11-12-2018 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda November 12, 2018 - 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Joni Robinson Chair Samantha Dean (resigned as of October 9,2018) Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut Board Member Matt Rose Board Member Emmett Jones Board Member Bobby Kinser Board Member Phil Gilbert Board Member Brett Swendig Board Member Robert Diaz Parks and Recreation Director Brent Stowers Parks Manager Janet Hawkes Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.Qov. The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. ELECTION OF BOARD CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR Board Members will have a nomination and election for the Vice-Chair position for the remaining term of 2018- 2019 due to the resignation of Samatha Dean from the Board. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. November 12,2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 8, 2018 Meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approval of the meeting calendar for 2019. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Budget Review for FY 18-19 • Master Plan update. • Projects update. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 9th day of November 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Parks and Recreation Board E Meeting Minutes Monday, October 8, 2018—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Joni Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members present: Board Member Samantha Dean, Board Member Emmett Jones, Board Member Bobby Kinser, and Board Member Phil Gilbert. Board Member Matt Rose arrived at 6:40 p.m. and Board Member Chesnut was absent. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz, and Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the September 10, 2018 Regular Meeting. Board Action Board Member Gilbert made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 10, 2018 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Board Member Dean. A vote was taken and passed 4 — 1, with Board Member Kinser abstaining and Board Member Rose and Board Member Chestnut being absent. 2. Consider and act upon the vendor application for Wally Watkins Elementary Turkey Trot fundraiser 5K and Fun Run to be held at Founders Park on November 22, 2018. Director Diaz stated that the application is for Wally Watkins Elementary Turkey Trot fundraiser 5K and fun run. This is the second year for the 5K and has never had any issues. The race route could change, but will be held completely within the Founders Park. Minutes October 8,2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 Board Action Board Member Gilbert made a motion to approve the vendor application for the Wally Watkins Elementary Turkey Trot fundraiser to be held at Founders Park on November 22, 2018. Board Member Kinser seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0, with Board Member Rose arriving after the vote. 3. Consider and act upon Vendor Application for the Wylie Children's Business Fair at Olde City Park on March 16, 2019. Vendor applicant Maricela Callan attended the meeting and answered questions from the Board. The new event will encourage and promote children's entrepreneurship. The target ages of the children is Kindergarten up to 8th grade. The purpose of the date will be the weekend either before Spring Break or after Spring Break. This depends upon the number of participants. The participants will be from the community, not just restricted to Wylie Independent School District. The fair will be promoted by flyers and social media. Board Action Board Member Gilbert made a motion to approve the vendor application for Wylie Children's Business Fair at Olde City Park on March 16, 2019. Board Member Jones seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6 - 0. Remove from Table Board Action Board Member Rose made a motion to remove from the table the discussion on a location for a proposed cell tower in Community Park. Board Member Gilbert seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6—0 4. Consider and act upon recommending a location for a proposed cell tower in Community Park. Director Diaz stated that based upon the Board's recommendation from the last meeting, the applicant is proposing a different location for the cell tower within Community Park. The location is a gravel area that the umpires for the games park their vehicles. There will be no impact to the park or to access to the park, except for the height. The height of the tower is proposed as 115 feet with a fence and equipment at the bottom of the tower. The Board Members were in opposition of the decrease of the lease amount versus the amount proposed at the