11-14-2018 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes IA/ IN Public Arts Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Regular Called Meeting November 14, 2018 —6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex City Council Chambers/Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 CALL TO ORDER The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:19 p.m. by Chair Michael Schwerin. Members present included Marjorie Bennett, Lily Courtney, and Anita Jones. Nancy Peirce, Minerva Bediako, and Ross Grant were absent. Staff present included City Secretary Stephanie Storm and Public Information Officer Craig Kelly. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Update regarding the Animal Shelter Public Art Project. (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator) Staff Comments Storm reported that artist Robert Barnum had submitted his paperwork to obtain a building permit. The foundation plans have been submitted to the engineering department and the permit should be issued soon. Robert is currently working on the fabrication and the build. Installation is scheduled for Spring 2019. The board requested pictures of project. • Update regarding the 2018 Wylie Arts Festival. (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator) Staff Comments Storm reported there are currently 137 vendors for the event; 37 of those are outside vendors. There are currently 7 food vendors and 9 sponsors. Vendor information will be sent out Friday and will include instructions for the day and vendor parking. Each committee gave the following updates: • Volunteer Committee: Chair Schwerin stated ROTC members will be in attendance on Friday evening and Saturday to assist the vendors. • Coffee/Water/Donuts: Board member Bennett reported that she was going to speak with Conversations Coffee and RaceTrac regarding coffee for Saturday morning and will pick up donuts the morning of. November 14,2018 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Page 12 • Silent Auction: Board member Jones reported that all vendors be notified in the email that this is optional and one booth will be refunded. Board member Courtney suggested that next year the board look at instead of refunding the vendor's booth fee, the winner get a guaranteed indoor 10x10 booth. • Children's Activities: Kelly reported that the City would provide a 20x20 tent with tables and chairs. The consensus of the board was to provide the children's activities from 10-3. Board members Lily Courtney reported it would be helpful to have additional volunteers in the morning to assist. The work schedule was set as follows: • Friday, November 30, 2018 Vendor Set up (5:30 pm — 9:00 pm) - All board members and volunteers • Saturday, December 1, 2018 Vendor Set up (6:00 am - 9:00 pm) - All board members and volunteers • Saturday, December 1, 2018 Event Hours (9:00 am — 1:00 pm) - Anita Jones, Minerva Bediako, Michael Schwerin, and Marjorie Bennett • Saturday, December 1, 2018 Event Hours (2:00 pm —6:00 pm) = Michael Schwerin, Ross Grant, Lily Courtney, and Nancy Peirce Storm reported that black t-shirts with the same design as the previous years will be ordered by Kelly. Kelly reported he was ordering eight new banners with the parade being moved to a different date. Kelly reported the event has been advertised in various areas and requested that the vendors share the event created on Facebook. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the minutes from the October 11, 2018 Public Arts Advisory Board Regular Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, Public Art Coordinator) Board Action A motion was made by board member Courtney, seconded by board member Bennett to approve the October 11, 2018 Public Arts Advisory Board minutes. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Peirce, Bediako, and Grant absent. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by board member Jones, seconded by board member Courtney to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 wit •oard members Peirce, Bediako, and Grant absent. Michael Sch n, Chair C role Ehrlic , Secretary