02-12-2019 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda February 12, 2019 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Matthew Porter Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T.Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Stephanie Storm City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS • Junior Mayor Hunter Tignor • Presentation of Donation to the Wylie Police Department(Credit Union of Texas) February 12,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 • Blue Star Banner Presentation Parents: Robert and Emily Diaz Soldier: Patrick Diaz • Joined the Army on July 22, 2018. Unit; 118`i'MP ABN, Rank: Private • Military Police Officer and Airborne • Attended Wylie East High School CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of January 22,2019 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat to create a single lot for Absolute Automotive Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 2.222 acres, generally located west of Hooper Road and south of Steel Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat to create a single lot for Crossroads Wylie RV Addition,Block A,Lot 1 on 10.27 acres within Wylie's ETJ,generally located north of the intersection of Vinson Road and County Line Road and more specifically at 2045 E.FM 544. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) D. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition to establish 33 single-family attached lots, 1 commercial lot,and 2 open space lots on 4.825 acres. Property located north of the intersection of County Line Road and Neva Lane. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) E. Consider, and act upon, approval for substantial renovations in accordance with Ordinance No. 2013-17 for the remodel of an existing commercial structure, generally located at the northeast corner of W. Oak St. and Birmingham, and more specifically at 210 W. Oak St. (State of Mind BBQ) within the Downtown Historic District. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) F. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Materials and Installation Services for the Renovation of City Baseball Fields from MasterTurf Products and Service,Inc.in the estimated amount of$54,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Manager) G. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-04(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby authorizing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal cooperative contract between the Department of Public Safety (DPS) General Stores and the City of Wylie, February 12,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 providing for a cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of general supplies. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Manager) H. Consider,and act upon,the award of RFP#W2019-1-A for Janitorial Services to All Janitorial Professional Services Inc.in the estimated annual amount of$195,223.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Manager) Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-05 amending Ordinance No. 2018-24 for Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Amendments approved by the WEDC Board of Directors on December 10, 2018 for fiscal year 2018-2019. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a Replat to create Lot 5R,Block 23 within Railroad Addition; being a Residential Replat of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Railroad Addition, generally located west of Fifth Street, and north of Masters Avenue. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The purpose of the Replat is to reconfigure 4 lots to establish one lot on 0.344 acres. The property is zoned Multifamily(MF). 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30)to Commercial Corridor(CC),for retail purposes on one acre,generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road. ZC 2019-01 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The applicant is requesting to rezone a 1.0 acre property located at 2505 Country Club Road from AG/30 to CC.The property is generally bordered by AG property to the south and west,CC to the north,and commercial properties to the east that reside outside of the city limits. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-06, supporting a Municipal Setting Designation to prohibit the use of groundwater in the designated area; generally located north of FM 544 and east of Commerce Street, and more specifically being 802 W. Kirby St. of the Samuel B Shelby Survey, Tr 11, Abs 820 & E.C. Davidson Survey, Tr3,Abs. MSD2018-01 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary In January 2016, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2016-01 in accordance with Subchapter W of Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code that authorizes the TCEQ to identify and designate certain areas as Municipal Setting Designations (MSD) to prohibit groundwater as potable water if there is contamination in excess of the applicable potable water protective concentration levels. WORK SESSION • Discuss the renovation and expansion of the Public Safety Building. (C. Hoisted, Assistant City Manager) • Discuss the five year financial plan and provide feedback for future revisions.(M. Manson, City Manager) February 12,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. • Consider the sale or acquisition of property located near Highway 78 and Ballard. §§Sec. 551.074. PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (b) Subsection(a)does not apply if the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. • City Manager RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074--Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087--Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on February 8, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed , Pre y '';:� C LLI ON ENTERPRISES w l 0' Copyright C 10/10/18 **** ? „, J „:,„. ***of hV t • *. inte, lone ' ' ' ''' '' , ''' 2., : .„1, '''' .,.:''''ay.. :.,,.. ,:,:,.,,,,,,.....-.1*.-,,,,N.-0,.,,•,-.,:,..,.,..,.........,••„.,,.,..sot.',,i'...„:„., -. '..:',...,';....:„.:.'„',',-,'..-,-,,,,:9' ."......,,,,,s,., ,: (41 toe, . , a e -- •N�ryp fig!e cp out • P a:G $� in fillaqs and bannets. w :yx '''''''''''''' C. 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Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following City Council members were present: Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens, Councilman Matthew Porter, Councilman Jeff Forrester, Councilwoman.Candy Arrington, Councilman Timothy T. Wallis, and Councilman David Dahl. Staff present included: City Manager Mindy Manson;Assistant City Manager Chris Holsted; Police Chief Anthony Henderson; Development Services Director Rena& 011ie; Chief Building Official Bret McCullough; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly; Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz; Public Works Director Tim Porter; Finance Director Melissa Beard; Fire Chief Brent Parker; Project Engineer Wes Lawson; WEDC Executive Director Sam Satterwhite; City Secretary Stephanie Storm, and various support staff. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens gave the invocation and Councilman Wallis led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS 0o Wylie Way Students Mayor Hogue and Mayor pro tern Stephens presented medallions to students demonstrating "Shining the Wylie Way." Each nine weeks one student from each WISD campus is chosen as the "Wylie Way Student." CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present wishing to address Council. Minutes January 22,2019 Wylie City Council Page 1 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of January 8, 2019 Regular Meeting and January 14,2019 Special Called Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-02(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas, ordering the General Election to be administered by the Collin County Elections Administrator and the City of Wylie on May 4, 2019, for the purpose of electing the positions of two Council members (Place 1 and Place 3) of the Wylie City Council, to hold office for a period of three years; Designating locations of polling places; Designating filing deadlines; Ordering Notices of Election to be given as prescribed by law in connection with such election. (S. Storm, City Secretary) C. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-03(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas, Appointing Election Officials for the General Election on May 4, 2019, for the purpose of electing the positions of two Council members (Place 1 and Place 3) of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) D. Consider, and act upon, the award of bid# W2019-31-B for Wylie Fire Station 1 Remodel; to Clayton Contracting Inc. in the amount of$55,834.32, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Manager) E. Consider, and place on file, City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for December 31, 2018. (M. Beard, Finance Director) F. Consider, and place on file, City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for December 31, 2018. (M. Beard, Finance Director) G. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-03 amending Ordinance No. 2018-24 (2018- 2019 Budget) for proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2018-2019; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing an effective date of this ordinance. (M. Beard, Finance Director) Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, accepting a donation to the City in the amount of$35,000.00 from the Wylie Baseball Softball Association for park improvements at Community Park. (R. Diaz, Parks and Recreation Director) Staff Comments Parks and Recreation Director Diaz addressed Council stating the Wylie Baseball Softball Association (WBSA) would like to donate funds to the City to assist with park improvements at Community Park. Minutes January 22,2019 Wylie City Council Page 2 These infield improvements would be made by a contractor that specializes in the application of a product called Masterseal Infield Mix. This product increases the playability of the infields after rain events. The WBSA is proposing to donate approximately $35,000 to the project that would have a total cost of $60,000. Staff is proposing to utilize Parks Acquisition and Improvement Funds in the Central Zone in the amount of$25,000 for this project. Staff and the league are anxious to move forward on this project is so this product will be in place for the Spring 2019 season. All the park improvements will be made by City contractors and supervised by City staff. The Parks and Recreation Board reviewed and approved the proposed improvements at their Board meeting on January 14, 2019. Council Comments Councilman Forrester asked what the ongoing annual maintenance of the Masterseal Infield Mix. Brent Stowers, Parks Manager, replied that this material does not blow away or wash off, but some material will have to be added each year. The life of this material is five to seven years before it has to be redone. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington, to accept a donation to the City in the amount of $35,000 from the Wylie Baseball Softball Association for park improvements at Community Park. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-04 amending Ordinance No. 2018-24 (2018- 2019 Budget) for proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2018-2019; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing an effective date of this ordinance. (M. Beard, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Beard addressed Council stating in lieu of acceptance of the donation, staff is recommending allocating funds in the amount of $60,000 from the Parkland Acquisition and Improvement Fund (Central Zone) for infield improvements to the four baseball fields at Community Park. The Wylie Baseball/Softball Association(WBSA) is proposing to donate approximately $35,000 to the project. The net increase to the Parks A&I Fund budget is $25,000. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Forrester, seconded by Councilman.Porter, to approve Ordinance No. 2019-04 amending Ordinance No. 2018-24 (2018-2019 Budget) for proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2018-2019; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing an effective date of this ordinance. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 3. Consider, and place on file, the 2018 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Annual Report. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) Staff Comments WEDC Executive Director Sam Satterwhite delivered the 2018 Annual Report to the Wylie City Council. This report provided a financial overview and condition of the Corporation as well as an update on 2018 business activity and 2019 Goals & Objectives. Minutes January 22,2019 Wylie City Council Page 3 The WEDC had $4,999,386 in available operating funds and the beginning fund balance was $886,200. The report noted sales tax collections decreased 2.5% from the prior year totaling $2,562,759. Other revenues included rental income of $121,995, sale of one pad site on Highway 78 for $1,367,060, and loan payments of$55,553. Expenditures for WEDC operations were as follows: personnel - $420,877, administrative costs - $209,811, marketing and promotion activities - $176,629, debt service - $1,097,642 (which included a $363,000 one-time principal reduction payment), land acquisition - $578,742, incentives - $775,862, and environmental and site work- $226,281. Total expenditures for FY 2017-2018 were $3,495,476. In FY 2017-18 the WEDC spent $775,863 on incentives. Within that figure, $429,994 was paid as part of ongoing sales tax reimbursement programs, $115,869 for industrial projects and $230,000 for office/medical/general commercial. The WEDC also forgave two loan payments totaling $161,667 pertaining to infrastructure assistance with the Exco project and the Clark Street development, both of which met agreed upon performance measures. Of the incentive payments made, $306,667 represented either a one-time commitment or the final payment on a multi-year agreement. In 2019, the WEDC will continue their efforts toward a Jackson. Street Revitalization and Expansion, partnering with the City for the 544 Gateway property for redevelopment which includes finalization of the VCP process with the TCEQ, waterline improvements, and development of a Masterplan in cooperation with the City Council. The WEDC will continue to focus efforts on Workforce Development, selling the final pad site on SH 78 next to Chick-fil-A, partnering with KCS for 250-acre Logistics Park, and finally, the WEDC will focus on a redevelopment project at SH 78 and Brown Street. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington, to accept and place on file the 2018 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Annual Report. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 4. Consider, and act upon, acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY 2017-2018 after a presentation by the audit firm of Weaver L.L.P. (M. Beard, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Beard addressed Council stating the City Charter in Article VII, Municipal Finance, Independent Audit requires that at the end of the fiscal year an independent audit be made of all accounts of the City by a certified public accountant. In compliance with the City Charter, our outside auditor, Weaver, has performed an audit as of September 30, 2018. This is the fifth year for the audit to be performed by Weaver after their selection to continue as the City's independent auditors following an RFP process done during 2014. Prior to that, Weaver had served as the City's auditors for six years. Mr. John DeBurro, representing Weaver, provided a brief summary of the FY 2017-2018 CAFR, including the Independent Auditors' Report. He reported that Weaver had found the audit to be an unmodified opinion. He explained that Weaver had issued the Independent Auditor's Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on compliance and other matters based on an audit of financial statements performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. An unmodified report is the best reporting a city can receive where no deficiencies were found. Mr. DeBurro reviewed some of the highlights of the FY 2017-2018 report. A complete copy of the FY 2017-2018 CAFR is on file for review and on the City website. Minutes January 22,2019 Wylie City Council Page 4 Mayor Hogue thanked the members of the Finance Department for a great job in compiling and reporting the City's financial affairs. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Forrester, to accept the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for FY 2017-2018. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Mayor Hogue recessed the Council into Executive Session at 7:17 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION §§Sec. 551.074.PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply if the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. oo City Manager RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Mayor Hogue reconvened into Open Session at 8:03 p.m. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III,Section 13-D. City Secretary Storm read the captions of Ordinance Nos. 2019-03 and 2019-04 into the official record. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Dahl, to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Eric Hogue,Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Minutes January 22,2019 Wylie City Council Page 5 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: January 21, 2018 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon,approval of a Preliminary Plat to create a single lot for Absolute Automotive Addition,Block A, Lot 1 on 2.222 acres, generally located west of Hooper Road and south of Steel Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat to create a single lot for Absolute Automotive Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 2.222 acres, generally located west of Hooper Road and south of Steel Road. Discussion OWNER: Artber Holding,LLC APPLICANT: Helmberger Associates,Inc. The 2.222 acre tract is located at 51 Steel Road,between Hooper and Regency. The preliminary plat creates a 2.00 acre light industrial lot and a 0.222 ROW dedication out of the 2.222 acre tract of the W M Sachse Survey. The property currently contains a legally non-conforming building that was constructed on the property in 1987. The applicant is proposing improvements to the property and as the property is currently an abstract, the subdivision regulations require a plat approval. The plat dedicates right of way for Steel Road, which is currently a ROW easement and places build lines as setbacks. Fire lane and utility easements will be added on the Final Plat. