12-10-2018 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda December 10, 2018 – 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Joni Robinson .................................................................................. Chair Emmett Jones .......................................................................... Vice-Chair Dan Chesnut ..................................................................... Board Member Matt Rose .......................................................................... Board Member Bobby Kinser ..................................................................... Board Member Phil Gilbert ......................................................................... Board Member Brett Swendig .................................................................... Board Member Robert Diaz .............................................. Parks and Recreation Director Brent Stowers ................................................................... Parks Manager Janet Hawkes ................................................................. Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 12, 2018 Meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a “Little Library” project in Olde City Park by Girl Scout Troop #7271 . December 10,2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 DISCUSSION ITEMS • Budget Revenue Review for FY 18-19 • Acquisition and Improvement Fund Subcommittee for FY 2018-19 projects. • Master Plan update. • Projects update. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 7th day of December 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed 1 .1 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday, November 12,2018—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairperson Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Rose, Board Member Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Kinser, and Board Member Gilbert in attendance. Board Member Jones and Board Member Swendig were both absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary Janet Hawkes. ELECTION OF BOARD VICE-CHAIR Board Member Chesnut nominated Board Member Jones as the new Vice-Chair. Board Member Rose seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the October 8, 2018 Regular Meeting. Board Action: Board Member Kinser made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 8, 2018 regular meeting. Board Member Gilbert seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0. 2. Consider and act upon approval of the meeting calendar for 2019. Board Action: Board Member Gilbert made a motion to approve the meeting calendar as is. Board Member Kinser seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS Budget Review for FY 18-19 • Director Diaz explained that the Parks and Recreation funding comes from the General Fund (GF) 4B 1/2 cent Sales Tax Fund, and the Parks Acquisition and Improvement(A&l) Fund. The only budget in the GF is Parks Maintenance which is funded from property taxes. The 4B 1/2 cent Sales Tax Fund supports only parks and recreation facilities and services (Wylie Recreation Center, Wylie Senior Recreation Center, the Brown House, the Stonehaven House, and Parks Maintenance.) The A&I funds come from developers for development fees when new subdivisions are constructed. There are three Parks A&I zones: west, central, and east. Generally this fund is reserved for new projects but can be used for upgrading existing park facilities; however, this fund is not typically used for operational reasons. The GF and 4B Fund budgets are recommended by staff and ultimately approved by the City Council and the 4B Fund Board annually. User fees collected from the Wylie Recreation Center and the Wylie Senior Recreation Center supplement the operations of each of these facilities. Any money collected for classes or fees goes back into the 4B fund. Staff will possibly be looking at amending usage fees in the upcoming calendar year. Director Diaz reviewed budget FAQ's for Parks and Recreation and went over the current 2018/2019 fiscal year approved budget. He noted that the Wylie Recreation Center Budget is funded by 4B '/2 cent sales tax and user fee revenues and it is not funded by the GF. Board Chairperson Robinson recommended staff use social media to aid in educating Wylie citizens about how the Parks and