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05-16-2006 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission i ' I . CITY OF WYLIE 1 May 16 , 2006 Regular Business Meeting tV1 Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY.F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Dennis Larson Chair Red Byboth Vice-Chair Joel Hemphill Board Member Dave Hennesey Board Member Jamie Gregg Board Member Eric Alexander Board Member Scott Ames Board Member Mindy Manson Assistant City Manager/ Planning Director Renae 011ie Assistant City Planner Mary Bradley Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: wti,'iww.wylictexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: fl'1i '.wvlicle.tas.go>>. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the May 2, 2006 Regular Meeting. May 16,2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Ben Nobles Addition to create 4 residential lots, generally located west of Thomas Street and south of Stone Road. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Wylie Corners Addition. Subject property being generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for three lots totaling 1.909 acres, generally located north of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road and more specifically being lots 1 - 3 of Block A, Trout-78 Addition. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Community Retail (CR) to Community Retail with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a hotel, generally located on the southeast corner of SH 78 and West Kirby Street. ZC 2006-05 WORKSESSION ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certibi that this Notice of Meeting was posteA,this,?day of May, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Govertutz l a$.//ki.tfhe appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wyl��,a�•,ite!'1T1rn�,{�.''01.1. us,gov. V. I ••�� i SEAL Carole hrlich,City Secretayy ••.P� `�� Date Notice Removed 7/VI Wylie Planning and Zoning Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Board Tuesday, May 2, 2006 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:01PM. Present besides Chairman Larson were, Commissioner Ames, Commissioner Byboth, Commissioner Gregg, Commissioner Hemphill, with Commissioner Alexander and Commissioner Hennesey being absent. Staff members present were Mindy Manson, Renae 011ie, Chris Hoisted and Mary Bradley. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Hemphill gave the invocation and Commissioner Ames led the pledge of allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Sharon Dowdy, 325 Callie Court, reminded the Commissioners to be considerate of adjacent residential property owners in reference to the lights located on parking lots of Commercial properties and how the lights shine on the adjacent residential properties. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 18, 2006 Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to approve the minutes from April 18, 2006, regular meeting. Motion passed 5 — 0. Minutes May 2, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 4 ACTION AGENDA ITEMS 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Woodbridge Addition Phase 13. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Phase 12 and north of Woodbridge Phase 10C, at the intersection of Lost Highlands Lane and Fairland Drive. Ms. 011ie stated that the Plat will create 208 single-family residential lots with minimum lot size of 5,500 square feet, and totals 42.2715 acres. The subject property is part of a larger mixed use Woodbridge Planned Development (PD 98-15), and is 512 acres in size. The Concept Plan was approved by the City Council as part of the original Planned Development on June 9, 1998, but did not serve as an approved Preliminary Plat. Each phase of the PD 98-15 must have a Preliminary Plat approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, as well as a Final Plat. The subject Preliminary Plat is the fifth residential phase within the PD 98-15, and conforms to the approved Planned Development District and Development Plan. With no questions for the applicant or for Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Hemphill, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth, to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat creating 208 single-family residential lots in the Woodbridge Addition Phase 13. Motion carried 5 — 0. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Corners Addition. Subject property being generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a single story retail building on one lot. The lot is 4.1020 acres in size. An 18,750 square foot building will be constructed during Phase I, and will include 15,000 square feet of retail space and 3,750 square feet dedicated to restaurant use. Phase II will be a 16,500 square foot building and will include 13,200 square feet of retail space and 3,300 square feet of restaurant use. No Site Plan has been submitted on the remaining two lots, but will be commercial/retail in nature. The subject property is part of the larger tract totaling 8.7264 acres and consisting of 3 commercial/retail lots. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District and has never been platted. The Wyndham Estates Phase I residential subdivision abuts the subject property to the south, therefore a six (6) foot high solid screening wall will be required to separate the CC District from the Residential District. A Preliminary Plat is on the agenda for consideration. Minutes May 2, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 4 Mark Smith, 8100 Loma Alto, Dallas, Texas, represented as the applicant, stated that the lights will be shielded to shine directly on the pavement and has a hood that hides the bulb. There will be four or five of these lights placed along the back of the building for safety purposes. The building will be constructed of quick brick, which is another form of brick, and that has a smaller decorative face on it compared to brick. Mr. Smith commented on dealing with the staff, and stated that Ms. Manson and Ms. 011ie make the developers feel welcomed and opportunity to be partners; granted there are rules to abide but the rules do not change. A motion was made by Commissioner Gregg, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth, to approve the Site Plan for Phases I and II of Lot 1, Block A for the Wylie Corners Addition generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. Motion carried 5 — 0. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Corners Addition. Subject property being generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. Ms. 011ie stated that the property totals 8.7264 acres and will create three commercial/retail lots. The plat dedicates an existing 8,982 square foot of right- of-way for Kreymer Lane and a 2,340 square foot of right-of-way for S.H. 78. A Site Plan is on the current agenda for consideration. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth, to recommend approval to City Council for a Preliminary Plat Wylie Corners Addition. Motion carried 5 — 0. 4. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council to add Brown Street east of SH 78 to the Thoroughfare Plan. Chris Hoisted stated that the Bond Improvements passed recently, included Brown Street but not east of State Highway 78 to Stone Road. The City Council will be considering Impact Fees at their next meeting, and the Wylie Independent School District will construct a school off Brown Street, which will affect the Impact Fees. In order for the City to be eligible for the Impact Fees, the Thoroughfare Plan needs to include all projects. A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to recommend to the City Council to add Brown Street east of SH 78 to Stone Road to the Thoroughfare Plan. Motion carried 5 — 0. Minutes May 2, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 4 Chairman Larson adjourned the meeting for a five-minute break at 7:35PM, in order to wait for additional members of the Parks and Recreation Board to arrive. Chairman Larson reconvened the meeting at 7:40PM. WORKSESSION • Discuss with the Parks and Recreation Board development issues and concerns. Park Board will present a vision of how parks should be included within new developments reflecting the current established ordinances. Due to no quorum present from the Parks and Recreation Board, the work session was cancelled. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner Hemphill, to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 PM. Motion carried 5 — 0. Dennis Larson, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes May 2, 2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 4 Wylie Planning and Zoning _ttf Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 05/08/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for the Ben Nobles Addition to create 4 residential lots, generally located west of Thomas Street and south of Stone Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Final Plat creating 4 residential lots for the Ben Nobles Addition. Discussion Property totals 4.5434 acres, and is located west of Thomas Street and south of Stone Road. Abutting properties to the west are platted as the Caldwell Estates and those to the north are within the Eldridge Addition, both created in 1962. WISD and City of Wylie ownership and facilities abut the tract on the south. The plat creates four (4) single family residential lots, with the minimum lot size being 40,581.86 square feet with a minimum dwelling size of 3,500 square feet. The property was the subject of a zoning case which was approved by Council in February 2006, and conforms to the requirements of Single-Family Residential 10/19 of the Zoning Ordinance in place at the time of zoning. A fifty (50) foot easement to State of Texas exists along the entire length of the western property line and along the southern portion of the tract. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 xFL00D s1ATEMENTxx STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN PLOTTING THIS PROPERTY ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS NUMBERED 48085 C0470 G WITH AU EFFECTIVE F OF JANUARY 19,1996 SHOWS TNIS PROPERTY TO BE IN AN WHEREAS,Benjamin Nebe,is the owner of a tract of land situated in Collin County,Texas,out of the j1L UN-SHADED AREA (e =o MArxiuE ® icularly Ir-t 4 Beginning a a 1/2 rod found far n the Sou.rg -r-way line of a 15 roar alley cnm _ a and In he Southwest car of Thames Street(0 50 foal right-of-way).and being the Northwest 4 L carve or c Trod of land conveyed la the City of Wylie by eed recorded in Volume 1X151,Page 316. SIT 2 Deed Records.Collin Count.Texas: rvence Sou.00 Degrees 29 ttes 36 Seconds East,along the t line of soid nta la for being t early N of Wylie eveyed la Wylie found by tleetl race rd etl In Volume 684,Page 895,Deetl q GRAPHIC SCALE Records,collet ca v. exa:, 1. r II Deg reel 3 01/Ze Ong t r beingn rod found for corner,and ttl a Northern IN FEDI'1 VICINTY MAP most corner or said v ISO tram and being the East line or a 15 root y, NOT TO SCALE Thence North 00 Degrees l]Minutes 20 Seconds West,along the East line f said 15 i alley,a d hence of 319.43 feet to a 5/8 Inch it rod found for c and being the Intersection of the East line of said 15 foot alley and the South line of said aforementioned 15 foot alley: Thence North 89 Degrees 55 Minutes 11 Seconds East,along the South linesaid 15 foot alley,a ~ distance of 506.82 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 197,914.55 of feet or 4.5434 zDNEDE ADDTn z agree of land. ELDRIDGE ADDITION_ Fg F. '°' VOL.3,PG.97 P NOW THEREFORE.KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: LOT LOT LET a LOT, LOT LOT LOT '4 4 9 4 c ]B N a WHEREAS.Benjamin N be.does hereby adopt this lot,designating the herein above described s BEN NOBLES ADDITION.an addition 1 the City of WW1e.Collin County.Tex s and do 110.00 13.0 • hereby ydedicate.m fee simple, a the public a ever the streets and alleys shown thereon.The E=2571.ITD...1 cornro omaxo NB(BASS1'E INAS) ' to.00 m0 n OPT COORDINATE '. Py S]188535aa and alleys are dedlcmed far s The Easements and public u shown \\Yi (BASIS Of BEUJNOS) 15'ALLEY 8,d era streets cotatl purposes. os I.sNo buildings, Xa 01NTD OF, fences reel semen.or growths shall eaanstrumed d e pu r indicated an This pI ngs placed upon,a acrosssa shown,eYce Ibnot IS 000 ape improvements may BEGINNING planed n ease approved by I City or Be. addition a fry Easements may LOT o be used cif mutual u midatton of the public utilities ndes toga tot sing the b 2 III III I LOT i /I s me unless thehaea sathe o a to portico utilities said use eby puublcJeutilities being k. K. 4,,OB.54•q.fl. althea improvements remove to and which may removed wayor endangero buildings, nte fereadwithc the trees, c construction. subordinate no Tic y 's use fie f Wylie o£M I I 1.18% ocr.s shall a have o wM1 i any arts of nor f^ N1m� maintenance, efficiency of their respective systems In said Easements.The City of Wylie o and • mm wL s°e.