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. A site plan for the proposed improvements was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on January 15, 2019. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 6-0 subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Page 1 of 1. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE at RVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE.OF TEXAS § STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY O COLLIN § COUNTY aF c0111N § rea orx x„tof °'w WHEs.REAS, t of Wylie,ownerb mdSachs,Stney situated in e state KNOW AL PRESENTS: g :egg, a 835, 9 a 2.222 acre9tract y Clerk No. E.B prepared m re plot m atom n _a2 CNN,twtwrri rr 21 N d the field we o.vg cure i 20180524000633080County Land Records premises comer said r em — - particularly descdaed as follows. b' notes BEGINNINGaPNaO the center line o!Steel Road(60'roc right-of-way core y monuments eon n accordance - the Subdivision o tie y M, reasement as Volume 1849,Page 48 of the Collin county Land Records), x ce nnu marking the northwest warner of soid 2 222 acre tract,said premises,t,,,nOrtheast Cern, 2.73 3030.V 253 C County Dated this Y .2019. a end being in the south line of a.30'dedicated rood fight-of-way recorded in of Steel Road eQRecords. ---- 32281 --'- 'r - - THENCE with of a e north e sod 2222 on!,tract, Preliminary(not for recording) -6624E d ta ,North 4 acre tract as F E. ° R _ ..) -.: 282 recorded in Volume 2 J 9R 8 S Surveyor No.d405 Dore Land E 52 y0.22 northeast corner of said premises! �. -. THENCE 22 2.222 acre premises,S 00I356 tpassing 3000 / 9GS9LLMEM1EM- , passing T continuing southeast 2rm G STATE OF TEXAS §o said PrerniSF, RI ¢ COUNTY OF('ALLN § v'»mw ma u. THENCE �, '. � ""' """" '� 8 S6 322.92 2.73 zo /r pp BEFORE NE 9 e State of Tex.,on this day ',Ili. c A. of said 2 a t r epersonally appeared tE.e' r1 t, containing 2222 acres 9s 804 the pace o beginning 9 executed the e Ytherein,for the purpose and...rot., eened ona o the __ cribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that fie act L ever o ,, G o' rea' ev sv E Am , g �;i N6?,W__IHEf3!.OBk....�flV5...61.�k dL HkSk...!,'RkSiC[S. EVEN UNDER w•HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.this the day of_ __...._2Dt9. Smle.t'�Td ` their tty heirs,assignees and successors of title this plot designating the X m' Th"Ztate t.texas or 4ea Lot 1 Block 7 "eOY c Wylie, c s 41,v, hereby dedicate to the pubfic use farever 1.streets.allays,and 804Se Ft rfiVNer o � F eosement strips shown on�N ,z+ right-of-way easements t his t for the mutuoi use ond RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL „w ---.------'------- occommodation of garbage collection agencies ond all public utifities Zee,FIN Mt,. desiring to use or using same.Any public utility shall hove the right to � / improvementsremove and keep removed all or part of any endanger Chairman,Planning&Zonng Commission Data • -- interfere with the construction,maintenance or efficiency of its respective hese easements strips,and any public utility shy!,at uw =..- ( / \\✓', ;' �ram _ righttimes have.e ingress d p d n the APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION %y ip 0 reconstructing. • inspecting,patrolling,without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone.Additionally,we certify that we ore the , of the dedicated property and that no other's interest are Note.60 e.'fM.WD.w Line Easemented to / .` f/a , sole Y r.rely a r ex. Dote / _ t o resolutat approved ions ortp°9b Holder fo Mn° F/ - y, / /,a s, a uton:or me y ttwyl'e base cot The a e pow s nc a. re.ae C&stu located and!noWed an the grounds by the Nor_ v „ , any rah'aa wan: ,�/ - comes,rear hands m wrLE Texas bean an premises. ,� '� w v - S .. ,rvja _tv Ma BersM1tenG Mongv The undersigned. of the City of Wylie,Texas,hereby certifies that the foregoing 'cry Pot of to Bocat,AbsoluteN oe Addition,o subdivi sion o addition We County of Collin was submitted the Cooae on _day of 201,and the Councit by found action.then and there accepted the-- dedication of atio laces,ond water a.sewer lines os ss eW x a'a' STATE OF TEXAS§ Councilshown and set forth in a.upon said plot a.said - co .,OF COLLIN§ note the p ther y 'gong M1s name abo e satsc bed. o /�auarmu/ , ..-. ' Before me,.e undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for said i r, 5as'S6'24"w i saL9' . to°me rood 6 ne pe n this cloy personally appeared Mikhail B hrin shtcerefi po nOvn Wines nd this .....day . / / / --____.! instrument and acknowledged to me that they each executed the some r r t far Me purpose and considerations therein expressed 0 l Given under my hand and s .. this y f CQ t1..SoefYde.y_Te_z_a_s___ 2019. uwl>JPS3Wc.A. t 2,Source Barber re P,Po,6 Y texas.eN N Part of Me subject properly "48085C04115° Mood Preliminary Plat Cm Nate ,k;yar ,°rae2 wastm 76,20n° e rsementP°,me Lot 1, Block 1 CommitmentWylie Re Nallo.i.VoNme 32 Mama elarch e 2 of affect Easement subject City I Nye Recorded yn ota.ae 32Ss,Page>),Does no elect the ProPmbr Absolute Automotive Addition OCATIO env 2.222 Gross Acreage N TBeing all of2.222Acre Tract al Recorded under CC#20180524000633080,C.C.L,R 6 William Sachse Survey,Abstract No.835 r a u t City of Wylie,CollinCounty,Texas a mr June/8,2018 re ^ om y Lan,...MS e .............................................- Own.,rSaaeyo �� iR°°medams H ROGME LAND SURVEYING,INC. metes and Pounds is o violation,city St Steel Road ZODo Avenue G.Suite 810 film!No tootstoo ordinance and stole low ond G subtect to fines e Plano.Tx 75074 a.withholding sand building permits. (s. Attn) a Berm., a )4 d Bemenderer Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: January 21, 2018 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat to create a single lot for Crossroads Wylie RV Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 10.27 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of the intersection of Vinson Road and County Line Road and more specifically at 2045 E.FM 544. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat to create a single lot for Crossroads Wylie RV Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 10.27 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of the intersection of Vinson Road and County Line Road and more specifically at 2045 E.FM 544. Discussion OWNER: Crossroads Advisors,LLC APPLICANT: Jerome Hill The 10 acre tract is located in the City's ETJ in the county of Collin and is north of the Vinson and County Line Roads split. The plat is combining three tracts into one lot. The plat dedicates right of way for FM 544 and places a 30' build line as a setback. There are also existing utility and access easements on the property. Because the plat is outside City limits, Collin County will review and approve any development and On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF). The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 6-0 subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department and Collin County Development Services. Page 1 of 1. DUNTY DF GGLL,N PROPERTY OWNERS CERTIFICATE the helby 7 o I '=.1200,5s';'4 of the D„=,Pubbc Rec�rds of call," ounty.Texas.and b g urther described L fallaws dander 0.,. WHEREAS.and be,ro as. acre of Ia ra �, _ BEGINNING at a 1/2, steel on the East l Highway N 544,o the et 6 d Matt,L.G rodf found recorded at Northwest aces � �_ � corner a >D of the acres of Collin Goa ry.Texas. Joe Guzman an a e Guzman as f that aged res of land described n a deed o In volume 5 Page a Deed R s rL_ 1 u,N>c.,;t CALLED 5.129 ACRES North OD degrees 23 minutes 65 seconds West 36652 feet along the East line a,said F.M.Highway Na Saa to B 5/8 WYLIE SOUTH 544.L ch sfesl rod ha tl S.., ° Cold CC#20160608005716460 unty.°Texas(deed to y SoutF Saa,LLC os recorded under CF'20v6060B000Tt 6a60 0l fhe Offlcidl PubNc Ids of Collin _�� J.D.SHELBY SURVEY.A-819 HENCE North 89 degrees 41 minutes 17 seconds crest and at the Southeast corner Of said East, acres,18.40 feet to a 1/2 Inch steel rod found at the Northeast corner of said 'a 6T feet to o 1/2 inch steel rod found at the Southeast corner of said Sawa I N 894 E TELN acres,and at the Northeast l corner se said 6 acres; Control Line), 1214,54 feet along he South line of said 10.27 en N 8941'1)"F iA1J 40' acres fo fhe T eOpf eeEOINNINO,con a. g 0. cores of land. w e o THENCE South ad degrees ,Z minutes corner Seconds was � �zsr THENCE Soufh 89 d s 35 minutes 51 seconds Wes (Directional C ' z~N MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: �cwl.nx x.ers 2 Ro NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL 1 sting herein through hisWyl duly authorlsed officers,do hereby adopt n this to fiplot designating the e City of Wylie E.T.J. ,, 8-',1,X,. ,Collin County,Texas,and does hereby dedicote,in fee simple,T to the public use forever,the streets,ed firights-of-way,a nd public o ww, public improvements shown thereon. The ereets„ublihn use forever.for the d this plot. No easements ; '^ e trees,shrubs or otherimprovements or growths aced i eall be constructed or placed approvede by over or across City o 3a n o f Wylie. LOT t se or x-1 BLOCK A pusingublic's e and CityIn addition. a1 easements pa also be used for the ,colortual utilitiesse and.said use by publicn of utilitiesll b g subordinas desiringte to the 6 ,4-,, '. 1,° The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings.fences, 10.22 ACRES 445344.5 S FT. -.,.' frees,shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in ony way endanger or interfere with the construcfion,maintenance,or ti ro n Q or from respective easements constructing, inspecting, readingpatrolling,maintaining, meters, p t a removing respective ne cessity (= z x om wy . xas from anyone. This plot approved subject too platting ng ordinances.rules,regulations and e solutions 11WITNESS. y and,this theday of0I8. ''a J _ S 89355, 4544' crossroads Aavrsors uc 90 891 31. I r2'aw' DINT OF C Printed Name and Title BEGINNING J CALLED 6 ACRES STATE OF TEXAS ✓UE S.GUZMAN COUNTY OF COLLIN VOL. GUN BEFORE ate a1 Texas,an this m and far S>.PG. >0 day perx son hose y name is subscribed to the owl g to that and same,for e purpose ,ems considerations therein expressed /z su/FLOOD NOTE GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of Subject tract located In Zone 'X as scaled from - - 48085C0535J. June 2,200g. All lots must utilize alternativeOn-Site Se Facilities. F.,.R.M. maintain Bln state-mandated setbackOn-Site Sewage Facility components be outside the annualchance 1lo p In w from "ya! drainagea areas,wafer distribution Imes,sharp reeks nd/arcaks/rivers/pods etc.(Per State resu ns) Notary Public in and for Collin county,Texas s s/e"cs L n m o. —Tree removal and/or g or OSSF e required on individual lots. y Commission Expires On. System, without prior approval from Collin county Development Services,water wells are allowed -There ore no water wells noted in this no Note:Bearings Coordinate Texas Norm Central Zone 4202,NAO 3 -Individual site evaluations ond ossr design sn(mn SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE p i p dB Boun oiutions e p to cons c trct,o u , of be SS e . d approved by Callen County or each lot prior KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: SCALE: i•'=75' H NOTICE:e y HEALTH DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATION: THAT, Iwere properly placed under my personal supervision In accordance with the Platting Rules an Regulations o e Wylie. hereby certify that the on-site sewage ego City a Selling a rti n bounds Is a his lotion fPRELIMINARY&FOR REVIEW ONLY. 50' ac Hies described on fFls plat conform violation is°subjCityect o n applicable reprOSSesenting laws of the State o1 Texas,that sitarea which on haveTHIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE Oraland nbul do and permits.Sf Law and isutilitieIIMMEI s se g facilities a planned to be used. Ions in the area In which on-site Matthew RECORDED FOR ANY y .P.L.S.PURPOSE. to fines and 5751 Recommended for ApprOV," Registered Sanitarian or Designated Representative STATEF TEAS Collin County Development Services COUNTY OF COLLIN g,,,,,,,,,7„!44i.en,Voa.,W Zoning Commlssion Dote BEFORE me,fhe,,urt.dersigned authority.a 4o.tary Pubqc in and.for the State of.Texos.on this day personally appeared Matthew App oved for construction VICiNITY MAP Mae.e�-� exeaurea the same far th P a e and cansideranons 1Fereln P seed. (Mot to Scale) GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of 2018. Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date 4 Notary in and Commission E.p,resao^allin County,Texas FINAL PLAT y f Wylie,Texas Date The undersigned.the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas,hereby certifies that the -j a M CROSSROADS WYLIE RV ADDITION foregoing final plat of the Final Plat of Crossroads Wylie RV Addition,Lot 1,Block A,an Addition to the City of Wylie E.T.J..Collin County.Texas was submitted to the City Council on -g the_ day of ,2018,and the Council,by formal action,then and there acceplid the dedication,streets,alley.parks,easement,public places,and water and =.—. '''' '' LOT 1, BLOCK A sauthorized the ubscribed. Mayorurther .V to ENS the° p nee tENTNNT y g N s name as herein above SURVEYOR: OWNER: TOTAL ACREAGE= 10.27 ACRES Witness hand this y _--day °.•2D,6. • Boundary Solutions Crossroads Advisors, LLC J.D. SHELBY SURVEY,A 819 176 McKinney St. 1400 Shady Hollow Court s,ty sr story Texas oaa.SOL. 0,5 svule, Tx Keller, Tx 76248 CITY OF WYLIE E.T.J. ab ,B 214-499-8472 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS DecemberO18.�20t8 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: D Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Kevin Molina Account Code: Date Prepared: January 21, 2018 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition to establish 33 single- family attached lots, 1 commercial lot,and 2 open space lots on 4.825 acres.Property located north of the intersection of County Line Road and Neva Lane. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition to establish 33 single-family attached lots, 1 commercial lot, and 2 open space lots on 4.825 acres. Property located north of the intersection of County Line Road and Neva Lane. Discussion Applicant : Roome Land Surveying Owner: AA Asset Management LLC The 4.825 acre tract is located northeast from the intersection of County Line Road and Neva lane. The applicant is proposing to develop a mixed use development to include 1 commercial lot, 33 townhome lots, and 2 open space lots.The property is zoned in the Neighborhood Services district and allows for townhome development when approved within a mixed use development plan and developed concurrently with a commercial use. This development will be creating a new 50'wide road that will provide access to the townhome units.This newly created road will also include the construction of a 6'wide sidewalk.A 5'wide sidewalk will be installed along the street frontage of Neva Lane and County Line Road. All lots that contain townhome units comply with the lot size requirements of the zoning ordinance by measuring a minimum of 3,500 square feet for the exterior lots and 3,000 square feet for the interior lots. This development will be providing an open space lot and a detention pond lot to be maintained by an established HOA. The plat also dedicates 50' of right of way for County Line Road and labels the fire lane and access easements for the commercial lot. The site plan for the commercial lot was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on January 15, 2019. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 6-0 subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. couMv of ftoa:wnu @ 'KKK..As.,1.1ano,ner,1.IC.the awt,Of a,tfac,,,ond Mt..,n Eh,State of ir,os County of Rockwall ond C,ty of Wyl,e.Em,n9 eheasant Creek Drive 1_ .... ). a js� P , P s ,rere '""'re ,re"''EE I , STATE E 9 =Ua.F .E .NOW ALL ME,Er(THESE PRESENTS POINT OF L L — — — L — a Sog\ recur ---- 30.00 3>00><, tlee _..G_ a(� � ,0�0 0 sP�,em.. re,o��,�0 P ,our ,e."a�0 a 0 0 0.e ;,1. 4./ re �, A ( Es�u w �'; �P ( 1. , ,a, / �� ( a,ne m� re re 2018. O 1, c°+'^ 8 8 8 S (S S t 8 Lotl a a ss ss a o owi oc o a Ra u EMLa O o E. Baas o0 „re- 0 ne OF N o a. „�0E0w OEM Ore„ ror i,*A*e�p0 a�sa rores v'`, w£ _.......("''') ?P'� o ,.oa _- - --__ — e. c,on zi RP rev E . are 3a — Pa Ere EE rere �9'..''' r rere,'. ,021 .�,:' q, a�, of '8 0 �... w �, 3 1 I 'I �I E.<3re.w,Dore'. ��ml v v a i o of „ Ere n �w Dore'. �e�re'.rere POPre;re,re rere'"rerere,� s�nC,IZ'o b, �� �,'.rere oree,�a�rere"reb�re,�re„� o 'CI ��� rere, y� �36=re P=Eo Ererew aaw ,00Aa o I l re00- - .� 71 83 Lot36x (m �� o Pre ., 0 ,�a. �reEre reEoo 'LT' ce 0 tog 23 a , o,00 1 m� '.rere reres,= rere PreliminaryForPurposes Only Plat Review 0 q w�i Pheasant Creek 2 � Mixed Use Additio � , �re, — �� �� Lots 1—36x,Block An � � Total of4.825Acres Atterberry Survey,Abstract No.6 ��s 26 3 o re re City of Wylie,Rockwall County, Texas a..re27 0o«E0 ro,s« ooro�,_4,re October 2018 SITE re'. .Ere 28 79 eil " , VICINITY 0 �0.0ro0. re, .re "ere,. Roome ME 9�Mre avu� .h �,s _,wareroM of P., rea 4,,Ln rem'. o▪io MAP8. C2E ORDINANCE 0 ssOM,F,,O Land r ��0 "0 ,E3aro0re0'M0 �s,� �5263 N Survey in I� 3 0 P.rws Mre 9'37451 N.T.S. 3. a ss . oo Bn sn,ne 'N'IMn g - osso 0 ,nr 'a re oa mare" Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: E Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: January 25, 2019 Exhibits: 6 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval for substantial renovations in accordance with Ordinance No. 201.3-17 for the remodel of an existing commercial structure, generally located at the northeast corner of W. Oak St. and Birmingham, and more specifically at 210 W. Oak St. (State of Mind BBQ) within the Downtown Historic District. Recommendation Motion to approve substantial renovations in accordance with Ordinance No. 2013-17 for the remodel of an existing commercial structure, generally located at the northeast corner of W. Oak St. and Birmingham, and more specifically at 210 W. Oak St. (State of Mind BBQ) within the Downtown Historic District. Discussion Owner/Applicant: Clint Linke The property owner is proposing exterior and interior renovations to an existing structure in order to open and operate a food establishment. Renovations include installation of new tempered safety glass, new entry/exit door with windows, new trim parapet cap on built-up parapet wall over existing CMU wall, and new tin roof on existing framing material. Existing plaster over brick will remain. Interior renovations will take place as well including but not limited to new walls, restrooms, and kitchen area. Interior renovations subject to Building Code review, inspections, and approval. The owner began the project several years ago and is starting the project again with an anticipated finish date of 4 — 6 weeks. HRC Commission Discussion The Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval to the City Council. Page 1 of 1. