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04-09-2018 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet OF - 1 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board 4 �t NOTICE OF MEETING say: T,1„, Regular Meeting Agenda April 9, 2018 - 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Matt Rose Chair Joni Robinson Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member Emmett Jones Board Member Bobby Kinser Board Member Samantha Dean Board Member Phil Gilbert Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Brent Stowers Parks Manager Mike Sferra Public Services Director Janet Hawkes Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. PRESENTATIONS • Wylie High School Student project-Dog park proposal CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. REGULAR AGENDA April 9,2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 12, 2018 Meeting. 2. Consider and act upon reviewing park improvements by the Wylie Rotary Club at Olde City Park. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Parks and recreation foundation. • Update on art installation at the Muncipal Complex Trail. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 6th day of April 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas. ov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed City of Wylie Dog Park Proposal Aza Abdellatif, Leanna Doan, Sr Alessandra Morales Background Information We are students from Wylie High School, and we are proposing the addition of a dog park to Wylie because of our passion for dogs and for all the people in the community who want a place for their dogs to play and socialize. Over the course of this project, we have visited various dog parks and met with Parks and Recreation staff and employees from other nearby cities. Benefits Dogs get used to meeting unfamiliar dogs on a regular basis Can help guard against the development of fear and aggression toward other dogs Owners can bond and play with their dogs Dogs & owners build up communication skills Dogs can get the strenuous off-leash exercise they need Owners can also get exercise playing with their pet Benefits Owners see a decrease of troublesome behavior from their dogs Owners can meet new people/neighbors (dogs are a great ice-breaker) Dogs are able to run free without penalty to pet owners or damage to private property Provides a sense of comfort because owners know that there is a place where they can let their dog run freely and play safely Concerns & Solutions Sanitation: Maintenance staff would regularly cleanse of the grass, cut it/tend to it, rotate the usage. Aggressive dogs/safety: Establish rules for the dog park to maintain a safe environment. (See Safety Rules Sr Regulations) Concerns & Solutions No cats: Signs that show that this is a dog park and no cats are allowed. Destruction: Signs and rules that discourage destruction, but if it happens, the dog would be removed from the park, and the damage would be assessed and fixed as soon as possible. Liability Assumption of the risk Visitors consent to using the dog park at their own risk Signage Rules and regulations clearly and visibly stated Advise dog owners that they assume full responsibility for their dogs Safety Rules & Regulations Make sure your dog is up to date on vaccines/parasite control Restrict your dog to appropriate park size Keep unaltered dogs away from park Pick up your dog's waste Teach your dog how to leave and enter a park No digging 13,,Wii4PilPtial00,f-10aK X 2011 infection Control X I 0.00,o,ParkPrOpogal7.GoIiX M BixiFark arieS-Idgale X' 0 Rules I Richardson.TX X X,." how tdtaka,atOreenthi:f:••'•X,"\\' 4E- C ISecure I httpsitwww,cornetidepartments/parks-recreatioNparks-tralisidog-parkirules et 00 a WISD Links g ConnactED 0 Nearpod Classroom Bb Wylie[SD ,z„ Wylie High School • Skyward - StoryboardThat Quizizz DC Kahoot! Think Through Math 0 Canvas 4. BrainPOI I RICHARDSON:TX Search„. • PARKE RECREATION Our City Departments Government Businesses •Services I want to... W;i:V777,IVIV,NnaMINF.4441 4,44%\trkv ,P4 4:000.01,*, For you and your dog's safety and enjoyment,_please adhere to the following Bush Central Barkway rules: r#k„,P)'.' icf2>zIS 404 AidAlt.,,, OISlI4N4>KAP/IA zev Atior: General Rules and Information: li.#.44%44'''',10400041000V4 NikkmaitLittaMtg„1,4*,,k L Use of the Banway is at the paVon's overt risk,Handlers are responsible,for the actions of their dogs at all times.. 2.Children ages 12 and under must be closely supervised by adults.Please do not allow children to run with or chase dogs inside the Barkway. 3.Glass containers and food or treats for people and dogs are prohibited in the Barkwa.y. 4.Please properly dispose of your dog's waste in the bags provided. 5.The possession or use of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages Is prohibited in the Barkway. 6,Please keep all gates closed at al times. 7.Bush Cent al Barkway will be closed until 10 am.on Wednesdays for routine maintenance.Maintenance day may vary due to weather condIttions, kVAIIONOVOMA:MOK Dog-Related Rules: Al dogs must be leashed when entering and exiting the Barkway. 