=c.ss 50�13 3a: public utilities shall at ail times have te full right o ingress and egress to or from and upon the sold easements for the purpose of constructing,reconstructing,Inspecting,patrolling,m Intalning and LOT $F R'' adding to or removing al r par.of Its respective systems without the necessity at any time of 3 P90 I procuring the p m Ian o anyone. a Trvs subject ofoil planing ordinances.rules regulations and resolutions of the City o ill 8 Wylie.I Texas. approved O LOT 2 m o R a. mR DL]I!o:"inir. WITNESS, v one at v ,Texas,I is the tlay of zoo6. BEN NOBLES ADDITION r f N III BLOCK A m odT 197,914.555 sq..TI. BV. Benjamin Nebe -- d III 4.5434 C so,..T m c'4 STATE OF TEXAS \and r sim COUNTY OF COLLIN By BEFORE ME, he undersigned,a Notary Public In and for said County and State on this day appears m LOT 3 m 4 Benomin Nebe known to me to be the arson whose name is subscribed to the fore oln Insirument LOT Iiy 1 Pe foregoing 5 ZO NED:SF-8.5/1] and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and conslderatIons therein om q .8 III 1 ,1.013)avomf4 w ; CITY OF WVIJE expressed. n it, VOL. 1151,PG.316 GIVEN UNDER Iry HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.this the-_ doy or .2006. 89.511 E 507.3 hi 4 LOT 3 S FIT ti Notary Public In and far the Stale of Texas. 6 III \ LOT 4 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT. \ T� FO,oB].13 s 14 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL Registered P d Surveyor` by*he Stale of Texas,affirm 1.51545 aO that is was prepared n direct supervision,d EPS C \� Recommended for Approval call I p n R n a f other i Board i Professional Land a ground during cif my ations —�`\ plot sulbst .ally complies dwtlh the Rules and Regulations a e Texas ear o ro esslona on liom and that.is - 56.1 b�,3159 \( A o on thed omen Surve E=2n 1 LOi 0 '/ \\\ � Choi m n.Pla Texas&Zoning Commission Date. Dated Thisthe day poi oc20061a ] mo roux° \� City of Wylie. \\ \ RELEASED Od/21/O6 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY.THIS �\ �_ _ vol. sa Approved for construction DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. _ Bryon Can rally so r�srur Date: s Registered Professional Land Surveyor Na.5513 //n�I1 Mayor,City of Wylie.T NJ4.„. N' mxmE .ti ne \\ \\ a\ Accepted exas. STATEivOOF EKAS COUN COLLIN undersigned,a Notary Pubic in and thesaid County on Slate,a ' personally E appeared Bry n Connally known to me to b he person w d s n M1 subscribed Jo I ZONED:SF-8.5/17 o°arm�'� \ Dale. foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that heeexecuted the as for the s purpose btherein the�r WYLIE ISOF. FM.,cOUkUINATE Mayor,City of Wylie.Texas. expressed and under oath stated that the statements in the foregoing certificate are true. VOL.684,PG.895 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of The undesigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie,Texas hereby 2006. Certifies that the foregoing final plat of BEN NOBLES ADDITION,an addition GENERAL NOTES °°tee^° to the nN of Wylle,w submitted to the CnY Co..on The day vow .2006 ones the Council.by formai action.then and there Notary Public in and far the slate of T ACE 3D,DEED RECORDS,COLON COUNTY,TEXAS. accepted the dedicaltan o streets.o arks.a public p exas (OR e'E)P and w and sewer lines a shown and set forth si and uponsaid places VOLUME 3 1 TY B'ss'n ate. ewe s n 2)THE REASON FOR THIS PLAT IS To CREATE 4 LOIS. and mid council furl,.authorized the Mayor to vale acceptance thereof by FINAL PLAT 3)N signing �s name as heremabove described. BEN NOBLES ADDITION 4)N LOTS 1-A,BLOCK A 5)4N NEW OR EXISTING MAY NOT EXTEND ACROSS NEW Witness y and this Y f A D 20G6 EN ATd55 SOUR./d.BSTR34 ACRES A EN ATRRBORY SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.23 890PERTY LINES. 5E PROHIBITED.AND MAY BE SUBJECT CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS To BE City Secretary OWNER:BENJAMIN NEBE uO CONMAUV A AssoeuTES.INC. City Se Wylie.Texas. % N O rI a LDINC FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTH CHAIN LINK P,I.e1e,,.2 DC�1,�,E� tl � eta=RB COUNTY GATED NORTH DF THE NORTHEAST F THEESOUTDF,RDY ROAD AND „a p,LAS.TFLN°Ls, =a RIMB. AOE��E A� FENC (ELEV.-454.2n,s 3` BUFLS 1 .a ,...... z "..o- y 1F=:;. S. Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 05/08/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Wylie Corners Addition. Subject property being generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Final Plat creating 3 commercial/retail lots for the Wylie Corners Addition. Discussion The property totals 8.7264 acres and will create 3 commercial/retail lots. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District and has never been platted. The Wyndham Estates Phase I residential subdivision abuts the subject property to the south, therefore a six (6) foot high solid screening wall will be required to separate the CC district from the Residential District. The plat dedicates an existing 9,292 square feet of right-of-way for Kreymer Lane and 2,340 square feet of right-of-way for a portion of S.H. 78. On May 2, 2006, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a Site Plan for Lot 1. No site plan has been submitted for the remaining 2 lots, but will be commercial/retail in nature. Lot 1 will be developed in two phases with phase 1 being an 18,750 s.f. single story building (15,000 s.f. of retail use and 3,750 s.f. for restaurant). The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and conforms to the approved Preliminary Plat. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 zst,S" STATE HIGHWAY 78 LEGAL DESCRIPTION anted n t Abstract IB niT GP l 0.0337 Aa. eGWNLLJGI „[1.8•- ROW.DEDICATION Y ss Mxxwa an ea. t� JY BEING on B.Jo89 acre�totr ct of land a as La Pine Survey, o.6BB, \\'�" 1. Collin County,Texas,a t being o port of that r, 109.6 acre tract of to as m _ roe-6W9.1T' m _M °0°° demribed'n Warranty De.,o Byron Corporation a in Volume 1853,Page 537 of t - • �N / M112' 'x It Deed Rttoarca cCollin CoontYe Teens ume and Ong more particulary Oettribe0 as follows: NwM Saufn 1200' L/ /11 TOO' �y m Emf-195.m' m BEGINNING at a 1/2`i n rod fountl in the south fight-of-way line of State Highway NO.78 R-380�00 (a v h R.O.W.), said point Ve a being ten ea er al a tract ot land conveyed to t 5 I.T1T'.5e E m =})?.Ol' Saro V N silt tl recorded I also 910D,Page 1115 of,he Deed Records,Collin County,Texas; I 3E79' CB=5 81V""E CL= 39.H0 THENCE,EOM,along t south right-of-way line of said Stars e.J8,a Mende of 669.12 arena^ "�` e�t�" t southwest Highway N d, feet to a 1/2'iron rod found in e eo wen right-M-soy fine of reymer Lone(a 68.R.O.WJ,and I teumeN v,� being to beginning of a non-tangent curve to to right,having a central angle of 3728'32",a radius I I LOT 3•BLOCK A o-T9'3)'TT" GRAPHIC SCALE of 980.00 feet.and a chord which bears South 1819'17'East a distance of 139.80 feet; 3.630R'PARR R 50.9' $ . WYLIE RBTAR OPP[C6 PARR ADDITION L- x99.kW5I' , 1! THENCE,mutheoMery,°long the southwest right-Of-My line of Mid Krrymer Lone,departing the south g .7269 Ac 08=H CT32 �Fa 1; 1 i'v� right-of-My line of soitl Slate Highway NO.h]8,ontl°long soitl curve.