previous meeting. Chair Robinson expressed concern of stipulating that a portion of the money be delegated to the Parks and Recreation 4B. The Board Members were also in opposition of the issues created by removing the parking spaces for the umpires and the potential oss of trees. Minutes October 8,2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Board Action Board Member Dean made a motion to deny the location for a proposed cell tower in Community Park. The motion was seconded by Board Member Gilbert, and a vote was taken and passed 6—0. DISCUSSION ITEMS Review Parks and Recreation Board Event Chair Robinson presented to the Board an example of Event Sponsorships from City of Keller. The intent is to discuss possibility of partnering with the Parks and Recreation Foundation and have signature event, to benefit the Parks and Recreation. The purpose is to have fundraising and to involve people in Wylie. Board Member Gilbert recommended a family day, but kept simple. Director Diaz stated that an event that the board can get behind is to do a program, similar to Keep Texas Beautiful, called Keep Wylie Beautiful. Director Diaz stated that Arbor Day will be held on Friday, November 2, 2018, with a ceremonial of planting a tree by the Mayor. Board Member Rose suggested having a Day in the park possibly on Arbor Day. Review Master Plan update Director Diaz stated that several vision meetings were well attended and received good input. The goal is to put together a survey based upon the input received from the meetings before the end of November. The intent is to have draft for Master Plan in February or March. Projects update Director Diaz stated that the design for Twin Lakes Ph. 2 has started with the contract process. The feasibility study for Brown House is in the final stages. The projected date to have the Board review the draft is November or December meeting. ADJOURNMENT No further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Rose, and seconded by Board Member Gilbert. The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m. by a 5- 0 vote, with Board Member Dean leaving prior to the vote. Joni Robinson,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes October 8,2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 Parks and Recreation Board AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 12, 2018 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: November 6,2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and act upon approval of the meeting calendar for 2019. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval of the meeting calendar for 2019. Discussion The Parks and Recreation Board reviews the annual meeting calendar for the next calendar year at the end of the current calendar year. Staff has prepared a calendar for Board review and consideration for 2019. Page 1 of 1 „q,,� m wM„•�(^n��"«a �, .w.uu:..w.uu::,,,,.w ...,+�, d< ,:�, ",� �� y.+�":..,� w.uu: a,„u �°4"'rw� a°�; po „,wry” ��" ... ""��"W,.. r �..: ::;,✓�� ��Board V .''�'. VCalendar`r 1 ", r' "Mee�. w" ,. .;, M ,^ 'c w^" '1w ��°" �t1",^p� ^"tn °w �. : r.. .:." � I I N ., � � � ro .. + 2019 April July October ,.. _ 2 3 4 5 Kill 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 4' <t} 9 10 11 12 13 7 ;3'I.S 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ,11 4, 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 1( 4,, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 31 February IIIIIIIIIIIIIIarjIIII.M. August November `... ,......M T W T. .......F S SMTWTF S 'T...... ... ...°'' p.. 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 � at 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 ,"11,; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 26 itil 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 March September December S .<;M ...T.::....... ..T.:... F ':....:..: .°. M.. T W.:.... T F.,,.. M . .F;.... 1IV '.T F°': ' T :` . T... 1 , .<...2 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 ,',' 10 11 12 13 14 8 til'0 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 27 29 30 31 31 30 City Holidays PARS Meeting Schedule January 1-�New Year's (2nd M�tnday©each month} April 19—Good Friday May 27—Memorial Day Deadline for PARB Agenda July 4—Independence Day Submissions September 2 -Labor Day November 28 &29—Thanksgiving December 24&25—Christmas City Council Meetings CITY OF WYLIE Budget Review FAQ's • Parks and Recreation funding comes from the General Fund (GF), 4B%Z cent Sales Tax Fund, and the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund. • The only budget in the GF for is Parks Maintenance (Fund 100-5511). The General Fund comes primarily from property taxes. • The 4B%Z cent Sales Tax Fund supports the following