02-26-2019 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda February 26, 2019 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Matthew Porter Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T.Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Stephanie Storm City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. February 26,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 5 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon,approval of the Minutes of February 12, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Azure Addition, creating one lot on 1.1 acres, generally located at the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for North Texas Municipal Water District, creating one lot on 5.032 acres, generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) D. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for North Texas Municipal Water District, creating one lot on 5.032 acres,generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-07 to change the zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30)to Commercial Corridor(CC),for retail purposes on one acre,generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road. ZC 2019-01 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) F. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-05(R) approving a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District(WISD);and a Joint Election Agreement to include Collin College to be administered by the Collin County Elections Administrator for the May 4, 2019 Wylie General Election. (S. Storm, City Secretary) G. Review, and place on file, the 2018 Wylie Police Department Annual Contact Report. (A. Henderson, Police Chief) H. Consider,and act upon,the vendor application for the Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association Cops and Robbers Fundraiser 5k and Fun Run to be held at Founders Park on September 21, 2019.. (R. Diaz, Parks &Recreation Director) I. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for January 31, 2019.. (M. Beard, Finance Director) J. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for January 31, 2019. (M. Beard, Finance Director) EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. February 26,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 5 §551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec. 551.071. CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may not conduct a private consultation with its attorney except: (1) when the governmental body seeks the advice of its attorney about: (A) pending or contemplated litigation; or (B) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. • Development Regulations Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. • Properties adjacent to McMillan Rd. between McCreary Rd. and Country Club Rd. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign an Agreement between the City of Wylie and the Skorburg Company to relocate a sewer line and sewer easement within property located in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), generally located north of Stone Road and east of Kreymer Road, and more specifically at 2121 E. Stone Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The applicant is proposing a 14.599 acre residential development consisting of 73 residential lots.The property is in the City's ETJ in the county of Collin. 2. Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat to establish Brookside Estates, creating 73 single- family residential lots and four open space lots on 14.599 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Stone Road and east of Kreymer Road,and more specifically at 2121 E. Stone Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) February 26,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 5 Executive Summary The applicant is proposing a 14.599 acre residential development consisting of 73 residential lots and four open space lots. The property is in the City's ETJ in the county of Collin. As such, the City's Subdivision Regulations apply along with the City's engineering standards, such as street design, due to an inter-local agreement with Collin County. 3. Consider, and act upon,adoption of Resolution No.201.9-06(R) determining a public necessity to acquire certain properties for public use by eminent domain for rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of McMillen Road (from approximately McCreary Road to Country Club Road (FM 1378)); giving notice of an official determination to acquire certain properties for public use by eminent domain for rights-of- way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of McMillen Road (from approximately McCreary Road to Country Club Road(FM 1378)); authorizing the City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, to establish procedures for acquiring the rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements offering to acquire said property rights, voluntarily from the landowners through the making of bona fide offers; appropriating funds; providing for repealing,savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date. (T. Porter, Public Works Director) Executive Summary The design of McMillen Road from McCreary Road to Country Club Road is near completion. Twenty-eight (28) right-of-way and easement parcels are needed for the expansion of the roadway. Approval of the Resolution authorizes the City Manager to proceed with acquiring the parcels. The project is funded through the 2007 Collin County Bond Program and the City has received$750,000 for right of way acquisition. WORK SESSION • Discuss and provide direction on procurement and delivery methods acceptable to City Council for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project. (T. Porter, Public Works Director) • Discuss the five year financial plan and provide feedback for future revisions.(M.Manson, City Manager) EXECUTIVE SESSION $$Sec. 551.074. PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (b) Subsection(a)does not apply if the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. • City Manager RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION February 26,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 5 of 5 READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III,Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certifr that this Notice of Meeting was posted on February 22, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council Minutes Regular Meeting February 12, 2019—6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following City Council members were present: Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens, Councilman Matthew Porter, Councilman Jeff Forrester, Councilwoman. Candy Arrington, Councilman Timothy T. Wallis, Councilman David Dahl, and Junior Mayor Hunter Tignor. Staff present included: City Manager Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager Chris Holsted; Police Chief Anthony Henderson; Development Services Director Renae 011ie; Chief Building Official Bret McCullough; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly; Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz; Finance Director Melissa Beard; Fire Chief Brent Parker; Project Engineer Wes Lawson; WEDC Executive Director Sam. Satterwhite; Library Director Rachel Orozco; Human Resources Director Lety Yanez; City Secretary Stephanie Storm, and various support staff. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens gave the invocation and Boy Scout Troop 1846 led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS co Junior Mayor Hunter Tignor Mayor Hogue introduced Junior Mayor Hunter Tignor, administered the oath of office, and presented a proclamation for"Mayor of the Day." co Presentation of Donation to the Wylie Police Department(Credit Union of Texas) Chris Gaston, Desmond Bibbs, and Alejandro Contreras, representing Credit Union of Texas,presented a donation of $4,550.00 to Wylie Police Department to provide each officer a Breast Cancer Awareness Badge to wear during the month of October. co Blue Star Banner Presentation Minutes February 12,2019. Wylie City Council Page 1 Mayor Hogue presented a Blue Star flag and coin to Robert and Emily Diaz in honor of their son Patrick Diaz, serving in the Army. He was a graduate of Wylie East High School. He was awarded the Blue Star Banner award. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Dr. Julie Kilgore and Laurie Pollard, addressed Council with concerns regarding proposed Brookside Estates located at 2121 Stone Road. Margaret Eubanks, addressed Council with concerns regarding water control from Lewis Ranch Estates. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of January 22,2019 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat to create a single lot for Absolute Automotive Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 2.222 acres, generally located west of Hooper Road and south of Steel Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat to create a single lot for Crossroads Wylie RV Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 10.27 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of the intersection of Vinson Road and County Line Road and more specifically at 2045 E. FM 544. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) D. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition to establish 33 single-family attached lots, one commercial lot, and two open space lots on 4.825 acres. Property located north of the intersection of County Line Road and Neva Lane. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) E. Consider, and act upon, approval for substantial renovations in accordance with Ordinance No. 2013-17 for the remodel of an existing commercial structure, generally located at the northeast corner of W. Oak St. and Birmingham, and more specifically at 210 W. Oak St. (State of Mind BBQ) within the Downtown Historic District. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) F. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of Materials and Installation Services for the Renovation of City Baseball Fields from MasterTurf Products and Service,Inc.in the estimated amount of$54,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Manager) G. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-04(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby authorizing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal cooperative contract between the Department of Public Safety (DPS) General Stores and the City of Wylie, Minutes February 1.2,2019 Wylie City Council Page 2 providing for a cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of general supplies. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Manager) H. Consider, and act upon, the award of RFP #W2019-1-A for Janitorial Services to All Janitorial Professional Services Inc. in the estimated annual amount of $195,223.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any and all necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Manager) I. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-05 amending Ordinance No. 2018-24 for Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Amendments approved by the WEDC Board of Directors on December 10, 2018 for fiscal year 2018-2019. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) Mayor Hogue requested that Consent Item D be removed from Consent and considered individually. Councilman Porter requested that Consent Items C and I be removed from Consent and considered individually. Consensus of the Council was to remove Items C, D, and I from Consent and consider individually. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Wallis, seconded by Councilman Dahl, to approve items A, B, E, F, G, and H on the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat to create a single lot for Crossroads Wylie RV Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 10.27 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of the intersection of Vinson Road and County Line Road and more specifically at 2045 E. FM 544. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Council Comments Councilman Porter asked to what degree Council has authority regarding this property since it is in the County. Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie responded Council's role is to set the boundaries to make it a legal lot of record and the City has no control over the use. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Arrington, seconded by Councilman Dahl, to approve a Final Plat to create a single lot for Crossroads Wylie RV Addition, Block A, Lot 1 on 10.27 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of the intersection of Vinson Road and County Line Road and more specifically at 2045 E. FM 544. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1 with Councilman Forrester voting against. D. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Creek Mixed Use Addition to establish 33 single-family attached lots, one commercial lot, and two open space lots on 4.825 acres. Property located north of the intersection of County Line Road and Neva Lane. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Minutes February 12, 2019 Wylie City Council Page 3 Council Comments Mayor Hogue asked how the commercial lot's zoning restricts the types of development. 011ie responded it is zoned Neighborhood Services and listed the possible uses. Councilman Forrester asked whether there were any elevations and any required square footage of the proposed townhouses. 011ie replied it is straight zoning and meets the zoning requirements currently in place. The site plan that was approved included the commercial lot. Councilman Dahl expressed concerns with an attempt to place a townhome project into a neighborhood services lot leaving a bare minimum for a commercial property. 011ie replied the site plan has been approved and the plat conforms to the approved site plan; to deny the plat requires a technical reason. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Dahl, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington, to approve Consent Agenda Item D. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2 with Councilman Porter and Wallis voting against. I. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-05 amending Ordinance No. 2018-24 for Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Amendments approved by the WEDC Board of Directors on December 10, 2018 for fiscal year 2018-2019. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) Council Comments Councilman Porter asked for additional information regarding a carry forward not originally planned in the budget for an alley project, and an unbudgeted paving project at Sanden and Hensley. Councilman Porter asked why these were not included in the original budget. Staff Comments WEDC Executive Director Satterwhite responded there was an alley project started off Ballard, but due to the timing and moving utilities, it was not completed in the previous budget year so the project is still ongoing. Regarding the paving project at Sanden and Hensley, Satterwhite replied the EDC originally constructed that street and had noted failing paving in the area. When they inquired about the repair, they learned that it was on Public Works' list of upcoming projects; however, as there were several projects ahead of it, the EDC chose to absorb the cost of the repair. Satterwhite reported the reason these items were not included in the original budget is the EDC thought the alley project would be completed during the previous fiscal year but it was not. Regarding the paving project, the EDC did not anticipate the need, but once the need was identified, acted on it after board approval. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Dahl, seconded by Councilman Forrester, to approve Consent Item I. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a Replat to create Lot 5R, Block 23 within Railroad Addition; being a Residential Replat of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Railroad Addition, generally located west of Fifth Street, and north of Masters Avenue. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Minutes February 12, 2019 Wylie City Council Page 4 Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie addressed Council stating the purpose of the replat is to reconfigure four lots to establish one lot on 0.344 acres. The property is zoned multi-family. The property contains a legal non-conforming single-family home. Combining the four lots into one larger lot will allow the property owner to add an addition to his home. 011ie reported 14 notifications were mailed with one response received in favor and none in opposition at the time of this posting. The Commission recommended approval 6-0. Council Comments Councilman Forrester asked whether it would make sense to re-zone this as single family. 011ie replied that she does not believe so at this time, but staff could bring back documentation to look at the entire area. Councilman Porter asked whether, if this is approved, there is anything preventing the homeowner from selling the lot to a developer to develop multi-family structures. 011ie replied there is nothing that would prevent that because the zoning is in place, but they would have to meet the standards required. Councilman Dahl and Mayor pro tern Stephens confirmed that the applicant is wishing to replat in order to expand his home and meet the setback requirements. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on Item 1 at 6:56 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. There were no citizens present wishing to address Council. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 6:56 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilman Dahl, to approve a replat to create Lot 5R, Block 23 within Railroad Addition; being a Residential Replat of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Railroad Addition, generally located west of Fifth Street, and north of Masters Avenue. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1 with Councilman Porter voting against. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Commercial Corridor (CC), for retail purposes on one acre, generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road. ZC 2019-01 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie addressed Council stating the applicant is requesting to rezone a 1- acre property located at 2505 Country Club Road from AG/30 to CC. The applicant is proposing the property be rezoned to allow for a single retail development of approximately 8,000 square feet. Three notifications were mailed with no responses returned at the time of posting. However, property owners immediately to the south of the subject tract attended the meeting and submitted a form in favor of the request. Should the zoning be approved the applicant will submit a final site plan and a preliminary plat for consideration before any development can begin. Minutes February 12, 2019. Wylie City Council Page 5 Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on Item 2 at 7:08 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. There were no citizens present wishing to address Council. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 7:09 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Forrester, seconded by Councilman Porter, to approve a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Commercial Corridor (CC), for retail purposes on one acre, generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road. ZC 2019-01. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-06, supporting a Municipal Setting Designation to prohibit the use of groundwater in the designated area; generally located north of FM 544 and east of Commerce Street, and more specifically being 802 W. Kirby St. of the Samuel B Shelby Survey, Tr 11, Abs 820 & E.C. Davidson Survey, Tr3,Abs. MSD2018-01 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie addressed Council stating in January 2016, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2016-01 that authorizes TCEQ to identify and designate certain areas as Municipal Setting Designations (MSD) to prohibit groundwater's use as potable water if there is contamination in excess of the applicable potable water protective concentration levels. A Public Meeting was held on January 24, 2019, in which the consultant presented information about the process and the specific area of request. There were four citizens in attendance. Those in attendance were allowed to ask questions and provide input. 011ie introduced Frank Clark, an environmental consultant with W&M Environmental Group. Clark gave a short presentation regarding the MSD process and the specific property in question. Clark noted that a number of chemicals were detected at the site; plume maps were showed for two of the chemicals: Perchloroethylene (PCE) and Trichloroethylene (TCE). There are no wells within half a mile of the property that would be impacted by this plume. Council Comments Regarding the plumes located in the southeast corner of the property toward FM 544, Councilman. Forrester asked whether there was any risk of the chemicals entering the storm water runoff and into our treatment facilities. Clark replied they met with TCEQ about two weeks ago and are waiting to hear comments back from them regarding the plumes; it will be looked at before the site is closed. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on Item 3 at 7:25 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. There were no citizens present wishing to address Council. Minutes February 12, 2019. Wylie City Council Page 6 Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 7:26 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Forrester, seconded by Councilman Dahl, to approve Ordinance No. 2019-06, supporting a Municipal. Setting Designation to prohibit the use of groundwater in the designated area; generally located north of FM 544 and east of Commerce Street, and more specifically being 802 W. Kirby St. of the Samuel B Shelby Survey, Tr 11, Abs 820 & E.C. Davidson Survey, Tr3, Abs. MSD2018- 01 with the amendment of adding 800 W. Kirby St.. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Mayor Hogue recessed the Council, and invited any members of the public who would like to attend to move into a Work Session in the Council Conference Room at 7:29 p.m. Mayor Hogue reconvened into the Work Session at 7:36 p.m. WORK SESSION 0o Discuss the renovation and expansion of the Public Safety Building. (C. Holsted, Assistant City Manager) Assistant City Manager Holsted addressed Council stating that Melissa Brand-Vokey and Thom Powell, representing Architects Design Group, and Brandon. Wilson, representing Pogue, were present to go over the status of this project and provide an updated cost. Brand-Vokey addressed Council stating there will be an addition to the front of the building, which will serve as a public lobby, courts, and communications, and there will be an addition to the backside of the building. Public parking will be in the front and will be set back from the building, and staff parking will be behind secured gates in the back. There will be two public accesses to the building: one in front by the courts and one on the side by the jail. Most of the existing building will be police and fire administration. The existing jail will remain where it is and will expand some. The courtyard will remain as a courtyard to the building. Holsted addressed Council regarding the schematic design budget. The current schematic design budget for the building is $12.3 million. Staff is including the $12.3 million and $702,971 for the sally port addition as the base cost. Alternates that are not included in the $12.3 million, but are being looked at, include parking awnings, perimeter security fence, public parking and subgrade prep, and courtyard design feature/fountain. Total revenue is $15.1 million, expenses to date total $328,990, future expenses are $14.8 million, and total expenses are expected to be $15.1 million. Councilman Porter asked if the exterior presented is the conceptual or schematic design. Holsted replied schematic. Porter asked if there was a higher or lower cost to have the glass public entrance; would there be more money to spend on other areas if a more traditional entrance was used. Holsted replied staff would need to get with Pogue to see if there would be any savings. Porter asked what the glass was rated. Holsted replied it would be in compliance with building code requirements. Hogue replied Council needs to know what is needed in the building, not what is wanted. Holsted replied this floor plan represents the need based on meetings with staff. Porter replied in his opinion aesthetics to a building should not be traded for function. Councilman Dahl responded that the glass public entrance provides natural light to offices, which is an energy savings to the building. Councilman Porter and Dahl did express concerns with the glass in regard to hail storms. Brand-Vokey responded due to the fact that it is a police building, thicker glass typically would go on all exterior glass, which would make it more resistant. Stephens stated there are components that cannot be considered as alternates and asked what is driving the initial proposed costs up. Holsted replied the biggest cost is additional square footage for fire admin and the EOC; they were alternates on the original plan. Forrester asked what the life expectancy of the building will be once completed. Powell responded from a technical standpoint, it will be a 30 to 50-year building. Arrington asked if the building could accommodate buildout. Brand-Vokey replied yes it can handle Minutes February 12, 2019 Wylie City Council Page 7 build out; the only thing not factored in is if a large change was made with police and fire, and if needed there is room to add on. Councilman Forrester and Porter asked about the public parking being an alternate, and where the public would park if that parking was not added. Hoisted replied they are still working on the alternates' funding. Hoisted stated next steps in the process include design development phase and then construction documents phase. 0o Discuss the five-year financial plan and provide feedback for future revisions. (M. Manson, City Manager) Manson addressed Council stating staff has brought back updated spreadsheets based on direction from the January 14 Council work session. Spreadsheets shown included one with a flat tax rate for the next five years based on current assumptions with nothing new, one with a 2-cent reduction in the tax rate for the next five years with current assumptions with nothing new, and one with a flat tax rate for the next five years based on current assumptions, a change in debt assumptions, and adding in public safety requests. Mayor Hogue requested an explanation of the details behind the numbers on the spreadsheets and to identify value generated by new construction as it relates to increase costs in doing business. Mayor Hogue reported Council will meet after the next regular City Council meeting to continue to develop the Strategic Plan. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Hogue reconvened into Regular Session at 9:02 p.m. Mayor Hogue convened the Council into Executive Session at 9:02 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. • Consider the sale or acquisition of property located near Highway 78 and Ballard. Sec. 551.074.PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply if the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. 0o City Manager Minutes February 12, 2019. Wylie City Council Page 8 RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Mayor Hogue reconvened into Open Session at 9:59 p.m. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III,Section 13-D. City Secretary Storm read the captions of Ordinance Nos. 2019-05 and 2019-06, with the amendment of adding 800 W. Kirby St., into the official record. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Dahl, to adjourn the meeting at 10:01 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Eric Hogue,Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Minutes February 12,2019. Wylie City Council Page 9 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Kevin Molina Account Code: Date Prepared: February 8, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider,and act upon,approval of a Preliminary Plat for Azure Addition,creating one lot on 1.1 acres,generally located at the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat for Azure Addition, creating one lot on 1.1 acres, generally located at the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive. Discussion Applicant : Roome Land Surveying Owner: Azure Pools LLC This plat will be creating Lot 1,Block 1 of Azure Addition and measures 1.101 acres. The tract of land is located west of the intersection of W. Alanis Lane and Alanis Drive and is zoned in PD 2019-01. The applicant is proposing to develop a two story commercial building for office showroom/warehouse use.The proposed use of the business is for the sale of outdoor pool and patio accessories. This plat will be dedicating 6,671 square feet of right-of-way for the future widening of W. Alanis Lane and will be creating the proper visibility and utility easements. The City Fire Department has waived the requirement for a fire lane due to the site having a unique topographic grade change. Fire and other emergency vehicles will still have the capability to maneuver on the proposed driveway. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 5-0 subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. A Site Plan for the subject lot was approved by the Planning Commission at its February 5, 2019 meeting. Page 1 of 1. I ' X SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS \ § `� STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § COUNTY OF COLLIN § \ ' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: i WHEREAS, Azure Pools, LLC, is the owner of the tract of land situated in the State r of Texas, County of Collin and City of Wylie, being part of the Richard D. Newman Survey, THAT I, F. E. Bemenderfer, Jr., do hereby certify that I prepared this final plat and the field \ Abstract No. 660, and all of a 1.10 acre tract of land as recorded under County Clerk No. notes made a part thereof from an actual and accurate survey of land and that the corner ', / ��\ 20140728000783760, of the Collin County Land Records with said premises being more monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in o - e�, particularly described as follows: accordance with the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. ta``�\ _\ cr,lA yParkBEGINNING at a Roome capped iron rod found in the north right--of--way line of Alanis �` e;` .;? j�, Drive, said iron being in the west line of said 1.10 acre tract and the east line of a 10.85 acre tract as recorded in Volume 5644, Page 5261 of the Collin County Land Records; Dated this day of , 2019. 0' 30' 60' 90' THENCE departing said right-of-way, with the west line of said 1.10 acre tract and Century mousiness Pori, �� -._ -1. r, Po. 05�, ` L;,n/1' the east line of said 10.85 acre tract, North 00'05'50" East, 252.51 feet to a Roome • \ --- --- -___- capped iron rod found marking the northwest corner of said 1.10 acre tract and the Preliminary (not for recording) - -- - CIRF Scale: 1"=30' th nor east corner of said 10.85 acre tract; - -- -..---- THENCE with the north line of said 1.10 acre tract as follows: South 85'01'08" East, F. E. Bemenderfer, Jr. - S85°29'51„E 537.41' 26.32 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found marking an angle break, Soutn 85'15'08" Registered Professional Land _T-2_. - - -- �- - East, 202.10 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found in the west right-of-way line of Surveyor No. 4051 .RCIRF S85'Oi't18'E RCIRFI p ,Q �.__�J CIRF Alanis Drive, a 1.223 acre right-of-way parcel as recorded in Volume 5585, Page 265 of Alan 1, - -o the Collin County Land Records; 26.32' S85'15'O8S 2021(J16 C �� i VAM Esm't Detail THENCE with a common line between said premises and said 1.223 acre right-of-way ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Rc/RS (by this plat) ____ �'' �` 58824 is"E zo;.4r - RCIRF parcel as follows: South 54"11'34" East, 25.70 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found for / `y - - Roomeiron foundforcorner;i corner; South 23`08'09" East, 75.49 feet to a capped rod co er; STATE OF TEXAS i \ varro6/e Width '�� , South 20'22'27" West, 14.51 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found for corner, from which COUNTY OF COLLIN § \ �.� ► Cl RfQhf of—GYoy IJedicctron �0 �F i~ / ROW 6s�I sq.tt RCIRF I BHC capped iron rods found for reference bear South 81'13'15' East, 400.71 feet and South --_- sssolos, RCIRF j'' (by the prat) BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day 01 �: 1.77' 26.32 �, 0 23°0313" East, 120.25 feet; ss s �� Us THENCE continuingwith said common line of saidpremises and the north personally appeared F. E. Bemenderfer, Jr., known to me to be the person and officer RCIRS Viz,. S85°2951"E 143.24' w whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he Q,° RCIRS t7.03 1o.a =~' ""�+ RCIRS n N. right-of-way line of said 1.223 acre right-of-way parcel of Alanis Drive as follows: g g g S88.24'191 € / 39.8I' .-'' C. t executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed and in the#yam sp• a •.d _,' o southwesterly along a curve to the left having a central angle of 6`00'14' with a radius of ,9.4.E`! o co In capacity therein stated. • 920.00 feet, for on arc distance of 96.40 feet (chord = South 60'34'15" West, 96.36 feet) o • N17`/I �_ 4397` 2s'su,i4 VAM Esm't Detail I to a Roome capped iron rod found marking a point of reverse curve; southwesterly along a ]0.11' �� Set Sack + (by this plot} f - -- - - • _ .. .� �, curve to the right having a central angle of 15'00'54" with a radius of 800.00 feet, for an GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEA!. OF OFFICE, this the day of 2019. �• ,VAM Esm't Detail %" — .;_ to~' city of Wylie arc distance of 209.65 feet (chord = South 65°04'35" West, 209.05 feet) to the point of _--- --- 'J Alonrs Drive Rig/it-of--Wayi beginning and containing47,944 square feet or 1.101 acres of land. (celled 1.223 Acres) g g q N A. Vol, 5585, Pg. 265, CCLR of L_ °�, \ m ;- d Notary Public in and for _' \ y O. 4 Li ``_b 3 j\b� �- The State of Texas `i i o A RCIRF Lot 1 Block 9 z c i , w- The �a.si erl;=vg Family P N Gross=47,944 Sq Ft. 11.11�1 Ac. / S20°2227"W I (tailed /0.85 acres) N Net=41,273 Sq. Ft /0.947Ac. ',R tR 14.51' E RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Q d ,i 0 C-C re i I o / \ aHc �pr�,l{cv ` y Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date 10' Water Line Esm't. • l 1 NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: --- (by this plat} y` > A=96.40' � `, ,- itk'q ; R=s2d.t11?' \ APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION OS / l�f',., �/ I r i / Z�'o, l 'RCIRF B-S6D°34'15"W is That, Azure Pools, LLC, Owner, does hereby bind themselves and their /� C=96.36 al heirs, assignees and successors of title this plat designating the /,~atn9 w hereinabove described property as Lot 1, Block 1, Azure Addition, an Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date / �`' • C'� !-CA addition to the City of Wylie, County of Collin, and does hereby dedicate �/ \`; i to the public use forever the streets, alleys, and right-of-way easements / V_ shown thereon, and do hereby reserve the easement strips shown on this / •g� � �_ I / ,a plat for the mutual use and accommodation of garbage collection ACCEPTED agencies and all public utilities desiring to use or using same. Any public ' ti4etiovj utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any 1 � vPv' •,5 s peat) `,t I buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths that in ND°� �' t A=2t79.65' ��V any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date efficiency of its respective systems on any of these easements strips, and R $6660r `_ - --- - -_- any public utility shall at all times have the right of ingress and egress to D-15°OtT'S4" �� 0 � and from and upon the said easement strips for the purpose of The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the B=S65a04 35"W poo {�' R i1e f• °� p p p P 9 Y Y Y Y Y 2 t 4`� --o ) constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, without the necessity at foregoing Preliminary Plot of Lot 1, Block 1, Azure Addition, a subdivision or addition to the POINT OF C=2t19.t15' � r,,tl Ryg�t laceSGGLR any time of procuring the permission of anyone. Additionally, we certify County of Collin was submitted to the City Council on the day of BEGINNING s of't�•t?2�76�' J that we are the sole owners of the dedicated property and that no 2019, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, RCIRF °° Pt°�(es11e5, P9 other's interest are attached to this property unless otherwise indicated on alley, parks, easement, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in - - ,.1ot- 5 /" the required Mortgage Holder Certification that is included on this plat. and upon said plot and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance `_`TBM j This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. I Chilled Square w/"x" . / resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. �.- C� Top of Curb Devotion = 491.31' t . �- o " Witness my hand this __ day of _, A.D., 2019. Witness our hands at WYLIE, Texas. i j I / " 1 City Secretary Azure Pools, LLC (Representative name & Title) City of Wylie, Texas . \ , -- STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § / Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the CURVE IARC LENGTH iRADIUS' DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. Cl 1158.52' t512.50' 17'43'19" 376'38'12"E 157.89' P P P Given under my hand and seal of office, this _ day of , _---` 2019. __-- LINE BEARING DISTANCE ` Li 532'03'33"E '3,11' f -- L2 N57'56'27"E 14.07' ---_-_-__-- J L3 524'18'52"E 1 10.09' Notary Public in and for --- L4 S57'56'27"W 12.71' the State of Texas L5 S32`0333E 110.87' Preliminary Plat Lot 1 Block 1 Azure Addition II NI\ 1. 101 Gro ., li Jl� Beingall of 1.10 Acre Tract .1 laa III Recorded under CC#201 07280007837t�d, C.�': .R. ii il Hensrycn /; 1& if Richard D. Newman Survey, Abstract No. 660 ' ii City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas lf� CO Notes: 1) CM is a controlling monument; 2) Source bearing based on Alanis Drive �} 1n I! v i� f'm Coordinate P/an Sta. 10+00 to Sta. 20+00, by Birkhoff Hendricks �c Conway, LLP, January, lr01 \\ \ �� ,{� Project 2G01 117, Sheet No. 5, Dated January, 2005; 3� No Part of the subject Legend ��d -_- i'� 1' Alanis Dr property is shown to le within a Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by 100-year C.C.M.R. Collin CountyMapRecords r_, - L-<<:= — ` - '- - - floodper MapNo. 48G85C0535 J of the FPM.A. Flood Insurance Rafe Mops for �,� l - r- pC-C.L.R. Collin CountyLand Records Notice: Sellingaportion of this addition b - Collin CountyTexas and Incorporated Areas, doted June 02, 2009 (Zone X); 4 RCIRS Roome Capped iron Rod Set Y Revised: 01.24.19 P:/AC/2018Q4/AC848731.dwg -�- i —�tA r metes and bounds is a violation of city .._._._._ RCIRF Roome Capped iron Rod Found Y -_ a This serve was performed without the benefit of Title Commitment. Owner: Engineer: Surveyor:• —=-J� - ` y CM Controlling Monument ordinance and state law and is subject to fines Azure Pools, LLC Heirnber er & Associates _ Roome Land Surveying PROJECT . �, J�o° and withholding of utilities and building permits. g y g Q._.--- L- 7fi 6508 Crestmoor Lane 1525 Bozman Road 2000 Avenue G Suite 810 A Ilk LOCATION � 7xm Room e °i__-__ ,, I Sochse, Texas 75048 Wylie, Texas 75098 Plano, Tx 75074 Ini ni - Land Surveying LOCATION MAP (- ) _______ 972-442--7459 (972) 423-4372 2000Aienuc G,Suite 810 Attn: Paula Salvaggio Attn: Randy Heimberger, P.E. Attn: Fred Bemenderfer Piano, Texas 75074 N.T.S. \ www,oroomesu�eyring.com I Firm No. 10013/00 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 8, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for North Texas Municipal Water District, creating one lot on. 5.032 acres, generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat for North Texas Municipal Water District,creating one lot on 5.032 acres,generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. Discussion Owner: North Texas Municipal Water District Applicant/Engineer: CP&Y, Inc. The property totals 5.032 acres and will create a single lot for an Office/Water Operations Center for the North Texas Municipal Water District. The tract was rezoned from AG-30 to Planned Development-Business Government in December 2018. The Subdivision Regulations allows for a Preliminary and Final Plat to be reviewed concurrently. A Final Plat is on the current agenda for consideration. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 5-0 subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. A Site Plan for the subject lot was approved by the Planning Commission at its February 5, 2019 meeting. Page 1 of 1. itfew- -N LINE BEARING DISTANCE CURVE DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH L1 N 04 10 59 W 23.35 C1 06 44 19 1 ,020.00 1 19.96 S 34 22 52 W 1 19.89 Ilk L2 N 49°50'45" W 55.66' C2 04 44 52 1 ,020.00 84.96 S 40 07 28 W 84.50 `, L3 S 01°20'29" E 11 .84 C3 09°19'42" 1 ,020.00' 84.52' S 47°09'45" W 165.88' L4 S 89°00'02" E 68.28' ' C4 39 09 17 255.00 174.26 N 69 25 24 W 170.89 L5 S 63°44'19" E 94.39' C5 28°58'09" 305.00' 154.21 ' S 74°30'58" W 152.57' D \ L6 S 50°34'37" E 6g.56' C6 39°09'17" 305.00 208.43' S 69°25'24" W 204.40 SITE ` o \liF NO L7 N 39°16'11 " E .02' 1 " 1° '4 z z C7 01 34 5 1 080.00 29.80 N 2 35 9 E 29.80 RTH T L8 S 00°29'36" W 74.72' ' D o D F C8 25°58'48" 1 ,1 10.00' S03.32' S 38°57'28" W 499.02' X � s %A, L9 N 00°29'36" E 103.24' C9 26 10 57 1 ,120.00' 511 .81 ' S 38 51 22 W 507.37' EUBANKS z r'1 0 60 120 <, TR CiTA L10 S 49°50'44" E 10.00' C10 10.13'16" 990.01 ' 176.61 ' S 46°42'42" W 176.38' O4.FO 36 C 3 4TF L1 1 N 89°00'02" W 5.78' C1 1 10°12'20" 980.01 ' 174.56' S 46°43'08" W 174.33' 0 >3 p7 /1C R /s, L12 " N 04°10'59" W 6.89' C12 06°50'50" 1 ,015.00' 121 .30' N 34°35'55" E 121 .23' n FORREST ROSS R.�C O RFs i/SOT L13 S 01°20'29" W 20.48' C13 09°35'41 " 1 ,015.00' 169.97' N 47°01 '44" E 169.77' z SCALE 1" = 60' (Ri c0<</ T >> , » ' • ° , » , , » , --\ L% Cq<NT OF LOB L14 N 83 53 21 E 24.63' C14 35 56 49 1 ,085.00 680.72' S 33°58 24 W 669.61 �` c" �< F �0<<32�g��q REF LOT 11 L15 N 83°53'21 " E 6.95' C15 10°29'06" 305.00' 55.80' S 65°16'26" E 55.75' `�' ? �o ��F `� �.O•Rc'pc 43Fs� C16 01°56'15" 305.00' 10.30' S 71°29'06" E 10.30' �O T z L16 S 49 50 45 E 54.91 ' O = 20'48'54" \ \ R = 1,020.00' AREA SUMMARY SPRING . LOT BLOCK TYPE SQ. FT. ACRES CREEK ' L = 370.55' 796 4.036 2 1 A LOT 175, � CB = S 41'25'09" W 2 A LOT 13,157 0.302 m.-. �,,c °Fol0'4>/ CD = 368.52' ROW FOR LYNDA LANE A ROW 25, VICINITY MAP 2 ��oy _ 474 0.585 1 1000 �,2 `:,`�: -= a ~e � °eyo,�, ROW FOR FORREST ROSS ROAD ADJACENT TO LOT 1 A ROW 4,285 0.098 ' ti'' , 5/8" I.R.F. 11 ly (c.M.) 4Il v • �''�s4 Oi. ROW FOR FORREST ROSS ROAD ADJACENT TO LOT 2 A ROW 603 0.014 •GRID COORDINATES , �~ )"- �� '° TOTAL ,1;.2E 25�6,130.t65 ��/,.„ii 3 \\ <pT - - 219,315 5.035 -, .--\\ --,:,-,.::',;\\,0111, [11 i 0-- /it,, , c, ',. . \ \ \\\\ \\ k0,,h\,'Hi( jr 1 x .2 . LOT 2. � 5/8' I.R.S. a r�s> 0. y�o� //' o o // \\ !/�R `wNc �� �� \\ E \ \ \ 14,</ O O ! •• / 9)Ay y `N N 1 ' 11# ' (t \ I 0.316 ACRES' f T l •.O O S Co o��a, o S ST \\ 1 t .1j ( DETENTI�SN POND.\\ p c2 \ o<F ��, •p O> .O 9 / W \ / cT q3?� r� �`9d \I I I .r 3 BY THIS PLAT /ESMT. �� ° �' 9l O� 9 O �'J���� �V / N \\ Spa•• '_ v illi v C� 1 / • i .�, I o a 1 a I \\\11\\\I\ w 1' \, `i 'ice / r'` �� \• L12 . :" \. • 70 `� / 03U \ I (C�F • OR��paig0 I c� \. yr O / l s r �p �r Q 1 kJ �r•xzFs 1 j p ccU '. In / CR ) 11 IIt y 4 `4...,.• z W 1 ,\,, r' 6! ^' �' \ \ �.,�.. .(1.�j, O �C' �1 ~ZQ G c (1!I t Z v N -/ A �j'(' O4 * , e I ��° • U �E I \\ S/8' 7i / 1(t} z t M / f �'` rz / \ L1 t`�gS �6 <°! 00 V \� P ( wu)cn I �� �+ I \ c V 1 \ / 11On \ to w s g �� �L <i V�Jv V Q I 1111 , k z ®F; I ' .. / Gam• 4o' \. \o ,�\S\8 \ \. •0 O N' <v/ I <�r 1 1 \\ // S12 1 4 1 i; o {r� / �..� P r.w4 Qv \,,\ \ .\,ps •\^,,, \. qL_J '() �P�� \ >v "4- vi o_ F vi / Iy 1 i 1 O� r'. / h Q' '7 " 0. \ \ •\`•,'* �\,, • \. / (� \ w J W' SSW Q W' 1 }tl itt \ i r s / JpP��� f�Q' \ \\ \ �J40 \ w / Jwza� / DETAIL "B" 1.. / <`0� �� \\ \ 0 •�� •\ \ 0�\ \\ o • Q:° i o W vww�111 I. ,^ T �\ ht /` DE CF�1Ar. ,�"'\1 •\ \ ` ' -1 ' , �i . , \ O Z // ,��. � \ cc, II II ; 111 0 \\ `` 2 \.�• �<� ^ ,� ` h'oS�,4EST \\ LEGENDi vv / ` v ` v zoo r �� ; ^ DETAIL A �D SIGN I1 1 Q \ o ` a 1 l l \ r' \ \ F F 1Al ^ / C� E \ 1 p �� V� \ /� \ V i A P , ,Ai . ),,, N.T.S. / E E 1 = WASTEWATER MANHOLE , w NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT z ( z 1 \ \ 6, �c � \;• p , '' ,',cr d - .. cPe r i` , TRACT 3 I( `, (l ,a Q " i „r \ �T � �./. 1 " _ 1 1 )<.,., k F� �, �� �r ® WATER METER CALLED 36.471 ACRES 1 1 I 11 i I I- • ` `�\' ��, O .S;, ,, \ 10' ONCOR / W i g I 1 \ \ s \ \ \.'\� \ F <o c o O `-,,< c, ). \ ELECTRIC ESM'T wv VOL. 3713, PG. 417 ,i 11 1 0 AW I { L ) \ ` \b. `� ' 4..--,,,,,< ti' <<! = WATER VALVE \ \� \ O \ BY THIS PLAT / I / /I "'' e CEDAR �� \<'A\ 2 `!. < FO pc 0 \ / D.R.C.C.T. ,� ( I a \ ra I I° O �\� `. oos 7 . OG2 \ / e = FIRE HYDRANT + I. \ ! if r r ♦ \ 2 �L,- 5-' IHU / O 1. / / \ V y •VA\,� T ' RhFOJ . . » = LIGHT STANDARD II 1I v �� IFO B r / �:� m�ti�v v "� �� ;wv: 2 0 = 36 59 54 DETAIL "C" ��� %� ,` i ` 1 1 . � v N / .r / �`O,�\ °\\ a`2,..� �\\•\t, j� <pT = N.T.S. = GUY ANCHOR • ,. t , iHI m _ 'rT`� '>/ \./.\ N I �,� �. G�<FA R 1,080.00 ♦ . I I i 1\ p i k I40) U r..1�; +`�-� a 1 1 I Z.•-.- '� - 2 / %0��9J-vv v ��y \2 �� _ ..<// �oti� L = 697.40' --- = POWER POLE `;•, '• 1 1�' ^w / ,' ff 'CEDAR •�•• �� < CB = S 33 26 53 W 0 E - OVERHEAD LINES ,_\ �.. . ,_, ij� kk 1 a o< °\ \� " 2 :` *� °) ��s/° CD = 685.35' / Ro FOR A\ - ,- . I 1 . C\ 11 �+ • "' BLOCK A v �: /•�1ti0 /y / 'SS \ W = UNDERGROUND WATER '--, _'; :` ' 1 i ! i n s „„ oti „ \ \ y �. �� s',o<<, / 1'1/)' /111/ RDAD T ,` : •:.,. ' 1 l I I i N " I '2 p� v vv 2 v <q/ �5� ���E� 1 \I o = CHAINLINK FENCE �'�'< ' ' „ ,� o O C�JQi\\ \ \ \•\'® O O�S A` •ET P.K.00 d • 0 4 p 'It 1 O AND. P.K. 1 X = BARBED WIRE FENCE H I j 1 4 036 ACRES , 0 \ \\ \ O �07 h'qs 1 NAIL / r I ( ' \p'a oo f ,,✓ o ry9s \\ \\ 2• •\ �.• .4** <OT pR�, 31� F lq \ l :, a, - < \ A - CONCRETE PAVING I I I 1 1 • �� 'SA Fti .....�w < " °�� c T OOp \ LYNDA LANE ; ' ! III V CAN T".".".�.,k A GT �.1 \\ �, . e< 2s \ / ,, �o ". \ /r = ASPHALT PAVING l , 1 1Hlit1 1 11 I I 1 I' I v" N," .., .).TEXAS/MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT " v-8 ,, /'• 1 D '�:. e <0 dRTH II I 1 1 � Lk To-t v v •, D, -` T S 1 CALLED 5�Q3 ACRES"/ " c9\ N. � DETAIL "D" / 1 ` I 1( , . I . INST. NC . COI " 1 10014 1100 2 � ; :�\. N.T.S. I � (. i� CO cm ..tAD R s.Q .R.C.C.T. _ cT:rT o-T \ *,,'\c.�7 \F <OT TS/e/ff i ipet , �' - R / " v s R/q </T I t " �„ ' T S t `� ' � ,..,_...,. �� 1 G TERLINE TEXAS POWER & vv v "`' •� „. <qT `2 fit:: 'kPdE I ..x' fr , `2 �=1IG ANY DISTRIBU ON EASEMENT v vv _ /. „)''''� :.,. �+ .,./ 1} ..r TiON,G`"'ONtAI IS DEFINED WIDTH) vvv vv T OT 7 ,( F \ . F<Fp p / VOL 491., G 155 \ `�" ", ~`, �•��. �</TYhO,yF e ' 10'_ ONCOR ELECTRIC EASEMENT I At"C=,+t,RR Q O e L / 1.�....__ \ "Y`�T IS ` I r \ y. OT8 / / .q �\<�2 � SN PLAT �r ,�-,��, Tb"~k3E A��ND �, Y�EPARATE INSTf�U1vtENT ,, > \\ \ �'\ /.� .._ LYNDA LANE / CTj v C •M $ L 1, 'A e r.t::%ik � Ci' A v vv ,, e i:AR,) ' / i0 CEDAR \ `, A T1 (, rT a, 'i\ ® \e LOT 9 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDI 'ATION ., \\\ �� L13 , s \\ \\• ,„„ - BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT ' <6 \ e .... L14 f.,.w I1 E t NE E:. [.�k€t": \ \\ / ,.. �-E `x. E, E E ..m._...-E E E E .E" E \\ y L8 '`, ,! E E �" . "COLLIN CO MAINT" SIGN .1 EXi TEd C."LYNDAE`i'ANE 4...,E. ,,..,r E E •\ �,.,......_._ __ i ...._..,_ _._.. .,, _�...._..... '= _. � �4 ,..�_..,�_.___ .�•�. �, T€2€F RI ) L9 ( SIGN! r„• ) = STREET SIGN .:',,-,-=„ , gym . -_- a n'. BY THIS PLAT • ° 'n/�l- ewj w d ..__.A. / \ CONCRETE RUNNER �� P. 5/8 -C.I.R.S. -..--. "8Z6.6O (ASPHALT PAVING ° ° • » „ W/CHAIN LINK FENCE J ' _ "30 MPH" 20'29" E 858.92'_./ /. • \ "SEE W DETAIL D _ _ N 01' JOHN CROUSE AND SPOUSE SPEED LIMIT SIGN ,r' •i :;�� (I, ..w.. .... _._ V STOP ..__� ! _..._ _. . _ .__._. __.._ _ . _ LYNDA LANE , c�LE , _ _ . r / STARR CROUSE '�/ CONCRETE RUNNER 1.28 ACRESINF2 CALLED E • _ . . ... . . SET P.K. NAIL...,__, .: C ,.. LYNDA LANE CONCRETE LINK FENCE " ELECT IC, VARIA . • • • CONCRETE RUNNER "WATCH FOR CHILDREN" SIGN _. { -,. ,,,. BLE WIDTH PRESCRIPTIVE R.O.W. �W/CHAIN LINK FENCE VOL. 5759, PG. 61 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION SECURITY :� -"`VAULT---- ) D.R.C.C.T. BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT CAMERA ,...._..,. ..,. PAVING).. ...... ...._. RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED CONCRETE VENT PIPE BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT ) PAVING / - `,, CONCRETE PAVING POINT OF BEGINNING 1 STORY 8" C.I.R.F. CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE METAL BLDG. 5 / AND GUTTER SIDEWALK "CP&Y" (TYP.) EXISTING TREATMENT CONCRETE CONCRETE CURB PRELIMINARY PLAT OF GRID COORDINATES PLANT SIDEWALK AND GUTTER DONG WU N:7,063,381.24 (TYP.) NOTES: CALLED 1.07 ACRES E:2,575,530.81 INST. NO. 20150413000410560 KENNETH W. RIDINGS AND NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL O.P.R.C.C.T. NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 1. THE SURVEYOR DID NOT ABSTRACT THE SUBJECT TRACT. GINA R. RIDINGS, INST. NO. 96-0024057 TRACT 1 WATER DISTRICT ADDITION 2. I.R.F.= IRON ROD FOUND D.R.C.C.T. CALLED 7.367 ACRES 5/8" C.I.R.S. = 5/8 INCH IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "CP&Y" (CALLED 1.780 ACRES) VOL. 3713, PG. 417 BEING A 5.035 ACRE TRACT C.I.R.F. = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND D.R.C.C.T. C.M. = CONTROL MONUMENT SITUATED IN THE TYP. = TYPICAL FRANCISCO DE LA PIMA SURVEY, O.P.R.C.C.T. = OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. D.R.C.C.T. = DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. ABSTRACT NO. 688 R.O.W. = RIGHT OF WAY BENCHMARKS PRELIMINARY CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 3. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON TRUE GEODETIC NORTH, OBTAINED BY OBSERVATIONS WITH CITY OF WYLIE GPS MONUMENT CM 1 - MONUMENT IS LOCATED ON THE NORTH A GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM, AND REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE SIDE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 78 NEAR THE EAST ENTRANCE DRIVE FOR THE CITY OFCOORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE, NAD 83 COORDINATES. DISTANCES AND EDGE W OF MUNICIPALWESCOMPLEX EA ENTRANCE200 STATE HIE, 23.2 FEET9.7 FEET WEST OF THE SURVEYOR: OF THE WEST CONCRETE DRIVE, SOUTH OF A 10 AREA SHOWN HEREON ARE SURFACE. SCALE FACTOR IS 1.00015271 FOOT WIDE CONCRETE DRIVE AND 76.1 FEET NORTH OF THE EDGE OF ASPHALT OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 78 NORTH. FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY II 4 4. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE LOCATED IN A 100 OR 500 N=7,060,922.944 U.S. SURVEY FEET YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS SCALED FROM COMMUNITY PANEL E=2,576,974.068 U.S. SURVEY FEET 0 48085C0420J OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ELEV. = 530.294 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 2, 2009. 5. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE CITY OF WYLIE GPS MONUMENT CM 2 - MONUMENT IS LOCATED NORTH OF STATE COMMITMENT. HIGHWAY N0. 78 AND WEST OF SOUTH BALLARD STREET NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD STREET. 10.0 FEET OWNER: NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 1820 Regal Row, Suite 150, Dallas, Texas 75235 1214.747.3733 WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD 6. NO APPURTENANCE BETWEEN THE HEIGHT OF 2' AND 9' MAY BE PLACED IN THE STREET AND 10.4 FEET SOUTH OF BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD P.O. BOX 2408 TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-1741 VISIBILITY TRIANGLES. STREET. WYLIE TEXAS 75098-2408 N=7,057,346.784 U.S. SURVEY FEET TBPLS 10194115 E=2,569,521.039 U.S. SURVEY FEET ELEV. = 550.238 PH. 972-442-5405 JANUARY, 2019 SHEET 1 OF 2 ‘-'4'._ G:\PROJECTS\1500606 NTMWD OPS BLDG - CP&Y\DWG\SURVEY\1500606 PRELIMINARY PLAT REV BY CEC V3.DWG Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: D Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 8, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for North Texas Municipal Water District, creating one lot on 5.032 acres, generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for North Texas Municipal Water District, creating one lot on 5.032 acres, generally located at the intersection of Lynda Lane and Forrest Ross Road. Discussion Owner:North Texas Municipal Water District Applicant/Engineer: CP&Y, Inc. The property totals 5.032 acres and will create a single lot for an Office/Water Operations Center for the North Texas Municipal Water District. The tract was rezoned from AG-30 to Planned Development-Business Government in December 2018. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and is consistent with the Preliminary Plat. The Subdivision Regulations allows for a Preliminary and Final Plat to be reviewed concurrently. A Preliminary Plat is on the current agenda for consideration. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended approval 5-0 subject to additions and/or alterations as required by the Engineering Department. A Site Plan for the subject lot was approved by the Planning Commission at its February 5, 2019 meeting. Page 1 of I p LINE BEARING DISTANCE CURVE DELTA ANGLE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH L1 N 04°10'59" W 23.35' C 1 06°44'19" 1 ,020.00' 1 19.96' S 34°22'52" W 1 19.89' L2 N 49 50 45 W 55.66' C2 04 44 52 1 ,020.00' 84.96' S 40 07 28 W 84.50' �� L3 S 01°20'29" E 11 .84 C3 09°19'42" 1 ,020.00' 84.52' S 47°09'45" W 165.88' L4 S 89°00'02" E 68.28' C4 39°09'17" 255.00' 174.26' N 69°25'24" W 170.89' - ryL5 S 63°44'19" E 94.39' C5 28°58'09" 305.00' 154.21 ' S 74°30'58" W 152.57' cn o \ L6 S 50°34'37" E 69.56' C6 39°09'17" 305.00 208.43' S 69°25'24" W 204.40 SITE NO L7 N 39°16'1 1 " E 10.02' C7 01°34'51 " 1 080.00' 29.80' N 21°35'49" E 29.80' z o R IH I L8 S 00°29'36" W 74.72' ' ' ' D o D FX1 C8 25 58 48 1 ,1 10.00 503.32 S 38 57 28 W 499.02 7D Muiv L9 N 00°29'36" E 103.24' C9 26°10'57" 1 ,120.00' Si 1 .81 ' S 38°51 '22" W 507.37' EUBANKS z rn LW S 49°50'44" E 10.00' C10 10°13'16" 990.01 ' 176.61 ' S 46°42'42" W 176.38' 0 60 120 •04 FQ R6 OI13 WgIF L1 1 N 89°00'02" W 5.78' C1 1 10°12'20" 980.01 ' 174.56' S 46°43'08" W 174.33' >3 p/O. qo R /SIR/ L12 N 04°10'59" W 6.89' C12 06°50'50" 1 ,015.00' 121 .30' N 34°35'55" E 121 .23' FORREST ROSS R.0 c •o 4 RFS oI L13 S 01°20'29" W 20.48' C13 09°35'41 " 1 ,015.00' 169.97' N 47°01 '44" E 169.77' z SCALE 1" = 60' OivG co T >> S • OA<y7COF °0u L14 N 83°53'21 " E 24.63' C14 35°56'49" 1 ,085.00' 680.72' S 33°58'24" W 669.61 ' •. �� OF ��� D Eo<<F�2��2aY04- LOT 11 L15 N 83°53'21 " E 6.95' C15 10°29'06" 305.00' 55.80' S 65°16'26" E 55.75' ® ? o �Fcn �\�R.c•�pc 42Fs°) L16 S 49°50'45" E 54.91 ' C16 01°56'15" 305.00' 10.30' S 71°29'06" E 10.30' r �O o " A = 20.48'54" •\ R = 1,020.00' AREA SUMMARY SPRING D L = 370.55' LOT BLOCK TYPE SQ. FT. ACRES CREEK 7) S 1 A LOT 175,796 4.036IIIII .. FF CB = S41.25'09" W ' 2 A LOT 13,157 0.302 CD = 368.52' VICINITY MAP `.T�/4 �e O�c.40 4,/oT\ ROW FOR LYNDA LANE A ROW 25,474 0.585 1" = loon' 41 5/8" I.R.F. \. \ e,.0F, ROW FOR FORREST ROSS ROAD ADJACENT TO LOT 1 A ROW 4,285 0.098 GRID COORDINATES )\\. • \ �/S°C- SOT ROW FOR FORREST ROSS ROAD ADJACENT TO LOT 2 A ROW 603 0.014 N:7,063,370.75 \.\ r <oT '° TOTAL - - 219,315 5.035 E:2,576,132.16 \'\ •\ C'j \ \• sr 5\/ C.I f�S. <9 �/Q // o / `\ /�Riow �� 0�� \\ LOT 2. \ e)-'use -r F` / �--0 / \ / .�N� S' \ 0.316 ACRES' u 5 r \ \ >iq4�/T 6,! •pApO. .; O / • / \ `t'zo';;;Z:vo r 5 4)s�' \\ 'P ,� " \ ), °°4 ' >0� A9 / / \\ / q� pcti fp oeA� \ DETENTION POND N C' A F .O (�', / �V �? 4 Fs 7 ESMT. t> �\ /), O -9 0 <tj'S9 �V / N I \ I s c4 T�,4, 1 BY THIS PLAT / `\ '\. \ ': 0 O S `77 �1 / • i ' '3 \ I 8'/. 'ciA``,z°`�v°OroFr 1 6// \CO nhN u2 • Oj i z Qii 1 1 S c,yj .c,rc cito, itri / L1 `. 1 ! O� ,�J\� I §w a • U I \\ i8,c J / /' �� o \;•\ \\ \--K•s, ,e °2, 60 ()NI o `z _,a= / "�' U i \\ FRS i // o aG�� �� \�\���5\8"" \ N. `?����0 �� �Q������ i1 - • 1 1 \\\ /�/ / I� I U wt- / \� \QQ?�� Q\P �\\\\ `c��'S \\ \•\ \•- 'J tr \POD \ >00 o� w / .\� - / h JQe'Vd"��0 c. \ \\ \ \ \ \ //� GJ ' �G \ • 3 J F Z • / » » / o�P� \�. N. \ \. cJ \ w i 6 �WW•�m o / DETAIL "B"�w l o •\ \ N. \ O\• •\ \ ow • 1 _ mwmwm - / N.T.S. ,� In T \ \ \o, .\.\ \ \ >o w m / -". p - ��\ // r- / N O\ \\ \ `� \�\• I / hi ��� \ ' \\ \\ ,'- ---- oss EST \\ LEGEND / _ / 0 \ \ \ \� e' DETAIL "A" r \ = SIGN / Q „ �N' \\ \\\\\ •�\7\�' °,:8 a N.T.S. E E E ---'\I - © WASTEWATER MANHOLE NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT I \\ \ \\ s .�� , ' I _ 1 TRACT 3 I Q 1 \\ �\ `P 1iJ /4-).<,�'_,./• I I 2 = WATER METER CALLED 36.471 ACRES I ~ / 1 \ ` c' \ ` k. ` �� \ 10' ONCOR / wv VOL. 3713 PG. 417 ; Q Li I \\\ \\ s \`J\•\\L \ �O/, `q��yT��/� \\ H ELECTRIC ESMT N = WATER VALVE \ BY THIS PLAT / D.R.C.C.T. \ W s i j CFO/ \\\`\ `'\. \•�• ��� °� ����`�°G \\ /' \\ W NI BLOCK A 09 •\ \ `'\ `\ \\ O 2c,o qyo \ \ / {� = FIRE HYDRANT w \ •\ • • q FO \ . y4 \\ 6 1 /% O�iL. s \\ '\\• -\,\,, cTc sr4)<FSJ = . » - * = LIGHT STANDARD o LOT 1 �\ \ A36 59 54 DETAIL "C" \ • v p \ \ � �, <o = GUY ANCHOR �. \\\ j� / 4.036 ACRES /s,\ \\`\ \,\ .� T� R = 1,080.00' N.T.S. ` w �..B A��qJ-\\\ \. L = 697.40' -- = POWER POLE cn' `<0--W ( VACANT TRACT Fi 9'� \\ \\ < CB = S 33.26'53" W \\\ E = OVERHEAD LINES •Q �o\\\\\\ \\� e)-1iy�Q/T CD = 685.35' /' ROSS BEST \\ W = UNDERGROUND WATER °;' ° to NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT °�t� \ \ \ �\ �s °<Fy /N wY� 'IMF / RDAD \\ -. ° . `4 A o 2 ., CALLED 5.032 ACRES 0.p\\\\ N. \�.\ A�qT ST /F N�Fp I 1 0 = CHAINLINK FENCE �' "� o INST. N0. 20121121001491100 %FcT\ \\ \• •\.\ `N'\ pKFs p�q T ��' L13 J FND. P.K. I - O O.P.R.C.C.T. 6, 0 \\ \ \•'\ \'\ pp Q�O, /Dlgs \ SET P.K. NAIL NAIL 1 1-.4 v /F9S \\\\ \ •\\.....\• . • <oI /Q 3107 1 p F , \ / aqX BARBED WIRE FENCE fi z SA�Fti`\\�, •\'\ k C T r000p \ LYNDA LANE j • . = CONCRETE PAVING \ \ \. 2 <qT�\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \' \ e<Ocir e so \\\ /// / ' = ASPHALT PAVING \ / DETAIL "D" I _ \\ \„ -'-•- \. \ N.T.S. NE S I 1 od LIGHT COMPANIY DISTRABUTIONEEASEMENT \\\\\�� CAR \ �•� vi e\ Its TRS/g/, 1 I `�' (DESCRIPTION CONTAINS NO DEFINED WIDTH) \ \ <OT eY Tyq"'c<F I VOL. 491, PG. 155 ����', �'� \.� ,6 Sp<AT J 4 D.R.C.C.T. --.� • / TO BE ABANDONED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT �� �� • �.�\. <OT / 0 / SFF •\. • • / / 10' ONCOR ELECTRIC EASEMENT \ \ 0 ��\\ CO / / �</? BY THIS PLAT �� � Tq// 'a. T8 �� < '' �`'Z� LOT 9 LYNDA LANE C,,RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION ,, \ /�- \ \ ` BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT / </e ' - L13 �L14 ��� �� L8 \ \:� E --_E 4i0 E ��°- ..E. -. E- -E - E -1 E E E E E �a -. \ E -�` E E E En.\ E E E E E IE r 4 I i ''.9 � �15 -- EXISTING LYNDAE LANE ��� � TO BE ABANDONED L9 \ °��,` ` L3 BY THIS PLAT \ `/ 5/8" C.I.R.S. 826.6O' \ N 01'20'29" E - 858.92' • " SEE DETAIL "D" JOHN CROUSE AND SPOUSE LYNDA LANE \STARR CROUSE \_ CALLED 1.28 ACRES LYNDA LANE (VARIABLE WIDTH PRESCRIPTIVE R.O.W.) ELT''K°NAL VOL. 5759, PG. 61 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION (ASPHALT PAVING) D.R.C.C.T. BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT TO BE ABANDONED RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED A BY THIS PLAT BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT POINT OF BEGINNING NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 5/8" C.I.R.F. TRACT 1 FINAL PLAT OF NOTES: "cP&Y" CALLED 7.367 ACRES GRID COORDINATES DONG WU N:7,063,381.24 VOL. 3713, PG. 417 1. THE SURVEYOR DID NOT ABSTRACT THE SUBJECT TRACT. CALLED 1.07 ACRES E:2,575,530.81 D.R.C.C.T. NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL 2. I.R.F.= IRON ROD FOUND INST. NO. 20150413000410560 KENNETH W. RIDINGS AND 5/8" C.I.R.S. = 5/8 INCH IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "CP&Y" O.P.R.C.C.T. GINA R. RIDINGS, C.I.R.F. = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND INST. NO. 96-0024057 WATER DISTRICT ADDITION C.M. = CONTROL MONUMENT D.R.C.C.T. TYP. = TYPICAL (CALLED 1.780 ACRES) O.P.R.C.C.T. = OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. BEING A 5.035 ACRE TRACT D.R.C.C.T. = DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. SITUATED IN THE R.O.W. = RIGHT OF WAY FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, 111 4/ 3. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON TRUE GEODETIC NORTH, OBTAINED BY OBSERVATIONS WITH ABSTRACT NO. 688 A COORDINATE AL PSOYSTIOMING NOR HSYSTEM, C CENTRALAND ZONE, NADREFERENCED 83 COORDINATES.TEXAS DISTANCES PLANE AND BENCHMARKS CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AREA SHOWN HEREON ARE SURFACE. SCALE FACTOR IS 1.00015271 CITY OF WYLIE GPS MONUMENT CM 1 - MONUMENT IS LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 78 NEAR THE EAST ENTRANCE DRIVE FOR THE CITY OF4. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE LOCATED IN A 100 OR 500 EDGE W OF THEMUEICWES COMPLEX EA ENTRANCE200 STATE HIE, 23. FEET9.7 FEET WEST OF THE1 SURVEYOR: OF WEST CONCRETE DRIVE, 23.2 SOUTH OF A 10 YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS SCALED FROM COMMUNITY PANEL FOOT WIDE CONCRETE DRIVE AND 76.1 FEET NORTH OF THE EDGE OF ASPHALT 48085C0420J OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 78 NORTH. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 2, 2009. N=7,060,922.944 U.S. SURVEY FEET 5. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE ELEV. =,974.os8 U.S. SURVEY FEET �. COMMITMENT. ELEV. 530.294 6. NO APPURTENANCE BETWEEN THE HEIGHT OF 2' AND 9' MAY BE PLACED IN THE CITY OF WYLIE GPS MONUMENT CM 2 - MONUMENT IS LOCATED NORTH OF STATE VISIBILITY TRIANGLES. HIGHWAY N0. 78 AND WEST OF SOUTH BALLARD STREET NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD STREET. 10.0 FEET OWNER: NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 1820 Regal Row, Suite 150, Dallas, Texas 75235 1214.747.3733 WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD 7. THERE APPEARS TO BE NO EXISTING SEWER MAINS, WATER MAINS, DRAINAGE STREET AND 10.4 FEET SOUTH OF BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD P.O. BOX 2408 TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-1741 CULVERTS OR UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES WITHIN OR IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE STREET. TBPLS 10194115 SUBJECT TRACT. N=7,057,346.784 U.S. SURVEY FEET‘--.1*. WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-2408 E=2,569,521.039 U.S. SURVEY FEET PH. 972-442-5405 ELEV. = 550.238 JANUARY, 2019 SHEET 1 OF 2 G:\PROJECTS\1500606 NTMWD OPS BLDG - CP&Y\DWG\SURVEY\1500606 FINAL PLAT.DWG f/ OWNER'S CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE "Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City Ordinance ad State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits" STATE OF TEXAS : KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT I, Mark Allan Nace, do hereby certify that I prepared this Plat from COUNTY OF COLLIN : an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed, under "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" my personal supervision, in accordance with the subdivision Regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. WHEREAS NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT is the owner of a 5.035 acre (219,315 square foot) tract of land, being situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, PRELIMINARY, THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED being all of that certain called 5.032 acre tract of land as described in a Special Warranty Deed to the North Texas FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALL NOT BE USED OR VIEWED Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date Municipal Water District (N.T.M.W.D. 5.035 acre tract), as recorded in Instrument No. 20121121001491100, of the OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT City of Wylie, Texas Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.), with said 5.035 acre (219,315 square foot) tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: MARK ALLAN NACE REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "CP&Y" ('cap") marking the northwest TEXAS STATE REGISTRATION NUMBER 5539 corner of said N.T.M.W.D. tract, being common with the southeast corner of that certain called 1.28 acre tract of land as described in a Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien to John Crouse and spouse, Starr Crouse (Crouse tract), as "Approved for Construction" recorded in Volume 5759, Page 61 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (D.R.C.C.T.), with said point being common with the northeast corner of that certain called 7.367 acre tract of land described as "Tract 1", in a Warranty Deed to the North Texas Municipal Water District (N.T.M.W.D. Tract 1), as recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417 - D.R.C.C.T., with said point also being common with the southwest corner of that certain called 36.471 acre tract of Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date land described as "Tract 3", in said Warranty Deed to the North Texas Municipal Water District (N.T.M.W.D. Tract 3), STATE OF TEXAS as recorded in Volume 3713, Page 417 - D.R.C.C.T.: Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared THENCE South 89 degrees 00 minutes 02 seconds East, along the common north line of said N.T.M.W.D. 5.035 Mark Allan Nace, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and "Accepted" acre tract and the south line of said N.T.M.W.D. Tract 3, a distance of 601.53 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found marking acknowledged to me that he executed same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity the northeast corner of said 5.035 acre tract of land, said point also being the southwesterly corner of a called 1.9721 therein stated. acre tract of land described in the Right-of-Way Deed to Collin County as recorded in Volume 3227, Page 432 D.R.C.C.T., said point also being the southwesterly corner of a called 1.7031 acre tract of land described in the Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , 2018. Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date Right-of-Way Deed to Collin County as recorded in Volume 3227, Page 442 D.R.C.C.T., with said point being in the northwesterly right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of Forrest Ross Road (a called 60 foot R.O.W.), and being in a non-tangent curve to the right, with the radius point being situated North 58 degrees 59 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final plat of the 1,020.00 feet; THE NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADDITION subdivision or addition to the City of Wylie was Notary Public in and for the State of Texas submitted to the City Council on the day of 2018, and the Council by formal action, then THENCE Southwesterly, along the southeasterly line of said N.T.M.W.D. 5.035 acre tract, common with the My commission expires: and there accepted the dedication of streets, alley, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines as northwesterly R.O.W. of said Forrest Ross Road, and with said curve to the right, through a central angle of 20 shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance degrees 48 minutes 54 seconds, having a radius of 1,020.00 feet, a chord bearing of South 41 degrees 25 minutes 09 thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. seconds West at a distance of 368.52 feet, and an arc distance of 370.55 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the end of said curve, said point also being at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, with the radius point being Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 2018. situated South 38 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 1,080.00 feet; THENCE Southwesterly, continuing along said common line, with said curve to the left, through a central angle of 36 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds, having a radius of 1,080.00 feet, a chord bearing of South 33 degrees 26 minutes 53 seconds West at a distance of 685.35 feet, and an arc distance of 697.40 feet to a P. K. Nail set in asphalt marking the south corner of said N.T.M.W.D. 5.035 acre tract, said point also being in the easterly line of said N.T.M.W.D. City Secretary Tract 1 and in the approximate center of Lynda Lane (an apparent variable width and prescriptive R.O.W.); City of Wylie, Texas THENCE North 01 degrees 20 minutes 29 seconds East, along the westerly line of said N.T.M.W.D. 5.035 acre tract, common with the easterly line of said N.T.M.W.D. Tract 1, and along the approximate center of said Lynda Lane, a distance of 858.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING within the metes recited 5.035 acres (219,315 square feet) of land, more or less. OWNER'S DEDICATION NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT THE NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, acting herein by and through it's duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as THE NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADDITION, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public improvements shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated, for the public use forever, for the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, of efficiency of the respective systems in said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. WITNESS MY HAND AT TEXAS, this the day of , 2018. NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Cesar Baptista Assistant Deputy Director of Engineering STATE OF TEXAS FINAL PLAT OF COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed for the purpose and WATER DISTRICT ADDITION consideration therein expressed. given under my hand and seal of office this day of 2018. BEING A 5.035 ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE 4i FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 688 NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: SURVEYOR: OWNER: NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 1820 Regal Row, Suite 150, Dallas, Texas 75235 1214.747.3733 P.O. BOX 2408 TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING FIRM F-1741 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-2408 TBPLS 10194115 PH. 972-442-5405 JANUARY, 2019 SHEET 2 OF 2 G:\PROJECTS\1500606 NTMWD OPS BLDG - CP&Y\DWG\SURVEY\1500606 FINAL PLAT.DWG Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: E Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: January 21, 2019 Exhibits: 4 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-07 to change the zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Commercial Corridor(CC), for retail purposes on one acre, generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road. ZC 2019-01 Recommendation Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2019-07 to change the zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Commercial Corridor (CC),for retail purposes on one acre,generally located south of Parker Road and west of Country Club Road. ZC 2019- 01 Discussion Owner: John D. Martin Applicant: Yong Cha Kim for SJC Texas Investment Zoning Case 2019-01 requires an Ordinance to amend the zoning accordingly in the Official Zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. The subject ordinance allows for a single retail development of approximately 8,000 square feet on one acre. Exhibit A (Legal Description), Exhibit B (Existing Survey), and Exhibit C(Preliminary Concept Plans & Elevations) are included and made a part of this Ordinance. A final site plan and a preliminary plat must be submitted for consideration before any development can begin. The above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. Page 1 of I ORDINANCE NO. 2019-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2019-01, FROM AGRICULTURAL-30 (AG-30) TO COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR (CC) TO ALLOW FOR RETAIL DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Commercial Corridor(CC), said property being described in Exhibit A (Legal Description), Exhibit B (Existing Survey), and Exhibit C (Preliminary Concept Plans & Elevations) attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. Ordinance No. 2019-07 change the zoning on the hereinafter described property, Zoning Case Number 2019-01, from Agricultural-30(AG-30)to Commercial Corridor(CC) SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 26th day of February 2019. