03-20-2018 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning Commission � A; o - ..,_ nr ill r.wir Air,e _ r � / _____:... /, -,....7- 7 it d eir ,: A yam, �' �. p Fada or.) .. �� PItiospr � r , GUActetA\r „( iicx, F�RAILWAY' s1rEOF March2018 Regular Business Meeting nr a le Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission Sg 1 qk " k r NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 20, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Ron Smith Chair Randy Owens.....................................................................Vice Chair Brad Emerson Commissioner Roger Myers Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Bryan Rogers Commissioner Jade Duan Commissioner Renae 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. March 20,2018 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from March 6, 2018, Regular Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing Tabled from February 20, 2018 Remove from table and consider 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses (PD-CC-LI) on approximately 8 acres, located at 1900 N SH 78. ZC2018-02 (Tabled at February 20, 2018 Meeting) Remove from table and consider 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street,and west of Country Club Road.ZC2018-04(Tabled at February 20, 2018 Meeting) Tabled from March 6, 2018 Remove from table and consider 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council amending Planned Development 2011-29 to allow for self-storage as a permitted use on 3.19 acres being Lot 3 and part of Lot 4,Block A of Woodbridge Center Phase II,generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway. (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC 2018-03 (Tabled at March 6, 2018 Meeting) ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 16 Day of March 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas. ov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie Planning and Zoning 7 Commission CITY OF Y I: Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday March 6, 2018—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:09 p.m. A quorum was present. Commissioners present were: Chair Ron Smith, Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Brad Emerson,Commissioner Roger Myers,Commissioner Jade Duan,and Commissioner Bryan Rogers. Commissioner Mike McCrossin was absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie,Development Services Director,Jasen Haskins, Sr.Planner, Kevin Molina, Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Rogers gave the Invocation. Commissioner Emerson led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Citizen Participation. CONSENT ITEMS Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the February 20,2018,Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers and seconded by Commissioner Myers to approve the minutes for February 20, 2018, as submitted. Motion carried 6—0. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda Minutes March 6, 2018 Wylie Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 4 Item 1 —Final Plat Kingdom Court Consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Kingdom Court Addition to establish 10 residential lots on 11.048 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of County Road 489 and west of SH 78. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the property is located within City of Wylie Extraterritorial Jurisdiction on 11.048 acres, and is north of County Road 489 and west of State Highway 78. The single family residential lots will be approximately one acre each. A 100 foot electrical easement will be located in the rear portion of these lots. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department and Collin County Development Services. Collin County will review and approve On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF). Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Myers, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Kingdom Court Addition to establish 10 residential lots on 11.048 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of County Road 489 and west of State Highway 78. Motion carried 6 — 0. Item 2—Final Plat Inspiration, Phase 4A Consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration Phase 4A consisting of 16.832 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road(F.M. 2514) on Inspiration Blvd. Staff Presentation Mr. Haskins stated that the plat will create 29 residential lots and four open space lots on 16.832 acres. The Preliminary Plat was approved by City Council in June 2016. The difference between the preliminary plat and this plat is that two residential lots turned into open space, and the renumbering of block lots. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Duan, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Tnspiration, Phase 4A consisting of 16.832 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road(FM 2514) on Inspiration Blvd. Motion carried 6—0. Minutes March 6, 2018 ,Wylie Planning &Zoning Commission Page 2 of 4 Item 3 —Final Plat Dominion of Pleasant Valley Phase 2 Consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 2. The Plat will create 214 single family residential lots and multiple open space areas on 62.849 acres and dedicate the necessary rights-of- way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located at the southeast corner of Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. Staff Presentation Mr.Molina stated that the plat will create 214 single family residential lots and multiple open space lots on 62.849 acres. The plat is part of an overall Planned Development Ordinance 2016-27, which was approved in November 2016 and measures 361 acres. The plat does comply with the lot configuration for lot size and open space requirements stipulated in the Planned Development Ordinance 2016-27. Staff recommends approval subject to any additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner Duan, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Final Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 2. The Plat will create 214 single family residential lots and multiple open space areas on 62.849 acres and dedicate the necessary rights-of-way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located at the southeast corner of Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. Motion carried 6—0. Item 4—Site Plan—Ulta Woodbridge Crossing, Lot 8R-1 Consider, and act upon, approval of a Site Plan for a retail use (Ulta), being Lot 8R-1, Block A of the Woodbridge Crossing Addition, generally located south of FM 544 and west of Springwell Parkway. Staff Presentation Mr. Haskins stated that this is another revision of a site plan approved in January 2018, being a revision of a site plan approved in December 2017. The reason for the current revision is that a potential tenant of one of the buildings dropped out of the development. The subject site plan will develop one building of 10,125 square feet on one lot consisting of 7.286 acres. The previous site plans proposed two single buildings for the first submittal, and three single buildings for the second submittal. Due to the scale of the project, staff is asking for Commissioners approval. Staff also asked for Engineering and Fire review, and Engineering and Fire have both provided tentative approval of the layout. Minutes March 6, 2018 Wylie Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of The adjacent lots are open for future developments, as the buildings are sectioned off by fire walls. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Emerson, and seconded by Commissioner Myers, to approve the Site Plan for a retail use (Ulta), being Lot 8R-1, Block A of the Woodbridge Crossing Addition, generally located south of FM 544 and west of Springwell Parkway. Motion carried 6—0. Public Hearing Zoning Case 2018-01 Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council amending Planned Development 2011-29 to allow for self-storage as a permitted use on 3.19 acres being Lot 3 and part of Lot 4,Block A of Woodbridge Center Phase II,generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway. (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC 2018-03 Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that staff is requesting the item to be tabled to March 20,2018 meeting. Staff and the developers are in the midst of working out different ideas. Staff really appreciates the applicant working to get this done. Public Comments Chair Smith opened the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens and seconded by Commissioner Myers, to table the public hearing until March 20, 2018 regular meeting. Motion carried 6—0. Chair Smith reminded the Commissioners of the next meeting on March 20, 2018. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, and seconded by Vice Chair Owens to adjourn the meeting at 6:24PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Ron Smith,Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes March 6, 2018 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 4 '1 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 Item Number: Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Date Prepared: March 15, 2018 Zoning Case Number 2018-02 Location Map, Exhibits, Notification List/Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses (PD-CC-LI) on approximately 8 acres, located at 1900 N SH 78. ZC2018-02 Recommendation Motion to recommend denial to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural—30 District(AG- 30)to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses(PD-CC-LI)on approximately 8 acres,located at 1900 N SH 78. ZC2018-02 Discussion Owner: Ryan Cole Applicant: Serene Business Park The applicant is requesting a Planned Development to allow for retail and commercial/light industrial uses. The plan also includes relocating existing non-conforming buildings. The development standards of this Planned Development set forth the architectural design criteria for the property. Most requirements as stated in the development standards are below the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance. Landscaping meets or exceeds the base standards. The subject tract has never been platted, therefore no vested rights exist. Staff recommends denial of the PD as presented based on the following: - Section B.IV proposes 3,000 psi reinforced concrete for interior streets. The City Engineer requires 3,600 psi with 7" lime treated subgrade for all paved areas. - Section C.II requesting permeable 100% recyclable plastic for access roads, parking, etc. does not conform to zoning ordinance and is not recommended as a suitable substitute when vehicle repair, and maintenance areas for heavy trucks & trailers is proposed. - Section C.II proposes Vehicle repair, maintenance and storage for heavy trucks and trailers allowed by right as opposed to requiring a Special Use Permit as a means for developing certain uses in a manner in which the proposed use will be compatible with adjacent properties. - Section C.IV Architectural requirements for retail& industrial buildings (lots 1 &2) does not specify a breakdown of percent of material proposed. Three sides are listed to be similar with less stucco. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 - Section C.IV Architectural requirements for buildings on lots 3 & 4 proposes metal exterior with 20% faux brick. Metal exterior is not allowed as a primary material by zoning. - Section 7.3.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance states All parking and vehicle storage areas, including recreational vehicle parking in residential land use districts, shall occur on concrete pavement. Because the applicant proposes heavy equipment & trucks, it is not recommended to allow alternative materials. Notification/Responses: Twelve(12)notifications were mailed; with no responses returned at the time of posting. Council consideration on April 10,2018 Approved By Initial Date RO 03/15/18 Department Director $ g 3 3.$ : $R . tea,003.3.3303.00,01:. �3� �,,;,P'� ns5 k � , Y 4 33 ,.. 1 `yea '-3.-` .. ....._ Subject , Property i �E � s , 1(301.3- ° '' ' 1-1:, '\ • 1 I.'„ 17,11,1171 .. —;:l'''‘''„'' 1 i 1 i--""" — a h'E �P rt ( i 10,1403t1011 r y� per. eE 4 l Tom„£ , i ' 1=G` �.,ii ,' F �'d '-m, � 3'R- °k .',{•8v'4N sue.. F S '°s� k t' ` bU�w" ` m &s.S ., 30,-3430 5 t � E E ;FM1s �k.,.w • .1` 4�lt � ` r • `� ., _ , C• t a - , � 1�F3 , , �k 0,F3 .: ,, 3 .43 x ,, c ` "� r t 0b*,a. a ,L 5 k., � 0 ' 3 1sZ �" t-I � S E 1 " 1 5 ,ka ' n { & 4111%„ E{ C { �- „y..-111 j,q '` L �1 • t p ` °! " � � „ ��` � • "* € ��.A� LSe� j� t11`4 k . h _ am LOCATION MAP lie ZC #2018-02 CiTYgO F WY"LI , Map Date:1t23J2Q18 pi NEER MAL PO BOX 136878, FORT WORTH, TX 76136 MAPPING PHONE. 682.233,2550, 1TXBPLS FIRM 1019088 m..,uaaa..R..,r,»a.nmn�._..�... .-»„�-m-....... .,.......w.......�.,�.,.. ........�..a,.. ,-n ......:...... SURVEYING CONSULTING l GEOSPATIAL EXHIBIT A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 8.054 ACRES FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, A-688 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Being 8.054 acres of land, situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, Collin County, Texas, being all of that certain tract of land conveyed to Serene Global Group, LLC, according to a Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in County Clerk's Instrument Number 20170503000569500, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas, said 8.054 acres of land being more particularly described as follows, to-wit; BEGINNING at a TXDOT aluminum disk found for the most northerly northwest corner of the above mentioned Serene Global Group, LLC tract, same being the northeast corner of that certain called 25.98 acre tract conveyed to 1905 Wylie, LLC, according to a Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in Instrument No. 20100701000676140, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas, and being in the south Right-of-Way line of State Highway No. 78; THENCE South 89 degrees 07 minutes 34 seconds East, with the north line of said Serene Global Group tract and said south Right-of-Way line of State Highway No. 78, a distance of 209.05 feet to a TXDOT aluminum disk found for the most northerly northeast corner of said Serene Global Group tract, same being in the west line of Lot 1, Block A, Bob Heath Addition, according to the plat recorded in Slide 10885, Plat Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 44 minutes 47 seconds West, along the west line of the above mentioned Lot 1, Block A, Bob Heath Addition, a distance of 203.99 feet to a 1-inch iron pipe found for a reentrant corner of said Serene Global Group tract, same being the southwest corner of said Lot 1, Block A, Bob Heath Addition; THENCE South 89 degrees 07 minutes 06 seconds East, with a north line of said Serene Global Group tract and the south line of said Lot 1, Block A, at a distance of 160.50 feet pass the southeast corner of said Lot 1, Block A, same being the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block A, Bob Heath Addition, at a distance of 236.50 feet pass the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block A, same being the southwest corner of that certain called 0.99 acre Tract 1, as conveyed to Upwind Capital Partners, LLC, according to a Special Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in Instrument No. 20160223000207210, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas, continuing a total distance of 444.80 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with blue plastic cap marked "Pioneer Mapping" set for the most easterly northeast corner of said Serene Global Group tract, same being the southeast corner of the above mentioned Upwind Capital Partners tract, and being in the west boundary line of that certain called 3.15 acre Tract 2, as conveyed to Upwind Capital Partners, LLC, according to said Special Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in Instrument No. 20160223000207210, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas; Page 1 of 2 17-054oESGR TON_t -7RODCCG PI NEER AIL: PO BOX 136878 FORT VVORTH,TX 76136 MAPPING PHONE: 682.233,25501 TXBPLS HRM 10194188 SURVEYING CONSULTING GEOSPATIAL 8.054 ACRES -(CONTINUED) FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, A-688 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS THENCE South 00 degrees 56 minutes 11 seconds West, along the west line of the above- mentioned Tract 2, a distance of 446.41 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with plastic cap found for the southeast corner of said Serene Global Group tract, same being the southwest corner of said Upwind Capital Partners Tract 2, and being in a north line of the previously mentioned 25.98 acre 1905 Wylie, LLC tract; THENCE North 88 degrees 34 minutes 47 seconds West, with the south line of said Serene Global Group tract and north line of said 25.98 acre tract, generally with a fence, a distance of 704.37 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with blue plastic cap marked "Pioneer Mapping" set for the southwest corner of said Serene Global Group tract, being a reentrant corner of said 25.98 acre tract; THENCE North 03 degrees 14 minutes 49 seconds East, with a west line of said Serene Global Group tract and an east line of said 25.98 acre tract, generally with a fence, a distance of 438.78 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with blue plastic cap marked "Pioneer Mapping" set for the most westerly northwest corner of said Serene Global group tract, same being a reentrant corner of said 25.98 acre tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 26 minutes 46 seconds East, with a north line of said Serene Global Group tract, a distance of 32.46 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at a reentrant corner in the west line of said Serene Global Group tract; THENCE North 00 degrees 50 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 205.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 8.054 acres of land, more or less. Bearings based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD83 (2011), Epoch 2010, Texas North Central Zone 4202. Distances are in U.S. Survey feet and decimal parts thereof. (No'Zoi 7 Stuart L. Warnock, RPLS, GISP Date Texas Registration Number 6579 .ra lifLif• ' 8TUAT"errvAiew.„'" - efAVS Page 2 of 2 17-054 DESCRVIICAL12-19-17 MDX „ - PLAN II EVEL I P ENT Serene usiness Par ZC201802 SECTION 1: That the property shall be developed and used only in accordance with the following development standards: A. Purpose. The purpose of this Planned Development District is to allow for the development of retail and commercial/industrial businesses and allow for existing business to remain. The Plan Development District includes uses and standards applicable to the Commercial Corridor and Light Industrial Districts, as noted below. B. General Requirements (CC & LI P istricts) I. Entrances: 1. The two (2) existing entrances will be extended into the development and shall be standard concrete. The main drive will be 30 feet and lire lanes shall be 24 feet wide. 2. The entrance into the development shall have a decorative monument entrance sign that contains name of the development and tenants. Sign shall comply with City requirements and located outside sight triangles. II. Pedestrian Connections: Beyond the two driveway entrances into the subject property, a pedestrian 4 foot wide, meandering sidewalk shall be provided along Hwy 78 connected with an ADA accessible path to the proposed retail. IH. Sidewalks: Interior site sidewalks shall be a minimum 5 feet in width, 4"reinforced concrete per City Standards. IV. Interior Streets/Pavement: Fire lanes shall be 24 feet wide. Driveway connecting interior lots shall be 30 feet in width. Interior streets shall be reinforced concrete as shown on'Exhibit Shall be 3000 psi with 43 rebar at 18" on centers each way, 6"reinforced concrete per City Standards. Concrete paving per city of Wylie standards. Alternate (For Approval): Permeable pavement— 100% recyclable plastic, Type II, high density polyethylene, with a compressive strength that exceed 5,600 lbs. per square inch. Can be used for access roads, pervious parking—green grass parking lots, pervious parking—natural crushed gravel roadways and driveways, road extension and widening, roadway maintenance, and slope retention and erosion control. Lot 4 is existing pavement, except as shown on (Exhibit D). V. Parking equirements: ots 1 &2 will share parking and loading spaces. Standard Car: 10 feet x 20 feet with a maximum overhang of 2l-0" of the 20 feet adjacent and street over landscaping areas. Handicapped: Must meet T.A.S. requirements Off-street loading (lots 1 & 2 shared): 15- x 25', with a 15-foot vertical clearance. Adjacent to, the main structure; and situated to ensure that all vehicular maneuvers associated with loading and unloading shall occur on-site Concrete wheels stop or curbing at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide shall be provided to prevent vehicles overhanging abutting properties or public right-of-way. Curbing and wheel stops shall be located at least 3 feet from an adjacent wall. fence property line, or structure where parking and/or drive aisles are located and to include all approved uses and vehicle repair, maintenance and storage. VI. General Landscaping: 1. As shown on -Exhibit CI, one (1) tree shall be provided in the front yard between driveways, one (1) large canopy tree shall be provided in the side yard at corner, and open spaces (including detention) shall generally have 5 large canopy trees and 2 small ornamental trees per acre in area. 2. Large canopy trees shall be a mix of red oak. cedar elm, and Chinese Pistachio. Small ornamental trees shall be a mix of v itex, crape myrtle. and Teddy Bear magnolia, and others approved by the City. 3. Perimeter screening shall be provided per the following: a. The property shall provide a 10 foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to Hwy 78 right-of-way to be maintained by Owner. b. Large canopy trees shall be planted approximately 40 feet on center with a small ornamental tree planted between the large canopy trees inside the landscape buffers. c. Where adjacent to non-residential uses (generally its eastern, southern and West em neighbors) a 6 feet tall wrought iron fence with landscaping shall be installed. d. Required trees will be at least 3-inch caliper. e. Shrubs shall be at least 3 feet in height when planted and within the landscape strip. The screening shall include at least one flowering tree for every 20 linear feet of landscape area. a I. Signage Retail/Commercial (CC and LI Districts) 1, There will be one monument sign for the development compatible with the colors and materials of the main building located on the same lot as the sign. a. Maximum display area 120 square feet b. Maximum height is 15 feet and maximum width is 8 feet. 2. Individual tenants/owners may have building mounted signs up to 2 square feet per lineal foot of frontage (lot or street). VIII. all I oxes: Mail boxes shall be single mail boxes, except for the retail area where the mail box shall be a cluster style, as con armed with US Postal Service. IX. Parking Lot / Street Lighting: All street lighting shall be LED (standard pole lighting), and lighting designed with cut-off at property lines with average 2.5 fc (minimum 1.0 fc) at a 3:1 ratio with a minimum required shall be one-foot candle C. Detailed Plan Development District Standards I. Commercial Corridor Zoning District (Lot I): shall be developed in accordance with the Commercial Corridor District (CC) regulations of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, except as provided otherwise herein. IL Light Industrial Zoning District (Lots 2, 3, & 4): shall be developed in accordance with the Light Industrial District (LI) regulations of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and to include all currently approved uses and additionally, as an approved use - Vehicle repair. Maintenance and Storage for heavy trucks and trailers (80,000 lbs. gross weight), except as otherwise provided herein: Concrete paving per city of wylie. Alternate (For Approval): Permeable pavement— 100% recyclable plastic, Type II, high density polyethylene, with a compressive strength that exceed 5,600 lbs. per square inch. Can be used for access roads, pervious parking—green grass parking lots,pervious parking—natural crushed gravel roadways and driveways, road extension and widening, roadway maintenance, and slope retention and erosion control. Ill. Lot Size and Building Setbacks (see metes and bounds for lot descriptions) I. Lot 1 Area: 64.806 square feet Lot 2 Area: 45,448 square feet Lot 3 Area: 117,651 square feet Lot 4 Area: 123,145 square feet 2. Minimum Front Yard: Shall be 25 feet. (Hwy 78- 50 feet) 3. Minimum Rear Yard: Shall be 10 feet. 4. Minimum Side Yard on Rear Lots: Shall be 10 feet. 5. Minimum Side Yard at Corner: Shall be 10 feet, 6. Maximum Building Height: Shall be 36 feet. 7. Minimum Building Area: Shall be 1,650 square feet, IV. Architecture: The property's architecture will be developed to include the following minim urn standards: I. Retail/Commercial or Industrial Buildings (Lots 1 & 2) The primary finish material is masonry with 20% stone or cast stone (not including glass, store front doors and signage) shall be brick, with accents of steel (in dark bronze or black finish), black metal canopies, decorative lighting and sconces, cementitious board and stucco primarily at sign locations. The other three facades will be similar with less stucco, using the same materials. Roofs shall be a minimum low-slope roof"flat TP0-with 1/1:12 slope 2. Commercial Buildings (Lots 3 & 4) shall be a pre-designed steel building with: Exterior walls shall be composed of predominantly standard metal wall panels and 20%faux brick, metal canopies and accents to match the finishes on the primary buildings on Lots 1 and 2. Approved materials include, but are not limited to metal building panels, decorative metal trim, stucco, metal canopies, storefront windows and doors, cementitious fiber board, faux brick or brick; overhead doors and secondary entries, standard metal. Roofs shall be metal building low-slope or mono-slope (minimum 1 :12 slope) metal building roofing with parapets on three sides. Signage will comply with City requirements and located on building walls. 3. Existing Buildings Existing building (Xterra and Works)will remain in place, and will be cosmetically remodeled to be compatible with the architecture of the new development, adding accents, paint and trim to match(approximately) the new buildings Existing buildings are relocated as shown in Exhibit C (Site Plan) Existing buildings do have attached outside covered storage areas D. I evelopment Owners: The Developer Owner shall be established and created to assume and be responsible for the continuous and perpetual operation, maintenance and supervision of the open space and common properties including but not limited to the detention and/or retention ponds. development entryway features and monuments, landscaping. landscape 4 systems, and related amenities subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. E. Site Plan: The Property shall be developed and used substantially in accordance with the Site Plan attached as Exhibit MC", and which is hereby approved. F. Concept Plan: The Property shall be developed and used substantially in accordance with the Concept Plan attached as Exhibit D . and which is hereby approved. G. Building Exhibit Elevations: The Property shall be developed and used substantially accordance with the Concept Plan attached as Exhibit "D", Exhibit -A- Retail Elevation, Exhibit-B" Retail/Office Building Elevation, and Exhibit-E" Light Commercial Building Elevation which are hereby approved. 5 CO DARK REON7F,TRIM DEN;GN mis cpProL EOM.. �_ wx_amx�Sr`�m () 'STONE/CAST Sr.(NL 6) ri::TAL CANOPY (0 STOREFRONT J LU ELEVATION 1 C C< aLu Co LLB in LU x LU LU C!) ELEVATION 2 LEGEND _l r') E7tX14 HIE r3Nt'?'�PRIM Des w a a..` EI IIlk 0e5 z.,,wm. r..-._xini xu� TC3 �no�=. ' N €7 1LfAL AN �{ 6j 5lc R(FNLl N3" W V LL,�+� _- - -f ixz k- �. wee 1— ELEVATION 1 cc C.f) L U) 1J LLJ z CI) m W z QC CO is -4}aL Eh 30'-0' : e I ELEVATION 2 o HWY78 1[SITE SUMMARY-TABULATION 'r Z LOT I AREA ZONING III,, w, "'0 r EXISTING CURB 1 SITE,64,009 SQ FT 11.49 ACRES - ^+� EXISTING CURB 1 �" !'-0" RETAIL SLOG.:19,460 SQ F-(210'570'JS(7©'X60')10.45 ACRES I GC U 8 DRIVEWAY MONUMENT SIGN, 8DRIVEWAY LANDSCAPING REQUIRED(LOT 1a2)120°kJ',020 X 110,254=22,951 SO FT • f LANDSCAPING ACTUAL:24,413 SQ FT s ^p--FB _ _ ._...__- — PERIMETER ft{ 'W g �6 H ft 2 SITE:45,448 SO FT/1.04 ACRES LI Ti m I - RETAIL/OFFICE BLDG:12,173 SO FT(91'Xfi0'10,14 ACRES - FENCING PER V, LANDSCAPING REQUIRED(SEE LOT 1 J 9..+ CITY REQUIREMENT [ �._ ? j 1 l a. �e uV L Id curl FIRE LVIE 4 STAINED CON.] 1 STING 3 SITE'.117,2515O FT 12,70 ACRES J LI I —(1�4L WALKWAY i GAS IPUMPS, LIGHT COMMERCIALS 000 7,2005q FT(60'X 120')0.165 ACRES • 'LANDSCAPING REQUIRED(10%):0.10 X 117,651=11,765 SQ FT a .0 , PERIMETER LANCSCAPII'/G ACTUAL:17,364 SO FT � ENCING PER. EXISTING T CITY REQUIREMENT 4 SITE',123,145 SQ FT l2.92 ACRES LI STORAGE - 20.— ® 1 I g EXISTING OFFICE BLDG.(4,034 SQ FT(32 X125°J TO 053 ACRES :� FACILITY 1 - ? 1 EXISTING RELOCATED OFFICE BLDG,'2,234 SOFT(91'%25'J!0,051 ACRES i ENCLOSED STORAGE BLDG.:5,878 50 FT(02X71}10,135 ACRES ci. 4 - c --A' 30'- A I TRUCK WASH BLDG,-2,160 SQ FT(24'X90')10.050 ACRES w I EXISTING I TOTAL BLDG.SO FT'14,306 'r -x : 4 z GAS STATION/STORE II LANDSCAPE REQUIRED(10%).D.10 X 123,145-12,315 SO FT L - 1 LANDSCAPE ACTUAL:12.350 SOFT `IE RETAIL e5 LL I LOT 1 so .NI - --- 111 —1 ;l 11 BUILDING a ` PERIMETERS N $-- If.._ �I r PERIMETER 7 FENCING PER �, - IJ C $ FENCING PER a. CITY REQUIREMENT ft "' � D 1I CITY REQUIREMENT x y.� Pl. R. / :fC �' $ .. "EXISTING©EPIC€BUILDITUG" T€ ei s 16 7 s F 71K 59Ie !'T ❑. ... EXISTING SHED [ :t + . . I L©AD Nf I ®LLi 131.1 1 -- FIRE LANE .-_,,.. ....., n ft DOCK ..... I 24" 24' STAINED CON.] ! ' @ LANE I WALH,w Y �¢'`i - - „__a I .., �.� I �� - 3 QUPSIDE._ — ENCLOSED LOT 4( COVERED � ¢ LL STORAGE STORAGE �\ I..—PERIMETER f::_ -_. BUILDING EXISTING CONCRETE FOR STORAGE OF L _ PERIMETER -�� ' M p' GRAVEL,ROCK,SAND.AND SAIL - FENCING PER sae r FENCING PER !{ _ CITY REQUIREMENT `.]Noon„r..v:r4h CITY REQUIREMENT d ± RE SIUOFFICE - ( I= ddd _ [ ELIDING 2 STORY - .EXISTING' .--- © 'w - '� '�I RELOCATED- P4 . rs z .. r a 1. i OFFICE FIRE LANE L. ' w t r BUILCING ...._.__.. I ri I I +I - i TRUCK WASH I g.. ,.�..I. 1 �...�.. II BUILDING e -�TRpSH__ s _.. 24' LOT 2 — _ _ _ _ _ I ems.:, "r ft .11 I.]TRASH 241 -->PIPE LANE - II ..'1 - ... .-. N� �� R1 I J `•Al�� ('-CONCRETE RIBBON I m 10 24' 1 LOT 31 [ M'LIGHT w FIST LANE.. f...... ¢ x 1 „� COMMERCIAL z,' ....... z w_ v]v` aUI QING 5, CONCRETE OR APPROVED ALTERNATIVE I ® ,.,. w I'1 / TRASH: cc R��v 1` ® _,} � .. .. - i N Cr11 Ase/55!u 5 A'',' Iio w , e Ci e ro' \-'PERMETER a -, _ - - CD FENCING PER c)SITE PLAN S P' 1 CITY REQUIREMENT 0' 25' °0' 100' I I SER'E NI _. _ LEGEND DEEIGN NIGNWAV 78 CD RETAIL 0 RETAIL/OFFICE 0 LIGHT COMMERCIAL --,—,., TRUCK WASH '; ':.'“4:777 ha,1,--;.r•- .4.1I. cltm--t-.0,1-.(-1, -AIL' 1 1 ,,,..7 !..;.-, _____, 0 RELOCATED EXISTING OFFICE .f.4 ;'; /- K f4;;;;;F: , 00, ,„,,t)::$7 1) , C) EXISTING OFFICE A -- ,, ___, a ENCLOSED STORAGE BUILDING _1 OUTSIDE COVERED STORAGE ED MONUMENT SIGN Ci- LU 0 :03.1 Lic.'i:" 3 51i.;?i 0 ifr.:,,„;:,,,J7,,,,,, ,,-t,f'6,,,*- 41'1,-, ,,,i„,-r,:,,,..5, ,---,' ,-,,, j; 0 ; c , ,,-'':-- '',` De II-- - 11"; t"''''''" . .,..„„„„,,, ,. _ „ . , , „ . IS „ - (f) >< , . „,. . - _____1 r '' -- ' . .' - ',(1761'4), - ' - ' '",?:',AE:-,;:,:., Cf) LLJ Ul PI I !I,®. , 0 ,' t..tvr 66Ne4iir ': '''' . ., ...... .,.„..„„ ATOPAGE YARD A; L-.} , = 11 z 1„ CCI r p—.a,...------.,,•‘,-.,_,,,.—.,,.,i--..---4.--;--;.i.---,---,.---..-, ,-1--_,------..' ' ',,,-;,—- --Ni-, LU CE 1121 „EP 1 ..,,,„1, ,,,-.47-, , 7i LO7-. . ... . „ . . „ . . .. r- , E E -„pisw,„„-,„.,,,m4g-a4 4.?