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08-13-2018 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet
11, Wylie Parks and Recreation Board 4 �t NOTICE OF MEETING tops: Regular Meeting Agenda August 13, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Joni Robinson Chair Samantha Dean Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member Matt Rose Board Member Emmett Jones Board Member Bobby Kinser Board Member Phil Gilbert Board Member Robert Diaz Parks and Recreation Director Brent Stowers Parks Manager Janet Hawkes Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. August 13, 2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 9, 2018 Meeting. 2. Consider and act upon the vendor application for the Fall Fire Classic Softball Tournament event to be held at Founders Park on October 28, 2018. 3. Consider and act upon the vendor application for the Brides and Brews Bridal Show event to be held at the Brown House on October 21, 2018. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Review of the proposed trails on the new Collin College Campus. • Review the Wylie Senior Center Feasibility Study. • Review of Municipal Complex Trail Lighting Plan. • Review of Bozman Trail Concept Plan. • Projects update. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 10th day of August 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed rt. CITY OF YLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,July 9,2018—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Board Member Robinson, Board Member Dean, Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Jones, and Board Member Gilbert in attendance. Board Member Kinser was absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz, and Parks Board Secretary Janet Hawkes. ELECTION OF BOARD AND VICE CHAIR Board Member Jones nominated Board Member Robinson to serve as Parks and Recreation Board Chairman. Board Member Chesnut seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. Board Member Jones nominated Board Member Dean to serve as Parks and Recreation Board Vice Chairman. Board Member Robinson seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the May 14, 2018 Regular Meeting. Board Action: Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 14, 2018 regular meeting. Board Member Chesnut seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. 2. Consider and act upon nominations for three Parks and Recreation Board Members for the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan Steering Committee. Director Diaz advised that staff and the consultant are recommending the Steering Committee to be comprised of three Parks and Recreation Board Members, City Council Members, and City staff. Board Member Jones requested that the nominations include four Parks and Recreation Board Members instead of three, to which the Board agreed. The committee will be involved in the plan process, plan draft review, and the reporting of plan progress to the Parks and Recreation Board. Board Action: Board Member Robinson made a motion to nominate Board Member Chesnut and a motion to nominate Board Member Jones. Board Member Chesnut made a motion to nominate Board Chairman Rose. Board Member Jones made a motion to nominate Board Member Gilbert. The Board Members participating on the Steering Committee per nominations would then be Dan Chesnut, Matt Rose, Emmett Jones, and Phil Gilbert. Board Member Dean seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Update on Parks and Recreation projects. Director Diaz gave the Board updates on the ongoing Parks and Recreation Projects. The process for the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan has begun with an anticipated initial steering committee meeting to take place at the end of July or early August. A tour will also be included at some point for the plan process in order to familiarize committee members with the project site plan locations. The Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan is expected to be complete by the end of 2019. Director Diaz reviewed the