04-03-2018 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning Commission . _ rw.....:;,1,4, f 1/44tta , ,.L.,..r.!..,,,,r —% N. .,,,, ir ,,, ,, 7 +. . . �'y , \k G4, . )r�d Fada �_ e oF�' "ttt —L-, w°41-.4 ir A ,s, -4, s) rEOFT� • , 3 20 April1 8 Regular Business Meeting nr a le Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission Sg 1 qk " k r NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, April 3, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Ron Smith Chair Randy Owens.....................................................................Vice Chair Brad Emerson Commissioner Roger Myers Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Bryan Rogers Commissioner Jade Duan Commissioner Renae 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. April 3,2018 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from March 20, 2018, Regular Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing Replat 18-02—Railroad Addition 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Railroad Addition,Lot 1R,Block 6; Being a Replat of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 6, establishing one lot on 0.557 acres, located on the southwest corner of Brown and 1st streets (305-307 1st Street). RP 2018-02. 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding rezoning a lot from Agricultural(AG/30)to Commercial Corridor(CC),property generally located in the northeast quadrant of Brown Street and SH 78. ZC 2018-05. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 29 Day of March 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas. ov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie Planning and Zoning 7 Commission CITY OF Y I: Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday March 20, 2018—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was present. Commissioners present were: Chair Ron Smith, Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Brad Emerson, Commissioner Roger Myers, Commissioner Mike McCrossin, and Commissioner Bryan Rogers. Commissioner Jade Duan was absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie,Development Services Director,Jasen Haskins, Sr.Planner, Kevin Molina, Planner, Tim Porter, City Engineer and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Rogers gave the Invocation. Commissioner McCrossin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Citizen Participation. CONSENT ITEMS Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 6, 2018, Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to approve the minutes for March 6, 2018, as submitted. Motion carried 6—0. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing iunutas March 20, 201 Wylie Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 5 Zoning Case 2018-02 Item Tabled on February 20, 2018 Motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Myers to remove the time from the table. Motion carried 6—0. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses (PD-CC-LI) on approximately 8 acres, located at 1900 N SH 78. ZC2018-02 (Tabled at February 20, 2018 Meeting) Staff Presentation The applicant is requesting a Planned Development to allow for retail and commercial/light industrial uses. The plan also includes relocating existing non- conforming buildings onto the site. Ms. 011ie stated that staff is recommending denial for several reasons: the proposed concrete is 3,000 psi and the City Engineer requires 3,600 psi; the proposed is requesting peimeable recyclable plastic for access road, which does not conform to the Zoning Ordinance; proposes vehicle repair, maintenance and storage for heavy trucks allowed by right, the requirement is a Specific Use Permit in the Zoning Ordinance; and Architectural requirements for retail and industrial building does not specify a breakdown of percent of material proposed. Board Discussion Commissioners questioned the applicant why he was not meeting the Zoning Ordinance requirements. Mr. Alex Herrera, Serene Global, 8115 Central Expressway, Suite 440, Richardson,Texas, applicant, stated that the intention is to propose alternative material within the development that is not approved by the City Engineer. Commissioners were all in consensus that the proposed request was immature and includes a number of violations to the Zoning Ordinance and recommended that the applicant bring it back when the proposal meets all the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and requirements from the City Engineer. Public Comments With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Emerson and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to recommend denial due to documentation is immature and does not meet Zoning Ordinance or City Engineer requirements. Property located at 1900 N SH 78. ZC2018-02. Motion carried 6—0. Zoning Case 2018-04 Munutes March 20, 2018 Wylie Planning &ZoningCommission Page 2 of 5 Item Tabled on February 20, 2018 A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to remove ZC 2018-04 from the table. Motion carried 6—0. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street,and west of Country Club Road.ZC2018-04(Tabled at February 20, 2018 Meeting) Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that the subject property is for Collin College. The subject property includes five separate tracts for a total of 53.0936 acres. The subject property is zoned as Agricultural -30 District. The applicant is requesting rezoning to Business Government. In 2016 the City of Wylie conveyed approximately 43 acres to the Collin College, at which time was zoned Business Government. No design layout was submitted, but once the zoning is in place, a site plan and plat will be submitted. Twenty-Four notifications were mailed to surrounding property owners. No comment forms were returned in favor or in opposition. Public Comments With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing. Board Action With no questions for the applicant, a motion was made by Commissioner