil<iivr 1. - ■E =5'!' 1.3r� -- :110/ "�-111111111111l. m lm! !- '-!i � l, �rlAluiii ~- r• � .% - , + = _r _E=:i!Ey- Nlii11ur1 �- .• 111111111111U. �,:: =Er-= oniuni-I uvr# ■- i,`.[11ru11ru1 mxs ►�Rlllumi inn -■ -- 11,,,,11ilriuirlllfl,'.' 1111111r1145 •11ri11111it�b i.1r 11r111Ii111iiii m NA in �- .: 11rr1r11111111r . 1111111iS111ilillfll� :� 11111111111Iq flli: w:°� ��"'�' / " l�f1f1^1 ��'I�r111111t111111% �R �+ -�- ■e ! / _. .. ,��� �gl<f1llill11111t1j�."'. •� • H11!!1111 1111111 IL 11111IIIliiiIn L[� ® = =�] ter,„,,. lnl�lilrul►, . `/1i' un ` U!1AIIIIIMI +'� /1G7-1 F) LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2017-09 EXHIBIT"A" WHEREAS Birmingham Land Ltd.,a Texas Limited Partnership is the Sole Owner of a 18.393 acre tract of land situated in the D. William Survey, Abstract No. 1021, in the City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas and being a portion of a tract of land, described in deed to Birmingham Land Ltd., recorded in County Clerk's File No. (CC*) 94-0029675,Deed Records, Collin County,Texas(D.R.C.C.T.), basis of bearing is the South line of a tract of land described as Tract 2A, as described in Deed to Centex Homes, recorded in cc# 2001-0042153 D.R.C.C.T. said 18.393 acre tract of land, being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING, at a wood monument found on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street(F.M. Hwy. No. 3412— a variable width right of way), being the Southwest corner of a tract of land, described in Deed to the Wylie Independent School District, recorded In Volume 530, Page 445, D.R.C.C.T., and the common Southeast corner of said Birmingham Land, Ltd., tract; THENCE, North 87 degrees 22 minutes 14 seconds West, along the North right-of-way line, of said Brown Street, a distance of 443.08 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set for the point of beginning; THENCE, North 87 degrees 22 minutes 14 seconds West,continuing along the North right-of-way line of said Brown Street, a distance of 1266.92 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess" set for corner; THENCE over and across said Birmingham Land Ltd., tract, the following courses and distances: North 02 degrees 37 minutes 45 seconds East, distance of 57.45 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set for corner; North 28 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds West,a distance of 302.76 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"found for an ell corner of a tract of land, described as Tract 2A, in Deed to Centex Homes, a Nevada General Partnership,recorded in cc#2001-0042153, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 51 degrees 01 minute 09 seconds East, along a South line of said Centex Tract,a distance of 942.00 feet to a 5/8"inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set for corner; THENCE over and across said Birmingham Land Ltd., tract the following courses and distances: South 38 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds East, a distance of 738.51 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set for comer; South 87 degrees 22 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 293.25 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set in the West line of a tract of land,described as Tract 28, in Deed to Centex Homes,a Nevada General Partnership, recorded in cc# 2001-0042153,D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE, South 02 degrees 37 minutes 46 seconds West, along the West line of said Centex Tract 28, a distance of 357.19 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and CONTAINING 18.393 acres of land, more or less. EXHIBIT "B" CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT BIRMINGHAM BLUFFS ZONING CASE No. 2017-09 I. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Single Family 10/24 set forth in Article 3, Section 3.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of May 2011) are hereby replaced with the following: Figure 3-4 - Planned Development— Single Family(PD— SF) Lot Size (Minimum) Lot Area (sq. ft.) 5,500 Lot Width at building line (feet) 50 Lot width of corner Lots at building line (feet) 55 Lot Depth at building line (feet) 100 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots at building line 110 (feet) Dwelling Regulations (Minimum Square Footage A/C space) Maximum of 2()% of the lots 1,800 Minimum of 3 30% of the lots 2,000 Minimum of 44450% of the lots 2,200 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section III Design Conditions Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard (feet) 20 Side Yard (feet) 5 Side Yard of Corner Lots (feet) 10 Side Yard of Corner Lots (feet) on key lots 10 Rear Yard (feet) Minimum of 90% -15 Maximum of 10% - 10 Rear Yard Double Front Lots (feet) 20 Lot Coverage 65% Height of Structures Main Structure (feet 40 Accessory Structure (feet) No Accessory Structures Allowed II. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Maximum number of residential lots not to exceed 60 lots. 2. Key lots are defined as a corner lot which is backing up to an abutting side yard. 3. Three-tab roofing shall not be permitted. 4. No alleys shall be required within the Planned Development. S. Lots which back onto HOA Open Space shall provide a decorative iron fence of uniform design to be installed by the homebuilder, as approved by the Planning Department. 6. Lots wvh cl: bock onto the 110A lot along a wve: Street shall provide a 6-Toots te 11 lwQ atril on h waad cedar wood fence with masonry cole: ins every 100 feet oit center with the flat side of the hence facing Brown Street. This f he to be installed at one time prier te: issw[lance of any certificates of meelp.Vnemy„ f . Tots wine° back onto the Joel Se at kl°: :aril Slone Park: shall pr aviii a w- "e wtstall boars a::: boa • cedar woo fence with steel posts wvitli the flat sides of the f"erg c facing the Skate Pa:l . The flat face of the fence to be st:wi:we 0 a uniformed c Opal colon ‘S. Lots along the southern property line that back up to West Brown Street shall have a minimum building setback of 40 feet from the Right of Way. Existing trees greater than 6 inch caliper within the flood plain shall be protected in accordance with City's Tree Preservation Plan. &1t1. Open space, drainage & floodway easement, and public hike & bike trail shall be dedicated to the City of Wylie in accordance with City's Subdivision Regulations and approval by the City Council. 11. A Ho ie ww ner's Association (H 5) shall be established that will be es ons bie for the tin intenwice of all perimeter fencing, sereeni g, l 11)A lots, lI A common areas, an landsn pi g within HOA areas. 12. l rior to iss::e:wce of e: certificate of ore Roney for any wwrelli:wg emit, ll intrastr 0c.ture of phase 1, phase H, trail, and open spaces is to be installed. IV.DESIGN CONDITIONS: A. Land Design Standards—New Residential Requirements Desired Land Design requirements are achieved by projects in accordance with Exhibit"P" and the following criteria: 1. Provision of Public Pathways - Public Open Space a. Base Standard (1) l'w fcwll ono the City of Wylie's 2012. Master Frail Plan, a !like and Ike Trail shall be constructed by the developer to the City's standards and completed as part of the subdivision being accepted by the City Engineer. This trail will serge .as an integral connection between l irmingbar rms 0 ark (2), (lapel Scott Memorial lb ro , the Skate 0 ark, and tN'ae fold 0iCidal Cm lex, (a) 8' Hike &Bike Trail, achieving link in city trail system. (b) Open Space Improvements, including 2 park benches, 1 2 picnic tables, 2 trash can. (2) To mrovirie easy 0' cress for all resiients f irrrringharn BP ffs, two c met ions shall be m e between theneighborhood a 0d the Hike & Mike l`r ail. The main connection between the development and Trail will be further ill proved to irrelurr de an area to enjoy barbeques or take . break while tiliring t8re trail system. The public pathway system easement(s) shall be connected along existing or planned utility rights-of-way and/or public property lines to any existing or planned public trail system on abutting land. The public open space casement will ire. Locate located tire-prrbli o•. spa c casement to provide for future connections to be made by others across intervening property to any existing or planned public trail system on land that does not abut the development. Public Access Street i i Subdivision i Dev elopment Public Open _. •-,.�' .- �- "� ~"` Cnara Fa cement wins cacclehal .. .s Open Space b. Desirable Design Attributes To further enhance the connection between t irrrrispham Bluffs and the Hike & hike Trail partially single-loaded Street along the open space will be provided, 'Ibis will hi e :snd open view to the apesup space n l provide a large area to snake a con° ee ion ' 'i1i 1 `irr M . Asu 3 �� ���� 2. Provision of Public Pathway—Perimeter Walkways and Landscape a. Base Standard (1)Per Exhibit"P" and coordinate improvements with the City of Wylie i ininghamn Bluffs, where possible, wiil utilize a seleeti",n of the f Bowing trees and shrubs f la seaphig and sell—ceiling purposes and shall e 1 a species e inn]in or adaptable to this a ea of Texas:The following tree and shrub6 are recommended for landscaping and screening purposes and shall be of a species common or adaptable to this area of Texas: 1. Large Trees: Pecan Red Oak Burr Oak Water Oak Southern Magnolias Live Oak Bald Cypress 2. Small Trees: Yaupon Hollies Crape Myrtle Wax Myrtle Cherry Laurel Red Bud Japanese Black Pine Cedar Elm 3. Evergreen Shrubs: Red Tip Photinia Burford Holly Nellie R. Stevens Chinese Holly Yaupon Holly Clearra Nandinnia Dwarf Crape Myrtle Japanese Ligustrum Waxleaf Ligustrum Abelia Junipers Barberry Asian Jasmine Honeysuckle English Ivy Boston Ivy Liriope Monkey Grass Virginia Creeper Vinca Mondon Grass Ophia Pogon Elaeagnus Purple Sage Pistachio The following trees will not he used for required landscaping and screening purposes: Silver Maple Hackberry Green Ash Arizona Ash Mulberry Cottonwood Mimosa Syberian Elm American Elm Willow Sycamore Bradford Pear c. Desirable Design Attributes None Lighting and Furnishings Along Open Space, Easements and Trails d. Base Standard (1) i o provide places for the residents of Wylie to rest while utilizing the Hike and Bike Trail, bench es with backs will be inst wlle and match those currently being used by the City.Benchcs with backs (2) ly Provide providing distinctive striping and buttons or similar cross-walks approved by city engineer at street connectors,: ilin ingham Bluffs will fldd an extra level of safety to pedestrians in the neighborhood, (3) For continuity and to provide pedestrian friendly atmnosphere, distinctive striping any buttons or similar approved by city engineer at main entry; 6 ft wi ki at interior street connectors. e. Desirable Design Attributes (1) To maximize the utility of the trail and connections, 2 Benches, + 2 Picnic Tables with barbeque grills, and 2+ Trash Cans will be pr ed a will to—be coordinated with Parks Department. This will give, the residents a place to congregate, relax, and host neighborhood events while limiting the long-term aintenance burden of the EIOA. (2) 8' wide distinctive striping and buttons or similar approved by city engineer crossing at main entry; B. Street and Sidewalk Standards—New Residential Requirements Desired street and sidewalk requirements are achieved in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Street Treatments—Entry Features and Signage at Entries a. Base Standard Architectural features on stone monument (no brick) with landscaping and incorporated into open space area and illuminated by means other than street lights. b. Desirable Design Attributes The qualify and cohesive lanring of Bi ° ni [ghain Bluffs will star t at the entry day. i mingha.m Blueffsentry nouiu�r t will eat re Decorative decorative iron accent panels or 2 or more different type/color of stone (can be synthetic or cultured). • Y ,µ R �* , ° 2. Street Treatments— Street Name Signs a. Base Standard Block numbers shall be incorporated with street lighting that is coordinated throughout the subdivision to provide safe g idance whether it be day or night. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 3. Street Treatments—Pedestrian Crosswalks a. Base Standard All crosswalks within a Residential development are to be 8 feet wide at trail crossings with distinctive striping and buttons or similar approved by city engineer and must connect to a pedestrian sidewalk system with pedestrian ramps complying with the American with Disabilities Act, to provide a clear, continuous pedestrian and circulation system throughout a subdivision. b. Desirable Design Attributes: Provide 8 ft. wide, connected system of distinctive striping and buttons or similar approved by city engineer at Trail Crossing at Main Entry. 4. Pedestrian Sidewalks- Sidewalk Locations a. Base Standard Bei0 g located adjacent to "a irnwinghar. Elementary school it is important that families have a safe way taw walk to school regardless of which house.. they live in. Sidewalk access for every home in i nn ingham lm!tiffs still be provided with a 4 feet wide concrete pedestrian sidewalks shall be located on both sides of the street, in the right-of-way of every internal street. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 5. Pedestrian Sidewalks- Sidewalk Lighting a. Base Standard Decorative street lighting shall be provided along residential streets throughout all Residential Developments, providing low illumination with decorative poles with spacing ranging from 250 feet to 350 feet between lights placed on alternating sides of the street. A Street Lighting Plan must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. The City Engineer is authorized to alter the distance requirement if needed in an effort to achieve the best lighting arrangement possible. t 4 l a y b1 �d b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 6. Perimeter Alleys a. Base Standard No Alleyways are required for the subdivision. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None C. Architectural Standards—New Residential Requirements 1. Building Bulk and Articulation a. Base Standard In order to avoid large blank facades, variations in the elevation of residential facades facing a public street shall be provided in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. At least 20 percent of the facade shall be offset a minimum of 1 foot either protruding from or recessed back from the remainder of the facade. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 2. House Numbers a. Base Standard fear consistency and cotumunity feel All all single family residential units shall have front stone wall plaque with resident address beside the main entry of the dwelling unit. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 3. Exterior Facade Material a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have a minimum of eighty (80) percent of the exterior facade composed of kiln-fired clay brick, rock, or masonry stucco with the balance being window boxes, gables, architectural shingle and etc., but not 20% siding, excluding windows, doors and other openings. Glazing shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the front elevation of the residence. Dormers, second story walls or other elements supported by the roof structure may be composite masonry materials if approved by the Building Official as having the same durability as masonry or stone and when offset at least six (6) inches from the first floor exterior wall. Wood, vinyl siding and EIFS materials shall not be used for exterior walls. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 4. Exterior Facades—Porch a. Base Standard Each single family residential unit shall have a combined total covered front, side or rear entry of a minimum of 120 total square feet of floor area. ) ACINZEN T ki �ki rn V y Y Fh 0 ,c A� G'' r � b. Desirable Design Attributes: Front porches are an inval able social co struct tllu�rt can bring pe pie out of their houses and into the community setting® lNot only iio front padre, es encourage oeighbs�rthwoe �� I clings ol" cohesioo, but it is also a pragmatic place to safely store llre pac,.l�rrges deliver�ep it from the ever growing pop larity of door step deliveries. o achieve these goals, two or more sides of covered porches, or pitched cover incorporated into roof lines of house 5. Exterior Facades - Chimneys a. Base Standard Chimney flues for fireplace chimneys are to be within a chimney enclosed with masonry matching exterior walls of the residential unit and capped. b. Desirable Design Attributes: F0 match t ver: .i esthetic of the In mes in irn ingH am Bluffs all fireplaceFireplaco chimneys shall incorporate 40 percent stone, matching the accent exterior façade materials of the house for houses with Chimneys. 6. Roofs and Roofing - Roof Pitch a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have a minimum roof pitch of 8:12, with articulation, dormers or a combination of hip and gable roofing. A minimum roof pitch of 4:12 will be allowed over porches and patios. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 1212 ICI 17 inir wiry Real' E Rtch Allowed 8'12512 7. Roofs and Roofing -Roofing Materials a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have architectural-grade overlap shingles, tile or standing seam metal. Wood shingles are not permitted. Plumbing vents, attic vents, and other rooftop accessories are to be painted to match the roof shingle color. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 8. Roofs and Roofing -Roof Eaves a. Base Standard No wood fascia or soffits are permitted. it 4744" ara ro dry 'wed , �' /" ,. 1'4 .r � fm„ ,rcw .:'wtia ub bw•; w 'r `T�w'w'" "c.,. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 9. Repetition of Residential Unit Designs — Repetition of Floor Plan and Elevation a. Base Standard Diversity of ollerk gs is the key luu eti:istr: sting a vibrant co tita hity fear generautions. II, his is aca ieved not only at the first sale or :: t: Di,ue lie all the resales that will happen the future. Creating a neighborhood of varying plans and styles will Intuit the "cookie cutter" feel of the u,eighbo:-hoo ° :end expau;d the offerings to ;Differentiated ci:sto:ners, To avoidd repctiti us feel, A a minimum of five (5) platted residential lots must be skipped on the same side and three (3) lots must be skipped on the opposite side of a street before rebuilding the same single family residential unit with an identical (or nearly identical) street elevation design. The same floor plan shall not be repeated on neighboring, side by side lots or directly across the street. .1 1._L._L.J_.L. ._L. . .Ll_L.