°n arc liatonce of 2]2.0],M Im.6Ac.(ORIOINAL) (IN P6oT) o a 1/2'ironradius for corner, n0 o beginningoof Ea curvet the fight having odW tl4 angle M,,.4 COpppppTLOf1 \e r of 3Y23'33••o of 920.0D feet and chord h' s South 1816'97'East o centralce M I- VOLOME 1853,PAGE 537 9,792 �m `y 1 lndn=60' t. 239.30 lent; lb D'a'C'C`T' 02133 Ac I lb ZONED:CC RO.W.DEDICATION\ \ THENCE,southeasterly,ol1ng to southwest right-M-way line of s0itl Krrymer Lane,ontl Wong said ;s� curve,on arc distance of 237.95 feet to 1/2'iron rod found for corner, I x x.xMm, kii% .tin xnm";� THENCE.South 00'05'00"East.continuing along the southwest right-al-my line of mid Krrymer Lone. _ ,, a distance of 17.38 feet,o a 1/2`iron rod found for cern d point ols being the WYI3E RANIX]3A9T LYyfDdBRC1AL PARR r.W m Estates,Phase I,on addition to a City e of WO,Texas,ea record.nnrlCab Cabinet E, '~^tTM't 7m un exaTw� t un•wa -Zw'°= East 1x511.11' Page 1t 01 0l the P.Records,Collin County,Texas; t .e._ 4.4 CARC,6LG.x ..,WE- �_.m cum` tert J...15__��t' __ .n•ru j \ eJ\ PRC.C.'p. THENCE,W deporting southwest ,-soy In of said one and o. e t [ - �. g t right-of-way tl K^rymader L along,h M€ VY SauM xz.rut m"'wm.n xmlw 0 ZONED:CC also aid Wyndham a Esttes.card,once tof 829.89 feet to tract; ire tuntl for corner,said point din Ix� , IR50' :Fee being the southeast corner M said Soto M rent ; tl �,TIn� LOT t 20 Ac. A N62,9,13`F 3ARA V.MAECOTTe •m•rem el \ r�✓M 4.loJA Ac. L=53.55 \ Martotte tlract,Distance M Sm.m line feetftote Wyndham POINT OF BEGINNING a.ng.e east line of containng 388121 Square VOL.D.E.C.C.T. PG.1115 a/ \' L=32.35'�p" N Fee,or 8.7269 Acres al Lantl BC.C.T. w•rum xn. i�etia li- �� - . 9 J >7 iq. East-81.6 k,. ZONED:CC n6ftl mNVV c�uu'_--\\:,e„ e,� l'ilL M \ Now,tnerefere,knew all men ay toss Pressnts: OT;ErDIXANHP.33'32" That JB n KREYMER,LTD, hereq atlop,this al Dlat tlesignat,Y9 t80.726sA[. ws.a• o art a Lots 1.2.B 3;°Blek A.W lie Retail Office Pork Atldition,a atltlition to the Cit e herein obove rot W lie. prp r r r r'.}' -a 2,3r..0. 15Teens 1 ereeys°o1 dicat fee ai stre.et tap public a ease them`nt sand else on. 's n8 SR3H' L=�SJ.15' The st an0 ally e0 for re Durpoaes.The eaaem a 0 public u yarea�os"eI 661 GB=521'31r12i Fs \ CL T3I.3p6'1)"E show usri trfor tee Public su a forever,for the purapone in e:dm°lat.utility seapC=2T9.11 ��, may a the al u n carom all public cut ing to eing 19 i the sa Mien the ease..limitsethetlu a to pwlicular utilities,said usetnby"public utilit.being £ lire.^ ubortlnate to the public's ntl City of Wylie's use thereof.The City a,W 1 d public u ent'I 16 shall of all times hove the full rilglht of ingress ontl egress to or from theirs espective eo ments tfor war.sr_ , the^urpO a of constru tingg,,reco Mructinegr inspecting,patrolling,maintaining,r ding m eeL x tin^^� _E Z _ env a.a \ Iaddi g or removing all r ports of,h espective systems. etera,ono .tbr \ na ei- xnm lThe undersigned tl c enan, ' Cgree that mutual access easement may b utilized ay any person of _ the general public tr nerds ontl green for other real pr p.,,ontl for the generalpublic vehicular • '�\ `-- / x gig �„ e® [� 6 00'05' F d pedestrian use and ccea n deportment on emergency u along•upon and acres �a-- .. --wt rw-d- --„mr„T-m-m, Am --MI av--_'�-P` J.s " and premises,nnn the r and for r of times w the ear fits 6a __ .m sex mot•. " '' m'•r. workmen,and reprcnentotves having O ingre n Wylie,red acre. soemployees,pris vY .' 839.BB' �� 6I- a 190.00' ingress,egress,and regress in upon o ass d Premises. WYLIE RANCH EAST,PHASE I This plot approved subject to all platting ordinances,rules,regula ens and resolutions of the City of West-529.89' iron- y m1 CAR R S..277 Wylie,Inas. .t9 �ie IO/rM apt. �,a �rxxa� ..w1---- lorry---�.�. c.c.T. wdnenn r and M r in WYNf3HAM ,y�,ykk'fHB,PHASBI \ m h Wylie, e,Texas,,h' day ot 2m6. 1 III/ ate ZOT�D:SP-1N19 /'' I ucxt 'nz �A Mork .Smith LTD,e/o I I ` , I I I EASEMENT TANGENT TABLE • Nor R.Smitn Compaq,Inc. STATE OF TEXAS; Inert BMW EASEMENT CURVE DATA TABLE M13.31F N COUNTY OF COLON; Nusinit mg'. BEFORE ME,t undersigned a atry public in tl saidfor County and State,a day C. q�ANGLE R o9b00µmNE personally appear.MARK R.SMITH.MOM a person x the BMW E LEGENDforegoingrta s,herein aaknosledg Eo me that he executed,he aame`,o°m`e'purposes° °e d ]e' 28m 12,2 rum aexpessed. wbo 2eW 30.0.N w11.54. t�e m�ee under and end seal .a y t GIVEN u er my h a,office this al ,200H ].TY• Lz0 MM. Bossism min-u-wet rt.. 25'tY96' 9&.Wy 00 •E 11.56NOTARY PUBLIC in ontl for the St.a of Texas c13 sdm'm' ]Salo 25.00. xsr• 9'3.' cz. zt SHSJ .Am 1a.o.' Ss.m x J913e.w ]Save Irti Mom 135 bwWbO•E t 117 -\�� / NOTE:Lan and a 1 t and withholdingsmom and bu red Recommended for Approval atm Lo D E. Company,- bJ33 1 Selling a portion of toaddition q Metes and Bounds n a.o nt on of City Ordinance a 78/Kreymey LTD,c/o Start a btt o lines a of utilitiesbuilding permits. Mark R.Smith Inca x tee Tne eel cna anon,PMnn'n B ZoningCommission Dote 2 Bear'me Sou muth rgM a,say ne of Stot^Hghnoy Na JH(feat)as reear in ea u 9 �/ j1 Va ume 1653 Page S3B of,he Daetl Recertls,Ca Coun,Y.Tezaa Y f Y Texas 5225 ,CONTACT BARN SECS FAX:219 389 2997 / Ca o Wylie.• i �.- ,.-� Approved for Construction LANES SOUTHWESTSURVEYING INC.- SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT -' J.L.LANE,a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State M Texas,do hereby certay that �2M1]MOTLEY AS 7 2 FAX:PHONE:12)151-1-9992 " �I /\ prcparctl this plod from on actual on the ground survey of the land and that to corner monuments y `CONTACT Jill LANE,RPLS 2 w093BY/BMx509�9 l - were accordance Mayor. MESQUITE,TEXAS © shown thereon s e properly placed under ray personal supervision in cordance with the Plotting Rules r.City a,Wylie.Tema Date I/ill 1, and Regulations of the City of Wylie,Texas. Accepted n SITE NC.M.5.1•NW TOR RrrWx H119 AN.POPOONLY.1.3FINAL PLAT .. maaMDB NW r 180391811 m Am APWmL '.JMIIM�111 ,11111111!1, R L.Lone Professional Land Surveyor o.2509 Dote Mayo Wylie, e Registered eyor N OF r City of W e Tinos Date rni ■■■■■ E` STATE OF TEXAS; The undersigned,C'ay Secretory of the COi ofle lie,Texas,hereby certifies t e foregoing iinol plot oft WYLIE LOTS 1,2 & 3 BLOCK A -T COUNTY OF COLLIN: RETAIL OFFICE PARK DDRION a City of W e Ca Council n �murgi. IV Ikkkkl�� y e undersigned an n a t h re� y e the mid day WYLIE RETAILOFFICE PARK ADDTITON Al YYYYE JIPI� k1E1y BEFORE ME,,h .raLgnLA authority,q,a otaryap lie in d for said County and State, day of 2006,o e1DCouncil,q formal of opted,h of s alley, `� _ 11I11111 �'v Personally ons therein J. en tk me t be the ot he executed the some me subscribed ntl parks,easement, public places and notewater e a sewer ae 1nhnne net et lorth in in aand upo°eeosuaplat and dnCouncil 8.7264 ACRES wi'llllllll111111111 I larciaing in omen, acknawletlgel tt z uteri me far attic Durpasext at ,urther a he Mayor to acceptance lines action, was his name a av bncfined.t SITUATED IN THE `,a i _ =n 11 considerations terns and emea. a Wane and this , ryngi� GIVEN u y al of office t' day w ,2006. w''"3'" day a A.D.,zoos. FRANCISCO DE LA PIRA ����� nllIIIOII1I SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 688 ` IN THE CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS \ SCALE: 1"=1000' NOTARY PUBLIC t and tor to Stine M Texas coy Secretory l.1400n APRIL 25,2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning _ttf Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 05/09/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for three lots totaling 1.909 acres, generally located north of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road and more specifically being lots 1 - 3 of Block A, Trout-78 Addition. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Final Plat for Lots 1-3, Block A of the Trout-78 Addition for three retail lots located north of S.H. 78 and west of Eubanks Road. Discussion The Final Plat creates three retail lots totaling 1.909 acres and is zoned Commercial Corridor(CC)District. A twenty-Four foot mutual access easement is platted by this plat. A mutual fire lane, access and utility easement connects all three lots and allows accessibility to S.H. 78. Lot 1 is 0.503 acres and contains an existing 5,400 square foot one story retail building. The applicant is proposing to construct a 7 bay carwash on lot 2. A concept plan for a 5,000 square foot single story office/retail building is proposed for lot 3. A Site Plan was approved on March 7, 2006. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 ,L L.ZZ M„£S,64.017N „9E,L L.L 9 ,6,1,£Z ,00.0Z '1,-0 ,L L.. 3„£9,64.01,S „VE.9 L.L 9 ,6 9.LS J3011" 2-0 690eZ1-017.t.'"IaTuptopt OE'4=40.11 ,LZ 1, 3„ZE,L.L£S „b0,6Z.1, ,00.9Z ,00.0Z Z-3 IPS (133d NI) ,9Z•FS 3,,i,L.L£N „V0,6Z.t,,OZ.LS ,00,1,, L-0 8 ''arrirSIF:A77,11078U'IL PJ040 Btsioa,piy3 .41.13 t.,}6usi .011)08 .0N -- q' sox,`Awn°,umo,',AN,,o Am ay,0, 11111111111111•11111INIMEMION 111111111111111 NE III MI 0,Da.B-13 4tiaLuaso3 p., „p,9,qtapon o) M„90,6Z.6LS ______,99•ON}0a.n.son,...,Xanitis 01,0,a,00,0uo, ort os oe st o oe 2 31VOS 01HdVI:10 _--- 1, ---- ..... P..1.0,1'd Plouoil i M„L0,0 L.22S V>10018'C-1.S101 •—6,-i.,. ,, NOLLICIGV jo lupd ,go•oc) ,..% ____——,-6,,, I , ——-------——------,6cYz, _ .'. 900Z 0 AVM 1 —____—_ _ — '''1 93U 9 i WIN soxa.t.Lo.1.1S.44 Jo;Pup u!onand A24V.LON .08 .900Z' Lo Aop .44.s144.301A.10 AO 1V3S ONV ONVH AIN SS3N11M .passaidxs U10.1911) I ' 'ta"u9o'inudou.19n41 LT 6Puuo°6aP";':}11:',"plqiCrs'qdnPs3 s9tuuOuP9a9sto'tpPitul'uor=„s1a:turP7 at'f orul:uusj TnoPia.,'1.7,1ATiLol'ilZ paioaddo Atto'uosiad'App's!„%o'soxai Lo.1.11.S.41-1(4 P.°41 01191,AiD10N.'PauOlsi.o..41.301 3210d39 's=:(D'oLfOlig'ir.,1 P,17 I h :g )(N11100 JO AiNnoo ....,1..4.4S.41.1.1 P..,°nand A21V1ON 1 §, .1.0'0,1•0 ‘p9u'rPa2a2>t'alps-7,411go.pa„,.°o ,.'?.. ?,.ts, .rbr).7421, so.,,to.4.1S.41-101 P..ul onand ANV1ON -900,. 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I ,P07-19,"4)TO"6D t b:Olt gg%I.,.9'1U-1"'411UN!P:g:111.°X IT,Jii.s.v.u,',D 7 0 a 00510 U 0„O LI„0)1 0 d 6 u I 0,'S 0 Xej,U T10 a U„i 0 3 '0,,A;j0',,,,a,'I.,poprods puo,$7,00iod4Jo poi,o Lo sJaumo 01J)OJD}no,.,9,0JDO puo pi°,.d piouoz,sy... 122.2fqM.;1?I'lutsjIr".Z‘l , „lVA021ddV sod 030N3IN141003, '' , :031d3301,ONV O3A021dp1V )( NI1100 JO mmnoo 1,01_4.30 S,e13NMO Wylie Planning and Zoning _ttf Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 05/09/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Location Map, Site Plan, Elevations, Notification Exhibits: List/Map and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Community Retail (CR)to Community Retail with a Specific Use Permit(SUP)to allow for a hotel, generally located on the southeast corner of SH 78 and West Kirby Street. ZC 2006-05 Recommendation Motion to consider a recommendation of approval to the City Council to act upon final passage of Zoning Case 2006-05 regarding a change in zoning from Community Retail (CR)to Community Retail with a Specific Use Permit(SUP)to allow for a hotel. Discussion Owner: Ken Lim Applicant: Pat(Brandon)Fussell The subject property is located on the southeast corner of SH 78 and West Kirby Street. The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property to allow for a hotel on one lot. The subject property totals 1.926 acres (83,927 square feet). The applicant is proposing a two story hotel approximately 25,195 square feet in size and consisting of 48 separate rooms where entrance to each room is gained from a completely enclosed area. The main entrance to the hotel will be from the east. A residential subdivision is located directly east of the subject property. A six feet high masonry screening wall will be required along the length of the eastern property line. The proposed design utilizes the parking lot as a buffer between the main entrance of the hotel and the Holiday Terrace Subdivision. The CR district allows for the development of higher intensity uses providing shopper and consumer foods, retail and personal services. Community Retail districts support several neighborhoods and are located to commercial corridors,business parks or industrial parks within the Comprehensive Plan. Hotels are an allowed use within the CR district,but require a Specific Use Permit. The philosophy of the Comprehensive Plan recommends that the growing commercial complex at SH 78 and FM 544 attract the broadest diversity of commercial functions and reflects the community's overall character as its central place and focal point. The proposed request meets the philosophy of the Comprehensive Plan. Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to deny this request at its March 21, 2006 meeting. This item was considered at the April 11, 2006 City Council meeting, where Council voted 6-0 that this case be returned to the Planning and Zoning Commission for reconsideration, at the applicant's request. Notification/Responses: Thirty-four(34)notifications were mailed, with three written responses returned favoring the request and one written response opposing the request at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager i._ ■ All Nis EN Subject !��. �•.- { ► V!�� •� �. �.0 en ..,II . , No Property „ rlli,ii1111� p Amm m• ■ulna/111 1!1111111►it•`.w .,ran mill Itl1� �IilllwX I1= . ._.����;,.. mot.. �. :.► ° � 111wi „ 0% 11111111111111� :••. i.— _... • � 1111111111� ! /1111111111111 = III ME MI �11111i1111114, �i,/11 11i liniurrrilrr�l��,i•'% I1111111rrrrrrlimil " �1111111111� q IL t , Uii1111i1it� i_ i1f1�11111111 __ IMI, op r..--r ma �- � 111111111�'i 1111111111111 f:atzuguilet7 ......, Illlllllll�llllllt{I D IIIN11♦ .Ls� '...111111111 e - II millllll 1111 I• ;^ fI0 1/1111111111�� ` a III '-r = L'` •:', " I /1/111111w1 ►- i. 1111111111 .: �� �i1111111111111it ♦ = ►.�11111� '-_ e £- y • �=f 1111 `�11111111111/ ;111111► �0 nu = ,,_._.._.. �k j_c. 1 MO�E Me MI u w. Nim Emu mit,mho. ;� �1111w maw am im•ism ism atm III usill . . 4 r _.r.._. � �Illllli _: M 44 , -,.� •� �, itifillia non -- 1* ' ‘. • MI MI ME:inn MI.I ri:MN .. PO" a -4 i *pm 10:11110,1 Viii.41N4_17.;mg " • a► 111. �.1111 ,4101 ` l iJ , II1 .44 •.+S,�.I/I 4 . i11111111111111,0-_ / ._. ._._ 111111111\�1111 Illiw �� , 111 11111111111 /Ilfllilllliw 11111- ITT f I Ili 1-1 T f l 'III IIIIj1111 ■..mill1111II111111111 ■ [1-- al IN -.�IMI vt. 4 , 1 ........„...4...„...... ., -l11--------- ----------------------------------T1 _._...,'IN. I_ �1 mil � 1 �.. taw ,rove i 111. r 1 //////l//////li//Il/ 1 , — w;w11Iw1! LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2006-05 K- ERA.RN. , I. Isolation and inhAatimo assemblies shall iad the requicammvs of Section 708 CHECKED By: / Stand..18uilding iTade,carteat adinoa .. Concealed on - PARKING GENERAL N9_TES ( ) _ � �011haw aMrzw al*ew1 uPIF75 mufamvM¢ PROJECT uuw7sEa. .s.-acre / / r- w d bpW atb 58 Tey 0$0D41600 7]m922.d Brains' o F- y A - - \ H ARCHITECTS STAMP �/, b. d 0naedamwlancn shall have a llama speed o80.2S and a smoke P TOTAL PARKING PACES 75 DEDICATED ON F' de Duped oftW50 o� SPACES PER NNABITA3 E ROOM. al ;%o j� '-Pj� 2 (E PARKING SPACES-(3)REQUIRED OBE a CeUtosnfi0x NtNterreN insulation elw7l meat the raise piremnls of / ANDI AP ACCESSIBLE AND 0 II-ESE l PI) CC 1 Paagnpb 6fM 7088 '''c'y F EGBL RED TC BE VAN ACCESSIBLE. h CD i y / 9T'`Fj 4 PARKING LOT SIPPING tA N 4 WIDE, Ol(k SAFETY d P pi insulation dmllmeet the ragwmmaw of MC San con "-'•/' 0 i LOT 7 BLOCICA dry' / 93,92]SOFf `� 5.ri AS CAP PARKIN(`SPACESAND VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE [Q _ 'y`NO'- ,p STRIPING OBE PAINTED B UE. Cr 2. device dam a fegraasO enopentioO theosee Neese pcciel I1J "I door.BBL special 4aowbdgaar IY farepearwa Ooasibe agrees Bade of the r ,s IfE'EGEND Y 1 �~ I - -\\\ \ �6 PROPERTY LINE - - r 3.- Pnrvmayi hardware all No special kayo or kwtke shall be newt pP�t 0 / j/I r R U[It T,FASEMEN- CO That ymtlLt ewL vwse CONTRACTOR Q' 'E / 8E DING EMI LINE - W t 4. End mtad awe with ll r ralsnwaaarxn�iuon Winding salt fie* T. / \ FENCE "^--^- > clamng l bow labeled dom{kama awembNea. ', LL 1 Y I -I - GAS LINE css K. .,na B. W. :+. 3. Goad milcpeaiog shall not ozumed 4°up pa height of Se.Gerd mils shah v . -� _- x ,8 - be at lees[4Y high and are cared when a edaoge in*Antic*exceeds 30". Amide at Ala open side(s)of aYum Ir b 6. Exit discharge shall Wot'ida oonpauls safe awesam awMk way n PROPERTY LINE 7. Provide ttWunaaom of caredogmas � A °,,6 o �r=AVESC O(I AC10'SEEASEMENT (° S - a iixtt arena wmplvuvB wiW lolal0 aecosdm u 3-s � � �- 00 Wi9399 Proaide ng to eUnt.ils and amens to exits wham n `� =,� ._..-_ Feu c.F. e. o,_„ 90 - _._._._._. -.-.-.-.--- 15 ----- p\ _ � ,,.not lulus...wee.al':a1e 10159 FIR o m .. - -. __ �15�T u-ry ASFMFNT ao... mata<am.asamowa�iaatmemaaerrwmmBot I89IN0euoeulaesy ^ T 9. o \P.a almtaxo ;am I� �' 9P..--; .� ;ax=lal H' ,±i\ \ /,q-„� "� maanraremad«aa>anrmgoawlmaeuala�s4,mmam�mwa madr ae� ARCHITECT �I P 1 1 P 1� amen* z 1 „7e°ne�aa �wi uca�a° wi'��aAe NORTH a Ii. Pmultaanne thlonsh V fie uanawl ha 8natadivit150atetial I .,a ra r.nr LOT6,BLOCKA r .. HIpH 0(w`vhdlNIM.E8 £00POeelma and¢m gasu aysnkNc3m use m accordance with AS7M-051 wove T4nnl, 24.709 SO FT 4 - ..-- ti davelorwo-dsmW afea0. bars theta spread l'OaS�d smoke at~'+o .ire ----_---_--_-- d6velo�e rating of0-95t ,.®� i o'sET eac�� s �9 1 1 SPA,- 1 _-- -- -.. - __ _ _ _ I 13. Provide tande&wteideexterior doom larrsl with the floor.Threshokia shall 1'n ---- - '_re .°-a'/. / -{- not be main ro.nx height and beveled arner l4". � Z s } 6m� T PROPERTY LINE-� 5000O200"E 65 S. PROPERTY LINE- F � 14. Stairs shalt comply with the Sink aa&AAThA6 Hv e,. r-,,,a a. 44 inch minimum width48"minimrm.obm width hat+anen handrails n "' f ,r / _- �� at slain used within on aeaeaatbbtnaas Ifegram. z,j ai. a,r-Tire' -'K- b 7"maximum.,4"minimum.Aso. i�[ PI AN 11'minimumbaddaplh PROJECT C. S /A N L1 S87D37 O F 44.68' I C)scAt[ t d o L T N0203626-1000' 15. 11VAC ayNam shaLL bs wa§ocied in accordance with101:7-2 L3 58703700E 80.00' lc CD R L i C i A0053sYeauld'BY 14480H88n14 co coC1 _TN/029 6 1 NABD42 &E-91.14__ 91,46 87.671 i. Grorrodavd001N(man(skpl istmtHSOHDOCCIila'vradAtion'). vY ylrvy E. -. i me o.. re a s en"x .... F TI {HiT ve" \ a. 2. Parking apmes avdaabs Mull be level.RWRpa shell nut aaartMch hto oislea is - -..