03-05-2019 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning Commission , o F. Iiik<40, ,c4,„,,i8- „(,-, , 4(P )c: 7,,,,,,,„irv_ti ,---' a ,,,,,,,,, k ....... ...- .. .-,..- ,:,,..,,„ .,..„-____„,JJ , ,,,, ,,,,L r ..„, _ „dr ...,, 1 .._.:...eir _. , r , illik,'\IIP.:1! 1 rfT:lt,\ilPo .__L-rAtksw.. v,., ,,,,„ 4 .,..,. 3,41( M.. Alicr 40s Or 4 March Regular Business Meeting Ilk Planning & Zoning Commission NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda March 5, 2019 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, TX 75098 Ron Smith Chair Randy Owens Vice Chair Brad Emerson Commissioner Cory Plunk Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Bryan Rogers Commissioner Jade Duan Commissioner Renae 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.Gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie webs ite: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Commissioners is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from February 19, 2019, Regular Meeting. March 5,2019 Planning&Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Honrobia Industrial Park, on Lots 1-8x, Block A of Honrobia Industrial Park Addition on 2.9068 acres. Property generally located on Steel Road, 500' west of Hooper Road. 2. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Phase 21A to establish 61 residential and six open space lots on 24.470 acres,located on McCreary Road approximately 2500' south of FM544. 3. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Phase 21B to establish 92 residential and three open space lots on 22.691 acres, located between McCreary Road and Springwell Parkway approximately 2200' south of FM544. 4. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes Tract A-3 Phase 1, establishing 95 single-family attached residential lots and 4 open space lots on 15.981 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. 5. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes Tract A-4 Phase 1, establishing 84 single-family attached residential lots and 2 open space lots on 11.463 acres, generally located on the south of the intersection of Regency Drive and Exchange Street. ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the Planning&Zoning Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Planning&Zoning Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Planning & Zoning Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sections and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. CERTIFICATION I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on March 1, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexaswov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed G Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting February 19, 2019— 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chair Ron Smith presided the meeting and called the meeting to order at 6:05PM. Commissioners present: Chair Ron Smith, Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Bryan Rogers, Commissioner Cory Plunk, Commissioner Jade Duan, and Commissioner Brad Emerson. Commissioner absent: Commissioner Mike McCrossin. Staff present: Ms. Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Mr. Jasen Haskins, Senior Planner, Mr. Kevin Molina, Planner, and Ms. Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION &PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Rogers gave the invocation and Commissioner Emerson led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Commissioners not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation No citizens came forward to address Planning and Zoning Commission. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from February 5, 2019, Regular Meeting. Council Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to approve the Minutes from February 5, 2019 meeting, as presented. A vote was taken and the motion carried 6— 0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Planned Development-Single Minutes February 19,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 1 Family (PD-SF), to allow for single family development, not to exceed 57 residential lots on 16.52 acres, generally located west of E. Stone and south of E. Brown Street, and more specifically at 2605 E. Stone Road.ZC 2019-02 Staff Comments Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is requesting to rezone a 16.52-acre tract of land located on East Stone Road from Agricultural-30 to a Planned Development to allow for a single-family development of no more than 57 residential lots and five open space lots. The property is generally bordered by low- density properties outside city limits to the east and west. The proposed plan represents a minimum lot area of 6,500 square feet with a minimum home size of 2,000 square feet with a maximum density of 3.56 lots per acre. Approximately two acres of usable open space and will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. The open space and improvements were reviewed, and recommended for approval,by the Parks Board in January 2019. The Zoning Ordinance requires 10,000 square feet lots and 2,400 square feet homes. Other conditions of the Planned Development varying from the zoning ordinance are; lot coverage increased from 45 percent to 50 percent,the front, side, and rear yard setbacks reduced to 20/5/15 from 25/10/25, respectively, and the two-car garage size is proposed as 400 square feet from the required 500 square feet that includes 100 square feet for storage. The zoning requested is generally compatible with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The area is designated Suburban,which generally supports lot to medium density residential or very low density commercial in support of a neighborhood. Comment Forms were mailed to 23 surrounding properties, and two were received;with one in favor and one in opposition of the request. Commissioners Comments Commissioner Plunk questioned the benefits received. Staff stated that the elevations are going above the requirement from Zoning Ordinance. The proposal is nine lots skipped on the same side of the street, and six lots skipped on the other opposite side of the street having the same elevation; and the Zoning Ordinance requires seven lots on the same side and five lots on the opposite side with same elevation. The other benefit is the density per acre. A 10,000 square foot lot, is three point one per acre; and the proposal is three point five per acre. Another benefit in the proposal is number of acres/lots for open space. The Homeowners Association will own and maintain the open space. Commissioner Plunk questioned the difference from the proposed to the property to the south. Staff stated the density is almost the same; however,the lots to the south are larger. Commissioner Plunk questioned if lighting allows non-cut off lights or cut-off lights. Staff stated that the proposal is straight out of the Zoning Ordinance.With the exception of the solar requirement, and does not differentiate between cut-off lights and non-cut off lights. The Zoning Ordinance restricts spillover lighting from non-residential developments onto residential developments. Mr. Todd Winners, Engineering Concepts, 201 Windco Circle,Wylie, engineering firm for the applicant, gave a presentation to the Commissioners, and stated that the average lot size is 7,900 square feet and very few lots that will be 6,500 square feet. The overall average is larger than the 6,500 square feet proposed minimum lot size. The entry to the development will make a statement unusual than any other development. A screen wall will be along Stone Road and the entry will include additional landscaping. For such a small piece there will be quite a number of trails that will join other existing trails. Another interesting point is the park to the back of the property. The Kreymer family is requesting an existing tree to be preserved, due to sentimental value to the son. Minutes February 19,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 2 Vice Chair Owens questioned the percentage for number of house size. Mr.Winners stated that although the lot size will be market driven,the intent is to have 2,000 square feet house size. However,no percentage for minimum house size is given within the PD. Commissioner Emerson questioned the parking along the street. Mr.Winners stated that there will be no parking along the street. Public Comments Chair Smith opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Joe Kamper,proposed owner of the property, spoke in favor of the proposed zoning change, and that a majority of the trees will be preserved. Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, seconded by Commissioner Emerson, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural/30 (AG-30) to Planned Development-Single Family (PD-SF), to allow for single family development, not to exceed 57 residential lots on 16.52 acres, generally located west of E. Stone and south of E. Brown Street, and more specifically at 2605 E. Stone Road. ZC 2019-02. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice Chair Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers,to adjourn the meeting.A vote was taken and carried 6 -0. Ron Smith, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes February 19,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 3 16, Planning & Zoning Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 5, 2019 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Honrobia Industrial Park Planned Development(PD 2018- Date Prepared: March 1, 2019 Zoning District: 30) Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Honrobia Industrial Park, on Lots 1-8x, Block A of Honrobia Industrial Park Addition on 2.9068 acres. Property generally located on Steel Road, 500' west of Hooper Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend for a Site Plan for Honrobia Industrial Park, on Lots 1-8x, Block A of Honrobia Industrial Park Addition on 2.9068 acres. Property generally located on Steel Road, 500' west of Hooper Road. Discussion Engineer: Helmberger Associates Owner: HKHH Steel Group,LLC The applicant is proposing to develop an eight-lot commercial/light industrial site on 2.9068 acres. The Planned Development for this development was approved in October 2018. A preliminary plat for this site was approved in December 2018. The site plan generally conforms to the concept plan presented in the approved Planned Development, and consists of six structures totaling 33,700 square feet. Parking is set at 70 spaces which exceeds the PD requirement of 68 (1-500). The landscape plan features 15% of the site covered as required in the PD. The landscaping is called out as Xeriscape as required. There are six structures of varying lengths and square footages so each elevation will ultimately be slightly different in measurements. The elevation shown is typical for the entire site. If the site plan is approved, staff will review each elevation as the building plans are submitted. Deviation from the general look (materials, colors, scale) of the submitted typical elevation will require a separate P&Z approval as stated in the PD and Section 8.E of the Zoning Ordinance. This item complies with the site, landscaping and architectural requirements of the Planned Development and Zoning Ordinance. Approval of the site plan is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-01-19 Page 1 of 1 Billy F,DPPIs and Who y _ ) r LI Mary F.0(705.0353 Acre VOL N �i„Vtlrl4357,Pg.9B7,CCLR . �. f S86'3/'07"E 103b7' ''^� ` +sn We` `• 1• Dose AD4A `� . i •A /d -- \T \ 0=1533'48" �� 1 , r__,,° t2'Li"i • \`\\ \ Arc•85.36' • Mir' R40PoSE0 0,-,,LR,W1SE $ \\ • :T\ 6GkE 6,FEE •,• ,_. : RAT HEIGHT O 1 \ `\ \ SCALE:I.=r30' no ! V -L 7R ' \ \\ \\ + LS1' 96d \ \ LOTS I THROUGH 8X-HONR00IA INDUSTRIAL PARK tr r j \ \ \ 1. ZONING: LI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PD w2018-30 r i \ \ 3. PROPDRTY AREA: 526.620 SF-2.9068 ACRES Ld45X \ q. BBIIlILO�NGAAi5.900 SF ' ._.._.._ ._.._.� r T L$ • \ \ ggUIL�ING B:J T0 SF SOb \ BOIL INGGGG D 5. 0 SF 'gyp"--' \•N BUIL IN :10�DO0s6 OU \\\ \ 9U ILOING F:4. F I +• \ TOTAL:33.700 SF ~ /_p1q i L$ \ 5. BUILDING HEIGHT: 1 STORY-40' MAX PER PD r 1 0 .\., \ 6. LOT COVERAGE: 27.T7X \ F.A.R. _.173:1 1� !3 \ C012R 7. PARKING REQUIRED: PER PD 133.700 SF,-1 SPACE/50D SF=68 SPACES %h51 . I i _ 35 B85 Ones I160b7J S0•F1. TOTAL REOUIRED =68 SPACES 2 W - \ `,\:T \ HANDICAP REOUIREOD: 1 ASPACE ,325 SPACE J 9. PARKING PROVIDED:67 SPACES S 3 ACCESSIBLE 9 70 SPACES e S0_ .8 .p8 'bo. QI __ 5D0 ,. ft \\ .