02-18-2019 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks & Recreation Board Master Plan Steering CITY OF WYLIE Committee Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, February 18,2019—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Second Floor Planning and Zoning Conference Room Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER The meeting began at 6:30 p.m.with Parks and Recreation Board Chairman Joni Robinson, Board Member Matt Rose, Board Member Dan Chesnut, Board Member Emmett Jones, Board Member Phil Gilbert, and Board Member Brett Swendig in attendance. Board Member Bobby Kinser did not attend the meeting. City Council Members present were Councilman Jeff Forrester and Councilman Keith Stephens. City of Wylie staff in attendance were City Engineer Wes Lawson, Planning and Zoning Director Renee 011ie, Public Works Director Tim Porter, and Economic Development Assistant Director Jason Greiner. City of Wylie Parks and Recreation staff in attendance were Director Robert Diaz, Parks Manager Brent Stowers, Recreation Manager Carmen Powlen, and Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant Janet Hawkes. Dunaway and Associates representatives attending were Landscape Architects, Elizabeth MclLrath, Philip Neely, and Anita Beard. A QUORUM OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS WAS NOT PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. NO ACTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUBCOMMITTEE WAS TAKEN. DISCUSSION ITEMS Dunaway and Associates presented the benchmark trip review,the citizen survey results, introduction to the priority rankings matrix, and the next steps for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Steering Committee members were requested to complete a City of Wylie Park and Recreation Priority Ranking form then forward it to Director Robert Diaz by Monday, February 25,2019. The Steering Committee is expected to meet again in early April to review the action plan. ADJOURNMENT The meeting ended at 7:30 p.m. ATTEST 9JYW4$d Janet Hawkes, Matt Rose, Parks and Recreation Board Secretary Parks and Recreation Board Member