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC REVIEW Date: .1- ' 1°r • NOTICE TO APPLICANT I Completed applications and drawings must be in the Planning and Engineering Office no later than 10 days before the meeting. (Regular meetings are held on the 4th Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers,or Special Called Meetings as needed.) 2 It is imper&4ivb'#Irfit'you comple Ih'i? apI}Ilation 4p its entirety: lncbntptete applications will be returned and could delay the commencement of yogi-project. 3 The presence of the applicant or liis/h"er'agent as designated.herein is necessary at the Historic Review Commission Meeting. 4 All presentation ii atenhl niust)ie rc erteti by Staff on the Monday the week prior to the meeting. This will be case for Historic Review Commission and City Council. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: eL/NT 1 /Npc-6 .Phone: 214 . (a j. Z€741'7 Mailing Address: �-1 SAN"1"lAb0 112-A1 - W ILIE , 7Te. 75cQ(27 Email Address:MIIIIIIIIII Fax: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 1a.f .5 o j z Name: nit Lc. fCNE X Phone: Zt i1• t� Mailing Address: Email Address: ax: PROJECT INFORMATION Name of Business(if applicable): $`PATE • Df• M uti D pac„• Current or intended use of the building: 1 STA-Vt-4A rT Address of Project: 0 Oil fC. 5-r. (The below information (Lot, Block, Subdivision, and Frontage) can be obtained on the County Appraisal District's website by entering the physical address of the property: http://collinead.org or http://dallascact org or http://rockwallcad.org If you do not have access to the Internrt pt-.z°atrnorlbc),this information on the website, contact the Planning Department at (972)516-6320 for assistance. • Lot , Block_, Subdivision Current Zoning: Which District is the property located within? PI Downtown Historic District South Ballard Overlay District 0 Other '4 • • SCOPE OF WORK o Remodeling/Renovating Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed alterations and/or repairs(attach additional sheets if necessary): IS (D AAP( - - FIN►SH- 1 N rayt r o,z•- 44 O PCN Are you painting an exterior feature? YES NO i4 C E 1rP F 174 INT d7 If YES: Describe Feature Color Name Sample Attached Exr• , Window and door frames SW Autumn Hue(No. 7665) • t , YES•, Ear uC-,' �•. ' •t� • .4 ••� ;. • : .-. .t, , .ES NE- t• • ►r't-:41 ,.,t�)ri 1 .,fit... `Y1 S NO ',`!•c;., , •• �•v• , YES NO Are y y repiac1 tg an exterior feature? YES NO If YES: Describe Feature Current Material Proposed Material Sample Attached Ex. Window frame Wood . •Uin�l• , • .;�'' , �, � q, • YES NO •► YES NO o New Construction ., z. • . « ••+ Are you replacing an existing structure? YES NO ; •3 If YES,complete"Demolition" below. o Demolition Describe the condition of the existing structure: i?etA gpt.-9 What is the estimated cost of restoration or repair of the existing structure? Explain why the property is being demolished as opposed to restored or renovated for adaptive reuse: NO P6141 0 What do you plan to do to mitigate the loss of the landmark structure? r T 01 p/r.O tit-0 3 o Sign Type of Sign: E-jX{'S.n tJ(7 o Attached Sign o Pole Sian o Temporary Sign o :anner o Monument Sign o Other(Specify) Sign Dimensions:__ 7 Total Square Footage Will the ign be.connected'-to electricity or lit in any way? NO If YES,what is the method.of lighting? , 1460 Will this sign project over a public sidewalk? NO A t If YE$, what is the dis'tance from the sidewalk to the boom of the sign? "l• to ti' . Have you submitted an application for a Sign Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO o Fence • . • • What is the proposed material and style of fence you intend to install? • What is the proposed height of the fence? Are you replacing an existing fence? YES NO If YES,what is the current fence material? Have you submitted an application for a Fence Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed project(attach additional sheets if necessary): !'1 L.. t. .R1•OUIRED ATTACHMENTS: o Current photographs of the property o If available,historic photographs of the property o Site Plan indicating the following: o Dimensions of the lot on which the building will be located, including setbacks(check official plat records and Zoning Ordinance) _ o Location and width of all easenfents(check official plat records) o Location and dimensions of all'.cxisttrfgrabd;pretpose4 buildings,parking areas, and existing signs (if any) o Architect's rendering or elevations of proposed construction o Sample board of materials and colors to be used o Site Plan Fete $250.00 -Check/Card/Cash (Check made payable to City of Wylie) Intended start and finish dates: Start P Finish " tj NCE1C5 I have carefully read the complete application andkndAiie same is true and correct. I understand the ordinances governing the activity described in this application,and I agree to comply with all provisions of the City ordinances, State 1 s,and all property restrictions,whethe erein specified or not. 1" X ,�y. - ""'�... i (Owner or Authorized Agent) RETURN TO: City of Wylie Planning Department 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 (972) 516-6320 Jam... 4-9 _-I-. ,. RESEARCH SYMBCi.. --� 1 ` NEW PANNG FLARE EACH SIN OF RAMP i01LE1'PAPER HOLDER ®® µ�(pM1{I OT (SEE PLAN) AT 1,12 SLOPE LUSH LEVER AWACEM CRY OF WYLE TEXAS ACCEPTED CODES 5 LT} tlpd''gy i 5`^S.o-Sz iRAIXIThi3 OF FRONT EDGE OF2WAtER OR V.V TORY OF STALL Ocoano-yt'ubltd eudng too grin Fm 2 asu 6 iR t W DETECTABLE t£ ed for Pea.12-O6-i '" + o A%SLOPE B WARNING AREA ULOSEr 2 or = t sx S BWETD p 1 2) , BA pow..LONO - ( � 1 Oh Comments t0 TJ-t4 f� t r BACKGROUND %_ ® C 3 6' ) 2015 International 8 Code eveon/Isaue Date .YF` ' 2015 t Mechanic.Co. ode „},, !! 15 I tern banal Plumbing G (Y S -._ n I - 2015 Internatano Fie Gas Code $ii$ G N�9 G �+ IE PSI®8 4 � aa'? 2015 International Fire Code Q "' L Y SIG9®@96i/E DETAIL i� y OCE }-a= 2017 Notional Electric Code SCALE N.TS. (3)B3a g MA% J-0 4 3'-0' tit R WX. 2015 International Energy Conservati Co e e' 4"GRAVEL OR SAND ON t(: f r COMPACTED SUBGRAOE TYPICAL TOILET AND GRAB BARS IT_} )0 SQ.NCH REFLECTIVE PORCEUN ENAMELED STEEL.SIGN (95% SCOPE OF WORK PLEASE REFER T PERMi n FOP it 3126, MTV TAL IS FOR RORBEADED tETlERS OR EWAL.AND(2 3 p"MA BOLTS PROCTOR DENSIT3 NEYI PERMrr TO COMPLETE lHE W K THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY MP OVEO.ANY RU 5 fl PIPE SIGN N pISPLAT OEF(LION SYMBa -HANDICAP GRAB BARS EVISIONS ARE CODE RELATED ONL 2'LONG 1-1 v.. ;OPTIONAL TEXT E0 VEHICLES PARKED N OfAGNAiE9 HPNMCAP CONCRETE NSHO,AS AI TECTABLE WARNNG AREA BAC ALL 43 LOG OCCUPANCY CUSSFCATON A2 Assembly LOT 'r tta 4^y 'xy $'-` CE Not DSPLAWNO WSBNGII SHAG PLAOAROS OR SANITARY ALLY SPIT NKLERED SPACE Nq rS c $ ';r t I NAPKIN (PROVIDE ANCHOR k,..w ,a J; T r 61 MATNBE ire2 AWAY AT oIVNER51FC.kPENSES 1,03 VENICIES mCURB RAMP �q tttOSUPPORt 250LB5 MIN) HEIGHT OF BUILDING O RA P DETAIL DISPOSAL AY BE RECLAIMED AT OR BT PNON NG CONSTRUCTION TYPE EXISTING B.G.INTERIOR 1EPNM FlN SHOUr yD ex / 1[ SCALE:N.r.S. OCCUPANCY EXISTNG BUILDNG TYPE II NON-COMBUSTIBLE ..f G2).2 WANDICAPASING LOAD ! rr''�'yy4 TOILET PAPER EASING SPACE TENANT FlNISHOUT 1,500 G.S.F.TABLE 1004 1.2 dk ins* V - � 6"L VARIES 6" 7 LOSEI' HOLDER KITCHEN AREA AND RESIROOMS (1/100 NET)500=5 OCCUPANTS to -L-- RE CEN.NOTES R NEf AREA N DINC PRFA LOAD (1/15 NET)588 CO OCCUPANTS t Wr 4 2 NCN SWARE AWMINUM PIPE FOR PAINT SPEC _`� T' i no ORANDili M' 0 -Pk FIRE IXR PIN 4NTH BOLT AND MIRROR (2)REOUIREO (2)PROVIOED TRAVEL COMM DISTANCE LOCK WASHERS MIRROR 250'MAXIMUM ALLOWED B ON PAIN OF TRAVEL 75'MAXIMUM ALLOWED MIN.AF:* DEAD END CORRIDOR 50'MAXIMUM ALLOWED 6. I PARKING REQUIRED 43 A D 39 Seats 0 1;3 Seats 13 13 parking sp.. Y PIPE AEFYLEV _ SOAP o LLL���117 T.HC PARKING REQUIRED. MN 1 VAN ACCESSIBLE HO Space `e'�Y G N 9k !X3$t N( F95t5i `�.' PftOV10E T11G(FNEp DISPENSER PARKING PRONOEO Existing shared retailpoThng within close proximity J ... ;ty BAT6 E ..1(0 gi GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES r q y- 9�'3 / we} VAN ACCESSIBLE m`fYP.NO PARKING INS C. in REQUIREMENTS: ,T; C3 NORTH t H EIR I N(MA ` STREET' MN BROOM FlNI41 ON 2. t the r tyCof ethe contractor t iverify a et trobditonsCpriorfto the Texan. 0 ULATE H.W.TINE AND ern al Bu o 'Th°dap H.C®POLE SIGN O AISLE PA ERNDRAIN AT HC SINK b s -22 /267 � RDNF W 0 mNCRETE WAIx TAS RESTROOM commencement°ar am work n n ®® p- \J COGL:N.T S. SCALE NTS. B3®a"OC. 3 sDo cale t scar drawings.Dimensions govern Large scale detala govern over small N ACCESS.STANDARDS _ 00 �6 B4 CONY' ie'O -EDP SOIL 4'SAND CUSHION SCALE N.i.S. 4 AICe o h locations shown a prox mote.Theo,o Star shal fled vet G) 2"ROLWD o t not all exatng utitea(wl,emer shown not)war to cansirec on -OO U)0 GENERALA REQUIREMENTS: p x c.vr "• x L + .-0=6 o ..,w.,,+a"alto •RWND I=PSI CCNCREIE �L LE�iTER INDICATES PARTIiICtb TYPE 1 work identified n e contract documents shall be constructed by the general O ` "'`"r ° REINFORCE W 8"OC . contractor unless noted otM1erwrae on the drawmga O O OI®ggip pp M., tN'DER WDIC41E551W SIZE AS 2 wtaw�rrk¢M1 be hdone n a safe rid workmani ke m er and n str ct ac X SURVEY PLAT b to a ' 38AB,McYA1 an ortlmanceatlhav havingjurisdiction.Lana Sec He coder°rid al pp wbie q ai one SCALE:N.T 6. ? U N la N COMPACTED SUBGRAOE 3-6 METAL O H PLAN NOTE: .�. _ - x Mom 3 MI wane work blank rig groanda,rou on auaks.m ce laneous tank rig tte UL. 1. The Survey Pot was provided by the Owner for the purposes of obtaining r ` TFII EWE p-AB 4 2r8 WCOp °DProved non-comp°tbe mbten°I m ccortlance wth Iota muncpo as y ° COMPACTED SUBGRADE " A EDGES CONT. 4 Each subcontractor s r.ponsible for a building permit. 1 ' r and specifications n tn.related field.The g failure ttgacquont hinrveffa th this ii Oa S O ea C O ® Bg knowledge does not relieve him ofam responsibility D perform a work properly. N Cw C &GUTTER �SI ALK EDGE LATER S/9'GYP,6% o a dt'ona.nrvensa on shall Cl allowed because of conditions that occur ,g gy �g,g CULL BOAfA cN EAGF SIDE to failure to%mil erza workers with the knawiedge C irl P Ei R cx SHARED PARKING LOT ®V ®9 SCALE 1 1'-.O^ we/`r 1 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 5 The contractor shall ken the construction area freeand clear 0g debris. _���SHOWN ®�CLARITY trainman¢debrismoter from r m ap t rid do notw been D cum Remove I/O"EXPANSION LINE construction."provide d da firebe ed n the ex s specified.Maketing building. r During \A cooextinguishers a a :RIolM KEYED NOTES mac within° chem.,areas. s SCIONS GtS S ilk A 6. The con4actor shall maintain the required number of ex is within the building. \ c DESK EDP X EXISTING OPi0NJ01NT MACE Maintain exit signs and emergentlighting al all times As required by the Iecal e OSE• SOE1500K k 1' le PROVDEDNEu SDEI-1ALK 10ExSTIPG SHARED PASCINOSHALL se boding official,tear non temporary — F C1�ACCESS®LE PER TAS tl' [ t porary exiting during the construction process r \� _ me LAYER I!t GTKM'r T General aontroctor shall submit all required shop drawings to designer for approve u �- �, illl ILA\\ SIDEWALK x SCREEY 2B•FWIS GALV®St o.u:r£NCE I•rt,00000,l MALL BOARD CO EAG!BIDE q LINES FOR VISUAL t1 ❑RIeaED iNNiN 6FT GALE prior to fabrication - _ ® �j O PERSPECTIVE ONLY //I WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS _ NOT FOR % l AT 5'O.C.W EXPANSION �i \ O S' ER ON TRALERnAINTAW GETCLR ON ALL AOSDES OF 8 Contractor's responsible for obtaining a1 required permits and certificates of c y�CARD,... -k- ( // JOINT IF NECESSARY tot\ mtAusne.S. §AT ALL TIMES o Nr 'r CONSTRUCTION) / i 1\\\ wupanry ( a m //i 4 CONCRETE SDEUALK SLOPE LE.THAN.MAXB a aiamm cabinet work shall be furnished by contractor. JOHN A.V9LLARREA6 •_''�I"" RanP L:2 O EXISTNG CREFt MYRTLE ADD O.To HATCH •8 I.N rated ceilings(X re co M ea �YY N T r� required)shall be n compliance w local con m Nio+� 'iII - . u uoo0 DECKNALKNAT LAYERS sae Tr.ea 11 Al tloore u¢etl n wniunct on earth eegill .FNING b� AS t/2"EXP,JOINT T DRIVEWAY WIDTH SHOWN F. 12 The Conti ctorThhal and direct the w CUTE (BOTH SIDES) /SEE n attenton a contractor shall b e responsible se r onotnotnoore berm ak oethado techniques,sequences,antl procedures antl shot coordinate all portions 0 solely ns r all o ton 500 BW BT c PA6LE J ON PLANE A 16W SF V�j'�����pWl';)':j � l of wo prawn By, m 5 r 13 The contractor shill! 3 contractors responsible to the owner for me oats aria pl 0f ea NE we 1;. a'oJrm=a BOTTOM OF CURB , G the Cl performing any of the n he omissions JAV 12' R.(ttP.) y other reasons peKorm and their aOBcon and employees res a Of BARS 0.'0 RMN EDGE O F pontrocto 'nq any of the work under tract with the rid mi 5 1/2' /4-PER LK Pe AL�TYPES Cnecketl By. SK.N EE B^ �� NORMAL RISE 1/4"PER FOOT i"ABOVE GUTTER SCA 1 to The owner M �� ._ e�r ®� - .•..,. .: S of dgoadi quality free frroom conforming o.tdfM1cts a and ana corn lriern. tith thes contract s JAV 12 document ��) fIC MAX SLOPE 1 i/2 PER FOOT- 5 1/2 MIN. ons not property alpwrovetla.authorized, breincluding Lin considered defective. 16 5 The purpose of theenclosed documents rs to convey design intentony.The Project A. a W 2x na:c N 6'TYPE 2 CLASS 8 AGGREGATE BASE CAUITONi i 18-126 w NOTES COMPACTED TO MIN.95%MAX.DRY DENSITY ---- W not cut ihraugh slab contractor shall(A)be coley responsible for compliance orders k any pubic 1/2"tle x 2 0 smooth reinforcing hors authority bearing on the performance of the work(B)Promptly notify designer f DE MTAM LEVE ® 1 NO CONCRETE SHALL BE PLACED UNTIL FORMS AND SUBGRgDE ARE INSPECTED BY THE Is®1E o e the g a pe X ons a rice therewtn,antl(0)Obtain all \ CITY EXCAVATION PERMIT INSPECTOR OR APPLICABLE ENGINEER OF RECORD. (Greasew ne endJ //'' nt 3f i6 loot requisitebuilding N permits required m connection with the work. Data ry `£x5-I,G BEi3NDA GRASS 2.FIBER REINFORCED PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE(P.C.C.)SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING / a°w su v CHARACTERISTICS: 4000 PSI MIN.COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH®28 DAYS,MIN.6 SACKS / i6,December 6th OF CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD WITH A MAX.WATER/CEMENT RANO OF 0.45,AIR £ DRAWING INDEX zo ENTRAINMENT 6%}1.5%,SLUMP AT 1 TO 4 INCHES,qLL MATERWS SHALL CONFORM 3 e Wx E y TO SSPWC SECTION 202. POLYPROPYLENE FIBERS SHALL BE ADDED TO THE P.C.C. ffiA AS M INDICATED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. "N' 8P1na SITE PLAN&GENERAL NOTES NORTH BIRMINGHAM STREET 3.COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS TO HAVE f4 BARS T 18°ON CENTER LONGITUDINAL& cry" rr p TRANSVERSE EXTENDING INTO GUTTER PAN.MINIMUM 2"CONCRETE COVER FOR ALL / A101 DEMO PLAN FLOOR PLAN&RCP I'0 PLAN .- REINFORCING BARS. Prepared subgrade_/ ! A102 PARTIAL ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN_ 4.IF EXPANSION JOINT EXISTS WITHIN 4 FEET OF DRIVEWAY,REMOVE SIDEWALK AND CURB (hP) My Sheet O SCALE:1"=20'- AND GUTTER TO THAT JOINT. a 'er(typ) Construction Joint Saw cut Control Joint ,A* A201 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS = O 5.CONCRETE REMOVAL SHALL BE TO NEAT SAWCUi LINES. Po NOtp J ,?` 9 A301 WALL SECTIONS `O PLAN NOTE: 6. REMOVE CONCRETE WHEN CONStRUCTNG DRIVEWAY WHERE CURB IOU SURER COST. Provide Sow Cut Control Jome where C.J.notatwn appears an plan Control Joints m si end of er'e.=* A a ry i.MW II,20ii NMiOrID SIZE PIFN awry MWNE f1PNNMG OEPMIMEM. J.DEPRESSED CURB LENGTH TO MATCH DRIVEWAY WIDTH. intersecting control or eDiobon joints,or must extndptoaedge of sob. Cutting ofslo joints moat P-1 PLUMBING PLAN m 2 WIMAW SLOPES IEVFI.i0 2%MAAtMJM Ai MCFAAEI£PNXgNG SPACE ®p® �w ®® Cl timed to the set of the concrete,and should begin as roan as the surface s firm enough a E-i LIGHTING PLAN o a 3.DRAKE TO BINDING SHALL IX LEVEL AND SRL NOT BREED 1/0 OM.IN LEVEL (\/��^�'/1�5. I VE ViAY APRON DETAIL AIL not t0 be aam°gotl by the blade and competed before excessive drying shrinkage occurs. M-i MECHANICAL PLAN of 4.AT NEW SIDEWNK W.WINN SLOPE NO GREATER IWN SS \../ CALE N.T �SLA GRADE ®AIL Og vII®®I AP Total Of 8 Sheets 8 _. 5.PROWDE M,CESN606 IN 5ThOf ACCORDANCE WIM THE TEXAS.CESAR.SIM M S \ / .s. w� SCALE:N.T.®5® CALF N T.B —__ .,.." .. ."u l KEYED NOTES xAS PoSre STAR 2 Issued for Perm t 12-06-18 fir a-,f ss;i<: t i 4, 3? 5✓�.Mi ds - } : x"" ya'°iir p e 1 /�\DECOR4iE wood El'R LEn r�`� ., �woo�o mn PAw�Er cnR cn au Li uP No. re /aaae Date O ELE varaawia aRoam ERAoE uaLL ro are .,. fia ,-., .^. ' $# "rL •« y OM1 RECLAmEo.rERr cw.wooD nEneERo '+';�7 z"" 's j a s 6TcrNovERExrM LOW ROOS Aeo«.E ' ` 9` 2r O w au Arm GLAss tr{' t �- '' rE,.,PAscaw000 to rPa rrt ro naTcu, e 4 O Ex sT:W W.ASTERovEERGCTORnaNc, g� y ��a � ,W�iiak:> e '+' � " ` � u �y /�Ex srtr«zewv>rED ass Moa.I Torartawnss LJ aDD DEcaure siLEsro EACH fPAwr ronarw, Ui hourciesi Aso wD Door C10>EXSt�GLAs'i ENDOCR REMAIN AS IS � $"z k 6 ',�1� �/c,RRFss wooD mmENsur g", $30 Ck /U- NEw xi GrPf sa tKOD iRIM rWSHfPAM onAicHl $g & mak xf tt ry $ _ $1 / Vgb 4tit- (3,Ex ING 4WJ',E ABODE EMRT DOOG FOR s:fNAGE Ts 1,114 �T ,. 42 - CtR Wi1�w OPENRYa McfU FOR NC pKi WORC 6 sEE nI(GROETALSANDwALLSEca.' x++n4 O EXIER OR GOOSE NECK LT,ExNRE TOTAL 060,AS -x- 10004'8, gyp Ae'. g0 K BT gr`Zrt(cWER SEtEctED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED/ CURRENT PHOTO OF ORENOVATED BUILDING oI J SCALE:N.T.S. -- t5 fs -,o T�NR,' � �. oar 4 , � F � � SOT O —� _ _ �O s) " a F t C L ELDm`°4 '' a s O �, 0 [ Al'--4— --;°/ & [ O O T---- 7 O — "- O- T O L Q isr to o- a O FRONT ELEVATION C / w � W T r' _ s.• . E Lr " "'„ „s .Mn UTES:ALL NEw GLass sHAu eE m PRED sA�r.GLAss rWLEss aIHERAisE NOWT JV CADDE LLC 5 ., a..«.:� aw,a...P... PHOTO OF OLD JOHH A.VILLARREAL 0 EXISTING BUILDING �/ vy.