\-` `\ 9. LANDSCAPE REQUIRED 1E1.993 SF LANDSCAPE PROVIDED:I USX GROSS 0.REn 1. 19.000 SF 1 . Ld5 I. I , 7 os2so I A A 3 A/`, A I d 1 \ '1" I L013 3 $ r s, , //% I W \ \\ , \\ i i ., , .._.._.. 54N' Sap_.._..1 ' m 'L \\ 1 \\ �- s+4 Ub7KR tLS k3.pg IA i `\ ' \\ I LE16a P i" PROPOSED OFFICE WAREHOUSE _ ! ` ` "`"I'''''' t.,�l&'eep �// OINdXG a 'g Y PROOSED OFFUCf wIHENOUSE i \ \ 5907 SF Lot 6 'a 1 I3VRLYA'G B LW 7 L. \ \ YAX HEWYa Q 5,SOD GpFI. >_ :A50 SF I j B® � aAs xw. �:�� t win HEm�rr a�Ha�`&: `V A\ _ y_„ 25'BLDG 5E1 BACK LINE rem A __ PS \,-_ \ `T 25'LANDSCAPE BUFFER u \ \ I.. \ I LS I L$ L$ \ •,�• Iy .._.._.._.._.._.._ I STEEL ROAD LOCATIONDREIS coo[3r'" 5 f }6 Stall TV BOILARDmiu.STEEL OUP LLC _ WrL IE 75098 ""s'�� - 19t21 9B9-6A62 \ ENGINEER: T 7' 15255 BOZNAN ASSOCIATES. INC. EPHTA HEL XA H 098 ST EN . BERGER.PE 19721 442-7459 SITE PLAN LINE LEGEND: -PROPERTY LIRE EKiAL SITE PLAN LOTS 1-8K HONRO8IA INDUSTRIAL PARK DRAINAGE WATER LINE HKHH STEEL GROUP LLC ROAD CENTER LINE -PROPOSED STORM STOAT STEEL ROAD,WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 PROPOSED STREET r-EXI9TINc coNTDDR LINE HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES,INC. �10—Pq[POSED CONTOOq LINE --BUILDING SETBACK LINE p F( TSA li CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS ��•DRAINAGE DIVIOENLINE ea... .•MIt.a me 102,42... ROW/LOi LINE DES. DRAWN DATE SGNEE WITS FAE ND. Y. U 16fa19PLA 9 na2a._'I200 68 PM M. GNq 2 1 SD STiw KH Cl Billy 5 Wlfe u Mory F.Dovis.0553 Acre N ) Vd.4357,Pq.9B7,CCLR / r 863/07E _ _ 103b7_..�`3'wv vv i �� I X6'R4E'A°E OD9e a45 \ '• \ � i . .._.._._.._.._.._._.._. Sp,. ..'\ ..\ \\ Arc=8536' '' � ° r, 1 (/^ I aoscu I \ SCALE[ry =30 1" \ 1 I i . . \\ \ LOTS 1 THROUGH Bz-HONROB A INDUSTRIAL PARK I. .i.. e ' \ 1. ZONING: LI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PO m2018-30 1 \ 3. PROPERTY AREA: 126.620 SF-2.9068 ACRES 1 • '\ \ 5. BUILD NG AREA: �; \ BUILDING A:5.900 SF /y + BU L ING B:3.J0 SF �(Ld \ BU ILSING C:5.20 SF 801LOING D:10.000 SF •�•• •• .,._._. `•1\• \ BOIL ING E:10o.00 Sf j -- �• \ BUI LI)ING F:A.80 SF • �;, TOTAL: 3.JDO SF r�, \ 5. BUILDING HEIGHT: 1 -STORY-40' MAX PER PD 1 ,,,,yy..� 6. LOT COVERAGE: 27.77% Y ."Ld 4 yAE \ F.A.R. =.173:1 Ai. «y`" \ J. PARKING REOUI RED: PER PO (33•700 Sf)-1 SPACE/500 SF 68 SPACES Ld 2R 4¢ J \ 36885 Acre TOTAL REW IREO =68 SPACES g 95 \ - \ `• \ 160673 Sq.F/. HANDICAP REOUI RED 1 ACCESSIBLE/25 SPACE S. F; �I -\ • 8. PARKING PROVIDED:67 SPACES+3 ACCESSIBLE=TO SPACES �N : :\ \; \ 9. LANDSCAPE REOU IREO 115%GROSS AREA 1: 18.993 SF 2°� � -::\ LANDSCAPE PROVIDED. 19.000 3 SF : 8a (.: ' Lot ` ,i, \ i i am oast/ \� \ \. \\ ' : 1 a10 30 Wt. m xERlscarE -\ , 1\Ti�'h _A A \ i i i I . E l 1 i i it h UR mq ---.--- •- wgx,'s . NI I --8' \ \ \ Ld 6 }t/////�, 0R9ss \ & a3s Acres ,sae. 1I/!LG ....• waves \ \ I I 25'B�M SETBACK LINE \II I i • s Ma pF..).7 BUFFTII .IL xEMSC+wE \�_ ` � T . 587GT07W 40321' \, ---� -- pWxEa: -- --- BD xaxapBlA xH STEEL GROUP LLC STEEL ROAD Tot x eauARD SUITE t0T -_----_-__._ 1_,__ii _ .n1IE T509BJ ' (NOIN 989-fi462 ENGINEER: "�"" 1525 8RLER ASSOCIATES. INC. t 525 eOZMAN ROAD Y IE.TE%AS 5098 STEPHEN A.xELAbERLER.PE 19721 442-7459 PLANT PLAAME SIZE SPACING HEIGHT OVANTITY TtLO LIVE OARK IOUERCUS VIRGINIANA) 3"CAL A/1 12' 8 LANDSCAPE PLAN CE CEDAR'ELM IULMAS CRASSIFOLIAI 3"CAL A/1 10' J LOTS 1 THRU Bx HCNROBIA INPLANL PARK HKHH STEEL CROUP LLC LINE LEGEND; STEEL ROAD,WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 -_...PROPERTY LINE DRAINAGE FLOW SHARP LANDSCAPE 972-978-6172 - RDAO SED STREET INE PROPOSED STORN SEWER H29 HUNi1NGTON DRIVE RICHAIRDSON,TEXAS 75080 —PROPOSED STREET pCv-,x oeAWx HAT[ SC A" rg7 [R[ xo --E%ILDING CONTOUR LINE PROPOSED CONTOUR IIHE --BUILDING SETBACK LINE xftx cAm r,w LAb KM ---DRAINAGE EASEMENL Row L 1 -�•DRAINAGE DIVIDE LINE I ROW/LOT LINE $Rra/r4„.„...., \ ARCHITECTS = 2518 Belmeade Drive Carrollton Texas 75006 LI'41"4''1 ----- -'.----" I'' �- dennisaxberg@gmail.com , FRONT PERSPECTIVE I s:, E„4 $' 02/15/2019 GALVALUME STANDING SEAM RECESSED PORCELAIN METAL ROOFING TILE PANEL AT ENTRIES I - - LIGHTER CONTRAST STONE COPING FRONT ELEVATION 0 0 CLEAR ANODIZED STONE WAINSCOT ALUMINUM AND INSULATill— STOREFRONT GLASS SCALE: 118"=1'-0" STOREFROO NT ill LL W FACE BRICK STANDING SEAM GALVALUME U METAL CONTINUOUS CANOPY FACE BRICK TRADEMARK LOGO PLAQUE WITH STEEL ROD&TURNBUCKLE 7 0_ SUPPORTS ���` 1 CD L O SR SR �� O (.0)FINISH MATERIALS SUMMARY � .. _ STONE 20% - BRICK 43% , TILE ,% — — = Document Date. GLASS 20% -- February 15.2019 _ Document Phase: a „ Preliminary Design Documents LEFT E�IEVATION WITHCO CONTRASTING RIGHT ELEVATION xremark rev STONE date WITH CONTRASTING COPING SCAL : 1/8"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" GALVALUME STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING \. `,..tA-�` `i.\- `‘. 0,_\-,E-` \\"1\`.\»a \\\ -,-_®\\ moo\®A. d ,,,,-moo\@�-\\ .\.,----0,--,--,`, -oa®S®.®F\`,,\® -,.., EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PAINTED STEEL OVERHEAD PAINTED STUCCO BACK WALL Al .0 DOORS BACK ELEVATION 19T-5" SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" f Planning & Zoning hI In Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 5, 2019 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Woodbridge Phase 21A Addition Date Prepared: February 25,2019 Zoning District: PD 2017-11 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Phase 21A to establish 61 residential and six open space lots on 24.470 acres, located on McCreary Road approximately 2500' south of FM544. Recommendation Motion to recommend to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Phase 21A to establish 61 residential and six open space lots on 24.470 acres, located on McCreary Road approximately 2500' south of FM544. Discussion OWNER: Daryl Herzog Woodbridge XXI, Ltd. APPLICANT: J. Volk Consulting The applicant has submitted a final plat for Phase 21A of the Woodbridge development. The plat is a portion of the Phase 21 preliminary plat approved in July of 2017. The plat consists of 61 residential and six open space lots and generally conforms to the preliminary plat. A 10' easement between lots 15 and 16 of Block K has been added. Lots 18 and 19 differ slightly from the Preliminary Plat in individual square footage, but overall, the two lots total square footage calculates the same. The plat conforms to the PD approved in 2017, including the 70' minimum lot width and 8,400 lot square footage minimum. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Council consideration on March 26, 2019 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-01-19 Page 1 of 2 �� L A. a=e —� 45'x45'VISIBILITY EASEMENT N-E)DETAIL %`E Ni ZONED A/30 �� T• > s o ou "A2 'W r1z'aiuos GAS PIPE LINE STREET CP a !-/ -- -- S 8 i PIT,T r �4/\� A p N99150971 51D1V' P'} n x '�V VIS • IBILITY ESW. $B9})'RYN 109.R]' "n"n tS NE>;k FEINT(TRW) a22 • • 111 • a o• \ - 11 \ ix,,, PROI ECT E --2 24-22J\2 ,- • �� OPEN SPACE , =19 VICINITY MAP N.T.S. 115664SF 'g LEGEND / / Pent of Curvature or Tangency on • I,1 .. , Center Line .. •:\\ • 1] ate ea I• i • L S ® / ran.N set with a yellow plastic p WOODBRIDGE �./ stamped"NC"(unless btNnnee noted) / (PROPOSED)SOUTH)s 1 N !S aC 1/2.RF 1 1 • .: �4 i ---- ,422J �Pn nrs BL Building Line t. `'r"zN ,w , Cl Curve o • V v / a — n — p nag ss uses 6z13 L C4 Cry CS x <m> ControlMonument DE Drainage Easement o. UAW; .m Da Ls E.,m Easement 'I NENSY1,/ ``_ PU.E Pedestrian k Utility Easement 11 RlE�jno --_ C S Y Square Feet t III ]NV9'1]'S3"E ts&11' /� e,( ---- 9a°°ac a xeea4 sz^Fl9azss Utility Easement 4.4 u Ir '�I V.E. Visibility Easement I �� �w LOT a Easement w M.E. s 29m9s once, ] // I- s 3 z]6s/sF S L] D.R.C.C.T. Deed Records ofCollin County.Texas y'wTvsu 1 > ^I ,,pab C°.°o o,Do 7000 70°° rzs 2 P.RCCT-Official Public Records of Collin .. I I 46235 law County.Tesos SF e� ea°o BLOCK IV 7.4a H )Selling a portion of this addition by metes a.bounds is a En °°u° p 3 11, $ I'I ' �I 9 O w 4violation of city ordinance a.state law and is subject to fines 9 :6,1 IIII I oT1 n / SF 8.4 z � ba.withholding of utilities and building permits 9 e6aesF aas = o F99assF 67a6sF 6ya6sF _ e7a6 sF 676 sF _ e7a6s 67a6 SF n] 6 _Is6 � by I height3 No appurtenance between the rz a may placed 1zea3 sFN N y T / v a / lm S6, z.is — FNB:YS JRE 109.06 -/ I+nww .f�� /JII I 1 l 214355F / L61866 " • °° 'i " 7.' 7..6 7.o z°... BENCHMARKS: 3C " 5268 644 o1 _�9( i m G4NDVIE DRIVE — — CM 63:Located on the southwesterly side of Wylie High School 3 BLOCK Ilf •i eeDlS,x2 d football stadium and near the northwest corner of Founders Park 2 I i 117E SF \ r Se R. ' Tx,s U ; 164865F 265E r 7c Taw a. _ 7" r 7" 7° r r uou,' feet west of b c and 111f eet north of chain link fence z6 e1 q around S. 'Dse 5°41NEW »aw J1zl rye es a ———1 zs aL SF-8.4 a7s sF 6 N- - DO E11,1- ocated in the northeast corner of Quail Meadow Park LEV:519 w all Im g126SF 8 s126aF 6 6aF _ 9126aF _ 9126aF _ 6156s ' I xaa,6„rzr 4w sCo'uth of aLlley a.west of•,,,,,h,,e Ibis Way.5 feet south of the — south line of alley concrete paving 7 3 feet perpendicular to b c �e�l 6799SF - aI " moo B on h BSF 66SF _ Wa a La, m 633asF 57r766 E256697293 E��s 66 Prng're' i h �I Z Z" sseo4row"" 76, 7s.Do 76°o 7u°O 3Fin� r w 3 na De b \ 01 g l 3 o g BLOCK E M r $ I\La „3'8SF r 21 E. I BaoosF 84"SF I I% _ ErvT v ,9s s9N } Il Saaalew`eam 1z°'p0 Z - zo o 912o „17CEO I BLOCKL I�s Z h �v 161247 SF 93oo SF 912o SF _w o IS 0.2 �I 95a9 aF $ 955o sF r15g o r(n's]__sy—— — E „ DAL_— 74..7 � ,�•.x: Zsso° 11L00 � � � 7zDoSTILLWATER DRIVE _ ---n — — SaaL4l„ia484e 009 -- nDa - 73.w D na° _— L6, _ ———— as REa� FINAL PLAT / i �aeo 256L— ----- I 16 19 / / nEp uS2s 676o sF e76o sF _ _ 8 66os 21 87.SF 8766 SF _ Baxss 1768S SF p/a _ B]sBSF 8766SF 876pSF 876pSF _ 8766SF _ B]66sF _ 6z66sF _ B]66sF _ I SF-s.4 WOODBRIDGE aRrr8 w PHASE 21A // / I BLOCKK r ,° } .WYLIE „ 4 = 24.470 ACRES / n rvom oiSfRiu LOTS 13,LOTS 5-23,BLOCK K;LOTS 1-11,BLOCK L; // — / o _n • �,° " SNIDE V 1191.hY SACHSE LOTS 1-8,BLOCK M;LOTS 1-20 BLOCK 0; 71 ' 35e CM> 51 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS — __ eiry uorvuMery 61 Owner/Applicant: 5OPEN SPACES/COMMON AREAS / Parcel Line Table Parcel Line Table Parcel Line Table Woodbridge HHI,LTD. OUT OF THE POINT OF ores 29 soo E.Campbell Roaa, BEGINNING0 t,n NW 1„•t o p,rw s22 L.. 1 non p, s'brz Suite no W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACr NO.835 ` Curve Table Curve Table n Cur Table R' TH]5081 l unve g a e b' pnlroMv pe Lz 25, 2,5 ' • • Phone:h214 3481300 CITY OF YLIE - `�"`LmnnReeu. Date ,�, ne E�ne.nR,e�. N.a ,d;,g,�ua,Bearing I` �, ne48 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS / ` 14,oozz xon w w w C o ss,s ssso Po o m sn2o H 6"z µ C 9 s 9 sso oee '.I.s,zrw is soz ryes w•srz< <, =so x,e sa,S w ,, 6,, ssx,sow2 F 214 3 1]20 Contact:Daryl Herzog 12 February 2019 C4 , zn 1 25,5 2,2 es, ,e,00 wo 9 rz,es 25suz 25,2 s 6Po a 17 e6.'4 "w'zn N o 4.' .”..13 m a zrz " weseo S74.e,ow m Engin er/SurveYor SHEET OF i sa w ,e ��oe en Ce 2s1 51500 2s1 n, 1152 8e9 ery1.27•15.,v, rn 22,2122m 205,5, tllt i s,s 9,sxw x�9 aC zaw � sn s�>.0 J.Volk Consulting,Inc. rzrz xa9 e,2,C 9w 830 CentrR Nrkwav East Suite300 J. V O L K ,, e' Plano,TexasJ5m4" Phone'.972 201 3100 consulting „CM.' see 55 MI ce es 55 °arorz. 