Myers, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government(BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04. Motion carried 6-0. Item 3 —ZC 2018-03 Tabled from March 6, 2018 A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner Myers remove ZC 2018-03 from the table. Motion carried 6—0 Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council amending Planned Development 2011-29 to allow for self-storage as a permitted use on 3.19 acres being Lot 3 and part of Lot 4,Block A of Woodbridge Center Phase II, generally Munutes March 20, 2018 Wylie Planning &Zoning Cornmission Page 3 of 5 located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway. (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC 2018-03 (Tabled at March 6, 2018 Meeting) Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is requesting to amend the current Planned Development to allow for self-storage as a permitted use. The property is located north of existing Movie Theater along Woodbridge Parkway on approximately 3.19 acres. The applicant is requesting the development to be approved in two phases. Phase 1, labeled lot 3, and includes development of 194,650 gross square feet of self-storage towards the rear of the subject property. Phase 2, labeled lot 4, and includes development of a commercial retail space on the frontage of Woodbridge Parkway. The applicant is requesting that the planned development serve as the site plan for the self-storage. The site plan for the construction of commercial retail space will be submitted at a later date. The construction of the self-storage proposes one three-story building, and three single story self-storage buildings. The elevations provide architectural articulation with offsets that resemble retail storefronts. In addition, the applicant proposes a retaining wall along the north side property line adjacent to the Woodbridge Center Phase 1. Staff's recommendation is that the amendment to the planned development be approved as presented on the condition that the retail portion of the site be built concurrently with the self-storage development. Notification responses were mailed to eleven property owners within 200 feet. One response was received opposing the request. Board Discussion Mr. Robert Baldwin, 3904 Elm Street Suite B, Dallas,representative for the applicant, stated that the property is a long narrow lot that does not lend itself for commercial uses. The proposed three-story self-storage buildings will be as tall as Kroger's. Self- Storage facilities will not create congestion for traffic,or a lot of noise. The facility will screen the loading docks from Kroger's. The reason for the development for commercial retail uses to be at a later date, is because no use is proposed at this time and the funding for the development is not available. The property labeled as Lot 5 is proposed a 43 parking spaces,which can be used either for future development of commercial/retail uses or the movie theater if they need it. Mr. Luis Castellamai, 2809 Daniel Avenue, Dallas, applicant for the subject property, stated that the self-storage facility is a higher end,and will be less visible once the retail site is developed. It will be climate controlled with two entrances. A cart will be used to take the items to the individual storage units, once accessed inside the building. Munutes [;'arch 20, 2018 Wylie Planning &Zoning Commission Pa0e 4 of 5 The Commissioners expressed concerned of the maintenance of the property, with no estimate timeframe for the development for the commercial/retail use in the front along Woodbridge Parkway. The Commissioners encouraged the applicant to have both Lot 4 and Lot 5 fully landscaped with trees and maintained. Public Comments With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to recommend approval to the City Council amending Planned Development 2011-29 with stipulation that undeveloped tract of land on the east end be fully maintained and landscaped, to allow for self-storage as a permitted use on 3.19 acres being Lot 3 and part of Lot 4,Block A of Woodbridge Center Phase II.Property generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway. (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC 2018-03. Motion carried 5 -1, with Commissioner Myers in opposition. Chair Smith reminded the Commissioners of the next meeting on April 3, 2018. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to adjourn the meeting at 7:01PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Ron Smith,Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes March 20, 2018 Wylie Planning &Zoning Commission Page 5 of 5 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission 1 887. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 2, 2018 Public Hearing Item: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Railroad Addition Date Prepared: March 22, 2018 Zoning District: Downtown Historic District Exhibits: Replat;photos;Notifications Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Railroad Addition, Lot 1R, Block 6; Being a Replat of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 6, establishing one lot on 0.557 acres, located on the southwest corner of Brown and 1st Street (305-307 1st Street). RP 2018-02. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Replat for Railroad Addition, Lot 1R, Block 6; Being a Replat of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 6, establishing one lot on 0.557 acres, located on the southwest corner of Brown and 1st Street(305-307 1st Street). RP 2018-02. Discussion Applicant: Texas Heritage Surveying,LLC Owner: Citipointe Church The purpose of the Replat is to reconfigure two lots to establish one lot on 0.557 acres. The property is zoned Downtown Historic District(DTH). Lots 1-2 currently hold a structure used as a church/house of worship. Lot 3 holds a residential structure owned by the church. The residential structure has deteriorated floor joist, which necessitates the replacement of the building. The replat would allow some leeway for future construction as setbacks between the properties would be removed with the removal of the property line between lots 2 and 3. Any future construction would go through the usual review and approval process through the Historic Review Commission. This Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie, and is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Notification/Responses: Twenty (20)notifications were mailed;with no responses returned at the time of posting. To be considered by City Council on April 24, 2018 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-29-18 Page 1 of 1 15 410 .