�r..assisoee F.e an-«zc-arm 0 N Drawn By: IZI v INA� are JAV Project II a, ■ ■1 18-128 or • a Date p" O BACK ELEVATION O LEFT SIDE ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 2018, 18 December tlCB'r 6 E1 AS INDICATED Sheet A201 Wylie CityCouncil Y AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: F (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Purchasing Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Account Code: 121-5622-56040 Date Prepared: 2/4/2019 Exhibits: Subject Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Materials and Installation Services for the Renovation of City Baseball Fields from MasterTurf Products and Service,Inc. in the estimated amount of$54,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to approve the purchase of Materials and Installation Services for the Renovation of City Baseball Fields from. MasterTurf Products and Service, Inc. in the estimated amount of$54,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion The Wylie Baseball Softball Association (WBSA) has made a donation in the amount of$35,000.00 (accepted by the City Council on 1/22/2019) for infield improvements to Rowell, Tibbals, Cooper, and Eldridge Fields located at Community Park that will improve the drainage capabilities and playing time of the fields. Staff researched various materials and has determined that the use of"MasterSeal Infield Mix"will provide the best value to the City for water absorption and improved playing surfaces. The use of this material eliminates the need for the application of top conditioners and/or drying agents,provides a life span of between 3-5 years, allows staff to adjust the playing surface (hard or soft) as desired, and will help to prevent costly wind and rain erosion of the fields. "MasterSeal Infield Mix" is provided by MasterTurf Products and Service, Inc., and is available to the City through a cooperative purchasing contract with TASB-Buy Board. Staff recommends the approved of this purchase. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. TASB-Buy Board Contract 529-17; Wylie#W2019-51-I Budget: $60,000.00 Award: $54,000.00 Page 1 of 1 Wylie CityCouncil Y AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: G Department: Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Account Code: 100-521.1-52250 Date Prepared: 2/1/2019 Exhibits: Subject Consider, and act upon,Resolution No. 2019-04(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas,hereby authorizing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal cooperative contract between the Department of Public Safety(DPS)General Stores and the City of Wylie,providing for a cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of general supplies. Recommendation A motion to approve Resolution No. 2019-04(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas,hereby authorizing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal cooperative contract between the Department of Public Safety (DPS) General Stores and the City of Wylie,providing for a cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of general supplies. Discussion Staff has determined that an interlocal cooperative contract between the City of Wylie and the Department of Public Safety(DPS) General Stores for the purchase of certain forms, manuals, gunshot residue kits, and other supplies for the City to use in Breath Testing and Laboratory Alcohol and Drug Testing Programs, will be highly beneficial to the taxpayers as a result of the goods and services provided. Section 791.025 of the Texas Government Code AND Chapter 271.102 of the Texas Local Government Code peuuits Interlocal Agreements between local governments for the purchase of goods and services;thus satisfying the requirement of the City to seek competitive bids for the purchase of goods and services through supplier contracts. Staff recommends the approval of an interlocal cooperative purchasing agreement between the City of Wylie and the Department of Public Safety(DPS),providing for a cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of general supplies utilized in evidence testing. Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO.2019-04(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (DPS) GENERAL STORES AND THE CITY OF WYLIE PROVIDING FOR A COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. WHEREAS, Chapter 271 of the Texas Local Government Code and Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code do permit interlocal cooperative contracts between local governments for the purpose of purchasing goods and services, and that such agreements satisfy the requirements of local governments to seek competitive bids for the purchase of goods and services through supplier contracts; and WHEREAS,the City of Wylie is of the opinion that an Interlocal cooperative contract between the City of Wylie and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for the purchase of certain forms, manuals, gunshot residue kits,and other supplies to be used in Breath Testing,Laboratory Alcohol and Drug Testing Programs,will be highly beneficial to the taxpayers as a result of the goods and services provided,and; WHEREAS, the competitive solicitation and selection process required that suppliers allow participating public agencies to purchase goods, products and services on the same terms, conditions and pricing as the Department of Public Safety(DPS)General Stores; subject to the applicable local purchasing ordinances and laws of the state of purchase; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the City of Wylie,Texas is authorized to enroll and participate in the interlocal cooperative contract with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) General Stores, and purchases made through such program shall be deemed to meet the agencies competitive purchasing requirements. SECTION 2: The City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, the interlocal cooperative contract between the Department of Public Safety(DPS) General Stores and the City of Wylie. SECTION 3: A representative of the City of Wylie, Texas named as Glenna Hayes, Purchasing Manager, is authorized to sign and deliver any and all necessary requests and documents in connection therewith for and on behalf of the City of Wylie,Texas. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas on this 12th day of February, 2019 Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution No. 2019-04(R) Interlocal Cooperative Contract Between The Department Of Public Safety(DPS)General Stores And The City Of Wylie Wylie CityCouncil Y AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: H Department: Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) 100-5132-56040 Prepared By: Glenna Hayes Account Code: 112-5625-56040 Date Prepared: February 1, 2019 Exhibits: W2019-1-A Evaluation Matrix Subject Consider,and act upon,the award of RFP#W2019-1-A for Janitorial Services to All Janitorial Professional Services Inc. in the estimated annual amount of $195,223.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. Recommendation A motion authorizing the award of RFP#W2019-1-A for Janitorial. Services to All Janitorial Professional Services Inc. in the estimated annual amount of $195,223.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. Discussion The City selected a request for proposal (RFP) process for the selection of a janitorial services company. Based on previous experience, staff determined that this bid process would allow vendors greater flexibility to propose quality staffing and costs based on the building requirements, standards, and expectations of the City. The RFP also provides for alternate services (window cleaning, high dusting, power washing), and additional hourly services as needed for special events. The RFP was advertised and six (6)responsive proposals were received. The RFPs were reviewed and evaluated in the areas of experience, work history of contract similar in size and scope, personnel policies, available services, products and equipment to be utilized,and pricing. Vendors with a minimum score of 3 (meets needs)were considered in the final review, and staff interviewed the top two (2) firms. The evaluation team has determined that the proposal submitted by All Janitorial Professional Services Inc. provides the best overall value (experience, number of hours and expense) for the City,while also staying within budgetary requirements. Staff recommends the award of#W2019-1-A for Janitorial Services to All Janitorial Professional Services, Inc. in an estimated annual amount of$195,223.00. The award of this bid will establish an annual contract with an initial one (1) year term and three (3)additional one(1)year renewals; to be exercised at the City's option. Combined Budgets: $212,400.00 Estimated Annual Expense: $195,223.00 Page 1 of 1 LI EVALUATION MATRIX W2019-1-A JANITORIAL SERVICES Institution Technical Score Pricing Score Total All Janitorial Svcs. 2.238 1.298 3.536 Global Maintenance 2.013 1.500 3.513 Oriental Bldg 2.250 1.153 3.403 Member's Bldg 2.266 1.090 3.356 Regent Svcs 2.006 1.171 3.177 Prestige Janitorial 1.650 1.174 2.824 I certify that the above accurately reflects the review completed by the evaluation team. �. ;;17 -ill/art 29 20/9 Nancy Leyva, Buyer f Date PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS Wylie City Council oF 1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: I Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: January 29, 2019 Exhibits: 4 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-05 amending Ordinance No. 2018-24 for Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Amendments approved by the WEDC Board of Directors on December 10, 2018 for fiscal year 2018-2019. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2019-05 amending Ordinance No. 2018-24 for Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Amendments approved by the WEDC Board of Directors on December 10, 2018 for fiscal year 2018-2019. Discussion On December 12, 2018,the WEDC entered into a $4,500,000 loan agreement with.The American National Bank of Texas (ANB) following approval by the WEDC Board on December 10, 2018 and Wylie City Council on December 11, 2018. Loan proceeds are intended to fund a property acquisition and redevelopment project for property located near the intersection of State Highway 78 & Brown Street. The attached Budget Amendment allows the WEDC to recognize the Loan Proceeds and allocate funds associated with debt service, demolition/remediation, and capital projects. On the Revenue side, the $4.5 mm loan from ANB will be accounted for with an increase to Bank Note Proceeds in the same amount. Sale of Land is being amended to more accurately reflect the potential sale of a WEDC pad site on Highway 78 along with a second WEDC tract currently being negotiated for sale. An increase to Rental Income reflects existing leases in place within the Brown& 78 project. Within Expenses, an increase in Contractual Services of$246,914 is being recommended. While previously unbudgeted expenses of $385,000 are earmarked for asbestos remediation and demolition of WEDC property located at 300 East Brown Street (Hillcrest Manor Nursing Home), budget reductions within Interlocal Agreements ($15,000) and Incentives ($123,786) somewhat offset the increase. Debt Service is recommended for a $220,130 increase to address the new ANB loan associated with Brown & 78 acquisitions ($262,969 for remainder of the fiscal year), and the early payoff of an existing loan ($494,954) as recommended by ANB to meet certain cash flow requirements. The Principal Reduction budget was reduced from $1.2 mm to $749,240 to accommodate the shift in priorities. Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 Finally, an increase to Capital Outlay of$4,667,760 is recommended to account for the Land acquisition, an alley project near Ballard and Brown that is being carried over from FY 2017. —2018, and an unbudgeted paving project at Sanden and Hensley. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2018-24, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 2018-24 setting forth the Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 beginning October 1, 2018, and ending September 30, 2019; and, WHEREAS,the Wylie Economic Development Corporation(WEDC)routinely reviews their budget appropriations to determined if any changes are necessary; and WHEREAS, based upon said review the Wylie Economic Development Corporation staff now recommends that certain amendments to the Budget be considered by the City Council; see Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS,the City Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY 2018- 2019 Budget, see Exhibit A, with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City; and therefore, desires to adopt the same by formal action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION I: The proposed amendments to the FY2018-2019 Budget of the City of Wylie, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 2019-05, are, completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY 2018-2019 Budget. SECTION II: All portions of the existing FY 2018-2019 Budget and Ordinance No. 2018- 24,except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect,and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION III: Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional,illegal or invalid,the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Ordinance No.2019-05 WEDC Budget Amendment SECTION V: That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of the Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 12th day of February, 2019. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No.2019-05 WEDC Budget Amendment WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET PROPOSED AMENDED 2018-2019 AMENDMENTS 2018-2019 BEGINNING BALANCE: $ 720,887 (1) $ 1,462,636 (2) REVENUES: Sales Taxes 2,600,000 - 2,600,000 Intergovernmental Revenues - - - Interest 3,600 - 3,600 Rental Income 112,440 10,000 122,440 Gain/(Loss)Sale of Capital Assets 1,300,000 252,726 1,552,726 Bank Note Proceeds - 4,500,000 4,500,000 Lease Principal Payments - - - Total Revenues $ 4,016,040 $ 4,762,726 $ 8,778,766 EXPENDITURES: Economic Development Personnel Services 422,181 - 422,181 Supplies 9,040 - 9,040 Materials for Maintenance 7,000 - 7,000 Contractual Services 1,904,887 246,914 2,151,801 Debt Service 1,751,819 220,130 1,971,949 Capital Outlay 642,000 4,667,760 5,309,760 Other Financing(Uses) - - - Total Expenditures 4,736,927 5,134,804 9,871,731 ENDING BALANCE: $ - $ 369,671 (1) Projected Beginning Balance at 10/1/2018 (2) Actual Audited Beginning Balance at 10/1/2018 BUDGET AMENDMENT - REVENUES FISCAL YEAR 2019 RANK; 1_ , OF , 1 REQUEST DEPARTMENT: WEDC New Request: XX New personnel? Salary Grade: Funds already received? Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: Increase Revenues to recognize bank note proceeds, increased rental income from purchased properties and a revision to anticipated proceeds from sale of land. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 111 4000 49325 Bank Note Proceeds- new loan 4,500,000 111 4000 48430 Sale of Land - increase from $1,300,000 to $1,552,726 252,726 111 4000 48110 Rental Income -increase from 112,400 to 122,400 10,000 TOTAL 4,762,726 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: BUDGET AMENDMENT - EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2019 New Request: XX New personnel? XX Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? XX Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL 0 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: BUDGET AMENDMENT - EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2019 RANK 1_ . OF 1 REQUEST: . DEPARTMENT: WEDC,:. New Request: XX New personnel? Salary Grade: Funds already received? Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: Allocate funding for anticipated expenses asociated with land acquisition,expenses associated with land maintenance and preparation for redevelopment, debt service and infrastructure investment. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 111 5611 56030 Incentives -123,786 111 5611 56040 Special Services 370,000 111 5611 56090 Community Development -500 111 5611 56310 Insurance 1,200 111 5611 57415 Debt Service 220,130 111 5611 58110 Land - Purchase Price 4,500,000 111 5611 58210 Streets &Alleys 167,760 TOTAL 5,134,804 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: BUDGET AMENDMENT - EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2019 New Request: XX New personnel? XX Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? XX Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL 0 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: January 21, 2018 Exhibits: 4 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a Replat to create Lot 5R, Block 23 within Railroad Addition; being a Residential Replat of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Railroad Addition, generally located west of Fifth Street, and north of Masters Avenue. Recommendation Motion to approve a Replat to create Lot 5R,Block 23 within.Railroad Addition;being a Residential Replat of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Railroad Addition, generally located west of Fifth Street, and north of Masters Avenue. Discussion OWNER: Roome Land Surveying APPLICANT: Cesar E.Figueroa Aguilar The purpose of the Replat is to reconfigure four lots to establish one lot on 0.344 acres. The property is zoned Multifamily (MF). The property contains a legal non-conforming single-family home. The applicant is requesting to combine the four lots into a single residential lot. The existing lot configuration of the site limits the property owner's ability to expand his home due to setback constraints. Combining the four lots into one larger lot will allow the property owner to add an addition to his home. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Notification/Responses: Fourteen (14) notifications were mailed; with one (1) response received in favor and none in opposition at the time of this posting. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 6-0 subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. Page 1 of I Locator Map 1 . . , 200 • ,. _ ,. „P..�. .. »-.. .... - H 1a u z 1 ti F- T I . i[07. 1 • k" i coE:- , i .j , a s,, l ,A° : 527 WYLI CEMETERY RY•�- l ' 932 I� �1 p 75 33R 7 I E OAK ST _ __.� 1 i [110 8I 1 1 I l , r10°1 �, 'i sr 6C h ... ... .. .. �,.....