2.Any dog exhibiting aggressive behavior must be leashed.and removed from the park. 3.Dogs must be properly licensed and vaccinated with tags displayed on col[ars.All dogs must be healthy and have no ..„, open wounds. 4,Dogs under the age of 4.months and any dogs In season'are prohibited in tire Barkway. 5.Spike,pinch or prong collars are prohibited In the Barkway 6.No more than three dogs per person at any one time are allowed in the Barkway. 7,Dog bias to humans must be reported..Please call Animal Services at 972-744-44.80 or Richardson Police at 972-744- 4100.For emergencies,call 9-1- ;p:OxE;7.,,r,en,r;:t'sPiie,%:::;;:i,5::::V.;:irii.,....,,E:MfrINIMA,% B.City park rules apply in addition to Bush Central Barkway Fig. 1. Rules i4thiegailfe6htitAtigiam haps://www.cor.netidepartments/parks-recreation/parks-trails/do2-park/rules Barkway invs:,:flidtAtdAtittntratuattost„, Q At_ ,tAct 3:07 40. " Design Size: At least 1 acre Size-designated areas Avoid conflict 1 acre for large dogs (30 lbs. or more); 0.5 acre for small dogs (under 30 lbs.) Design Fencing 4-6 ft. vinyl-coated chain-link fence Extend concrete beneath the ground to prevent dogs from digging underneath the fence Double-gated entry to prevent dogs from escaping Self-closing gates Avoid 90-degree corners to prevent dogs from being cornered Design Shade Trees, shade structures, etc. Not too heavily shaded to prevent impediment to grass growth Drinking fountains for dogs Ey owners (see Fig. 2) Include water bowls Must allow for drainage to prevent mud build-up Design Surfacing Natural grass Artificial grass K9 grass Concrete Decomposed granite Gravel Mulch Design Surfacing Option Pros Cons Hard surface (concrete) Easy to maintain More expensive Soft surface (crushed Easy on feet and joints Staining, migration stone, gravel, sand) Turf (grass) Meets expectations Difficult to maintain Mulch Less expensive Migration, difficult to clean waste/feces Artificial grass Easy to maintain More expensive Hawn,Roxanne"Canine design dog parks with more bite"Parks&Recreation,Jan 2009,p 34 General OneFile,http//link galegroup com/apps/doc/A209900097/GPS7u=J043914Firsid=ACPS&xid=e916b329 Accessed 4 Feb 2018 Design Turf rotation Prevent grass erosion from foot traffic, dog waste, etc. Allow for repairs/maintenance Signage Post rules and regulations Information kiosk (see Fig. 3) Post news, announcements, upcoming events, etc. Design Seating Benches Picnic tables Waste disposal Trash cans Dog waste stations (see Fig. 4) 4 per acre recommended Design Dog amenities Toys (e.g., tennis balls, Frisbees) Agility equipment Lighting Restrooms Parking ADA accessible D e, s,'%'EV ig°E' n ,/'‘4 4,,,`,‘Ek,:,:`qE,F.k 4 a,'",-,,,Q^,-p"t'a,4,„,.e,',,,,",,e','"1''t",,k,t,re„,,„,''.`*.^,.,,„,'o'o*,;7,,,I.':'',"„',,'`,,',,'',,Tv,;-fi„,«L•`A',E",-,'N A„,:4t AUO1)P CALFET, 4,,,,,,.,,,,4,,i 41E : ' fl,,, ,•,',,-' ,,, ), ‘0,4,,,m .1,A ' tk0t, 0'I 0,,41.* `,,E, S,,,, E,+'',',04.t r CLEAN ' , -.. ,Ai •`%, "MI '''' '''*•*, `,n`f \\ ',: 711,%''^,N4 ''''' ,ro •*'.. ,, , ' ' , *44 t.- " 'L.;'." — "°4'.'""s''-1 ' ;10•Iti '''„ , ^*" ' ,„ , ;"" ,,„, ''.. , .,,,. ,, „,v-— ••• ,kt,'4.-'''N',;'," ,...4.4 ';•,----Its'ik,'-' "4,77;v17,V ,' P 44` 1 1:, °., -, ,-•.',.., -' Aril'44 ••.-14/14 . Vt‘e' ,011.4 NN,N IN e,i,„.,1,-,,,,,, 'i':,,,h,,,,,, •'3.--5..k. ,,‘, , .iltIC:::;:' bt'''''''',9'. • '',41.1-`'N, , „ ,..,,,_, ,,,‘ ,,t'-i '. „,,,A,,,k f '5f:'.`4.A , - ,74, -.;',,,,-,,,... ,,,,,,,,:. -, fr' tr,k,v.;-- ', , \ N., ,,, ..t. y ,,,,,,,,',:,'o',,, - ' Wenk Park in Allen. Fig. 2. Drinking in Dog Park fountains at the McKinney. kiosk at the CanineFi g. 4,. PcetowmamstoensstaDtoiognpaatrkthien Canine CommonsFDigog. 3Pa IrnkfaotrmBoantinoine Allen. Design Maintenance Entrance �R2c,t � t,: tr i,} 6i 2ryr2 frrt oHrrt Hrr trt> ,,,}.,a,},,a,}.,a,},,a,}.,a,},,a,}.,a,}, }, ;,>?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``„t``,=?``,,, x,))4{'»,r �h k, ,:ti,.t t t t t t t t ,Jo»\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,l versF,=,.,t Se,o e,?u t>, 1 , t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t ,t 1 a4S,i,.im n,`r„its t ='{_, ..f =1 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 1 kt t}�,e„RSt tar ;z=,l ? ,:}„F Fbi }, ,,=r2T:,,=r2T:,,=r2T:,,=r2T:,,=r2, 1 rwt i. 1, ,{,r,ww 1 ,}, r P } 'oy,n u n,l,l ,n.t,l „>,f ,n.l,l ,n.l,l n.l,l n.l,l n.l,l n.l,l n.l,l n.l,l tx t to t ,rl=J, } } } } },, },, },, },, },, },, }a trl 4.a t, ''�, �, �, �, �, 1 , tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt tilt tilt tilt tilt tilt zi r„cr „t,»..,y Fzro 44.,"a a,rz.a a+,t, {,?}s,a .IF 5 .IF 5 ,IF 5 ,IF 5 .IF 5 .IF 5 ,IF 5 ,IF 5 .IF 5 .IF 5 ,IF�sr4r ,u{t e,r�t3 y.:,,tt}rot#.t"l c},,{t4te „`, rot,, a,7, ,r ,i er;t 4i.,f, ts,,t;ri>n}t>i,}t>i,}t>i,}t>i,} x,3'i `.'t, s 't, s 't, s ' 't, s 't, s 't, s 't, s 't, 't.,�. e?cR r, itf„, {? ,?n,Rr t f' y z �„at},. i' o-,«, r,£at2,£at2,£at2,£ t�,.l,4,s,c+S.Zzx>+S.Zzx>+S.Zzx>+S.rzx>+S.Zzx>+S.Zzx>+S.Z zx>+S.Z zx>+S.Z zx>+S= t4 t`,t .,,},.t , „�<£&>., 4`x'z•r ,t,: Fs }f t.,4k»e2 F, ,{ ,};;=?z,ti» nt nt nt nt nt nt nt nt nt £, Ie' i zr, }a �"}• a, a,a: �{r^, a e „�„ .1 i,f,yi tro�} f� ,{, }F } t 1, r}3,�z>,,t°i>2�. tt, tt, )) 1, i., ,r&=s` tx. �l t,"JtA t F F ,fts{r; t, R.a rtiv. 4s,�t.lS' .rsYr 4a ,f rfr rfr a s .t i ,3. .?r 3r., Ss,t,. s,,,s, T. 