budgets: Wylie Recreation Center(112- 5625), Wylie Senior Recreation Center(112-5613), Brown House(112-5612), Stonehaven House (112-5627), and Parks Maintenance (112-5614). The 4B Fund comes from a portion of sales taxes that can only be used for parks and recreation facilities and services. This fund was approved by voters in the early 1990's. • The Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund (A/I) is funding developers paid as part of their development fees when new subdivisions are constructed. The fees are calculated by the density of the development or a flat per unit fee.The City of Wylie is divided into three Parks A/I zones: West,Central,and East. The funding where the development fees originated from is where the funding for remains in that zone. The A/I Fund does not get funded on a regular basis as do the GF and 4B Fund. Once funds are depleted they are not replenished until more development fees are collected. Since this Fund can only be used for parks development projects the Board has made recommendations for its use to the City Council. The past few years the Board has recommended using the A/I Fund for new projects such as the Municipal Complex Trails. • The GF and 4B Fund Budgets are recommended by staff and ultimately approved by the City Council and the 4B Fund Board. The administration of each of these budgets is by City Staff that report to the City Manager. • User fees collected from the Wylie Recreation Center and Wylie Senior Recreation Center supplement the operations of each of these facilities. Currently the Wylie Recreation Center supplements approximately 40-50%of operational costs from user fees. AS OF: €,1..,„"°?ED 55,:r =-:..18 ., sm:' ,::rr. ,>T ,.P"TrPq" €5118,5.11,€. SALARIES .. _. w. 2831.5,1 Sa.,4475 91 0,11) TT,RSA,10 • 0,,68 11,812551 5 . 9)45 555..1m:11112 SALARIES. 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Et E:,.=„,..,. .,IT 5612-52650 RE 6F..ANINN MERCHANDISE 30S,OD n .00 a75,00 0.00 ..xmmd w' co u_ _n._P_PiP R n R.m., a .;x .A ........,, TOTAL EL4L NOSSETES 12,9346 OW 1 ^ ° w0 12, u,..,..s .eT.,.. .mdwwI,..ma.,61611aas........sn..nn��'w,,.,.n.,t:'2.iu,MA..,eh ,u.uUC 5612-54215 SIPEE S s ALLEYS 0,00 mo ,.{_ o,00 ova o,00 .... 54.12-515.0 HEAVY 51ER1'25._..NT 060,00 0650 5.62 0200 0.00 ..,.....,,, ...,.0 5612,_5.650 S„'°"5:'SE,,,,:C.AalA,li6 6,00 0 ...- ._, .,. .-,,.t .,...,. ..,...." ;.:1?6fe „ st5 COMPUCER .,06,7,6,}a3o,'ta 4^E 0.00 0.00 ..._„v 0,00 0,00 ..,..... 6,0o 15 x1,(""1.'P91W P`:ull<.aE,,P'At.E --...a., m".,,1.m..,s-255 nn A An p.nn 05 so n As TOTAL L Pl€, E&',dkal,,., FDA 1ax'ISTS.A,YC 8.550,00 6,50 8.90 6,eo 6,66 6,66o,00 0,0 AS OF: NOVEPSrER .:87N, 4019 4S BROWN HOUSE DESPIl TIE ILTAI, s..e..>sE,iUPSx .... I,;F rt w.,:r� C,L S.:.iq,CCU .. s5t .i d`h,:rv'S'si .. BE TAD 5"—aPO EIRj7,II1011 is SLC,.S„EA C.•RIII,. ,.ril ABOTIEDE. PIs=44. E,r,C1 ,12.74.r12.:CL R,^:1E BK6240BE 6:.2m56046 SF1 ,A,, 5ESNtd`Fw 56,630.01 6°330.60 .60 , .. 6,06 65,1461,89 10,10 u a..m— }t a.( RENTAL 5,456,05 215,95 r°. ° 151,41 ' 4,096,51 13,03 SN m � 65 .. TRAVEL 0s"tS,..SL.hY., '� a.� S+ �.`�2 5'_ 0 v' 4,400 DO 4 TESAE FENTBANTOBS mS .i a'. 2-57E1C0 CAPITAL RSFLc`R.:S..LL.NT, BEEN .q C7a n➢ &3 Ci :..... TOTAL !,„L-?° SERVICE ; CA?, .��'I°�da�e':� 5612-58 is Z...", ....Tnr.S._Fa;s 0 030 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 .0 TM 5kxS2— via_... PtFURNITURES. Sae.XT U55S 5.00 {:.ae 6,00 0,00 _0. ..wa 0,00 .,,6...G a.._,. 9191,,,,.,..,.s,.. 0,0D 0,0005,000,00 0,000 14,„, 00 .,, ,00 Y ..rN5,,., CAPITAL..tw L,)..S.enj 6,80 S, f:?, ri;-; n � , TOT 4k:a,ts-.,. CUBREN: PRIOR rN,NA,.. s ., „-, '. �i`-�t ,ms„„ % ,_; _y. a ENCUMBRANCEBUDGET FERIOD PO 205,7041,71, ACTUAL EB 9613-51110 SALARIES 6r.2060 . .Fl :, �_7 _,0 6.05 11,216.01 11,1113ti :- .. , 5013-511 30 001116,66124E 4„000,00 62,09 t...,:: EE fi „'� ' L o*.� a. �p� m -. 5:13-517 eS LONGEVITY 3'e,l 526,00 ,. 0,011 920.90 9,00 0,00 161.3-1.:1 8_5 ,slt h LsA1,1111 84311,1,a5:P ts.-.-'ice e:r,9 0.00 0.0oSr.t.. 5613 51.M5 51100„ ALLONANCE 3,750,00 o.00 k.. 44,00 _ n x_�-N�!x:a..�a: CLOTHING„: a'§1:L s.";,,:.,.?�, .., 3 o:.)s. :.,: _ k-s:e.� ,,:_: _ts,e:0 ._ ;,stv .�., �.. kti �:. x'tS13-51310 M111 .... 254:00 k ,.56 85 6 , x, 1,,69 6613 _,-, ,C HOSPITAL 4 14466 61163GRANCE 41,757.00 0:65 :_00 .v_...0 5,05 29,543,10 5,07 - _ 1 K-91440 FICA R :{3,kor2 3u.9Y.,x x.,E E. `k ' a..,339,0E 6t3 99 6 34,136. .:... 0w,e,. ... . OFFICE 5013-021 3' TOO 6.6.113 [,.,:; E.:.:.3.a.L 16,650.04 0.06 -:u,. 169.05 a,...,.. 8,724,49 4.,44 5613632210 :irw,.,..x.,.2v.: SUPPLIES - 2a:574.0' .0:0s 0°0�9 9,50 9 Y-.as„5C MEDICAL al., 5 SURGYSEL 1,550.90 0 0 i.F 0,00 1,550.00 0,061 9613-6E 10 WEARING APPAREL a:, S.1„-Rn2 321.-5 5.05 0,50 0,05 0,00 925,0 E3.E:3 y." .. ..