Recreation funds are derived. Board Chairperson Robinson requested a future FAQ on bonds and review of the remaining departmental debt. Board Member Rose requested a detailed report on 4B revenues for fiscal year 2018/2019. • Master Plan update. The Parks, Recreation and OpenSpace Master Plan is underway with the online survey remaining open through December 14. The Benchmark Tour is scheduled for November 30 with an anticipated 15 people expected to attend. • Projects update. The design for the Southbrook and Twin Lakes second and third phase trail project will begin soon. Staff has one more meeting scheduled with the consultant to review the final draft of the Brown House Feasibility Plan. Staff is working on finalizing the vendor agreement for the Stonehaven House Feasibility Study. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Gilbert. Board Member Kinser seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. ATTEST Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Joni Robinson, Parks Board Chairperson Minutes November 12, 2018 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 Parks and Recreation Board Y_ 1E AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: December 10, 2018 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Parks and Recreation Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: December 6, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider and act upon approval of a"Little Library"project in Olde City Park by Girl Scout Troop #7271. Recommendation Motion to recommend or deny the "Little Library"project in Olde City Park by Girl Scout Troop #7271. Discussion Representatives with Girl Scout Troop #7271 have approached Parks and Recreation staff regarding the placing of a"Little Library" in Olde City Park. The "Little Library"will be constructed and installed by the Girl Scouts as part of their Silver Award project. Parks staff will assist the Girl Scouts on location of the library and installation. The "Little Library" will be maintained by Girl Scout Troop #7271 after installation. Staff has researched these types of projects, they are popular and are placed not only in parks but many civic and commercial facilities as well. Staff does have some concerns after this library has been installed, mainly maintenance and upkeep of the library. The Girl Scouts have communicated in the attached letter their intentions regarding the maintenance and upkeep of the library once it is installed. Staff is also attaching some pictures of other libraries that have been placed around the country for reference. Representatives from Girl Scout Troop#7271 will be in attendance at the Board meeting to answer any concerns or questions. Page 1 of 1 Robert Diaz From: Natalia Duran <nataliadurandv@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2018 9:55 AM To: Robert Diaz Subject: Little free library December 4,2.018 Dear Parks and Recreations Board,. We are a part of Girl Scouts of North Texas,troop 7271.We are working towards our Silver Award,this is a community project meant to benefit the city of Wylie,.and for that we would like to create a"Little Free Library".A little free library is a creatively designed box with books stored inside,safe from the outdoor environment.A little free library is meant to inspire a love for reading within the community..and provide easy book access to everyone 24)7.People are encouraged to take a book and leave a book so that there is always a variety of books available to everyone.The library is not only efficient,but it will unite the community by bringing people together The little library will be checked on regularly by Girl Scouts,We are currently working on a sign up page for Girl Scouts to volunteer to check the books and make sure the library is in good conditions.We arc currently fundraising to buy the supplies for building the little free library.We arc still not sure on the exact date that the library will be complete,but we are estimating around late May.Once the library is complete wv would love to be able to put it m Olde City Pork because we feel it will be the most beneficial if placed here.lithe little library is placed at Olde City Park it will be more easily accessible to children who love the playground,and others who eat at restaurants nearby and etc. A little free library is an amazing asset for any city.Little free libraries do so much more than just hold books;they hold communities Little free libraries arc meant to bring people together through the love of literature.This small but meaningful addition to our city would bring so many amazing opportunities.We hope that you choose to bring a little free library into Wylie because it is so much more than just a box with books. Thank You, Natalia,Screen and Chloe 1 ^ti � wl. y ✓' _s" r".