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't et�i`yr",it t� !. a sw4,t„s . .\,a {{ ? ea4.4. .. 2, t2, a } z f F ,t ?2 ,tr,Maintenance ,t, t^, }, tr<<, Ft } £14 tta..? rc,tizn sli;rro r�c`a,to ,3r, ,,a7(? f,zr it a i;t z a s` r}c ,.)a`,`s , 4r ,,xatrr`?,i s4 ,>,, t:t=. r 1,"Y,e rC 4 ,.�. ,,tr £, ,k � S ,t, a, {<„ .tfi„t ,ra#", s,3ft•^,r «, },azv< ,ti Ott=r 7,1`Z ,rz,C Zir, .4, air ,»,. 9, 4 t ..?, 4, ,;`o»n 7,tUs?z r..r,}n e t,Fw tFt`� t t' 4akflra,..,s M rl. 3 Yt t oF.a iy ,2 1„}1s „{v t„}n ,xR lw�,ro t{.t t, iri }»,4r z, rt »� ,ta, t r ri,�e r� ril}�\„ ,a ,,Fa} , ,yl < 2 rt ,E t rxr4}}f,t z.,r ,<},r tt „`a Sr, ti ,.r` t tttitt,t ;v,<l. r r„ „s ,?4 h, �,r =Z ..dJ,z a a3� ,�{1 ,Y a,.»ia, rr,ei ,�r ,.t,.r, ,s1 t�,t, + u1 {,, „� ,rr,. 1„i }•1..1 �r;„ �, t t t `? � t 4.t rt � 2rF„ro rat 14 { t 2;ir t t? ,.a,. 5 itf .aro X, ), r,,,s,<< rt L t t,`? ,b,Y,ro ,aro i.7 tit, �,, 4'»3= ete 3, 4teysr 4\, irvf. R• f `F t. ,rtSx= ,2=t o, £", t= rS,=z:. 3�ti u r ,1 ytr, d�tt z, F%,r„ta wrr{, r��= 4t ,,ik„ ,t, eryi 1 �roaa,`, ,}i r„ aoY,}))Ft,ots?}roauSrn»',r `*y.N cF, "`.,r'i, F,a t S z,t .si,`F.oF"= ,.t=i Se i�,$» » `. saga,V=. h=S ,Sr r,r, ,=1 r`:s•`, t `,s,,»z �, .e?,e nrr, „F,t,f,Z is £4x",,,as ,».a`, e:..=a , }r c,`,hti,,' ., si a1,r Y,,l,. tu,».s\; zF:«,„',t ,tr� }} ti z,}, „� 1 'st44,rr„^,o-,n a r=•srn,,.. �r ,t 3' 3a r/. } £ro}ro t, 4. F rf0=^wri, n1= ,.tit•=,t >, rJ£« -4¢ \ .} }`1rF �. .3,Sir a �s `?,",Y yr•` r,z}%R,` , ,Zn r,{ \ z•l.o }, t.. r s ra:t 'iaa.t =tr t�r atYrfrt,it a,,, �,at t>rt }trot � t„Un c e�,, ,ar, a„h, 4 .,,Vr {, nt'r x s}, ,s„ zr„ arts?tzst t,izo{a, t,z, r i t 3 <., �rI t 11 4.ta>ts, ,,Y.,»,.{ ,nr.S. `� »,i t i x `rr{trr .rs ,ti},t ro tF`,to}, Jl.�,�,, I," n,ra},j rf,4 '�'e3, t.7, ,r4 i ..1h ay}r,tt {`t„}S t t ,.»} rJ,?{ 6t r Srn». ,ss,Z' } {t 4c .rtr#r wtn 4nri3s 1,t> a z„c ?.t ilrt, »it t, t:ir,,. :,f,rrr=c t,n t„!f"ac } ,.t �t„.S ,Pr£ ,£,{ f, ,:� » F a ,z rz t n`t t fra, n, 1, ,t4`t , ,«. ,L ,} ,} ,1 ros<? .:1, 2t4 ,t,, trot , f, „# s�»,`, t 4 i v}, `.z,t,.•`rt s „t tm r{ t`tt',,, .Szft=z t a C,ro r ";, }, r,?}r.,.rlrx, r s i,Fat ,z3 ilaat r2 ail=t t t?„tr\, .}}„ i,'}, ok r R.. .i if,i,y, .? �1s £,St ,? a} `.1„yi 4 i,ttt,, {a, .} „«l„ f,e t, „t f,,, rosr.a ,f'1 t tr,t,1 J„» .ztrt rt ih �..{xr�« .a .�, f, ;,} t t., ,1»:t a,t, ,4`rz 4 =`1 aw+k„ Lz. ,}t,` e�v z =} t sy riros..o n2 ,n tin k?= z,',�•. „F` ttr„r^"rsirlr, .'t ti, ,st � { ,t, „� �{ ,S ,a}f it t Entrance t R, r�}i r h ,Yl ,Z,r i}.£»,»„rLrr.a a 4,i sit' ,l, ,} t e,.`,k, ,a.n:,i„{n ,tFt z .,rrn t,a.a a,l.,ri t� t, t•. r..t 4a 4t 7s aFa ,.�. _�,,. t`:`Y'i"ta ?�_� dz3 ,.},}a i 4n,. ,4s t,uzr=,, a}=rti c`} r2, `t>,,1, a»att: R. ,r;}`. .,r xt t}, ta,o. , }1 r a er r, s',n ,#,. {,a �: I w z .' ,t \Z., rx,4 4,irF: ea\n , i ,< `,2, t b.; ,.\ ytt=}.,aR,i{,} }e ,t}azJS s,�ar ,rsl=, xir>rt � �,r {i`.a ,�»} tJ Jt »,t?,.«,t "iy e{, `, „t eirr>'rf,# {}=:fiat 1 {ro.J`t„a,a sJ r ,1+, r>s, t£, „s` .4s{2„t;Y,1 ,S„ ,fir, rata yt.,y, t4,r} t .a }»..,, )) f='? a}ta, ar{, 4?,, .t» Its,„?n r«4t ,4 i 1 iaT fi o,{ ,,,} } a,t'.w«at ,.A {r r.t,,tf, g si 11, lr ,.\, Ir f ,"2 t4, ,b,"t ,}s't,irrt,,t,}r, r,a r t ttr 1�ht , }i , k s£, `.,{' .2 t7tF r i 2„J Fat ^rrt,lt 4^,»,S'S,*.t,r(i S,t „}, r�„ r ,r r�xs,i ,i?# , J ..I.t � ,}�ztet e ,1,{,.,} ar,.. �>,t7 ac �.2 {,,,, � r,5s^,s ei,'4s w ;}twrti`, i,r t 7 »,"+1 z, , {zro ,f„ srt, S,} }?, kv•,{ fT, t,a}<, ,Y itlf as„ ,tft, } ==.t .,Sr,.,\,.rr r. „s, � („ } „t aisa wz,t .t»..'4`., .z., h <S:r„ rlx ,r„„frr eat,,,,>tt,r {t a tt, :}z, t rt S tsr S » s r F, .4,< ac,=, 4, .z,3te,, »4Je, 4r, °„i,yS a 2 tt t .mz« ,t»a}» tt >�t"t„ar ,tCti rS 1 ey, t„ ez tr3�,a .4tt e,.�ci, .», t, ,1 e.{ ,:,s,c, r» ,1, R„F rc;ta,2,.e ,,m ,a 4z�=.. tt, if' Yw4,w,c„ ,t4 .mr` r:zre at,z»,la,,, ? ,}}, t»i` i?a�«,rt „k.� t,» r,}.s„r,.,wr `b,}rr :rol„ ,as.R r `.1 etx(..^;. ? �•a =t7`=Z»»'tr,#,st,t,x ta� <T', „�, '?S'4e, ,1 t net, a:}�^o, 4 tTx 4,o";5,�; ,`t" +ro},�=,,ra riL�ia as`+`t4 tr< tr, .l ,Z`. )t t, wav}f?Pr r`tc,r.?,.2r,;r,ifl, ?a .rnis ,t F t. .\,_ .,rt�,t »4'}5,,y4t .§ua E, c.SYts v ,t, ,`s?84'zm,tr^e�'y4,}:ta ,19 »a+{4 w;»„ i3 ti'1, tzi,<t3,t is 1. «} t z a xz, e, ;f`a t • ',F> .r£3,0`»,. r=.r{, ,F<t r,a rn, ,} r14,..,\ n�rh ctt �„ ,Z,,,tw sts=' rot?F,sz {rt {ir 1.,,`eira,;}t,et, r.rrl,r,`=,<#r, Z c»fr F »tms, rota r „r x tro },J» ,t trl rs is t rs?,»,sx � YFt'£ k,» az i,t c , t r t ,t'rft tIt 3< tr,r.,r,ar,¢ _{.,, ..i»r ,}.r1»,> ,,..°S., `»t ,Iz .tss„ ,rJ, 2in ,rtz`, ,ts. »;zfx, r ,•fi� ,a...o',.,Ssr ,t .z,, "?, t ,zi s zJ» .rc'}, �(h w,rtr, z�,a ,Z t 4s, ,r't t .)R t,t, \: t ,=hr ,`�`,.t=a wt c{r ro t t>},<tsi#,; r r«, c. t,t3tr=a1 �, �, 5»ta�, 4{ trst.. }.r t�» uit„ ,r1., t \ ,!tr n.s„ tt ..=tF»lr it i{, sf a, t»�}`Fk'»`.t},, r,Rt ..f,.,4 i,..,,et„ r,b,t t""r,»1, ..{>„)�k?. .,t,.,ts» ,S„�4 a of.� ,rT, .Fro r,3, J it nl }in,Z S tlr 1, SSyc. .,,it'..f`ties ,z, .Y3„ rt^ ..,s, ,f,R .,t t ,i, ,{ rJ} ,3 „t,tv=.