�16 A, 23>,` . 1 �1 �ne �. 3 t ST ANTHONY 14 t 11 X i .,'<2 / 11--- ��� / 1F 4 151 / .r [ A. CATHOLIC ,. 13 r1z� ;i / 12r.y ‘14` I 78 k, CHURCH + 1 Jt 25 18 i '12' ''/ �i" / e 2 ' �r/III f} i'f ,,. 17IJ `.:/ CO �^ ....._.dJ �, .'6 J 31- 18 1 r �h 32 19 4 t � JJJ33 2a 1 �� �... — as '33/3 /---4,,,,,,4 I',,,/.3,3 lfrc,(4._ 1 -- 1 CD 2 3 ... 2 l j r 5i 2 31 / t, k 2 5 i„_ 3p 39 ...., 23, 2E} L 1 ( :3D 3C .I 91 24 .- - w TAUS L ;-- 38 13'' 1 _ ,_ q KE 2R D t2A� 25: 1„ _2RA __ 2t 27 t 2 Op6T ' Subject __.__ -7 „ / ' &73R ?4R Property 4 53 223 W BROWN ST E BROWN ST 38B _... 3 ,.. 1Oi"k. 1OA LL 0 2 ti _1 . . RAILROAD ___.... _ 57& 2A' 6— 2� > .'- a . I 1"- l R I f ) ' ' df 6.1 1 -5 1 23 1 2 i55&56 �I ._ ( a5 x. z 37rar5,1 7A 51,it TBROWN&BURNS� .,w 211 BUS „ ,, cr1 ,, 8 54B 36 '. 41 1 ado' 8r r_ 7..112 2t72 26Re i 35 910 CHURCH ADDN `'.AI OAIJ,. r 50A 53A C. 6 7 8FIRST BAP U Lm . , CAI�r A R„ IL OAD `LR0 5 ALE ST �_1 L� LIE_ rif W MARBE t ,�.� 55 � U7 3 , 20R 40R � E ARBLE'iT J,,. „ I t=_� 15 `- .�� � � 2` -�8 2E 14 1it _. 6 F112 I- 18_,_ ii 7 r k 1.__ 8?9 :._ f _. E_ , „ `/.._ ___ CEE-NE ' - C; 1 i 2 4-1 # AD 204. O W OAIC ST .. KELLERS#1 1a 37 Al:A 1 {7 _ AD w _._ LL- 13 �,. r 71 r � '° 1C „ co tOA€C T CO 1TG .. ltR 'ry 1 s 1 19, s 1 E ' ,,f t.. ,,.. 1 as 8 -i-. .. „ . __ C [1 _.- 4 i 1 i.4,_,_,_ OLDS ITY AR , .' /// �' XAS �5 6,. 7 '.5 0 _ I , d} „5-_ 3 D 12 13 = 1 12 / '4 ' ��y-_- 68 - fARA 8001 }k ,' ,w� 7 ._ I _.__ ._, _„. s x a �°.., �.. 2 f `` i 1 I y. SC � - . 1 ., rze A 1 RAIL S 9 RAILROAD OA MASTERS 1 'si PA .. ...*-1R_.. LOCATION MAP CITY 7ifs REPLAT #2018-02 Map Date:3/5/2018 LOT 1, BLOCK A o LOT 1, BLOCK A OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OWNER'S DEDICATION 411 ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH 00 MARGO E. KREYMER HOWREY ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH JOHN A. YEAGER STATE OF TEXAS CO COUNTY OF COLLIN NOW, THEREFORE, KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS ADDITION NO. 2 N AND BROTHER, ADDITION NO. 2 r INST. NO. 20161128001603970 INST/..* . NO. 20120920010002310 MICHAEL MCCORMICK N INST. NO. 20120920010002310 c\l O.P.R.C.C.T. N 0.P.R.C.C.T. VOL. 5371, PG. 518 0.P.R.C.C.T. WHEREAS, Citipointe Church, a Texas not-for-profit corporation is the sole owner of two tracts of „� land situated in the Cityof Wylie, Collin County, Texas and beingall of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 6, That I, Citipointe Church, a Texas not for profit corporation, acting herein by and through his duly authorized WV OE D.R.D.C.T. Y 4 Railroad Addition, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to map thereof agent, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as LOT 1R, BLOCK 6 OF recorded in Volume 77, Page 494, Map Records, Collin County, Texas, same being conveyed to RAILROAD ADDITION , an addition to the County of Collin, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public use 246.10' 90.00' 60.02' 100.00' Citipointe Church by Special Warranty Deed as recorded in Instrument No. 20091119001408140, forever, the easements and right-of-way shown hereon. The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved J O O Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas and also being conveyed to Citipointe Church by for the purposes as indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, of other improvements or growth shall be 1/2"IRF 1/2"IRF General WarrantyDeed as recorded in Instrument No. 20170922001271870, Official Public constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements and right-of-way as shown. Said utility easement Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 follows: ED. same. All and any public utilities shall have the full right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any building, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growth which may in any way endanger or interfere SCALE 1 -20 with the construction, maintenance, or efficiencyof its respective system on the utilityeasement and all public BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "TXHS" set for corner from which a 3/8 inch P y iron rod with cap stamped "ROOME" found bears South 00 degrees 01 minutes 42 seconds East, a utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon said utility easement for CENTER LINE _ BROWN STREET distance of 0.32 feet for witness, being at the intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of the purpose of construction, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or (CALLED 55' RIGHT-OF-WAY) POINT OF Brown Street (called 55 foot right-of-way) and the westerly right-of-way line of First Street (70 foot part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. right-of-way) and same being the northeasterly corner of said Citipointe church tract; BEGINNING N This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, THENCE South 00 degrees 01 minutes 42 seconds East, along the easterly line of said Citipointe Texas. Church tract, common with the westerly right-of-way line of said First Street, a distance of 195.00 150.00' N 89°58'10" E 124.57' feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with capstamped "TXHS" set for corner from which a 3 4 inch iron pipe WITNESS, my hand, this the day of , 2018. 