-=,x�, SUPPLIES a..�'o-455.�^S 4�,z2.:S 1:.00 1,069.30 7,9412,416 53,454,24 ...,. , MAIZEP.„092411.2-5,1612-49.1222ESZZL4149999, .9113,-.. 650 S'G:.,111t11Sn1°loGs E1510 0. 6,00 ,0 0.00 0,60 0,00 ,.-,. u;..x.-i 1 21C E#EiI T:MGS .1E ,6o1 4 A No no _00 ` E _1 -0. ,36.025,0,1943 i2Y=1 tk"llaMariS 1Si Er„Ni E°1a" 24,0oo,o0 0,06 ,, v ,.:v k .x -. .... , 112 64O SALES TAX REVENUE FUND ..BUDGET �..°_,,. a.. pp ,..�.tS,'.. ,.Ta.Fi..,.: E,<«.,tMBPA5d,aE m,.atn.-ulc.e._ rp ,.+G:...E7 � � e A ';.dot �•.�r .. .:C,a.f'"„c,{, aA....n..aYtw. »x:.mti0d„,'"...,k m A0»".e0 0.00 0.00 5.5£64 w.. ..E..„. n .," n w,.°}}L[._.� .`.-�t_Gl .<x'ul �.,.-.E �R ..a't2.:,tib_3 .'�.-8 50BB 600410 .,..r,t,kBNmC35}.Sa,4S 3f „ ,.-. ... „..tx 1,380.66 £?;t„ a »v}n n C SxF} RENTAL +.- , a y f= .. ." 7 .T a. .. e i.ast.i= ,.. �.E G ..,..2 _ n„e a 5 '.} mot': 20,1105.59 4,56 TC,arC: E_.T.,.,.,AC7AL SERVICES 14<x ..�,r" 0 460.66 ..__ a,.. .. . .,,,`; "_ rAD,_7rDra a`Bi..?', 6ERT .F to ti tC°°sn 'rri?. PEPE, =?... .,a 5513-58650 LAND _ x... ,,.n as 620,000.00 0.00� _a t r m � �, 5E13- E230 ,?,.mea r-'•�� ;ah ,, art 0 0.06 0.00 m ,,. , _ ,. a �.. ., h_ ,,r ..o, ..,,.,, ...,.E,..:„ -, m ., ti � nS e�;�.:�..? 1E 0 Mn�,r t.a.:. h, �,�.nr Y',,.,,.�`�k _ 0.06. ...i� 5,00 S C? IL-08 2E11P 5123 AM i....ITY OF...WYLIE, FaUE::. DEFEND:TUBES REPORT AS 0T0 1CVEMBER 3E1E8, 2016 112-4B GRANS TAN F"r.tt_324[. < 11E,1,t".T 313 122112461; PE Film..,. .,Alt ,a PE ,..,?.e s`2"_ 2012 T (11MR 111E117 lo1z,.,d, 1DE1: 6 NT...12 "s: is-23 w110,3:;..,. `S Ci'" 1A-541 0 a.M1aitGEVICs PAY 964. ° 3ia,:F' .,.. 0-oD 0,0D 1204.86 0.00 '6 =- 0 1 5 SICK T :SUBBASE F...nts0,00 0,00 0.00 02.00 02012 0,00 6.0B 5614601210 CAR ,... a61465,',229 Phil aE 1,556,00 . ,00: eA _ s 0.00 1.500.00 21.20 5E13..512 4P iI' Gc.T.bil rTl.,?,€.,.< - 3,040 60 ,... .;a0 F..,a.. 6,6G ,z.mE=., 33a23 5 x1;i3-.i•,31P 111P313 3 2,,.,'i= ...tl .. 0.00 9.90 1,649,25 0,00., 0 , ?<,o`s. 6,a.., s,d,t.,;-a.:.tat kztT kaSr3h'., E'M LIFE as IFSUPEM221, 40,554.09 6,90 -y. -a H a .65 561,19E.B4P E9C1E 6 0 x, F„ ...,,, 1 t m . M�Pril3 _TitwG` MEDICARE _,,. ,.F..F 02,00 11.0D a 7 M 5 00 ` 5614.:,: 1-1u11 y,,,ss.S'�i Fn,:nF i,�-�Ssa _.sPT.. 60 av, � 0,00 ak E012602520 TEMEOE'.RY RE0480610E1 n ,�r ° m' toGELEGAGNILE4212 1....,31,r„ CE^.;0P axal., SE.,t L1n Es ,6 „ 11.d% �, 5. ; 611 '" 4- a13E TOOLSF ES'::aP MON-CAPITAL' 12,000,09 0.00 5200 2,102.69 , ,50 814- 2310 FUEL & u7E.,,,4S,RdT1 7,Roo0,9 0.0 „o 0,0, 7,90goo 61.1-5271E HEARING APPAREL 1 UNF, .Pms 0,0n 0,00 0.00 0,00 ..,u 0.00,. 0 66 i 286E MODE SUPPLIES TOTAL SUPPT`FE. 21,100,00 SGAVE2NE .awn. a,.a 0,00 0.60 0,0D -0.00 t,5rODO S,.P 0•T 4-6 x.010 TRAVEL C T'r"!P.IN:NG 000 0,00 0,00 0,00 .T�..,....AE C;:1dEP:1;T`a AL .TEEPI 143,249,00 -, „ .. ,., 0,00 .. 3,,r t ... . ..Fa a.....a Y tY p'a.ca.:,� ',d e'Fd•". F F. :R �...� ENPOOD:TRFES "fia'oPOR 46 EP:`sRev'ov 6t#.`GE7 P FF Yon Po x t".x:;.:_.. _.._. ACTUAL 3,2 Fxi 3FFAc ,"„`E BALAN 3.. ,.�.3Lx:R T70.1, i « 5614-57310 Cif. SERVILE __, .Rs", AGuF;°"` F L.P0 0.00 =.-,- �;e .00 _,.,.r,. N.00 0.00 6614-5753G CAPITAL REPLA.EMENT tF. 707xi O":B i SERVICE 6 =Fs, RF:6= 0.00 0.:L r.0a ,,t ; t ,.,„__ t .. u,00 6'a i§bl 0,00 0,D0 a LL4yoa5c6 MO7CR rn'EHIt'F..6a , ,care e`ti 0,100 0„D' 0,00 0.00 0 , 00 0 .00 S613-56530 s,,l :.Gb on(-an El_ s #5.�;.1 (),0E3 -0 M...d3 .,6930 .3Fs Ld,=N.P,. 7i FIXTURES 0.60 0e043 0.00 0,00 " CR s. =3,66 6,00, 6,F{? 6f3�6 :��.-3>-�.�.t*tt 1P:.�.C4..<. FURNITURE F °.:._.d°:� `�..� cr :,. ,.. c 6r . + 5634°°56.3a CaC.r;.,, :.�:.xw .�, ,� �eS ��_ y n.nn 767ira ,.x,>:.';:us= F',;riL"t-t'X 134 ° 0x "3®6?9.4"? laE?x a3S0._., Pn.,o s^s ,.. 5614 369n,F, ER 4D ,,..6.7` x,.e ..>: ..u,.,.,� ? �.�. .,.�;E,a.�...,�`x,� �..._ �t�,.�,<..;,"_ .,F. .„.�.aw.�.,rir� . W�..,.��� ��._`�: n��.�... ,m 1 ow' S .^a.^r,"...,F, 1311.6 d"k.5353ata°e. r111.63 .. .M.-....aa w U:z�3'�..'a_a,.. '...��. K��..E ?.�..-,a �:.c... 43,3,797..50 15 r 3113. .,_ 0; .4. 3 ..3.,99 3„061 45 a.. .t-. tv.,., G 1 , LOSGEVI Y PAY I,G",.60 0,Oa 6.0£. 0,00 31,. . 1.604.,.. 5,05 5625 2 GU 2 5 SICK €.:+t94w'. ;23 CI„_.Ss` 3.DO ».-{.< ..s a.a G a.CD.. fia.r,.. 22.00 x,.,,.,. .16 .,ER"3T I r""#";T„ P,.,»..,;.:J.;, ...0 0.50 30 4.<iP.0 31,;.,. a.,50 e.,,s .�.»F�. >z ox .,-,..t..� ..«^...,vs .., a .�4� Y -r3_.,. ._. S,P ,� .3.. ��.5�`= -.m... 'i.�,.S: .E'a. 5625 .,....,�'»v PHONE .'h,,.;,...;« 2011,50 0,110 ,f.4 2,100,00 ., 6.,..:... .; 3 x "v ..tx25 51230 33135351112,616 ;A LL33,366,27a3:Y 3135,6 3.60 .360.50 360,50 53,.05 ; _ q c .,F.L.«'^`' €ez, 503}8T1113 ii LIFE; i.PiU!*H.t,C.'.. .Jq..i,SO,,.4.. .. .... 8.e ...4..93 2,I.., e r m 5 _ Ty7, t„ .3ii.. ° WORKERS �„�.�; & x , P. ;:q ?? F.'4,{ .<' ^ , L.. .�.... ,� ;.,.,......,z � „,wb .,.a-. =._wN �.E.y_.s^,a k:„... 1fi,. x .,. .