07-03-2018 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes raw . Wylie Planning and Zoning CITY OF WYLIE Commission t Minutes Wylie Planning&Zoning Commission Tuesday July 3,2018 -6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:03 p.m. A quorum was present. Commissioners present were: Chair Ron Smith, Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Cory Plunk, Commissioner Jade Duan, Commissioner Mike McCrossin and Commissioner Bryan Rogers. Commissioner Brad Emerson was absent Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Development Services Director, Jasen Haskins, Sr. Planner, Kevin Molina, Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. mew INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Rogers gave the Invocation. Commissioner McCrossin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Smith opened the Citizens Participation. Chair Smith welcomed the re-appointed Commissioners and the newly appointed Commissioner Plunk. Chair Smith closed the Citizen Participation. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 1. Motion to nominate Vice Chair Board Action Minutes July 3,2018 Wylie Planning&Zoning Commission Page 1 of 4 A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers and seconded by Commissioner Duan to nominate Commissioner Owens as Vice Chair. Motion carried 4-2, ^ Commissioner Plunk and Commissioner Owens both abstaining. 2. Motion to nominate Chair Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin and seconded by Vice Chair Owens to nominate Commissioner Smith as Chair. Motion carried 4 -2, with Commissioner Plunk and Commissioner Smith both abstaining. CONSENT ITEMS Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the June 19,2018,Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin and seconded by Vice Chair Owens to approve the minutes for June 19,2018, as submitted. Motion carried 6-0. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda Due to conflict of Interest, Commissioner Rogers was recused for the next three Agenda Items. Item 1 —Site Plan Good Neighbor Brewery Consider, and act upon, approval of a Site Plan for Good Neighbor Brews on Lot 7, Block A of Regency Steel Business Campus, for a brewery use on one lot that measures 0.383 acres,generally located east of Regency Drive and north of Steel Road. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 4,534 square feet brewery within the Regency Business Campus Addition on Lot 7, Block A.The lot measures 0.383 acres and is zoned under Planned Development 2001-10 Light Industrial,allowing restaurant and light assembly and fabrication. The Planned Development allows for parking to be based on the total developable area. The development will provide 14 spaces on site with one of those being a handicapped space.The total amount of proposed parking spaces within the Planned Development will be 63 spaces. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering. Board Discussion Minutes July 3,2018 Wylie Planning&Zoning Commission Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Plunk questioned how the parking is broken down. Mr.Molina stated gm' that the property is within a Planned Development that allows shared parking, and it is 1:100. Commissioners asked the purpose of the facility. Ms. 011ie stated that applicant is proposing a restaurant and brewery from craft barrels. The law allows a number of craft barrels per year. The restaurant/Brewery will be open when the surrounding existing businesses are closed, thus allowing for additional parking. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin and seconded by Commissioner Duan, to approve the Site Plan for Good Neighbor Brews on Lot 7, Block A of Regency Steel Business Campus,for a brewery on one lot that measures 0.383 acres, generally located east of Regency Drive and north of Steel Road. Motion carried 5- 0. Item 2—Preliminary Plat Torres Addition Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Torres Addition, creating one lot on 0.331 acres, generally located northwest from the intersection of Alanis Drive and Martinez Lane. (2001 Alanis Drive). Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the property totals 0.331 acres and will create one lot to ""' contain a building for tile retail and warehouse uses that measures 3,573 square feet. The plat allows a Site Plan, which is on the current agenda. The setback for the front is 25 feet,and ten feet on sides. In February 2018 a variance was granted to allow a five feet rear setback. The preliminary plat complies with the applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Duan, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Torres Addition, creating one lot on 0.331 acres, generally located northwest from the intersection of Alanis Drive and Martinez Lane(2001 Alanis Drive). Motion carried 5-0. Item 3 Site Plan Tile Gallery Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Tile Gallery on Lot I, Block 1 of Torres Addition, for a Tile retail store on one lot that measures 0.331 acres, generally located northwest from the intersection of Alanis Drive and Martinez Lane.(2001 Alanis Drive). Minutes July 3,2018 Wylie Planning&Zoning Commission Page 3 of 4 Staff Presentation MOM% Mr. Molina stated that the property owner/applicant is proposing to develop a 3,573 square foot Tile Gallery retail store I warehouse on one lot within the Torres Addition. The Preliminary Plat for Torres Addition is on the current agenda. The property is zoned Light Industrial District and allows for the office showroom/warehouse use. Access to the site NN,,ill be provided through a newly created driveway off Martinez Lane. A fire lane will not be provided on-site as there is enough room for a fire hose to reach around the building using the existing Right-of-Way. A variance was granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment in February 2018 to allow for a rear setback of five feet. The front yard setback will be 25 feet, and the side yard setback is ten feet. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Duan and seconded by Commissioner Plunk. to approve the Site Plan for Tile Gallery on Lot 1, Block 1 of Torres Addition, for a Tile retail store on one lot that measures 0.331 acres, generally located northwest from the intersection of Alanis Drive and Martinez Lane (2001 Alanis Drive). Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Rogers rejoined the Meeting. Chair Smith reminded the Commissioners of the next meeting on July 17, 2018. Commissioner McCiossin stated that he would not be able to attend. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to adjourn the meeting at 6:30PM, All Commissioners were in consensus. Ron Smith,Smith, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant Maigft Minutes July 3, 2018 NV,i„lie Planning&Zoning Commission Page 4 of 4 Meeting Date: Item No: AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF 1:37:1A1,3 a member of the Wylie 19 Erni et-L-1-E make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: 1 I, and/or a person or persons related to me in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code, (hereinafter referred to as "relative") have a substantial interest in (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): a business entity which could receive a special economic effect on the business entity that is distinguishable from the effect on the public; and/or real property which is reasonably foreseeable to receive a special economic effect on the value of the property distinguishable from its effect on the public, as a result of a vote or decision of the as those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Local Government Code. 2. Complete as applicable (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): 1:3e-r-t B.1z, t),E,c The business entity is S'AEsooree.Le s I/we have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): 1/7 I and/or my relative own 10% or more of the voting shares of the business entity or I and/or my relative own either 10% or more or $15,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity; and/or Funds received by me and/or my relative exceed 10% of my and/or my relative's gross income for the previous year. The real property is described as and is generally located at . I/we have a substantial interest in this property because the interest is an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of$2,500 or more. A relative of mine has substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by my decision of the public body of which I am a member. Other: Conflict of Interest Affidavit Page 1 of 2 RevIsed 2/22/2018 Upon the filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, l affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and/or real property and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever, Signed this iz-l> day of eo 1CIAL Title: pgz BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority,this day personally appeared m ar and on oath stated that the facts hereinabove stated are true to the best of thenn knowlede and belief. warn to and subscribed before me on day of NOTARY PUBIC 4 , ,a f , . .�,ti.. STATE or TEXAS Note Pubic in and for the ate of Texas 4 If. _ My commission expires: x confiict of Interest Affidavit Page 1 of 2 Revised 211 2/201 Meeting Date: Item No: AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TZ06.e1s a member of the Wylie t)‘,Z, Cy make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: 1. I, and/or a person or persons related to me in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code, (hereinafter referred to as "relative") have a substantial interest in (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): a business entity which could receive a special economic effect on the business entity that is distinguishable from the effect on the public; and/or real property which is reasonably foreseeable to receive a special economic effect on the value of the property distinguishable from its effect on the public, as a result of a vote or decision of the as those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Local Government Code. 2. Complete as applicable (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): V The business entity is .0,1/4„)Tz.r-Es I/we have a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): 1/7 I and/or my relative own 10% or more of the voting shares of the business entity or I and/or my relative own either 10% or more or $15,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity; and/or Funds received by me and/or my relative exceed 10% of my and/or my relative's gross income for the previous year. The real property is described as and is generally located at I/we have a substantial interest in this property because the interest is an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of$2,500 or more, A relative of mine has substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by my decision of the public body of which I am a member, Other: Conflict of Interest Affidavit Page 1 of 2 Revised 2/22/2018 Upon the filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and/or real property and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever, Signed this day of --\ ' L"' Adel OFFICIAL Title: - BEFORE ME, g y yp y pp �¢I' .r .) and the underai nod authority, this day ersonall appeared '� on oath stated that the facts hereinabove stated are true to the best of then newlede and belief, a Sworn to and subscribed before me on .mom) day of ., ) , r to MAFZY V,. D 4 ..L.3''' ''''''E,) NOTARY PUBLIC Notary;Publi` In and for the to of Texas STATE OF TEXAS s: of Ivey rant Excises ti t• 9- I21 My commission expire �,. conflict of Interest Affidavit Page 1 of 2 Revised 2/22/2018 Meeting Date: Item No: AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEMS COUNTY OF § 13rzN1AN gve:IF,R5- , a member of the Wylie 17sZ, Cm7-6- make this affidavit and hereby on oath state the following: 1. I, and/or a person or persons related to me in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity,as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code, (hereinafter referred to as "relative") have a substantial interest in (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): a business entity which could receive a special economic effect on the business entity that is distinguishable from the effect on the public; and/or real property which is reasonably foreseeable to receive a special economic effect on the value of the property distinguishable from its effect on the public, as a result of a vote or decision of the as those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Local Government Code. 2. Complete as applicable (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): interest The business entity is 3a1.7eF4-- --5t(711-3 I/we have a substantialin this business entity for the following reasons (place an "x" by the paragraph(s) that apply): V I and/or my relative own 10% or more of the voting shares of the business entity or I and/or my relative own either 10% or more or $15,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity; and/or Funds received by me and/or my relative exceed 10% of my and/or my relative's gross income for the previous year. The real property is described as and is generally located at . I/we have a substantial interest in this property because the interest is an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of$2,500 or more. A relative of mine has substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by my decision of the public body of which I am a member. Other: Conflict of interest Affidavit Page 1 of 2 Revised 2/22/2018 Upon the filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and/or real property and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever. Signed this ` - day of go l Title: c BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority,this day personally appeared Li 3,Fix viv and on oath stated that the facts hereinabove stated are true to the best of their` nowledie and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me on day of \4(1 A,RY V,BRADLEY c\c e NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS Notary Public in and for the Ste of Texas fl.a 'i0" My Comm.Expires 01. 1-2021 My commission expires. , I "fC" Conflict of interest Affidavit Page 1 of 2 Revised 2/22/2018 ,yi