„u� ,3,trphar \„ v,:r,r k �� ,k ,t}rc,.Cd�, ,rr 5„{,t `S`+"n.,t ,{ it .,4 <r.,,.h? t» ,1n rortros ,tt, ,}ro R , <s,}i a 4,. ,bv t,,r#i»x.'t >st ,t r II3i atz, +f r..y } 1 t �.t <, «'.0 . s, ,ta,...i �JJr,. ,t' ,i,w fro, Iwt .tit, eJ ,� f.Z. .;}{strrrtn^b°`.a t..lY J Sa. ^x. , t,�a.,,ct Z`i, .S-, e}tzn s.a t7,#r- c,�, a§„ 1='ct^,. Z, iv. ? ,t ra la„ ,a, ,1,,».,1, i2,A. 4, { ,1.. t 4» ,nl, a `.,».r rl .c4}, 3, he ,'e„C r.r. F vS, ,s .,�, t Z, ,w, lri }, t t 7 5 � .:` ,.2 ,7,e,Z,t ,?.. «,} 1'=-f r ?a ,s z ,t^»»`u e,tz» .«' }ti�l}r F, ,4, *Apo,.\ aFSt ab`lr, t ,2�Q,`lt,,s1 Y„`F, ? t,`{wF:t„l. w.`t, t f 1 7> F, t�ti to trh. rf=r i�a,Yi}a i y, ,T, t,s ,r ro;a}Y,:, .t,y, y2 }nC aS r=t.r rtt,: trro,, a -i�'i t,t r s t ?s',. ato` ,}� .,t, ,1ro} �.ro t�,i WOW r{ J,F}»l}` „x 7,1„^„z,`;; 4`,z V= 4rr- ,2 vst`»2 .7`.n}�rt. 7 R, ,1.1 „t,�`1r 45 `:4F �, .°z (. `4r t:3 tl„^, a,}.vir ,`, {tt»S"a` {, 2 a» al slf a,`, it ,`i w'F�;`.1{ ,t is.a t it t,h, e,F J}`ii, .`t tA„tr4t.,.,, f a 4 i �3. ,'31. i,?, i44,,<6}, t}, xZ='t s�, @„t, ?�r l »i 1 4„>• a,, r iz , rk i ,tn a,i<yi s. 2 „{# -J#,n I r {tt '3r stt f, ,�r »4 tF 14 ,tar» 1 ,`roa'sn zz`i4 Rr .eF ,4, Igo 5t1 .c ,4 1` 7 e,�r "� ,,?iro 4`Ut.,�,,€,`Utn 5 ,tn, ?z„ ,t`, aaf S, 1`., ., U °<S. Js ;?,s.uJ ,7 �Jt 4tr ,Nf=e,(a4 ut,.t i,f4. ,F e,'t,�, 4 S as . ,s Sie n,y,mb,`F`„ , Ji, tt,t ..}t>,,,?,,,4ca •,r tr^t,, ,« .,{,r, rs�2„k w't{t, \, tot ,>?a,F, w Zr es}? sa, }rr', aj i t,rU t,v, ,t \ U`a s }, i 4,a t= 4 t,„,.R { �r, a,cwFassl y'=cl,VOA' . trr� ,,.!.a4iz ,»?. Zen `, ,` ? tZ. }, s �l rr .ro 2a, 4 c v t}., ltr t nt x`. #{ ro.F., s2- ,t ,rJ k,<,nt»y., ,tr },„r,4n ,04,r zt, t ,.C tJ,`:w`,t a};,taa=z, A, r?,, n C'{,t` J ,.e trne,.,r'tb a f, t x u>�,i c`,t�°•s4 , S z 1 R r.'tt.4a„`3;. {wt t, a ,t,r.,t,z.r?,x,a., r,?} }, r, tt, „ft r?o-4D=ro, ,rIF, ,r? ? ,r.i, .z.t, ,lt wfir z yt.F" s;`,ro,ro ? „3 �7. 5&.as4nt,tr 4#\ ;it ,{<, `.},. ,t, � ,> rYs,w.` 1;,i}47t. .?)�, ,,2trl,i»` t,}))f is£ „T} rrJYro -d k, t?a. ,t a,,?.r i,4+h.zi ,s,Sr t rtsS.t £ {,=,}r`^„ trs ,tF7,n. era,,} ,r?,,t.,t,a.rl„zJ.I tors,.} ,Z 1\ rt r, �,tt„,a•syz�aa`t£tr4�s rfF�r�F}:.r ,1 ,\} fn e,2, ,rr, „4 ritt .z,4 .? .,{r-,g^<{fat r S» §;{,at i„ �I t.�� .� .t,e �S {? ,.i.., to Y ,t+ ,}. �t,C.o w,Fo,ti,r�2, t 7, a r 4 ,I t i Zr ,r, et�e ,34:t},_» 5t a,br, } t ,\ t t {tz, }r. „?;• tr3 ik ert a «tt,}`r R t rs1, >S` 4 O rS, a 41,c Z.t'=3 1 tat FY" `,r3 Fit, d .t,"4r ,VU'` .t,`.}r ",t., to<e,roF} r?,l, ,(z r {<, t.{t,=',e. rl. rJ .rol, 4., t.1, o-,n t:ti,»`4?,,, «t, z t,l aa.: ,t.4, f, e„{r 2.Itni 2, ,Sir �t 4» S,?, � of } {i` oye h }, z.r? r.1t =+art: e,l, ti „,3>, t?sr«a ,I, s,l r na tit ,.f': na, \,, f ytirr >,'„».. tr, !,?, ,(,utt`rai rni�jr4 „£r.,4, 4Hit'.,tF,s ,o1ad R+(itflii rsi}t r,? S 4 cr",S"„o„,}>,t sa� =:R` i tt ,.\ is},tvt „� ,rI' ,{rota at, ,tt.. S'� ait{i t �4 �,t tt+s ih,s`i i,\ far i, .,=2, .«r S\k x?S£?,, Jr\t, a»£};:t.S f, t ta.,�\,.r b, t( .?S�1 „{,,rt,, a`r>,e }.` ,t Z ?„ {¢ >}-;,y a7,,, 4 4,S,= '`^t act �, tsUci e 1,,.i }rr,5£(( ,^Ztt, ,R ztro ,.?, \4 t fz• ,ncbt\ SS,,, ,ts 44, iti`a t»``:ti aA' rGrros.l t zl 0.4> r,14 `{.t,, of ,,3 4£i ,S ,.Z,JI ,£Y t0.,iv;al`i � � ?t,4 >}.S,_ ,S t t=ra s.PF.,3 „F t{+sn^<,' ?nl l `4`1 ti ,ti ,{_. {, , e�try �{}l,v ee"aio tJo , G},tr.a� <2, a,F �a,z ` �,y aesn }r,'t S ,af}',,4 ��r 4e, ,d t u„Rra ,%, 2s at � i};.x t2,r, .:F r,1, z{,« Z tt S ,rtrJ, s \,s,.• � i r=.».. ,� F' t ,,3t„a r,h ».as ,{��ro F`a .tar„ x,}i' w r:f. .ti, w'k =rolrra� t}„ „, roc, t� t ,`.e t.`�ct'�., ,»te;' ,?,t.ts s, e4 i, ?; .F t,a}.,;;. `»: i's£,., tta ta,`,.-:et..-., `.,ve,,,, ,FtS,.:,, },t`,,, z„�� ��xZa" ,� c„tt e} �,t,.r, a„ t3 t9sir„ „ i s,,,<,t, 1 t t' �,;" n »4tz t,ttc 4, ,.1.,S,a,° i}ap,a ,aa-, q,4 t, t, hs � ata t.,,., ,l� h}3a^i{ .�t. „ar ..4s t4 1` r?I .c.r 4 ',.{t ,§ z»{t,sr,,. ,i t t,t #•s$;,i., .rr t i „?3 `t?f .^tl ran`: }} n�tn o"SiVt�... � .5 w,f L+ act•, SS?i r RU.a„ }„Ysl=<=lkD"Y {c •)F f `: 7 w,t5y1a3snt 1 y„ ,rf ir„rw,},a,y .>?raq i r,& Rti, ro? s}l, ,S rr tY ',£, t it t, .in ,1 a,` } F3 -s4e" t.rC,<3'xat': ,� fftt .}.l°S s<Eti �, t, r� f S,�J.a,'t r ua'F,a £1 3,w `ir 1':"t, {'rroS t„ftt i,,sl, ,}, ,},a,,t=, ,3fy t„ t Se „t »t, ,,}=o2,ei�X`. � f ,rt ¢tt,e,r,ea„a ,.?.,,lr3s»},a, t t,4*NOW ,ait, "rti ,`.c=r <t S, rf''t`.' i?s ?»aa- .k.i., .,F,^? ,7 ttiz r5 `,,,i,x7 ,at rat, ,:b,.,r,, trots. e r.t k „ t, s,{, +.`, S r,, rF�t,r n£d „T t rlror, 4,.c<r5=, ,& 1 i ti,e t t, ,vt ahsy ,y,;,\ Y,�vcro,r 1:221,r .r}c,t S4a .,f of 2:>` {if, r{ a{« ,Et >ti�#e'S..`z, t, "..,., 1 x}}tFro 9 {{ ,� ,m }.r.,riz ,?s<,?t et Ywia>Y.. ,r{IJ»at„„o ^aa«ti ,4„ ,.wf ,f,,t..« rS�i?,4r t=z. { ,zl, w�}2 .waat emC». `i e :,wr g} „2„ro f=.t,S`itrr, .s3s n t „?ft ;e,,t.},r. „t, „}, �t r ,t,. :?,.ro,z., =tti }., t att,.,,r r;rgr','rrot ? l~•' ` l ,,c� r itE 5 ,z,,. w},i ,rl, ,}r�, ,.rt r S. { ttt, ti ro,.\ Jt YJ i,7 l,t =tb',,trt>s� ,t Ft�l ro r„ -=t,,{ ,?t,. 1, v vt'r a, } tr t ,t, ,% t, _^ m,a, �r Z. ,t?. YZ rz„�,. 4,r Z2 ,cFtFta ,'t � a t , { c F'+so t .w.t.c 1,,,.t?v ,i},£, ,»E», t c r!,»r, i Z.»,,.. t.•t4 � te3e ,t 3,,>Si i, ,}•,' 1, S,4 T, s.t4))., F, 3,,. �:R ,rr � r t F,=}`.i. }. C. ,flkl , S4.3r nat„,},,,,;. 1a 99,2 .t{,1 `L ='\ nt:, .5? tfjr ;r»,i0,4r,64rrotro to�» ,}t ttt P#t .Fw` ,}..2 rF,4 otl.rl-, a{,r„t ?"�I,t sJ4, „it„ tei La.i ,_\ nr.n4 ,2,. =e`\ } �e�sr t--. •t.r e}tl ir{ , S,Yn, rr14Fr ,2-i=a rt}i , tky«»,rR.§.•1� tit t t`s{,..t�}.d^,t�t R�\ � z,.} rnA„mr}t. '}'i .ci t=t �.