Parks Projects with the Board. The batting cage/dugout cover project is under way and expected to be installed in July. The Rotary fence project will begin construction in July as well. The Braddock Park Concept and Parkside Park Concept designs are grouped together with the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan. Staff is in process of working with the consultant on the design for the Twin Lakes/Southbrook trail connection which will be available for Board review at the August/September meeting; construction of the connection should be completed by October 2018. The Municipal Complex Trail lighting design is partially finished with completion anticipated by October 2018. The preliminary design allows lighting to be installed in phases, and includes use of the Musco Light Control System which is the system the Parks Division currently uses to control lighting remotely. Staff plans to install Creed LED fixtures along the trail and are considering the possibility for trenching and conduit install to be completed in house by Parks Division staff. Consultant Kimley-Horn is in process of designing the Bozman Farms Trail concept which is expected to be available for Board review at the August/September meeting. Director Diaz reviewed the Recreation Projects with the Board. The Senior Center Feasibility study, which is now complete, was conducted in order to look at the best usability of the Wylie Senior Center facility. The study includes three tier options: tier one includes a remodel and reconfiguration of space utilizing existing square footage; tier two shows the addition of square footage to the existing facility; and tier three is the option of building a completely new Senior Center facility altogether. Director Diaz advised he would forward a link to the Board to grant them access to the electronic version of the Senior Center Feasibility study. The Brown House study is currently in process of completion by consultants Kimley-Horn and ArchiTexas, their recommended vendor who specializes in historical facilities. The purpose of the Brown House feasibility study is to look closely at the facility in regards to any possible needed modifications as well as the best utilization of its current and future use. The study is expected to be complete by the end of 2018. The Board expressed their concern over the high cost of the Brown House feasibility study, as well as their ongoing disapproval of the Brown House facility funding out of the 4B Tax Fund in lieu of the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund or General Fund. Director Diaz noted that the Stonehaven House was not included in the Agenda Packet Project Updates; however, a feasibility study is awaiting City Council approval for the fiscal year 2018/2019 budget. Director Diaz went over the projected upcoming planned housing and apartment communities which will aide in increasing the Acquisition and Improvement(A& I)funds as well as the provision of additional park and trail locations. The Board requested staff provide a breakdown of up to date fund availability and allocation for outstanding and upcoming projects. They also wish to see a summary of the budget broken down by zone along with the ongoing projects and project maps for each. Minutes July 9, 2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Chesnut. Board Member Gilbert seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m. ATTEST Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Joni Robinson, Parks Board Chairman Minutes July 9, 2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3 rG** r Parks and Recreation Board �ma AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2018 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: July 27, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and act upon a vendor application for the Fall Fire Classic Softball Tournament event to be held at Founders Park on October 28, 2018. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval for a vendor application for the Fall Fire Classic Softball Tournament event to be held at Founders Park on October 28, 2018. Discussion The Friends of Wylie Fire-Rescue will be hosting a softball tournament fundraiser at Founders Park on October 28, 2018. The event organizers plan on selling food items, spirit wear, and have a raffle during their event. Proceeds from the sales would go back to supporting Friends of Wylie Fire-Rescue programs. The organizers would be responsible for notifying the Collin County Environmental Services for food service/health peimitting. Since this is the first year of this event, staff has begun working with the applicant on event support needs for this event. Due to the close proximity of the event date, staff has added this item for City Council consideration at their August 14, 2018 meeting. If for some reason the Board does not approve the vendor application at the August 13, 2018 meeting the application will be withdrawn from City Council consideration. Page 1 of 1 PARKS ANI) RECREATION CITY OF WYLIE 300 Country Club Rd, Building 100,Wylie,TX 75098 _ T Office: 972-516-6340/Fax 972-442-0758 Email: parks@wylietexas.gov VENDOR APPLICATION-Once approved by City Council, vendor has 7 days to finalize event with Parks&Recreation facility staff Recommended timeline for submission is 2-3 months in advance of event. Please forward TYPED application to above address,email or fax. Applicant Information Name of Organization: Primary Contact Person's Name: FOWFR—Friends of Wylie Fire Rescue Amber Barber �———— Organization's Phone Number: _Primary Contact Person's Phone Number: 214-478-7796 214-478-7796 Organization's Address: Primary Contact Person's Address: 300 Country Club Rd. Building 100 Wylie,TX 75098 403 Magnolia Dr.Josephine TX,75173 Organization's Website/Email: Primary Contact Person's Email: friendsofw liefirerescue ' :mail.com Mrs.amberbarber@yahoo.com Organization's Non-profit Exemption Number/501c3(if applicable): Alternate Contact Person's Name/Number/Email: 26-4076059 Jenny Johnson/903-714- 2012/j.johnson51784@gmail.com 2012/j.johnson51784@gmail.com Event Information Event Name/Title: Fall Fire Classic Softball Tournament Event Type(fundraiser,etc.): Purpose of Event: Fundraiser Funding of Pipes&Drums and FOWFR Scholarships Event Location: Proposed Event Date: Alternative Date: Founders Park 15t Date- 10/28/18 2"d Date—11/18/18 Anticipated Number of Participating Vendors: Start Time(incl.setup): End Time(incl.cleanup): ��.. 6:00 am 9.30 pm . ..�..�a .. Anticipated Event Attendance: Event Target Audience: 200+ DFW Firefighter families EVENT DETAILS: Please list any and all specifics,as well as items intended to sell. If available,attach additional pages,announcements or flyers. Anticipated Vendors: Food truck, bounce house provided by Firehouse Bounce Items to be sold: Pre-packaged food items(muffins,granola bars,candy,chips,sunflower seeds),drinks,challenge coins, raffle tickets, homerun bracelets, homerun derby entry fees and possible children's area admission. Requesting 4 fields.Time is very overestimated but want to ensure we have plenty of time to setup and host an 8am-8pm tournament if registration goes well. 15 team maximum,lights needed after 5:00 pm. NOTE: If food is prepared on-site or off-site and brought to the event location to be offered to the public,free or at a cost, the vendor applicant must contact the Collin County Environmental Services Office in McKinney in order to inquire whether a Temporary/Short-Term Event Food Service/Health Permit is required prior to the event. It is possible that a health inspector must examine food preparation and storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Please contact Clayton Stewart,Environmental Services Specialist,at 1-972-548-5528 or 1-972-548-5585. The Collin County website is www.collincountytx.gov. Sec.78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to sell any cold drinks,cigars, tobacco,cigarettes,fruits,candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facility;provided,however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation,or employees of any person who are recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and approved by the City Council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the city. 