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: March 6,2019, in the Wylie News Ordinance No. 2019-07 change the zoning on the hereinafter described property, Zoning Case Number 2019-01, from Agricultural-30(AG-30)to Commercial Corridor(CC) EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR 2505 F.M. 1378 -WYLIE, TEXAS FIELD NOTES: BEING A TRACT OF LAND SITUTATED IN THE WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 716,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,AND BEING ALL OF A CALLED 1.002 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO DENNIS JOSEPH BAUM ET UX, or RECORD IN VOLUME 2809, PAGE 926, DEED RECORDS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 5/8" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF F.M. NO. 1378(COUNTRY CLUB)AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT, SAME BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER or A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO BOBBY W. MITCHELL ET UX, OF RECORD IN VOLUME 585,PAGE 503, DEED RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY: THENCE NORTH 89 Degrees 39'04"WEST ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE or 208.87 FEET TO A 5/S" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 00 Degrees 06'35" EAST ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE or SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE OF 208.59 FEET TO A 3/8" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 89 Degrees 42'43" EAST ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE or SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT,A DISTANCE or 208.47 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF AND BEING IN THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID F.M. NO. 1378; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID F.M. NO. 1378,A DISTANCE or 208.81 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.000 ACRES Of LAND. ii, I °LAND TITLE SURVEY' _ ii_ i______ _ _ , . _ _ , . FIELD NOTES: BEING A TRACT OF LAND SITUTATED IN THE WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 716, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING ALL OF A CALLED 1.002 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO DENNIS JOSEPH BAUM ET UX, OF RECORD IN VOLUME 2809, PAGE 926, DEED RECORDS COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 5/8" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF F.M. NO. 13/8 (COUNTRY CLUB) AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT, SAME BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO BOBBY W, MITCHELL ET UX, OF RECORD IN VOLUME 585, PAGE 503, DEED RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 89*39'04" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 1,002 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 208.87 FEET TO A 5/8" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 00-06°35" EAST ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 208.59 FEET TO A 3/8" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 89'42'43" EAST ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 1.002 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 208,47 FEET TO A 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER 1 1 THEREOF AND BEING IN THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID F.M. NO, 1378; 1 THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST RiGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF' SAID F.M. NO. 1378, A DISTANCE or 208.81 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.000 ACRES OF LAND- KENNETH D. ELLIS 1 METAL VOL, 645, PG. 493 GARAGE D.R.C.C.T. (NO SLAB) (DEED= S 89'46.09" E 208.81') ///://///// S 89`42'43" E 208.47' ----,,, FND 1/2" I.R 1• VeZ.,(// 1. 4, L._-. ,- __4(____ , A_ 4r 0 . , 0:-37 11 FND 3/8" I.R. . L _ ..,—.... 1 ;t: _ 6.8 1 N. • kc c,.. 1.- 1 1 1 . 0. , Lki 1 . * 1 ,k, rA, i 17,1 1 , in , r-) 1 1 .... L ,...,, . ...„, 1 , FL ..-,. eh 00 in 1 ._-4 0'3 ez C) k (.) Et ,- ° _41 ot Cs4 - ......, 0_ CO 0 La /.000 ACRES 0 04 CV ES ...(.) c e 1 a_ -......... t„,,,, • le)0 < -I > z W Afj f X a. t— co VS II ° • ,,, - i.- La 0 ca Ix In-- -•,......, -1---- .k 1 . --- 23.0. ''-t 2:0' ---- 71.2' ....... a. .. ar 11 < r-: v (NI __I .:: :...- ....... .7.1..., (te 9.9' II. - 11.3" 1 ---- ID PROPANE '0 b TANK CONC, DRNG. 1- 34.3 62.0 PIPE 6 6 - — 1 --Th . WOOD DECK 1 1 --,..._ ONE STORY - _ _ -- -6-- 9.9' FRAME BLDG. -- 24,3' < . , (NO SLAB) I tr; _ n _ ..,---- 1 ii 0" ,.o ' GRAVEL , FRAME ONE STORY 4 < cv 1 - GARAGE • 4 , , BEGIN ------, -07' Li N — . ' 71; END 5/8" 1.1 I.R.1.R. I - 24.3, i . /E -----1 V - -- - ,le ------ --- ' - - V'IL---- * '' ' ' ' 1 k IND -5/84 -1TR. - 1 j I I N 89.39'04" W 208.87' j------, ,-, (DEED= N 89'46'09" W 209.00 ) '‘ TELEPHONE VAULT T' -, - ' ,,.: ' .,_' ' .. : _ :.„'•71 v,'[.,h BOBBY W. MITCHELL ET UX GRAPHIC SCALE: S, or VOL. 585, PG. 503 1 1 INCH = 20 FEET D,RCC.T. :•,, „ „:„ -! ,......_ '„ ry kneS, _ prtr,L,Rions, or LEGEND —- •• -- - I, JASON I.. MORGAN, REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OF THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED FOR F . shown. 111112111 FENCE WOOD L THE STATE OF TEXAS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY inprovrrntS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE CURRENT TEXAS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A REPUBLIC TITLE X CATEGORY IA "LAND TITLE SURVEY" AND THAT THE PLAT EREON IS A 111=1:: 14 -4,,Ti., OF 7-4...16.-. USE OF THIS SURVEY BY ANY OTHER PARTY SHALL BE AT —° WROUGHT IRON FENCE TRUE, CORRECT AND ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS DETERMINED OY AN ON THE GROUND SURVEY UNDER MY V.-:.,, .4 -i- ,„ .., c.515TC,c, . f.. -,, ,,,,., tr- ,, , THEIR OWN WA AND THE UNDERSIGNED IS HOT RESPONSIBLE LwOSITSHoRuETSULATRIKED Tj-IEEARLEFRANOEr.sIGTHNAITsuRE, X ,,. — 4 . SUPERVISION. THE LINES AND DIMENSIONS OF SAID PROPERTY BEING ST SURVEYH E ISRS NOT VALIDAN I 0 CABLE BOX INDICATED BY THE PLAT. THE IMPROVEMENTS ARE WITHIN THE ..... ..4,..mad a a, _ ----- — BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPERTY AT THE DISTANCES INDICATED AND JASON I.... ORGAN • POWER POLE THERE ARE NO VISIBLE AND APPARENT EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENT, exvir.“*114.4—Wf VVO NAME MARTIN NOTES; 01 WATER METER CONFLICTS OR PROTRUSIONS„ EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THE ABOVE PLAT, '„, ...) 5587 i.,,. ,.................. JOB NO. 03-05-083 OVERHEAD SERVICE UNE 1) ALL "DEED' BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE PER DEED RECORDED IN POWERUNE ( ,,,, qS,S1, 1. ' VOLUME 2809, PAGE 926, DEED RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, 44,4 '."' . ':-kO DATE 05/27/03 GF# 03R13822 , FLOOD NOTE; E0 TRANSFORMER AND PAD , ---- ' TECH -ILM , .. . ACCORDING TO MY INTERPRETATIONS OF COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 480759 0465H, DATED WIE ASPHALT SURFACE** / „,...,,I _.....--- DRN. BY JLA4 1 01/19/9 , OF THEJAS.;.NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS FOR COLLIN COUNTY, , . ,..„.,....._ ......, — " TEXAS, THE SUB,JECT PROPERTY UES WITHIN FLOOD ZONE "X' AND IS NOT SHOWN TO IIMI CONCRETE , L. MORGAN ,L.S. NO. 5587- `...,' ...ef BE WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA, THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT IMPLY THAT 1 1 THE PROPERTY AND/OR STRUCTURES THEREON WILL BE FREE FROM FLOODING OR FLOOD DAMAGE. ON RARE OCCASIONS. GREATER FLOODS CAN AND WILL OCCUR AND 1715 Avenue K, Ste. 203 ' eiglilliallihk. FLOOD HEIGHTS MAY BE INCREASED BY MAN-MADE OR NATURAL CAUSES, THIS ROOD I Plano, Texas 75074 STATEMENT SHALL NOT CREATE LIABILITY ON THE PART OF THE SURVEYOR. 101p1/1 i Phone (972) 881-1700 flit i Global Land Surveying, Inc. Fax (972) 423-1083 I email: ulaespeakeasymet / I - - _ I t Parker Rd and NOT IN SCOPE ' - a PROPERTY LINE 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER y W W * W W ' W W * W W �� CONSULTANTS I �. :1; ,,,,,,::',,,,,',' „.„_„„.„„„„ „_.„.„. .„„, 0:7 l\ /k H6ghlartd Faad Shore _.._.. ,, A. I _� ENCLOSED DUMPSTER MUTT 4L ACCESS EASEMENT ,. , � ea,�r,° ,, / 24' FIRE LANE \ .� i,l 1, t �.� 1 r-- laeinkF.Wa%s • ' __ '' [ , _ : ::,, , . „ tip �� TRANSFORMER �� I e " , I � I c / r � � 10 �� � � � � 12505COUNTRYCLUBRD WYLIE, TX � � � � � � � PROJECT DATA c .=_ - _ _ _ = ZONING AG/30 CURRENT 'a„ I � CR PROPOSED 7 I PROPOSED USE RETAIL I RESTAURANT ', I I I LOT AREA 1.0 ACRE H z MAX. BUILDING HT 36' 11J, I 31 n 2 FRONT SET BACK 25' r W W REAR/SIDE SET BACK 10' l PROPOSED 1 -STORY BUILDING l Q z LANDSCAPE BUFFER 10'TO SF 11111111111 W I I I I 2505 COUNTRY RD WYLIE, TX I I 11- 5' TO MF 1— w RETAILSAT W z I TOTAL AREA 8400 SF I W PARKING REQUIRED RESTAURANT 28 CL I RESTAURANT 2800 SF (33%) I C- RETAIL 14 Qct I rci RETAIL STORE 5600 SF (67%) �,_, W a. Q TOTAL 42 2505 COUNTRY CLUB RD 00 U U) PARKING PROVIDED 48 WYLIE, TX Z I I t I Q 20 SPACES (42%) IN FRONT OF BUILDING z_ r I F— PROPOSED BUILDING 8400 SF 0 I I I i I O FLOOR AREA RATIO 19.3% — z I I I Z a-I_ — — — — —I -a I — * , I 11/28/18 REVIEW � � i � � " - 12/12/18 REVIEW _ � MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT 4"CALIPER TREE — 4"CALIPER TREE MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT 15' PECAN ORCHARD _ I 24' FIRE LANE /1I WATER SUPPLY EASEMENT I I 3"CALIPER I RI± �t? _ DWARF BURFORD HOLY 25' SE BACKr _ _ ' ° °� � " t iiiir.. A../10111. 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER , � � � � � � ��� �� � :A A �_ ���_ , I 30' NTMWD WATERLINE EASEMENT 411117* k,- Mir* 0 __ i..._10. rtAki.,!,•xvigi.4. ,.. , 0 , •t •Aor- 0 PROPERTY LINE way yiky y y way MkW WSW Mk ' , „ „ , CLI fi , if, MARK DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO: EXISTING-SIDEWALK MODEL FILE: TEXAS SAGE - DRAWN BY: - COPYRIGHT: C 0 U N T R Y C L U B R 0 A D SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN 0SITE PLAN Al SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" o 8' 16' 32' A..... 0 , 1 ITESI cpz I I I I SHEET #LayNo 1 OF 1 -1 I I I,..N ' A I -,,,,-.--9-c,o,,rry Pub-Storoge 1 , Parker Rd ..- NOT IN SCOPE -r-\\ PROPERTY LINE , i li ; • ,:,„ , i,1 1 ,.. • t, 1, - , ,„/, 1 1 'i •,,, • ,, ,,, A , + , , , , 0 0 ,, 0 , , , , 0 0 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER " - " , „ . 0 „ „ „ . „ „ „ „ „ 0 „ „ „ „ „ „ „ 0 . q. , 15' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ii1001: ,i::' CONSULTANTS „ 0 „ Drive r10 ,s,,,,,Ic. ,--- \\/ ENCLOSED DUMPSTER 0 _ ' ANE N MUTUAL \T U\A\L ACCESS EASEMENT ,,,•.' :',,H:I--/FII •_, i 9'l. 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[-- 1 RESTAURANT 2500 SF (33%) 1 0 W 1 RETAIL STORE 5060 SF (67%) I •_i fl. 0 TOTAL 38 2505 COUNTRY CLUB RD I 0 0_ O I ---1 I 0(I) PARKING PROVIDED 44 WYLIE, TX (i) cc 1 I I 19 SPACES (40%) IN FRONT OF BUILDING a_ I I Z Z I 1 1 1 I 1-- I 1 1 I I I F- 0 PROPOSED BUILDING 7560 SF FLOOR AREA RATIO 17.4% — _____ 0 1 I Z I (._ 1 _1 Z IIIP I= = = = _II• f • • • _. 1 i ..M711 _ J L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L J • L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J ) \ \ : - : ';;' : - : ' :, * : / , 11/28/18 REVIEW / \\X 0 I / L.,. 8 " — — I z - ,. 0 0 ,. 0 " __. ,\: - I MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT _- 0,.... -1"--•,, ••••1 •-•*;,-, 4"CALIPER TREE - 4"CALIPER TREE MUTUAL ACCESS EfSEMENT 15A. PECANTERSUPPLYORCHARD EA S E m E N T 24' FIRE LANE Z"- \ I i \\ _L 3"CALIPER TREE \ DWARF BURFORD HOLY g.........r .gggggggg. _25 S T BACK _ ...._. ........,/ --......v‘ _. _. _. _. 0111111111111111111111110 A ,4,-\.', .4. * lie* I I . dtte " " * L.,. A 1 0' LANDSCAPE BUFFER Ai I.. 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Storm Account Code: 100-5113-56070 Resolution,WISD Contract, Estimate, Collin College Date Prepared: February 11, 2019 Exhibits: Contract Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-05(R) approving a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District (WISD); and a Joint Election Agreement to include Collin College to be administered by the Collin County Elections Administrator for the May 4, 2019 Wylie General Election. Recommendation Motion to approve Resolution No. 2019-05(R), approving a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District (WISD); and a Joint Election Agreement to include Collin College to be administered by the Collin County Elections Administrator for the May 4, 2019 Wylie General Election. Discussion By the terms of this agreement, the City of Wylie, WISD, and Collin College do hereby agree, pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Election Code, to hold a joint election for the General Election to be held on Saturday May 4, 2019. The entities will contract with the Collin County Elections Administrator to perform various duties and responsibilities on behalf of the entities. The contract presented has specified duties and costs to administer the election. This agreement, once executed, will formalize the joint General Election for May 4, 2019 between the entities and approve the shared cost for the General Election. Under the terms of the contract, it is noted that if one entity cancels their election a charge of$75.00 will be accessed and the other entities will assume the full cost for the election. Article 2, Section. I (c) of the Home Rule Charter allows the Council to cooperate with the government of any County for any lawful purpose for the advancement of the interests of its inhabitants and cost savings to the taxpayers. The Election Code allows and encourages cities and school districts to contract with any county within its incorporated city limits for the administration of local elections. Collin County Elections Administrator Bruce Sherbet will administer the election for registered voters residing in the incorporated city limits of Wylie within Collin County. Per direction from Council, the City will administer the election for Wylie voters in Rockwall and Dallas Counties and provide administrative services. All Wylie voters will use the Smith Public Library as the Early Voting and Election Day polling place. Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-05(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING A JOINT ELECTION CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE, WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, COLLIN COLLEGE, AND THE COLLIN COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE MAY 4, 2019 WYLIE GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE CITY'S VOTERS RESIDING IN COLLIN COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie wishes to contract with Collin County Elections Administrator, Bruce Sherbet to administer the May 4, 2019 General Election as referenced in the contract which is attached as Exhibit"A", and WHEREAS, Article 2, Section 1 (c) of the Home Rule Charter allows the Council to cooperate with the government of any County for any lawful purpose for the advancement of the interests of its inhabitants and cost savings to the taxpayers. The Election Code allows and encourages cities and school districts to contract with any county within its incorporated city limits for the administration of local elections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The Mayor of the City of Wylie, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, an Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Wylie Independent School District, Collin College, and the Collin County Elections Administration for the Administration of the May 4, 2019 Wylie General Election for Collin County Voters. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. RESOLVED THIS THE 26th day of February 2019. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST TO: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution No.2019-05(R) CCEA Election Administration Contract EXHIBIT "A" Contract for Election Services Resolution No.2019-05(R) CCEA Election Administration Contract May 4, 2019 Joint General & Special Election Contract for Election Services City of Wylie/Wylie ISD May 4, 2019 Joint General & Special Election Table of Contents I Duties and Services of Contracting Officer II Duties and Services of City and School District III Cost of Election IV Joint General Agreement V .General Provisions Exhibits Exhibit A Early Voting Schedule and Locations Exhibit B Election Day Vote Centers Exhibit C .Cost of Services Exhibit D .Joint General Agreement May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 2 THE STATE OF TEXAS CONTRACT FOR COUNTY OF COLLIN § CITY- SCHOOL WYLIE ELECTION SERVICES BY THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT made and entered into by and between the CITY OF WYLIE, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," and the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as the "SCHOOL DISTRICT," and BRUCE SHERBET, Elections Administrator of Collin County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Contracting Officer," pursuant to the authority in Subchapter D, Section 31.092, of Chapter 31, of the Texas Election Code, agree to the following particulars in regard to coordination, supervision and running of the City and School District's May 4, 2019 Joint General& Special Election and a City Runoff Election, if necessary, on June 8, 2019. An additional cost estimate, early voting calendar, and Election Day polling place schedule will be prepared should a Runoff Election be necessary. THIS AGREEMENT is entered into in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set out. IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. DUTIES AND SERVICES OF CONTRACTING OFFICER. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for performing the following duties and shall furnish the following services and equipment: A. The Contracting Officer shall arrange for appointment, notification (including writ of election), training and compensation of all presiding judges, alternate judges, the judge of the Central Counting Station and judge of the Early Voting Ballot Board. a. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for notification of each Election Day and Early Voting presiding judge and alternate judge of his or her appointment. The recommendations of the City and the School District will be the accepted guidelines for the number of clerks secured to work in each Vote Center. The presiding election judge of each Vote Center, however, will use his/her discretion to determine when additional manpower is needed during peak voting hours. The Contracting Officer May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 3 will determine the number of clerks to work in the Central Counting Station and the number of clerks to work on the Ballot Board. Election judges shall be secured by the Contracting Officer with the approval of the City and the School District. b. Election judges shall attend the Contracting Officer's school of instruction (Elections Seminar); calendar will be provided. c. Election judges shall be responsible for picking up from and returning election supplies to the county election warehouse located at 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney. Compensation for this pickup and delivery of supplies will be $25.00. d. The Contracting Officer shall compensate each election judge and worker. Each judge shall receive $12.00 per hour for services rendered. Each alternate judge and clerk shall receive $10.00 per hour for services rendered. Overtime will be paid to each person working over 40 hours per week. B. The Contracting Officer shall procure,prepare, and distribute voting machines, election kits and election supplies. a. The Contracting Officer shall secure election kits which include the legal documentation required to hold an election and all supplies including locks,pens, magic markers, etc. b. The Contracting Officer shall secure all tables, chairs, and legal documentation required to run the Central Counting Station. c. The Contracting Officer shall provide all lists of registered voters required for use on Election Day and for the early voting period required by law. May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 4 d. The Contracting Officer shall procure and arrange for the distribution of all election equipment and supplies required to hold an election. 1. Equipment includes the rental of voting machines, ADA compliance headphones and keypads (1 per site), transfer cases, voting signs and election supply cabinets. 2. Supplies include smart cards, sample ballots,provisional forms, maps, labels,pens, tape, markers, etc. C. The Contracting Officer, Bruce Sherbet, shall be appointed the Early Voting Clerk by the City and the School District. a. The Contracting Officer shall supervise and conduct Early Voting by mail and in person and shall secure personnel to serve as Early Voting Deputies. b. Early Voting by personal appearance for the City and School District's May 4, 2019, Joint General & Special Election shall be conducted during the time period and at the locations listed in Exhibit "A", attached and incorporated by reference into this contract. c. All applications for an Early Voting mail ballot shall be received and processed by the Collin County Elections Administration Office, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. 1. Application for mail ballots erroneously mailed to the City or School District shall immediately be faxed to the Contracting Officer for timely processing. The original application shall then be forwarded to the Contracting Officer for proper retention. 2. All Federal Post Card Applicants (FPCA) will be sent a mail ballot. No postage is required. May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 5 d. All Early Voting ballots (those cast by mail and those cast by personal appearance) shall be prepared for count by the Early Voting Ballot Board in accordance with Section 87.000 of the Texas Election Code. The presiding judge of this Board shall be appointed by the Contracting Officer. D. The Contracting Officer shall arrange for the use of all Election Day Vote Centers. The City and School District shall assume the responsibility of remitting the cost of all employee services required to provide access,provide security or provide custodial services for the Vote Centers. The Election Day Vote Centers are listed in Exhibit "B", attached and incorporated by reference into this contract. E. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for establishing and operating the Central Counting Station to receive and tabulate the voted ballots in accordance with Section 127.001 of the Election Code and of this agreement. Counting Station Manager and Central Count Judge shall be Bruce Sherbet. The Tabulation Supervisor shall be Patty Seals. a. The Tabulation Supervisor shall prepare, test and run the county's tabulation system in accordance with statutory requirements and county policies, under the auspices of the Contracting Officer. b. The Public Logic and Accuracy Test of the electronic voting system shall be conducted. c. Election night reports will be available to the City and School District at the Central Counting Station on election night. Provisional ballots will be tabulated after election night in accordance with law. d. The Contracting Officer shall prepare the unofficial canvass report after all precincts have been counted, and will provide a copy of the unofficial canvass to the City and School District as soon as possible after all returns have been tallied. e. The Contracting Officer shall be appointed the custodian of the voted ballots and shall retain all election material for a period of 22 months. May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 6 1. Pending no litigation and as prescribed by law, the voted ballots shall be shredded 22 months after the election. 2. The City and School District can obtain the list of registered voters from the Elections Administration Office after this retention period. Pending no litigation and if the City or School District does not request the lists, the Contracting Officer shall destroy them. f. The Contracting Officer shall conduct a manual count as prescribed by Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code and submit a written report to the City and School District in a timely manner. The Secretary of State may waive this requirement. If applicable, a written report shall be submitted to the Secretary of State as required by Section 127.201(E) of the aforementioned code. DUTIES AND SERVICES OF THE CITY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT. The City and School District shall assume the following responsibilities: A. The City and School District shall prepare the election orders, resolutions, notices, official canvass and other pertinent documents for adoption by the appropriate office or body. The City and School District assumes the responsibility of posting all notices and likewise promoting the schedules for Early Voting and Election Day. Any "debt obligation election order" required by Section 3.009 of the Texas Election Code shall be prepared by the City or School District and delivered to the Contracting Officer by no later than the 30th day prior to Election Day, but the Contracting Officer assumes the responsibility of making the posting required by Section 4.03(f)(1) of the Texas Election Code. B. The City and School District shall provide the Contracting Officer with an updated map and street index of their jurisdiction in an electronic (shape file preferred) or printed format as soon as possible but no later than Friday, March 8, 2019. C. The City and School District shall procure and provide the Contracting Officer with the ballot layout and Spanish interpretation in an electronic format. May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 7 a. The City and School District shall deliver to the Contracting Officer as soon as possible, but no later than 5:00 PM Thursday, February 21, 2019,. the official wording for the City and School District's May 4, 2019,Joint General& Special Election. b. The City and School District shall approve the "blue line"ballot format prior to the final printing. D. The City and School District shall post the publication of election notice by the proper methods with the proper media. E. The City and School District shall compensate the Contracting Officer for any additional verified cost incurred in the process of running this election or for a manual count this election may require, consistent with charges and hourly rates shown on Exhibit"C" for required services. F. The City and School District shall pay the Contracting Officer 90% of the estimated cost to run the said election prior to Friday, April 5, 2019. The Contracting Officer shall place the funds in a "contract fund" as prescribed by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code. The Deposit should be delivered within the mandatory time frame to: Collin County Treasury 2300 Bloomdale Rd. #31.38 McKinney, Texas 75071 Made payable to: "Collin County Treasury"with the note "for election services" included with check documentation. G. The City and School District shall pay the cost of conducting said election, less partial payment, including the 10% administrative fee,pursuant to the Texas Election Code, Section 31.100, within 30 days from the date of final billing. III. COST OF SERVICES. See Exhibit"C." IV. JOINT GENERAL AGREEMENT. See Exhibit "D". May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 8 V. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Nothing contained in this contract shall authorize or permit a change in the officer with whom or the place at which any document or record relating to the City and School District's May 4, 2019, Joint General & Special Election is to be filed or the place at which any function is to be carried out, or any nontransferable functions specified under Section 31.096 of the Texas Election Code. B. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will provide copies of all invoices and other charges received in the process of running said election for the City and School District. C. If the City and/or School District cancel their election pursuant to Section 2.053 of the Texas Election Code, the Contracting Officer shall be paid a contract preparation fee of$75. An entity canceling an election will not be liable for any further costs incurred by the Contracting Officer in conducting the May 4, 2019, Joint General & Special Election. All actual shared cost incurred in the conduct of the election will be divided by the actual number of entities contracting with the Contracting Officer and holding a May 4, 2019, Joint General & Special Election. D. The Contracting Officer shall file copies of this contract with the County Judge and the County Auditor of Collin County, Texas. WITNESS BY MY HAND THIS THE DAY OF 2019. Bruce Sherbet Collin County, Texas May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 9 WITNESS BY MY HAND THIS THE DAY OF 2019. By: Attest: Eric Hogue, Mayor Stephanie Storm, City Secretary City of Wylie City of Wylie WITNESS BY MY HAND THIS THE DAY OF 2019. By: Attest: Dr. David Vinson, Superintendent Mitch Herzog, Board President Wylie Independent School District Wylie Independent School District May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 10 Exhibit"A" MAY 4, 2019 JOINT GENERAL & SPECIAL ELECTION Early Voting Locations and Hours City of Wylie & WISD* Polling Place Address City Collin County Election Office 2010 Redbud Blvd., #102 McKinney (Main Early Voting Location) Smith Library 300 Country Club Drive Wylie Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ! Saturday April21 April 22 April 23 April24 April 25 April26 April 27 8am—5pm 8am—5pm 8am—5pm 8am- 7pm 8am - 5pm 8am- 5pm April 28 April 29 April 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 lam-7pm 7am—7pm 7am—7pm Election Day * City and School District voters may vote at any of the additional Early Voting locations open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections Administration. May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 11 Exhibit"B" MAY 4, 2019 JOINT GENERAL & SPECIAL ELECTION Election Day Vote Centers — City of Wylie & WISD* Precincts Location Address City "VOTE CENTER" Smith Library 300 Country Club Drive Wylie *City and School District voters may vote at any of the additional Election Day Vote Centers open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections Administration. May 4,2019 Joint General&Special Election—City of Wylie&WISD 02/01/19—Page 12 ESTIMATED COSTS FOR CITY OF WYLIE May 4, 2019 Exhibit"C" SUPPLY COST Number of Early Voting Locations 1 Number of Election Day Locations 1 Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/WISD/CC Sample Ballots $0.1866 each 25 $4.67 200 $37.32 Early Voting Mail Ballots $1.20 each 0 $0.00 50 $60.00 Early voting and election day kits $25.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $50.00 Central Counting kit and supplies $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00 County Precinct Maps $12.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $24.00 Printer Labels $5.27 each 0 $0.00 12 $63.24 Total $4.67 $284.56 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $4.67 $94.85 Grand Total $99.52 EQUIPMENT RENTAL COST Number of Early Voting Locations 1 Number of Election Day Locations 1 Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/WISD/CC Voting Machines (7's) $150.00 each 0 $0.00 16 $2,400.00 Transfer Cases $5.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $10.00 Metal Signs $1.00 each 0 $0.00 4 $4.00 Wood Signs $2.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $4.00 EV Security Cabinets $200.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $200.00 EV Computer Cabinet $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00 ED Security Cabinets $200.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $200.00 EV/ED Cabinet Drayage $260.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $520.00 Total $0.00 $3,388.00 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $0.00 $1,129.33 Grand Total $1,129.33 EARLY VOTING Number of Early Voting Locations 1 Workers each location 5 Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/WISD/CC Mailed Ballot Kits $1.00 each 0 $0.00 50 $50.00 Postage for Ballots $0.88 each 0 $0.00 50 $44.00 Assemble EV Location $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00 Total Judge Hours $12.00 hour 0 $0.00 68 $816.00 Overtime Judge Hours $18.00 hour 0 $0.00 23 $414.00 Total Alt. Judge& Clerk Hours $10.00 hour 0 $0.00 272 $2,720.00 Overtime Alt. Judge& Clerk Hours $15.00 hour 0 $0.00 92 $1,380.00 Pickup & Delivery of Supplies $25.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $25.00 Total $0.00 $5,499.00 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $0.00 $1,833.00 Grand Total $1,833.00 ELECTION DAY Number of Election Day Locations 1 Workers each location 5 Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/WISD/CC Total Judge Hours $12.00 hour 0 $0.00 14 $168.00 Total Alt. Judge& Clerk Hours $10.00 hour 0 $0.00 56 $560.00 Pickup & Delivery of Supplies $25.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $25.00 Total $0.00 $753.00 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $0.00 $251.00 Grand Total $251.00 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Number of Early Voting Locations 1 Number of Election Day Locations 1 Units Cost WCTY Units Cost WCTY/WISD/CC Process Pollworker Checks $1.50 each 0 $0.00 7 $10.50 Process Election Judge Notices $1.50 each 0 $0.00 4 $6.00 Total $0.00 $16.50 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $0.00 $5.50 Grand Total $5.50 TABULATION Tabulation Network $4,000.00 Election Night Vendor Support $1,800.00 Notice of Inspection/Tabulation Test $2,250.00 Total $8,050.00 Number of Entities 35 Total $230.00 PROGRAMMING Dominion Project Management $5,000.00 Full Service Programming w/Audio $25,000.00 Total $30,000.00 Number of Entities 35 Total $857.14 CENTRALIZED COSTS Early Voting Ballot Board $2,000.00 Cost for Central Count Workers $1,400.00 FICA on Election Workers $2,500.00 Assemble EV Location $50.00 Early Voting Machines in McKinney(10) $1,500.00 Early Voting Personnel in McKinney $4,500.00 Warehouse Gas Mileage $2,500.00 County Overtime and IT Support $35,000.00 Warehouse Temporaries $25,000.00 FICA for County Employees $2,500.00 Total $76,950.00 Full Service Jurisdictions - 1,523,359 voters City of Wylie - 27,486 1.8% of Total = $1,385.10 Wylie ISD -40,983 2.7%of Total = $2,069.96 SUMMARY OF COSTS FOR CITY OF WYLIE SUPPLY COST $99.52 EQUIPMENT RENTAL COST $1,129.33 EARLY VOTING $1,833.00 ELECTION DAY $251.00 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $5.50 TABULATION/PROGRAMMING COSTS $1,087.14 CENTRALIZED COSTS $1,385.10 Total $5,790.59 10%Administrative Fee $579.06 Grand Total $6,369.65 90% Deposit due by 4/05/19 $5,732.68 JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT between The City Council of the City of Wylie (the City), the Board of Trustees of the Wylie Independent School District (WISD), known as (the School), and the Board of Trustees of Collin College District (the College). BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, the City, the School and the College, do hereby agree, pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Election Code, to hold a joint election for the General Election and Special Election should it be called, of the City and the General Election and Special Election should it be called, of the School District and the College to be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019. The entities have contracted with the Collin County Elections Administrator (Election Administrator) to perform various duties and responsibilities on their behalf. The City, WISD and the College shall share equally in shared expenses applicable for the Early Voting location and Election Day Vote Center at the Smith Library. Expenses include polling location costs, election officials, supplies, ballots and any other and all necessary expenses for the election upon receipt of satisfactory billing and invoices reflecting the total of such election. Tabulation and programming costs shall be shared equally between the number of entities holding an election on May 4, 2019. Centralized costs will be determined based on voter registration per jurisdiction. An entity canceling an election pursuant to Section 2.053 of the Texas Election Code will not be liable for costs incurred by the Elections Administrator in conducting the May 4, 2019, Joint General & Special Election of the City, the School District and the College; they will be liable only for the contract preparation fee of$75.00. APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS in its meeting held the day of , 2019, and executed by its authorized representative. By: Attest: Eric Hogue, Mayor Stephanie Storm, City Secretary City of Wylie City of Wylie APPROVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT in its meeting held the day of , 2019, and executed by its authorized representative. By: Attest: Dr. David Vinson, Superintendent Mitch Herzog, Board President Wylie Independent School District Wylie Independent School District APPROVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE COLLIN COLLEGE DISTRICT in its meeting held the day of , 2019, and executed by its authorized representative. By: Attest: H. Neil Matkin, Ed. D., District President Kim Davison, Chief of Staff Collin College Collin College Wylie City Council 1„,)[ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Police Prepared By: Anthony Henderson Account Code: Date Prepared: January 25, 2019 Exhibits: Report by Dr. Alex Del Carmen Subject Review, and place on file,the 2018 Wylie Police Department Annual Contact Report. Recommendation A motion to place on file the 2018 Wylie Police Department Annual Contact Report. Discussion Texas Senate Bill (SB 1074), Sandra Bland Act, and HB 3051 requires Police Departments to collect traffic-related contact data and report the contact data to their governing body every year, no later than March of the following year. The 2018 Wylie Police Department Annual Contact Report meets all requirements of SB 1074, HB 3051, HB 3389, and the Sandra Bland Act. Page 1 of 1 n 1:4:::) . - Flmilli 0 - 0 ...1 t_? V Wiz_:;_ _ - _- 0mF imo te hi, ._____„___„_._____..,...„______,______,__,________.„„_________.____ o r ,v- rr _ e ✓;✓..-momtir,T n�-,=�ri ✓✓✓fi tic . - - -55r✓.� ✓n4- - - _ YY. �r is hs l 2 .✓ . - ✓n r�l e✓ ✓'gym - I - - ✓✓✓ ^Cw ✓ . of L✓✓- i - � �4�" W��YY _ +rimer es♦ .-.vac r:' �✓��rf � _ -/ ✓ v r ' �� �� — -; ✓ .am „ ,ti a - - Miff C 0 illtilW r✓ r + ""'I��,✓✓✓�: �CYa1 YE#!ii#tee�R! r •kik ,A,f lu=✓ram -- _ - - s_ "✓✓ _✓ P-✓f✓ 1✓✓w` January 23, 2019 Q,•0,,,,Acili6„&sbcoobair0.1 Wylie, Texas 76180 Co PYright 4',"20-19 Del Carrneri Constitting,LLC Dear Distinguished Members of the City Council, The Texas Legislature, with the intent of addressing the issue of racial profiling in policing, enacted in 2001, the Texas Racial Profiling Law. During the past year, the Wylie Police Department, in accordance with the law, has collected and reported traffic and motor vehicle-related contact data for the purpose of identifying and addressing (if necessary) areas of concern regarding racial profiling practices. In the 2009 Texas legislative session, the Racial Profitiny, Law was modified and additional requirements were implemented. Moreover, in 2017,. the Sandra Bland Act was passed and signed into law (along with FIB 3051 which introduced. new racial and ethnic designations). The Sandra Bland Law requires that law enforcement agencies in the state collect additional data and provide a more detailed analysis. All of these requirements have been met by the Wylie Police Department and are included in this report. This particular report contains three sections with information on motor vehicle- related contact data. In addition, when appropriate, documentation is also a component of this report, aiming at demonstrating the manner in which the Wylie Police Department has complied with the Texas Racial Profiling Law. In section 1, you will find the table of contents in addition, to the, Texas Senate Bill (SBI074); which later became the Texas Racial Profiling Law. Further, you will find the Texas 11.13 3389, which. in 2009, introduced new requirements relevant to racial profiling as well as the Sandra Bland Act. Also, in this section, a list of requirements relevant to the Racial Profiling Law as established by TCOLE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement) is included. In addition, you will find, in sections 2 and 3 documentation which demonstrates compliance by the Wylie. Police Department relevant to the requirements as established in the Texas Racial Profiling Law. That is, you will find documents relevant to the implementation of an institutional policy banning racial profiling, the incorporation of a racial profiling complaint process and the training administered to all law enforcement personnel. The last section of this report includes statistical data relevant to contacts, made during the course of motor vehicle stops and in accordance with the law, between 1/1/18 and 12/31/18. In addition, this section contains the TCOLE Tier 2 form, which is required to be submitted to this particular organization by March Is' of each year. The data in this report has been analyzed and compared to data derived from the. U.S. Census Bureau's Fair Roads Standard. The final analysis and recommendations are also included in this report. The findings in this report serve. as evidence of the 1,k7ylie Police Department's commitment to comply with the Texas Racial Profiling Law. Sincerely, Alex del Carmen, Ph.D. 1 cl Carmen Consulting, tic Table of Contents (1) Introduction a) Letter to Council Klcntlicr b) Table of Contents `I"COLD,Guidelines tit The Texas Ian on Racial Profiling (S, , 1074) c) Modifications to the Original 1_an (II.I . 3389 f t Designations for Racial and Ethnic Categoriest11.13, 3051) g) The Sandra Bland :°Act (5.B 1849) (II) Responding to the Texas Racial Profiling'Lr. a) Institutional Policy on Racial Pr(ti`ilit g lit Public Education an on I fling C.:ontplintcnt4 Lind Complaints-- Addressing ddressing .11egations of Racial Profiling Practices c) Racial Profiling `fratinin=n of Law Enforcement Personnel (1) Report on Coin liments and Racial Profiling Cornpl tint, Filed on Officers (includes outcome of investigation) e) Tier 2 Tables, Known Ethnicity and Race and TCOI E Form 0 Connprehensive Analysis and Interpretation of Data (III.) Sums a) Checklist Lr) Contact Information TC • F. GUI 1 ELINES Guidelines for Compiling and Reporting Data under Senate Bill 1074 7ackground Senate Bill 1074 of the 7711' Lefislature established requirements in the Texas Code. of Criminal Procedure (TCCP) for law enforcement agencies. The Commission developed this document to assist agencies in complying with the statutory requirements. The, guidelines are written in the form of standards using a style developed from accreditation organizations including the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). The standards provide a description of what must be accomplished by an agency but allows wide latitude in determining how the agency will achieve compliance with each applicable standard. Each standard is composed of two parts: the standard statement and the commentary. The standard statement is a declarative sentence that places a clear-cut requirement, or multiple requirements, on an agency. The commentary supports the standard statement but is not. binding. The commentary can serve as a prompt, as guidance to clarify the intent of the standard, or as an example of one possible way to comply with the standard. Standard 1 Each law enforcement agency has a detailed written directive that: • clearly defines acts that constitute racial profiling; • strictly prohibits peace officers employed by the i.gency from engaging in profiling: • implements a process by which an individual may file a complaint with the agency if the individual believes i peace officer employed by the agency IKis engaged in racial profiling with respect to the individual filing the complaint: • provides for public education relating to the complaint process; • requires appropriate corrective action to be taken against a peace officer employed by the agency kVI10, after investigation, is shown to Ii is e engiged in racial profiling in violation of the agency's written racial profiling, policy; and • requires the collection of certain types of data for subsequent reporting. Commentary Article 2.)31 of the TCCP prohibits officers from engaging in racial profiling. and article 2,132 of the TCCP now requires a written policy that contains the elements listed in this standard, The article also specifically defines a law enforcement agency as it applies to this statute as an "agency of the state, or of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state, that employs peace officers who make traffic stops in the routine performance.of the officers' official duties," The article further defines race or ethnicity as being of "a particular descent, includim; Caucasian,. African, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American," The statute does not limit the required policies to just these ethnic groups. This written.policy is to he adopted and implemented no later than January 1, 2002, Standard 2 Each peace officer who stops a motor vehicle for an alleged violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic, or who stops a pedestrian .1'.or any suspected offense reports to the employing law enforcement agency information relating to the stop, to include: • a physical description of each person detained, including gender and the person's race or ethnicity,. as stated by the person, or, if the person does not state a race or ethnicity, as determined by the officer's best judgment-, • the traffic law or ordinance alleged to have been violated or the suspected offense; • whether the officer conducted a search as a result of the stop and, if so, whether the. person stopped consented to the search; • whether any contraband was discovered in the course of the search, and the type of contraband discovered; • whether probable cause to search existed, and the facts supporting the existence of that probable cause; • whether the officer made an arrest as a result of the stop or the search, including a statement of the offense charged; • the street address or approximate location of the stop; and • whether the officer issued a warning or citation as a result of the stop, including a description of the warning or a statement of the violation charged, Commentary The information required by 2,133 Tax is used to complete the agency reporting requirements found in Article 2,134, A peace officer and an agency may he exempted front this requirement under Article 2.135 TC.CP I ion for.I.Itgencies Using Video and Audio Equipment. Art agency may he exempt from this reporting requirement by itpplying for the funds front the Department of Public Safety for video and audio equipment and the State does not supply those funds, Section 2,135 (a)(2) states, "the governing body or the county or municipality served Ny the law enforcement agency, in conjunction with the lass enrol-cement agency, certifies to the Deparmtent of Public Safety, not later than the date specified by rule hy the department, that the law enforcement agency needs funds or video and audio equipment for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as described by Subsection tat tI ,A)and the agency does not receive from the state funds for video and audio equipment sufficient, as determined h the department. for the agency to accomplish that purpose Standard 3 The agency compiles the information collected under 2.132 and 2.133 and analyzes the information identified in 2.133, Commentary Senate Bill 1074 from the 77'0 Session of the'lexas Legislature created requirements for law enforcement agencies to gather specific information and to report it to each county or municipality served, New sections or law were added to the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding the reporting oil traffic and pedestrian stops. Detained is defined as When a person stopped is nut free to leave. Article 2.134 TCCP requires the agency to compile and provide and analysis of the information collected by peace tifficer employed by the agency. l'he report is provided to the governing body of the municipality or county no later than March I ()leach year and covers the previous calendar year. There is data collection and reporting required based on Ai tie 2.132 CCP(tier one)and Article 2.133 ('CP(tier 155o). The minimum requirements for"tics one data for Italic stops in which a citation results.are: 1) the race or ethnicity,of individual detained trace and ethnicity as defined by the bill means ol'"a particular descent, including ('aucasian. African, Hispanic. Asian. or Native American-), 2) Vihetha a search was condticted, and if there was a search,: whether it was a consent search or a probable cause search; and 3) whether there was a custody arretit. 'The minimum requirements for repOrtirig 011 'tier reports include traffic and pedestrian stops, Tier two data. include: 1) the detained person's gender and race or ethnicity: 2) the type of law violation suspected, c.g., hazardous traffic, non-hazardous traffic, or other criminal investigation the 'Texas Department of Public Safety publishes a categorization of ti-affic offenses into hazardous or non-hazardous): 3) whether a search Was conducted, and if so whether it wa.s based on consent Or probable cause; 4) facts supporting probable cause; 5) the type, if any,of contraband that was collected; () disposition of the stop. eig., arrest, ticket, warnillg, or release: 7) location of stop: and St statement of the charge,e4,„. felony, misdemeanor,or traffic. Tier one reports are made to the governing body of each county or municipality served by the agency an annual report of information if the agency is an agency of a county,. municipality, or other political subdivision of the state. Tier one and two reports are reported to the county or Municipality not later than March I for the previous calendar year beginning March 1. 2003. Tier(wt..) reports include a comparative analysis,between the race and ethnicity of persons detained to,see it a differential pattern of treatment can be discerned based on the disposition of stops including searches resulting front the stops. The reports also include information relating to each complaint tied with the agency alleging that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling. An agency may he exempt from the tier two reporting requirement by applying for the funds from the Department of Public Safety for video and audio equipment and the State does not supply those funds [See 2.135 ta)(2)TCCP1, Reports should include both raw numbers and percentages for each group. Caution should he exercised in interpreting the data involving percentages because of statistical distortions caused by very small numbers in any particular category, for example, ii only one American Indian is stopped and seat cheil. that stop would not provide an accurate comparison 1601 200 stops zimong Caucasians with 100 searches. In the first case, a 100% search rate would he skewed data when compared to a 50(7e' Mk' 101CaUCaSiarlS, Standard 4 It'a law enforcement agency has vklco and audio capabilities in motor vehicles regularly used for' traffic stops, or audio capabilities on motorcycles regularly used to make traffic stops, the agency • adopts standards for reviewing and retaining audio and video documentation; and • promptly provides a copy of the recording to a peace officer who is the subject of a complaint on written request by the officer. Commentary The agency should have a specific review and retention policy. Article 2.132 TCCP specifically 1-0.11fires than the peace officer be promptly provided with a copy of the audio or video recordings if the officer is the subject of a complaint and the officer makes a written request, Standard 5 Agencies that do not currently have video or audio equipment must examine the feasibility of installing such equipment. -.............. Commentary None: Standard Agencies that have sided and audio recording capabilities are exempt from the reptirting requirements of Article 2.1 °f CIF' and officers arc exempt from the reporting requirements of Article 2,133 TCCP provided that: • the equipment was in place and used during the proceeding calendar year; and • video and audio documentation is retained for at least 90 days. Commentary the audio and video equipment and policy must have e. it in plane during the previoals calendar year. Audio and video cdmnra enttation must he kept for at least 90 days or longer er if a complaint has been diked. The dortin Lntaation must be retca reed until the complaint is resolved. Peace officers are not exempt fro Ill the requirements under Article 2,132'FCCP Standard Agencies have citation forms or other electronic media that comply cxnh Section;5 ,202 of the Transportation Ccarie. Commentary `senate Bill 1074 changed Section 5 t:_ 2 2 ol`the Transportation Code requiring citations to include: • race or ethnicity,and * whether a search of the vehicle Was conducted and whether consent for the search was obtained. rad al Profiling S.B. fv{c). 10174 AN AT relating to the prevention of racial profiling by certain peace officers, BE IT ENACTED D BY THE LEGISLATURE OF TI Ili STATE OF SECTION 1. Chapter ?. Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended le bay? gadding- Articles 2.131 through 2,1 to reKttt tis follows: Art. 2,13 I. R CIAI,PROFII_ING PROHIBITED.ITEI . A peace officer may:I not engage its rti ittl rc filit g: Art. 2.132. LAW ENFORCENIENT POLICY CAN RACIAL ,L PROFILING. (a) In tits article: 11 "Law enforcement agency ta7etatas-ata agency of tltc. state, car of tt county, inunicipttlity. r other r subdivision cr#`t1ac. .state, that etaapki °s peace officers who raral c traffic stops in the routine Iaerfrartatartce ctt`'the officers: official (tubes. (?) °"Rtace car ethnicity"i¢y" means ans of is particular descent, itacl)rclira<n Cractclisiart, Africtin Hra aaiaic:, Asian or Native Araaerictara elesc.erft. tI ) Each law Lnbirc.etraerat attc rscv in this state shall adopt a detailed written polies on racial profiling,,. The policy must: t I) c;I ttrl'$e define acts constituting racial profiling: 2) strictftpoliibit peace officers employed by the agency from engaging in racial profiling: (3t implement a process b which an individual ma r file a complaint with the agency if the individual believes that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling with respect to the individual; (4) providepublic education relating to the agencjs complaint process; (5) re('uire appçopriate corrective action to be taken against a peace officer employed by the agency who, after an investigation, is shown to have engaged in racial profiling in violation of the agency's policy adopted under this artiele;_ 6) require collection of information relating to traffic stops in which a citation is issued and to arrests resulting from those traffic stops, including information relating to: (A) the face or ethnicity of the individual detained-, and (B) whether a search was conducted and, if so, whether the person detained consented to the search- and rewire the agency to submit to the governing body of each county or municipality served by the agency an annual report of the information collected under Subdivision (6) if the agency is an a2C11CV of a county,. municipality. or other political subdivision of the state. (c) The data collected as a result of the re -.iorting uirements of this article shall not constitute prima facie evidence of racial profiling. (d) On adoption of a policy under Subsection (b), a law enforcement agency shall examine the feasibility of installim video camera and transmitter-activated equipment in each agency law enforcement motor vehicle regularly used to make traffic stops and transmitter-activated cc ui mnent in each agency law enforcement motorcycle regularly used to make traffic stops. If a law enforcentent a(tericv instalk \ideo or audio equipment as Rrovided this subsection, tile policy adopted by the agency under Subsection thi must include standards for reviewin2 video and audio documentation. co A re tort ret:uired under Subsection fbI 7) mina not include identifying inforntation about a peace officer who makes a traffic stop or about an incloodual who is stopped or arrested by a peace oil meet This subsection does riot affect the collection of information as required by a policy under Subsection (ko(6). Lla On the commencement of an investigation by a law enicircement agency of a complaint described by Subsection fi-fit 3 in which a vide() or audio recording of the occurrence on which the complaint is based Was made, the agency shall promptly provide a copy of the recording to the peace officer who is the subject of the complaint on written request by the officer. Art. 2.133. REPORTS REQUIRED FOR 'TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN Si OPS. (a) In this article: if Race or ethnicity" has the nicanind assigned by Article 2.132(ad (2) "Pedestrian stop" means an interaction between a peace officer and an individual who is being detained for the -Jur aose of a criminal investigation in which the individual is not under arrest. (b) A peace officer who stops a motor vehicle for an alleged \iolation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic or who stops adpedestrian for any suspected offense shall report to the law enforcement agent: ) that ern do ,s the officer information relating to the stop, including( ( ) a physical description of each person detained as a result of the stop, including: (A) thejtersondi gender) and tB) the person's race or ethnicity, as stated by the psrson or, if the person does not state thcperson's race or ethnicity, as determined by the officer to the hest of the officer's ability', (2) the traffic law or ordinance alleged to have been violated or the suspected offense; (3) whether the officer conducted a search as a result of the stop and, if so whether the person detained consented to the search' (4) whether any contraband was discovered in the course of the search and the type of contraband discovered. (5) Whether probable cause to search existed and the facts supporting the existence of that probable cause; (6) whether the officer made an arrest as a result of the stop_ or the search includino a statement of the offense charged; (7) the street address or approximate location of the stop; and (8) Whether the officer issued a warning or a citation as a result of the stop, including a description of the warning or a statement of the violation, charge& Art. 2.134. COMPILATION AND ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION COLLECTED. (al In this article, "pedestrian stop" means an interaction between a peace officer and an individual who is being detained for the purpose of a criminal investigation in which the individual is not under arrest. (b) A law enforcement agency shall compile and analyze the information contained in each report received by the agency under Article 2_133. Not later than March 1 of each year, each local law enforcement -agency shall submit a report containing the information co[lipiled during the - revious calendar vear to the governing body of each county or municipality served by the MICTICV in a manner approved by the agency. (c) A report required under Subsection fj must include: ( I ) a comparative analysis of the information compiled under Article 2,133 to: LA) determine the prevalence of racial profiling by peace officers cm )Io ed b the agency: and (13) examine the disposition of traffic and pedestrian stops made by officers em loved by the aoencv. including searches resulting from the Mc),S. and '2 information relatino to each complaint filed with the agency alleging that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in raciaLprofiling, (d) A report required under Subsection (b) may not include identifying. information about a peace officer who makes a traffic orpedestrian stop or about an individual who is sto) ed or arrested by a peace officer. This subsection does not affect the reporting of information required under Article 2. 133(b)(1 ). (e) The Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education shall develop guidelines for compiling and reporting information as required by this article. (1) The data collected as a result of the re)ortino rec Mrements of this article shall not constitute prima facie evidence of racial profiling. Art. 2.135. EXEMPTION FOR AGENCIES USING VIDEO AND AUDIO EQUIPMENT. (a) A peace ofticei is exemo from the reporting requirement under Article 2.133 and a law enforcement agency is exempt from the compilation,. analysis, and reporting requirements under Article 2.134 if: ( 1) during the calendar year preceding the date that a report under Article 2.134 is required to be submitted: (AJ each law enforcement motor vehicle regularly used by an officer em loved by the agency to make traffic and edestrian stops is equipped wnh video camera and transmitter-activated equipment and each law enforcement motorcycle regularly used to make traffic and pedestrian stops is equipped with transmitter-activated equipment', and (B) each traffic and pedestrian stop made by an officer employed by the agency that is capable of being recorded by video and audio or audio equipment, as appropriate, is recorded by using the cc -intent; or 2 the governinLY body of the county Or municipality served by the law enforcement agency, in conjunction with the law enforcement agency, certifies to the Department of Public Safety, not later than the date specified by rule b the department, that the law enforcement agency needs funds or video and audio equipment for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as described by Subsection (a)(I)(A) and the agency does not receive from the state funds or video and audio equipment sufficient, as determined by the department, for the agency to accomplish that purpose. (b) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a law enforcement agency that is exempt from the requirements under Article 2.134 shall retain the video and audio or audio documentation of each trill 1 lc and pedestrian stop for at least 90 days after the date of the stop. If a complaint is filed With the law enforcement agency alleging that a peaeeofficer employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling With respect to a traffic or pedestrian stop, the agency shall retain the video and audio or audio record of the stop until final disposition of the con taint. (c) This article does not affect the collection or reporting requirements under Article 2.132. Art. 2.136. LIABILITY. A peace officer is not liable for damages arising from an act relating to the collection or reporting of information as required by Article 2,133 car under a policy adopted under Article 2.132. Art. 2.137. PROVISION OF FUNDING OR EQUIPMENT, (a) The Department of Public Safet shall adopt rules for )rovidiril funds or video and audio equipment to law enforcement agencies for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as described by Article 2.135 a)( 1)(A), including specifying criteria to prioritize funding or equipment provided to law enforcement agencies, The criteria may include consideration of tax effort, financial hardshipLavaitable revenue, and budget surpluses. The criteria must give priority to: ) law enforcenient agencies that employ peace officers whose primary duty is traffic enforcentent; L2j snialler jurisdictions; and L31 municipal and county law enforcement agencies. (b) The Department of Public Safety shall collaborate with an institution of higher education to identify law enforcement agencies that need funds or Video and audio equiptrient for the purpose of installing vide() and audio equipment as described by Article 2.135(a)(1)(A). The collaboration may include the use of a survey to assist in developing criteria to prioritize funding or equipment provided to law enforcement agencies. (c) To receive funds or video and audio equipment from the state for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as described by Article 2.135tallyAbihe governing body of a county or municipality, in conjunction with the law enforcement agency serving the county or municipality, shall certify to the Department of Public Safety that the law enforcement agency needs funds or video and audio equipment for that purpose. (d) On receipt of funds or video and audio equipment from the state for the purpose of installing video and audio et ui-anent as described by Article 2.135(11)(1)(AL the governing body of a county or municipality, in conjunction with the lass enforcement agency serving the county or municipality, shall certify to the Department of Public Safety that the law enforcement agency has installed video and audio equipment as described by Article ,2.135 a l)(A) and is using„ the cc ui lment as re uired b Article 2.135 . Art. 2.138, RULES. The Department of Public Safety rnay adopt rules to implement Articles 2,131-2.137. SECTION 2. Chapter 3. Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended by adding Article 3.05 to read as follows: Art. 3.05. RACIAL PROFILING, In this code, "racial profiling" means a law enforcentent-(Mitiated action based on an individuals race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual's behavior or on information identifying the individual as having engaged in Critilitial aCtiVity. SECTION 3. Section 96.641, Education Code, is amended by adding Subsection 0) to read as follows: (1) As part of the initial training and continuing_education for police chiefs required under this section, the institute shall establish a program on racial profiling. The program must include an examination of the best practices for: LI) .monitoring peace officers compliance with laws and internal agency policies relating to racial profiling, (2) implementing laws and internal agency policies relating to preventing racial profiling: and CI Lanalyzing and reporting collected in SECTION 4. Section 1701.253, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: (e) As part of the minimum curriculuni requirements, the commission shall establish a statewide cornprchensive education and training program on racial profiling for officers licensed under this chapter. An officer shall complete a program established under this subsection not later than the second anniversary of the date the officer is licensed under this chapter or the date the officer applies for an intermediate proficiency certificate, whichever date is earlier. SECTION 5. Section 1701.402, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) As a requirement for an intermediate proficiency certificate, an officer must complete an education and training program on racial profiling established by the cotrimission under Section 1701253(e), SECTION 6, Section 543.202. Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 543.202. FORM OF RECORD. (a) In this section "race or ethnicit " means of a articular descent includino Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American descent. (b) The record must be made on a formt or by a data processing method acceptable to the department and must include: (I) the name, address, physical description, including race or ethnicity, date of birth, and driver's license number of the person charged; (2) the registration number of the vehicle involved; (3) whether the vehicle was a commercial motor Vehicle as defined by Chapter 522 or was involved in transporting hazardous materials; (4) the person's social security number, if the person was operating a commercial motor vehicle 01 was the holder of a commercial driver's license or commercial driver learner's permit; (5) the date and nature of the offense, including whether the offense was a serious traffic violation as defined by Chapter 522; (6) whether a search of the vehicle was conducted and whether consent for the search was obtained; (i) the plea, the judgment, and whether bail was forfeited; (8) le7fil the date of conviction; and (9), [(-8-,):1 the amount of the fine or forfeiture. SECTION 7. Not later than January 1, 2002, a law enforcement agency shall adopt and implement a policy and begin collecting information under the policy as required by Article 2.132, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act. A local laW enforcement agency shall first submit inforniation to the governing body of each county or municipality served by the agency as required by Article 2.132, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act, on March 1, 2003, The first submission of information shall consist of information compiled by the agency during the period beginning January 1, 2002, and ending December 31, 2002, SECTION 8. A local law enforcement agency shall first submit information to the governing body of each county or municipality served by the agency as required by Article 2.134, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act, on March 1, 2004. The first submission of information shall consist cif information compiled by the agency during the period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003. SECTION 9. Not later than January I. 2002: ) the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education shall establish an education and training program on racial profiling as required by Subsection (e). Section 1701.253, Occupations Code, as added by this Act; and (2) the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas shall establish a program on racial profiling as required by Subsection ), Section 96.641, Education Code, as added by this Act, SEC FION 10. A person who on the effective date of this Act holds an intermediate proficiency certificate issued by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education or has held a peace officer license issued by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and. Education for at least two years shall complete an education and training program on racial profiling established under Subsection (e), Section 1701.253, Occupations Code, as added by this Act, not later than September 1, 2003. SECTION 11, An Mdividual appointed or elected as a police chief before the effective date of this Act shall complete a program on racial profiling established -------------.... under Subsection 11, Section 96.641, Education Code, as added by this Act, not later than September. 1, 2003. SECTION 12. This Act takes effect September 1, 200 President of the Senate Speaker of the,House 1 hereby certify that S.B. No. 1074 passed the Senate on April 4, 2001, by the following vote Yeas 28, Nays 2; May 21, 2(101, Senate refused to concur in House amendments and requested appointment of Conference Committee; May" 22, 2001, House granted request of the Senate; May 24, 2001, Senate adopted Conference Committee Report by a viva-voce vote; Secretary' of the Senate I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1074 passed the House, with a amendments, on May 15, 2001, by a non-record vote: May 22, 2001, House granted request of the Senate fair appointment of Conference Committee: May 24, 2001, House adopted Conference Committee Report by a non-record vote., Chief Clerk of the House Approved: Date Governor Modifications to the II riginal Law .B. 3389) in CSHB 3389 (Senate committee report) as follows: (I) Strike the following SECTIONS of the bill: ) (A) SECTION 8, adding Section 1701.164, Occupations Code (page 4, lines (B) SECTION 24, amending Article 2 ,132 (b) , Code of Criminal Procedure 8page 8, lines (C) SECTION 25, amending laitidle 2 .134 (b) , Code of Criminal Procedure (page 8, lines (D) SECTION 28, providing transition language for the amendments to Articles 2 „ 132 (b) and 2 .134 (h) , Code of Criminal Procedure (page 9, lines 40-47) , (2) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordinglym SECTION . Article 2,132, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended by amending Subsections (a) , RH , (d) , and (e) and adding' Subsection (g) to read as follows: (a) in this article: (1) "Law enforcement agency" means an agency of the state, CT of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state, that employs peace officers who make motormvenpcle [t-raffitel stops in the routine performance of the officers' official duties. (2) "Motor vehicle stop" means an occasion in which a peace officer stopp a motor vehicle for an alleged violation of a law or ordinance. (3) "Race or ethnicity" means of a particular descent including Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian, [Or] Native American, or Middle Eastern descent. OP Each law enforcement agency in this state shall adopt a detailed written policy on racial profiling, The polioY must: (1) clearly define acts constituting racial profiling; (21 strictly prohibit peaoe officers employed by the agency from engaging in racial profiling; (3) ikpdement a process by which an individual may file a complaint with the agency if the individual believes that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling with respect to the individual; (4) provide public education relating to the agency's complaint process; (5) require appropriate corrective action to be taken against a peace officer employed by the agency who, after an investigation, is shown to have engaged in racial profiling in violation of the agency's policy adopted under this article; (6) require collection of information relating to motor vehicle [Pr'a-ft4e] stops in which a citation is issued and to arrests made as a result of [re-sult-ili ] those [traff-iel stops, including information relating to: (A) the race or ethnicity of the individual detained; and (B) whether. a search was conducted and, if so, whether the individual [person] detained consented to the search; and (C) whether the peace officer knew the race or ethnicity of the individual detained before detaining that individual; and (7) require the chief administrator of the agency, regardless of whether the administrator is elected, employed, or appointed, to submit [ - -he ng- body of -ach-e or municipality served by the agency] an annual report of the information collected under Subdivision (6) to:. (A) the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education; and (B) the governing body of each county or municipality served by the agency, if the agency is an agency of a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state. (d) On adoption of a policy under Subsection (b) , a law enforcement agency shall examine the feasibility of installing video camera and transmitter-activated equipment in each agency law enforcement motor vehicle regularly used to make motor vehicle [traffic' stops and transmitter activated equipment in each agency law enforcement motorcycle regularly used to make motor vehicle [traffic] stops . If a law enforcement agency installs video or audio equipment as provided by this subsection, the policy adopted by the agency under Subsection (b) must include standards for reviewing video and audio documentation. (e) A report required under Subsection (b) (7) may not include identifying information about a peace officer who makes a motor vehicle [tra-f-f4c] stop or about an individual who is stopped or arrested by a peace officer. This subsection does not affect the collection of information as required by a policy under Subsection (b) 6) . (g) On a finding by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education that the chief administrator of a law enforcement agency intentionally failed to submit a report required under Subsection (b) (7) , the commission shall begin disciplinary procedures against the chief administrator. SECTION . Article 2 .133, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows: Art . 