„raingl witEmpotErm.40,0„,,,EipEE,„1, ATEDEZEAPESEIEPA ,..,.EitaPEA.44. EPEE-DELEDEREPEPPEEPPEDiEDDVPEiED: tpifEoEepZAREAY-e,OE:ApEapaEtlDE,VEEEIKEMEMEEEE,EPPZEEPM5,PK,„J,AAZEEARVEMEVN;Pe3PAEEE"EVMZ"XPP-3SEV.EVEEMSV-VRRPEVM'gl:,A;:-Wr',,A,?nfi'AE ,ED.p,--E.E.IEEED.EDE.4„-,,Q,,,,momp,„,-„wa,4,-EomEDE,Dp.,,MEEPP!MaPtERA'fliZi-Atitfagg'PEOPREDEPPEROESEEVE-D-'NE--P:,,,f"P","'".PP-P,,'PEEPPP'-',,P-P,P-,PPEPP'Pkc`Pn'P'PP*Pk"-t'P'''''P-c,"",,,,'-'-'1's-'7, .. . . , . . N . . . . „ . . - . . . SERENE ROSINESS PARK&YKS _, 1 EFEL PLAN PR....1MR . . , ,11,1,14 . , LEGEND (?) MLTRL GAN L'ls -7�.�sekw,Wee„un CO V TAL GAWP"; I-4V4 RRIEK .7 LY_ W L 2A ppx - - .. .. 0 r om. f ELE VAT IQN 1 CiJ X CO co CO Cel W 1.7J CO EL 28(0 112* 1 ELEVATION 2 LEGEND SERENE ( DARK BRONZE.: TRIM DEStGN (i) METAL DANF1K (G) METAL CANOPY -14) r Aux BRICK 0 LIJ EL 2W-9 1/2' 0 '',,X7-41434*.O.:S4P )3)) 1.1.1 co ELEVATION 3 CL. X CO LU LL1 CO CC1 LL1 z Ui LLJ EL 28,9 1/2' - „ ii LL:GLLOM 0-111111.111., „ ,) I ; -!.4•!r- !'=.1 ELEVATION 4 71 ES#1 ... WOC�DLAKE 71 t �° VILLAGE : sa a� t,2' 73 L. i m a: ,,•r pal'+ „ "'`."'°`- .. 1 Pam. 1 CI I ," 1 - :;:;'1;-ii'lll,,::''- 3$1 IbG d IL a, E 1R nAm' s�„� j 0 m 1 c ' �NT 7 WYLIE I �e..w i '0t, 4, 'muo A �a tea. 6AY7 7M8 f k.F%','Y1NS1Y>S3;uAFC3 .'«^t S{4x \4 A SHAHI � � r :GROUP h :110 , r'41000040: x 11 u WYLIE RETAI a OFFICE PAR w 1?'a' 1 D VONSHIREm LN 1 ��E �, ' ,, Epp N riit NDHAM DR 11 � 1 ,J WYNDHAMft .. ,., ; Y �v : � P fit° , 5 ;4 23 [ M #1 b \ r'' ' 1 7 Ail* i' ` km u.,EF k t '' bpi .�,. VS 1 Y i j k 1 A E P ON OR LAVQN , , ,. ry t�� 20R i � a � S TCH ,:.�:. OLD Ktigli,,,DR ST,TION12613125; 24,Ya b1.... s rnt L. d- ,.-g 1i t o 't _2 _IT-'I— . .€ . n OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZC #2018-04 U CITY*F"WYtI Map Date.1,2312018 ort '1 Wylie Planning and Zoning Afire`441. Commission AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Date Prepared: March 15, 2018 Zoning Case Number 2018-04 Location Map, Exhibits, Notification List/Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural—30 District(AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural— 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04 Discussion Owner: Collin College Applicant: Page Southerland Page,Inc. The subject request consists of 5 separate tracts. Tract 13: 23.888 acres, Tract 2: 9.689 acres, Tract 7: 9.719 acres, Tract 6-9: 8.7976 acres; Tract 6: 1 acre, for a total of 53.0936 acres. Tract 13 and lot 2 was the subject of land conveyance from the City of Wylie to Collin College in 2016. Since that time, the applicant has acquired additional land to the north for a total of 96.524 acres. Establishing permanent zoning of Business Government is the first step in the development process. Once zoning has been established, the applicant will proceed with platting and site plan. Notification/Responses: Twenty-four(24)notifications were mailed; with no responses returned at the time of posting. Council consideration on March 27, 2018 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-15-18 Page 1 of 1 as vCnEYr �ij 4� a1E,Ejl 'El' tit TE ... m �a I ua T _- --.. _...H � MCIILLAN IL '";:;.!--.-.1';'-;;,:iirIr.i''.1;'. ra; r.� -- _ .•�lw. w __ UNI IG_, _ P F ) _......_ Ci y �• k,LL�1�Y1 Y �-4 c ><r 1 '' 1,., �,-,i _........._. __ .:..I !� a y� - �",/"� `"� �� �� ( �, 124'1 ri R? I p-J it sjjj - .�, - _...__ ...— L t 4 L*4,: ,>, ,'W/fr/ i Nrsj �4-�PPP r"f 1 jjtji Lj' ITT ,''',',IA,';''. a _ p. .�1 : t,a � r T pv f��r i a'.I �� _.x r��,1'C x G., .. / / t._—._ _._�f `�, tl�.i- r'L F i r@Cr CE �'I-1. 1 .,t',w�- j f/ 1(,��-i��-w rt- :',.1-1::j1.,,,"4:11 l + t-a� ,c.5i"i:�' .t t l t r C s ' -41 r"iJ. t`Tau� Y �( r` s -4� r � —r -,i � wig r c� � r jj i�� JII!�C€ L.. "v 4 d�/ ; 1 P k ` r �, �L4� `tj�a 4 l 1 �,.'r.,:� t[.1�i �ir��l tYt-�. .�,' �f �. F'�—I r- �.i ; -1 _ tl trit \ s k9Mir� \,. i ..�. �i; t @ f i $. f � l;`APT-- P ` `I IT a CIE rM I� �� , 'j"` °f , 1 it r�� � aIc.,;. Sub'ect � F � ( t L l Property Ike WYL1P MUNICIPAL 1, ! j 1+ I , ' /Y qv I sY �� m/ �� TRAIL AND It �� OPEN SPACE q ..(�. } }. �..La 1.4444.44,44,.:t5k _, jt T i ESP tSs ,` ,, �Y� I�� � CCMILF T'ilvt,,,j,'„I w �� yji!..,;aj;:,I1 , C '` I J 9 L=J "h� \ AI'€D ANSI F ' >' i �w (� �TE r �..r HIGH _ p � � / ' ,SC #C3C7L c ,r E i SCHOOLSPORTS �c I. _ � _ s sMF'LP �� � .. Ll i L-i. „jjt,T ' r r' h i 1 HI m �rI 01 N0 k S PA $ i; .1m'�Y�"'.,�tm .1`:-'�.a..\$sati`^,�uSN�\. .'� 4.. 7 .i�� h r 4tclY'M.ri._IIV Gl �� __. _ _..:...... iv _ i 2 t i .+" °.✓F �L(Il (1���� IIi I gill 1 ll..�I�°L76 CAL i.11 f( .S` `,. jjj 54=��a e'.`.3 ; `.i.S*"MS'k`S"9.'bY6'�LL"" ^vu?m4`5�*ia?34 YC*lti Cfia`+�.fk6!§i �'4 P � ( y ( ' .';.a ,�"' �� I ERME'DATE ,� ( � � r C� " � tt}, ,. e ,,�' ' _ i'\jjIjij I j. -ITII , I , . _ I f T—„,„,,,iptjjj17±,1,.....„:74rjp•RT4,1=ttlTIITT,p11 1 j1Kjj j \jtj',I Ljpjj,v, jpti v.,,,,,II:j.j,'j SACOSE p� Maxwell Creek , per`" fi 5 LOCATION MAP "f� 5t °IrIi 741: ,: ZC #2018 04 Map Date:1/26/2018 Page 56 of 63 LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the J. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196 and the G. W. Gunnell Survey, Abstract No. 351 Collin county, Texas, and being all of a called 9.689 acres tract conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20161215001702780, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of a called 9.719 acres tract conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20170123000100100, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of a called 23.888 acres tract conveyed to Collin County Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20160923001280200, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of Lot 2, Block A, Wylie Civic Center Addition, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 2011, Page 56, Plat Records Collin County, Texas and conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 201 6121 6001707960, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of a XXX acre tract conveyed to Collin County Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Land Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bound as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for corner of said called 9.689 acre tract, said iron rod also being at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A, Wylie Fire Station No. 2 as recorded in Cabinet P. Page 511, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE S 8937'44" E following the south line of said Wylie Fire Station No. 2 a distance of 1601.37' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner in the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road (a variable width ROW); THENCE S 00'31 '07" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 268. 18' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 01'28'25" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 132.99' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 04'53'33" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 130.54' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 04'53'33" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 129.49' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 01'26'24" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 132.76' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; Page 57 of 63 THENCE S 8559'06" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 8.71' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 0029'41 " E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Rood a distance of 223.66' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 04'02'24" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 167.98' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE along said curve to the right following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road through a central angle of 12'11'52", a radius of 2103.89', an arc length of 447.90', with a chord bearing of S 20'48'03" W, and a chord length of 447.05', to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 29'21'00" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 168.40' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 34'34'49" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 314.59' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 35'00'28" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 507.56' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 32'49'41" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 231.66'to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; THENCE S 31'50'10" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 200.71 ' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road through a central angle of 15'09'21'; a radius of 1528.27', an arc length of 404.26', with a chord bearing of S 20'53'30" W, and a chord length of 403.08' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cop stomped "4613" found for corner; Page 58 of 63 THENCE S 06'14'35" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 155.56' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 11'56'30" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 102. 10' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HA" found for corner; THENCE S 00'38'15" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Rood a distance of 71. 13' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cop stamped "HA" found for corner; THENCE S 86'34'03" W a distance of 103.08 to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped 4613" found for corner at the southeast corner of Block A, Parkside Phase 1, as recorded in Volume 2007, Page 640, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE N 00'08'03" W following the east line of said Block A a distance of 509.01' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner in a curve to the left said iron rod being in the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive (65' ROW); THENCE along said curve to the left following the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive through a central angle of 0531 '42", a radius of 665.00', an arc length of 64. 16 , with a chord bearing of S 69'49'03" E, and a chord length of 64. 14' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner, THENCE S 72'34'54" E following the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive a distance of 89.98' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner to the beginning of a non—tangent curve to the right, said iron rod being at the end of Lakefield Drive; THENCE along said curve to the right following the east end of Lakefield Drive through a central angle of 0223'28 , a radius of 1558.27 , on arc length of 65.03 , with a chord bearing of N 19'08'18" E, and a chord length of 65.03' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 72'34'54" W following the north Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive a distance of 91.93' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right; Page 59 of 63 THENCE along said curve to the right following the north Right of Way line of Lake field Drive through a central angle of 08'11 '57", a radius of 600.00', an arc length of 85.86', with a chord bearing of N 6828'55" W, and a chord length of 85.79' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block X of said Porkside Phase I; THENCE N 00'05'44" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 427.72'; THENCE S 89'55'29" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 82.49'; THENCE N 53'26'39" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 534.68'; THENCE N 34'16'23" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 484.02'; THENCE N 50'01'11" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 354.93' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 59'35'51" E following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 455.32' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left through a central angle of 53'29'51", a radius of 353.88', an arc length of 330.42 , with a chord bearing of N 30'42'04" E, and a chord length of 318.55' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stomped "4613" found for corner, THENCE N 03'57'09" E following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 263.64' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the northeast corner of said Lot 1, said iron rod being in the south line of Lake Ranch Phase I as recorded in Cabinet C, Page 193, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE N 89'57'09" E following the south line of said Lake Ranch Phase I a distance of 92.73' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 0020'08" E following the east line of said Lake Ranch Phase 1 a distance of 786.27' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4,204,564 Square Feet or 96.524 Acres of land. Page 60 of 63 GRF a 4.,c,r , 0,-, \ _____. qp - f/N ti/ ��o \.9,,, s,, / ‘ F NORTH �� SCALE 1'= 100' s / .C„' LEGEND C.M. = CONTROLLING MONUMENT CIRS = CAPPED 1/2" IRON ROD SET STAMPED (4613) '�� AM = ALUMINUM CAP \v INC = IRON ROD FOUND % �j = POWER POLE N(bb� -i- = GUY WIRE CIRF ® _ DRAIN `y . = LIGHT POLE \ I ° 3, '/ �` XL = FIRE HYDRANT ' M = WATER VALVE 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT MUDDY CREEK RESERVOIR VOLUME 4720, PAGE 1525 � LAKE SOIL CONSERVATION LAKE 0 = UNDER GROUND TELEPHONE eox j ( 20' SANITARY SEWER EWER EASEMENT VOL. 488, PC. 346 DE,Rt VOL. 538, PC. 308 j / VOLUME 3255, AGE 172___ C\` Gq� LAKE RANCH H PHASE I LOT 1, BLOCK X i ���-- CABINET C, PAGE 193 OPEN SPACE/DRAINAGE EASEMENT �_- 57 09" E RF CITY OF WYLIE7 "-------- VOLUME 2007, PAGE 640 ! 203.04' RF N 00°20'08" E 786.27' POB- x -- x -� x - x x7 x X x -x x �� I/2"IRF • I ' /� i �/ / � /✓ C.M. oP�3a.ro x � . El XXX 1 (Lig SEALED) h i X j POND x \ ' (5)/ V.--"----, I I I ov 1 (2-) %yor{13/ CALLED 23.888 ACRE S I I � ni X i o vv ' COLLIN COUNTYCOMMUNIT Y COLLEGE DISTRICT C.C. NO. 2016092300128020 0 / i ' x x LOT 1, BLOCK X R // / 7 x o ' OPEN SPACE/DRAINAGE EASEMENT / oiy CITY OFWYLIE -- — - -IN / / VOLUME 2007, PAGE 640 'W / / , il N 00°08'03" W 509.01' CIRF GIRF // / G.W. GUNNELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 351 F.•y -- _ - --- -- -- -- -- �- -- GIRT -- -- -- -- •i77� J. CURTIS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 196 t.+ GIRT N 00°05'44" W 427.72' v x o ZONED AE x PANEL NO. 48085C0415J / / I --- _ _ aRF — REVISED JUNE 2, 2009 / / le L9 E8 — y GRAPHICALLY LOCATED / / CAPPED i GAPPED L7 -� N� // / I "HALFF"7 HALFF' CIRF RF V i L RF C4 = `\�` CIRF / , �� ,�— //;'� ZONED X 22 PANEL NO. 48085C0415J ' co I �� v /I REVISED JUNE 2, 2009 co I - \ / TOP 497.39 i 486_48 GRAPHICALLY LOCATED x o M �� 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT STORY 0) ° VOLUME 3255, PAGE 36 / METAL STORY AM FND \ / / 'F METAL G.M. ,1 S 96.524 ACRES M STORY STORY r ���� LOT 2, BLOCK A METAL m <Q� 10*L. \\ WYLIE CIVIC CENTER i ,....1, 0 LOT 1, BLOCK A / j 5 VOL, P R.C.G T2011, GE 5& 1 E1 c-I LIE FIR STATION P. PAGE NO. 2 V / COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY � W P.R.C.C.T. i � COLLEGE DISTRICT - ,:,,,,,C.: \ ! -„,, 1 �- S o c.c. No. 20161216001707960 1 CALLED 9.779 ACRES CALLED 9.689 ACRES Mt` ��1 �1�, \// / DEeoRAH MULCAHY COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY No RCCT 93-oo7 282 COLLEGE DISTRICT COLLEGE DISTRICT j AREA NOT SURVEYED C.C. NO. 20170123000100100 C.C. NO. 20161215001702780 V) / CIRF V rH x V / 1 O O x Z Z ; S� \ 30' NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL L I LU j �° WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT co °x X° x —x .S / A ��. VOLUME 2011, PAGE 56 I STORY <-� A = METAL [1 �,. \ i STORY x x ---. x x x METAL ---o---I . .OAS '9/Zj �/ A 7 STORY NMI BEARING DISTANCE 1o�\F \ Z \,X METAL S 00137'07" E 268.18' 2., /-T v (D x 11 x Ell s 01°28'25" E ti v ®S 04653'33" E 130.54' O, ( x 4 S 04'53'33" E 129.49' I x ®S 01`26'24" E 132.76' � �j \ Z 6 S 85'59'06" W 8.71' Da CIRF \\ + x x ®S 06'14'35" W 1 . ' \ +11' L8 S 7 7°5E'30" W 10202.10 10' \\V \ � SHED 9 S OG°38'75" E S� x ❑ ..., )0 L10 S 86'34'03" W 103.08' .. yo X ®S 72'34'54" E 89.98' �� � �\ x 4. ®N 72'34'54" W 91.93 9,' _ ®S 89°55'29" W 82.49' * + x X 4 N 89`57'09" E 92.73' 17� \ t K x x x g c� 9 m ,,2[i CURVE DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH �� Cl 12'1 1'52" 2103.89' 447.90' S 20'48'03' W 447.05' BM #2 "X" Cur WELL STORY STORY x C2 15'09'21" 1528.27' 404.26. S 20°53'30" W 403.08' ELEV 507.39 ND BRICK eRrcK C3 5'31'42" 665.00' 64.16' S 69'49'03' E 64.14' O� S'� p C4 2'23'28" 1558.27' 65.03. N 19'08'18" E 65.03' :�9� A x C5 8`7 2'04" 600.00' 85.88' N 68°28'52" W 85.81' , 'Z 0 r' x 1 C6 53°29'5 1" 353.88' 330.42' N 30'42'04" E 318.55' laps, (� x 0( . 2 x �- CAM FND A M. ..\ \ x x j1 x NOTES: �f 1. The original copy will have original signatures, stamp A �� �� x TO STATE OF TEXAS \ ——— — TO STATE OF TEXAS seal and an impression seal. TO STATE OF TEXAS C.C. N0. 20090130000096670 p G.G. No. 200806000697370 C.C. N0. 20090130000097120 x L_R.C_C.T. 2. Copyright 2017, Surdukan Surveying, Inc. L.R.C.C.T R.C.C.T. x AM FND 3. This survey is being provided solely for the use of �, AM FND ----_ L2 __ �Z __ AM cm Dig he current parties. - M S 04°02'24" AM FND X( RF ® M ° 5. The bass of bearings, horizontal andivertf record. � W S 0 �9 41 E aRFx L5-„ x x CIRF L3 `� - -- C.M. 4. This survey �s subject to all e al position , -- RF 1E are derived from Texas YIDS RTK Network, Texas State --� CIRF �° Plane Coordinates System, Nad83, North Central Zone, --- BM #1 'X" CUT Nad 83 (CORS96) Epoch 2002.0, Vertical position are r ELEV. 531.09 referenced to NAVD88 using (GEIOD03). SITE BENCHMARKS FM No. 1378 / COUNTRY CLUB ROAD C1 X CUT AT NORTH END OF CENTERLINE MEDIUM ON D j / O v "� OUNTRY CLUB ROAD EAST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF o ® u VARIABLE WIDTH ROW THIS SITE. ELEV. 531.09 0 # X CUT ON EAST TOP DE CURB AT 21 ' NORTH OF THE BOUNDARY SURVEY SOUTH END OF CENTERLINE MEDIUM ON COUNTRY CLUB 96.524 ACRES ROAD, 1175' NORTH OF CENTER LINE LAKEFIELD DR. J. CURTIS SURVEY ELEV. 507.39 ABSTRACT NO.196 G. W. GUNNELL SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 351 CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS � Cr o . „,„-' ('''')'''''' ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,' t;!! ,,,,,il:D.1 I L.''I..PT'i'-4:11.:•-''L''''I--—''' '''','.,r'.I ,'11,1':,,,''-r---,-„"11••—•---- i .__ , in LI , 44r iY r' a,Ca) .. • • I 3 �ur ,t ,Ctit11‘t3'. Chi • -- �_ ,—MUN1C1PAL L, 3 2. C: . : ': �z. ,pARKs ft ik,-; or ra ., ;L. LiLl rw t , y 1 L ` �1u,• �T0,000ri-ICI (r f� ���� ti "tvivittvivrow tir � ,1" LI j, �j PALR 1 , L �I�1 s � _ jC C �p IC. ,,E ,.ri�i t 1 1„ pt r 4t1 1 C r i _ r i�Jp, '� a �rF L t �I 0, ,..L ¢ #,36J Y '00 _ � tom. � t„r � F F6 a44 r YLL \. OO itvit. /i.'/it ....„.;';it v.'/vitt' ... , Y C .-� � 1 Li Ci _ D S� tt , OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ','�~a t LI ZC #2018-04 Map Date:1/26/2018 Page 62 of 63 REVISED Property_Owner_Notification_List_ZC2018-04 PROPERTY ID X_REF/GEO ID OWNER NAME DOING BUSINESS AS OWNER NAME 2 ADDRESS OWNER CITY OWNER STATE OWNER ZIPC SUBDIVISION NAME BLOCK TRACT/LOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITE ADDRESS FM 1378 425409 R-6351-000-0020-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3452 SPUR 399 MCKINNEY TX 75069-8742 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 2 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 2, 9.689 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 405 FM 1378 425445 R-6351-000-0060-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIST 2200 W UNIVERSITY DR MCKINNEY TX 75071-2906 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 6 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 6, 1.0 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 425481 R-6351-000-0090-1 ALK REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT LLP 4152 GREENFIELD DR RICHARDSON TX 75082-3731 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 9 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 9, 7.433 ACRES WYLIE,TX FM 1378 1225551 R-6351-000-0069-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIST 2200 W UNIVERSITY DR MCKINNEY TX 75071-2906 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 6-9 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 6-9, 8.7976 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 601 LAKE RANCH LN 1274962 R-0785-000-0060-1 GOUGHNOUR PAUL& LAURA GOUGHNOUR 601 LAKE RANCH LN WYLIE TX 75098-7102 LAKE RANCH 6 LAKE RANCH, LOT 6 WYLIE,TX 75098 501 LAKE RANCH LN 2150167 R-0785-000-0050-1 MILLER RONALD A 501 LAKE RANCH LN WYLIE TX 75098-7121 LAKE RANCH 5 LAKE RANCH, LOT 5 WYLIE,TX 75098 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2545755 R-8420-00A-0010-1 WYLIE CITY OF CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 WYLIE FIRE STATION NO 2 (CWY) A 1 WYLIE FIRE STATION NO 2 (CWY), BLK A, LOT 1 WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2545756 R-8420-000-R001-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 WYLIE FIRE STATION NO 2 (CWY) R001 WYLIE FIRE STATION NO 2 (CWY), LOT R001; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 454 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2589703 R-8913-00A-0010-1 BALDIN INVESTMENTS LLC 7-ELEVEN 955 MEADOWBROOK DR WYLIE TX 75098-8817 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION (CWY) A 1 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION (CWY), BLK A, LOT 1 WYLIE,TX 75098 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2589709 R-8913-000-R001-1 WYLIE CITY OF CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION (CWY) R001 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION (CWY), LOT R001; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2632840 R-6351-000-009R-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 9R ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 9R, .0737 ACRES; ROW TX FM 1378 2634304 R-6022-000-019R-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY 19R ABS A0022 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY,TRACT 