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Recommendation Motion to recommend approval for a vendor application for the Brides and Brews Bridal Show event to be held at the Brown House on October 21, 2018. Discussion The Bridal Shoppe located in Downtown Wylie is proposing to do a Bride's and Brews Bridal Show at the Brown House on October 21, 2018. The event organizers plan on having a host of vendors that will be selling or promoting their businesses. The event will be utilizing the interior areas of the house and the yard areas outside the house. The applicant will be adding some portolets near the Brown House for use by event patrons due to the limited number of restrooms on site. This type of event was held at the Good Neighbors Brewery in Wylie previously and per the applicant was successful. The "Brews" for this event will be coffee from Conversations Coffee not beer as in the previous event. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Wylie Downtown Merchants Association. The vendor has already paid the fees and deposits associated with this event to the City. If the vendor application is not approved, those fees will be refunded back to the vendor. The organizers would be responsible for notifying the Collin County Environmental Services for food service/health permitting. Since this is the first year of this event, staff has begun working with the applicant on event support needs for this event. Page 1 of 1 PARKS AND RECREATION CITY OF WY :IE 300 Country Club Rd,Building 100,Wylie,TX 75098 ._. Office: 972-516-6340/Fax 972-442-0758 Email: ;•arks@wylietexas. ov VENDOR APPLICATION-Once approved by City Council, vendor has 7 days to finalize event wit!: Parks&Recreation facility staff. °Jtecointilerided timeline for submission is 2-3 months in advance of event. Please forward TYPED application to above address,email or fax, Applicant Information Name of Organization: Primary Contact Person's Name: r ate.$n 1 fee JCL 1C$- i mirk Organization's Phone Number: Primary Contact Person's Phone Number: t --,/,/b-c -7� Organization's Address: Primary Contact Person's Address: t 00 to a it cf-. Ave, ck. ti y r E" T �7 1 Cc> tcr-i cu ac%� t- / LA r TX °7:" ,6 Organization's Website/Email: t Primary Contact Person's Email: [ th/ iu W [le ave fiat.Corn I matt ern c.- .t-r fe.(p ki,nr r.c.con, Organization's Non-profit Exemption Number/501c3(if applicable): Iternate Contact Person's Name/Number/Email: Event Information Event Name/Title: c.&leo bitws nctaS Event Type(fundraiser,etc.): Purpose of Event: I tvetki ..rth f' M' hea013.-4A.. 1Yeerdnarri7 Event Location: Proposed Event Date: Alternative Date: ._ 1" Date- 2t tKC 2"d Date- Anticipated Number of Participating Vendors: Start Time(Intl.setup): End Time(Incl.cleanup): srw: O- I io Anticipated Event Attendance: Event Target Audience: 300 . I aeictes , eueici-procLaccrs EVENT DETAILS: Please list any and all specifics,as well as items intended to sell If available,attach additional pages,announcements or flyers. .e 1 f riaifilr k.t.71:7 r"` - nc i-/ ' i rr + Hine_Lug R be - A- i�.� t`Y'1c. - i c n 4-o e.c fi,ems, �.1 J cr c-U ( vf2xv: t, r i 11 .I wir3 ) (A t E loi ' o L �9 ail teL - v kit el 1 (-? ` b'i t. (U p:4.., kr. x1 re- -4)c cr,t~e bui - / NOTE: Li If food is prepared on-site or off-site and brought to the event location to be offered to the public,free or at a cost, the vendor applicant must contact the Collin County Environmental Services Office in McKinney in order to inquire whether a Temporary/Short-Term Event Food Service/Health Permit is required prior to the event. It is possible that a health inspector must examine food preparation and storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Please contact Clayton Stewart,Environmental Services Specialist,at 1-972-548-5528 or 1-972-548-5585.The Collin County website is www.colklncountytx.gov. Sec 