2 .133 . REPORTS REQUIRED FOR MOTOR VEHICLE [TR.,1.FFIC AND -PEDESTR-1-AN] STOPS. (a) In this article, "race [ [4-1+- "Race' or ethnicity n has the meaning assigned by Article 2 . 132 (a) , edeat-r' _ n-4rntcract ' peace o an fndividua, H. being detained for the purpos 'hvestig' -,afrest.] (b) A peace officer who stops a motor vehicle for an alleged violation of a law or ordinance [regug-a-trig-traffic or who stops a pedestrian fcr--.&ny-auspected offense] shall report to, the law enforcement agency that employs the officer information relating to the stop, including: (1) a physical description of any [eae-h] person operating the motor vehicle who is detained as a result of the stop, including: (A) the person' s gender; and (B) the person' s, race or ethnicity, as stated by the person or, if the person does not state the person' s race or ethnicity, as determined by the officer to the best of the officer' s ability; (2) the initial reason for the stop [traffieel-aw-er ] ; (3) whether the officer conducted a search as a result of the stop and, if so, whether the person detained consented to the search; (4) whether any contraband or other evidence was discovered in the course of the search and a description [the type] of the contraband or evidence [discovered] ; (5) the reason for the search, including whether: (A) any contraband or other evidence was in plain view; (B) any probable cause or reasonable suspicion existed to perform the search; or (C) the search was performed as a result of the, towing of the motor vehicle or the arrest of any person in the motor vehicle [exis: ted-and-thc facts suppor-tin ,thc exi-stenco-ol-that probable cause] ; (6) whether the officer made an arrest as a result of the stop or the search, including a statement of whether the arrest was based on a violation of the Penal Code, a violation of a traffic law or ordinance, or an outstanding warrant and a statement of the offense charged; (7) the street address or approximate location of the stop; and (8) whether the officer issued a written warning ©r a citation as a result of the stop [, including-a-deaer4pt4en of the warni-ng atatcmcnt of the " eharged] . SECTION . Article 2 . 134, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended by amending Subsections (a) through (e) and adding Subsection (g) to read as follows: (a) In this article:" (1) "Motor vehicleb " strian] stop" has the meaning assigned by Article 2 .132 (a) [means-an interaettsbetween a peace etf-ieer--and en vidual-who---" pup -" 1-4nv 4gat4on-4n under ar . (2) "Race or ethnicity" has the meaning assigned by Article 2 .132 (a) , (b) A law enforcement agency shall compile and analyze the information contained in each report received by the agency under Article 2 .133 . Not later than March 1 of each year, each [local] law enforcement agency shall submit a report containing the incident-based data [4-nt- compiled during the previous calendar year to the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education and, if the law enforcement agency is a local law enforcement agency, to the governing body of each county or municipality served by the agency [141--. -,-Ftner appro,,,cd by the ageney] . (c) A report required under Subsection (b) must be submitted by the chief administrator of the law enforcement agency, regardless of whether the administrator is elected, employed, or appointed, and must include: (1) a comparative analysis of the information compiled under Article 2 . 133 to: (A) evaluate and compare the number of motor vehicle stops, within the applicable jurisdiction, of persons who are recognized as racial or ethnic minorities and persons who are not recognized as racial or ethnic minorities [deter " prevalence of—rae-ial 7 _4.4-4-R' e-f-fiee-r-s—employed a ey] ; and (B) examine the disposition of motor vehicle [traff-ic--a ' ] stops made by officers employed by the agency, categorized according to the race or ethnicity of the affected persons, as appropriate, including any searches resulting from [the] stops within the applicable jurisdiction; and (2) information relating to each complaint filed with the agency alleging that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling. (d) A report required under Subsection (b) may not include identifying information about a peace officer who makes a motor vehicle [traffie or pedestrian] stop or about an individual who is stopped or arrested by a peace officer. This subsection does not affect the reporting of information required under Article 2 . 133 (b) (1) . (e) The Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, in accordance with Section 1701 . 162, Occupations Code, shall develop guidelines for compiling and reporting information as required by this article. (g) On a finding by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education that the chief administrator of a law enforcement agency intentionally failed to submit a report required under Subsection (b) , the commission shall begin disciplinary procedures against the chief administrator. SECTION . Article 2 .135, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows : Art_ 2 . 135 . PARTIAL EXEMPTION FOR AGENCIES USING VIDEO AND AUDIO EQUIPMENT. (a) A peace officer is exempt from the reporting requirement under Article 2. 133 and the chief administrator of a law enforcement agency, regardless of whether the administrator is elected, employed, or appointed, is exempt from the compilation, analysis, and reporting requirements under Article 2 . 134 if : (1) during the calendar year preceding the date that a report under Article 2 . 134 is required to be submitted: (A) each law enforcement motor vehicle regularly used by an officer employed by the agency to make motor vehicle [ 4e-ed ian] stops is equipped with video camera and transmitter-activated equipment and each law enforcement motorcycle regularly used to make motor vehicle [tra-f44e—and pedest 1 stops is equipped with transmitter-activated equipment; and (B) each motor vehicle [traffic and pedetrian] stop made by an officer employed by the agency that is capable of being recorded by video and audio or audio equipment, as appropriate, is recorded by using the equipment; or (2) the governing body of the county or municipality served by the law enforcement agency, in conjunction with the law enforcement agency, certifies to the Department of Public Safety, not later than the date specified by rule by the department, that the law enforcement, agency needs funds or video and audio equipment for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment as described by Subsection (a (1) (A) and the agency does not receive from the state funds or video and audio equipment sufficient, as determined by the department, for the agency to accomplish that purpose. (b) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a law enforcement agency that is exempt from the requirements under Article 2 .134 shall retain the video and audio or audio documentation of each motor vehicle [tra-€-f-ie—an , :-:an] stop for at least 90 days after the date of the stop. If a complaint is filed with the law enforcement agency alleging that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling with respect to a motor vehicle [traff4e tri-an] stop, the agency shall retain the video and audio or audio record of the stop until final disposition of the complaint. (c) This article does not affect the collection or reporting requirements under Article 2 . 132 . (d) In this article, "motor vehicle stop" has the meaning assigned by Article 2 . 132 (a) . SECTION . Chapter 2, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended by adding Article 2 . 1385 to read as follows : Art . 2 .1385 , CIVIL PENALTY. (a) If the chief administrator of a local law enforcement agency intentionally fails to submit the incident-based data as required by Article 2 . 134, the agency is liable to the state for a civil penalty in the amount of $1, 000 for each violation. The attorney_general may sue to collect a civil penalty under this subsection. (b) From money appropriated tothe agency for the administration of the agency, the executive director of a state law enforcement agency that intentionally_fails to submit the incident-based data as required byArticie 2 . 134 shall remit to the comptroller the amount of $1, 000 for each violation. (c) Money collected under this article shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund. SECTION . Subchapter A, Chapter 102, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended by adding Article 102 . 022 to read as follows: Art. 102 .022 . COSTS ON CONVICTION TO FUND STATEWIDE REPOSITORY FOR DATA RELATED TO CIVIL JUSTICE. (a) In this article, "moving violation" means an offense that: (1) involves the operation of a motor vehicle; and (2) is classified as a moving violation by the Department of Public Safety under Section 708. 052, Transportation Code. (b) A defendant convicted of a moving violation in a justice court, county court, county court at law, or municipal court shall pay a fee of 10 cents as a cost of court. (c) In this article, a person is considered convicted if: (1) a sentence is imposed on the person; (2) the person receives community supervision, including deferred adjudication; or (3) the court defers final disposition of the person' s case . (d) The clerks of the respective courts shall collect the costs described by this article. The clerk shall keep separate records of the funds collected as costs under this article and shall deposit the funds in the county or municipal treasury, as appropriate. (e) The custodian of a county or municipal treasury shall : (1) keep records of the amount of funds on deposit collected under this article; and (2) send to the comptroller before the last day of the first month following each calendar quarter the funds collected under this article during the preceding quarter. (f) A county or municipality may retain 10 percent of the funds collected under this article by an officer of the county or municipality as a collection fee if the custodian of the county or municipal treasury complies with Subsection (e) . (g) If no funds due as costs under this article are deposited in a county or municipal treasury in a calendar quarter, the custodian of the treasury shall file the report required for the, quarter in the regular manner and must state that no funds were collected. (h) The comptroller shall deposit the funds received under this article to the credit of the Civil Justice Data Repository fund in the general revenue fund, to be used only by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education to implement duties under Section 1701 . 162, Occupations Code . (i) Funds collected under this article are subject to audit by the comptroller. SECTION . (a) Section 102 .061, Government Code, as reenacted and amended by Chapter 921 (H.R. 3167) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is amended to conform to the amendments made to Section 102 .061, Government Code, by Chapter 1053 (H.R. 2151) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, and is further amended to read as follows: Sec. 102 . 061. ADDITIONAL COURT COSTS ON CONVICTION IN STATUTORY COUNTY COURT: CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. The clerk of a statutory county court shall collect fees and costs under the Code of Criminal Procedure on conviction of a defendant as follows: (1) a jury fee (Art. 102 . 004, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $20 ; (2) a fee for services of the clerk of the court (Art . 102 . 005, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $40; (3) a records management and preservation services fee (Art . 102 .005, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $25 ; (4) a security fee on a misdemeanor offense (Art . 102 . 017, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . $3 ; (5) a juvenile delinquency prevention and graffiti eradication fee (Art . 102 .0171, Code of Criminal Procedure) , $50 [-$-8-] ; [ad] (6) a juvenile case manager fee (Art. 102 , 0174, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . not to exceed $5; and (7) a civil justice fee (Art . 102 .022, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $0 . 10 . (b) Section 102 . 061, Government Code, as amended by Chapter 1053 (H.B. 2151) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is repealed. Section 102 . 061, Government Code, as reenacted and amended by Chapter 921 (H.B. 3167) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, to reorganize and renumber that section, continues in effect as further amended by this section. SECTION , (a) Section 102 , 081, Government Code, as amended by Chapter 921 (H.R. 3167) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is amended to conform to the amendments made to Section 102 . 081, Government Code, by Chapter 1053 (H.B. 2151) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, and is further amended to read as follows: Sec. 102 . 081 . ADDITIONAL COURT COSTS ON CONVICTION IN COUNTY COURT: CODE OP CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, The clerk of a county court shall collect fees and costs under the Code of Criminal Procedure on conviction of a defendant as follows: (1) a jury fee (Art . 102.004, Code of Criminal Procedure) $20; (2) a fee for clerk of tte. court services (Art . 102.005, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $40; (3) a records management and preservation services fee (Art. 102 .005, Code of Criminal Procedure) , $26; ( 1) a security fee on a misdemeanor offense (Art. 102 .017, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . $3; (5) a juvenile delinquency) prevention and graffiti eradication fee (Art . 102.0171, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $50 [-S-5.1 [and] (E;) a juveniie case manager fee (Art. 102 .0174, Code of Criminal Procedure) . not to exceed 85± and f7Aff_aej-vil justice fee (Art- 102 • 022( Code of Criminal Procedure) . (b) Section 102 . 081, Government Code, as amended by Chapter 1053 (H.B. 2151) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is repealed. Section 102 ,081, Government. Code, as amended by Chapter 921 (H,B„ 3167) , Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, to reorganize and renumber that section, continues in effect as further amended by this section. SECTION . Section 102 .101, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 102 .101 . ADDITIONAL COURT COSTS ON CONVICTION IN JUSTICE COURT: CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. A clerk of a justice court chi llect. fees and costs under the Code of Criminal Procedure on conviction of a defendant as follows: (1) a jury fee (Alt. 102 .004, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $3; (2) a fee for withdrawing request for jury less than 24 hours before time of trial (Art. 102 . 004, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $3; (3) a jury fee for two or more defendants tried jointly (Art. 102 .( 04, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . one jury fee of 83 ; (4) a securifY fee on a misdemeanor offense (Art. 102 .017, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $4; (58 a fee for technology fund on a misdemeanor offense (Art. 102 . 0173, Code of Criminal. Procedure) . . $4; (6) a juvenile case manager fee (Art, 102 .0174, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . not to exceed $5; (7) a fee on conviction of certain offenses involving issuing or passing a subsequently dishonored check (Art . 102 . 0071, Code of Criminal Procedure) . not to exceed $30; (9) a court cost on conviction of a Class C misdemeanor in a county with a population of 3 .3 million or more, if authorized by the county commissioners court (Art. 102 .009, Code ef Criminal Procedure) . . not to exceed $7; and ( )) a civil justice tee Alt. 102,022, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . $0. 10 . SECTION . Section 102 ,121, Government Code, is amended to read as fellows: Sec. 102 .121. ADDITIONAL COURT COSTS ON CONVICTION IN MUNICIPAL COURT: CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, The clerk of a municipal court shall collect fees and costs on conviction of a defendant as follows: (1) a jury fee (Art. 102 . 004, Code of Criminal Procedure) . $3 ; (2) a fee for withdrawing request for jury less than 24 hours before time of trial (Art . 102 . 004, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . $3 ; (3) a jury fee for two or more defendants tried jointly (Art . 102 .004, Code of. Criminal Procedure) . one jury fee of $3 ; (4) a security fee on a misdemeanor offense (Art. 102 . 017, Code of Criminal Procedure) $3 ; (5) a fee for technology fund on a misdemeanor offense (Art . 102 . 0172, Code of Criminal Procedure) , . not to exceed $4 ; [and] (6) a juvenile case manager fee (Art . 102 . 0174, Code of Criminal Procedure) . , not to exceed $5; and (7) a civil justice fee (Art 102 . 022, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . $0 .10. SECTION . Subchapter D, Chapter 1701, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Section 1701 .164 to read as follows: Sec. 1701 ,164 , COLLECTION OF CERTAIN INCIDENT-BASED DATA SUBMITTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES . The commission shall collect and maintain incident-based data submitted to the commission under Article 2 .134, Code of Criminal Procedure, including incident-based data compiled by a law enforcement agency from reports received by the law enforcement agent under Article 2.133 of that code. The. commission in consultation with the Department of Public Safety, the Bill Blackwood. Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas, the W. W. Caruth, Jr. , Police Institute at Dallas, and the Texas Police Chiefs Association shall develop guidelines for submitting in a standard format the re. ort_ containing incident-based data as required by Article 2 .134, Code of Criminal Procedure . SECTION . Subsection (a) , Section 1701 .501, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) Except as provided. by Subsection (d) , the commission shall revoke or suspend a license, place on probation a person whose license has been suspended, or reprimand a license holder for a violation of :,. J1) this chapter; (2) the reporting requirements provided by Articles 2 .132 and. 2 .134, Code of Criminal Procedure; or (3) a commission rule. SECTION . (a) The requirements of Articles 2 . 132, 2 .133 , and 2 . 134, Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by this Act, relating to the compilation, analysis, and submission of incident-based data apply only to information based on a motor vehicle stop occurring on or after January 1, 2010 . (b) The imposition of a cost of court under Article 102 . 022, Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by this Act, applies only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act. An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of this section, an offense was committed before the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurred before that date. �" acial an Ethnic Desi nations AN ACT relating to the categories used tit record the race: car ethnicity of persons stopped for or convicted of traffic offenses. E IT ENACTED *THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION I. Article 2.132(a)(.), Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended to react a (_ ) "Race or ethnicity" nlcans the following categctiaaars: LAJ Ai aska native or American Indian; (l ) lcif a I arti calar descent.including Caucasian, Afi-i'aan, ..lisp4a ac,1 marl air Pacific Islander: ( `) black ( ) white-, and E) Hispanic or Latino 1, T. �* SECTION 2. Section 4 .20 (ta), Transportation Code, is amended to relict as follows: (a) In this section, "race car ethnicity" means 4 the following categories (l) Alat'ka native or American Indian.,n' (21 [of a particular clescea Caucasian, Africutn, llispanic,] Asian or Pacific Islander (3) black: Al white, and; (5) Hispanic aanic or Latino [ ; ar, nfi; n, , �Gsn tilescent . SECTION 3, This Act takes effect September 1, 2017. President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that PLB. No, 3051 was passed by the House on May 4, 2017, by the following vote: Yeas 143,Nays 2, 2 present. not voting. Claif Clerk of the House I certify that H.B. No: 3051 was passed by the Senate on May 19. 2017, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays O. Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: Date Governor T e S . ire i1ns A ct LB,No. 18,19 AN ACT relating TO itaterar.alrtns between law enforc..ritent and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion iu n of the,corrimis iori of t ntr nE l nIfensrss,ttt the r clrit'irtn meet Conviction,or release of those individuais„and to grants ss,tcRrattl a:l populations hint are retire likely to Interact fretlrtert[ly'with law enforcement.. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OE THE STATE OF TEXAS: ARTICL Cl. StifORT TITLE SECTION 1,01. SHORT TITLE, This A[a shall be known as 1lae Sandra.Ri artCI ALL,irI naeralrrry of Sandra Eland. ARTICLE', IDENTIFICATION N AND DIVERSION OF AND SERVICES FOR PERSONS SUSPECTED OF HAVING A MENTAL ILLNESS,AN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY,OR A SUBSTANCE ABUSE ISSUE SECTION 2.01 Art elia 1 h.TS,Code of Criminal Procedure,is amended to road a.a f"Jlloves: Aift. 16.2E. EARLY IDENTIFICATION OF DEFENIDANT SUSPECTED OF HAVING PTElvTAL ILLNESS OR IN NE . I PREEN( «,(-s' 'E.l'•TRl.AIltf ] legal) Not iater than illreceiving credible information[h al may est btali h reasoriatasi cause to Yaeileva that a defendant c'erern.IterI t!a the sheriff's t. stodv has ri rt e tt I Illness or is a person spith .I t adied ti .t:> a '",'[menial h-sibb ;`L in l,tct€nsy observation of the r efent3, nt'4 behavior immediately L fsra,during and otter the defent.lar?t s arrest,;and the results of party previous assessment of the defendant,the sheriff shall provide Sail"feel or electronic notice of the Elton-nation to the magistrate. On a dedierrinination that(here is reasonable cause to believe that the cdet.rarsar,t has a(nonfat illness or IS a person with r [infante ibtaitidalibbl,the rat,iUi'trate,except as provided by Subdlvislrlri (2),shall order the local mental health or a = ..I E biisi,lthnate si Hsi-Mai rotas,haired authority r aidotllel' rqualif ed mental health or ii tor uiti ash [r,t:rea et ardirib id expert too (A) ceritent€nfrirtriatnor regarding isishethesr tlrie deiendarrt tiarri a Carr ratttl illness its defined by Section 571.003, Health and iSafety Crticiat,or is a person tipi:n Mt €, of mums,[, r:id 4 iffimi Milberg as definer(by Section 591..003, Heeith and Safety Code,irnclU ding urforrnation obtrrsned from an pfeviraris cars ssrrrr rr*,cif the efondarit,and (B) parenvidaf to the rt ngistratea a v„ittrurl assessment of the rrrforrrrat on connoted under Paragraph(A). (2) Tih .magistrate is riot reffaiirer(to order the collection of information under Subdivision(1)if the defendant in the year)prec,:id rrf the detenctnhi s applicable elate et arrest lra,a been doted-tuned to have a mental dllness or-to be ra pr'.rsrrri with r..;, itai cum foriiiiitai tay hoe lacai mental le ailtlt or ;., , :: a .eei a'. rahatelta tette tialtheal authority or another rneental,health or at m a ,,':; ' [insular is::. expert described by Stakuctivt a rr (1)e. A redid that eiacts to use than results of that prevssius. deism-Mullion rrr,a\ proceed Cinder Subsection(c). (a) If.t€a,..ei.f.trdani tails r'rr reftaises to submit to the e.olluctirato of rrriorra aeir}n regarding the defendant as required under Subdivision (1),the magistrate may order tree defendant.to saihirrrt to an examination in a mental health facility determined ian be appropriate by the local mental health of mai h tare ain, a .. fiarmidi mitsertiri =i [authority for reasonabie peririd not to exceed 21 Clays, The rrraffistrate rrray order G# ten dart to a facility dderateti by Fte,Debertmiere of State Health SOTVI COS or the ..•, atonal s ti Deatttelattt teal for exarariraFrn^n only on request of the Local mental health err;. ; cc-ads (tr:ri , iterreriestrad acathcanty and wain the constant of the head at the tractitly, 3E a defendant who has been ordered CO r facility operated ley the Gepaartr'nent of Mitt,Health Services or the AD art sib art ort ..kal OLl . ,c ;for rxarninatlscre remains in the.facility for a period exi ri ind 21 days,the head di t€tat facility sisal!cause tine defertr,lar;t try be estrnedralely¢r«nspUrte:1 :4 the cenaratling court and falacerwf in the cra 3itody or the sheriff of the county in which the sonar 1Etl1€arg gaud is located That county shall reitarl'iarsee the faclhty for the mileage 3€ad per diern expenses anf tEre raw-sonnet required to transport the defendant calculated iri accordance wrier the,state travel regulations Hi effect at the fond. (h) A written rise ss:nient of the fntCarnr-rti 7n collected'under Subsection 0etion (a)(1)(A)shad be prrvvicied to the rn✓tr)istralre not later than fhb 30lh tl ay atter line ritilt?or any order issued gander Subsection(a)in a felony case and net IaiI IIe 1 C111 tiny after the date of any order issued tinder that subsection Fri a i-rai;clenri r iri case,and that,rnrlcgisturate shall provide Literates of the v ruE€esia assessnrient to the,defense counsel,the sjresectrhfit allorsrey,aria the that court The written ffir.>r_,xraaenf tilllst include to(lescnt-tip d cd the c.ar€rc.e r_Itar0d rased in die collection of information under Subsection(a)(1)(A)and the,etpplicial le expert''s observations and findings pertaining tot CI) whether ether the defendant is a person who has a ratenttl illness crrt is a person with 2 trablat. s ] , ;. .t (d) whether there is clinical evidence to support a belief that the defendant array fro ins orrgrstent to star d tried and should undergo za complete cnerapeterac:y exa ct,E aiicarI under eiatac,Yaap hat. P,Chapter 46 ,and (3) reconarnenrip ft trieartnaent. (a) After the treatfoeart receives the eppltcak:,'ie expert's written assessrii.nt relating to the defendant Limier Subsection( ) or elects to use the results of ca previous rte.temtin.ton;35: pescibbeei nrf" utusestieri(ti)(a),the trrai court may,as applicable: (I) restage criminal proceedings against the detenclant,including any appropriate proceedings related 10 the defendant's release on personal otsnrl under Article le 17.032; (: ) resume or initiate,competency proceedings,it required,as provided by Chapter 468 or ether proceedings fattei;tirisf he tie1enrdarit`)s receipt of appropriate cutrrt-nrreer'eri mental health or i; h,,` id 1 Erittital notatartibil services, including procteeginge related to the defendant's receipt 0t outpatient rineratal hie.itht services rarac(er Section thin 5;Al,[33=1,Hoag€iha and Safety Code;or' (.,t) coa'pler tits written assessment during title: pirrralnhi enf phase after tit conviction of th..„fl nse tor which the rleferitiaant was arrested,as part of a garese terarrxt investigation report,or€Ii connection avitn the impositions of conditions following placement,on r;,rnamunty supery is:ion,including deferred adjudication community supervision. ((I) This article does inrit pirrievo it the app icrirale court tam), before,during,Or after the collection of iriFr_,r^iaation reep:arelinra the defendant as described by this article: (1) releasing a is. r i :try; r. pi . [erg y i)or is, .: red di t., sti (.iont,il, i eA from custody cm personal of surety bosr(1 or (2) or-derbig an examination regarding the stelemlrar s competency to stand trial. SECTION 2,02. Chapter 16,Corse of Cana€refit Procedure,Is amended by adding Article 16.21 to read as follows: SECTION r i?3. Section 539.002,Government Code,is arnr*.rider3, to read as folows; Sec.P390•02. GRANTS FOR E; i ABI E SHMEN°t AND EXPANSION N F COMMUNITY COLA F`tATIVES. (ra) To teas ant Teeth rare atsfrropri atact to the departn trarst for that sar l tug;the depiertment snail make grams to entities iricluClir7tt local€t;av€rrarrrnntal ontities.nonprofit community g araszaisus s,and faitfr is asrtcI comfiunity organizations,to establish or e.=Far ci trararra unity coliaborativr=s that taring the public and private sectors together to provide services to Torsons€xtrssrir nci rg iaor€it to or€s s micit Sec k t° [mad nsc.rala1 airless. [Tits risitieribmaii ,,;�av is t� �=st r ;��, . �.,•r.ii` i t., ,,,s.}. � ;...=t �€7�-r 3sr r � r; .,; Ria rl�sl,a, cur-t r ,��;° ,,•.i,�..>t:sP.t Ct:';� ;r•r ;asi'isE" u:agentiticiste he ire tics Ina carding grants, the department.artment.she give special r.orlssc e senora to entities t €Vtats(shmt Lad new ti .a;ft a xi :iI tito(um botettlimor oft (k>) The detaat f?reeift shall require each entity aVaatrardoC9 a arrant Linder this section lo: t 1 b issverarte additional funding friDE/1 brat^ate seureen in an arracrtrnt;that is at least equal to the otrtraartt of then grant awarcic c3 under t a err:C rwLii t(21 ktraiLVrr,e evidence o f significant ecrerrfirratcrn and c;allatr0rat€na between the entity,Ideal mental are rallh authorities', nrunicipatatres, ii ir, imam ar: aria other community stakeholders in estsataliskainr_t r rext;rzndtocy rs of tnlrnunityx collaborative, funded by a grant awarded osier this section on ,% SECTION 2 0f1. Chadher 533,Cray,vinnrrant Code,is amended by adding Section 539 C?C)'71 to react art fcallaws, nail it cat intedebaneb fe, it' Me, tii hums r ARTICLE 3 BAIL,PRETRIAL RELEASE,AND COUNTY JAIL STANDARDS SECTION 3,01 The RrecarIuit.1 to Article 1..032,Code of Criminal Prerr ec.I.r:,N <Iraaa:rilod to read as follows:, Al. it €tit. RELEASE CN PERSONAL BOND OF CERTAIN It I) DEFENDANTS,`. s tribitichl . ..,- SECTION 3.2, Articles 17.P32(la)and d(o),Code of Crnnsal Procedure.are asrdenged to read as tonal° s: (tea) A magistrate trate Ira ll release n defendant on personal ban unless good cause is 1i rrwn othervaise..it Ms: (1) defendant Is not c~h)Ir(Jeal with and has net Laser) ()reason ly convicted at ua vrelete off use, (21 dalerariaant rs examined by(hie incai mental health authority or another mental 1ae,ardtht expert kir143r Article 16,22(„` 4 ,fir' E (3) as ekcatale Expert,rn e written assessrnent submitted to the iblagistraatc oraciorArtrraln 16,22 (A) r.€:rrac.lud s that the defendant has sa raaeratarl illness or is a?persert wilt.. (ar r,ed r arm missed arid is€onethaeless i:orrrpetent tr st nat trial;and f-1l, recommends rnerst)9 health treatment rsr,l . i,<<r. „, ,t ° : '• a for the defendorat r rri rl =r ,,.aand [ t aaagistrat r delernaines,in tccrrr rut tatEtrri with the local mental health or: i s ,. r,,a .. ::..... y t = y�r•, [utmost R_.t•ar:'atinrII authority,that appitogna,e c tanrmirriitythased mental health or ins:.,l 1, [.}.,a. .;r witortya.a`I servFnen for the defendant are available through liar,[ ;r] Dieipsrtnaerat of [Mattromil Health Coe [item Mensal .s., thortmtchttiori][Alder Section 534.053.Health and Satiety Code.or through another mental health or., ti I, t. .. , ;, [„ zrr.r et,a,rl. ti n]services provider. i(n) The magistrate,unless good cause is shows for not requiring treatment,shall require as a condition of release ore personal boned r,ncfs r this article that the delerEciant submit to outpatient or ihtaatient mental health ur bog_ psi ,gyp,!h: [beet DTI it:user:by treatment as rectorrmierrittert by the local rsaentraf health car t .., ociterispis -Pe [miaow rr str.f,ar iitn]authority itthe ctefyuciant s; (L nterr*ntillne.nty-ilt, .i.� ': it[, ..E.s3 s=Ft r. _°]is chronic in nalrrre rat' (2) ability to function Indaperadanthy vain arint€ntre kh deteriorate if the Jc.feadtarrt is n t treated. SECTION Mattis. ,Artictile 25.03,Code cif Crirrarstra€Frocetflure iw «arrrendect to read as fellows: Art.25,03, IF ON BAIL IN FELONY,41+'Irert the accused,la ease cal felony,is on bail l at the three,tt-pit.indictment,s presented,[it E itanotromars . . .r s`, r. i Wirt Frig the clerk shall[_''_ to t Tothl]deliver copy of the mini miss c[swam] wr ]to the.as cased or II its-ciao I It[r siti cormsel[.7 at the earliest possible titre. SECTION 3.04. CO€r le 25.04 Coate of Criminal 'Fronecluure,�s amended to read as fellrrws: Art.25,04, IN MISDEMEANOR, In nissrierneaho s. ilt=I'ti;eel iiir ttrimishreiv imenrew. i to Mtn o its Li mind vain i tinge - -pit' SECTION 3,05, Section 51 1.it1)9(a),Government erode,as amended by Chapters 281 (H.R.875),(i,t`v)(KB,549),and 688(KB, 634),Acts of the 84thi Legislature, Regular 5,.,ss r h.,id;1O,:s reettuct€°r3 and amended to read as follows: (a) The commission sh all: (1) adopt t reastanahlo riles Lama procedures establishing 1inlinurn standards for the construction,ercpui)rraent, maintenance,e,arid operation of county tails;. ( ) adopt reasonable le rules anti procedures establishirart minimum stare:cards for the custody,cum,anci treatment of prisoners: (3) aarigt roastwattle mile establ tsh nc3 rrainittium standards tor trio ruiro lr'r of jail supervisory personnel and for programs and servicesto moot the needs of prisoners:. (4) adopt reasonable rules and parr.raaclures establishing tiiine:nu r regierearnents for programs of rehabilitation, education,said recreation in county'oh s (5) revise.,,3ineriE:4 or change nge`ides acci procedures ff (6) provide to local goverirr enl:officials consultation or)satar,technical hssistanc:e ter county jaih,t (7) review arid comment on plans for the constr¢aslic.rri and major modification or renovation of county!a€Es (8) fertilise that the sheriff and commissioners of each csacrnty tim t to the cE etntission,ora a legit far, talb eit by the commission,mission,an annual report on the;conditions In each county jail within their jurisdiction,;nr;larcdihrp tall interrraat on necessary to determine compliance VA L state lawn,r onuttisstao milers,and the roles adopted under e this c;ta,apter; (.9) review the repots submitted rimier SsrMcirvision(8) and require commission employees to inspect trounly Iaili regularly to ensIIre c,r..rtho ra ac;re with state haaw,commission Urgers,and ru€es and procedures adopted Linder this(shooter: (10) (octopi a classification system to ecssn)sheriffs and judges in determining which cicierrdant._are lrtwitr'isk and consequently suitable)))participants in a chanty ja°l work release program under Article 42.034,Code of Crimitf al Procedure) (f 1) adopt roles relating to reeluirc rt,.weat for segregation 3tion of classes of inmates tE a l to capacities tor county jarlt .02) require Mat the cruet}caller et each municipal lockup srxtnr it to the c,jyraarnissidrr,or)a ferns prescribed by the cernmIssion,an annual report or persons under ))'yerirS er age securely detrained in fife lockup,including uli information necessary to determine c ccnrTaI an ce with.Stan`law concerning secure contreerrae.nl of children in rienol[rt,1al lockups; (13) at Israel annually dete nieffe y.ee erea4 h comity ity hall in in compliance with the rules and procedures adopted under this chapierq (14) r€ccturrr that the sheriff rind commissioners court of each county submit to the c ilia wrnission,on ra solar prescribed by the commission,an annual rot:f ort of persons tinder 17 years at age securely detainee in the county fail,include-rig all information necessary to determine compliance with 1'e law concerning secure confinement of cis kart=la in cetunty jails; (15) schedule announced and unannounced inspections of fails under the c t"grits'is lcII s jurisdiction fusing the risk {assessraaent plan established under Section 511.0085 to guide the alspactions prowess ttis adopt a policy for gathering and distntnrrtnteg•to f ails under the commission's jurisdiction information n regarding: (A) common n issues concerning jail acfrnmistratrort, (9) examples of surucessful strategies for maintaining, if CIa state Iraw and the rules,standards,and procedures of the corarnxission:and ( ) solutions utions to op 8rtationral challenges tuir ails; {t r) report Cta the Texas Cor'ec;tiona!Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments on;n sail s compliance with Article 16,22,Code of Criminal Procedure: (f e) adopt reasonable le rules arid procedures eelablishing of€nimun,recttrireiii nts forfrii(i t: f l determine if a prisoner is pregnant:and f E t ensure trial ttrr tail`s health services plan addresses medical and mental health care,including nutritional requirements,said any s,ratr:ral'housing csr work,assirtminent needs fMr persons Mica are confined in the fail ami tare'e,known or determined to be pregnant;. (tyt) prefelde guidelines to sheriffs regarding craillrtIats between a sheriff and another entity tor Ms provision of foodservices to or Me operation of a commissary in a jail tinter the enraararissiei r jurisdiction,including specific provisions regarding conflicts Of interest and avoiding the appearance of impropriety,rime] (21) adopt reasonable rules and proceduress establishing minimum standards for prisoner visitation Plat provide each prisoner at a county tad with tr minimum of two in-person,norcontant visitation periods per week of at least 20 st:lutes duration each [sea]] require the sheriff of each county to: (A) invesI igate ancl verify the,veteran status of eche h prisoner by using data rnade available froth trfe Veterans Reentry Search SerViCe(VRSS)operated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or a similar siervicei and (B) use the data described by Paragraph lA)to assist prisoners who are votoicans in applyirrg for federal benefits cd compensation tor which the prisoners relay be eligible under a prograul administered by the Unified States Department of Veteremb Affairs. rev fie adopt reasonable rules dint procedures I egarding visitation of a rtrisoiter at IIourtly jail by d guardian, as defined by Section 1002.01), Esiaies Code,Utah (A). antrY,N visitaton by a guardrail ha the same Polo II as the prisoners next of kin,incliiding placing the guardian on the prisoner's approved basitors list on the guardnim's request and providing the(tint ardian ti)ccitess to the prisoner(luring fabliity's standard visitation hours if the prisoner is otherwise elI gible reCeiVE raseorsi,and (B) require(to gifardian to provide the sheen with letterS Of guardianstrip ISSUOCI as provided by Section 1106.001, Estates Corte,before being allittwed to visa the prisoner dir iwarimbilbe bre, cm ir Alva 6 co in- beim . 1 over et, imiti ( re.- Is Mb he cuir v. rot- x SECTION i3 00: Section 511.0115,C ,errr^'r wrtt Code,is ariiererl'k9 by adding Subsection+,;-3:M to read as follows: � . ., ; rI ri ;. , r; i. - e-t SECTION:.07. Chapter 511,Government Code,is amended kry at:EN:1g Srhetbtris 511.019,511.020,and 511,021 to react as follows. wow hi, Sod ' 1 #:i" ;., :•` _'I`s„f'i.l�to .i,.t y, �r, i ,f ",'„I rk k k ''ti2 I a . SECTION 3.08. The changes s in law made by this article t Article 17,032,Code o3 Procect err,ap ialy c:0y 10 personal nal brand that t.,eX.::r€ted Or or after the effective plate of' this Act.t.A personal bond executed before the effective riffle of executed,and the former law is continued t effect for that purpose SECTION ,09 Not later than January 1..2018,,the Corminission on Jail Standards shall: (1) adopt the rules and procedures r€=r lire d by Section 511 1111)1e1},Government Code,de,as added by this allele,and the rules required by Section 511.021(b),Government ent Corte,as added by this article:and (2) preseif be the form regluircrr1 by Section 511 1d2f){1a} Government Code.as added by this article: SECTION 1 t'1 at later than September ber 1.2018,the crrnrmssm a st arils£h7,:rll adopt.the rides and procedures required by Section 511 flrlt1(a)(f2 ),C overnicent Cradle,Era;added by this article On and after"September 1,202r1,ar p;aranty fail shall rT,raapaly wit€f any ruins or procedure adopted by true Commission card Jail Standards under Matt subdivision, SECTION 3.111. To Me extent of any`conflict,ibis Act prevailsHIr another Act Di the 851h Legislature, RT1e,lrar Session, 201/5 relating le nerisubstanrive additions te varrts corrections in enacted aides. ARTICLE 4,PEACE ClFF1 En'AND OLi"ATT`t`J ER TRAINING' SECTION 1.01. Cf ap t.r 5"11,GOV ffirr7 I I Cade,iS amended CC adding Section 511,00905 to read as follows: .:x';. 1 e a i<:r i ., y .' ;. lr I,l; a .'•rt .{{jt' p .SECTION l 02 fiction 1701,253,Occupations ations Code,is amended lay amending Subsection(j)and adding Subsection (n)is read as follows: commission shall require an officer to E.;ra€'rrwrl ate tr .01 :.E slain-mot education and training program on cin-rsr,alaEeca and crisis intervention ltrC.tr.rldues to facilitate ilittate interaction%%tli persons with rtient l rrripararrrteras..An officer r,hail:.ora plele the program not later than the second:a nive,rsary of the date bait officer is licensed under this,chapter or thin date the officer applies for an Irate;rn1caeliate proficiency certificate,whichever ever date is earlier. An officer may no;satisfy the requirements Of this ,:ii .rf Trieritionl or Section 1 01.11tt?(ej)by taking an online course on de-escalation and crisis intervention iec fit katies to facilitate interaction with persons with mental impairments. tea SECTION f t,3 Section 101.3 Iklpa;i,Occupations ations Codex,is amended to read as follows: (a). Except Ga;provided by Subsection MT a person inayr net be appointed B, a county tiler,except on a temporary basis,unless the Berson has seitlat;actorilyf completed a preparatory training program,as required by the commission,in the operation of ri county pta�l at e school operated or licensed by the commission. f Ti SECTION 4 a•t Section 1(II1.f hStkat.Occupations mode,is amended to read as follows: (I) The c.filailiarr;s karr shall require a state,county,special al de3trit t,or municipal agency that appoints or er9"up"hoy5 poach officers to provide a each peace officer with t training program at least once evt ri alft months that is approved by the colinnission and c nslst,^,tlf' 11) topi s selected fay the ft:s-p rley;and () tor an uffrcer llelu lrl only a basin parrst€r.retic.y' certificate,not MOM than SU hours of education urict training that contain 1 u1ri Ell a Inisorborating the learning rta,er<tives developed by the ctln11t71; r rr regarding: (A) i.lvrl rights,racial sensitivity,and cultural diversity:: 181 has-escalation and crisis int€_r ventush techniques to facilitate ilitate Int+enaction with persons with mental 1lrafaarrnerrts;L">'fel ei unless deterar1liae;d by the agency head to be inconsistent with the officer assigned rlutiesf the recognition(and qnsiimendition of cases thaat involve gland abuse or neglect,Mirky vikalons'e,an sexual assault:(Ind ti r issues connernarig sex oIlEwrrrIsr characteristics. SECTION 7 i,w. Section 1701,402,GodudaSous Coders is am .ndecJ by adding Subsection(n)to read a1 follows: SECTION 4.06, Net later than March 1.2018,the Texas Commission on Law Enf arooraerrt shall develop and that Commission o Jail Stniacloarcis shall approve the examination r}required by Section E11.0 d?905,Government Code,as added by this article, SECTION 4,0A (a) Not later than March I 2018,the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement shell eSt itt'ts h sr naorEily tr art,rrtlj programs as necessary to c.orrataly with Section 1(0 1.2 53,Occupations Codess as ar nsncir rd by tins snide, (kr) The rai,r,ma at c.arnc;ialrrir rec(i.au-rsa w t.,t under Section 1701.253UL Occupations Code,as enaenc9rrc"1 by this artat:>lcL apply only to a peace officer who first begins to satisfy those re[,0ireniersts on or after AEnh"1,2818. SECTION; , . (at eti tirart 170E310,Or.cotar.aticrns Code,as amended erd by this article,takes effect January 8.2018, it)) A person in hits position sititan of ctatrrrty piles on September t13er 1,2616,must comely with Section 1701,31 cl,,a„Occupations Code as amender by this article.not later than August 31,2021. ARTICLE 5. NIGTORVEHICLE STOPS:R.ACIAL PROFILING,AND ISSUANCE OF CIT ,TRONC SECTION 5,0 t. Ample 2.132,Code of Criminal irarinal Frr000ddraro,its amended by affiancing)); irib ecticJns fk!to as(di and driding Subsection (10)tu'read as folio-airs:` (b) Each law rewrote r rrte nta envy in finis state shall adopt ti ;detailed written policy on racial profiling. The policy€inuct: (1) clearly define acts constituting racial profiling; (2) stsiffily prohibit.peace officers employed by the agency from engaging in racial profilir€q) (3) irt'ipiemenl'a process by which an individual n ay file a; ortrplaint with the agency if the€ntysr,fiitd,rai believes that a peace officer employed by the agency tfa,engaged al racial profiling with respect to the indivir.du lF (4) provide ide public li, education rel(1t r7cf to the agency's idiotic i complaint process,i • (5) require appropriate corrective action to be bakers against a peace officer employed try the agency who,after an investigation,is shown to have encgr€4fer1€n racial ial profiling in violation of the agency's policy adopted f cidor this art,c ie; (6) require collection of ague-nation relating to r€orator vehicle StOp,t ii,which a ff it i citation issued and to arrests€is 3e as a result of these stops,including information relating te, jA) the races or ethnicity of the individual detained: t.I',i whether a search was conducted and,if so, whether the individual detained consented to the search)load ( ) \\hearer the pence officer knew'the race or ethnicity of the individual detained before defaming that [flick/Moab (7) regime the t:.tatel acihakraiatratt r of the agency, rectarEl ess of whether ether Me administrator is elected,employed,ctr afapoi meta,to submit an annual report of the 6P1rt rmation collected under Scur ri vis on tr t[d:, (, the s rkr-as Cornn)is ion ran Law Enforcement;and (E) the governing body of each county or rnunicilatalrty sorlitied by the agency,if the agency is an agency of county,municipality,or other political sutaci6vus[ort of the state, (cl) 0rt;adrrtaCicra of a policy under SubsetMon ttat,:-r law r nforceratent agency shall e:xarrtitte this;feasibility t.ar installing video carrtoraxand transmitter-activated tic?tarl7rrhriift yn each agency Ism" enforcement rt otor wrar°u le r[Iltrlrtrly tiled to€ aktk motor vehicle sous and trrart: hitter-dictuliMecf equipment in each agency law errftarcemont motorcycle clle regularly useri to make motor vehicle stops thicam i r'air :, if a law enforcleratecft mittency installs video 1 audio erg:fig ent. ,: Ahem a a provided by this r ra!abset,tim,the policy'adopted by The'ac)dncy under Subsection ItuP must in lucre:star1C{rartia for revioWirat}video and audio documentation.,entation.,. SECTION 5.0E. Article 2.133,code of Clot-anal Procedure,is amended by amending Subsection(h)arid adding Subsection(c.)to read as follows: ta) A paceac.c,officer who stops a rector vehicle ic.le for an alleged violation of a law cr 'ordinance shall refacarf to the law enforcement agency that employs the officer Information(elating g to the stop, including: (1) a physical cic..:r`{aitation of any t,ars;rt operating the motor vehicle who is detrained aS a result r f the star.incluctinr {Ail the f,a,i„sore's gender;and (8) the person's race or ethnicity,as stated by the person or,if the person does not stag the person's race or ethnicity.17 determined by the officer to the best et the officer's ability (sr) the initial reason for the step; Or) whether the officer conducted a servich as El result of iltie strata and,If e,viatr,.tlaer the person detainer-1 consented In the search (=1) whether or feeler evidence was discovered in the course of the search and a d esc ipatic,ta of the contraband or esidreares (5) the reason for the search,inclurlintg whether: {.A) arty contraband or other es donee waves In plain view; tEil any probable cause or reasonable suspicion h existed to perform the searalr,or (C) th,e search vo r performed ias a!result of the towing of the motor vehicle or the arrest of any person in the meter vehicle) (6) whether the offices.made an arrest as to result of the stop or the search,including inyt a statement of whether ttrer the arrest was based on a violation of the Penal Code.a vi.ration of t traffic lays)or ordinance,car an outstanding warrant and a statement.ent.of the offense charged (7) the street address or ahoproxiraaatir location of the step:(awl (8) whether tilt'(Auer issued a pm :ii written warning or a , K ., citation nn a result of the stop: mai e r z SECTION 5 02 Article, 7,1 34(tr),Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended read as ft lloWS. (c) A report required Lander Subsection re)Pipet tnc stallrsiiitod try the chief Alrr!rifr mtra or of the law enforcement agency, regardless of whether the administrator istrator i7 e,(ected,employed,or appointed:end[mist erludr,' (1) a comparative analysis of the information compiled tinder Article 2,133tei (A) avaluabe and compare,the number of nlc;rtcir vehicle stops,within the applicable,Jurisdiction,of pet-sons who are recognized as racial per ethnic,minorities and persolns who are not recognized as mere(tor ethnic minorities,geed (B) exar rine the disposition of motor vehicle stops made by officers employed by the agency,categorized according dirty to the race or ethnicity ty of the:affected persons,as appropriate,Including any searches resulttng t rn)stops withtn the applicable iurErs ichoa and (i"( raft mint ora relating tra t a ah complaint ant Piled with the agency alleging that.a peace(Ancor ettiployed by the agency c y has engaged in racial profiling_ ECTIC N 5.t.)a, Artrr.le 2.I:3I Code of ennurninal Procedure, is amended to read as follows: Art 2.1::If' PROVISION OF FEJNOING OR EQUIPMENT. (a) The Debarf rieni of Public Safety shall @clop(Ptares forprevrrtiraq funds or video anrf audio equipment to haw enforcement agencies for the tarsrbose I installing video and birdie ectt tpment r.., omen inclu€;irt1P specitying criteria to arloritrice lending of equipment prr:avriic,rrI to law enforcement agrano s,The()Mena may iiit,lrraist consideration of tax effne n financial bardshlp,:avallatrle revenue,nasal budge(surpluses.The cruerte ntu t give prettily to: (t) last enforcement agencies that employ bunco officers whose primary duty Is traffic enforcement: l;rt smelter turisrlic tinny;and (a) municipal pal rttrct county ty law enforcement aclanctes. (b) The Department of Public Safety shalt collaborate with an institution of higher t c#ucan of to identify law etifcan..0rrret: agencies that need funds or vireo and attcirti.equipment for the purpose of installing sedum and audio e,`tuiputre"it i. Ition triter collataoration may include the use of a survey to assist in itleyelot)ing criteria to driesitize funding 01 equipment provided te law half orciemerit agemiciem (c) To receive funds Of Video and'aliCtO e(liPpille el from the slate,for the purpose of installing video and audio equipment lthigia the governing body el a COUnty or rinunicilwilily, conjuriclion with the law'enforcement agency serving the coLirity or timmicipality„shall certify to the Department at Public Draftily that the law enforce:rimed agency needs hirlde \rodeo ardl audio Equipment for that,purpose, (CO On receipt of funds or video and audio equipment from the state tor ihe purpose of installing video and audio equipment oi Peon lentrij,the cloven-ling body of:a county or murgei[ality,in cI njunction with the haw enforcement a]erictiiii scirving the county or municipality,shalt certify to the Department of PuLidic Safely that Me law enforcement agency has Tot oi mis : - mei is itio ti mold video arid audio oquiemeni 311Jorie bog ania thong Memo iimentioimin immesh:to,: Aso im mum SECTION 5.05. Article 2,1385(eP,Code of Don-mai Pro1 edure.is arnendeci to readry [(allows: (a) If the chief administrator c)f a local laity entiorcernent agency intentionally fails to submit the incinclent-baseg data as required by Article 2.134,the agency liable to the state for a civil penalty in hurl airmen',rim re [M. O peel to each violation. The attorney general may sue to collect a civil penalty under this subsection. SECTION 5,06, Article 2.135,Codo of Criminal Procerlure,is I epealed, SECTION"t,.t , 'tigros 2.132 and 2,13" Code tit Cr iminal Procedure,aas:amended by thin article.api a only to a report covering a calendar year beginning can of after o at}€a{rod+ 1,211 ltt. SEC TI313 5.08) Not later khan September 1,0018 the Texas Commission on Law Enrol:c uaent shall, (1} evaluate and change the r?raiidei to>s,Mr compiling and reporting inferemaation required under Article 2.151,Code of Criminal Procedure)as amended by thi c artir ie=,to enable:the grodialtrites to better withstand academic snrt,tiray;and (2) nrtcake accessible online: (A) a rise^aril raei,=.trie format or any rrafertrraatroii srrtarnittort unifier Article 2.,111(b),Code ur Ceraarnaal Procedure,that s not exerrttaf hem public giscinsurie uncle r.Chapter 552,Government Code,and (f3) a glossary of terms relating to the information to make the inloI matron readily understandable to the MR Act lakes off ct Soplo slier 1,2011. President,cif the Senate,Speaker of the 1 iiist I hereby certify That S.E. No 1840 passed se.cl tlas^.Senate on It y 11,201 r.by the following vtiie: Yeas.31, Nays 0, Sec,relary of the denials( 1 hereby certify thiat.SLR No. 18119 passed the House on May 2017,by the following vote: Yeas 137,Nays Ci,one present rot vstmck ARTICLE 6.. EFFECTIVE DATE SECTION£.f?I Except as otherwise provided by this Act, Approved: VGate Governor Chief Clerk of the House ( ) . 4* a 44. L . w Instit tio olicy onracial ' rofilinct WYLIE POLICE DEPARTNIENT 'POLICY SILIJECE: Unbiased Policing NUMBER: 614 1 EFFECTIVE DATE:JanuaryI, 2010 REIATED STANDARDS: REVIEW DATE: February 1..2019 I APPROVED: Chief nth6ny lienaerson DATED: 01/15/2018 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to reaffirm the Wylie Police Department's commitment to unbiased policing in all its encounters between officers and members of the public: to reinforce procedures ensuring public confidence and mutual trust through the provision of services in a fair and equitable fashion; and to protect our officers from unwarranted accusations of misconduct \vhen they act within the dictates of department policy and the law POLKA It is the policy of this department to police in a proactive manner and to aggressively investigate suspected violations ofthe law, Officers shall actively enforce state and federal laws in a responsible and professional manner. without regard to race, ethnicity or national origin, Officers are strictly prohibited from engaging in biased policing both in enforcement of the law and the del iVerY Of police services, as defined in this policy„ This policy shall be applicable to all persons, whether drivers, passengers or pedestrians,. Officers shall conduct themselves in a dignified and respectful mariner at all times when dealing With the public. Two of the fundamental rights guaranteed by both the United States and Texas Constitutions arc equal protection under the law and freedom from. unreasonable searches and seizures by government agents, The right of all persons to be treated equally and to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures must be respected, This policy shall not preclude officers from offering assistance, such as upon observing a substance leaking from a vehicle, a flat tire, or someone who appears to be ill, lost or confused,. Nor does this policy prohibit stopping someone suspected °fa crime based upon observed actions and/or information received about the person Hi DEFINITIONS Biased Policing: Discrimination while rkulorming law enforcement duties or delivery of police services, based on personal prejudices or partiality of officers toward classes of individuals or persons based on individual demographics, • I inbiased Policing - Page 2 of 4 Fair and Impartial Treatment: A belief and practice that all persons shall be treated in the same manner under the same or similar circumstances, despite race or other distinctions 'This does not mean that all persons in the same or similar circumstances can or must be treated identically, Reasonable concessions and accommodations may be made, when dealing with individuals with physical or mental disabilities,injury, illness,or similar conditions, or when information about them necessitates different treatment Individual Demographics: Personal characteristics, to include, hut not limited to race, ethnic background, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion„ socioeconomic status age, disability, cultural group, or political status. Race or Ethnicity: is defined by Chapter 2 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedures as, Alaskan native or American Indian, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, White, and I lispanic or Latino. Police Services: Actions and activities that may not directly include enforcement of the law hut that contribute to the overall well-being and salty of the public, These may include, but are not limited to, such tasks as traffic accidents, medical emergencies, and assistance at fire scenes, lifesaving services, preventive patrol, crime prevention; public information; traffic control, and similar activitie,s, Afoior Vehicle Stop: Means an occasion in which a peace officer stops a motor vehicle for an alleged violation of a lay,' or ordinance 11/. TRAINING A. Officers are responsible to adhere to all Texas Commission on Law Enforcement CFC01,,r) training and the law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMLF) requirements as mandated by law, All officers shall complete TCOLL training and education program on racial profiling no later than the second anniversary of the date the officer is licensed under Chapter 170 oldie Texa,s Occupations Code or the date the officer applies for an intermediate proficiency certificate, whichever date is earlier, All employees will receive basic and periodic in-service training and. where deemed necessary, remedial training on subjects related to police ethics, cultural diversity, multi-culturalism, human relations, police-citizen interaction, standards of conduct, implicit bias, and related topics suitable for preventing incidents of biased policing„ V. COMPLAINT INVESTICAl'ION A. The department shall accept complaints from any person Who believes he or she has been stopped or searched based on individual demographics. No person shall he discouraged, intimidated or coerced from tiling a complaint, nor discriminated against because he or she tiled such a complaint, C Any person who receives an allegation of biased policing, including the officer who initiated the stop, shall record the person's name, address and telephone number, and forward the complaint through the appropriate channels or direct the individual(s)on the process to do so. Any employee contacted shall provide to that person instructions on the complaint process and will report any allegation ofbiased policing to their superior before the end of shill, f,Inhiaased Policing - Page 3 of 4 D. Investigation of a complaint shall he conducted in a thorough and timely manner, All complaints will be acknowledged in vvritink^ to the initiator who will receive disposition regarding said complaint 4tiithin a reasonable time period. The investigation .shall be documented in writing and any reviewer's comments ments or conclusions shall be filed with the Chief When applicable. findings and or suggestions for disciplinary° action; retraining or changes in policy shall be filed with the Chief. I' If a biased policing ct:rarrplaaant is sustained against an officer, it will result in appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action, up to and including termination. ['. If there is a department video or audio recording the events upon which a complaint of biased policing is based, upon commencement of an investigation by this department into the complaint and written request .by the officer made the suhfect, of the complaint. this department shall promptly provide. a copy of the recording to that officer. (I. I hoe Professional Standards office shall maintain data related .specifically to complaints of biased policing Information shall be provided to the Chief or to his or her designee. in a manner most suitable for administrative review', problem identification,. and development of appropriate corrective actions. VI, PUBLIC EDUCATION This department will inform the public of its policyr against biased policing and the complaint process. Methods that may he utilized to inform the public are the news media, radio, service or civic presentations, the internet, as well as governing board meetings. Additionally, information will be made available as appropriate in languages other than English VII. DATA (`OI.I.,F('TIO' AND REPORTING A. An officer is required to collect information relating to motor vehicie stops in which a citation is issued or an arrest is made as a result of those stops. On the citation officers must include f. The person's gender; and The race or ethnicity of the individual detained as stated by the person or, if the person does not state the person's race or ethnicity, as determined by the officer to the best of the officer's ability: Was the race or ethnicity known prior to the stop: 4. The initial reason for the stop; 5. Approximate location of the stop, fa. Whether a search was conducted as a result of the stop, The reason for the search, including„ any probable cause or reasonable suspicion that existed to perform the search, Whether contraband was discos erect: 9 Description of contraband:, I(f, Result of the stop, and I 1 If an arrest occurred; was the arrest based on a v rotation of the Penal Code, traffic law, ordinance, or outstanding warrant. Unbiased Policing- Page 4 of 4 B. The information collected shall be compiled in an annual report covering the period. of January 1 through December 31 of each year, and shall be submitted to the governing bodyl of the City of Wylie no later than March I of the following year. The report will include all the required information stated in VI I A,1-1 1 of this policy. C. The annual report shall not include identifying information about any indivridual stopped or arrested, and shall not include identifying information about any peace officer involved in a stop or arrest. viii. USE OF VIDE:(.) AND AUDIO EQUIPMENT I A, All marked motor vehicles regularly used by this department to make motor vehicle stops shall be equipped with a video camera and transmitter-activated equipment. 13. Each motor vehicle stop made by an officer of this department that it capable of being recorded by video and audio,or audio as appropriate, shall be recorded, C, This department shall retain the video and audio tapes, or digital video and audio recording of each motor vehicle stop for at least ninety (q0) days alter the date of the stop, (1 a complaint is filed with this department alleging that one of our officers has engaged in biased policing with respect to a motor vehicle stop, this department shall retain the video and audio tapes or digital video and audio recordings of the stop until final disposition of the complaint. D. Supervisors will ensure officers of this department are recording their motor vehicle stops, A recording ()leach officer will be reviewed at least once every ninety(9O,) days. If the equipment used to record audio and video of a motor vehicle stop is malfunctioning or otherwise not operable,officers will drive a vehicle with operable equipment. Police units with malfunctioning.or inoperable mobile video camera equipment shall not be utilized, under normal circumstance, Supervisors shall have the authority to assign units with malfunctioning or inoperable mobile video equipment when situations dictate, ducatio on ! Compli ents . Co . 1 . ints Informing the Public on the Process of Filing a Compliment or Complaint with the Wylie Police Department The Texas Racial Profiling Law retiuires that police agencies provide inforniation to the public regarding the manner in which to file a. conmlinient or racial profiling complaint. In ark effort to comply with this particular component, the Wylie Police IDepartment launched. an educational canipaign aircied infortriing the public oft issues relevant to the racial profiling complaint process. The police department inade available, Ii the lobby areit tmd on its web site, information relevant to filing a compliment and conipktint on a racial profiling violation by a Wylie Pcilice officer. In addition, each time an officer issues a citation, ticket or warning, inforniaticin on how to file a compliment or complaint is given to the individual cited. This information is in the form of a web address (including in the document issued to the citizen), which has instructions and details specifics related to the coinplinient or coniplaint processes. It is believed that through these efforts, the conimunity has been properly infonned of the new policies and the complaint processes relevant to racial profiling. • . Proll.lin I Tr in I Racial Profiling Training All Wylie Police officers have been instructed, as specified in the Teets Racial Profiling Law to adhere try all Texas Con n issictn can La'. Enftirr ement (TC LL) training and the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEN/Er 3 requirements. To date, all sworn officer f the WyFlie. Police Department have completed the,TC.C)LE basic training on racial profiling. The main outline used to train the officers of Wylie has been included in this report. It is important to recognize that the Chief of the Wylie Police )ept rtnienl has also stet the training requirements, its specified by the Texas Racial Profiling LAW, in the ectntpletictn of the LE MIL program can racial profiling. The satisfactory completion of the racial profiling training hy the sworn personnel of the Wylie Police Department fulfills the training rc quireni nt as specified in the Education Code (96.641) of the Texas Racial Profiling Lau... Racial Profiling Course Number 3256 Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Beata ber 2001 Racial Profiling 3256 Instructors Note: You may wish to teach this course in conjunction with Asset Forfeiture 3255 because of the related subject matter and applicability of the courses, If this course is taught in conjunction with Asset Forfeiture, you may report it under Combined Profiling and Forfeiture 3257 to reduce data entry, Abstract This instructor guide is designed to meet the educational requirement for racial profiling established by legislative mandate: 77 - B1 t 7 , Target Population: Licensed law enforcement personnel in Texas Prerequisites: Experience as a law enforcement officer Length of Course: A suggested instructional time of 4 hours IViaterialRequirements: Overhead projector, chalkboard and/or flip charts, video tape player, handouts, practical exercises, and demonstrations instructor Qualifications: Instructors should be very knowledgeable about traffic stop procedures and law enforcement issues Evaluation Process and Procedures An examination should be given. The instructor may decide upon the nature and content of the examination. It must, however, sufficiently demonstrate the mastery of the subject content by the student. Reference Materials Reference materials are located at the end of the course. An electronic copy of this instructor guide may be downloaded from our web site at http://www.tcleose.state.tx.us. Racial Profiling 3256 1.0 RACIAL PROFILING AND THE LAW 1.1 UNIT GOAL: The student will be able to identify the legal aspects of racial profiling, 1.1.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify the legislative requirements placed upon peace officers and law enforcement agencies regarding racial profiling. Racial Profiling Requirements: Racial profiling CCP 3.05 Racial profiling prohibited cc P 2,131 Law enforcement policy on racial profiling cc P 2.132 Reports required for traffic and pedestrian stops COP 2,133 Liability COP 2.136 Racial profiling education for police chiefs Education Code 96.641 Training program Occupations Code 1701.253 Training required for intermediate certificate Occupations Code 1701.402 Definition of "race or ethnicity for form Transportation Code 543.202 A. Written departmental policies 1 Definition of what constitutes racial profiling 2. Prohibition of racial profiling 3. Complaint process 4. Public education 5. Corrective action 6. Collection of traffic-stop statistics 7. Annual reports B. Not prima facie evidence C. Feasibility of use of video equipment D. Data does not identify officer E. Copy of complaint-related video evidence to officer in question F. Vehicle stop report 1. Physical description of detainees: gender, race or ethnicity 2. Alleged violation 3. Consent to search 4. Contraband 5. Facts supporting probable cause 6. Arrest 7. Warning or citation issued G. Compilation and analysis of data H. Exemption from reporting — audio/video equipment I. Officer non-liability J. Funding K. Required training in racial profiling 1. Police chiefs 2. All holders of intermediate certificates and/or two-year-old licenses as of 09/01/2001 (training to be completed no later than 09/01/2003) — see legislation 77R-SB1074 1.1.2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will become familiar with Supreme Court decisions and other court decisions involving appropriate actions in traffic stops. A. VVhren v. United States, 517 U.B. 806, 116 S. t, 1769 (1996) 1. Motor vehicle search exemption 2. Traffic violation acceptable as pretext for further investigation 3. Selective enforcement can be challenged B. Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 88 S. t.,1868 (1968) 1. Stop & Frisk doctrine 2. Stopping and briefly detaining a person 3, Frisk and pat down C. Other cases 1. Pennsylvania v. Minims. 434 U.S. 106, 98 S. t. 330 (1977) 2. Maryland v. Wilson, 117 S.Ct. 882 (1997) 3. Graham v. State, 119 IMIdApp 444, 705 A.2d 82 (199 ) 4. Pryor v. State, 122 IVId.App. 671 (1997) cert. denied 352 Md. 312, 721 A.2d 990 (1998) 5. Ferris v. State, 355 Md. 356, 735 A.2d 491 (1999) 6. New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454 (1981) 2.0 RACIAL PROFILING AND THE COMMUNITY 2.1 UNIT GOAL: The student will be able to identify logical and social arguments against racial profiling. 2.1.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify logical and social arguments against racial profiling. A. There are appropriate reasons for unusual traffic stops (suspicious behavior, the officer's intuition, MOs, etc.), but police work must stop short of cultural stereotyping and racism B. Racial profiling would result in criminal arrests, but only because it would target all members of a race randomly—the minor benefits would be far outweighed by the distrust and anger towards law enforcement by minorities and the public as a whole C. Racial profiling is self-fulfilling bad logic: if you believed that minorities committed more crimes, then you might look for more minority criminals, and find them in disproportionate numbers D. Inappropriate traffic stops generate suspicion and antagonism towards officers and make future stops more volatile — a racially-based stop today can throw suspicion on tomorrow's legitimate stop E. By focusing on race, you would not only be harassing innocent citizens, but overlooking criminals of all races and backgrounds — it is a waste of law enforcement resources 3.0 RACIAL PROFILING VERSUS REASONABLE SUSPICION 3.1 UNIT GOAL: The student will be able to identify the elements of both inappropriate and appropriate traffic stops. 3.1.