�.M LI_ _rU , 02 CQ ;1 3100 : c dB 1I ss t 1333 40 0 } dt .,,.f Tt r 1 't0 008 1 .. "4C�V ( ( 1 : [ r ?_ ��a �-- � r 1II [ ri1 1 r 1 Bo7 �..w.. 5714 7 „.„.1 t `09 aS MASTERS AVE co IYLI ICEMETERY h— �,__.n ....._ _ 200 ..� yr 43 A t II 02 � s 1 II 1 C,f3 2Rb VI A _. }200 1 , 1 20 J, �... F 2 3 :233 i i ( _.._ - , f 4I4 f . y,y Et _ Lq� 1 r t 2 205 r l 22 i t '� i t I T 03 5 77 607 i i i t 401 71 i 1 45403 1 I j E BUTLER STT CL I.._ i 300 1 81 1 , i 380 ' -- E _ , 1 I ..� i 7 r1 1 �_ l e32 s a02 33 t ` a I 1. t =,yam' s} t . .._, [ d3 3S3y: 1 i 133 ', 105 i k RAILROAD ADDITIONAL BLOCK 23 �`�? � � --4 .._ . ���������� Subject Property AddressPoints_2K fr'N ,-„--r. � ,,,,:,,,,,, ,r,:,,,,„:,,,,,,,,,,(vii: . 0 100 200 400 600 800 1,000 Y N Feet WYLI t ,, _, c SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE 5tA'f0 OF'i0W6 OWNERS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE f FxAc § DUN Y OF N COUNIA of COLLIN 9 - ,,,,,,,EA,con SENT. of Texas. T B" C C C q being F M 7 F.E.Bemenderfer do 3, C' ry y on ndn are by certify that I prepared this amending plat S Wylie. aeor drope placed underaccordance with cr.C County Map eco de d g described os dean Ora none y Wylie follows: rvd "%"ooew egaeL BEGINNING n 1/ s Preliminary(not far recording) Fro ow,uc xn,9 —� ram.sea wm,w�e a a t2 :ADV. rs/mrsorrrwazrom cr.= Avenue(100right-,-way).corner o soaddition: t t comer of satl Lot e,and.he B erfeJr. marking E. emend r J-2O southeast corner of Lot 9 add'"o', N Scale: ' - LS.No.eOsi AV am x ws ear THENCE w the c s 8 a.9,Noril,00"00'26"Went.125-00 reel a 20'w capped et e �% se54'9"F f1O.00' mar M Lot T Fr 8 ow eDCEMFNr __ ...—__ ssmaa no oo' THENCE 'tsouth d alley.and the north line of Lots 5.5,ryes 5a.v�oo WW cos northeast 8t comer East, 20... ._ to aesPoor.maroopoed n rod net mark nq sthe aid northeast comer of Lot e,antl.M1e northwest comer of Lot 4.Block 23 of sartl Addition, GOUNSTATE couIVrc uw OF TEXAS 9 OE co coo THENCE thes'ith the common line stheast comer of Lot between rid,he southwest Lerner of Lot a Masters Avenue, BEFORE rfe o this d that me snore was executed for.he feet R the north right-of-way line of 9 t l 5,in a foregoing d r n loam e person w to the instrument,r of right-of THENCE the purposes an J ( Conl'- 999M1squareofeet4or 0.3.acres oland. the Dace of 9 9 "d o GIVEN UNDER MY a HANG AND SEAL OF OFFICE, cux/ this the y f Wu, a9<a m Loy SX, /oik23 OWNERS CERTIFICATION 2019- Po..erw,b� n Oily of wN�e eq'�'L `� g Cemetery STATE of TEXAS g mr 81 COUNTY OF COLLN ¢ gmenv rim `� / be o NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN 9Y THESE('RESENTS TM1e Slate of eras 3 E. Printed Name gn a 8� addition to the City of Wylie.Texas,an does hereby dedicate,in fee simple,to the public rights-of lR a 2 f R,Iroad Addition.an use forever,the streets, �� LMeor I.purposes indicated an s landscape i eY. public use areas.are dedicated,for the public use forever,f t Recommended f0 PP ovc I this plat.No bui.ings,fences,trees.shrubs hat i Ion...improvement,moy be placed in ements may also be used for mutual Tao use and accommodation of ell public utilities unless d ZoningCommission Dat su limits th U Ole to pub cs a City o y s use ereof pub c u being s Chairman,y T as _ nThe D�_'fath — fern 9 "Approved for Construction" N......W tw.00 q., 1. or efficiency endanger e City of Wylie and public rightutility entities shall at all times have the full and ingress r osirvcling9n constructing. s to or from their respective easements for the purpose of , respectivemaintaining,reading meters,and adding to or removing all or ports of their systems without the necessity at ony time procuring permission from anyone, Mayor, Y of Wylie.Texas Date approved too platting ordinances,roles.re9ulotions and resolutions of h WITNESS,my hood,this the day of ,2a,9. Masters Avenue Cesar E.Fiqueroa...Aguilor,Owner Mayor.City o y e.Taos Date „." Wye Teas hereby -ers9ned,the City secretaryy a the City�t .. b ACKNOWLEDGEMENT foregoing ante P of Lot 6d to the City Co Block 2th of Railroad Addition to the Wylie was uncil on the of STATE OF TEXAS § the Council,n by action,then an streets, COUNT!OF COWN ¢ t,public pNces,and w,er and sewer lines a,showo and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note BEFORE N FORE ME,the known the o p ce chereo y g g s name as hereinabove subscribed_ foregoing instrument,who acknowledged to me that the same was exe.ted for the purposes P GIVEN UNDER My HAND AND SEAL OF L1 ncE.this the___......day of 2019. 2City Secretary Texas ( ty of Wy'e. __ ' City of Wylie Tne State of Teas of ..,47,7 µet a Printed Name Final Plat Lot 5R, Block 23 Railroad Addition SITE; The purpose - being a Replat of Lots 5,6, 7&8, Block 23 '� Railroad Addition this Final PNt is to comb,e Lots 5, s 1., 6 &8 f y3 q _ ® Selling a C2 pt�alNe Ee�na, used recorded in Vol 77,Pg,494, C.C.M.R. e add t an violation of 14999Square Feet or 0.344Acres u 00 ordinance a.state low and is subject to fines and withholding of CI elevation 530.294' (Mvniaipal complex) f , _ 00,, D_ utilities and building pe Ls_ C2 Elevation=550.238. (tilde City Park) Francisco De la Pina Survey,Abstract 688 l a City of Wylie,Collor County, Texas V NOTES: c q Booed an November19 2018 �o� er c o'Es cFs , g 2' d 9 ( 't Legend thin a sZ 2) S 95 00 f Revised: I.O3 P \ ,w 8 ® o <e c m o o,it a 2 E 8 fee coo 7/ / 9 a 'from the nm,xx s br radius tangent S minimum f 9 cleared ee Commitment , Roome Mapsy,Texas and Incorporated Areas Rate the benefit Title obstructing views in the Cottonbelt right-of-way must be and WILLOW W, with this o sidewalk w be required won the (5)me Jor-nq cos pweEY io ^ Eee t tP LandSurveying VICINITY MAP t Fam Iy.' ° ��—� \p ereaDu - aruw Y a o 9 Co....Cm tnobe t M"-M cu caw�u V�o�m•�, -r t N.T.S, i o 45289 muv oath,n��m 'A. I .. nmLLu'wn�,9. mNo., „rid ,.." Notification Map , , i i , , , 50 0 33 , 1 it " ,.ti103 �.w%VILLAGE " \EAST "+� I J APA 'MFNTS ! jF I 1 101 tAt I « RAILROAD � WYLIF h W i 1. ..., _. Cif ��i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i���♦ to �00'+�+��0��������� CO 1 6 j ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4.1:♦♦♦♦♦♦• ♦♦ i �i+i�i�i���i�i�i�i+i+�i�i�i�i�►ii " ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ♦♦ 1 %%%%% I z Oiiiiii►iiiiiiiiiii i a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�i I • I I e I e t MASTERS AVE ii i 1 w4 O `� « / 1 ®« Z 1 «do- « d�,« « . s RAILROAD y "'wqk WYLIE .9* "q +"r`."w....4.are.WMi,MXM.V& VNM0, r. w. . w..w..w se . ., w8AP. "°'. ° RAILROAD ADDITIONAL BLOCK 23 -` .a - - ir .. .. ... ♦�♦�♦�♦�♦� ,,; i 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer �♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦, Subject Property N r .J Lt,"....f 0 ,j - ' L. 0 30 60 120 180 240 300 1 2 -., ` 4 N Feet WYL 1 ,- PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Replat#2019-01. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Replat#2019-01. Please feel free to contact Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,January 15,2019,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,February 12,2019,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: Z~Ll`r,fl/g617/ ALL A--)-ALEA7 L/V7& 7?1)57- (please print) -- --� �� Address: /D i, -R,Sit c-- Z4/L. tt_cxybe., -73Z -7573,9? Signature: _ '- ae,.e..-y------ Date: !— / - c--U/�` COMMENTS: . i� , G'Ube- � �� , h )1-4A- Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: January 21, 2018 Exhibits: 6 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Commercial Corridor(CC), for retail purposes on one acre, generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road. ZC 2019-01 Recommendation Motion to approve a change of zoning from.Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Commercial Corridor(CC), for retail purposes on one acre, generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road. ZC 2019-01 Discussion Owner: John D. Martin Applicant: Yong Cha Kim for SJC Texas Investment The applicant is requesting to rezone a one-acre property located at 2505 Country Club Road from AG/30 to CC. The property is generally bordered by AG property to the south and west, CC to the north, and commercial properties to the east that reside outside of the city limits. The applicant is proposing the property be rezoned to allow for a single retail development of approximately 8,000 square feet. The applicant has provided a concept plan that includes two site plans and typical elevations. There are two site plans as the applicant is still working with the property owner to the north for a shared access easement. If the shared access is not acquired,the applicant will move forward with the"Alternate Plan." Should the zoning be approved the applicant will submit a final site plan and a preliminary plat for consideration before any development can begin. The zoning requested is compatible with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The area is designated as General Urban, which generally supports the retail, service, office,light production, and research. Notification/Responses: Three notifications were mailed; with no responses returned at the time of posting. However, property owners immediately to the south of the subject tract attended the meeting and submitted a form in favor of the request. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 6-0 subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department, and required a note be added that the Concept Plan is preliminary only. Page 1 of I Locator Map r1 ,, s „,„.„ :, , , , , ' i j j k t t j I I 1 N gg p� i 0 .. _.�.. ., a........_ ............... _..,..._........ ._... ... t II , d j 11 I 22 1 i I _.. I g i t v 1 i; �. V1 YLIE t'"I J !I :2ro5 . 3 i3 . <I ; I F 3P .. Y _ ....._._� .,_..a._ _,. . . �_? I°P t 1 3 1 1 1 245 I I I j Driveway i - i i 1 N Hj1 i ZC 2019-01 J. 1 ▪.,...... -7 '."ep ▪ ! � ���4 Subject Property AddressPoints_2Kflip „ 0 105 210 420 630 840 1,050 C �.� k A FeetWYL . LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 2505 F. . 1378 - YLIE, TEXAS FIELD NOTES: BEING A TRACT OF LAND SITUTATED IN THE WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 716, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING ALL OF A CALLED 1.002 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO DENNIS JOSEPH BAUM ET UX, or RECORD IN VOLUME 2809, PAGE 926, DEED RECORDS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 5/8" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF F.M. NO. 1378 (COUNTRY CLUB)AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT, SAME BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER or A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO BOBBY W. MITCHELL ET UX, OF RECORD IN VOLUME 585, PAGE 503, DEED RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY: THENCE NORTH 89 Degrees 39'04"WEST ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE or 208.87 FEET TO A 5/S" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 00 Degrees 06'35" EAST ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE or SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 208.59 FEET TO A 3/8" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 89 Degrees 42'43" EAST ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE or SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE or 208.47 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF AND BEING IN THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID F.M. NO. 1378; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID F.M. NO. 1378,A DISTANCE or 208.81 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.000 ACRES Of LAND. • . . . . ., .. ... . . • . .. . . „ . " 'LAND TITLE SURVEY' FIELD NOTES: BEING A TRACT OF LAND SITUTATED IN THE WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO,716,COLON COUNTY, TEXAS,AND BEING ALL or A CALLED 1,002 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO DENNIS JOSEPH BAUM ET UX,OF RELOAD IN VOLUME 2009,PAGE 926,DEED RECORDS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNINO AT A 5/8"IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE WEST RIOHT-DE-WAY LINE OF F.M.NO. 1378(COUNTRY CLUB)AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 1,082 ACRE TRAIT,SAME BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO BOBBY W. MITCHELL ET UX,OF' RECORD IN VOLUME 585,PAGE 503, DEED RECORDS CA'SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 69E59'04"WEST ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 208,87 FEET TO A 5/8"IRON ROD FOUND FOB CORNER AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF: THENCE NORTH 00E06'35'EAST ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY TINE OF SAID I.002 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 208.59 FEET TO A 3/8" IRON ROD POUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 89'4243"EAST ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY UNE OF SAID LOGO ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 208.47 FEET TO A 1/2"IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER Al THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF AND BEING IN THE:WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OE SAID F.M.NO, 13713; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OP SAID F.M.NO, 1378,A DISTANCE OF 202.61 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.000 ACRES or LAND. KENNETH D. ELLIS 1 METAL GARAGE (Na'SLAB) VOL. 645, PS,400 D,R.C,C.T. (DUDA,S 09'46'09"E zoa.a-c) $ 894243 E 208,47 A,--1 5 4, ''''- /,',(./.1......—Pr=1.7.,.,-..-.=7,_P______ ,- • ,y V END 1/2"LR, A ---- - 0" —,----- , ' -..il G.3°"IRE 3/8" I.R, I '3, A 1 I A A A A A [ 8, I t lo- r-E- W X * _ 3' 0 ITU EL ..4 L) A CW• ,m I I.'o•-y EX- 1.000 ACRES 0 r, A, `, ..,,, ,_ <F)_..a LA At' g z 6 1 e% 1 0 0. vs a lTI S z ,..,-,'-' N'") ,,,-` ,-."-- . _ „, 71.2' 0 I . I----- ;t- ALE: cx NE A A &I 4m AX AE 3 ,A,Cp - ET 8'1,. m ITsT w R.9' IV- .13^ •+- . * .,• PROPANE AE ,'A. CONC. DANT, . . TANK ,' A _ ___ L.i_.) —__ _ „ 62,0' -„ w PIPE • WOOD DECK,„''''..• L....1 ONE STORY -8,,------,--1,:__ --....- 7.5' 9.9' FRAME REDO. ",„ 24.3 . - TE .,„ (NO SLAB) 6 . , , • CO at .-„AI`E. ONE STORY A • . .4, ; GRAVEL ' • - - I I . 4 3, FRAME g.4, . < .' . .. ',,S, GARAGE . • '4 < 4 ‘4 ___ • — -L-4- w , 0.r III' 1: , • _ . — BEGIN --••••- -----,,,,4 ---,END 5/0"LP. 0,7-,,, k 8_,A, ' A A g'9`39°De W,V 4'' A ' -T .-,-A---0•9' " I I N 208*87 , i (DEED.N 6946'08"W 20931108 "AS - TELEPHONE in .Z2; VAULT Mmmm.mEM14-EArwail Ad,'h BOBBY W. MITCHELL ET UX - GRAPHIC SEALE: VOL. 585°FIG, 503 1 NOSE T.-GU ITLET . , • a n D .DCT ,,.•. ...,. ;-',-: ;.:'Lss.,kary i, es, D . .. - - - ,..s ' Ills, VT LEGEND -----------m--- I,EASON L MORGAN,REGISTERED PRGEEssIoNAL LAND Sully COO OF THIS SURVEY MAT PERFORMED NM OE. "" CM insprEsc.ilents shown. —sh— WOOD FENCE THE STATE DE rEvAL,Do NERETT DER.THAT INFO sUEREE TURNINGS AL COMPLIED ASH THE CURRENT TEXAS SOCIETY OF -k- MAIN LINE FENCE PROFESSION.SUPTESOPS...ABCs AND spteRVAM.MR A ,,..017,1P;It4 REPUBLIC TITLE —..—.-.X - ..-x-- WIRE PENCE CATEGORY 1A'LAND TITLE SUM".ANS TITAN THE PLAT HEREON IS A TRuE,MERE.ANON CEDRATE REPRESENTATION OE THE SUBJECT dAZA,,,k4t,Ph'te il.or INN PAYEE ilt ART OTHER PARTY EH.BE or -0- *N..,NNO,8 ro., PROPERTY AG DETERMINED NO AR ON THE GROUND ED..ANDER MY ,^4..,,TAI8L TE. ION .0.1 BISH MO THE IJNIPERSIGN.IS NOT RESPONSIBLE ',0 OWED K.,*N.,MS%MM.,DIMRVIMM. MOS SUPERVISION. 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'Cg AT O,_ -771- OVERHEAD SERVICE LINO / Gr# OM 3622 FLOOD NOTE: / TAL,..,,i8,v.„,„.., Ro i THANSTENEMER ARLO PAD_ / ,,,,/ ---.<,,.,,, ADDORDINO TO MY INTERPRETATIDINS OE COMMUNITY PANEL NO.480755 0485N.DATED -,,x,, I ES OAT SURFACt 01/ TECH CM 1,016,OF THE NATIONAL VLOOD INSURANCE RATE us.MR COLLIN COUNTY, -40'4,74., 641- DEN,BY.J4M TEXAS,TILE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE ERE AND IS NoT SHOWN To TEI""EGYI CONGAREE -3-AS. L. MORGAN Axe;7W-07 5667 --..- 3 OE WITHIN A SEMI.FLOOD HAZARD AREA T.STATEMENT DoES NOT NETT TT. EL'i' THE MITER.AND/OR"TEAL VEER THEREM WILT NE FREE FROM FLOODING CT FLOOD DAMAGE, ON HARE MCA..GREATER FLOODS CAN AND WILL OCCUR AND ./- Di'.1.6 Avenue JO,Ate. 203 P.m HEIcHTs MAT RE vioREAsED NY MAN-MADE OR TA RN LOOSEN THIN Rom -. Plano,Tema 78074 STATEMENT SHALT HOT CREATE LIABILITY Al THE PART OF THE SURVEYOR, Global Land Surveying, Inc. Phone(972)881-1700 Few(972)482-1063 elneth ulatIspeakemy.net I I I NOT IN SCOPE B ''' PROPER IY LINE iilb. u-^Q 10 LANDSCAPE BUFFER .:� ''''_'�.........�..x... ' ......... .._..... ..........�...... CONSULTANTS __..— I i _ �/ _\....\._ _.._..' .tea 1 rv�..os�.000rvwRTER .. I :� �za FIRE LANE MUTUAL AC�ESB EASEMENT 3 TRANSFORMER \ . s� 10 ' \\ 2505 10 / O.'.' \ WYLE.Tx COUNTRYcwe RD 1 v PROJECT DATA lb. ZONING AG/30 CURRENT to L ��!\ � f I CR PROPOSED PROPOSED USE RETAIL/RESTAURANT I ( I LOT AREA 1.0 ACRE 2' MAX.BUILDING HT 36' . I. f w FRONT SET BACK 25` 't, PROPOSED 1-STORY BUILDING a .. 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Z A-0.1 ' 1 I — 1 SHEET BLsyNo 1 OF 1 NOT IN SCOPE • �. _ PROPER FY I. 10LANDSGAPE BUFFER rt SAN TARV SEWER EASEMENT CONSULTANTS ` /ouMesiER �za FIRE LANE MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT y l — I /A / TRANSFORMER \\ — ,i • .... O uNTRv cwaw PROJECT DATA ZONING AG/30 CURRENT WilCR PROPOSED I 7 I I PROPOSED USE RETAIL/RESTAURANT I I LOT AREA 1 0 ACRE MX.BUILNG T 35' FRONTA SETDI BACKH 265 tr.. I PROPOSED 1-STORY BUILDING BA REAR/SIDE S BACK to' �..-�. LANDSCAPE BUFFER 10'TO SF w W I I 2505 COUNTRY RD YLIE,TX I I>,...., 5'TO MF I I TOTAL AREA 7560 SF • Iw W PARKING REQUIRED RESTAURANT 25 RETAILS AT dRESTAURANT 2500 SE(33%) I i a RETAIL 13 LT1II RElAtL STORE 5060 SF(67°°/a) 11 O TOTAL 38 2505 COUNTRY CLUB RD 11 PARKING PROVIDED 44 WYLIE,TX Z 19 SPACES(40%)IN FRONT OF BUILDING Z ° I 1 CO I F PROPOSED BUILDING 7560 SF O I ---- II 0 FLOOR AREA RATIO 17.4% — Z 1 Z 1 II�l1! 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SHEET#LsyNo 1 OF 1 I I I I BFCKVENEER TN AwN,NC STUCCO R C VENEER 1.. lllyyy"' T+27'-eO.PARAPET� / CONSULTANTS ,�T���O��.ROOF Mail I 11111111111_ u moraNull -11-1.401- —icio-n 0 , . lip .1 a mt, a I a ii_ p 11 I I a al ,ONE VI-NE,R ill r 01°1s1 FLOOR ClXTERIOR ELEVATION-EAST 8SCA E a = ,o fi G 1" METAL coPP Nc -s'rucco viwsH- m f� _ aV+O.SARAPET RETAILS AT To.Roof 2505 COUNTRY CLUB RD +18'-0^ i WYLIE,TX 8 8 8 ��sroNEVENEER _ 1.1 - 7 _,70i <,, , / vv,v6 .0[10 \ list FLOOR ° 11/28/18 REVIEW 61 O EXTERIOR ELEVATION-WEST Cv e�EKV R aK� �EHEEK ���oE���s� STUCCO F N St \ / T PARAPET \ +27 8 mT O PARAPET t mT O ROOF MARK DATE DESCRIPTION `//4f PROJECT NO'. q\\\ MODEL FILE: COPYRIGHT'. SHEET TITLE m+si FLOOR WW° ELEVATIONS cDEXTERIOR ELEVATION-SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION-NORTH Al A3 SCA E,,8 _ SCALE„a.