11-12-2018 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes IA/
WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,November 12,2018-6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
300 Country Club Road#100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chairperson Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Rose, Board
Member Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Kinser, and Board Member Gilbert in attendance. Board
Member Jones and Board Member Swendig were both absent from the meeting.
Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary Janet
Board Member Chesnut nominated Board Member Jones as the new Vice-Chair. Board Member Rose
seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0.
No citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the October 8, 2018
Regular Meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Kinser made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 8, 2018 regular
meeting. Board Member Gilbert seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0.
2. Consider and act upon approval of the meeting calendar for 2019.
Board Action:
Board Member Gilbert made a motion to approve the meeting calendar as is. Board Member Kinser
seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0.
Budget Review for FY 18-19
• Director Diaz explained that the Parks and Recreation funding comes from the General Fund (GF)
4B IA cent Sales Tax Fund, and the Parks Acquisition and Improvement(A&I) Fund. The only
budget in the GF is Parks Maintenance which is funded from property taxes.
The 4B 'A cent Sales Tax Fund supports only parks and recreation facilities and services (Wylie
Recreation Center,Wylie Senior Recreation Center,the Brown House, the Stonehaven House, and
Parks Maintenance.)
The A&I funds come from developers for development fees when new subdivisions are constructed.
There are three Parks A&I zones: west, central, and east. Generally this fund is reserved for new
projects but can be used for upgrading existing park facilities; however, this fund is not typically used
for operational reasons.
The GF and 4B Fund budgets are recommended by staff and ultimately approved by the City Council
and the 4B Fund Board annually.
User fees collected from the Wylie Recreation Center and the Wylie Senior Recreation Center
supplement the operations of each of these facilities. Any money collected for classes or fees goes
back into the 4B fund. Staff will possibly be looking at amending usage fees in the upcoming
calendar year.
Director Diaz reviewed budget FAQ's for Parks and Recreation and went over the current 2018/2019
fiscal year approved budget. He noted that the Wylie Recreation Center Budget is funded by 4B 1/2
cent sales tax and user fee revenues and it is not funded by the GF.
Board Chairperson Robinson recommended staff use social media to aid in educating Wylie citizens
about how the Parks and Recreation funds are derived. Board Chairperson Robinson requested a
future FAQ on bonds and review of the remaining departmental debt. Board Member Rose
requested a detailed report on 4B revenues for fiscal year 2018/2019.
• Master Plan update.
The Parks, Recreation and OpenSpace Master Plan is underway with the online survey remaining
open through December 14. The Benchmark Tour is scheduled for November 30 with an anticipated
15 people expected to attend.
• Projects update.
The design for the Southbrook and Twin Lakes second and third phase trail project will begin soon.
Staff has one more meeting scheduled with the consultant to review the final draft of the Brown
House Feasibility Plan. Staff is working on finalizing the vendor agreement for the Stonehaven
House Feasibility Study.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Gilbert. Board Member
Kinser seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48
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Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary o i Ro•inson, Parks Board Chairperson
Minutes November 12, 2018
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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