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify elements of a racially motivated traffic stop. A. Most race-based complaints come from vehicle stops, often since race is used as an inappropriate substitute for drug courier profile elements B. "DWB" — "Driving While Black" — a nickname for the public perception that a Black person may be stopped solely because of their race (especially with the suspicion that they are a drug courier), often extended to other minority groups or activities as well ("Driving While Brown,' "Flying While Black," etc.) C. A typical traffic stop resulting from racial profiling 1 . The vehicle is stopped on the basis of a minor or contrived traffic violation which is used as a pretext for closer inspection of the vehicle, driver, and passengers 2. The driver and passengers are questioned about things that do not relate to the traffic violation 3. The driver and passengers are ordered out of the vehicle 4. The officers visually check all observable parts of the vehicle 5. The officers proceed on the assumption that drug courier work is involved by detaining the driver and passengers by the roadside 6. The driver is asked to consent to a vehicle search — if the driver refuses, the officers use other procedures (waiting on a canine unit, criminal record checks, license-plate checks, etc.), and intimidate the driver (with the threat of detaining him/her, obtaining a warrant, etc.) 3.1.2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify elements of a traffic stop which would constitute reasonable suspicion of drug courier activity. A. Drug courier profile (adapted from a profile developed by the DEA) 1. Driver is nervous or anxious beyond the ordinary anxiety and cultural communication styles 2. Signs of long-term driving (driver is unshaven, has empty food containers, etc.) 3. Vehicle is rented 4. Driver is a young male, 20-35 5. No visible luggage, even though driver is traveling 6. Driver was over-reckless or over-cautious in driving and responding to signals 7. Use of air fresheners B. Drug courier activity indicators by themselves are usually not sufficient to justify a stop 3.1.3 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to identify elements of a traffic stop which could constitute reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. A. Thinking about the totality of circumstances in a vehicle stop B. Vehicle exterior 1. Non-standard repainting (esp. on a new vehicle) 2. Signs of hidden cargo (heavy weight in trunk, windows do not roll down, etc.) 3. Unusual license plate suggesting a switch (dirty plate, bugs on back plate, etc.) 4. Unusual circumstances (pulling a camper at night, kids' bikes with no kids, etc.) C. Pre-stop indicators 1. Not consistent with traffic flow 2. Driver is overly cautious, or driver/passengers repeatedly look at police car 3. Driver begins using a car- or cell-phone when signaled to stop ..... ..... (ignores.4 Unusual gull-over behaviorsignals, hesitates, pulls onto new street, moves objects in car, etc.) D. Vehicle interior 1. Rear seat or interior panels have been opened, there are tools or spare tire, etc. 2. Inconsistent items (anti-theft club with a rental, unexpected luggage, etc.) Resources Proactive Field 'Stop Training Unit -- Instructor's Guide, Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions, 2001. (See Appendix A.) Web address for legislation 77R-CB107 : http;/Jtio2.tic.state,tx.us/tlo177ri illtextd B t1 74P.l trn Re r ort on Compliments and Racial rofilin _ Complaints Report on Complaints The following table contains data regarding officers that have been the subject of a complaint, during the time period of 1/1/1 ---1'2/31/1 , based on allegations outlining possible violations related to the Texas Racial Profiling Law. The fugal disposition of the case is also included_ A check above indicates that the Wylie Police Department has not received any complaints, on any members of its police force, for having violated the Texas Racial Profiling Law during the time period of 1/1/1 __-_ 1 / 1/1 . Complaints Filed for Possible Violations of The Texas Racial Profiling Law ' Complaint Alleged Violation Disposition of the Case No. ..� n � ";•r+ 5 '�":i,.<>�.'�a\ `i ;.s%� .rs", ".:ey r. �c�'�,4i.., 4 i ti:. 2 a\�' t \.'*.r:.,t h '�( ='�>i��',,,t�r'a`;: "a :,,;.�Ew ,., <.l�S^)'i xr�F c��,vs rat; r.t ...,sa a a t , c. ,rt4n r } n�,ti `, ,,, Ma.tvt� Apitr i � �`�:h.�;. x� ��.:..�;.�'t,,, �C� .q� ,z�a..�`;�.t� .,,s ...: y`,���:�s,.s�tr'n S.i��. '•r,..,`1 .�i�• �Yi ����'S:.?�,?���5� *ti.�?..�i���, a: ea fi g r� i Nti i `` ,, . 1 i ti 4 r k a .. �,5.._, y„,§s�2"�°L''�+\`��s." m,��. .��:i�t, ����.�'A t,d �k-„-.c \�� � s � PP CII f91 Alleged cl it lation of the Texas Unfounded Racial Profiling Law Additional Comments: 1 elates Contacts Tier 2 Data otal stops: 8, 174 I . Gender 1,1Female: 2,699 1.2 Male: 5,475 2. Race or ethnicity 2.1 Black: 1,499 2.2 Asian/Pacific slander: 314 2.3 White: 4,598 2.4 His anie/ ti c : 1,732 2.5 laaskaa Naati Te/Aniea°ic°aan Indian: 31 . as race or ethnicity known prior to t `: ,1 -es 7 3.2No: 7,827 . Reason for stop? 4.1 Violation of late: 479 4.2 Pre-existing novle ge: 186 4.3 Moving traffic violation: 5,784 4.4 Vehicle traffic: violation: 1,72 . Str t addressr approximatel . n of the t 5.1 City street: 6,256 5.2 US highway: 365 5.3 County road: 100 5.4 State Highway: 1,4 0 5.5 Private property t r other: 13 6. Was a search conducted? 6.1 Yes: 12,002 6,2 No: 7,172 . Reason for Search? 7.1 consent: 5 7.2 Contraband in plain View: '76 7,3 Probable cause: 431 7.4 Inventory: 23 7.5 Incident to arrest: 17 8. Was Contraband ir , 8,1 Yes: 522 8.2 No: 480 . Description Y contraband 9. Drugs: t0 9,2 Currency: 2 9.3 Weapons: 7 9.4Alcohol: 29 9.5 Stolen property: 9.6 Other: 078 10. Result of the t toil Verbal an i n : 6,021 10.2 Written \ amine: 23 10.3 C.'itation: 1.689 10.4 Written Warning and ,great: 0 10.5 Citation and Arrest:. 0 10.6 Arrest: 223 1 I . Arrest based 1. 1 1.I violation or renal "ode 153 11 iolatir n of Traffic Law: 40 .113 Violation of City Ordinance: t 11,4 Outstanding arrant: 30 12. by i l force sul in in bodily injury used during stop? 12,1 Yc: : 12.2No: , 7 DEL CARMEN cONSULTINGL! C Table 1. (Motor Vehicle Contacts Including Tickets, Citations and Warnings) (1/1/18-12/31/1.8) _Race/Ethnicity All Motor Tickets Verbal Written Vehicle or Warnings Warnings Contacts* Citations I'Z' \�r,':}.z,., �ul,,.���,. �. `tie,.....,.. z.,rE,,. �'ti E4 �st*..vy; 4 ^,..;:..t�, ��s:i+, � ye z.€ ,;:,,. E��'..n,sY'' .t,a7 ..�v , "� a.,4:"ti'" ,` 3�„s., , .31 .... , .,� t, �.� v 4,..,:��,.,\^,. ,AIVN'EtkI:..',.; t.A "`,\\ (.SS7 s$lt':s v'4�., e�',T 4w',' ,,,, `L,\t, ;" <i,`4`; cD \. ,N'%,,, ,. \\ G 4.`.,,£...�.t�E4 l Z ,t14:.E ..:4 �. 4,0 fr< 41 .3 z ,.a.'n"). , a�`;, .:°' t? �,.., A. f ti:t N �. •;.t;a,, � . a���,�1.�� �,��4����z:�4,���'�t..fit;4�,t �Z.,.`�,. ,v,��fl {s,��, E������ .z,���Z�,e � ���,ti,s��n1�?3'1�`�t�,t ,,�k��Ez�r� t: r r7rnc N 7c N „r N c N Ic 4 97 `2 White 4,598 I 56 894 53 3,473 58 � Black 1,499 18 264 16 1,156 19 38 16 Hispanic or 1,732 21 466 28 1,1.26 19 95 41 Latino Asian or Pacific 3 14 4 60 3 248 2 3 1 Islander Alaska Native 31 4 5 .3 26 ,4 0 0 or American Middle O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 Eastern** Other*` 0 0 0 0 (1 0 0 0 t tiY \4 �. tiT w Z s . tt y "4ti � t, , tee�1 ��� � ' E � L ' 1 � : �E� i�,.<. 1,, � �z, ,l„e� Y. �,s ;,� �, �z t� „an�\ t a S.�t,+� .,La. � � t,.,YE:, c �n �cv;ni: ' ".�� a , Total 8,1.74 100 1,689 100 6,029 100 233 100 Includes stops for alleLled violation n of a law or ordinance, UULkLr hitations,and verbal -,ind written n mtnsngs "N- represents"number" of all niotor vehicle-related contacts ="Ric:e/Ethnici¢\ is dclned by H:R 3051, "Not Required Racial/Ethnic. Components .:'. R. b.`. "fL iY._.'"#., erg... { a v Table 2. MotorVehicle-Contacts and Fair Roads Standard Comparison arison Comparison o1"motor vehiek related contacts with households eho1ds in I)1 V that have vehicle access fir actcentta es). I/1/18 1'/3 1/1 +) Rac /Ethnicity{° Contacts Households with vehicle (in percentages) access (in percenta Yes) t aa4,( � . F K- 3 `n t 1 2, i.<.f x z .. .� .. iz as }SV;f� A l Ct ,U..,i S 3;e' t `, � .z L.. "` "3 Y x5 `a 1 . .a�3 ?t i,.. \ �, S.Via...x \ s r tr a 1� ^t.\ 4.x ..�. rm to �.�.,t tilA 2t \.. 'a ..tir,i, c sU c�s1 ..s. t.a ar,. .'t -t.3� .*tf,.^�t: ?. ik..a,.aid„ ",:Z .� _\ ''..,., <3"G. .z �a,. r, �.\y ¢ c :.�. a a�`� '�... t.�x f 1.. `? t'3. �.>a\a \. ,�S ..,ti,a �.. ,�,,;'a \v n� a.3 .;.v .�,� s': ,� �\ xx� �t\ .. \ �FZ k£h2 "f �v Y. � �,. � l .\ ,�1.t�.Y \ n z\ � �\ s s ti� � } t, s� h at�£.�\3} ,tL� �E,k. ,\t 4 cY ,' u 7 �4 , � \, at, �t ,� \ � <`tf � "1-. x.\ .,s � a�. f. �. a.. v xt� .x.� \ �. .a?�. tih \� \# ", \1 rt £ .x,\t \ f: a41. f, `ti.a �..,t 1. �' .ina., \'�x�&\ t 4 a. \: e, to �k �-. .�t � � xz xvx �'\\`ti����\�Ss\ i� �,,s \s,.irx. , .;.. 3 � ,\tip�,�\_..Y 4�'�yY,,,r;k�,',..7� �`s`'.1'\��f?;rkfi 3� ,; 3}t,�,ftil� ��;�;�`z�u'�'� t���;,5 ?tip {t,���.��3 `;,4` . .^„ , White 560 Black 18 14 icLatino HY._. Hispanic air Latino 1 19 Asian or Pacific Islander Alaska Native orN/A American Indian Middle Eastern* 0 N/A Other* 0 N/A Total 100 ,.:; . •r represents"'anatsnh r"of all motor vehicle-related contacts : :Race/Ethnicity t defined by 1113 3051, *''Not Required Racial/Ethnic Components e I Table 3. (Motor Vehicle Searches and Arrests) (1/1/1 -1 /: 111 ) _ Race/Ethnicity. Searches Consensual Custody Searches- Arrests r v ,.�} ",T ,4 Y+t} 2 ;�`:�. t...'t S l "Yl} :,T# 1 't Y k t 4-. 4 1§. 2 v iti.t t4+....Y`, ` J v 1 v... �...� `4.� an } 4 .a w o-y s }� ,Oxu. 1 5 a.4` su t u�t .3 t k,.(t �..(t a u Y. ,n t -.s�?}x t 1<.� ,u�:. ,(t< „a4,. '� �.> �?s<'3 42 ,c} t i `t�;. #�t `F�t J:1. �� "� �, .�? � L,}? ��� .n�.. .Yarn �� '�.ti'i. \��?:., ,:�� � n�a � Z � t �.. eta , a�,: , l't ?.*. �,n�..3 t a.;�, `� ,,, .' t 4na ti, 7l ,Y ',' a Y .n } 4.:,Z.. t t �. 4. s c,,r.ty.. , c,. 'ti.. >-..1., su,.,>�,,��^. .� L � n�f �: �,v, `;� a 4 `i .r"t 2 a Y .,c, f�t .t 4Y :.}> � � � y.�c� :,t ..�� .'� .a�,i'�1. ,.:�, }.�., '�,. } } n x }. '�' s '�. 4 a`u,�S�,{ ..fit u� r t�St�,�s ��� '. ����� } t 4;4� �t{='t � � Yt>j;'� ,Y�t��.t+.t'. .t1 ,E t4 �"ti,`��Sk4Y „� ), ".}f ��'ti��itt�4st ?�� ����a, t l`t� 4�L��j}�}}en��rx i �°'n��� uS3` � nth�C ��, u `x o�� , fi t ,} — '4'White 574 57 176 61 1 134 60 Black 219 '2 89 41 18 Hispanic or Latino 191 19 79 18 45 7 Asian or Pacific 11 5 1 3 1 Islander Alaska Native or 1 i) 1 American Indian Middle Eastern** 0 0 0 tJ 0 0 Other** 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1,002 100 5 100 223 100 `"N"represents-number-of all motor r s ltir le-related contacts "RarefEttmicits is relined by MR 1.05. *Nut RLgunted ReRacialfEthnic Components ents Table 4. Total NUniber of Instances where CtfI'ic r Knew/did not Knott I ac /I thnicit F of individuals is Before Using Detained (1/1/ -1 / 1/1 Total Number of Instances Total Number of Instances Sahara Officers Knew Race and sathere tIificers I)id Not KIION I;thficity ofIndisidii als;Before the Race and Etlinicitt of Being Detained Individuals Before are Being Detained 347 7,827 RaLEVESthrwIty ( r qi, nn ) Table : . Instances 'her-e Peace ()Ulcers 1..S ed Physical Force that Resulted in Bodily Jn,jurr t,1/1/1 -12/31/18 Instance Where Peace Imeation of the Stop Reason for the Stop +Officer Used Phil sical Force that Resulted in Bodily n'ur Table 6. Search Data (1/1/1 -1 / l/ ) Race/Ethnicity` Searches Contraband/ ContrabatidiEvidence ,Arrests Evidence Found Not Found N /e ic N % N c° N % White 57= 7 ?12 59 262 "'b`5 1 3/h 60 Black 219 , 107 20 112 13 41 18 Hispanic or 191 19 tit 18 96 20 45 20 Latino Asian or Pacific 17 2 10 2 7 1 3 1 Islander Alaska Native or 1 .09 I .2 0 0 0 0 American Indian Middle Eastern:,, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1f1 ',ya �. „ �.{ '1:� zc z,{�,.�1 �v 1. z ly zt. ,..:S s� 6k1sz11 �..`�..�,'.a,.4�,. `a1i 1, \4vev �r�.~k, ��... tit�.�t,a�'S� ,.3�~w��t ,�. �o'�,tia�.0 L z�� `�u,.�r ha;�.r ..£r'�. S�;st. ::. n ,1 :�a ? ,�, � 1 ‘ ..�. � i_� ,a,� .:,ti. i� .:'�L.,,�'L�ti"�., �.� �a �� ���,t•S� �'£�i;3t...1 ' ....�..1 �� �.�u�. a, .��.. `� ,c� 4.�,s, Ott`�,. ,�'a�;��i � '���4 �. �. ,.t.. .1 v';z �t...�,�}i`z� ''t,�. i�'" �' ``�,... r s,.. {z,z z3;.r �.. {�; �... ..�#~;4JP~t�.,�lzt ��. ,. 13��,� ���4'i�".�.,,,�5,',�-. a}��{Szl�,r;?�''�rtk �����`�.+'�,zl,t��t,��.; ti:a,,,;.. �*,,�;'�\42r�';:»...��,�a..;ti�.�``:?' n�+?*,,.>..,�nn, '��'z,l.;..,�����t�.�., ? ,,, z;'*.,�� .�r zx��z`'Z�'�t�� `�`. �;��f�,1 Total 1,ll02 1C10 525 100 477 100 223 100 -N-represents"number-of all motor 1elricic-related contacts 6fRace/Itltnicity is defined by HB 3051. **Not Regained Racial/Ethnic Componems Table 7. Report on Audits The following table c ntriin ; d t r regarding the nullities Lind outconie of required data audits tt nnpletet1 during the 1p r-icrcl 1,11/1 ---12/31/11 . I)r t t Audits on Racial Profiling lin Data 11/1/1 —1, / 1 1 Number of Date of Completion Outcome of Audit Data Audits +t o m letect 2018 Data rave :aaecl O, valid and rcli liIL Additional l "t niment A lysis . I Inter ir . tati.on of a t • Analysis In order to understand the analysis provided in this report, it imperative that the evolution of the Texas Racial Profiling Law and its requirements, is discussed. That is, in 2001, the Texas legislature passed Senate Bill 1074 which became the,Texas Racial Profiling Law. Thus. the law came into effect on January I 2002 and required all police departments in Texas, to collect traffic-related data and report this information to their local governing authority by March Isr of each year. In 2009, the racial profiling law Was modified to include the collection. and reporting of all motor vehicle related contacts where a citation was issued or arrest made, in. addition, the modification to the law further requires that all police officers indicate whether or not they knew the race or ethnicity of the individual before detaining them. Further, it was required that agencies report motor vehicle related data to their local governing authority and to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) by March 1st of each year. The purpose in collecting and presenting this information is to determine if police officers in a particular municipality are engaging in the practice of racially profiling minority motorists. The Texas Racial Profiling Law also requites police departments to interpret motor vehicle-related data. Even though most researchers would probably agree with the fact that it is \vithin the confines of good practice for police departments to be accountable to the citizenry while carrying a transparent image before the community-, it is very difficult to determine if individual police officers are engaging in racial profiling, from a review and analysis of aggregate/institutional data. In other words, it is challenging for a reputable re-searcher to identify specific "individual" racist behavior from aggregate-level "institutional" data on traffic or motor \vehicle-related contacts, As stated previously, in 2009, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 3359, which modified the Racial Profiling Law by adding new requirements; this took effect on January 1st, 2010. These changes included, but are were not limited to, the re-definition of a contact to include motor vehicles where a citation was issued or an arrest made. In addition, it required police officers to indicate if they knew the race or ethnicity of the individual before detaining them. Also, the 2009 law required adding "middle eastern" to the racial and ethnic category and submitting the annual data report to TCOLE before March 1st of each year. In 2017, the Texas Legislators passed N.B. 3051 which removed the Middle Eastern data requirement but standardized the racial and ethnic categories relevant to the individuals that came in contact with the police, In addition, the Sandra Bland Act (S.B. 1849) was passed and became law. Thus, the most significant legislative act in Texas history regarding data requirements on law enforcement. contacts, became law and took effect on January I. 2015. The Sandra Bland Act not only requires the extensive collection of data relevant to police motor vehicle contacts, but it also mandates for the data to be analyzed while addressing the following: I. A comparative analysis of the information compiled (under Article 2.133): a. Evaluate and compare the number of motor vehicle stops, within the applicable jurisdiction, of persons who are recognized as racial or ethnic minorities and persons who are not recognized as racial or ethnic minorities; h. Examine the disposition of motor vehicle stops made by officers employed by the agency, categorized according to the race or ethnicity of the affected persons, as appropriate, including any searches resulting from stops within the applicable jurisdiction; c. Evaluate and compare the number of searches resulting from motor vehicle stops within the applicable jurisdiction and whether contraband or other evidence was discovered in the course of those searches.. 2, Information related to each complaint filed with the agency alleging that a peace officer employed by the agency has engaged in racial profiling. In an effort to comply with The Texas Racial Profiling/Sandra Bland Law, the Wylie Police Department commissioned the analysis of its 2018 contact data. Thus, two different types of data analyses were performed. The first of these involved a careful evaluation of the 2018 motor vehicle-related data. This particular analysis measured, as required by the law, the, number and percentage of Whites, Blacks, Hispanics or Latinos, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Alaska Natives and American Indians (Middle Easterners and individuals 'belonging to the "other- category, as optional categories), that came in contact with the police in the course of a. motor vehicle related contact, and were either issued a ticket, citation, warning were issued or an arrest was made. Also, included in this data were instances where a motor vehicle contact took place for an alleged violation of the law or ordinance. The Tier 2 data analysis included, but was not limited to, information relevant to the number and percentage of contacts by race/ethnicity, gender, reason for the stop, location of stop, searches while indicating the type of search performed, result of stop, basis of an arrest and use of physical force resulting in bodily injury. The additional data analysis performed was based on a comparison of the 201.8 motor vehicle contact data with a specific baseline. When reviewing this particular analysis, it should be noted that there is disagreement, in the literature, regarding the appropriate baseline to he used when analyzing motor vehicle-related contact information. Of the baseline measures available, the Wylie Police Department opted to adopt, as a baseline measure, the Fair Roads Standard. This particular baseline is based on data obtained through the U.S. Census Bureau (2010) relevant to the number of households that have access to vehicles while controlling for the race and ethnicity of the heads of households. It is clear that census data presents challenges to any effort made at establishing, a fair and accurate racial profiling analysis, That is, census data contains information on all residents of a particular community, regardless of the fact they may or may not be among the driving population. Further, census data, when used as a baseline of comparison, presents the challenge that it captures information related to city residents only. Thus, excluding individuals who may have come in contact with the Wylie Police Department in 201.8 but live outside city limits. in some cases, the percentage of the population that comes in contact with the police but lives outside limits represents a .substantial volume of all motor vehicle-related contacts made in a given year. Since 2002, several civil rights coups in Texas expressed their desire and made recommendations to the effect that all police departments should rely. in their data analysis, on the Fair Roads Standard. This source contains census data specific to the number of "households" that have access to Vehicles. Thus, proposing to compare "households" (which may have multiple residents and only a few vehicles) with "contacts" (an individual-based count). This. in essence, constitutes a comparison that may result in ecological fallacy. Despite this, the Wylie Police Department accepted the recommendation to utilize this form of comparison (i.e., Centillti data relevant to households with vehicles) in an attempt to demonstrate its "good will" and "transparenc)" before the community. Thus, the Fair Roads Standard data obtained and used in this study is specifically relevant to the Dallas Fort-Worth (DFW) Metroplex). Tier 2 (2018) Motor Vehicle-Related Contact Analysis When analyzing, the enhanced Tier 2 data collected in 2018, it was evident that most motor vehicle-related contacts were made with males and most of the contacts were made with White drivers, This was followed by Hispanic and Black drivers. In most instances, police officers report not knowing the race or ethnicity prior to the stop. Further, they cite as the, primary reason for the stop to have been a "moving traffic violation". This was followed by "vehicle traffic violation". In 201.8, all of the contacts made took. place in city streets, The Wylie Police Department cites that most contacts did not result in a search. 01 those searches made, most were consensual. The second most significant reason for a search .was "probable cause". In addition, contraband was found as a result of most searches. Of the contraband fotmd, in most instances, drugs were cited as the most frequent contraband found. The data also shows that the majority of stops resulted in a verbal warning. This was followed by "citations", When an arrest was made, the most frequent reason provided was a violation of the penal code. Also, none of the contacts resulted in the use of physical force which caused bodily injury, Comparative Analysis The data analysis of motor vehicle contacts to the census data relevant to the number of "households" in DFW who indicated, in the 2010 census, that they had access to vehicles,. produced interesting findings. Specifically, the percentage of Blacks and Hispanics that came in contact with the police was higher than the percentage of Black and Hispanic households in DFW that claimed, in the 2010 census, to have access to vehicles. It should be noted that in the case of Hispanics, the percentage difference was within the margin of error and is considered to be statistically insignificant. With respect to Whites and Asians, a lower percentage of contacts were detected. That is, the percentage of White and .Asian drivers that came On contact with the police in 2018 was the lower than the percentage of White and Asian households in DFW with access to vehicles, The analysis of the searches performed shows that most searches produced contraband, This is consistent with national law enforcement trends. However, of those searches that produced contraband, the majority of them involved White contacts. This was followed by Blacks. Surnmary of Findingis The most recent Texas Racial Profiling Law requires that police department perform data audits in order to validate the data being reported. Consistent with this requirement, the Wylie Police Department has engaged del Carmen Consulting, LLC in order to perform these audits in a manner consistent with normative statistical practices. As shown in table 7, the audits performed have shown that the data is valid and reliable. Further, as required by law, this report. also includes an analysis on the searches performed. This analysis includes information on whether contraband was found as a result of the search while controlling 'for race/ethnicity. The search analysis demonstrates that the police department is engaging in search practices consistent with national trends in law enforcement. While considering the findings made in this analysis, it is recommended that the Wylie Police Department should continue to collect and evaluate additional information on motor Vehicle contact data (Le., reason for probable cause searches, contraband detected) which may prove to he useful when determining the nature of the contacts police officers are making with all individuals. As part of this effort, the Wylie Police Department should continue to: 1) Perform an independent analysis on contact and search data in future years. 2) Commission data audits in 2019 in order to assess data integrity; that is, to ensure that the data collected is consistent with the data being reported. The comprehensive analysis of the data included in this report demonstrates that the Wylie Police Department has complied with the Texas Racial Profiling Law and all of its requirements. Further, the report demonstrates that the police department has incorporated a comprehensive racial profiling policy, currently offers information to the public on how to file a compliment or complaint, commissions quarterly data audits in order to ensure validity and. reliability, collects and commissions the analysis of tier '2 data, and ensures that the practice of racial profiling is not tolerated. i f Checklist A a T1 ' Checklist lhe following regitirements were met by the Wylie Police Department in ICCordrince with The Texas Racial Profiling LaW: Implement a Racial Profiling Policy citing act or actions that constitute racial profiling, Incitide in the racifil profiling policy, a statentent indicating prohibition of any peace officer ernployed by the Wylie Police 'Department frorn engaging in racial profiling. Ill 'rnetit it prticess by yvhieh an individual inay file a coniplairit regarding ractill violatI, ns. X Provide public education mlatcd to tile cornplirrient and coinplaina process. liTiplerncrit disciplinary guidelines for officers found in violation (if the Texas Racial Profiling Ifiew. PI Collect, report and analyze motor vehicle data C(...)trimission Data Audits and a Search Analysis, Indicate total nurnber of officers yvlio knew and did ricit know. the race/ethnicity of individuals before being detained. [XI Produce fill tanner report rin police contacts (Tier 2) and present tills to the, local governing body, and TCOLE by March 1, 2019, TA Adopt a policy,. if video/audio equipment is installed, on standards for reviewing video and audio documentation. Co tact Information Contact Information For additional questions regarding the information presented in this report, please contact: Del Carmen Consulting, LIE "< 17.6 1.7 4 V1/4„. .tc d‘.1 raciatl filan darn NA Ale Ical. la c y,, lting.rorn isclainier: The author of this report, Alejandro del Carmen/del Carmen Consulting, LLC, is not liable for any ornissions car errors coins fitted in the acquisition, analysis. or creation of this report. Further, Dr. del Carmen/del_Carmen Consulting is not. responsible for the inappropriate use and distribution of information contained in this report, Further, no liability shall be incurred as to result of any harm that may be caused to inalividcattls and/or care trrai7titions as to result of the information contained in this report. Copyright: This report may not be altered or reproduced outside the agreed terms, in oily miniver whatsoever t ithra:.. the written permission of the ttctth r. Copyright.© 2019 Del Carmen Consulting, LLD Wylie City Council oF 1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: H Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: February 12, 2019 Exhibits: Vendor application Subject Consider, and act upon, the vendor application for the Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association Cops and Robbers fundraiser 5k and Fun.Run to be held at Founders Park on September 21, 2019. Recommendation Motion to recommend the vendor application for the Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association Cops and Robbers fundraiser 5k and Fun Run to be held at Founders Park on September 21, 2019. Discussion The Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association (WCPAAA) is requesting to do a fundraiser 5K and one-mile Fun Run at the Founders Park trail on September 21, 2019.. This is the first year this race will be held in Founders Park. It has previously taken place in the downtown Wylie area near Olde City Park. Staff has contacted the sports leagues using Founders Park on this date since this race will be held on a Saturday, that day is typically used for league play. League representatives have put this event on their schedule and intend to hold games later in the day after the completion of the race. As with the Turkey Trot held in November this race is held completely in the park, not utilizing any City Streets. Parks staff will be working with the WCPAAA representatives on coordinating the route and park set up. The Parks and Recreation Board approved the vendor application at the February 11, 2019 meeting. Page 1 of 1 PARKS AND TION i.i Y OP Wyl i : 300 Country Club Rd,Building 100,Wylie,TX 75098 " Office: 972-516-6340/Fax 972-442-0758 Email: parks@wylietexas.gov VENDOR APPLICATION-Once approved by City Council, vendor has 7 days to finalize event with Parks&Recf eat on facility staff Recommended timeline for submission is 2-3 months in advance of event Please forward TYPED application to above addless, email or• i ►. Applicant Information Name of Organization: Primary Contact Person's Name: Wylie Citizens'Police Academy Alumni Association Diane Neel O nization's Phone rga Number: Primary Contact Person's Phone Number. 469 955 8308 Organization's Address: Primary Contact Person's Address: WCPAAA%Angie McIntosh 2000 N.H 78,W lie TX 75098 101 N.Westgatate Way . , Organization's Website/Email: Primary Contact Person's Email: N/A diane.neel@wylieisd.net Organization's Nan-pre Exemption Num er 5Q1c3{app Ica e . _Alternate Contact Person' s Name/Number/Email: 30-0520098 LindaLewis/214 240-9524 - ' Event Information Event Name/Title: __. -__.... ,..Cop �... . and Robbers Chase Event Type(fundraiser,etc.): Purpose of Event: Raise funds to support the Wylie Police Dept. nnnnnn Event Location: Proposed Event Date: Alternative Date: [Found er's Park route selected by Parks and Recreation 1s Date—Sept.21,2019 27Date—N/A Anticipated Number of Participating Vendors: Start Time(Ind.setup): End Time(Ind.cleanup): 1 7:30 AM 2 PM Anticipated Event Attendance: Event Target Audience: 200-300 n.�. Wylie families and friends EVENT fr EVENT DETAILS: Please list any and all specifics,as well as items intended to sell. If available,attach additional pages,announcements or flyers. We will sell late registrations at the event and T-shirts if someone doesn't want to run but wants to buy a T-shirt. We will have a jail where someone can be arrested and need to be"bailed out"by someone giving a donation.There will be free bounce house,face painting,cotton candy,and popcorn. Flyer Attached. NOTE: If food is prepared on-site or off-site and brought to the event location to be offered to the public,free or at a cost, the vendor applicant must contact the Collin County Environmental Services Office in McKinney in order to inquire whether a Temporary/Short-Term Event Food Service/Health Permit is required prior to the event. It is possible that a health inspector must examine food preparation and storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Please contact Clayton Stewart,Environmental Services Specialist,at 1-972-S48-5528 or 1-972.548-5585. The Collin County website is www.coliintountyagov. Sec.78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to sell any cold drinks,cigars, tobacco,cigarettes,fruits,candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center Rev,8-10-17 facility;provided, r,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation,or employees of any person who are recommended by the Parks and Recreation :• rd and approved the City Council to operate a concession or con ions for the sale of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the , Rev.R-1Q47 J,• Wylie,Citizens IPoliceAcademy �•�...�. ,+ AlumniAssociatlon s errs wic,. ..1? L ._ L ."'',-.. ivy) �a� ,, , P0413 litioSt, , hyj IX,-c 01),,: ,,, , -:•1:,,,,' 1-.7.c.ell, , . ." . . ,..„....... • . . At -"""se , FUN RUN („), ... Packet Pick-up-Day of Race 7:30am r't itt t t ..,44tt,...£ tt rtw tte til tt t't 3tlt 0 84,4ii kr�.}'` it .4ti\7X3�.rYFit}ft}4ttt Ct". ltuS'a �sUa'"'bpwt 4i� ww �ttl}ta }.t�}t"00,rt r' t; 1' r r dt}tt ''' : ' ''''''' '''''' '''''''''''' -.1:' :. '' : '.1,.., ..:,...H.... . .. . ....... ...,.. . �t4t75S 5� 4 t}f �,fi4}}45 4?it .t t�... .stt FY ;rtb' t5 tt .5 } } 7 t *so .. . . .. .. , , . , ,.... .. ....... .....,...:........... .. . ... e .., . ....,:..,............ ,, ....,..,.. .,.,.:......:. , . ... ....., ., ...:,.. ..,,... .......... ..... .......,.. i 4S t. 44 }Ittt(yt 1{U}tt t1 t}1 t{. tl t sF {�S m' tt t (5 .tt'S. 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MEMBER IN THE FUN RUN JAIL FORA DONATION Reg{ster Before'Sept. 9th to`Guarantee a,T-Shirt & Medal www,GetMeRegistered.cornIWCPAAACepsRobbers,Chase Age 14 . &Under 1. .00 (Includes t-shirtmedal) Age 15 & Up .00 (Includes t-shirt & medal) Family Rate 4 runners 7O.00(Includes t-shirts & medals) (must include at least 1 adult') Wylie City Council 1„,)[ 1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Finance Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: February 14, 2019 Exhibits: Investment Report Subject Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for January 31, 2019. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for January 31, 2019. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Page 1 of 1 2018-2019 Investment Report January 31, 2019 Money Market Accounts: MMA Certificates of Deposit: CCD Treasury Bills: T-Bills Treasury Notes: T-Notes Government Agency Notes: AN Invest. Principal Type Of Interest Purchase Maturity Number Amount Security Rate Issuer Date Date 1 $15,019,439.15 MMA 2.3892% Texpool 12/31/2006 NA 2 $15,561,335.08 MMA 2.3937% TexStar 3/15/2011 NA $30,580,774.23 Total Weighted Average Coupon: 2.3915% Money Markets: $30,580,774.23 Weighted Average Maturity(Days): 1.00 Certificates of Deposits: $0.00 $30,580,774.23 Weighted Average Coupon 3.0000% 2.5000% 2.0000% 1.5000% 1.0000% 0.5000% 0.0000% Jan 2018 Feb 2018 Mar 2018 Apr 2018 May 2018 Jun 2018 Jul 2018 Aug 2018 Sep 2018 Oct 2018 Nov 2018 Dec 2018 Jan 2019 Wylie City Council oF AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Finance Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Revenue and Expenditure Date Prepared: February 14, 2019 Exhibits: Monthly Report Subject Consider, and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for January 31, 2019. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file,the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for January 31, 2019. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT January 31, 2019 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 33.33% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2018-2019 2018-2019 2018-2019 OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 29,665,403 6,615,793 23,254,790 78.39% A FRANCHISE FEES 2,689,000 626,304 658,370 24.48% B LICENSES AND PERMITS 1,061,000 130,423 426,194 40.17% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 1,252,972 28,198 468,952 37.43% SERVICE FEES 3,543,800 309,741 930,022 26.24% C FINES AND FORFEITURES 507,500 27,094 93,879 18.50% D INTEREST INCOME 50,000 19,526 59,858 119.72% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 152,500 6,712 46,589 30.55% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 2,273,616 0 2,273,616 100.00% REVENUES 41,195,791 7,763,791 28,212,270 68.48% USE OF FUND BALANCE 1,355,452 NA NA NA E USE OF CARRY-FORWARD FUNDS 162,366 NA NA NA TOTAL REVENUES 42,713,608 NA NA NA GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 91,874 4,094 27,961 30.43% CITY MANAGER 990,943 74,212 269,776 27.22% CITY SECRETARY 359,805 21,144 78,336 21.77% CITY ATTORNEY 155,000 6,620 25,892 16.70% FINANCE 1,200,440 87,310 374,948 31.23% FACILITIES 883,390 53,698 199,185 22.55% MUNICIPAL COURT 568,860 33,952 130,689 22.97% HUMAN RESOURCES 606,945 46,814 181,454 29.90% PURCHASING 186,426 13,480 51,152 27.44% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,404,458 104,495 535,852 38.15% F POLICE 9,879,853 726,988 2,884,855 29.20% FIRE 9,859,462 792,072 2,445,803 24.81% EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 1,774,671 119,812 494,998 27.89% ANIMAL CONTROL 588,108 41,298 162,485 27.63% PLANNING 621,946 46,883 175,691 28.25% BUILDING INSPECTION 569,530 43,308 157,569 27.67% CODE ENFORCEMENT 238,181 14,805 59,836 25.12% STREETS 3,435,290 244,489 690,690 20.11% PARKS 2,653,869 163,161 635,581 23.95% LIBRARY 2,130,774 160,843 619,539 29.08% COMBINED SERVICES 4,513,782 261,018 1,225,537 27.15% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 42,713,608 3,060,496 11,427,829 26.75% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 0 4,703,295 16,784,441 41.73% A. Property Tax Collections for FY18-19 as of January 31, 2019 are 91.47%, in comparison to FY17-18 for the same time period of 91.20%. Sales tax is on a 2 month lag and November is$64k more than November 2017. B. Franchise Fees: The majority of franchise fees are recognized in the third and fourth quarter with electric fees making up the majority. C. Service Fees: Trash fees billed in October are applicable towards FY 2017-18 revenue with the remaining fees coming from other seasonal fees. YTD actual trash consists of three months of income. D. Fines and Forfeitures: FY18-19 budget was decreased. Actual revenues are down 35% compared to this time last year. E. Use of Fund Balance: $1,300,000 for Fire Station#2 remodel construction and $55,452 budget amendment for architectural and design costs associated with the Fire Station#2 remodel that were not carried-forward from last year. F. Due to one-time expenditures including annual membership dues. This will level out throughout the fiscal year. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT January 31, 2019 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 33.33% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2018-2019 2018-2019 2018-2019 OF BUDGET UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 19,073,340 1,644,492 4,729,547 24.80% G INTEREST INCOME 27,500 5,718 26,114 94.96% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 30,000 1,295 5,894 19.65% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0 0 0 0.00% REVENUES 19,130,840 1,651,505 4,761,555 24.89% USE OF FUND BALANCE 1,506,050 NA NA NA H USE OF CARRY-FORWARD FUNDS 409,790 NA NA NA TOTAL REVENUES 21,046,680 NA NA NA UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 911,425 88,822 283,304 31.08% UTILITIES -WATER 3,372,578 150,511 486,424 14.42% UTILITIES - SEWER 1,474,277 61,417 608,527 41.28% 1 UTILITY BILLING 558,981 50,463 150,554 26.93% COMBINED SERVICES 14,585,170 892,510 5,858,545 40.17% J TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,902,431 1,243,723 7,387,354 J 35.34% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 144,249 407,782 -2,625,799 -10.45% G. Most Utility Fund Revenue billed in October was applicable to FY 2017-18. YTD consists of three months of income. H. Use of Fund Balance: For Replacement/New Fleet& Equipment. I. Purchase of Vac Truck$362k-will level out throughout the fiscal year. J Due to annual transfer to the General Fund. This will level out throughout the fiscal year. Wylie City Council ciTY AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 22, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign an Agreement between the City of Wylie and the Skorburg Company to relocate a sewer line and sewer easement within property located in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), generally located north of Stone Road and east of Kreymer Road, and more specifically at 2121 E. Stone Road. Recommendation Motion to approve authorizing the City Manager to sign an Agreement between the City of Wylie and the Skorburg Company to relocate a sewer line and sewer easement within property located in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), generally located north of Stone Road and east of Kreymer Road, and more specifically at 2121 E. Stone Road. Discussion APPLICANT: Trey Wallette for Skorburg Company The applicant is proposing a 14.599 acre residential development consisting of 73 residential lots. The property is in the City's ETJ in the county of Collin. The agreement sets forth the Developer obligations for the realignment and relocation of a 24-inch sewer line and a 30- foot sewer easement. Approval of the agreement should be conditioned on the approval of the Preliminary Plat for the property. Page 1 of 1. NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM ANY INSTRUMENT THAT TRANSFERS AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVERS'LICENSE NUMBER. After Recording Return to: City of Wylie Attention: City Manager 300 Country Club Road Wylie,Texas 75098 AGREEMENT TO RELOCATE SEWER FACILITIES This Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and among John Englar and Yanyu Duan or their assigns (collectively, "Developer") and the City of Wylie, Texas ("City"). Developer and City are sometimes referred to herein, individually or collectively, as the case may be, as a"Party" or the "Parties." RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer is the sole owner and the developer of approximately 14.599 acres of real property located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, Developer is proposing a residential development on the Property and seeks City's approval of a preliminary plat for the proposed development("Project"); and WHEREAS, the City currently holds a certificate of convenience and necessity for sewer service that includes the Property, so the City would be the provider of sanitary sewer service for the proposed development; and WHEREAS, the City currently has a 24-inch sewer line ("Existing Sewer Line") and a 30-foot sewer easement on the Property ("Existing Easement") in the location generally depicted on Exhibit B attached hereto; and WHEREAS, Developer has asked the City to allow Developer to realign the Existing Sewer Line and relocate the Existing Easement on the Property to accommodate the proposed development on the Property; and WHEREAS, the Parties have agreed that Developer may realign the Existing Sewer Line and relocate the Existing Easement on the Property at Developer's sole cost and expense as a condition of City's approval of a final plat for the Property and as more specifically set forth in, and subject to the terms and conditions of, this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual rights and obligations set forth herein, the Parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Realignment and Relocation. The Parties acknowledge and agree that Developer will be Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 1 of 21 2672631 required to realign the Existing Sewer Line and relocate the Existing Easement at the approximate location shown on Exhibit C attached hereto in order to accommodate Developer's proposed development. As a condition of City's approval of a final plat for the Property, Developer shall complete all actions necessary to realign the Existing Sewer Line and relocate the Existing Easement at Developer's sole cost and expense. 2. Dedication of New Easement. In the event that Developer completes the relocation of the Existing Easement and the realignment of the Existing Sewer Line in accordance with this Agreement, the City will abandon the Existing Easement and Developer will dedicate to the City, and the City will accept, a new 30-foot sanitary sewer easement ("New Easement") on the Property, in the location shown on Exhibit C attached hereto, via the final plat for the Property to allow for the constructing, reconstructing, operating, repairing, enlarging, re-building, replacing, relocating, altering, removing and perpetually maintaining of the Improvements (as defined herein). The City shall not be required to abandon the Existing Easement unless and until Developer dedicates to the City the New Easement and completes the Improvements in accordance with this Agreement. Developer shall: (i) dedicate the New Easement free and clear of any liens, attachments and encumbrances; and (ii) secure the authorized signatures of any person or entity deemed necessary by City to consent to the dedication of the New Easement. Nothing in this Agreement may be construed or interpreted to waive, minimize, replace, negate, void, invalidate or otherwise modify in any way any requirement or obligation under any City ordinance, regulation or standard, including but not limited to the City's Subdivision Regulations, as they exist or may be amended, for the dedication, grant or conveyance of any type of easement rights and/or fee simple right-of-way required as part of any development or redevelopment of the Property or any portion thereof. Moreover, nothing in this Agreement may be construed or interpreted to waive, minimize, replace, negate, void, invalidate or otherwise modify in any way City's authority and right to require Developer to convey easement rights, fee simple right-of-way or other property interests pursuant to City's condemnation authority. 3. Design and Construction of Improvements. (a) As a condition of City's approval of a final plat for the Property, Developer, at Developer's sole cost and expense, shall design and construct a new 24-inch sanitary sewer line and all necessary appurtenances thereto within the New Easement and shall connect the new line to the City's sewer system (collectively, "Improvements"). The Improvements shall replace the Existing Sewer Line. (b) Developer shall cause the design and construction of the Improvements in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all State and City laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, as they exist or may be amended, relating to the design and construction of public facilities (collectively, "Construction Requirements"). Developer shall submit to City the designs, plans and specifications for the Improvements in compliance with this Agreement and all Construction Requirements (collectively, "Plans"). The Plans must be approved, in writing, by City (collectively, "Approved Plans"), before Developer begins Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 2 of 21 2672631 construction of the Improvements. Developer shall provide to City, at Developer's sole cost and expense, all engineering drawings and documents necessary to construct the Improvements, including the Approved Plans, without any restrictions on City's use of such drawings and documents. The Property shall be accessible by City and its employees, agents and contractors for the purpose of inspecting the Improvements, and the construction thereof, at all times. (c) The Improvements must be completed, finally accepted by City and conveyed to City in accordance with this Agreement, the Approved Plans and the Construction Requirements (collectively, "City's Final Acceptance"). Developer must complete the Improvements, comply with all obligations under this Agreement and obtain City's Final Acceptance of the Improvements before, and as a condition of, City's approval of the final plat on the Property. (d) Bonds. (i) Evidence of any bonds required by Section 212.073 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, other applicable law or this Agreement (collectively, the "Bonds") shall be provided by Developer to City. (ii) Before commencing construction of the Improvements, Developer shall cause to be delivered a payment bond and a performance bond, each of which shall be in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the estimated costs to complete the Improvements to ensure City is indemnified: (A) against any claims for nonpayment of any part of the construction or work performed in connection with the Improvements; and (B) for the completion of the Improvements in accordance with this Agreement. Prior to City's Final Acceptance of the Improvements, Developer shall cause to be delivered to City a two (2) year maintenance bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the estimated costs to complete the Improvements to ensure the repair or remedy of any maintenance issues City may have regarding the Improvements after City's issuance of City's Final Acceptance of the same. (iii) The Bonds must be: (A) good and sufficient bonds; (B) in the amounts prescribed herein; (C) with a reputable and solvent corporate surety and in favor of City; and (D) in compliance with any other City requirements relating to such bonds. (e) Before commencing construction of the Improvements, Developer shall include the following provisions in any contract with any person or entity hired by Developer to construct all or any portion of the Improvements (collectively, "Developer Contractor"): Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 3 of 21 2672631 (i) "All warranties provided to [Developer] shall inure to the benefit of the City of Wylie, Texas for all purposes." (ii) "[DEVELOPER CONTRACTOR] SHALL RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF WYLIE AND ITS CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION FOR INJURIES (INCLUDING DEATH), PROPERTY DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE) AND OTHER LOSSES, DEMANDS, SUITS, JUDGMENTS, EXPENSES AND COSTS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS' FEES AND EXPENSES INCURRED IN ENFORCING THE INDEMNITY),ARISING OUT OF,RELATED TO OR RESULTING FROM, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, ANY WORK PERFORMED BY [DEVELOPER CONTRACTOR] IN CONNECTION WITH [THE IMPROVEMENTS], WHETHER SUCH ACTIONS OR OMISSIONS WERE INTENTIONAL OR UNINTENTIONAL. THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED HEREIN IS NOT INTENDED TO AND SHALL NOT, IN ANY WAY, CREATE ANY CAUSE OF ACTION FOR THE BENEFIT OF THIRD PARTIES. THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT." (f) As an additional condition of City issuing City's Final Acceptance of the Improvements, Developer shall transfer and deliver to City all manufacturers' warranties, with City being the beneficiary thereof, for all products, materials and elements of the Improvements. This Section 3(f) shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. (g) The Parties agree that the Improvements shall be constructed and completed in one phase. Upon City's Final Acceptance of the Improvements, the Improvements shall become the sole property of City. (h) As an additional condition of City issuing City's Final Acceptance of the Improvements, Developer shall tender to City evidence, in a form reasonably acceptable to City, that all of the design and construction costs of the Improvements have been incurred and paid by Developer, including but not limited to, affidavits of payment/affidavits as to debts and liens and any other evidence reasonably required by City ("Evidence of Payments"). (i) Developer, at its sole cost and expense, shall take all actions necessary to ensure that the sanitary sewer service provided or facilitated by the Existing Sewer Line is not interrupted, limited or diminished, in whole or in part, at any time during construction of the Improvements or before City's Final Acceptance of the Improvements. Developer acknowledges and agrees that if Developer fails to comply with this Section 3(i), City will sustain actual damages. The exact Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 4 of 21 2672631 amount of such damages will be difficult to ascertain. Therefore, the Parties agree that if Developer fails to comply with this Section 3(i), then Developer shall promptly pay City the sum of Two Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($2,000.00) for each calendar day in which the sanitary sewer service provided or facilitated by the Existing Sewer Line is interrupted, limited or diminished, in whole or in part, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages for the damages that would be suffered by City as a result of such interruption, limitation or diminution for each and every calendar day that such interruption, limitation or diminution occurs, in addition to any other remedy available to City. Developer, at Developer's sole cost and expense, shall remove and lawfully dispose of the Existing Sewer Line facilities as a condition of City's issuance of City's Final Acceptance of the Improvements. This Section 3(i) shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 4. Liability. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Developer shall be fully and solely responsible and liable for its own acts and omissions, including those of its officers, agents, representatives, employees, subcontractors, licensees, invitees and all other parties performing works for or on behalf of Developer under this Agreement. City assumes no such responsibility or liability. City shall have no such responsibility or liability to either Developer or its officers, agents, representatives, employees, subcontractors, licensees, invitees or other persons. 5. Compliance with Laws; Standard of Care. Developer shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations and policies, as they exist, may be amended or in the future arising, applicable to Developer's work under this Agreement. Developer shall ensure that Developer's officers, agents, representatives, employees, subcontractors, licensees, invitees and other parties performing services for or on behalf of Developer under this Agreement comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations and policies. If Developer observes or is notified that the work under this Agreement is at variance with applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations and policies, Developer shall immediately notify City in writing. 6. Default. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, if Developer fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement, and such failure is not cured within thirty (30) days after Developer receives written notice of such failure from City, then City shall have the following remedies, in addition to City's other rights and remedies: (i) to terminate this Agreement; and/or (ii) to withhold any plat approvals or other development permits necessary for the development of the Property; and/or (iii) to seek specific performance of this Agreement. Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 5 of 21 2672631 (b) If City fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and such failure is not cured within thirty (30) days after City receives written notice of such failure from Developer, then Developer may seek specific performance of this Agreement as Developer's sole and exclusive remedy. 7. Limitation of Liability; Limitations of Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the Parties agree and acknowledge that City shall not, under any circumstance, be required to tender, or be liable to Developer for, any credit, reimbursement or payment of any monies with regard to the matters set forth herein. The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement is limited to the matters expressly set forth herein. City ordinances covering property taxes, utility rates,permit fees, inspection fees, development fees, impact fees, tap fees, pro-rata fees and the like are not affected by this Agreement. Further, this Agreement does not waive or limit any of the obligations of Developer to City under any applicable ordinance, whether now existing or in the future arising. 8. Covenant Running with the Land. The land that is subject to this Agreement is the Property. Developer represents that it is the sole owner of the Property. This Agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and all portions of the Property, and shall be binding on Developer and Developer's successors and assigns. In addition, the Parties shall cause this Agreement to be filed in the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, within five(5) days of the Effective Date (hereinafter defined) of this Agreement. 9. Notices. Any notice provided or permitted to be given under this Agreement must be in writing and may be served by depositing same in the United States Mail, addressed to the Party to be notified, postage pre-paid and registered or certified with return receipt requested; by electronic mail, with documentation evidencing the addressee's receipt thereof; or by delivering the same in person to such Party via hand-delivery service, or any courier service that provides a return receipt showing the date of actual delivery of same to the addressee thereof. Notice given in accordance herewith shall be effective upon receipt at the address of the addressee. For purposes of notification, the addresses of the Parties shall be as follows: If to City, addressed to it at: City of Wylie Attention: City Manager 300 Country Club Road Wylie, Texas 75098 Telephone: (972) 516-6000 Email: mindy.manson@wylietexas.gov With a copy to: Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd&Hullett, P.C. Attn: Ryan D. Pittman Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 6 of 21 2672631 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 300 McKinney, Texas 75069 Telephone: (214) 544-4000 Email: rpittman@abernathy-law.com If to Developer, addressed to them at: John Englar and Yanyu Duan 503 Stonehedge Drive Wylie, Texas 75098 10. Indemnity. (a) DEVELOPER SHALL RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS CITY FROM AND AGAINST ALL DAMAGES, INJURIES (INCLUDING DEATH), CLAIMS, PROPERTY DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE), LOSSES, DEMANDS, SUITS, JUDGMENTS AND COSTS, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES INCURRED IN ENFORCING THIS INDEMNITY), TO THE EXTENT CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY THE NEGLIGENT, GROSSLY NEGLIGENT AND/OR INTENTIONAL WRONGFUL ACT AND/OR OMISSION OF DEVELOPER IN DEVELOPER'S PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR ARISING OUT OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY DEVELOPER PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF THE JOINT OR CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE OF CITY (COLLECTIVELY, `CLAIMS"). THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION AND THE USE OF THE TERM "CLAIMS" IS ALSO SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO APPLY TO, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, WHETHER CIVIL OR CRIMINAL, BROUGHT AGAINST CITY BY ANY GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY OR AGENCY RELATED TO ANY PERSON PROVIDING SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT THAT ARE BASED ON ANY FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW AND ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, DAMAGES, ACTIONS AND CAUSES OF ACTION OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, EXISTING OR CLAIMED TO EXIST, RELATING TO OR ARISING OUT OF ANY EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEVELOPER AND DEVELOPER'S EMPLOYEES OR SUBCONTRACTORS AS A RESULT OF THAT SUBCONTRACTOR'S OR EMPLOYEE'S EMPLOYMENT AND/OR SEPARATION FROM EMPLOYMENT WITH DEVELOPER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DISCRIMINATION CLAIM BASED ON SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION OR PREFERENCE, RACE, RELIGION, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE OR DISABILITY UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL LAW, RULE OR REGULATION, AND/OR ANY CLAIM FOR WRONGFUL TERMINATION, BACK PAY, FUTURE WAGE LOSS, OVERTIME PAY, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, INJURY SUBJECT TO RELIEF UNDER THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT OR WOULD BE SUBJECT TO RELIEF UNDER ANY POLICY FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AND ANY OTHER CLAIM, WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE. DEVELOPER IS EXPRESSLY REQUIRED TO DEFEND CITY AGAINST ALL SUCH CLAIMS. Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 7 of 21 2672631 (b) IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION, CITY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO APPROVE OR SELECT DEFENSE COUNSEL TO BE RETAINED BY DEVELOPER IN FULFILLING DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATION HEREUNDER TO DEFEND AND INDEMNIFY CITY, UNLESS SUCH RIGHT IS EXPRESSLY WAIVED BY CITY IN WRITING. CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PROVIDE A PORTION OR ALL OF ITS OWN DEFENSE; HOWEVER, CITY IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO DO SO. ANY SUCH ACTION BY CITY IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS A WAIVER OF DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATION TO DEFEND CITY OR AS A WAIVER OF DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY CITY PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. DEVELOPER SHALL RETAIN CITY- APPROVED DEFENSE COUNSEL WITHIN SEVEN (7) BUSINESS DAYS OF CITY'S WRITTEN NOTICE THAT CITY IS INVOKING ITS RIGHT TO INDEMNIFICATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. IF DEVELOPER FAILS TO RETAIN COUNSEL WITHIN SUCH TIME PERIOD,CITY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO RETAIN DEFENSE COUNSEL ON ITS OWN BEHALF, AND DEVELOPER SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ALL COSTS INCURRED BY CITY. (c) THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS CREATED BY THIS SECTION 10 SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 11. Acknowledgement of City's Compliance with Federal and State Constitutions, Statues and Case Law and Federal, State and Local Ordinances, Rules and Regulations; Developer's Waiver and Release of Claims For Obligations Imposed by this Agreement. (a) DEVELOPER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT: (i) THE CONVEYANCES, DEDICATIONS, EASEMENTS AND/OR PAYMENT OF MONEY REQUIRED BY THIS AGREEMENT TO BE PERFORMED BY DEVELOPER,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,DO NOT CONSTITUTE A: (A) TAKING UNDER THE TEXAS OR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION; (B) VIOLATION OF THE TEXAS WATER CODE, AS IT EXISTS OR MAY BE AMENDED; (C) NUISANCE; OR (D) CLAIM FOR DAMAGES OR REIMBURSEMENT AGAINST CITY FOR A VIOLATION OF ANY FEDERAL OR STATE CONSTITUTION, STATUTE OR CASE LAW OR ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL ORDINANCE, RULE OR REGULATION. (ii) THE AMOUNT OF DEVELOPER'S FINANCIAL OR INFRASTRUCTURE CONTRIBUTION OR CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY OR INTERESTS THEREIN (AFTER RECEIVING ALL CONTRACTUAL OFFSETS, CREDITS AND REIMBURSEMENTS,IF ANY)AGREED TO IN THIS AGREEMENT IS ROUGHLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE DEMAND THAT DEVELOPER'S DEVELOPMENT PLACES ON CITY'S INFRASTRUCTURE. Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 8 of 21 2672631 (iii) DEVELOPER HEREBY RELEASES CITY FROM ANY OBLIGATION TO PERFORM OR COMMISSION A TAKINGS IMPACT ASSESSMENT UNDER CHAPTER 2007 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, AS IT EXISTS OR MAY BE AMENDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. (iv) DEVELOPER HEREBY AGREES THAT ANY PROPERTY WHICH IT CONVEYS TO CITY PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT IS ROUGHLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE BENEFIT RECEIVED BY DEVELOPER FOR SUCH LAND, AND DEVELOPER HEREBY WAIVES ANY CLAIM THEREFORE THAT IT MAY HAVE. DEVELOPER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT ALL PREREQUISITES TO SUCH A DETERMINATION OF ROUGH PROPORTIONALITY HAVE BEEN MET,AND THAT ANY VALUE RECEIVED BY CITY RELATIVE TO SAID CONVEYANCE ARE RELATED BOTH IN NATURE AND EXTEND TO THE IMPACT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF DEVELOPER'S ADJACENT PROPERTY ON CITY'S INFRASTRUCTURE. DEVELOPER AND CITY FURTHER AGREE TO WAIVE AND RELEASE ALL CLAIMS ONE MAY HAVE AGAINST THE OTHER RELATED TO ANY AND ALL ROUGH PROPORTIONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION REQUIREMENTS MANDATED BY THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT IN DOLAN V. CITY OF TIGARD, 512 U.S. 374 (1994), AND ITS PROGENY, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF A NEXUS BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS AND THE PROJECTED IMPACT OF THE PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT. (v) DEVELOPER SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS CITY FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS AND SUITS OF THIRD PARTIES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DEVELOPER'S PARTNERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNEES, VENDORS, GRANTEES OR TRUSTEES, BROUGHT PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION 11. (b) DEVELOPER RELEASES CITY FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION BASED ON EXCESSIVE OR ILLEGAL EXACTIONS RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT. (C) DEVELOPER WAIVES ANY CLAIM FOR DAMAGES OR REIMBURSEMENT AGAINST CITY FOR A VIOLATION OF ANY FEDERAL OR STATE CONSTITUTION,STATUTE OR CASE LAW OR ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL ORDINANCE, RULE OR REGULATION RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT. (d) THIS SECTION 11 SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 12. Vested Rights/Chapter 245 Waiver. This Agreement shall confer no vested rights on the Property, or any portion thereof. In addition, nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute a "permit" as defined in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, and nothing in this Agreement provides City with fair notice of any project of Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 9 of 21 2672631 Developer. DEVELOPER WAIVES ANY STATUTORY CLAIM UNDER CHAPTER 245 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, AS AMENDED, ARISING OUT OF ANY ACTS OR OMISSIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THIS SECTION 12 SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 13. Condemnation Procedures/Rights Waiver. AS ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION FOR THE BENEFITS DEVELOPER IS RECEIVING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, DEVELOPER HEREBY RELEASES CITY FROM AND AGAINST, AND WAIVES, ANY ALL RIGHTS TO OR CLAIM FOR ANY RELIEF UNDER CHAPTER 2206 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, AS AMENDED,, AND/OR CHAPTER 21 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE, AS AMENDED, ARISING OUT OF ANY ACTS OR OMISSIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 14. Attorneys' Fees. If either Party files any action or brings any proceeding against the other arising from this Agreement, then as between Developer and City, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover as an element of its costs of suit, and not as damages, reasonable and necessary attorneys' fees and litigation expenses both at trial and on appeal, subject to the limitations set forth in TEx. Loc. Gov'T CODE § 271.153, as it exists or may be amended, if applicable. 15. Warranties/Representations. All warranties, representations and covenants made by one Party to the other in this Agreement or in any certificate or other instrument delivered by one Party to the other under this Agreement shall be considered to have been relied on by the other Party and will survive the satisfaction of any fees under this Agreement, regardless of any investigation made by either Party. 16. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the matters contained herein and may not be modified or terminated except upon the provisions hereof or by the mutual written agreement of the Parties. 17. Governing Law; Venue. The laws of the State of Texas shall govern the interpretation, validity, performance and enforcement of this Agreement, without regard to conflict of law principles. This Agreement is perfoiziiable in Collin County, Texas, and the exclusive venue for any action arising out of this Agreement shall be a court of appropriate jurisdiction in Collin County, Texas. 18. Consideration. The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is executed without coercion or duress and for substantial consideration, the sufficiency of which is forever confessed. 19. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. An electronic mail or facsimile signature will also be deemed to constitute an original if properly executed and delivered to the other Party. 20. Authority to Execute. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of the Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 10 of 21 2672631 respective Parties below represent to each other and to others that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the individual who is executing this Agreement to do so for and on behalf of the Party for which his or her signature appears, that there are no other parties or entities required to execute this Agreement in order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the Party for whom the individual is signing this Agreement and that each individual affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and that such authorization is valid and effective on the effective date of this Agreement. 21. Savings/Severability. In the event that a term, condition or provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal, void, unenforceable or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that term, condition or provision shall be deleted and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such invalid, illegal, void, unenforceable or unlawful provision had never been contained in this Agreement. 22. Representations. Each Party represents that it has carefully read this Agreement, knows the contents hereof, has consulted with an attorney of its choice regarding the meaning and effect hereof and is signing the same solely of its own judgment. 23. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any right in any third party not a signatory to this Agreement, and the Parties do not intend to create any third party beneficiaries by entering into this Agreement. 24. Assignment/Binding Effect. (a) This Agreement is assignable, in whole or in part, on the following conditions, all of which must be satisfied before any such assignment shall be valid and enforceable: (i) the assignment of the Agreement must be evidenced by a recordable document ("Assignment"), the form of which must be approved in writing by City (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld); (ii) the Assignment must expressly contain, among any other reasonable requirements or conditions of City, an acknowledgment and agreement that all obligations, covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement will be assumed solely and completely by the assignee, and the contact name, address, phone number and electronic mail address of the assignee; (iii) Developer will file any approved, executed Assignment in the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; and (iv) Developer shall provide City with a file-marked copy of the Assignment within ten (10) days of filing the same, and until City receives said file- marked copy of the Assignment as provided herein, City shall not, under Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 11 of 21 2672631 any circumstance, recognize said Assignment. (b) This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of Developer and City and their respective successors and assigns. 25. Indemnification. The Parties agree that the indemnity provisions set forth in Sections 10 and 11 herein are conspicuous, and the Parties have read and understood the same. 26. Waiver. Waiver by either Party of any breach of this Agreement, or the failure of either Party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, at any time, shall not in any way affect, limit or waive such Party's right thereafter to enforce and compel strict compliance. 27. Immunity. It is expressly understood and agreed that, in the execution and performance of this Agreement, City has not waived, nor shall be deemed hereby to have waived, any defense or immunity, including governmental, sovereign and official immunity, that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions other than specific performance of this Agreement. By entering into this Agreement, the Parties do not create any obligations, express or implied, other than those set forth herein. 28. Reference to Developer. When referring to an "Developer" herein, this Agreement shall refer to and be binding upon each of the Developers, jointly and severally, and Developer's officers, directors, partners, employees, representatives, contractors, agents, successors, assignees (as authorized herein), vendors, grantees, trustees, legal representatives and/or any other third parties for whom Developer is legally responsible. 29. Reference to City. When referring to "City" herein, this Agreement shall refer to and be binding upon City, its Council Members, officers, agents, representatives, employees and/or any other authorized third parties for whom City is legally responsible. 30. Miscellaneous Drafting Provisions. This Agreement shall be deemed drafted equally by all Parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against either Party shall not apply. Headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the Parties and are not intended to be used in construing this document. [Signatures appear on the next page.] Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 12 of 21 2672631 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement and caused this Agreement to be effective when all the Parties have signed it. The date this Agreement is signed by the last Party to sign it (as indicated by the date associated with that Party's signature below) will be deemed the effective date of this Agreement("Effective Date"). Developer: City: JOHN ENGLAR CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS By: By: Name: Mindy Manson, City Manager Date: Date: YANHU DUAN ATTEST: By: Name: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date: Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 13 of 21 2672631 STATE OF § COUNTY OF § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared John Englar, known to me to be one of the persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument; and that he executed said instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this_day of , 2019. Notary Public, State of My Commission Expires: STATE OF § COUNTY OF § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Yanyu Duan, known to me to be one of the persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument; and that she executed said instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2019. Notary Public, State of My Commission Expires: STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mindy Manson, known to me to be one of the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument; she acknowledged to me that she is the City Manager and duly authorized representative for the City of Wylie, Texas, and that she executed said instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2019. Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires: Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 14 of 21 2672631 Exhibit A Property Description All that tract of land in Collin County,Texas,out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey,A-688, being all of that called 5.365 acres of land described in a deed to John Reschke as recorded under CC#20081118001341760 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of that called 9.184 acres of land described in a deed to John Frederick Reschke II as recorded under CC# 20100521000511250 of the Official Public Records of Collin County,Texas,and further described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch steel rod found on the North line of Stone Road, at the Southwest corner of said 5.365 acres, and at the Southeast corner of that called 2.996 acres of land described in a deed to Randall D. Grubbs, Brenda G. Grubbs, and Kyle Dwayne Clark as recorded under CC# 20130122000092780 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 1/2 inch steel rod found bears North 89 degrees 52 minutes 24 seconds West,499.30 feet for witness; THENCE North 00 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds East, 522.63 feet to a 3/8 inch steel rod found at an ell corner of said 5.365 acres, and at the Northeast corner of said 2.996 acres, from which a 1/2 inch steel rod found at the Northwest corner of said 2.996 acres bears North 89 degrees 51 minutes 47 seconds West,249.44 feet for witness; THENCE North 89 degrees 51 minutes 47 seconds West, 500.37 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set capped "Boundary Solutions" at the Westerly most Southwest corner of said 5.365 acres, at the Northwest corner of that called 1.50 acres of land described in a deed to Wendell H.Daniel as recorded in Volume 5312,Page 5682 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and on the East line of that called 4.892 acres of land described in a deed to Frank Solla and wife,Julia Solla as recorded in Volume 5135, Page 3349 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas,from which a 1/2 inch steel rod found at the Southeast corner of said 4.892 acres bears South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, 174.98 feet for witness; THENCE North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (Bearing Basis), 675.80 feet to a 1/2 inch steel rod found at the Northwest corner of said 9.184 acres, at the Northeast corner of said 4.892 acres, and on the South line of that called 5.00 acres of land described in a deed to Guy L. Cates as recorded under CC# 20070627000881390 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 3/8 inch steel rod found bears North 89 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds West,375.43 feet for witness; THENCE South 89 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds East, 745.17 feet to a point at the Northeast corner of said 9.184 acres,and at the Southeast corner of said 5.00 acres,from which a nail found bears South 17 degrees 59 minutes 11 seconds West, 0.92 feet for witness, and from which a 1/2 inch steel rod found bears South 00 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds East,246.31 feet for witness; THENCE South 00 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds East, 1200.07 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set capped "Boundary Solutions" on the North line of Stone Road,at the Southeast corner of said 9.184 acres,and on the West line of that called 2.026 acres of land described in a deed to Christopher D. Pollard as recorded in Volume 3296,Page 223 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 52 minutes 24 seconds West, 252.46 feet along the North line of said Stone Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing 14.606 acres of land, more or less. Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 15 of 21 2672631 Exhibit B Depiction of Existing Sewer Line and Existing Easement EXHIBIT "B" $ /?• RTT 00R00481 CR4 Lon`1- 0006287 6287 SEWER EASEMENT C THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN § rn That,John F.Reschke and spouse,Grace Reschke(hereinafter collectively referred ra, to as"Grantor"),for and In consideration of the sum of ONE AND NO/100 DOLLARS($1.00) end other good and valuable consideration to Grantor in hand paid by the City of Wylie,Texas, a municipal corporation(the"City")situated In Collin County,Texas(hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"),the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration are hereby acknowledged,do hereby grant unto Grantee, a permanent non-exclusive easement (the "Permanent Easement")In,over and across the real property described on Exhibit"A"attached hereto(the "Permanent Easement Property"), for the purpose of the construction, placement and maintenance of an underground sanitary sewer line and all appurtenances thereto(collectively, the"Sewer Line"). In connection with the construction of the Sewer Line,Grantor hereby grants a non- exclusive temporary construction easement(the"Temporary Easement")in,over and across the real property located within 30 feet of each side of the Permanent Easement Property(the "Temporary Easement Property")(the Permanent Easement Property and the Temporary Easement Property are collectively referred to herein as the"Easement Property")for the purpose of any construction activities related to the construction,placement and maintenance of the Sewer Lite. The Temporary Easement shall terminate upon the earlier of: (I)18 months from the date hereof, or (II) the acceptance by the City of the Sewer Line. Upon the termination,Grantee agrees to execute such documents necessary to reflect the termination of the Temporary Easement in the Real Property Records of Collin County,Texas. The easement rights granted herein shall include the right to access the Easement Property. To the extent that Grantee damages the Easement Property, Grantee agrees to promptly repair such damage. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described Permanent Easement,together with all and singular,the rights and appurtenances thereto In anywise belonging unto the said Grantee forever. Grantor hereby reserves the right to use the Easement Property for purposes not Inconsistent with Grantee's use of such Easement Property(including,without limitation,the right to place landscaping, driveways and public and/or private streets within the Easement Property). 1 'ACS/TRC' COLLIN Doc: 000006287 Date: 01/19/2001 Vol: 0004837 Page: 00162 Page: 1 0f 5 Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 16 of 21 2672631 - - • 4837 0163 r EXECUTED this 711'.day of Dt?o 2000. GRANTOR: 7 7 1 ,. 7Z2�CI�+ Jo "Reichke Grace eschke N----' THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF COLUN § This instrument was acknowledged before me on t__iLEO.�r r ,2000,by John F. Reschke(personally known to me or proved through as identification). ,, � ry Public,in ands the State of Texas j-„ wcaeMSSONamnss Notary's printed name: A—ma/744.ii. Aaas,2ao! My Commission Expires i4ne.. . 0651 c THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF COLON § This instrument was acknowledged before me on 4,.edef-u.,C'2t rY 4 2000,by Grace Reschke(personally known to me or proved through l as Identification). L__No Public,In nf.fi6 17 .E ry in an r t(,e State of Tetras : AMANDAsoa+A Notary's printed name:11-m�ar letd 3(�li( '0 MY MI E95 cs 2004 .My Commission Expires TLtrie,5,c�:7<?'S/ 2 *ACS/TRC* COLLIN Doc: 000006287 Date: 01/19/2001 Vol: 0004837 Page: 00162 Page: 2 Of 5 Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 17 of 21 2672631 4837 0164 EXHIBIT"A" SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT RESCHKE PROPERTY 4556-7 BEING a strip of land for a sanitary sewer easement situated in the Fransico De La Pine Survey,Abstract No.688,City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas,and being a portion of two tracts of land as deeded to John F.Reschke and Grace Reschke one recorded in Volume 3389,Page 97,of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas,(DRCCT),the subject tract being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at a point in the north line of Stone Road, said point being the most southerly southwest corner of said Reschke tract and the southeast corner of a tract of land as deeded to Michael D.Morris,as recorded in Volume 2453,Page 527(DRCCT); THENCE,N 01°08' 17"E,along the common line between said Reschke tract and Morris tract,passing at 522.73 feet the northeast corner of said Morris tract,a total distance of 819.84 feet; THENCE,N 69°40'07"E,a distance of 99.29 feet; THENCE,N 28°08'09"E,a distance of 64.25 feet; THENCE,N 05°24'27"E,a distance of 286.33 feet to a point in the north line of said Reschke tract,same being the south line of a tract of land as deeded to John A.Yates,and Diana Kay Yates,as recorded in County Clerk File No.96-0070802(DRCCT); THENCE,S 88°55'20"E,along the common line between said Reschke tract and Yates tract,a distance of 30.00 feet; THENCE,S 05°23'28"W,a distance of 294.63 feet; THENCE,S 28°08'09"W,a distance of 81.66 feet; THENCE,S 69°40'07"W,a distance of 90.22 feet; THENCE,S 01°08'17"W,a distance of 799.66 feet to a point in the north line of said Stone Road; THENCE,N 88°21' 27"W,Tong said Stone Road,a distance of 30.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 38,026 square feet or 0.8730 acres of land. Page 1 of 2 l'ages *ACS/TRC* COLLIN Doc: 000006287 Date: 01/19/2001 Vol: 0004837 Page: 00162 Page: 3 Of 5 Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 18 of 21 2672631 EXHIBIT"A"CONTINUED r :of I1:•,.R JOHN A. YATES 10011 r;c•1,r,,2 i'- ,; DIANA KAY YATES Ff`•i r.:.; ,,, 7 cc g sa-0070802 I I S l20'EI NW CO I JOHN F. RESCHKE I �2 I ....IGRACE RESCHKE + I I.y>3 vol. 3389, Pg. 97 .4, O $. = IIH Crt _ _ _ _ g\)) ,A j JOHN F. RESCHKE +°° GRACE RESCHKE I 1 L- - -- „,o RI I e 1 ml o Ws ,: gI: w 6 IW IN I . Beginning Place of I ' s eew•m•¢ j —__--_ __—_-_-__ 1 ___— _ STONE ROAD N—_?T'w F.O. BIRMINGHAM MEMORIAL LAND TRUST i 1 Vol. 4088, Pg. 1303 s i TIPTON ENGINEERING, INC. SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 6330 Broadway Blvd. ••• Suite C Garland, Texas 75043, 972.226,2967 RESCHKE PROPERTY DRAWN DA'O ODA= Jos NO• Fransico De La Pins Survey, Abstract No. 686 12/01/00 1"=zoo' 4554 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Page 2 of 2 Pages •ACS/TRC+ COLLIN Doc: 000006287 Date: 01/19/2001 Vol: 0004837 Page: 00162 Page: 4 Of 5 Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 19 of 21 2672631 tI { 4831 0166 . Return to: Diana Lansing Republic Title of Texas Inc. arn DallaHowell Teexxas575204 Mir 000MSK1 Mt1N VMICX RESMRMUS NE Set.AEHMPt OR la OF EPt tEttFtn Ft,•,E,Ci C;:: Or CC.:':R TJw^ J Vitt.^u RID ONLNFCkva Uw EELLG tA1r pE,ke Ft ttYK1 (CDUVtt OF C0850 Fne:yatyo Y'h:iervnN nt FILED it Ft tat Nu,tSe4*no E.d'u n0mM1-a ase.Jed ham Vnz,a Jnm 614 ALCORDE0.lava OfiY Flit PbWLfoIAWPmtty eleac Coal,ita,m JAN 192001 Fit1 d fpr Recardd xxi): Conoin leWney, l9St Starnes TX Honorable Helen Starnes Collin County Clerk On Jan 19 2001 At 8:37am Doc/Num : 0001- 0006E87 Retarding/Type:EM 17.00 Receipt #: 1849 *ACS/TRC* COLLIN Doc: 000006287 Date: 01/19/2001 Vol: 0004837 Page: 00162 Page: 5 Of 5 Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 20 of 21 2672631 4840-4362-3815v.3 2/6/2019 Exhibit C Depiction of Location of the Improvements and New Easement q '. vit.' , , j fl ;141 EXHIBIT i 14414 44111 1 4 4 14 4 4 1 441144 !iii:';q '1 ; '; '2 1 11114444 41114 14-1 4 , 114 1571,15.5-14444455”' 4. 1.-- - 4,74,,,,,,, ..74.14.44 1_,z- ',',,,,, 41444;1 01.,,ORRI',, 4 4,4 i'11,b433 "LW;V:r i '41 1 Arg3r1"t3rt;grrkgr3 t"3, W':7 4'':,0`, `0. ‘ t 0 .00 ILU ' AI:3:AA - -33 3- 1-7 LI',i, 0,1,414! ,,01WWWWW1 t. Z.5 i Wi03 Owl kh ,' 43,4! ..E-'(3.31 33333-33331 'PIO VO 433311 '153333333333":3u33 Ir..t,511EP,,LId t4. .11!lill ' 0 A S AII tIf- tinl La 30 IVI(Pillili0 q:D t:i"3 3,10 . .., ptI3S.41: ,,Ir A1411111 , ,PROPOSED SEWER RE-ALIGNMENT 13;-, tit ki 3 I I6'g31 ,-3, ,d, 1317.1 3737-7---337-71 I.T.11.7: (SHADED) ' MiA )vo , 1 ilt 7 , TA ill - ,:: , .3 3" 7 " : 1 1 4 ,4 H1 7, 1‹-A, '47 711,44-41 77-7-4941A41-1114" 1" ' ' ' : rig g": "3.3373,33,3-3,343333.3333,333.3.43-3,-__., i , ,_ ;,i_.. 3' . 3.iII'Fl Arrr 3 33-7333,33___,,,,,„3 v33.. , i 1E ,„...7",-, , 13 -------43"" ''- '333 333 33r3---:AA334331,43ytric: -3-',-,3333 33.3333,36,83,33, 3,-A3333"333 3'""133kt I 333 33_ 6 3! i k- _ _ 3 -1 33-3„33_33-331133-4,3-1-333-3-33-3333 55'±I51;5- 5,55;15-ILIZ''''555555,5.5,55,5.5"-'555,II...I555,5„5;555I-1tt11't'','' llutg, ,4 ,,444 1 0,1 4,- I, , 4. 1; , I . ,,, , ,44144 AA ,334 39 I't -4333"- I 4 ' 3' OP' IV 4 r 1 - 3,3 , MO EXISTING ll', 1 HI 31:3' P .".'i 11,, ,, - SEWER 3 3i' ' i' r 141,1 .b. r: EASEMENT q :01 !; ,.._,, ,„-' (HATCHED) , — 50 __ 1'L%___37333„ _ ___ ..„____L; [23 , , ,1._,Z- 551 5' 14 51' -- L', ',;,, '.•,:, F, ,;, , E ',3 i i.7 : ; ' 00 [ ' i. I Id Nd . Pt :.. , -"' ;1"- ---:;;. '' 4 'il"W;;;i11171;;;33.13r3i33331-33k3333grg33133.3,3333 , "k3 33'333cr-3,_ 333 ' 141 f1li lif 1 *IP :.::..HO i)1 j 1 ill _.._.._,„...................._Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities Page 21 of 21 2672631 4840-4362-3815v.3 2/6/2019 Wylie City Council ! fT`,'° ` AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: February 22, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat to establish Brookside Estates, creating 73 single-family residential lots and four open space lots on 14.599 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Stone Road and east of Kreymer Road, and more specifically at 2121 E. Stone Road. Recommendation Motion to deny a Preliminary Plat to establish Brookside Estates,creating 73 single-family residential lots and four open space lots on 14.599 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Stone Road and east of Kreymer Road, and more specifically at 2121 E. Stone Road. Discussion OWNER: John Englar and Yanyu Duan APPLICANT: Trey Wallette for Skorburg Company The applicant is proposing a 14.599 acre residential development consisting of 73 residential lots and four open space lots. The property is in the City's ETJ in the county of Collin. As such, the City's Subdivision Regulations apply along with the City's engineering standards, such as street design, due to an inter-local agreement with Collin County. The proposed plat has been revised from the 10' front setback considered by P&Z to a 15' front setback. The Subdivision. Regulations require a 50' setback for residential properties in the ETJ which will front existing or future roadways. The proposed plat dedicates the necessary right of way for future expansion of Stone Road. The developer proposes to construct a detention pond on the southern portion of the property and have an outfall using Collin County Right-of-Way to discharge.The applicant is not requesting an easement on the eastern neighbor's property. However, City engineering states that the development needs to closely match the existing storm water discharge in the northern drainage basin since that feeds a downstream pond, and an easement may be needed. The development would be served water by the East Fork S.U.D. Sewer will be served by the City of Wylie due to the property being within Wylie's sewer CCN (Certificate of Convenience and Necessity). The City currently has a 24" sewer line and 30' easement on the property, and the line is 25' deep in places. The developer proposes, and the proposed plat requests, that the City Council agree to abandon a portion of the existing sewer easement and developer will construct a new sewer line at developer's expense and dedicate a new easement pursuant to the terms and conditions of an "Agreement to Relocate Sewer Facilities" proposed by the developer, which is the subject of the previous agenda item. The revised preliminary plat submitted by the developer shows a relocated 30' easement in lieu of the 20' easement reviewed by P&Z within the future right-of-way of Remington Way. Page 1 of 1. Page 2 of 2 P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommended denial 5-0. PLACE OF ZONED: A/30 GUY L.CATES AND WIFE, ELAINE CATES I / BEGINNING (AGRICULTURAL) INSTRUMENT NUMBER SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT' ZONED: PD 94-4 ° FOUND 1/2"IRON OD ti) 20070627000881390' VOLUME 4837,PAGE 162 30' SANITARY / D R.C.C.T. z N: 7055763.8 O.P.R.C.C.T. LOT 23 #°" / GENERAL NOTES: CITY OF WYLIE E: 2579681.E o SEWER EASEMENT (PARTIALLY ABANDONED BY o - I - - - • CITY OF WYLIE S88° 59' 41"E 744.6T (SEE NOTE 10 `'' SEPARATE INSTRUMENT) 1. The tract shown herein and described above was not abstracted by the surveyor. Additional easements COLLIN COUNTY "� FOUND 40D,9: BEARS cc 0 1 �� o ! o COLLIN COUNTY 20'ALLEY 88° 41 558.:5' , 'I • o or other encumbrances, whether of record or not may affect the subject tract. L2 7.5-2 S00 40'32"W 0.79' rz o _ 12157 ' -; ° 1._ _.� C, • W J i W o �'y� 100.00' 'T 45.00' 42.36' 42.37' 42.3T 42.3T I 42.3T 42.3T ' 42.3T 45.00' 139.7� / 5 F 2. According to surveyor's interpretation of information shown on the National Flood Insurance SITE RAY HUBBARD 00 LOT 1 °? 25' 25' b / lzs.2z - '� J N88° 59' 41"W 10' 20 10' �/ 1p o m '� Program (NFIP)"Flood Insurance Rate Map"(FIRM), Community Panel No. 48085C0420J, dated NZ 3 N S89° 00' 16"E 110.00' M Im o _, ti I� `° BLOCK D o o LOT 9X i w BLOCK C 20' I / June 2, 2009. The property appears to lie within Zone"X"and the entire property lies within a "Areas W o e o ;��-' o SPP E 139.11' 1- °_, x 11°' 10'UTILITY EASEMENT determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain"zone as defined by the U.S. Department of LOT 2 0 o LOT W LOT "' LOT " LOT o LOT LOT o LOT o N L27 INSTRUMENT NUMBER zov 760 STONE o °o o o �' -- - Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration, or the Federal Emergency o it i o 01 co co co LOT w LOT oM �1C3/ I -j--- --- 11 P.R.C.C.T. z STEPHEN 110.00' 9 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -' / // -- --- FOUN 1/2"IRON ROD Management Agency. ���„°� I RAY H U BARD WAY v z w /e, ow ix) 10' cn ""' *-I i /11� / L28 m o u, ,t.0I „ „ 20'UTILITY EASEMENT "FIRM" g o `� �'� O o EFSUD o o o It L=30.00 10 EFSUD U.E. ^' 3. The above referenced mapis for use in administeringthe "NFIP", it does not necessarilyshow f O o cn i °o L INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2017-760 50 RIGHT-OF-WAY o /� / c' u 6 LOT 3 0 U.E. z 15' B.L. 10' EFSLD U.E. z L=24.93 -IL / I S89° �g' 23"E 94.43' \ P.R.C.C.T. INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2017-760 all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local sources of small size, which could be flooded by >- 1 9,,2' 110.00' ;L\_ � -- /� 1 - - �_ P.R.C.C.T. severe, concentrated rainfall coupled with inadequate local drainage systems. There may be other / N , Ll . i LOT 8 0 - o m 1 ' 20 to l �5� 35.00' 42.36' 42.37' 42.37' 42.37' 42.37' 42.37' 42.3T 25.0 ' '~/ �" LAKE o o I / L=30.00 6 z streams, creeks, low areas, drainage systems or other surface or subsurface conditions existing on or o LOT 4 o N RYD �� 89° �8' 23"E 93.3T oo near the subject property which are not studied or addressed as a part of the"NFIP". ER ROAD 30 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 421.57' ) N 15.61 / ° - I L'41 29' o o LOT 24 ,)„ 4. All found monuments shown hereon are deemed to be controlling monuments, BRAY � 110.00' z •�, 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY (SEE NOTE 10) S89°00' 16"E 437.17' A_ L5 I HUBBARD w N m o "' = Rlso.00 w� I LOT 7 0 I LOT 25 I LOT 2BLOCK P 5. All coordinates and bearings shown herein are Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD83 (CORS), (� TV MAP v LOT 5 ,a w o ��ti 35cp- .00' 40 00' 40 00' 40 00' 1 40 00' 40.00' 40.00' 40.00' S1.02' iO / 96.51 GRAYHAWK PARK Texas North Central Zone (4202). All distances shown herein are surface distances. V I C I N I 1 I (V I A P 110.00 I - T - -- -- � _ 4 ^ I I INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2017-760 SCALE. 1 2000 u, w 15 B.L. L=21.04 - 6. SOURCE BENCHMARK: Cityof Wylie Monument No. 5 located at the Northeast intersection of Troy • 10 EFSUD U.E. ' o ZONED: PD 94-48 P.R.C.C.T. y y 10' EFSUD U.E. ~ J ` d ;I 25.6''25.6' d- I LOT 6 Co L L I N COUNTY TEXAS o f o m �r cri .11 ti o Road and County Road 732 (Beaver Creek). a LOT 6 0 >- w o �I� Q NII w Ill000' 1o; I 00 Elevation = 454.28' 110.00' Q ( �' I I- M LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT ' LOT LOT LOT I' I o� I BLOCK C o / CITY OFWYLIE _ _ w Z LOT 5 COLLIN COUNTY - - - - 7. Notice: Selling a portion of any lot in this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of state law and Line Table o o < Fn N 9 $ M 7 M M o LOT 7 ¢ 6 M 5 M 4 Q 3 0 2 4- 1 16) 101 -11 1110.00' d- City Ordinance and is subject to penalties imposed by law. Psi- o �, h I F- , II x I Line # Length Direction t 110.00' o o BLOCK F o I. I C� Q 8. All lot lines ore radial or perpendicular to the street unless otherwise noted by bearing. L6 I �a,.""°. .� voi Io I ►�-i Q' I I 3 0411.8T L1 429.90' S88° 59' 41"E - o BLOCK E I z > O� LOT 4 O 9. The Home Owner's Association will maintain all Open Space Lots and Detention Area Lots. o O S88 59 41 E 10 EFSUD U.E.I I /d d- p p LOT 8 `° I I sf I / ilo.00' .� �; o• 0 L2 124.00' N88° 59' 41"W ,•- 110. �- I , I 45.00' 40.00' 40.00' / 40.00' ( 40.00' 40.00' 40.00' 40.0 ' S1.30' I 10. Sanitary Sewer Easements in Streets are centered on the pipe as installed. °° 00 - L 1 / "o1.-7-10' EFSUD U.E. I '°,, L3 156.67' S89° 18' 23"E W' �"'O 20 ALLEY o o of LOT 3 o ""„°° 11. Developer is obligated to comply to the regulations of the Agreement to Relocate Sewer Easement for d- o LOT 9 0 l s ?-L 1 .1 the realignment of the 24' Sewer Line and 30' easement. 140.00' 40.00' 40.00' 40.00' 4 -,� -/I 110.00' L4 179.98' N89° 18' 23"W a, o Ln IJ ( 0.00 40.00 40.00 40 00 54.91 I ¢ "' 110.00' °o m N88° 59' 41"W '- / I- a, x // S46° 38' „ FRANK SOLLA AND WIFE, p L o I_ r'' • L5 10.00 48 W o> z o o / O J ]ULIA SOLLA z ( I-a N JOHN ENGLAR&YANYU DUAN I o m LOT 2 w o ' VOLUME 5135, PAGE 3349 0 o o d o INSTRUMENT NUMBER 201?12300016�42 0 s n51� I� "� i` I L6 613.87 SO 59' 44"W - o LOT 10 0 IT w o '� I � ) 110.00' O.P.R.C.C.T. 110.00' 71- k OI O.P.R.C.C.T r^ I o, o; I 1- LOTS LOT LOT "'LOT LOT LOT M LOT s LOT �w I o ��" I _ x L7 14.14' N45° 41' 05"E W M LOT o N44° �� o O >- �l V- o o ,.1 14 15 ' ''i I� I ..-+ ° O LOT 1 rn "'" CHAD MEREDITH PACKARD AND L8 14.14 18' 55 W O o 10 11 12 13 �; 16 �; 17 18 o I i1 „ o, N45° w O L10T 1 001 0 (n 0 , rn i� I z ,(S89 18 23 E 106.00 \ BETHANY LYNN PACKARD 5 u- o ° INSTRUMENT NUMBER 44, >- �' I BLOCK F E o w I I° I IL3 r 20'ALLEY / 19931029000937920 Curve Table L9 14.14 41' 05 E � z = I I Iz I - , x x O.P.R.C.C.T. I L10 14.18' N44° 09' 34"W o 0 0 I I >- o I N89° 18' 23"W 100.00L '�\ Curve # Length Radius Delta Chord Direction Chord Length N o LOT 12 (--- �� -- 15 B.L. 10 EFSUD E. C 1-4 o_ (p I 9 9 --, n�'� w o LOT 14 0, J Cl 42.90 290.00 8 28 33 N5° 23 32 E 42.8E d o �30.00' 40.00' 40.00' 40.00' 40.00' 40.00 40.00 40.00' 1 135.04 I ro Z O .1- Mo 5 L11 23,08' N46° 06' 45"E ilo.00' W ' q� I _ I ¢ µlz 110.00' o ° L12 153.00' NO° 59' 44"E \ II 3 O N 1 I ( C2 36.73 235.00 8 571E N5 09 10"E 36.69 ,, _ �_ ,°, o o I DERRINGER DRIVE 30' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT I ,i4 ;25.00' o -i o x o „ „ LOT 13O, `� LOT 13 C3 32.94 21.00 89 5147 S43° 56 09"E 29.6E S46° ,, 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY (SEE NOTE 10)S88° 52' 03"E 22.54, I N •N o ,cc, Y L13 14.14 00' 02 W N 20, 110.00 4 -- - L22 C14 110.00' 1 C4 32.99' 21.00' 90°00'35" 546°00' 02"W 29.70' L15 L14 14.16' S43° 56' 09"E E" 10' ; io' C13 0 o o �h 35.00' 43.00' 43.00' 43.00' 43.00 L 43.00 43.00't 44 E - C5 32.87 21.00 89 4013 S44°09 34"E 29.61 oo LOT 14 m a `'e -- -- I--8- 1. I I O x L15 970.8E SO 40' 32"W d- �- - 15' B.L. \ I I o LOT 12 - 110.00 m o l0 EFSJD U.E. jo I • O o Y - ° o J L41 d = n C6 32.99 21.00 90 0105 S45 41 05 W 29.70 L16 5.00' S88° 50' 44"E o o o I I� `� 110.00' o I °o • C7 5.50 3.50 90 00 00 N46°09 16"E 4.95 mg N o o m - LOT W LOT O LOT o o - - �' I � o-'� I I T-' o o I L17 126.13' S1° 09' 16"W o LOT 15 0 o O LOT O LOT o LOT o LOT W LOT Ci2 • o '� ° o „ °O 8 7 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 ,- 2Ri- 1 I C15 �^ L=24.81 LOT 11 C8 5.50 3.50 90 00 00 S43 50 44 E 4.95 IS89° 00' 16"E 110.00' o - -a ' P. J = "' °i ',2 I I t�i C9 5.50' 3.50' 90°00'00" S46°09' 16"W 4.95' L18 5.00' N88° 50' 44"W a, 90 i 111.12' Y L-1IL ° z I " i1 I Jf'Ii 19 126.13' N1° 09' 16"E N o LOT 16 o o „ BLOCKG o x •ca, iO C10 5.50' 3.50' 90°0000" N43° 50'44"W 495S88 52 03 E 1000 S88 52 03 E o ', - 8.17 LOT 10 8 x 8 .g 1 I o 2 ' z ' 10' EFS DUE. n Nil I C11 40.73' 299.38' 7°47'41" S5° 01' 59"W 40.70' L20 217.81' S9° 37' 48"W I 4=5.00 43.00 i43.00' I 43.00 43 00 143.00 43.00' 147. ' ; w� 116. 1' F FOUND 5/8"CAPPED C`› c ' oN 10.00' I P, i. o o IRON ROD STAMPED �° 20 ALLEY o 42.10' I C12 35.79 229.00 8 571E S5° 09 10 W 35.75 L21 46.29 SO 40 32 W O )1 wutc )1 I r.Inc o WIRE )l I I /�'- N ' - 249.40 - f I '.- Irn� o 0 0 BOUNDARY SOLUTIONS �c wmc MIRc a 14 IRE ) rant n v Inc )) Inc )riot )) *NC C13 5.53 3.50 90 27 25 S45 54 15 W 4.97 \ N88° 52' 03"W 500.37' ► • LOT 9 L22 5.00' N88° 52' 03"W o 126.55' o 04 FOUND 3/s"IRON ROD I � 374.40' 413.98 - - _ L23 46.25' NO° 40' 32"E S88° 52' 03"E 538.03' I ' 1 2 V C14 5.47' 3.50' 89°32'35" N44°05'45"W 4.93' I :-/ R L40 � o x C15 37.66' 241.00' 8°57'16" N5° 09' 10"E 37.63' LOT 8 •L24 214.56' N9° 37' 48"E 1 o / ,.:, ` oI o o = L20 C16 42.01 284.00 8 28 32 S5 23 32 W 41.97 L25 121.20' N1° 09' 16"E I I 172.46' I 129.42 -558.99' N46° I N 1 1 12, O,i BLOCK , o x I ° N46° „ C17 5.50 3.50 90 00 00 09 16 E 4.95 L26 31.10 21' 48 E I LOT 7 C18 5.50' 3.50' 90°00'00" S43° 50'44"E 4.95' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT oI O VOLUME 4837,PAGE 162 I �/ I S89° 18' 23"E 135.72' d- z a L27 116.36' S88° 38' 12"E D,R.C.C.T, I I 11) (PARTIALLY ABANDONED BY I I 1 S88° " SEPARATE INSTRUMENT) i all 1 o L28 112.34 38' 12 E I o I LOT 6 o x CHRISTOPHER D. POLLARD / c' I ?- �' " AND SPOUSE, I ! , 1 ' 142.02 ° J L29 22J8' N46° 21' 48"E I ; I I LOT 1X LAURIE L. POLLARD I L30 16.7T NO° 59' 44"E I I BLOCK H t / / © LOT 5 o VOLUMET3296 PAGE 223 OPEN SPACE 11 "''' L=10.11' t ? x O.P.R.C.C.T. F L31 14.14' S45° 59' 44"W - - - Cii I C16 48.12' 1?, 1 w II I } NOTE: "Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only" L32 13.66' N41° 56' 10"W I Cl L=26.87' o•_ 1 x PRELIMINARY PLAT LOT L33 14.61' N48° 03' 28"E '' L39 �i I O _ 1 I I fi$ L25 13.20 l-}-9.90-' N J 1 L34 14.16' S43° 56' 09"E I I �� " Ni x j_ - 10' EFSUD 11 E. OF 1 � o s L35 14.13' S46° 03' S1"W /s u_ � o' LOT 3 � i ��,.�`� WENDELL H. DANIEL AND DARYL McCULLOUGH AND WIFE, PEBE E STREET PROPERTIES, LLC io O 150.23' I - - - BROOKSIDE ESTATES L36 14.20' N44° 05' 45"W NATALIE R. DANIEL RUBY DIAN McCULLOUGH 9� INSTRUMENT NUMBER VOLUME 5312,PAGE 5682 VOLUME 4595,PAGE 2255 20170510000598910 o w o • o _ i L37 5.00' S88° 50' 44"E O.P.R.C.C.T. I O.P.R.C.C.T. O.P.R.C.C.T. °, oo m O ° 14.599 acres out of the LOT 2 ° z co '-) L38 121.20' N1° 09' 16"E I I 150.5E 20, 124.70' 10 0 _ 1 Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688 L39 121.00' Si° 09' 16"W I E I ,I I o LOT 1 `, I Collin County, Texas N9° C18 S89° 18' 23"E 140.90' �/ x »�„ L40 214.5E 37' 48"E 18.83' ai -� C17 20'ALLEY �k 1 �u 73 Residential Lots & 4 Open Space Lots 16.33 L41 74.7T NO° 40' 32"E I C9 w • L37 N S89° 18' 23"E 171.0T L x LEGEND L44 14.14' S44° 00' 16"E I I 1 C10 o CHRISTOPHER D. POLLARD AND SPOUS N NORTH I NO1° 09' 16"E 319.32' I L18 '" J LAURIE L. POLLARD Prepared Date: December 2018 S SOUTH L49 158.07' N21° 34' 22"E I & kr li VOLUME 3296, PAGE 223 E EAST r ^ O.P.R.C.C.T. W WEST L50 177.32' S21° 34' 22"W LOT 1x M x Revision Date: February 2019 ° DEGREES BLOCK I ' MINUTES/FEET ` OPEN SPACE E " SECONDS/INCHES .°``s LOT 1X SHEET 1 OF 2 O.P.R.C.C.T. II CK A L17 34' o ' °`` x / ENGINEER / SURVEYOR: OWNER / DEVELOPER: OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS I I 133.13' • lr o D T'ON AREA II BANNISTER ENGINEERING LLC JOHN ENGLAR &YANYU DUAN COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 40' 4°' 8214 WESTCHESTER DRIVE, SUITE 710 240 NORTH MITCHELL DRIVE D.R.c.c.T. DALLAS TEXAS 75225 DEED RECORDS I_) I L16 is WATER EASEMENT MANSFIELD TEXAS 76063 15'WATER EASEMENT 1 o VOLUME 4963,PAGE 353 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ..„ /" S89 37 lE 112.15 S. 35�° VOLUME 4963,PAGE-343 I �, "„„ °• � ° •�° D.R.C.C.T. °"` CONTACT: MICHAEL DAVIS, RPLS D,R.C.C.T. h C8 1� �RiGHT OF WAY DEDICATION Y60.11 FOUND 5/8"CAPPED P.R.C.C.T. FOUND 1/2"„IRON ROD FOUND 1/2"IRON ROD. - ° C7 ` -. - -x rrize -rr E-Ex IRON ROD STAMPED PHONE: 817-842-2094 PLAT RECORDS • - - - FOUND 1/2'_IRON ROD - eX.wc Ex - Exwc EX.wc EX,wc . W BOU kRY SOLU IONS Mike@bannistereng.corn COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS FOUND 3/8"IRQ"I R 2 3 N88° 52' 40 252.46' U.E. GRAPHIC SCALE N: 7054555.7°° , BANNISTER UTILITY EASEMENT E: 2sso159.6 o o o BLOCK B - 60 0 30 60 120 EFSUD U.E. COLLIN COUNTY BOZMAN FARM ESTATES_ _ E. STON ROAD EAST FORK SPECIAL CITY OF WYLIE PHASE 4 - - --- - - - Mw_ e_,, - - COLLIN COUNTY FOUND 1/2"CAPPED ALSO KNOWN AS COUNTY.°ROAD 382 till11111% UTILITY DISTRICT INSTRUMENT NUMBER 201E 121 s 'VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF=WAY CITY OF WYLIE r A ' ( A r r ' A UTILITY EASEMENT IRON ROD STAMPED VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-0 AY G (v 'v G G 'v V O.P.R.C.C.T. -INSTRUMENT NUMBER 201E 121 °„ ( IN FEET "ARTHUR SURVEYING' ��„ B.L. 1 inch = 60 ft. 0 ZONED: PD 2002-52 O.P.R.GC.T. 240 North Mitchell Road Mansfield, TX 76063 817.842.2094 817.842.2095 fax BUILDING LINE LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 1 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 i TBPLS REGISTRATION NO. 10193823 PROJECT NO.: 090- 18-019 OWNERS DEDICATION: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS JOHN ENGLAR &YANYU DUAN, are the sole owner(s) of a 14.599 acres (635,944 square feet) of land in the Francisco That JOHN ENGLAR &YANYU DUAN, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above described property as De La Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, Collin County, Texas; said 14.599 acres (635,944 square feet) of land being all of that BROOKSIDE ESTATES, an addition to Collin County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public certain tract of land described in a General Warranty Deed to JOHN ENGLAR&YANYU DUAN (hereinafter referred to as ENGLAR improvements-shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated, for the public use SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE tract), as recorded in Instrument Number 20131230001694250, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas (O.P.R.C.C.T.); said forever, for the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I, Michael Dan Davis, do hereby certify that I prepared this Final Plat and the field 14.599 acres (635,944 square feet) of land being more particularly described, by metes and bounds, as follows: may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use to particular utilities, said use by notes from an actual and accurate survey of the land, that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under BEGINNING at a one-half inch iron rod found for the Northwest corner of said ENGLAR tract, same being the Northeast corner of public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. my personal supervision in accordance with the subdivision Regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. that certain tract of land described in a Warranty Deed to Frank Solla and wife, Julia Solla (hereinafter referred to as Solla tract), as recorded in Volume 5135, Page 3349, O.P.R.C.C.T., same also being the South line of that certain tract of land described in a The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths PRELIMINARY, Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien to Guy L. Cates and wife, Elaine Cates (hereinafter referred to as Cates), as recorded in which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE Instrument Number 20070627000881390, O.P.R.C.C.T.; entities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALL NOT BE - 0 F' T maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL it � '\'o` r THENCE South 88 degrees 59 minutes 41 seconds East with the common line between said ENGLAR tract and said Cates tract, a SURVEY DOCUMENT *.; �� ,`= distance of 744.67 feet to the Northeast corner of said ENGLAR tract, same being the Southeast corner of said Cates tract, same This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. M1CFIal, " 'I . I)a\ l:. also being the West line of Grayhawk Park (hereinafter referred to as Grayhawk Park), an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin Michael Dan Davis DATE: � County, Texas, accordingto theplat recorded in Instrument Number 2017-760 Plat Records, Collin County, Texas (P.R.C.C.T.), MY HAND AT Texas, this the day of , 2019. �� 338 t , ( ), Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4838 degrees 40 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 0.79 feet; ' ° '�from which a 40D nail found bears South 00 BANNISTER ENGINEERING, LLC l) JOHN ENGLAR &YANYU DUAN [ h��, T.B.P.L.S. REGISTRATION NO. 10193823 THENCE South 00 degrees 40 minutes 32 seconds West with the common line between said ENGLAR tract and said Grayhawk Park, pass at a distance of 246.54 feet, the Southwest corner of said Grayhawk Park, same being the Northwest corner of that THE STATE OF TEXAS certain tract of land described in a General Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien in Favor of Third Party to Chad Meredith Packard and COUNTY OF COLLIN Bethany Lynn Packard (hereinafter referred to as Packard), as recorded in Instrument Number 19931029000937920, O.P.R.C.C.T., By: By: and continue with said course and the common line between said ENGLAR tract and said Packard tract, pass at a distance of JOHN ENGLAR YANYU DUAN Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Michael Dan Davis, 681.77 feet, the Southwest corner of said Packard tract, same being the Northwest corner of that certain tract of land described in known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he a General Warranty Deed to Christopher D. Pollard and spouse, Laurie L. Pollard (hereinafter referred to as Pollard tract), as executed same for the recorded in Volume 3296, Page 223, O.P.R.C.C.T., and continue with said course and the common line between said ENGLAR tract and said Pollard tract for a total distance of 1200.07 feet to a five-eighths inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "BOUNDARY purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. SOLUTIONS" found for the Southeast corner of said ENGLAR tract, same being the existing North right-of-way line of East Stone OWNER'S DEDICATION STATEMENT Road, also known as County Road 382 (variable width right-of-way); Given under my hand and seal of office, this day of , 2019. WATER LINE AND WATER LINE APPURTENANCES THENCE North 88 degrees 52 minutes 40 seconds West, departing the West line of said Pollard tract and with the common line between said ENGLAR tract and the existing North right-of-way line of said East Stone Road, a distance of 252.46 feet to a Now, Therefore Know All Men by these Presents: three-eighths inch iron rod found for the Southerly Southwest corner of said ENGLAR tract, same being the Southeast corner of that certain tract of land described in a Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien to Pebble Street Properties, LLC (hereinafter referred to That, JOHN ENGLAR &YANYU DUAN, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designated hereon as, BROOKSIDE ESTATES, an addition Notary Public in and for the State of Texas as Pebble Street Properties tract), as recorded in Instrument Number 20170510000598910, O.P.R.C.C.T.; to Collin County, Texas and does hereby dedicate all such water lines, valves, and water system appurtenances to the East Fork Special Utility District Executed this the day of , 2019. THENCE North 01 degree 09 minutes 16 seconds East, departing the existing North right-of-way line of said East Stone Road and with the common line between said ENGLAR tract and with said Pebble Street Properties tract, a distance of 522.63 feet to a STATE OF TEXAS three-eighths inch iron rod found for an inner-ell corner of said ENGLAR tract, same being the Northeast corner of said Pebble COUNTY OF COLLIN Street Properties tract; Before me, the undersigned , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared JOHN ENGLAR, known to me to be the person whose name is THENCE North 88 degrees 52 minutes 03 seconds West, continue with the common line between said ENGLAR tract and with said subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Pebble Street Properties tract, pass at a distance of 249.40 feet, the Northwest corner of said Pebble Street Properties tract, same being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land described in a Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien to Daryl McCullough and Given under my hand and seal of office, this the day of , 2019. wife, Ruby Dian McCullough (hereinafter referred to as McCullough tract), as recorded in Volume 4595, Page 2255, O.P.R.C.C.T. and continue with said course and the common line between said ENGLAR tract and said McCullough tract, pass at a distance of 374.40 feet, the Northwest corner of said McCullough tract, same being the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land described in a General Warranty Deed to Wendell H. Daniel and Natalie R. Daniel (hereinafter referred to as Daniel tract), as recorded in Volume 5312, Page 5682, O.P.R.C.C.T. and continue with said course and the common line between said ENGLAR tract and said Daniel tract for a total distance of 500.37 feet to a five-eighths inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "BOUNDARY SOLUTIONS" found for the Westerly Southwest corner of said ENGLAR tract, same being the Northwest corner of said Daniel tract, same also Notary Public in and for the State of Texas being the East line of the aforesaid Solla tract; My commission expires: THENCE North 00 degrees 59 minutes 44 seconds East with the common line between said ENGLAR tract and said Solla tract, a distance of 675.80 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing a calculated area of 14.599 acres (635,944 square feet) of STATE OF TEXAS land. COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared YANYU DUAN, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the day of , 2019. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My commission expires: "Recommended for Approval" Chairman, Planning &Zoning Commission Date: City of Wylie, Texas NOTE: "Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only" Approved for Construction PRELIMINARY PLAT Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date: OF Accepted BROOKSIDE ESTATES 14.599 acres out of the Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date: Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688 "The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final plat of the BROOKSIDE ESTATES, subdivision or addition to Collin County Collin County, Texas was submitted to the City Council on the day of , 2018 and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alley, parks, easement, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof Q' by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. 73 Residential Lots cx 4 Open Space Lots Witness my hand this. day of , A.D., 2019. Prepared Date: December 2018 Revision Date: February 2019 SHEET 2 OF 2 City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas ENGINEER / SURVEYOR: OWNER / DEVELOPER: BANNISTER ENGINEERING, LLC JOHN ENGLAR & YANYU DUAN 240 NORTH MITCHELL DRIVE 8214 WESTCHESTER DRIVE, SUITE 710 MANSFIELD, TEXAS 76063 DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 CONTACT: MICHAEL DAVIS, RPLS PHONE: 817-842-2094 Mike@bannistereng.com r , BANNISTER 1 ENGINEERING 240 North Mitchell Road 1 Mansfield, TX 76063 1 817.842.20941 817.842.2095 fax i TBPLS REGISTRATION NO. 10193823 PROJECT NO.: 090— 18-019 Wylie City Council ie AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: 3 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Public Works Prepared By: Tim Porter Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: January 28, 2019 Exhibits: Resolution Subject Consider, and act upon, adoption of Resolution No. 2019-06(R) determining a public necessity to acquire certain properties for public use by eminent domain for rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements for the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of McMillen Road (from approximately McCreary Road to Country Club Road (FM 1378)); giving notice of an official determination to acquire certain properties for public use by eminent domain for rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction. easements and related improvements for the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of McMillen Road(from approximately McCreary Road to Country Club Road(FM 1378)); authorizing the City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, to establish procedures for acquiring the rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements offering to acquire said property rights, voluntarily from the landowners through the making of bona fide offers; appropriating funds; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date. Recommendation I move that the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas adopt Resolution No. 2019-06(R), described in Agenda Item#3, and authorize the use of the power of eminent domain to acquire for public use the rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements on properties located in the areas described and depicted in Exhibit 1 to Resolution No. 2019-06(R) under consideration by the City Council, for the purpose of the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of roadway facilities, drainage facilities and related improvements, utilizing temporary construction easements, which are necessary for the expansion and construction of McMillen Road from approximately McCreary Road to Country Club Drive (FM 1378). Discussion The design of McMillen. Road from McCreary Road to Country Club Road is near completion. Twenty-eight (28) right- of-way and easement parcels are needed for the expansion of the roadway. Approval of the Resolution authorizes the City Manager to proceed with acquiring the parcels. The project is funded through the 2007 Collin County Bond Program and the City has received$750,000 for right of way acquisition. Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-06(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DETERMINING A PUBLIC NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR PUBLIC USE BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR RIGHTS-OF-WAY (IN FEE SIMPLE), TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION, ACCESS, REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT OF MCMILLEN ROAD (FROM APPROXIMATELY MCCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD (FM 1378)); GIVING NOTICE OF AN OFFICIAL DETERMINATION TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR PUBLIC USE BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR RIGHTS-OF-WAY (IN FEE SIMPLE), TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, EXPANSION, ACCESS, REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT OF MCMILLEN ROAD (FROM APPROXIMATELY MCCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD (FM 1378)); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR ACQUIRING THE RIGHTS-OF-WAY (IN FEE SIMPLE), TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS, OFFERING TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPERTY RIGHTS, VOLUNTARILY, FROM THE LANDOWNERS THROUGH THE MAKING OF BONA FIDE OFFERS; APPROPRIATING FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that there is a public necessity for the acquisition, by eminent domain, of certain parcels of rights-of-way (in fee simple), temporary construction easements and related improvements (collectively, "ROWs and Easements") on the real property described and depicted in Exhibit 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (collectively, "Properties"); and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to acquire the necessary ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the purpose of, among other things, the construction, expansion, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of and/or improvements to public facilities; specifically, ROWs and Easements for the construction of and/or improvements to McMillen Road (between approximately McCreary Road and Country Club Road (FM 1378)) (collectively, the"Projects") for the purposes of, among other things,paving improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the descriptions of the Properties to be acquired by eminent domain for the Projects, which are attached hereto in Exhibit 1, comply with Chapter 2206 of the TEx. Gov'T CODE, as amended ("Chapter 2206"), in that the same provides owners of the Properties reasonable notice that the owners' Properties may be subject to condemnation proceedings during the planning or construction of the Projects; and Resolution No.2019-06(R)Authorizing the Acquisition of Property by Eminent Domain for the McMillen Road Page 1 of 5 Projects 2626497 WHEREAS, the City Council has further investigated and determined that the Projects are necessary for public use; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish procedures for determining the establishment and approval of just compensation for the ROWs and Easements to be acquired by eminent domain for the Projects; and WHEREAS, there may be improvements located on some of the Properties acquired for these Projects and such improvements may be required to be moved prior to the beginning of these Projects; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, or his designee ("City Manager"), is required to make a bona fide offer, as defined by and in compliance with Section 21.0113 of the Texas Property Code ("Bona Fide Offer") to acquire each of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for public use, voluntarily, from the subject landowners prior to moving forward with acquisition by eminent domain; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that the passage of this Resolution complies with Chapter 2206 and other applicable laws. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Acquisition of Properties. The City Council hereby determines that there is a public necessity for, and the public welfare and convenience will be served by, the acquisition, by eminent domain, of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties, and it is Wylie's intent to acquire the ROWs and Easements for public use as described and depicted in Exhibit 1, attached hereto, specifically for the purpose of, among other things, the construction, expansion, access,repair, maintenance and replacement of and/or improvements of the Projects. SECTION 3: Authority of City Manager/Bona Fide Offer. The City Manager is hereby authorized to contract, on behalf of the City Council, with professional appraisers for appraisal services and with attorneys for preparation of title opinions needed by Wylie from time to time in connection with the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the purpose of, among other things, the construction, access, repair, maintenance and replacement of and/or improvements to the Projects. The City Council hereby ratifies any contracts entered into, prior to the effective date of this Resolution, by the City Manager with professional appraisers for appraisal services and with attorneys for preparation of title opinions needed for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties. To this end, the City Manager shall negotiate and make Bona Fide Offers to acquire the ROWs and Easements on the Properties from the subject landowners voluntarily. Should one or more of the landowners fail to provide the ROWs and Easements voluntarily in response to said Bona Fide Offers, the City Manager is authorized to move forward with acquiring the ROWs and Easements on the Properties by eminent domain. Resolution No.2019-06(R)Authorizing the Acquisition of Property by Eminent Domain for the McMillen Page 2 of 5 Road Projects 2626497 SECTION 4: Determination of Just Compensation. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to examine and rely on the independent appraisal reports and other information to make a determination as to the establishment and approval of a fair market value offer and the just compensation for the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the purpose of negotiating for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements as well as making the Bona Fide Offers. After such consideration, the City Manager shall establish and approve the amount determined to be just compensation for acquisition of said ROWs and Easements and shall have the authority to execute any and all documents necessary to complete the acquisition of same. SECTION 5: Authority to Make an Offer. Upon establishment and approval by the City Manager of the amount of just compensation for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties, the City Manager is authorized to negotiate the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements and to send a written Bona Fide Offer to the each of the landowners of said Properties for the acquisition of said ROWs and Easements at the full amount determined and established to be just compensation therefore, and to negotiate with said landowners on behalf of Wylie to acquire the ROWs and Easements voluntarily. SECTION 6: Authority to Execute Documents. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to acquire the ROWs and Easements on the Properties needed for the Projects, on behalf of Wylie, whether by purchase or eminent domain. The City Council hereby ratifies any documents executed, prior to the effective date of this Resolution, by the City Manager which were necessary for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the Projects. SECTION 7: Disposal of Improvements. The City Manager is hereby authorized to sell such surplus improvements, if any, located on the ROWs and Easements acquired in connection with these Projects, should they interfere with the intended use and enjoyment of said ROWs and Easements. SECTION 8: Eminent Domain Authorized. Should the City Manager be unable to acquire the ROWs and Easements voluntarily from the landowners, through the making of the Bona Fide Offers, the City Manager is authorized to direct the law firm of Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Hullett, P.C., to commence eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the Projects. SECTION 9: Source of Funds. The amount to be paid, if any, for acquiring the ROWs and Easements on the Properties for the Projects will be appropriated from any lawful source. SECTION 10: Savings/Repealing. All provisions of any resolution in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict. Any remaining portion of conflicting resolutions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 11: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Resolution, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or Resolution No.2019-06(R)Authorizing the Acquisition of Property by Eminent Domain for the McMillen Page 3 of 5 Road Projects 2626497 more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 12: Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 26th day of February, 2019. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date of Publication: March 6, 2019 in the Wylie News Resolution No.2019-06(R)Authorizing the Acquisition of Property by Eminent Domain for the McMillen Road Page 4 of 5 Projects 2626497 EXHIBIT 1 [105 pages attached hereto] Resolution No.2019-06(R)Authorizing the Acquisition of Property by Eminent Domain for the McMillen Road Projects Page 5 of 5 2626497 1 I I % i / / / / / / / / / / / / I, , / / o / o / / o / o / / o / o / o / o I� I — I (1 , „ . — — �\ \ \ —\— I— — T-- �v ' \ V \ \ -\' I I I � � I � ESTATES AT C EEKSIDE � REMAIN v1 � \� v �.I OWNERS ASSO TION, N . I ( 355 ACRS (BY DEE ) I/' � I - VOLUME 5294, PAGE 316 CR KSIDE DEV \\ENT, INC. A „/ ' / PARCEL #4 " v I / 1 1 / , D.R. .c.T. I I I I 20121 31001 DOC. o. // PARCEL #5 PE -P \-------- 1. `° I 1 I W :a . — I PARCEL #7 TE3 : / L _IROW PARCEL #4 — — — — — — — — — — — �'/�' . — ` rr--- ___ _.__ _._._ ___ ____ __- ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. \ �` . 38.64 ACRES BY DEED) A - - - - - - - - 7 _ _ - - - -- , , -- _ �-- �-- __ _ C C F N 98-0004942 \ I - ""`=r RE\ENCE TO M\\ & BOUNDS \ �' DESCRIBED IN V. 1015, PG. 46 PARCEL #6 PE4 - -- \ D.R.C.C.T. \ 218 ACRES (/ , / \ \ \_ / (BY DEED) PAMELA JOE THRONBURG I ,,, \ , \ \ , \? ROW PARCEL #6 v \ \ V PARCEL #6 PE3 DOC. #20100416000373400 \ I I l PARCEL #6 PE2 \ . / <>/� . \ \ I) 1I / / - - �._.._L- �;C y-,�; i.�:�i '�\�.�,.% '„ \ \�_ \ /: I , / \ I 1 y \\ v\ / 1 / \\ DOCUMENTS COMPLETED/LAND ACQUIRED(NO MORE ACTION REQUIRED) NAME DESCRIPTION OWNER AREA STATUS ' N\ ROW PARCEL#1 ROW DEDICATION CAMPELL/WYLIE PARTNERS 96,750SF DEDICATION THRU PLAT ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. \\ \ ,� PARCEL#1 PE DRAINAGE ESMT CAMPELL/WYLIE PARTNERS 400SF DEDICATION THRU PLAT 38.64 ACRES (BY DEED)C.C.F.N. 980004942 \\\ \ ��` �\ ROW PARCEL#2 ROW DEDICATION ROBERTV.THURMONDJR. 16,255SF DEDICATION THRU PLAT REFRENCE TO METES & BOUNDS / DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 ,\ ROW PARCEL#5 ROW DEDICATION CAMPELL/WYLIE PARTNERS 67,130SF DEDICATION THRU PLAT \ \ D.R.C.C,T. DOCUMENTS COMPLETED BY SURVEYOR/READY TO BE ACQUIRED DOCUMENTS COMPLETED BY SURVEYOR/READY TO BE ACQUIRED \\� */'''N,, „,, , NAME DESCRIPTION OWNER AREA STATUS NAME DESCRIPTION OWNER AREA STATUS \'�/�r �\ A ram''`-,- ., \ � . PARCEL #7 TE1 / ROW PARCEL#3 ROW DEDICATION YES COMPANIES 85 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#8 PE DRAINAGE ESMT LEONARD ODELL BREWER 3,300 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR \ / \ \ ; ROW PARCEL #7 ROW PARCEL#4 ROW DEDICATION ESTATES AT CREEKSI DE 1,745 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#8 TE1 TEMP CONST ESMT LEONARD ODELL BREWER 22 030 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#4 PE SLOPE ESMT ESTATES AT CREEKSI DE 1,935 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#8 TE2 TEMP CONST ESMT LEONARD ODELL BREWER 13,858 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL #6 PE1 / \ \ / W PARCEL#5 PE SIDEWALK ESMT CAMPELL/WYLIE PARTNERS 10,041 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR ROW PARCEL#9 ROW DEDICATION D DREAMS 67,791 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR \ \ ROW PARCEL#6 ROW DEDICATION ROBERT V.THURMOND JR. 203,210 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#9 PE DRAINAGE ESMT D-DREAMS 9,525 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR \,< '\ PARCEL#6 PE1 DRAINAGE ESMT ROBERT V.THURMOND JR. 8,439 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#9 TE1 TEMP CONST ESMT D-DREAMS 8,118 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR \ /� ,. PARCEL#6 PE2 DRAINAGE ESMT ROBERT V.THURMOND JR. 28,680 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#9 TE2 TEMP CONST ESMT D-DREAMS 20,532 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR 'N PARCEL #7 TE2 // . W DRAINAGE& ROW PARCEL#10 ROW DEDICATION KATHERYN SKINNER 41,565SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR N — r / — — _� __ — — 1\\ ( — — — PARCEL#6PE3 ROADWAY ESMT ROBERT V.THURMONDJR. 74,626SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#10TE TEMP CONST ESMT KATHERYN SKINNER 64,361SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR 112.18 ACRES PARCEL#6 PE4 SLOPE ESMT ROBERTV.THURMONDJR. 3,351 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#11 PE ...DRAINAGE �DRAINAGE ESMT JOEL&KAREN JORDAN 4,125 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR (BY DEED) ,/ ROW PARCEL #8 \ �� ROW PARCEL#7 ROW DEDICATION PAMELA JOE THRONBURG 167,579SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#11 PE1 _ PAMFI.A JOE THRONE3URG 1 SLOPE ESMT JOEL&KAREN JORDAN 2,157SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY MCMILLEN FARMS PARCEL#7 TE1 TEMP CONST ESMT PAMELA JOE THRON BURG 90,651 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYORDOC. #201004160003L3600 VOLUME H, PAGE 621 "�7" ""'�-?-/.//-�, .,._/" o :` PARCEL#11 PE2 SLOPE ESMT JOEL&KAREN JORDAN 621SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR R.P.R.C.C.T. P.R.C.C.T. `''� --. - i PARCEL#7 TE2 TEMP CONST ESMT PAMELA JOE THRONBURG 24,699 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#12 TE TEMP CONST ESMT STEVEN &DEBRA BULLOCK 3,902 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#7TE3 TEMP CONST ESMT PAMELA JOE THRONBURG 1,092,000SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR PARCEL#13TE TEMP CONST ESMT BULLOCK FAMILY LIVING TRUST 3,903SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR LEONARD ODELL BREWER C.C.F.N. 9 0042366 ROW PARCEL#8 ROW DEDICATION LEONARD ODELL BREWER 25,479 SF DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY SURVEYOR R.P.R.C.C.T. N I \ / 1 /, I D DREAMS, INC. Las,/ , /. / p ,1 PAMELA 112.18 .1ACRES E THRONBURG I 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) ' I DOC. �ATHERYN SKINNER I WYLIE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ( o. 20070514000648930 VOLUME 4386, PAGE 2560 DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142850 PARCEL #9 PE (REVISED) / . / DOC. No. 201 0041 6000373400 R.P.R.C.C.T. --, ) R.P.R.C.C.T. D.R.C,C,T. R.P.R.C.C.T. ( /Y ° fir// �, I ?v-'%� r / :r """ , / PARCEL #10 TE / � / \R\\ DESCRIBED IN /< /' "/ .' A (REVISED) I VOLUME 555, PAGE 68 D.R.C.Y.T. I I ... % l 0/ � ,I '� / I --� I — / PARCEL #9 TE2 : / I ,., � .V />,\ ,/, 'j , r I -- /,.r PARCEL #9 TE1 f r , ;- '/ ; I', _. I — — — — w / / '77— — _ _ _ - — — , ; �; �� - - / LEGEND r- ' ROW PARCEL #10Z [ii ROW PARCEL #7 ROW PARCEL #9 — — — — — — — — — — — _ _ 1 ROW PARCEL — -- — — — — — — — — — L 77 SLOPE EASEMENT w _ /— -- — - - - - — _ -- - -- - r - DRAINAGE EASEMENT /711' : ; PARCEL #$ TE2 :: V PARCEL 11 PE1 ��� --T 8 TE1 PARCEL #13 TE # ,_ ( TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT I I # Y , PARCEL #12 TE �� �— EZT-77/7] _, ' � I I — �` I PARCEL #11 PE I I I I r-- / / I I I I I SIDEWALK EASEMENT STEVEN M. BULLOCK LI # I BARBARA WEBERG & DE JOJOI �� / � M�MILL�N FARMS �`V PARCEL #8 PE I DEBRA KBULLOCIK AND I BU VING TIT CHANCELLORLEN IGARY WEBERG & PAIRICK JOJOL��� C.C.F.N. A 00261 98 V. 441 e I PARCEL 11 PE2 CATHyY CHANCELLOR FOR A FAMILY MATTHEW MURPHY & GARY WILLIAMS & G UST AMANDA MURPHY SANDRA WILLIAMS r- - VOLUME H, PAGE 621 Ls J PG. 488 DOC. NO. V. 3914, PG. 308 C. F. C�.C.F.N. 95-007261 1 V. 4012, PG. 1 654 L_---J DRAINAGE Sc ROADWAY EASEMENT i P.R,C.C.T. R.P.R.C.C.T. D.R.C.C.T. JOEL JORDAN & 20060802001092550 D.R.C.C.T. R.P.R.C.C,T. R.P.R.C.C.T. D.R.C.C.I. MARIO AGUILAR / KAREN B. JORDAN R.P.R.C.C.T. C.C.F.N. 95-0094762 LEONARD ODELL BREWER COUNTY CLERK'S I I R.P.R.C.C.T. C,C,F,N, 930042366 FILE N0. 93 00\518 I I I I I R.P.R.C.C.T. I I R.P.R.C.C.T. l Designed By: ASP Job No.: 14,5700 \/ ���\� �.' IT�T��iN ROAD Sheet No: 0 JRS JANUARY 2019 . o��� o k�wn By Date . Y CITY OF WYLIE 0 ��/ �� °�'�� McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD Checked By: RAA Scale: „y20'H \?'x3 ') y aa/ ,a a°e.c)�y') y �b�� , , a r i e d Inc. . 949 HENSLEY LANE / oo�c, Q , consulting engineers v� - ' c o*.R, Texas Registration Number F-257 ' �`0 :Wylie, WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 RIGHT OF WAY & EASEMENT LOCATIONS Rev. Date Description A Approved BY 0 6' /o&� 1801 Gateway Blvd. Suite 101 Richardson, Texas 75080 Phone (972) 644-2800 of P p p P www.binkleybarfield.com McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 3 216 SOUTHFORK BOULEVARD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a 0.002 acre tract of land situated in the J.W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said 0.002 acre tract of land being a portion of a 115.155 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Yes Companies, LLC as recorded in Document No. 20080205000141500 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 0.002 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Bury Partners" found for the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of Garnet Hill Addition, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in County Clerk's File No. 2070531010001880 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Bury Partners" being in the east line of a right-of-way dedication as recorded in Volume N, Page 893 of said Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Bury Partners" also being in the existing east right-of-way line of McCreary Road (a variable width right-of-way), from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Bury Partners" found for the southeast corner of said Lot 1 bears South 89 degrees 55 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 504.00 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 05 minutes 16 seconds West, with the east line of said right-of-way dedication and with the existing east right-of-way line of said McCreary Road a distance of 512.41 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped"GORRONDONA"found for the intersection of the existing east right-of-way line of said McCreary Road with the existing north right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE a radial bearing of South 02 degrees 00 minutes 57 seconds East, a distance of 129.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described 0.002 acre tract of land, said point being the northwest corner of said 115.155 acre tract of land, said point also being the intersection of the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road with the existing east right-of-way line of said McCreary Road, from which a 1-3/4 inch iron rod found for reference bears North 78 degrees 55 minutes 36 seconds West, a distance of 3.19 feet; THENCE North 89 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds East, with the north line of said 115.155 acre tract of land and with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 13.07 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the intersection of the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 45 degrees 04 minutes 08 seconds West, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 18.55 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the intersection of the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road with the existing east right-of-way line of said McCreary Road, said R.O.W. marker being in the west line of said 115.155 acre tract of land; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE North 00 degrees 15 minutes 08 seconds East, with the west line of said 115.155 acre tract of land and with the existing east right-of-way line of said McCreary Road, a distance of 13.07 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 85 square feet or 0.002 acres of land, more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped"GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Curtis Smith OF Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5494 -z- CURTIS SMIT1-1 5494 4,9*.c4.-- Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 SUR LINE TABLE 1 EXHIBIT "B 99 LINE BEARING DISTANCE PARCEL N©. 3 L-1 N 89'53°08""E 13,07' L-2 S 45'04'08'W 18,55' L-3 N 00'15"08"E 13.07' REMAINDER OF LOT 1, BLOCK A 65.2147 ACRES (BY DEED) THE SAAM TRUST GARNET HILL ADDITION VOLUME 4536, PAGE 2324 C.C.F. No. 2070531010001880 >-- D.R.C.C.T. © .L 111.R.C.C.T, DO a Q © S 89�55'17°'E 504.00' N D F. CC H © z C/! '~ 0 FND 5/8"IR W/CAP f 0 w J z SET R.O.W. es P.O.C. STAMPED "BURY PARTNERS Z Z ' c m s rn z MARKER ': S a FND 5/8"IR W/CAP J I u.I ccz �_1 © I STAMPED "BURY PARTNERS" l 4 �1 0 w a ..: i w cc Li In i ��cHE�-\- © 589 ©z (� �pQ r©F t/ < o �rj� REMAINDER OF • Cd Q �1 (} Q 25.108 ACRES (BY DEED) Q Q SET R.O.W.' O C > CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. >..MARKER C Q FND 5/8"IR W/CAP DOC. No. 20121231001666860 STAMPED "GORRONDONA" R.P.R.C.C,T, U DETAIL "A" —__________ NOT TO SCALE 73 j if)o EXISTING B ETSY LANE A RIGHT-OF-WAY oVn, McMILLEN ROAD (A 1 10.0' RIGHT—OF—WAY) C Pic (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT—OF--WAY) EXISTING HI L_RIGHT-OF-WAY 1 05 50 0 100 a z o ... -'*�SEE DETAIL "A" W= c) 115.155 ACRES (BY DEED) RIGHT—OF—WAY YES COMPANIES, LLC SCALE IN FEET ACQUISITION AREA DOC. No. 20080205000141500 1 B5 SQ. FT. OR R.P.R.C.C.T. 0.002 ACRES NOTES: ACQUISITION 1.. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. / LOCATION 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. j 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, HAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE SUBJECT TRACT & 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. LOCATION OF ACQUISITION City of Wylie CITY OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING A RIGHT—OF—WAY ACQUISITION T�� OUT OF A a� ht''T � 11.5.155 ACRE TRACT OF LAND G�; 4� �t� 7' I SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS U TIS SNIT AS RECORDED IN 1C °• 5494 ''' DOC. No. 20050205000141500 pow DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD 'y ''� ACQUISITION AREA: 85 SQUARE FEET OR 0.002 ACRES CURTIS SMITH\ JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 03 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1' = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1758 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 4 PE McMILLEN ROAD LOT 63,BLOCK E, CREEKSIDE ESTATES,PHASE I EXHIBIT"A" Being a permanent slope easement out of Lot 63 (Common Area), Block E of Creekside Estates, Phase I, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume N, Page 893 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 63 being deeded to Estates at Creekside Owners Association, Inc. as recorded in Volume 5294, Page 316 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanent slope easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way), said R.D.W. marker being in the west line of said Lot 63, said R.O.W. marker being in existing north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of Fire Station No. 4 Addition, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume 2013, Page 439 of said Map Records of Collin County, Texas, bears South 00 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 61.30 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds East, with the west line of said Lot 63 and with the existing north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 0.50 feet, a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 5686" found for the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of said Fire Station No. 4 Addition, in all, a distance of 6.00 feet to a point for corner in the east line of said Lot 1; THENCE North 89 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 325.51 feet to a point for corner in the west line of an existing 20.0' x 20.0' Sight and Utility Easement as recorded in Volume N,Page 893 of said Map Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 44 degrees 46 minutes 52 seconds West, with the west line of said existing 20.0' x 20.0' Sight and Utility Easement, a distance of 8.47 feet to a point for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 319.56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,935 square feet or 0.044 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (I) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed tight-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped"GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 „ohe, Curtis Smith 0 F 7 Registered Professional Land Surveyor (.0 No. 5494 % CURT S SM ITH 5494 4Z- Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B '' LINE TABLE 1 LINE BEARING DISTANCE PARCEL No. 4 L-1 N 00°09'22"E 6.00' - L-2 S 44'46.52"Wl 8.47' LOT 59 II CHARLES COURT 30,0' PERMANENT ,\ (A 50.0' RIGHT-OF-WAY) Q L GRADING AND DRAINAGE — — 9 -- V (EASEMENT \, I r -- © I I VOLUME 2013, PAGE 439 tl i'7 P.R.C.C.T, �� /�/y ^ ' LOT 6O `r r- -_-' LOT 62 ©� / EE / ` f( LOT 61 100' UTILITY EASEMENT G )©E,4 E. / 10,0' UTILITY EASEMENT /! / I I— VOLUME N, PAGE B93 _ q V VOLUME N. PACE 893 —�,! ! M.R.C.C.T. ! CO IE al Er q c j U M.R.C.C.T. ! 1.1 10.0' UTILITY EASEMENT ! V. - p o. VERIZON ESMT. !1 ! �7 VOLUME N, PAGE 893 ` ' ^Ez7 "*N VOLUME N, PAGE 893 ! BLOCK E I M.R.C.C.T. U ©E ©w g M.R.C.C.T. CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE I �16. W m y I---, PASSING AT 0.50' VOLUME N, PAGE 893 20 OSIGHT AND II J < �r Q II /?'RPLS/56865 END STAMPED /it M•R•C.C. T. I I VOLUME N, PAGE 893 I ! / ! I M.R.C.C.T, w N 89'53'06"E' ` ' ((( ` I 7325.51' 1L-1 - - - - - - - lL - - ----- - I -1 _,:::..,.. :.-.-.-.... r::::,.-.... �:..... :�.:.. :..:. 1-1:- ;;:= =:=: L-2 RIGHTI OF WAY TINGS 89 53'06"W" T— '— —� 319.56'— ' 4 EXISTING PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY N RIGHT—OF—WAY P.O.B. NQ `7 © SET R.O.W, LOT 63 MARKER o ° PERMANENT SLOPE crl EASEMENT AREA COMMON AREA .END 5/a"IR 1,935 SO. FT. OR ESTATES AT CREEKSIDE 0.044 ACRES OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. VOLUME 5294, PAGE 316 D.R.C.C.T.. McMILLEN ROAD (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT, 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF--WAY UNE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE 60 30 fl 60 SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202. ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS Iiiiil SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009, SCALE IN FEET AP City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 Ili EXHIBIT SHOWING —\ A �/� �- c PERMANENT SLOPE EASEMENT -‹'c T,,-' \ OLOT 63,UTBLOCK E //,�P' .�1• 3TE`�'"` OF ��L�a"°4� * �. tP CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE I //r„,.� ; r° I AN ADDITION TO THE ' CI RT[T SM1_ 1 )) CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS F....,..,, ........................ ......... AS RECORDED IN ,r-- 54`9, (- 4 VOLUME N, PAGE 893 �- .CA- -'' ' �� y MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD l� -04 £ ACQUISITION AREA:. 1 935 SQUARE FEET OR 0.044 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 04 SLOPE.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" 60' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK, NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX, 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 4 McMILLEN ROAD LOT 63, BLOCK E, CREEKSIDE ESTATES,PHASE I EXHIBIT "A" Being a 0.040 acre tract of land out of Lot 63 (Common Area), Block E of Creekside Estates, Phase I, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume N, Page 893 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 63 being deeded to Estates at Creekside Owners Association, Inc. as recorded in Volume 5294, Page 316 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 0.040 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the southwest corner of said Lot 63, said point being in existing north right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way), from which a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of Fire Station No. 4 Addition, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume 2013, Page 439 of said Map Records of Collin County, Texas bears South 00 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 59.26 feet and from which a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 4560" found reference bears North 73 degrees 07 minutes 24 seconds East, a distance of 0.55 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds East, with the west line of said Lot 63 and with the existing north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 2.04 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 5686" found for the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of said Fire Station No. 4 Additon bears North 00 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds East, a distance of 0.50 feet, said 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 5686" being in the west line of said Lot 63; THENCE North 89 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 333.09 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the intersection of the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road with the existing west right-of-way line of Lewis Road (a variable width right-of-way), said R.O.W. marker being in the east line of said Lot 63; THENCE South 00 degrees 13 minutes 08 seconds East, with the east line of said Lot 63 and with the existing west right-of-way line of said Lewis Road, a distance of 6.44 feet to a point for the intersection of the existing west right-of-way line of said Lewis Road with the existing north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 46 minutes 52 seconds West, with the south line of said Lot 63 and with the existing north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 133.50 feet to a point for corner; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE North 88 degrees 47 minutes 02 seconds West, with the south line of said Lot 63 and with the existing north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 199.67 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1,745 square feet or 0.040 acres of land,more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped"GORRONDONA"unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Curtis Smith OF Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5494 0 5) CURTIS SMITH 5494 '15t) ° Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 S UR i EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 4 LOT 59 I CHARLES COURT • 30.0' PERMANENT 11 (A 50.0' RIGHT-OF-WAY) Q GRADING AND DRAINAGE I-' EASEMENT \` -I r-- - - - - VOLUME 2013, PAGE 439 /� I 0 b P,R.C.C.T. •\ i j. i _ LOT 62 F ZW i LOT 60 ! r - I I © 0 ©©� ! ! LOT 61 10,0' UTILITY EASEMENT ' fr Ca E~q F: 10,0' UTILITY EASEMENT / / 1 ^-- VOLUME N, PAGE 893 1 _ ©'1 A Cj VOLUME N, PAGE 893 1�1 r M.R.C.C.T. f co I- t F,c�pj C M.R.C.C.T, / !c___ 10.0' UTILITY EASEMENT f p C{ VERIZON EMT. II !r �r VOLUME N, PAGE 893 /r L_i1 W"' M I VOLUME N, PAGE 893 BLOCK E M.R.C.C.T. / U E., ©w M.R.C.C.T, CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE I ' W m VOLUME NV PAGE 8 93 20 O' X 2©.D' h _.1 Q -- $ SIGHT AND I I p ' 1 FND 1/2"IR W/CAP / �/ UTILITY EASEMENT I I STAMPED "RPLS 5686" BEARS / / / +'�•.