02-05-2019 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet •FO i anninZoning Commission,, , , , - ifiliffer , -..;_,..... . 0 , . , 4,16) Ai OF livto. ,r _,,, --"s'**---'-sNNss\\\\H1 di ire ' -----.7---- „,,, iiii ,,i„, 4'y., -..:./ .., ' o .- .wrr 7,.........-t.: , • .1,44.11,..,• J=grim—es,ii,,,C7,'4 ,$-17 - look ilicj71",COLORAOO —+w. R CA FE RAIL ,4Y A '' 9 1 ' - OF TV,` " e ruary 9 Regular Business Meeting Planning & Zoning Commission I NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda February 5, 2019 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, TX 75098 Ron Smith Chair Randy Owens Vice Chair Brad Emerson Commissioner Cory Plunk Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Bryan Rogers Commissioner Jade Duan Commissioner Renae 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie webs ite: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from January 15,2019, Regular Meeting. February 5,2019 Planning&Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Azure Addition to establish 1 commercial lot on 1.101 acres. Property located west of the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. 2. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Azure Pools, on Lot 1, Block 1 Azure Addition on 1.101 acres. Property located west of the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. 3. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for North Texas Municipal Water District, creating one lot on 5.032 acres, generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. 4. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for North Texas Municipal Water District, creating one lot on 5.032 acres, generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. 5. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Site Plan for North Texas Municipal Water District, on Lot 1, Block A of North Texas Municipal Water District on 5.032 acres, generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. 6. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Brookside Estates Addition to establish 73 residential and four open space lots on 14.599 acres within Wylie's ETJ, located at 2121 Stone Road approximately 1800' east of Kreymer Lane. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on February 1, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed h,,gov Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting January 15, 2019—6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chair Ron Smith presided the meeting and called the meeting to order at 6:02PM. Commissioners present: Chair Ron Smith, Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Jade Duan, Commissioner Bryan Rogers, Commissioner Cory Plunk and Commissioner Mike McCrossin. Commissioner absent: Commissioner Brad Emerson. Staff present: Ms. Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Mr. Jasen Haskins, Senior Planner, Mr. Kevin Molina, Planner, and Ms. Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION &PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Plunk gave the invocation and Commissioner Duan led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS No citizens were present wishing to address Planning and Zoning Commission. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from December 4,2018, Regular Meeting. Council Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to approve the Minutes from December 4, 2018 meeting, as presented. A vote was taken and the motion carried 5 — 0, with Commissioner Plunk abstaining. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition to establish 33 single-family attached lots, 1 commercial lot and two open space lots on 4.825 acres. Property located north of the intersection of County Line Road and Neva Lane. Minutes January 15,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 1 Staff Comments Mr. Molina addressed the Commissioners stating that the preliminary plat will create one commercial lot, 33 townhome lots, and two open space lots on a 4.825 acre tract. The plat is a mixed-use development due to commercial and townhomes that will be developed concurrently. The property is zoned Neighborhood Services and townhomes and commercial uses are allowed by right. The development will create a 50 feet wide road to provide access to the townhome units, and dedicate approximately 18 feet for the widening of County Line Road. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. A Site Plan for the development is on the current agenda. Commissioners Comments Commissioner Plunk questioned the requirement of minimum size of commercial necessary for mixed- use. Staff stated that the Zoning Ordinance does not clarify the size of the commercial use. The Ordinance is subjective in this manner to allow for a variety of layouts depending on the development situation. The Ordinance requires the commercial and residential developed concurrently. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, seconded by Vice Chair Owens, to recommend approval to the City Council for Preliminary Plat Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition to establish 33 single-family attached lots, 1 commercial lot and two open space lots on 4.825 acres. Property located north of the intersection of County Line Road and Neva Lane. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. 2. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition, on Lot 1, Block A of Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition on 0.842 acres. Property located north of the intersection of County Line Road and Neva Lane. Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 4,000 square foot general merchandise store on 0.842 acres. The preliminary plat is on the current agenda. The use is allowed within the Neighborhood Services District. The development proposes 14 parking spaces with two being handicap parking, which exceeds the parking requirement. A five-foot wide sidewalk will be constructed along both County Line Road and Neva Lane. As presented the site complies with the landscaping and architectural requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioners Comments Commissioner Plunk reiterated the purpose of calling the development mixed-use when it is small lot commercial surrounded by an exceeding amount of residential. Staff responded that the development is more neighborhood services, which serves the surrounding neighborhoods. For a development located on major thoroughfare the requirement for commercial would be larger due to the region being larger. Chair Smith questioned the threshold. Staff stated that there is no percentage threshold,but allows the developer Minutes January 15,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 2 flexibility, as well as the Commissioners, and ultimately Council on making the decision of the percentage. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to approve the Site Plan for Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition, on Lot 1, Block A on 0.842 acres. Property located north of the intersection of County Live Road and Neva Lane. A vote was taken and carried 5 — 1, with Commissioner Plunk voting in opposition. 3. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Absolute Automotive Addition to establish one commercial lot on 2.222 acres within the W M Sachse Survey,located at 51 Steel Road. Staff Comments Mr. Haskins addressed the Commissioners stating that the preliminary plat will create one light industrial lot on two acres, and a 0.222 right-of-way dedication for Steel Road. The Site Plan is on the current agenda. The property exists as an abstract and the developer desires to improve the property. The Zoning Ordinance requires a plat and site plan. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, seconded by Vice Chair Owens,to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Absolute Automotive Addition to establish one commercial lot on 2.222 acres within the W.M. Sachse Survey, located at 51 Steel Road. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. 4. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Absolute Automotive, on Lot 1,Block A of Absolute Automotive Addition on 2.222 acres.Property located at 51 Steel Road. Staff Comments Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is proposing to redevelop a one story commercial building for an automotive use on a two-acre lot. The existing structure is legally non-conforming due to being vacant for several years. The applicant is proposing exterior improvements including architectural materials to bring the structure in line with current standards. The preliminary plat is on the current agenda. The front of the building has existing 14 parking spaces. In addition,the applicant is proposing additional pavement for drive aisles and parking spaces. The drive aisle at the northeast corner is only 20 feet, in lieu of the required 24 feet. The City Project Engineer and Fire Marshall both approved due to drive aisle not being a drive thru or a required fire lane. The applicant proposes to use one-third of the building for minor auto shop and a warehouse use for the reminder portion of the building,both uses are allowed by right. Commissioners Comments Commissioners questioned the existing roll up doors to the rear of the building. Staff stated that a majority of the property has an existing utility easement,which prohibits any pavement for parking or access to the doors. In addition to the easement,the applicant is proposing the area for a warehouse use. Minutes January 15,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 3 Commissioner Rogers questioned the determination of the weight of the brick,hardi-board. Staff stated that staff will review the construction plans. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, seconded by Commissioner Duan,to approve the Site Plan for Absolute Automotive, on Lot 1, Block A of Absolute Automotive Addition on 2.222 acres. Property located at 51 Steel Road.A vote was taken and carried 6—0. 5. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Crossroads Wylie RV Addition to establish one commercial lot on 10.22 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located on East FM 544 approximately 200 feet north of the intersection of Vinson and County Line Roads. Staff Comments Mr. Haskins stated that the property is located within the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the county of Collin. The 10-acre tract is across from Braddock Place Phase V, north of the Vinson and County Line Road split. The plat combines three tracts into one lot. The plat dedicates 5-feet of right-of-way for FM 544 and places a 30 feet building as a setback. The applicant has stated that the proposal will be upscale RV Park and stated that there is a market for this development in the area due to the close proximity to the lake. Commissioners Comments Commissioners questioned the definition of passing easement dedicated on the plat. Staff responded that the wording is another word for access easement. The property includes an existing residential structure and the easement allows access to the residential structure. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, seconded by Commissioner Plunk,to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Crossroad Wylie RV Addition to establish one commercial lot on 10.22 acres within Wylie's ETJ,generally located on East FM 544 approximately 200 feet north of the intersection of Vinson and County Line Roads. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Railroad Addition, Lot 5R, Block 23; Being a Replat of Lots 5,6,7,8, Block 23, establishing one lot on 0.344 acres, located west of Fifth Street, and north of Masters Avenue (407 Masters Avenue). Staff Comments Minutes January 15,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 4 Mr. Molina stated that the purpose of the Replat is to combine lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 to establish one lot on 0.344 acres. The applicant is requesting to combine four lots into one larger lot to allow expansion of an existing single-family residential structure. Although the replat will combine the lots into one,the applicant will need to apply for a variance to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for setbacks. Public Comments Chair Smith opened the Public Hearing.With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Plunk, seconded by Commissioner Duan, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Replat for Railroad Addition, Lot 5R, Block 23; Being a Replat of Lots 5,6,7,8 Block 23, establishing one lot on 0.344 acres, located west of Fifth Street, and north of Masters Avenue (407 Masters Avenue). A vote was taken and carried 6—0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Commercial Corridor (CC), for retail purposes on one acre, generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road,and more specifically at 2505 Country Club Road. ZC 2019-01 Staff Comments Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is requesting to rezone a one-acre property located at 2505 Country Club Road from Agricultural-30 to Commercial Corridor. The property to the south and west, is zoned Agricultural, the zoning to the north is Commercial Corridor. Properties to the east are outside the city limits. The applicant is proposing a single retail development of approximately 8000 square feet. The applicant is providing two concept plans. The applicant is working with the property owner to the north to obtain a shared access easement. A final site plan and plat will be submitted for the Commissioners review once easements are finalized. Three comment forms were mailed to the surrounding property owners. One response received in favor and no comment forms received in opposition. Public Comments Ms. Donna Bradshaw, represented her parents, Mr. and Mrs Bobby Mitchell, residing south of the subject property, spoke in favor of the request. Ms. Bradshaw recommended that the site plans included in the packet be labeled "Preliminary Site Plans"and "For Information Only," so it was not construed that this development be constructed as shown and reflect the requirements in the Zoning Ordinance. The location of the dumpster was also a concern. Staff stated that the site plans "For Information Only"will be noted on the plans prior to City Council. Staff recommended that if the Commissioners agreed,may note with the motion,that when the final site plan is submitted,the dumpster be located on the northwest corner of the property. Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing. Minutes January 15,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 5 Commissioners Discussion The Commissioners agreed on noting the plans with"For Information Only"prior to consideration by City Council. Commissioners discussed the location of the dumpster on the exhibits. There is no residential property to the north and recommended that on final site plan,the dumpster be located on the northwest corner of the property. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Commercial Corridor (CC), for retail purposes on one acre, generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road, and more specifically at 2505 Country Club Road. A stipulation that upon submittal of a site plan,the dumpster shall be located on the northwest corner of the property. A vote was taken and carried 6— 0. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Duan, seconded by Vice Chair Owens,made a motion to adjourn the meeting. A vote was taken and carried 6 -0. Ron Smith, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes January 15,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 6 Planning00 & Zoning g Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 05,2019 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Azure Addition Date Prepared: January 30, 2019 Zoning District: PD 2019-01 Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Azure Addition to establish 1 commercial lot on 1.101 acres. Property located west of the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. Recommendation Motion to recommend to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Azure Addition to establish 1 commercial lot on 1.101 acres. Property located west of the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. Discussion Applicant : Roome Land Surveying Owner: Azure Pools LLC This plat will be creating lot 1, Block 1 of Azure Addition and measures 1.101 acres. The tract of land is located west of the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis drive and is zoned in PD 2019-01. The applicant is proposing to develop a two story commercial building for office showroom/warehouse use. The proposed use of the business is for the sale of outdoor pool and patio accessories. This plat will be dedicating 6,671 square feet of right of way for the future widening of W Alanis Lane and will be creating the proper visibility and utility easements. The City Fire Department has waived the requirement for a fire lane due to the site having a unique topographic grade change. Fire and other emergency vehicles will still have the capability to maneuver on the proposed driveway. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Council consideration on February 26, 2019 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 02-01-19 Page 1 of 1 0. d • .e, a t, , o ao so ao !"6"'imelllle"" NO . W Alams Lane '..."•,,,..„.., ' +,'7,' '',.:..,,,,... , ' "................. -... ,,, ' .-..............,..‘,..1,..,,,.,2aszsoss loss, 'VI. so% A , , Lot 1 Block 1 brags 4,P,AP Se,II/7.01, ,. A 9H AV 'L. 5 9(t4e f OINT OF ES.... ' t ' Aare Pcds LC Ppresentat.nara t B.) ;'''' '------ ' _ F Preliminary Plat Lot 1, Block 1 Azure Addition 1.101 Gross Acreage \ 4 A 4 Legend Being all of 1.10 Acre Tract Recorded under CCU`201.10728000783760,CC.L.R. Richard D.Newman Survey,Abstract No.660 City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas lamely,2019 ,. '' 44" 4,f RoomeI MIKA I ; n n r A e a a a or e a I EU(ACION 4' i Land Surveying , n ai LOCANTITT NIAp 1 Phone(9,2,21 372 F.1(P7.2 423 7,3 ....KJ°,eau.eyt g am f I No 10013100 Planning00 & Zoning n g Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 05,2019 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Azure Addition Date Prepared: January 30, 2019 Zoning District: PD 2019-01 Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Azure Pools, on Lot 1, Block 1 Azure Addition on 1.101 acres. Property located west of the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. Recommendation Motion to recommend for a Site Plan for Azure Pools, on Lot 1, Block 1 Azure Addition on 1.101 acres. Property located west of the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. Discussion Engineer: Helmberger Associates,Inc Owner: Azure Pools LLC The applicant is proposing to develop a two story commercial building for office showroom/warehouse use on a single lot consisting of 1.101 acres. A preliminary plat for this site is also on the agenda for consideration. The lot is zoned in a Planned Development that allows for outside display and storage of merchandise. The proposed use of the business is for the sale of outdoor pool and patio accessories. The commercial structure measures 5,056 square feet on the first floor and 1,566 square feet on the second floor with a total square footage of 6,622 square feet and will require the installation of a fire sprinkler system. The City Fire Department has waived the requirement for a fire lane due to the site having a unique topographic grade change. Fire and other emergency vehicles will still have the capability to maneuver on the proposed driveway. The site is providing 14 parking spaces with driveway entrances from W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. A four foot wide sidewalk will also be installed along both street frontages. The design of the site plan shows the installation of outdoor pool accessories that visibly represents the type of services that the business provides. The entire site will be enclosed by a six foot tall wrought iron fence with sliding gates at all the entrance driveways and an outside storage area that will be screened by an eight foot tall masonry wall. The exterior material of the building is primarily made up of brick, stone and stucco. The design of the building provides an Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 enhanced entrance with architectural offsets. As presented this item complies with the site, landscaping and architectural design requirements for PD 2019- 01. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date RO 02-01-19 Department Director c„... FIGURE 4-T SITE DESIGN REOUIREmENTS FIGURE 4-5 LANGSCAPING DESIGN REOUIREMENTS P.4. VA., Nai• VAIIVIT i F';'i I : - F:-.7-,,i.iipz---,Apio•;7'5"'74,... : I i /I i .-- i ' 11,LP21,7;r : „„.. 2: Erg Eii.'-i-OIKTor=-.4=Tr,.-,r. . : : ''''''''" EloTv.71,°".:-.EIFIC4i-L:'::... F.M. 54.1 ------- .N..N. i="44. :: :.'"':' -:;1;l'lia'li%O'' .:917,:'.:' o' '',;' =:::::::::=7,',... oroz... .1./// : ,..., FIGURE 4 ME-9 ARCHETEGTURAL DESIGN REOUIRENTS : : C DSIR. FLOW TINS. +.474.23 RIO ...... It.""I.t.i.:ThartatI.'"... 'tt.:Itti.'JnIitisiMmi°I tt.. . ALANIS DRIVE , :'''.0 '''''' .-.. ... ...... (.L. ,- l"go:4'vNir:1rl:1.7J4o1:a?*"4.r-I-''- "1-.1- ---c' T : " NITY MOP „ , EPA OSA A Zl (NO E A/R 5751NESS PORK ..„ VOL. N. PS. 349, CCOP 2- T. ,,,I.Vi,V..7,74.ir.777:::.`,77- N .:?"--r------- , - raPI.:17,04V.g.,"«ro4ggo-ororv, ....., ,,, ,,,, 1 SMH.3 '.... 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OATS NO 4¢ NO-- DRAINAGE DI AIDE LINE -ROW/LOT L ING ' ''''=, ratt:L'.ME111LER.pE Cl ' :**** 'I, -*II'S* up 19721 4421459 LSPLAN dgn 124,2313 3 43 31 R04 ,c4::'':::::::::',7;:'V:'':'T;E'c''Hw.:L.'7,,:i.",m,,E:.:.,:TEE,N.0,„ Scale: 1/8" = 1 ft. 12' 4" 16' 7" 11' 1" 27' 10" 11' 1" 4' 6" 4' 2" 8' 4" 1' 6" 16' 10" "9 '6 "11 '31 AGENDA REPORT Initial Date D N E G E L AGENDA REPORT Initial Date D N E G E L AGENDA REPORT Initial Date TBPE F-312 WWW.HALFF.COM ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION FAX (214) 739-0095 TCIRTSID TEL (214) 346-6200 RET RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081-2275 AW Wylie, Texas 1201 NORTH BOWSER ROAD LAPICINUM NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SAXET WATER OPERATIONS CENTER HTRON 3#MUDNEDDA8102/03/301 R noitpircseDetaD.oN Revision MIN. 1' - 0". 2' - 0" 18' - 3" 2' - 0" LOWER LIMIT OF THIN BRICK VENEER MIN. 8' - 8" 3' - 0". 1' - 0" 8' - 8" 9' - 9" 8"5' - 7" B.O. FIXTURE 13' - 4" 2' - 0" 2' - 0" 12' - 5" 2' - 0" 2' - 0" 8"5' - 7" 2' - 0"2' - 0" 4' - 0" 2' - 0" 2' - 0"2' - 0" 4' - 0" 2' - 0" tvr.2032ha_81FC-12413-HCRA-AH\\lacoLtiveR\\:C 3/29/2018 4:32:17 PM AGENDA REPORT Initial Date pruner() of a 11.11, are (s3.geaa sgoee re (s3.s �rnalaefanaaes,nea�nase,ealMeaoLl nN2®dm a��R�rANn'o11ma,�ma aZ Flame11gOh-h Oh—dHeI—), H� * cne.e =ice .1by l ,se, manry T e em q P re�aea mnrnorrent Nomnerzon Dee vataeems a to 1-01M111 �a a �naka,ai az m�Nuo a e a;;emPne o`P b Old I� = eo as Polla`bao-etti set ED I-, knorun e mL w a®d CE2 P le ru�a lP f viper P e.� P P - H e efF� D.-1,' Hat®,Hn aetefha aeso,nm �n a -n v ea Old ve dos Lien H R-1. X" P e, Ln1 a�m,rerem anti De gn mew az s a° a o ed m we,d �T o alPmee"r° earer`e°`� m aano @e� o-maf�a ae°;land � �nnnea THEN LE PONT 00 of",doreetHHepZEgfDEDfNNfND,en P lo,lHeaa.eaen4..M4a�e 5 , ��`o`rland e he oFby a dalrlln Pgn duly -Po— omoers, does nervy adopt Hls Plat des ing He nerem above aes,bea property as ­=EdTNTEd, Rd N, 1e;.as, and does—y —cate, m fees Ie, to He Public use forever, the rnoer,,ignrof— tl o h aE.n�ole notbe De`rnvofuPhe I over m,oeaafsm�ts PhDy oasobes e eH�nHeH Pliub es adato aFkwiesnlu'e mlelendes e u=e e, e �me unless He eeementl�m�r Hee P �o,le eal�aes. e�ae y e C@ ofMVue u, Lel@ entmess,aII have He -ghtto remove a ke,P.emeum au or par may bwi my, re,®tl o-ee, s,�,nse, ems rcmmvemenr e Provos �at all t M. have the H i9�te e ClN ofMVue and peLbID Ll by rreinm der, d add,ng to o, rem of ei ms At— eoem4M a�nyoeers`r�Nprau,me p—sso%n fr�ommanyoone. P Th,s plat all MI1N�M�HHSHe vHDP1 H P P—ce,ons d-e—tnsItheCh,lMrele;.� .2011day l_ . lo, Iterefil. In— All en by Pese LT.— e'°day of�"Nofu IheR e:m"nddoe nel9emre�alau�m-1,l,n ,iyales,andw��;ev�gaPPany-oP`e`nIle`E-tIl SleealItarypaoo.E-tEd—Ed, l,ean�mt�en2011 yCha,;uw,aalenn e PComm��en Dar.Approved 0, Con —ton y ,, 7M ofMyue, le;e Dar. ,,7MofMyhe,— Date. eChvSeo eDNvetu le, aHeH eCh, H aN munau m theHe y ofMyue, — ,e�H ef = o,a P een Ana®H�®ru�H He s,bawme ions of Ha fM vP oFawll,e,lasrue P P vP , ends PRELIMINARY, A AND ugD ORaIt i }*V =.Dd-P=,dnaI Land ALl No 4838 a THE 'Al Rd He e, hosena—ems, mmtoHe P TT— andaeendeded methathe e' P P �a consae-on therAn elpressed a h He cIabby HeeH smted. VOTE'. "P,ellLi Plat for Review Pu ....Only" PRELIMINARY PLAT OF BROOKSIDE ESTATES 14.599 acres out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688 Collin County, Texas 73 Residential Lots & 4 Open Space Lots Prepared Date: December 2018 Revision Date: January 2019 SHEET 2 OF 2 ENGINEER /SURVEYOR'. ONMER / DEVELOPER'. DANNLSTER ENGINEERING, LLC —N ENGLAR & YANYU DUAN 240NO—MITCHELL DRIVE 8214 V,ESCRESIER DRIVE, SUITE 710 MANSFIELD, TEXAS 76063 DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 CONTACT'. MICHAEL DAVIS, RPLS PHONE'. 817-842-2094 Mke@banniste,eng.— rkBANNISTER 1 E N G I N E E R I N G 240 NaIT MltdTell Road I NansAeld, TX 76063 1 817.842.20341 817.8422095 fax J TDPL REGISTRATION NO 10193823 -CT NO 090-18-019