78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states; It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to sell any cold drinks,cigars, tobacco,cigarettes,fruits,candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facility;provided,however,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation,or employees of any person who are recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and approved by the City Council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the city. Rev.8-10-17 Permit Contract Page 1 of 6 Permit Contract Brown House Permit #5946, Approved 301 North Ballard Avenue May 31, 2018 1:34 PM Wylie,TX 75098 Phone: (469)626-2741 FAX:-- Email: recreation@wylietexas.gov CITY OF WYLIE Janet Smith Customer Type: General 506 Fairiand Drive Prepared By: Julie Pannell Wylie,TX 75098 Email: Janet©EMC2traveiplanners.com Customer ID: 34478 Primary: (703) 946-0277 Charges Taxes Discounts Total Charges Deposits Deposit Taxes Total Payments Refunds Balance $1,050.00 $0 $0 $1,050.00 $0 $0 ($1,050.00) $0 $0 yr RESERVATIONS Event Resource Center Notes Brides and Brews Brown House-ALL Brown House Type: Party Indoor 301 North Ballard Attend/Qty:49 Wylie,TX 75098 (469)626-2741 Days Requested Event Duration Event Ends Day Date Begins Date Time Sunday Oct 21,2018 11,:00 AM 6 hours Oct 21, 2018 5:00 PM Summary Notes Total Number of Dates: 1 Total Time 6 hours r CHARGES Description Event I Unit Fee Units Tax Charge Resource 1 BH Deposit-General Brides and Brews#5946 $300,00 1,00 — $300.00 Brown House-ALL BH Rental Fee-Resident- Peak Brides and Brews#5946 $125.00 6,00 -- $750.00 Brown House-ALL Payments and Refunds Receipt# Date Charge Description Resource Payment Event 1000005.003 May 31,2018 BH Deposit-General Brown House-ALL $300.00 Brides and Brews#5946 1000005.003 May 31, 2018 BH Rental Fee- Resident-Peak Brown House-ALL $750.00 Brides and Brews#5946 lipr DISCLAIMERS https://anprod.active.com/wylie/servlet/PermitDetail.sdi?id=59468&.new_window-yes 5/31/2018 N ILtt„IF r4 CD ! rji;ft !ie r�',aa ! 1 ;:Itill".4P.11.73tt't.t't.7.77'.-1.7:'''.114' ittiltifillatttt'ttit,tit.kt 6.?. os is 3 �Fi i � t:1." x'. b, ,Y�.'4 ,..{," , • , cf .,,,,, it„,,,4 t ,, • - _- _ • — 'n`■�a.i2 Ili r'f y i ie k4uit" +Y ,j ,a q4 A,�ai :4 �j�j Y .. - g Y' \ , ,,•;` 3ill 7LI Y^ n,„ ';row,p#Y ^{-,ryg#,;:.._t, sy� 11 ' ill � 'dj1IØJPlI 1iIiI1 1 '''''",;',,''; r it ri: _r_ . 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LEGEND " PHASE 1 LIGHTING .— - ,. / — - I - • / " PHASE 2 LIGHTING �, FUTURE LIGHTING , / .,, 0 2 z TRAIL LIGHT co us ( D.5' POLE WITH CREE EDGE FIXTURE) 3: '';' ?<2 ,,, STREET LIGHT 000444, r.;.: ;, (25' POLE WITH CREE RSW FIXTURE) >o,„ �= ,D c GO) uaE 0 H T 0_ — LU TRAIL LIGHT '„ , , / / , , / / ,,,, , (10.5' POLE WITH CREE EDGE FIXTURE) i2,0 a mom CD SibidC4) - M / ® t I NICIPAL COMPLEX , �� � � ' / jo.14... , / • / . '• / ,. . .w w.., .... . . .. , '� "' 664140 .�"`�1 ".� 1 / , z , , __- ‘4,10,,* 401, °` _ 1 - - ` [s ' r "'-^'" J'+ 0 co ;-- as , y .� ' . •", N- LLI v / .*- ,* , F- U. = ,, .- , - �� -, �" ' i u' SERVICE PEDESTAL `C OF 10 UTILITY , • DPP7C LOCATION / ��„" �-.�" 0 in In 0 " L.IT EMT��, ,<, ,! ,,w / ., -- .'" �.- 1 / SERVICE PEDESTAL 1 I-- 4 will Li. ..J __ < 0 IX F— '''l , , , . DI ,b �rrr , -, , p , >>, > .4 , " ,,„„ 5, , , '7,,, � ,. 0 , ;,, , , -, , ‘ , ,,' ,,,, , ,,. , , co , , , , , , z X Ct ,.>, 0 SHEET NUMBER EX-01 Cree EdgeTM Series LED Area Luminaire-Round Product Description R3 Mount The Cree EdgeT"Series has a slim,low profile design.Its rugged cast aluminum housing minimizes tAti 3,ynsrak hLT '`Tl tri wind load requirements and features en integral,weathertight LED driver compartment,spun vented cover,high performance aluminum heat sinks and leaf/debris guard. Applications:Auto Dealerships,parking lots,campuses,facade lighting and general site lighting applications T M015 Performance Summary Patented NanoOptic°Product Technology "t (102mm) Made in the U.S.A.of U.S.and imported parts 21.4" 17.4" CRI:Minimum 70 CRI (544mm) (442mm) CCT:4000K(+/-300K),5700K(+/-500W standard i 3.4" v Oy (86mm) Limited Warrant?:10 years on luminaire/10 years on Colorfast DeltaOuard°finish 4' 4.6" 'See http://lighting.cree.com/warranty for warranty terms (116mm)V (584mm) Accessories Field-Installed Bird Spikes Backlight Control Shields XA-BRDSPK XA-20BLS-4 • • • , Four-pack 3.9" -Unpainted stainless steel (98mm) LED Count(x10) Weight 04 33.8 lbs.