•R.C.C.T.�•T• VOLUME N, PAGE 89 c I N 00'09'22"E 0.5D' /(/ / PROPOSED I M.R.C.C.T. SET R.O.W. I , n ! /� RIGHT-OF-WAY r — 1 i SET R.O.W. MARKER N 89.53 06 E ! f I 333.09' I, MARKER EXISTING " - _: �-,.�.-°-�- r:..T., y`� .1..,^.:... ...:..... .�.... ::..' y 199.67 r.-,-.•:.r.'::'✓:'�,�'1-L-2 RIGHT-OF-WAY N 88'47'02"VY ' S 89.46'S2'N 133.50' EXISTING L-1 FND 1/2"IR W/CAP RIGHT-OF-WAY ry STAMPED "RPLS 4560" BEARS P.O.B. d-! N 73'07'24"E 0.55° RIGHT-OF--WAY LOT 63 d�' ACQUISITION AREA COMMON AREA 0 1,745 SQ. FT. OR r END 5/8°'IR 0.040 ACRES ESTATES AT CREEKSIDE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. I VOLUME 5294, PAGE 316 I D.R.C.C.T. McMILLEN ROAD (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) LINE TABLE 11-1 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L-1 N 00'09.22"E 2.04' L-2 S 00'13'08"E 6.44' NOTES 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT, 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 60 3{) 0 60 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 11 - 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET City ©f Wylie C YITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 i EXHIBIT SHOWING �:=` A RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION- Q F \, OUT OF w �� ;_..,.�...,; � LOT 63, BLOCK E �`�:°° ,�� .<.', '-7 OF 2 CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE I 1 AN ADDITION TO THE .U....➢IIVT1-1 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 1 AS RECORDED IN % �49.,*.,.,... ""- VOLUME N, PAGE 893 ' 5 7e7 0 ' MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS fh PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD a ., ACQUISITION AREA: 1.745 SQUARE FEET OR 0.040 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No, 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 04 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" 60' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 5 PE 1420 LEWIS DRIVE LOT 33R, BLOCK B, CREEKSIDE ESTATES,PHASE IX. EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent sidewalk easement out of Lot 33R, Block B of Creekside Estates, Phase IX, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Document No. 2017-434 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 33R being deeded to Estates at Creekside Owners Association, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20170712000909070 of the Official. Public Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanent sidewalk easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point for the southwest corner of said Lot 33R, said point being the intersection of the north right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way)with the east right-of-way line of Lewis Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 00 degrees 13 minutes 01 seconds West, with the west line of said Lot 33R and with the east right-of-way line of said Lewis Road, a distance of 7.95 feet to a point for corner, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 4415" found for the northwest corner of said Lot 33R bears North 00 degrees 13 minutes 01 seconds West, a distance of 137.05 feet, said 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "RPLS 4415" being the intersection of the east right-of-way line of said Lewis Road with the south right-of-way line of Charles Drive (a 50' right-of-way); THENCE South 45 degrees 10 minutes 01 seconds East, a distance of 4.16 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 46 minutes 59 seconds East, a distance of 461.40 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, a distance of 110.82 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 13 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 1.0.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, a distance of 371.04 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 02 minutes 49 seconds West, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point for corner; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11. seconds East, a distance of 318.80 feet to a point for comer in the east line of said Lot 33R, said point being in the west line of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of said Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 32 minutes 13 seconds East, with the east line of said Lot 33R and with the west line of said 112.18 acre tract of land, a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for the southeast corner of said Lot 33R, said point being the northeast corner of the existing right-of-way of said McMillen Road, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the most westerly southwest corner of said 112.18 acre tract of land bears South 00 degrees 32 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 55.00 feet, said 1/2 inch iron road being the southeast corner of the existing right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being in the north line of a 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No. 98- 0004942 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in. Volume 1015, Page 46 of said Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds West, with the south line of said Lot 33R and with the north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 800.65 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 46 minutes 59 seconds West, with the south line of said Lot 33R and with the north right-of-way line of said.McMillen Road, a distance of 464.33 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 10,041 square feet or 0.231 acres of land, more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA"unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central. Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: December 20, 2018 CURTIS SMITH Curtis Smith 4-1 5494 Registered Professional Land Surveyor y'' ` No.. 5494 S U Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B " I I PARCEIL _ 5 PE I Q g TEND 1/2"IR W/ CAP CHARLES DRIVE CHARLES CT. cc w I STAMPED RPLS 4415 1 1 y _A CTJ (A 5©,D' RIGHT OF-WAY) �X ©', LOT 32 uLOT 31 LOT 30 o LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 60 LL1 < n BLOCK B --I v to CREEKSIDE ESTATES, BLOCK E LOT 63 PHASE IX CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE I I PERMANENT SIDEWALK DOCUMENT NO. 2017-299 VOLUME N, .PAGE 893 EASEMENT AREA M.R.C.C.T. M.R.C.C.T. ©I I 10,041 SQ. FT. OR LOT 61 LOT 62 © I 0.231 ACRES Z �L--'"—�i — N 69 46e 59N E 461.40 — EXISTING RIGHT--OF-WAY P.()•B• .... : T{ CEXISTING OF-WAY 1 ' ' SEE DETAIL A� ESTATES AT CREEKSIDE LOT BLOCK McMILLEN ROAD OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. CREEKSIDE ESTATES, (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) DOC. No. 20170712000909070 PHASE IX 0,P.R•C.C.T. DOCUMENT NO. 2017-434 M.R.C.C.T, ,.. ... EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY -I p u EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY / Z LOT 2X BLOCK G LOT 1X M SAGE CREEK NORTH CC BLOCK G LINE TABLE VOLUME 0, PAGE 56 SAGE CREEK NORTH LINE BEARING DISTANCE, r " '. M.R.C.C.T. VOLUME 0, PAGE 56 „ �?461.40' M.R.C.C.T. L-1 N 0O'13'01 W 7,95 ":. ::, ,: L-2 S 45'1© O 1 E 4.16' 464.33' ' t—_ 100 50 0 100 r SCALE IN FEET (NO© TOIL SCALE) I I NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-B3, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 20D9. Itli City of Wylie CITY OF 1'LIC 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 IF EXHIBIT SHOWING "ram` ''" A .. " CF PERMANENT SIDEWALK EASEMENTOUT F P�'�,i a T ', + LOT 33R, BLOCK B I , * , :,,ry OF CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE IX I C iTIS SMITH CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN r"" 5494 .. Q..,. DOCUMENT NO, 2017-434 ' MAP RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS "t;'``•`� .• PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD 11wl11111•110f^VIE ItiL1<If:1011M113 31MECIIIMPAOM IIII CURTIS SMITH ~ JOB No, 0903-356B DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 05 PE,DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE; DECEMBER 20, 201B EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 3 SCALE; 1" = 100' ND. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10/06900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 7611E • 617-496-1424 FAX 817-496-176B EXHIBIT "B " r _ PARCEL No. 5 PE r DRIVE r --\ 1 LOT 21 \ \ CHARLES LOT 22 RIGHT-OF-WAY) LOT 23 \ (A 50,0' r LOT 24 LOT 25 \ _ LOT 26 LOT 33R LOT 27 BLOCK B 1 BLOCK B CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE IX CREEKSIDE ESTATES, DOCUMENT NO. 2017-434 PHASE IX l-- M.R.C.C.T DOCUMENT NO. 2017-299 - 1 M.R.C.C.T. ESTATES AT CREEKSIDE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. N 89'46'59"E _ ~ - DOC. NO, 20170712000909070 _ 461,40' _ ©,P.R.C.C.T. L-4 S_89'57'11"E 371.04' L-5 L-3 Lz S 89'46'59"W N 89'57'1 1"W ' V800.+65' W 464,33' McMILLEN ROAD EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY— Z Z (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT--OF-WAY) 'PERMANENT SIDEWALK J EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY — _ 1 EASEMENT 041 SQ. AREA OR I 1 I _ 0,231 ACRES -- U — L_ - _ H Q I LINE TABLE 39,58 ACRES (BY DEED) 2 " ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR, LOT 2X LINE BEARING DISTANCE C.C.F. No, 98-0004942 L-3 S 89'57 11 E 110,82 D.R.C.C.T, L-4 N 00'1 3'35"W 1 O,QQ' DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 I L-5 S 0Q'02'49"W 10.00' a R.C.C.T, I L-6_S 89'57.11"E 318.80' -- �� J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY L©T 49 ABSTRACT No. 589 ' I I 0.4562 ACRES (BY DEED) ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. I DOC. No, 20111020001125050 R.P.R,C.C.T. I NOTES: 1, A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 1 00 50 0 1 00 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. iiisl '3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES SCALE IN FEET 1 AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. City of ''Vylie CITY OF YI:1.E 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 i EXHIBIT SHOWING �J`„ PERMANENT SIDEWALK EASEMENT ' �\- i,c, 1 OUT OF ' "61 ST 4.:`-f LOT 33R, BLOCK B ;,,. * 0 - OF CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE IX CURTIS ` Ivll�ll CITY OF WYLIE. COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN f . ,.,.5494 Q,,J DOCUMENT NO. 2017-434 ;, �p Q MAP RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS • '0. 51 rw PROJECT; McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD A ot1111411w1 m il'BL tvl1mMU21 •L1s+t 1411 W - CURTIS SMITH 1 JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 05 PE.DWG - REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 3 SCALE: 1" - 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA do ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 1 EXHIBIT "B " ...----APARCEL No. 5 PE LOT 19R EASTEUGE LOT 18R DRIVE 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) PAMELA JOE THRONBURG 1 DOC. No, 201011416000373400 BLOCK B 1 LOT 33RI O.P.R.C.C.T. CvREEKSIBE ESTATES,, 1 V PHASE I2 1 1 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT DOCUMENT NO. 2Qi7-434 V V DOC. No, 2017-299 '1 M,R.c,c.T. _11 M,R,C,C.T, J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY LOT 17R 1 10' WATER EASEMENT 11 f i - ft.C.C, ABSTRACT i�la. 589 ~Y LOT 33R ESTATES AT CREEKSIDE [ ] L-6 I I OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. _ ..., ��:..--,•. . . .1--_ '�,,t --L_7 ©©C. No. 20170712000909070 N 89'57'1 1"W 800.651 ' EXISTWG © p R C C T UJ McMILLEN ROAD , RIGHT-OF-WAY Z (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) END 1/2"IR EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY + --PERMANENT SIDEWALK -EASEMENT AREA 10,041 SQ. FT. ©R ♦♦4 0.231 ACRES ♦♦ .♦ .3958 ACRES (BY DEED) `ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR.DOCUMENT No. 98-0004942 ♦ . \ D,R.C,C.T. \ \VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ D,R,C.C.T, ♦♦ .\ •♦♦ •♦ • . . ♦ .• LINE TABLE ♦ \INE BEARING DISTANCE ♦♦ .♦ \\\ L-6 S 89'57'1 1"E 318.80' + \'N♦\♦♦ ♦.♦ L-7 S 00'32'13"E 5.00' . . . L-8 S 00'32'13"E 55,00' ♦ .. I NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 100 50 0 100 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 1 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET I I City of Wylie CI I y OF YLE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 I EXHIBIT SHOWING PERMANENT SIDEWALK EASEMENT F "1ST + OUT OF G �K ', LOT 33R, BLOCK B G.) Q.- 0"• CREEKSIDE ESTATES, PHASE IX C LIR1'..IS SMIT ��� � CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN 1 . „, 5494 ' DOCUMENT NO. 2017-434 � �55 " I MAP RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS (, F PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD �' ACQUISITION AREA: 10.041 SQUARE FEET OR 0.231 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JO8 No. 0903-356B DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 05 PE.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBRE 20, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 3 OF 3 I SCALE; 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 1 McMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent drainage easement situated in the J. W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said permanent drainage easement being a portion of a 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr., as recorded in County Clerk. File No, 98-0004942 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more fully described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanent drainage easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said 39.58 acre tract of land, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of a 0.4562 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No. 20111020001125050 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod being in the south line of a 21,355 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Creekside Development, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20121231001666860 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said. 1/2 inch iron rod being in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way); THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, with the south line of said 21.355 acre tract of land, and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 728.84 to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, said.R.O.W. marker being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1,200,00 feet, a central angle of 12 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds and whose chord bears South 64 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds East, a distance of 270.11 feet, from which a 1/2 iron rod found for, the southeast corner of said 21.355 acre tract of land bears South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, a distance of 72.30 feet, said 1/2 inch iron rod found being the southwest corner of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE with the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road and with said non-tangent curve to the right, an arc length of 270.69 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; THENCE South 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds East, with the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 242,87 feet, a R.O.W. Marker set for reference, in all, a distance of 292,87 feet to a point for corner in a southeasterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land; THENCE South 43 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds West, with a southeasterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, a distance of 6.09 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 14 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds West, with a southeasterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, a distance of 246.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described permanent drainage easement, said point being in the proposed southwesterly right-of- way line of said McMillen Road; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE South 14 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds West,with a southeasterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, a distance of 124,00 feet to a point for an angle point in the southeasterly line of said 39,58 acre tract of land; THENCE North 45 degrees 29 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 63.44 feet to a point for cornea; THENCE North 14 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds East, a distance of 53.61 feet to a point for coiner; THENCE North 27 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds West, a distance of 107.15 feet to a point for corner in the proposed southwesterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds East, with the proposed southwesterly right- of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 83.12 feet, a R.O.W. Marker set for reference, in all, a distance of I33.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 8,439 square feet or 0.194 acres of land, more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date; December 20, 2018 Curtis Smith OF Registered Professional Land Surveyor �I sr CURTIS SMITH t-°\9p 5494 Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 PE PART I J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 589 REMAINDER OF 21.355 ACRES (BY DEED) CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. DOC. No, 20121231001666860 R„P,R.C,C.T, _..,, PROPOSED APPROXIMATE LOCATION P.O.C. RIGHT-OF-WAY 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT FND 1/2"IR VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D,R.C.C.T. _ S 89'57'I 1"E 728,84' 4 _ McMILLEN RAC . McMILLEN ROAD - ------ (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY '____________:________ EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY _-__ -- ---- )---- LOT ZX, BLOCK G PROPOSED SAGE CREEK NORTH 15' COSERV EASEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY I VOLUME 0, PACE 56 VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 P.R.C.C.T. D.R.C.C.T. ..----- I 39.56 ACRES (BY DEED) I ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. IA_ C.C.F. No. 96-0004942 c - Jig: s.5r� D.R.C.C.T. C I I LOT 9 i DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 ,I ` I BLOCK4a I D.R.C.C.T. v I I I 0,4562 ACRES (BY DEED) s I ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. DOC. No, 20111020001125050 1 QC 50 0 1 00 R,P,R,C.C,T. SCALE IN FEET NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. ACQUISITION 2, ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET LOCATION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4, SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION jip City of Wylie CITY OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 i EXHIBIT SHOWING ` PERMANENT OUT OFAE EASEMENT � ,G\51 - 39,58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND 6.);4- 0°., un SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 CURTIS SMITH CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN g 5494 ; C C.C.F. NO.. 98-0004942 .0,K-- ;' C3 REAL PROPETY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS r ' 4 ' PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ACQUISITION AREA: 8 439 SQUARE FEET OR 0.194 ACRES CURTIS SMITH �� JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JLC CAD FILE: 06 DRAIN_PTI,DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 20. 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 3 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL, BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 1 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA BEARING CHORD ARC C-1 1,200.00' 12'55'28" S 64'08'41"E 270.11' 270.69' REMAINDER OF 1 00 50 0 1 00 21.355 ACRES (BY DEED) CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. dii DOC, No. 20121231001666860 R.PPR.C.C.T. PROPOSED SCALE IN FEET RIGHT-OF-WAY SET R.O.W, 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) MARKER PAMELA JOE THRONBURG S 89'57'1 1"E DOC. No. 20100416000373400 S 89"57'11"E 728.84' 72.30' END. 1/2"IR R.P,R,C.C.T. s APPROXIMATE LOCATION �g,'8 S7' \♦ \\ 15' COSERV EASEMENT S •.> 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 FT VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D,R.C,C,T, D.R.C.C.T. 414p 4--,, \\\\\ McMILLEN ROAD RIGHQOFSED WAY H (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY) CQ 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) C RIG RO OF-WAY ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. .9 C.C.F. No. 98-0004942 44 D.R.C.C.T. DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 D.R.C.C.T. 4...„....? 3.�1 • MI.CELL©U5 9 Q m NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. ACQUISITION 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET LOCATION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION I I City of Wylie CPIY OF YLIT; 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 II EXHIBIT SHOWINGA PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT <� C i T OUT OF A �( 5 f '°ti �- 39.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND tr .q-' t,0.,,W�L-) SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 C RT1S SM1T CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN 1 m+ ` 5494 '. C.C.F. NO, 98-0004942 REAL PROPETY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS S -L.. PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD . ACQUISITION AREA: 8 439 SQUARE FEET OR 0.194 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JLC CAD FILE: 06 DRAIN-PTI,DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 3 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 ACQUISITION EXHIBIT II " „...„----- LOCATION PARCEL No. 6 PE PART I \ '\ APPROXIMATE LOCATION .00 \ \ \\ 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT `� \\ \\ \ VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D.R,C,C,T, '� SUBJECT TRACT & \ \ LOCATION OF ACQUISITION ti�� \ \ \\\ \ \ S • \ 15' COSERV EASEMENT , J l�\ s� \ • VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 ,PR RV RIGHTPOSD-OF SWAY 2y� \\ ��G' �C`G 'I\•�,d` 4,\'$ .�5-c,c /1 PASSING AT \ \\ \ I" V� 242.87' A SET \ \ w (QN R.O.W. MARKER \\ \ 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) P`\\` U�©`'/cC \ G \\\ S\ DOC A No, 20100416000373400 QT�© \,�/ /+ •\`\\ 4,}S R.P.R.C.C.T. PROPOSED pF k o \ RIGHT-OF-WAY QrJ� ry LINE TABLE PASSING AT 1:3 LINE BEARING DISTANCE 83.12' A SET i n L-1 S 14'22'36"W 124.00' R.©,w, MARKER N L-2 N 45"29'45"W 63.44' NI- L-3 N 14'22'36"E 53,61' L-4 N 27'40'57"W 107.15' .::::.:•::. L-5 S 57'40'57"E 133.12' PERMANENT DRAINAGE ,c-�`::::f::::::::;::, 1 EASEMENT AREA r\:,:5°:::.::r. 4,::T.-.. 8,439 SO. FT, OR 0.194 ACRES 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) ',--3-:-::::::;-`' ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. C 1::::. :.:-:1 P.0 B. C.C.F. No. 98-0004942 �.,.._,.,� D.R.C.C.T. DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 ��`,,..,:q D,R.C.C.T. 4`,'::•: �'u 100 50 0 100 NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET SCALE IN FEET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. City of Wylie Crr OF YLI 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 "YT EXHIBIT SHOWING /0---- -------F ., PERMANENT OUT OF AE EASEMENT �� '� 39,58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND .Ii) * J'-,, ,p, SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 C4A.RTIS SMITH I CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN .C.F. NO. REAL PROPETYC CRECORDS OF CO98-0004942 LLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 1.., ',76 ' 1 U '' PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD -------._---- ACQUISITION AREA: 8 439 SQUARE FEET OR 0.194 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903.3568 DRAWN BY: JLC CAD FILE: 06 DRAIN-PT1.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 20, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 3 OF 3 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 2 McMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent drainage easement situated in the J. W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No, 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said permanent drainage easement being a portion of a 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr., as recorded in County Clerk File No. 98-0004942 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more fully described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of said Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanent drainage easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the southeast corner of a 21.355 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Creekside Development, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20121231001666860 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the southwest corner of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod found also being in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way); THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds West, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, with the south line of said 21.355 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 72.30 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of McMillen Road; THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds West, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, with the south line of said 21.355 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 728.84 to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said 39.58 acre tract of land, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of a 0.4562 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No. 20111020001125050 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 01 degree 01 minute 39 seconds East, with the west line of said 39.58 acre tract of land and with the east line of said 0.4562 acre tract of land, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point for corner in the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 63.48 feet to a R.O.W. Marker set for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds East, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 97.04 feet to a R.O.W. Marker set for the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, a central angle of 12 degrees 26 minutes 05 seconds and whose chord bears South 81 degrees 56 minutes 44 seconds East, a distance of 216.60 feet; THENCE with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road and with said curve to the right, an arc length of 217.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described permanent drainage easement, said point being the beginning of a curve to right having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, a central angle of 18 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds and whose chord bears South 66 degrees 42 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 313.66 feet; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road and with said curve to the right, an arc length of 314.96 feet to a R.O.W. Marker set for corner; THENCE South 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds East, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said IVIeMillen Road, a distance of 60.47 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 87 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds West, a distance of 345.24 feet to a point for corner; T NCE North 02 degrees 19 minutes 03 seconds East, a distance of 142.52 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 28,680 square feet or 0.658 acres of land, more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONI)ONA"unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Curtis Smith OF -1-71/4 Registered Professional Land Surveyor 1/4 No. 5494 CURTIS SMITH Vla.p 5494 Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 SURN EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 2 LINE TABLE CURVE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE CURVE RADIUS DELTA BEARING CHORD ARC L-1 S 01'01'39"E 50.00' C-1 1,000.00' 12'26'05" S 81'56'44"E 216.60' 217.02" L-2 S 89'57'1 1"E 63,48' C-2 1,000.00' 18-02'45" S 66'42'19"E 313.66' 314.96' L-3 S 88'09'46"E 97.04" REMAINDER OF 21,355 ACRES (BY DEED) J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. ABSTRACT No, 589 DOC, No, 20121231001666860 R.P.R,C,C.T, PROPOSED APPROXIMATE LOCATION RIGHT-OF-WAY 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ir END 1/2"IR i VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D.R.C.C.T. N 89'57'11 'W 728.84' McMILLEN ROAD — r McMILLEN ROAD --- ------ �C (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OE-WAY) . (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY) --__ EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY r+ —L 2 -- L 3 ---- Z SET R.O.W. C-1 SET . . MARKER PROPOSED— LOT 2X, BLOCK C I SAGE CREEK NORTH L-2 15' COSERV EASEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY - C` VOLUME O, PACE 56 VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 IP•©•B• Vd I..}-.-..: :•.:• •:r:::::- P.R,C,C,T, I D.R.C.C.T, N '.•::::::- ::•:.:.:. . , r , �_` 39,58 ACRES (BY DEED) Q, k:.:.:.,. :;:::=:_: :;: I— ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR, . .,.;•:..: ••. ::' \ I I C.C.F. No, 98-0004942 iN [ : ::;:: ::::: CQ t-- Si D.R.C.C.T. BLOT 49 DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 1):, ) D.R.C.C.T. II D I \ 0.4562 ACRES (BY DEED) N 8T4O,57. Iv r I ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. DOC- No. 201 1 1 020001 1 25050 PERMANENT DRAINAGE 345.24' 1 pp 50 0 ©© R.P.R,C.C.T, EASEMENT AREA 28,680 SQ. FT. OR 0.658 ACRES SCALE IN FEET NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/ErIRON ROD SET ACQUISITION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, LOCATION 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4, SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER zoos. SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 f EXHIBIT SHOWING £�\ PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT ///� �F ., c�` OUT OF A /"A� C \STD T 39.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND / c,-) "-` 0 ,LI-1 SITUATED IN THE � J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT' No. 589 '' CURTIS c,ML;F-f, CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN ..,` +.,.. 19 C.C.F. NO. 98-0004942 , �`,�S' REAL PROPETY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS rj„, rt., , ', ` r "�q ' -1 t 4f PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD L— ACQUISITION AREA: 28 680 SQUARE' FEET OR 0.658 ACRES _�� CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY; JLC CAD FILE: 06 DRAIN-PT1.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE; MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1' = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 2 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA BEARING CHORD ARC C-2 1000.00' 18'02'45" S 66'42'19"E 313.66' 314.96' REMAINDER OF 100 50 0 100 21.355 ACRES (BY DEED) CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC, DOC. No. 20121231001666860 P.O.C. li! 1 R.P,R.C.C.T, PROPOSED END. 1/2"IR SCALE IN FEET RIGHT—OF—WAY SET R.O.W. 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) MARKER PAMELA JOE THRONBURG N 89'57't 1"'W DOC. No 20100416000373400 N 89'57'11'W 728.84' 72,30' R.P.R,C.C.T„ \ ----� \ \\ McMILLEN ROAD ------ ' , \ PROPOSED \\ \\ \\ (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY) RIGHT-OF-WAY \\ \ \\ \ •\\ ` PROPOSED 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) \\ \ \ r ) RIGHT-©F-war C.C.F. N©. 98 URM€�ND, JR. `\ \ \• `•\V ROBERT VANCE T C, 0004942 \ \\ \ ?,::;:::. D.R.C.C.T. ` \f I . - DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 APPROXIMATE LOCATION `\ \\ 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT \ • 2 s D.R.C.C.T• VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, ❑.R.C.C.T. \ se. `S.?` 15' COSERV EASEMENT \ ?pk�R o' O•. VOLUME D9R88.CPAGE 1811 N 8T4©'S7'"W 345.24' PERMANENT DRAINAGEwl1,-1i C AEV- - Sv589 N( EASEMENT AREA 28,680 5Q. FT. OR `�' ABS R ACC °. 0.658 ACRES NOTES:, 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8• IRON ROD SET ACQUISITION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LOCATION 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION City of Wylie CITY OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 4 EXHIBIT SHOWING � r A t E OF -- PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT ��!'•',:-.1--• ` 7` 39.58 ACRE TUT RACT OF LAND 4/c,? °''�r,} c�"a ,,j) SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS � ,.,.. fw11a....` � AS RECORDED IN i*cV,..13 5a JL C.C.F. NO. 98-0004942 `, -,' "''o, REAL PROPETY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ;._•'•-lT�' PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD 5 M ACQUISITION AREA: 28 680 SQUARE FEET OR 0.658 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JLC CAD FILE: 06 DRAIN-PT'I,DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR1 DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900' GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No.. 6 PE PART 3 MeMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent drainage and roadway easement situated in the J. W. Mitchell. Survey, Abstract. No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin. County, Texas, said permanent drainage and roadway easement being a portion of a 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr., as recorded in County Clerk File No. 98-0004942 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more fully described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of the Deed Records of Collin. County, Texas, said permanent drainage and roadway easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said 39.58 acre tract of land, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of a 0.4562 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No. 20111020001125050 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2. inch iron rod being in the south line of Creekside Estates, Phase IX, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Document No. 2017-299 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod being in. McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, with the south line of said Creekside Estates, Phase IX, and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 728.84 to a R.O.W. Marker set for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described permanent drainage easement, said. R.O.W. Marker being the intersection of the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, with the south line of said Creekside Estates, Phase IX and with. said McMillen Road, a distance of 72.30 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the southeast corner of said Creekside Estates, Phase IX, said 1/2. inch iron rod being the most westerly southwest corner of a 112.1.8 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 89 degrees 27 minutes 47 seconds East, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land and with the westerly line of said 112.18 acre tract of land, a distance of 404.37 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 32 degrees 17 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 209.06 feet to a point for corner in the easterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, said point being in Muddy Creek; Exhibit.A Page 1 of 2 THENCE South 43 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds West, with the easterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land and with said Muddy Creek, a distance of 140.81 feet to a point for the intersection of the easterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land with the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds West, with the proposed northeasterly right- of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 50.00 feet a R.O.W. marker set for reference, in all, a distance of 292.87 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 1,200.00 feet, a central angle of 12 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds and whose chord bears North 64 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 270.11 feet; THENCE with the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road and with said curve to the left, an arc length of 270.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 74,626 square feet or 1.71.3 acres of land,more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W, markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: December 19,2018 lee Curtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyors a„ No. 5494 c, (c CURTIS SM1THI i''') 5494 !; i - SU \IC Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT „B „ _ PARCEL No. 6PEPART3 1 LOT 23 ' LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 24 1 LOT 29 LOT 28 BLOCK B _____________\___ --- LOT 25 L 4 I CREEKSIDE ESTATES, -- LOT 33R 1 PHASE IX DOCUMENT NO. 2017-299 — BLOCK B I M,R.C.C.T. CREEKSIDE ESTATES, 11� J PHASE IX � — r J DOCUMENT NO. 2017-434 M,R.C.C.T. APPROXIMATE LOCATION McMI LLEN ROAD P•0.0 20' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENT FNd 1/2°'VR VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, O.R.C.C„T. (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT—OF—WAY) S 89'57'11"E 728.84' EXISTING RIGHT—OF—WAY �___----,-- 7� Z LOT 2X --IBLOCK 6 PROPOSED SAGE CREEK NORTH 15' COSERV EASEMENT RIGHT—OF—WAY VOLUME 0, PAGE 56 VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 M,R.C.C.T. D.R.C.C.T, 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) H ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. I C.C.F. No, 98-0004942 — — --r� I D.R.C.C.T, VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 / ili\ Lor 4s D,R,C.C,T.. I 0.4562 ACRES (BY DEED) I y ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. DOC. No. 20111020001125050 1©fl 50 p 100 R.P.R.C.C.T. J.W. bITCHELL SURVEY SCALE IN FEET ABSTRACT No. 589 NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT, AC0UISITION 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY UNE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET LOCATION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009, SUBJECT O TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION City of Wylie Cf-©r 'i 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 _ II EXHIBIT SHOWINGA 7`OI PERMANENT DRAINAGE & ROADWAY EASEMENT 4,, -. '1'.,‘ 1 OUT OF A ,� ''�G 1S 7,•.,=f 39.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND -It.,7 µQ-' 'a` ', ' '1 SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No, 589 CUR7IS SMCTH CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN 1£' 54114 v C.C.F. NO. 98-0004942 '��� \ .., f DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS *" PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD °x ACQUISITION AREA: 74 626 SQUARE FEET OR 1.713 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No, 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 06 PE PT4.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 3 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10/06900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX, 76118 • B17-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 3 LOT 18R I I ,---- 5 I I \ 1 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) 5 1 PAMELA JOE THRONBURG BLOCK B LOT 17R 5 h DOC, No, 20100416000373400 CREEKSIDE ESTATES, I PHASE LIf ‘ DOCUMENT NO. 2017-434 .---• \ ‘ M.R.C.C,T, ---- ) ) 100 50 0 100 1 I LOT 33R I I I I IIIIM11111.1i McMILLEN ROAD SET R.O.W SCALE IN FEET MARKER (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT—OF—WAY) END 1/2"IR 1 ... S 89'57'11"E 728 84' L-1 L-2 1 — ---- uj — -------- -------- ,, ...,•.;,..,,, .,. ,_ .., , . .. . Z ' _ P.O.B. -c ------------, c \ ,... ..i , ,,::.:,--.,: w '-' ' —-:—-- ---N.;::,;-.. '•!:; .:- , ,,, -,: Z ..-1 SET ROW MARKER PROPOSED • •: ' : , .:,,,,'. .s,V ...\., ;. . .. , — '--:-.:::: .:::'.-:.%'-..,..'..°":.; ...•.., ' .....1 15' COSERV EASEMENT RIGHT—OF—WAY 1 VOLUME 49813, PAGE 1811 APPROXIMATE LOCATION 0 D.R.C,C.T, 20 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D.R,C.C.T. SET R,O.W, H MARKER ' :':''\% -:'"" .—N. 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) < PROPOSED ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. 2 RIGHT—OF—WAY C,C.F. No. 98-0004942 D.R.C.C.T. -. LINE TABLE c..... LINE BEARING DISTANCE VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 L-1 S 89'57.11"E 72,30 NNisi. D.R.C.C,T. PERMANENT DRAINAGE & ROADWAY EASEMENT AREA L-2 N 8927'47nE 404,37' J.W. NITCHELL SURVEY 74,626 SQ. Fr. OR L-5 N 574057W 292.87' . 1.713 ACRES 1 ABSTRACT \lo. 589 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH C-1 1200.00/ 12'55'28" N 6408'41'1W 270.11' 270.69' NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT, --ACQUISITION 2, ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY UNE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET LOCATION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE SUBJECT 4, SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009, LOCATION OF TRACT &ACQUISITION _74‘11 City of Wylie CITY OF \lit. 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 ,.....„„<--- -....„,...L. EXHIBIT SHOWING -----if OF PERMANENT DRAINAGE DRAINAGE & ROADWAY EASEMENT ..4\v...;, ,f<,.... .; OUT OF A Jr'e-' :4;', -71- 39,58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND i Cr?I SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 1 CURTIS S MIT-I )' CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN C.C.F. NO, 98-0004942 i DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ... ACQUISITION AREA: 74 626 SQUARE FEET OR 1.713 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No, 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD F1LE: 06 PE PT4.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 3 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM Na. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC, • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX, 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 1 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. Cr PE PART 3 112,18 ACRES (BY DEED) PAMELA JOE THR©NBURG 1A1 DOC. No, 20100416000373400 J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY R,P,R.C^C.T, ABSTRACT No. 589 L-2 \• 39,58 ACRES (BY DEED) A ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. •:::::::\ C.C.F. No. 98-0004942 ':;';\ D.R.C.C.T. LINE TABLE '�C VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 LINE BEARING DISTANCE _\u' D.R.C.C.T. L-2 N 89'27'47'E 404.37' . L-3 S 32'17'14"E 209.06' ,. L-4 S 43'57"36'W 140.81' Z <;"•\ ..4c - L-5 N 57'40'57°W 292.87' :?\ �Q°� J :\ �" r.1: PASSING AT ;-; �•-:.. �. �.:•:i•a°ii^:•;; ' 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) �" 50.00' A SET : """ PAMELA JOE THRONBURG .\ .-,:,::'R 0 W. MARKER:::°::�:;.•�1' � - ..�::°-•i" _.r.".•.^ra:°rrrr..:^:.:•: ! DOC, No. 20100416000373400 ♦.....,:::�: :.�:.:.'::":.:^-r:./ R,P^R.C.C.T, .\�, PERMANENT DRAINAGE & ` ROADWAY EASEMENT AREA • ,. \ \ 74,626 SQ. FT. OR `,,,\ N\ 1.713 ACRES /is I \ `\N\, 100 50 0 100 .• . . SCALE IN FEET NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. "ACQUISITION 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET LOCATION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. LOCATION A TRACT & OF ACQUISITION Cityof Wylie Y CM/OF YL)E 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING A OF PERMANENT DRAINAGE& ROADWAY EASEMENT ' ` OUT OF A ��� T �'�aC�'• y� 39,58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND G ' U) SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No, 589 CURTIS— SMITH CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS r4.•^.•.•..._ ..•.,•.^_• AS RECORDED IN c. „�y 5491 v Q C.C.F. NO. 98-0004942 .9A- c��y 0 DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Sti,. PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ,, '� E! ACQUISITION AREA: 74,626 SQUARE FEET OR 1.71.3 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No, 0903-3568 I DRAWN BY: RCS I CAD FILE: 06 PE PT4.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2018 1 EXHIBIT B PAGE 3 OF 3 ' SCALE: 1" = 100. NO, 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 4 McMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent slope easement situated in the J. W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No, 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said permanent slope easement being a portion of a 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr., as recorded in County Clerk File No, 98-0004942 of the Deed Records of Coffin County, Texas and being more fully described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of said Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanent slope easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found in the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, said 1/2, inch iron rod being the southeast corner of Creekside Estates, Phase IN, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Instrument No, 2017-299 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the most westerly southwest corner of a acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thron.burg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of the Real Property Records of Collin. County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being in McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds West, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, with the south line of said. Creekside Estates, Phase IX and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 72.30 feet to a R.U.W. marker set for the intersection of the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road with the south line of said Creekside Estates, Phase IX; THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds West, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, with the south line of said Creekside Estates, Phase IX and with said McMillen. Road, a distance of 72.8.84 to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said 39.58 acre tract of land, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of a 0.4562 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No, 20111020001125050 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 01. degree 01 minute 39 seconds East, with the west line of said 39.58 acre tract of land and with the east line of said 0.4562 acre tract of land, a distance of 5:0,00 feet to a point for corner in the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen.Road, a distance of 50.01. to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described permanent slope easement; THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said. McMillen Road, a distance of 13.47 feet to a R.O.W. Marker set for corner; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE South 88 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds East, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 97.04 feet to a R.O.W. Marker set for the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, a central angle of 09 degrees 49 minutes 25 seconds and whose chord bears South 83 degrees 1.5 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 171.24 feet; THENCE with said curve to the right and with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, an arc length of 171.45 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 16 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 170.61 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 96.80 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 58 minutes 36 seconds West, a distance of 12.96 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 01 degrees 01 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 15.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3,351 square feet or 0.077 acres of land, more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped"GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: December 19, 2018 Curtis Smith OF I' ' Registered Professional Land Surveyor �' s1- "*.-i.� No. 5494 r. .. ..-.,.A.,�. k ' CURTIS SMITH r xtio 5494 ��;1ct" r , Y Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 4 LOT 16R 4 1 \ 1 BLOCK B 11 LOT 17R 1 CREEKSIDE ESTATES, 1 PHASE IX 1 DOCUMENT NO. 207-434 100 50 0 100 S 1y P.R.C,C.T, 1 I �/ryry //�++ LOT 33R 1 1 P!!!! MMIIIM J�.1/.li, _I _ — I I END, 1/2"IR SCALE IN FEET McM I LLEN ROAD SET MARKER 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) PAMELA JOE THRONBURG (AN VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT—OF—WAY) N 89'57.11'W DOC. No. 20100416000373400 Z. N 89'57'11"W 728.84' 72.30' R_P.R.C.C,T. • PROPOSED \ • \ __J RIGHT—OF—WAY \ \ I PROPOSED 39,58 ACRES (BY DEED) \`\ \\ \`((/ U RIGHT—OF—WAY ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR, • • I C.C.F. No. 98-0004942 ` \ D.R.C.C.T. `• \\ .��rr '�i • DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 ` • 20' 2 ` APPROXIMATE LOCATION SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT • D.R.C.C.T. VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D.R.C.C.T. \ • • 15' COSERV EASEMENT VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 D.R.C.C.T. SURE �,W, I,�I\TCC�L�Q• 589 ABSIRA NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET ACQUISITION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LOCATION 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION City of Wylie CITY OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING - �OF T PERMANENT SLOPE EASEMENT � w " .i<�' 1 OUT OF A A%' VLSI °_.„.,'F 39,58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND "ct) .. l 6;V( SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 CURTIS SMITH CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN f"1 ) 54,)4 Div' C.C.F. NO. 98-0004942 DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS i, -,IET' ,1`.'"' PROJECT: McM1LLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ACQUISITION AREA: 3351 SQUARE FEET OR 0.077 ACRES ---- CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 06 PE—PTS,DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 PE PART 4 y 1 UNE TAB \ BLOCK B \ LOT 23 ` ° LINE., BEARIt+IG DISTANCE CREEKSIDE ESTATES, LOT 24 y L1 S 01'01 39"E 50.00' PHASE IX lL ______________V. .--- 1 L-2 S 89'57'11"E 50.01' INSTRUMENT NO. 2017-299 L-3 S 89'57'11"E 13.47' P.R,C.C,T L-4 S 88'09'46"E 97.04' LOT 25 L-5 N 86'16'35"W 170.61° LOT 27 LOT 33R L-6 N 88'09°46"W 96,80° LOT 26 BLOCK B L-7 N 89'58'36'W 12.96'_' CREEKSIDE ESTATES, L-8 N 01'01°39"W 15,01' — -f r PHASE IX DOCUMENT NO. 2017-434 P.R.C.C,T, FND 1/2"IR APPROXIMATE LOCATION McMILLEN ROAD P.O.B. 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D.R.C,C.T. (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) N 89'57'11"W 728.84' o _ — — — 3 L-SET R.O.W, MARKER SET R.O.W. MARKER EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY T F L-8 /� 6 L 5 LOT zx L-7J L - — J BLOCK C SAGE CREEK NORTH PROPOSED = VOLUME 0, PAGE 56 --- P.R.C,C.T. RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMANENT SLOPE 0 �— ` 1EASEMENT AREA 15' COSERV EASEMENT 3,351 SQ. FT. OR VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 0.077 ACRES D.R.C.C.T. 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) ] 1 iL OT 49 ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. C.C.F. No. 98-0004942 r I 0,4562 ACRES (BY DEED)I D.R.C.C.T. I ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 Doc. No. 20111a20001125050,, D.R.C.C.T. 100 50 0 100 i'llieR.P,R,C.C.T. CURVE TABLE . . CURVE- RADIUS,DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH SCALE IN FEET C-1 1000.00° 09'49 25" S 83'15'04 E 171.24 171.45' NOTES; 1, A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT, 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET ACQUISITION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, LOCATION 3, ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE. 4, SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009, L©CATIO A N O TRACT AC QLOCATIONOQUISITION City of Wylie CITY OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT A ROWING PERMANENT SLOPE EASEMENT OUT OF A �� y S f E,r(--- cO ", 39.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND 0 r" - w 0 ., U-, SITUATED IN THE J.W, MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 CUrTIS SMITH 1 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN r , ,0 5494 �, Th ,w C.C,F. NO, 98-0004942 •- \., ,. C..) DEED RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ✓► PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD �U ACQUISITION AREA: 3.351 SQUARE FEET OR 0.077 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY; RCS CAD FILE: 06 PE-PTS.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 6 McMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT"A" Being a 4.665 acre tract of land situated in the J. W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said 4.665 acre tract of land being a portion of a 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr., as recorded in County Clerk File No. 98- 0004942 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more fully described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 4.665 acre tract of land also being a portion of a 0.4562 acre tract of land(by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No. 20111020001125050 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 4.665 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said 39.58 acre tract of land, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of said 0.4562 acre tract of land, said 1/2 inch iron rod being in the south line of a 21.355 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Creekside Development, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20121231001666860 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod being in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way); THENCE South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds East, with the north line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, with the south line of said 21.355 acre tract of land, and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 728.84 to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, said R.O.W. marker being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1,200.00 feet, a central angle of 12 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds and whose chord bears South 64 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds East, a distance of 270.11 feet, from which a 1/2 iron rod found for the southeast corner of said 21.355 acre tract of laud bears South 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds, a distance of 72.30 feet, said 1/2 inch iron rod found being the southwest corner of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of said Real Property Records of Collin County,Texas; THENCE with the proposed northeasterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road and with said non-tangent curve to the right, an arc length of 270.69 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; THENCE South 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds East, with the proposed northeasterly right- of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 242.87 feet, a R.O.W. Marker set for reference, in all, a distance of 292.87 feet to a point for corner in a southeasterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land; Exhibit A Page 1 of 3 THENCE South 43 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds West, with a southeasterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, a distance of 6.09 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 14 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds West, with a southeasterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land, a distance of 246.00 feet to a point for corner in the proposed southwesterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds West, with the proposed southwesterly right- of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 50.00 feet a R.O.W. marker set for reference, in all, a distance of 580.04 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, a central angle of 30 degrees 28 minutes 49 seconds and whose chord bears North 72 degrees 55 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 525.73 feet; THENCE with the proposed southwesterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road and with said curve to the left, an arc length of 531.98 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 09 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 97.04 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 11 seconds West, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 64.34 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds West, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 10.95 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the west line of said 0.4562 acre tract of land, said R.O.W. marker also being the northeast corner of Lot 2X, Block G, Sage Creek North, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume 0, Page 56 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 01 degree 30 minutes 19 seconds West, with the west line of said 0.4562 acre tract of land, a distance of 49.99 feet to a point for the northwest corner of said 0.4562 acre tract of land, said point being in said McMillen Road; THENCE North 89 degrees 48 minutes 03 seconds East, with the north line of said 0.4562 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road a distance of 12.23 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 203,210 square feet or 4.665 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 2 of 3 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDOIslA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 440/ Curtis Smith F cm 0 7. Registered Professional Land Surveyor \?'"' No. 5494 ik 6,7 4 CURTIS SMITH 5494 0\590,0 Exhibit A Page 3 of 3 SUR, EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 CURVE TABLE LINE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA BEARING CHORD ARC LINE BEARING DISTANCE C-2 1,000.00° 30'28'49" N 72'55'22"W 525.73' 531.98' L-1 N 88'09'46"W 97.04° L-2 N 89'57'11"W 64.34° REMAINDER OF L-3 S 89'53°06"W 10.95' _ 21.355 ACRES (BY DEED) L-4 N O1'30°19"W 49.99' CREEKSIDE DEVELOPMENT, INC. DOC. No. 20121231001666860 R.P.R.C.C.T. 'kW.N 89'48'03"E-\ P.O.B. PROPOSED APPROXIMATE LOCATION 12.23' END 1 2'"IR RIGHT-OF-WAY 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT C VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D.R,C.C.T. S 89'57'1 1"E 728.84' McMILLEN ROA© i' McMILLEN ROAD (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) - - (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY),,, EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY -2— - L 1 SET R.O.W. SET R 0)8. Z MARKER yy SET R.Q.W. MARKER LOT 2X, BLOCK C 1 MARKERS PROPOSED '' SAGE CREEK NORTH L-3 1 I —15' COSERV EASEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY C�Z,:... VOLUME 0, PACE 56 VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 P.R.C.C.T. 0 R.C.C.-L ti 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) I- ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. C.C.F. No. 98-0004942 N 1Q° s.s�H \ D.R.C.C.T. J LOT 49 DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 RIGHT-OF-WAY BLOCK D D.R.C.C.T. ACQUISITION AREA I 203,210 SQ. FT" OR 0.4562 ACRES (BY DEED) 4.665 ACRES ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. 1 00 50 0 1©p DOC. No. 20111020001125050 R.P.R.C.C.T. J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY SCALE IN FEET ABSTRACT No. 589 NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. ACQUISITION 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET LOCATION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE SUBJECT TRACT & 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. LOCATION OF ACQUISITION _JillCity of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 W EXHIBIT SHOWING A OF � -- RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION /, \-...„.. . "yv OUT OF A r ':I s'-r f- I\ 39.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND & A I /'-, , p �\ 0.4562 ACRE TRACT OF LANDL. Y 3; `' tf) SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 (c CU .T.Ft ...SMI1I e CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN ` C r, 54`9�. °fiQ-./ C.C.F. NO. 98-0004942 & DOC. NO. 20111020001125050 u,•,,' REAL PROPETY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS / "' r�'- ••• „ PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM TRY CLUB ROAD �,\ w; ACQUISITION AREA: 2©3.210 SQUARE FEET OR 4.665 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-356E1 DRAWN BY: JLCY ROAD TO COUNTRY CAD FILE: 05 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 3 SCALE: 1" = 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 7611E • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 EXHIBIT „B " PARCEL No. 6 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA BEARING CHORD ARC C-1 1,200.00' 12'55'28" S 64'08'41°"E 270,1 1' 270.69' C-2 1,000.00' 30'28'49" ,, N 72"55'22"W 525.73' 531,98' 111 REMAINDER OF 100 50 0 100 21.3 55 ACRES (BY DEED) CREEKSIOE DEVELOPMENT, INC. iii6i1 DOC, No. 20121231001666860 R.P.R.O.C.T. PROPOSED SCALE IN FEET RIGHT-OF-WAY SET R.O.W. MARKER PAMELA ACRES (BY DEED) PAMELA ,615E THRONBURG S 89"57`1 1"E DOC. No. 20100416000373400 •" S 89•57 1 1"E 728.84 72.30" FND, 1 J2"IR R.P.R.C.C.T. • - - — _ - - :: :: cti — — `w , �r 'ar+F'y�. (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY),, :.:RIGHT-OF-WAY: 414P 0 PROPOSED .:::::(;: ::] .:::::,.....:::::::: R 0 :RRIHT-OF-WAY 39: 8 ACRES (BY DEED) < ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. ,. C.C.F. No. 98-0004942 D.R.C.C.T. = sr :. :DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 :: ::.:,` D.R.C.C.T. RIGHT-OF-WAY ... .. .. 1...... ACQUISITION AREA 203,210 SQ. FT. OR ; 4.665ACRES .>" J BSI C NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. ACQUISITION 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET LOCATION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE SUBJECT TRACT dE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. LOCATION OF ACQUISITION jilt City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 +I1 EXHIBIT A HAWING n RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION `L to OUT OF A ' " ..W 4�T 'i°°.' .,, 39.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND & A ',. ...j ? 6' :.y17 0.4562 ACRE TRACT OF LAND ");` Lh"1 SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 1, ,,...,,.CUN I~ sk+111I-i CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN ,, " 5.;.�I `-" . ." f* C.C.F. NO. 98-0004942 & DOC. NO. 20111020001125050 fit„ L � REAL PROPETY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD (. 6 :'^ .-• ACQUISITION AREA: 203 210 SQUARE FEET OR 4.665 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JLC CAD FILE: 05 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 3 SCALE: 1" ® 100' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 - - EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 6 ". z APPROXIMATE LOCATION \ \ 20" SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT �, \ \ VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55, D.R,C.C.T. — N . S, �'\ \ \ 15` COSERV EASEMENT oQ., 0 VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 PROPOSED..... : . ` 4:571 0. RIGHT—OF—WAY .K? .4°S, PASSING AT ' :r ,,.` I ,- 242,87 A SET. :\I:::...., 1 y,, . ,q7 R tJ W M@APKER \ ' N -,N, N. 8 �4 :' 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) N.`! \.,.. PAMELA JOE THRONBURG \ ' ,. RIGHT—OF—WAY DDC. No. 201a0416aaa3734aa .., ACQUISITION AREA R.P-R.C.C.T. , 203,210 SO. FT. OR PROPOSED 4.665 ACRES RIGHT-DF-WAY PASSING AT 50.00' A SET R.O.W. MARKER 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. C.C.F. No. 98-0004942 100 (� I 1 ?CY D.R.C.C.T. DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 6 -1-1-li D.R.C.C.T. NOTES: SCALE IN FEET 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. ACQUISITION 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET LOCATION WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE SUBJECT TRACT $c 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. LOCATION OF ACQUISITION __tem City of Wylie L:TY'OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING • A ." RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION : , , ' OUr OF A ,, .•,"';'�4 a; �°,. -1^- , 39.58 ACRESITUATED AN THE LAND & A /f c.m.".. ...... .... .. - 0.45i2 ACRE TRACT OF LAND J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 C' T1 W 7 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS "' " ... ... ,/ AS RECORDED IN ( 149 1 '°°° '- C.C.F. NO. 98-0004942 & DOG. NO. 20111020001125050 ....0�� REAL PROPETY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS J �t PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ,_-.. -- SQUARE FEET OR 4.665 ACRES "' ACQUISITION AREA: 1 CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JLC CAD FILE: 05 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 3 OF 3 SCALE: I" 100` NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 81.7-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 7 TE McMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement situated in the J,W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No, 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being a portion of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie United Methodist Church, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, 1 from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.45 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, with the west line of said Wylie United Methodist Church, a distance of 56.81 feet to a point for corner in the south line of a 199.22 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Katheryn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 555, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said point also being in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way); THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 199.22 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 1979.38 feet to a point for the southeast corner of said 112.18 acre tract of land, said point also being the southwest corner of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20070131000142850 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 12 minutes 47 seconds East, with the east line of said 112.18 acre tract of land and with the west line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 53.71 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described temporary construction easement, said R.O.W. marker being in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 80.58 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 282.47 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 1000.00 feet, a central angle of 30 degrees 30 minutes 33 seconds, and whose chord bears North 72 degrees 56 minutes 13 seconds West, a distance of 526.21 feet; Exhibit A Page 1 of 3 THENCE with said curve to the right and with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, an arc length of 532.48 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; THENCE North 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 297.02 feet, a R.O.W. marker set for reference in the east bank of Muddy Creek, in all, a distance of 317.02 feet to a point for corner in the east line of said 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No. 98-0004942 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said point also being in Muddy Creek; THENCE North 43 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds East, with the east line of said 39.58 acre tract of land and with said Muddy Creek, a distance of 121.63 feet to a point for the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 863.00 feet, a central angle of 49 degrees 30 minutes 14 seconds, and whose chord bears South 63 degrees 26 minutes 23 seconds East, a distance of 722.66 feet; THENCE with said non-tangent curve to the left, an arc length of 745.64 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 53.74 feet to a point for the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 897.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds, and whose chord bears South 80 degrees 52 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of 228.51 feet; THENCE with said curve to the right, an arc length of 229.13 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 73 degrees 33 minutes 21 seconds East, a distance of 129.07 feet to a point for corner in the east line of said 112.18 acre tract of land, said point being in the west line of said 40.00 acre tract of land; THENCE South 00 degrees 12 minutes 47 seconds West, with the east line of said 112.18 acre tract of land and with the west line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 21.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 90,651 square feet or 2.081 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 2 of 3 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped"GORRONI)ONA"unless otherwise noted, (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NA13-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface, (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Curtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyor .4.... 4. CURTIS SMITH op oRp OR Exhibit A Page 3 of 3 UNE TABLE EXHIBIT "B " _ UNE BEARING -DISTANCE PARCEL No. 7 TE L-1 " N O0'12'47"E 53.71' L-2 5 88'56.46"W 80.58' L-3 N 88.1 1°30"W 282.47' L-7 S 73'33'21"E 129,07' L-8 S 00'12'47"W 21.27' © ACQUISITION CURVE TABLE • ' LOCATION CURVE! RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH in C-3 1 B97.00' 14'38'09" S 80'52'25"E 228.51' 229,13' ©Er© / Q m 0 SUBJECT TRACT & Rv � w/cAPO(ILLEGIBLE) Z I LOCATION OF ACQUISITION S� m� ERSQN �� 6 LOT 1 © � �z P A� N°' 1 NN C RAG X©"C N� �� I REMAINDER OF Q' U N 0- O• 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) 199.22 ACRES (BY DEED) I IY, Z 0 N 0-DREAMS, INC. KATHERYN SKINNER W f-Lai w DOCUMENT No, 20070131000142850 DOCUMENT N©. 20070514000648930 A I C.,) .• f- R.P,R.C.C.T. w r; Z ¢< R.P.R.C.C.T. VOLUME 555, PAGE 68 co �L-) CQL W < D.R.C.C.T. in U E Li Z U �o_ McMILLEN ROAD I o i ©w o C¢ (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT—OF—WAY) I z c-3 P.O.C. 41 C) . _ _...1:`7 P.O.B. I FIND 1/2''IR L—S SET MARKER W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE)1� _ — L-3.. .....L-2 ,--L-1 5 89'02'10'"W 1979.38'— — S 00"25'28"E 56.81' SET R.D.W. MARKER — — — — — fTEMPORARY 1- CONSTRUCTION LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 EASEMENT AREA 90,651 SQ. FT. OR ( ILLFN FAGEM 621 2.081 ACRES MCM L H P T V0L0 PRC• 0. itii• NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET W1H BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 200 100 © Z©© 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE _ SYSTEM, NAD-83, 'THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, AU. DISTANCES AND AREAS I61 SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET _...rit: City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT p •'\� T OUT OF A '-' c 1 5 TEp, 1 12.18 ACRE TRACT OF LAND pc"``.�� 77 SfTiJATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 R ' CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Ct I �TI�" 5�I ?", AS RECORDED IN ` ' .e F 5 49f DOCUMENT No. 20100418000373400 mo , REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS "°77,r�`••t.5, _,' � , PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD -r� ACQUISITION AREA: 90 651 SQUARE FEET OR 2.081 ACRES �i CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 07 TEMP.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBfI B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 200° NO. 5494 TEXAS FlRM No. 1 01 06900 GORRONDONA Sc ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH,, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 1 EXHIBIT ''B '' PARCEL No. 7 TE ACQUISITION ® LOCATION _ ____ \\ 15.0' COSERV EASEMENT ys1��1� `� 8g SUBJECT TRACT & \\\ VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 .1 G`' \` D,R C,c,r. VnG EEC a w • N1�� PCB ©. LOCATION OF ACQUISITION /\.. \ R ` \ ` 1,\BS f 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) \`.\�\/ PAMELA JOE THRONBURG APPROXIMATE LOCATION \ `� DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 ti \ 20.D' SANITARY R.P.R.C.C.T. 20.0' SANITARY \ \ SEWER EASEMENT SEWER EASEMENT \\\\" \ VOLUME 3255, PAGE 66 VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55T. D,R,C,C.T. D.R.C.C.T. PASSING AT TEMPORARY 5.0' COSERV EASEMENT CONSTRUCTION " VOLUME 484'5, PAGE 1339 EASEMENT AREA SET R.O.W. s:\ rr,. .,.... ,. D.R.C.C.T. MARKER �����.. 90,651 SQ. FT. OR r .ems' \ c 5.0' VERIZON EASEMENT 2.081 ACRES w W �.� ,\ __.r.. �R VOLUME 5419, PAGE 834 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) a ��,, .5 D.R.C.C.T 7 ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. (' ��� '- L_ C.C.F. No. 98-0 4942 PROPOSED /�''\` ` J D.R.C.C.T, a RIGHT-OF-WAY / ��.