05-02-2006 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission i ' I . CITY OF WYLIE 1 May 2 , 2006 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 2, 2006 - 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Dennis Larson Chair Red Byboth Vice-Chair Joel Hemphill Board Member Dave Hennesey Board Member Jamie Gregg Board Member Eric Alexander Board Member Scott Ames Board Member Mindy Manson Assistant City Manager/Planning Director Renee 011ie Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.w>>lictexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the April 18, 2006 Regular Meeting. May 2,2006 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Woodbridge Addition Phase 13. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Phase 12 and north of Woodbridge Phase 10C, at the intersection of Lost Highlands Lane and Fairland Drive. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Corners Addition. Subject property being generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Corners Addition. Subject property being generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. 4. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council to add Brown Street east of SH 78 to the Thoroughfare Plan. WORKSESSION • Discuss with the Parks and Recreation Board development issues and concerns. Park Board will present a vision of how parks should be included within new developments reflecting the current established ordinances. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 28 day of April, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. f J `o►t►t►IIIiiir4' .„1(?,7z, ()NI/t7 . cia62 if14) Carole EhrlSch,City Secretary F. SEAL = = Date Notice Removed • • •:• .� may•.......•• 5 lE, PV1 Wylie Planning and CITY OF `1VYLIE Zoning Commission Minutes Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission Tuesday, April 18, 2006 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. Commissioners present were: Commissioner Byboth, Commissioner Alexander, Commissioner Ames, Commissioner Hemphill, Commissioner Hennesey, and Commissioner Gregg. Staff members were Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager/Planning Director, Renae 011ie, Assistant Planner, and Mary Bradley, Secretary. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Byboth gave the invocation and Commissioner Ames led the pledge of allegiance. Minutes April 18, 2006 Wylie Planning &Zoning Page 1 of 4 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for the Ben Nobles Addition to create four residential lots, generally located west of Thomas Street and south of Stone Road. Ms. 011ie stated that the property totals 4.5434 acres, and is located west of Thomas Street and south of Stone Road. Abutting properties to the west are platted as the Caldwell Estates and those to the north are within the Eldridge Addition, both created in 1962. The plat creates four (4) single family residential lots, with the minimum lot size being 40,581.86 square feet with a minimum dwelling size of 3,500 square feet. The property was the subject of a zoning case which was approved by Council in February 2006, and conforms to the requirements of Single-Family Residential 10/19 of the Zoning Ordinance in place at the time of zoning. A fifty (50) foot easement to State of Texas for highway purposes exists along the entire length of the western property line and along the southern portion of the tract. With no questions for Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Hennesey, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Preliminary Plat creating four residential lots for the Ben Nobles Addition. Motion carried 7 — 0. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat creating a single lot for a hotel in the Shahi Group Addition, generally located south of S.H. 78 N and west of Spring Creek Parkway. Ms. 011ie stated that the Plat will create a single lot totaling 2.062 acres. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District. The applicant is proposing a three story hotel consisting of 50 separate rooms where entrance to each room is gained from a completely enclosed area. A 20 foot east-west cross access easement is established by this plat. A Site Plan was approved by the Commission in March of 2006. With no questions for Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Gregg, and seconded by Commissioner Alexander, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Final Plat for a hotel on one lot within the Shahi Group Addition. Motion carried 7 — 0. Minutes April 18, 2006 Wylie Planning &Zoning Page 2 of 4 3. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for 78 Corner Addition for a banking center, generally located west of S. H. 78 and north of F.M. 544. Commissioner Hennesey excused himself from the room, due to employee of the bank. Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing a 4,200 square foot banking center on Lot 2R1A totaling .876 acres. The property was originally platted as Walgreens — Wylie Addition in 2001. In 2002 the property was replatted as 78 Corner Addition into three lots (Lots 1 R, 2R and 3R) and again in 2003 to separate Lot 3R (Auto Zone). The proposed design meets the requirements for Site Design and Architectural Design, but does not meet the 20% Landscape Design requirements. The landscape side yard requirement can not be obtained because of access easement that is adjoining the properties to the east and west. However, the proposed design does recommend additional desirables, which include providing decorative pavers in lieu of striped concrete for the crosswalk, benches and lighting to enhance the entrance of the building and four (4) inch caliper trees throughout the development. Brandon O'Donald, O'Donald Engineering, 8912 Sirocka Drive, Benbrook, Texas, representing the applicant, stated that the property is limited due to adjoining properties access easement. The banking center does propose additional parking, which is not required, but makes up for the inability to meet landscaping requirements. A motion was made by Commissioner Alexander, and seconded by Commissioner Hemphill, to approve the Site Plan for 78 Corner Addition for a financial institution on one lot. Motion carried 6 — 0. 4. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for the 78 Corner Addition creating two commercial lots, generally located west of S.H. 78 and north of F.M. 544. Ms. 011ie stated that the Replat will create two lots totaling 3.104 acres. Lot 2R1A is 0.876 acres in size and a banking center is proposed for the site. No development plans have been submitted for Lot 2R1 B which is 2.228 acres. The Replat relocates the existing common access easement along the front of the property to allow for extra parking. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Hemphill, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat creating two commercial lots for the 78 Corner Addition. Motion carried 6 — 0. Minutes April 18, 2006 Wylie Planning &Zoning Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Hennesey re-joined the meeting. WORKSESSION • Discuss Section 4.3 Nonresidential Design Standards —Architectural Design Requirements and Site Plan process. Ms. 011ie stated that the purpose of work session is for direction regarding Site Plans where the building materials do not meet the base standards from the Zoning Ordinance. The Commissioners discussed the intent, which does not permit tilt wall construction except in Light Industrial or Heavy Industrial Districts. Ms. Manson stated that the verbiage in the Architectural Features section of the Zoning Ordinance implies that the building is to be brick, except on the front, which somewhat contradicts what the desirable points recommend. Commissioner Hemphill stated that the proposal should add character, with split-face construction or articulation. Chairman Larson stated that if the development is attractive, does not violate the spirit of the requirements it will be considered. After discussing the disadvantages and advantages of bringing each development to the Commissioners to consider, the consensus from the Commissioners was for the development not be brought forward by staff to the Planning Commission until it complies with the pertinent regulations and meets the intent of the Ordinance. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Alexander, and seconded by Commissioner Hemphill, to adjourn the meeting at 7:41, motion carried 7 — 0. Dennis Larson, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes April 18, 2006 Wylie Planning &Zoning Page 4 of 4 Wylie Planning and Zoning _ttf Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 2, 2006 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 04/21/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Woodbridge Addition Phase 13. Subject property being generally located west of Woodbridge Phase 12 and north of Woodbridge Phase 10C, at the intersection of Lost Highlands Lane and Fairland Drive. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat creating 208 single-family residential lots in the Woodbridge Addition Phase 13. Discussion The property totals 42.2715 acres and will create 208 single-family residential lots. The subject property is part of the larger mixed use Woodbridge Planned Development (PD 98-15), which consists of Single-Family Residential of varying densities, Multifamily Residential, a Golf Course, Parks, Commercial, a School Site, and Common Open Spaces. The entire Planned Development is 921 acres in size, of which approximately 409 acres and 1,650 single- family lots of the PD are located within the Sachse city limits. The portion of the PD located within the Wylie city limits is approximately 512 acres in size and includes a golf course, a school site, common and public open spaces, and approximately 980 single-family residential lots (SF-5.5, SF-7.2 and SF-8.4). The Phase 13 Addition currently under consideration creates lots of 5,500 square feet minimum in compliance with the PD. This is the fifth residential phase which is entirely within the Wylie City limits. The Concept Plan was approved by the City Council as part of the original Planned Development (PD 1998-15) on June 9, 1998, but did not serve as an approved Preliminary Plat and each subsequent phase must have a Development Plan/Preliminary Plat approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Lost Highlands Lane will serve as the primary point of access. The Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to the approved Conditions of the Planned Development District and Development Plan, and complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 39.76 ACRES I SITE // GLEN KNOLL MOBILE HOME PARK / Gig DE WVLIE rvTr or wn Ir // CA6.E,SLIDE 6 VOL 053 PG,444 cc;anin� .,"r _/ -(erttHts ou,J No PRASE 12 5/e'Iasc S ST2 6'32"E 205 48' E s A s95.La" 0" al's�r"V1K n' S 875T 40 E 45512 ,os \A/2"E REMAINDER OF 44.3305 ACRES / / sal p Ear" - W0008RIDGE PROPERTIES LLC \ // / / /�y ' �\ sal , 89 C C,C.F N0,9]-OIOT/82 04. / w/ / / / �/ Ro { t_a.cc. I �./ / a { / / .� R 3 \ \ \ toc PHASE s "� !w"v� hli - /° ��� d zb e.�o v A v v ,, Is I / / / / I _ I _ _ zoA Ie 1B Pap \'\� �196 91 I j _ / /ss.,, ✓s p -.po V \ v is ,< 11 N LOT i,BLOCK B s,ps \6 is e-.� -tll EA_ - \ - sapi obp colt 5�3'S/'40'E A. ® WDODBRIDGE GOLF CLUB ', pj -�_ {ems= / )0.00 , tlye�c\WE CAB.L,SLIDE 246 248 �� _ 'ss � T RIDGE \ 0 i�'l`- - sg'er w 1 (SccE I �5%"t / PUBLIC i i•"J"�.J Sopp l RGN*Or o e sa , HIGHLAND (5o root WIDE I ] P / a" i r 09'i i� �/� /tl _ ALE Al' E. ,a,p w I \ 2\ 3 a g fi \ .o..osa Ip ¢ po°/ �/ ▪°/ - `\ WOODBPIDGE PH,SE 12 \L-196.49 sg . ,e(, %✓ ,� / / /1 Sop./ N CAB SYIDf \ CHN60'391?E /% /�s - ,sns - ,a0 m - \ N} \ CL=194�2 U: �o<X�. /,erP,� //�`k' /e_�/ a,.nap"x cze s/e's c rs,.,fs,sz zn A -�C�Ci, \ / l/ /s"6 ///66 z �`// /c I oo / / 7j I 9( I II jy \ 0=36'29 1 \' y9 se // / °' o� fi sA�.c `$�' /e er 1 R=480.0a \ �i g �' e //��/i„"d'°a,/ °O,-„/ ,/,,,,, / ;-„ oM1 / _ s,1 es "_ u I -305 69 \ 2,5 ar,a w�.r / ap � �y �. gip'/ i;'�/ /�▪ / / / v / '/// T // / 1/ f /� �� �=s1s'1 '21"e vss n so —Ir RC 'fir �W v \ =3 \ v // ,j' ... 