0 1/2"IRS 0 / P / p p 80.00' 1/2"IRF (PLAT 125.00') 3/8"IRF"ROOME" "TXHS" 1/2"IRF 125.00' found bears South 87 degrees 48 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 0.27 feet for witness; (CM) BEARS S 00°01'42"E (CM) 0.32' THENCE South 89 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds West, along the southerly line of said Citipointe Church tract, common with a tract of land conveyed to Ryan P. Kanaman by Warranty Deed as Gary Taylor, Pastor recorded in Instrument No. 20160104000002950, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas, a LOT 10 distance of 124.40 feet to 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "TXHS" set for corner from which a 0o LOT 10 3/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "4693" found bears North 86 degrees 49 minutes 04 seconds STATE OF TEXAS: o W.S. REUTHINGER o `�� WLri Z CO East, a distance of 0.90 feet for witness, lying on the easterly right-of-way line of a 20 foot alley; COUNTY OF COLLIN: Lti AND WIFE co co J TOMMY REUTHINGER tY Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day VOL. 2177, PG. 349 u..i THENCE North 00 degrees 04 minutes 42 seconds West, along the westerly line of said Citipointe personally appeared Gary Taylor, known to me to be the person whose name is D.R.D.C.T. Z Church tract, common with the easterly right-of-way line of said 20 foot Alley, a distance of 195.00 Ilisubscribed to the foregoing instruments and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the 0 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found lying on the southerly right-of-way line of said Brown Street; purpose and consideration therein expressed. 80.00' 125.00' THENCE North 89 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds West, along the northerly line of said Citipointe Given under my hand and seal of office, this day of , 2018. 150.00' o Church tract, common with the southerly right-of-way line of said Brown Street, a distance of 0 124.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 24,274 square Feet or 0.557 an acre of I— Q L.r> land. r o . -. " '.- �" �" b W 3/8°IRF O Notary Public in and for the State of Texas o — Q In W II "BMI" °' LOT 1 R, BLOCK 6 a' IL o J RAILROAD ADDITION w "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" My Commission Expires On: LOT 9 � Q 24,274 SQ. FT. -EN LOT 9 o N 0.557 ACRE I- b 0 ( I o o Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date o'cr I o p City of Wylie, Texas SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: b I o W KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: zo Q "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" U That I, Raul D. Reyes, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon as set were 150.00' 125.00' Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with Subdivision O O Q O Ordinance of the City of Wylie. 1/2"IRF 1/2"IRF 1/2"IRF "ACCEPTED" "ROOME" (CM) (CM) Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date The undersign, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final PRELIMINARY,THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED LOT 80` plat of the Railroad Addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the day of FOR ANY PURPOSES AND SHALL NOT BE USED OR VIEWED o OG QO �p�� , 2018. and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT. (3/22/2018) PARKAROSA, LTD o o Q)A-�o 0. streets, alley, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in Raul D. Reyes INST. NO. , _, I.ri LOT 8 20171210001340780 . cfl �O 41 Q G�• and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5390 O.P.R.D.C.T. G�60�,`0 �P\J0\'• �Q• acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. .0- 0 Q. t' Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 2018 STATE OF TEXAS ��c� 41QG�' 70.0 COUNTY OF DALLAS �,Q. \/ O 20 0' 3/8"IRF"4693" 3/4"IPF BEARS 35.0' 35.0' CitySecretary `(' JO .0• BEARS N 86°49'04"E s 87°48'28"W 0.27' - - Before me, the Undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, 0.90' City of Wylie, Texas on this day personally appeared Raul D. Reyes, Land Surveyor, known to me to be co 125.00' the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that 0 1/2"IRS S 89°58'10" W 124.40' 1/2"IRS,t44O he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. 3/4"IPF "TXHS" (CM) °TXHS' (PLAT 125.00') Given under my hand and seal of office, this day of , 2018. LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 7 �_, o Notary Public in and for the State of Texas o RYAN P. KANAMAN o o ACE PAINTER 401K TAYLOR AND SON PROFIT SHARING PLAN PROPERTIES, LLC b Lo o INST. NO. o - 20140502000431870 20160104000002950 `� INST. NO. My Commission Expires On: O.P.R.D.C.T. co O.P.R.D.C.T. 20161206001651250 0.P.R.D.C.T. 5/8"IRF �' ,, v DCA 0 3/4"IPF in o ` , 00 N- o - o 150.00' 66 125.00' r 125.00' GENERAL NOTES: VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE LEGEND rp ,C\..., D.R.C.C.T. DEED RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 1)BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE CjN O\ "� BROWN �) O.P.R.C.0 .T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS SYSTEM, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983, $) QO Ik°� IIIIINST. NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER O O C7' JE FE•SON SITE VOL., PG. VOLUME, PAGE (2011) ��P 1 ` G,• LOT 5 LOT 6 m co Hughes SQ.FT. SQUARE FEET 2)THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO COMBINE THREE LOTS INTO ONE P�� �1 0• _ Y M A RB E Cemetery I AC. ACRE LOT. oo �0 O�. • RODNEY LAFOUN o0 0o p ¢ 3412 1� IRF IRON ROD FOUND C) WEY LAFINS cj cp JERILYN KAY STARING 0 0 K CM CONTROL MONUMENT isi3)ACCORDING TO THE F.I.R.M, PANEL NO.48085C0420J, THE SUBJECT co INST. NO. Co o VOL. 2518, PG. 190 0 PROPERTY LIES IN ZONE X, WHICH DOES NOT LIE WITHIN A FLOOD PRONE 20140923001035650 D.R.D.C.T. 0 I MAS E:. HAZARD AREA,AS SHOWN HEREON. jer, Cem O.P.R.D.C.T. _ del o ni 4)SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUND IS A 7 I cz\I BUTLEn. VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW,AND IS SUBJECT TO III 0 REPLAT FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS. Al Z r F_ J jk _ N "' in LOT 1 R BLOCK 6 1/2"IRF 7) BENCHMARK: A STANDARD CITY OF WYLIE BENCHMARK SET 10.0 FEET 3/8"B"MIIRF" "BMI" WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING LOCATED 104 SOUTH (CM) 125.00' (CM) 125.00' SURVEYOR RAILROAD ADDITION BALLARD STREET. 