�.J_. ?—'t— i —T'T'T' t—'i--t'—r'T"t OK I— — T t T'T' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO .I 71 61 51 41 3 I 2 I 13 LOIS SKIP/E OPI OSITE BIDE O IS TREE' 6 ( 7 7 ( 5�o S 4 P Eo3n'oE' EET' 1• 12 I g �I 1-7 1 NO I 1 I °K 1 1 I I I l OK I I I I I I I I 1-'1-1'T'T'T' —('T' r '�'1-1'—r'T'T" Identical or nearly identical floor plan means that the layout, size and function of the rooms are essentially the same Identical or nearly identical street elevation design means little or no variation in the articulation of the facade, height or width of facade, placement of the primary entrances, porches, number and placement of windows, and other major architectural feature. It does not mean similar colors, materials, or small details. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 10. Garage Entry a. Base Standard T � n sire the r se l le rear yap Pis a �geGarago doors. can be located on the primary street elevation of a single family residental unit with an upgraded door with carriage hardware. The primary street would be the addressed street front. Garages may face the street on a corner lot side yard. Topro ode ail'l l parking 1 storal e ear 1 �garage shall be a minimum of 400 square feet. Vubii \17t,u 1\a I,i�i �I „v pli )' dl 1\\1Y,!YVYii�ilYi,�P, 1 1 � M I rJx bgnM iM N k 14�' m bm � r7ii y b',. iy v" It s �nlw MK ^� •. kn' "M x'F4 F wMw" �rc VM dh�u � Y11 ,S V 11, y ,� � P. A i, tl �M u^ �C5,5 � -u�Hry , '7" N R i, 4t, 't ke �', 4v � � \'' - ,'' b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 11. Dwelling Size a. Base Standard Providing a variety of hones at different sizes is dey in creatia►.g a diverse community. Having a range of home sizes gives optwos 1"c►r those with growing families, empty nesters, and all.. GIose in-between, The minimum square feet of floor space shall be (a maximum of520%) of the houses 1,800 s.f. , (a minimum of30%) of the houses 2,000 s.f. , (a minimum of 405 %) of the houses 2,200 s.f. measured within the outside dimensions of a residential dwelling unit including each floor level, but excluding carports, garages, and breezeways. 12. Fencing a. Base Standard (1) Front yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 4 feet maximum with minimum 50 percent transparency constructed of wood or wrought iron. (2) Side and rear yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 8 feet maximum and constructed of wood with metal posts and rails to the inside. (3) Pressure treated wood is prohibited. (4) Fences shall be constructed of decorative iron next to public open space, and shall be minimum 4 ft in height. (5) i'o provide bith uniformed screenioig and it iv icy, the feocil g behinul the Joel Scott Memorial Skate Park shall: die a 6-foot-tall board on board cedarwood fence with ,steel posts with the flat side of the fence fAacing the Skate Park. The flat si siaall be; stained in a uniform neutral color. €4(ti)Fc cing along Brown Street shall be constructed of 6-foot-tall board on board cedar wood fences with nuson:-y colainns every 100 feet on center. b. Desirable Design Attributes None 13. Landscaping a. Base Standard (1) Each residential dwelling shall have sodded front, side, and rear yard with a minimum of 2 trees and 5 shrubs in front yard. (2) All landscaped areas must be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Any plant materials that die during a time of year where it is not feasible to replant shall be replaced as soon as possible. b. Desirable Design Attributes Each residential dwelling unit shall have an automated, subsurface irrigation system. 14. Outdoor Lighting a. Base Standard All residential dwelling units shall have an illuminated standard porch light at the front entry and drive/garage. b. Desirable Design Attributes Front facade and drive/garage shall be illuminated by coach lights on each side of the garage and front yard activity area illuminated and wired to the interior of the house. 15. Conservation/Sustainability a. Base Standard Each residential dwelling unit must comply with the Energy component of the Building Code. b. Desirable Design Attributes None c� IS ._. _ _. 11 II/ wrier metr '� � Lir 4 1,. } SMa:i,•�ca4£s`�` 3 * ds s ...r4. z a°; 9 .,..`.... y._. R �£. , P�4MLf?#fa',EEM: idJ[Ft113S CQ4TAa GCg#.AFL SS �r-+`'�* lilt _ 1 ..� .... III 4 to r i.illQ..iRi COMP.. atttinG Gt..TP#GTE.#M.ES PC I 6n aG k ajr..£ s , ,/' 44,1, % 1 aravatattE51EM MM.VJTE IC l?II2 LE£4£IAPI MITE 403 w"• 1��t % a * .� , �. 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L ,, ( + V , ^ ._ t-.- u r 1 r _ I , y ' ( i i 1,1v i ,,' m9, W pqlG ,' 'i ', r ' 1at« 7 : �;, r N iiir1;p tl ✓Tu i/ / 1 L I 1 1 oA® ®®� matewf -es Et ft.- nTr�$ !! . 5,41.41ill 1 i ‘Ni 'r.. ew NChr L� ur at rill'•gs it—iktil 111111INNI via, iiii 1 i i NOEtrX i Lane 1 Nursery1 „1111111, MI MI I INicloeuilville OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2017-09 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Trey Wallette with Skorburg Company APPLICATION FILE #2017-09 8214 Westchester Dr,#710 Dallas,Tx 75225 L#jBLK/ABSTI LOT/TRACT J TAX 1.D.# _ PROPERTY OWNER NAME I ADDRESS J —Applicant-Trey Watkeuc 82I4 Westchester Orive#1lif- t Skorhurg Company Dallas,Texas 75225 Wham Farms I0 1605 Ll Fwy 11710 2 BIk A Lot I R-10592-00A-0010-1 Wylie Apartments,LP Dallas,Texas 75234 Meadows of Wham. 300 Country Club Road#100 3 --- Park R-5131-000-0000-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Meadows of Wham 401 Oxford Drive 4 Blk 1 Lot 25 R-5131-001-0250-I Eric Ulfsparre Wylie,Texas 75098 New Hope Church PO ox 118 5 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-8719-001-0010-1 New Hope Christian Church Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2A 300 Country Club Road#100 6 — Lot 1 R-5122-000-0 01-I City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2A 300 Country Club Road#I00 7 --- Lot 2 R-5122-000-0002-I City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2A f PO Box 940934 8 --- Lot 29 _ R-5122-000-0290-1 Villas at Birmingham Farms HOA` Plano,Texas 75094 B'ham Farms 2A PO Box 940934 9 --- Lot 30 R-5122-0000300-1 Villas at Birmingham Farms HOA, Plano,Texas 75094 Westgate 1 PO Box 2525 10 BIk 18 Lot I R R-2151-018-001 R-1 Charles Shoecraft Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate 1 602 Gateway Bend 11 BIk 18 Lot 2R R-2151-018-002R-1 Dwight Cole Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate 1 600 Gateway Bend 12 Blk 18 Lot 3R R-2151-018-003R-I Fidelmar Miralrio Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate 3 700 Gateway Bend 13 BIk C Lot 1 R-3952-00C-0010-1 Aretha Harris Wylie,Texas 75098 -Westgate 3 702 Gateway Bend 14 BIk C Lot 2 R-3952-00C-0020-1 John Pitts Wylie,Texas 75098 _Westgate 3 704 Gateway Bend 15 BIk C Lot 3 R-3952-00C-0030-1 Lam Tran Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate 3 706 Gateway Bend 16 BIk C Lot 4 R-3952-OOC-0040-1 George Chappell Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate 3 708 Gateway Bend 17 Blk C Lot 5 _R-3952-00C-0050-1 Christi Williams Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate 3 710 Gateway Bend 18 Blk C Lot 6 R-3952-0OC-0060-1 Mark Maillc Wylie,Texas 75098 Westgate 3 1301 Rodeo Drive 19 Blk C Lot 7 R-3952-OOC-0070-1 Craft Family Trust Murphy,Texas 75094 B'ham Farms 2B 501 Pickens Lane 20 Blk R Lot 18A R-811 l-OOR-0l8A-1 Stephanie Cud,ja Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2B 919 Chickasaw Lane 2t Blk R 19B _R-81 I 1-OOR-019E-I Celina Stacy Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2B 917 Chickasaw Lane 22 Blk R 19A _R-8111-OOR-019A-1 Carol Kennedy Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B PO Box 173859 23 81k R 20B R-8I I I-00R-0208-1 Pensco Trust Company Denver,CO 80217 Wham Farms 2B 913 Chickasaw Lane 24 81k R 20A R-81 1 I-00R-020A-I Angela Yuhi Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2B 911 Chickasaw Lane 25 Blk R 21 B R-8111-OOR-021 B-I Robert Gomez Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B 909 Chickasaw Lane 26 Blk R 21A R-811 I-OOR-021A-I _ Kimberly Wilmes Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2B 907 Chickasaw Lane 27 Blk R 22B R-81 I I-OOR-022B-1 Rochelle Bostick Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2B 905 Chickasaw Lana 28 Blk R 22A R-8l I 1-00R-022A-1_ Marya Greenhoc Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B 903 Chickasaw Lane 29 Blk R 23B R-811 I-OOR-0238-1_ Maryut-he Roberts Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2B 901 Chickasaw Lane 30 81k R 23A _R-8111-OOR-023A-I Melanie Pfennnger Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B PO Box 875 31 BIk.R 24B R-8111-OOR-0248-1 Holly_Alverex Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B 817 Chickasaw Lane 32 BIk R 24A R-8I 1 I-OOR-024A-I_ Tracey Capone Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B 815 Chickasaw Lane 33 Blk R 25B R-81 I l-OOR-025E-1_ David Vandermeer Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B 813 Chickasaw Lane 34 Blk R 25A R-81 I 1-OOR-025A-I JoAnn Rubio Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2B 811 Chickasaw Lane X 35 Blk R 268 R-811 O0R-0268-1 Lori Rise Wylie,Texas 75098 Wham Farms 2B 809 Chickasaw Lane 36 Blk R 26A R-811 l-OOR-026A-1 Edward Thomas Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B 807 Chickasaw Lane X 37 Blk R 27B R-8111-110R-0278-I Barbara Watts Wylie,Texas 75098 B'ham Farms 2B 3125 Tewksbury Way 38 Blk R 27A R-81 1 I-oOR-027A-I Sanjeev Sagar San Ramon,CA 94582 B'ham Farms 2B 708 Sloncybrook Drive 39 Blk R 28B R-8I 11-OOR-028B-1 Bobby Williams Wylie,Texas 75098 B'hamn Farms 2B 4501 Yacht Club Drive 40 BIk R 28A R-8I 1 I-OOR-028A-I Alan Rubenstein Rockwall,Texas 75032 4506 E.Parker Road 41 Abst 266 Tract 18 R-6266-000-0180-I Robert Heath Parker,Texas 75002 7040 Teakwood Drive 42 Abst 266 Tract 48 R-6266-000-0480-I Wylie Nursery Group,LP Dallas,Texas 75240 613 NW Loop 410 8510 43 Abst 1021 Traci 2 R-7021-000-0020-1 Birmijham Land,Ltd. San Antonio,Texas 78216 PO Box 1927 44 Abst 1021 Tract 12 R-7021-000-0120-1 New Haven Kyle,Texas 78640 45 46 47 411 49 50 51 • 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type ur use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 [am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2017409. [um AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2017-09. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 2,2018,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday.January 23,2018,6.00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie.Texas Name: I-6 r!1 i s- , (please print) Address: l[ t� �[L.L1 1JU i1c), 7SrF( `c Signature: V VL ..)? L141miir Date: 1/ (3/ ) 7 COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2.017.09. I urn AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2017-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday.January 2,2018,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location &Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday.January 23,2018,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas .--eaName: r'1 . FT - A j(.+k (p are •tr)L(.�.'�p�ly'— t_ . i�� Address: Cite"Serziod 14/Jier7S0R8 Sign u e: Date: 143)1 CO111►IENTS: rr i Wylie City Council p (I 04.4.at AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 03-13-18 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 27, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a Replat for Southside Addition Lots 43R-48R; being a Residential Replat of Lots 43-46 of the Southside Addition, generally located on Stone Circle 125' east of South Birmingham Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a Replat for Southside Addition Lots 43R-48R; being a Residential Replat of Lots 43-46 of the Southside Addition, generally located on Stone Circle 125' east of South Birmingham Street. Discussion OWNER: Wolfe Madewell Mgmt, LLC APPLICANT: Kenneth Wolfe The applicant is requesting a residential replat to establish six residential lots of 0.6428 acres. The purpose of the replat is to reconfigure four lots into six for a townhome development. The entire property is currently zoned Townhome (TH) and the proposed use is allowed by right. The replat also dedicates a small portion of the property, in the northeast corner, to the City of Wylie for the Stone Road Right of Way. Notification/Responses: Seven (7) notifications were mailed; with no responses received in favor nor opposition at the time of this posting. Planning & Zoning Commission Discussion The Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the request subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Page 1 of 1 STATE OF TEXAS § T E TT,F I I\\ T T T T T T - COUNTY OF COLLIN § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: _1 T 89° 3' 4" 1 9 .78' L 2 S 0 0 a 3 6' 1 6 y 'W C. 1 7 ' WHEREAS, WOLF MADWELL 2017 MGMT, LLC is the Owner of a 0.6428 tract of land That I, , do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and 9> situated in the S. Shelby Survey,Abstract No. 820, Collin County,Texas, and being all of Lots accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon as set were properly L3 1\ T T 1 T T H s 11 .T 43 44 45 & 46 of South Side Addition an addition to the of Wylie, Collin Coun Texas placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the City T T T E. 1 a T (41 and recorded in Volume 1,Page 84, of the Deed Records of C Cityin County Texas,and conveyed of Wylie. i to him by MILFORD FOUNDERS, LTD by Deed and recorded in County Clerk's File No. 20171221001685580 of said Deed Records and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a /2" iron rod found for corner at the Southwest corner of said 236. 0g, Lot 43 and the Southeast corner of that certain called Lot 42A of said Southside 1,1 / c; G e" �',s' R' 03 ' Addition and in the North line of East Stone Road a (60 foot right-of-way); ....... ,�,.. .3 .. 4Pi.--. J, S9CJTT G9LE 4,.--- 7yTHENCE North 00°36'16" East with the West line of said Lot 43 a distance of � COLe� 140.00 feet to a /2" iron rod found for corner at the Northwest corner of said Lot PRELIMINARY PLAT i � o , a �, �` �' 43 and the Northeast corner of Lot 42B of said Southside Addition J.seott tole 3u P. "� u �� P .� `b r ' Registered Professional Land fit'tJ Surveyor No.5411 Lot No. 5 THENCE South 89 23 44 East with the North line of said Lot 43 and the South Kirby-Stone Addition line of Lot 5 of Kirby/Stone Addition recorded in County Clerk's File No. •, County Clerk's File No. 20090223010000370 of said Deed records a distance of 200.00 feet to a "X" set 0 �� � � �9 20090223010000370 for corner for the Northeast corner of said Lot 46 within the right-of-way of M.R.C.C.T. 30 Sq. Ft. g STATE OF TEXAS § Dedicated to the Kirby/Stone Connector a (variable width right-of-way); COUNTY OF COLLIN ` . City of Wylie 1 f2" 1R= 90 '44" E 200.00' THENCE South 00°36'16" West with the East line of said Lot 46 a distance of Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day 140.00 feet to a point set for corner at the Southeast corner of Lot 46 and also personally appeared ,Land Surveyor, known to me to be the person ' ' `, )00/ ' �- being the Southwest corner of Lot No. 4, Kirby/Stone Addition, County Clerk's whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed 37A0 .�1.50 �1.50 �1.50' 31.50' 37.00 the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. Lot No. 42B L 1— File No. 20090223010000370 of said Deed records; Kirb Stone Addition �. + , y- Given under my hand and seal of office, this_day of ,20 County Clerk's 20090223010000370 File o ` THENCE North 89'23'44" West with the South line of said Lot No. 46 and the 25' B ding Lin North line of said East Stone Road a distance of 200.00 feet back to the POINT M.R.C.C.T. v`v�SOS OF BEGINNING and containing 0.6428 acres or 28,000 square feet more or less. '0,>N\ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Radian Services LLC may , NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That WOLF MADWELL c too Tr 1, vr 0 \N 2017 MGMT, LLC,acting herein by and through his (its)duly authorized officers, does hereby Donna Bridgefarmer W o adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as LOTS 43R.,44R 45R 46R, My Commission Expires On: County Clerk's File No. `\, p A g P Amy p 47R, &48R, SOUTHSIDE ADDITION, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and does hereby 20070411000491420Cts D.R.C.C.T Os. N,N dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever,the streets, rights-of-way, and other public 1t J Lot No. 43R Lot No. 44R Lot No. 45R Lot No. 46R Lot No. 47R Lot No. 48R improvements shown thereon. The streets and.alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL," The easements and public use areas,as shown,are dedicated, for the public use forever, for the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings,fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or m m growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that Lot No.42A To 1,1 Lot No. 4 landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by the City Council Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date Kirby-Stone Addition 28000 Sq,Feet Kirby-Stone Addition of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and County Clerk's File No. 0.6428 Acres County Clerk's File No. accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits City of Wylie, Texas 20090223010000370 20090223010000370 the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" M.R.C.C.T. M.R.C.C.T. of Wylie's use thereof w I ' `° The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all Gregory F.Dixon en `�,° ell en _ or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date aC c 41, any way endanger or interfere with the construction,maintenance, or efficiency of their Matthew Garrett , con respective systems in said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall at all County Clerks File No. 0 20' Budd ng Line btimes have the full right of in ass and egress to or from their respective easements for the 'ACCEPTED" 20100104000001220 D.R.C.C.T purpose of constructing,reconstructing, inspecting,patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date 37,00' 1.50' 31.50' 31.50' 31.50' 37.00' L This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances,rules, regulations and resolutions of the City s� 1 T 2„ I PS , of Wylie,Texas. The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby c v 89°23'44" E 200.00 ```- certifies that the foregoing final plat of the WITNESS,my hand,this the day of , 20 subdivision or addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council STONE 1OD BY: on the day of 20 and the Council, by formal• action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alley, parks, �j (6�' e t ,�v, 0 Authorized Signature of Owner easement, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in � mml I concrete curb & gutter .. .. . MIME and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the Printed Name and Title acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. DI, -E ' IL I IL �- ` !I STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN § Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 20 Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared ,Owner, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. City Secretary Given under my hand and seal of office,this_day of , 20 City of Wylie, Texas r + FINAL PLAT r National Flood Insurance Rate leap - 201E °, Determined by sole ` L E FLEMING a 114 �j y LOTS e.l � , 46R� ( t L U from: iii/ I BU LE- No Public in and for the State of Texas Community Panel e 48085C0420 J E �- SOUTHSIDE ADDITION Effective Date; June , 2000 1 �3 c a �� L:i. / All bearings are based on Teas State Plane Coordinate System, North a WE IA s PACK 3 4 I My Commission Expires On: being a replat of LOTS 43, 44, 453 46 , Central Zane. .0 ...