� �� �'�- L ei VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 D.R.C.C.7. ` SET R.O.W. \��\� ~ �L MARKER PROPOSED �� L-3 • RIGHT-OF-WAY • ' SET R.O.W. �111 11 _MARKER .— — — C UNE TABLE - c LINE BEARING DISTANCE L-3 N 88.11'3O"W 282.47' McMILLEN ROAD L-4 N 43'40'S7"W 121.63' AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY I L-5 N 43'57`36"E 121.63' ( ) L-6 S 88'1 1'30"E 53.74' CURVE TABLE LOT 10 CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING`CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH I;M S C-1 1000.00' 30'30'33" N 72'56.13"W 526.21' 532,48' 1 EN FA F 621 Cgi C-3 897.00' 14'38'09" S 80'52.25"E 228.51' 229.13' M UVE " p vol.," p.ft-o•C.T.` NOTES: 1, A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT, 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WRH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Z©© 100 © 200 3, ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NA0-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET _iv!' City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 W EXHIBIT SHOWING ' A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT < �'„- -;\,,,, OUT OF A " 157e �' f- 112.18 ACRE TRACT OF LAND 1 �/ ` ` '6%---'\ ,Q SITUATED IN THE G F J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 CURTIS SMITH CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN I " ,, `�L `,........,,:. � ,. DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 . --J.'. �/ REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ' PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD (--- �, i. ; ACQUISITION AREA: 90 651 SQUARE FEET OR 2.081 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD ALE: 07 TEMP.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 200' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA do ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 7 TE PART 2 McMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement situated in the J.W. Mitchell.Survey, Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being a portion of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie United Methodist Church, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin. County, Texas, as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.45 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, with the west line of said Wylie United Methodist Church, a distance of 56.81 feet to a point for corner in the south line of a 199.22 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Katheryn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in.Volume 555, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said point also being in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way); THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 199.22 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road passing at 739.39 feet a point for the southeast corner of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20070131000142850 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, in all, a distance of 1,979.38 feet to a point for the southeast corner of said 112.18 acre tract of land, said point also being the southwest corner of said 40.00 acre tract of land; THENCE South 88 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, with the south line of said 112.18 acre tract of land and with said. McMillen Road, a distance of 912.84 feet to a survey nail with washer stamped "GORRONDONA" set for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described temporary construction easement, said survey nail with washer stamped "GORRONDONA" being the intersection of the south line of said 112.18 acre tract of land with the proposed southwesterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, said survey nail with washer stamped "GORRONDONA" also being in the north line of Lot 10 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Volume H, Page 621 of said Map Records of Collin County, Texas; Exhibit A Page 1 of 3 THENCE South 88 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, with the south line of said 112,18 acre tract of land and with the north line of said Lot 10, a distance of 218.67 to a point for corner; THENCE North 58 degrees 30 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 111.30 feet to a point for corner in the easterly line of a 39,58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No. 98-0004942 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of said Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said point also being in Muddy Creek; THENCE North 14 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds East, with the easterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land and with said Muddy Creek, a distance of 109,69 feet to a point for the intersection of the easterly line of said 39.58 acre tract of land with the proposed southwesterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds East, with the proposed southwesterly right- of-way line of said. McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 20.00 feet, a R,O.W, marker set for reference, in all, a distance of 140.06 feet to a R.C.W. marker set for the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 1000.00 feet, a central angle of 10 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds, and whose chord bears South 63 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 188.34 feet; THENCE with said curve to the left and with the proposed southwesterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, an arc length of 188.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 22,148 square feet or 0.508 acres of land, more or less, Exhibit A Page 2 of 3 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA"unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North. Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009, Date: January 3, 2019 Curtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyor OF No. 5494 CURT S SMITH x. , am ;Qp 05494 �,,;f55F��� S lJ iZ Exhibit A Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 7 TE PART 2 LI_K TABLE, LINE BEARING jaSTANCE 0 W. PATTERSON SURVEY L-1 S 88'53 03`Vi 912.84' -4- ABSTRACT No. 716 ...._ N. 1 L.L.i ix 0 I ACQUISITION END 5/8"IR LA D 0 0 03 0 LOCATION W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE) — ›- ' i 1 1 CO CC.4-17; .....=o q SUBJECT TRACT & LOT 1in LOCATION OF ACQUISITION LLILLI 0 IX 0 EN •0 (1- REMAINDER OF o) -5 U cv < 6 iz 199.22 ACRES (BY DEED) I ' 74 Do • Z 40,00 ACRES (BY DEED) KATHERYN SKINNER 47 41 .,—W L, D—DREAMS, INC, DOCUMENT No. 20070514000648930 1 csii z r DOCUMENT No. 20070131000142850 R.P.R,C,C,T. -a,) VOLUME 555, PAGE 68 Pi (j 61 ,LS W R.P.R.C.C.T. :=EL Lj D.R.C.C.T. .r) cZ1 GI • Z a la r, o 411 2 44 0 L., '.1 R McMILLEN ROAD -9z FND 1/2IR (A VARIABLE WIDTH R — W/C IGHT—OFWAY) "AP (ILLEGIBLE) R. 1 1 1 0 PROPOSED PASSING AT I I-- RIGHT—OF—WAY — 739.39' < S 00'25'28”E 2 0 L-1 — — S 89'02'10"W , i 979,38 — 56.81' I — LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 1 I 1 VS FAll' 1 1 LLEN a 6 2 MCI° a, PA iliN TIME C Cr* VOL buft• ' NOIts: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8“ IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 200 1 00 0 200 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 6-16i I I 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET ' . City of Wylie Crry OF YLEE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 1 --, EXHIBIT SHOWING _,..----------- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ''S,--. , • OUT OF A SITUATED IN THE A:P.,.**'61?f 44.,", 112.18 ACRE TRACT OF LAND e.,)Sq-s'' ' 0 J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 Kis SMIT CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ........ .......,„...—......._ r....,, AS RECORDED IN L' \'* 5494 't -v DOCUMENT No. 2010041 6000373400 -7 '..,9A-e- REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 44.0---4L, ‘ / PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ACoUISITION AREA: 22 148 SQUARE FEET OR 0.508 ACRES CURTIS SMITH 1 1 JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 07 TEMP 2.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JANUARY 3, 2019 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1''' 200' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10108900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1788 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 7 TE PART 2 1. SuR�E� '.'. I M\1 CH �r1 o• 589 ACQUISITION 15.0' COSERV EASEMENT '� LOCATION VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 PSI P� APPROXIMATE `�..�`` D,R.C.C.T• A�� SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION /• • ♦ - 20.0' SANITARY • •\ �e� LOCATION OF ACQUISITION SEWER EASEMENT • \ • VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55 " ' "• � ©© D.R.C,C.T. \\ •\ ' 20,0' SANITARY • � SEWER EASEMENT ` ,, 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) • VOLUME .3255, PAGE 66 • • D.R.C.C.T. PAMELA JOE THRONBURG ROBERT VANCE 'THURMOND, JR. •:•• • DOCUMENT Na, 98-0004942 \ • DOCUMENT No° 20100416000373400 R.P.R.C.C,T. •:,. • �• • R.P.R.C,C.T. VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 •\ \ p D.R.C.C.T. \\��.' R./cylRao© 5,0' COSERV EASEMENT W �`� • .� `Wpst°© VOLUME 4845, PAGE 1339 TEMPORARY PASSING i`'.•.`. `H,q D.R,C.C.T, CONSTRUCTION AT 20.00' ``.- r — �� . 5,0' VERIZON 'EASEMENT ZJ EASEMENT AREA —SET R.O.W. VOLUME 5419, PAGE 834 III 22,148 SQ. FT. OR MARKER SET R.O.W. D.R.C,C.T. 0.508 ACRES �t •� S PROPOSED • t`�.� 0 _.,,:,: RIGHT—OF-WAY ..�.�. -� as �\\�\�\ , � .'r ,,� Q L 2 L 1 P.O.B. 1 SET SURVEY NAIL McMILLEN ROAD LINE BEARIN�Ih($TANCE MU W/WASHER STAMPED L-2 S 88'53'D3"W 218.6T O©r C�fFk "GORRONDONA" (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT—OF—WAY) L-3 N 58'30'52'W 111.30' L-4 N 14'22'36"E 109.69' LOT 1 0 L-5 S 5T40'57"E 140.06' MS CURVE TABLE N FARE 621 I CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH CMY 1'� PAGE C-1 1000.00' 1O°48'26" S 63'05'10'E 188.34' 188,62' VIM M �,C.G T NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 200 )©C © ZU© 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET City of Wylie OW OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 i EXHIBIT SHOWING /" TEMPORARY' CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTF- • T OUT OF A .3�57i-'Io,, -f_ 1 12.18 ACRE TRACT OF LAND Ury `, ��•,Y-7 I SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 "" CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS CURTIS SMITH AS RECORDED IN 549i DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 ..,,0 tics 0REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS °• .„,...»• PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD _, ,,, ACPUISITION AREA: 22148 SQUARE FEET OR 0.508 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE; 07 TEMP 2.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JANUARY 3, 2019 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 200' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 1010690D GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC, • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 7811E • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMI.LLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 7 TE PART 3 McMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement situated in the J.W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being a portion of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the most westerly southwest corner of said 112.18 acre tract of land, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the southeast corner of Creekside Estates, Phase IX, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Instrument No. 2017- 299 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod being in the north line of a 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr., as recorded in County Clerk File No. 98-0004942 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more fully described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of said Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being the southeast corner of the existing right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a. variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 00 degrees 32 minutes 13 seconds West, with the west line of said 11.2.18 acre tract of land and with the east line of said Creekside Estates, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point for corner, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped Roome" found for the northwest corner of said 112,18 acre tract of land bears North 00 degrees 32 minutes 13 seconds West, a distance of 2,638.99 feet; THENCE North 89 degrees 27 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 400.00 feet to a point for coiner; THENCE North 00 degrees 32 minutes 13 seconds West, a distance of 1,170.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 27 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 900.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 32 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 1,200.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 27 minutes 47 seconds West, passing at 647.65 feet, a point for an interior ell corner in the west line of said 112.18 acre tract of land, said point being the northwest corner of said 39.58 acre tract of land, in all, a distance of 1,300.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNTNG and containing 1,092,000 square feet or 25.069 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central. Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface, (3) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: June 28, 2018 Curtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyor OF• 7 No, 5494 �'zr• CURTIS SMITH 1-0 O Q,fSS1 ?. " SUR`� Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 LINE B " LINE BEARINGAB DISTANCEEXHIBIT " L-1 N 00"32'13"W 30.00" PARCEL No, 7 TE PART 3ACQUISITION «- — LOCATION END 1/2"IR W/CAP STAMPED "ROOMS" x w 1 N 89" 7 w47 E 900.00 ....,,... SUBJECT TRACT & s : .a°� LOCATION OF ACQUISITION Lu � . -., EC 0, r ,:::: PAMELA JOE THRONBUR 1a 1 .t;::`"::- :•:-:;:•:DOC. No, 010041600037340C.:,.:._,"_., ..�_:: " -: :-:::::_:-:::::::::-........_.,.......R.P. , .C.T C.T. ........... :. ::.:.::.::: 0 In 4 v) t;::::..., TEMPORARY LU fA 6 CONSTRUCTION 1 , .-' , . ,. .:::,:::-::- EASEMENT AREA b CO cq � .� �. wJ 1.011 '1, i E a N ;;PASSING AT,..:r: ..,,.__.5:::5:'::::.:,:::•.:::s.5:,• a I- 9 w -w . S 9 7',447"W 1.300.00 8 P.O.B. FND 1/ °IR 39,56 ACRES (BY DEED) L#4BERT VANCE THURMOND, JR, MCMILLE I ROAD c,c,F, No, 96-0004942 4 D,R.C.C,T, 4.E(A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT—OF—WAY) c�` DESCRIBED IN DLR CVOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 D.R.C.C.T, NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS -1-1Priiii6ii. SHOWN ARE SURFACE 3. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET City of Wylie 1 citylitio :fit 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 1 EXHIBIT SHOWING TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ° ,.,r,OF t' 1 OUT OF A i '` , �1 1 ' ` `5 112.18 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 O ' ITS SMI"G'I* .., CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 11 AS RECORDED IN L., 4+ 4 .,"C DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ''-1.., PROJECT: MeMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD "" ACQUISITION AREA: 1 092 000 SQUARE FEET OR 25.069 ACRES REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL No, 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 07 TEMP 3.D OF WG CURTIS SMITHOF NAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JUNE 28, 2018 'EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: I" = 300' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No.7 McMILLEN ROAD J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 EXHIBIT "A" Being a 3.847 acre tract of land situated in the J.W. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 589, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said 3.847 acre tract of land being a portion of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 3.847 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie United Methodist Church, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin County,Texas, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.45 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, with the west line of said Wylie United Methodist Church, a distance of 56.81 feet to a point for corner in the south line of a 199.22 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Katheryn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 555, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said point also being in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way); THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 199.22 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 1979.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described 3.847 acre tract of land, said point being the southeast corner of said 112.18 acre tract of land, said point also being the southwest corner of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20070131000142850 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 88 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, with the south line of said 112.18 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 912.84 feet to a survey nail w/washer stamped"GORRONDONA" set for the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1000.00 feet, a central angle of 10 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds, and whose chord bears North 63 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 188.34 feet, said survey nail w/washer stamped "GORRONDONA" being in the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE with said non-tangent curve to the right and with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, an arc length of 188.62 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; Exhibit A Page 1 of 3 THENCE North 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds West, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 120.06 feet, a R.O.W. marker set for reference in the east top bank of Muddy Creek, in all, a distance of 140.06 feet to a point for corner in the east line of a 39.58 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Robert Vance Thurmond, Jr. as recorded in Document No. 98-0004942 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 1015, Page 46 of said Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said point also being in said Muddy Creek; THENCE North 14 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds East, with the east line of said 39.58 acre tract of land and with said Muddy Creek, a distance of 246.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 43 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds East, with the east line of said 39.58 acre tract of land and with said Muddy Creek, a distance of 6.09 feet to a point for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 57 degrees 40 minutes 57 seconds East, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, passing at a distance of 20.00 feet, a R.O.W. marker set for reference in the east top bank of said Muddy Creek, in all, a distance of 317.02 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 1000.00 feet, a central angle of 30 degrees 30 minutes 33 seconds, and whose chord bears South 72 degrees 56 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 526.21 feet; THENCE with said curve to the left and with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, an arc length of 532.48 feet to a R.Q.W. marker set for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 282.47 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 80.58 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the east line of said 112.18 acre tract of land, said R.O.W. marker being in the west line of said 40.00 acre tract of land; THENCE South 00 degrees 12 minutes 47 seconds West, with the east line of said 112.18 acre tract of land and with the west line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 53.71 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 167,579 square feet or 3.847 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 2 of 3 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Curtis Smith OF Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5494 (0/q- __CURT SI4 7 5- 5494 7i77.7°.7747 -7771,-.7eR.Ss s 9tRe Exhibit A Page 3 of 3 S U R LJNE TABLE EXHIBIT "B " LINE BEARING DISTANCE L-1 S 88'53'03"W 912.84' PARCEL No. 7 L-5 S 88'11'30"E 282.47' L-6 N 88'56'46"E 80.58' ACQUISITION L-7 S 00'12'47'W 53.71' LOCATION 0 SUBJECT TRACT & M N LOCATION OF ACQUISITION y 1rAl�� FND 5/8"IR 0 Z p ©sl S V{��6 W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE) — �- ,� P Ai [ER � N O' LOT 1 co?o0 I gs1RA Ww0c m cvD U©'� • REMAINDER OF °' `' ' a ©ii 199,22 ACRES (BY DEED) I C4 J co Z 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) KATHERYN SKINNER W c•11 —W w D—DREAMS, INC, DOCUMENT No, 20070514000648930 i ' F.Ir0 C7 h c�! Z DOCUMENT No. 200701 3 1 0001 42850 R.P.R.C.C.T. 0"1 ' + ' T O W L R.P.R.C,C.T. VOLUME 555, PAGE 68 -co U u +& I D.R.C.C.T. N © G7 U —.1 SET R.Q.W. McMILLEN ROAD MARKER (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT—OF—WAY) P.O.C.R R H L-5 L-6 W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE)-------- I Q - Liz S 89'02'10'W 1979.38' S 00'25'28"E — — — — 56.81' L-1 1 y LOT 1© LOT 9 LOT 8 RIGHT'—OF—WAY FN FAFM621 I ACQUISITION AREA MCMILL WAGE 167,579 SQ. FT. OR v©LUNI p B.C.C�T' il.' 3.847 ACRES NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE ©© 100 © 200 SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS 61 SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. P SCALE IN FEET _tvil City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 f EXHIBIT SHOWING -�\ �f OFF RIGHT—OF—WAY ACQUISITION T OUT OF A ��, P.;` \STE ., -/- 112.18 ACRE TRACT OF LAND �� ec' n �,\ SITUATED IN THE A J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 {.,.....C.,...1,.jl. ..,, ,M1 -I ), CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS .,••. AS RECORDED IN r DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 •. -4n r �� O,W-~ REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ,- -'(5 - _„/ PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD C. ,'- ---'---:,' ACQUISITION AREA: 167 579 SQUARE FEET OR 3.847 ACRES CURTIS SMITH 'JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 07 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 200' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC, • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 7 1 ACQUISITION LOCATION I :( -•\` "t- L ` ° SUBJECT TRACT & \`\ 15.0' COSERV EASEMENT M11��T ©, LOCATION OF ACQUISITION `\\\ VOLUME 4988, PAGE 1811 ` 1 • \ D.R.C,C.T, J BS-(R P `\\\• �� 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) `� cam`` PAMELA JOE THRONBURG APPROXIMATE LOCATION \ q�1 PASSING AT DOCUMENT No.. 20100416000373400 20.0' SANITARY L73 �� 20.00' A 20.0' SANITARY R.P.R.C.C.T. I SEWER EASEMENT \\ SET R.O.W. SEWER EASEMENT VOLUME 3255, PAGE 55 \\1C_ MARKER VOLUME 3255, PAGE 66 D.R.C.C.T. : D.R.C,C.T, RIGHT—OF—WAY co - ` . ACQUISmON AREA 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) nD • ''-.;: �y ,,\,.;- ;;��A SET R.O.W. 167,579 SQ. FT. OR ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. ry © �Z�\` MARKER 3.847 ACRES C.C.F. No. 98-00©4942 ry t LU D.R.C.C.T. , ' 5.0' EC 4845, EASEMENTSERV VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 ^ CV VOLUME 4845, PAGE 1339 77 D.R.C.G.T. L, ..... 5.0° VERIZON EASEMENT VOLUME 5419, PAGE 834 D.R.C.C.T. PASSING AT w..\���\` C�Z SET R.O.W. MARKER SET R.O.W, MARKER `• SET R.O.W.J C��y �l ... 4- MARKER - - - p©I- SET SURVEY NAIL L-1 UNE TABLE COP W/WASHER STAMPED LINE BEARING DISTANCE (''`Ss "GORRONDONA" L-1 S 88'53'03"W 912.84' McMILLEN ROAD L-2 N ST57'36'E 16.09' UNDEDICATED L-3 N 43'5T36'E 6.09' (AN RIGHT—OF—WAY) L-4 S 5T40'57"E 317.02' L-5 5 88'11'30"E 282.47' LOT 10 S CURVE RADIUS —DELTA ANGLE CHORD TBEARING CHORD LENGTH'ARC LENGTH rLLErI FA�M 621 C-2 1000.00' 30'30'33" 1 S 72'56'13 E 526.21' 532,46' V' 188.62' OL CM B.0 CpAT' VI"F NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY UNE ARE A 5/5" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 200 1©© 0 200 3, ALL, BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET Jig City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 q EXHIBIT SHOWING ,�� RIGHT—OF—WAY ACQUISITION ,��," „. , T�� OUT OF A /�`' °" .`)7 ,,Y, ' 112.18 ACRE TRACT OF LAND �, `� SITUATED IN THE yi J.W. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 589 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS �U 15 5M it ) AS RECORDED IN \, ' r �{'� DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 - ,/q ' REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS '( ` . PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD \„:„ ACQUISITION AREA: 167 579 SiUARE FEET OR 3,847 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 07 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 200' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-495-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 8 PE McMILLEN ROAD LOT 10,McMILLEN FARMS EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent drainage easement out of Lot 10 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume H, Page 621 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 10 being deeded to Leonard Odell Brewer as recorded in Document No. 93-0042366 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanent drainage easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Lot 10, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 9 of said McMillen Farms, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being in the existing south right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of- way), from which a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of Lot 8 of said McMillen Farms bears North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 520.32 feet, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 7 of said McMillen Farms, said 3/8 inch iron rod also being in the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the north line of said Lot 10 and with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 277.37 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described permanent drainage easement; THENCE South 01 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 110,00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 01 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 110.00 feet to a point for corner in the north line of said Lot 10, said point being in the existing south right-of- way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 10 and with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 30.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3,300 square feet or 0.076 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRON1DONA" unless otherwise noted, (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83 The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Curtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5494 069 tr,k 4 CURTIS SMITH ). 5494 '41 Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 S - ACQUISITION LOCATION EXHIBIT "B " UNE TABLE UNE BEARING DISTANCE PARCEL No. 8 PE L-1 5 01`03'14"E 110.00' L-2 S 88'56'46'W 30.00' L-3 N O1'03'14"W 110.00' L-4 N 88'56'46"E 30.00' SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION z J 1fr 40,00 ACRES (BY DEED) 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) D-DREAMS, INC. PAMELA JOE THRONBURG la DOCUMENT ND. 20070131000142850 DOCUMENT No, 20100416000373400 w R,P.R.C.C,T, R,P,R,C,C,T, o LL SVRv° SON SU ^\6 J. M�� g P P 1 �y© `�a � � A�R-CI A �1a PBS Pg5 DEED LINE (APPROXIMATE CENTER OF ROAD) — EXISTING L_4 McMILLEN ROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY fr (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT—OF—WAY it— ( ,IIL S 88'56'46°'W N 88'56'46"E 520,32' "/ ./ -'.r...._ 277,37' // APPROXIMATE LOCATION VII,'r..1 I p Q•C FND 3/8"IR f�/��� SEWER EASEMENT MO' SANITARY J r I J F.O.B. FND 1 �� f CABINET H, SLIDE 621 LOT 9 LOT 8 r` i '/ P.R.C.C.T. — �, PERMANENT DRAINAGE L 2 I RMS 1 J 34 EASEMENT AREA R GLEN GE 6 2 9 1 ' 0.076QAc ES LOT 1 fl M U MIE K' C• AT LEONARD ODELL BREWER vQ1 •R•C DOCUMENT N©. 93-0042366 I R.P.R.C.C.T. NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY UNE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 50 75 p 150 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS 6 -111 SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET City of Wylie CITY OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75008 1 EXHIBIT A SHOWING '���/� � PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT ' ' OUT OF ���,•'� •, LOT 10 f,` ,�`'.rr°,/P7;, ;� McMILLEN FARMS I....n° - ' ••••° <f AN ADDITION TO THE ( CURTIS� SMO�H ) CITY OF WYL IE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 1 . .. .°,°. ° AS RECORDED IN �'i� ,p 5494 �:°'Ct;/g VOLUME H, PAGE 621 `-=• /' MAP RECORDS, COLUN COUNTY, TEXAS /' } J PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD L:� —vim AC0UISITION AREA: 3 300 SQUARE FEET OR 0.076 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 08 DRAIN.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 8 TE PART 1 McMILLEN ROAD LOT 19, McMILLEN FARMS EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement out of Lot 10 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume H, Page 621 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 10 being deeded to Leonard Odell Brewer as recorded in Document No. 93-0042366 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Lot 10, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 9 of said McMillen Farms, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being in the existing south right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of- way), from which a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of Lot 8 of said McMillen Farms bears North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 520.32 feet, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 7 of said McMillen Farms, said 3/8 inch iron rod also being in the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the north line of said Lot 10 and with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 338.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described temporary construction easement; THENCE South 01 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 425.15 feet to a point for the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 1,239.67 feet a central angle of 16 degrees 20 minutes 47 seconds and whose chord bears North 79 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 352.48 feet; THENCE with said non-tangent curve to the right, an arc length of 35.3.68 feet to a point for corner in the proposed southwesterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet a central angle of 19 degrees 42 minutes 02 seconds and whose chord bears South 84 degrees 03 minutes 58 seconds East, a distance of 342.15 feet, from which a survey nail with washer stamped "GORRONDONA" set for the intersection of the proposed southwesterly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road with the north line of said Lot 10 bears a chord bearing of North 71 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 99.90 feet, said survey nail with washer stamped "GORRONDONA" being in the south line of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE with said non-tangent curve to the left and with the proposed southwesterly right-of- way line of said McMillen.Road, an arc length of 343.84 feet to a R.O.W. Marker set for corner; THENCE North 86 degrees 05 minutes 01 seconds East, with the proposed southerly right-of- way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 400.28 feet to a R.O.W. Marker set for the intersection of the proposed southerly right-of-way line of said McMillen Road with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, said R.O.W. Marker being in the north line of said Lot 10, THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 10 and. with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 30.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 22,030 square feet or 0.506 acres of land, more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: June 28, 2018 Curtis Smith OF Registered Professional.Land Surveyor Qo� ; CURTIS SMITH \-9F. 549404/ SttRN��Q Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 . EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 8 TE PART 1 LINE TABLE 0N LINE BEARING DISTANCE 5 'QUITI LOCATION L-1 S 01'03'14"E 50,00 L-2 N 86'05'01"E 400.28' L-3 N 88'56'46"E 30.88' SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) , w D-DREAMS, INC, IiD DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142850 112,18 ACRES (BY DEED) R.P.R.C.C.T. PAMELA JOE THRONBURG DOCUMENT Nd. 20100416000373400 c t ,�`,r R.P,R.C.C,T, `'�� w .- V C- Z . 051A� P.O.B. J L-3 DEED LINE (APPROXIMATEp� CENTER OF ROAD) PROPOSED SET R.O.W. EXISTING MCM1LLEN ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY MARKER RIGHT-OF-WAY G L-2 (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) �"_ �_ ...rrr,. ,„. ....._i-}::,•,:...„., N 68'56'46"E 520.32" S 88'56'5 ..i,.0 r ::.�•.;:•a.:..•z.•..•.:.•.-rr;:f•r.::-.:�;;: .: 338,25' ::,::: :: i.::arr..::r::r_r : :: :..' ..,�: �L_..1 FND 3/8"IR 2 _:._. S 88'56'46"W 425.15 P.O.C. I` / 11 .\ i / /� FND 1/2"IR LOT 8 I- �./ // • d ,/ TEMPORARY LOT 9 RV S / / APPROXIMATE LOCATION CONSTRUCTION Fi A!° 1 ' �/ 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EASEMENT AREA T LFj GE �� I / CABINET H, SLIDE 62.1 V P.R.C.C,T, 22,030 SQ. FT. OR 1I(C m H ,r LOT 10 0.506 ACRES v�ll��++ NiE Cgi��.C,T. LEONARD ODELL BREWER ' DOCUMENT No. 93-0042366 I R.P.R.C.C..T. NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 1 50 75 0 150 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS 6-1111. 1 SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009, SCALE IN FEET City of Wylie at*OF Y1.LE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 7509E EXHIBIT SHOWING l/ ` TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT . ,OL , OUT OF , LOT 10 �,• 4 E �`' OF „' ' c�'• k J1 McMILLEN FARMS '"' '".,.."' °""" AN ADDmON TO THE C �R IS� SMI�.."I CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS „.. .,„.....,,,..,.".....,.. ,...a,....,.. AS RECORDED IN r ° 549 • , VOLUME H, PAGE 6215� - MAP RECORDS, COLIN COUNTY, TEXAS d"'"° ��= PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ACQUISITION AREA: 22 030 S0UARE FEET OR 0.506 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS 'CAD FILE: 08 TE PART 1.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JUNE 28, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA, & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 8 TE PART 1 CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE,CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH C-1 1239.67' 16'20'47" N 79`19'40"W 352,48' 353,68' C-2 1000.00' 5'43'34" N 71'21'10"W 99.90' 99.94' C-3 1000.00' 19'42'02" S 84'03'58"E 342.15' 343.84' c3 0 `. 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) , (� . �� PAMELA JOE THRONBURG Sv t�C ����� �� DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 J ,�`�� �` R.P.R.C.C,T, �.���\ \ 20.0' SANITARY �(�\s `©. '"�� '., SEWER EASEMENT \ G `3 5' COSERV EASEMENT `` -;:'. �rVOLUME 3255,D.R.C.C.T„AGE fib ��j VOLUME 4645, PAGE 1339 ����.. �. , C� D,R.C,C.T. �� . 1OS �••�.:� �. 5,0' VERIZON EASEMENT J ��.. VOLUME 5419, PAGE 839 r \�. D,R,C.C.T.. 39.58 ACRES (BY DEED) ` -I'-.I��. �. ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. �. . Z DOCUMENT No. 98-0004942 -;\„� R.P.R.C,C.T. `1I� 4 VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 444 4 J D.R.C.C.T. STAMPEDV "NAIL W/WASHER DONA" 2 PROPOSED i14 �G© C� RIGHT-OF-WAY U U SET SURVEY NAIL W C13,i" LOT 10 —` C-3 MARKER LEONARD ODELL BREWER C .._>.: 4 , n Q DOCUMENT No. 93-0042366 R.P,R.C.C.T. TEMPORARY lls , ACQUISITION CONSTRUCTION LOCATION EASEMENT AREA 22,030 SQ. FT. OR O.5O6 ACRES M LLB EMI 621 150 75 0 150 FAG / , SUBJECT TRACT & aLUME R•C•C Y .\ / r SCALE IN FEET LOCATION OF ACQUISITION • `v,\ APPROXIMATE LOCATION- I NOTES: 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. CABINET H, SLJDE 621 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET " P,R.C.C.T. WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. City of Wylie 1111 Cl I Y Op YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE,, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT �0� T OUT OF 67\S T -I- LOT `,"C, , �F':7 1 McMILLEN FARMS AN ADDITION TO THE C TIS SMI1 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN r zo 5494 ' ,^ Q VOLUME H, PAGE 621 • `,\ •''-1,M MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY,. TEXAS PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD .a ACQUISITION AREA: 22 030 SQUARE FEET OR 0.506 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 08 TE PART 1.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JUNE 2B, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1' = 150' NO. 5494 _ TEXAS ARM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 7611E • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-176B McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 8 TE PART 2 McMILLEN ROAD LOT 10, McMILLEN FARMS EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement out of Lot 10 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume H, Page 621 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 10 being deeded to Leonard Odell. Brewer as recorded in Document No. 93-0042366 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Lot 10, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 9 of said McMillen Farms, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being in the existing south right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way), from which a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of Lot 8 of said McMillen Farms bears North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 520.32 feet, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 7 of said McMillen Farms, said 3/8 inch iron rod also being in the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds East, with the east line of said Lot 10 and with the west line of said Lot 9, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 276.95 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 01 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point for corner in the north line of said Lot 10, said point being in the existing south right-of- way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 10 and with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen. Road, a distance of 277.37 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13,858 square feet or 0.318 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "G©RR©ND©NA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface, (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: June 28, 2018 Curtis Smith ReRegistered Professional Land Surveyor ��` g srS ... No. 5494 ETtSSMTH 5494 F f1Z' SUR`� Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 ACQUISITION T "B " LOCATION EXHIBIT 1 PARCEL No. 8 TE PART 2 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE, L-1 S 00'34"07°E 50.00" SUBJECT TRACT & L-2 N 01'03'14"W 50,00' _ LOCATION OF ACQUISITION z 7 40,00 ACRES (BY DEED) 10 D—DREAMS, INC. DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142650 112,18 ACRES (BY DEED) �PAMELA JOE THRONBURG 1() R„P,RC.CWT, `I DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 LaRV 1 RP.R•C,C.T• S� 014 WAG�VLN©. 5a9 w • P�S��pG J W • S RPCI McMILLEN ROAD �B P.©•B• (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) FND 1/2"IR DEED LINE (APPROXIMATE CENTER OF ROAD) — _ — — — EXISTING RIGHT—OF—WAY I�.....N $$ '46 :.::277.37' I N 88'S6'46"E 0,32' 3 B°'IR / S888'566'46"W 276.95' N. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION LOT 9 I LOT 8 EASEMENT AREA 13,858 SQ. FT. OR 0.318 ACRES V.N EA- LOT a gCM11) it PAGE DOCUMENT No.LEONARD ELL 93®00EWER 42 66 v©L� •R, 'C.�`. R.P.R.C.C.T. NOTES: I 1, A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2, ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET I WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 150 75 © 1 50 3, ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET __41: City of Wylie Cray OF W !C YLrE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 if _ EXHIBIT SHOWING TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ,----- F 7. LOT 10 1',,-,,, T Z.' (y McMILLEN FARMS .............. ....°... AN ADDITION TO THE CU iS SMITH > )° CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN 1, 5494 " Q" VOLUME H, PAGE 621 , �'` MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ACQUISITION AREA: 13 858 SQUARE FEET OR 0.318 ACRES CURTIS SMITH1 JOB No. 0903-3568 _ DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 08 TEMP 2.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR! ! DATE: JUNE 28, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE 1" .= 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA 6c ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 8 McMILLEN ROAD LOT 10, McMILLEN FARMS EXHIBIT "A" Being a 0.585 acre tract of land out of Lot 10 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume H, Page 621 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 10 being deeded to Leonard Odell Brewer as recorded in Document No. 93-0042366 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 0.585 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Lot 10, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 9 of said McMillen Farms, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being in the existing south right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of- way), from which a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of Lot 8 of said McMillen Farms bears North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 520.32 feet, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 7 of said McMillen Farms, said 3/8 inch iron rod also being in the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the north line of said Lot 10 and with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 338.25 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described 0.585 acre tract of land, said R.O.W. marker being in the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 86 degrees 05 minutes 01 seconds West, with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 400.28 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 1000.00 feet, a central angle of 25 degrees 25 minutes 36 seconds, and whose chord bears North 81 degrees 12 minutes 11 seconds West, a distance of 440.15 feet; THENCE with said curve to the right and with the proposed south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, an arc length of 443.78 feet to a survey nail w/washer stamped "GORRONDONA" set for corner in the north line of said Lot 10, said survey nail w/washer stamped "GORRONDONA" being in said McMillen Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 10 and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 283.62 feet to a point for corner in the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1055.00 feet, a central angle of 18 degrees 41 minutes 14 seconds, and whose chord bears South 81 degrees 42 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 342.57 feet; THENCE with said non-tangent curve to the left, with the north line of said Lot 10 and with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, an arc length of 344.09 feet to a point for corner; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 10 and with the existing south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 211.81 feet to the POINT OF BEG G and containing 25,479 square feet or 0.585 acres of land, more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.IAT, markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "CORRO1s1DONA”unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Curtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5494 at O., lit CURTIS SMITH Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 S UR ACQUISI TION EXHIBIT "B " UNE TABLE L LINE BEARING DISTANCE PARCEL No. 8 L-1 S 86'05'01"W 400.25' L-3 N 58'56'46"E 211.81' CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE ' CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH' C-2 1055.00' 18'41'14" S 81'42'35"E 342.57' 344.09' SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) 112.18 ACRES (BY DEED) z D-DREAMS, INC. PAMELA JOE THRONBURG DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142850 DOCUMENT No. 20100416000373400 I R.P.R,C.C.T, R.P,R,C,C.T. E� 5 v SvR� RS© R 6NLL 5g9 �g Il � N©• p P N • W • SR C1 W J•W • iRpJ� AgS pgS Z EL mmimal DEED LINE (APPROXIMATE CENTER OF ROAD) = T EXISTING — — EXISTING T McM I LLEN ROAD U y C-2 FRIGHT-OF-WAY L-3 RIGHT-OF-WAY (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) S 88156'46"W N 88'56'46"E 520.32' / // L-1 338.25' J// // / 13.©.B. FIND 3/8'IR MS� R.D.W. 'p.o.c.//// MARKER END 1/2"IR n / LOT 9 LOT 8 H APPROXIMATE LOCATION �/ 20.0' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CABINET H, SLIDE 621 �E1� FA",M 621 �/ // P.R.C.C.T. . RIGHT—OF—WAY RIGHT—OF—WAY LOT 1 t3 MCMTL HgE , PAG 254479ACQUIS SQ.NFf OR LEONARD ODELL BREWER 'T AREA 1 OF' M•R•C �•T- 0.585 ACRES DOCUMENT No. 93-0042366 R.P.R.C.C.T. I NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE ARE A 5/8• IRON ROD SET I WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 150 75 p 150 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202. ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS li! ii SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET JAI City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 • EXHIBIT SHOWING HOWING �� RIGHT—OF—WAY ACQUISITION _y„OF a, LOT 10 � F Y,f." \-1.-1- ,,,� f- 1, McMILLEN FARMS .......................... ......... �� AN ADDIf1ON TO THE I CURTIS SMIII` 2 CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS \""'"',;' AS RECORDED IN r -p '5494 �C -- VOLUME H, PAGE 621 '� ,— l� MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS /f ' °'°•°°"` PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD 1, \,'S � ACQUISITION AREA: 25 479 SQUARE FEET OR 0.585 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 08 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31. 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 7611E • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 XH TBIT 79B 77 �i i LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE PARCEL No. 8 L-1 5 86'05'01"W 400.28' + L-2 N 88'53'03"E 283.62' CURVE TABLE c'�G CURVE_ RADIUS DELTA ANGLE ' CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH ` �� C-1 1000.00' 25'25'36" N 81°12'11"W 440.15' 443.78' S#Q�p' •`�� �� C-2 1055.00' _ 18'41'14" S 81'42'35'E 342.5T 344.09' r�(� \ O / \�,\���\\ 112.18 ACRES (8Y DEED) V \� `' PAMELA JOE THRONBURG � ��G r ����, DOCUMENT No, 20100416000373400 ! �`::, •`, R.P.R.C,C.T. w1 ��, \ 20.0' SANITARY ° f1 �,`��\' �` SEWER EASEMENT I- 5' COSERV EASEMENT �``. ,.�VOLUME 3255, PAGE 66 VOLUME 4845, PAGE 1339 �,`�` \ D.R.C.C,7, D.R.C.C,T, �`�, `� J ` . 5,0' VERIZON EASEMENT \``,�`� ` VOLUME 5419, PAGE 834 �` D.R.C.C.T. 1 39,58 ACRES (BY DEED) RIGHT—OF—WAY \ ROBERT VANCE THURMOND, JR. i-. .-;-,,` W DOCUMENT No, 98-0004942 ACQUISITION AREA R.P.R.C.C.T. 25,479 SQ. FT. OR Z VOLUME 1015, PAGE 46 `�`' D.R.C.C.T, 0.585 ACRES ,,0 RM 1 L-2 tii — — _,I�G4© SET SURVEY NAIL W/WASHER C 2 i �' STAMPED "GORRONDONA" V ��3` PROPOSED C- 1 RIGHT-OF-WAY LOT 1 LEONARD ODELL BREWER MARKER DOCUMENT No. 93-0042366 L-1_ R.P,R.C.C,T. SET R.O.W. S MILLEN PA 621 C 150 75 0 150 \'Q 1ME .B. C'C•T• .', M l , , y f , SCALE IN FEET ACQUISITION �/ LOCATION v NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE ARE A 5/8• IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3, ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM. NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE SUBJECT TRACT & 4, SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. LOCATION OF ACQUISITION _IP City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 f - EXHIBIT AHOWING rI2S I RIGHT—OF—WAY ACQUISITION F. '--� T � OUT OF /d� \; , 1 S TE''`• --- LO©F10 /9 - .'4�u 2 <'%; I e, McMILLEN FARMS .. '. .. ..... .....:.,.,........ AN ADDITION TO THE '( C, RTI S SOT E s1 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN ..5-,., ,...,54 VOLUME H, PAGE 621 7 ,..�`=y ;f MAP RECORDS, COLUN COUNTY, TEXAS „...„.------- --- -- ACQUISITION " ,- } PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD °. \OB 0903 R AREA: 25 479 SQUARE FEET P OR 0.585 ACRES CAD FILE: 08 ROW.DWG CURTIS SMITH REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 9 PE McMILLEN ROAD W. PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 716 EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent drainage easement situated in the W. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said permanent drainage easement being a portion of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20070131000142850 of the Real Property Records of Collin. County, Texas, said permanent drainage easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie United. Methodist Church, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.77 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, with the west line of said Wylie United Methodist Church, a distance of 56.49 feet to a point for corner in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of- way), said point being the southwest corner of said. Wylie United Methodist Church, said point also being in the south line of a 199.22 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Katheryn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 5.55, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 199.22 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 739.39 feet to a point for the southeast corner of said 40.00 acre tract of land; THENCE North 00 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, with the east line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 55.66 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 192.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described permanent drainage easement; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 82.82 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 13 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 119.06 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 82.82 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 13 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 119.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 9,525 square feet or 0.219 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central. Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground.November 2009, Date: June 20, 2018 ate9 Curtis Smith a Registered Professional Land Surveyor tis`rR� . No. 5494 `?f`� ' `'e vd CUR-PS SMITH 5494 Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B " • ACQUISITION PARCEL No. 9 PE LOCATION M FND 5/8"IR SUBJECT TRACT & co w/CAP (ILLEGIBLE) LOCATION OF ACQUISITION o `° 2 PERMANENT DRAINAGE o z Q LOT 1 o>-z- EASEMENT AREA °°Y©~�� 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) 9,525 SQ. FT OR a N o vi c� D-DREAMS, INC, Z�rN�'�,� L)N 11 0.219 ACRES DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142550 g a o too ' W R.P.R.C.C.T. 61 cl 1 z m ~ �s�, ��( N 88'56'46"E I u 0.ti S°°. 82.82' a N w ` RSpN � 16 ,�, I ©I �,~o, `�I Nil Ep 1 tAO• .� r 13646"W� P.©y � 1::::::::'x{::7:i_s �}6 /FND (ILLEGIBLE) ca RIGHT-OF-WAN *- r � P.O.B. EXISTING 1 S 88'56'46"W 152.88' RIGHT-OF-WAY e �....: .........� _ MARKER S 86'56'46"W 82.82' / N O0'00'25"E 55.66'- S 89'02'10"W 739.39' 5 00'25'28'E _ ... P — - 58.49' McMILLEN ROAD — (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY) — _ — — EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY STAS N CMIL�CN T PpGL 7j9 , LOT 8 I LOT 7 LOT 1--1 I I I I I V L�MN1'.11.0 jC.T I NT FAl,)KS 1 I I 2 I © I LOT 1-3 I LOT 1-4 I�CMOE.- PAGE 6111 V©IALM M.R•C'C.T" l '''' NOTES: 1, A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 1 50 75 0 150 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET City of Wylie CITY OF1'L1E 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75096 f EXHIBIT SHOWING A - OF PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT t '�C';''''••• l' OUT OF A � ::',��'<5 TE-,? 40.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND G�. q- cam.,7k.p SITUATED IN THE r .,......t,.,,.,,......................,.....,,..,,,.,. W. PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 716 �,� CURTIS SMITH CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS •••.,......,�•,,,... ..,.. AS RECORDED IN .13 DOCUMENT No, 20070131000142850 1:Q ..o �4U40 .0 �'.,, ECORDS COLLIN CUNTY, ERTY F PROJECT: McMILLEENE RO©P FROM RMc REARY©ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUBSROAD � I ACQUISITION AREA: 9 525 SQUARE FEET OR 0.219 ACRES --CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 09 PE DRAIN.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JUNE 20, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • '7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 617-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 9 TE PART 1 McMILLEN ROAD W. PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 716 EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement situated in the W. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being a portion of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams, Inc. as recorded in Document No, 20070131000142850 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie United. Methodist Church, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin.County, Texas, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.77 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, with the west line of said Wylie United Methodist Church, a distance of 56.49 feet to a point for corner in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of- way), said point being the southwest corner of said. Wylie United Methodist Church, said point also being in the south line of a remainder of a 199.22 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Katheiyn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of said. Real. Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 555, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 199,22 acre tract of land and with said. McMillen. Road, a distance of 739.39 feet to a point for the southeast corner of said 40.00 acre tract of land; THENCE North 00 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, with the east line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 55.66 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 275.70 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described temporary construction easement; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 270.50 feet to a point for the beginning of a. non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 902,64 feet, a central angle of 18 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds and whose chord bears North 80 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 285.69 feet; THENCE with said non-tangent curve to the right, an arc length of 286,90 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 13 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 45.54 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 8,118 square feet or 0.186 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.U.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface, (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: June 20, 2018 Curtis Smith OF Registered Professional Land Surveyors 15� � ►� No: 5494 `r) fal CURTIS SMITH SUO Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 9 TE PART 1 CURVE TABLE " FND 5/8"nR CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH ARC LENGTH W cAP ILLEGIBLE C-1 902.64 18'12 4O N 80 05 20 E 285.69 286.90 0 m WI©X0 w LOT 1 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) o Z 0 © D—DREAMS, INC. W l'n .fJ ui0 � d� p � DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142850 ,it r N cc R.P.R.C.C.T. 41 0 ,,,Q W. P ATT E R S O N SURVEY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION I m ' aci I �`6ABSTRACT No. 716 EASEMENT AREA co.. w 8,118 SQ. FT. OR © 14:I 4.4 N 2 w 0.186 ACRES P.O.C. 6 END 1/2"IR Z a S 13'56'46°W W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE) PROPOSED �'�r.�•;.r" , ' Ey , .,� EXISTING RIGHT—OF—WAY �-r ..... 45.64 RIGHT—OF—WAY P S R.Q.w. — S 88 56'46"W S 68'56'46"W 275.70' MARKER S 00'25'28"E 27C1,50 N 00'00'25"E 55.6fi� S 89'02'1O"W 739.39° 56.49' McMILLEN ROAD P.O.B. (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT—OF—WAY) — — — — EXISTING RIGHT—OF—WAY TAO S LOT 8 CMILEN PAG 6�1 LOT 1-1 N MCMI1 0 ES E if T 719 M ME ' 6 T- VOLMM.R•C'I' V©L� M.R;C. I-- I I I LOT 7 I a I © I LOT 1-3 I LOT 1-4 ACQUISITION LOCATION j SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION ) 1 NOTES: I I 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT, I 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 50 75 © 50 3, ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET • City of Wylie 1 CITY O I' vYL 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 I — TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ��- - , A )" , OUT OF A ''V 1 S T E cr'',_i" 40.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND f�a ¢w , c<i•VW •.Y k LP Sf UATED IN THE d:... »..... .,...... . .o..,..i. W. PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 716 ( .., QU TIS SMITI- ) CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN r. ,p 5494 LI-,T DOCUMENT No, 20070131000142850 � 5 ' ' REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 1• '! ^' PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD �� ACQUISITION AREA: 8 118 SQUARE FEET OR 0.186 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 09 TE PART 1.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JUNE 20, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 9 TE PART 2 McMILLEN ROAD W. PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 716 EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement situated in the W. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being a portion of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20070131000142850 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of Lot I, Block A of Wylie United Methodist Church, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas,. from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest corner, of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.77 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, with the west line of said Wylie United Methodist Church, a distance of 56.49 feet to a point for corner in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of- way), said point being the southwest corner of said Wylie United Methodist Church, said point also being in the south line of a remainder of a 199.22 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Katheryn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of said Real. Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 555, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 199.22 acre tract of land and with said. McMillen Road, a distance of 739.39 feet to a point for the southeast corner of said 40.00 acre tract of land; THENCE North 00 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, with the east line of said 40,00 acre tract of land, a distance of 55.66 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described temporary construction easement, said R.O.W, marker being in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 192.88 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 13 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 119.06 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 164.19 feet to a point for corner in the east line of said 40.00 acre tract of land; THENCE South 00 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds West, with the east line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 115.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 20,532 square feet or 0.471 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North. Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground.November 2009. Date: June 20, 2018 4-4 Curtis Smith * �� Registered Professional Land Surveyor �Q*DotiT� sw No. 5494 ("1 1101` Y4,11 CURTIS SMITH \- 5494 q- -)7/PA' F55? UF* Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 �r �r T LXHIB 1 "B " ACQUISITION PARCEL No. 9 TE PART 2 LOCATION n FND 5/8"IR ro W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE) SUBJECT TRACT Sc g LOCATION OF ACQUISITION B TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION W LOT 1 EASEMENT AREA o>-z a • 20,532 SQ. FT. OR w N� •" 0 ch 0.471 ACRES ©W c9 U 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) � ?��N��,� �� D-DREAMS; INC. N En<PE ©cc,.,o N. q N DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142850 N ? 0 `1 6"i cws h R.P.R.C.C.T. © 6 a 44 4 Li SV Rv�'( N s 646196»E i a w'-'° • N m� a bi �ERSpN -7'\ N I ,mo w p�� pp A°' ����P P.©.C. t� 11 • n51`�r� PROPOSED 40 t 1 --f END 1/2"'RR z �+R RIGHT-OF-WAY ,� //r W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE) EXISTING 1. .. P.©.B. `y RIGHT-OF-WAY ../ SET R.O.W. S 8$'56'46"W 192.88' MARKER �S 00'25'28"'E N OD 0O 25""E 55.66' S 89'02'10'"W 739.39' 56.49' McM1LLEN ROAD — (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY) — — — — I EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY m. N ESTAT/19 c<71: LOTS LOT 7 _ N l I Jol 'f. C•T LOT 1 1 I1 1 C 1LIL�N pA 1kr-gz1 I I © { © I LOT i 3 I LOT 1-4 TOM- mil. CO Cr' jils. NOTES; 1„ A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. )50 75 Q 50 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET 11(1?1 City c f Wylie I Y OFF 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE. TEXAS 75098 EXHIBR AHOWING TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ',,,, OUT OF A ,. c,"� ;`fi-F- 40.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND ��„. tt ,t SITUATED IN THE W. PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 716 CU TIS SMIT CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN a ,. 549 DOCUMENT No. 20070131000142850 ` 6 PROJECT: McMI L ENL ROADP FROM ERTY RECORDS REARYOR AD F COLLIN COUNTRY CLUBSROAf35 •�♦ JOB No. 0 02 56�: 20532 SQUARE RCS CAD 0.471 ACRES SCALE: AD LE: 09 1EflPART 2,DWc �r FEET CURTIS SMITH REGISTERED0, E 1 F 1 ' PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 9 McMILLEN ROAD W. PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.716 EXHIBIT "A" Being a 1.556 acre tract of land situated in the W. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said 1.556 acre tract of land being a portion of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20070131000142850 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1.556 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie United Methodist Church as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.77 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, with the west line of said Wylie United Methodist Church, a distance of 56.49 feet to a point for corner in McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way), said point being the southwest corner of said Wylie United Methodist Church, said point also being in the south line of a 199.22 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Ifatheryn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 555, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 199.22 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 739.39 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described 1.556 acre tract of land, said point being the southeast corner of said 40.00 acre tract of land; THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 40.00 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 1239.99 feet to a point for the southwest corner of said 40.00 acre tract of land, said point being the southeast corner of a 112.18 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Pamela Joe Thronburg as recorded in Document No. 20100416000373400 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 12 minutes 47 seconds East, with the west line of said 40.00 acre tract of land and with the east line of said 112.18 acre tract of land, a distance of 53.71 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 1239.83 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the east line of said 40.00 acre tract of land; Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 THENCE South 00 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds West, with the east line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 55.66 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 67,791 square feet or 1.556 acres of land, more or less. Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped''GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAI=)-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 14, 2014 Curtis Smith OF Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5494 4tv0,0 0 o't CURTIS SMITH %;:91) 5494 Hm. Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 SUF N EXHIBIT "B " ACQUISITION PARCEL No. 9 LOCATION `' �/ UR`1 ` cn FND 5/8'1R SUBJECT TRACT & ERSpN S 6 m W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE) LOCATION OF ACQUISITION P N I % PC.r• 140• I d p co ©La° , LOT 1 13 ©rz,•- a 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) Z LA Z©cr g q - >- w o W WD-DREAMS, INC. ¢ a < DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142850 ITN Z a v R.P.R.C.C.T. m Y}- © v a f. 4"v 110 I � C r4 • o W 4.1.. LJ RIGHT-OF-WAY N I - d Z ACQUISITION AREA a h _ 67,791 SQ. FT. OR P.O.C.J PROPOSED 1.556 ACRES SET ARKOER END /z R z y I RIGHT-OF-WAY W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE] U At 1239.83' EXISTING N 88'S6'46°E S 00"00'25"W RIGHT-OF-WAY 55.66 5 89'O2'10"W +73939. �----5 00'25'28"E 56.49' 2 S 89•02'10'W McMILLEN ROAD 1239.99' ~~- P.©.B. _ _ (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY _ _ _----/ f EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY I S A Fl T71 E 9 mc\I lea, FA ILOT 7 MCT LOT 8 VLM R'III LOT 1-1 I , I );'ABMs 2 1 I I © I © I LOT 1-3 I LOT 1-4 fLLE" pAGE 6 MCM 1/0104 M.B.C.C•T' NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE 1 50 75 0 1 JO SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE I61 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET _if City of Wylie CITY OF WYLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 1 EXHIBIT SHOWING -:.. s�' A RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION x`c-... .. T-.----\ OUT OF A �\-'".•-'G\57c,:.„� �- 40.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND 4-` t��• -Y' SITUATED IN THE 2 W. PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 716 CU T15 5M1 r ):', CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS „.....•e•:.: ........................ ... AS RECORDED IN r - 549t� -c• ,�� DOCUMENT No. 200701 31 0001 42850 ::0-. � r REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 1 PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD p --- -,---,..-- -- ACQUISITION ION AREA: 8 : 67 791 SQ©AARWE FEET N BY: OR_ 1.556 ACRES CAD FILE: Ds ROW.DWGCURTIS SMITH 'REGISTEREDJOB PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 1 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 150' 1NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM Na. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 EXHIBIT ''B '' ACQUISITION PARCEL No. 9 LOCATION Y SUBJECT TRACT & rj1� '`vE LOCATION OF ACQUISITION A���R5©N© 1 - • 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) D—DREAMS, INC. DOCUMENT NO. 20070131 0001 42850 R.P.R.C.C.T. 11218 ACRES (BY DEED) PAMELA JOE THRONBURG DOCUMENT Na. 20100416000373400 RIGHT—OF—WAY R.P.R.c.c.r. ACQUISITION AREA 67,791 SQ. FT. OR 1.556 ACRES SET R.OA PROPOSED MARKER RIGHT—OF—WAY N 88 56'4rE 1239.83' I N OO'12'47""E 53.71' . Z — — - — S 89'O0210"W McMILLEN ROAD 1239.99' m (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT—OF—WAY) EXISTING RIGHT—OF'—WAY 7 .. LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 10 CMILL� FAR'"' 621 M 14, I ToLUME R,.C.C. . NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 150 75 0 1 50 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, 'THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET City of Wylie CITY OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 f EXHIBIT SHOWING �7' � A �`—F C) `=-� RIGHT—OF—WAY ACQUISITION _ ,.....•.,.,, ^'C OUT OF A /./I', �;•',t S T ',•.,-- ,, 40.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND / P-- * `" SITUATED IN THE �.��" � W. PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 716 . CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS �� � TI' �P�II �� AS RECORDED IN .,.r ' 5, t DOCUMENT No. 20070131000142850 \ �'o�-- 0,y' REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS y - PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD / ��'.' /� ACQUISITION AREA: 67 791 SQUARE FEET OR 1.556 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 09 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFE551ONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 1.0106900. GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 10 TE McMILLEN ROAD W. PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 716 EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement situated in the W. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being a portion of the remainder of a 199.22 acre tract of land deeded to Katheryn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of the Real. Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 555, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a point for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way), said point being in the west line of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie United. Methodist Church, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin. County, Texas, as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of said Lot 1 bears South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 0,33 feet and from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest corner of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.45 feet; TI:IENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 408.93 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described temporary construction easement; TI-IENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, with the proposed north right-of-way Iine of said. McMillen Road, a distance of 330.06 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the east line of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams,Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20070131000142850 of said. Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, with the east line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 195.03 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 330.06 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 195.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 64,361 square feet or 1.478 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R,©.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: June 20, 2018 Curtis Smith Tcc' Registered Professional Land Surveyor No, 54941CW + in CUF TISShMTH -9.00 5494eP Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 S U O EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 10 TE END 5/8"IR W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE} - ' ll CQUISITION �` � 1 • LOCATION iJ SUBJECT TRACT & ?NI 1�NO• LOT 1 LOCATION OF ACQUISITION w S1RPC REMAINDER OF , 199.22 ACRES (BY DEED) KATHERYN SKINNER s 2 Q DOCUMENT No. 20070514000648930 a v N m R.P.R.C.C.T. °' q N cs, 44 VOLUME 555, PAGE 68 ', w �hl) h D.R.C.C.T. N' ca�c . o °a N 88'56'46"E 330.06'' N L Li oro — ©W N f�� ©.1, a°A©o N TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION -I"1 c w N 8©z o ©,I EASEMENT AREA ;::�Alt'� to (ILLEci�Ej �E/,d,Rs �'R 1 o 6 © in i 64,361 SQ. FT.. OR ,..,.LL.y.P 4 rT S 00'25'28"E 0.33' 1.478 ACRES z ;-:Icf) P•Q•B+ \ EXISTING Q S 8B'5 6'4S"W 4 OB.93' RIGHT-OF-WAY i k- e 88'56'46vn"Wp+rt': 330.0P6'y PROPOSED SET R.O.W.- S RIGHT-OF-WAY' MARKER _ w McMILLEN ROAD (AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT—OF—WA") _ --m — — — EXISTING EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY T----- RIGHT-OF-WAY m I` LOT 1-1 N N LOT 1—3 LOT 1-4 LOT 1-5 LOT 1-6 I I 1 I TA. T�5 0 © 11601ILLEI pAGE 71 YOLthM .R•C'C.T NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2, ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 150 75 Q 150 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET City of Wylie 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING , TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT r . ,Cr,„ ,., ••. i` OUT OF A '�"Y''.,•[,1ST ,,;..C..-71-r 199.22 ACRE TRACT OF LAND �, - *' t 0` Ln SITUATED IN THE W. PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 716 < C_!RTIS SMI1. CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN `� ' 5 194 ."