08-13-2018 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,August 13,2018—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
300 Country Club Road#100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chairman Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Rose, Board Member
Kinser, Board Member Dean, Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Jones, and Board Member Gilbert in
Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz, Parks Manager Brent Stowers, and
Parks Board Secretary Janet Hawkes.
No citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the July 9, 2018 Regular
Board Action:
Board Member Gilbert made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 9, 2018 regular meeting.
Board Member Dean seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0, with one
abstention by Bobby Kinser.
2. Consider and act upon the vendor application for the Fall Fire Classic Softball
Tournament event to be held at Founders Park on October 28, 2018.
Vendor applicant Amber Barber attended the meeting as representation of Friends of Wylie Rescue.
The new event is being held to raise funds for the Pipes and Drums and Friends of Wylie Fire
Rescue scholarships.
Board Action:
Board Member Rose made a motion to approve the vendor application for the Fall Fire Classic
Softball Tournament event to be held at Founders Park on October 28, 2018. Board Member Gilbert
seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-0.
3. Consider and act upon the vendor application for the Brides and Brews Bridal
Show event to be held at the Brown House on October 21, 2018.
Vendor applicants Janet Smith and Alice Steward were in attendance of the meeting to answer any
questions the Board might have. A portion of the proceeds from ticket/vendor sign-ups will be
donated to the Wylie Downtown Merchants Association, and vendors will be selling items and
promoting their services.
Board Action:
Board Member Kinser made a motion to approve the vendor application for the Brides and Brews
Bridal Show event to be held at the Brown House on October 21, 2018. Board Member Gilbert3
seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-0.
• Review of the proposed trails on the new Collin College Campus.
Director Diaz advised the Board that he had been meeting with Collin College representatives
regarding their upcoming college site development in Wylie. Per the agreement between the City
and Collin College, trails are to be included on the new campus. The college will be built in two
phases with the initial construction anticipated to being fall of 2018, and a completion date of fall
2020. The first phase of proposed trail on the Collin College construction will be located on the south
end campus trail along Country Club connecting to Lakefield Estates. The proposed phase two of
the Collin College trail will be located on the north end of the campus connecting to future trails
located in Parkside Estates. More specific trail details will come later, however it is believed that the
Collin College campus trail will be funded and maintained by them. Staff is set to meet weekly with
the Collin College construction team. The Board requested staff inquire on having a Collin College
representative attend the next Parks and Recreation Board meeting in order to answer questions
and present insights pertaining to the proposed trail, specifically prior to the execution of the final
• Review the Wylie Senior Center Feasibility Study.
Director Diaz reviewed the results of the completed feasibility study explaining the three tiered future
development approach outlined in the study by the consultant. The Tier One plan is a renovation of
the existing facility;the Tier Two plan includes the construction of additional space (5,000 square
feet)to the existing facility; and the Tier Three plan is the construction of a brand new facility with site
modifications. Parking lot modifications were also included in the study. The study will be noted
within the upcoming Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan.
• Review of the Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Plan.
Director Diaz explained how the trail lighting plan was proposed to be constructed in two phases to
allow for the project to be completed as funds become available. The trenching, conduit, and lighting
are the primary expense of the installation, and it is possible some of the work could done by Parks
Division staff. Staff was advised by the consultant to utilize electric for the design with LED lighting
instead of solar lighting due to the amount of shading along the trail. Staff plans to use Musco
Lighting Control to manage new trail lighting due to it being the current system in place that manages
existing park and field lights.
• Review of the Bozman Trail Concept Plan.
Director Diaz went over the conceptual trail layout with the Board. The plan is to add City trail to the
Bozman Homeowners Association property, similar to the Kreymer Estates subdivision. Trail
specifics have not yet been determined.
• Projects update.
Director Diaz presented the east, west and central zone map to the board. He included a detailed
chart specifying ongoing park projects, broken down to include the specific zone, budgeted amount,
account funded from, anticipated completion dates, and progress updates.
Minutes August 13, 2018
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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The formation of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan continues as the City Council
will decide on which two Council Members will serve on the Steering Committee. A formal vote will
be taken on their elections during the August 14, 2018 Council meeting.
Braddock Park concept design, and the Twin Lakes/Southbrook trail connection construction will
begin will begin in fiscal year 2018/2019.
The Community Park dugout covers have been completed, and a vendor was chosen for the batting
cage project that will begin construction in August of 2018.
The Brown House study is currently in progress and staff has already met once with the consultant.
The rod iron fence project, partially funded by the Wylie Rotary Club, has been completed at the
Olde City Park playground.
Board Chairman Robinson requested staff provide a similar detailed chart specifying the upcoming
projects planned for the Collin College/City trail plans and connections, the Municipal Trail lighting
plans, and the Senior Center improvement plans. She would like the chart details to include the
project's estimated costs, estimated timelines, and other pertinent information.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Gilbert. Board Member
Jones seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
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Janet Mawkes,Parks Board Secretary �'• i rad
:binso , Parks Board Chairman
Minutes August 13, 2018
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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