- cm,ENs m ,X I CCLii THOMAS t� SOUTHSIDE ADDITION, ? a WzM DUN4N WA i0 4 _r LDVELLJ s an addition to the City of Wylie , SURVEYING CORPORATION `_ H_ {} y �+y '�++�� 1�j 2154 W_ Northwest Mghway Smite 204 C o llin C 01ri x Texas Dallas, Texas 75220 WILLOW WAY ' (2T 4) 919-7883 ph (STONEY1. BROOK Vol'ur e I Page 84 (817) a03-6139 raX �, C Prepared by: Owner: IL ww"'` ° ° arvey gX co" SandS Surveying Corporation Wolfe Madewell017 iVgmt, LLC SITE SCALE —�° 5 2154 W. Northwest Hig hwa 2121 V�J Spring Creek Pkr O CATION Plat ` Collin Co lnt Te a DATE nVo5,2n17 I Lll Wo.: 171013¢ Suite 204 Suite 201 DRAWN 8Y KTJP CHECKED eY. SC Dallas, Texas 75220 Plano, TX 75023 COPYRIGHT 02018 SANDS 55aveyronge tr`an ph (214) 919-7883 (214) 227-0779 V C \ T Y VA 3 w�vw, . .ssctxnet wwwwolfe-investrnents.com Tc�asF,�ltcgrshffii®Na i001dG013 jil err Irk sw, 4 F , Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT tvtb Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 21, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 9 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural— 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses (PD-CC-LI) on approximately 8 acres, located at 1900 N SH 78. ZC2018-02 Recommendation No Action due to an error in posting the notice. Discussion Owner: Ryan Cole Applicant: Serene Business Park The applicant is requesting a Planned Development to allow for retail and commercial/light industrial uses. The plan also includes relocating existing non-conforming buildings. The development standards of this Planned Development set forth the architectural design criteria for the property. Most requirements as stated in the development standards are below the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance. Landscaping meets or exceeds the base standards. The subject tract has never been platted, therefore no vested rights exist. - Section B.IV proposes 3,000 psi reinforced concrete. The City Engineer requires 3,6000 psi with 7" lime treated subgrade. - Section C.IV Architectural requirements for retail buildings (lots 1 & 2) only propose 60% brick and up to 40% may be stucco for the rear facade. Primary facade for three sides proposes 75% brick or fiberboard. No stone proposed as required by zoning ordinance. - Section C.IV Architectural requirements for buildings on lots 3 & 4 proposes metal exterior with 20% faux brick. - Section C.II requesting permeable 100% recyclable plastic for access roads, parking, etc. does not conform to ordinances. - Section C.II proposes Vehicle repair, maintenance and storage for heavy trucks and trailers allowed by right as opposed to requiring an SUP. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 - Section 7.3.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance states All parking and vehicle storage areas, including recreational vehicle parking in residential land use districts, shall occur on concrete pavement. Notification/Responses: Twelve (12) notifications were mailed; with no responses returned at the time of posting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: The Chairman opened the public hearing to allow any citizen to speak for or against this item. With no one approaching to speak, the Chairman stated that due to an error in posting the notice, the item would be re- noticed and the public hearing continued to the March 20th meeting. , o I 4 1 „AD/H.4:,;;;:'ill'u''''\''''',Z,',',2'''c',.-:„4„,,,,;s7,:cMr„:„/„%2,,,,,„:„,,,';'"'r Li .n ti[ w' ........... Subject i �� ���� ' 1 Property E unfi, - E „ ,- „,,,,,, r,rt] }} E1, : G !'7 „� '' v* ems^ " Y " PE �. _....... :E €,. . PA Lt CT tIli gyt fi ' „. Im B £E 1,47.g cri�3�� : �. $ . . § a if a _.. ..�E ,t }' � n, a "" *. ,i a ;, "* ` �. . PART ';' i '''''-':::'Z''''11'''''',?''''' - ""'"',,L' 1'*'1,C:j1 r:„-,3 i 11,----, 1-'4 '' 1-14r ' ;-„4 ' ,1 „f ALON'ADDITI ' ' ., . , „,,, (4 E� � r € � S .,j °y `' ppS 'R Et X G ,�t� .xe, ' ,-'m 3 rk } $'° ,,,acI�, p y ¢ v�� / \ J s..'v..ry �.Y k { '?.f E"�2 § ( {yak at4:4"0i ,t Ai: �, E...�g¢ ��"� r, '"c 'r`�"Y�'*ro � � E�'^ryry � l pr r i� �?ay�p� � a s;.-�,,�,�..�. '"k°` y - u '"^ . 10„1, B 't ,, t� $i' R-sk,} 'i it ' Irk' 4 !4,4 de € JW� uLJr , ,:,1:---.] , ,, ,''''., ' -...',,,,,''':,.,',,'r•-•1'; 1-,:kiii-,., '''-711;,-.i L.1.1.27.....71:4''''-ii- 4, ' '.e„t'r''' ft..4.,,,r1L,J; —'' ' '-•*''''' 11 gr:4,-tlifo..jr,4i :: ,,, rr ' , Al r r z , �- , Vim.,.,�£ �'`'. 4N mII R,�� ...e _ m.., LOCATION MAP ��_ , _ri w ZC #2018-02 Map Date;112 3120 1 8 MAIL: PO BOX 136878,FORT WORTH,TX 76136 M APPI N G PHONE:682.233.2550 I TXBPLS FIRM 10194188 SURVEYING I CONSULTING I GEOSPATIA1. EXHIBIT A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 8.054 ACRES FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, A-688 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Being 8.054 acres of land, situated in the Francisco De La Pine Survey, Abstract Number 888, Collin County, Texas, being all of that certain tract of land conveyed to Serene Global Group, LLC, according to a Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in County Clerk's Instrument Number 20170503000589500, Official Public Records, Collin County,Texas,said 8.054 acres of land being more particularly described as follows,to-wit; BEGINNING at a TXDOT aluminum disk found for the most northerly northwest corner of the above mentioned Serene Global Group, LLC tract, same being the northeast corner of that certain called 25.98 acre tract conveyed to 1905 Wylie,LLC, according to a Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in Instrument No.20100701000678140.Official Public Records. Collin County,Texas, and being in the south Right-of-Way line of State Highway No. 78; THENCE South 89 degrees 07 minutes 34 seconds East,with the north line of said Serene Global Group tract and said south Right-of-Way line of State Highway No. 78, a distance of 209.05 feet to a TXDOT aluminum disk found for the most northerly northeast corner of said Serene Global Group tract,same being in the west line of Lot 1,Block A, Bob Heath Addition, according to the plat recorded in Slide 10885E Plat Records, Collin County,Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 44 minutes 47 seconds West, along the west line of the above mentioned Lot 1, Block A, Bob Heath Addition, a distance of 203.99 feet to a 1-inch iron pipe found for a reentrant corner of said Serene Global Group tract, same being the southwest corner of said Lot 1, Block A, Bob Heath Addition; THENCE South 89 degrees 07 minutes 08 seconds East, with a north line of said Serene Global Group tract and the south line of said Lot 1, Block A, at a distance of 160.50 feet pass the southeast corner of said Lot 1, Block A, same being the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block A, Bob Heath Addition, at a distance of 238.50 feet pass the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block A, same being the southwest corner of that certain called 0.99 acre Tract 1, as conveyed to Upwind Capital Partners, LLC, according to a Special Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in Instrument No. 20180223000207210, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas, continuing a total distance of 444.80 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with blue plastic cap marked "Pioneer Mapping" set for the most easterly northeast corner of said Serene Global Group tract, same being the southeast corner of the above mentioned Upwind Capital Partners tract, and being in the west boundary line of that certain called 3.15 acre Tract 2, as conveyed to Upwind Capital Partners, LLC, according to said Special Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in Instrument No. 20160223000207210, Official Public Records, Collin County,Texas; Page 1of2 MAIL: PO BOX 136878, FORT WORTH,TX 76136 A P P ! N G PHONE:682.233.2550 1 TXBPLS FIRM 10194186 SURVEYING 1 CONSULTING 1 GEOSPATIAL 8.054 ACRES-(CONTINUED) FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY,A-688 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS THENCE South 00 degrees 56 minutes 11 seconds West, along the west line of the above- mentioned Tract 2, a distance of 446.41 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with plastic cap found for the southeast corner of said Serene Global Group tract,same being the southwest corner of said Upwind Capital Partners Tract 2, and being In a north line of the previously mentioned 25.98 acre 1905 Wylie, LLC tract; THENCE North 8B degrees 34 minutes 47 seconds West,with the south line of said Serene Global Group tract and north line of said 25.98 acre tract, generally with a fence, a distance of 704.37 feet to a 518-inch Iron rod with blue plastic cap marked "Pioneer Mapping" set for the southwest corner of said Serene Global Group tract, being a reentrant corner of said 25.96 acre tract; THENCE North 03 degrees 14 minutes 49 seconds East, with a west line of said Serene Global Group tract and an east line of said 25.98 acre tract,generally with a fence,a distance of 438.78 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with blue plastic cap marked Pioneer Mapping"set for the most westerly northwest corner of said Serene Global group tract,same being a reentrant corner of said 25.98 acre tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 26 minutes 46 seconds East, with a north line of said Serene Global Group tract, a distance of 32.46 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at a reentrant corner in the west line of said Serene Global Group tract THENCE North 00 degrees 50 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 205.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 8.054 acres of land, more or less. Bearings based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD83 (2011), Epoch 2010, Texas North Central Zone 4202_Distances are in U.S.Survey feet and decimal parts thereof. Stuart L.Warnock, RPLS, GISP Date Texas Registration Number 6579 l r . L . 11P7 '4o4 av'w R Page 2 of 2 AF • E • ^_e2.1‘.32, ••- PLAN DEVELOPMENT Serene Business Park ZC2018-02 SECTION 1: That the property shall be developed and used only in accordance with the following development standards: A. Purpose.The purpose of this Planned Development District is to allow for the development of retail and commercial/industrial businesses and allow for existing business to remain. The Plan Development District includes uses and standards applicable to the Commercial Corridor and Light Industrial Districts, as noted below. B. General Requirements (CC & LI Districts) I. Entrances: I. The two (2) existing entrances will be extended into the development and shall be standard concrete. The main drive will be 30 feet and fire lanes shall be 24 feet wide. 2.The entrance into the development shall have a decoratie monument entrance sign that contains name of the de%elopment and tenants. Sign shall comply with City requirements and located outside sight triangles. II. Pedestrian Connections: Beyond the two driveway entrances into the subject property,a pedestrian 4 foot wide, meandering sidewalk shall be provided along Hwy 73 connected with an ADA accessible path to the proposed retail. III. Sidewalks: Interior site sidewalks shall be a minimum 5 feet in width,4" reinforced concrete per City Standards. IV. Interior Streets/Pavement: Fire lanes shall be 24 feet wide. Driveway connecting interior Iots shall be 30 feet in width. Interior streets shall be reinforced concrete as shown on"Exhibit D" Shall be 3000 psi with #3 rebar at 18"on centers each way, 6" reinforced concrete per City Standards. Concrete paving per city of wylie standards. Alternate(For Approval): Permeable pavement— 100% recyclable plastic,Type II, high density polyethylene,with a compressive strength that exceed 5,600 lbs. per square inch. Can be used for access roads, pervious parking— green grass parking lots, pervious parking—natural crushed gravel roadways and driveways,road extension and widening, roadway maintenance, and slope retention and erosion control. Lot 4 is existing pavement,except as shown on(Exhibit D). V. Parking Requirements: Lots I &2 will share parking and loading spaces. Standard Car: 10 feet x 20 feet with a maximum overhang of 2'-0"of the 20 feet adjacent and street over Iandscaping areas. Handicapped: Must meet T.A.S. requirements Off-street loading(lots I &2 shared): 15' x 25', with a 15-foot vertical clearance. Adjacent to, the main structure; and situated to ensure that all vehicular maneuvers associated with loading and unloading shall occur on-site Concrete wheels stop or curbing at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide shall be provided to prevent vehicles overhanging abutting properties or public right-of-way. Curbing and wheel stops shall be located at least 3 feet from an adjacent wall, fence property line,or structure where parking and/or drive aisles arc located and to include all approved uses and vehicle repair, maintenance and storage. VI. General Landscaping: 1. As shown on "Exhibit C", one (I)tree shall be provided in the front yard between drn eways,one(1) large canopy tree shall be provided in the side yard at corner,and open spaces (including detention) shall generally have 5 large canopy trees and 2 small ornamental trees per acre in area. 2. Large canopy trees shall be a mix of red oak, cedar elm,and Chinese Pistachio. Small ornamental trees shall be a mix of vitex, crape myrtle,and Teddy Bear magnolia,and others approved by the City. 3. Perimeter screening shall be provided per the following: a. The property shall provide a 10 foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to Hwy 78 right-of-way to be maintained by Owner. b. Large canopy trees shall be planted approximately 40 feet on center with a small ornamental tree planted between the large canopy trees inside the landscape buffers. c. Where adjacent to non-residential uses(generally its eastern,southern and western neighbors)a 6 feet tall wrought iron fence with landscaping shall be installed. d. Required trees will be at least 3-inch caliper. e. Shrubs shall be at least 3 feet in height when planted and within the landscape strip.The screening shall include at least one flowering tree for every 20 linear feet of landscape area. VII. Signage Retail/Commercial (CC and LI Districts) I. There will be one monument sign for the development compatible with the colors and materials of the main building located on the same lot as the sign. a. Maximum display area 120 square feet b. Maximum height is 15 feet and maximum width is 8 feet. 2. Individual tenants owners may have building mounted signs up to 2 square feet per lineal foot of frontage (lot or street). VIII. Mail Boxes: Mail boxes shall be single mail boxes,except for the retail area where the mail box shall be a cluster style, as confirmed with US Postal Service. IX. Parking Lot/ Street Lighting: All street lighting shall be LED(standard pole lighting),and lighting designed with cut- off at property lines with average 2.5 fc (minimum 1.0 fc) at a 3:1 ratio with a minimum required shalt be one-foot candle C. Detailed Plan Development District Standards I. Commercial Corridor Zoning District (Lot 1): shall be developed in accordance with the Commercial Corridor District(CC)regulations of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, except as provided otherwise herein. II. Light Industrial Zoning District (Lots 2, 3, & 4): shall be developed in accordance with the Light Industrial District(LI)regulations of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and to include all currently approved uses and additionally,as an approved use-Vehicle repair,Maintenance and Storage for heavy trucks and trailers (80,000 lbs. gross weight), except as otherwise provided herein: Concrete paving per city of wylie. Alternate (For Approval): Permeable pavement— 100%recyclable plastic,Type II,high density polyethylene,with a compressive strength that exceed 5,600 lbs. per square inch, Can be used for access roads, pervious parking—green grass parking lots, pervious parking—natural crushed gravel roadways and driveways, road extension and widening,roadway maintenance, and slope retention and erosion control. III. Lot Size and Building Setbacks (see metes and bounds for lot descriptions) L Lot 1 Area: 64,806 square feet Lot 2 Area: 45.448 square feet Lot 3 Area: 117,651 square feet 3 Lot 4 Area: 123,145 square feet 2. Minimum Front Yard: Shall be 25 feet. (Hwy 78-50 feet) 3. Minimum Rear Yard: Shall be 10 feet. 4. Minimum Side Yard on Rear Lots: Shall be 10 feet. 5. Minimum Side Yard at Corner: Shall be 10 feet, 6. Maximum Building Height: Shall be 36 feet. 7. Minimum Building Area: Shall be 1,650 square feet. I4'. Architecture: The property's architecture will be developed to include the following minimum standards: 1. RetaillCommercial or Industrial Buildings(Lots i & 2) A minimum of 75°0 of the front(street/parking) facades (not including glass, store front doors and signage)shall be brick, with accents of steel (in dark bronze or black finish), black metal canopies, decorative concrete(cast stone),decorative lighting and sconces, cementitious board and up to 25%of the front facade may be cast stone or stucco; no stone veneer is planned, Stucco is intended to define the signage area. The rear facade(Not facing parking or street)shall be a minimum 60°a brick and up to 40%may be stucco, using the same materials. Roofs shall be a minimum low-slope roof"flat TPO"with "a:12 slope 2. Commercial Buildings (Lots 3 & 4)shall be a pre-designed steel building with: Exterior walls shall be composed of predominantly standard metal wall panels and 20^a faux brick, metal canopies and accents to match the finishes on the primary buildings on Lots I and 2. Approved materials include, but are not limited to metal building panels,decorative metal trim,stucco, metal canopies, storefront windows and doors,cementitious fiber board, faux brick or brick; overhead doors and secondary entries,standard metal. Roofs shall be metal building low-slope or mono-slope(minimum 1:12 slope) metal building roofing with parapets on three sides. Signage will comply with City requirements and located on building walls. 