89w a°54 nC „n999 m24 ae 9 rv77.sew L2 4 s,s ss 2e5 u4 4.4 rv4e ss•saw w u.7 s M sal Contact:Jay Volk 922m CC e,6666„rvo 6114ry2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER'S DEDICATION: W00DBRIDGE PHASE 21A SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 29.970 ACRES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Thot I.Ryon S.Reynolddl do hereby certify Bet I THAT Woodbridge XXI,LTD.,acting h through it duly authorized officers,does pro..this plot from a accuratesurveyDM to BEING A tract of landsituated AM SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT ND.B35,City of Wylie,Collin here adopt is to deignaling theherein t property as WOODBRIDGE PHASE thereon as actual were properly place un my^personal asupervison in County.Texas a engsport of in kkof land described Tract One South in Deed to ntlbri ge North 21,bo itin the City of yfi Teeos,anddoes c herebydedicate.in lee simple,to the accordance with th Subdivision Ordinance f the City Of Wylie. Commercial I.Ltd, recorded Volume 5971,Page�112S(Document No.2005-103909),Deetl Records, public use forever t the streets,rights-of-way and other publicimprovements shown thereon.The Collin County,Teem and being more porticulorly described os follows: streets alley,if any, q bitted for street fore ses.ar The easements d public uses la an a public ru A purposes indicatedOn this GIVEN UNDER MT HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this y of BEGINNING A 1/2 in A yellow plastic cop s AmpeO"JVC"s of McCreary plot. Vlu o buildinoa,r fences.to improvements oro growths to a construct upon, act easements ass except that scoe l improvements ee 20-- Rood,a 9D toot rigor-t-way,lot the most soot y uthxet corner t w0 Trocte Ones South; be placed in scope easement,it approved by he City Council of theCity of Wylie.In RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL used far theof all THENCE Northerly.with said east Is,,.the following three(3)courses and distances. public wutilities desiring to use or also the some gunlessesbu the easement limits the to particular utilities,said use by public utilities being subadin..to the public's end City of North 92 degrees 98 minutes SD recap tlwlonce of 396.75 fret to a 1/2 in Wylie's use thereof. RYAN S.REYNOLDS.R.P.LS Texas o e.Commission Date yell.plastic cop stompedl"JVC"set for corner: inch non rod with A The City of Wylie bond public utilityright b rem a.keep re Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.BJ85 y Wylie, or ports of a bk dings,fnces.tr entities shrubs other improvements or growths which North Ot degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds West.a distance of 369.09 feet to o tn2 inch iron rotl wi1M1 A way any interfere with econstruction. enan a efficiency o1 may it aeseecive nn trees.The City ofWylie dhpublic ee STATE OF TEXAS § yellow plasmic cop stomped"JVC"1 tc for c beginning of o left nBvingda tinrYa v scAeeiull Ir^gne el insg,esstland egrerel tea res^eetiveee rem store.at .'APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION.' cri angle Of 01 degrees 50 minutes 1J sradius1.of 910.00 feet and a chord b ring a distance it core of c tI g,re r nog,t e raft gingenm e Di North 00 degrees 56 minutes OB seconds Weal,31.31 feet t tl g to ar perminA a om parts I n ve rmss^pec1rvea y1ema�pitheu^9'tpe neeesa ty et any CWNTT OF COLLIN ¢ e Prnurin9rpermielonllfrm Anyone.left.a arc distance of 31.31 feet to 1 2 inchon this ME,be undersigned eel tiny.A NotaryPublic Ave for be State a Teeos v v v .Teas D.,„ A / non roe with A yellow m d and t on this day personally appeared Ryon S.Reynolds.Land Surveyor known to me to be plastic copIstamped c"JVC"set tier corner, This plot li,Ten subject to all plotting ordinances.rues,regulations on resolutions of the a person w subscribed the foregoing in acknowledged to City of WNie,Texas. me of he executed the some fw�to cl considerations thereinexpressed. THENCE North 89 degrees 17 minutes 53 see onds East leaving said east line.a distance of 148.34 feet to ACCEVTED a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped.utruset for corner, WITNESS MY HAND this___day of GIVEN UNDER MT HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this day of THENCE North JO degrees DI minutes lB seconds East,a distance of 832.44 feel to a 1/2 inch iron rod bridge XXI.LTD. y y y ,Texas Date with yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for ironA corner: ATexos Limited Partnership THENCE N 1g degrees 58 minutes 92 sec A distance of 139.D5 feet to 1/2 inch iron rod By.HDCeeS W Liability LLC with yellow nplastic cep stampetl"JVC"set for corner: A Isms Limited Liability Company Notary Public in and for The State of Texas e dry of foregoing.,plat the WOODBRIDGE PHASE 21A, THENCE South 89 degrees 17 minutes 22 seconds Wee a distanceiron of 109.27 feet to a 1/2 inch rod It's:General Partner of by formal subdivision the dedication of streets, yellowwith a plastic cop stamped JVC"at r for beginning of a non-tangent right BY HDC MANAGEMENT.LLC Mayorrth in a.upon said plat a.said Council f urther authorized the no te tes as shown he ans acc set eptance re tf es vine o A angle of 02 degre 2J minutes 18 sec A radius of 255.00 Met and A chord bearing A TexasLimitedLiability Company y Commission Expires there y signing name as hereinabove subscribed gan and distance odegreesNor h DO degrees 50 minutes 23 seconds West 1D.93 feet It's:Manager THENCE righ of 0.91e1 n Wanes y not y ytox plastNicncAp stomped".NCVset for cornert,InA the north Ime of th1e Abo1eve mentioned i TroclrOnerSouthn a By THENCE North B9 degrees 50 minutes 27 seconds East.with said north line.A distance of 510.78 feet to a Daryl F.Herzog,Member City Secretary,City of Wylie,Texas 1/2 inch non rod with A yellers plastic cop stomped"JVC".for corner; THENCE South OD degrees 22 minutes 3D seconds East.leaving m th a of 315.1E feet to 1/2 a yellow plastic cop stamped LAX"set Ifni at the beginning of o STATE OF TEXAS ¢ non-tangent c with having a angle of Og degrees 24 minutes 35 second,a radius COUNTY OF COLLIN ¢ 767.50 feet and A chord bearing and distance of South BJ degrees 13 minutes 1D seconds East 125.91 feet BEFORE ME,the undersigned ou Notary Public in d far the State al Texas an this dote peranblly appeared_ _sr,erOwner's Agent,knowna person whose THENCE Eas1My,with said curve et the left.A arc distance of 128.05 feet to A 1/2 inch iron rod with a e foregoing ties lodged to me that he executed the yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"st for corner, some for the purposeAnd consideration therein aexpressed. THENCE North 88 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds East.A distance of 9.05 feet to A 1/2 inch non rod with GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this___cloy of A yellow plastic cap stamped.uuuset for corner, .20__ BENCHMARKS: THENCE North 93 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds East,o distance of 20.87 feet t tn2 inch r CM413:Located on the southwesterly side of Wylie High School with a yellow plastic pop stamped t'JVC"set for cornerh beginning a a left n vng rod football stadium and near the northwest corner of Founders Park central distance of e of DO NorthSc degrees s 03 minutes 96]second,a sreontls West.adius of 8.19 feet;995.00 of And A chord bearing and No y Public In and for the State of Texassports fields 31 5 feet south of b c,41 Gfeet north of b c and 6 5 west a v field north of chain link fence degrees aromaFounders a sports ie THENCE Northerly, midcurveD t left,o arc distance of 6.19 feet to a 1/2 inch iron r with o N.1oss976 54 E.2559122 oo ELEV:519.11 yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner, My Commission Expires:_-- cm um Located in the northeast corner of Quail Meadow Park THENCE North 85 degree 39 mr s e 59 seconds East. distance of 50.00 fee to a 1/2alleysouth concretepaving 1f perpendicular to be yellowwith a plastic cap stompetl'JVC"set tar cornerbeginning al a non-tangent c might p e ., having A central Angle al 00 degrees 99 minutes 28 schorda s of 545.00 feet And A chord bearing end distance ol u South 09 degrees 00 minutes 22 seconds East Jr89 fret; N:7065787 So E.2560972 Vs ELEV:562.RR THENCE Southerly,with mid to n right.an arc tliatonce of 7.89 fret to a 1/2 inch iron rod with o yellow plastic cop stomped'.RC'vset Iorcorner: THENCE South 98 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds EAs.A distance of 21.55 feet to a 1/2 inch non rodationcityordinancea.stateandsubject to fines 1 Selling a portion of this addition by metes a.bounds is a with yellow plastic cop stamped.uuceet for corner, maintaineda.withholding of utilities and building permits 2 Open space lots shall be owned and by to THENCE North 88 degrees 09 minutes 52 a s East,a distance of 5.02 feet to 1/2 inch iron rod with e.between the fx anal may placed o yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner, in visibility triangles THENCE South D2 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 65.0D feel l0 1/2 inch non rod with yell.plastic cop stamped"JVCset for corner, THENCE South 138 degrees 09 minutes 52 re eat,a distance of 5.67 feet to A 1/2 inch non rod with a yellow plastic pep stamped.uuuset far corner, FINAL PLAT THENCE South 93 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds West.o distance of 21.2D feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic Dap stomped"JVC"set for corner, WOODBRIDGE THENCE South 01 degrees 55 m e 28 s con s East,A distance of 109.65 feet to A 1/2 inch rod PHASE 21A with yellow plastic cop stomped^"JVC"set for corner: ytSlRII ITV ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS 24.470 ACRES LOTS 13,LOTS5-23,BLOCK K;LOTS 1-11,BLOCK L; THENCE flow 46 tlegrees 55 minutes et ter seconds East,a distance of 19.19 fret to 1/2 inch non red The area given As shown a plot A N its ssorsbandd,Accem And Dint eme t)Easements ore LOTS 1-8,BLOCK M;LOTS 1-20 BLOCK 0; with Y w Plaatie caP atamPetlr'JVC"set lai earner, right ofccesse for mat n a pan a M Easemen as t The City to hove t visibility.rgg THENCE N h 88 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds East,a Distance of 109.08 feet tool/2 into con rod but not the obligation maintenance maintains and all landscaping within the VAN Easement. Should the City 61 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS with yell.plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner; Yepthis right in be peration.b flowers. se ground on Owner/Applicant'. her gimps emenls,including w t to remove sndildisps,gof any 60PEN SPACES/COMMON AREAS fi tares The City may withdraw maintenance of theN Easement at b any time. The ultimateWoodbridge XXI,LTD. OUT OF THE THENCE South Ot 55 minutes 2B seen a East,a of 460.00 Met to 1 2 IA EA iron eel responsibility for the VAM eEasrenent s upon Th ox o building,fence,1 an 800 E.Campbell Road, degrees in Iwaym en e ^grin visibility. W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.835 a yellow plastic cep stomped for corner In the south line al the above mentioned Tract One a maintenance reother improvements in, eon.over or ac,which In Any way danger o interfere Iw the ri Suite 130 South, a be constructed in on a or acmes the VAN Easement. The City shall a a the tic llbut Richardson,34-1300 CITY OF WYLIE control evicetior to odd atnvlontlm Ea Improvements re the VAM Easement lot rectvony lrofti. Phone'.214-348-1300 signs agents VAR Easement the randight emae Anyobstructiont thereon. The a it COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS THENCE T South E degrees D9 minutes 32 seta 1, e,a distance al 1,191.52 feet b successor anyp, hereof for Ave the rigt and privilege At imps to upon b Contact: 1720 Herz the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 29.9]Or acres eof lend,more lea. Easement er any pert thereof far the purposes and with all rights and tprivilegreerelrfwth herein. Conta R'.Daryl Herzog 12 February 2019 Engineer/Surveyor'. SHEET 2 OF J.Volk Consulting,Inc 830 Centel Parkway East,Suite 300 J. V O L K Plana,Texas75074 Phone':972-201-3100 consulting Contact:Jay Volk 91 gtrsfa Icw,x'�'"''' l-vslz Planning & Zoning hI In Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 5, 2019 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Woodbridge Phase 21B Addition Date Prepared: February 26,2019 Zoning District: PD 2017-11 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Phase 21B to establish 92 residential and three open space lots on 22.691 acres, located between McCreary Road and Springwell Parkway approximately 2200' south of FM544. Recommendation Motion to recommend to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Phase 21B to establish 92 residential and three open space lots on 22.691 acres, located between McCreary Road and Springwell Parkway approximately 2200' south of FM544. Discussion OWNER: Daryl Herzog Woodbridge XXI, Ltd. APPLICANT: J. Volk Consulting The applicant has submitted a final plat for Phase 21B of the Woodbridge development. The plat is a portion of the Phase 21 preliminary plat approved in July of 2017. The plat consists of 92 residential and three open space lots and generally conforms to the preliminary plat. Lots 7-11, Block H have different square footages, but the overall total remains the same. The same applies for lots 1-2, Block I. A 15' easement was added between lots 2 and 3, Block A. The plat conforms to the PD approved in 2017, including the 60' minimum lot width and 7,200 lot square footage minimum. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Council consideration on March 26, 2019 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-01-19 Page 1 of 1 arse Table Line Table PROICT IL LEGEND ,nqtnnoe�, Der ,,,a ors eearne L' p¢ni r¢L�courwture or angency on \� 6�S \\ E a >s iu 5P0'o" rya arouna a p sfea M1of chain nkfence • 1'2' g = 8 ti,� Gor6 37 - - football rr _ OPEN SPACE 3, sports fields. cs feet wen CM3I _ CID - �0 V (unless otherwise noted)o _ [ART,sT $ \ LOT6 d N.7539 122 519.n • 'I/2mp1F = r EXCHANGE,N eLa[ItH \ - 1258SF r NUMw b"s cac ao0 r ize mse on AcreA e o, sla 'as'wna,.0s\ \r5 Fu ?