11-06-2018 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes AIR are F Wylie Planning and Zoning WYLIE Commission Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday November 6, 2018 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:01 p.m. A quorum was present. Commissioners present were: Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Cory Plunk, Commissioner Mike McCrossin, Commissioner Brad Emerson, Commissioner Jade Duan, and Commissioner Bryan Rogers. Chair Ron Smith was absent Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Development Services Director, Jasen Haskins, Sr. Planner, Kevin Molina, Planner,and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. 0.4 INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Rogers gave the Invocation. Commissioner Plunk led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Owens opened the Citizens Participation. Ms. Amy Wilson, 1502 Bankston Drive, and Ms. Joelle Fox, 1500 Bankston Drive both expressed concern about a drainage ditch on Talladega and Bankston. Staff will do research and get back in touch with them. Chair Owens closed the Citizen Participation. CONSENT ITEMS Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 2,2018, Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to approve the minutes for October 2, 2018, as submitted.Motion carried 6-0. Minutes November 6, 2018 Wylie Planning&Zoning Commission Page 1 of 5 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing Public Hearing—Replat Greenwav-78 Lots 2R &4 Hold a public hearing to consider,and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat of Lot 2, Block A,Greenway-78 Addition creating Lots 2R &4, Block A,Greenway- 78 Addition, for commercial uses on 2.036 acres located approximately 900ft west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and FM 544. Staff Presentation Mr.Molina stated that replat will create two commercial lots within Greenway-78 Addition on 2.036 acres. The purpose of the replat is to allow for the development of a Jiffy Lube auto shop that measures 2,984 square feet on Lot 2R. Lot 4 is undeveloped with no plans for development at this time. The Site Plan for the Jiffy Lube development is on the current agenda for consideration. Public Comments Chair Owens opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Owens closed the Public Hearing. Board Action With no questions for the applicant or Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin and seconded by Commissioner Duan, to recommend approval to the City Council for Replat of Lot 2, Block A, Greenway-78 Addition creating Lots 2R and 4, for commercial uses on 2.036 acres located approximately 900 feet west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and FM 544. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Regular Agenda Item 1—Site Plan Jiffy Lube,Lot 2R, Greenwav—78 Addition Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for a Jiffy Lube auto service repair shop, on Lot 2R, Block A of Greenway-78 Addition on 0.858 acres. Property located approximately 900ft west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and FM 544. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a one story 2,984 square feet on 0.858 acres. The property is zoned Planned Development 2004-43 and allows for the minor automobile repair use by right. The site plan will be providing 11 parking spaces, measuring 10 feet by 20 feet in size. The replat for the subject property is on the current agenda. Board Discussion Commissioner Plunk questioned the location of the dumpster in relation to the property behind the subject property. Mr. Michael Doggett, Winkelmann & Associates, 6750 Hillcrest Plaza Drive, Suite 325, Dallas, representative for the applicant and engineering "1 firm for the property,stated that the applicant intends to re-develop the property behind the Minutes November 6,2018 Wylie Planning&Zoning Commission Page 2 of 5 subject property.The current traffic of 18-wheeler trucks will unload on the westside of the existing building behind the proposed property. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to approve the Site Plan for a Jiffy Lube auto service repair shop, on Lot 2R, Block A of Greenway-78 Addition on 0.858 acres.Property located approximately 900 feet west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and FM 544. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Item 2—Site Plan Professional Plumbing Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Professional Plumbing, on Lot 5R, Block A of Century Business Park Addition on 5.02 acres.Property located at 1322 Century Way. Staff Presentation Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is proposing to develop an addition to a one story industrial building as an expansion to a Contractor's Maintenance Yard use consisting of 5.023 acres.The lot is zoned Light Industrial (LI) and the use is allowed by right. The existing structure is 12,145 square feet and the applicant is proposing expanding by 8,400 square feet. The current structure is legally-nonconforming as it sits nine feet eight inches from the north property line. The current Zoning Ordinance requires a ten feet setback. The addition will be built with a ten feet setback and the Zoning Ordinance allows for the expansion of a legally non-conforming structure as long as all of the additions are built to current standards. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers and seconded by Commissioner Rogers to approve the Site Plan for Professional Plumbing, on Lot 5R, Block A of Century Business Park Addition on 5.02 acres. Property located at 1322 Century Way. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Item 3—Final Plat Kingdom Court Phase 2 Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Kingdom Court Addition Phase 2 to establish three residential lots on 7.976 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of County Road 489 and west of SH 78. Staff Presentation Mr. Haskins stated that property is within the City of Wylie Extraterritorial Jurisdiction on 7.976 acres, north of County Road 489 and west of State Highway 78. Phase I of Kingdom Court was approved in March 2018. Because the plat is outside the city limits,Collin County will review and approve On-Site Sewage Facilities(OSSF). Board Action • A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin,and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to recommend approval to the City Council for Final Plat for Kingdom Court Addition Phase 2 to establish three residential lots on 7.976 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally 0.4 located north of County Road 489 and west of State Highway 78. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Item 4—Preliminary Plat AGKF Retail Center Addition Minutes November 6,2018 Wylie Planning&Zoning Commission Page 3 of 5 Consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block A AGKF Retail Center Addition, creating a single commercial lot on 0.90 acres located west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and Eubanks Lane. '�► Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the property totals 0.90 acres and will create one commercial lot to contain a retail shell building that measures 6,240 square feet, located west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and Eubanks Lane. The development will provide a 20 feet North Texas Municipal Water District access easement.The easements will ensure that no obstructions are placed in the view of vehicles turning at the location of the proposed driveway entrances. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Duan, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to recommend approval to the City Council for a Preliminary Plat for Lot 1,Block A AGKF Retail Center Addition, creating a single commercial lot on 0.90 acres located west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and Eubanks Lane. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Item 5—Site Plan AGKF'Retail Center Addition Consider,and act upon,a Site Plan for a retail shell building,on Lot 1,Block A of AGKF Retail Center Addition on 0.90 acres. Property located west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and Eubanks Lane. Staff Presentation 0.11 Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a one story 6,240 square feet retail shell building on a single lot consisting of 0.90 acres. The retail shell building is providing 26 parking spaces with two of those being Handicapped spaces. The parking will allow four tenants in the retail shell building. As presented the site plan complies with all the architectural, landscaping and site requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The site plan is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Board Discussion Commissioner Plunk expressed his concern of disjointed weaving of access to the property, and no direct crossover provided off State Highway 78.Staff stated that both Fire Marshall and City Engineer reviewed the plans and made no comment for the crossover. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers and seconded by Commissioner Duan, to approve the Site Plan for a retail shell building, on Lot 1, Block A of AGKF Retail Center Addition on 0.90 acres. Property located west of the intersection of State Highway 78 and Eubanks Lane. A vote was taken and carried 5 — 1, with Commissioner Plunk voting in opposition. Item 6—Preliminary Plat Dominion of Pleasant Valley Phase 3 7 Minutes November 6,2018 Wylie Planning&Zoning Commission Page 4 of 5 Consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 3, creating 153 single family residential lots and 3 open space areas on 55.669 acres and dedicating the necessary rights-of way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located at the southeast comer of Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the property totals 55.669 acres and will create 153 single-family residential lots and three open space lots. The property is located within Planned Development 2017-31 and allows for a variety of single family residential lot size configurations. • Lot type A - The plat proposes 22 residential lots with minimum lot area of 8,400 square feet. • Lot type B - The plat proposes 41 residential lots with minimum lot area of 7,200 square feet. • Lot type C - The plat proposes 90 residential lots with minimum lot area of 6,000 square feet. • A minimum of 22 percent of the land shall be used as open space. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin,and seconded by Commissioner Plunk to recommend approval to the City Council for a Preliminary Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 3,creating 153 single family residential lots and 3 open space areas on 55.669 acres and dedicating the necessary rights-of-way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located at the southeast corner of Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. A vote was taken and carried 6 - 0. Ms. Bradley reminded the Commissioners of(he next meeting on November 20, 2018. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Man to adjourn the meeting. All Commissioners were in consensus. Ra ,y Owens, Chair ATTEST: Mar y Bradkry, , ley, Adminis mye Assistant 17.04A4Vt Minutes November 6, 2018 Wylie Planning& Zoning Commission Page. 5 of 5