__ oawn.a ewnvrc- W 3. Handicap parking signaae shalluot he obasoed by veldda UWa ',.1 - - _- EAax .a -• 4. Aminimum368 alai le rmavlali be mainlai:dud shalml be na� reduced automobile the my no� s -[ case ¶jp::_ -1 crerx 5, Pmvidoaub ranpa whacver an nuaaiblo name masa.a oath Slope of li 111R li`r-�I," iW1'' � • emnwauua«e,l«eaw2 I I n OSE,s8r �-""a• fi, w�Lea king lea 1:30eae%al'beamaU armnP wany utter sloped REVISIONS axobamg R) anyi LJ (-----4 AL- ( T Pr vi aads protection al Dan aid.or ramps seal bndinea.Qn&e1W111c .L ANJICAf RAMP PRECAST CONCRETE BUMPER 0CCONS1HUC IION JOINT J g. Landings al.ramp shalltwmagmadawa=ammmpAdo„ o scALE, 1"------ a PETB IH kmgmunamlendmgmmqu wdwha�aaaeaoFdmah« 1 �necesaary. CEDE r. ?NAra :.Hier ,a nr • � 0 9. Provide budOxie m both side.afinan. _ ---- +nipswMmogroaortlreua Iladmde WW1 comply with aad426 useITS AT s o x xr ISSUES FORBID ae xAx I plus- 1 10. Handrails etleaeeyn[sale bmTad the mGdoor adetlasr l2"drails e ro weer tsy 1 1 �_-°" width of one read beyond&e bottom mum papa,InshglaaiE,B Handrails ® . 7ENT 1kali ex< at lest 12"troyomt dmmpadthe bottom of the ramp pandit] issue R • H 110 Ill !il"- III n-'�ILI AIODIFlW 1. �d1 + a , IL nrndaaa „ra�e;bba>w�(9)am.wanmwl same m all -- I�to ilf I,it-Ill[,nil �� TrkJ �� � oattle�, w. sm�rrme �, �ox w.mac`--°"_ a -12. Maintain 18 clear on We lack slam of doom. S TE PI.1 13. Doors cannmabstect more*.hair 10the wait efineae of1EIoa. SHEET NUMBER OEX'P ANSION JOINT ®HANDICAP SIGN DETAII= 7 HPE BO''�_LARD DETAIL A-03 �w a. / 3jI �,( a iC \ i / 12'-11" / / 12 4 / 2'-63T4 x / / 1 4" / 16'-41/4" aliEonEo ev. - • \ _,„ G I� d ll' y ❑ L TTf1 ill1 1 1 M III TT III „, ` i`: 1 . „_„,,. 1 1 1 �I 0 �� 7,-1'; I© Ol r I. 11, I'I _ J coN,w.�,oR 111 iRl " 7 q I -1 - - � re5 1l � �' ` , r, > ' 76.-, < 1 "[' 1' I 'FAIR I I I \ ,A MT .� o `"T "uI1 _ ST MT I � ��ES ,E \ca ® z rERSON 1 w \ DAGO=TUB ARCHED — rl BATH ,re E.,/ CPE ' IC O -I IF1 Jo _ J e, L L + 4ARCHITECT ��, / I/ ." �JJET BAt TH.INO AND F REFRIGERATOR 71T M ER TOP A. o 4 a I 0 E -r1/2"- T 11'-5 / .9T5: 8" 1J 1 8 12 1J 'x /8,. ,�2'-81/6' 11-11 E/8" '[rLL 42'-& --- / 12'- / 12 R' 7 1 "IF' IL ,U1 °=z 'll• GENERAL NOTE_ n0 1 X:72" If 1 „LLS Al LAUNDRY,ST OH1GE ROMS,STAFFS,AND DEC':IANICAL ROOM I PROJECT BE 5/3"PRE RA_L DY2SJ41 OCARD, 1 HR ASSEMBLY) 48 rqR Typ, _ 12 0 CLE_IR TYF 2 ALL EXTERIOR L 24 CONSTRUCTICN EINIENCICIDER TG CJTSIDE n PORDE COCHERE EDGE 01 STUD AT BLILD NG CO NER -1 J ALL INTER OR CORRIDOR AND E 1RATII ALL R:0 PARTITION :DELLS226 C NS RUCTION ITH S021112 ABATEMENT. THESE.IALLS ARE 2 F- F— LI d NS OLEN TO THE CENTER LINE F SIUC TYP.ALL O O Z 5.ALL OTHER INTERIOR PARTITION V;AILS 284 CON STRUCTIOAL O I W DIMENS..GNED TC THE CENTER LINE OF STUD UN-ESS OTHER::LSE IJOTEL CC J a co Q CL L❑ i NM.927 SO SO Ff �L „ n II"U o E3.92]SD FT I _ !I w uicc W —�H B BARS , z WI 0 1 T EI_COR ✓EKAEL < e — �� 3/p' _ aEvlorvs a x in I.v T GIs 4ceait I Q r 0 eon Under laVev- n. s Knee M a+m ,^,FAN 1 / 1 C r, --,, a a� x� a ag�e F� _ �� Iseu wa>E«M, E �..� �'n'', I s. '° 6'-93/4" 9 �, 6' C1/ =-81/4,• IssueDvoacoNer. ISSUED FOR BIE {. LL�� ��" 1 TYr-) H . RCCM TYR. T YF' KIN°� L0 EEr A SHEET TITLE 1ST LEVEL PLAN 4 YP -]ALEE 'AY EN IEY `T , I�C T �Il �T �� °�a� R /=CELE A-04 DRAWN BY. iF'-11' ? 9' 12'-6 3/16 12'-6 3/4 12' 6 37,6 . 12' 6 3/4" 12 6 3/4' S 3/4" 12'-6 3/4" 12'-6 3/4 �'-6 3/45 12'-6 3/'I" 12'-6 3/4' '-/1/26 16'-41/K' 7 / / / / / yyy / / / k / / / k CHECKED�. COUNTER ✓ \ I 'I __ 1 2 R r� l m rt � ——r �1� - PROJECTNU�,aER. �� �I v �T T � ' �� o T o o o f o 1 aELVING CHUTE11 ARCHITECTS STAMP 1ST 1 )ANITOF 1 FEHR 1 11 11 F FS s Fs =- -- rii SUES, zi i ,oi l GO, = l�5tcU1P. - _ /a D_iTCD 1 _ �= 1 1 I 1 1 1 HEED' 11'1 010 010 O '=j STAIR CaMRA aR �) A .T `0 lj C, 0 C1; J '' ') '% 0 C) LT�c )' c 11 i; I-'% DL:vn 0 - ©10 © 11: H` IOW 00 ' ©10 0 10 o �._ , ���«.,• c✓E=T cuer GUEST suesT suesTI HE cUrsr a1R BRC rcP J 1 4 v 1 ^RGH,woav 1 ,, L.,1 1 i= L] o ® I o 1 = \' 0 c E u uT GUEST -2 PERSON .11 --— JAG cd TUB^1 1�\ \ ) 1 ' WM> 111 O. C LA C> �© r L � ,, 1 4/D3 4 -SS/K' j 1E11/26 12'-T1/26 12'-31/ ' 1 -P - �,^:F COUNTER 3�RK ARCHITECT UNDER 2 i '� 3 REFRIGERATOR AND // 12-B A 12' ')1/8' "2 3 3/86 12-3 3/86 12 1 D 1/8' 12'-10 1/8 1233 3/8' P2' 3/8' 12'-10 1/8" 1 12'-8 787 El /8" i COU TEP TOP La (MI/)LN1 F_ 0' 1 F v)b1�ALI_ ,2 2'/Be / - rya - - CJ 6 GR R - - —- - m o I ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE eA �« { ROOM NO. ROOM AREA �' Ru✓wcFOUNTAIN EFIEP ...co . „P.BED h ,aoreBrE P /.. 10 -Ci,r,,,A,,,,cESSIBAE FOOR R, o SINK oA a n -_-- ,- ?POLE, `,f 51/4',I' 2./8'1' 111 2 A 7/ III '2N PAY RIOJ -_ f- FTC , I 1 O0 0 Z Oa I O / SBRNIICE COUNTER CC J — CL aw em . �E 4 1D3 n —n1 2" - COW 11 DOOR SCHEDULE z 1 I �y , O --- .. - � �) a s ., Aoeer JNO ME DIESCRIMION I=1 Z 2 LLI LU COUNTER TOP l� Q 3000 GLASS MIR ONCE IN METAL FRAME l' 0 �-- -__-- �1, l REEF'RASH 0 l U V INK NE \ 1 0 y IONS AI �sHE iw _ A� RATER POOR -- a�Is FACE 1I xd \/ 1 0 � AND rR.iMC Y O _ ' a v\. E L-1 \ \ l , 13 L.,' 89 ! - — r - -STAIR `� DRYER TFFII WINDOW SCHEDULE +nAL�E II - - --1 C w <:.oN ,M, _—. - /` /jPcB/8 A : 1 ISSUED FOR BID ALAS T LAUNDRY,STORAGE ROOM, AIR \IR MECHANI AL ROOM Iseu or!er. GENCR L NOT S' TO BE /H FIR-RATED GYPSUM BOARD,(1 HR.ASSEMBLY) ` e EDGE\EX 4 C( UG IION DIMENSIONED 10 0 E:;IOE •\ -- SHEET TITL EDGE OF STUD A AT 1I'B LDING CORNERS L J 2ND VEL PLAN 3-AL UTERINE'CCP IDOF AND SEPARATING GUEST ROCM PART TION WALLS 2 6 CONSTRUCEN WITH SOJNB ABATEMENT THESE'MALES ARE 2L-9 1/8 / IPA E' / / SHEET NUMBER DIMENSIONED TO TI E CENTER LINE Cr GMT T"P AL DI All OTHER INTERIOR PARTITION 11 /%SNIE IITION, (2 FNI :ELF\ \FP.ViCF.S AREA A-05 DIMENSIONED TO THE CENTER ONE WOF ASDK,.INI ,ELT EIC19 N.:TI�_ SHEET-o OR.14 BY, SIGN AGE BY 0-HERS PROJECT rvumeen. P RG V!DE I'O'.4EP. ARCHI.ECTS,Tamp C^UP'JLA - 35 YEAR AR^HI TEC JRAL SHINGLES 41 12 12 12 - --I:AN - -- - \\�f\-J /\\u \ f /', - \ . \i _ / - \ \FIN CIA ^- / V CRONE ® ® ��0 iw ® UW ® NFL CONTRACTOR t— ? : Fw cr� i OT- i , _ !c_J — ' [[[® ® C ,. I ® 1 mi in la p N35 THAR ARC(I'.TECTURAI.cl-.ITC 4 w0 _ _ _nc�J — -_.� _ �� FIN cLc mo _ \ ter_ STUCCO BAN, -_:_ lI --- _ a \ ® ® ® ® ® ® _ FIN FL L i._ -IN AG IUGCO — 1— I PROJECT W 2 IR-�"T,E ELEVA 1 I I�IN o O z O 2 w CCJ2 ____� co < d U O > W >w z 2 W c tea,= �\ a o PROVIDE BY OTHERS 4� 0 I bID POWER REVISIONS "CUOLA \ STUCCO CORN ICE STUCCO CORNICE A /`' H DETAII DETAIL 0 --_ Ai �He UmFOR PERMIT A , 14- r' STUCCO-P STUCCO STUCCO ._.—_I. �� � ISSUED FOR BID I 1 CLEARANCE-\ r _ ISSUED ToRoorvsT. __ IN EL NFL PORTE COCH-RE I -- —- !FIN CI-P FIN CLG a I `H STUCCO, IF sneer TITLE III PORTS CCGHERE ELEVATIONS -- —_ � __ __ _-._ —_— -- -.-_- -•--_ x�IV FL FIB L_1. _ (4 L L F T DE 1L FIE NIICN sA-06 RIIsHT SIL E E L E V AT 0N • I ME= 1[1111l0:Wg10 L I �, III I. J' I�I I''1 i' 1 1 -i 1 I I I !I!I !I J IAA® L..I l ti. 1rIfj 1. _ELH iiii T„_ - [lllLl•V n , i.V -JL°�,' �� rvr ;Li° film Ii iI I Imo` � 1:. LO t '. I a o n . a. p 1 !. I 111i I a - .5r i1 l JIrI . f Ill �r E i. y iLt { I �`c �' _ '�\ r0' - \ff I 1 1 I r ! r.