�r t,,<1 Ertiz. C ro1r ,te rt=`, 4.t {, ? S,s tw} 1r, r�i.}, t aIr z�,an ,.?+ t, ,{.,ft t. ,a1, =I,e t 1 "t, rot,{. ar Z.y, rt ,t„,.ir, 3'a ay4,ar. ,�, tz,t ».a: kr ,F? t s:4 «l= .a e,t,, ,.tr-r,•t't,,, S"(( 5 l4 .rt t �x t h rtr, ,rota,=tk, 2 r,�ro rr S ,t'y,,,t.n ta i"f,`, -,t 1„ ,t,, r) t,r� i'i rr I�,J e,F rs S `s' Fao } P tJ r,t,ii r} ,z1„ak )iJ,Ut,}r»`` } %t,ek =`.Y ?,i�i£ ,t ns„ \,. 14 .ir. ,a7 fal:t t.`-`Mt4YF 2„S a ti er. ro**\e erot 2 .L, z s£. £ v? tt t of, a•rtt. »t wr ¢}, t24,4 f :,t t,1't t, £r i?ro. ,2s„ < 1 } ss, 74,in}¢.,s ,C»r <}. „oS^ a"7 Z ,Fo i4} `P}%}) 1'l- xbU`.tae4�,s tt.»=2r'S { r}".e t.ta sa z 1, ,trJ e{`�# «',f}�{, .t, tt`a,t,wtrrr`t.e ==Ct<,. � k+i,. St'k, z „d'»s{» ,{a^,rt ,{rt.t,� C,, f3,r,. t ,{ <14a, f n,Uzl, F.iz, li ,kt° ^t,{<a ii.4, Jrt htl `..{5 2 f �,?rr ,ut, t ^ f .f, ,c?,S, z„ ^,} .",r:`{ro. 4« trR> i r,2 `•a,r tt ,�_.?. ,ra.t," ,?,t, ;..r`w.t tt ,i r ey1{at r, a ..`~, .4.{n. tt ^}, ,{t., o 'ila ,=r»`i,,ri, i},t, .t,, arsktf. 2z ii.,t,�i=`.a 4 r ,>5 sr,;x Fero ,frr tZ, arz` 4,;a 'f Z4 ,.€.. t}e.�1w.arr VA, i,t .{ 4r, tSZ .,t.. t {»,a}„ ?t, =t.#, F i rler 7Z. .=»n. { `>Jr< �irt`e e;,c. .ta r,rnta„«eac 14t ,:(r <,Jr» c,{{,� £=r.. ,�`m Ls`t .k,>, tiiJ t a,S`s ,}c 4 .tr rr ..sr3 i-.,}ro�,. .,{x1,{tt wz�,,( ,1 \it4 t ti q rr Jr ,l �,w\�Y '.{ r} ,J,3.�F, t} .�,t tt.,t» e{ ?3 t r»it`` 1 tr,}a .t .=t,=i �,.. rtti, cr` t r ,trot, f r:4 a.s`. w;;t .1� ,rt7» "Ya ebe „f,z, z }t w1 .r}ia,a`»i., ,t rf4z =,4, 7Y ,i4„.;t,Aia ,,c,,., .,}i ,a„ ,tSt.rt»it,l ,441a ._#,. , ta''3�t,.,tt, aC ,7,, ,;2ititz»`t r ,45• ,s .r z•`, ,z, a?fi, ..=z�«, {. $at ,,Jrro .aar �;t,= e{:„ zro i Ft, a§k,, '?; yt .,st3t rfsr"ims,.rz s =Te 4 i..t } .-tit„ iS wz tiw kt` tat`\ 4 4r „b rr �, to tr S rs3f ,r?4, @ i:u,eh»,z. c r,2,.,t 4r,e 1, i4,r s,Sss,h,,, .tt r,t zzr c'Otto r `}.. ,�ptt 1,c 5 l a ?1.S S.S .kt,r 4 �, ib(, b t„ Ft t,dv.C,t i to tih :r?'T», ,.1, t4at tl.,1» 1,,, } xZ„ ,c � r�,a\}e 4t,t, 4 r£u }ar» r , krr. a..?£ .r„ at t+ , f ,artw, 'dtt"s t „'F £2 t«,s=S ,�: ,{Z,} ,,rt,'ro» ,{ r,h'k:'° i i,ftt:l rl",>n4{ ,a, tr4,Ct s,�4^at»^,a tlxr z„ r1roi. .t ,S e ,r.,g:.e=,ta,t„r,t,c, »r,4 t={,?`} }t» 2 wz.c°� a={.,t` ,a t.i .f3• S �, trot. },ae ti t Y Y,U»z 'ai.a 6a= „ ,. n,,ti rri.,{` ,,'t a:f r .z r 2., }S, ,aft f 3t as},r.:st ,{t ,� 3 r�a sti, r1 }Y.l tt .e{°,r y, ,t£„a t, .`r ^zS ?9t;., ,.s'S`>., � 4=�•.,P ,<t t,`,, 1 � ?`m ,'>;, �wa .,a},h1r atia»a .T�t., ,rT, ,.. .1,{,,,1 tit, 'S ti?l,»=a Tt• a>a l,4=,;i,ttt{t, av,.z r�t:li,` <#i, >Pr� ,``, „?z Y rfw s. ,{Ftatiwks,t,> a,2..7, „»»,f, ive#.,t, ,.trot, .2 a .,?, �'3,?t 1, i7> .? t.{ f, ' .r iYt,?t;:f, tzrFft i, ?„ r,.l a,U,s w .:{ ,r3`.+.t.t `at; ,tr r ,rtE� ,iF, ,aarA,', Y,»s .>tr, ti.`„ atl i,2. ,n Ir rS` rot., t`tFr, r,.t,t,n ,F,,t-,tt, ,r,s"\ „�..< ,f»a?t,a mart, i a, t1 zro `. a:. t.:t wt=,sn„ t +e`},rr, ,«, a ,,,.Fi iti�.r S,2 F z t='' � ? ro2iar rzt� 4.,a r Z , Vttk, .`ros,a it7 ...,5" »t „,0 rvtro`,=,,,x.44 erti»°r st, ,c= wtt Ir iyt s Zro, `t ,l{ r ir, ,.��° r#, troy,', ,,t y,,. a'{t trs ,�"\,}i,fir oe4` `' iS' },it SI„ `ti, G,t'. r y= atr}:tm IJ?.:�» ,;ti{ {'r•' `,R`t „?.,��?, ns ,`£s, S.t la t„ e,tr,,,,,�,, F; JFr {i <r t, us r»a., ti#)„ r,1 t? � r rr2 S, z?z s�. ' x4`,.,atraa ,ie£b1v�v,} #5`7 @, ,�tt� S �er ,.}, , i `S. t'a :,2, »}w� 3pr».rn„R,,. =svt zy h Uf wi i;5 o, ,r"rsrnF t,S :,{r f»{x. .\ so4 r}+' y}�, ,��}�Jt tit .t:4 z)Y, `S,cr„ „ ti .t. ,sltz ,.z `i,})Y,-,.<Yl a,,a` `} S.r{`, r•.1•` .z if .{, ,it, rr3 F.` ,1i,�7a",ro). „ , .tt R f s ? r� 4, »t }, r}trn tr-1 '2t t z ro,a F„ Z t, ta, J.` t, e tii,4 rtt?, .»'it 3r ,4» ,,r ,{_,,, .l.tizz t ,c „ t,< »,} sC ,` tr tk,t -, },,,i{ ,. c,t,t4, t zr, ,tiro."} Fa `zysts k,{« a, Z, to=,t \ k, , C. tt tr v4r e»`r},,r C,r. iti?`,rr� x k, _•V��l{,fSi�j�`, ,,i %r tin Ir, 41 aSi, r.1'4rroi;"S1} t, > � 2. 4(R, t 4t h .. 2bv:�ra«a�e. (£,lrniti,,,^,.,3e.. ,.�+ ,1 ,f a2(t P,l•,ts .£'t2=. �r ,4si, ,r$t � aPt , zt„ 4rr,rtS ro£t} r.. ..t„C,t, .? ,,,}. \ •t,t`tr,o ,`t, ,,.'f>. i,f,zs,..F ro{.,,t} ! 4 s.,5.,t r tr »S 2y.e,�r+ „rn t,rai e ,a,e4ro .ntr .,}. Fr l„4,z F ^,{ ,:� {,r#rot r,t}r, «\ ,� r ,: i2 sc ,1i ;.„ ,r? „i,s rro t\ t?.rta n,, ,t `,l"»t <ortra, t,r, srt ,a} a,rna, ,atr{». r 1, ,3,- J 2. i7 f r 4 It t t, t ,» ,l, t r. ,br. :{ �..,.`. ,?,„u,« a�t { ,J'.. ,t n ,sa'aia,,i {,x., „t., Jl,ro : i �ir"4 `,z .i, ,�tt,t#n� Fr a»e»,irw`'3t„e .}:ci, g. ,.,}? a, #„ .,t ,t»„t F, yrrtro »�, ? ,( rkaatt} ,, rot} rJnt ,t; r t.. ,<t„`t.rro „Y, .F,i F£ ,t.» {t ,ro:"{„a,t 11 tlea.», ,r ,zt a,�z i f ,l .} ,r,r<�, ,r7r, ,F. ,} ,,5, ,.r• a,t,< Y ,ar"4a•r,,?,,. ,=F, r,'a,,, :#. `,2„z "r l4 trs`„� ",Z„ ,F}r i"7 ka. rl „{` ,<e 4.s, \, }`, o,t -Yfz,e rr=3 5}sa ,aµ"rs` '„kl S„ c4 ^„� S�, t,3 �t'gar 2, as � t 4. re t,,,£qe i 7a t t« rorta, cr„ e�dda ti, ,i i,l r�}, ,'stn 1, ,Fa':t ro,~a>,`�r .<J ,rn7�< ?e. Rtr2 „s „ht t a, .2 az 4, t.f:f t,d ,fr,? 2„ro tFr, .t t°,t,t a»t r.. ,5`,.},a,C } r.° „f t t n ei= 3•ar rot,,, t` ro,2, a, ,3r ht. ,:?r }>,rt.:. ,{r .t. h,R .» „or .�t �4 Y}., t £�R, zl I�sk{tat=ar,=, ,<,ti e, .?,,,r,i ,} t t uao t.h.k., �s »t� .t > 2r.4 ,r.£ ,,,,1 t,rt ,t k,ty„fir »,s ;,}tv, rt. ,2,.a}a Itat, t.ra}i ,'`F,tz, Sta. ,fr=t k r t 'S'{;t' ,{ zt ,s.,t � t'l 1 k, }^s F„,a„,3'" r°ct y d. s`w ,t tr t C= t} wlt } { »t�S{,ttt a^&r ,,{ rot=, ka�r,,,Z ,a =t t"4�;,1`', ic,.'