<. ' ,a' .c,4..a 0.:ELtS 3_ e' K ,:s E - ._ „ d ,„_2,m. € , . . ,.m , .. — ta42 w xn : Y?, l 3..133.385 €625"x,2020 E°.,..tm._, ..C.!6121„7Y'.. _„R_ .,i. :..a?`b w 00 e..., a.,c. z_., .s1.50_54 3.;..9 .;625^',.=.F.,- '., COMPUTER s.R ,.Y.,,a.a is^r.:-_. 0,€4c. 4.L..3 ...00. ....00 r^_. 0,40 .xx..w 333,103, ,..,.a.. "".,..�wE 5113211501,41A15 tM'rt .. x.,.,^..:: 4,,t :;3,.3`:; ..C»ii 132713,m.. , .M,..,... ,f,.GIG;..... ......., ,„xY,2,.t.eu r„ 9a.,,Maf.^_.13 6 06393305632.r34..... v,,;3153,00 .,,.7 2 0 .. 160:70 0.00 2,.a.,K.,4,. 0025 '',,a,0 _,.12 06,1121 0E296 63,468.,t '.'. aE. ,333,.05 13..Oa 0,Oa 171.65 0,116 1013,666,04 0,.. :253x2$50 RECK„,:,"u.,,. r . . . 2._00 0,a,. 0,00 D.,OD 0,G .,4, O.00 a 6.e., ,.,,. '4, KEAR 2352 5,1366,14.1531. d 111a.1 .,.. , .,..^_4,.. i,?,E.`•ii ...00 0,w.. 5...s, 5, ...,a__..t 0.COD -tea F y, 5=02S-m453_ ,;,.:£,s ss„.LA.t z _ 3;,J ,._.. ., >. 8 4.4. ,....,to n., _.GI,.a_ O...e `"2 20,0 ..,-.,D>_3._. °.x,,.- .,Gxk,e5in,2Y- .,fie t`OS , z'`-. ». d,.a„t..a ; w, 00 o G....4. 42 e 502 0 !,4.-25 .i3^5.00:6 Am a.^„FY OF _WYLIE s a ,. `'..T3"SI Sae 3., PaE'PAT -.. PY...AEI 3A„..E.. TAx R«.r«, E @`aND CURRE NT CURRENT PRIOR ku,A3 62'.,-E 5US:w^'" 'S_O^ �r^� GET : ¢ « _44 ,,..,... PO ADJUST, AOTPAI. Y' ..-. ,..:.,°^., ,,. BALANCE ira..,....:..^E �6 A = ,3,;6aY'6c 5E25-5E660 ;ASV R IAING 09,191,00 u 5625-5E110 Y2'C',AVRICPERICt33 1,:5?5R S 0.09 0,00 6,00 0.00 1,E00,00 0,00 5625-6E1 0 PEP CLAPS EXPENSED (AEC C R 116,7E0 - 0,60 1,126,09 1,120,0G II4,320.152,03 5E25-50180 RENTAL �_ .;t� �f,.. z^ , 5 _. 35 565-5E210 TRAVEL 4 TRAINING 22°0057^0,a IOE.09 0,00 c10.6` €...;° 22,051,12 2°73 5625-6E25 ' __, " '4 �: .3„,�„i4.EwCatsf7;i t:,a-� ¢3„00 ,_.?'= � 03.13 a; 5E26-50365 ACTIREFET AAAPPIRTAATIVE FE EU,095.0=_ `,,.k .. .r 51 ,c 4._. .> a20 Tv"Y^n9Ae CONTRACTUAL ;iEitx_t.Ca.. 540r04 3` 6,006.ER 5.G0 35.3 3 .r3 2m:Y0,., a _.... .a ,0 5Yr25-57;'43 RRSc,:'SRAS„ PAYMENT =°a.s +,;r.0 0,60 U,AS F..n .: 0.00 ,. 0 i 5625-3 261R cApiTAL REE AssmEu E 2 w ,. Win' PE'"RS ART SERVICE 0 6,00 0,00 0,00 5625 5 >., .P.P, ,_,z_ of a n,F,=. :...x 06,00 EA00 0,00 ,FF�d3 4�.t^ P;=e�,. Y' t. ti .._____. ,....�..s pwi. �.a �s„v..«... ��,.�. ..�..",.�,.x m ,...N. .a.c 61m. _ Q,aa 0.00 4a,000,o0 a, RENTER TOTAL E RECREATION �`E;a„g:.eY s 4m-02- 204.E 0 ,+7 Lid CITY OF WYL IEu r ADE 4 512,2455 .1116LES�° .apt., ECdw2011C. .e~Eaa:;a j .. U m71 . � 3'1Ciz?"^,'s PERIOD PO2L,.rv.�.i.e, ARE L.:..Ia�CL;CL s ,_., e 4 -.5 ....^RTEa 0,00 2, 00 _ 2. 5620-61.112 ..s66it:°�tEw6 - &'AR.m T.lac, 0.01) ;5'0 000 ; .;, '€_ 0 0,131.) 5 Ft 0,02 .62 .Rfint°i 2 b..,c.,:aGg.VTt} PAY .t .r ,:i ..e 0 0,t ,y,,is,., ,.fta>t. :••�-aw ' ..., F k3 w...s,wk 5...;,: CLOTHING r4L.LW.wi;k `,3 'i 0,00 a..v 0,00 0.0 „ n ..6�:."5 E t10 :HOSPITAL:HOSPITAL € LEE: aEEUr�r.�5,�b E 0,00 •..00 0..: 0,OD 0,00 ..,255 2 x " 5E27E51440 PICA 06 11 a 5._2,-514 50 x )"EEPFL COMP PREMIUM :,,.� tee 00 . • n a": 5§,s},,,,5226i0 51560567255, a Si15..5C,11.1, 0, 2222,.s: 00 ..00 - .. t 0,00 D 0. :0 ... yr. 5627- E PECREATICN MERCHANDISEtt ,2 ,...,. 0,00 ., .. 5627-52110 WEBS,,,a. Ste&✓e...E.ry t 52 sc2526,76 ,�:, 2.00 t.00 2 ,-. 0,03 0,.6 . - „ 1 LLe S<.(.n...l aL," 4Ea15 L.S21 ;i_,�"+. .'•B .,,;E�i _L t210 2 " STREETS 5 -, 7 -5,1530 HEAVY ROUE 56 r-"8....E To ., ONG OD 0 0 L -r ,:,.� "`3,^,,..,U .<e.„ .... ter...._. .... ..,r .. '•. „m �. �, ;FENC I351Ukk 5 1111PORD 234B SALES TAX 101100,11U11 .° �C,ttz.i�.,.>'" C.uh•;:;,€e %'Fi. a.•r,:..-. F...2.-:;F ..:a.-C`.a 5§DsaCED % E'}E Fes.,"uaDCE2,1 €:CE1310D 011. s ,37.15n.. EE5.1.103 +3e;a.2 C.,5„5,,0 0 F30CXGC20 r-" .:"�kti2 .a;0 D d',. ,a raln ,.:Fs C,.,,n.,: goo.? 0 ea,0,., 08002,00 0,00 5,00 03.00 o- 5621-56110 ,00 56 °M CLASS EXPEOSES bill 0 °5 1 5 CE m:m 0 -: :.: w�a�. .:�. £ 7::° �.apse wn. :. „ ra 0,00 0,00 •r um DOTAL k.,, nRit.a_ti.,s 5sw1 v k..x 651. 0,06 6,60 0,00 2..... 620,00 0,00 5627-55B157 CAPlDAL F.ES;„a.YCEMEUT FEES n ..,.,..._. �.�... " 5627a53350 LAND-BETTERMENTS '` €a.r:i 0, 0 ..5 5,00 5,00 0.00 627.^^58530 FCmC'511 aUPE & FIXTURES 0,00 0,0G ,....,P .... 0,00 0,03 0.0 562C-53850 MAJOR .COOLS .. ..,,8E1;35E11'1 0,00 0,08 0,00 ,00 ,_`c 5,50 0,5 5,,,F500_05 e e 'w,�.. M ar y.:: ERFENLICTURES REPORT' .Bad h RT FEAEOD VO ,vS.z,?;LCZ, ACTUAL ENCUMFRANCE RA:CASTE BUDGET A ,.EU,. ..n5U `°`A"^�R ��s PAAAK A & ;' WFSa CONE <, , .w. .,r PAR.. .n ,,. EXPENDITDAPP PEE,E7 AS OL', 4wvi'"..:e MEP t"CN, I'rg_Ria"h' A & FUN:, DARK':A h .. REP ZONE CEPARTMENTAL :C'Y.Y'N IauREG ,..... .U, FT. �,�.°vP^a,aG "u s�s.'a°;..�a rRicR YEAR t97 Br3',"�C.Y:", or : i 5621-52130 70oLsi EQUIP M, a—S...a.t.,ePo..[an . 'c`P 0,00 , ;:# .. `fir 5621-5257,0 ROTANITAL & AGRICULTURAL 0.00 0.90 ' JLLRR „90 0.00 9E90 2: ui d'1Ct e _-5t 2' SPECIAL SERVICES 0,n0 0 �: ...e,r „_ ., , �. �;L@F„LPL .;Q.,�RI3r�b ,a RRaL �2 „„y Dm Y x 0 5621 2561, 0 a..;ti.D CNRc F:Asr. 