Ordinance 2006-29 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-29 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2005-41, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 200S-41 setting forth the Budget for Fiscal Year. 200S/2006 beginning October 1, 200S, and ending September 30, 2006; and, WHEREAS, the City Departments and Divisions routinely review their budget appropriations at mid-year to determined if any changes are necessary; and WHEREAS, based upon said review the City staff now recommends that certain amendments to the Budget be considered by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY 200S12006 Budget, with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City; and therefore, desires to adopt the same by formal action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION I: The proposed amendments to the FY200S12006 Budget of the City of Wylie, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 200S-41, as summarized in Exhibits A-I thru A-6 which are attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby are, completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY200S12006 Budget. SECTION II: All portions of the existing FY200S12006 Budget and Ordinance No. 200S-41, except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION III: Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Ordinance No. 2006-29 FY 2005-2006 Budget Amendment SECTION V: That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of the Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this gh day of May, 2006. ATTEST: /' ondy, \\\1\1 II IIlllt ",\\\ 0 F W /;" II " -\oo.e.... r / ~ " .L." ". <.../ ~ ~ #" ." ". /~ ~ ~ "'" 0.. ... \. " - ~ ::: (Jo. ~ ". ~ ~ f SEAL 1 ; :\~.:~ ~ ~ ", fill' .",a .<b"::: ~ C1. ...... ~ -.. .... C::> ,'" 'I" YL I E 1't. "", 'tI"I "..\ II \ \\\\ Date of publication in The Wvlie News - May 17. 2006 Ordinance No. 2006-29 FY 2005-2006 Budget Amendment EXHIBIT A.1 FY2006 MIDYEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND. 100 Estimated Fund Balance 09/30/05 FY2006 Original Budgeted Revenues FY2006 Original Budget Appropriations FY2006 Budget Amendments Prior To Mid-Year Mid-Year Ending Fund Balance Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance $ 4,493,060 16,249,910 (16,477,120) (146,880) 4,118,970 (472,740) $ 3,646,230 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NO. REV/EXP AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 100-4000-43512 REV $ 123,350 2005 UASI Grant for EOC Project 100-4000-43420 REV 4,610 Lone Star Grant 100-4000-43430 REV 15,000 Step Wave Grant 1 00-4000-44123 REV 14,000 Animal Control Fees 100-4000-4841 0 REV 3,500 Library Grants - BWI, Texas Book Festival 100-4000-48440 REV 540 Donation - Friends of the Library Total Revenues $ 161,000 City Council 100-5111-58830 EXP $ 3,280 Additional funds requested for Chamber Chairs. City Secretary 100-5113-52010 EXP 450 Books requested for permanent retention of older Ordinances. City Secretary 100-5113-56070 EXP 18,000 Possible run off election for June 17, 2006. Facilities 100-5132-54910 EXP 25,000 Maintain city facilities and provide needed repairs. Facilities 100-5132-56040 EXP 8,000 Additional funds for janitorial contract. Facilities 100-5132-52740 EXP 1,250 Replenish account for new flags. Support Services - 1 00-5155-56040 EXP 6,820 Wireless connectivity for various remote city sites Information Technology including the Library, Public Works, Engineering and the Akin Pavilion. Combined Services 100-5181-56080 EXP 11,200 Replenish Advertising budget for remaining five months of the fiscal year. Police 100-5211-52010 EXP 6,000 Replenish Office Supplies account. Police 100-5211-52310 EXP 13,000 Requesting increase in Fuel & Lubricants, due to current economic conditions. Police 100-5211-51130 EXP 15,000 Step Wave Grant - personnel overtime Fire 100-5231-5231 0 EXP 9,000 Requesting increase in Fuel & Lubricants, due to current economic