3. Existing Buildings Existing building(Xterra and Works)will remain in place, and will be cosmetically remodeled to be compatible with the architecture of the new development, adding accents,paint and trim to match(approximately)the new buildings Existing buildings are relocated as shown in Exhibit C (Site Plan) Existing buildings do have attached outside covered storage areas D. Development Owners: The Developer Owner shall be established and created to assume and be responsible for the continuous and perpetual operation,maintenance and supervision of the open space and common properties including but not limited to the detention and'or retention 4 ponds,development entryway features and monuments, landscaping, landscape systems, and related amenities subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. E. Site Plan: The Property shall be developed and used substantially in accordance with the Site Plan attached as Exhibit "C",and which is hereby approved. F. Concept Plan: The Property shall be developed and used substantially in accordance with the Concept Plan attached as Exhibit "D", and which is hereby approved. G. Building Exhibit Elevations: The Property shall be developed and used substantially accordance with the Concept Plan attached as Exhibit "D". Exhibit"A" Retail Elevation, Exhibit"B" Retail=°Ofltce Building Elevation,and Exhibit"E" Light Commercial Building Elevation which are hereby approved. 5 a as , a '4, gyp, ', 1 it ° C` a a''.!'. 1 I'4 j 4 I I I I i , �wP W w . ,in � w"tll�d L I 1 p a �m f i I i . i 7 1 1I f 3a 1, I ' ; — "I I� I� 1 ,u R � �.( Ian a , 1 i Imo i r Ii ,x "I, '. {�a ,y , 9 PAN , p ,�;� 1 to x 4 g 0 1 ki q�o Yli iiihh..... A Q d Via. ;. SERENE BUSINESS PARK — RETAIL I I II i •:Di`' vk :' EXHIBITA i i =z :I ''. j,,:.1:4e.,,,67 itt,!-A....1'‘,,,,t1,...,,,f44.1,!, .. 0,..1 „.., „40„ a> i r v k 14it t . 4,4. a " ua, *i 5 , ' q krT 4 j t7,;, Upi J m.., riR7 V ti r'Ik 7„,�ii 7 S II 11 Is. te , .y �., p y U T 7 ael ti I I S V � m [0)'; A,0,44* ';'00' Al 3 cm M M:�i ,. I� SERENE BUSINESS PARK - RETAIL I OFFICE I _M ,, .. EXHIBIT B =z , �1,'c c 413.1041551.4 tiAtirratli-1 le ......11041, .Conk:....1.113. M& 4171-9a -,:\, N.,\'',,, \ -\\x, \. 0 ga _ 0 6 • .0.) 1 g` 3,4117013111O3M1t Mf1,03OWN ,ii pia I ': tl Weed333Ft711cY] - - - . * _ 1111 'I "• 1 e 3t/Y13i11«•at . � w 9GYtll v jai kg a 0• •• . illf .san Y° •7[f � l 1 5' .wta eiralt �.. ..�. - 1 r+ 1 . ax41 1 g NS'Mn7f!!1 1 _ - 37MH01 t omit . +ea xn 1 — sestina s i , - la€itl•coili 'caw"rw lit1t131 O EN Ails 1 VS CRY th451331173+�m9 _ - 1L%!fld tr• 4454 6 r#31 ail!--' 1113lM5452 it5A 3i3s1awoa+twa R11YX76H I = _ ,. .a t>w.an,t3 -� a , anume 6 ' IIN'-''—'—'—.———'— — — ...- '..- -7IP' '7;7 —1—m142 cwAl---7G--1-41."--'-",,.,— l':••'-'—'3":III fr !t T •• >04#61.9 �0 ..200_8 �e aetnta3ta,uoctiulst� a . .�• oat• to A 141111130503.1A14) a 8 '�- 1IF3f1 AtR t1313a1Rii9 11•s‘i , • -44 P t$t I1 -.oli311air#f} h� r �* 7. i 101 VIM ! +t.= SAM Pfi111N117v 33r75G[V1 v try 1S 47;ICrl•511'1'a ret•Noll tt ilazimimrxern 3,*O454531Y115153 r4- t1 i f_ ICI t Ll D•i7 na•1•31 05191 3 i' •a Caw saotiszszi11104Rats"am aroma�501:13 i �J 5r ^5.3v7I dm61 .t51 Si ostrn Et1a3 440411570�" 1 3 #•I ' '� iS6t7V! �"' 1tmoliscaVIA ut71 KO'tXlia 37tillS aal9.953 a d .1i'-I� _ Serums n tonZL1 tins Drat 311s p nutosnr temoila l - - _ 47tl19Y3 LA oa KC84 SA117r 0555rX*541 t413 s;j„Z� i1IG�li1•t�lta1111a 116411t51150bal,".1.fY,711117 # * s]uvrmi•tltauolalJOVL c 1rsr3nri4al101 n 33MPICsrLl Li CO l51rt t atm C 1 =7NQ7431rxis 731eJ =� �133�EMMEN�3 L�� t ' 1 i ' •I, �,1a p "MP?rasa CBrxiti!l 0/CAI/I" Yi43�11carri t! 1. _1� "7 -* t #3j3tpf8J En n g#pytl¢a6AiQa1nsr3ta t t1�"aa y�1p ��. itC9ti1HTR117Y'kedl7aClM3an , • Cy ii{A7 t9!'I3•Yw°'CK Xditt t7,4t}is'7t ttl1 G]<AAtid3M.7N►r'd76tadY'B 054.31.4{7 t ttl9131N31d i" 71f483 '4it(�+iJ7} II; TAM St CIti07xiidllfBCE.�4it4ii CO tYrtit'fa61d 7t1ait UM DRUG a .,_'". "'. .1 NA 4--_ 13y7Has18t3altar6!31t9 1 -.,. +y . '^.ice 1411 ... .-,_...__ .m NOitYIt1®Y1-A1 Yi613319 t1AJaN 0380 LEGEND DetION ar ,_.. _ ' ; 's � . ,,, 0 RETAIL 4.4 MlM44�i�1 fi -_-�sVl %<' /a� EEIAII OFFICE ��� , Hall!COMMERCIAL r .ZFI'4. '-'"---' -�` ', 'y INUCN WASH 0:474., * ,. ti;t, A �. -r-� # 4 0 1IHOCATEDERISTINGOFFICE T 4 P ' y 1 }n`'__ c lIIfA i Q ErFSTINO OFFICE Z P 4 F 1:=,�4t - � •- a rr,° 0 ENCLOSED STORAGE BUILDING .� � p°no�o _�5g-�3 OUTSIDE COVERED STORAGE4tie a + y.�la:' • _ 0 MONUMENT SION 1,IP%i'' '1sls. .aj ii r_ jet 1 _ a t nor ,'z 41. k ct r..-5•=5 "% =-,i '`.-. "--".tF,fc...:**.** .. ....,-***-, . :-- - ----" = `., P_ CO W,: � - i�. ° tJm = . -- s z' I - - 1 4 'fit ;r> [44:1-13-4-r---- -'4`4':44-4'T.--1.-f-41W4-71[:**:4.r.- ---47.1.0. 4:, DI13:1 '''; -74"4'7"7-1'-' ---11- --;"--'"---.4.i 1 -4.-r--:‘ 7:1;.!'-:',4-Cli:.-4.'.4i 0 '''� -E` - - - . a4, . LEI tT + �ea5.:"*-"�-i'dra-' <•� 4 4. . 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'= t � �1ES#1 :,xU LAKE ,,---:/,,--.. _„:.1- -- tx• VILLAGE {�jA 73 m 1 3 �w' � � n� a ,, 1 - � r dam. r x� mxri ", fim 4 d 1,WO " ILL . i ?.. i P ee :6' u TR WYLIE I AO* u,M �� � : , ,,,. ate _w i` AY TB 78 r__tow, MAI a. SHAHIKw�. .. ,. w , GROUP �� t ri � 9 a..., WYLIE RETAI i OFFICE PAR I ,2 17 ma mum,. mn.a,--,ea,•mm a:� s•.saew.+a... k *G.. , �. '" ,..z' ,,, ,, DEVONSHIRE LN �t - .. .a' N..m , wi 'figs-1 9`i " 90 "ND AM DR , p p y / ��, m ''.vw 4a •,.;A�.r,:m:::m,'e. �cc ,F t: 1 1 'pis' ' aAs l 1A, °'�,&.; VYf ESTATE #3 $ V Tw 1 D S I e 0 ,.. _.w ti ,71- Itsi ) S TCHING 21R a. . ,. � ST TION /a zs zsz xa �, .. � g a t K* . wm »� x , OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP CITY OF WYLuu ZC #2018-04 Map Date.td'23l2478 ( ( ) ( (|■. ■. . . .. . . $ | |2 Phi P=|\| |• §;■ ; & ;-a.; ; l7, 55( (k ( (= k5 ! (2 §( (kk )| (k| . . 7 $ § ) ) i ) § '4 B § § - : ) a G k § k | k k 2 B ; t k-® t z t i § t t }g / / J gd / ; / . / / | § a § | §u k| 1 11E | 1 | a | | | I 2 2 J)$ 2 2 2 2 | 2 2 11 Bk B B B3 8 B B ` § ■ ■|| § § ■ | | § ■ i ; ■ ■ ._ , . , ■ ; § ` \ - 3 . . . % $ . | ' Ik • k k an k k k l k § k k | �� k | | ` = | | } 55 Bk ! s 3 ) ¢ 51 • | : «. e ! ■ ■ ! | « k § !% % k § § § ` . • \ B M. a' B 2 § ƒ K , ( ! F | E t § a e ee! e 2. 2. : : e 2. ` § \ ( . | || $ | | 5 \ g g ■ ■ ■ L.E s i , 2 § E § 4 ! k § % ) (|k % B B g k k K g 15 "| ® 2 ! . § 2 E. . k 22 2 | § 2 m : ■ § ` 2 | , kel u ! . j - i 8 . \ . 5 _ ). 1 2 | § B | R. s il §- 2 S § ■ i' i l § | . . - -Im } - \ \ 1 . , k K 448 $ B k § § ; g ; . ■ % § |$ 8 ■ ■ ! B ) / § ! ! ! ! ! ! 7 | § |°° ! § |2 ■ ■ ; - ; - 2 § 2( (_ B F. ( § k ( 2 sw, 4 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT tvtb Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: 4 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 21, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 5 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural— 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located west of Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04 Recommendation No Action due to an error in posting the notice. Discussion Owner: Collin College Applicant: Page Southerland Page, Inc. The subject request consists of 5 separate tracts. Tract 13: 23.888 acres, Tract 2: 9.689 acres, Tract 7: 9.719 acres, Tract 6-9: 8.7976 acres; Tract 6: 1 acre, for a total of 53.0936 acres. Tract 13 and lot 2 was the subject of land conveyance from the City of Wylie to Collin College in 2016. Since that time, the applicant has acquired additional land to the north for a total of 96.524 acres. Establishing permanent zoning of Business Government is the first step in the development process. Once zoning has been established, the applicant will proceed with platting and site plan. Notification/Responses: Twenty-four (24) notifications were mailed; with no responses returned at the time of posting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: The Chairman opened the public hearing to allow any citizen to speak for or against this item. With no one approaching to speak, the Chairman stated that due to an error in posting the notice, the item would be re- noticed and the public hearing continued to the March 20th meeting. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of I 11 as vCnlar 1 �� , ��t �� EFIL� ,bit 4:(�l ... �a a c-,,,:rt.,4,,:itit;t.:Ito r,T0,,,=_Ht:F,3it‘.,:t•-•,,,,,,t„,,,,,‘,,,,,zt..,,,,„....,......,..,,,,,.....41,,,,titt4„..„0 1.1 _ of I I � MC IILLAN 1 t� ,t. - c {.c c� t7 7"(IC P I ) _......_ Ci y �• ,LL�1�Y1 �-4 c ><r 1 '' 1,., �,-,i _........._. __ .:r I !� a y� - �",/ � `"�' ( , re. IGd_i 4 R?1II ils - .'>, _...__ -— �L. x 4 i `7 ,/fr/ i flrsj �4-�'{- 3'r"f 1 rril• T f�rkti� a'.I �� _.x r�i.Y �l- - / / t-._ _._ —• .,_t. , `-,i tl,icl r'a F S t-@ C �i• -' -,. 1 -- .,.' j// ( 1(,;�.i��-;; rt- � �( � + t-a� ,c.5i"i:�' t t l t r C s ' - r"iJ. t`T1u -r� �; w ig ' c ' �� �I! �/ " � ; fl P k i ` � r� �, � �� ��L_� `tj�a 4 l����,.'�,�.,:t t[�.1�i �. � ��r��l t�tt-�.�.�,' �f '�. F'�—I r�- �. t, i s y, Ll' 11 a , dlk�l+ � Y \. "!'.vy 1aI + 1t1 1� rM I� �� , '1"` °f , t / i"� ;S » �� � ` i • �i r�� � aIc.,;. Sub'ect • ,.i ?, r� . �,{ �€-, �� Ion C avyti. �_ F • � ( t L l Property _k WYLIE MUNICIPAL I!i'1 , I j '. /Y 4-sil(_ LTRAIL AND i- � � �Rif it1;. 3L` Ii9UPICiPAL. f /- OPEN PAC q ..(�. } }.� �.. __, l ;Tie i ifil. 10,1 1, 71 E tSs T. Y� I�� ��x CCM1L {2{ / / +trip a 11st—E L,.-143. t, 1 4 � ��l r �i j, C 4 '` J 9 LJ 'h��f {AI'€GJ i JSI F-,C ! + y>' �'/� � t �. ILL HIGH _ p � / IQ:,1 i C C?L tGH HI, r Y �7 r -a i . r ., �c 1 _ � _ s �F Ll i - L ' rh 1 9LL \ I j i i m1•1 FC•U• 9L11- CPA• '$ I I , .1m'u��"'.,�.1`:-;'�.a...\$sati`^,�uSN�\. .'� 4.Iti 7 .i�� h r 4t,J Y'M.ri._I I,HIGH ���__. _ _..:...... i v _ i 2 ti i.+" °.✓F • II! (1���� IIiI" gill t ll..�I�°L76 CAL -4 i f( ` . 54=��a e'.`.3 ; `.i.S*"MS'k`S"9.'bY6'�LL"" ^vu?m4`5�*ia?34 YC*lti Cfia`+�.fk6!§i �'4 P �' ( ( 1 ' .'.a ,/"' ,\ 11 IL, •04'/I- C ,Y '' �I ' w f � t� � s.• . I. f iA er 1. LOCATION MAP vial\<NI C,1) 7/111: ZC #20 _ 04 Map Date:1/26/2018 Page 56 of 63 LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the J. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196 and the G. W. Gunnell Survey, Abstract No. 351 Collin county, Texas, and being all of a called 9.689 acres tract conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20161215001702780, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of a called 9.719 acres tract conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20170123000100100, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of a called 23.888 acres tract conveyed to Collin County Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20160923001280200, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of Lot 2, Block A, Wylie Civic Center Addition, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 2011, Page 56, Plat Records Collin County, Texas and conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20161216001707960, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of a XXX acre tract conveyed to Collin County Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Land Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bound as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for corner of said called 9.689 acre tract, said iron rod also being at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A, Wylie Fire Station No. 2 as recorded in Cabinet P, Page 511, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE S 89'37'44" E following the south line of said Wylie Fire Station No. 2 a distance of 1601.37' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner in the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road (a variable width ROW); THENCE S 00'31 '07" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 268. 18' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 01'28'25" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 132.99' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 04'53'33" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 130.54' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 04'53'33" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 129.49' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 01'26'24" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 132.76' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; Page 57 of 63 THENCE S 8559'06" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Rood a distance of 8.71' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 00'29'41 " E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 223.66' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 04'02'24" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 167.98' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE along said curve to the right following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road through a central angle of 12'1 1'52", a radius of 2103.89', an arc length of 447.90', with a chord bearing of S 2(748'03" W, and a chord length of 447.05', to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 29'21'00" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 168.40' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 34'34'49" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 314.59' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 35'00'28" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 507.56' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 32'49'41" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 231.66'to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; THENCE S 31'50'10" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 200.71 ' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road through a central angle of 15'09'21", a radius of 1528.27', an arc length of 404.26', with a chord bearing of S 20'53'30" W, and a chord length of 403.08' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; Page 58 of 63 THENCE S 06'14'35" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Rood a distance of 155.56' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 11'56'30" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 102. 10' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HA" found for corner; THENCE S 00'38'15" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 71. 13' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HA" found for corner; THENCE S 86'34'03" W a distance of 103.08' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the southeast corner of Block A, Parkside Phase I, as recorded in Volume 2007, Page 640, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE N 00'08'03" W following the east line of said Block A a distance of 509.01' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner in a curve to the left said iron rod being in the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive (65' ROW); THENCE along said curve to the left following the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive through a central angle of 05'31 '42", a radius of 665.00', an arc length of 64. 16', with a chord bearing of S 69'49'03" E, and a chord length of 64. 14' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner, THENCE S 72'34'54" E following the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive a distance of 89.98' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner to the beginning of a non—tangent curve to the right, said iron rod being at the end of Lakefield Drive; THENCE along said curve to the right following the east end of Lakefield Drive through a central angle of 02'23'28', a radius of 1558.27', an arc length of 65.03', with a chord bearing of N 19'08'18" E, and a chord length of 65.03' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stomped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 72'34'54" W following the north Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive a distance of 91.93' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right; Page 59 of 63 THENCE along said curve to the right following the north Right of Way line of Lake field Drive through a central angle of 08'11 '57", a radius of 600.00', an arc length of 85.86', with a chord bearing of N 68'28'55" W, and a chord length of 85.79' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block X of said Parkside Phase 1; THENCE N 0005'44" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 427.72'; THENCE S 89'55'29" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 82.49'; THENCE N 53'26'39" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 534.68'; THENCE N 34'16'23" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 484.02'; THENCE N 50'01'11" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 354.93' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 5935'51" E following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 455.32' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left through a central angle of 53'29'51 ", a radius of 353.88', an arc length of 330.42', with a chord bearing of N 3042'04" E, and a chord length of 318.55' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner, THENCE N 03'57'09" E following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 263.64' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the northeast corner of said Lot 1, said iron rod being in the south line of Lake Ranch Phase I as recorded in Cabinet C, Page 193, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE N 8957'09" E following the south line of said Lake Ranch Phase I a distance of 92.73' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 0020'08" E following the east line of said Lake Ranch Phase I a distance of 786.27' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4,204,564 Square Feet or 96.524 Acres of land. Page 60 of 63 GRF a 4.,c,r , 0,-, \ _____. qp - f/N ti/ ��o \.9,,, s,, / ‘ F NORTH �� SCALE 1'= 100' s / .C„' LEGEND C.M. = CONTROLLING MONUMENT CIRS = CAPPED 1/2" IRON ROD SET STAMPED (4613) '�� AM = ALUMINUM CAP \v INC = IRON ROD FOUND % �j = POWER POLE N(bb� -i- = GUY WIRE CIRF ® _ DRAIN `y . = LIGHT POLE \ I ° 3, '/ �` XL = FIRE HYDRANT ' M = WATER VALVE 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT MUDDY CREEK RESERVOIR VOLUME 4720, PAGE 1525 � LAKE SOIL CONSERVATION LAKE 0 = UNDER GROUND TELEPHONE eox j ( 20' SANITARY SEWER EWER EASEMENT VOL. 488, PC. 346 DE,Rt VOL. 538, PC. 308 j / VOLUME 3255, AGE 172___ C\` Gq� LAKE RANCH H PHASE I LOT 1, BLOCK X i ���-- CABINET C, PAGE 193 OPEN SPACE/DRAINAGE EASEMENT �_- 57 09" E RF CITY OF WYLIE7 "-------- VOLUME 2007, PAGE 640 ! 