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R=2 5,00 ,I �I9 _.16,05 11 ,aPRELIMINARY PLAT p4EOEis 5�S i L=1'6.90 - - -/ / Rl r DE B L,� WDDDiRIDGF 54 r LOC />\Ill e\I"' of-�A ` WOODBRIDGE g EASEMENT fi a CH S]33638Wr,C rA .!// RUE=PUBLIC LITILIT,EASEMENT "' d dAe_NV_ �/ PHASE 13 /��Y�yp N �l M.Rc.cIT, �g II / 208 RESIDENTIAL LOTS OS C,,1sj6 2r� 2g/ 29 �I _/ 1 COMMON AREA T.ELEC.DEL ESMT=TNIJ ELECTRIC DELIVERY / _ 1 2 ZONED.PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ENT Noyes. / o olrvR,r 5I DISTRICT(PD 98-15) kN,(Comrton Area Open Space).i s to be owned and `//�// / MR.C.C.T.=MAP RECORDS OF COLON COUNTY TEXAS I/ / / I i JroFn+c�anc5 / w000eniooE anoaEnnEs rtc BEING 42.2]15 ACRES SITUATED IN THE R& T LOT ER 2 The wall a.landscape easememsaretooemaimained by the Rorreowners `� 2 / ,//Bird I woAPPUCANT,nON uc RICHARD NEVVMAN SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.660 DENOTES Lo Ct root aainapeMap ea�rremalong saeand rearlotlines,alums 1 / / _ WOOOBROGE PH•rE9 CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS - O =22666NUMBER 4 Benchmarksof Wylie Monument No"CElevation91 M �� I I j / I �e Eta ODE nz • -STREET NAME CHANCE RrNDBBenchmarkNp Ualp Elepmipn 535,p e mE ��,p ��� KimleyHorn / =s ® and Associates,Inc. d i�I on n.eaw P'E ana elate lar dtotnesa kotl gdSOS; ppennns n� a.aa,ee �* SHEET 1 of 3 I Nmes NMa4aasememalort9as aeabe rrelnhin abvtlne Homewrners ciry o�WvuE ro�wuiu pu 0 33'Ii'27- a w R 340.00 \,\ SITE • 96 96 Tawr Stara c / CF�i'N60 ¢�-ice /.5\ e oe e �PPo aW,_ 11' von see-o-uo �I �L�994.22 ow /T \ U ca arx No Ueza �s o�sas�a vHnsE�rz ME>wnr.rer LBT I,BLOCK C PROPOSED D ecr� /J- \ WOODBRIDGE GOLF CLUB _ CAB L,SLOE 246-248 a3 t` / �o o // qe�,!P 2' M.R.GC _ rillik m/�, � d ( l _ 9oa '�. No. i�'', // vAM DETAIL 1 1 v / A, o - _ yn 4 , ,ac PBzsE e REOSED ! l I RSD 50 soAa / ,� i h� a 9�; 4�-s soy°WG.�E ! 1 s s a -so- �i ,hh5bb 9�c �58^ 0 0 cri: : 8 �L=157"8 o • ova � g, o / • 07.V „`�.00 6 I W_I/�A lirfl I� ' f C`� VICINITYMAP pNIli �olrY _!�� °� 4"q2 _�4. , a9A ND.mscwe oa o QEo� 1 IA4 s'9� it / �� I _s/s I Rsc1 ave / A 1%2'�b�� 'S. D08', � F /mot / e-w-_ A V� ,; ; i 3 (�A // / /, x ,/\ //i,bi \ g sl s ,. 1 3540 is' \ ;'' '',Y/ 'b 1. -i N1 o s/aE �"` i //��/ /72. / g y� i ® •!!A .� \9. s \ ,o - �,a i �{ i ,00 III v o�v /i. � �'� , Av�'�v! .� gin. �$ ��( ��I• P1 iGi F�°p • �;262 ° PPS vv/V\r; 1 A6 R 1 v, III 4# • a a.w. �P.a w. o '- �� 10 PUBLICUTILITY I FOOT ORAINAGEMALL / >7eao4 \),,,, \ ..A/OO ( !Ae ° V 6 • r 8 ( III ,°' ° /� �� EASEMENT DETAIL EASEMENT DETAIL / v y\1 vv!/ S/ e� � '1 44. 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PHASE 13 ENT ' �\ o // / f / / •9 ! 208 RESIDENTIAL LOTS _ s4 \ \ / `?y ( 1 1 COMMON AREA eA '/ 56//ice'' /!/��/ \/s is / ( ZONED PLANNED DEVELOPMENT M.R.OCTT.-MAP RECORDS OF co LI COUNTY TEXAS ,A ,y;t/�rsA10 VC ` — i �7 / / '' �8 ® ! o od DISTRICT(PD 9 SITUATED CCF NO=COLLIN COUNT,CLERK'S FILE NUMBER .�,4 �Y � / / FP \ I BEING 42.2]15 ACRES SITUATED IN THE �.R �\m / o / �5v �� i/ / ^/ �9'�6r� 4q RICHARD NEWMAN SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.660 =DENOTES LOT FRONTAGE 0=6'/;A, A',<9. / \ dJ-/6.