conditions. Fire 100-5231-58810 EXP 123,350 2005 UASI Grant: EOC communications software & video conferencing equipment EXHIBIT A-1 Page 1 EXHIBIT A.1 FY2006 MIDYEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS GENERAL FUND. 100 Estimated Fund Balance 09/30/05 FY2006 Original Budgeted Revenues FY2006 Original Budget Appropriations FY2006 BudgetAmendments Prior To Mid-Year Mid-Year Ending Fund Balance Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance $ 4,493,060 16,249,910 (16,477,120) (146,880) 4,118,970 (472,740) $ 3,646,230 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NO. REV/EXP AMOUNT DESCRIPTION lTire 100-5231-58850 EXP 84,000 FY05 Grant, Wireless System allowing emergency vehicles to communicate important data via a wireless connection. Fire 100-5231-51xxx EXP 154,570 Salaries for 6 entry level firefighters with paramedic pay! benefits for approximately 10 pay periods. Fire 100-5231-5xxxx EXP 6,000 Rental costs for temporary Fire station for 5 months. Fire 100-5231-5xxxx EXP 17,430 Initial set up costs for station and equipment necessary for temporary Fire Station. Animal Control 100-5251-52990 EXP 6,000 Neutered! Spayed Voucher program. The revenues are beinq accounted for in the General Fund. Planning 100-5311-58810 EXP 4,000 Xerox 6204 Digital copier! scanner Planning 100-5311-54810 EXP 1,000 Xerox 6204 Digital copier! scanner maintenance Building 100-5312-52310 EXP 1,000 Request increase in Fuel & Lubricants account. Code Enforcement 1 00-5313-5xxxx EXP 25,850 Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement 100-5313-5xxxx EXP 26,920 Vehicle and supplies for Code Enforcement Officer. Streets 100-5411-56610 EXP 25,000 Replenish account for electric utilities. Streets 100-5411-52310 EXP 5,000 Requesting increase in Fuel & Lubricants, due to current economic conditions. Library 100-5551-51112 EXP 4,790 Reimburse Part-time hours for temporary employee due to current employees extended absence. Library 1 00-5551-5481 0 EXP 8,640 Envisionware Computer Reservation System Library 100-5551-52xxx EXP 4,610 Purchase materials and equipment with Lone Star Grant funds. Library 100-5551-52620 EXP 540 Purchase Bluebonnet Books with a donation from the Friends of the Library. Li brary 1 00-5551-52620 EXP 3,500 Purchase books with grant funding from BWI and the Texas Book Festival. All Departments 100-5xxx-51480 EXP 14,540 Texas Workforce Commission 1% increase. Total Expenditures $ 633,740 EXHIBIT A-1 Page 2 EXHIBIT A.2 FY2006 MIDYEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS 4B FUND .112 Estimated Fund Balance 09/30/05 FY2006 Original Budgeted Revenues FY2006 Original Budget Appropriations FY2006 Budget Amendments Prior To Mid-Year Mid-Year Ending Fund Balance Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance $ 735,050 929,320 (1,236,090) (7,900) 420,380 (120,690) $ 299,690 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NO. REVI EXP AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 4B Parks 112-5614-58150 EXP $ 120,000 Matching funds for Joel Scott Park, Collin County Park Grant. All Departments 112-56xx-51480 EXP 690 Texas Workforce Commission 1% increase. Total Expenditures $ 120,690 EXHIBIT A-2 Page 3 EXHIBIT A.3 FY2006 MIDYEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS .131 Estimated Fund Balance 09/30/05 FY2006 Original Budgeted Revenues FY2006 Original Budget Appropriations Mid-Year Ending Fund Balance Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance $ 458,350 687,000 (912,480) 232,870 (69,880) 162,990 $ DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NO. REV/EXP AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 131-4000-43540 REV $ 132,500 North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Region Wide Interoperability Project Grant Total Revenues $ 132,500 Dispatch 131-5641-56110 EXP $ 28,780 Wireless Cards Charges unanticipated due to expectations wireless system would be up and running. Dispatch 