- GS8 i rn outM1 eu d'9 L oc e n e no /� W feet BL n Line ota gantl wen of • `\ ` x0d <_¢ � POINT OF ", „' south line feFtpepend0,artotl.a arsenlo. v dnxs,. - BEGINNING ns a,.0 �' B parking semen, ---ument � v vv .. '� 515 �, N.ro657...60 Ea6p972 ELEy.562.88 DE Drainage Easement Esmt Easement o TRACT2 nand ',„r __ i ,a, ] \k Y �a F 8 \ I i .1 1 �e ao0 oPor, 0m 5 so sac s T_ /� 1i r" � Is0daL5e[rzas ns �01.19 VE a �\ �e// p \ \ \ ]I9655F 1 \oviolation of city ordinance and state law and is sub,e,to fines VE 0 'a /- �020E15nx\ M{ Bs SF asxasvlslswry EASEMENT(v.E,)DETAIL a �q� by P.P.C.C.T. County,4, in visibility triangles. P as dsofCon Visibility Easement D.P.C.0 T.=Deed Records of Collin County,Texas VICINITY MAP 3.No appurtenance between the height of 2'and 9'may be placed 3 RI 'r,• STREET I I' Ds e '-) Vn until all constr„A Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued for the ucted and DB -• r 96215E '" o 44 _ //ID09, na 33213E 25 s -r\0 , r Pla[ n[M1e mnex aofmnma footl M1azaN.''ft m0 azd C 59 I� ed bythe City. ) \ ^s ml I S1BIl1TV V „, I SMTH,P) <s �r .L53 Endx v s¢12sF BLOCK 1H 4. '4 v 51° nr 13 ,fro •.t 2oo¢SF n, 1\ Ioi is ti w v v _l. wre,x azxsSF 1 i \ m, rzrz , ‘. rasa I LOTS BLOCKS 0tl PEN SPACE' \ v ` o� \L e Br -- \ ZONED A/30 nou oa " 1EosF .ses ,n5a, x. Ns xi SF TO0 v P o03osrw 'os.es s s so cos BDo0 60d0 cum sd 00 eo o eoo d00 soo sad sa00 1 L13.,07. • \ - 1 Ws, \ I r F HMS SF 7 0 Y I- BLOCK A \ m Y\ ` \\ SPY ~ 1¢36SSF • \ ]Dos \ \ SF ] e e 6]SF F J35F ¢E SF E¢]SF J95F SI SF �35F ES SF snsF 59 8JS I�avm s m \\ cs `k 5 1\x4x 9EF SEE MAIL c¢3BLOCKA ICI _ _ _ lei s¢rwnsvus • ` 1b'''v111�.... �v iL �E sr sE sr ''3 Lw a nsos I1 - �s09 sE o E I1 Saes. 1 \ i •� ONEOP °�1I ��n CORNERSTONE DRIVE e�ss \ �m ua • `v CO„EY� � III - „:,,, - sod.z5 s a B ev. r ,v 24 • aw- L9 sd do xx aK ,oN�<e� owl m o w w 17 � / N 1 , iy -'999 °� .vA oa \\ zo' > 0 ua rzs er 25 Br 4\ X 9 F n ¢ 8 8 & o'b \ \ BLOCKI INST.N20080,4000175250awcc. rL�O2BCK E ,82 Sr _ 0g SF oso sr ao SF oa0 SF 080 5r oso SF oeo SF o10 sr 803r 1�3�5F My,. Do sr `\ p BLOCK ,n ` • rzs II \ y 5 MN. Bono 5000 B0o0 00 30_00 QM 6500 sued .79..43..., \ Zf 502358E 00 0 N \ -g \ 5\9504 e \ b\ F .r \ \ 5u0 \em d 3c: 1 \ aw sxoreur xsvuurrn o.ac.c,,. 11 a9SF - v v J L—,d ]<s PIPELINE ESL. w ,a FINAL PLAT v v wv,ads Ec. Bwoe RSORHI LLANE WOODBRIDGE • PHASE 21B v L• BB 1 _— 22.691 ACRES v i 1 sE ,EB r__—__________ __ ff eLw wpo • I r7 w' LOTS 1-0S,BLOCK A;LOTS 1-11,22 BLOCK B; • 1 lh LOTS 1-13,BLOCK C;LOTS I3 BLOCK E; LOTS 18i39,BLOCK G; LOTS 2-5,7-15,BLOCK H;LOTS 1-2,BLOCK I 92 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS \ r=Lzsd' 1 I� Dwbridge XXI,L'. 30PEN SPACES/COMMONOUTOHEAREAS Woodbridge HHI,LTD. OUT OF THE _-\�-" 800 E.Campbell Road,Suite 130 W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.835 T Richardson,Tx 75081 CITY OF WYLIE `\ .I of Phone':214348-1300 Fax.214348-v20 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Lt Contact'.Daryl Herzog 14 February 2019 '-, SCALE v =60 SHEET OF 1 I Engineer/Surveyor'. J.Volk Consulting Inn J. V O L K I I 830 Central Parkway East,Su to 300 Plano Texas 75074 consulting 1 _ DETAIL 972-213100 dot a, :r sin we BENCHMARKS: PROt IL CM 113:Located on the southwesterly side of Wylie High School LEGEND - - k - D_ football stadium and near the northwest come,Founders Park Curve To e Line-fable porch of chain linl:fenre enter Line o ture or T ngeney n ° g C or Curvature o C7Len9 Roar., °•, cr.,ee 9 "a "Tn'0n around rounders Pasportsfield. • 1/02" o rod set with a ello plastic d 0 n ,�� n,s 5saw stamped'NC"(unless otherwise noted) m K 7,5 °a e,,a,ae°o Doan lee.n„„10 w rr B5.23 sc ea r rv.>esane.s4 r 2559122.00 ELEV.sts.n l/2'I ' L',CHANGE Si 044.3393 oo CM 44: Located in the northeast corner of Quail Meadow Park AC „re E4 s,mo 02„eox 021.46, °,o,n.3 wy, r' 'x, SIT o8 south line of eW w'concrete paving. 3f perpendicular to b.c and west of White Ibis Way.14.5 feet south of the BL ding Line a.E�k Ls Curve o. ol Monument E ss 62.88 DE inage Esm c, Tsw n00 a ,w Le o e5 S6 sm'w N. a to fines PFMt IronerPpne Found _ :� -- 8 L9 14.21 65e..,L 1.Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a L'I Line o. 1\ violation of city ordinance and state law SF ii �� Ut'ilityeEasement W I s" �,_ ,�45 56 rsw No between the 1 f2an2.Open space lots shall be owned and ds°V the v p ed VICINITY MAP Texas L., ,�,a�a, 51T.�a SO.Re.CE 0.A Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued for the property P.R.C,2.T.— Records ofD P.C.C.7.=Deed Records of Collin N.T.S. until all of improvementsaroeonstrvmedand Co y,Texas „5 ,„3,sw d 6/2/w09,the renal • • Plat limits lie in the,one X''area of minimal flood hazard. • • • • • „rt n„pea Aa• „°o°°anaE,a°„tia POINT OF • I „r.Tr,�ax eCS, „aapah°°ECha=,4G BEGINNING °""- 11„ I,. 11, a,,,• • �e.,,,°'° TRACT 1 • • • • 02�C l 54 6n ao 6000 apJ <GM> / , 80.14 96.38 9Al2 60.00 6000 °a°° soo° or Lisrvo o°AcE ig, 9 lass' Iwo 60.0o sa oo baoo 6o.ao eaoo • a�az "24 15 BLOCK gsoO SF 7.0 " ,WENT. ao �/no ocen ozz 4 64sFGe�sul ° , e s aR° oR Amos wp wR �p o0 • 00 ` t T r_ Toss _ ]ato ,o o Tow _ Tow _ ]02o T Tsno r G s3os 958a a 11,05 sr g - I r 8 11e¢3 w 13L 14,m 1 FARMERS vo �I Ti __ �sr T DW e. �' � „E°at.�m�a se - Tulo r-l�gr zweL i. 60°° 6000 6om 6a°° coo° o�o ,r. .�.� .,�. M WAVES .��. .� „ a. bum NOW wr rr n o> > , T° I _ xe9T„ zc AMBER LANE '°°i, �as'� NORTH POINT DRIVE x� a< w L 564 ° / ' h L rg _ °uE szw T ---- rzoW�a c �,/. n.9a -— i°uE — _— T !�� o ay s-% �\° •I E.invJ� st si 11}6 �' \ s BIDCKE 15svo �� Nlto l" 8Zs., KG �0-e.,,sma R a 8 6g,I , /(/ A t m q^ I , - r " T21is ,3s35 BLOCKC is III S SF 70r BaL35 st525r \ „/ �uc 2]S P'F • 20p Txpos Topsr 509 Jt 02"W 205}2 � SB9 Jt'2"W 20.9, ',z ° L. r �. s \ 1//j V.E. ILA 1 JJ i _ I \ecm 02 Ni w499.56 \ 58931 02 W t90.00' µ0/— e w °.rzme°°rz°xs°m C2 81625E n& ::Pii ry> > i.1 s wu[ry oveer 50 .x \' �,C•�r\ I �\ It ;JIH_ `0 3g `�s t¢L__ IµtPP,"�"s`�wn� 5 a2szsr �� `' aa<° ,r ixsw5nn FINAL PLAT ,Fe WOODBRIDGE PHASE 21B 45'x 45'VISIBILITY EASEMENT(V.E.)DETAIL 22.691 ACRES LOTS 1-45,BLOCK W LOTS 1-11,22 BLOCK B; LOTS 1-13,BLOCK C;LOTS I3 BLOCK E; STREET 1 40 4a• p LOTS &39,BLOCKS; LOTS 2-5,7-15,BLOCK H;LOTS 1-2,BLOCK I \�- ��� 92 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS Owner/Applicant: 3 OPEN SPACES/COMMON AREAS 7— ```(((\\\ Woodbridge HHI,LTD. OUT OF THE `VISIBILITY 800 E.Campbell Road,Suite 130 W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.835 ESMT(TYPI Richardson,Tx 75081 CITY OF WYLIE Phone'.214-348-1300 Fax'.214-348-1J20 Lim COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS N Contact:Daryl Herzog '\ 14 February 2019 R.O.W. 0, SHEET2 oF3 J. PConsul East, Inc. J. V O L K 830 Central al Parkway Eart Suite 300 Plano Texas 75074 consulting 972-2013100 ,rs0,we LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER'S DEDICATION: WOODBRIDGE PHASE 21B TRACT 1 WOODBRIDGE PHASE 21B TRACT 2 NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.' 17.959 ACRES 9.732 ACRES THAT Woebridge XXI,LTD.,acting herein by rough its a officer,does BEING a tract of land situated in theM SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.835,City of WNie. BEING a Al Ise M SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.835,City of WNie, adopt this plat designating the hereinaboveM1Oeswibea propertyh as WCODBRIDGE PHASE Collin County,Texas on being port of thatof le es Tract One N n Deed to Collin County.Texas andbeing pert of la of le es Tract One South in Deed to 21B,ba he City of Wylie.Texas a n Ire simple,to .Zoninganning Commission Date ridge North Commercial I, me 5971,aPege 1125(Deeumtent N Woodbridge North Commercial I. Ltd.,asrecorded in land 5971,Page 1125(Document No. public use forever t Nat streets.rights-el-way and other h public improvements shown thereon.The Teas 2005-1039o9).Deed Records,Collin County.Texas and being more particularly described as follows: ]005-103909),Deed Records,Collin County,Texas end being more particularly described as tel.. own.alley ore de dedicated for is se forpoaes The easements d public this vWylie, de for for street use forevere for asemeS sindicated platareas No dings,fences.trees, improvements or growths shell be BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod with red plastic cop stomped"RPLS 1895"found in the west line BEGINNING et o 5/8 inch iron red with a red plastic cep stamped"KHA"fD line of w placed upn,o except th scae improvements .'APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION.' of Spring.°Parkway,a variable meth right-of-way,for the northeast corner of said Tract One Mereory Reed,D 90 feet right-of-way,for the northwest corner of aid Tract OweSouth;aa1 be place in scope eo s,e iio be iapprovedhby the CityCouncil of the use and acco of mmodation of Wylie. In North; public odd.,utility to use nts Yore ue g the same unless for the the easement limits the use to THENCE North 89 degrees 50 minutes 27 seconds East.Ie ving a particular utilities,aid use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of THENCE South DO degrees 22 minutes 13 seconds East,w once on 180.00 a of soa`Troct One South,a of 6]1.5]fret to a 1/2 in a yell.spastic Wylie's use thereof. v vWylie,Texas Date feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with 1a yellow plastic cop stamped'JVC"etsfor1ncorner; clop stomp."JVC"set for c beginning of a non-tangent`c left having o angle of 03 degrees eminu minutes deco radius of 255.0D fat to a chord bearing The City An W and public unlit right to rem and keep THENCE North 45 degrees 25 minutes 35 seconds West,leaving said west line,a distance Al 14.13 antl distance Al Sau1M1 OD degrees 50 minutes2lmrecntls East.10.93 fret; Al ports of an Wylie dings,fence,trees, improvements or growths whichremoved in all gc,,Ni feet to a 1/2 inch non rod with a yellow plastic cap stomped"JVC"et for corner, control t t way Y easements. he Coln other maintenance. nffic�ecNollof nth'their THENCE Southerly,leaving a and w m curve o e left,a once el respective endanger o ts.The City of oWNie and npublic fret to a 1/2 inch non rod with Y x plastic copstamped to for corner, times hove thefull mght of eingressantl egreN to frolm...respective e em t fort the THENCE South 00 degree 22 minutes 13 seconds East,a distance el 65.23 feet to a 1/2 inch d arc di purpose constructing.reconstructing. spec ng,n gg g,reading m t a Texas Date non rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"aH for corner; adding to or emovinR all or pans of their espectiiverosystems without the necessity at any v v v THENCE North 89 degrees l]minutes 22 seconds East.D distance of 109.27 feet to 1/2 inch ime procuringrpnmissin anyone. THENCE South 89 degrees 11 m re 02 seconds Ws nce of 120.97 feet to a 1/2 inch non rod with D yells Plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner, This o rdinances rule and resolutions of the non rod with a'NI.plastic cop stomped".NC'"set for tcorner, City tht NiPp Ters.sobpct t all plotting o s regulations THENCE South 19 degrees 58 m 42 see s East,a nee of 139.05 feet to 1/2 inch THENCE South 00 degrees 28 minute 58 seconds Est,a distance of 20.