203.04' RF N 00°20'08" E 786.27' POB- x -- x -� x - x x7 x X x -x x �� I/2"IRF • I ' /� i �/ / � /✓ C.M. oP�3a.ro x � . El XXX 1 (Lig SEALED) h i X j POND x \ ' (5)/ V.--"----, I I I ov 1 (2-) %yor{13/ CALLED 23.888 ACRE S I I � ni X i o vv ' COLLIN COUNTYCOMMUNIT Y COLLEGE DISTRICT C.C. NO. 2016092300128020 0 / i ' x x LOT 1, BLOCK X R // / 7 x o ' OPEN SPACE/DRAINAGE EASEMENT / oiy CITY OFWYLIE -- — - -IN / / VOLUME 2007, PAGE 640 'W / / , il N 00°08'03" W 509.01' CIRF GIRF // / G.W. GUNNELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 351 F.•y -- _ - --- -- -- -- -- �- -- GIRT -- -- -- -- •i77� J. CURTIS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 196 t.+ GIRT N 00°05'44" W 427.72' v x o ZONED AE x PANEL NO. 48085C0415J / / I --- _ _ aRF — REVISED JUNE 2, 2009 / / le L9 E8 — y GRAPHICALLY LOCATED / / CAPPED i GAPPED L7 -� N� // / I "HALFF"7 HALFF' CIRF RF V i L RF C4 = `\�` CIRF / , �� ,�— //;'� ZONED X 22 PANEL NO. 48085C0415J ' co I �� v /I REVISED JUNE 2, 2009 co I - \ / TOP 497.39 i 486_48 GRAPHICALLY LOCATED x o M �� 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT STORY 0) ° VOLUME 3255, PAGE 36 / METAL STORY AM FND \ / / 'F METAL G.M. ,1 S 96.524 ACRES M STORY STORY r ���� LOT 2, BLOCK A METAL m <Q� 10*L. \\ WYLIE CIVIC CENTER i ,....1, 0 LOT 1, BLOCK A / j 5 VOL, P R.C.G T2011, GE 5& 1 E1 c-I LIE FIR STATION P. PAGE NO. 2 V / COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY � W P.R.C.C.T. i � COLLEGE DISTRICT - ,:,,,,,C.: \ ! -„,, 1 �- S o c.c. No. 20161216001707960 1 CALLED 9.779 ACRES CALLED 9.689 ACRES Mt` ��1 �1�, \// / DEeoRAH MULCAHY COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY No RCCT 93-oo7 282 COLLEGE DISTRICT COLLEGE DISTRICT j AREA NOT SURVEYED C.C. NO. 20170123000100100 C.C. NO. 20161215001702780 V) / CIRF V rH x V / 1 O O x Z Z ; S� \ 30' NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL L I LU j �° WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT co °x X° x —x .S / A ��. VOLUME 2011, PAGE 56 I STORY <-� A = METAL [1 �,. \ i STORY x x ---. x x x METAL ---o---I . .OAS '9/Zj �/ A 7 STORY NMI BEARING DISTANCE 1o�\F \ Z \,X METAL S 00137'07" E 268.18' 2., /-T v (D x 11 x Ell s 01°28'25" E ti v ®S 04653'33" E 130.54' O, ( x 4 S 04'53'33" E 129.49' I x ®S 01`26'24" E 132.76' � �j \ Z 6 S 85'59'06" W 8.71' Da CIRF \\ + x x ®S 06'14'35" W 1 . ' \ +11' L8 S 7 7°5E'30" W 10202.10 10' \\V \ � SHED 9 S OG°38'75" E S� x ❑ ..., )0 L10 S 86'34'03" W 103.08' .. yo X ®S 72'34'54" E 89.98' �� � �\ x 4. ®N 72'34'54" W 91.93 9,' _ ®S 89°55'29" W 82.49' * + x X 4 N 89`57'09" E 92.73' 17� \ t K x x x g c� 9 m ,,2[i CURVE DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH �� Cl 12'1 1'52" 2103.89' 447.90' S 20'48'03' W 447.05' BM #2 "X" Cur WELL STORY STORY x C2 15'09'21" 1528.27' 404.26. S 20°53'30" W 403.08' ELEV 507.39 ND BRICK eRrcK C3 5'31'42" 665.00' 64.16' S 69'49'03' E 64.14' O� S'� p C4 2'23'28" 1558.27' 65.03. N 19'08'18" E 65.03' :�9� A x C5 8`7 2'04" 600.00' 85.88' N 68°28'52" W 85.81' , 'Z 0 r' x 1 C6 53°29'5 1" 353.88' 330.42' N 30'42'04" E 318.55' laps, (� x 0( . 2 x �- CAM FND A M. ..\ \ x x j1 x NOTES: �f 1. The original copy will have original signatures, stamp A �� �� x TO STATE OF TEXAS \ ——— — TO STATE OF TEXAS seal and an impression seal. TO STATE OF TEXAS C.C. N0. 20090130000096670 p G.G. No. 200806000697370 C.C. N0. 20090130000097120 x L_R.C_C.T. 2. Copyright 2017, Surdukan Surveying, Inc. L.R.C.C.T R.C.C.T. x AM FND 3. This survey is being provided solely for the use of �, AM FND ----_ L2 __ �Z __ AM cm Dig he current parties. - M S 04°02'24" AM FND X( RF ® M ° 5. The bass of bearings, horizontal andivertf record. � W S 0 �9 41 E aRFx L5-„ x x CIRF L3 `� - -- C.M. 4. This survey �s subject to all e al position , -- RF 1E are derived from Texas YIDS RTK Network, Texas State --� CIRF �° Plane Coordinates System, Nad83, North Central Zone, --- BM #1 'X" CUT Nad 83 (CORS96) Epoch 2002.0, Vertical position are r ELEV. 531.09 referenced to NAVD88 using (GEIOD03). SITE BENCHMARKS FM No. 1378 / COUNTRY CLUB ROAD C1 X CUT AT NORTH END OF CENTERLINE MEDIUM ON D j / O v "� OUNTRY CLUB ROAD EAST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF o ® u VARIABLE WIDTH ROW THIS SITE. ELEV. 531.09 0 # X CUT ON EAST TOP DE CURB AT 21 ' NORTH OF THE BOUNDARY SURVEY SOUTH END OF CENTERLINE MEDIUM ON COUNTRY CLUB 96.524 ACRES ROAD, 1175' NORTH OF CENTER LINE LAKEFIELD DR. J. CURTIS SURVEY ELEV. 507.39 ABSTRACT NO.196 G. W. GUNNELL SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 351 CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS i , ` IANA:[NI T C S , t 1,1 „...;„,„„.;„„:„„,,....,...„.„...„..„.;.,„;.„...,....„,, 11 , Y r� I 3 ,. II I :::,,,',„,...... . 4/ 1 /, rn_ UNICIPAL. r, 31 7.: is �` ( ICRC, 7 �z. ARK ft A, •: z 101 1 L `T Lru� �i 11 ri-ICI (r ,r� ���� L; I1-1 s : s _'jt LJp I . K� �AL 1,.ri ': r NiNN P, \ ' N �, �,a '�,1('C r, _.,r1,t , ' aN , „ Y iNiNNiNNZNIIN NI ! I ir \ t ' da }' t k it' it l—Ltktk "' ' �ek_,(._ RS DAtLL A LM 1at1 ., M V.. W RA 544 -- ii I if YLI H _ • }C . .,„' ...._/,'';',1,'''':'' '''''''' ' � ' L C) U) i� i OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ca� rtv,,,,,,, � ZC #2018-04 0. Map Date:1/26/2018 Page 62 of 63 REVISED Property_Owner_Notification_List_ZC2018-04 PROPERTY ID X_REF/GEO ID OWNER NAME DOING BUSINESS AS OWNER NAME 2 ADDRESS OWNER CITY OWNER STATE OWNER ZIPC SUBDIVISION NAME BLOCK TRACT/LOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITE ADDRESS FM 1378 425409 R-6351-000-0020-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3452 SPUR 399 MCKINNEY TX 75069-8742 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 2 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 2, 9.689 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 405 FM 1378 425445 R-6351-000-0060-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIST 2200 W UNIVERSITY DR MCKINNEY TX 75071-2906 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 6 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 6, 1.0 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 425481 R-6351-000-0090-1 ALK REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT LLP 4152 GREENFIELD DR RICHARDSON TX 75082-3731 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 9 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 9, 7.433 ACRES WYLIE,TX FM 1378 1225551 R-6351-000-0069-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIST 2200 W UNIVERSITY DR MCKINNEY TX 75071-2906 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 6-9 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 6-9, 8.7976 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 601 LAKE RANCH LN 1274962 R-0785-000-0060-1 GOUGHNOUR PAUL& LAURA GOUGHNOUR 601 LAKE RANCH LN WYLIE TX 75098-7102 LAKE RANCH 6 LAKE RANCH, LOT 6 WYLIE,TX 75098 501 LAKE RANCH LN 2150167 R-0785-000-0050-1 MILLER RONALD A 501 LAKE RANCH LN WYLIE TX 75098-7121 LAKE RANCH 5 LAKE RANCH, LOT 5 WYLIE,TX 75098 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2545755 R-8420-00A-0010-1 WYLIE CITY OF CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 WYLIE FIRE STATION NO 2 (CWY) A 1 WYLIE FIRE STATION NO 2 (CWY), BLK A, LOT 1 WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2545756 R-8420-000-R001-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 WYLIE FIRE STATION NO 2 (CWY) R001 WYLIE FIRE STATION NO 2 (CWY), LOT R001; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 454 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2589703 R-8913-00A-0010-1 BALDIN INVESTMENTS LLC 7-ELEVEN 955 MEADOWBROOK DR WYLIE TX 75098-8817 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION (CWY) A 1 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION (CWY), BLK A, LOT 1 WYLIE,TX 75098 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2589709 R-8913-000-R001-1 WYLIE CITY OF CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION (CWY) R001 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION (CWY), LOT R001; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2632840 R-6351-000-009R-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 9R ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 9R, .0737 ACRES; ROW TX FM 1378 2634304 R-6022-000-019R-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY 19R ABS A0022 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY,TRACT 19R, .0956 ACRES; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 2106 LAKEFIELD DR 2635015 R-9500-00X-0010-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 PARKSIDE PHASE I (CWY) X 1 PARKSIDE PHASE I (CWY), BLK X, LOT 1; OPEN SPACE WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2643628 R-6351-R00-0071-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 G W GUNNELL SURVEY R00 7-1 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 7-1, .137 ACRES; ROW TX FM 1378 2643770 R-6022-R00-0191-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY R00 19-1 ABS A0022 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 19-1, .2991 ACRES; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2648726 R-6351-R00-0791-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 G W GUNNELL SURVEY R00 7-9-1 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 7-9-1, .1373 ACRES; ROW TX FM 1378 2651612 R-6351-R00-0021-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 G W GUNNELL SURVEY R00 2-1 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 2-1, .2966 ACRES; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2651633 R-6351-R00-0061-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 G W GUNNELL SURVEY R00 6-1 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 6-1, .1964 ACRES; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 v an °; 456 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2671752 R-10103-00A-002R-1 WINWIN HOLDINGS LLC 11410 GRISSOM LN DALLAS TX 75229-2352 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION NO 2 (CYW) A 2R ZLAN CORNER ADDITION NO 2 (CYW), BLK A, LOT 2R WYLIE,TX 75098 w FM 1378 2671799 R-10086-00A-0020-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3452 SPUR 399 MCKINNEY TX 75069-8742 WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION (CWY) A 2 WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION (CWY), BLK A, LOT 2 WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2671802 R-10086-000-R001-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION (CWY) R001 WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION (CWY), LOT R001; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 560 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2742285 R-11057-000-0010-1 PLATINUM STORAGE COUNTRY CLUB LLC 1834 S FM 551 FATE TX 75189-4916 PLATINUM STORAGE COUNTRY CLUB (CWY) 1 PLATINUM STORAGE COUNTRY CLUB (CWY), LOT 1 WYLIE,TX 75098 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2744131 R-6351-000-0130-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3452 SPUR 399 MCKINNEY TX 75069-8742 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 13 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 13, 23.888 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 455 FM 1378 2751358 R-6351-000-0070-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3452 SPUR 399 MCKINNEY TX 75069-8742 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 7 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 7, 9.719 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 2/15/2018 , . Wylie City Council STY AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 3-13-2018 Item Number: 5 Department: WEDC/City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: 03-05-2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 Subject Tabled from 02-27-2018 Remove from table and consider Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-13(R)reviewing and approving the Chapter 380 Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Texas and Cross Development, LLC; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the Chapter 380 Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same; and providing for an effective date. Recommendation Tabled from 02-27-2018 Remove from table and consider Motion to approve Resolution. No. 2018-13(R) reviewing and approving a Chapter 380 Agreement between the City of Wylie and Cross Development, LLC; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the Chapter 380 Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same; and providing for an effective date. Discussion In June 2017 Cross Development formally approached the City/WEDC to discuss a mixed-use project to be located on Westgate Way across from Home Depot. This meeting was a direct result of discussions held in May of 2017 at ICSC with brokers for Cross and the Seller with representatives from the Planning Department and WEDC. The meeting at ICSC focused on the potential for a multi-family development at the location being presented to Council. Being that a zoning change would be required, it was Planning staffs' direction to the developer that any request for multi-family would have to include mixed-use components. Also discussed in. May was the well documented landfill which has provided development challenges to this site for the past 25 years. To address the development challenges, an incentive package was requested to offset site work required due to the existence of the State registered landfill utilized for the disposal of Class III polypropylene and plastic shavings generated from the process by which copper wire was recycled. A local Wylie company, Electro Extraction, Inc., operated the landfill from approximately 1972 to 1979. Even though the site was properly registered, the current owner was required to enroll the property into the Voluntary Cleanup Program via the Texas Council on Environmental Quality(TCEQ)in 2003 to address soil and groundwater issues created by the Class III materials. The TCEQ subsequently issued a Final Certificate of Completion(COC) on March 31, Page 1 of 1 2008 under which the materials were allowed to remain on-site. Even with the COC in place, a majority of the shavings must be removed and replaced with clean fill at an estimated cost of$816,000 for the entire site. Cross presented the mixed-use project to Council on 2-13-18 which approved zoning for the 286-unit multi-family development with commercial uses on the 15.72-acre tract. Project costs will be in excess of$32,000,000 for the multi- family alone. While Cross would have preferred the request for financial assistance be considered earlier in the process, staff believed that without zoning the point was moot. Now with zoning complete, Cross is awaiting Council and WEDC Board decisions prior to closing on the property. As reported to Council previously, the premise behind considering financial assistance is based upon the site being underperforming, excessive site work costs, and the significant benefit this project will bring to surrounding commercial properties. Staff is recommending that Council waive up to $475,000 in development fees out of the total estimated fees of $800,000 to be imposed by the City. Should Council believe this assistance is warranted, the Wylie EDC will also consider the reimbursement of qualified infrastructure expenses associated with the commercial side of this project in the amount of$250,000. Based upon estimated net fees of$325,000 and using an assumption of new taxable value of at least $30,000,000 on the multi-family component of the project alone, the rate of return on investment (ROI) will be approximately 6 months on the entire package with an annual net benefit to the City of Wylie in the amount of$365,000. Net benefit comprised of sales tax, property tax, fees, utility revenue, franchise fees less cost of utility and governmental services. For clarification, the ROI utilizes property taxes generated by the multi-family component with partial value generating taxes in 2020. Company Obligations associated with the project are as follows: (1) project cost for Phase I of at least $32,000,000, (2) purchase the 15.72 acres no later than March 20, 2018,. (3) break ground on the multi-family component no later than August 1, 2018, (4) certificates of occupancy issued on all multi-family no later than September 1, 2020, (5) provide documentation supporting the expenditure of no less than $500,000 in site work to address the removal/remediation of polypropylene and shredded plastics and site preparation, (6) certificates of completion on 2,300 square feet of general retail and 3,200 square feet of restaurant space no later than September 1, 2020. Should Cross fail to meet any of the above Obligations, the contemplated waived fees will be due and payable prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. The City/WEDC designed an incentive package in 2007 to address the property owner's costs ($148,000) to secure the Final Certificate of Completion through the TCEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program and the estimated site cost to a potential developer to remediate the removal of shavings. With the shift in retail development further west down F.M. 544 and inability to identify a buyer for the subject property, the program was terminated in 2011. After receiving input from Council at the February 27th meeting, staff approached the developer in an effort to tie the contemplated fee waivers and other WEDC incentives to be considered at a later date to the conceptual office development depicted on the site plan. While Cross Development was unable to commit to the timing of the office product, Council's concern over the `development' obstacles can be addressed within the Agreement. In addition to the previously presented Company Obligations, Cross must now provide documentation evidencing that the property south of the Explorer Pipeline Easement is accessible to vehicular traffic, the property is free from Contaminants caused by Electro Extraction, Inc. operations, and that the same area is actively being marketed for commercial uses consistent within the existing PD-MF/CR under Zoning Case 2017-12. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-13(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, REVIEWING AND APPROVING THE CHAPTER 380 AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND CROSS DEVELOPMENT, LLC; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CHAPTER 380 AGREEMENT; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE ANY AND ALL OTHER ACTIONS NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THE SAME; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it is in the best interest of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") and its citizens to approve the Chapter 380 Agreement by and between Wylie and Cross Development, LLC (the "380 Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has further investigated and determined that it is in the best interest of Wylie and its citizens to authorize the City Manager to execute the 380 Agreement and to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the 380 Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Authority of City Manager to Execute 380 Agreement. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the 380 Agreement and to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same. The form of the 380 Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein for all purposes. Should the final executed version of the 380 Agreement be revised from the version attached as Exhibit A, such final executed version shall replace Exhibit A of this Resolution for all purposes. SECTION 3: Effective Date. This Resolution is effective immediately upon its passage. [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank.] Resolution No.2018-13(R)Authorizing Execution of 380 Agreement—Page 1 of 3 2391498 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on the 13th day of March, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution No.2018-13(R)Authorizing Execution of 380 Agreement—Page 2 of 3 2391498 Exhibit A 380 Agreement [INSERT FORM OF AGREEMENT] Resolution No.2018-13 (R)Authorizing Execution of 380 Agreement—Page 3 of 3 2391498 CHAPTER 380 AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS AND CROSS DEVELOPMENT,LLC This CHAPTER 380 AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into by and between CROSS DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Texas limited liability company("Company") and the CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS, a Texas home-rule municipality("City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens to encourage programs, including programs for making loans and grants of public money to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City pursuant to Chapter 380, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, ("Chapter 380"); WHEREAS, Company has entered into a contract to acquire 15.7208 acres of property located in the City, which property is more fully described herein on the attached Exhibit "A" (the "Property"); WHEREAS, Company proposes to construct on the Property a mixed-use development in two phases. Phase one shall consist of at least: (i) 286 multifamily units (the "Multifamily Units"), (ii) 2,300 square feet of general retail space (the "Retail Space"), and approximately(iii) 7,000 square feet of restaurant space which shall be split between two restaurants (the "Restaurant Space" and together with the Multifamily Units and the Retail Space, "Phase One"). Phase two shall consist of approximately 18,600 square feet of office space split between three separate buildings, the first containing approximately 3,500 square feet of office space, the second containing approximately 6,000 square feet of office space, and the third containing approximately 9,100 square feet of office space (collectively, "Phase Two" and together with Phase One, the "Development"), such Development being depicted on the attached Exhibit "B". The total project cost for Phase One shall be not less than Thirty-Two Million Dollars ($32,000,000.00); WHEREAS, Company agrees to provide documentation to the City showing that the total project cost of Phase One is not less than Thirty-Two Million Dollars ($32,000,000.00); WHEREAS, Company agrees to purchase and take title to the Property on or before March 20, 2018 (the "Purchase Deadline"); WHEREAS, Company agrees to commence construction of the Multifamily Units on or before August 1, 2018 (the "Multifamily Commencement Date") and to complete construction of the Multifamily Units and to obtain from the City all corresponding Certificates of Occupancy for the Multifamily Units on or before September 1, 2020 (the"Completion Date"); WHEREAS, Company agrees to complete construction of the Retail Space and at least 3,200 square feet of the Restaurant Space and to obtain from the City all corresponding Certificates Chapter 380 Agreement—Page 1 #2389513 of Completion for the Retail Space and at least 3,200 square feet of the Restaurant Space on or before the Completion Date; WHEREAS, the City will require payment of all development fees associated with construction of the Multifamily Units prior to issuance of a building permit for the Multifamily Units, which development fees include all applicable roadway impact fees, water and sewer impact fees, site plan review fees, final plat fees, development inspection fees, park land dedication fees, fire development impact fees, and peimuit fees (collectively,the "Development Fees"); WHEREAS, the City has agreed to waive up to $475,000.00 of the Development Fees at the time they are due and payable prior to issuance of a building permit for the Multifamily Units (the "Fee Waiver"); WHEREAS, for a number of years beginning in 1972 and ending prior to 1980, the Property was occupied by Electro Extraction, Inc. which operated a state registered landfill for the disposal of Class III polypropylene and PVC plastic shredded from aluminum and copper wire (the "Contaminants"). The Property was required to be enrolled in the TCEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program in November 2003 and received a Final Certificate of Completion on March 31, 2008. While a Final Certificate of Completion was issued, all or a portion of the Contaminants were allowed to remain on the Property through the date of this Agreement, impacting a sizeable portion of the soil on the Property(the"Impacted Soil"); WHEREAS, Company agrees to expend at least $500,000.00 (the "Minimum Removal Expenditure") for all site work, including the removal of the Contaminants from the Property, and to remove or remediate all Impacted Soil(the "Removal/Remediation Process"); WHEREAS, Company shall complete the Removal/Remediation Process on or before the Completion Date; WHEREAS, Company shall actively market all property south of the Explorer Pipeline Easement, as depicted in Exhibit A, for commercial uses authorized within PD-MF/CR under Zoning Case 2017-12, confirm that the same area is fully accessible to vehicular traffic, and that the same area is free from Contaminates; WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that Company meets the criteria for providing the assistance described in this Agreement,pursuant to Chapter 380, since the project will promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activities in the City("Approved Project"); and WHEREAS, the City is willing to provide Company with economic assistance on the terms and subject to the conditions stated herein, and Company is willing to accept the same subject to all terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions contained in this Agreement, the City and Company agree as follows: Chapter 380 Agreement—Page 2 #2389513 1. Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are made a part of this Agreement as if set forth herein verbatim. 2. Company Obligations. Company shall comply with the following requirements (collectively,the"Company Obligations"): a) Company shall purchase and take title to the Property on or before the Purchase Deadline. b) Company shall complete the plans and specifications for the Development (the "Plans") and submit them to the City for approval prior to commencement of construction. c) Company shall pay all Development Fees related to the Multifamily Units less an amount equal to $475,000.00 prior to the City issuing a building permit for the Multifamily Units. d) Company shall commence construction of the Multifamily Units on or before the Multifamily Commencement Date. e) Company shall complete construction of the Multifamily Units and obtain from the City all corresponding Certificates of Occupancy for the Multifamily Units on or before the Completion Date in substantial accordance with the Plans. f) Company shall complete construction of the Retail Space and at least 3,200 square feet of the Restaurant Space and obtain from the City all corresponding Certificates of Completion for the Retail Space and at least 3,200 square feet of the Restaurant Space on or before the Completion Date in substantial accordance with the Plans. g) Company shall supply documentation to the City on or before the Completion Deadline that the project cost of constructing Phase One was at least Thirty-Two Million Dollars ($32,000,000.00). h) Company shall provide to the City on or before the Completion Deadline documentation confirming that: (i) the Removal/Remediation Process has been completed, and (ii) the Company expended an amount greater than or equal to the Minimum Removal Expenditure in completing the Removal/Remediation Process. i) On or before the Completion Date, Company shall provide documentation to the City evidencing that the property south of the Explorer Pipeline Easement is accessible to vehicular traffic, that the Company has used all reasonable efforts to confirm that the same area is free from Contaminants as confirmed by engineering reports, soils analysis, or historical documents depicting Electro Extraction, Inc. operations, and finally documentation that Company is actively marketing the area south of the Explorer Pipeline Easement as evidenced by a contract with a brokerage firm and installation of a real estate promotional sign. Chapter 380 Agreement—Page 3 #2389513 j) Company shall be solely responsible for any fees related to the Multifamily Units or any other portion of the Development in excess of the Fee Waiver. 3. City Obligations. Subject to the teuiis and conditions of this Agreement and provided Company is not in default of this Agreement, the City shall comply with the following (the "City Obligations"): a) Subject to Company (i) satisfying the Company Obligations set forth in Sections 2(a)-2(c) above, and(ii) Company paying all Development Fees to the City less an amount equal to Four Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($475,000.00), City will provide the Fee Waiver to Company. As a condition to obtaining from the City a Certificate of Occupancy for the Multifamily Units, Company must either: (i) complete all of the Company Obligations set forth in Section 2 above on or before the Completion Date, or (ii) pay to the City an amount equal to Four Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($475,000.00) as reimbursement for the Development Fees waived pursuant to this Agreement. Once paid, the Development Fees will not be refundable under any circumstances. The cumulative amount of the Fee Waiver shall not under any circumstances exceed Four Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($475,000.00). 4. Default and Remedy Provisions. a) Subject to delay caused by a Force Majeure Event(as hereinafter defined), failure by Company to comply with each of the Company Obligations prior to the deadline for demonstrating the same to the City, shall constitute an event of default following written notice from the City and a thirty (30) day opportunity to cure, following which the City shall have the right but not the obligation, in its sole discretion, to take any of the following actions, as its sole and exclusive remedies: (i) waive the default; (ii) immediately terminate this Agreement by providing written notice thereof to Company; or(iii) if Company has received the Fee Waiver from the City, then the Company shall pay to the City an amount equal to the Fee Waiver. b) Upon the occurrence of default by the City, Company shall give written notice of such default, and if City has not cured the default within thirty(30) days after receipt of said written notice, Company shall have the right to either (i) immediately terminate this Agreement, or(ii) seek specific performance of this Agreement, as its sole and exclusive remedies. 5. Notices. Any notice provided or permitted to be given under this Agreement must be in writing and may be served by depositing same in the United States mail, addressed to the party to be notified, postage pre-paid and registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by delivering the same in person to such party via email or a hand-delivery service, Federal Express or any courier service that provides a return receipt showing the date of actual delivery of same to the addressee thereof. Notice given in accordance herewith shall be effective upon receipt at the address of the addressee, provided that notice given by U.S. mail return receipt shall be deemed to have been received upon deposit with the postal service. For purposes of notice, the addresses of the parties shall be as follows: Chapter 380 Agreement—Page 4 #2389513 Tf to the City: City of Wylie, Texas Attention: City Manager 300 Country Club Rd., Building 100, 1st Floor Wylie, Texas 75098 Telephone: 972-516-6010 Email: Copy to: Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd&Hullett, P.C. Attention: G. Randal Hullett 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 300 McKinney, Texas 75069 Telephone: (214) 544-4000 Email: rhullett@abernathy-law.com Tf to Company: Cross Development, LLC Attention: Steve Rumsey 4336 Marsh Ridge Road Dallas, Texas 75010 Telephone: 214-614-8252 Email: srumsey@crossdevelopment.net Copy to: Byrd Campbell, P.A. Attention: James S Campbell 180 Park Avenue, Suite 2A Winter Park, FL 32789 Telephone: 407-392-2285 Email:jcampbell@byrdcampbell.com 6. Verification and Compliance. Company will allow the City, at the City's cost (which shall not be a part of the City's Contribution), to audit, if necessary, all of Company's records (other than individual employee files), documents, agreements and other instruments in furtherance of the following purposes: (i)to ensure Company's compliance with the affirmative covenants set forth in this Agreement; (ii) to determine the existence of an event of default under the terms of this Agreement; and (iii) to ensure compliance with any other terms and conditions set forth herein or any related documents. The City will provide Company with written notice of any request for an audit and shall cooperate with Company to schedule audit activities during Company's normal business hours so as to minimize disruption to Company's not anal business operations. 7. Miscellaneous Provisions. a) Binding Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute a valid and binding agreement by and between the City and Company. b) Savings/Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Agreement to be invalid or unenforceable as to any person or circumstance, such finding shall not render that provision invalid or unenforceable as to any Chapter 380 Agreement—Page 5 #2389513 other persons or circumstances, or affect any other provision hereof. It is the intention and agreement of the parties to this Agreement that each such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision shall be amended by the parties hereto to the extent necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable while achieving the same objective of such provision, or, if that is not possible, by substituting therefore another provision that is legal, valid and enforceable and achieves the same objectives (or, if such provision cannot be amended or a provision substituted therefore in a manner that is legal, valid and enforceable and achieves the same objectives, then such provision shall be amended or a new provision substituted therefore that achieves as closely as possible the same objectives or economic position as the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision, irrespective of whether such amendment or substituted provision is materially different than the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision). c) Default. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, Company's and the City's only liability for breaching any provision of this Agreement shall be the remedies expressly set forth in this Agreement. d) Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the matters contained herein and may not be modified or terminated except upon the provisions hereof or by the mutual written agreement of the parties hereto. e) Venue. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and shall be performable in Collin County, Texas. In the event of a lawsuit brought pursuant to this Agreement, exclusive venue shall lie in Collin County, Texas. f) Consideration. This Agreement is executed by the parties hereto without coercion or duress and for substantial consideration, the sufficiency of which is forever confessed. g) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. h) Representations. Each signatory represents this Agreement has been read by the party for which this Agreement is executed and that such party has had an opportunity to confer with its counsel. i) Authority to Execute. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties below represent to each other and to others that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the individual who is executing this Agreement to do so for and on behalf of the party for which his or her signature appears, that there are no other parties or entities required to execute this Agreement in order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the party for whom the individual is signing this Agreement and that each individual Chapter 380 Agreement—Page 6 #2389513 affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and such authorization is valid and effective on the date of this Agreement. j) No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any right in any third party not a signatory to this Agreement, and the parties do not intend to create any third-party beneficiaries by entering into this Agreement. k) Waiver. Waiver by either party of any breach of this Agreement, or the failure of either party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, at any time, shall not in any way affect, limit or waive such party's right thereafter to enforce and compel strict compliance. 1) Miscellaneous Drafting Provisions. This Agreement shall be deemed drafted equally by all parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against any party shall not apply. Headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the parties and are not intended to be used in construing this document. m) Sovereign Immunity. The parties agree that the City has not waived its sovereign immunity by entering into and performing its obligations under this Agreement. n) Assignment. This Agreement or any part thereof shall not be assigned or transferred by any party without the prior written consent of the other party; provided this Agreement may be assigned (i) by Company to an affiliate of Company (an "affiliate" being an entity controlled and majority owned by the Company or its principals) who expressly assumes all of the obligations of Company arising after the date of such assignment, or (ii) by operation of law in connection with a merger or consolidation of Company so long as Company provides City the name, address, phone number, and email address of the successor entity. In the event of an assignment, the assignment is not effective until written notice is given to the City of the name, address, phone number, and email address of the assignee. o) Force Majeure. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, if Company is delayed in performing any obligation under this Agreement due to a Force Majeure Event, then Company's deadline to commence or perform any such obligation shall be extended one (1) day for each day of delay as a result of the Force Majeure Event. It is agreed that if there is a Force Majeure Event that causes the delay of a commencement deadline, then the corresponding completion deadline shall automatically be extended one (1) day for each day the commencement deadline is extended due to a Force Majeure Event. For purposes of this Agreement, a "Force Majeure Event" shall mean any acts of God, riots, strikes, shortages in materials, fires, weather, and public disturbances. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES] Chapter 380 Agreement—Page 7 #2389513 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement and caused this Agreement to be effective on the day of , 2018 ("Effective Date"). ATTEST: CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS By: By: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Mindy Manson, City Manager STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared MINDY MANSON, known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument; he acknowledged to me he is the duly authorized representative for the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, and he executed said instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2018. Notary Public, State of Texas Chapter 380 Agreement—Signature Page(City) #2389513 COMPANY: CROSS DEVELOPMENT,LLC, a Texas limited liability company By: Name: Title: STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of CROSS DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and who acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated on behalf of said company. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2018. Notary Public, State of Texas Chapter 380 Agreement—Signature Page(Company) #2389513 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY BEING a tract of land located in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being all of the remainder of Lot 2, Block A, Replat of Lot 1 , Block A, Westgate Center, Phase One, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat thereof as recorded in Cabinet L, Page 659, Map Records, Collin County, Texas, being all of that tract of land described in deed to Greenway Springs, Ltd. as recorded in Volume 6013, Page 1066, Deed Records, Collin County, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for the southeast corner of said Lot 2, being the intersection of the northerly line of the A.T & S.F. Railroad (150' R.O.W. ) and the westerly line of Westgate Way (100' R.O.W. at this point) ; THENCE, along the southerly line of said Lot 2, Block A, South 52 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 790.00 feet rod a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "SCI" set for the southwest corner of said Lot 2, being the southeast corner of Lot 1 , Block A, Sanden Addition as recorded in Cabinet L, Page 457, Map Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE, departing said Railroad R.O.W. , along the east line of said Sanden Addition and the west line of said Lot 2, North 00 degrees 03 minutes 22 seconds East, a distance of 1 ,392.97 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "Probeck-5187" found for the northwest corner of the herein described tract and the southwest corner of Lot 2A, Block A, Plat of Lot 2A, Block A, West Center Phase One as recorded in Cabinet M, Page 632, Map Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE, departing the east line of said Sanden Addition, along the south line of said Lot 2A, South 89 degrees 56 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of 519.10 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found with cap stamped "Probect-5187" being the southeast corner of said Lot 2A, the northeast corner of the herein described tract, being in the westerly right-of-way line of Westgate Way (65' R.O.W. at this point) ; THENCE, along the westerly line of said Westgate Way and the easterly line of the herein described tract as follows: South 44 degrees 56 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of 7.05 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found, the beginning of a curve to the right; ; Along said curve to the right through a central angle of 49 degrees 30 minutes 38 seconds, a radius of 292.50 feet, an arc length of 252.76 feet, a chord bearing of South 20 degrees 11 minutes 19 seconds East and a chord distance of 244.96 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found; South 04 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 493.90 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found, the beginning of a curve to the left; Along said curve to the left through a central angle of 42 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds, a radius of 262.79 feet, an arc length of 194.01 feet, a chord bearing of South 16 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East and a chord distance of 189.63 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 684,800 square feet or 15.7208 acres of land more or less. Chapter 380 Agreement—Exhibit A #2389513 EXHIBIT `B" DEPICTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT I � ® ....�..• .. t e„t } .r it4-fr k cp '.� i # -tk-�3 a .Mt.^�14 t= 4 \ ',:', ,„,e44):`,,,'?,,,',','',,./ —',„„?,„,', 1„ \,.` ', _44 : AAA-, d Wb:�iAA� .y 14 Tp'tk ,.. `1� t't. 1''1 ,. tk. �y t `x� C�,zIA' '" 1l� A,7 ,, t At 7. .. Ia � Et ,6 I 14''' W.F' r4-1,v 'd^., ,#,�.i�i Ott ? t } 1. ry _fi} a t '� �} & ... ' q "Fc-ij it_A.! ,„A. .A.A -,4'AAA:44 t.4-AA-Arti, .„ 5G "Ea a- -p 1 ,i s 'ht.,'A 'ram LU tw 11 " fit} �t ( t , 33 It pr ,Z1 �i�"' {~0�d v '` "' .^ Y fr.. err. �t..� ... („,°!9-r �aaa-bs ice r Chapter 380 Agreement—Exhibit B #2389513 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT ,1WI 1 Meeting Date: March 13, 2018 Item Number: 6 Department: City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Account Code: Date Prepared: February 16, 2018 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-08 of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, approving a tariff authorizing an annual rate review mechanism ("rrm") as a substitution for the annual interim rate adjustment process defined by section 104.301 of the Texas Utilities Code, and as negotiated between Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos Mid-Tex" or "Company") and the Steering Committee of cities served by Atmos; requiring the company to reimburse cities' reasonable ratemaking expenses; adopting a savings clause; determining that this ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the open meetings act; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the company and legal counsel for the steering committee. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-08 of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, approving a tariff authorizing an annual rate review mechanism ("rrm") as a substitution for the annual interim rate adjustment process defined by section 104.301 of the Texas Utilities Code, as provided for in.Agenda Item#6. Discussion The City, along with 171 other Mid-Texas Cities Served by Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division("Atmos Mid- Tex" or "Company"), is a member of the Steering Committee of Cities Served by Atmos ("Cities"). In 2007, the Cities and Atmos Mid-Tex settled a rate application filed by the Company pursuant to Section 104.301 of the Texas Utilities Code for an interim rate adjustment commonly referred to as a GRIP filing (arising out of the Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program legislation). That settlement created a substitute rate review process, referred to as Rate Review Mechanism("RRM"), as a substitute for future filings under the GRIP statute. Since 2007, there have been several modifications to the original RRM Tariff. The Ordinance that resolved the Company's application under the RRM Tariff in 2017 also terminated the existing RRM Tariff and required a renegotiation of the terms of that tariff. Negotiations have taken place over the past several months, and have resulted in a revised RRM Tariff that has been agreed to by the Company. The Cities' Executive Committee has recommended acceptance of the revised RRM Tariff,which is attached to the Ordinance. CITIES' OBJECTION TO THE SECTION 104.301 GRIP PROCESS Cities strongly opposed the GRIP process because it constitutes piecemeal ratemaking by ignoring declining expenses and increasing revenues and rewarding the Company for increasing capital investment. The GRIP process does not allow any review of the reasonableness of capital investment and does not allow cities to participate in the Railroad Commission's Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 review of annual GRIP filings or recover their rate case expenses. The Railroad Commission undertakes a mere administrative review of GRIP filings (instead of a full hearing) and rate increases go into effect without any material adjustments. In the Steering Committee's view, the GRIP process unfairly raises customers' rates without any regulatory oversight. In contrast, the RRM process has allowed for a more comprehensive rate review and annual evaluation of expenses and revenues, as well as capital investment. CHANGES TO THE RRM TARIFF The RRM Tariff on which the 2017 rates were based allowed a rate of return on equity of 10.50%. The revised RRM Tariff reduces that to 9.8%. The revised RRM Tariff also captures the reduction in federal income tax rates from 35% to 21%, and should result in a rate reduction effective by mid-March, 2018. Prior RRM tariffs allowed Cities only three months to review the Company's filing. The new revised Tariff expands that time period by two months. New applications by the Company should be made on or about April 1 of each year, with new rates effective October 1. A rate order from the Railroad Commission in an Atmos Texas Pipeline rate case adopted the position of Cities with regard to incentive compensation related to Atmos' Shared Services Unit that reduced allowed expenses, and that reduced level of expenses will be applicable under the new RRM Tariff. EXPLANATION OF "BE IT ORDAINED" PARAGRAPHS 1. This section approves all findings in the Ordinance. 2. This section adopts the attached RRM Tariff and finds the adoption of the Tariff to be just, reasonable, and in the public interest. The prior tariff expired by its own terms. 3. This section requires the Company to reimburse the City for expenses associated with adoption of the Ordinance and RRM Tariff and in processing future applications pursuant to the Ordinance. 4. This section repeals any resolution or ordinance that is inconsistent with this Ordinance. 5. This section finds that the meeting was conducted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. 6. This section is a savings clause, which provides that if any section is later found to be unconstitutional or invalid, that finding shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Ordinance. This section further directs that the remaining provisions of the Ordinance are to be interpreted as if the offending section or clause never existed. 7. This section provides for an effective date upon passage. 8. This section directs that a copy of the signed Ordinance be sent to a representative of the Company and legal counsel for the Steering Committee. ORDINANCE NO. 2018-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, APPROVING A TARIFF AUTHORIZING AN ANNUAL RATE REVIEW MECHANISM ("RRM") AS A SUBSTITUTION FOR THE ANNUAL INTERIM RATE ADJUSTMENT PROCESS DEFINED BY SECTION 104.301 OF THE TEXAS UTILITIES CODE, AND AS NEGOTIATED BETWEEN ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION ("ATMOS MID-TEX" OR"COMPANY") AND THE STEERING COMMITTEE OF CITIES SERVED BY ATMOS; REQUIRING THE COMPANY TO REIMBURSE CITIES' REASONABLE RATEMAWING EXPENSES; ADOPTING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; DETERMINING THAT THIS ORDINANCE WAS PASSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT; DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND REQUIRING DELIVERY OF THIS ORDINANCE TO THE COMPANY AND LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THE STEERING COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas ("City") is a gas utility customer of Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos Mid-Tex" or "Company"), and a regulatory authority with an interest in the rates and charges of Atmos Mid-Tex; and WHEREAS, the City and similarly-situated Mid-Tex municipalities created the Steering Committee of Cities Served by Atmos to efficiently address all rate and service matters associated with delivery of natural gas; and WHEREAS, the Steering Committee formed an Executive Committee to direct legal counsel and to recommend certain specific actions to all aligned Mid-Tex Cities through resolution or ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the team of a November 2007 agreement between the Steering Committee and Atmos Mid-Tex that settled the Company's interim rate filing under Section 104.301 of the Texas Utilities Code (a "GRIP" rate case), the Steering Committee and the Company collaboratively developed a Rate Review Mechanism ("RRM") Tariff, ultimately authorized by the City in 2008, that allows for an expedited rate review process as a substitute for the GRIP process; and Ordinance No. 2018-08 Approving a tariff authorizing an annual rate review mechanism WHEREAS, the City has kept some form of a RRM Tariff in place until 2017 when it adopted an ordinance approving an RRM Tariff filing settlement and specifically calling for termination of the existing RRM Tariff and negotiation of a replacement RRM Tariff following the Railroad Commission's decision in a then-pending Atmos Texas Pipeline case (GUD No. 10580); and WHEREAS, the Steering Committee's Executive Committee has recently approved a settlement with the Company on the attached RRM Tariff that contains certain notable improvements, from a consumer perspective, over the prior RRM Tariff, including a reduced rate of return on equity, acceptance of certain expense adjustments made by the Railroad Commission in the Order in GUD No. 10580, and the addition of two months to the time for processing a RRM Tariff application; and WHEREAS, the RRM Tariff contemplates reimbursement of Cities' reasonable expenses associated with RRM Tariff applications; and WHEREAS, the Steering Committee's Executive Committee recommends that all Steering Committee member cities adopt this ordinance and the attached RRM Tariff; and WHEREAS, the attached RRM Tariff is just, reasonable and in the public interest, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the findings set forth in this Ordinance are hereby in all things approved. Section 2. That the attached RRM Tariff re-establishing a form of Rate Review Mechanism is just and reasonable and in the public interest, and is hereby adopted. Section 3. That Atmos Mid-Tex shall reimburse the Cities' reasonable expenses associated with adoption of this Ordinance and the attached RRM Tariff and in processing future RRM Tariff applications filed pursuant to the attached tariff. Ordinance No. 2018-08 Approving a tariff authorizing an annual rate review mechanism Section 4. That to the extent any resolution or ordinance previously adopted by the City is inconsistent with this Ordinance, it is hereby repealed. Section 5. That the meeting at which this Ordinance was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Section 6. That if any one or more sections or clauses of this Ordinance is adjudged to be unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Ordinance , and the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall be interpreted as if the offending section or clause never existed. Section 7. That this Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage. Section 8. That a copy of this Ordinance shall be sent to Atmos Mid-Tex, care of Chris Felan, Vice President of Rates and Regulatory Affairs, Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division, 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1862, Dallas, Texas 75240, and to Geoffrey Gay, General Counsel to Mid-Tex Cities, at Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1900, Austin, Texas 78701. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of March, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No. 2018-08 Approving a tariff authorizing an annual rate review mechanism ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: RRM —Rate Review Mechanism APPLICABLE TO: ALL CITIES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: Bills Rendered on and after 04/01/2018 PAGE: 7 Exhibit A ACSC Cities Abilene Cleburne Frost Lincoln Park Addison Clyde Gainesville Little Elm Albany College Station Garland Lorena Allen Colleyville Garrett Madisonville Alvarado Colorado City Grand Prairie Malakoff Angus Comanche Grapevine Mansfield Anna Commerce Groesbeck Mckinney Argyle Coolidge Gunter Melissa Arlington Coppell Haltom City Mesquite Aubrey Copperas Cove Harker Heights Midlothian Azle Corinth Haskell Murphy Bedford Crandall Haslet Newark Bellmead Crowley Hewitt Nocona Benbrook Dalworthington Gardens Highland Park North Richland Hills Beverly Hills Denison Highland Village Northlake Blossom Denton Honey Grove Oak Leaf Blue Ridge Desoto Hurst Ovilla Bowie Draper Hutto Palestine Boyd Duncanville Iowa Park Pantego Bridgeport Eastland Irving Paris Brownwood Edgecliff Village Justin Parker Buffalo Emory Kaufman Pecan Hill Burkburnett Ennis Keene Petrolia Burleson Euless Keller Plano Caddo Mills Everman Kemp Ponder Canton Fairview Kennedale Pottsboro Carrollton Farmers Branch Kerens Prosper Cedar Hill Farmersville Kerrville Quitman Celeste Fate Killeen Red Oak Celina Flower Mound Krum Reno (Parker County) Centerville Forest Hill Lake Worth Rhome Cisco Forney Lakeside Richardson Clarksville Fort Worth Lancaster Richland Frisco Lewisville Richland Hills ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: RRM —Rate Review Mechanism APPLICABLE TO: ALL CITIES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: Bills Rendered on and after 04/01/2018 PAGE: 8 River Oaks Temple Roanoke Terrell Robinson The Colony Rockwall Trophy Club Roscoe Tyler Rowlett University Park Royse City Venus Sachse Vernon Saginaw Waco Sansom Park Watauga Seagoville Waxahachie Sherman Westlake Snyder Westover Hills Southlake Westworth Village Springtown White Settlement Stamford Whitesboro Stephenville Wichita Falls Sulphur Springs Woodway Sweetwater Wylie ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: RRM —Rate Review Mechanism APPLICABLE TO: ALL CITIES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: Bills Rendered on and after 04/01/2018 PAGE: 1 I. Applicability Applicable to Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation tariff customers within the city limits of cities identified in Exhibit A that receive service from the Mid-Tex Division of Atmos Energy Corporation ("Company"). This Rate Review Mechanism ("RRM") provides for an annual adjustment to the Company's Rate Schedules R, C, I and T ("Applicable Rate Schedules"). Rate calculations and adjustments required by this tariff shall be determined on a System-Wide cost basis. II. Definitions "Test Period" is defined as the twelve months ending December 31 of each preceding calendar year. The "Effective Date" is the date that adjustments required by this tariff are applied to customer bills. The annual Effective Date is October 1. Unless otherwise provided in this tariff the term Final Order refers to the final order issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas in GUD No. 10170 and elements of GUD No. 10580 as specified in Section III below. The term "System-Wide" means all incorporated and unincorporated areas served by the Company. "Review Period" is defined as the period from the Filing Date until the Effective Date. The "Filing Date" is as early as practicable, but no later than April 1 of each year. III. Calculation The RRM shall calculate an annual, System-Wide cost of service ("COS") that will be used to adjust applicable rate schedules prospectively as of the Effective Date. The Company may request recovery of its total cost of service but will include schedules showing the computation of any adjustments. The annual cost of service will be calculated according to the following formula: COS = OM + DEP + RI + TAX + CD Where: OM = all reasonable and necessary operation and maintenance expenses from the Test Period adjusted for known and measurable items and prepared ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: RRM —Rate Review Mechanism APPLICABLE TO: ALL CITIES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: Bills Rendered on and after 04/01/2018 PAGE: 2 consistent with the rate making treatments approved in the Final Order. Incentive compensation (Management Incentive Plan, Variable Pay Plan and Long Term Incentive Plan) related to Atmos' Shared Services Unit will be applied consistent with treatment approved in GUD 10580. Additionally, O&M adjustments will be incorporated and applied as modified by a final order, not subject to appeal, issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas in subsequent rate cases involving the Atmos Mid-Tex or West Texas divisions. Known and measurable adjustments shall be limited to those changes that have occurred prior to the Filing Date. OM may be adjusted for atypical and non-recurring items. Shared Services allocation factors shall be recalculated each year based on the latest component factors used during the Test Period, but the methodology used will be that approved in the Final Order in GUD 10580. DEP = depreciation expense calculated at depreciation rates approved by the Final Order. Additionally, if depreciation rates are approved in a subsequent final order, not subject to appeal, issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas for the Mid-Tex division those rates would be applicable for subsequent RRM filings. RI = return on prudently incurred investment calculated as the Company's pretax return multiplied by rate base at Test Period end. Rate base is prepared consistent with the rate making treatments approved in the Final Order, and as in GUD 10580 as specifically related to capitalized incentive compensation (Management Incentive Plan, Variable Pay Plan and Long Term Incentive Plan) for Atmos' Shared Services Unit. However, no post Test Period adjustments will be permitted. Additionally, adjustments will be incorporated and applied as modified by a final order, not subject to appeal, issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas in subsequent rate cases involving the Atmos Mid-Tex or West Texas divisions. Pretax return is the Company's weighted average cost of capital before income taxes. The Company's weighted average cost of capital is calculated using the methodology from the Final Order including the Company's actual capital structure and long term cost of debt as of the Test Period end (adjusted for any known and measurable changes that have occurred prior to the filing date) and the return on equity of 9.8%. However, in no event will the percentage of equity exceed 58%. Regulatory adjustments due to prior regulatory rate base adjustment disallowances will be maintained. Cash working capital will be calculated using the lead/lag days approved in the Final Order. With respect to pension and other postemployment benefits, the Company will record a regulatory asset or liability for these costs until the amounts are included in the next annual rate adjustment implemented under this tariff. Each year, the Company's filing under this Rider RRM will clearly state the level of pension ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: RRM —Rate Review Mechanism APPLICABLE TO: ALL CITIES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: Bills Rendered on and after 04/01/2018 PAGE: 3 and other postemployment benefits recovered in rates. TAX = income tax and taxes other than income tax from the Test Period adjusted for known and measurable changes occurring after the Test Period and before the Filing Date, and prepared consistent with the rate making treatments approved in the Final Order. Atmos Energy shall comprehensively account for, including establishing a regulatory liability to account for, any statutory change in tax expense that is applicable to months during the Test Period in the calculation to ensure recovery of tax expense under new and old income tax rates. CD = interest on customer deposits. IV. Annual Rate Adjustment The Company shall provide schedules and work papers supporting the Filing's revenue deficiency/sufficiency calculations using the methodology accepted in the Final Order. The result shall be reflected in the proposed new rates to be established for the effective period. The Revenue Requirement will be apportioned to customer classes in the same manner that Company's Revenue Requirement was apportioned in the Final Order. For the Residential Class, 50% of the increase may be recovered in the customer charge. However, the increase to the Residential customer charge shall not exceed $0.60 per month in the initial filing and $0.70 per month in any subsequent year. The remainder of the Residential Class increase not collected in the customer charge will be recovered in the usage charge. For all other classes, the change in rates will be apportioned between the customer charge and the usage charge, consistent with the Final Order. Test Period billing determinants shall be adjusted and normalized according to the methodology utilized in the Final Order. V. Filing The Company shall file schedules annually with the regulatory authority having original jurisdiction over the Company's rates on or before the Filing Date that support the proposed rate adjustments. The schedules shall be in the same general format as the cost of service model and relied-upon files upon which the Final Order was based. A proof of rates and a copy of current and proposed tariffs shall also be included with the filing. The filing shall be made in electronic form where practical. The Company's filing shall conform to Minimum Filing Requirements (to be agreed upon by the parties), which will contain a minimum amount of information that will assist the regulatory authority in its review and analysis of the filing. The Company and regulatory authority will endeavor to hold a technical conference regarding the filing within twenty (20) calendar days after the Filing Date. ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: RRM —Rate Review Mechanism APPLICABLE TO: ALL CITIES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: Bills Rendered on and after 04/01/2018 PAGE: 4 A sworn statement shall be filed by an Officer of the Company affirming that the filed schedules are in compliance with the provisions of this Rate Review Mechanism and are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge, information, and belief. No testimony shall be filed, but a brief narrative explanation shall be provided of any changes to corporate structure, accounting methodologies, allocation of common costs, or atypical or non- recurring items included in the filing. VI. Evaluation Procedures The regulatory authority having original jurisdiction over the Company's rates shall review and render a decision on the Company's proposed rate adjustment prior to the Effective Date. The Company shall provide all supplemental information requested to ensure an opportunity for adequate review by the relevant regulatory authority. The Company shall not unilaterally impose any limits upon the provision of supplemental information and such information shall be provided within seven (7) working days of the original request. The regulatory authority may propose any adjustments it determines to be required to bring the proposed rate adjustment into compliance with the provisions of this tariff. The regulatory authority may disallow any net plant investment that is not shown to be prudently incurred. Approval by the regulatory authority of net plant investment pursuant to the provisions of this tariff shall constitute a finding that such net plant investment was prudently incurred. Such finding of prudence shall not be subject to further review in a subsequent RRM or Statement of Intent filing. During the Review Period, the Company and the regulatory authority will work collaboratively and seek agreement on the level of rate adjustments. If, at the end of the Review Period, the Company and the regulatory authority have not reached agreement, the regulatory authority shall take action to modify or deny the proposed rate adjustments. The Company shall have the right to appeal the regulatory authority's action to the Railroad Commission of Texas. Upon the filing of an appeal of the regulatory authority's order relating to an annual RRM filing with the Railroad Commission of Texas, the regulatory authority having original jurisdiction over the Company's rates shall not oppose the implementation of the Company's proposed rates subject to refund, nor will the regulatory authority advocate for the imposition of a third party surety bond by the Company. Any refund shall be limited to and determined based on the resolution of the disputed adjustment(s) in a final, non-appealable order issued in the appeal filed by the Company at the Railroad Commission of Texas. ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: RRM —Rate Review Mechanism APPLICABLE TO: ALL CITIES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: Bills Rendered on and after 04/01/2018 PAGE: 5 In the event that the regulatory authority and Company agree to a rate adjustment(s) that is different from the adjustment(s) requested in the Company's filing, the Company shall file compliance tariffs consistent with the agreement. No action on the part of the regulatory authority shall be required to allow the rate adjustment(s) to become effective on October 1. To the extent that the regulatory authority does not take action on the Company's RRM filing by September 30, the rates proposed in the Company's filing shall be deemed approved effective October 1. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, a regulatory authority may choose to take affirmative action to approve a rate adjustment under this tariff. In those instances where such approval cannot reasonably occur by September 30, the rates finally approved by the regulatory authority shall be deemed effective as of October 1. To defray the cost, if any, of regulatory authorities conducting a review of the Company's annual RRM filing, the Company shall reimburse the regulatory authorities on a monthly basis for their reasonable expenses incurred upon submission of invoices for such review. Any reimbursement contemplated hereunder shall be deemed a reasonable and necessary operating expense of the Company in the year in which the reimbursement is made. A regulatory authority seeking reimbursement under this provision shall submit its request for reimbursement to the Company no later than December 1 of the year in which the RRM filing is made and the Company shall reimburse regulatory authorities in accordance with this provision on or before December 31 of the year the RRM filing is made. To the extent possible, the provisions of the Final Order shall be applied by the regulatory authority in determining whether to approve or disapprove of Company's proposed rate adjustment. This Rider RRM does not limit the legal rights and duties of a regulatory authority. Nothing herein shall abrogate the jurisdiction of the regulatory authority to initiate a rate proceeding at any time to review whether rates charged are just and reasonable. Similarly, the Company retains its right to utilize the provisions of Texas Utilities Code, Chapter 104, Subchapter C to request a change in rates. The provisions of this Rider RRM are implemented in harmony with the Gas Utility Regulatory Act (Texas Utilities Code, Chapters 101-105). The annual rate adjustment process set forth in this tariff shall remain in effect during the pendency of any Statement of Intent rate filing. ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: RRM —Rate Review Mechanism APPLICABLE TO: ALL CITIES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION AS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT A TO THIS RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE: Bills Rendered on and after 04/01/2018 PAGE: 6 VII. Reconsideration, Appeal and Unresolved Items Orders issued pursuant to this mechanism are ratemaking orders and shall be subject to appeal under Sections 102.001(b) and 103.021, et seq., of the Texas Utilities Code (Vernon 2007). VIII. Notice Notice of each annual RRM filing shall be provided by including the notice, in conspicuous form, in the bill of each directly affected customer no later than forty-five (45) days after the Company makes its annual filing pursuant to this tariff. The notice to customers shall include the following information: a) a description of the proposed revision of rates and schedules; b) the effect the proposed revision of rates is expected to have on the rates applicable to each customer class and on an average bill for each affected customer; c) the service area or areas in which the proposed rates would apply; d) the date the annual RRM filing was made with the regulatory authority; and e) the Company's address, telephone number and website where information concerning the proposed rate adjustment can be obtained.