19R, .0956 ACRES; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 2106 LAKEFIELD DR 2635015 R-9500-00X-0010-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 PARKSIDE PHASE I (CWY) X 1 PARKSIDE PHASE I (CWY), BLK X, LOT 1; OPEN SPACE WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2643628 R-6351-R00-0071-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 G W GUNNELL SURVEY R00 7-1 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 7-1, .137 ACRES; ROW TX FM 1378 2643770 R-6022-R00-0191-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY R00 19-1 ABS A0022 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 19-1, .2991 ACRES; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2648726 R-6351-R00-0791-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 G W GUNNELL SURVEY R00 7-9-1 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 7-9-1, .1373 ACRES; ROW TX FM 1378 2651612 R-6351-R00-0021-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 G W GUNNELL SURVEY R00 2-1 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 2-1, .2966 ACRES; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2651633 R-6351-R00-0061-1 STATE OF TEXAS PO BOX 133067 DALLAS TX 75313-3067 G W GUNNELL SURVEY R00 6-1 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY, SHEET R00,TRACT 6-1, .1964 ACRES; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 v an g; 456 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2671752 R-10103-00A-002R-1 WINWIN HOLDINGS LLC 11410 GRISSOM LN DALLAS TX 75229-2352 ZLAN CORNER ADDITION NO 2 (CYW) A 2R ZLAN CORNER ADDITION NO 2 (CYW), BLK A, LOT 2R WYLIE,TX 75098 w FM 1378 2671799 R-10086-00A-0020-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3452 SPUR 399 MCKINNEY TX 75069-8742 WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION (CWY) A 2 WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION (CWY), BLK A, LOT 2 WYLIE,TX 75098 FM 1378 2671802 R-10086-000-R001-1 WYLIE CITY OF 300 COUNTRY CLUB DR BLDG 100 WYLIE TX 75098-3000 WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION (CWY) R001 WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ADDITION (CWY), LOT R001; ROW WYLIE,TX 75098 560 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2742285 R-11057-000-0010-1 PLATINUM STORAGE COUNTRY CLUB LLC 1834 S FM 551 FATE TX 75189-4916 PLATINUM STORAGE COUNTRY CLUB (CWY) 1 PLATINUM STORAGE COUNTRY CLUB (CWY), LOT 1 WYLIE,TX 75098 COUNTRY CLUB RD 2744131 R-6351-000-0130-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3452 SPUR 399 MCKINNEY TX 75069-8742 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 13 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 13, 23.888 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 455 FM 1378 2751358 R-6351-000-0070-1 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3452 SPUR 399 MCKINNEY TX 75069-8742 G W GUNNELL SURVEY 7 ABS A0351 G W GUNNELL SURVEY,TRACT 7, 9.719 ACRES WYLIE,TX 75098 2/15/2018 0Fol„.,, _ __,;.,7.4 r „, , Wylie Planning and Zoning " Commission ,,say �� &„ AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: March 20, 2018 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Date Prepared: February 26, 2018 Zoning Case Number 2018-03 Location Map, Exhibits ,Notification List/Map Exhibits: and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council amending Planned Development 2011-29 to allow for self-storage as a permitted use on 3.19 acres being lot 3 and part of lot 4, Block A of Woodbridge Center Phase II, generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway. (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC 2018-03 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding amending Planned Development 2011-29 to allow for self-storage as a peiinitted use on 3.19 acres being lot 3 and part of lot 4, Block A of Woodbridge Center Phase II, generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway. (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC 2018-03 Discussion Owner: Wylie Cinema Company, LLC Applicant: Baldwin Associates, LLC Request to remove from table The applicant is requesting to amend the current Planned Development to allow for self-storage as a permitted use in a mixed use setting on approximately 3.19 acres located north of the existing movie theater on Woodbridge parkway. (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway) The developer is requesting for this development to be approved in two phases. Phase 1 includes development of 104,650 gross square feet of self-storage towards the rear of the subject property and phase 2 includes development of a commercial retail space on the frontage of Woodbridge Parkway. Lot 3 will consists of one three-story self-storage building, and three single story self-storage buildings. Lot 4 will consist of a future commercial development. A newly created lot 5 (by plat) will consist of 22 existing parking spaces. The site, landscaping, and architectural design plans are in compliance with the base requirements of the zoning ordinance. The applicant has provided plans that show all self-storage buildings being placed in a manner that Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 hides loading areas and service bays from view from street frontages. The elevations of the 3-story self-storage building are to provide architectural articulation with offsets that resemble retail storefronts. In addition, the applicant will provide screening by installing a retaining wall along the north side property line adjacent to the Woodbridge Centre. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates this area as General Urban Sector, promoting a wide range of opportunities to "live, work & play". Generally supporting retail, service, office, light production and research development uses. In 2007 City Council adopted an Ordinance specifying the location of Mini-Warehouse uses throughout the City. Prior to 2007, Mini-Warehouse uses were allowed by right within Commercial Corridor (CC) District, Light Industrial (LI), and with a Special Use Permit (SUP) within the Community Retail (CR) District. Upon the adoption of Ordinance 2007-04 Mini-Warehouse uses continued to be allowed by right within LI and HI districts, allowed with an SUP in CC and prohibit the use within CR District. In 2011, Council again directed staff to revisit land use categories and specifically address mini-storage uses. With the adoption of Ordinance 2012-01, Mini-Warehouse uses were allowed with the approval of an SUP only within LI&HI zoning districts. Although Woodbridge Parkway is a major thoroughfare into the city, Staff feels that there are some unique characteristics in the shape of the lot that may warrant such uses. Due to the narrowness of the rear portion of lot 3, a mini-warehouse use may be conducive to the site. Staff's recommendation is that the amendment to the planned development be approved as presented on the condition that the retail portion of the site be built concurrently with the self-storage development. Notification/Responses: Eleven notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the proposal. One response was received opposing the request at the time of posting. Council Consideration on April 10, 2018 Approved By Initial Date RO 03-16-18 Department Director /°f P� //4,(:)/ 0C2MF?LL '` - - -'- itosaLTA or°' 'a . ,AL,01-0d.i r F / CY1° ,7„, -,--, t!in,LARI,WE Neil EFL', Hifi „.,UP *t, " ~, r 1- :, ie.-,maiiii joige. goat •1,4,..,,inu LI r'.,L, r,,,...,, , il „L.-"' ",-,,/11,-17 .,.';',,,, 1,,,,, /,kli nal:6,i, 1'9.Egilmffgelttirolit -_, LI - - ', - 6'7 il 1 jr,3 r:1 115L-411`,1 1 ''''''''4"-v t,, „-- ' l , , Subject ro __ , �,, . Propertyk , :: WYLIE HIGH C SCHOOL.SPCkRTS COMPLEX i ,,,,„:\'' 7 [- r 11 _.I 1 11 ,.r in n `� 4 TH UIL.LA ~ / FAT UVI'LI, ,t �� i_ ' _. _.._ � l 1 _ G �� 4;,i «3�iW.wt.Na„,r`ss'u i ,.t.m ` "�2, ,,..1.hltibui.10",....v�i�tV,,,,WY.3i i`u.Siitt'u"'".41 , -� i� pp�,y��,^,^yy pp ._._... .. P�° CJ R'4P #q 4u.tea .....a. INTERMEOIATR SCHOOL y`' p Li?: _ SALFIS c LOCATION MAP ' ZC #2018-03 ( IIcrryOF\\/rI1 4, Map Date:2/6/2018 LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of Lot 3 and part of Lot 4, Block A, Woodbridge Centre Phase II, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 2013, Page 202, Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas. BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found for the northeast corner of said Lot 4 and being in the west right-of-way line of Woodbridge Parkway (a variable width right-of-way) and being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 7°27'45", a radius of 844.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 18°20'05"West, 109.91 feet; THENCE with the west right-of-way line of Woodbridge Parkway, the following courses and distances: In a southwesterly direction, with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 109.99 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 15°33'22", a radius of 286.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 35°03'52" West, 77.55 feet; In a southwesterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 77.79 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found at the beginning of a reverse curve to the right having a central angle of 7°35'25", a radius of 830.06 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 31°04'53"West, 109.88 feet; In a southwesterly direction with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 109.96 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap set for corner; THENCE departing said west right-of-way line of Woodbridge Parkway, North 55°50'32" West, passing at a distance of 143.05 feet an "X" cut in concrete found for the southeast corner of said Lot 3 and the west line of said Lot 4, continuing with the south line of said Lot 3 in all a total distance of 196.17 feet to an "X" cut in concrete found at the beginning of a tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 34°17'42", a radius of 37.