- ,..o. c _ s c _ d A-2.1 1 1 1 1 _SHEET BL+yNo 1 OF 1 Notification Map r r R,...�.......4 ....}:....o.,......w...........,...,...-...W.... .. . , . . � . .. 7 I . 1 .r' 1 f 444 +{ \ � . I . ,JrN. 0 : d I . x r t 4 tl . , j t j 1 ■ •,q i i i ����������������'��'����������i OLD PARKER .D i co i �i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i���i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�'i�i►�i i �. ♦�������������♦�����♦������♦ SAINT PAUi i i ®i�i�i�► �i�i�i►�i�i�i�i i i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i♦i�i�i�i�i�i�i®,►���i�i�i�®®�►������� i i �iiiiiiiii4®'�i+'SA�®®®®i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i i I i 1 t . _. I i I 1a. 1 I . 1 ! ti 4i 0 e r 4i , ¢r 4 , ' �� .a .. •••..A Mil"MX III—.tl...a"M...—t.s.......Mk..r'A.r tlW AV Acre*.-a tll-....••M°•► A ...,at I ZC 2019-01 F.. i 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer 1� Subject PropertVI,y f .0 t -FY 0 37.5 75 150 225 300 375 N Feet W I L I E PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (I-louse type or tISC biktek ink) Departnient of Planning 3110 Cfiantry Club Road Building 1(X) 1151f,lie,Texas 751198 I am FOR the reLluested toning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2019-01. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Citse#2019-01. Please feel free to contact Planning Department at 972.516.6320 Lvith questions or concerns Dfite„Idoetit ion &llirrie of Planning &Zoning Comdlission meeting: 11 uesdaffh Januar:, 15. 2(119, 6:(10 pm Complex, 300 Cottntry Club Road, Building 1(10,N,N1).lie,Texas Date. fmcation&Time Lill City COLIncil meeting: 1 idextlay. I1ebrintr:„ 12, 2(119, 6:00 pm INItinidipal Complex.30()Country Club Road, Building 100,W:ff lie.Texas rn& 514 Manic: 4,4 (pled5c prinrj fAfklress: 1 /1 SignaldlIstp T v-T Date: L-3 d L011 L CC)NINIENTS: ?, ' frvjf.eor A Donna Bradshaw 16 Carey Lane, Lucas, TX 75002 I'm here representing my parents, Bobby and Barbara Mitchell, the property owners who reside at 2457 Country Club. Their property adjoins the proposed rezoning request, public hearing No. 2. First, I want to thank Jason Haskins and Renea who answered my questions when I emailed and called City Hall. On the record, my parents are in favor of the commercial rezoning at 2505 Country Club. The questions that I had were triggered by the Site Plans that were included in the packet and public notice. I had questions about lot coverage, future drainage for the proposed development, dumpster location, and buffering between my parents residential lot and the proposed commercial development. As Jason explained, the site plans are included to provide the Commission and council with an idea of what may be developed with this property, and that the final site plan would undergo review at a later date. I feel that it would be less confusing for property owners if the included Site Plan, Alternate Site Plan and Elevations were marked in some way as "Preliminary Site Plans" or "For Information Only" so it was not construed that this development would be constructed as shown on the included site plan and would reflect the requirements in the City's Code of Ordinances. As stated before, my parents are in favor of the proposed rezoning, but want to ensure that proper measures are taken to include the necessary buffering, drainage and dumpster location between their residential property and the proposed commercial development. Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: January 25, 2019 Exhibits: 4 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-06, supporting a Municipal Setting Designation to prohibit the use of groundwater in the designated area;generally located north of FM 544 and east of Commerce Street, and more specifically being 802 W. Kirby St. of the Samuel B Shelby Survey, Tr 11,Abs 820 &E.C. Davidson Survey, Tr3,Abs.MSD2018-01 Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No.2019-06,supporting a Municipal Setting Designation to prohibit the use of groundwater in the designated area; generally located north of FM 544 and east of Commerce Street, and more specifically being 802 W. Kirby St of the Samuel B Shelby Survey, Tr 11,Abs 820&E.C. Davidson Survey, Tr3,Abs. MSD2018-01 Discussion Owner: Wylie Economic Development Corporation Consultant: W&M Environmental Group,LLC In January 2016,the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2016-01 in accordance with Subchapter W of Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code that authorizes the TCEQ to identify and designate certain areas as Municipal. Setting Designations(MSD)to prohibit groundwater as potable water if there is contamination in excess of the applicable potable water protective concentration levels. The purpose of the MSD Law is to protect the public against exposure to contaminated groundwater and to provide a less expensive and faster alternative to existing state environmental regulations governing the investigation and cleanup, and directed toward protection of human health and the environment balanced with the economic welfare of the citizens of the City. Part of the process,as mandated by the State,requires the City Council to pass a resolution in support of an MSD for the site prohibiting the use of shallow groundwater as potable(drinking)water. The prohibition must be in the form of a city ordinance, or a restrictive covenant that is enforceable by the city and filed in the property records. The City does not utilize groundwater as a source for public drinking water. Page 1 of 1. Page 2 of 2 A Public Meeting was held on January 24, 2019, in which the consultant presented information about the process and the specific area of request. There were four citizens in attendance. Those in attendance were allowed to ask question and provide input. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-06 A MUNICIPAL SETTING DESIGNATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, PROHIBITING THE USE OF GROUNDWATER FROM BENEATH PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF FM 544 AND EAST OF COMMERCE STREET, AND MORE SPECIFICALLY BEING 802 W. KIRBY ST OF THE SAMUEL B SHELBY SURVEY, TR 11, ABS 820 & E.C. DAVIDSON SURVEY, TR3, ABS; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE, SAVINGS/REPEALING CLAUSE, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Subchapter W of Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code ("MSD Law") authorizes the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ") to identify and designate certain areas — municipal setting designations — within a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction on which groundwater is not used as potable water and to prohibit such groundwater from future use as potable water because the groundwater is contaminated in excess of the applicable potable-water protective concentration level; and WHEREAS, Section 42-130, of Article VII. Municipal Setting Designations, Ordinance No. 2016-01, as amended, of the City Code of Ordinances authorizes municipal setting designation ordinances prohibiting the use of designated groundwater as potable water and thereby enable the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to certify a municipal setting designation for designated property; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that: (1) the eligibility criteria of Section 361.803 of the Texas Health and Safety Code have been met; (2) this municipal setting designation ordinance will not have an adverse effect on the current or future water resource needs or obligations of the City of Wylie; (3) there is a public drinking water supply system that satisfies the requirements of Chapter 341 of the Texas Health and Safety Code and that supplies or is capable of supplying drinking water to the designated property and property within one-half mile of the designated property; and (4) this municipal setting designation ordinance is necessary because the concentration of contaminants of concern exceed ingestion protective concentration levels for human ingestion; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas, and the ordinances of the City of Wylie, have given the required notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property regarding this municipal setting designation ordinance; Ordinance No. 2019-06-prohibiting the use of groundwater from beneath property generally located north of FM 544 and east of Commerce Street NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That for purposes of this municipal setting designation ordinance, the "designated property"means the property described in Exhibit A, attached to the ordinance. SECTION 2: That for purposes of this municipal setting designation ordinance, "designated groundwater" means water below the surface of the designated property to a depth of 150 feet. SECTION 3: That use of the designated groundwater from beneath the designated property as potable water, as defined in Section 361.801(2) of the Texas Health and Safety Code, and the following uses of or contacts with the designated groundwater are prohibited: (1) Human consumption or drinking (2) Showering or bathing (3) Cooking (4) Irrigation of crops for human consumption. SECTION 4: That the City Council supports the application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for certification of a municipal setting designation for the designated property. SECTION 5: A person who has received approval of a MSD from the City shall, upon issuance from the TCEQ, provide the director with a copy of the certificate of completion or other documentation issued for the MSD area, showing that response actions, if required, have been completed. SECTION 6: The applicant shall execute, deliver and file, no later than thirty (30) days from the date of the TCEQ's certification, in the official real property records of the appropriate county, a deed restriction approved as to form by the city attorney prohibiting the drilling of wells and the use of designated groundwater for any purpose, including but not limited to any potable purpose, and excepting only: (i) wells used as monitoring wells for the collection of groundwater samples for chemical or biological laboratory analyses; and (ii) wells used for the purposes of remediation of soil or groundwater contamination. SECTION 7: A file-stamped and recorded copy of said deed restriction shall be delivered to the city attorney's office and the director's office within three (3) business days after the date of filing. The deed restriction shall be enforceable by the City and may be amended or terminated only with the prior written consent of the City after at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the TCEQ of any pending amendment or termination. SECTION 8: A person commits an offense if the person fails to provide the city attorney and the director with the documentation required in this section within the specified time frames. SECTION 9: A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or with criminal negligence uses groundwater in a designated area for a purpose prohibited in the municipal setting designation ordinance. Ordinance No. 2019-06-prohibiting the use of groundwater from beneath property generally located north of FM 544 and east of Commerce Street SECTION 10: The city attorney is authorized to commence an action for appropriate legal or equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction in addition to the penalty mentioned in subsection (f) above. Such additional relief may include a civil fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day for violations of section 42-138, and all other damages, costs, remedies and legal processes to which the City may be entitled. SECTION 11: Penalty. Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating or refusing to comply with any provision of this Ordinance, as it exists or may be amended, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it under local, state and federal law. SECTION 12: Savings/Repealing. The Code of Ordinances shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other Ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict, but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 13: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional and/or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of whether any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases is declared unconstitutional and/or invalid. SECTION 14: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication as required by the City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 12th day of February 2019. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION:February 20,2019,in the Wylie News Ordinance No. 2019-06-prohibiting the use of groundwater from beneath property generally located north of FM 544 and east of Commerce Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being 800 W Kirby St and being all of 3.0 acres, Tract 11, Abstract 820 of Samuel B Shelby Survey&being 802 W Kirby St and being all of 4.67 acres, Tract 3, Abstract 266 of E C Davidson Survey, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas Public Meeting pm. Municipal Setting Designation I Minutes January 24, 2019—6:30 pm Wylie Recreation Center, Meeting Room 300 Country Club Road, Building 200 INTRODUCTION Ms Renae' 011ie,Development Services Director welcomed all in attendance. Staff present was Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant and Sam Satterwhite, Director Wylie Economic Development. Ms. 011ie introduced Mr. Frank Clark, PE of W&M Environmental Group, located 906 E. 18th Street, Plano, Texas 75074. Mr. Clark introduced Mr. Clay Snider, W&M Environmental Group and Mr. David Whitten, Guida, Slavich &Flores,PC. MSD is simply an ordinance that restricts the use of groundwater on the property for potable use. It does not affect any other properties that are adjacent or near the subject property. Mr. Clark gave a presentation for a Municipal Setting Designation on property located at 802 W Kirby and 800 W Kirby. The steps to have an MSD on a piece of property are: • Hold a Public Meeting • City Council adopt an Ordinance(scheduled for February 12, 2019) • Apply TCEQ • Receive certification by TCEQ • The Ordinance is filed with the Deed of Record The public meeting notices were mailed to property owners within 2,500 feet of the property, notify municipalities within five miles of the property, and notify property owners that have a water well within five miles of the property. The MSD Statute came into place 2003. The State of Texas developed to monitor and deal with historical groundwater contamination. The purpose of an MSD Designation is to prevent groundwater from being used for potable purposes. The MSD is also a tool used in conjunction with Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) to address environmental contamination. The property is 4.06 acres and is located at 802 W Kirby,formerly occupied by a Chemical Recycling Company in the 1970's. The company recycled, stored and disposed of solvent Minutes January 24,2019 Wylie MSD Public Meeting Page 1 of 2 paints. The State closed the business in the 1980's. No other business occupied the property. The property located at 800 W Kirby is 2.88 acres. The property operated as City of Wylie Service Center from 1975 to 1989. Although the property is not required for a clean-up, there was petroleum storage leakage and municipal solid waste. An investigation on the soil was done three main methods of getting data information; soil boring; soil vapor point; and by monitoring well. The samples were taken 3,000 feet below surface and the contamination was 30 feet below surface. The contamination plume is not moving fast or very far upstream. The MSD is not only a designation from the city, but also included in the deed restrictions. There are no negative impacts to offsite properties. The full application and supporting documents can be viewed in the Planning and Zoning Department at the Municipal Complex—City Hall. The public meeting was adjourned at 7:20PM, with nine people in attendance. Minutes January 24,2019 Wylie MSD Public Meeting Page 2 of 2 Iwo�,vW R 4i d:6'ittaf '.'d, „k,a,*, .,".. w,�„,�.�;,rnn�� ';;�mn�,fi""�" r"tlu'�^�u4k,�i°+F,�Pn;idr��'"W�• � � ''�"', I, W"'Wll, ,uN iTM"7"�' > i' I 'I WN,..., II' ^i' I�III :i"V ''Q Faor� x tr.rnat �a r1"tE"[36.f�:.i aFdn " CCdA1a'@IX'iIduSti`li WIIIII.II , ti+ xd'4: r N tl I 4 'i u 4 "'BI E ' {• Atk "t'"• I,,, ",,µ d,�x,X' ,4:,aw ���! "+ ''•Wr ���� : „ I;; n' ru`v1"'„"'x ert mereY+at�1 Plt�StY'i t „,m ttiO �F _ ;;01; A w^,fix'' "°". d " "'' +S 9 d" W �ynM ��I " NSW* riP tl,, "� r., :^)i,„ a'"4'r" ti . t,.;;: 4m` , •',y;? „)„ ).,: ply^' ,,,„ o ,;,`*,,„",a 4m+,''�. "... 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"a4a'.3 s,l �I. „''''' i,�.r�. d dV , ,, ,,,a,.1 i :4x 4,,,`; ,t . >!"'tt,a^ „t 1 .r `n 'o);,'a 'd' tl ; ;,'is ,,r,.. ,x,ti .....,"v,ul,,,,,," .I, G> ;t, m".K "" u ,m+N' .iu „.y`Y x, 'xa. ,,N,�d °ruu^„,.4y'a,�1ai;•i �m,n,6'� „, ,'s`• ''VD„ w'',,p< P ;;„�n ., o.Y.,U`,5. ,� . �* N„. 5 ^1 aew , gym " pr"X,r!� i..r '>' baa'4�y)`k'a,,1e'. ,PJ"� „'ip.,, «h<f(('4,. ,,;r),,a u:lr .�" .y�.H",yp" " „- � P+':,.'')n `).),i' :;iTtii) °n, n,," r#„t:„ -,,' ,,0,"" I'A J",'",re." ,j,,, p�.w , ",., r"ry",Pr' µ...ttF ,i".3 : 'os,y ^vc ',du,,,, ,Ids` :." 'd ni ,'''''�9'"""' ° ,^ ' fib, 0j,;�' w; "':d <, «I ;'.;! ,:., 'I, tl e' ' , ,, a „ , ° °i; h'' `gym.. .,,,.ate )' ,a �'"w. �: �}4 :' " m'`""i M,�','''"tra' a' wn,,;x ,;', W"1 aeW" ra'owt„:: ',; 'd�A t"..' ., h}a ,.,., ,3 p0N o,Y,, ,IMj 4t q".d'Ad, -0,a".''re „,x !w.m,.,,v en ,44, ,r..„ r., . ' II ,s, 9,. . ,.,. li,kr `w,t ...id,,k; .>"tl,"rw'..iii"«vg, x,. ^y,r;,�+' pro.;'.+a�rAwe� 7, 13 t1tl Source-(:)roUUrn Central Apiamts raanat, Figure 1 ` „ "Approximate i"1 Site Boundary Go ogle le Earth imagery eey, P_t1 1 Siter1Vr i , 1 -.r, / , d FG tsra ;its fi1?and "r rrc r 4n1° t eb 5 @[ �� d1r°iittrl Tracks "t yla),''Texas �s SCALE; 1' k IP. f. 9t26r.t7t1 I % M 1v11 10 Project No 125911 Drawn by-SI Checked by-11I f e,vised' r , mp a"• 411 ; .," Former Chemical Recycling, Inc. 802 W. Kirby Street & Former 800 W. Kirby Street Wylie, Texas February 1 , 2019 .. ..,.... ..C::.w;?„ d i w.,,,,:1 bd.� IN „° �, ^6fl ,1h; IN�`a .lN „°, IN�'° .lN ,,; tN ° tti °; N ° •.