10.4 FEET SOUTH OF BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH O O BALLARD STREET. MONUMENT NAME: CM 2; GPS DATE 05/03/2004, STATE PLANE NORTHING 7,057,346.784, EASTING 2,569521.039, ELEVATION 550.61'. I BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1 THRU 3, BLOCK 6 OF OWNER 8)BENCHMARK: A STANDARD CITY OF WYLIE BENCHMARK SET 14.5 b CITIPOINTE CHURCH E.` w t 1 SE RAILROAD ADDITION (VOL. 77, PG. 494 M.R.C.C.T.) FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF ALLEY CONCRETE PAVING 7.3 FEET 307 N FIRST STREET SITUATED IN JAMES TRUITT SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 920 PERPINDICULAR TO BACKCURB PARKING AREA. MONUMENT NAME: co WYLIE, TX 75098 CM 4; GPS DATE 05/03/2004, STATE PLANE NORTHING 7,065,787.597, J E FFERSO� STREET 10610 Metric Drive, Suite 124 Gallas, TX 75243 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS EASTING 2,576,972.926, ELEVATION 562.88'. Office 214-340- 700 Fax 214-340- 710 (CALLED 70' RIGHT-OF-WAY) CENTER LINE txheritage.com Firm No. 1016 300 DATE: 2/09/2018/ DRAWN BY: JWR/JOB# 1703730-1 /SCALE= 1" =20' gg- gg 55- ,5554',555-55:555 - - '- - --5555557---55.55,-/-- _ - - - • ' .,,,-4.' - x.,..;;,,W4- ----=' = = 4--0_ •,,,,,-,‘,4,,,,,,,1,,,4,,..,, ,,..4,5),55/5,-*/:5;55': - /5!:: 5 ,155 /5 '5554V55:5,55"45'5- ^5---- 5.5545/5., /45/50045 , 5'5: „55,54554X 5z51.5-5/55-555/5/54t,5-,55.50/55-554455,455 tic.f5'75tt5gir '9.g4g-47-.1 g•-:.w-I'dCg--Ag'-'4.-'t-X1':-,W5t-A--ggge -1'.- ';' -. -5, .13-'5P-'.--g_•- i: 5ggigg.: ;07-0: -°- _ _ _ ft:0-4141-Y0.0,010,/0040 0.5t1- 0--- ;10°-0.0440, 00Mt0„.0 -t0- 00 00::_0, 0000 0000 - ; i _ 0 e _-'---_i..-.1---- _.4.4-,- „,,.---_- .. --- - -_--0-_‘4-40°c.-14-_, --- -_. __ ,',-,----=-- ----:: _,------, •:. - - :- 0 I,-------1, _ . .== g _ I g - _ _ - _ - -_ -1.=•gmg. • pa 1 -4_ -4 - j 1 ' , 4 -g-_, - - 5 -A: r - 4 g- ° •F 74-f-'''' -44°00 47-07./,°X/000,005.,.0440-00r/*N.00rxel-,0000;0.00f 0, . - . _, .0..,g-05 4-71rm,-4-g.-4. 7*.-geg-A7,90-,,,,.5'5:-.70%.,"../.74,---7, ,./-•.54,7,5-gg -...---ggg-g-ggeggvgpggew,gsg,- 5451.744.-.5 oz-gggg gg-5tergegs7-gg-ggggeggiggr 7,47514-.7. ,gz-2/ --tv'0c' ;--'f"-W5s39-----,;',0";,/,,,/,,,/';'.. *=gsw-Apvt-e •.-„,..f,x,..;,?,,,e, -.' -•*I',"..9.' „gg'-.*.'-g‘..4575ft57,-*V4i*--.11 -n... /. -5'- #' -41,---g-ggg'--- g-gegg,ggwg----4.4,4 44,40.4,4444.1A,4,1444,044, 44744 ' `;44*V4(54'4•444,44'W4$44- 44,,,*-4441:44.4444,4<g:4•444r,4 f413.,' t,,,,,f?..444".:44P4I%ffl**4444M,e04,444444.444-44'-'''' 4-4;40,VO4**4L4M444-441t.,W=444ri 4 444 with 305 Front of Building . , . , 1' . . . . , . . , ,-.7-44-AT1tief-,,-'1-64-4tr.* -**7 1- ii',_'•-:,._-',3-•-:',f,'-'of ---" rV.V.,' -,- ,-:'--Yffl > _ A . . .1,,,,9,,,i,"';',,‘,-, ';'.:,`,:,,,.'-j•.,1';::''',,,;;„:"/-;',- 11''''...".'-',,--4-, , --4,- .4.4,i4t.:- ",.Z., ,,,..4,5,42f:.m.-44,-.-A,..,T,1::-.1,,,,„,,-„-:„„,„, ,_ .,,- ,,,:':,t*;;",cit:;?;',-?-- ',,: >-,,::,4'klr-i,.:q•:..YPff .,- .:'-'::;**4:1,--!--,- -. .-:,-,c?';44174- --:- it_ ,._ - ----'`,--s.--73-k: ::-_, i't-- - „lift i*-0-44,41:ki,, ,,,i3,4;144;50S-Aiii:ir-..t-tZ445:,--::„;'-',3.,•. -t-'''.:-,'::-'''f-_-:, -±_-4,Afialittm-fa:::E7,--_----_-!'---!'---!-,44_7,2=_!._.-i.-____--_---: _.: _ - - _--,t-,:=L ,i14,44-r;iti --A,-ctte;3--rtr:itt,et-%siy-ck,_7---o-9t- -- .--- „,-,":Aillti--,:3-fubt-IvAlt:411144.ar. ,....,..:_..,„, . , - _.--zotireF4t!!=;---Zimingwt.72' 4-4 ----w,- - - - ---- -- --A --.6—' - - ---i - -_ 4 Aiiiiiti 7 T, -„,-,-,*7,7.,r,4:i 'igtrgititgAStilt-S-::' : :'''':7---- " -''''''--t _ __ . ,,,,,,, •:-_,Ettitilf4rEzemlarketflatistrifttry::.._.1:,Li__I_i:7____, _,- Rear of Buildings y�v - ,fw✓` �11 t- r9 -"ice`, _ - - _ • 7 � n; „ ram ,„,, ,,ei ter, _ L,el"„^":Ec ,<„a: u/?`„,.:„ =ram ""'" _.: - Ar= t✓�"� a,r��:„'��"gr z��,�'ti,.,Jx,.., �--� _ :-. t om �,l'�j._ „% .nY/,:..~.i/ = „.--",,,.: �'--,„,,- - _ _ _ _ ,.� •'%'j�_ "mac z: ��/ F� gam"r-;�z ;�..yr. ,ram iw r✓ ','f ..azvj _ �lr _ ,":G.:- "'%ter,`,-,:f=,<,'..„ " r: _- ^r fis. i r ,< `vim?. ,r. z, ,. .... .. Mtn„« r t t. r ,' 1 :, - - "_.t ✓ «,._-.<,-:w <` E'er ti , 4 , rw;: ,ram''` `- - - <Via,." ter~'== r " r gr Mm r w,w::its,,::,. ` g , 4<. Floor Joists < 2 _3 i 5415-1 II ST ANTHONY CATHOLIC III __ 4 `3A-1 �_. fi CHURCH r_ . _ ` 419A 1 ; 3B414B 3A-2 943 0 ,: 2C &`6T � �._._..e 1412 3D 3592-. __-1-_ 1 4fi9 . USSELL 1 II F„tt..IELL 2R D 2 1 4 6 P4 40§A 2RA T 44 2 4"1A .. "447 , 4 344 43� R8 2C3&2H� 4409 5 4 .h . 06i- 1G 0 1A 6 407 ':�. �` 4t2 40 6 01-5W PERTl 4+ 33 A 18- A-19B9 201 10 t 491 4 104 C 1 Is 1 ,/ C� 150030031313015011101510313351115113031535,111305431431135334;40103 ,,,, , _w-____.__._._—_________._____. kmologoommotwoRg000tu ...,... W BROWN ST e N ST i 1J 307 ' 311 1? t 50I j I j 10 f ILROAD Iha�a 4 4 2 } ° 1 WYLIE ..,. A art s ,t ; f� _. _ 115388 � 4 30 �: 16 r t, 2 9 306 l �\ Gi__.... .w_ , CO 13104 i 29. A _ 8 ..._ l ! 6,�'�Q/15;, 37A1/4i 1 - .102 2 ROV\ S i 3' t , � ' i 13 : 1 ; , 4 130% # 342. }7:_:.4 ._I i ,�, _ J __ 3 i ' 301 ; 1 i 27 5 31 _n W JEFFERSON ON ST` SON ST WYLIE 23 10 11120 RAILROAD L I1s r\li T 36 219 1 26 R001 f 6 7 8 _y E_ 0 R 410 11Af2A 07 10 7 S 1/2 ' t I._ C?F8 11 4 f 3 B, 1 \ 206E f 5 6 7 200 C ,.2 k4 RAW WYLIE C 71. 03 8 2T3 � 1 `' 6242 _ 135C 291 � 43 1415 I1 2Q1 5301 1 [-- _____e 3A38_ 4.98V FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHADDN °....�. `2a2 BROWN & BURNS E MARBLE ST r_____._______...____ 1934 20R141 1 4 17S&1,..1 ,. ._ x._ . .,..—..._. , L _ [122 �-ilk]. 1 115 111 1�A 121 1 �. i 72 33 t_.._. '1 _ ,ti �11 g , 28 3B 1.2 =S46 ._ ._ 1107rv1 114 108 I3 13A 4- €13^ RAP 2 LROA _ "r203 / r IEELRS 1 z 5E , 41 •Ll r #110 f 1 104 13 g 5A 11, ' 1110 78 I„ } f i "` 1105-91.r74.0,I :`it. - I1LL4 / TEXAS OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP V( CI 1-WYr.li: REPLAT #2018-02 Map Date:3/5/2018 or41, 4. Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: April 3, 2018 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Date Prepared: March 21, 2018 Zoning Case Number 2018-05 Location Map, Location Photos/Aerials,Notification Exhibits: List/Map and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding rezoning a lot from Agricultural (AG/30) to Commercial Corridor (CC), property generally located in the northeast quadrant of Brown Street and SH 78. ZC 2018-05. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding rezoning a lot from Agricultural (AG/30) to Commercial Corridor(CC), property generally located in the northeast quadrant of Brown Street and SH 78. ZC 2018-05. Discussion Owner: Matt McGuire,LadyLike Property,Inc. Applicant: Bill Thomas,Engineering Concepts and Design,L.P. The applicant is requesting to rezone a 19.76 acre property located NE of Brown and SH78. The property has frontage on both SH78 and Brown Street. The property is currently zoned as Agricultural(AG/30) and is not platted. The applicant is proposing the property be rezoned to Commercial Corridor (CC). CC zoning is compatible with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The area is designated as General Urban, which generally supports the retail, service, office, light production and research,with some high density in a mixed-use setting. The purpose of the rezoning is for the development of the property.The applicant has tentative plans to develop the SH78 frontage as retail/restaurant uses. The applicant is actively seeking a use for the rest of the property.If the zoning request is approved, development must adhere to the standards as set forth in the zoning ordinance. The property is bordered by Commercial Corridor to the west, Heavy Industrial (across SH78) to the north, a Planned Development to the east generally limited to an Electrical Substation, and residential to the south across Brown. Street. Notification/Responses: Thirty-Four(34)notifications were mailed;with no responses returned at the time of posting. To be considered b Cit Council on April 24, 2018 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/29/18 Page 1 of 1 1 I ~,x f .._. '1., ' r , /r 1 wur 4 :,7,:,,,,,„,,r.„-_, ,, , .t---,, ; '---,, ' ah"g�M r .w.., r r^",,,✓ r"� m�`, '�t Y®"".,.�„� _..... rr Subject 4r rrf l Propertyv ' rvv . . s — ,r rr r( / PP/ rs r ,rr�-• I] / r r PE ` .. / ,,i r . /LA l h` C ! t, ,r'`�r'✓' ,..^ C i`— :-iy i- k 4�) _ -- 1,.,,„,i E LL 7-. �._w, 11. ll f / r r f { ry! r/rrrr:r 7� 5 _P ��1.� ..� �`..r �.r_ _ I ._.i_,. f f - �, ,�" ,1 � p l—f — ,- r I C a j a" / "2 t[ — > , �a a a !/ — 1 o__ [ i P wa /1- 1 , IL <., k `� �� � ' �`f - T -�, t' 4 itylit f ) s t7L'rr -Cr'-'.',-4-4 ,•:.--41rir ,J-11:_111 fr.:1-).— C - 4.*:4-11 .--L 1;il,._11,':1;:--.!,--''',1,,---7 L,1",-1:: CEMETERY k t ra KIN 9�g- 2 f 1 , E ,, FT-1 -- 11 r -L'' "-'1.--''1) '' �.� � .I�_E„,w,L. .17 " L 141 k CC ., k f 'j( t t � ',... P 4`;, 1 i ,� ' �` y� iL'r � �� � .�, f !�.. .-. }��J F`� _'_ C v t - ' C ice ( 1 Il b.. t auv. .� y h � 7 pp,,�� �y� �* ,tee p�p^y,} -�1 }1 � ik lau`_.i—7 t- >i� I� I '..+�. , t, i��, ��;...-.,{i{ .�.._��i� ��h � €k a L ��a -�tC��"� EHV1E �' # �i.+{.�_4',4✓��t=" ""...,+.� t LOCATION MAP 74( ZC #2018 05 CITY(IA-WYLIE Map Date:2/28/2018 BEING ad that iraol of fond in Col/in Couniy. Texas. oul of the Francisco De La Find Survey, A-688, and being port of that called 23.125 net acres of land described in a deed to The Ladylike Shop, Inc, as recorded in Volume 1030, Page 416 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch steel rod round on the Southeast fine of Stole Highway No. 78 at the North corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of S.H. 78 Rocetroc Addition as recorded in Volume 2013, Page 55 of the Piot Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 52 degrees 16 minutes 00 East (Bearing Bosis), 1 167,75 feet along the Southeast line of sold State Highway No. 78 to a 5/5 inch steel rod set at the North corner of said 23. 125 acres; THENCE along the East line of said 23. 125 acres follows: South 03 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, /05,60 feel to a 5/8 Inch steel rod set; South 19 degrees 04. minutes 00 seconds East, 64.63 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; South 00 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East, 56.80 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; South OS degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 89.09 feet to a 5/8 Inch steel rod set; South 38 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East, .3,3.13 feel to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; South 72 dogrees -.31 minutes 00 seconds East, 38.18 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; South 50 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 47.46 feel to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; South 33 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East, 107.72 feet to a l..-)/8 inch steel rod set; South 42 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds East, 161,28 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; South 77 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East, 62.00 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; South 31 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds East, 58.67 feet to a 5,/8 Inch steel rod set; South 25 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds Last, 42.3, 13 feet to a 5/6 inch sleet rod sel on the North line of that called 0.069 acres of land described In a deed to City of Wylie as recorded under CC# 20131015001423340 of the Official Public Records of Catlin County, Texas; THENCE North 88 degrees 27 minutes 15 seconds West, 27,56 feet along the North line of said 0.069 acres to a 5/8 inch steel rod set at the Northwest corner of said 0.069 acres; THENCE South 0? degrees 32 minutes 42 seconds West, 50,00 feet to a 5/6 inch steel rod set at the Southwest corner of said 0.069 acres, and on the North line of that called 0.310 acres of fond described in a deed to the City of Wylie as recorded under CC# 20101213001 355550 of the Official Public Records of Coffin County, TOXCIS, and at point of non—tam:lent curve on the North line of E. Brown Street; THENCE along the North line of said 0.310 acres and the North line of sold E. Brown Street as follows: North westerty, 45,60 feet along said curve to the rig hi, having a rdiu of 1080.00 feel and central angle of 02 degrees 25 minutes 47 seconds (Chord bears North 55 degrees 30 minutes 19 seconds West, 45.80 feet) to a 5/8 inch steel rod set at point of reverse curve; Northwesterly, 91. 