Resolution 2006-16 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-16(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ORDERING A SPECIAL RUN OFF ELECTION, ADMINISTERED BY THE COLLIN COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR ON JUNE 17, 2006, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THE POSITION OF A COUNCILMEMBER FOR PLACE 4 OF THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD OFFICE FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS; DESIGNATING LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES; ORDERING NOTICES OF ELECTION TO BE GIVEN AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH ELECTION; AND AUTHORIZING ALL LAWFUL ACTIONS BE TAKEN NECESSARY TO CONDUCT THE ELECTION. WHEREAS, the General Election was held on May 13, 2006 with the solemnities and formalities necessary to make it a valid election, all notices having been published and posted in the manner and for the length of time required by law; and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Texas and the City of Wylie Home Rule Charter provide that on June 17,2006, a run-off election shall be held; and WHEREAS, no candidate for Council Member Place 4 received a majority of the votes; and WHEREAS, Joel Hemphill received 623 (44.22%) votes and Merrill Young received 575 (40.81 %) votes and were the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the election for Council Member Place 4. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1: A run-off election is hereby ordered to be held on Saturday, June 17,2006, for the purpose of electing a City Council Member for Place 4, for a three year term on the Wylie City Council. SECTION 2: The order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballot shall be determined by a drawing to be held by the City Secretary as provided by Section 52.094 (c) of the Election Code. SECTION 3: The polling places where qualified voters shall cast ballots at such locations in the City ofWy1ie, 2006 Special Run-Off Municipal Election are as follows: Resolution 2006-16(R) Order of Special Runoff Election to be held June 17,2006 453052.vl Page 1 Countv Election Precincts- Pollin!! Place Precinct 25, 144, 153 & 159 (Collin Co.) Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas Precincts 27,33,41,56,83,133 (Collin Co.) Precincts lA (Rockwall Co.) Precinct 2601 (Dallas Co.) Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson Wylie, Texas Election polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the date of the election. SECTION 4: Early voting by personal appearance shall be available at the Collin County Elections Office, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas, and Wylie Municipal Complex, 2000N. Highway 78, Wylie, Texas, beginning on Monday, June 5. 2006 through Tuesday. June 13. 2006 during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday, June 8, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Monday, June 12,2006 and Tuesday, June 13, 2006 from 7:00 am. To 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 10, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Applications for ballot by mail shall be requested from and mailed to the Collin County Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on June 9, 2006. SECTION 5: Direct Record Electronic (DRE) voting machines shall be used in this election for early voting by personal appearance and Election Day voting. Optical-scan ballots shall be used for early voting by mail. SECTION 6: The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to publish and/or post, in the time and manner prescribed by law, all notices required to be so published and/or posted in connection with the conduct of this election. The Collin County Election contract shall designate the election judges for the election. The election, including providing notice of the election, shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code and other applicable law, and all resident qualified and registered voters of the City shall be eligible to vote at the election. SECTION 7: The canvass, by the City Council, will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27, 2006, in the Council Chambers at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098. SECTION 8: The Mayor and the City Secretary of the City, in consultation with the City Attorney, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the Election Code and any other state or federal law in carrying out and conducting the election, whether or not expressly authorized herein. Resolution 2006-16(R) Order of Special Runoff Election to be held June 17, 2006 453052.vl Page 2 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, on this the 23rd day of May, 2006. ATTEST: JOh!df \\\1"""'/1 \\\\ OF IA,II" " "V 1- I, ",~_" ........"'" r / "'.".. ," '", ~. .80 <../ ~ .:: ,'~:... ..~ <<' ~ : (j,l ~;;_.~.. -:. """, III 1-- _ -- " ..- :: : S'-E-~L ~ :: -.. / <t- :: ~ j : = :. It. e=:::-~ l ~ ~" ,,- ."".. G" ~ "fl. ..~ '" ~ .. .. r_ ~ ,.~ Jt" ........ ~J ~ 1111 YL IE 1't..'l- "" 'II ' \\' 111",,"\\\\ Resolution 2006-16(R) Order of Special Runoff Election to be held June 17, 2006 453052.vl Page 3 NOTICE OF SPECIAL RUNOFF ELECTION To the registered voters of the City of Wylie, Texas: ~tice is hereby given that the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, has ordered a Special Runoff Election to be held on June 17, 2006 for the rpose of electing a Council member for Place 4. The polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on June 17, 2006. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES Precinct 25 Southfork Mobile Home Center ll6 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas Precinct 144 Southfork Mobile Home Center 2l6 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas Precinct 153 Southfork Mobile Home Center 2l6 Southfork Blvd., Wylie, Texas Precinct 159 Southfork Mobile Home Center 2l6 Southfork Blvd., Wylie, Texas Precinct 27 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Tezas Precinct 33 Wylie Bible Church l09 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Precinct 41 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Precinct 56 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Precinct 83 Wylie Bible Church l09 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Precinct 133 Wylie Bible Church l09 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Precinct lA (Rockwall Co.) Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Precinct 2601 (Dallas Co.) Wylie Bible Church l09 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at the following two locations: Main Early voting location Branch location at the Wylie Municipal Collin County Complex Collin County Elections Administrarion 2000 Highway 78 North, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, Wylie, Texas 75098 ~~~`~cKinney, Texas 75069 You may vote early between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning on Monday, June 5, 2006 through Tuesday, June 13. 2006 during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday, June 8, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Monday, lune 12, 2006 and Tuesday, June 13, 2006 from 7:00 am. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 10, 2006 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Collin County Elections Adnunistration Office Attention: Elections Administrator 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102 McKinney, Texas 75069 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on June 9, 2006. Issued this the 23rd day of May, 2006 by the Wylie City Council. ~ Publicado este 23 de mayo, 2006 por el concilio de !a Ciudad de Wylie. Signa re of Pre iding Officer (Oficial que Preside) AVISO DE ELECCION ESPECIAL ~1os votantes registrados de la Ciudad de Wytie, Texas: ~e da aviso por la presente que la Ciudad de Wylie, Condado de Collin, Estado de Texas, ha ordenado una Eleccion Especial de Desempate que se llevara acabo el 17 de junio, 2006 con el proposito de elegir a un miembro del Concilio para e1 Puesto 4. Los centros electorales apuntados abajo estaran abiertos de 7: 00 a.m. - 7: 00 p.m. el 17 de junio, 2006. LOCALES DE LOS CENTROS ELECTORALES Recinto 25 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 SouthforkBlvd., Wylie, Texas Recinto 144 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork B{vd., Wylie, Texas Recinto 153 Southfork Mobile Home Center 2l6 Southfork Blvd., Wylie, Texas Recinto 159 Southfork Mobile Home Center 2] 6 Southfork Blvd., Wylie, Texas Recinto 27 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Recinto 33 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Recinto 41 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Recinto 56 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Recinto 83 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Recinto l33 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Recinto lA (Residentes de Wyiic-Condado de Rockwalq Wylie Bible Church l09 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Recinto 2601 (Residentes de Wy1ie-Condado do Dauas) Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson, Wylie, Texas Votacion temprana por apariencia personal se conducira cada dia laboral en los proximos dos locales: Local principal de votacion temprana: Sucursal en el Wylie Municipal Complex Condado de Collin Administracion 2000 Highway 78 North, Elecciones Wylie, Texas 75098 )10 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, icKinney, Texas 75069 Usted puede votar temprana enire las horas de 8: 00 a.m. - 5: 00 p.m., empezando el Lunes 5 de 'unio 2006 hasta el Martes, 13 de junio, 2006. Horas extendidas para votacion temprana se llevaran acabo el Jueves 8 de junio, 2006 de 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., el Lunes, 12 de junio, 2006 y Martes, 13 de junio, 2006 de 7:00 a.m. - 7:OOp.m. y el Sabado, 10 de junio, 2006 de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser enviadas a: Collin County Elections Administration Office Attention: Elections Administrator 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102 McKinney, Texas 75069 Las solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser recibidas a no mas tardar para el cierre del dia de negocio e19 de junio, 2006. fssued this the23rd day of May, 2006 by the i~Y'ylie City Council. Publicado este 23 de Mayo, 2006 por el concilio de la Ciudad de Wy1ie. Sign re of esiding Officer (Firma del Ofccial que Preside)