131-5641-54810 EXP 16,200 Direct Alarm Monitoring Conversion Charges Dispatch 131-5641-58850 EXP 132,500 North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Region WideRadio Interoperability equipment expenses. Grant related. Dispatch 131-5641-58850 EXP 24,000 Connectivity to all Fire Facilities. Budgeted expense item from FY2005. Dispatch 131-5641-54810 EXP 900 Texas Workforce Commission 1% increase. Total Expenditures $ 202,380 EXHIBIT A-3 Page 4 EXHIBIT A.4 FY2006 MIDYEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS UTILITY FUND. 611 Estimated Fund Balance 09/30/05 FY2006 Original Budgeted Revenues FY2006 Original Budget Appropriations FY2006 Budget Amendments Prior To Mid-Year Mid-Year Ending Fund Balance Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance $ 6,073,820 8,077,400 (9,408,160) (145,100) 4,597,960 (19,670) $ 4,578,290 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NO. REV/EXP AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 611-4000-49400 REV $ 1,206,000 06' PPFCO Utility proceeds 611-4000-44135 REV 15,000 Revenue from weekend inspection services. Total Revenues $ 1,221,000 Water Utilities 611-5712-58330 EXP $ 15,000 Replenish Meters/ Services Connections account. Water Utilities 611-5712-54530 EXP 7,000 Replenish Heavy Equipment maintenance account. Water Utilities 611-5712-52310 EXP 5,000 Requesting increase in Fuel & Lubricants, due to current economic conditions. Utiity Billing 611-5715-58310 EXP 1,206,000 Utility Fund PPFCO 06' for Meter and Service Connections. Utiity Billing 611-5715-5xxxx EXP 4,700 Fixed Asset inventory program rollout to include barcodes & additional licenses. All Departments 611-57xx-51480 EXP 2,970 Texas Workforce Commission 1% increase. Total Expenditures $ 1,240,670 EXHIBIT A-4 Page 5 EXHIBIT A.S FY2006 MIDYEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS IMPACT FUND. 613 Estimated Fund Balance 09/30/05 FY2006 Original Budgeted Revenues FY2006 Original Budget Appropriations Mid-Year Ending Fund Balance Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance $ 10,740,180 10,740,180 (5,585,000) $ 5,155,180 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NO. REVI EXP AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Water 613-5723-56040 EXP $ 175,000 Creekside Engineering Fees Water 613-5723-58310 EXP 2,800,000 Creekside Construction Fees Sewer 613-5724-56640 EXP 2,500,000 Twin Lakes Construction Fees Sewer 613-5724-56570 EXP 110,000 Twin Lakes Engineering Fees Total Expenditures $ 5,585,000 EXHIBIT A-5 Page 6 Estimated Fund Balance 09/30/05 FY2006 Original Budgeted Revenues FY2006 Original Budget Appropriations Mid-Year Ending Fund Balance Mid-Year Budget Amendments Estimated Ending Fund Balance DEPARTMENT EXHIBIT A.6 FY2006 MIDYEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS FLEET FUND. 711 $ 1,316,250 436,770 (236,000) 1,517,020 (68,290) $ '1,448,730 ACCOUNT NO. REVI EXP AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Fleet 711-5771-58510 EXP $ 68,290 Appropriated funds to purchase Fire Department Grass Trucks in the FY2005 midyear amendments, Items need to be carried forward to FY2006 budget. Total Expenditures $ 68,290 EXHIBIT A-6 Page 7 ::::: C&S Media, Inc. m:be jfnrmersbille m:tmes . Murphy Monitor. The Princeton Herald · The Sachse News · THE WYLIE NEWS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN g~ ,Q1 Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the foregoing attached City of Wylie Ordinance 2006-29 & Ordinance 2006-31 was publisbed in said newspaper on lbe fOI~ May 17,2006 Chad Engbrock, Publisher Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the \1 day of lJfu{ , 2006 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Notary The Stat of Texas My commission expires Z. z.\. z-OlQ ~\\\UII'", ~'~UW~'.' ~!I.:,~ (t~::) -"'li;aF(\.'\'~ ""11I""" TAMMY BURTON Notary Public. State ofTexas My Commission Expires February 21, 2010 RECEIVED JUN 2 2 2006 FINANCE Murphy/SachsefWylie Office. 