02-22-2018 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Art — Wylie Animal
7 , Shelter Art Selection Panel
Special Called Meeting
February 22, 2018 — 6:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Conference Room •
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 6:20 p.m. with the following committee members present: Lily
Courtney, Nancy Peirce, David Dahl, Darlene Blakey, Reverend Al Draper (arrived at 7:25 pm), and
Mindy Manson (arrived at 7:45 pm) Chris Funk was absent.
PAAB Liaison Carole Ehrlich was also present.
o Compilation and Presentation of the Call for Artists for the Wylie Animal
Shelter Public Art Project Scoring (C. Ehrlich, Board Liaison)
Public Art Coordinator, Carole Ehrlich reviewed the Call for Artists with the committee. She pointed out
the theme for the project and budget items within the call. She asked the committee to be mindful of
these items as they review the scores of the top artists.
Ehrlich reported after removing a combined score of 3.4 or below, out of a 1-7 scoring, there were 9
artists left to review in order to select the 2-3 semi-finalists. Those remaining included: Robert Barnum,
Solomon Bassoff, Jeffie Brewer, James Burnes, James Dinh, Don Kennell, Wendy Klemperere,
Pascale Pryor, and Seth Vandable. She explained the committee would need to view each of these
artists and determine the artists they wished to see prepare a proposal for the project.
The committee carefully reviewed each artist, reviewing their past work, letter of interest, resume, and
materials/art from previous commissions.
• Discussion regarding future dates for the selection process. (C. Ehrlich, Board
LThe board directed staff to set March 22, 2018 as the date to conduct a Community Input Meeting to
allow the public to have input with the semi-finalists regarding what type of art they wished to see at the
Animal Shelter.
Ehrlich suggested waiting to set the date for the three presentations until she could discuss dates with
the artists during their March 22"d Community Input meeting and get a feel for the length of time it
would take for each of them to complete their project presentations. She stated she would contact the
selection committee once a timeline was agreed upon.
1. Consider and act upon the minutes from the January 11, 2018 Animal Shelter Selection
Committee meeting. (Art Coordinator, C. Ehrlich)
Committee Action
A motion was made by committee member Peirce, seconded by committee member Dahl to approve
the January 11, 2018 Animal Shelter Selection Committee minutes. A vote was taken and the motion
passed 6-0 with committee member Funk absent.
2. Consider and act upon the semi-final artists for the Animal Shelter Public Art Project. (Art
Coordinator, C. Ehrlich)
Committee Action
Ehrlich asked the board to choose 2-3 semi-final artists to invite to a community input meeting to allow
the public to speak to the art that will be placed at the Wylie Animal Shelter. The artists will tour the
City and learn about the history of Wylie.
The artists will then be asked to prepare a maquette (miniature piece of art) to present to the committee
at a later date. This maquette will be presented as the final piece the artists would create for the Animal
Shelter. The final artist for the project will be recommended to the Public Arts Advisory Board from
these presentations.
Committee Action
A motion was made by committee member Peirce, seconded by committee member Courtney to
approve Don Kennell, Robert Barnum, and James Burnes as the semi-final artists to attend the
Community Input Meeting and prepare maquettes to present to the Wylie Animal Shelter Selection
Committee. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with committee member Funk absent.
Committee Action
A motion was made by committee member Peirce, seconded by committee member Draper to adjourn
the meeting at 8:09 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with committee member Funk
C ole Ehrlich, Pu lic Art Coordinator/Secretary
February 22,2018 Wylie Animal Shelter Selection Committee Minutes Page 2 of 2