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 72°59'23"West, 21.82 feet; THENCE continuing with said south line of Lot 3, the following courses and distances: In a northwesterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 22.15 feet to an "X" cut in concrete found for corner; South 89°51'46" West, a distance of 540.76 feet to an "X" cut in concrete found for the southwest corner of said Lot 3 and being in the east line of Lot 10, Block A, Hooper Business Park, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat recorded in Volume H, Page 52 of said Official Public Records; THENCE with the east line of said Hooper Business Park, North 0°08'14" West, a distance of 153.69 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found for the northwest corner of said Lot 3 and being the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block B of Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat recorded in Volume 2012, Page 308 of said Official Public Records; THENCE departing said east line of Hooper Business Park and with the south line of said Lot 1, Block B and the south line of Lots 2A and 2B, Block B of Woodbridge Center, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat recorded in Volume 2015, Page 558 of said Official Public Records, South 89°32'00" East, passing at a distance of 164.63 feet a 1/2-inch iron rod with"WAI" cap found for the southernmost southeast corner of said Lot 1, Block B and the southwest corner of said Lot 2A, Block B,passing at a distance of 588.33 feet a 1/2-inch iron rod with "WAI" cap found for the southeast corner of said Lot 2A, Block B and the southwest corner of said Lot 2B, Block, passing at a distance of 849.89 feet a 1/2-inch iron rod with "WAI" cap found for the southeast corner of said Lot 2B, continuing in all a total distance of 860.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3.1874 acres or 138,844 square feet of land. Bearing system based on the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983. EXHIBIT "B" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 1.01 Purpose: The purpose of this Planned Development District is intended to provide for the mixing and combining of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate land use regulations and development standards. Each permitted use is planned, developed or operated as an integral land use unit while providing flexibility in the use and design of land and buildings where modification of specific provisions of this ordinance is not contrary to its intent and purpose or significantly inconsistent with the planning on which it is based and will not be harmful to the neighborhood. The allowable use of a combination of these districts provides for the enhancement and implementation of the City's vision of the Comprehensive Plan. 2.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT- COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Block A, Lots 3, 4, & 5 2.01 General Description: The commercial tracts within this Planned Development located within the proximity of the residential land uses are intended to accommodate the development of office, retail and commercial service-related uses for the neighborhood residents. 2.02 Permitted Uses: a. Land uses permitted shall be in accordance with Commercial Corridor District as listed in Article 5 Use Regulations,Section 5.1 Land Use Charts, Figure 5-3 Land Use Tables, and Section 5.2 Listed uses as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie in place at the time of adoption of this Planned Development. b. A Mini-Storage use is allowed by right on Block A, Lot 3 as shown on exhibit "E". 2.03 Commercial Corridor District(CC): Block A, Lots 4 & 5 are to be developed in accordance with the Development Standards as defined in Article 4 - Non-residential District Regulations, Section 4.1 Commercial Districts C. Commercial Corridor District (CC), Figure 4-3- Commercial Corridor District(CC) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie in place at the time of adoption of this Planned Development, and must comply with the Site Plan shown on Exhibit "E". 2.04 Non-residential Design Standards: Section 4.3 Non-residential Design Standards shall apply throughout the Planned Development District, with the following revisions: 2.05.1 Mini-Storage on Lot 3 2.05.01.a. Building A shall have a minimum 16% stone on the north facade. 2.05.01.b. Buildings B, C and D shall not be required to have stone on any facade face. 2.05.2 Retail Building on Lot 4 shall have a minimum 13%stone requirement on the south facade. 2.05.02.a. Building must comply with the architectural provisions and off-street parking shown on Exhibit 2.06 Landscaping Requirements Landscaping shall comply with Figure 4-8 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Cityof Wylie in place at the time of adoption of this Planned Development. 2.06.01 For the purposes of determining compliance with landscaping regulations,the subject property on Exhibit "E" is considered one lot. 2.07 Parking Design Requirements: The parking for commercial development shall be designed in accordance with the following: 2.07.01 A parking space shall be 10 feet wide and 20 feet deep for 90-degree parking. A parking space for angled parking shall be 9.5 feet wide and 18 feet deep. 2.07.02 A one-way aisle shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. 2.07.03 A two-way aisle shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide. 2.07.04 The parking for a mini-storage on Lot 3, Block A is one space for every 40 rental units. 2.07.05 For the purpose of calculating required off-street parking, the subject property on Exhibit "E" is considered one lot. 3.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.01 Conformance to the Wylie Zoning Ordinance: Except as amended herein, this Planned Development shall conform to any and all applicable articles and sections of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance dated January 10, 2012. 3.02 Procedures of the Planned Development District: 3.02.01 Legal Description: Exhibit A Setsforth an overall property boundary description is attached and made a part of the approval for this Planned Development District, and the designation of each lot, identified by a number which corresponds to the lots defined in this Exhibit "B" Planned Development District Development Standards. 3.02.02 Conceptual Plan: The Conceptual Plan is hereby attached and made a part of the approval for the Planned Development District as Exhibit "E". 3.03 General Compliance: Except as amended by these conditions, development of property within this Planned Development must comply with the requirements of all ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Wylie as they presently exist. ›- co LEGEN_D_ PROPERTY LINE *4 EXISTING WATER METER w PROPOSED WATER LINE E EXISTING TRAFFIC BOX lk , , a © EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL - — — — — - PROPOSED SSWR LINE NORTH I i LOT 1, BLOCK B --) EXISTING GUY ANCHOR LOT 2B, BLOCK B 1 PROPOSED STORM LINE WOODBRIDGE CENTRE, * -... TRANS. d EXISTING POWER POLE PHASE 1 ADDITION WOODBRIDGE CENTRE i A . . ..,,,... PROPOSED RETAINING WALL VOL. 2012, PG. 308 VOL. 2015, PG. 558 u)- -6- PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT a- X X PROPOSED FENCE LINE GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET , 8 a PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT 0 15 30 60 FL PROPOSED FIRELINE STRIPING ZONING: PD 2003-01 ZONING: PD 2003-01 2 \ ELEC. 1 w CONCRETE , a"SC - EXISTING SSWR LINE&SIZE PAVEMENT V VAULT Cz *14 PROPOSED WATER METER 1 o < ,,z 0 c7) 8 WEXISTING WATER LINE&SIZE PROPOSED PARKING COUNT 7 22 c, 1 5 ___ o 1 >LI EXISTING STORM LINE PROPOSED STORM INLET CLU 7 _Jill 2 y 2 GAS EXISTING UNDERGROUND GAS LINE .-> PROPOSED BFR O - IH ^ OHE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE LS LANDSCAPE AREA 3'W 26 ; CEL EXISTING UNDERGROUND COMM LINE ___ — 1a11 Dec 22- INLET S 8'SS a'SS 2 S 7 c DI- ILTI GRAVEL CONCRETE i O VISIBILITY TRIANGLE/ZONE s ss _1 1 PAVEMENT /LE6 Z ! z 1 -60-- B ri-, 5 PAVEMENT 6 ' COW M --H 1 -,- 1 S s 8'ss LOT 2A, BLOCK B 6-'-z-, #00 co 1 WOODBRID 8GE CENTRE 'VOL. 2015, PG. 558 N. ui Lu 0.P.R.C.C.T. II=i s 1 1 I I-Uj a- 5 00 8 ZONING: PD 2003-01 ! E- cow 22'UTILITY EASEMENT PROP.SLIDING C) ti RI LiL < LLJ co GATE ' 6 VOL.2013, PG.202 PROP. DUMPSTER 24 FIRE LANE AND ACCESS c? <cz O.P.R.C.C.T. ENCLOSURE EASEMENT BY PLAT PROP. FH 3"W 8'i 1 # }--- cZ PROP. FH S89°32'00E 605.53' (1 ' .... ..... ... NM MIMI 1111 MI IIN .I MO S89°3200"E 254.67' 4100 o CONCRETE .I NUM MN Me MINN 111 • MI NM IMINI NM OMNI ••••• PROP.RETAINING WALL WALL----\ 11;'.. 57.5' 10'LANDSCAPE SETBACK LS PROP.RETAINING WALL /)fir w›- I i * 0 0 0 LS X Am .. 1 0'LANDSCAPE SETBACK / .,,v ,41000. 0 _ BUILDING D ,,,. 1 --- m .4 '''...`••, PROP.8' ^ < u- SIDEWALK co›- I sA o 1 STORY A " zuj PROP.8"WATER X A) ^ IC 1_111 bc:' 6 _.. .- LS BLDG.FOOTPRINT=2,000 SF 11;1 ---- 1114 FDC f-* Nor* b < - t- • ..J ./1 T >ft ...-.31 -c`) w 117- PROP. FENCE 4".• /-- - - - r\I in - 0 - - - 1:1 - - < (/) 7 a rn < 0 LLI H< LINE i -..1 kN/ j/ PROP.24"1-11-1-ORM , LT_ PROP. 18"STORM \ % FUTURE rt PROP.CONC HO -.J•t1 : w -1A -1A -IA -b id -1A li -1A id FDC 2 COMMERCIAL / - PVMT 0 1/0 f 4:U . 10'SETBACK ..., •_ Li6 Ic6 \- Pi 4 I <z D '2, ow PROP.CONC DEVELOPMENT 3 PROP. 18"STORM / 7 0 - PROP.LOADING ZONE PROP.LOADING ZONE - j3 .1'.c3%g6s' 4 :".1-07;117-\--1:\I - IIIIIMMEI bccd. oz'll cLij (TYP.) OX /7 1-1:- F- (J,t2 , o3 i < ...-<II - 7.0'11,I11' < N I 00 . - PER-------- PD REQUIREMENTS PER PD REQUIREMENTS 01*Id° (\i"-I E ow ,.....„ „ .,-,_ — ________,, .,. ,2. ±365.0' _ 30'FIRE LANE AND ACCESS Z W k 6( • - u) -:-./ 1+ BUILDING C 1/1111....'- EASEMENT BY PLAT Erf LUFDC :# 212 II -1-' (TYP. ■ IIMMI LaLf) I 0 C6 < 20.0' -1:2- . 1 STORY -1i1! I X I A=7°27'45", 2. jrjurar fWj,','Arr 4,r/A: BFR ERCNOC 1TE j ,- CO ( T T-•) I 24.0' I -115:22 c) BLDG.FOOTPRINT=2,500 SF ,,3t. 3 0 LS 111 PROP.7 ,, 44‘.:.441 R=844.50' A- WALL --'' 2.11 ACRES PAY E I SIDEWALK ,:l - L=109.99' 71 -tt. i+ CB=S18°20'05"W V n 2,i co 92,108 SQ. FT. BUILDING A -';•--,, - LS- L0 • 7 b 1 1 24'FIRE LANE AND ACCESS - C=109.91' 8 < If b (TYP FIRE LANE i il (-6 d ba '`-->< I 1 ow EASEMENT BY PLAT LOT 3, BLOCK A *-*, ,---- 0,4*1 HI u) a- d Z -'--': I .2. - 3 STORIES - cf) - • 0 WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II BLDG. FOOTPRINT=32,850 SF iii 1 W I - I - PROP.24"STORM 6.5' -'f: All A V 4041 flOP*Wdf z VOL. 2013, PG. 202 TOTAL BLDG.AREA=98,550 G.S.F. 22wA Z i 0: PROP.CONC 24.0' Lir& • I 8w2LE,ij ID-< > '?-' I LS X I / J1 1f111;7i11„,,,r'),,,,,,,,,,,BU1,,ILSDT,„OIN.R,„GY,„B ,„F,„DC„11:1-1i1 I --..ci,,yi • _J- g ZVOISNIEB ILITY A,12i1- LS1 11 l!o(Zfs)) . SEWER EASEMENT 416,0773 6A SCQR.E FST. fFAAe:0li01.0•10 LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE NotK 1f osr mcioni (1) 0 d , PVMT FIRE_ANE /11.6' 0.P.R.C.C.T. : , F OstIRlrmu ecRtEAiyNorvn Eio*zWir ONLY.0 X li : o t - - - ' PROP. 15'SANITARY e VARIABLE WIDTH SIDEWALK, i * oi p'u2rr p.ons.e. s.,.,. &UTILITY EASEMENT Engineer SARAH E. SCOTT. P.E.‘'),, \,,,,4 t"-e5--57T4:,f=l;-,,,r_;_,_;,-,,,,,---,t=a.;,,;-, -5 ,4,,,- _,. .-f-_„ff,„_z-__ _,,,.=,; :tr,_,-,- ,,,afgs,,,,,_4,=-4- -,.,:,,,p1. ,,._,4,7-4t4:, ,=e-f- --;til- -- -3..-r;m5Lx-ez-,,,,_*,-,e4- w-ii z-L- 2;?---z-,:,i-fi ,.,,;-:!iii?-i-iiaia- v.:.-lw-„,,,--zi-m-_,„-,:fr,- -- --z-7-i:•y-,:t ,..:,..CW,:,-q4if-_,:%---6.:0- 7-W,.-Espuu- 1E1: LOT 4, BLOCK A VOL.2013, PG.202 0 w C\1 I RE. Nn 113285 Date 3/9/2018 ow _10 _., ' laillINIMILIIIItil wlWIIIIAIAIMIIIMWAWAIWAIAMIIIIPAIAIP2111 _ z c a cl- LI 1 ,I icco21 WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II 0.P.R.C.C.T. 0 L') J27/ Ix1 Z ..)2\ 17.0' 12 W 12'V,/ 12'W 12',1',' 17.0' I51 V VOL. 2013, PG. 202 11(441°11 _ 0 II ,, A 15 33 22 I-- • R-286.50 o 'e-l• •••••• •••••• 411•110 011•10 MINIM 411•••• OEM MM. ...1116111 611111111. 