110 N. Ballard. P.O. Box 369. Wylie, TX 75098.972-442-5515. fax 972-442-4318 Farmersville/Princeton Office. 101 S. Main. p.o. Box 512. Farmersville, TX 75442.972-784-6397. fax 972-782-7023 ..,-........-"-', ....vvv, I.UV pm City Council: Tuesday, June 27, 2006, 6:00 pm Each public hearing will be held at the following loca- tion: sa1d Nortli~-'07-~fex Municipal Water Distri tract, North 88032' 5( West, a distance of 574.( feet to a point at the soul west corner of said B.c Woods tract, the nonhwe corner of North Tex; Municipal Water Distri, tract, and in the east line ( a tract of land described i a deed to N onh Tex:: Municipal Water Distric as recorded in Volurn 2281, Page 358 of th Deed Records of Colli County, Texas; THENCE along the wel line of said B.C. Wood tract, the east line of sai, North Texas Municipa Water District tract, Nort 01032'59" East, a distanc of 389.36 feet to a point fo corner; THENCE continuin: along the west line of Sail B.C. Woods tract, the eas line of said Nonh Texa Municipal Water Distric tract, and the east line of ; tract of land described in ; deed to Iona H. Ingram, a recorded in Volume 826 Page 579 of the Dee( Records of Collin County Texas, North 00032' 13' East, a distance of 658.8 feet to the nonhwest corne of said B.C. Woods trac and the southwest corne of Regency Business Parl #2, an addition to the Cit~ of Wylie, Collin County Texas, as recorded ir Cabinet G, Slide 92 of tht Map Records of Collir County, Texas; 38.130 acre tract, North 44040'00" West, a distance of 1049.45 feet to a point for corner in the centerline of said Sachse RoadlBallard Avenue (variable width right-of- way); City Council Chambers of THENCE with the center- the Municipal Complex line of said Sachse 2000 Highway 78 North, RoadlBallard Avenue Wylie, Texas (variable width right-of- This notice has been sent way), North 45005'59" to all owners of real prop- East, a distance of 3484.74 eny within 200 feet of the feet to the POINT OF request as such ownership BEGINNING and contain- appears on the last ing 287.68 acres of land. approved city tax roll. 52-1t-339- Action by the Planning and ~3 . Zoning Commission serves INANCE NO. las a recommendation to the 2006-29 City Council and is not a AN ORDINANCE OF final action on the request. THE CITY OF WYLIE, If the Commission recom- TEXAS, AMENDING men<:is denial, a three- ORDINANCE NO. 2005- founns majority vote by 41, WHICH ESTAB- the City Council shall be LISHED THE BUDGET required for approval. FOR FISCAL YEAR Zoning districts, amend- 2005/2006; REPEALING ments and conditions rec- ALL CONFLICTING ommended by the ORDINANCES; PRO- Commission for approval VIDING FOR A SEVER- by the City Council may be ABILITY CLAUSE; AND more restrictive than those PROVIDING FOR AN described in this notice. EFFECTIVE DATE. All interested persons are ORDINANCE NO. 2006- encouraged to attend the 31 public hearing and express AN ORDINANCE OF their opinions on the zon- THE CITY OF WYLIE, ing change request. If you TEXAS, SETTING A are unable to attend, but DATE, TIME AND wish to have your opinions PLACE FOR THE CITY made a part of the public COUNCIL TO CON- record, please complete the DUCT A PUBLIC HEAR- enclosed form and return it ING TO CONSIDER THE prior to the public hearing. THOROUGHFARE CAP- Please print your name, ITAL IMPROVEMENTS address of the property you PLAN; PROVIDING FOR own and the tax account REPEALING, SAVINGS riumber (if applicable) on AND SEVERABILITY the enclosed form and CLAUSES; AND PRO- return it to the following VIDING FOR AN EFFEC- address: TIVE DATE HEREOF City of Wylie John Mondy, Department of Planning Mayor 2000 Highway 78 Nonh ATTEST: Wylie, TX 75098 2-1 t-3 - If the property owners of THENCE along the nonl line of said B.C. Wood~ tract, the south line of saie Regency Business Park #2 and the south line of a trac' of land described in a deec to John P. Pennington, a~ recorded in Volume 2726. Page 98? of the Deed