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yells ploatic cop ost stomped"JVC.set for cerner;sto ffiti Pi,eafayfoWOaoDe he cyy t DSE PHASE en�ana t1Leresuivission or addition to the city of accepted me dedication of streets, e. e. as set forWylie arks,submitted, iron rod wi1M1 a yellow plastic cop stamped"JVC caner: THENCE South 70 de 01 minutes 18 West, distance of 632.44 feet /2 WITNESS MnMT HAND this____day Alof____ __-___.20_ alley,parks,easement,said ad public places,anawateranasewerMayor to note he acceptance ptan in and upon said plat and ouncil f urther authorized the THENCE Sou A 89 degrees 31 minutes 02 seconds distance of 205.12 feet to 1/2 inch non rod with a yell.plastic con stomped JVC"set for corner, to itch Woodbridge LTD. mere y signing name as nereinabove snbscnbed. v onae tires cegance non rod with a'NI.plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for Natcorner, THENCE uth 89 degrees t]minutes 51 s of 14839 fret t 1/2 inchTexas Limited Partnership venires y nit y iron rod a yen pal1stic coptestomppec LNG set Alc n of the THENCE South 00 degrees 28 minutes 58 seconds East,a distance of 34.]]feet to 1/2 inch mentioned eMcr th -e ent ufv eve By.HDC WOODBRIDGE.LLC iron rod with a yellow Dlestie cep 1 stomps"JVCset for corner, Al 23 degrees 13 minutes 57 seconds,o radiusd o of t910.0D free and a chord bearingand distance A Teas Limited Liability Company of North 13 degree 12 minutes 15 seconds Wet,366.97 feet; It's:General Partner Secretary, Texas THENCE South 89 degrees 31 minutes 02 seconds We distance of 180.00 let to a 1/2 inch By.HDC MANAGEMENT,LLC v N vWylie, non rod with a yellow plastic cop stamped"JVC'eH for tcorner; THENCE Northerly.with said eost line end said to left a s 1e distance et 36699 feet to A Te Limited Liability Company the POINT of BEGINNING ondcontaining4.732 acres of land,more or lea. Ifs:Manager er THENCE South 47 degrees 06 minutes 18 se a of 106.75 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with o yellow plastic cap stomped"JVC'eset for corner ot the o beginning of a an9enl curve to the left having a central angle of 02 degrees 41 minutes 51 seconds.a radius el 599.0D feet on d a chord bearing and distance of North 49 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds West 2621 By. feet; Daryl F.Herzog,Member THENCE N left o lance el 28.22 feet to a 1/2 inch non rod with a Northwesterly, plastic copstomped to for corner, BENCHMARKS: THENCE Sou 9 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds 1, of 117.00 lee 1/2 inch STATE OF TEAS s yellow plasticcap stomped'JVC'�e a he beginning a -angel COUNTY OF COLLIN $ stadium a.near the northwest corner of Founders Park sports fields 31 ion to the left having a angle of 9 degrees 51 minutes t19 seconds, eel 482.00 feefeet south of b c,41 Gfeet north of b c and 6 5 feet west of b c and tea d a eh bearing a d distal al Nor.68 degrees 02 minutes c18 seconds West 36699 BEFORE ME,the undersigned south y, ry Public in tl ler the Stole al Texas en 1M1 field 111 feet north of main link fence around Founders Park sports feet; n e personally appeared �Owneis Agent,kit he person Nose name is he foregoing in edged to me that he executed the N:70s197654 E.255912200 ELEV:519.11 THENCE N left a ce of 377.62 Net to 1/2 inch some for the purpose and considerations therein express.. iron rod with aeyellow Dlstie said curve JVC"set for corner: cm um Located in the northeast corner of Quail Meadow Park south of GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this cloy of alley a.west of mare Ibis Way.5 feet south of the south line of alley THENCE Souse 89 degree 31 minutes 02 seconds West.a distance Al 449.56 feet to a 1/2 inch .20__ caner p e. 1f p p auniarro parking a. non rod with a yellow plastic cop stamped".NC"sst for corner: N:706578150 E.256097293 ELEV:562.BB THENCE South 00 degrees 28 m1 re 58 a s East,a distance of 34.90 feet to 1/2 inch non rod with a'NI.plastic cop stomped JVC"set for corner: Netery Public in and for the State of Texas 1 Selling a portion of this addition by city ordinance a.state law and is to boundnes s swithholding of utilities a.building permits THENCE South 89 degrees 11 minutes 02 seconds West. nee Al 188.00 fret 1e in.1/2 inpenmaintainedspace by to iron rod wise a yellow plastic cop stamped".NC"et for corner: Lay Commission Expires: 3 No appurtenance between the height of x and 9.may be placed in visibility triangles n THENCE South 00 degrees 28 minutes 58 seconds East,a distance of 700.10 let to a 1/2 inch non rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner, THENCE South 89 degrees 31 minutes 02 seconds West. distance Al 53.00 feet to a 1/2 inch SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: iron red with a yellow Dlestie cep stomped LNC'set for corner: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That I.Ryan S.Reynold,tie certify that I THENCE South CO degrees 28 minutes 57 seconds East.a distance Al 117.62 feet to a 1/2 inch prepared this pat from see as tser end Decorate survey glen a seater the corn yell.plastic cop atampe%"JVC"set for corner in the south Lire of the above thereon were properly placed u my personal supervision n hone mentioned Tract a ne North; occwdonce with the Subdivision Ordinance f the City of under THENCE South 89 degrees 50 minutes l]second We with s s e of 240.56 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of OFFICE,this y of mute s at,m m0 south Imo,a distance feet toot/2 inch iron rid with a yellow plastic cop stamped t come in Me eat line of Maxwell --_do Creek Pork Rrod,a variable widthright-oi-way,for the aouthwret corner of said Tract One North, THENCE North 00 degrees 3D minutes 51 seconds Wet pith said root line,a distance of 1,005.95 feet to on X'found in concrete for the northwet corner of said Tract One North, ____ RYAN S.REYNOLDS,R.P.L.S. FINAL PLAT THENCE Easterly,with the north line of said Tract One North,the Nllawing three(3)a urses and Registered Prefeeinal Land Surveyor No.6305 distances: WOODBRIDGE North 89 degree 28 mints 02 seconds East eet leaving said east line,a distance of 125.36 f toe 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner, STATE Of TEXAS 6 PHASE 21B XISIBNTY ACCESS AND MAINTFNANfF EASEMENTS COUNTY OF COLLIN fl North 67 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East.a Al 348.43 fret to 1/2 inch non The or areas Mown on the plat as-YAW((Visibility.Access and Maintenance)Eoemenle 22.691 ACRES red with a yellow plastic 1cop stomped o"JVC"set far earner, by given and gr..to a Cit,its assigns,as oneasement to provide BEFORE ME,the undersgned authority,a NotaryPublic in and for the State Al Texas area right of accessfor maintenanceupon D M Ea.rnnt. The City all his day persanall whose m appeared Rya S.Reynold,Land Surveyor kit a bethe LOTS 1-05,BLOCK A;LOTS 1-11,22 BLOCK B; North B9 degrees 31 minutes D2 seconds East,o of 1,500.54 feet to the POINT OF visibility, ave the right but net a obligatin to rain Onyx d eol�on seeping xi he V remove me this cone executed the some e is tort a the lereaoeingosideratina therm oxlegetl to LOTS 1-13,BLOCK C;LOTS 1-5 BLOCK E; BEGINNING end containing 17.959 sere of lenq more w lore. and Easement. Should the City exercise this maintenance eight.then itshall be permittedrem at h he purpose n'7 t and oexpreaed. LOTS 18,39,BLOCK G; cent s,9 ose of euntl coverd aN all landscaping reds. The`ae neap thew a of the LOTS 2-5,J-15,BLOCK H;LOTS 1-2,BLOCK I Easement atany time. The reapehaibility for raw thet MDEasement M GIVEN UNDER MY AND AND SEAL eF OFFICE,this___day Al 92 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS meintn reed VA anon Me aeon No e building,face,h.e tree or her improvements or,on,over which ,20_ 30PEN ACES/COMM AREAS an way anger a Mortara with is visibility,thright t b constructed e in,on,o r Dcrss Owner/Applicant'. SPACES/COMMON ON Me Y M Easement. The City shall a rere b net the control d to a OUT OF THE landscape improvements to the VAN else act any trafficcontrol tleviceador any on Woodbridge XXI,LTD. Me A Easement and to remove any obstruction thereon. The City,its successors,assigns,or 800 E.Campbell Road,Suite 130 W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.835 agents shall v n f ho a right and privilege a all t enter ter upon Me YAM Easement or y ---- Richardson,TX 75081 CITY OF WYLIE part thereof far the purposes end nit e e all rights se privileges t forth herein. Notary Public in and for the State of Teas Phone'.214-348-1300 Fax.214-348-v20 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Conti R'.Daryl Herzog 14 February 2019 My Commission Expire: SHEET 30F3 Engineer/Surveyor'. J.Valk Consulting,Inn J. YOLK 830 Central Parkway East,Suite 300 Plana,Texas75074 consulting 972-2013100 922g31w icw,x',vauoo�vsnz Wylie Planning and Zoning r 1.I 1 Commission YLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 05, 2019 Item Number: 4 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Woodbridge Townhomes Date Prepared: February 26, 2019 Zoning District: Planned Development 2018-29 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes Tract A-3 Phase 1, establishing 95 single-family attached residential lots and 4 open space lots on 15.981 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes Tract A-3 Phase 1, establishing 95 single-family residential attached lots and 4 open space lots on 15.981 acres, :enerall located on the southwest corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. Discussion OWNER: Woodbridge North I,Ltd ENGINEER: J. Volk Consulting,Inc. This final plat proposes to create Phase 1 of Tract A-3 of the Woodbridge Townhomes subdivision. The plat will create 95 single-family attached residential lots, and 4 open space lots on 15.981 acres. This development is part of a planned development which requires for the amenity centers of both Tract A-3 and A-4 to be constructed in the first phase of development for each tract. The amenity center for Tract A-3 will be located on Lot 11, Block 13 of Woodbridge Townhomes Tract A-3, Phase 1. The Final plat for Phase 1 of Tract A-4 is also on the agenda this evening. The 4 open space lots are labeled as "X" lots and will be owned and maintained by the subdivision's HOA. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and substantially conforms to the adopted PD provisions. Approval is subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Council consideration on March 26, 2019 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-01-19 Page 1 of 1 LEGEND _ REGENCY BUSINESS PARK NEW HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH • Pant of Curvature or Tangency n t - PHASE TWO. VOL ''. matt/ Nae,e DSE ,s,s oy D.nccT. .836 Center" y S CAB G PG 92Fr STEEL p e NEW HENSLEY LANE _ st.,/2 f VC (unless otherwise noted) n F u` 3 Y g -'EXCHANGED 2 _> Conirol265 u Monument 1:,\A IN<cw TeGa,' Drn,nnee Ensemen, see,e'r DE _ _—__l Eemt Easement WOODBRIDGE WNHOMESTRA ----- aI PHASE .E. Utility Re Drainage Easement ix PROJECT (FUTURE PHASE) SF b Pedestrian VED VlsmlLiE iltyaEasement sement �� �a D P C C T=Deed Records of Collin County.Temps VICINITY MAP i M.R.C.GT.=Map Records of Collin County Texas N TS. I NEW VOLEIGHTS BAPTIST G CHURCH WILLIAM SACHSE SURVEY, I LK. PEGUES SURVEY, Na9,e o5E ,54G.D, ABSTRACT N0.835 ABSTRACT N0.703 Z-- NEW HENSLEY LANE m III_ • `0.°'�ns'ai c'�ne ossow�- crEx �,n PCOA,IMON ARE., OINT T OF Curve Table Curve Table r1 i ,r — -ALLEY K [Kto ROW 10 BE PARDONED BY THIS AP.1 BEGINNING gP,ne4ae, cm, „,nord an°°P �_ 4 a r� : • -�:3 • 18 ;I 4 we„ter 0 6 „<Tf }/E a L MONUMENT n m r sr L, o 3 M was s I M m i 4, , M,Otre Ns>4e ee w 2 2 ee944 W ,r N4,ss 53, w ° � � a,o ,e„ pp n°nn°„ ,z,3 N,,,eo,E � 5 aE b � - ,e �a .�A a — ° 177 0 � APPLEWOOD WAY ply ��az..=QjT� / ,c w ,. s„so one - - zo zs sez,easw nx 4s - _ - cra�� �� - / a as s,s e,s �Lsoo _ ' r Ls W :1x L �� sons= L e T z s uJg — - 'II a a a, G, me 6 yr / Se / am 0 5/ oe ce r,° 6 6 £ sc _ e fl z < 2 /9 T.522 +N / cs uz aAz _ 1 LIPS, 5 s ,era./ -sz gsa3.se I. / `I tssaf sr _ J31--1— ti •t ° 3^ / or asno mu,z n♦sonww rrz rssrz o ,sz,� ss xas eosE E. 8 30 s° NkDr, �� e,aaLw,e ,e "` „ „r nano„n�n° ne,e °e�w 1 ez s °JALLEYL f A / e // 5 u L - -.o� - nar, _ -s}a4E _____PA x/, y a s sa DO, mm PT row r� sa°o rw oso�o 090.00.22 90 n,s,gw D WNHOME c .00 ��/ i ,w1. /'/aRD ETCT 3 H ¢ a OTiwTDaEPH�Hy .8 mT O$ / e3® S I _ O2;CO s; 12 v W¢ 8 „337 / _o Table cw Table ,sw o asss m sa,ss Table cm easa oo Hass w.,o sn o ss s S < . 72 a 261, s / O ? ParcelLine T Parcel Line T ParcelLine ,t `f—�i — E/' c, _ /• NSTALLE � - - o-t- - t D 1soo Nasr sew De seW s®s°o,E rs ,rW No re bw "H;� o nT ALLEY of-"� /, % 6„ „, °os n L3, „,, s �Ne 8 I 1 $l wimiE L O h- SF e =_C e.s Lbr '/ a zso xo,ssw Lsz o10 se sz zzw692 sn ss3 No,ssw a 272.6 A(a ,00ef _ el ® W10111M �� f� ., �, ,<,6 `°13"` FINAL PLAT I E I. BLOCK 12 i_ N� _ a a M L, sooa rse ,,, r, �� ,3100 oo� MOE w D,e 341= , „onE w �E WOODBRIDGE ALLEYWP ea, �a o .� S o ` ..' „e „° s, r„ 59e Ne,,.,,w TOWNHOMES L= , 1 , Ins ra aom ryas,o arc rw „ rv4s xs ssw _ t 1 q a p TRACT A-3,PHASE 1 y se,4oeweoo Iv .a - 3` �"�I �T,p5r,3nn "/ Y 15.981 ACRES z a LOTS 21-43,BLOCK 10,LOTS 132,BLOCK 12, s GARDEN GATE LANE Lwea4e u7r �r , T OT I � LOTS 1-11&13A1,BLOCK 13, r, ' 95 TOW NHOME LOTS "I" r, K Tq 0 4 +t.ss o0 3 4s oo T,Aa eoo H �� 4 COMMON AREA LOTS n s PRCP auo0l2. 2 & - o Owner/Applicant OUT OF THE LI g $ 23; 8 5 I L,1 I sn o' I o Woodbridge Townhomesl Ltd L.K.PEGUES SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.703 mQ I 010 sfao, o I Herzog Development Corporation _ 3 W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.835 o p Tr n noosf 31011. n ss r 31 >3 os o0 osr BLOCK 10 J w 800E Campbell Road Suite 130 TX �g eP,[ns ° T ate T , sF na -31 _ Richardson,34 Herzog CITY OF WYLIE I'.. m III __ LI 5081 Ph z1434B-J3oo COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS - Naose e53 elan - _ Fax zi434s vzo ZONED:2O mt -shod 43.