� ^° ,°w to ° ^lN�t:,°, .lN ° .lN,u ,.,...:�. d �r'iC.m, + $ wr tip. "n"^ . ............... ....._... ....,,..,,. . . ,:1 r What is an MSD ? (Municipal Setting Designation) An ordinance affecting only the subject property ("Designated Property") . Restricts the use of groundwater from the Designated Property for potable purposes. Does not affect any off-Site properties. .. ..,.... ..C::.w;?„ d i w.,,,,:1 bd.� IN „° �, ^6fl ,1h; IN�`a .lN „°, IN�'° .lN ,,; tN ° tti °; N ° •.� ^° ,°w to ° ^lN�t:,°, .lN ° .lN,u ,.,...:�. d �r'iC.m, + $ wr tip. "n"^ . ............... ....._... ....,,..,,. . . ,:1 r d ... ,w•� What Does the MSD Do ? Prevents groundwater from being used for potable purposes. Recognizes that shallow groundwater in most urban settings is not used. Eliminates the need to cleanup groundwater to potable standards. Is a tool used in conjunction with Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) to address environmental contamination. ...,x,; P�"'"k46P'�0x' WI..tim °'%':e..mkedA. ",^'P p%y nPu.n m 'a,, a' "% Via.., ,„ a' °;ill " fir,; ,ki't t` ;••.1'°x,°',cp, o/wyl,�y' ""o':" ,inP..� F`y{� �i �..iP" 9 tdr, �( .s }� (',R „ «�,'Y ,� 4, w;o��gd'.p '�°�P .�.N''�.... �.,,'J,rs ,J a „p,7pWom ' ;l Yr�e i,,(;dii • ,f ajg ,:VVnduu A al Ay " J� slzt� A � v { 'S ` T y 1 r': "` '""ti,' ' ; a� ,,;x """r; C f a ,qa°y A r „, hy w .'� -'l ',' 'Ni,AM Ni am^ , „"7 $ `' ' s,1,; x ,„ , , r �.% r 4 A"a Wi rr 44> la 0 ill . artr"" ' ' ram; .,." ^�'A;,7I'P" „tIar, �r>>: Location 'Ikrr' "'S*1 ��„,„, �` � "' "' a N,. k,K ,'. 6 PI;„' ' ' 9,�,.i o. .'„gl,; 4?€tY +' ir l " , „ ' y al`t r 'S" lii,• ,',,,,,,v,3^;r i`�`,=t+ 5,',�,r' °'',' ,%,I"' ", ' ' ��'`n fiat .p vjstrc; ;'e;;a',`ua.:,`I ', , . 4,r r :" ";, .M;'','� '1r .fi 't N .3;" b,x„ t r. „ ^,R w - 31Nti<„%,,' *VVpm', �,''; :,�1':'ik`Wtatt�i,, tr,9„� 0,, ,,. „""" ,,,A,, ,;,,,3 Yx�.1 �' ;,`sl,7 4, ,gf1rv' ..P ,�'4,;��a, %ti' y "' "' ,�u.,;..� es,;, s�"j%�Z<��t —" sa '�l 1�° "M "b"'ukx• At,ymt'Nv"n„f)rt,,,.,' '�a hie ,., ' , "„et 5`u, "" :lyr, „u'I��M1u ,,,," H " $ ,ri;'P,' 'k.`; ,Za 1.iS�t;, \ .r ��;sst, `�`�. <{��, ,�z;Y�tt,tr,,.31 1� �„ ,� iF „ .r ,t,..6„",<rm,,,r,, :..t3�a�„�,`�A'ia.�s3�, �� ��er�\����\ti?����"l,�i'�ai�����."aw.���a,'<z .;td,�gt�i5 ; �I�,,,'a.�.ua"^?, r ,mot,- ,,.,`,`;,,,r '.,i�i �� 4,"'*v,��y�.S a.`d�,,� ,n11;v�' ;�'-t°';��, �'`�'a Kitt'- .:'.,a'„cx,...,. �a �e:. }' ;z �1;.`�,�,r,., } �r a.r,rn;,t°o M,ra�r�k�.eaa�544",`'.',',-.KIT'b Stree;t�1, .�a 1z i;..,,,,�,,„.,„riau3g`a4�7P,)l ,g,.,ti - a€�s ,,,�„$ °S"g°vvn=ar,�Y& �0 '�/ w� �„ ,\iti,.,, .;.�.n:4-44ry�i oa,4t ,r.,,,Y`r,uyti -„y„e4„ ,a«, �w' a w �„fie•' ,F9„ ;i°. u1 \`'t^ati'lait`5���'`�1`�,a�`vi,�;a��"`�`l�il��,.v�3w i'r"�''„'Y�'r�i"''t,� „?''si i a,r :a�: ,,y „ti,�til �. �,��i, �. � �S,' L,r-�,�s�,,s'rb<tzit�t�;ttutx>��o'��t<,t,.�, ve�ti�"` .r,�,, � aw`t,,u� » `�`,r s,�`t,,,, ;,� ;fir, ���„��;,, �,�,�1,,���t,.ua�� TM,. ,�,„ "d=is',?a;�r�,,£4;<ri`i7Etstx=,e �,,,,,• �,,,.�,r <,t >;�ir K � e' tw1 is"",u1�`,,�i��S�V`a�.,`��1 »`°�, ,d„ r,x,r, t'3hv„tiCJ ,,aa, �j <>�� ¢,�,.t>s=3 # z .t,L, �s „F .z,t "'�����,,` > .,ana�;i.,�.s..,,31.Et„kssrr^„mrUrvlr',�'��Y.,, ,>,n,f���'v".�:a��.1s�...�v`11a� ,;,.,,a ,-,�Ir':na,,.v ,.,v,...., �",',_.,mom. ,cs.,.,;, „s,�"�sr,mcrsi�a-„snvar,m. .. ,.,.... ..C,.wV„ d i w.,,,,:1 Ma.�; tNa�„° a,a� ^6fla�,1�; tN�aa .lNa�„°, thaw° .lNa�,,; +Nab° tti °; ° •.� ^° ,°, +4 ° ^lN�"t:,°, .lNa�° .tN,u ,.,,..:�. d u'1"....m, + :?.,... \ u $ ws tip. "n"d" "*! . ............... ....._... ....,,..,,. 1°,"•w,r.w'w w'w`",+dCr, M � ,�i, \1�r\�ci .: ';� Via... ....... '..... ....... 1 r d • • • • Site Activities 802 W. Kirby St - Former Chemical Recycling Inc. • Facility was in operation from 1975 until 1989. • Recycled, stored, and disposed of paints, thinners, and spent solvents. • Former EPA Superfund Site - Received a Ready for Reuse certificate for Commercial/Industrial Land use in June 2016 Former 800 W. Kirby St - Former Wylie Service Center • Former Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank Site and unregistered municipal solid waste landfill. .,",,,,' V�uhf V It w ';G V�tv!\1lV�tv,;'1 1lV�tv1 1lV�tv,;'1 1lV�tv1 1lV�tv,;'1 1lV�tv1 1lV�tv,;'1 1lV�tv1 1lV�tv,;'1 1lV�tv1 1lV�tv,;'1 1lV�tv1 1lV�tv,;'1 1lV�tv1 1lV�tv,;'1 1lV�tv1 1 V ',: W' ,W.x" 'I' Vljl �,P , t v 111 V ` i, "�' P¢ a s�,�;uttiam�v�e�aw`' kw .,.. aq� rn :w.m''r Site Pictures , . „ . ,. . , .. .1 ltfli'' " ' :',",:l!'',''.:''''',',,;.:,''''''',:''''',:''''''''''''''„Ai,;,4;''',,:l'f,,''''''''''''.1';'''''i'''''''.,:l; 14' a 0 Of " L. : ar ��" fti',s 01 st , e . � � � " ' a � 2. -wv: 4 ttdnv ws x"ya.w.:: a t xlttS OilitZfin , .. qqyy ,� .. q i \\\ e" R� � I 441 t} 4 d d f vH i ` ri v 'm r dw bro� `' 1 V V u�� n ! 4,W v yw " F x xw ^ . it „ d���l .0 , , .n» ,"':;";P~f nr Pun". 5 " mi+P41';' ° ,0" r „x,i �I."'"'", 101" I .,.G., , .` r ,i, P N„ n;. wr,Vu.ru. .,, ; , , 00,1 „rtmr�0, Po„ ,.� R. "1111 "1 r �Yem»4410 N +M; "`abx»,Mx . lien» uimii ,,,..."'^. rn , w A °bm," �1'lll" a , " � "ry 'pdq 0 v�m �Vd' „ 0,0 N *a„u .11,1H 0" ^ n,,P bu a,ou, i „ " ,, '0' " ml ' . mv„" " , i ¢ u" "m " „ ,0„IDi`; ,°� ,0""M,gr +(tAd n,,,, ,000" 0u "' c gymm d 'w :� „^ �;m��: 041, Mr< w;IP; ,al , I nun ry 000 �'Y - ,'rt I '•n�e. ;++ 49, mmN100000,00;; n it, r ' nu ° _ °a�`„filk�>a.2 0':.: ,rlre � � ' ' 0t'„' g x",` „ ,,"xm.' Spl 1��rdu xro ; l° ';"'", ,,til,{, "'' ' , ',.Y, o,6M,u 'Y' 1 , O, r a u n w a te r :', ''11:,,l',,,',,,:,',,,, ' ti }iiSr ' ' � S,, + n » a �Vr'a"' i ' ' �;� .ri,y, � '. � ' 'rYk ,Y` � i%t • • ':.o� r '� i} ',d ,, , :,� ,'A +dilvr� m' , 'Z.,,:,, e:oi� l' ' p � } ", ' ; d' „.„5, „ , , r. . 1, " m 4.„ ' "d , M ft 'i� a� vO� r � ,'J� }ii, tiX" r „...» fi,,,„+ v',b ; , Yiu a r „u i ."+yo ��rr", i, ` n A .4 ul. � N' t. ° i4 0020', ; W """p .Flow , ,„, ,,„,,, „,,,•,-4, ,d, : ' i1. ,{ ixro.@r +`, ,r ty C �. +sw 1 iiiil„ tit, , '"'it t�.' t . M,tiiki. 'gti,4KTI,,id'tit ,ti=," . }'x 4 ,' itMVi5 " '`i t(a,» ,r, asv Monitoring Well "{e n•���:k'� 4; Y : ,,d!; � si, g�',� � 6> , , 1011 Flow Direction d' A oi °m r,-,,S`, bp ym., MWt et,ry ' 001 00,0."..;V � a "" mive2,trxx ki,11 7,„i .:tt 'qyr wtt „ i� i,I' t ,ts i tti#: r.' ' 91 nl l' ,: _�` 93` ) R rg b: "?w x\ , „ '" ,,. •d. �,,wr�,�,,� % 41;`° , ,'' • '`ssa w,,{ ;` „ .N� a " � ,:n.e� 7 ' „ » �6���., Z.tvaZx5ax§ '�' C�,. m�r�,,� x �, ,,„4"Z',i .,;' • „n • • r^t,a' 4� ;�t •4,x � .I„' a'5i'.°4?� 4Z4bis ,f4 I�9 � o�" � ,_ "'1, �,'4»;t'',;r7Y'�r; ,,„,,rw �ti?�'>t ,rts,`�� ,,„m,„}',_'� t., f =lv '; -ka�ANa; i r t 2""p. v \i,,`""xw'q•,3w�,n,a „.�. r.o,,t ,`s,miri" li ..,, '>4i» ;�gtiv„, , m(, ,' ="" ;°' "'�" °I ? ° �647 000 ` x ` e ; ,a,; ;it {f�1s<",", a ''= ""r;:ir== P. :,;P N , m + .'a r "•W't _ "' s* " , , xm ,3t, » " „ „ 9I mrat>xrt= 'M+ l x , 4 �N Wf8 '..IF tit gook , , yiiii ? ,wk" . i, Pf;' 4 .: m Y 4; 000 iO 44 ' ' py 944 x "' p 4l 4,„4;' "p1,i , , F'om.t"" € ,u too,' 'm Z4;y �`t '" , � . :.t 3 u, ,, `j ' . f`mv tk,, '�k' +t, � " g 4 +�ySL,y ?1.;=,;' ;n ' % i5' d� r ��������� ¢ur ", "'sq„ `t. ° q,, p�lon ?'� %.:'^„ , M. : , rYi4,, 011, • 5 �{., „ ' k , 4,, 'in a , Pq1, nt' 1 is 4, , i ax.%` I ,,0 , ,,o, f* ;", 4l , ak „ _ t. c. " .,T„,• ttirct'=x1�n„,w"'i%�,'=,'" ar ", tN"rr'ka ,`ir,,,zt-hs�,",. ~'al =m.t:.„.;k."�it.,�,,ti,G;,.,•,,t,.I",a,m%g,:.t:��at4ay"c,, O .F n.:i�" ,���,S.,c\,,tr{iisn, -msr„,,tr�ar.�z���iii�tA��,.`ia`t l ii°ttitki�� .i��iti l ih,. ';ta< i't.�� ii{ t: &,'tzam `z° .,3.. �����.�",iit�tiC,�#«„�Ywtts,g.��,\� m� ?�pV,�� wn�1>),a�,\� �� = :=z.;��' ky,tix"" ,:w}i,oi ,,s� �Ym �kS4.",:�� , ,,�� a{.e �tti.»,°#2s,t1{;i.'�ti ; F.ar ,I kiKarkb,t,�5"�4ti4,,'( = K rbY vSt4,rL ie e IX`litif %:� ��",,,i ` tmt�itif ait ts,wwewi, '"„ta:g '14�.S=24t3h ,Ac.eL „Z"„ y»,, ,, ie!S ,I l lk„ ,t � < td „l � „"¢�Si.gm; �„l;yltil �#t ,„itit,�iiiiiitigi, �,z. _tLri��Yitv yazwx r;N M 1 MY , and [<x, . ...,,».� px�� N" " . ^'r "^.+.?„,w,„'t.,',.1,1„' „ ,,-^ ro�:p 7;,w.„;.`:0 ;v,. ,„am,,.,"„4,14,, A q ,,,t „ .I r•^J'Y ";.:,,,B..,v M.. ...I VAv':"'4:Y,Yrow 0�4,1,,,.. ry p# "p'„, 4 89 rr",M F{"'01, ",I.' ullp .. IMfl.,,mi .V�vx , ""µ,ii.n 'wy, xu„ Fia,eu° "W•."-fin 'will I ���y������ PCE Plume ,P n »'"N�a� ,n t, vfi��„ ,>F,.�.Ab,pWr`xM��}�Po�w'd RRq`� ^':Rwydl:"'m' �M a"q` " b,, w° '%'',a" ..d"; yA' "'.,^rt°:`• 1"V�.', �°"��'"o-'"�'i.vw�' w,Y',rv;"�0,x� ��� ��.,. rvVll aAm,. w'9,^° ', :.,y � iiiuwF1'N�'r" in Groundwater ^�r�^ � .' a" ?`fs`,,�,A. ���'�rc "'' °l,aw,,;;„"7""'"®.' iv,,,:x „, ' ,;,' ,;;fir'' tO, PCE Iso-concentration Line ,.# ,, , ;��m„u " „, rc , „ 'rF,Nt2,;;' :.,wo^ wrw., 'I'wu' " i I (mg/ ) ;,, =r w x, T,,,r w;x ;. .,„;° ,,, `art, ,,,„q.,; '. J.,.a„' ,„ PCE Ingestion PCL � ;,,...; ' :' g e.Y ';;.. �Y.`mr^u",:''•N;;'�' w� r{{„',��»^„';, t•': S3N1'•f. f.c 'i �N ',�'�,„ Exceedance Zone A, ° .i",', i.�t „ '" ,, ,'° 'L„ 1 ;;', ,'': ',#75 m�,� p Lz,,.y l ,44, �i�O>;^"� ,Y �����1'N b %,9''7'4����m V S�'Z,4.„p • '�„ 'iA;,t,h''xi' 9"'x 4�;; ^r. `f4,,, „yy,��, r� „m t,'. ,' r �iz�i yitg t a... ",I',' `e� m .,, I%% ,p�, 1k,"n>'i z, ts,4 e;�".,y',,'�,. °�t ,� '¢*4', nr,,- 'sea';,,,, 4'„' e ',v„ inn. ilia �", " .2, i'1..ti,,tr 1$".1q', ;�. »',"':�"Y': MW'98Ry a "�N' "1`Nia 'a,4?,a r �xv,, Note: All other VOCs (aside , . „,,„„ ? „ ' ''" „2,�,,,., ''mar"x N "\.„4.:,°�Y'W1I�,„, "R. ,r"''",,,,' �'a m n' ''°,,' ,",:kV''' df'� 1� ,A•",k��llll," ^`" �sy,' 'r,��`,»'`.t 4 ,xs<sa'te`��,IHAIJr' ,na. 'A:II" ;»s'�..,'���� e»r.,, o. from PCE) detected above 1441' "'x",," M�:';r�fi. N '� �� `2»,`".1,is`1rx� �..i,,»�sp�`�",��',,'�� 44W �°'eX4'�»r",%'„"'r'(j, ingestion PCLs were only „„"„",r I - . y '}'a r';y,t,", 0,t§hd"4..a `io "' l„y �!! •',',nr a l'4: , r''''t„Y. identified in MW-22. ,'' .,,t, ,<. r j;,,, p .. ` ,., tl .,, i,,AN.« 1,ts.' „ rn' a g,,, v' �'"��' ��'' ,�, .,,d,°1�� <a .�,<=,�ro; .,,, ',�vry�ur�"''r ',�,�"��""'a:, � �",''�', ;�;r? v�tu;�,l,!:; X",wady i»}` x t ,„1'm .',*} ,,. '°" iiii"I SI y,,, 9�Mn :',,,,s4;>„ta 41 ,,,Y :` ',,'FRS �,.,1„-„` ����„„„,„,�'I •.,!loll;,% y r' 0'�" i "�-��-- N: �.P,ti', ,!'w' v',t}4",,, No additional plume maps were _ ,, ?, ,,,,•,' '° '' , `c- $,'µ�' yet, 4,"k'"" �„t, I„�� 4«:a', z b,"r 3 "�. r,,wm,:, ,tam ke,r.. �,t���sa"' , t,,,:i ,)v,',y. 11:::� °,n `':II1iii ffP ,Mrl� ''�'' ,'a,w,"464 '`y. generated as a result1. 1,444 M ,. N4.,' Y44 ,r, ,',;v���� .1,,,,�4 ''' ;s's,�`t Ltq"5�;<',t'',` �~ '\ at ,. P��� 4��1��� �?� �U „�',»4a� , �c4`����t �wy' iays,; 4� t , '`l;. §*',wa� '`";� „nt<>v5»„�;t!»,, ,�„�411� 1Yw.� 3 i�cttiNb ��\i,„'' } t iv.t�, „h�:��` n...''t ,e*m;,��* � `44c�s�7�4`G � rn�:e.� 4» 7,i ,"aFIr:w ,„,„,,;,� .�"4 »„ rn., vr, „t �w,.a,evM , d:--,� ,; y �n2y »„„4z PCE Ingestion PCL- 0.005 mg/I 4Fa„rm t „MaYrket�54 4, W K rb �S,tre;et��. F� ��,���„ ' ,,,„,,s ""�� m�„`4�� ��� lM ,,sr�,�„�� �,n,,n,+<„t ,»,,w;" � , i „ „y,,4,„ , .. „ ,...m ,sa.,,,,,, „ s.,t 4444 " „ " m N } .am N" w r, r*`4^h a�woau � .�a�,m :r ,a}', „':,"w,,r,. jury a„p gu VIAltgi „ Pb d4;,.„ ,, o v0"m.•: rvflR!" P Wuxur�44r",AJro ",lw,ii,m em o iN,, �r$1'r r� •qg ,,,, wr,,,,,'Nb%+,4, rn ,y;:. kw"W t , ^*rr444 'q;u" , „T I+'f' �R„i ��� �'w "�����m „t#`,Sr, 'm'„ TCE Plume 4 „ �, ° „r ;fan , �., ,`muse. „�11'�.m•�' , ,''i,,,r° �I� yw �:� ; 0 iww�iM,rr r��.^• �;p���µµ��e�u fr�r'u dai!„,,v� 1F in Groundwater � ..�m.,.� n '_ mM1." ."k.. ,.u4,4 ,,;t ��'�'N,� ��r„ p auo":,,,",,,,,""s i,mu,,, "x .,,,,.,^,§,.. e31tt£`k'4f= i k41,,,," ,t4,.,ka 0440444 ''`v ,,.w ..e,nM,�, ^B'., 'wn. N v ,',.;, r I,„a„ � z 6. P^, ����r�;lll1° v ��rc. 'r'.:' �i6��� �^e, ���L,� r u'�.,v.+C TCE Iso-concentration Line '," £, 44; 4; "" )„ra00''o'�' „lkA , (mg/I) ,, ' , \ M • "�P.°i'^'r,„„„'w� 'gym `¢�, $" 'iom"�1 v^, ;`",rY, ,'' e'''', ����a�i '"`', ',. b' . , ,�44 t4="i�';;'', ;,J::' ;� �"„"s;,�r,,,A: vq�Sw�„r P u 'z�u any . rb`ti4?,i{{'� w. "rdax'� ,„�'� TCE Ingestion PCL a' u} rr44a ,. ®, Exceedance Zone wW VAA o,1,, Ala" '4A'4 rA IIF ',i,'"•,' N i i� q u1 �uv' wm������ 1,4, ,, tt4',,y';,.y'm 4''' "',,- I fit/ °r ', ` An ,+ 4. , >'(i Muu. �u ',`' r )r. i:lkt ,a, 4`' >f, ` d„ �v'a. �. ,fix;,err:;^' "k... emu - ,',7„rt,t�`ik'"+r'i" s "�,4' or x ,',.t;,, B�r"' ,4 �° 't4 4`444"44; Mlw,l,,,,�' '�'YPr.� +t3'�� .� '�, ,ir„' u '1;�,.". du,- ,,I., ",-ri 44 kk '^^�f, e" 2`� `44,4,y,�4'; ;., r. q�,rcu;°'~„P""G y��'. ,i,,,ate'';4.4,t,��,„°4`'4''" ,�.. � il. ,.. .a ,x" ..,,i° 4„"t` ', ;‘;r, mom 4,4 m i ,,, t,6 r..y e, ;'„'y',4 „ j, `,ak' I,,,, ,a I - 'I,"PK,;: r a'' k'k 4 4rri''44 ,. 'Alis' `''t t,,sa?. .:;1 `r t 'g4.,,, „ '.�'',,,,; g�b"" ,Iglu 41, $ ''';,w,1�4 4`)' mr ',i,,,, i{4itxiv,n"aI ,`l`, � m3`, 4 444444 MW-"'(1' ';t,>;^r;,�,'�1"�i",ir. auJ;lYB, t 44 •', 4' ,4 w 4.} „P '4 kv, ,x.:::i t.`Yt.C.,, • 4g 1,w„41Y 1 )„k,.`r, ,, �h,I,;ti,awrcd,aR' Y..� 'a,m 4' ,,,,,,,,,6,,„ ,r`,,,e's,40,4 n.+ �ryp �', .,,., rr4V' " 3 Z q` ,'=%?'-.:':c, p „"i�8,,,- 4^�il'LY2 , 'i���'a,, „rRa'o ,i`jy`n',� '", `, ,`',0•••4', r mac» "",,,,""" >p ;};°"'&ac>,ta,„��444 ,�4'>;'_' a �,�,,,�„ r r '! 'r "atkii,,,r{k ,, \,� 4A, ,,desWaikkllt,' ‘!Mc ,' . 2a, G ,� m�n„ rvu„ 4d";�'. ma. ,.a 'i °�,'. ,�,���p'�a �' ,'4w' }.�4`.14�; �..�:x `,?`is;�.a\\,s=,43) ix,S's. ��,"'44s44,4� 4=^`;iF;i,i4,"`z+ } �'�.a 4k4,r,4 �4,�`4 k4,,;„1,44 '"�'. ,,.4ui.. ,,,;,£g„,,,k4,,, 't 4 4N " '4,. ,,,4.,;z4`4°a'Sz4.4'14'; ik44,��,��t�� ��44� `���z�t� a44���4���� �Atitta? },y�4<, .au �d u�, ;�r ,,`,,,t,,v,>.,„i ,,a s `'-,��?..?;,Y`: �`ti.4,�4,<4��`� "ru��` < �1n `t`ii:, .a�,���^'"Z sm�$`"Y.�'�fiS��'€4�°a�'�; ,e``'� �3 ,z r,�.,4'.4'�.,r,, 4taa,,,.+.t.;.,,.)���� ,4,',,��4u�4,:1;�,�, tir„,3m4"�,i �4'au, 44.c�`'i�i r1141,. '�;. _*� ,����;;x'saa4V',�.;4.,,,fl`„F`ak, ,4,t}47sr � -:,t„m 4 ti=IY" Ott `'.. �r,nu.ur,4 ,�,�,��, ir r,.l4i.�, `�1„r•?�,,) `:$ t. ,e . ,r1y,f tuts x.�,�5n' '�•� ,rn4 m ir,,,,,`.,^ 4 F:ar4m t'®=4Marke>t,5444+ W.,4Kii`"r=b �.45."t,re"et'; « °444.r.44att ''44 s,,,, e'-,, 4 ',4 Sr ,k.,d,,"`4,.�w,,,,r ,ya4. � , e : 4,,.r.,,t•`4 ,,',1,.gas v TCE Ingestion PCL— 0.005 mg/I '4,,,,,,,,,,,, t�, 4,.,,,,r, <,4, ,���`, �� ,aL�s��wa,h4th�,t,�� , g g ,�r��;". z�r�,�, ..,.,.. ,.,.rr.,.,r.r ,,.,.,x,..,,,,,.,.,,.?`;;?�24;xta>„•. .,r'a.,, �4a\`��`,�t�tit�,4''.,,m"s..:, ., .,,,,,,.,. ,.,... .,.,�1; ,." ,-,,,,,,, ,r,,, a,'v",,,.r,,,><s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,.,.... ..C,.wV„ N i w..„a Ma.�; tNa�„° N, ^6fla�,1�; tN�aa �tNa�„°, thaw° .lNa�,,; +Nab° tti °; ° •.� ^° ,°, +4 ° ^lN�"t:,°, .lNa�° .tN,u ,.,,..:,, d u'ii..m, V,, 1 ,,s \\\1111111111111111111111111 lhllllllllllllllllllllll �,, � , , ,.,, m i t ) + � , � � ,,,- $ w.^' tip. "n"N" "*!� . ............... .. ....._... ....,,..,,. . .., � yr " 1 r Registered Water Wells Within l2-Mile p ?o- k1SD SITE W"Ynr`E .s,xa t,r w ir ,sue _ _ One domestic well " installed in 1978; no ,,., evidence that this p well still exists. J 2- 1 _.,.,�...__ ....�..�...._.... ..__.v.,.„,.;' :.....,� Via' ... ,- PE Garrni r U.SgS 6r,ttermap INC RE PN T P 1k .. ,.,.... ..C,.wV„ d i w.,,,,:1 Ma.�; tNa�„° a,a� ^6fla�,1�; tN�aa .lNa�„°, thaw° .lNa�,,; +Nab° tti °; ° •.� ^° ,°, +4 ° ^lN�"t:,°, .lNa�° .tN,u ,.,,..:�. d u'1"....m, + $ ws tip. "n"d" "*! . ............... ....._... ....,,..,,. 1°,"•w,r.w'w w'w`",+dCr, M � ,�i, \1�r\�ci ;: i,,.\\\,Wi�? .: ';� Via... ....... '..... ....... �,, y 1 r d Site Summary The source of contamination is from a former chemical reclamation business that operated on-Site from 1975-1989. • The Former Wylie Service Center property received closure in 2009 with a soil cap and deed restriction. The vertical extent of the affected groundwater is from 3 to to feet below ground surface to the top of the Taylor Marl confining unit, at 3o feet bgs. No local wells are threatened or affected. Site meets the City and State criteria for an MSD. .. ..,.... ..C::.w;?„ d i w.,,,,:1 bd.� IN „° �, ^6fl ,1h; IN�`a .lN „°, IN�'° .lN ,,; tN ° tti °; N ° •.� ^° ,°w to ° ^lN�t:,°, .lN ° .lN,u ,.,...:�. d �r'iC.m, + $ wr tip. "n"^ . ............... ....._... ....,,..,,. . . ,:1 r d MSDs in Texas The MSD Program has been used to address urban contamination in Texas since 2oo4. TCEQ has certified over 375 MSD Sites through late 2018. Over 45 municipalities in Texas have taken advantage of the MSD to address historical contamination and bring contaminated properties back into play. The MSD is one tool used to address contamination in groundwater; all other exposures and receptors are addressed through the VCP in Austin. Wylie CityCouncil Y AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: WS 1 Department: City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: February 5, 2019 Exhibits: Attached Subject Hold a work session to discuss the renovation and expansion of the Public Safety Building Recommendation N/A Discussion Staff has been working with Architects Design Group (ADG) over the past several months to refine the program and space needs for the public safety building. We have also received a conceptual design budget and more recently, a schematic design budget from Pogue Construction. Attached are the conceptual site plan, floor plan, front elevation, budget, available funding, and the project schedule. Page 1 of I PROPERTY LINE ri -, •, .7":,' ': :: H 7717 ‘'',-,..„1 ." 't, '','' :I' .' ,. .'' ;,-,..D, I t--- ' - .:' P'ARKING It 1 .._ NEW PUBLIC PARKING . ...„ .. , ,- , - . 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'-' y. »...I {p (+ritx .,,7 , anm � txk avtkv. • Dt- rvdP Y ro m� �, w s r €.,t x it - � � ,tea '," ,, r , • v ENTRY PERSPECTIVE Wylie Public Safety&Courts-Schematic Design Budget 417��� City of Wylie 12/17/2018 ,ifi` JP c ✓o N SD Budget POWERED BY PEOPLE CONCEPTUAL DESCRIPTION SD COST/SF % BUDGET DELTA COMMENT GENERAL REI UIREMENTS 01A GENERAL CONDITIONS $341,024 $6.65 2.77% $341,024 $0 Submitted GC's Less Insurance&Bonds 01C PROJECT REQUIREMENTS $519,520 $10.13 4.22% $569,550 -$50,030 S,aSTING.CON DIT,tON a.. 02A DEMOLITION $181,867 $3.55 1.48% $181,867 $0 CONCRETE 03A CONCRETE $392,916 $7.66 3.19% $756,673 -$363,757 Alternate#3 MASONRY 04A MASONRY $421,154 $8.21 3.42% $935,421 -$514,267 METALS 05A METALS $380,506 $7.42 3.09% $455,774 -$75,268 WOOD&PLASTICS 06D FINISH CARPENTRY $149,500 $2.91 1.21% $149,500 $0 TIi MAL/MOIStURE PROTECTION V" �y 07A WATERPROOFING/AIR BARRIERS/CAULKING $183,271 $3.57 1.49% $213,600 -$30,329 07C ROOFING&SHEET METAL $907,060 $17.68 7.36% $846,887 $60,173 OPENINGS 08A DOORS,FRAMES&HARDWARE $342,250 $6.67 2.78% $457,000 -$114,750 08C COILING/OVERHEAD DOORS&GRILLES $0 $0.00 0.00% $15,000 -$15,000 08E GLASS&GLAZING $522,085 $10.18 4.24% $1,321,000 -$798,915 FINISHES o o QQQQQ�°..' ' 09A PLASTER/STUCCO $349,326 $6.81 2.84% $385,487 -$36,161 09B DRYWALL/ACOUSTICAL $930,606 $18.14 7.55% $735,173 $195,433 09C FLOORING COVERINGS $575,823 $11.22 4.67% $633,438 -$57,615 Floor Levelling Not Included 09J ACCESS FLOORING $55,775 $1.09 0.45% $55,775 $0 09K PAINTING&WALL COVERINGS $306,793 $5.98 2.49% $428,206 -$121,413 SPECIALTIES 106 VISUAL �...