05-15-2018 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes _it/1
Wylie Planning and Zoning
Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission
Tuesday May 15,2018—6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Conference Room
300 Country Club Road,Building 100,2°a Floor
The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was present.
Commissioners present were: Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Roger Myers,
Commissioner Brad Emerson,Commissioner Bryan Rogers, and Commissioner Mike McCrossin.
Chair Ron Smith and Commissioner Jade Duan were both absent.
Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Development Services Director,Jasen Haskins, Sr Planner, Kevin
Molina,Planner,and Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant.
Commissioner McCrossin gave the Invocation.Commissioner Myers led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chair Owens opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners,
Chair Owens closed the Citizen Participation.
Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the May 1, 2018,Regular Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Emerson and seconded by Commissioner Rogers to
approve the minutes for May 1,2018,as submitted. Motion carried 5—0.
Regular Hearing
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Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission
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Preliminary Plat Wylie Auto Tire Shop
Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat of
Block A,Lot 1 of Auto Tire Shop,creating one commercial lot on 4.14 acres,generally located on
State Highway 78 approximately 800 feet west of the intersection of SH 78 and Kreymer Lane.
Staff Presentation
Mr. Haskins stated that the plat will create one lot on 4.14 acres.The applicant is proposing a
minor automotive repair and tire shop.The Site Plan is on the current agenda for consideration.
The property is State Highway 78 and approximately 800 feet west of the intersection of State
Highway 78 and Kreymer Lane.
Staff recommends approval subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the
Engineering Department.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin and seconded by Commissioner Emerson,
to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat of Block A, Lot 1 of
Wylie Auto Tire Shop,creating one commercial lot on 4.14 acres,generally located on Stated
Highway 78 approximately 800 feet west of the intersection of SH 78 and Kreymer Lane.
Motion carried 5—0.
Site Plan Wylie Auto Tire Shop
Consider,and act upon,a Site Plan for Wylie Auto Tire Shop,on Lot 1,Block A of Auto Tire Shop
Addition on 4.14 acres. Property generally located on State Highway 78 approximately 800 feet
west of Eubanks.
Staff Presentation
Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is proposing a one-story commercial building for an
automotive and tire shop on 4.14 acres. A preliminary plat is on the current agenda for
The property is zoned Commercial Corridor and an automotive tire shop is allowed by right.
The applicant has expressed desire to construct a car dealership, however, this will be
considered at a later date.
The site plan proposes an eight foot masonry wall to screen the adjacent single family
residential development to the rear of the property. Mutual access easements are provided for
future development and existing development on either side of the property.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Myers,to
approve Site Plan for Wylie Auto Tire Shop,being Lot 1,Block A of Auto Tire Shop Addition
on 4.14 acres. Property generally located on State Highway 78 approximately 800 feet west of
Eubanks. Motion carried 5—O.
Preliminary Plat Birmingham Bluffs
Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for
Birmingham Bluffs, establishing 60 single family residential lots, four open space lots, and one
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Public Park on 18.402 acres,generally located on the northwest corner of Westgate Way and Brown
Staff Presentation
Mr. Haskins stated that the plat will create 60 single-family residential lots, four open space
lots,and a public park of approximately 5.4 acres.The property is zoned Planned Development
Ordinance 2018-10 and is consistent with the PD conditions.
The four open space lots are labeled as"X"lots and will be owned and maintained by the HOA,
except Lot 1X, of Block A which will be dedicated to the City of Wylie.
Board Discussion
Commissioner Myers questioned about the property located within Floodplain. Trey Wallet,
Skorburg Company, 8214 Westchester Drive, Suite 710, Dallas, applicant/Developer, stated
that during grading of infrastructure, property located within the Floodplain will be pushed
back.City Engineer will review and approve. Once approved,then a LOMR will be requested
from FEMA.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Myers, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to
recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Birmingham Bluffs,
establishing 60 single family residential lots, four open space lots, and one Public Park on
18.402 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of Westgate Way and Brown Street.
Motion carried 5—0.