}"^t.Sldn< `:Jr 1 t.rt.r � a, ,S ,1vvt .e, „1a{r=}' ,� rrr .� ,� ",s`ro.•=\w., sa <i, ,t t��,eat t. <§r i=.s„t,,".,., ,e„`ilr �tFte ,rzr c==,=ron R ,»} •rzr} tt,,,z aa`ytt t ,t7r3'.v" tq � „J ti�.}{`ni r•,ia t},tz S Z tU>, z}'Sa rrr ,s}v,t �»,` 0"•?4 t»} "� 1, t t ,x51, �i.,.1J ,,e ,.ss,., ,i, k z .,4 {..Rl'.t .t},ZSiet<arcl r. r,t», 4z,.,'4`tsl,t, t,.,k ra„1.3,.,?, « .ff ,i at Ln, .S tr~t:a 7t}l,£`r,rirF, r t' 1 t,t ra�y;t `r,z. l s t.nn» .l t` f it arts-t.c o rl tT) `,3t, ,.. , Y}„4,}„ „i,.'a "41ti lie, ,ca, i ,f rFr rtal,i» i7, ?r»«`,a�rv",ar +F t,dt„Y. £z t:,, ,tt. ,"}i, F t3 z=t r ,v 3 .,.'4,r trS 4, ,a,t„lt Zie w rrr z f k3',,l» , =4tr,h ,.':w.ea.,a\e`,n i 4,,af.d` ,Z„, .d t fro, ,t,s`(,r, rt ?, £ t n� u,Z r s Y,°: ,fln a z. R, tas t.,s f., F l,F,t. },i z}t wx,tt �.« .ia,}r ,e.,. t r TS", rJ c ro°,t }4,. t,f t x,.ait,»r t,ti,. ,.•?n'J ,c,, nzrt ?,t i2 >l, itr� .?Y, ro?> .t7 t, ! ,t ,la?t,, t}r }, »,},i t e, la„n.,r, ,r,xt °�„ <r,, t,at �,. t. 4, ,° t1=tc >,,}i ,f 1,c rT 1t, twf, a 4rsr,a,Srro it t,,,c,t, rt, "y =� ,c ,3r r,? r}, ,D. ,4,,.}tYx tte,a; it ,.te,�, t&e?r`a rt„ �„`, tzr:� .2 4r„ rol „a,r<i rla\ =,^4 `s<l,:k,rot,a Yr.i�,f,i, ocG� ..F t,..4'•' �`T q.,x,v� ,<�ttyiv s C ,lr .=t.,, ,S .?i,.fr ^^t^Sar ,.Yss,� � t,3 s,r h, ttt, },,y.} a,ti et, e=Za ,t ,}e»{i ,r�a�3 e i,(, ,et=r;sst� ,}<r�„ n, s, ,i?> 1, �i ..'te{y ,t. tslron if7l z y4•u t,i 4^t Y= Z.F( .{trt, �:?�' 1 f¢„a .til ) rt`4 z,�.ts.,Y217, Ln Z„ i7%,. it,.v4. } ,;.} t, � ,4. tErir ro�. t, \t, rJ, fro II.y }y )s,#• ,{e o(rl�ra5`4 te• Sa ,ro 4, q=je } }, 1. .fit ,} =ft Sz =2 ,Sli,t f J 3, t2 wt,.l a<4nr rro w{4, is .t„ tta`t '»2, ,s .rrr, »,t,`t ,ar»,Ui,r7,•`2 ll=,.,. aFv ,>F.y;tt\ =}4,\ i ,tS , <sr„ ,t zt,.za ,c, ,}{} t.,o s ,,. ., 5 ae,n}`t 7:t: rs«a,,ro.,:»ts,r \�,{, Zi}„kt==,,:i„ L `,`r t 4 rode•, .t„sro ,n tt,,, ,<{.. Y �re,}+ 4t,i? },< ,e,C, t`n,. , I ors r vt}r rt. �v »,?>r<Iu, a4,:, t ,� :R i=i t .t{ ,�, t.,, �, }e et 1 .A fttt f.r. at„ 4'4Rc,t, ri f "at pt Xz,t rs"U==+",=S 7 s}{ o`i3"ro ,rod.k ,S\,,S ,�°`t,},r »}}t.,,,{ ,,, x 4,F4i st t ,t l z �.s,.:Vr,', R{., t llc t{, s), t,�vl.r!",a ,S Etri f, t art„ , S„i,»,. <$ 4,., a,,?ta lit z},oi4F i,r{.t ezy,1 2 ,r3,. 4`.rot, te,l i t fr, t , 4} e,L } . },a„F, oF. ?,, tt i2r 1, },z y;rti�„i it i fze, at=� .r rs w e`��x t ant r„r„F�;,a,, t i".r}v t ,Ta.R„ .,tz x. ,,,}„ itt» a{, ,Y ,rrr ,45rar, ,,.,i?„ ,al �,.tat.,« ..2.z.. :S, ,?,:rorita+ .rk»` ,s. tr.,,'tFn rr ath,4 r1.1,=,t 2ts t.l, }.s t »,,,; r.» , h ,art t r.=rs t`it:t ,<12,.,z „?�, e,1 s 4 hr tr.,f\ >r{a.r„ `.', i Tr rt w>?. 2n ,t ,.,E .f,? .^, J... #ar, 4sr 't r,: ro\,i,e t,rf tae:,,, `t�ws t ,{ rl tt.t r ,z,e. a., t\ 3, t,t ,tU r 5. J z t•'4 t3" rJc,i Z, ,t z, ? J,?i roa n,,t., »t,r. i ?r srt a ,n� ,.,aF ,,n n,,«Sr,.c t iro:, `rfi,, ,t t, t },, .,nr na,t a ~? {r» „'t\. •.-�a3=a,?i„+rot ,s i 4,4,. �=t ri =Ft(tl, „t, as•t't J»'t4,Yo`t+',,, Y,..,lx, .t.r ,t #, tt}t a}t ,..Cy'. ,1 ?„.1,z,,Rix��`b,i )) ,»s(k, }>.ru rt,(n}zn wn .tts tJ t ,TT, s t 7„ .1t ,i ,i ,Ciro 1, I �` > z`�R4t,Itst ta.„ e.i;'Yz{ ,? wa=t'r tF}( .;"l,» .0 „£ tt ,u, .? qa` ;,rt;tir> `.,ys,4r,c.. a�.}rtei„ »1, ,F`.:, a.Fro. } ft`, �,� Y, F, t .�,.tn c 4�rllr ,U,s ,fa ,�3 , »1, 1 , 4,ut,wF t. ,4s,ir ,r :ttE frmS, Y a,}r =,f,. .tt=ase a,ro r`ir„ trt, ret t`Ca a,:) ',14 ,�=.t °F rz ?i ? }}(.=i m s2x}. ..a,, sl,t r ,F ,t Siii t s'43 t=r '\ rzn ,,.}•t ,», tft t, ri }e !=c )) ,?at43 »T�„vr t t r. zFsw ,Y,z' i}u is z,1 .,.tt,>.Pt.2 & it ifr s. )) zt, rot}." 2«`a ron< e77{'4,r { s „}t z, {i? e 1 Y t `a Z„ ,r?�R t� t l ro #s` 7,t"fi, (n ,f Y, �iks»,it, ,�a} .»»` ,t ci "2 ,9,, s tTctr=, ,tr, £, i r,?, r,~,t'k, ,�,»z l n.z,,, 4^\w `bi„ ii�2ar!4 t'f ?. 4r2,sa f,r, t „r .`it, t S wril, }. tro.a.t. rl t atR t e t r,t„ ::«,t ?s, „t,",y t2, „}a aZ, eS y errf,U, > =r�'»tJ, 4,� iro{ r.:t�., 4 t>\ roJ,u „F} T,t r S i$..,t, ,1 .af, stir,,. },. ,,..,rti, .,e`s rha „}1 st ,t=a, rSi t,U vrr, ,aiy ,r1�nr kari�r`i i'e r7na1<w}, R,,J• 4: ?` .�'h` S el�?>et .t 3 � S rt,aS m.{» "?' ,'; tit,r,,,z ( ,}, ,tr,>.{ e tz,yea •t }>, �? 4Rt4sa. IFt,,T`a ,rU it 5t" � 4". e Z, .:r4 k' ,I ,f,'`tt,},i ntt,2..1n Ry s»} t ,ai== t 3 r 4{,c f:,r;, t=af r t{.ros l+aural }f,. :zti,, itit.,4i-ai}' 4t, e�. .�. T,aM «Y� <t?t,y4,n eft R`} .,t tieh } C,n ,F 1 .,>, itr e, "}s s.Jt= 1 .f},. r,t l J ,a`a`a l i,�e nrf �,",.�}�, iz,;. 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Drinking fountains 3.831.31 2 7662.62 Sigriage 37.19 5 335.95 Picnic tables 1012 3 3036 Trash cans 395 6 2370 Dog waste stations 175 3 525 Irrigation system N/A N/A 50,000 Additional costs (parking, lighting, restrooms) N/A N/A 500,000 Total Cost 333,930 Funding Membership fees Annual, monthly, or daily park passes Sponsorships Opportunities for both businesses and private citizens Rewards at different levels of sponsorship Sponsors may be acknowledged on plaques that are placed on benches and/or picnic tables Location Requirements Accessible to everyone in the community Fairly distant from neighborhoods to minimize noise disruption Enough space for dogs to move around comfortably Access to water Variety of surfaces (hills, blocks dogs can jump on, etc.) Proposed Locations Location #1 — 851 Hensley Ln, ,,..,,,„,„,,,i,„ ,i:':'' ', .,,,'":','';,. 