-www - a fn g C Daryl Herzog _ _ _ _ ALLEYD TH 18 February zol9 ALLEY D �`Joa �.- SHEET 1 OF z x 93405"W 85. Engineer/Surveyor TIMOTHY R JOHNSON,ET '. NVolk Consulting,Inc SuiteVOLUME 3976,PAGE 862 East, te300 J. VOLK DODO 55824 [NM 50 25 0 50 100 Plano,Texas75074 consulting ccT. 972-2013100 :ss�iLLm SCALE , =5a Contact Jay Volk t ousels,.riswv,z LEGAL DESCRIPTION THENCE North 00 degrees 41 minutes 55 seconds West.a distance of 220.08 feet to a OWNER'S DEDICATION: WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES TRACT A-3,PHASE 1 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner; 15.981 ACRES NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THEY PRESENTS: kfcomMENefe fok avvkovaL BEING a tract of land situated in the L.K.PEGUES SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.703 and the THENCE South 09 degrees 10 minutes D5 seconds het stance of 5.00 feet too THAT WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES A-3,PHASE 1,LTD.,acting herein by end through its M SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO..835,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas on /2 inch iron rs with a yell.plastic cep stamps JVL"set corn. duly authorize officers,dos hereby adopt this plot designating the hereinabove being port of that tract of land deur..in Deed to Woodbridge North I.Ltd.,as described property as WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES,on addition to Me City of Wylie,Texas o e.Commission Date n Document No.2004-0002788 1(Vol a 5579,Pape 1102).Des Records. THENCE North 00 degrees 91 mints 55 seconds Wet,a distance of 15.00 feet too nit does herebydedicate.in fee simple,tote public use forever th of Texas Collin tleCoun N. Texas and being port of t el Ion sell a in Deed to 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomps"JVC"set for corner; rights-el-way n ether public improvmentshdhenn a n.The s ell.,if y Wylie, Woodbridge M1 Commercial I,Ltd..a co in DocumentNo.2007100900137209D, any. dedicated torstreet purposes. The easements rand public usessore is Deed bRecords North County.Texas and b o acribs as follows: THENCE N h 89 minutes ono distance o a plot. N reb dedicated,for me pees.shrubs use forever.for the purposes o indicated growhs shellh being recorded e1 particularly O degrees 18 m n OS seconds Est,o of 5.00 feet 1 Clot. sings,fences,t improvements r pleated M 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"set 1forncornw; constructed orplaced upon,over across the easements as shown,except that be .'APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION.' BEGINNING at a 5/B inch iron rod found atof t of landscape improvements may be placed r n landscape easements,if approved b Me ridge Parkway,a tee foot right-of-way,• of H a 65 THENCE North 00 degrees 9 a 55 seeof 90.00 feet toe Coy Council f the Citye of pie. on,utilitym used for fool arigt-of-way,for the most easterly northeastshc intersection line Wsdbridgeallorth I. 1/2 inch wen red with a yeller plastic cap damped W'JV1C"eset distancefor ewnw, mutual use min tlatona ell public tiot9 mdesiring te ar using 1 MayoryWylie,Texas Date artsome unless the easement limits 1the use to particular utilities, id use by public h 'd point being of 1h e beginning o e f a cure o the left having o central eing subdinots tote public's and City of Wylie's u thereof. angle r s s ot 19 degrees 59 inutes 28 econ a radiusds, dius of 1.19682 feet a d achord THENCE North 45 tlegrees 41 minutes 55 s onda West. to a distance of 14.19 feet o uhldma b wusebe ring and distance of South 29 degrees 29 minutes DJ seconds West,9t9.95 feet; 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner; The Cite o 0 o entities s h move end accfvife THENCE Southerly,with said west line,the following three(3)courses end distances. t distance a growths a orylmports.i any ways.enndangerttrlers'shrubs ew with i 1 improvements THENCE South 89 degrees 18 minute OS seconds on of 18.00 feet to which may. efficiency ofytheir Vealrespective systems in right The City Sauawl left o of 1/2 inch iron re with a yellow plastic cep stamped SVC"sett for corner; Wylie antl maintenance,or ulilit t entities Moll at all times hove thed full tsrightnt f ingress antl MayoryWylie,Texas Date y,le ving a egress r :from ae irnrespective e s for the purpose of constructing, 418.59 feet to a 1/2 inch ironprod end with said plastic stomped ere distance for THENCE North CO degrees 91 minutes 55 seconds Wet,a distance of 50.00 feet too Iecnsonstructiln9.inspecting.paitrolling,maintaining.reeding meters,antl adding to 0 beginning on o ompound cur o he lent having o cm angle of 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomps"JVC"sat for corner; procuring e F parts ron anyone. respect ve systems without the necessity y y me d05 istance degrees 53 m 11 second, us of s9334.50 feet end chord bearing end g permissionnit aweb ton f Southell degrees 35aminutse 121 sec .95.96 feet: rd distance The undersigned.the City Secretary of theCity of Wylie Texas,hereby aTHENCE N h 89 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds East,o s o of 0.50 feet too this plot approved s pet so all plotting wOinancn,rules,regulations and remluhona certifies who he foregoingt final plat el theWOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES A-3, 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"heel 1forncornw, of the City of Wylie.Twos. PHASE 1, n o he City of Wylie a submittedhe City Southerly,n' said curve to the Its an arc distance of 96.01 neat to 1/2 inch Council on __do of s was 20__,and the Council.b rod with yellowu plastic cop stomped JVC"sset for corner at 1 e beginning on formal action,then and there accepted the deication of the streets.alleys compound g a angle a O reap THENCE N degrees 16 minutes 05 seconds East,a sheen of 14.14 feet see Y H a parks,easements.public water and awe sac tl curve 1 the left feet a chord a of 09 d 53 minutes 5 t 2 inch Pen red with 'JVC"welt for ewnw WITNESS M AND this y of 20__ forth in mupo places. and Council further sewer lines as shown and. of 1,se nd feet and .0 ter ring and distance of South 05 / a yellax plodtie cep stamps a cceptence ithere cry signing h tlegrees 18 minuses 54 seconds West.208.BOhlet:bec nose the a eel s name as nwwneeove subscribed. THENCE North 00 degrees 41 minutes 55 seconds West.a distance of 100.00 feet to a WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES A-3,PHASE 1,LTD. Southerly.w the left,on distance on 206.86 feet to a 1/2 in t/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"et for corner; WITNESS MT HAND AND SEAL CS OFFICE.this--_day on iron rod with o yelllloauplast c cop stamped cial.et for M southeast corner on the .A.D.2019. above mentioned Woodbridge North Commeaiol I.Ltd.tract: so THENCE North 45 degrees 9 s 55 s of 1419 feet too By 1/2 inch Pen re with a yellow plastic cep stamped VC"oset for corner; Daryl F.Herzog,Member THENCE South 89 degreesg 34 min n 05 seconds W leaving s and with City Seerctary the seuth line of a ridgeN h Commercial es feel 858.53 THENCE South 89 degrees 18 minutes 05 s en T96.81 feet see City t Wylie,Teas 'feet o a 1/2 inch Pon rod with yell.plastic cop clamped'JVC'set tor acorner; 1/2 inch Pon rod with a yellow plastic cap somp.W""JVC".for corner: STATE OF TEXAS 6 THENCE North 00 degrees 25 minutes 55 a We leaving soitl south ,a THENCE North 00 degrees 39 minutes 28 seconds We a distance on 65.00 feet to on 17.00 feet so a 1/2 ins witahtla yellow plastic cop stomped fine, 1/2 in a yellow Woodbridgelastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner in the north COUNTY OF COLLIN 6 et.r car a beginning of ha rod curve to h left having a line of thecove mentioned Nor h I.Ltd.treed, BENc9Makits. angle el 90 degrees18 minutes CO se radius el 38.00 sf es and a chord b ring BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority, Notary Public in d for the State el Texas CM412:Located north of State Highway No 78 and wen of South Ballard street near the southeast en distance of North 99 degrees 26 minuses 05 attends East,53.8Tnfeet;ah his doe personally o o .Owner's n to be so of the building area at 1Ba South Ballard street n n THENCE North 89 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds East with said h Ii a distance appeared b the Agent.known me u e. u of 1,598.Dt feet t 1 2 inch iron rod s rJVC'et tour et person subscribed he soreg ing in acknowledged t THENCE with said tune to the left,on arc distance of 59.87 feet to a 1 2 corner in the west line o variable width right-al-way; cop stomped a� me a execute the same ter'ire Durpse onsitlerahens spline expressed. a N_ 70511a61s E.2C5vs21.CO ELEV:550.61 Northerly. / f Hooper Roaq a i9ht-oi-wok; inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner; THENCE South OD degrees19 minutes 53 seconds East a out a distanceGIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OR OFFICE,this day of 510.:Located on the southwesterly side of Wylie High School football nadiurn and near the st corner of Founders Park sports fields 31 5 f eet south of b c,41 6 feet north of b c and THENCE North DO degreeses 55 se of 16.78 lees see on 85.83 fee 1/2 a yd.plasticcop stamped JVC'el fo 2U west of be a pp 111 feet north of sham link fence around founders Parksports 1/2 inch Pen red with a yellow plastic cep stomped SVC"set nwncwnw, corner n the south line t the above mentioned HensleyLone; field. THENCE North D5 degrees DD minutes 43 seconds East.a distance of 20.10 feet a a THENCE North 89 degrees 40 minutes 07 seconds East.leaving said west line and with -------- N:705191654 E.2559122 DO ELEV:51011 1/2 inch Pon rod with a yellow plastic cap stomps"JVC"set for corner; of 60.00 net a 1/2 in a yellow plastic cop Notary Public n and for the State of Texas stomped set tor cornerbeginning el a with having a central notes: THENCE North 00 degrees 9 s 55 a el 50.6T feet so angle of 17 degrees 51 arm minutes s eel 997.5D lees a chord ordinance and state 1/2 in a lyellonus Plastic cap stomped o„JVCson set tar c bearing and distance t Southu79 degreesc 43 dminutesa22 seconds East,13689 neeschw MY Commission Expires: .P its. beginning el a having a angle 90 degrees OD minutes eCO maintained by to seconds,a roe MOD fee chord bearing and distance o1 North 95 degreesTHENCE Easterly, cuing w right, ore 91 minute 551eecontla west,92'41 feet, of t 196 feet to the POINTOR south one containing of land, SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: be placed in visibility triangles o3 No appurtenance between the height f lm 2.a lots)may street addresses based on the nng nearest side ett(exn have have addresses on oa g Drive; KNOW AL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That I.Ryon S.Reynolds.dorailn� THENCE Northerly,with said curve to the left.a arc distance of 97.12 feet to a 1/2 mere or Ind. prepared this plat from anof thet lies outside the 1 y p p FEMA firm p 085c04151 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVC set for corner; thereon as were properly placed u sere my personal supervision in anea tune i,zoo9. accordance with th Subdivision Ordnance n the City at THENCE North 00 degrees 91 minutes 55 sec a d a of 24.00 feet a a yI51BILITT ACCFCC AND MAINTFNANfF FACFMFNTC 1/2 inch Pen rs with a yellow plastic Bap stamped W'JOC"sttan corn; MnH The areathe plot as (Visibility,A Maintenance) GIVEN UNDER AND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this___- y of EaTHENCE North 69 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds East.o distance of 131.84 feet to a easement to ore hpdevisibilit and t of granted acc to ess tor minyn ice successors Access across ire.o •2O-. 