41•111111 MEM •NOMMONNOMMONNOMMONN. 41•111111 41•111111 OMNI 4110•110 4•••••• 41•111111 i MMO MMO MMO MMO MUM MMO000 —EX. 12"STORM LINE PROP.SLIDING S89°51'46"W 540.76' & L=77.79' Ad.- ..1. VISIBILITY N kt. GATE co z co 1 u) s 3"SS 3 SS ZONE 8 SS S 3 SS 8'SS 3'SS 8'SS ,3 SS Sloss., Ay+ S H CB=S35°03'52"W w < UJ o 1 ____----- ----o.o. ,„___.----_ — CNI 0 /Alp ,,, _,.... r . . < (,) •• , I CONCRETE . 7 / GRATE INLET A=34°1742 Z 0,,„ •• CO 5-: 011< PAVE -,-- WW 1 R=37.00' kk 7.''' v 1,711/10 ••NCRFTE wp .^ L=22.15' 'N'N q? PAVE NT 0 0 ILI ^ •70, V 4‹ Lij ,..,..) .. di Z Z y w ACCESS EASEMENT 7 m CB=N72°59'23"W 6 INST.NO.----- I ( 0 c) < Fr) < W co I- Lu C=21.82' lt /IT °. co < 0 w Lt 1 20120711000835870 \ , 5;•7/ ; 0.P.R.C.C.T. X WROUGHT LOT 1, BLOCK A . Ct.* 1• wujcL IRON FENCE PROP.8' o_ 2/ WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II \ ,t7 44/ / Z * SIDEWALK \ I 1,--2, VOL. 2013, PG. 202 24'FIRELANE&ACCESS EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT H 0.P.R.C.C.T. GRATE INLET-------'" VOL.2013, PG.202,0.P.R.C.C.T. VOL.2013,PG.202 .722,27., INLET ' / 4cz Cy 3 15'SAN.SEW. I 0 GRATE ACCESS EASEMENT 0.P.R.C.C.T. /i I / Q *, . / 1 EASEMENT ' CONCRETE SO:W.0K INLET INST. NO.20120711000835870,O.P.R.C.C.T. si / / * 0 ZONING: PD 2003-01 GRATE 41,5'6"S INST.NO. INLET S /.90'• A=7°35'25" 2 20070605000759070 WI- uJ 0.P.R.C.C.T. > 2-STORY . D - TILT WALL BUILDING sto Duj 0 .06,, / (-) CB=531°04 53 W Q I C4- 1 40•••• ter C=109.88' <z N \ / Ak W PROP. / _P / / I X MONUMENT SIGN / / 1 c1II N / i 0 H CONCRETE / - ft4 i I'll" ill PAVEMENT N / / / i EXISTING DECEL LANE / /1 CO = 5:uLT1 0.39 ACRES / -6. / / / / 1 w OQ 16,909 SQ. FT. ./ / / / / 1 LU 11' zi / H LOT 5, BLOCK A /*, /' / / 1 3 BUILDING # GROSS I / / 1-11 VISIBILITY TRIANGLE BASED ON mml LOT 3 CONCRETE TABLE 9 OF THE THOROUGHFARE / / FOOTPRINT STORIES BUILDING AREA SiDE'WALK 22 EXISTING / / STANDARDS / / FIGURE 4-7 SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS PARKING / 1 0 / 6 / BUILDING A 32,850 SF 3 98,550 GSF SPACES / / L9 ELEMENT BASE STANDARD(ALL DESIREABLE(EACH DEVELOPMENT / VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE wil / SELLER NOTE DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY MUST SELECT 4 OF THE 8 BUILDING B 1,600 SF 1 1,600 GSF A „ zi- FULLY WITH ALL LISTED BELOW) DESIREABLE LISTED BELOW) / / s_ BNI,'74 1111111111111111 u) SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES I / / ,S 4. < w1 AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF CITY BUILDING C 2,500 SF 1 2,500 GSF O BUILDING 1.ENTRANCES AND/OR FACADES X 1.BUILDING AT THE FRONT YARD / / / 5 ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW, DOING SO IS PLACEMENT ORIENTED TO THE STREET. LINE. I / / / / Ci MN 1Ii1- E SUBJECT TO FINES AND THE WITHHOLDING OF • BUILDING D 2,000 SF 1 2,000 GSF / a 2.BUILDING FOOTPRINTS NO El 2. INDIVIDUAL BUILDINGS W/ // /0/0/;., ?1-- / Z) STEEL RD. o cc ouj UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS. GREATER THAN 20,000 SQUARE FOOTPRINTS=OR< 10,000 SQUARE TOTAL 38,950 SF 104,650 GSF 1.<, w FEET IN NS AND CR DISTRICTS. FEET. . / --.9 . -0 ti - 2 3.MULTIPLE BUILDINGS PLACED TO X 3.FRONT FACADE ORIENTED TO LOT 3 SUMMARY / / 1 I SITE / FLOODPLAIN NOTE CREATE PAZAS,COURTYARDS, THE STREET. / / / ./ 2 / / 8a.. ACCORDING TO MAP No.48085C0415J, LANDSCAPED AREAS W/ CONNECTING WALKWAYS. EXISTING ZONING/BASE ZONING PD 2003-01/COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR(CC) // / ca,A2 / . SIDEWALK,LANDSCAPE a• z / 17 12`11 W < COMMUNITY PANEL No.0415 J,DATED DECEMBER PARKING 1.PARKING SPACES AT LEASE 10' o 1.SITE PLAN WITH NO MORE THAN LAND USE DESIGNATION MINI-WAREHOUSE BENCHMARKS &V.A.M. EASEMENT / k, / 02.- Cf-- A % / VOL.2013,PG.202 / \>. • /I/ 2,2009 OF THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PLACEMENT FROM RESIDENTIAL LOT LINE. 50%OF PARKING IN FRONT OF THE / 0.P.R.C.C.T. TOTAL PROPERTY AREA 2.11 AC BM#1 (CITY OF WYLIE MONUMENT NO. 1) LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF STATE / / .e l4/1/ "2 H 1E RATE MAP(FIRM)OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS BUILDING. HIGHWAY NO. 78 NEAR THE EAST ENTRANCE DRIVE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE / •<3 / / _1 y LEJ THIS SITE IS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE o 2.BUILDING WITH NO MORE THAN MUNICIPAL COMPLEX AT 2000 STATE HIGHWAY NO.78 NORTH,79.7 FEET WEST OF THE m co / TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT 38,950 SF / / w c„- 500-YEAR FLOODPLAIN. ONE ROW PARKING IN FRONT. EDNGE OF THE EAST CONCRETE ENTRANCE DRIVE,23.2 FEET SOUTH OF A 10 FOOT / // WIDE CONCRETE DRIVE, 76.1 FEET NORHT OF THE ENDGE OF ASPHALT OF STATE / / < P4 IJJ ILI / k' ›C 41 I2 TOTAL BUILDING AREA(GROSS SF) 104,650 GSF HIGHWAY NO.78 NORTH. / ,/ \ / °'' • Z IA ACCESS DRIVES 1.MINIMUM WIDTH DRIVE OF 24'. X 1.COMBINED ACCESS POINTS ELEV=530 29 / / SITE PLAN .1 VISIBILITY TRIANGLES / TURNING RADIUS OF 25'. WITH ADJACENT TRACTS. TOTAL STOAGE UNITS 950 UNITS BM#2 (CITY OF WYLIE MONUMENT NO 2)LOCATED NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY NO.78 / 7 L4 .-4 o_ • w 2.ACCESS DRIVE AT LEAST 150' X 2.DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN BUILDING A:3-STORY(38') AND WEST OF SOUTH BALLARD STREET, NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE / N., 6--q z WOODBRIDGE CENTRE, PHASE II ADDITION 0- c) z BUILDING HEIGHT BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD STREET, 10.0 FEET WEST OF THE / , / < 0 ZONES FROM INTERSECTION. BUILDINGS AND STREET. BUILDINGS B,C,&D: 1-STORY(16') \ NI LOT 3 & 4, BLOCK A SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD STREET. .../ <., /LT.1 u j NO APPURTENANCES BETWEEN THE HEIGHT OF / oxv" d 3.ACCESS DRIVES SERVING PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 42.3% / PD 2003-01 LLJ / z / g 9 2 FEET AND 9 FEET, MEASURED FROM THE TOP DEVELOPMENTS GREATER THAN ELEV=550 24 z / OF THE ADJACENT STREET CURB,SHALL BE /1 u)- Lo H cc) 30,000 SQ. FT.SHALL HAVE BM#3 SQUARE CUT WITH"X"CUT SET ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCRETE / F..' 41 0_/- PLACED IN THE VISIBILITY TRIANGLE AREAS. SEPARATED MEDIAN,OR BE CURB INLET, NORTHWEST SIDE OF WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY, ±960 FEET NORTHEAST / TOTAL OF 3.18 ACRES in *.- w L.K. PEGUES SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 703 <I- .4 (,) SEPARATED AT LEAST 150'FROM OF THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF HENSLEY LANE AND WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY, / , (f) ±504 FEET SOUTHWEST OF THE SOUTH CORNER OF SITE. / e 7,' ,, 0 EACH OTHER. CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TX 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARKING DATA SUMMARY (FOR LOTS 3, 4, & 5) / . 4.LANDSCAPED TREATMENT OF ELEV=519.66 (/) BEING A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE L.K.PEGUES ENTRANCES. BM#4 SQUARE CUT WITH"X"CUT SET ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCRETE 0 e DEVELOPER ARCHITECT, I= SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.703,CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN Z LOCATION OF 1.SERVICE AND LOADING AREAS o 1.NOT VISIBLE FROM A PUBLIC REQUIRED PARKING RATIO MINI-WAREHOUSE: 1 SPACE PER 40 UNITS CURB INLET,NORTHWEST SIDE OF WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY,±1,610 FEET NORTHEAST HINES RKAA ARCHITECTS, INC. < COUNTY,TEXAS,AND BEING ALL OF LOT 3 AND PART OF SERVICE AND SHALL NOT BE VISIBLE FROM A STREET BUT PROVIDE MASONRY ' OF THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF HENSLEY LANE AND WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY,', . E . ±157 FEET NORTHEAST OF THE SOUTH CORNER OF SITE. 609 MAIN ST.,SUITE 4400 2233 E THOMAS RD. Z 'u 1111 FT- LOT 4, BLOCK A,WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II,AN LOADING AREAS PUBLIC STREET OR ADJACENT SCREENING. CC REQUIRED PARKING 24 SPACES ELEV=524 27 HOUSTON,TX 77002 PHOENIX,AZ 85016 0 t_LID ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS ACCORDING TO RESIDENTIAL LOT. • 0:(713)237-5719 0:(602)955-3900 o.a o u-a‘ H THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2013, PAGE 202, 2. DEVELOPMENTS UNABLE TO MEET BM#5 SQUARE CUT WITH"X"CUT SET ON A CONCRETE WYE INLET,±860 FEET WEST PROVIDED PARKING 40 SPACES OF THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY, ±50 FEET NORTH OF THE ENGINEER/SURVEYOR OWNER H OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS. THE ABOVE ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE • NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. • 2 MASONRY SCREENING WALLS W/ KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES WYLIE CINEMA COMPANY LLC. ADA STALLS REQ'D/PROVIDED 2 STALL/2 STALL ELEV=527.30 SHEET NUMBER 2 =va Lu 2 GATES. 13455 NOEL ROAD,TWO GALLERIA OFFICE PO BOX 129 _,> a - 0 - 0 NOTE:REQUIRED AND PROVIDED PARKING SHOULD BE CONSIDERED CUMULATIVE OF TOWER,SUITE 700 LIBERTY, MO 64069 C:-)- DALLAS,TX 75240 0:(816)407-7469 c‘r LOTS 3,4,AND 5(PER THE PD REQUIREMENTS) cle,n1 F_ 0:(972)770-1300 @ Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. WYLIE FARM ROAD 1378 FARM ROAD 544FARM ROAD 544 W F M 5 4 4 S T E E L R D SECURITY CTHOOPER RDHENSLEYLN CE N T R A L P A R K D R AlleyDD AA LL LL AA SS AA RR EE AA RR AA PP II DD TT RR AA NN SS II TT FOUNDERS PARK WYLIEHIGHSCHOOL THE VILLAS ATWYLIE U H A 1 B R00 3 3 4 17 2 3 4 99 9 9 9 9 13 15 10 8 41 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 42 1 2 5678 1 2 3 40 5R 17 49 2 R001 1 R001 2 8R 8R 11R 12R 12R 5R 2R 3R 1 5 1 R001 R002 4R 9R 9R 9R2 9R3 5 6 7891011121314 15 16 17 1819 20 21222324 25 26 27363738 39 4041 131415161718192021222324252627 1 R001 15 54 2 3R001 1 1 1 11 R001 3 4 5 10 R003 6R 7R 8R 1 2 3 4 R001 R002 8-12-1 1 7R 6R 2A 2B 2C 12 9R R003 HELM BERGERINDUSTRIALPARK HOOPERBUSINESSPARK BR OADSTONEWOODBRIDGE RAYMONDCOOPERJUNIOR HIGHSCHOOL NEW HEIGHTSBAPTISTCHURCH A & WPROPERTIES#2 LAKESIDEESTATES #3 PARKER PARKSIDE#1 WOODBRIDGECENTRE WOODBRIDGECENTRE #2 WYLIEWEST IHOP HOOPER BUSINESSPARK - 110SECURITYCT, LOT 3 WYLIE HIGH SCHOOL WYLIE CIVIC CENTER OWNER NOTIFICATION MAPZC #2018-03 Map Date: 2/6/2018 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2018-03. ✓ I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2018-03. Date, Location & Time of Planning & Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas Date, Location & Time of City Council meeting: COMMENTS: Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas Name: 4A v P S 1 e.1" (please print) Address: 91% 0 3 cS C! C. UI j �-\1 1, u I 1 . t '� r7 Sz, MA-itiWs `f0q 1-G`Oyc`b'• w. Tic, -1506"1 Signature: Date: i 4 v1.0 C-a.