-. III l� o r"f-'i 1 r/J-7 __-'-'- R1 \ • ... I � L • • o y. I r \ _ 1 NI ar ��r+m• Q } Q :.:I d _._t-Lr 1_ U) ,� I I -••li I : i. NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Pat Fussell APPLICATION FILE #2006-05 110 Ni Harrison Street San Augustine,Texas 75972 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 110 N.Harrison Street 1 Pat Fussell San Augustine,Texas 75972 Martinez#1 2121 Posey Lane 2 BRA Lot 1 R-2591-Q0A-0010-1 Henry Martinez Wylie,Texas 75098 Martinez#2 2121 Posey Lane 3 BRA 2 R-2570-00A-0020-1 Henry Martinez Wylie,Texas 75098 Martinez#2 PO Box 250 4 BRA 3 R-2570-00A-0030-1 Flying L Cellular Commerce,Texas 75429 Martinez#3 5608 S.Lamar 5 i.. BIKA 4 R-4620-00A-0040-1 Ken Lim Dallas,Texas 75215 Martinez#2 2121 Posey Lane 6 Ilk 5 R-2570-00A-0050-1 Henry Martinez Wylie,Texas 75098 Martinez#3 9334 Whitehurst Drive 7 BIkA 6 R-4620-00A-0060-1 Zack Ahn Dallas,Texas 75243 Wylie Shopping Village PO Box 141 1 8 81k 1 Lot 1 R-2446-001-0010-1 Brookshire Grocery Company Tyler,Texas 75710 Holiday Terrace PO Box 54 9 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-1163-001-0010-1 Geneva Schultz Wylie,Texas 75098 802 Mardi Gras Lane 10 Blk 1 2 R-1163-001-0020-1 Pete Hernandez Wylie,Texas 75098 PC Box 69 11 Blk 1 3 R-1163-001-0030-1 AA.Hatfield Wylie,Texas 75098 806 Mardi Gras Lane 12 Blk 1 4 R-1 163-001-0040-1 Ngarge Shaw Wylie,Texas 75098 BOB Mardi Gras Lane 13 Blk 1 5 R-1 163-001-0050-1 Bobby Gothard Wylie,Texas 75098 810 Mardi Gras Lane 14 Blk 1 6 R-1163-001-0060-1 Jerome Allen,Jr. Wylie,Texas 75098 900 Mardi Gras Lane 15 BIk 1 7 R-1163-001-0070-1 Frances Simmons Wylie,Texas 75098 902 Mardi Gras Lane i , - f i 16 Blk 1 8 R-1163-001-0080-1 Lois Leopard Wylie,Texas 75098 Wells Fargo Sank 3 Ada ',' 1 - . 17 Blk 1 9 R-1163-001-0090-1 TR for Option One Mort Loon 2003-1 Irvine,California 92618 906 Mardi Gras Lane 18 Blk 1 10 R-1 163-001-0100-1 Dorothy May Wylie,Texas 75098 6001 Lakeshc'e Drive 19 B k 1 '1 R-1163.001.01 10-1 _ Hal Portman Row et,.Texas 75089 910 Mardi Gros Lane 20 Bik i 12 R-1163-001-0120.1 ❑,Y,'.Ware Wylie,Texas 75098 1000 idord'Gras.One 21 Ply 1 I R-1163-201-0130-1 Atha',Vigingtan Wylie,Texas 75095 _ '002 Mardi Gras Lane 22 51k.1 14 R-1163.00i-0140 Jusl0Crtega V.M.o,Texas 75098 6809 Sob'e Lane 23 Bile.2 Lot 26 R-1'63-002.0260.1 James Mangan Sachse.Texas 75048 _ housing&rJ•ban Develep Wert 5040 Addison Circle#300 24 B k 2 27 R-1 163.002.027C-1 c/o SCLthwnext A.I once of Asset'dgrs Addison,Texas 75001 311 Wilco Wood Street 25 6ik 2 28 _ R-T 163-0O2.0280•' Ralph Roaer II Plano.Texas 75094 905 Mardi Gas Lone 26 Bl<2 29 R-1 163-OC2 0290-1 Ramon Wdlzc Wylie,Texas 75098 903 Mardi Gras Lore 27 Elk 2 30. R-1163.002-0300-1 _cla Michael Wylie.Texas 75098 90T Mardi Gras Lone 25 B.k 2 31 R-1 63-002.0310.1 S'selba Lemons _ 'We.Texap 75098 7ancalph Jving Tell 5365 FM 1569 29 _ RIk2 32 P-1163-002-032C-1 Roy Rondo ph 7arme'svila,Texas 75442 1421 Ha•I'n Drive 30 _ Blk 2 33 R-1153-0O2-C330•' Johr C•owo _ Vryl e,Texas 75095 807 Mardi Gas-ane 31 • BR 2 34 R-1153-0:1'2-0340-1 J.R.H'ck-ncn Wytle,Texas 75098 805 Mardi Gras Lore 32 5Ix 2 35 7-'163-002-0350.1 Retna Campbell Wylie,texas 98 803 41[tdl Gras75C Lang 33 5 k 2 36 R-1 163-002-0350-1 Eric Smalie5 JNr.ie,Fe as 75098 4504 WlinWr Park prn'e 34 Abst 267 Traci 26 R-6267.000.0260.1 Socrg•Grc.ip,LP Ricisolson.Texas 75082 35 36 37 38 39 40 flj _ J I 1 West K CD •\\ \tee- 0 k) O \\ I 0 \ . Ijo �i_._..i\\/ „�..J — _---- - \ / V Tr 2� a l `'- �CJr f I __ --_.______ \.____.,"::„,, ,,:,7 , ZONING CASE #2006-05 PtTBLTC COMMENT FORUM (Please type or RR'Nark ink) Department of Planning 2000 Highti37y 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 T am FOR the requested zoning as explainui on the attached p+a+lic notice for Zoning rw 112000-05. I am AGAINST the requ=ed zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case 42006-05. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Cnmmiction meeting: Tuesday,May 16,2096,7:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council rieeti.;: Tuesday,June 13,2006,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: / .. /C � . - i.rsry G'.eJ . {please print} r��/7 7 �y Address: 7' i -./.-__[�/ •5 Dat- — _G' • COIV M NTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or u.st'blank ink) Depart men!of Planning 2000•Highway 7ii North Trans 7509S l I _t•' mn FOR the requested zoning as cxpl�ind on the ainichcd public nolicc for 7oniug Case P2006-05. I am AGAINST the icqucslcd zoning explained on the attached public nut it:e fb.Toning (:sue 4/20tX-05. Date,Loc:alinn&"limo of Planning Be.Zanin, Commission meeting: Tue_sdas,May 16.2006,7:O0 pm • Municipal Complex.2000 Highway 711 North"Wylie,Twos Date,Lacahinn&Time of lily Council.meeting,: Tuesday,Suite 13,2006,6:0O pm ivtuniaipal Complcx,2000 IIigluVav 7%`Nth.Wylie,Texas i n Name: -J nr 1-/ tl. JLr 41-n7 i N.L.��— Ipleoxe pant) Address: -.Z l yI l[' S c-y L - Signature: ..T1•'.. ' • . • 'i Dale: - !41 -''C l - COMMENTS: • • 1 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Plart lag 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case #2ao9-01 I am AGALNST the requested zoning as explained an the attached public notice for Zoning Case 42009-05. Date,i-r-+tioa&Time of Planning&Zoning .. ..-.--- ..---- - - --- ------ Con- -ssion meeting: Tuesday,May]fi,2AOF•7:00 pm 00 Municipal Complex,20Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting Tuesday,Sunk I3,2006,0:00 pin Monitapal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas Name: G Q 1 s L E.-el pAie D (please prim') Address: q-o 1 44 A•II 1]1 C 114 5 W .._.!C.... .750 Signature: Date: d y d P COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM {Please type or use black ink} Department of Planning 2000 Highway 73 North Wylie,Teas 75093 I am FOIL the requested zoning as explained on the attached public native for Zoning Case 42006-05 I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case 02006-05- Date.Location&Time of _.. Planning&Zoning Commission meccing: 'Tuesday,May 16,2006,7-00 pm Municipal Complex.2000 Highway 78 north,Wylie,Texas Date,I.oc alion&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,Twee 13,2000,6:00 pm LMunicipal Complex,2000 Highway 73 Noah,Wylie,Texas Name: -%._E. c. (please plc i) ff Address: a G Q �-r'' 7 5 b cG Signamrc: f` -� Dale: - —6C. COMMONTS: e rho he I r r .86 e,c- rx� hrt_z n a i ha el a-rl r. -Fro L, 3o aid -C'C_LA S -143 cf ro,_t fv5 w 7pr, Gil tr1