(15.3kg) • 06 1 35.2 lbs.(15 9kg) 08.._ __. ......... 37.0 lbs.(16.8kg) ......... • 10 1 40.7 lbs (18 5kg1 '..• • 12 42.4 lbs.(19.3kg1 • • R4/R5 Mount-see page 14 for weight&dimensions Ordering Information Example:ARE-EDR-2M-R3-12-E-UL-SV-350 • ARE-EDR E '.. LED Color I Drive Product ��� Optic Mounting* Count Series Voltage 1 Options (x101 Options 1 Current ARE-EDR '.. 2M 3MP R3 '.. 04** 1 E UL BK '.. 350 ',, DIM 0-10V Dimming Type II Medium Type III Medium Spider,Center i 06** 1 Universal I Black i 350mA -Control by others 2MB w/Partial BLS Tenon,2-3/8 to 08** 1 120-277V BZ 1 525 -Refer to Dimmirj_specshe.et for details Type II Medium 4M 3"OD 10 UH 1 Bronze I 525mA • -Can't exceed specified drive current w/BLS Type IV Medium R4 12 Universal SV 700 F Fuse 2MP 4MB Spider,Center 347-480V I Silver I 700mA -When code dictates fusing,use time • Type II Medium Type IV Medium Direct,4"Square WH 1 -Available with 40-60 LEDs I delay fuse w/Partial BLS w/BLS R5 White -Available with UL voltage only 3M 4MP Spider,Center -Available for U.S.applications only Type III Medium Type IV Medium Direct,5"Round ',, ',,• • HL Hi/Low(Dual Circuit Input) • 3MB w/Partial BLS -Refer to HL spec sheet for details Type III Medium 5M • • -Sensor not included w/BLS Type VMedium • • • • P Photocell • 5S • ,, -Available with UL voltage only Type V Short • • • '• • ,, 40K 4000K Color Temperature • • • -Minimum 70 CRI • • • • -Color temperature per luminaire • • *Reference EPA and pole configuration suitability data beginning on page 14 **Consists of multiple 20 LED light bars.40,60,and SO LED units use blanks as needed in place of populated light bars NOTE:Price adder may apply depending on configuration C ® US L ■ Rev.Date:V5 12/07/2017 CR E E � US:lighting.cree.com T(800)236-6800 F(262)504-5415 Canada:www.cree.com/canada T(800)473-1234 F(800)890-7507 RSW Series RSWTM LED Street Luminaire-Medium Product Description f, The Cree RSW Series,utilizing WaveMax Technology,wilt transform the way utilities and municipalities light their residential streets,interchanges,and expressways.With the first viable LED e r streetlight at warm CCT,the RSW Series delivers up to 124 LPW,enhanced visual comfort with reduced glare and high color contrast Leading to improved overall illumination using less energy.The RSW Series provides warm,inviting dark sky friendly lighting that makes good economic sense. Applications:Roadway i, E • I: Performance Summary Utilizes Cree WaveMax°Technology NEMA Photocell /` Receptacle Location Assembled in the U.S.A.of U.S.and imported parts 4.T 41 m" Efficac :U to 124 LPW 5 8 641 mm) Efficacy:Up � CRI:Minimum 70 CRI(3000K,4000K&5000K);80 CRI(2700K,3000K,4000K&5000K) — CCT:2700K,3000K,4000K,5000K (146mm) IMmima 4 Limited Warranty':10 years 'See http:/lltghfng.cree.com/warranty for warranty terms lion— Accessories (287 m" mm) '.. Field-Installed Backlight Control Shield Bird Guard --"" RSW-BLSM RSW-BRDGRDM / L1 -Provides 1 mounting height cutoff • );,„ , • • _,�, Il... :tom ,, lu�� 4#1!!l#{1iY1lalliti d l`.Siiii016tE16i01:i01® .1 Qu I I L(f(L IL 11111E Utility Label Location Weight* 118 lbs I6.3kg1 *RSW BLSM Accessory:add 0.4 lbs.