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T 12 ..,....a'P RETREAT/UAL 'SUPPLIES ____ 66 Y5 _ mm�..... __OUR PUFF so..,,., 2............... ..,....,s YR.:" P ._.. 22m5E2W STREET S._N- .T MARKI S S sa TOTAL HATERFAILs FOP MARNTSNANIF ',Do 622 =AA40 SPEC:AL SERVICES OUP 0.00 0,U0 0.0A 0.0 0,00 . _,..��. .,65 ,..G�.t+_._.P_[v.d r4R.4�Es�ITS,On. GJSAE _;t.°' 0.00 B4O0 o,no E?n ,0 D,r0 22 ,,,P, �i°�7�,. r��t35, OTHER TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SO .:3x >,?3'": 0,00 ,.,,.:: _..Fu. ,:.., .., 0,00 5�.�..O°3,..,-.A „H ICSE.S,€n6.a,AE.6.<T:„,,.„..a "�sAL 310,000,00 ,00 < ,,.,. :20',PO <,w'?,�' FIXTURES ., 562<. ,"..„,.. OUTDOOR zCSP..r6an,iPS.,, g PERFUME 0.00 ,, , SUN .. ,.,<,.. B.DO ...., r L.IIIIma`,d"LtL 'w't, BIG22-5940 `6..°PA.,.,xPPa T3 200., GEN PRIMO .. no n nn .. .. rpp.�...�,... ,�.. .. .�..�..»6 An ..c1a 2s<. C. .G.. L_aA,<x,...,FuA ....I,. .,. 5.00 ,......, 0,00 II,ww O..._ f3.op 7cTiyp BARK A T 1 i.ONpA,xU 'r..? Ma'.'r". '.t`.t s.. EXPENDITURES REPCT 2"xfi5. 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GJ �l� ., rh4xa+prr..,, " 6 ....a Cl" c:�__.�' l�",x ( '- 1 I --- t 1 w i. Cake, 2 y� 0 / ram T ?.. 3 e. Kingsbridge p - ; Park - IL 5 W w aa. " i 1 i.....Irrrrararrnarrwarwr4 ,/, /'} `�1 , It r STONECREST T`RL 'L�.OAKS ' .. ! > fl 1r....�ra..�a.�r{...r1/1....111 ' RAIN Tf -' .. w" ., East 4,1 ...lc reekside DR ��� . a Estates Fork ' oS E.k Park ' North Park WINON - , c "" ram_- I- .. cOR �� .�`` NAT CIA f ' \., RUSHING WAY Prt rr�Iaa.ullrrrtaJFr11ArNi#rlra {a�r#rr#r.arst i "" t w . „„ BOXWOOD LN STARPOINT 1 ' " REAGENEA • } � Avalon (Lavon FriendshipPark /� ��, 47 1 tI: , ,47,4 �� , " ! � �� e w fake) Park Yt DR MALat JVv U�{ �.",, �ar�ra�u ��rr� m�ecc— �� �, �. „„, 1 RELIC TEAKWOOD DR �� GJ a � � l �� Trinity _�� 1 2m .4 r CR�EEl, JACOB DR SUMMERDALE LN `; `" Creekside (,, Fll Trailhead vv_ LEN�C7 CREEKSIDE, tr . 0 IISON D 2 Wylie ' y, Estates E� a LEE O t ESTATES 1 rr m, i3 R South Park ., ,� �� �, s � �. �� Lakes �__ _�_�_��_ �__ �_�. . POSEY LN erg ui � � `' 1 JAYDEI � � a,�, Park . �R PHASE 9 A� < OLUMBUS LN N��E'hQ'Affi(a. — C aJ y IL..#..E DR 0 �'\ _. _ rn k :^aay �•1 t �...,� �.ti..+. ? 'd..,,�," t CICY LN WAY .� x Dodd ������� ( _.-� H ) 0 GAAI0 , ,/ 4".` y. ,' �` ..ar.arira.r r.ar.rr �ac.rcR . o r, T'V d�^�y. 1 `T` L 1 � Park rr�rr�as�i' �_ t'----- ! ' " 3," 0041° as " `..A 4 "'6bsTtE�Efi•.".:SZ"'.2`S 'fi'Pvr'�,igt r.�. &.7'/K AJ S'�. �� f ".' y t,..'F h,' ' Tom' iy �.�.. .. .ry�y„r i..t ...,gG4£ 1✓+ 44, ?8'v,''uwe+�yrv9„'Sl�k'.{la { , r•3 I REDA LN as a� a a „ze/ 1/1 '�,. 1 1, ._..,. W f 0 s r crwamay; L__.. �l , <C 0 \ L.-s C"I i r M 7�t t I 1 ( '' ra ,aaa-a ,-- as_�I Wylie ;\. Riverwa Park - GR. , Birmingham a_rr.rra_"--E cl,/1),)„,„„))//2\")2 : 1 _ "� y �' ,, g ■ Lakes ""` Srk.I t� I 1 r`+" 'i"� Farms Phase 47ir�{r�rrwan#rarer{r�ar�rrarrrawrK*��♦ 1----I �'� ,'.} "... i{ Park 2 '� "``\.. k !1➢ 4� l" s, 0 _NI.LJ F ♦ �"I .0 ��' as3sa3CKaM:,, et, ate, eme / �� . � ' K LN 14A Park .,. �. � � � . Dili 2 r LLI O� ""ft WestZone rt ., / ,. Birmingham r' � RII � s �? �C)A RC u. �� cc �' 1 Sage �. 7,t,,,,,, N f— <CI CL ,..� aFarms Phase . ` �Creek LAKE RA$ U) t q �, ..r�*{ s{..► t .C° `' �. �,,,. ", "�` ' LINCOLI t DR TL1 {r�i**tr*� {a+r a{a► r C3 � aa �t.1; G�1 h 1 B {{vs „a{� >aa Park " � � o Meadows of 4 Park Meadowview {{�{,,,; {;{,,...{{ Iil � ir -. e ' t Birmingham NN DR J Estates Park „{rrr{{- f{sr.%{ ", � . 1-.: 44) KENNEDY DR ♦ r{,r,.{i{a {wr{o+k, 4 `t {.r „„. { NTB �EWIS RANCH' as �q \ Phase 2 Park O „ O aran4{a�{r{ %::a{ r, ''' . j 7 ---_�. :HO:37:S Joel Scott .• «lvvv PHASE 2 �. ,. TIRE ��.'�'�. D �'" '" - :u� _ a•S"`A.,„'?E3rJT•R O O < Memorial ,.•► � L'� �1 "���r."PRE 9ttdcf � 1_. 'Ili 0 � �� �' .:.,,STONo. neCALLIECTs� � Park �� �- BISSEL WAY :� REATADROR �_ w.. OR Re er c rr �C' C ~ ,C> ---',_ . i ._.. WYNDHAtvt C C LEWIS �1�L11�1C?N` ''C` ,.,., i FOR T R Sage Municipal li .w., THE PARC "� � , S�3ERIDAN AT 1N,Y�IE c� t` ? �AVaIOn Addition RANCH �� �� f APARTMENTS a� � IKI LNONTAG�aPHASE 1 '{ , Creek Trail Complex p - _ BI BMI�NGF AM EAST . F �✓� � � �_� Phase 1 Park NA DR Eureka Lewis ��, _ � # / :' '�� 4 s cl 6 GLENDALE DR C)) ,� D AD Wooded Oncor Park Ranch "' / "�" It`�"/"� 4._-- �� } Park GOL IIti wAMESTOWN DRr,'` j � ING Creek Park COLLIN,COLLEGE �� NEW HAVEN AT Park ' 1 O I EL as IMas :aaaa ,a.aaaaa •a3aa• `t ` 4,,V DR CAMPUS,(FUTURE) kAWYLIE 0 ,. as ; Lu ADDITION IE 0 1 _._ .�___ Y 3'^vanazzaamlaa3mv`lawas3"„u�a'i:;F,vy�k"iw,:.42i",3T'flt'b• t t Et r H71 0 Kreymer Estates t ,". ` r o (Senior Assisted Olde W MARBLE ST it co Li � �� Y ELOT DR Lakeside ,.