-_.._w._. ...__..._.�.._.w...� .�.w.w.w.w.w.w.ww... DISPLAY UNITS $25,500 $0.50 0.21% $26,000 -$500 10C SIGNAGE $20,350 $0.40 0.17% $22,500 -$2,150 10D TOILET ACCESSORIES&COMPARTMENTS $38,605 $0.75 0.31% $49,930 -$11,325 10E WALL&DOOR PROTECTION $9,610 $0.19 0.08% $11,493 -$1,883 1OF FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES $7,908 $0.15 0.06% $9,737 -$1,829 10G LOCKERS&METAL STORAGE SHELVING $89,850 $1.75 0.73% $62,500 $27,350 10J AWNINGS/CANOPIES $53,492 $1.04 0.43% $0 $53,492 Alternate#1 EQUIPMENT.,°N.: 11C RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES $19,508 $0.38 0.16% $19,508 $0 11M MISC.EQUIPMENT $75,000 $1.46 0.61% $75,000 $0 FURNISHINGS 12B WINDOW TREATMENTS $12,227 $0.24 0.10% $12,159 $68 12J SITE FURNISHINGS $25,000 $0.49 0.20% $25,000 $0 FIRE,SUPPRESSION 21A FIRE SUPPRESSION $110,614 $2.16 0.90% $126,439 -$15,825 Assumes Existing Service is Adequate PLUMBING o� 22A PLUMBING $861,972 $16.80 7.00% $688,297 $173,675 HVA 23A HVAC $930,388 $18.14 7.55% $1,032,186 -$101,798 26A ELECTRICAL $895,454 $17.46 7.27% $898,020 -$2,566 Assumes Existing Service is Adequate 'IiCOMMUNICATIONS 27A VOICE&DATA $139,206 $2.71 1.13% $154,759 -$15,553 Wylie Public Safety&Courts-Schematic Design Budget FORME City of Wylie 12/17/2018 CONSTRUCT/ON SD Budget POWERED BY PEOPLE CONCEPTUAL DESCRIPTION SD COSTISF % BUDGET DELTA COMMENT 27B AUDIO VIDEO $96,318 $1.88 0.78% $53,434 $42,884 ELECTRONIC SAFETY&SECURITY 28A FIRE ALARM $48,159 $0.94 0.39% $53,434 -$5,275 28B SECURITY SYSTEM $278,412 $5.43 2.26% $319,108 -$40,696 EARTHWORK 31A EARTHWORK $129,993 $2.53 1.05% $151,925 -$21,932 Alternate#3 31B TERMITE CONTROL $2,144 $0.04 0.02% $2,935 -$791 EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 32C PAVEMENT MARKINGS/SPECIALTIES $8,924 $0.17 0.07% $8,924 $0 32G FENCES&GATES $8,700 $0.17 0.07% $8,700 $0 Alternate#2 321 PLANTING,IRRIGATION,TURFS&GRASSES $282,237 $5.50 2.29% $140,793 $141,444 UTILITIES 33A SITE UTILITIES $154,384 $3.01 1.25% $154,384 $0 COST OF WORK SUBTOTAL$10,883,431 88.33% $12,588,540 -$1,705,109 CONTINGENCIES 35A OWNER/DESIGN CONTINGENCY $217,669 $4.24 1.77% $251,771 35B C/M CONTINGENCY $544,172 $10.61 4.42% $629,427 SUBTOTAL$11,645,271 94.51% $13,469,738 FINANCIALS BUILDING PERMIT $0 $0.00 0.00% $0 PRECONSTRUCTION FEES $30,000 $0.58 0.24% $30,000 $0 SUB DEFAULT INS $203,792 $3.97 1.65% $235,720 -$31,928 POGUE P&P BOND $111,926 $2.18 0.91% $120,984 -$9,058 POGUE INSURANCES $30,278 $0.59 0.25% $35,021 -$4,743 FINANCIALS SUBTOTAL $375,996 3.05% $421,726 -$45,729 SUBTOTAL$12,021,267 $234 97.56% $13,891,464 -$45,729 CONST MGR FEE @ 2.5% $300,532 $5.86 2.44% $347,287 -$46,755 TOTAL$12,321,799 $240 100.00% $14,238,750 -$1,916,951 ALTERNATES _.v vvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv 01 PARKING AWNINGS $874,622 $874,622 $0 02 PERIMETER SECURITY FENCE $118,894 $118,894 $0 03 PUBLIC PARKING&SUBGRADE PREP $292,500 $292,500 $0 04 SALLYPORT ADDITION $702,971 $0 $702,971 05 COURTYARD DESIGN FEATURE/FOUNTAIN $235,102 $0 $235,102 ALTERNATE SUBTOTAL $2,224,089 $1,286,016 $938,073 TOTAL INCLUDING ALTERNATES$14,545,888 $15,524,766 -$978,878 Fund 460- PSB 2/4/2019 Revenue 2017 Transfer from GF $ 944,000.00 2018 Transfer from GF $ 2,795,553.00 2018 Transfer from GF $ 1,000,000.00 Insurance $ 730,308.00 Millennium Tile Ins. $ 535,500.00 (1) 2008 CO Bal.transfer $ 463,118.47 Interest $ 56,234.55 Bond Premium $ 106,250.00 Bond Proceeds $ 8,500,000.00 TOTAL;,', Expenses to date Bond Issue Cost $ (89,499.21) ADG Paid to date $ (228,241.18) Site Survey $ (11,250.00) TOTAL $ (328,990.39) Future Expenses ADG Outstanding $ (715,638.82) ADG Add. Services and Scope $ (550,000.00) FFE $ (500,000.00) Pogue $ (13,024,770.00) (2) TOTAL $ (14,790,408.82) TOTAL EXPENSES : (15,119 399 21) Rev-Exp $ 11,564.81 (1) Funds currently in GF ($321,300) and 4B ($214,200) (2) 12/17 Cost ($12,321,799) w/sallyport ($702,971) Architects Design Group #FME !INCONSTRUCT/©N T � F POWERED BY PEOPLE WY I E PRE CON - MILESTONE SCHEDULE UPDATED-01/02/2019 SCHEMATIC DEVELOPEMENT PHASE TARGET ACTUAL CITY OF WYLIE MEETING(SD Budget Update) Week of 01/22/2019 DESIGN DEVELOPEMENT PHASE TARGET ACTUAL Architect/Consultant Page Flip Design Meeting 2/8/2019 100%DD's due from ADG Group. 2/8/2019 DD Budget due from Pogue 2/28/2019 DD Site Logistics due from Pogue 2/28/2019 DD Constructability Review from Pogue 2/28/2019 CITY OF WYLIE MEETING(DD Budget Presentation) Week of 02/28/2019 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE TARGET ACTUAL Architect/Consultant Page Flip Design Meeting 3/22/2019 50%CD's due from ADG Group 3/22/2019 CD Budget Check due from Pogue 4/5/2019 CITY OF WYLIE MEETING(50%CD Budget Presentation) Week of 04/05/2019 Architect/Consultant Page Flip Design Meeting 4/26/20.1.9 100%CD's due from ADG Group(Signed &Sealed) 4/26/2019 Legal Advertisement It 1 4/28/2019 Legal Advertisement II 2 5/5/2019 Bid Day 5/16/2019 GMP Due from Pogue 6/4/2019 CD Site Logistics due from Pogue 6/4/2019 CD Constructability Reivew from Pogue 6/4/2019 City Council Meeting TBD Wylie City Council oF 1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 12, 2019 Item Number: Work Session 2 Department: City Manager (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: February 4, 2019 Exhibits: N/A Subject Discuss the five-year financial plan and provide feedback for future revisions. Recommendation Discussion The City Council has asked to see a base five-year financial plan for General Fund only. The plan has been developed with revenue and growth assumptions agreed upon at the previous work session on January 14, 2019. Page 1 of 1 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS FOR THE FUTURE YEARS BUDGET PROJECTIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR PERIODS 2019-2024 INCLUDES GENERAL FUND ONLY REVENUES Property tax revenue is based on estimated taxable assessed value and the projected tax rate for each fiscal year. The City's estimated taxable assessed value is projected to grow at a rate of 6%for FY 2020, 5%for FY 2021 and 4%for FY 2022- 2024 while the tax rate remains at the current rate of.725848. Sales Tax is projected to be flat assuming the FY 2018 audited sales tax number. Franchise Fees are conservatively indexed at 2%,which is slightly less than the five year trend. Licenses and Permits revenue is indexed at a conservative 7%. Intergovernmental Revenue is indexed at 2.5%. Service Fees are indexed at 3%. Fines and Forfeitures are indexed at 0%. Interest is indexed at 10%. Miscellaneous Income is indexed 0%. Transfers from Other Funds is indexed at 3%. EXPENDITURES Personnel expense is indexed at 3%per year with the exception of FY 2021 and FY 2024 which are indexed at 8%to account for anticipated market survey adjustments. All other expenses are projected to increase 3%per year. Department requests are not included. One time costs are removed from FY 2019 budget before the 3%increase is calculated for future expenditures. City of Wylie,Texas Future Years Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2024 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 Property Tax Revenue $ 32,977,950 $ 34,927,023 $ 36,654,502 $ 38,128,957 $ 39,657,721 $ 41,253,769 Property Values $ 4,259,503,789 $ 4,515,074,016 $ 4,740,827,717 $ 4,930,460,826 $ 5,127,679,259 $ 5,332,786,429 Tax Rate 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 # 0.7258 0.7258 Cost of 1 Cent Decrease in Tax Rate $ $ (451,507) $ (474,083) ` $ (493,046) $ (512,768) $ (533,279) GENERAL FUND Estimated Tax Rate per$100 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE(1) $ 17,502,153 $ 15,966,308 $ 17,387,721 $ 18,154,804 $ 19,315,891 $ 20,972,180 TOTAL REVENUES $ 38,848,695 $ 40,952,304 $ 42,873,864 $ 44,528,315 $ 46,321,778 $ 48,234,434 Transfers from Other Funds 2,273,616 2,341,824 2,412,079 2,484,442 2,558,975 2,635,744 TOTAL REVENUES&TRANSFERS-IN $ 41,122,311 $ 43,294,128 $ 45,285,943 $ 47,012,757 $ 48,880,753 $ 50,870,178 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 41,358,156 $ 41,872,715 $ 44,518,861 $ 45,851,670 $ 47,224,464 $ 50,234,182 Use of Fund Balance 1,300,000 - - - - - Transfers to Other Funds - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES&TRANSFERS-OUT $ 42,658,156 $ 41,872,715 $ 44,518,861 $ 45,851,670 $ 47,224,464 $ 50,234,182 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 15,966,308 $ 17,387,721 $ 18,154,804 $ 19,315,891 $ 20,972,180 $ 21,608,176 FUND BALANCE-%OF EXPENDITURES 39% 42% 41% 42% 44% 43% EXCESS FUND BALANCE(OVER 30%) 3,558,861 4,825,907 4,799,146 5,560,390 6,804,840 6,537,921 (1)FY 2019 Beginning Fund Balance is the audited ending fund balance for FY 2018. Future Year Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2024 GENERAL FUND BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2019 FY 2020 %CHG FY 2021 %CHG FY 2022 %CHG FY 2023 %CHG FY 2024 %CHG REVENUES BY SOURCE PROPERTY TAXES 24,436,404 26,269,324 7.5% 27,909,449 6.2% 29,271,167 4.9% 30,760,015 5.1% 32,355,551 5.2% SALES TAX(1) 5,155,519 5,155,519 0.0% 5,155,519 0.0% 5,155,519 0.0% 5,155,519 0.0% 5,155,519 0.0% FRANCHISE FEES 2,689,000 2,742,780 2.0% 2,797,636 2.0% 2,853,588 2.0% 2,910,660 2.0% 2,968,873 2.0% LICENSES AND PERMITS 1,061,000 1,135,270 7.0% 1,214,739 7.0% 1,299,771 7.0% 1,390,755 7.0% 1,488,107 7.0% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 1,252,972 1,284,296 2.5% 1,316,404 2.5% 1,349,314 2.5% 1,383,047 2.5% 1,417,623 2.5% SERVICE FEES 3,543,800 3,650,114 3.0% 3,759,617 3.0% 3,872,406 3.0% 3,988,578 3.0% 4,108,235 3.0% FINES AND FORFEITURES 507,500 507,500 0.0% 507,500 0.0% 507,500 0.0% 507,500 0.0% 507,500 0.0% INTEREST INCOME 50,000 55,000 10.0% 60,500 10.0% 66,550 10.0% 73,205 10.0% 80,526 10.0% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 152,500 152,500 0.0% 152,500 0.0% 152,500 0.0% 152,500 0.0% 152,500 0.0% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 2,273,616 2,341,824 3.0% 2,412,079 3.0% 2,484,442 3.0% 2,558,975 3.0% 2,635,744 3.0% TOTAL REVENUES 41,122,311 43,294,128 5.3% 45,285,943 4.6% 47,012,757 3.8% 48,880,753 4.0% 50,870,178 4.1% EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT CITYCOUNCIL-Operations 91,874 91,874 0.0% 91,874 0.0% 91,874 0.0% 91,874 0.0% 91,874 0.0% CITY COUNCIL-Cap/One-Time - - - - - - CITY MANAGER-Operations 33,974 34,993 3.0% 36,043 3.0% 37,124 3.0% 38,238 3.0% 39,385 3.0% CITY MANAGER-Personnel evel Services 939,347 967,527 3.0% 1,044,930 8.0% 1,075,277 3.0% 1,108,566 3.0% 1 197,251. 8.0% CITY MANAGER-Cap/One-Time - - - - - - CITY SECRETARY-Operations 72,860 75,046 3.0% 77,297 3.0% 79,616 3.0% 82,005 3.0% 84,465 3.0% (JAY SECRETARY ARY-Personnel Services 2 3.7,0,42 244,153 3.0% 263 696 8.0% 271,596 3.0% 279,7,44 3.0% 302,123 8.0% CITY SECRETARY-Cap/One-Time 44,866 - - - - - CITY ATTORNEY-Operations 155,000 159,650 3.0% 164,440 3.0% 169,373 3.0% 174,454 3.0% 179,687 3.0% CITY ATTORNEY ORRNEY-Person],ei Send Ce; - - .. .. - CITY ATTORNEY-Cap/One-Time - - - - - - FINANCE-Operations 378,170 389,515 3.0% 401,201 3.0% 413,237 3.0% 425,634 3.0% 438,403 3.0% FINANCE Personnel Services 805,599 829,767 3.0% 896,1,18 8.0% 923,033 3.0% 950,724 3.0% 1,02,6,782 8.0% FINANCE-Cap/One-Time - - - - - - FACILITIES-Operations 554,998 571,648 3.0% 588,797 3.0% 606,461 3.0% 624,655 3.0% 643,395 3.0% FACILITIES Peisonnei Services 293,284 302,083 3.0% 326,249 8.0% 336,037 3.0% :346,118 3.0% 373,807 8.0% FACILITIES-Cap/One-Time 33,000 - - - - - MUNICIPAL COURT-Operations 94,965 97,814 3.0% 100,748 3.0% 103,771 3.0% 106,884 3.0% 110,090 3.0% MUNICIPAL.COURTPersonnel Services 4E7,9.59 481,998 3.0% 520,558 8.0% 536,174 3.0% 55126(( 3.0% 596,44.0 8.0% MUNICIPAL COURT-Cap/One-Time - - - - - - HUMANRESOURCES-Operations 75,050 77,302 3.0% 79,621 3.0% 82,009 3.0% 84,469 3.0% 87,004 3.0% ;-I1.,554414 RESOURCES Personnel Services 523,145 538,939 3.0% 581,946 8.0% 399,405 3.0% 617,..87 3.0% 666,778 8.0% HUMAN RESOURCES-Cap/One-Time - - - - - - PURCHASING-Operations 14,400 14,832 3.0% 15,277 3.0% 15,735 3.0% 16,207 3.0% 16,694 3.0% PURCHASING "Personnel Services 19,103 173,146 3.0% 186,5511 8.0% 192,608. 3.0% 1982,386 3.0% 2,1,21(7 8.0% Future Year Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2024 GENERAL FUND BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2019 FY 2020 %CHG FY 2021 %CHG FY 2022 %CHG FY 2023 %CHG FY 2024 %CHG -----PURCHASING-Cap/One-Time - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-Operations 1,000,560 1,030,577 3.0% 1,061,494 3.0% 1,093,339 3.0% 1,126,139 3.0% 1,159,923 3.0% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-Personnel SefViCeS 400,917 41.2,945 3.0% 445,980 8.0% 459,359 3.0% 473,140 3.0% 510,991 8.0% ----INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-Cap/One-Time - POLICE-Operations 1,178,544 1,213,900 3.0% 1,250,317 3.0% 1,287,827 3.0% 1,326,462 3.0% 1,366,256 3.0% POLICE-Personnel Services 8,525,538 8,781E304 3.0% 9,483,808 8.0% 9,768,323 3.0% 10,061,372 3.0% 1.0,866,282 8.0% ---POLICE-Cap/One-Time 161,650 - FIRE-Operations 1,018,992 1,049,562 3.0% 1,081,049 3.0% 1,113,480 3.0% 1,146,884 3.0% 1,181,291 3.0% ARE-Personnel Services 7,258,483 7,476,237 3.0% 8,0745336 8.0% 8316,567 3.0% 8,566,06,1 3.0% 9,251,349 8.0% -FIRE-Cap/One-Time 1,512,250 - EMERGENCY COMM-Operations 484,492 499,027 3.0% 513,998 3.0% 529,417 3.0% 545,300 3.0% 561,659 3.0% EMERGENCY COMM-Personnel Services 1,185,850 1,221,426 3.0% 1,319,140 8.0% 1,358,71.4 3.0% 1,399,475 3.0% 1,511,433 8.0% -EMERGENCY COMM-Cap/One-Time 89,520 - -ANIMAL CONTROL-Operations 33,952 34,971 3.0% 36,020 3.0% 37,100 3.0% 38,213 3.0% 39,360 3.0% ANIMAL CONTROL-Personnel Services 488,941. 503,609 3.0% 543,898 8.0% 560,215 3.0% 577,021 3.0% 623,1.83 8.0% -ANIMAL CONTROL-Cap/One-Time 57,073 PLANNING-Operations 32,022 32,983 3.0% 33,972 3.0% 34,991 3.0% 36,041 3.0% 37,122 3.0% PLANNING-Personnel Services 585,660 603,230 3.0% 659/188 8.0% 671,033 3.0% 691,164. 3.0% 746,457 8.0% -PLANNING-Cap/One-Time - BUILDING INSPECTION-Operations 39,670 40,860 3.0% 42,086 3.0% 43,348 3.0% 44,649 3.0% 45,988 3.0% BUILDING INSPECTION--Personnel Services 522„283 537,951 3.0% 580,988 8.0% 598„417 3.0% 61.6,370 3.0% 665,679 8.0% BUILDING INSPECTION-Cap/One-Time - - -CODE ENFORCEMENT-Operations 40,652 41,872 3.0% 43,128 3.0% 44,422 3.0% 45,754 3.0% 47,127 3.0% CODE ENFORCEMENT-Personnel Services 193,384 199,186 3.0% 215,120 8.0% 221,574 3.0% 228,221 3.0% 246,479 8.0% CODE ENFORCEMENT-Cap/One-Time - - - - STREETS-Operations 2,182,779 2,248,262 3.0% 2,315,710 3.0% 2,385,182 3.0% 2,456,737 3.0% 2,530,439 3.0% F:FRE:STE-Personnel Services 1,203,172 :1,239,267 3.0% 1,338,409 8.0% 1,378,551. 3.0% 1,419,918 3.0% 1,533,511 8.0% STREETS-Cap/One-Time 32,500 - - -PARKS-Operations 1,281,605 1,320,053 3.0% 1,359,655 3.0% 1,400,444 3.0% 1,442,458 3.0% 1,485,731 3.0% PARES-Personnel Services 1,324,572 1E364,309 3.0% 1,473,4E4 8.0% 1,517,658 3.0% 1,563,187 3.0% 1,688,242 8.0% PARKS-Cap/One-Time 28,500 - - -LIBRARY-Operations 377,157 388,472 3.0% 400,126 3.0% 412,130 3.0% 424,494 3.0% 437,228 3.0% LIBRARY-Personnel Services 1,682,678 1,733.158 3.0% 1,871,811 8.0% 1E927,965 3.0% 1,985,804 3.0% 2,14,1,669 8.0% LIBRARY-Cap/One-Time 43,000 - - COMBINED SERVICES-Operations 4,470,960 4,605,089 3.0% 4,743,242 3.0% 4,885,539 3.0% 5,032,105 3.0% 5,183,068 3.0% COMBINED SERVICES-Personnel Services 237,164 244,279 3.0% 263.321 8.0% 271,736 3.0% 279,888 3.0% 302,279 8.0% COMBINED SERVICES-Cap/One-Time - -TRANSFERS OUT - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 42,658,156 41,872,715 -1.8% 44,518,861 6.3% 45,851,670 3.0% 47,224,464 3.0% 50,234,182 6.4% Future Year Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019-2024 Property Tax Revenue&Debt Service Requirements Est.$72,000/yr per$1,000,000 Issued BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2019 %CHG FY 2020 %CHG FY 2021 %CHG FY 2022 %CHG FY 2023 %CHG FY 2024 %CHG Property Values(1) $ 4,259,503,789 12.8% $ 4,515,074,016 6.0% $ 4,740,827,717 5.0% $ 4,930,460,826 4.0% $ 5,127,679,259 4.0% $ 5,332,786,429 4.0% Tax Rate/$100 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 0.7258 Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted $ 30,917,523 4.8% $ 32,772,574 6.0% $ 34,411,203 5.0% $ 35,787,651 4.0% $ 37,219,157 4.0% $ 38,707,924 4.0% Tax Levy-Frozen(Disabled/Over 65) $ 1,880,427 12.4% $ 1,974,448 5.0% $ 2,063,299 4.5% $ 2,161,305 4.8% $ 2,258,564 4.5% $ 2,365,846 4.8% Estimated Current Tax Collections $ 32,797,950 5.2% $ 34,747,023 5.9% $ 36,474,502 5.0% $ 37,948,957 4.0% $ 39,477,721 4.0% $ 41,073,769 4.0% Delinquent Tax $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 Total Tax Collections $ 32,977,950 5.2% $ 34,927,023 5.9% $ 36,654,502 4.9% $ 38,128,957 4.0% $ 39,657,721 4.0% $ 41,253,769 4.0% DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2019 %CHG FY 2020 %CHG FY 2021 %CHG FY 2022 %CHG FY 2023 %CHG FY 2024 %CHG Existing Debt $ 8,442,635 6.1% $ 8,555,038 1.3% $ 8,641,356 1.0% $ 8,752,756 1.3% $ 8,792,200 0.5% $ 8,792,706 0.0% Projected New Debt $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Misc. $ 98,911 $ 102,660 $ 103,696 $ 105,033 $ 105,506 $ 105,512 Total Debt $ 8,541,546 5.8% $ 8,657,698 1.4% $ 8,745,052 1.0% $ 8,857,789 1.3% $ 8,897,706 0.5% $ 8,898,218 0.0% GENERAL FUND(M&O) Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted $ 22,924,888 4.6% $ 24,707,977 7.8% $ 26,283,241 6.4% $ 27,573,415 4.9% $ 28,991,263 5.1% $ 30,508,484 5.2% Tax Levy-Frozen(Disabled/Over 65) $ 1,391,516 12.4% $ 1,441,347 3.6% $ 1,506,208 4.5% $ 1,577,753 4.8% $ 1,648,752 4.5% $ 1,727,067 4.8% Delinquent Tax $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% Total Tax Collections to M&O $ 24,436,404 5.0% $ 26,269,324 7.5% $ 27,909,449 6.2% $ 29,271,167 4.9% $ 30,760,015 5.1% $ 32,355,551 5.2% M&O Tax Rate/$100 0.5382 0.5472 0.5544 0.5592 0.5654 0.5721 Percentage of Total Tax Rate 74.15% 75.39% 76.38% 77.05% 77.89% 78.82% DEBT SERVICE(I&S) Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted $ 7,992,635 5.4% $ 8,064,597 0.9% $ 8,127,962 0.8% $ 8,214,237 1.1% $ 8,227,894 0.2% $ 8,199,440 -0.3% Tax Levy-Frozen(Disabled/Over 65) $ 488,911 12.4% $ 533,101 9.0% $ 557,091 4.5% $ 583,552 4.7% $ 609,812 4.5% $ 638,778 4.8% Delinquent Tax $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% Total Tax Collections to I&5 $ 8,541,546 5.8% $ 8,657,698 1.4% $ 8,745,052 1.0% $ 8,857,789 1.3% $ 8,897,706 0.5% $ 8,898,218 0.0% 1&5 Tax Rate/$100 0.1876 0.1786 0.1714 0.1666 0.1605 0.1538 Percentage of Total Tax Rate 25.85% 24.61% 23.62% 22.95% 22.11% 21.18% (1)The property value for 2019 Budget is the certified number from the Collin County Appraisal District.