5'215',:,',1.'''":::::.::',.:.:',.'''..!i,:.7„,,i,„,1,,4j''.1,';"''',..,'„.,i11.0,.,,,..1;.,,,,. iiiiiiii,ipgilligillit::,!!,,,.:.. 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'" .44,,'.s ! ,,0 ,"� ' rM ', � a '� a���� P. 9 b r m 4 Location #4 - Centennial/Spring Creek cross street max i ,# al,Gbard Nation y , .. m ik P, I„ m R ^raw mr.� 1 ii Walmart Supereenter ' N Y ro ' u tl 14C4 . ' ra 3 1i W � u" A ttlii , 1' ,u � A p ' , a n, , .te, W t.,;, ,„,„„„,, n ,,,,Innunn7, '',,;,,- „,„n,: '.,,,,,,,...'....-',:?" ,,y;;,',„„'„,, 6� pY ;i ,306 i , „rmw.M+'44S�s,F,b�',e,'mstiir,,t;*.°z * fY'I ur i l �,]J-1 Wa'*� �m kr .p , �� 4 t 11 pM'; r '4 , " t ,:'" ' E ollar Tree Survey Results We took a random sample of 100 students and staff from Wylie High School to determine the level of interest and the need for a dog park in our city. The results are as follows. Survey Results Do you have a dog? Yes - 62% No - 37% No, but planning to get one - 1% Survey Results 5 or more 4 How many dogs do you have 0 38% 3 1 — 27% 2 - 25% 3 - 5% 4 - 3% 5 or more - 2% Survey Results Please indicate the size(s) of your dogs. 10 lbs. or less - 1 6% 11-25 lbs. - 20% 26-35 lbs. - 6% 36-55 lbs. - 11% 56-99 lbs. - 19% 100 lbs. or more - 6% N/A - 38% Survey Results Would you be interested in using a dog park if one were to be built in the city of Wylie? Yes - 58% No - 42% Survey Results Where would you like to see a dog park built in Wylie? (Open -ended question) Founders Park Near the Wylie Recreation Center/Smith Public Library Downtown Wylie Creekside Estates Near Wylie High School Survey Results At what times would you most likely use a dog park? Select all that apply. 6-9 a.m. - 10% 9 a.m.-12 p.m. - 14% 12-3 p.m. - 17% 3-6 p.m. - 31% 6-9 p.m. - 27% Never - 42% Survey Results sae In your opinion, 'M �&d ' t1I�yMPtPw which of the �`ean°Hess S rtl+{P gat\ Yr z}`,N to zl r {r,VY`�� c 4. Dog amenities (zt ePn v.+PZ»84 c`'»»XU t P�M \X».(rl »}(t»i following is most (eg,agP�i »��� » htin 74 % � � Lim ortant in a dogg g ��» � �� 7 �� i � p ark? Select all thew water ws" ' apply. Restrooms Size-designated -1 areas{for... a... 0°%0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100% Survey Results What are your main concerns about dog parks? (Open -ended question) Cleanliness Aggressive dogs/dog fights Transfer of disease Noise Dogs escaping Waste of tax money Interest Dog shows By having dog shows, we can not only encourage more attendance, but also increase popularity and funds to expand the park in the future. Also, it is appealing to the community because who wouldn't want a chance to dress up their dog and show them off? Interest Flyers and posters Flyers and posters will help people in Wylie know about the park. If it is not the adults seeing the signs, then the children will when they are with their friends walking around or hanging out. Either way, news will spread. Interest Social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) With various social media accounts, Wylie is able to get the word out that we have a dog park and expand its targeted audience to people from other cities. Also, it is a way for people to see their dogs featured on the Wylie dog park account. Interest Surveys on how to improve the park periodically With these surveys, the community is able to give feedback back to the city so they can know what needs to be improved, if anything, and what does not need any fixings. CITY LI Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday, March 12,2018—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Robinson, Board Member Dean, and Board Member Gilbert in attendance. Board Member Jones and Board Member Kinser were both absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Superintendent Robert Diaz, Parks Manager Brent Stowers, and Parks Board Secretary Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the February 12, 2018 Regular Meeting. Board Action: Board Member Robinson made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 12, 2018 regular meeting. Board Member Gilbert seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0. 2. Consider and act upon reviewing park improvements by the Wylie Baseball/Softball Association at Community and Founders Parks. Superintendent Diaz stated that the main objective of the Parks and Recreation Board for this item was to review and approve the requested park improvements presented by staff and the Wylie Baseball/Softball Association (WBSA). WBSA President Lance Wallace was in attendance of the meeting and advised that the WBSA proposes to donate funds over the course of two fiscal years as follows: • FY 17/18 batting cages at Community Park, $40,000 • FY 17/18 dugout covers for Founders Park fields C and D, $15,000 • FY 18/19 outfield fencing on east side of Community Park, $65.000; and four scoreboard replacements at Community Park, $25,000 • FY 18/19 dugout covers at Founders Park for Fields A and B, $15,000 At Community Park WBSA is recommending the addition of batting cages that will include four tunnels with a total measurement of 75 feet long, 56 feet wide, and 10 feet tall. Parks staff notified the Board that the batting cages will be scheduled and managed by WBSA and not open for public use. The proposed location for the batting cages at Community Park was selected for its accessibility to power, parking, and for future expansion. Management of the batting cages will be included in the annual WBSA contract with the City. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that the funds donated by WBSA will be placed in the Acquisition and Improvement(A&l)account as revenue and the project funding will also come from the A&I operating account. Board Action: Board Member Dean made a motion to approve the request for park improvements by the Wylie Baseball/Softball Association at Community and Founders Parks. Board Member Gilbert seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0. WORK SESSION • Parks and recreation foundation. After Anne Hiney reached out to the Parks and Recreation Board during the February meeting proposing a coalition between the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation and the City of Wylie, Superintendent Diaz began researching other local cities who have aligned with their respective foundation as such, specifically the City of Allen. Staff at the City of Allen provided a copy of their agreement with the Allen Parks Foundation Board which is composed of many former Park and Recreation Board members. The Wylie City Attorney advised staff that if a foundation was composed with a minimum of three current board members, quorum would be met. Superintendent Diaz suggested to the Board that the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation bylaws could be amended and then an agreement between the City and the Foundation could be set up. Superintendent Diaz intends to discuss this process with the City Manager and Anne Hiney and then get back with the Board on how this will move forward. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board recessed into Closed Session at 7:25 p.m. in compliance with Section 551.001, at 0:00 p.m., to discuss possible areas for park sites in the City. Board Member Robinson left the Executive Session at 7:56 p.m. No action was taken during the Executive Session. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION The Board reconvened into open session at 8:02 p.m. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Update on art installation at the Municipal Complex Trail. Superintendent Diaz presented the Board with recent pictures submitted by the art vendor. Pictures included recent construction progress of the Prairie Crossing art piece at the East Meadow section of the Municipal Complex Trail. After art installation, staff plans to connect the trail to the parking lot. In addition, the artist designed and provided bronze-cut information plaques to add to our current signposts showing the location of the Prairie Crossing art piece. The anticipated date for the art dedication ceremony is Saturday, June 2nd, 2018. The dedication ceremony will comprise of both Municipal Complex Trail art pieces, Prairie Crossing and Entwine, as well as the Lift Off art piece at the Lavon Disc Golf Park. It is uncertain if a trail dedication will be included in the ceremony. Staff will send a confirmation email to the Board once dedication details are confirmed. Minutes March 12, 2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Gilbert. Board Member Dean seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 4-0. The meeting was adjourned ot8:10p.m. ATTEST Janet Hmmkea. Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes March 12. 2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page r , Parks and Recreation Board �ma AGENDA REPORT IF -tlrt Ok asa4 Meeting Date: April 9, 2018 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Public Services Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 3, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and act upon reviewing park improvements by the Wylie Rotary Club at Olde City Park. Recommendation Motion to consider and act upon reviewing park improvements by the Wylie Rotary Club at Olde City Park. Discussion Staff was approached by the Wylie Rotary Club regarding a potential donation by the organization for a 4 foot rod iron fence project in Olde City Park located near the playground (see attached graphic). Wylie Rotary Club members deteiiiiined that this project is a potential need after observing Parks staff erect a temporary fence in the park for an event this past spring. The new fence would provide some added safety for children using the playground and park due to its proximity to Jackson Street. The park improvements will be made by City contractors and supervised by City staff. The total cost of the proposed fencing will be approximately $8,000.00 and the Wylie Rotary Club would donate $4,000.00. If the proposed improvements are recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board to the City Council, the Council would consider accepting the Wylie Rotary Club donation at the April 10, 2018 meeting. 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