Public Hearing
North Texas Municipal Water District—ZC 2018-07
Hold a Public Hearing to consider,and act upon,a recommendation to the City Council regarding
rezoning a tract of land from Agricultural (AG/30) to Heavy Industrial (HI), property generally
located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road.ZC2018-07
Staff Presentation
Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is North Texas Municipal Water District. They are
requesting to rezone 4.134 acres of unplatted land from Agricultural to Heavy Industrial.This
rezoning includes a request for the approval of a preliminary plat and site plan for the
development of a water operations center for the NTMWD.
The plat abandons an existing portion of Lynda Lane and realigns Lynda Lane to connect to
Forrest Ross Road by dedicating 0.585 acres of land and creating a 50' Right of Way.
The site design layout provides two points of access and a 24' wide drive. The exterior
elevations of the building will be comprised of stone and brick and complies with the
architectural offset design standards of the zoning ordinance. The water operations center
measures 14,343 square feet and will be providing 90 parking spaces.
The building will employ 45 technical staff and provide a Control Room (SCADA). The
Control Room is intended to be both secure and accessible for observation by visitors to the
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plant. In the event of community emergencies, the large Training Room will be employed as
an Emergency Operations Center.
Sixteen notifications were mailed and two comments were received in opposition and no
comment forms received in favor of the request.An email was received from a resident outside
the required 200 feet notification area,stating in opposition of the request.
Board Discussion
Mr. David Scott, NTMWD, Applicant 505 E Brown, stated that the site was chosen due to
public access for training and is adjacent to Operations Facility. Even though the use is office
building and will not be Heavy Industrial, however all the existing property of NTMWD is
zoned Heavy Industrial.The intent is to have consistency of all the property.The facility will
house a laboratory for testing water,but there will be no noise or odor.
Commissioner McCrossin asked about the roads.Mr.Molina stated that the building will have
three access points. The portion of Lynda Lane that runs between the existing NTMWD
property and the subject property will be abandoned.Lynda Lane will then be realigned to the
rear of the property coming out onto Forrest Ross.
Mr. Paul Woodard, Halff Associates, 1201 N Bowser Road, Richardson,Texas,Engineer for
subject property stated that the mechanical room will have no windows and only authorized
personnel allowed.
Public Comments
Chair Owens opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Brian Condor, 1900 Spencer Lane, directly across the street from the subject property,
expressed concern about traffic on Forrest Ross.Mr.Molina stated that he would get with City
Engineer to determine if Forrest Ross will be expanded or improved. Ms. 011ie stated that
expansion of Forrest Ross is on the Thoroughfare Plan, but not sure when the funding will be
Chair Owens closed the Public Hearing.
Board Discussion
Commissioner McCrossin stated that having a facility for the SCADA and Control Room is a
great idea.In case of a community emergency such as severe storms,tornado,the building will
provide protection and operate as the Emergency Operations Center.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin,and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to
recommend approval to the City Council regarding rezoning a tract of land from Agricultural
(AG/30)to Heavy Industrial (HI),property generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane
and Forrest Ross Road.Motion carried 5—0.
Replat Railroad Industrial Park
Hold a public hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council
regarding a Final Plat for Railroad Industrial Park Addition, being a Replat of Lot 4R of the
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Railroad Industrial Park Addition, creating 2 lots on 3.014 acres, generally located on the
northeast corner of SH 78 and Cooper Drive.
Staff Presentation
Mr.Molina stated that the Replat will divide one lot into two lots on approximately 3.014 acres.
The property is zoned Commercial Corridor District and located northeast corner of State
Highway 78 and Cooper Drive.
The replat will create two lots to move forward for the development of Lot 4RB and Lot 4RA.
The owner has plans for Lot 4RB to be developed with retail and restaurant building for 4
tenants.A Site Plan will be considered at a later meeting.
Public Comments
Chair Owens opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair
Owens closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers,to
recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Railroad Industrial Park
Addition,being a Replat of Lot 4R of the Railroad Industrial Park Addition,creating 2 lots on
3.014 acres, generally located on the northeast corner of SH 78 and Cooper Drive. Motion
carried 5—0.
Chair Owens reminded the Commissioners of the next meeting on June 5,2018.The meeting will
mom be held in the Council Chambers on the First Floor.
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers to
adjourn the meeting at 6:50PM. All Commissioners were in consensus.
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Mar rady,Administrative,►ssistant
Minutes May 15, 2018
Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission
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