10 feet along said curve to the left haying a radius of 11 60.00 feet and a central angle of 04 degrees 29 minutes 59 seconds (Chord bears North 86 degrees 32 minutes 25 seconds West, 91.08 feet) to a 5/8 inch steel rod set of point of tangent; North BB degrees 27 minutes 10 seconds West, 557.34 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set at point of curve; Southwesterly, 96.98 feat along said curve to the left having a radius of 1 1 60.00 feet and ci central angle of 04 degrees 47 minutes 24 seconds (Chord bears South 59 degrees 09 minutes 07 seconds West, 96.95 feel) to a 5/6 inch steel' rod set at paint of reverse curve; Southwesterly, 45.94 feet along said curve to the right having a radius of 1080.00 feet and a central angle of 02 degrees 26. minutes 13 seconds (Chord bears South 87 degrees 58 minutes .32 seconds West, 45.93 feet) to an "X" set of the Southeast corner of that coned 0.124 acres of land described in a deed to the City of Wylie as recorded under CC# 20131015001423.350 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 01 degrees 16 minutes 22 seconds East. 44,29 feet along the East line of sold 0. 124 acres to a 5/5 inch steel rod set at the Northeast corner of said 0.724 acres; THENCE North 85 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds West, 1 20,00 feet along the North fine of said 0.124 acres to a 5/8 inch steel rod set at the Northwest corner of said 0.124 acres; THENCE South 01 degrees 16 minutes 22 seconds West, 1. 14 feet along the West line of said 0.12.4 acres to a 5/8 inch steel rod set on the Northeast fine of said Lot 1; THENCE North 47 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds West, 420, 17 feet along the Northeast line of said Lot 1 to the POINT OF BEGUNINiNG, containing 19.76 acres of land. LUIVL. MUM N FOUND 94 BEING all that tract of land in Cotlin County, Texas, out of the Francisco De Lo Fina Survey, A-658, and being port of that called 23. 125 net acres of land described in c CA,„• VE 1:; L:INC, I f--- c 1,0 R D T E N 1.7_ H C190 R D H EI,A R I NI C: ri F.l_TA ,AN C)_E deed to The Ladylike Shops Inc, as recorded in Volume 1030. Page 4/6 of the Deed C 1 1 08 0.•",'0' Lb,;'-.,)0' i.t-, ',.•"•'",' r, ,17:,,'', -.:,5,:.-f i 9" vo, ,,,,,,,, , /" Records Of Collin County, Texas, and Being further described as follows: 1160,00 9;1 .10 '.,-.l 1 .08 N ;n1,6",'32'2 t." ',,4" 04'29'59" BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch steel rod found on the Southeast line of State Highway No. 78 1 60,00' ',-:"'f' 98' (c,r.: ,9 r=z9 . -_, -c-.= 'O:.-1 uJ Uf . CI 4 I 4 7/'2 4" at the North corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of S.H. 78 Racetrdc Addition as recorded in Volume 2013, Page 55 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas; 1..5 91' 4 F---, 05 ‘ il& THENCE Norm 52 degrees 16 minutes 00 East (Bearing Basis), 1187,75 feet along the 1r4ter Southeast tune ot said Slate Highway N . /8 to a 5/5 inch steel rod set at the North corner at 5r3. C1 231 Zii acres; MEM fFft 1 _.,..,!_ii.-14-E-47,R7--------- , 1 c J05) ( Ell= S 0 r- ;7.)'.:-',1C;" w I.73 ) 60' 13 Ix ,c)P• 43 100 THENCE along the East tine of sold 23. 125 acres follows. 0 I Zi 00 South 03 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, 105.60 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; - • --- , b,• 0 . South 19 degrees 04 minutes 00 seconds East, 64.63 feet ta a 5/8 inch steel coo set; EMI OC'2 0'0 e" " "6 h''3' South I N'r 00 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East, 56,80 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; II= !.-. 0H''..-,7',?'D:.)'' i C'-',9 0 9' •CAL 0;q F \ '$), :," ), qQ co( South 08 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 89,09 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; , 1 1 So' & 0, Nb \) 9 ° South P 35 degrees 20 minutes 00 .seconds E:asf, 33.13 feet to a 5/8inch steel rcrt sef; / * ,10 es) South 72 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds East, 38.18 feet to a 5/8 inch steet red set; 5' South 50 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 47,46 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; I / South 33 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East, 107.72 feet to a 5/5 inch sleet rod set; -\\ V' South 42 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds fast, 161.28 feet to a 6/B inch steel rod set; 1/2"SRF South 77 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East, 62,00 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; 1 5 I .2 F3' --.1 C'l "BHC" South 31 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds East, 58.67 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; 577;1i 67' .,„,„,„ 2.5 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds East, 4,?3, 13 feet to a 5/8 ..'nch steel rod set . on the North tine of that coifed 0,069 acres at land described In a deed to City of NM 2!'.;'4 '00" .1 - 7, -,..-,L;,...; 5. w iic os recorded under 201310150E:J1423340 of the Official Public. Records of Collin r CC# _____________________ \ County, Texas; El= r,,, 17,,';.'27 I 8 ' 1-3 THENCE North 88 degrees 27 minutes 18 seconds West, 27,56 feet along the North tine I '5 N 88 4/'2 4 V;,' I2C 0 9.8.' ds ‘.2 of said 0,069 acres to a 5/8 inch steet rod set at the Northwest corner of said 0.069 acs-res: NM k 6-8'2 7'1,:,.'" '6' , , ,_-7, ,,-, 04. %.9 0. 