� Living)W OAK Sr ' Phase 1 & 2 Park 6 w LA EFIELD DR v t R ... ',,: 1ST i - ' 0 Estates "�� Park rk "� �� .v � "� `l ELLIOT a ' Park pit LSlDE DR '1 CHS IRE LNAvalon '" '' 0Parkside K URI IIVMAS T EEKDR Ire.,•, �� ,„ t` `f II �` MAJES Grayhawk t \ PEENING ST Phase Y x)ONO Park 4117 � � Creek Kirby Kreymer Estates OGUlAST;PI:14-St 2 Park Park �\a Hollow ' . KREYMER 1MOSSY . ���� � vIT � ', �� �, �, � ' Park Phase 2, 3, �r " N �`� ► � ' ��� ..,�. � , 1 �� �; �, �``," �� r ' ,� �, � Park ° & 4 Trails 1 ��, � • ��,. r R i KREYMER EAST / � ��� w" 11.Eeaaaava �`,�`1 1 e�r�l r t�r�uvt.tt dF,,y aaa } '2 � � K / �^ �-- fl1 � � � �,waaaaamzaa�aaa� COOP , G H , F2 0 a Fs'' Y GRAYHAWK PARK ' -� �_....._� -� r a ww �: �. aa,� aa, a a,. � LL! Lt C '` .. .w ' Ili) KREYMER STEEL RD1 _< Founders 0 4 0 rn < 0 a EAT 1 '` %f001.150-5,,,,14/e4 c '` t oPHASE 3 ' 'r' OODBRIDGE Park m 0 _ r�4htE•,„ j 1 w rY .`�`t:,,' ` E STIOA G: el'D,. 'r• ^ -- vw, ,s;, e„ _ ,,;z am,, r`` l i+' PHASE 21 Woodbridge0 �� / �� � " Phase 21 Park Valentine DUNCAN WAY CRESTVIEW LN �r � �y ���' 1`y `�' EfER✓ALCM O DR ; �, Park " PIRATE C D� " �_" {µby im { Ak. "'EXCHANGE sT ,� WESTGATE . LNG tfitLl.SfLN CEDARt �L DR / �' �" i Rw�EL APARTMENTS ' Bozman Farms � 1} n� OA BROO �� �: i ` ' t �" K DRBOZMAN .�,` j t � " R �� r. WILLOW WAY y,,,,,:471,,,w+0,,,,,.\,H,1:171:T_I\ �' v ( - . r'G A S WOODBRIDGE {� Community �StateS Park FARMS ` , v "' yTOWNHOMESii � � l - - i ��� STONEYBROOK DR Park` LaRENE DR � D ESTATE'S 1? 7 ��� (' Alley . N � s ,) 1 HENSLEYLN t ALFRED DR COt � EKE I"RL � �' Fa- �•,• :•� : « csccs,rccc: a •saa€ :. :yaW N TR \ r Stone LAKE TRAVIS DR ;-, 0 vLA ut �, ��i .,'' 1 �, ,� r,: I DR 1 C'l Ranch MILFORD DR LAKE WICE fITA DR TWIN OAKS DR �.:' "" Ste`�r' t ��� N :a •.a i zl: �,as2 BOZMAN FARM t �., r' �, 11 I \ -7<, KRi a LN FlA1 bDDEN VALLEY C Rt E TEXOMA DR ��. Park LAB a E•S=ELI a,D:MI•EM/a,,,, aG,E£., ESTATES � ► ° � ,�. i �, �._ � l a c " D DR PH. 5B WILLO�•7 ,. �� rDR Z c � a WIEELIS RD �� //-',::), ) �.__�= a � Southbrook Park Twin ' fl#BOZf,, jr` I , -. ENA p �" .........r_ ...r.._.r......r...)...:...... 0 � Lakes MAN.0 0 • <J �• MARTIN DR " h t " /, FARM j .:r,,`' MSCPark a as a aalta. ESTATES PH. 6 �}' : ; r� �. / 'O CAR _L DR I-ac „ „ Its (s, w:,.,,,:r," GLEN`S .,',: O �Sa �. a aaaa � aaaaa .n k' ,l SUN MEADOW DR ER CR SHADYBRO1. , y �� .� (�� DR ,C �1 BAV��� ' EK RIll 11 1 `' � , ° �f ROCKBRO , N� ;i' '<«"� 'y BOZMAN RD O r'' ( . D. r OP '3 r L �1' I Ii ELaM 7R s,,,aaaa � Braddock Place)) .. P ARK LW' e- 0 ,. Dominion C � r� � Phase 1 Park , ) r �\--r of Pleasant , ~ ! ' c Va I I ey Trail a �' ,4,„ ,.a,nt ,a. , � rx,�tr rasar •�E ," Ora ��` � � �; RD r 7) �. 1 r ,`� `� CEDAR POIN r,' 1 •} yM� CRLEKSID L � ,,' r�\ >-tt 1,0 -- (-It:� s.5.. .., �� ?#O � Braddock Place , „,. • e `., p _ ��`� Emerald Pheasant , ,- --~ EARK Phase 2 Park -\, _-_ , , �`•% �' „, ,,..:» D �'` _; a � Creek Park ��,.. � "`''r.'•{a Vista Park , „r' ��������� Wry s� � fie . is''r I , .iN. )\ v..... ��!v Dominion 4iOMINIONOF ��'� , ..,, 2 11 PLEASANT' ,} '`�' A �� .1 �� of Pleasant ��VAI`�EY �` c, ; �.. �' � {tea{rr{{ �EJ 1 9 `, ,•► L_. Valley Park ' ',r. , JAMESLEED 4, v" h �• i >.♦ p Q �' rartoe / •? DALLAS RD "A, G /co, ,,,, ,,,,„ Central done t�{� ,,, § ,„ „, „, „„ „„ _ 1 aR♦r„ ru}� U �. Lake Ray , 4 'i) � , .',as"S['u11't.,yu�,rw6."„y�':"r�'.uicvTt I �� ;). Hubbard , ,1I Dallas County c Muddy Creek - ' Preserve at Wylie ' �' * 1� } NAME OWNER NOTES TYPE STATUS ZONE ADDRESS Avalon(Lavon Lake) Park USACE Lavon Lake in Wylie city limits Regional Park Developed East Zone Unknown °, Avalon Addition Phase 1 Park City Backstops, Soccer Practice Field City Park Developed East Zone 1312 E Brown St City of Wy I ie „ , 1, , „‘„..., .. ,,,,,„„,,,„,„,„ Avalon Phase 2 Park City No amenities City Park Undeveloped East Zone 213 Kings Ct + ^"*' "'' Min-` Birmingham Farms Phase 14A Park ;;: :.,. . :a;::::,:; ;yA ,::: :; City Trails, Playground City Park Developed East Zone 725 Odenville Dr Birmingham Farms Phase 14B Park City Drainage&utility easement Utility Easement Planned East Zone N/A fir 111, Bozman Farms Estates Park City No amenities City Park Undeveloped East Zone N/A p a rks I n fo rm at •I 0 nBraddock Place Phase 1 Park City Future Park- Utility easement crossing City Park Undeveloped Central Zone 1300 Elm Dr Braddock Place Phase 2 Park HOA Future Park- Utility easement crossing City Park Undeveloped Central Zone 1401 Cedar Point Dr �Y Community Park City Athletic Fields, Playground,Trail Athletic Complex Developed Central Zone 800 Thomas St FCreek Hollow Park City Trail connection to woodland boardwalk City Park Developed West Zone 307 Crosscreek Dr Creekside Estates North Park City Playground / Drainage Easement City Park Developed West Zone 1600 Peggy Loftice Dr Creekside Estates South Park City Playground,Trails City