(0.2kg) Ordering Information Example:RSWM A HT 2ME 9L 27K8 UL GY N RSWM ', A HT 9L UL GY N • • Product I Version Mounting Optic Package** CCT/CRI Voltage I Options I Utility Label/Receptacle Options RSWM 1 A HT 1 2LG* 1 9L 27K8 UL 1 GY 1 N Utility Label and NEMA® 1 08/07/06/05/04/03/02/01 Field Adjustable Lumen Output Medium I Horizontal I Type II I 9,325 2700K,80 CRI I Universal I Grey 1 7-Pin Photocell Receptacle 1 - Must select Q8,Q7,Q6,Q5,Q4,Q3,Q2,or Q1 Tenon Long Lumens 30K7 120-277V -External wattage label per - Offers full range lumen adjustabitity • • • 2ME* 3000K,70 CRI ANSI C736.75 ',, -Includes wattage label for setting selected • • Type II 30K6 ',, -7-pin receptacle per - Refer to pages 5&6 for power and lumen •• • Medium 3000 K,80 CRI • ANSI C136.41 values 3ME* 40K7 • • • -Factory connected 0-10V X7/X6/X5/X4/X3/X2/X1 Locked Lumen Output • Type III 4000K, •70CRI • • • dim leads -Must select X7,X6,X5,X4,X3,X2,or X7 • Medium• 40K8 -Photocell and shorting cap - Lumen output is permanently locked to 4000K,• 80 CRI • by others the setting selected • • 50K7 '.. -Includes wattage label for setting selected 5000K,• • 70CRI '.. • '.. • - Refer to pages 5&6 for power and lumen • 50K8 • • • values I,,, 5000K,80CRI ',. ',, ',,. *Available with Backlight Shield when ordered with field-installed accessory(see table above) **Lumen Package codes identify approximate tight output only.Actual lumen output levels vary depending on CCT and optic selection.Refer to Initial Delivered Lumen tables for specific lumen values Rev.Date:V3 12/22/2017 t*4,* e.,... , GPP OEf QP� c. C ® US .„hfR � IL ■ IL la CREE ' !/f1E0 JiO� ,,,,,. US:lighting.cree.com T(800)236-6800 F(262)504-5415 Canada:www.cree.com/canada T(800)473-1234 F(800)890-7507 City of Wylie,TX July 2018 Municipal Complex Trail Lighting SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES ITEM NO. SPEC NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PHASE 1 PHASE 2 UNIT PRICE PHASE 1 PHASE 2 TOTAL QUANTITY QUANTITY TOTAL TOTAL 1 26 05 19 #6 XHHW CONDUCTOR LF 18132 26,778 $ 2.00 $ 36,264.00 $ 53,556.00 $ 89,820.00 2 26 05 19 #8 XHHW CONDUCTOR LF 815 0 $ 1.20 $ 978.00 $ - $ 978.00 3 26 05 33 1-1.5"SCH 80 PVC CONDUIT BORED LF 50 80 $ 12.00 $ 600.00 $ 960.00 $ 1,560.00 4 26 05 33 1-1.5"SCH 80 PVC CONDUIT IN TRENCH LF 4600 6,950 $ 6.60 $ 30,360.00 $ 45,870.00 $ 76,230.00 5 26 05 33 1-1.5"RGS BRIDGE MOUNTED LF 300 0 $ 5.00 $ 1,500.00 $ - $ 1,500.00 6 26 05 33 JUNCTION BOX EA 2 2 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 7 26 27 16 LIGHTING CONTROLLER AND PANEL EA 2 0 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ - $ 4,000.00 8 26 56 00 LED TRAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY WITH FOUNDATION EA 36 43 $ 4,500.00 $ 162,000.00 $ 193,500.00 $ 355,500.00 9 26 56 00 LED TRAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY WITH FOUNDATIONON 25'POLE EA 0 2 $ 5,500.00 $ - $ 11,000.00 $ 11,000.00 10 33 71 73 ELECTRICAL SERVICE PEDESTAL EA 2 0 $ 6,500.00 $ 13,000.00 $ - $ 13,000.00 SUBTOTAL $250,702.00 $306,886.00 $ 557,588.00 15%CONTINGENCY $ 37,605.30 $ 46,032.90 $ 83,638.20 TOTAL $288,307.30 $352,918.90 $ 641,226.20 m W " _i' s„ o „" PROP TRAILS BY KREYMER EAST ''' ""1 w ur�uw''' I�v 11" "V", �;dh7)r� ,1 „I,'",� r P , I,�xv "",�r"tl "r ",` ,u+'(, "il", , , , 'W, Ilr '" mho"' I' 'r"" �h, „N', NORTH , „ , ,, , , , , ,, ,,, ,,„,, , , , ,, , , , . ,, , _ ,,,,„ , ,,,r,„, , ,, , ,,, , , , , , „ ,\ Vtiu J(, ',h,o,'° l+y,'y , 51�q,Yvd,,'d,n,, ,,y1` &v;,l;'d^w'I�'' ,. , „ , 4,,t,... Ah, �� W, , , , , STONE RD .� „ yr % % 0 d d;`; \e „I'bd' ', ,',"" ,i„�¢ 11Pw x ,� fpl(I, I/"""V„v? , , „,,,,h ',1;1„„"y1 Ya, „�I,p,m'„, u',� �o�v„',,,til'' N �� ,, w, " '6 'r "' J„n"', , „v, ^ " GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET _nw` ,r,�M „ V,(e, ^ d ,",n ,,,..I', ri"" "I V„, „ '`ti1 i ' , " ' ' Y 1,Iwd, ",\ ,,`: n ",I " w" „I, 1,, II,;, ,I, ` 0 50 100 200 wH ,' " nv,�Vr ro,w,a I rwl 'I „„,,„„:„I.'' n "i, _ 'n ` •nl ,1� '' , : ,,V'Px,„, e j,' fu, „,µ nv\", "V („ �", ,1 „ ,� ,1 % ,I,v I ti, „i,, ,1V r�,, I, ,, aw+,u.,wv„V,". , �b N',\ \ v'„11, V +VIVI'"' " ie „ ""^„6 " " Im ;„ ,v , „ ',',,,,�yall,�,,;;,,V„ ,,ryl;,Y^ .,'r, i,,, I' '1' v„ w m ,;I,( 'I `,ai , '',,y, ,';I,vA, ";" 1"V `' ,,,, I. ,4,^^"N� „ib ,,,„, ,,,„",". "" \ ,y,i;dgv,d,`1", Ifv, I, 1 _ , 8 CONCRETE TRAIL PHASE 1 "\,' ,!f,, ��,,,",,1,1° „I' ;'vb inJ'' hlU' ,y., ", "" "'(n 'Y,1,'h,:w'9 Vyhv„'°, "n, O i v f': J'i' 'J ma ,Y,, ' ,qv'; `o,; J"v,j P" 'i,u `d �A'„ ;I,I,, I ", wn ,,r, ' 4 'q' rI'V`+ ,' ,,,,,N w "r,"„ "r1a 4 `,'i1 n ,I a ', " ^, ,, ouu� " n, ,'r,% z I ) `a; P 1' ,, ,v' ,"rvM,,, "vl1K',' I , „ . ,�, % '"Yi"""Mi" e , ,,i Y 1 " \ ", nI Y r y ,,u „ „ ^� 1i",1, " N `;fik ' $' CONCRETE TRAIL PHASE 2 I " ,, y / PROPOSED CREEK ,,. ," i Ir',r,4', , ,,,, 'v V'N�'Y+ Id,„rV'T,r fr'"'� ,';, i;,l'';'ux\,"",'r'," i ' r,r,0., '; C,' a , ' " v' „ , ,.. ' rv,',"'';;,,,„ „"w, .W, CROSSING in vlh„ ),ey,; a', 1', a(' ,,a, r,,'1'A'r,,'' ` t; to% ''u" ,;' „ x I 'ur X 8 CONCRETE TRAIL PHASE 3 Z F 67" LU ' ; ` .