` • DOCUMENT No. 20070514000648930 'o- t" REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS V PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ACPUISITION AREA: 64 361 SQUARE FEET OR 1.478 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 10 TEMP.DWG REGISILRED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JUNE 20, 2018 I EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" c 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900', GORRONDONA do ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 I McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 10 McMILLEN ROAD W. PATTERSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.716 EXHIBIT "A" Being a 0.954 acre tract of land situated in the W. Patterson Survey, Abstract No. 716, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said 0.954 acre tract of land being a portion of the remainder of a 199.22 acre tract of land deeded to Katheryn Skinner as recorded in Document No. 20070514000648930 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas and being further described in Volume 555, Page 68 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 0.954 acre tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of McMillen Road (an undedicated right-of-way), said point being in the west line of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie United Methodist Church as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, from which a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the northwest comer of said Lot 1 bears North 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds West, a distance of 966.45 feet; THENCE South 00 degrees 25 minutes 28 seconds East, with the west line of said Lot 1, passing at a distance of 0.33 feet, a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap (illegible) found for the southwest corner of said Lot 1, in all, a distance of 56.81 feet to a point for corner in the south line of said 199.22 acre tract of land, said point being the southwest corner of said Wylie United Methodist Church as recorded in Volume R, Page 213 of said Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said point also being in said McMillen Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds West, with the south line of said 199.22 acre tract of land and with said McMillen Road, a distance of 739.39 feet to a point for the southeast corner of a 40.00 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to D-Dreams, Inc. as recorded in Document No. 20070131000142850 of said Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, with the east line of said 40.00 acre tract of land, a distance of 55.66 feet to a R.O.W. marker set for corner in the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the proposed north right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 738.98 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 41,565 square feet or 0.954 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped"GORRONDONA"unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Cuitis Smith . Registered Professional Land Surveyor CURT IS SMITH mR 5494 7i.1Z- *97b7, 79Y,7 0 6 7 Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 S U EXHIBIT "B " PARCEL No. 10 FND 5/8"IR W/CAP (ILLEGIBLE) AOUISI L ° \r�� LOCATION ON S SUBJECT TRACT & Q A11E���NCt• 1 I LOT 1 LOCATION OF ACQUISITION \,I . BS�RA� P REMAINDER OF in cn 199.22 ACRES (BY DEED) -,- pa KATHERYN SKINNER 01 A `v EN DOCUMENT N©. 20070514000648930 o d R.P.R.C.C.T. �, Q .8 N VOLUME 555, PAGE 68 L; >z"� D.R.C.C.T. ©I an a I RIGHT—OF—WAY P.©,B. O 1 z w ACQUISITION AREA a g „ 41,565 SQ. FT. OR PASSING AT 0 33' N iD 0.954 ACRES A FND 1/2"IR W/CAP O Q • PROPOSED (ILLEGIBLE) o O SET R.O.W. RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING Q' 7 MARKER N 88'56'46"E LO ` 738.98' RIGHT-OF-WAY ...... .... .... 56.81' e..... ...........,,_,,,,..5 89'02''10"W McMILLEN ROAD 739.39' AN UNDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY) — _ — -- — — - — EXISTING EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAYT7--- RIGHT-OF-WAY LOT 1-1 m LOT 1-3 LOT 1-4 LOT 1-5 LOT 1-6 I 1 1 STATES I o © MCMILLEJ pAGE 719 V©LUMM.R•C•C.T il 9 NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 50 75 Q 150 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS 111111111 SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. SCALE IN FEET City of Wylie CITY OF Y1.IE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 0 EXHIBIT ASHOWING '�/. `" 0` RIGHT—OF—WAY ACQUISITION (r• .-,,..g_.,.,„ /r<•�OUT OF A / ,.'c 1 S rE.- °'i 199.22 ACRE TRACT OF LAND / c .,, �•• SFFUAI LU IN THE / • W. PATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 716 /7i i �j" tip .; " CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS �� .. AS RECORDED IN , ' 5,gc DOCUMENT No. 20070514000648930 �0,�.r- '� REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ' ., ( PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD --,---- ACQUISITION AREA: 41.565 SQUARE FEET OR 0,954 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 10 ROW.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 I SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 11 PE PART 1 McMILLEN ROAD LOT 7,McMILL1+N FARMS EXHIBIT"A, Being a permanent slope easement out of Lot 7 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in. Volume 11, Page 621 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 7 being deeded to Joel Jordan and Karen B. Jordan as recorded in Document No. 93-0023518 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanentslope casement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Lot 7, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of Lot 8 of said McMillen Farms, said 3/8 inch iron rod also being in the south right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way), from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of Lot 9 of said McMillen Farms bears South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 520.32 feet, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of Lot 10 of said McMillen Farms, said 1/2 inch iron► rod also being in the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said 1scat 7 and with the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 143.74 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 01 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 143.87 feet to a point for corner in the west line of said Lot 7, said point being in the east line of said Lot 8; THENCE North 00 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds West, with the west line of said Lot 7 and with the east line of said. Lot 8, a distance of 15.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2,157 square feet or 0.050 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A.Page 1 of 2 Notes; (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R,Ofi W, markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set. with blue cap stamped "GORR ONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: December 11, 2018 Curtis Smith Registered Professional ]Nand Surveyor No. 5494 c; '7 CURTIS SM+1H o Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 ACQUISITION "B �} LOCATION PARCEL Na. 11 PE PART 1 1 LINE TABL LINE BEARI G DISTANCE_ SUBJECT t `S 1E143.74 LOCATION OF QUISTION cus L-2 O11 ©3' 4" 15 Q0 -:. 1-4 7 .\ 6 L-3 S 88'56'46"W 143,87' F NII NQ. L-4 N 00'34.07"W 15.00 035 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) D-DREAMS, INC. 150 75 0 150 DOCUMENT NO, 200701.31000142850 R.P.R.C.C.T. MEI SCALE IN FEET END 3/B"IR DEED UNE (APPROXIMATE CENTER OF ROAD) .... EXISTING McMILLEN ROAD if—RIGHT-OF-WAY (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY L-1 END 1/2"IR s 8A'56'40/ —520,32' - L-2 44 ! L. I DI PERMANENT c, LOT 10 I LOT D I LOT 8 SLOPE �« EASEMENT AREA J 64 ' I I tof S 2,157 SQ. FT, OR 6 0.050 ACRES Yd :C'C` • KA BJDNREr . ORA DOCUMENT NO. 93-0023518 R.P.R.C.C.T, LOT 1-2A NOTES: 1, A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2, ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET . WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDDNA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-'$3, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009, City fWylie C,11 y } 'it it 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING ,s. PERMANENT SLOPE EASEMENT �s � OF T, OUT OF �� C 1 i 1 E; . : LOT 7 �� "`' * `c,-`' a MCMILLEN FARMS ..,,, °i ,. AN ADDmON TO THE C�1-01 �h�IT.. CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ° 1�q AS RECORDED IN VOLUME H, PAGE 621 ''.Q '�0 MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS C> F PROJECT; MCMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD �� ACIUISITIONAREA: 2.157 S.UARE FEET OR 0,050 ACRES CURTIS SMITH JOB.,_No. 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE. 11 PE-PT1.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE; DECEMBER 11, 201$ EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" 1550 NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10106900 GORRONDONA do ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 7611E * 017--496-1424 FAX 817-496-176B McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCRFARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No, 11 PE PART 2 McMILLEN ROAD LOT 7, McMILLEN FARMS EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent slope easement out of Lot 7 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume i-I, Page 621 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 7 being deeded to Joel Jordan and Karen B. Jordan as recorded in Document No. 93-0023518 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanent slope easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Lot 7, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of Lot 8 of said McMillen. Farms, said. 3/8 inch iron rod. also being in the south right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way), from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of Lot 9 of said McMillen Farms bears South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 520.32 feet, said 1/2 inch iron rod. being the northeast corner of Lot 10 of said McMillen. Farms, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being in the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North, 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 7 and with, the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 218.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described permanent slope easement;. THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said. Lot 7 and with the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 41.48 feet to a point for the northeast corner of said. Lot 7, said point being the northwest corner of Lot 1-1 of McMillen Estates, an addition to the. City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, as recorded in Volume I,Page 719 of said. Map Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds East, with the east line of said Lot 7 and with the west line of said Lot 1-1, a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 41.35 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 01 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 15.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 621 square feet or 0.014 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) I .O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set. with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA"unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NADm83, The North Central. Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface, (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: December 11, 2018 4 Curtis Smith�.� OF �� Registered Professional bard. Sur��eyor ? �,,sr .I. No. 5494 ( - W : u CURTIS SMITH Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 ACQUISITION EXHIBIT "B " LOCATION PARCEL No. 1 f PE PART 2 LINE TAB SUBJECT 1`riAC'r` & ,69,. LINE REARING PISTAN E LOCATION OF ACQUISITION �SE.g5pN / 1 N-1 a•34'�?"'� 5:Qd` 1)Il C �' L-°3 S 88'561-46"W 41.35 ` � L-4N ©1' ,.. �B� 1'a3 14 W 15;00 I 90.00 ACRES (BY DEED) 1 50 75 0 1 50 DOCUMFNTDNOR©7©1131000142850 R°P.R.c= .r, MEI SCALE IN FEET P.O.B. DEED LINE (APPROXIMATE CENTER OF ROAD) _ EXISTING MGMILL N ROAD �L�1 N 8U°56'46"E /0-RIGHT-OF-WAY (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY 218.74' FND 1/2 IR 8 88`56'45"'W 520.32' L-4 `- . ,;p,� L-2 P.O.C. L-3 FND 3/8"IR k PERMANENT „, 6 ti 'w SLOPE I LOT 8 W 0. LOT 1 G I LOT EASEMENT AREA I 621 SO. FT. OR -- �.co 1 fVIST 0.014 ACRES c� IL � LOT 7 Q Q E R� JOEL JORDAN AND wi• I KAREN B. JORDANI DOCUMENT NO. 93-0023518 R.P.R.G,C,T. I LOT 1-2A NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LANE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-63, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. City of Wylie CITY OF YILIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING , '' �- PERMANENT SLOPE EASEMENT r `. �1F - OUT OF 1 �/ x •i 1 Ci ,-14' LOT 7A 4`' t 6� McMILLEN FARMS °° °? Ll AN ADDITION TO THE CURTI`_y SMIT CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN ,r 49 "7 VOLUME H, 621 � a MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS c- , ,r PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ACQUISITION AREA: 621SoUARE FEET OR 10,014 ACRES CURTIS SMITH 1 JOB No. 0903-3566 DRAWN BY: RCS CAD FILE: 11 PE PT2.DWG __ _'REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" .•: 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900. GORRONDONA de ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 75118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1758 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. XX PE McMILLEN ROAD LOT 7, McMILLEN FARMS EXHIBIT "A" Being a permanent drainage easement out of Lot 7 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume H, Page 621 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said Lot 7 being deeded to Joel Jordan and Karen B. Jordan as recorded in Document No. 93-0023518 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said permanent drainage easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Lot 7, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of Lot 8 of said McMillen Farms, said 3/8 inch iron rod also being in the south right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way), from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of Lot 9 of said McMillen Farms bears South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 520.32 feet, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of Lot 10 of said McMillen Farms, said 1/2 inch iron rod also being in the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 7 and with the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 143.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described permanent drainage easement; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 7 and with the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 75.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 01 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 55.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 75.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 01 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 55.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4,125 square feet or 0.095 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: March 31, 2014 Curtis Smith OF - Registered Professional Land Surveyor r No. 5494 U k, CURT G SMETH 5494 Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT HIBI T "B „ m UNE TABLE Lr ACQUISITION UNE BEARING DISTANCE LOCATION PARCEL No. 11 PE • L-1 N 88'56.46"E 75.00' L-2 S 01'03'14"E 55.00' L-3 S 88'56'46'W 75.00' L-4 N 01'03.14"W 55.00' SUBJECT TRACT & LOCATION OF ACQUISITION :13-7\\16° A"riES© • W • AgS� A�� 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) D-DREAMS, INC. 150 75 0 150 DOCUMENT NO.P2 0 0131000142850 SCALE IN FEET DEED LINE (APPROXIMATE CENTER OF ROAD) EXISTING McMILLEN ROAD P.O.B. / RIGHT-OF-WAY (A VARIABLE WIDTH RICH L-1 T—OF-WAY) FND 1/2"IR S 88"55'46'W 520,32' N 88°56'46"E � :;::i`:':i�N 143,74' 1 '-::_:.::-}iii4:-:: I P.©.C. L-3 � FND 3/8"IR i V h PERMANENT DRAINAGE w �' LOT 10 I LOT 9 I LOT 8 I EASEMENT AREA I 4,125 SQ. FT. OR Ga ly Fr& s 1 0.095 ACRES MCMILLE01 N PAGE 62 LOT 7 VOLUME .R''C•C•T. JOEL AN AND KAREN B,©JORDAN I DOCUMENT NO, 93-0023518 I R.P.R.C.C.T. LOT 1-2A NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. I City of Wylie CITY OF YLIE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD WYL9E, TEXAS 75098 q EXHIBIT SHOWING in- PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT � . 0 F . ,- , ,"- OUT OF J LOT 7 /j'�\ ;° 6 rT c McMILLEN FARMS 1. s,,...e.,... . ..,.,a.............:9. AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYIJE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ,...' ""°' '° : AS RECORDED IN 9 �3 --"'" VOLUME H, PAGE 621 MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS fl , PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD L'" � t y ACQUISMON AREA: 4 125 SQUARE FEET OR 0.095 ACRES - CURTIS SMITH JOB No, 0903-3568 DRAWN BY: JPH CAD FILE: 11 DRAIN.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: MARCH 31, 2014 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" = 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 12 TE McMILLEN ROAD LOT 9, McMILLEN FARMS EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement out of Lot 9 of McMillen.Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, CohM County, Texas as recorded in Volume H, Page 621 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas, said. Lot 9 being deeded to Steven M. Bullock and Debra K. Bullock as recorded in Document No. 93-0026198 of the Real Property Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Lot 9, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of Lot 10 of said McMillen Farms, said 1l2 inch iron rod also being in the south right-of-way line of McMillen Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 9 and with south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, a distance of 260.11 feet to a. point for the northeast corner of said Lot 9, said point being the northwest corner of Lot 8 of said McMillen Farms, from which a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Lot 8 bears North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 260.21 feet, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 7 of said McMillen Fauns, said 3/8 inch iron rod also being in the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds West, with the east line of said Lot 9 and with the west line of said. Lot 8, a distance of 15,00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 260.11 feet to a point for corner in the west line of said Lot 9, said point being in the east line of said Lot 10; THENCE North 00 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds East, with the west line of said Lot 9 and with the east line of said Lot 10, a distance of 15.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3,902 square feet or 0,090 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA"unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface, (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009. Date: June 26, 2018 Curtis Smith OF Registered Professional Land Surveyor tTr<e`-/- No. 5494 CURTIS SMITH 5494 ,A pr y©r,55 ,...• 0 StJO4. Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 ACQUISITION EXHIBIT "B " LOCATION PARCEL No. 12 TE 1 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE SUBJECT TRACT & L-1 'S 00.34°07"E 15.00' LOCATION OF ACQUISITION S R\10 L-2 N 00'34'07"W 15,00' P A11V-RS© N°. 7 '\ 6 W • AgsvRix � 40.00 ACRES (BY DEED) 1 D-DREAMS, INC, DOCUMENT NO. 20070131000142850 150 75 0 150 R.P.R.C,C.T. SCALE IN FEET P.O .B. END 1/2"IR ---Nk-_ DEED LINE (APPROXIMATE CENTER OF ROAD) McMILLEN ROAD _ EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY N 88'56'46"E 260.11' (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) L-2-"W 2vS[88'56'461W : 260 11' -L-1 ri,rn�. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION I W (-; EASEMENT AREA LOT 7 © v LOT 10 3,902 SQ. FT. OR LOTS _, w�` 0.090 ACRES I LOT 9 LE N FA E 621 STEVEN M. BULLOCK AND MC1fl y ILA PSG ULLOCK DOC.DEB NO.RA K9 3 002 198 i©L�ivA� ,.�'lc R.P.R.C.C.T. R.P.R.C.C.T. I 1 LOT 1-2A 1 NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 3, ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009. City of Wylie CITY dF YY,IE 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 Mr EXHIBIT SHOWING A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 5 LOTD9 . 1 1� '�1OF McMILLEN FARMS AN ADDITION TO THE ( C ,'TIS S CMV I I 1 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS �:i" ,494 AS RECORDED IN VOLUME H, PAGE 621 +° ' MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS L PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD �" ACQUISITION AREA: 3 902 SQUARE FEET OR 0.090 ACRES REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR JOB No. 0903-3568 DRAWN; BY: RCS CAD FILE: 12 TEMP,DWG CURTIS SMITH DATE: JUNE 26, 2018 EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" - 150' NO. 5494 TEXAS FIRM No. 10106900 I GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 81'7-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 McMILLEN ROAD FROM McCREARY ROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD PARCEL No. 13 TE McMILLEN ROAD LOT 8, McMILLEN FARMS EXHIBIT "A" Being a temporary construction easement out of Lot 8 of McMillen Farms, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas as recorded in Volume H, Page 621 of the Map Records of Coffin County, Texas, said Lot 8 being deeded to Bullock Family Living Trust as recorded in Volume 4412, Page 1488 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said temporary construction easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Lot 8, said 3/8 inch iron rod being the northwest corner of Lot 7 of said McMillen Farms, said 3/8 inch iron rod also being in the south right-of-way line of McMillen.Road (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds East, with the east line of said Lot 8 and with west line of said Lot 7, a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 260.21 feet to a point for corner in the west line of said Lot 8, said point being in the east line of Lot 9 of said. McMillen Farms; THENCE North 00 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds West, with the west line of said Lot 8 and with the east line of said Lot 9, a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for the northwest coiner of said Lot 8, said point being the northeast corner of said Lot 9, said point also being in the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Lot 9 bears South 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds West, a distance of 260.11 feet, said 1/2 inch iron rod being the northeast corner of Lot 10 of said McMillen Farms, said 1/2 inch iron road also being in the south right-of-way line of said McMillen Road; THENCE North 88 degrees 56 minutes 46 seconds East, with the north line of said Lot 8 and with the south right-of-way line of said McMillen. Road, a distance of 260.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3,903 square feet or 0.090 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Notes: (1) A plat of even survey date herewith accompanies this legal description. (2) R.O.W. markers along proposed right-of-way line are a. 5/8 inch iron rod set with blue cap stamped "GORRONDONA" unless otherwise noted. (3) All bearings and coordinates are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System, NAD-83, The North Central Zone 4202, all distances and areas shown are surface. (4) Surveyed on the ground November 2009, Date: June 26, 2018 Curtis Smith OF 7 N Repiste5 d Professional Land Surveyor �� s r4",---,- ci) war u'+ 4 _ CURfiS SMITH M; np 5494 ,., e• •YOQP c f:SS 1 ��' 0 lv Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 ACQUISITION EXHIBIT "B " LOCATION PARCEL No. 13 TE LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE SUBJECT TRACT & L-1 S 00'34'07'E 15.00' LOCATION OF ACQUISITION RS� SURE L-2 N 00'34'07"W 15.00' P PI,- N°' ti • P 3S1PC� 40,00 ACRES (BY DEED) D—DREAMS, INC. DOCUMENT NO, 20070131000142850 1550 75 0 150 R.P,R.C,C,T. SCALE IN FEET P.O.B. END 3/8"IR DEED LONE (APPROXIMATE CENTER OF ROAD) EXISTING _ McMILLEN ROAD— /—RIGHT—OF—WAY N 88'56'46"E 260.21' (A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT—OF—WAY) FND 1/2"IR 8S B 56'46"W 260,11' /....... :.ir::. .. .: r.,i� .v',+aa� L_2� S 88..'S6'46"W 26a0.21' L-1 W2 6 ti h W I .,"2 a!, II TEMPORARY I .,"2a!, CONSTRUCTION LOT 7 LOT 10 I LOT 9 EASEMENT AREA I w~ 3,903 SQ. FT. OR w ` FIVIs 0.090 ACRES 44 6 FA N LOT 8 MC PA BULLOCK FAMILY VOL mit• • VOLUME GLIVING4412, PAGE 14881 I D.R.C.C.T, I LOT 1-2A NOTES: 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. 2. ROW MARKERS ALONG PROPOSED RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE ARE A 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH BLUE CAP STAMPED "GORRONDONA" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM, NAD-83, THE NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202, ALL DISTANCES AND AREAS SHOWN ARE SURFACE 4. SURVEYED ON THE GROUND NOVEMBER 2009, City of Wylie CITY OF � 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 EXHIBIT SHOWING TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT r Lil OUT OF � � T �C� tr,. LOT 8 I , '4-.CT t'C i`•'Y Ln McMILLEN FARMS �.a..=,1 1 AN ADDFIION TO THE < CU TIS SNIP 1 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS „f VOLUME RECORDED 621 1' 94 r.,... MAP RECORDS, COLLIN PROJECT: McMILLEN ROAD FROMMcCREARYROAD TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD ' � �`._, JOBBE: DUNE 32 568 EXHIBITRAW B PRCS S 1 OF 1 SCALE: 1" 13 TEMP,DWG CURTIS SMITH REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORDA . No.ACQUISITION AREA: 3 903 SQUARE Bv:�R©R 0,090 ACRES CAD FILE: c 150' NO, 5494 TEXAS FIRM No, 10108900 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 7524 JACK NEWELL BOULEVARD SOUTH FORT WORTH, TX. 76118 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1766 Wylie City Council ie AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 26, 2019 Item Number: Work Session 1 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Public Works Prepared By: Tim Porter Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: January 29, 2019 Exhibits: Presentation Subject Discuss and provide direction on procurement and delivery methods acceptable to City Council for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure(AMI) project. Recommendation Discussion On March 14, 2017, City Council directed staff to proceed with the issuance of debt for a new metering system. This capital project is advantageous because it addresses aging infrastructure, improves water conservation and reduces unaccounted for water. New meters will automate meter-reading processes, and provide more accurate information to the Utility Billing Department. More importantly, it will empower our residents and business owners to manage their water use and costs through real-time data via the customer portal. On. October 23, 2018, City Council awarded a professional services contract to Jones & Carter, Inc. to provide consulting services for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project. AMI systems are procured and delivered through two methods; Request for Proposal (RFP) with detailed technical specifications for a contractor to complete the project or a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) that allows the vendor to explain how they will deliver the project to meet the City's requirements. The RFQ process is conducive to Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC), which transfer the technology and operational risks to the Energy Services Company (ESCO). ESPC is a method that allows revenue that is recaptured (via the increase in reliability) to service the capital cost of the new system. As stipulated in their contract, Jones & Carter, Inc. has been tasked with providing assistance with ESPC methodologies and assistance with vendor selection. This Work Session is designed to provide the City Council with insight related to the ESPC option, as well as cursory comparison of a RFP vs. RFQ (ESCO) approach. The Performance Contracting method has been successfully utilized by many public agencies state-wide. Staff is seeking direction from Council on the procurement and delivery method for this project. Page 1 of 1 IT - IE ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE : Transforming Operations and Empowering Customers 1ijc JONES CARTER February 26, 2019 Agenda • Transition from AMR to AMI • Options For Procurement and Delivery of the Project • Performance Guarantee • Performance Contracting in Texas • Pros and Cons for Procurement and Delivery Options J JONES CARTER TRANSITION FROM AMR TO AMI What is AMR and AWII Meters • AMR — Automatic Meter Reading µm, � . technology used for automating r �� . AMI � ° AMR collection (only) of metered �/ ) water consumption data for the `�b �� C o l l e ct i o n �� , purposes of billing and fl trt of Data $''' consumption analysis {{��"c� ,isp�9'���ss�fit}��ctlz�br< ���3�{t,t���, �. y� tits ntititi���,�1�i�� r {S Z�#7(t�f11 : �' t.a?' ,,s,,i:44,,:',�£7);t,,,4J41 • AMI — Advanced Metering }r 11 Infrastructure systems that ... measure, collect, and analyze 4, .• Meter Data water usage and other data . . .. Managementthrough various communication I media on request or on-demand Use of Data interrogations jJONES CARTER. • •Wh transition to AMI ?Y 2005 Daily Reading Synchronous Readings (c( son Daily, Hourly Device Events (Thousands of Values per ^,a Month) Business Case: Accuracy, Optimization, and Empowerment AMR Visualize vkr�r�r�r�r�r�r�rvkr�r�r�r�r�r�r�rvkr�r�r�r�r�r�r�rvkr�r�� � 'Vw w "'b M VI'F �r .zmxaw=P our n kl Y d e li E?r Water �awwk,.au w.N^•W�Iwn.. „e rv"u..."^�J"0 A^.� N�nW""^"� S yd,�l�f"i �"d� N #, �........._.,_. � e .13. "� Cx " i.ter5b,tixm=C ag.'- �'IFF�'Fl?:Mfl11� SQL v 1985 1 Reading/30 days 1N(4}, A� NOM itiatrm m(x Walter kt5t1trptt rnyttftnitnenit 111111 NOV Arbitrary Date and Time lti4ftti Total Consumption Business Case: Lower F ��� � Reading Costs and Improved Accuracy , } I, .JCINEE CARTER City's Project N gi$ G% ' Installation of +13K meters x Key Components Installation of of a Successful 4 Collectors AMI Project: + Repeaters s4{y,4�aih3 ii kt�i S�1�7Pb�:- p "'i"v1Fc ,4 t : frb 4 , t • Procurement �° 44nt , :.,�G..� I ; Training i 1,,4,04 , �, IF}Yy ti,w,T,1::l;T�k��rkb.,,pe i",( 1 : Integration of • Planning of {P4}£l 1x iS�/l�l�i!}� i2?3 e R 4tC�'�},44,4 5{`�44 AMI t4` £;iu`,,l'ef4s J714. '''4 i`4'''\44')1'('r. 4 System* 7^'i,,,, ��yta,S .,,(4,Fr, 44�,t?�4n4z$#£i�,,,,,, x4. a2,,,:::,�f Operational IA Impacts i` I .J • Implementation & Deployment Customer Portal Enterprise-wide Implementation J O N S CARTER Financial Risk + Operational Risk + Technology Risk OPTIONS FOR PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF THE PROJECT I Tradition — "Request For Proposal" Project Planning & Selection Process Financing Project Post-Acceptance Development & Negotiation Implementation Performance • Jones j Carter • RFP submittals • Project funded by • Contractor - None, unless prepares plans and evaluated by City and existing bonds completes project arrangement specifications contractor selected in accordance made with • Project budget • Cost is a factor of with RFP contractor or prepared selection ' City has risk of RFP addressed • Vendor/Contractor RFP • Limited negotiation change orders performance prepared and released during metrics construction Contractor input NOT involved with Project In-house City Experts 4111) JONE S CARTER Financial Risk + Operational Risk + Technology Risk Performance Based Contracting • Local Government Code, Chapter 302. Energy Savings Performance Contracts for Local Governments — Sec. 302.005. BIDDING PROCEDURES; AWARD OF CONTRACT. (a) An energy savings performance contract under this chapter may be let in accordance with the procedures established for procuring certain professional services by Section 2254.004, Government Code. Notice of the request for qualifications shall be published in the manner provided for competitive bidding. — Sec. 2254.004. CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF ARCHITECT, ENGINEER, OR SURVEYOR. (a) In procuring architectural, engineering, or land surveying services, a governmental entity shall: (1) first select the most highly qualified provider of those services on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications; and (2) then attempt to negotiate with that provider a contract at a fair and reasonable price. , �'i JONES CARTER Understanding Performance Contracting • An Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) is the vehicle that allows agencies to procure energy savings thru infrastructure improvements with no up-front capital costs. • Energy Savings Performance Contracting is commonly referred to as Performance Contracting. • An Energy Services Company (ESCO) is a turnkey facilitator that provides necessary resources in engineering, construction and financing to implement an Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC). The ESCO is referred to as the Contractor or the Vendor. JON ES CARTER ESPC — "Request ForQuaIificationsn// Project Planning & Selection Process Financing& Project Post-Acceptance Development & Negotiation Contract Execution Implementation Performance •Jones I Carter(JC) • City selects most • ESCO facilitate funding • ESCO • ESCO performs prepares RFQ for ESCO qualified ESCO (JC sits (or utilize all or part of completes on-going • RFQ requires as non-voting technical City's available funds) projects maintenance Investment Grade resource on selection • With proven IGA, City • ESCO performs and verification Audit(IGA) as first step committee) negotiates and commissioning to validate •JC serves as Technical • ESCO performs IGA executed contract with performance Liaison thru IGA based on negotiations ESCO • ESCO provides with City for desired reimbursement results of project (no if guaranteed upfront cost unless revenue is NOT ESPC not pursued) met Contractor Involvement Potential ESPC Benefit: City has ability to leverage existing funds for other needed water projects tJ N E E CARTER Financ Risk + Opera nal Risk + Techn gy Risk PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE i ibillsLeveraging existing utility y F, 0ESCO Designs& Installs AM! System Including r ty ry�w�w S 1 ryy�r,pWh ��y�"rv,yi;�"Y,�gp`Vy 4y1 !V��yVry Babbled Treated 1 latprotradlituu Finance Payout* Contkrued ACCOSS Meters Water awn �, W �N°M to Billable V1) � a� n4 n ��4�u c���J\e.,_ iYyV ,� �' 7 �r! ry d v�/West) r " 1- Z (Lost Revenue). +�a ' Gallons 0 aka} ,a u ,r ryyf 'a, ;a yr, ,` ;,' ESCO Guarantees repayment revenues over a E <20-year term that is self-funding(i.e.total n guaranteed additional revenue during term must c be equal or greater than total project costs during the term). Debt repaid through savings. -c ���� p� �llabteT Bl Treated 0Additional revenue beyond guarantee are City's = - Gallons Ile1�s— to reinvest a m 011 c�a p til i ESCO monitors and verifies to ensure defined ci 0 outputs and service levels(i.e. proof that ECMs - 3 are achieving stated additional revenue.) 4a 0 Before ESPY' I n rwe i deter E P Fi ance Afker ESPC ESCO performs upkeep and improvements to Accuracy Period Finance Period ensure recaptured revenue is met. ii JONES CARTER Example of cash flow for EPC Capture of $2,000,000 UnDiIled Water" $1,800000 it S1,600,000 $1,400000 $1 200 000 F $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 After Retrofit Existing Water Sales Ability to Pay Down Term Savings Capital Contribution with Existing Funds JfC JONES CARTER PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING IN TEXAS 5 le cif E P intheTexas P! b is Se+c t r p t i S . • • • .p Y Yh \"€ :» »�\,4ct\t� ' tr + 1Y Ctk + t t NLt `4 Alt si � � ` 1't i,,ktt .» czi » 4 N Tua ' r iei L »i ,�igti ;Ti t »" `, `i�' `'w� 4 a� "'ifi.1.St Midwestern »4 »� ii, ,tg ti irr "t \ix ,£fit»»2i< t 4i State ltnry y#ta"i'r i ,`..» €,tt Ltt , ,14. �t € ;; i €t'k - oNN..v ti +.i . , i ,t t�,41. r t Unrv'tls it € 4"'in''`� "i,'1fzs,�\, L 4t',» ,4`;»402` 44 zu"i 1.{, M L'''V \ ; sNorth,�D ies a 7 r \Nu Tuww ar a ,,� #aa{*itr»#4 1.4 »L 1' { { i:0r 5dgep kt.'Texas Gaunty�GaRlon County. C f k415u,,,F,ta°', 63 it „s114h"t !0:fU'1` tt, '`�L, 4 s»ti``'Y Lake@ailas ISD ca e€I 7#st»ty .'s Vy au.Wrar't�,!;i1 ii''Y' „Li}il.�.t-1 a i4'1 $ SN 4`i`ok#€L. .3 ,}*i 4t ',,,i Ott} Bedford t,�Dai as r€1 LI,,, t�.} U i`.zi it a 6.,�W 102`1„.* i iA\>:+1 i'yY', t" at } u}i.Nivu Als hda2azan ,k r k�"Sdt tia.1 x \k ld"thele i,Ck "`i`'�irti ii t33 ,i�C�Lt''».{ti t i4"'3ti 4A4, .'i Jtih iit Reve=u va msa °'t F,art Worth i.a�Evans Police HO *'Gladewat L13 �sa1`t r '_. itr i. 114s�A„F'S':� ttl t,f F i'4\`�� t i;'L14 hs Yt.:�Crarud Desoto t tt S g', is' '`e:� t tt'>7g i it f i t '.Bi }t '' 6 »t `tia. �tegNi i }mClsburne'" ki ; { tt '�t`,T ler s i 9 1 i»�" ai 1 k� �' } aV,"i a Pramei L .i Ai',4i aa,4»'�r,S y yz i\ r 1Y �iSSPrinc�`t"}\» ..3 z4i wAA,4 01.0 i- 4 i vot*`w�`,t t :.t >�'` 24{a .,� LL t t t t } {S ti \ � t \ 4 kA�{ •vi `° 't `L. ``S i z�'4t iYd j t 4»4'S``v c'`.»a P=, l V a` ,'}}'it ',1 ii"t t ,. 4t ca iti :'»> \Y: t "� EI lsasc Wit'" y Y "itit tt tv., .:a»i, E 4 1 h ze:r'a Zwt�, `L.. t\ 4.4(}»„i�z; }l q,iiP I Win'€ \'.'3-i..V?�'t } z 1^a } e mi`tt*r,c4 izc tS . `le\`S i»0'1.`y4a tt '7',4,4j r#is3 4t List»€ 1'`t `, } i t ‘It,',, �'.�" tF, >x '.,},; i t'...t}m Cl'z-2etrt tow.AFialW?;»y`~i'4WINI t2`£,;,. Bayt,',WV, �t `t"14 .� x t4aa.4 it t 4 . a3 '»a' ,,, LE .t., ; t Fttl',m Hemtty � •141 \ '; a a Lt 14,74 _ a; ,� ;t : O' �`3a t;:t t+s, d' ,:, a '4 `� e {`�.Y 4'�4t�",,.4}j.t t,' 4 t.{ l.. V .: ti L *,'sy , ' ct,Y'A��c \ �i';%` ',,.',\ S }iflt t,t4 Beltbr! 41,.{t tic`vt}t 4 1;,i, ''i.�,,cL `Z "Vier 1°3 ,'.ry .ls"€1\ L . `, `' 1'.t�},i�t` ^t4 ss4s 2 i4 'iz wt'z {p n ir}l 4. 44 L�»�,, i\ { .at Atti44' •� C 14`.,`c s t \ gstt li: �i"4a '1%0;,cL42 .'i\tzai,v,t% t H t z 4 s tz KAarble » .s } r a», \ `'L ',ti t. t�' :t t`� .. .i4 si ;3.3; '{{a` 1 1 �1, '`t4Fali '''' }nA''' 1.., tts4€ w,,,,+ iu,,,, £i .Xl ,�i, j4»,'": �t it �'�.i `» \'. \4 e 4a.;n to jilai € r 4VS 4 ?.Willis€€t Brid 1.. 4L, G1,, t:,1 {:�.,.,4'»t ��,,}t'L ;, \ ? ti. ,4ustm { t;"(4 .`�31 »s A43`n aiPa i1 A, k ei t14`i, 4 44 ,i t£4,\ATI Conroe ' r 4 A. l�t, i '1i t ��'ti44�i 4 1 i pstead si L» � �Bnd e Pert v `�r +z?. ti 5�� ii1 4"��tat.'�'� i } Unry of Texa§t�''` �FY� Hem `�ti,�k �`Ui1'3`.,`»���V�icCat�t t �i, 44 4 v 4..t »i l`'4L 2x`s' alit , a\'}.tltt"�t;a}41't Ay' 'Buda i t y a ti„'ti tN,G aM1€taus tee Y <L 'L ,i ... �,„'„#,{`i4 . h' �4 > 2'. itr \ct L drP4ti �i€t t Bellaioret.vr Craek GlSCY'Arthur li'} ., tits U,,„ Fair t7akstRanchi tle ii'1 4t„8 14Fulslrear t< L.sz;; k' 'L} yt t a4'ts4 � .F',e,:,f .v r,q i tRasenber S.g t�4 r ,`41Y i €t Luac2Chl banAFS' u, i tt 9 rc t ,-» t,:41 ",`, z ,.s "i{S`ii€Ft a4:n nci ArB r l,�r East GentralklS<)t z\t,..4. Sugar:irt LalMarque � »Sttz4l t 4�ttas t t€ 1 t 4, t Land Alvm zi`,. iiri t lk,NT` -it ' t t,44 fiV{vi t\tti Mr ,2 'jGalveskan } t4,,,v. 6SR V0,141,45),���ts��e���ti tit ���tt'�� cameo � �� �, `AVV sta€A ts» r v: tt s^r rya�*;L ai i Pearland 4 it�i ` 4 i r Ba 4a' 4 L4»1 V`\tt s 11 t1 cs!, y. r 1.1;4t:,tittii tatty 4 3tL'�\LyT r. t`i r»z%'4� 1 3 Citjv k» L �*l\ hitt A 1a' ` t iI T ,attui County 14 F'i #s alfuariasL \t < 't 4;Si'.21itii» 4N t \,CI", 2004-2014 Data from State Energy Conservation Office �` ame°" »Weslaco Ccxi?.' (SEGO), Energy Services Coalition (ESC) and Siemens , 's{`}$# ct lit) Jc1NE EICART R PROS AND CONS FOR PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OPTIONS Comparison of Options (Traditional Tr dition Contracting) o racti (Energy fo�Mr mMt.a"l dxr a Contracting) on r n Procurement • RFP • RFQ • Full & Open to All Vendors • Limited to ESCOs per Local Government Code 302 Financing • Existing Bond Proceedings - $5.2M • Performance contract paid for by "recaptured" Method revenue after meter installations Financial • Budgeted item • Utilize $5.2M in budget for other water/sewer Benefits • Potential quickest "payback" period capital projects to benefit citizens • Price guarantee (no change orders) • ESCO guarantees technical and financial performance of meters Financial • Owner incurs initial Capital Expenditure • Payback period extended for underlying financing Drawbacks • Increases balance sheet and debt levels and structuring costs— overall increase in project • Potential for change orders during cost construction Performance • Can be specified in RFP and length of • If the "recaptured" revenue is less than Guarantee "performance-based" criteria guaranteed, the ESCO covers the shortfall negotiated by City. Criteria may include: • ESCO guarantees technical and financial 1) reading and data communication performance of meters performance; 2) battery life; 3) warranties; and other. Miscellaneous • Allows for implementation of Smart City objectives Benefits in near future • Allows other water and energy efficiency conservation measures to be incorporated uc JONES CARTER BASIC ASSUMPTIONS FOR THE FUTURE YEARS BUDGET PROJECTIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR PERIODS 2019-2024 INCLUDES GENERAL FUND ONLY REVENUES Property tax revenue is based on estimated taxable assessed value and the calculated tax rate for each fiscal year. The City's estimated taxable assessed value is projected to grow at a rate of 6%for FY 2020, 5%for FY 2021 and 4%for FY 2022-2024. The tax rate is calculated at an amount to cover debt payments and allow for a 2.5% increase on existing M&O revenue (2.5% Rollback Rate). Additional M&O revenue is included for new property based on the calculated M&O tax rate. Sales Tax is projected to be flat assuming the FY 2018 audited sales tax number. Franchise Fees are conservatively indexed at 2%, which is slightly less than the five year trend. Licenses and Permits revenue is indexed at a conservative 7%. Intergovernmental Revenue is indexed at 2.5%. Service Fees are indexed at 3%. Fines and Forfeitures are indexed at 0%. Interest is indexed at 10%. Miscellaneous Income is indexed 0%. Transfers from Other Funds is indexed at 3%. EXPENDITURES Personnel expense is indexed at 3% per year with the exception of FY 2021 and FY 2024 which are indexed at 8% to account for anticipated market survey adjustments. All other expenses are projected to increase 3% per year. Department requests are not included. One time costs are removed from FY 2019 budget before the 3% increase is calculated for future expenditures. City of Wylie, Texas Future Years Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019 - 2024 2.5% Cap on Existing Property Revenue GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 Property Tax Revenue $ 32,977,950 $ 34,689,096 $ 36,364,476 $ 38,128,199 $ 39,798,265 $ 41,387,078 Property Values $ 4,259,503,789 $ 4,515,074,016 $ 4,740,827,717 $ 4,930,460,826 $ 5,127,679,259 $ 5,332,786,429 Tax Rate 0.7258 0.7206 0.7197 0.7258 0.7286 0.7283 Cost of 1 Cent Decrease in Tax Rate $ - $ (451,507) $ (474,083) $ (493,046) $ (512,768) $ (533,279) GENERAL FUND Estimated Tax Rate per$100 0.7258 0.7206 0.7197 0.7258 0.7286 0.7283 BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (1) $ 17,502,153 $ 15,966,308 $ 17,149,795 $ 17,626,852 $ 18,787,181 $ 20,584,014 TOTAL REVENUES $ 38,848,695 $ 40,714,377 $ 42,583,839 $ 44,527,558 $ 46,462,322 $ 48,367,743 Transfers from Other Funds 2,273,616 2,341,824 2,412,079 2,484,442 2,558,975 2,635,744 TOTAL REVENUES&TRANSFERS-IN $ 41,122,311 $ 43,056,202 $ 44,995,918 $ 47,011,999 $ 49,021,297 $ 51,003,487 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 41,358,156 $ 41,872,715 $ 44,518,861 $ 45,851,670 $ 47,224,464 $ 50,234,182 Use of Fund Balance 1,300,000 - - - - - Transfers to Other Funds - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES&TRANSFERS-OUT $ 42,658,156 $ 41,872,715 $ 44,518,861 $ 45,851,670 $ 47,224,464 $ 50,234,182 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 15,966,308 $ 17,149,795 $ 17,626,852 $ 18,787,181 $ 20,584,014 $ 21,353,319 FUND BALANCE-%OF EXPENDITURES 39% 41% 40% 41% 44% 43% EXCESS FUND BALANCE (OVER 30%) 3,558,861 4,587,981 4,271,194 5,031,680 6,416,675 6,283,065 (1) FY 2019 Beginning Fund Balance is the audited ending fund balance for FY 2018. Future Year Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019 - 2024 GENERAL FUND BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY2019 FY 2020 Y6CHG FY 2021 %CHG FY 2022 %CHG FY 2023 %CHG FY 2024 %CHG REVENUES BY SOURCE PROPERTY TAXES 24'436'404 I6'031'398 6.5% 27'619,424 6.1Y6 29'I70'410 6.096 30'900'559 5.6% 32'488'860 5.1% SALES TAX(1) 5,155,519 5,155,519 0.0% 5,155,519 0.096 5,155,519 0.0% 5,155,519 0.0% 5,155,519 0.0% FRANCHISE FEES 2'689'000 2,742'780 2.096 2'797'636 2.0% 2'853'588 2.0% 2'910'660 2.0% I'968'873 2.0% LICENSES AND PERMITS 1'061'000 1'135'270 7.0% 1'214'739 7.0% 1'299'771 7.0% 1'390'755 7.0% 1'488'107 7.0Y6 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 1,252,972 1,384,396 2.5% 1,316,404 2.596 1,349,314 2.5Y6 1,383,047 2.5Y6 1,417,633 2.5% SERVICE FEES 3'543,800 3,650'114 3.0% 3,759,617 3.0% 3'872'406 3.096 3'988'578 3.0Y6 4'108'I35 3.0Y6 FINES AND FORFEITURES 507,500 507,500 0.0% 507,500 0.0% 507,500 0.0% 507,500 0.0% 507,500 0.0% INTEREST INCOME 50'000 55'000 10.096 60'500 10.0% 66'550 10.0Y6 73'205 10.0Y6 80'526 10.0% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 152'500 152'500 0.0% 15I'500 0.0% 152'500 0.096 152'500 0.0% 152'500 0.096 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 2,273,616 2,341,824 3.0Y6 2,412,079 3.096 2,484,442 3.096 2,558,975 3.0% 2,635,744 3.0% TOTALREVENUES 41,122,311 43,856i202 4.796 44,995,918 4.5% 47,011,999 4'5Y6 49,821,297 4'3V6 51,003,487 4.0Y6 EXPENDITURES BYDEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL Operations 91,874 91,874 0.0% 91,874 0.096 91,874 0.0% 91,874 0.096 91,874 0.0Y6 CITY COUNCIL Cap/One-Time CITY MANAGER Operations 33,974 34,993 3.0% 36,043 3.096 37,124 3.096 38,238 3.096 39,385 3.0% C|TYV[A0AGER Personnel Services 9]9,34/ 967,527 3.096 1,044'9�0 8.0Y6 I,076,277 3.0Y6 1,108,566 ].U% 1,197,251- 8.0% CITY MANAGER Cap/One-Time CITY SECRETARY Operations 72,860 75,046 3.0% 77,297 3.096 79,616 3.0% 82,005 I096 84,465 3.0Y6 CITY SECRETARY Personne| 5ervices 337,042 244,153 3.0Y6 263,686 8.0Y6 27 ,596 3.096 279,744 ].U% 302,123 8.0% CITY SECRETARY Cap/One-Time 44,866 CITY ATTORNEY Operations 155'000 159'650 3.096 164,440 3.096 169'373 3.0Y6 174'454 3.0Y6 179'687 3.0% CITY ATTORNEY Yersonne| Services CITY ATTORNEY- [ap/One'Time - ' ' ' - ' FINANCE Operations 378'170 389'515 3.096 401'201 3.0% 413'237 3.096 425'634 3.0Y6 438'403 3.0Y6 FINANCE Personne| Servicas 805,599 829'757 3.0% 896'148 8.0% 823,033 3.0% 950,724 3.0% 1,OZ6,7Q2 8.096 FINANCE Cap/One-Time FACILITIES Operations 554'998 571'648 3.0% 588'797 3.0% 606'461 3.096 624'655 3.0% 643'395 I096 FACILITIES Personnel Services 293,2D4 302^08I 3.0% 326,249 8.096 336,037 3.096 346,118 3.0% 373,80/ 8.0% FACILITIES Cap/One-Time 33,000 MUNICIPAL COURT Operations 94,965 97,814 3.0% 100,748 3.096 103,771 3.0% 106,884 3.0% 110,090 3.0% MUNICIPAL COURT - Personne| Services 457,959 481,998 3.0% 520,558 8.096 536,174 I0Y6 552,250 I0Y6 596,44O 8.0Y6 MUNICIPAL COURT Cap/One-Time HUMAN RESOURCES Operations 75,050 77,302 3.0% 79,621 3.096 82,009 3.0Y6 84,469 3.0% 87,004 3.0% HUMAN RESOURCES Personnel Services 523,I45 530,839 3.096 58I,946 8.0Y6 539'405 3.0% 617,387 ].U% 666,778 8.0% HUMAN RESOURCES Cap/One-Time PURCHASING Operations 14,400 14,832 3.0% 15,277 3.096 15,735 3.00 16,207 I096 16,694 3.0Y6 PURCHASING Pcrsonne/ Services 168,103 173,146 3.0Y6 I86,998 8.0% 192,608 3.096 1,98,386 ].O% 214,257 8.0% Future Year Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019 - 2024 GENERAL FUND BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY2019 FY 2020 Y6CHG FY 2021 %CHG FY 2022 %CHG FY 2023 %CHG FY 2024 %CHG PURCHASING Cap/One-Time INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Operations 1'000'560 1,030'577 3.0% 1'061'494 3.0Y6 1'093'339 3.096 1'126'139 3.0% 1'159'923 3.0% }NFORMAT|ON |ECHNDL[>GY Personnel Services 400,817 412'945 3.0% 445,980 8.096 439,359 3.0% 47l140 3.0% 51,0,99I 8.0% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Cap/One-Time POLICE Operations 1'178'544 1'I13'900 3.0% 1'250'317 3.0Y6 1'287'827 3.096 1'3I6'462 3.0% 1'366'256 3.0Y6 PDL|C[ - Personnel Serviccs 8,525,538 8,73I,304 3.096 9,483,808 8.096 9,768,323 3.0% l0,051,372 I0Y6 10,868,282 8.0% POLICE Cap/One-Time 161,650 FIRE ' Operations 1,018,992 1,049,562 3.0% 1,081,049 3.0% 1,113,480 3.0% 1,146,884 3.0% 1,181,291 3.0% F<RE Personnel Services 7,Z58,4&3 7,476,237 3.U96 8,074,336 O.096 O,31G,557 3.0Y6 &,SG6,064 3�OY6 �,251,�49 8.0V6 FIRE Cap/One-Time 1,512,250 EMERGENCY COMM Operations 484,492 499,027 3.0% 513,998 3.096 539,417 3.096 545,300 3.0% 561,659 3.0% EMERGENCY [OVM Personne| Services I,185,850 1,221,426 3.096 2,319,I40 8.096 1,358,7I4 3.096 1,399,475 3.096 I,511,433 8.0% EMERGENCY COMM Cap/One-Time 89,520 AN|MALCONTROL Operations 33,95I 34,971 3.0% 36,020 3.096 37,100 3.0Y6 38,I13 3.0% 39,360 3.0Y6 ANIMAL CONTROL PersonneiServices 488,941 503,609 3.0Y6 543,898 8.0Y6 560,2I5 3.096 577,021 ].O% 623,183 8.0% ANIMAL CONTROL Cap/One-Time 57,073 PLANNING Operations 32,022 32'983 3.096 33,972 3.0Y6 34'991 3.0% 36'041 IU% 37'123 3.0% PLANNING Personnel Services 585,660 6(,13.230 3.0% 651,488 8.0Y6 672,033 3.0% 691,164 3.0% 746'457 8.0% PLANNING Cap/One-Time BUILDING INSPECTION Operations 39'670 40860 3.0Y6 42'086 3.0% 43'348 3.0% 44649 3.0% 45'988 3.0% 8U|LD|NG |NSPE[T|DN Peruonne| Smrv|ces 522,283 51)7^95I 3.0% 580,988 8.0% 598,41,7 3.0% 616,370 3.0% 665,679 8.0% BUILDING INSPECTION Cap/One-Time CODE ENFORCEMENT Operations 40652 41,872 3.0% 43'128 3.0% 44422 3.0% 45,754 3.0% 47'127 3.0% [ODE E0F[}R[EVE0T Pensonne| Sen/icea 193,384 1,99'I86 3.096 2l5,1,20 8.0% l21,574 3.0% 228,22l I0Y6 246,479 8.0% [ODE ENFORCEMENT Cap/One-Time STREETS Operations I,182,779 2,248,262 3.0% 2,315,710 3.0% 2,385,182 3.0% 2,456,737 3.0% 2,530,439 3.0% STREETS Pemunne| Semices 1,202,172 I,339,267 3.096 1,338,409 8.0% 1,378,561 3.0% 1,419,9I8 3.0Y6 I,533,51,I 8.0% STREETS Cap/One-Time 32,500 PARKS'Operations 1,281,605 1,320,053 3.096 1,359,655 3.096 1,400,444 3.0Y6 1,442,458 3.0% 1,485,731 3.096 PARKS Personne| 5ervices 1,32-4,572 I,364,3U9 3.096 1,473,454 8.096 1'517,658 3.096 1,563,187 3.096 I,688,242 8.0% PARKS Cap/One-Time 28,500 LIBRARY Operations 377'157 388'47I 3.096 400'126 3.096 412'130 I0Y6 424'494 I0Y6 437'228 3.0Y6 LIBRARY Peryonne| Services 1,632,678 1^7�3,158 3.0% 1,87I,811 8.0Y6 1,927,965 3.096 1,905,804 ].O% 2,144,669 8.0% LIBRARY Cap/One-Time 43,000 COMBINED SERVICES Operations 4'470'960 4,605'089 3.096 4,743,242 3.0Y6 4'885'539 3.0Y6 5'033'105 3.0% 5'183'068 3.0% [OV8|NEDSERV|[ES Persunne| Services 237,154 244,279 3.0% 363,831 8.0Y6 271,736 3.0% 279,888 3.0% 302,279 8.0% COMBINED SERVICES Cap/One-Time TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL EXPENDITURES 42,658,156 41,872,715 '1.8% 44,518,861 6.3V6 45,851,670 3'0Y6 47,224,464 3'0Y6 50,234,182 6.4% Future Year Budget Projections For the Fiscal Year Periods 2019 - 2024 Property Tax Revenue & Debt Service Requirements 2.5% Cap on Existing Property Revenue Est. $72,000/yr per $1,000,000 Issued BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2019 %CHG FY 2020 %CHG FY 2021 %CHG FY 2022 %CHG FY 2023 %CHG FY 2024 %CHG Property Values (1) $ 4,259,503,789 12.8% $ 4,515,074,016 6.0% $ 4,740,827,717 5.0% $ 4,930,460,826 4.0% $ 5,127,679,259 4.0% $ 5,332,786,429 4.0% Existing Property $ 4,067,024,372 $ 4,335,718,699 6.6% $ 4,574,597,500 5.5% $ 4,764,230,609 4.1% $ 4,974,574,142 4.4% $ 5,196,743,942 4.5% New Commercial Property $ 61,229,417 $ 61,229,417 0.0% $ 61,229,417 0.0% $ 61,229,417 0.0% $ 61,229,417 0.0% $ 61,229,417 0.0% New Residential Property $ 131,250,000 $ 118,125,900 -10.0% $ 105,000,800 -11.1% $ 105,000,800 0.0% $ 91,875,700 -12.5% $ 74,813,070 -18.6% Total New Property $ 192,479,417 $ 179,355,317 -6.8% $ 166,230,217 -7.3% $ 166,230,217 0.0% $ 153,105,117 -7.9% $ 136,042,487 -11.1% Tax Rate/$100 0.7258 0.7206 0.7197 0.7258 0.7286 0.7283 Tax Levy Existing Property $ 29,520,415 $ 31,242,252 $ 32,924,768 $ 34,580,341 $ 36,244,195 $ 37,850,370 TaX Levy New Property $ 1,397,108 $ 1,292,396 $ 1,196,409 $ 1,206,553 $ 1,115,507 $ 990,862 Total Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted $ 30,917,523 $ 32,534,648 5.2% $ 34,121,178 4.9% $ 35,786,894 4.9% $ 37,359,701 4.4% $ 38,841,233 4.0% Tax Levy- Frozen (Disabled/Over 65) $ 1,880,427 12.4% $ 1,974,448 5.0% $ 2,063,299 4.5% $ 2,161,305 4.8% $ 2,258,564 4.5% $ 2,365,846 4.8% Estimated Current Tax Collections $ 32,797,950 $ 34,509,096 5.2% $ 36,184,476 4.9% $ 37,948,199 4.9% $ 39,618,265 4.4% $ 41,207,078 4.0% Delinquent Tax $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 $ 180,000 Total Tax Collections $ 32,977,950 $ 34,689,096 5.2% $ 36,364,476 4.8% $ 38,128,199 4.9% $ 39,798,265 4.4% $ 41,387,078 4.0% DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS BUDGET PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED FY 2019 %CHG FY 2020 %CHG FY 2021 %CHG FY 2022 %CHG FY 2023 %CHG FY 2024 %CHG Existing Debt $ 8,442,635 6.1% $ 8,555,038 1.3% $ 8,641,356 1.0% $ 8,752,756 1.3% $ 8,792,200 0.5% $ 8,792,706 0.0% Projected New Debt $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Misc. $ 98,911 $ 102,660 $ 103,696 $ 105,033 $ 105,506 $ 105,512 Total Debt $ 8,541,546 5.8% $ 8,657,698 1.4% $ 8,745,052 1.0% $ 8,857,789 1.3% $ 8,897,706 0.5% $ 8,898,218 0.0% GENERAL FUND(M&O) Tax Levy Existing Property(2) $ 21,888,953 $ 23,498,010 2.5% $ 25,081,802 2.5% $ 26,643,046 2.5% $ 28,261,973 2.5% $ 29,860,102 2.5% Tax Levy New Property $ 1,035,935 $ 972,040 $ 911,414 $ 929,611 $ 869,834 $ 781,690 Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted $ 22,924,888 4.6% $ 24,470,051 6.7% $ 25,993,216 6.2% $ 27,572,657 6.1% $ 29,131,807 5.7% $ 30,641,792 5.2% Tax Levy-Frozen (Disabled/Over 65) $ 1,391,516 12.4% $ 1,441,347 3.6% $ 1,506,208 4.5% $ 1,577,753 4.8% $ 1,648,752 4.5% $ 1,727,067 4.8% Delinquent Tax $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% $ 120,000 0.0% Total Tax Collections to M&O $ 24,436,404 5.0% $ 26,031,398 6.5% $ 27,619,424 6.1% $ 29,270,410 6.0% $ 30,900,559 5.6% $ 32,488,860 5.1% M&O Tax Rate/$100 0.5382 0.5420 0.5483 0.5592 0.5681 0.5746 Percentage of Total Tax Rate 74.15% 75.21% 76.18% 77.05% 77.98% 78.89% DEBT SERVICE(I&S) Tax Levy Existing Property 7,631,462 7,744,242 7,842,967 7,937,294 7,982,221 7,990,268 Tax Levy New Property 361,173 320,355 284,995 276,943 245,673 209,172 Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted $ 7,992,635 5.4% $ 8,064,597 0.9% $ 8,127,962 0.8% $ 8,214,237 1.1% $ 8,227,894 0.2% $ 8,199,440 -0.3% Tax Levy- Frozen (Disabled/Over 65) $ 488,911 12.4% $ 533,101 9.0% $ 557,091 4.5% $ 583,552 4.7% $ 609,812 4.5% $ 638,778 4.8% Delinquent Tax $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% $ 60,000 0.0% Total Tax Collections to I&S $ 8,541,546 5.8% $ 8,657,698 1.4% $ 8,745,052 1.0% $ 8,857,789 1.3% $ 8,897,706 0.5% $ 8,898,218 0.0% l&S Tax Rate/$100 0.1876 0.1786 0.1714 0.1666 0.1605 0.1538 Percentage of Total Tax Rate 25.85% 24.79% 23.82% 22.95% 22.02% 21.11% (1)The property value for 2019 Budget is the certified number from the Collin, Rockwall and Dallas County Appraisal Districts. (2) Tax Levy for existing property is the previous year's Tax Levy Freeze Adjusted plus 2.5%- new property from last year is existing property the next year. 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Revenue Growth Projected New Growth Revenue (M&O) 966,441 908,298 916,862 845,622 761,188 Projected Existing Property Tax Revenue 437,756 666,966 373,311 280,771 756,032 Total Projected Tax Revenue Freeze Adj Growtt 1,404,196 1,575,264 1,290,173 1,126,393 1,517,220 Total Revenue Growth 1,792,924 1,991,815 1,726,813 1,576,540 1,989,425 Expense Growth General Government 327,705 547,273 353,954 364,573 615,821 Public Safety 605,244 1,522,530 669,077 689,149 1,740,020 Development Services 42,410 110,701 47,003 48,414 126,654 Streets 101,579 166,589 109,624 112,912 187,296 Community Services 139,980 299,053 153,151 157,746 339,928 Additional Requests 1,862,219 1,624,386 2,039,096 1,493,112 1,521,240 3,079,137 4,270,532 3,371,906 2,865,906 4,530,959 Revenue and Expense Growth with Additional Public Safety Requests 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 x 2,500,000 ,', r „, ;., 2,000,000 aax'ti „ 1,000,000 500,000 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 t4 General Government ,Public Safety Development Services Streets MEM Community Services Mitt Additional Requests Projected Existing Property Tax Revenue "-Total Projected Tax Revenue Freeze Adj Growth 'Total Revenue Growth Assumes Flat Tax Rate of.725848 Ad Valorem Sales Tax% GF Fund GF Ad Total Tax Total GF Ad Valorem Sales Tax GF Hotel-Motel GF Sales Tax GF Employee/1,000 City O&M l&S %of total of total GF Balance Population Valorem Rate Revenue Tax GF Revenue Revenue Rev/person Rev/person Employees population GF revenue Policy Tax/Person Revenue Allen 0.393464 0.104537 0.498000 $105,531,000 $ 52,726,000 $ 19,800,000 $ 1,800,000 50% 19% 60-90 104,636 $ 1,009 503.90 $ 189.23 691 6.6038 Frisco 0.293367 0.153233 0.446600 $172,972,000 $ 82,538,000 $ 47,813,000 $ 6,600,000 48% 28% 25% 169,320 $ 1,022 487.47 $ 282.38 1,155 6.8214 Garland 0.394 0.3106 0.704600 $176,031,000 $ 58,229,000 $ 30,808,000 $ 1,500,000 33% 18% 30 days 238,293 $ 739 244.36 $ 129.29 1,276 5.3548 McKinney 0.362389 0.162781 0.525170 $149,103,000 $ 78,538,000 $ 26,831,000 $ 1,700,000 53% 18% 25% 179,804 $ 829 436.80 $ 149.22 973 5.4089 Murphy 0.308383 0.181617 0.490000 $ 14,950,000 $ 7,723,000 $ 1,959,000 $ - 52% 13% 15% 23,032 $ 649 335.32 $ 85.06 111 4.8194 Mesquite 0.48792 0.24608 0.734000 $123,353,000 $ 55,424,000 $ 33,105,000 $ 1,400,000 45% 27% 15% 143,350 $ 861 386.63 $ 230.94 1,033 7.2061 Plano 0.3493 0.111 0.460300 $304,399,326 $145,070,623 $ 81,300,000 $ 10,300,000 48% 27% 30 days 281,390 $ 1,082 515.55 $ 288.92 2,488 8.8418 Richardson 0.37413 0.25103 0.625160 $137,886,000 $ 57,993,000 $ 37,865,000 $ 7,055,000 42% 27% 60 days 110,140 $ 1,252 526.54 $ 343.79 768 6.9729 Rockwall 0.2229 0.1792 0.402100 $ 37,902,000 $ 12,415,000 $ 18,096,000 $ 415,000 33% 48% 90 days 43,545 $ 870 285.11 $ 415.57 ? ? Rowlett 0.531131 0.226042 0.757173 $ 45,734,000 $ 24,640,000 $ 7,456,000 $ 90,000 54% 16% 25% 62,868 $ 727 391.93 $ 118.60 371 5.9013 Sachse 0.525793 0.194207 0.720000 $ 18,323,000 $ 11,965,000 $ 1,475,000 $ - 65% 8% 25%- 24,777 $ 740 482.91 $ 59.53 140 5.6585 gggnnggn a s... .. - . n v '............} gym.m ,a.n in, Garland has a large amount of intergovernmental revenue-calculated as 33%vs 56%that was on the schedule originally. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 GROWTH General Government City Council City Manager 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.50 8.33% City Secretary 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.00 0.00% City Attorney Finance 5.00 5.00 8.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.00 80.00% Building & Fleet Maintenance 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 Municipal Court 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 25.00% Human Resources 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 150.00% Purchasing 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 100.00% Information Technology 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 100.00% Combined Services Total General Government 23.00 25.00 28.00 27.50 27.50 27.50 29.50 32.50 34.50 37.50 63.04% Public Safety Police 54.00 54.00 56.00 56.00 57.50 60.50 63.00 70.50 71.00 73.00 35.19% Fire 44.40 44.50 46.50 48.50 48.50 48.50 48.50 51.50 54.50 55.00 23.87% Emergency Communications 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 8.33% Animal Control 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.50 5.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.50 87.50% Total Public Safety 114.40 114.50 116.50 119.50 121.50 124.50 129.50 141.00 145.50 148.50 29.81% Urban Development Planning 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 50.00% Building Inspections 9.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.30 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ‐33.33% Code Enforcement 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 50.00% Total Urban Development 15.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 14.30 14.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.00% 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 12.75 15.75 16.75 17.75 65.12% Community Service Parks 13.75 13.75 13.75 14.75 14.75 14.75 14.75 16.25 16.75 17.75 29.09% Recreation 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐100.00% Library 9.00 11.80 20.75 22.00 20.00 20.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 27.00 200.00% Total Community Service 26.25 29.05 38.00 40.25 34.75 34.75 38.75 40.25 41.75 44.75 70.48% Total General Fund Staffing 189.40 193.30 208.25 214.00 208.80 211.50 224.50 244.50 253.50 263.50 39.12% Population 38,300                    39,000                    41,427                    42,804                    43,484                    44,089                    45,970                    47,776                    50,152                    52,003                    35.78% Staff Per 1,000 Population 4.95 4.96 5.03 5.00 4.80 4.80 4.88 5.12 5.05 5.07 2.46% Streets GENERAL FUND STAFFING 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 GROWTH General Government City Council 107,970$                83,429$                  65,590$                  80,834$                  69,275$                  78,287$                  79,613$                  67,837$                  79,675$                  63,468$                  ‐41.22% City Manager 741,185$                734,062$                752,227$                681,247$                712,257$                751,800$                793,210$                869,414$                852,646$                949,481$                28.10% City Secretary 249,644$                250,264$                228,831$                244,269$                237,088$                255,335$                258,070$                267,392$                330,562$                377,062$                51.04% City Attorney 170,046$                143,367$                108,328$                101,162$                96,102$                  128,052$                73,936$                  85,802$                  92,247$                  138,541$                ‐18.53% Finance 625,670$                708,355$                847,739$                880,404$                914,693$                944,628$                978,318$                1,035,359$            1,393,311$            1,160,624$            85.50% Building & Fleet Maintenance 191,650$                177,001$                369,072$                277,241$                483,850$                572,567$                550,644$                762,239$                669,100$                705,805$                268.28% Municipal Court 309,117$                257,636$                265,750$                238,812$                251,936$                287,817$                344,265$                385,610$                417,897$                446,391$                44.41% Human Resources 185,014$                189,545$                188,856$                197,527$                206,676$                214,015$                224,502$                276,223$                409,461$                565,030$                205.40% Purchasing 111,030$                111,108$                113,661$                137,161$                90,807$                  89,818$                  89,908$                  130,452$                158,199$                168,802$                52.03% Information Technology 345,993$                511,289$                997,886$                891,403$                699,605$                913,481$                933,030$                1,145,902$            1,127,315$            1,226,505$            254.49% Combined Services 2,362,903$            2,483,632$            2,888,991$            3,194,963$            3,245,423$            3,387,282$            4,080,424$            4,370,000$            5,147,017$            4,239,471$            79.42% Total General Government 5,400,222$            5,649,688$            6,826,931$            6,925,023$            7,007,712$            7,623,082$            8,405,920$            9,396,230$            10,677,430$          10,041,180$          85.94% Public Safety Police 4,646,602$            4,994,080$            5,031,702$            5,422,242$            6,120,727$            6,718,918$            7,233,798$            8,756,783$            8,362,185$            9,224,549$            98.52% Fire 4,963,170$            5,092,346$            5,071,630$            5,712,163$            5,906,567$            5,943,545$            6,242,124$            6,985,824$            7,891,246$            8,063,894$            62.47% Emergency Communications ‐$                        ‐$                        3,024,997$            963,243$                982,309$                1,118,958$            1,128,568$            1,309,998$            1,295,335$            1,506,772$            Animal Control 240,358$                275,896$                265,243$                312,219$                344,235$                366,892$                427,212$                482,288$                540,321$                609,133$                153.43% Total Public Safety 9,850,130$            10,362,322$          13,393,572$          12,409,867$          13,353,838$          14,148,313$          15,031,702$          17,534,893$          18,089,087$          19,404,348$          97.00% Urban Development Planning 363,776$                365,377$                436,518$                455,130$                466,371$                498,627$                460,693$                534,907$                588,702$                582,048$                60.00% Building Inspections 620,838$                643,084$                651,800$                611,391$                471,493$                471,072$                458,751$                379,965$                479,882$                529,899$                ‐14.65% Code Enforcement 150,685$                153,389$                158,939$                215,763$                206,353$                201,041$                204,768$                194,177$                201,897$                198,033$                31.42% Total Urban Development 1,135,299$            1,161,850$            1,247,257$            1,282,284$            1,144,217$            1,170,740$            1,124,212$            1,109,049$            1,270,481$            1,309,980$            15.39% 1,620,193$            1,189,434$            1,033,150$            1,499,966$            1,648,373$            1,848,617$            1,901,138$            2,190,086$            3,070,133$            3,165,925$            95.40% Community Service Parks 1,423,806$            1,335,314$            1,424,574$            1,557,747$            1,748,057$            1,700,732$            1,662,714$            2,219,938$            2,395,951$            2,494,029$            75.17% Recreation 256,147$                203,549$                203,058$                174,363$                ‐$                        ‐$                        ‐$                        ‐$                        ‐$                        ‐$                        ‐100.00% Library 708,664$                809,101$                1,241,122$            1,382,622$            1,463,359$            1,542,076$            1,615,659$            1,706,981$            1,859,472$            2,014,558$            184.28% Total Community Service 2,388,617$            2,347,964$            2,868,754$            3,114,732$            3,211,416$            3,242,808$            3,278,373$            3,926,919$            4,255,423$            4,508,587$            88.75% Total Expenditures 20,394,461$          20,711,258$          25,369,664$          25,231,872$          26,365,556$          28,033,560$          29,741,345$          34,157,177$          37,362,554$          38,430,020$          88.43% Population 38,300                    39,000                    41,427                    42,804                    43,484                    44,089                    45,970                    47,776                    50,152                    52,003                    35.78% Cost Per Capita 532.49$                  531.06$                  612.39$                  589.47$                  606.33$                  635.84$                  646.97$                  714.94$                  744.99$                  739.00$                  38.78% CPI Index 213.768 217.369 223.137 228.526 232.247 236.009 236.742 238.939 243.841 249.749 16.83% Placed on 2009 Basis 1.000 1.017 1.044 1.069 1.086 1.104 1.107 1.118 1.141 1.168 Placed on 2018 Basis 0.856 0.870 0.893 0.915 0.930 0.945 0.948 0.957 0.976 1.000 2009 Basis 532.49$                  522.26$                  586.68$                  551.41$                  558.08$                  575.92$                  584.19$                  639.63$                  653.11$                  632.53$                  18.79% 2018 Basis 622.12$                  610.17$                  685.43$                  644.22$                  652.02$                  672.86$                  682.52$                  747.29$                  763.04$                  739.00$                  18.79% GENERAL FUND SPENDING SPENDING ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION Streets 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 GROWTH General Government City Council 0.53% 0.40% 0.26% 0.32% 0.26% 0.28% 0.27% 0.20% 0.21% 0.17% City Manager 3.63% 3.54% 2.97% 2.70% 2.70% 2.68% 2.67% 2.55% 2.28% 2.47% City Secretary 1.22% 1.21% 0.90% 0.97% 0.90% 0.91% 0.87% 0.78% 0.88% 0.98% City Attorney 0.83% 0.69% 0.43% 0.40% 0.36% 0.46% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.36% Finance 3.07% 3.42% 3.34% 3.49% 3.47% 3.37% 3.29% 3.03% 3.73% 3.02% Building & Fleet Maintenance 0.94% 0.85% 1.45% 1.10% 1.84% 2.04% 1.85%2.23% 1.79% 1.84% Municipal Court 1.52% 1.24% 1.05% 0.95% 0.96% 1.03% 1.16% 1.13% 1.12% 1.16% Human Resources 0.91% 0.92% 0.74% 0.78% 0.78% 0.76% 0.75% 0.81% 1.10% 1.47% Purchasing 0.54% 0.54% 0.45% 0.54% 0.34% 0.32% 0.30% 0.38% 0.42% 0.44% Information Technology 1.70% 2.47% 3.93% 3.53% 2.65% 3.26% 3.14% 3.35% 3.02% 3.19% Combined Services 11.59% 11.99% 11.39% 12.66% 12.31% 12.08% 13.72% 12.79% 13.78% 11.03% Total General Government 26.48% 27.28% 26.91% 27.45% 26.58% 27.19% 28.26% 27.51% 28.58% 26.13% Public Safety Police 22.78% 24.11% 19.83% 21.49% 23.21% 23.97% 24.32% 25.64% 22.38% 24.00% Fire 24.34% 24.59% 19.99% 22.64% 22.40% 21.20% 20.99% 20.45% 21.12% 20.98% Emergency Communications 0.00% 0.00% 11.92% 3.82% 3.73% 3.99% 3.79% 3.84% 3.47% 3.92% Animal Control 1.18% 1.33% 1.05% 1.24% 1.31% 1.31% 1.44% 1.41% 1.45% 1.59% Total Public Safety 48.30% 50.03% 52.79% 49.18% 50.65% 50.47% 50.54% 51.34% 48.42% 50.49% Urban Development Planning 1.78% 1.76% 1.72% 1.80% 1.77% 1.78% 1.55% 1.57% 1.58% 1.51% Building Inspections 3.04% 3.10% 2.57% 2.42% 1.79% 1.68% 1.54% 1.11% 1.28% 1.38% Code Enforcement 0.74% 0.74% 0.63% 0.86% 0.78% 0.72% 0.69% 0.57% 0.54% 0.52% Total Urban Development 5.57% 5.61% 4.92% 5.08% 4.34% 4.18% 3.78% 3.25%3.40% 3.41% 7.94% 5.74% 4.07% 5.94% 6.25% 6.59% 6.39% 6.41% 8.22% 8.24% Community Service Parks 6.98% 6.45% 5.62% 6.17% 6.63% 6.07% 5.59% 6.50% 6.41% 6.49% Recreation 1.26% 0.98% 0.80% 0.69% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Library 3.47% 3.91% 4.89% 5.48% 5.55% 5.50% 5.43% 5.00% 4.98% 5.24% Total Community Service 11.71% 11.34% 11.31% 12.34% 12.18% 11.57% 11.02% 11.50% 11.39% 11.73% Total Expenditures 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Streets GENERAL FUND SPENDING ‐ % 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 GROWTH General Government City Council 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% City Manager 3.17% 3.10% 2.88% 2.34% 2.39% 2.36% 2.67% 2.45% 2.37% 2.47% City Secretary 1.58% 1.55% 1.44% 1.40% 1.44% 1.42% 1.34% 1.23% 1.38% 1.14% City Attorney 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Finance 2.64% 2.59% 3.84% 3.97% 4.07% 4.02% 3.79% 3.48% 3.55% 3.42% Building & Fleet Maintenance 0.00% 0.52% 0.48% 0.47% 0.48% 0.47% 0.45%0.82% 0.79% 1.14% Municipal Court 2.11% 2.07% 1.92% 1.40% 1.44% 1.42% 1.78% 1.64% 1.58% 1.90% Human Resources 1.06% 1.03% 0.96% 0.93% 0.96% 0.95% 0.89% 1.23% 1.58% 1.90% Purchasing 0.53% 0.52% 0.48% 0.47% 0.48% 0.47% 0.45% 0.82% 0.79% 0.76% Information Technology 1.06% 1.55% 1.44% 1.87% 1.92% 1.89% 1.78% 1.64% 1.58% 1.52% Combined Services 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Total General Government 12.14% 12.93% 13.45% 12.85% 13.17% 13.00% 13.14% 13.29% 13.61% 14.23% Public Safety Police 28.51% 27.94% 26.89% 26.17% 27.54% 28.61% 28.06% 28.83% 28.01% 27.70% Fire 23.44% 23.02% 22.33% 22.66% 23.23% 22.93% 21.60% 21.06% 21.50% 20.87% Emergency Communications 6.34% 6.21% 4.80% 4.67% 4.79% 4.73% 4.90% 4.91% 5.13% 4.93% Animal Control 2.11% 2.07% 1.92% 2.34% 2.63% 2.60% 3.12% 2.86% 2.76% 2.85% Total Public Safety 60.40% 59.23% 55.94% 55.84% 58.19% 58.87% 57.68% 57.67% 57.40% 56.36% Urban Development Planning 2.11% 2.07% 2.40% 2.34% 2.39% 2.36% 2.23% 2.45% 2.37% 2.28% Building Inspections 4.75% 4.14% 3.84% 3.74% 3.02% 2.84% 2.67% 2.45% 2.37% 2.28% Code Enforcement 1.06% 1.03% 0.96% 1.40% 1.44% 1.42% 1.34% 1.23% 1.18% 1.14% Total Urban Development 7.92% 7.24% 7.20% 7.48% 6.85% 6.62% 6.24% 6.13%5.92% 5.69% 5.68% 5.56% 5.16% 5.02% 5.15% 5.08% 5.68% 6.44% 6.61% 6.74% Community Service Parks 7.26% 7.11% 6.60% 6.89% 7.06% 6.97% 6.57% 6.65% 6.61% 6.74% Recreation 1.85% 1.81% 1.68% 1.64% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Library 4.75% 6.10% 9.96% 10.28% 9.58% 9.46% 10.69% 9.82% 9.86% 10.25% Total Community Service 13.86% 15.03% 18.25% 18.81% 16.64% 16.43% 17.26% 16.46% 16.47% 16.98% Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Streets GENERAL FUND STAFFING ‐ %