11/2 inch r a yellon plastic cap stamped "JVC"set for corner the Easement.saThe Cityt shallvisibility, the r ut nno het maintenance to maintain any s d all beginning t a e with the left having a angle on 90 degrees OD minutes 00 seeping w Mh Easement right sSheuld the City exercisearight, urea 20.OD fees a end,belying end silence of North 99 degrees a permitted t dispose on a landscaping 18emnutes 061econds East,2628 end improveme is including without to any trees,shrubs.Oooers,1egroulnd co antl RTAN S.REYNOLDS.R.P.LS. fixtures. The City m withdrew maiub,tree or ntenance enance of he V.Easement an time. Test Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.6365 THENCE N a left,a o of 31.42 inn toot/2 No ultimate maintenance may for the VAM Easement hall t upon the eo way may inch Pen rod with a with said cep s stomped"JVC"saes ter Berner, anger building,'interfererw holies constructed ted ins which over M Easement. The City shallright b haligatitnr to add any across the A landscape improvements to t M Easement,t traffic control devicea STATE OF TEXAS 6 ssigns AM Easement andn obstruction thereon.ntr The City.it COUNTY OF COLLIN 6 signs,o agents M right ao dr privilege o to upon the VAM Easement or any port h thereof for the n purpose and with 1alllrights and pnvAeges set forth herein. BEFORE ME,the undersigns authority.a NotaryPublic in and for Me State on Texas on ay persenally appeared weds Ryon S.Rhe tars.Lend Surveyor knownFINAL PLAT the this day whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that he executetl the some for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. WOODBRIDGE GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this___-day of TOW N HO M ES 20_ TRACT A-3,PHASE 1 TYPICAL INTERSECTION DETAIL 15.981 ACRES NEW HENSLEYLANE I Notary Public in and for the State of Texas LOTS 21-43,BLOCK 10;LOTS 132,BLOCK 12; STREET LOTS 1-11&13-41,BLOCK 13; 45 55 wow met51°N DoDEmmuiw My Commission ExpExpires: 95 TOWNHOME LOTS 4 COMMON AREA LOTS /c/.f�� i� seeded NA Owner/Applicant: OUT OF THE PEDESTRIAN R,J' � P r 5'eL '/ �� 002 D Woodbridge pmentl Corpomes rLtd. L K. EACES SURVEY,ABSTRACT BSTRAC NO.OJ03 / /ii Herzog Development Corporation W.M.M SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.835 q //'��/�/���__ 800 E.Campbell Road,Suite 130 - ®Y u s c MM NA P3 Line Table Richardson,TX 75081 CITY OF WYLIE v uEE.I Es T teat L,ESMT - _ 3x fore Len m Direction Phone.214 34 8-130 0 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS -� ALLE�K D a L,n fey so,n 51L Fax.214348-v00 ZONED:TH 18 February 2019 N �k o w -- L,D1 zsas Nap an o,w Contact:Daryl Herzog 90. Engineer/Surveyor : SHEET 2 OF 2 ---- IIMI,04 w.45 heel is orzL J.Volk Consulting,Inc - ---- 830 Central Parkway East,Suite 300 J. VOLK DETAIL'A' Plano,Texas75074 00 consulting Contact: Jay SCALE 1"=10' 9J2ay Volk p,eLn,ee eta,wow:suss ricbasins Wylie Planning and Zoning r1 'Y 1 Commission YLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 05, 2019 Item Number: 5 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Woodbridge Townhomes Date Prepared: February 26, 2019 Zoning District: Planned Development 2018-29 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes Tract A-4 Phase 1, establishing 84 single-family attached residential lots and 2 open space lots on 11.463 acres, generally located on the south of the intersection of Regency Drive and Exchange Street. Recommendation Motion to recommend to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes Tract A-4 Phase 1, establishing 84 single-family attached residential lots and 2 open space lots on 11.463 acres, :enerall located on the south of the intersection of Regency Drive and Exchange Street. Discussion OWNER: Woodbridge North I,Ltd ENGINEER: J. Volk Consulting,Inc. This Final plat proposes to create Phase 1 of Tract A-4 of the Woodbridge Townhomes subdivision. The plat will create 84 single-family residential lots, and 2 open space lots on 11.463 acres. This property is part of a planned development which requires for the amenity centers to be constructed in the first phase of development.The amenity center for Tract A-4 is located on Lot 22,Block 2 Woodridge Townhomes Tract A-4,Phase 1. The 2 open space lots are labeled as "X"lots and will be owned and maintained by the subdivision's HOA. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and substantially conforms to the adopted PD provisions. Approval is subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Council consideration on March 26, 2019 Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03-0119 Page 1 of 1 Curve Table Curve Table Parcel Line Table Parcel Line Table Parcel Line Table III FM 54-4- Line Leas. Sim., Lue Lens. D.Ctibll....Resi. oenn =Chore Chord ems. L..L... DT.C. P, fg g LI 1411 51,1g 05, LIS 215 Ma'04 IgE L29 15, SI,10'21, \ ,'r• ,> sT„L-, .L2 1111 Ng 11 55[ LIS 11,3 H43 51 13, Lq 1260 57g 47 35, C2 021 125 00 0.95.3g ON Kr 7.5 7, C12 21017 285.00 04415 Ig Da,N...,31, L3 11. 516.16 06, L17 21 43 NI5 17 II, L31 7 57 515'11'551 g g . G22 175 00 002'02,5 32 •402 24 251 cg 3. 325..3g,3. „„2, 11'1 LI 5000 NM'35'42, LI, 020 585'04'52, 1,2 „12 H11.20 35, g, CI 115,305.00 03733,'11111 Ng'21 1,41, CII 129,1 525.00 014 XIS'128 99 1.22.14 42, L5 15 33 N35.21 51, L19 313 NM'20 ITE L33 2093 •416.Oa 17* . 9182 MOOD 02014 21'91 37 N57 16 53, C15 141 83 57500 0110616.141,geig q 42, ''l LB 1313 552 55 15, L20 20. H.14'07 25, LSI 21 27 HI,,15, C5 1 5, p000 0.17 33'1, sly 5, C15 1,56 30000 502'35 25'1356 HOI.59 35 W L7 50 01 IV,Sa 02, L31 14 70 SO',13 E L35 1318 54,35 371 , 093 3.0D 0000g,5,.93 NII 58'011 C17 27,12500 012,57.2772 NO5 10 031 LB 13. reg.19.05, 1.22 50 02 H5g 15 00, L35 14, HIg 15 23, 0, ,B.7,2.oo 505'33 4.5',S75 Hag 39 0,1, CI, Mg 3 00 154 3205 5 a5 Hag 15 05[ „ L9 5000 HI 55'2S, L23 1111 H44.1g 05, , 15 D2 H3 17 20, . 11 41 21 000.1,2"11 41 Se•,4,, cs 27,12500 0121,5g 2772 507'03'SCE LIO 0 22 NM'04'32, 1.21 1111 515 41 55, 1.35 11, .1.15.05, PROJECT P.- 2 g° 1.g.1.°°5°5'ggg 1.27 ..1 g 14' g° I..' ..° 1W.°°''12M 'N 1“n' L11 14 33 N13.51 13 E L25 1.118 N15,55, L39 1414 515.41 551 g E 0,L12 13 95 HI,05.47, L2B 1111 54,2,05, 110 4500 SO'11 55, H in .. , L13 0 A S08 01,, L27 1597 Se.22 II, L41 4500 NO 11 55, E,„....gp„..gg-ggg-71 L14 5000 HI'55 2d, L2B 1397 H1g 0 51, VICINITY MAP N.T.S. '''N2:N° 1 1 REGENCY BUSINESS PARK PHASE TWO LEGEND • Point el Curvature or Tangency en 13678 8, I POINT OF i I CAB G PG 92 Center Line LIL 2 21 1.23 / If BEGINNING :• malwoss 106659' • PCw 1se/tga2.m' pIeRdF'NC"e(tu nnleitshs ao thyeelrlwonis ep lnaostteicd)c op NEW HENSLEY LANE NEW HENSLEY LANE F.' stl BL Building Line "'E•9°E'unISIII8V I I 8 , - _, CI Curve No. 18 i I - J T."''I"'83' E.„8,80.,„„ 8 -I,75 94- M COM> Control Monument 6Ig 80 1 W OL i D.BLO„14 65 R OW 'R DE Drainage Easement I D.U.E. Drainage at Utility Easement 1 , ,I 1 , A SBTIBOS II 125.92' ' Esmt Eosernent 13501 i I 22 95 25 27 25, 25,g30 82 35 82 .„.25,5 25,.,..,39 36 ,3244 2500 2500 2500_250D 21 2503 .3(150,s, . ..., r'' LI Line No. LI 'E'I gN2;13 P.U.E. Pedestrian&Utility Easement SF Beluefe Feet LIT TO gig MONUMENT P3 LIE Utility Easement -8 I IS '''',°° I f 'I:8' f^ , . -° ."'2,!2.22„••,, ,'"s.."'78.7.22,, 2530 SF 250027 25005 ,ODSF 25DOSF 3,0SF , .. DR.C.C.T.=Deed Records al Collin County,Texos ----- ,5. 7a2ZZIr,, N NI99.1911.E 7SOfY _1 i , 0 1 g S89.37 53 W 10D00 I --g,„3. „ , - '8 _L„g g'1 g CM.Located on the southwesterly side of Wylie High School football = ' '1 ' '.','•.' --'-' q'If---. ,s ''''I GRANDVIEW DRIVE 3. .,-, L_ stadium and near the northwest corner of Founders Park sports fields 31 5 50 R 0 W -L approx 111feet north of chain link fence around Founders Park sports field _I I LB,13,q•LO, 27,,, .t< ''-' '' s' l''' --'.Xs 'Z-'s--- 1 7 Cf79141,Located in the northeast corner of Quail Meadow Park south of alley 1 HI . ,,-__ _=___„ 25 25 „-„,,,,,15 RL 1.g.„ ''''45F I l'' ,'1 1"L',„ „ 'aPPV/CTINS'I'RUMENT and west of white Ibis Way .5 feet south of the south line of alley 7, 2777,72-77-.,2,-," 1 I , I.,...2' concrete paving 7 3feet perpendicular to 6 c parking area 1,99„„,, Lg7g55 '1.56,,,F 1• -I ••• •OONS 2.! 7871805,.00' i ,7-., 1 s UTILIg fag'\,p.p, 10 PROP 170,TEvi IL,_ I 7,-, ...7 .8,s 1,14 __22,2 2,2__7- ,.., ..BL0CK 2 . , s I 2 4,._ q 27 , 27.. _ _11112.1,21: ••.- N 7065787 60 E 2560972 93 ELEV 562 88 ' is-t 33 Inn no :I e, 3 m 1.-g tt ,s -1 1 Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of " TYPICAL INTERSECTION DETAIL city ordinance and state law and is subject to fines and withholding of ,2., •S• , `', I s. g ' ''''1F ' I,,,, ;,,,,,,ror 18 ,,,, 81 SLK 7750'0, 1-,, 2 Open space lots shall be owned and maintained by the H 0 A ?, . '''''''' : - I- "4, I... ''''I 1'.= .•••' ' 'S': „:7„ 1 : . l' - STREET 3 No appurtenance between the height of 2 and 9 may be placed in visibility triangles „'.,„ g'''''If, & ''' g 1 DBRIDGETOWNHOMES I " 4 Townhorne lots fronting an open space(mews lOtS)Shall have street ....7 I q , BLOCK 2 I ''4 '." 1°°. L'' ---- ss 30.70,'. = 77 ' 5.. ..,-,' '''''''TRACT4 PHASE 2 I addresses based on the nearest side street(example lots 8 thru 11 of \ I M,, O„ E_.,,.',F.1, 'Tt''x 'q.L'' '^p, ---ThMsz'„s's.-s.-' --881',P5`,'ER8',rII1''..-e..--MT2,s2''3''s,''5''''' ,'5L. L••.•4' A,. '7'Sgs'I -'sSt -=O Ri7A-1',--" 'i.5,g-74 (FUTURE PHASE) PED-E15S.T 0.., 7 T is'al_ s BPM,...rl.o.aoc ppkL o4 s18ve10ed 8 wa5ddi[eldl v0re4hel1asovs5pee1 m sd aoeadntnd etT rdela ilsell ussG enosre au o2ts,sns i2TdD0rea 0atki9lh eid g10e 0Dyrriv felo,olodtps la1i2n.pe r oFf EBN.loc kF ir1m1 "" ''' 12 A1 0, 0'-.0,1 00 0,, "". •n ,-‘,' 30'S SF p7. DRAINAGE EASEMENT ,''' S • P2 9 21 si s 10,00 ..... UTILI,ESIST I VOINS'IPS)ILIT'E'T (PUS) ' ..' I'77' ' 5' - No on 1 ,,,, "f I' .306.3 SF I n'•, 3,65F ..' q 8 1 x N 8'ss D N ,,,L,T7n°8,r,EL, ‘, 5, '''E-'''',Vs-3 F,L - 7;• ,13.-ss'„'s----_ ..25Sf 1 1 „ - I, i _7_°%"L-_ . 1 lc"' _, R 0 W I I FINAL PLAT - -S-,Z..U. ----ff- ''-' ____,-39>.>;.s-/-•,k-,-.-.,0 WOODBRIDGE L, L ° '"I•-17., -6' '., 6g, ', , Hfg I 7, l'= " "°°" 's TRACT A-4,PHASE 1 WOODBRIDGEPH 22A I °R"BVVO.MTE n, cks-',--. ..4-7 . L="21°, DRAINA7E4.1°'')'''s'Ts. - 5 I ° ,89.18osx.,00 oo' , (FUTURE PHSSE) I INS-WIEN-I <- q 77 BLOCK 5 ,,,, .•'-• ' 2 LOTS 1-20,BLOCK 1,LOTS 1-22,BLOCK 2, 'PS go p 49 .8._ , s av_SSO. ss I -1 sz PS S' Ps st s42, ..'i. jrzrlakt''' LOTS 1-28 BLOCK 5,LOTS 1-14 5"8., I q 4836 SF ". INSTRIMENT 84 TOWNHOINE LOTS , /r0.RAIE INSTRUMENT ,!_,Eg. '''g'- ---1-gg''t. ''L •... ''''''' Nggg N''''''''''°. ---, 2 COMMON AREA LOTS I -23gy t OUT OF THE I 4 CONCORD DRIVE Woocdolaidie ioaw,n,hHoeinrzeozgl,Ltd. I I Herzog Development Corporation W.IN.SACHSzE0SUNREVDET:,TARBSTRACT NO.835 i I wooDeorvesTOWNHOMES - 05[221V,P' - 12500_ I 800 E.Campbell Road,Suite 130 CITY OF WYLIE Ric:rdesro:JP:asnots1 NORTH TEXA COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS MUNICIPAL 1 I TRACT4 PHASE 3 (FUTURE PHASE) ,74 50 R 0 W I J Phone 214-348-1300 WATER DISTRICT L L.' SBT39.0.5-91 2E2 06. 99 694 ACRES ,.2,21„7 L. \-C1 Fax 214-348-1720 VOL 2281PG 358 ? ,„2_j\ -L3 1 2019 C2 El I8-8-8 SUiriLliVi; Engineer/Surveyor 8 FebruarySHEET 1 OF 2 . .E,_,E-2 J.Volk Consulting,Inc. 3,-,7 - 50 25 0 50 100 830 Central Parkway fart,Suite 300 "'48 Plano,Texas 75074 972-201-3100 J. VOLK - consulting SCALE 1"=50 Contact Jay Volk rroalstseerst's p swots.,nis t Doe LEGAL DESCRIPTION minute 07 seconds. radius of 350.0D feet a chord bearing and distance of OWNER'S DEDICATION: WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES,TRACT A-4,PHASE 1 Perth 13 degrees58 minutes 09 seconds East,0.93 feet .'RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.' 11.463 ACRES NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THENCE N e right,an arc distance of 0.93 feel to a 1/2 BEING a tractof land Situated in IAM SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.035, "rod with m said curve h .ryC'set for corner, THAT WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES A-4,PHASE 1,LTD.,acting herein by rough its City of Wylie, County. a ILL of the Vat of lend described in ^ ern a yellow plastic cop stomped authorized officwW does here adopt this her n av WNi and being Portry, duly Sort polar designating the `h D.to Woodbridge North I.Ltd.,os recorded in Document No.2004-00D2788(Volume scribed property as OODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES, n etl to the City of Wylie,Teens, o e.Commission pate SSJ9,Pope 1102),Geed Records,Collin County.Texas end being pert a of THENCE Perth 33 degrees 49 minutes 05 seen eat, a el 13..feet tithe and does hereby dedicate,in fee simple,to the public useforever the streets, CityWylie,Tetras n Deed a ridge N Cmmneiel lb/2 inch h a yellow`plastic cap°stamped°"JVC'Oaet for c at rights-of-soy and other public improvements%h n.The streets an alleys,if lend Document erNo.