• �,:� „C" ", ",u4, dy,,;,�„'n u " " r, Z y (E ''' = I', +vv J 'Iv, °r „ v 7"', ^ ''�6'" „ ,, N 'pr, r ,1°'ni,,' j1.,, y O N Cl) ter' w,;, / O O Q rv„ " Q ""A,Pw ", '° f �" ` r Oq,, „ ' Ir',,„ , ",, k m p v,",' ,L""'I';„ Znu, ,0, rv,,,,,,a, „ >144. 1 Z r,r,' W W = `1, 'ry0,'' 'Jn" ,,,, A•N ',wV t, �,' ';(`�!°,p,, „'1;1 P` 7F`w'�,vip' ',,4,,, ",„ 1 ,x !, , , WOJ } n,l, `,C\PI ', 1'" awe ". '' ;y', p1i, !' ,I w,;^„ d W MM" I y1„ CI w F, PROP BARRIER FREE RAMPS % % ,,;i,,,, 5 Y " AND STRIPING a ❑ o 'I'1„ ,w`,tl.")„,),,,,,,„"0,,,,,,,",)",' tld„"m, p, " ,,, ,vqV, ,;""�, �,R'I ^„",� aIV a',, % 1 / N 0,",,,„ 'y Hr""'I, ",,,',I ?V;, „ " ' J, An 11r„"," V's " ,' , Cn U APPROXIMATE FLOWLINE OF o , Q V'J , • w "iM „ ,, ',e,,r',,,`i,Y,"i" q "v1, d 1\VVI 1 lJRL LII v„�„ y" ` '"'' ,,r,°, ° "yip " O co i,,e ,"a' e,,,i , a,�„ 1 , nI,`"V a„ ;,u" fr „, a�����, ` ,I;"'u'b�'� ,", N 1' r d,^ ,1"`Vy ," I,'I,',"r �) � ,r „P ,1I„ ! " m,„ - ,If,,"ry',1 ;,, (IIv" "I''rw ; 4" „ '`Im,' �, '''�q; "�''Wle`",",V „'dv,, „"y,",,''1,1'• k,., N,',I.% 1; `;,,q,' ,1''.",,W' yN,,,,, „7/ ' m, „ v N9m, „ owl I` ,�`Y " n 1,,),I'„ ,,,, u', 1 ",,,M' ^ ",�,," ,I' m" ',�t,a h',�, 1,"';y +i ,`'%'\ '0, \„h % �h M,, v i "vd. ,Y,W',""„", P' ! 'I ~ .,.'::,':.wt..m,r, "",Auu" Iv, ,'\Y 1 w , % FUTURE TRAIL THROUGH TREES „` , FOR REVIEW ONLY Not for construction orpermit purposes. P P 1 "I. ,i,',in ,,','1 PROP 8 TRAIL i Ktt1't{EHoCn cl „r w'n " "r;i h' 1, "r" o' ,`"1 xW """ li;,' ,',, i ',wi'`'d', "vVP" e ''", JOSEPH E.HELMBERGER Engineer 'dr; I' '';," r ` +` 68040 AUGUST 2018 „y ', „ P.E\o Date „1 , Iv°' I Iv I I , u a" d; I ^I 1 , nn„ h v. 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J Q 1, Iliiiiiioliiiii, 11 __., Za c , 0 USE EX COLLINS BLVD SIDEWALK IN THIS AREA „ H �„ I All' 0 , PROP BARRIER FREE RAMPS, TRAIL Q t o I,' V ` s,?,' ,;,p","" ' ' CROSSING SIGN AND STRIPING" ''\\ 'li'`' S B ti.) ,,„ 7_, , NL�/COLLi '"� ^ �1�11�Y I I , r" 1 �rl vI I( II w r 1„e 1 �� /r,,, `ula ,1 I,r„w" +'ash',, ,a'( i, „Ih L.L I, 11"� W �"123 all,,,,,� - „I,'rl i"n ,, „ 'Ii�;,r� wwy'r�'!ih' `",,,AA,'" 'V'"' ',)"\` I0 tly' ,wj' u„ x r, Y 11 {�,"''e' , ",, i', , vial o,l ,,V , I,�,,p11„", II ''\ „ 'Ir I\, r «W v ,, e, °v"'' ryy,„ ,^� " ' " 9,,q„' U V p,d „ 4 Y V v N ,4 1V z ,,V v % am,,rII�„i "', 'w" rl/„r,4,y 7w"r ,Wd; 1; If, 8 ''i,°rq „ V'„, 1 \ \ ,mti�, r a'I, i, -' SHEET NUMBER I-‘Z r A I g I CA-U I I Project Update Completion Date Park Zone Budget Funded From Parks,Recreation,and Open Space Master Plan Formation of Steering Committee Fall of 2019 All $ 141,740.00 4B Braddock Park Concept Design(with MP) Not started yet Fall of 2019 Central $ 29,980.00 A/I Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection design In process-Design reviewed by Board in September Fall 2018 Central $ 29,600.00 GF Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection Bid process to begin after October 1,2018 Spring 2019 Central $ 250,000.00 A/I construction Batting cage/dugout cover project Batting Cages-Working with Vendor to start in Fall 2018 Central $ 48,000.00 League funded August. Dugout covers completed Rotary fence project in OCP Completed Completed Central $ 7,000.00 A/I and Rotary-$4000 Senior Center Feasibility Study Completed-Review by the Board in August Completed Central $ 19,000.00 4B Brown House Feasibility Study In process Winter 2019 Central $ 49,400.00 4B Municipal Complex Trail Lighting design In process-Design reviewed by Board in August Fall of 2018 West $ 50,000.00 A/I Parkside Park Concept Design(with MP) Not started yet Fall of 2019 West $ 30,000.00 A/I Bozman Farms Concept Trail design In process-Design reviewed by Board in August Fall of 2018 East $ 19,000.00 A/I (City owned property only) Page is too large to OCR.