„ A '^ " 'f (, ,? I . , ., , , i a.. 0',„ gy ,`- �"' a g p 1 ' ,4 A , .., ..,.»m..��. a � a ,' iiii ` y W " b : if h - L FPlryt 0.„ • ... 0 = ,1 b `:„, '^aw -70 " r� ¢ice-' W y % , , xe rA', o A .., tl'i" „ ^ -'ewe _ 'vd.= ,I' ay �, ^af,,,.„,,�$„°,,,, '�7, ,d,„ ' - . ,"01,, ';t«.Na'k^a ti'" _ • u ',''I� ipy t AM-SW 9 ';'1rrrA Q° ` <- "tiR�' 1,l, r �1`! j, ""Y. ., „ Mit • ,yiti, a ."..y'«i^:, ,'. , , . "Irrr "• 'v- ,, '. =`� ;: �'r°�. "." anti...�•Pr .m,« ., .. - ,.Ar';` ar. "^* �. 1n" .4,.aq � ,rt 3>„� .k,,K,, tt„,:„Lk rk:`r7", '.v.,..zw �f ',„.''.„ t,=C.',,d C;. r+,. ,: " .w:.i,�ama„- 1.0k -a �w. i, ;-, ,` >';_ .;k''',,,4a>r, ;,ui�:. - ; ,-4,:s"�"-:''".os.` e=,';st-E,ottot-ov a ";,,:::«'''.x;,"" h Fa , ,L,o,,j „4a.A.�, °7• '"`iY „..*+4 ;t.4A4;., *'r, '�i"`v+:s, • an'„-"a 2^, 444" h44A4 ae',,� 4,4X S444°44 4.«r � ^t,,, `Y d! a'4,4,4i. -sS.' aaft @, �'u ,��„°'m ,,H'`'k RI'. �, u, .�q,... 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Interest&Misc. Income 202,500 1,482,190 700 e. TOTAL REVENUES 38,922,175 9„079,590 8,549„14" Tranzifer,f.from Other Funds 2273,616 18,150 385,650 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 55,912,242 16,130.086 9,601,997 394,333 EXPENDITURES: General Government 11,093,238 15,145 - - Publtc Safety 21,995,285 1,903,000 Do,e opment Ser%ices 1,413,671 - - Streets 3,418,451 - - - Communttt ScrviciS 4,737,512 4,0'1,093 .. Utilities ` Ikbt Sol ice _ 8,450,636 385,650 Capital Projects I"conomic Development 4,736,927 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 42,658,15" 10,726,165 8,450,636 385,650 l`ransfers to Other Funds 403,800 ENDING FUND BALANCE * S 13,254,085 S 5,000,121 S 1,151,361 S 208,683 ' Budgeted Use of Fund Balance for one nmc purchase.,of fleet and equipment. 2 CITY OF WYUE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 100-GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2016-2017 2017-2018 2017-2018 2018.2019 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET SERVICE FEES 100-4000-44121911 FEES 432,323 420,000 420,000 420,000 100-4000-44122 ALARM PERMITS 298,226 280,000 280,000 280,000 100-4000-44123 ANIMAL CONTROL FEES/FINES 38,752 40,000 40,000 40,000 100-4000-44124 ALARM MONITORING - - 100-4000-44126 ETMC TRANSPORT/MEDICAL FEES 8,600 10,000 10,000 10,000 100-4000-44132 DEVELOPMENT FEES 431,552 250,000 250,000 278,000 100.4000-44133 MHP INSPECTION FEES 5 - 100-4000-44141 TRASH 2,221,336 2,250,000 2,250,000 2,368,800 100-4000-44151 CONCESSION FEES/VENDING - - 100-4000-44153 LIGHTING FEES 37,936 40,000 40,000 40,000 100-4000-44155 LEAGUE ATHLETIC FEES 33,946 30,000 30,000 30,000 100-4000-44163 WYUE WAVE YOUTH ACTIVITY FEES 58 100-4000.44156 RECREATION CLASS FEES 100-4000-44170 MOWING(CODE ENFORCEMENT) 11,122 27,000 27,000 25,000 100-4000-44181 UBRARY FINES 54,770 50,000 50,000 52,000 SERVICE FEES 3,568,625 3,397,000 3,397,000 3,543,800 FINES AND FORFEITURES 100-4000-45110 MUNICIPAL COURT FINES 442,450 460,000 460,000 400,000 100-4000-45130 COURT ADMIN/WARRANT FEES 71,737 72,000 72,000 68,000 100.4000.45131 CHILD SAFETY FEES 7,841 6,400 6,400 6,500 100-4000-45132 CIVIL JUSTICE FEES - " 100-4000-45133 JUVENILE CASE MANAGER FEE 14,866 15,000 15,000 13,000 100-4000-45138 TRUANCY PREVENTION&DIVERSION 2,973 3,000 3,000 3,000 100-4000-45139 TEEN COURT PROGRAM 403 - - 100-4000-45140 CODE FINES 17,050 20,000 20,000 17,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 557,321 576,400 576,400 507,500 INTEREST INCOME 100-4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 79,536 49,000 40000 50,000 100-4000-46150 INTEREST EARN'NG5 100-4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST - 100-4000-46211 BANK MONEY MARKET PAYROLL - • - INTEREST INCOME 79,536 40,000 40,000 50,000 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 100-4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME IOW 3,000 3.400 3, 100-4000.48120 COMMUNITY ROOM FEES " _ a. 100-4000.48125 