Park Developed West Zone 3105 Hinnant Ct Legend Dallas County M uddy Creek Preserve at Wylie Dallas County Trails County Park Developed Central Zone 5351 Pleasant Valley Rd Dodd Park City Backstops, Cricket Ground, Soccer Practice Field City Park Existing West Zone 1501 Selma Ln Dominion of Pleasant Valley Park City Open Space Neighborhood Park Developed Central Zone 111 Dominion Dr Dominion of Pleasant Valley Trail Utility Easement Open Space, hike&bike trails, utilities Trails Planned Central Zone N/A lra i I East Fork Park USACE In Wylie city limits Federal Government - picnic, campground, boat ramp Developed East Zone Unknown Emerald Vista Park City Future Park City Park Planned Central Zone Not yet assigned Eureka Park City Basketball Court, Playground,Trail City Park Developed East Zone 351 Rutherford Ave Founders Park City Athletic Fields, Playground,Trail Athletic Complex Developed West Zone 851 Hensley Ln Park Zone Friendship Park City Basketball Court, Playground,Trail City Park Developed West Zone 1621White Ibis Way Grayhawk Park City Trail, Pavilion City Park Developed East Zone 2301 Ray Hubbard Way Joel Scott M emorial Park City Skate Park, Pavilion,Trail City Park Developed East Zone 405 N Westgate Way Kingsbridge Park City Trail, Bridge, Parking Lot City Park Existing West Zone 2600 Irene Dr Park Jpe npace Kirby Park City Playground City Park Developed East Zone 300 M asters Ave Kreymer Estates Phase 1&2 Park City&HOA Playground,Trail City Park Developed East Zone 101 Lyndhurst Dr Kreymer Estates Phase 2,3, &4 Trails City&HOA Trail City Park Developed East Zone N/A Lakeside Estates Park City Basketball Court, Soccer Practice Field City Park Developed West Zone 101 Springwell Pkwy Development Projects Lewis Ranch Park City Playground,Trail, Pond, Dock City Park Developed East Zone 4041 Quincy Ct Meadows of Birmingham Phase 2 Park City Trail City Park Developed East Zone N/A M eadowview Estates Park City Trail City Park Developed East Zone 406 Carver Dr .ra�aar."�"""""r': M unicipal Complex City Trails,Open Space City Park Developed West Zone 300 Country Club Rd \/Vyl i e C it Limits Olde City Park City Playground, Pavilion/Gazebo,Veteran's Memorial City Park Developed Central Zone 112 S Ballard Ave y Oncor Park City Disk Golf City Park Developed East Zone 961 E Brown St 1111111111-11111111111111112111111112111111111111111114 Parkside Park City Open Space City Park Existing West Zone 2106 Lakefield Dr Pheasant Creek Park City Playground, Pavilion City Park Developed East Zone 1705 Harvest Crossing Dr Riverway Park City Playground, Pavilion City Park Developed West Zone 1200 Riverway Ln „, W lie ETJYSage Creek Park City Playground,Trail City Park Developed West Zone 1109 Wooded Creek Ave Sage Creek Trail City Trail City Park Developed West Zone 2906 Ryan Dr ED ate : 817 /2tJ 1 8 Southbrook Park City Playground City Park Developed Central Zone 231 Shadybrook Dr Stone Ranch Park City Playground,Trail, Historic Property City Park Developed Central Zone 803 Moreno Ct Trinity Trailhead City Equestrian Equestrian Developed East Zone 1815 Skyview Dr 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Twin Lakes Park , City Open Space City Park Undeveloped , Central Zone 326 Canyon Lake Dr 1 inch - 1 0 0 feet Valentine Park City Playground, Pavilion,Trail City Park Developed Central Zone 1202 S Ballard Ave �������� ��������� M I es Woodbridge Phase 21 Park Oncor Future Park and Trail Future Park and Trail Planned West Zone 320 Springwell Pkwy Wooded Creek Park City Future Park-Trail Connections City Park Proposed West Zone 2616 Spanish Oak Trl Wylie Lakes Park City Playground,Trail, Pond with Fountain City Park Developed East Zone 2123 Megan Ct ____ Wylie Lakes Park 2 City Trail City Park Developed East Zone behind 1916 Spencer Ln Project Update Completion Date Park Zone Budget Funded From Parks,Recreation,and Open Space Master Plan Online survey open until Dec.14. Fall of 2019 All $ 141,740.00 4B _Benchmark tour on Nov.30 _ Braddock Park Concept Design(with MP) No updates. Fall of 2019 Central $ 29,980.00 A/I Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection design Work starting on Ph.2 and 3 design. Fall 2018 Central $ 34,000.00 GF Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection Bid process to begin after design of Ph.2/3 is Summer 2018 Central $ 250,000.00 A/I construction completed Brown House Feasibility Study Final Plan meeting. Will schedule with Board, Winter 2019 Central $ 49,400.00 4B Council,and possibly Historical Review Board Parkside Park Concept Design(with MP) No updates. Fall of 2019 West $ 30,000.00 A/I Stonehaven House Feasibility Study Working on finalizing vendor agreement. Summer 2019 Central $ 50,000.00 Hotel/Motel