1111.11 N. 0''1 6'22" cf) 6 OV t\CI..---- THENCE South 01 degrees 32 minutes 42 seconds West, 50.00 feet to a 5/5 inch steel rod sat at the Southwest corner of said 0.069 acres, and on the North fine of that MEM N 881:338' V•,' I 20 I.-j0' N4C5. r2j<i SS called 0.310 acres of land described in a deed to the City of Wylie as recorded under 1 CC# 20101213001358650 of the Official Public Records of Catlin County, Texas, and at Ell. S 0"'' 5'22" '0,' 420.' 7' 1 - 1' .\...,N, IP 4)'\ paint of non-tangent curve on the North line of .7. Brown Street; EM N 47'41 '2 e=' W \"\C1 C \40• # THENCE QiurT9 tho North tine of said 0-3 f 0 acres and the North IncJ of said E. 9,-Qvvri Street as follows: PART OF Northwesterly, 45,80 feet along said curve to the right having a radius of I 080.00 feet Is CALLED 62.39 ACRES arra central angle 0. 02 degrees 25 rhinatom 47 seconds (Chc,ra beers North 55 degrees 30 minutes 19 seconds West. 45.80 feet) to a 5/8 inch steel rad set at point of C C46 *v VOL. 646, PG. 631 reverse curve; A daNer7gdrtrileawe central angle l ignauln*-ti's°e 2:57ts°e4aci occirr:eisrs:W°Sieds2tC,9U:MV1 6:7Cn8L“l to*efstefr:5091 etoffecahocn5vd/1 nr:59(iCnahcohrradds ituebseGiac:rrsfc rod olsiSreFa8°t 6 paintfe t of tangent; •<4 '0 Of CP S\''`) • North 88 degrees 27 minutes le seconds West, 567_34 feet to a 5/8 inch slee 3 rod set of paint of curve, 0 // Southwesterly, 96.98 feet ai'ong safe curve to the left having c radius of 1160.00 feet and a central angle of 04 degrees 47 minutes 24 seconds (Chord hears South 89 ,,,/ , I ,egrees 09 minutes ,07 seconds West, 96,95 feet) to a 5/5 inch steel rod set at point of reverse curve; (:) Southwe.sterJy, 45.94 feet along said curve to the right having a o radius of 1050.00 feet and a central angle of 02 degrees 26 Tr2rnusetecsonld3s hswee7.7 seconds 5. ..s(Chordf1.)bearsto a n South"X" 87 set dae.t.,drtenevs $508(.11 hm(itan:ttes corner at at called 0,124 acres at fond aescrto'ed n a riced Z. i() •:\1\iilkl\ tvo the City of W:141e as recorded under CC# 20131045001423350 kg) THENCE tNhCjE:riNf sigifi urctt:ill 00117,Public gg Irr7Ree:eeecsor4iifd6,65 s minutes dfinUC minutesot Clelisi2222 42Ceu acres secondse secondsn c t:,n t d oT s 6.Texas; s/t 8,West, n44iicn4 2::.0.T2:,9 17 19. 76 ACRES 0 -",-. 1/4S) feet along the Ens). One of said 0, 124 acres to a 5/Ft i T,_,,,e) rod set of the Northeast corner of said 0.12.4 acres; .,' PART OF 0 ZONE 'X CALLED 23. 125 NET ACRES ,ENCE North 88 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds West, 120,00 (SHADED) 4. 4 to, feet POINT OF ip THE LADYLIKE SHOP, INC. steel rod set at the Northwest corner of said 0, 124 acres; BEGINNIN 41/10G to Lo,s, t VOL. 1030, PG. 416 44 THENCE S feet along the West line of said 0.124 acres to a 5/8 inch Nis FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, A-688 N kiii rlf steel rod set on the Northeast line of said Lot 1; W6' ,AN / 'A ' < 1,, - 0 ,\ ZONE E THENCE North 47 degrees 1 West, feet along the Northeast iThe of sofa Lot 1 to the POINT OF S.P c/L1 6 15, BEG/NN/N0, containing /9,76 acres of tend. 4, ZONE 'X' EXISTING ZONING: AG .-DS ..,/ / `-b7 4o PROPOSED ZONING: CC Ill 6' `56.0-5 -0o4-• (19.76 ACRES) ZONE 'X' LOT 1, BLOCK 1 S.H. 78 RACETRAC ADDITION VOL. 2013, PG. 55 «, OWNER EXISTING ZONING:CC 0)0,, „ H TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT CC# 20150904001131540 INC.ADYLIKE SHOP IN 20 NORTH TEXAS WarssIPAI WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT Vol -....i I\ r. • v--.. - --J .1- L .5 P 0 BOX 516 4 - - C3- - - e L15 /--J WYLIE TX 75098 L16 CALLED 0.124 ACRES C2 C1 CALLED 0.310 ACRES ./ CITY OF WYLIE E. Brown Street CC# 20131015001423350 C/TY OF WYLIE 80' R.O.W. CALLED 0.069 ACRES CC# 20101213001358850 CITY OF WYLIE # EXISTING Z NING: SF-10-24 CC 20131015001423340 30 (1) OAKS ADDITION, PHASE 4 a) - L. > EXISTING ZONING: SF-10-24 o EXHIBIT ''B'' CAB. S S - L.. 1 1 1 c) EXISTING ZONING:29 c PD 2013-33 SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH OF WYLIE L EXISTING ZONI G: PD 2013-33 19 . 76 ACRES 0 0 / VOL. 94/0012161 -c , o 3 , o 2 2 2 2 ZONING ,:XHIRIT EXHIBIT BASED ON THE 0 BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR C3 KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 2 THE SUBJECT PROPERTY CITY OF WYLIE/ JUSTICE, RICHARD & MELODY CAB. L SL. 48 BY MATTHEW BUSBY RPLS OPEN SPACE, PARK & D.E. ENGINEERING CONCEPTS & DESIGN L.P. DATED SEPTEMBER 22, VOL. 2399 PG 222 CITY OF WYLIE ENGINEERING/PROJECT MANAGEMENT/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 2016. KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 3 PERRY EASTERLING TRUSTEE OPEN SPACE, PARK & D.E. TEXAS FIRM REG. NO. 001145 2014-649 201 WINDCO CIRCLE, SUITE 200, WYLIE TEXAS 75098 VOL. 2115 PG 56 (972) 941-8400 FAX (972) 941-8401 DATE: 3/06/2018 PAGE: 1 OF 1 3760\3760 Zoning Exhibit.dwg 87 88 86 win; 89 , ,.. � ff, ` 1 224\ \ „,,r",�,r'83 r'' k. � 1 85 226 f 214 ,. \ dr, drr'1,0"r'rre " ,-,-/.2- ,,,,,,, E , r 77 76 4�r; "215 „re � 1 �,t 81 -- J t 1 ` ft ? .,. t Li n' ,,, AN N'�1 �e" v ,r"",M'"' apt ,, .,.,Y,. 202. °203or �s �� 4(: ',,.^,r 4J 11 2 "1 i 1t� 'k �,54 I 5.8 59T C t3Al ! —cA27 s; vriii� rrr Y , w+ . c y,.. 55 56 571 . ,/,—, 1 .._� ' — ' �`, 1 8 J .. 1 52° C7 18 19 7 1 __ 1`1_ 5 71 12111 10 9 8 7 6 5E sc .. 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CEMETERY --- -� 15� ( k`f2.i 1,3E Tg' I12 16 ;'' .STATES 41 ,,4?0:7 - _� 4 5 � 0 i 't2 j n 16 1 i13 1 1�11 C17 1 i'13 17�1 .. 6 P ° At}09 < �_ 17 14a 15, C 1 „�1 18 ' . .:. 38 1 1 /_ _. 1 ? _._...i 38 39401 42{43 45 46J47 ..,� • . � �,�_— �_ 1 1 48 49/50/5:1 ,.,�27 5,_, 6 (' 'c E ((( 51 52 J 86 r �25 . 3 2 2.. 4 � `9� 3�4�5 61 7 8\9 10 11 12ks 85' 201 z _�-�� — / ',� � E 1- 1,—L4--/._113 -7 ,58/57/56�t- - , ,, 2 , tI 12�7' OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP :�� l �r.11.:4/ ZC #2018-05 Map Date:2/28/2018