PARK PAVILION RENTALS 4,183 2,500 2,504' 1,500 100-4000-48130 ARTS FESTIVAL 70 - - 100-4000.48310 RECOVERY-PRIOR YEAR EXPEND - - 100.4000-48410 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 219,770 130,000 130,000 130,000 1004000-48440 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS 10,710 10,000 10,000 16,000 100-4000-48450 CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE FEES 2,697 - - MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 240,430 145,500 145,500 152,500 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 100-4000-49131 TRANSFER FROM SPECIAL REVENUE - - 100-4000-49151 TRANSFER FROM UTIUTY FUND 2,112,861 2,166,807 2,166,807 2,273,616 100-4000-49210 PROCEEDS FR SALE OF CAP ASSET 86,034 - - 100-4000-49325 BANK NOTE PROCEEDS - - - 100-4000-49400 BOND PROCEEDS FROM DEBT ISSUE - - - 100-4000-49401BOND PREMIUM/DISCOUNT - 100.4000.49450 COUNTY PROCEEDS - 102,070 102,070 - 100-4000-49600INSURANCE RECOVERIES 926,376 - OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 3,125,271 2,268,877 2,268,877 2,273,616 TOTAL REVENUES 39,688,062 39,855,13S 39,855,135 41,195,791 9 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND The Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (the 4B Corporation)was established to promote park and recreational development within the City of Wylie. The activities of the 4B Corporation are accounted for in two fund types.The two funds are titled the 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund and the 4B Debt Service Fund. The special revenue fund accounts for the use of the 4B Corporation sales tax revenue and is restricted by State legislation to improve the appeal of the City as a place to live,work, and visit through the promotion of park and recreational development. Sales taxes are levied in Wylie at 8.25% of goods and services sold within the City's boundaries. Departments in this fund include 4B Brown House, 4B Senior Activities, 4B Parks, 4B Recreation Center, 4B Stonehaven House and 4B Sales Tax Combined Services. 97 City Of Wylie Fund Summary 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund Audited 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund Ending Balance 09/30/17 $ 2,992,341 Projected'18 Revenues 3,512,775 Available Funds 6,505,116 Projected '18 Expenditures (4,076,465) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/18 $ 2,428,651 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance-10/01/18 $ 2,649,203 a) Budgeted Revenues'19 3,331,300 b) Budgeted Expenditures'19 (3,515,243) c) Use of Fund Balance-New/Replacement Fleet&Equipment (366,650) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $ 2,098,610 d) a)Increase due to estimated carry forward of funds for Brown House Feasibility Study, Parks&Open Space Master Plan,and 3/4 Ton Truck. b}Total includes sales tax revenue and revenue from the Recreation Center. c)Includes expenses for projects from carry-forward funds listed above. d)Policy requirement is 25%of budgeted sales tax revenue($2,600,000 x 25%=$650,000) 9ii: CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND REVENUES 2016-2017 2017-2018 2017-2018 2018-2019 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET TAXES 112-4000 40210 SALES TAX 2,627,376 2„831,475 2,831,475 2,600,000 TAXES 2,627,.376 2,831,475 2,831,475 2,600,000 SERVICE FEES 112-4000-44150 RECREATION MEMBERSHIP FEES 545„536 475,000 475,000 525,000 112.4000-44151 CONCESSSiON FEES/VENDING 112-4000-44152 RECREATION MERCHANDISE 2,954 4,000 4,000 3,000 112-4000-44155 LEAGUE ATHLETIC FEES , � - w 112-4000-44156 RECREATION CLASS FEES 189,889 180,000 180,000 180,000 112-4000-44169 FORFEITED GIFT CARD - SERVICE FEES 738,379 659,000 659,000 708,000 INTEREST INCOME 112-4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 6,820 4,800 4,800 4,800 112-4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST - - 112-4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST - INTEREST INCOME 6,820 4,800 4,800 4,800 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 112-4000-48120 COMMUNITY ROOM FEES 18,262 15,000 15,000 16,000 112-4000-48310 RECOVERY-PRIOR YEAR EXPEND - - w 112-4000-48410 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 2,355 2,500 2,500 2,500 112-4000-48440 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS - - - MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 