°200]1DD90Dt3]2090,b Deed Records Collin County,Texas and tract beginning of a non-tangent curve o the left ving a bangle of 08 degrees`32 edfor street purpose, The ee erne end public uses°re° °f a of Ia s Treat One Sou.in Deed t Woodbridge Perth es 48 seconds, opt sr of`260.00 feet endchit ring an distance of Maxdedicated.ier the ubtle ierevn, Alf the purposes indicated e .'APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION.' Commercial el, Ltd.. corded Volume 5971. Page 1125 W(Document No. A B]clegrm°39`m ea 04 seconds Wnt 3B.]5 feet chord con`sn w"ploced°"upon trees,o improvements w growths t shall 2005-103909). Deetl Rrowds, Collins County, Tees ontl being more particularly landscape improvements a be placed nnle landscape elements.if shown.proved by t the e described as fdlaxa: THENCE W h s curve t left,a or ton of 387B feet to a 1/2 City Councilf the City of Wyylie.In addition.the easementsesioyg;also be used for inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped on Alf corner, of all ppublic utilities ring o using t Texas pate same unless pparticulareut to by public lMayorvWylie, BEGINNING a a 1/2 in e a yell.plastic cop stomped"NC"set for the THENCE South 88 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds W distance of 13589 feet too utilities being`subordinated to the the and City of WNie's use thereof. t inch iron r with northwest corner of said Woodbridge North .Tract 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomped Wee ator corner, ;TAM Df Wylie a 'tin M le roght t move Sea keen accEVTEC) THENCE North 89 degrees 18 minutes OS seconds East.with the north line o1 said a art oI er pens°ofan e!Ry;ie ee;v % nmPremmeot% Woodbridge N distance of 1,066.59 feel to a 1/2 inch iron rod with THENCE M1N A Ot degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds W distance Di 50.00 feet too growths x may in c anger Iles ovNerfere construction, a°yellow plastic`cap stamped tract, for corner, 1/2 inc iron red with a yellow plastic cop stetted...seta tor corner; n n onele,or elfilcienecyt of sthsl II systems in said with °The City of North Wylie public unit ties respective at a e full right f ingess THENCE North 86 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds Easl,a distance of D.22 leer too egrress onus or from theirs respective easements n for the ewes o of constructing. MayorvWylie,Texas pate THENCE South OD degrees 39 minutes 28 seconds Eost,leaving soil north line,a grewr tr ring« pectin,patrolling,maintaining.r dipgt m ding to.or of 65.00 feet to 1/2 inch ern re with Y w plastic cap stomped"NC" 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomped"JVC"set for corner, rmovnng all port,„%1 S respective systems with the necessity t Y time set`for corner, preeuring pnmisann anYne. THENCE Nor.91 degrees 51 minutes 11 seconds East,a distanceof 19.33 feet to This THENCE South 89 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds West distance of 42592 feet toe 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomped"JVC"se tor corner; ° Plat approved subYct to II platting ordinances,rule;regulations end reseutiens The undersigned,the City Secretary H the City of Wylie.Texas.loped 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"JVCtsetator ecorner, of the City f Nne,Tezos. certifies that the foregoing final plot of the OODBRIDGE TOWNHCMESYA-4, THENCE N h OD degrees 22 minutes 07 seconds West, distance of 220.09 feet toe PHASE 1,LTD.subdivision a City of Wylie submitted to a City CounciTHENCE South 9 degrees lB minutes 05 se of 1914 feet to a 1/2 inch on rod with o yellow plastic cop stomped"JVCtsettor corner, WITNESS MT HAND this___- y of 20-. formal)action,"`he vi doand t er th accepted th Mcation S20-.f'tl the Council.allleys 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap sompedW"JVC"set1torr corner, perk;easements,"public places,. lines as sh.n and set THENCE N 96 degrees OB minutes 97 attends 1, distanceof 13.95 feel too WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES A-4,PHASE 1.LTD. forth in upon ntl plat a said Council further as Mayor to THENCE South OD degrees 9 es 55 seconds East,a of 80.00 fee to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap sompedW"JVC"se tor corner; note the acceptance nthereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. ed. 1/2 inch iron red with a yellewmplastic rep stomped"JVC"se distance of THENCE South BB degrees 04 minutes 32 seconds West.a distance of 0.79 feet to a By WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this___-tloy of THENCE South 95 degrees 91 minutes 55 seconds East.o tlistonce of 19.19 feet to 0 1/2 inch iron red with a yellow plastic rep stomped"JVC.set ter corner; Daryl F.Herzog.Member 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomped"JVC"set for corner, THENCE Ncrth 01 degrees 55 minutes 28 a of 50.00 feet to a THENCE North 89 degrees 1B minutes 05 seconds East,a distanceAl 75.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomped JVC"agree for corner: City Secretory 1/2 inch non red with a yellow plastic cop stamped"...set tor corner, STATE OF TEXAS 6 CitY of WY e,Tezos THENCE Perth 88 degrees 04 minutes 32 seconds East,a s distance of 2.15 feet too COUNTY OF CC.. 6 1 THENCE South OD degrees 9 es 55 seconds East a el 529.82 feet tea 1/2 inch iron red with a yellow plastic cop stamped"JVC"set ter corner; 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellowauthority,a Notary Public in d for the State Al Texas II plastic cap stomped"JVC"aet for e corner, BEFORE ME,the undersigned eel THENCE N 43 degrees yellow minutes 13 seconds E°JV p ne 19.33 feet top a whose personally appeared ,Owners ru known THENCE South 89 degrees 34 minutes OS s Al 252.06 feet to 1/2 inch on rod with a yellu plastic cop stomped"JVC"utn tor°comer, hethat°h w t d the crib the foregoing instrument d t tl xpress t 1/2 in a yellow plastic°cop°s omped°"NC`"°set for a me a e ezeau e e some fw°thepurpose onsn era ions erenn"eeprened.° beginning of iron rod to the right having a centralangle of 02 degrees 11 corner `5] THENCE N h OD degrees 22 minutes DJ seconds Wes, ton of 1D9.06 feH too GIVEN UNDER MT HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this y of seconds.o radius Al`305.oD feet°ontl o chord bearing ontl distance of North 89 1/2 inch iron rod with a yell.plastic cap stomped"JVC'"setafor c corner; 20- ---- degrees 19 minutes 57 seconds West,11.71 feet; THENCE North 95 degrees 47 m e of 21.43 feet to THENCE W right,a Al 11.71 feet toe 1/2 1/2 in a yellow minutes a seconds °s stomped°"Are"set for erne at inch iron rod well a 01.plash to the 'NC'.a.for corner; beginning of a non-tangent a left having a angle Al 00 degrees`9] minutes 22 se curve `82521 feet°a bearing and distance of Na ry Public in end for the State of Texas THENCE South 48 degrees 10 minutes 06 sec of 1,29 feet to South 88degrees minutes 93 seconds West,11.91 teetw0 1/2 in a yellow`plastic rep°s stomped°"Are"set for erne at `beginning of a n r gent a ` curve a the left having a central angle of DO degrees 08 THENCE Westerly.with said curve to the left.on rc distance of 11.41 feet to a 1/2 My Commission Expires: minutesxpire 31 s Alof 125.0D feet a bearing and distance Alof inch iron rod ell a yellow plastic cop stomped"No"set for corner, South Ot degree minutes 33 se ands Wee,0.29 fe; THENCE South 88 degrees 04 minutes 52 seconds Wee,e distance al 0.20 feet to a THENCE Southerly,with said curve to the let,a ro c distance of D.29 feet to a 1/2 1/2 inch iron d Sill a yellow plastic cap stomped"JVC"se tor corner. inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cop stomped"NC'raH for corner, THENCE Perth DI degrees 13 minutes 53 arc a of 65.01 feet to a THENCE North 88 degrees 36 m 42 See el 50.00 feet to 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stomped W JVC.sett for corner; 1/2 in a yellow`plastic reps mgped°"JVC`'"set for erne at the beginning of o non-tongent curve to the right having o central angle of D2 degrees 02 THENCE Perth BB degrees 20 minutes 18 seconds East a distance Al 3.13 feet to a minute 1 of i700tls 0 °feet and a chord bdistancering and Al 1/2 inch roan red with a yellow plastic cap stomped"JVC"set ter corner: North 02 degrees 24 minutes 25 East,6.22 feet: THENCE N to saidcurve Isla THENCE North 44 degrees 0]Imnutes 28 rands East,a distance of 20.99 feel to t right,a of 6.22 feet to a 1/2 t/2 in Sow pone cop stomped"JVC"set for c to SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: loci iron rod with an yellow plastic cop stomped"NC"set for corner, line of the above mentioned Tract One South;` comer in a cos KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That I,Ryon S.Reynolds,O certify that THENCE North 35 degrees 24 minutes 54 words West,o distance of 15.33 feel too monume epored this Dew°n thereon es t from on `set were uol and accurate suave underr lend and that the corn THENCE South OD tlegrm 22 minutes 11 seconds East,with said ml line,a tlistonce ne prepedn placed under personal supnvisian to 1p/2 inn it h a yellow plastic cop stomped "JVC"set for corner at he inch'iron rod with n accordance will the Subdivision Ordinance of 1 e City of Wylie. beginning of a non-tangent c o the right having a angle of 2]degrees`23 of 19.70well° to corner°1/2p in a yellow plastic cop stomped"NC'sH for a minutes 18 a el`305.00 feet o bearing and distance of of id Tract One South; North 61 degrees°21 minutes l9 seconds West,194.41 feet; THENCE North 89 degrees t8 minutes OD se tls Ease,x of saidGIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this-___ y of THENCE Northwesterly, right,a distance H 19579 feet o Tract One South,C distance of 60.02 feet to the PCINT CF`BEGINNING`and containing 20 1/2 inch edSith`ha yellow plasticthe stamped e"JVCO se for c Al the 11.463 acres Al en,more o,less. beginning of a he let Meng a angle of 20 corner 14 FINAL PLAT es 24 se of`260.0D feet p leering a distanceof North 57 degrees minutes 53 seconds West.91.3]°1.O1a RYAN S.REYNOLDS.R.P.L.S. THENCE N left,p Al 91.85 lee ton Registered Professional Land Surveyor Na.6305 WOODBRIDGE 1/2 inch iron red with a yelleeplastic rep stomped'JVC'set1 fern cornea, THENCE SouthS62 degree 58 minutes 95 din eat, w of 13.43 feet to STATE DF TEXAS 6 TOW N HO M ES 1/2 nee h a yellow`pm%tic cap stomped West.°.JVC"set for corner at a COUNTY DF COLLIN 6 TRACT A-4,PHASE 1 rout"esg32f seconds,non-tangent °1a radiuscAlrve`o the 300.00I feet end°central angle d baring al OD distance t Al BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority.a Notary Public in and for the State Al Texas 11.463 ACRES South 13 degrees5D minutes 51 seconds West 1.53 feet chord his cloy personally appeared Ryon S.Remold;Land Surveyor knowno be LOTS 1-20,BLOCK 1;LOTS 1-22,BLOCK 2; the person whose foregoing in lodged to THENCE Seuehnly,x Al 1.53 feet to 1/2 me that he executed the some subscribed the purpose end considerations therein expressed. LOTS 1-28 BLOCK 5;LOTS 1-14 inch iron red ell 0nyellown plastic gap stomped.NC'set No corner, 84 TOWNHOME LOTS w seconds ° ° GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this-___day of Owner/Applicant. 2COMMON AREA LOTS THENCE Perth]4 degrees 50 minutes 02 se eat, s of 50.01 feet too 20 OUT OF THE 1/2 inc, r with a yellow plastic copm stomped corner for c at he vl SlBILI,ACCESS ANC)MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS Woodbridge Townhomes 1,Ltd. beginning Al a non-tangent curve to theright having a central angle Al OD degrees`D9 Herzog Development Corporation W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.835 The area or areas shown on the plat as M"(vh Maintenance)Easements ereby given 800 E.Campbell Road,Suite MO CITY OF WYLIE Richardson,TX 75081 COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS maintenance upon and across said VAN)Ediernent The City shall h„e the right but not the obligation to Ne y Public in ontl fee the State of Texas Phone'.214 348-1300 maintain any and all landscaping within the VAN,Ediernent Should the City exercise this maintenance ,men Fax'.214 348-M20 ir shall be permitted to remove and dispose of any and all landscaping improvements,including without limitation,am,'trees,shrubs,f lowers,ground..ver and fixtures The ary y AM Clotact.Daryl Herzog ZONED:TH Ediernent at any time The ultirnate maintenance blurs tors .asemenn',shallera endangerYmaY pen uena e ne My Commission Expires: 18 February2019 interfere with the vowners No building,isibility,shall be constructed In,o nM shrub,tree or other e n over or acrossnts then sem stvAM Eaent The City shall also have Engineer/Surveyor'. J.Volk Consulting,Inc SHEET 20F2 control devices or signs on the VAM Ediernent and to remove any obstruction thereon The City,its successors, assigns,or agents shall have the right a.privilege at all times to enter upon the VAM Ediernent or any part 830 Central Parkway East,Suite 300 tiered f or the purposes and with all rights and pri„eges set forth herein Plano Texas 75074 J. V O L K 972 201 3100 consulting Contact:Jay Volk 92g3m ussiwow:suss No two,