20,617 17,500 17,500 18,500 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 112-4000-49600 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 518,523_ OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 518,523 - - TOTAL REVENUES 3,911,715 3,512,775 3,512,775 3,331,300 CITY OF WYLIE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND COMBINED SERVICES 2016-2017 2017-2018 2017-2018 2018-2019 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 112-5000-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 7,278 7,278 36,330 112-5000-56310 INSURANCE - - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,278 7,278 36,330 OTHER FINANCING(USES( 112-5000-59125 TRANSFER TO RECREATION FUND 112.5000 59132 TRANSFER TO 4B DEBT SERVICE 386,000 392,150 392,150 385,650 OTHER FINANCING(USES) 386,000 392,150 392,150 385,650 COMBINED SERVICES 386,000 399,428 399,428 421,980 112 Membership pass revenues Fiscal year 2011.12 2012-13 2013-14 2014.15 2015.16 2016-17 2017-18 Oct $ 26,354 25 $ 26,045.25 5 22,505.00 $ 25,882.75 $ 23,908.25 5 29,559„25 $ 28,795 90 Nov 5 26,283 25 5 31,50I.25`$ 30,934 25 5 33,186.75 5 28,841.25 $ 35,011.61 $ 31,976.85 Dec 5 37,319 25 5 34,009.00 5 34,310.25 5 41,790.25 $ 42,323.45 5 40,343 45 $ 41,449 20 Jan S 49,297 50 5 50,190.25 $ 54,448.75 $ 72,921.75 5 75,078.00 5 64,058.05 5 60,427 74 Feb 5 62,083 50 5 45,686.25 5 48,069 75 $ 45,817.50 5 45,567.25 5 50,630.75 5 50,262 70 Mar 5 52,163.50 5 51,845.75 5 47,660.00 $ 62,156,25 5 48,321.00 5 51,656.10 5 51,559 85 Apr $ 66,468.75 $ 56,177.25 5 44,693.75 5 42,26335 5 36,180.50 5 41,436,75 5 46,678.90 May $ 39,758.25 5 41,048.75 5 41,760.00 $ 52,234,25 $ 36,113.00 5 46,233.85 S 46,51760 June 5 56,607,25 5 52,313.00 5 53,103.75 5 55,193.00 5 52,463.60 5 56,871.83 $ 64,997 00 July 5 45,739.50 5 38,207.25 5 38,050.50 $ 45,797.75 5 46,870.67 5 51,054.65 5 54,895 25� Aug 5 39,714.25 $ 32,930.00 5 35,379.50 5 42.898,75 $ 47„592.26 5 47,028.66 5 46,570.50 Sept $ 26,948,75 $ 32x.219,00 5 31,788.00 5 30,365.00 5 25,535.18 5 31,651.10.$ 35,023.25 $ $28,738,00 5 492,274,00 5 482,703 50 $ 550,50775 5 50804,41 5 545,53605 5 50,15474 Class revenues Fiscal year - including senior include senior include senior 2011-12 2012.13 2013.14 2014-15 2015-15 2018.17 2017-18 Oct 5 6,019,34 $ 6,506.77 $ 6,554 99 5 4,170 90 $ 5,947,05 5 5.151,55 5 5,104.26 Nov 5 6,860-.53 5 10,201.16 $ 4,312 05 $ 5,124 78 $ 4,481 50 5 3,394 19 5 4,957.40 Dec 5 6,014.59 $ 8,195.49 5 11,207.26 $ 9,836 84 5 13,377.29 5 I0,254.15 5 18,4130.10 Jan $ 10,729.28 $ 10,96467 $ 11,439.07 $ 1I,652 94 5 12,95710 5 11,193.59 5 9,727.17 Feb 5 8,278.38 5 9,043 75 $ 7,795.55 $ 7 172.60 $ 17,525.41 $ 20,034.48 5 8,805.40 Mar 5 8,448.06 5 8,152.13 5 6,795.95 5 9,230.57 $ 15,512,85 5 11,03630 $ 12,091,10 Apr 5 12,279.04 5 14,335.61 5 14,239.56 $ 14,644.30 5 9,777.20 $ 12,188.90 5 7,726.50 May $ 12,712.20 $ 23,382.42 $ 39,762.76 5 25,57166 5 34,791.70_ $ 49,173 74 S 51,656.59 June 5 8,747.67 $ 15,920 99 5 27,284.42 $ 19,415.41 $ 24,978.16 $ 24,577,12 $ 26,694.75 July $ 8,231,95 5 12,932 24 $ 19,368.71 5 15,465.30 $ 13,303 53 $ 15,819.75 5 16,835.25 Aug $ 11,284.98 5 9,118.26 $ 10,888.12 5 12,871.21 $ 19.255 79 5 20,581.23 $ 21,111.40 Sept $ 5,471.94 $ 7,592.65 $ 6,138.73 5 5,042 15 $ 5,058.84 $ 6,484.05 $ 8,590.95 5 105,07796 $ 136.1.4€i 34 S JF. ;..-7.11 5 „41198f4i,, 3 V7.067'12 3. 189,889.45 S 1"i1,?108t updated 7-9-18 Project Update Completion Date Park Zone Budget Funded From Parks,Recreation,and Open Space Master Plan Online survey open until Dec.14.-1250 12/3/18 Fall of 2019 All $ 141,740.00 4B _Completed Benchmark tour on Nov.30 _ Braddock Park Concept Design(with MP) No updates. Fall of 2019 Central $ 29,980.00 A/I Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection design Work starting on Ph.2 and 3 design. Fall 2018 Central $ 34,000.00 GF Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection Bid process to begin after design of Ph.2/3 is Summer 2018 Central $ 250,000.00 A/I construction completed Brown House Feasibility Study Looking to schedule possible meeting with Board, Winter 2019 Central $ 49,400.00 4B Council,and possibly Historical Review Board Parkside Park Concept Design(with MP) No updates. Fall of 2019 West $ 30,000.00 A/I Stonehaven House Feasibility Study Will begin in January/February 2019 Summer 2019 Central $ 50,000.00 Hotel/Motel