%/ // / / 1 ABC�, wos PROPERTIES.LLs CITY OF WYUE,COLON COUNTY,TEXAS g O =BLOCK NUMBER L5456,9 s P.. _ �' /�/ / 3' // V dx =srxEET NAME CHANGE CH=N29'58'03"W'T T z - 5803 o �R�€3_ed //// SIB I �44 IGmley-Horn g, IB'' V v� // \v,/ ! °.ea �h ❑2� and Associates,Inc. 7 OW � 0 a EnntZt FeF2 ana erzle la.ra Ilornasan ng oral nes gpennls e.cm.a-Pee-.Pa*'* SHEET 2 of 3 n Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 2, 2006 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 04/27/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevation Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Corners Addition. Subject property being generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Phases I& II of Lot 1, Block A for the Wylie Corners Addition generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a single story retail building on one lot. The lot is 4.1020 acres in size. An 18,750 square foot building will be constructed during Phase I, and will include 15,000 square feet of retail space and 3,750 square feet dedicated to restaurant use. Phase II will be a 16,500 square foot building and will include 13,200 square feet of retail space and 3,300 square feet of restaurant use. No plans for the remaining 4 lots have been submitted as of yet, but will be commercial/retail in nature. The subject property is part of the larger tract totaling 8.7264 acres and consisting of 5 commercial/retail lots. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor(CC)District and has never been platted. The Wyndham Estates Phase I residential subdivision abuts the subject property to the south, therefore a six (6) foot high solid screening wall will be required to separate the CC district from the Residential District. The proposed building(s) will be constructed of split face concrete masonry units (CMU) with at least 20% stone on the front and side facades. The rear elevation will be constructed primarily of CMU with four inch (4") brick accents. A Preliminary Plat is on the current agenda for consideration, and dedicates 8,982 square feet of existing right-of- way for Kreymer Lane. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 .STA3EFIIGHWAY78 _NW'!"'jilt`� n BLE x DT6.R > ��ij/ �, I 2340SF •. 00537 Ac � ITE -��5.4635.79 E ' _HI 1,�I��U7IF ' ••,• .• '�;� .),~ �� �.'�" ... '_ , .ono C' / r95100®'/1,.XT R 1,--. In 1200;I�[D,DBE "'� 447.r2' i11 , ,.,a ''•� ,.. 1 : PE -"19. W 32'28'3�" -.mit= M[x ILL. B 2 =480.00 L 72.07' VICINITY MAP 1 ' ElCB—S i6•)7'r4"f 139.80' e I 14 .z OAT 3,BLACK A 3.6308 A. •K a 29.37'22" 5 p WYLIE RETAIL OFFICE PARK ADDITION B 501.99' l 1 0 8.7264 Ac. L=2]59.54' o CB=5 17.39 53"FD 4 I- SITE DATA SUMMARY TABLE h 109.6Ae.(ORIGENAL) MIRAN CORPORATION C-256.66 4 t ' �.P LOT 1,BLOCK A N VOLUME 1853,PAGE 537 9,292 SF • C arm DATA: a O.RCCT. SOWED:CC 0.2133 Ac. R.O.W.DEDICATLO n ADDRESS i& sHxs xRm FR LANEA PHYSICAL ee . ) q-."E} \o / BUILDING DATA: x0 g'gSBs. \. w[ ui%¢ESTAw.6w0-= +esm • TOTAL BUILDNG SO.H. ]s.z6O S.F. N6214.47'"E\' BUILDING HECHT 15 MUIMUM PROP pt➢� ZONINGRRE DATA' . NxW'tl _ B NIA Cmnrcx� ��\ \PRNAlE '... \' YC'-CORRIDOR CDx0ERCxL 7-wuw cn. ..1 WYLIE RANCH EAST COMMERCIAL PARK 00 ` �R.•xP� fast 5]].4 1 ► di* �.\ CAB.C,$LD.8 E: ,n / +. 7 ® 9 ®: n x....✓ �"— ® P.RGC.T. PROPOSED RDRlyemwRNO Ii Wes( 195.00 1 SDulh 2 Rol Cho _ i x, Donrc ,[18.50' '. a ru, „fu, ioR �\ ZONED: PARKING SUMMARY: sw.n® uau.an = "H"T �•H n , \ p Al. imiLNSSED RERT ID IP PROPOSED uuANT NIM-(11RP/.20 RE)ING ,ss z„ SARA V.MARCOTTE ® ® ® 1 VOL.4180,PG.1115 �R ,RSR a'® ® i_ Q9 ,yR \����`�` \ LwoLDcovE RE DATA: ,9.]zx DRC.C.T. .VM rxxrc — — — LOT 1,BLOCK A 39 r Door B4.61' \\�� 4.1020 Ae. '1 `rcm PuwN "' tl. \ LANDSCAPE SUMMPRY: ZONED:CC ,6W ® T��rT ®T ° T�� ® ` T T T©ITT T `%` T ®mom ® R�,D - N6 3a � �.P[ ,6zB,=F ,G,�2 m �� '•.. =32'23'33" W y %/Al t///� 28'S6'S5" L-237.g5• (PHASE I) j (PHASE H) 41 s oL=2,31.§9' CB -734 306'47"E O � / RETAIL/RESTAURANT ® j RETAIL/RESTAURANT t" CB_5 2C 1=3729.14' ro s ® 18,750 SF / 16,500 SF / p 2" 0.7265 BLOCK A \\`1 ,, Nrc.d DI,R x� IMs — g ' �10 •R_ hn , = a 'x . — ' O- r. - ® \ R RN.tenrcm,.I rrIet" .® i,—,a.x�= -- B 63 _ —P7—®X '� ,r,,,,,. -\7 ®- PH" `I S 00 0500"f o r—.Prcw.'..n0.e\ 0 - 639B9' R. --To*s,..nxe� - ® -- •I I ---` I: Ex.,r ss- GRAPHIC SCALE _ —WYLIE RANCH EAST,PHASE I � -�� West-829.89' CAB.B,$LD.277 DC! mr ��T aar aiP -- vR`�- -U�—1 __ r \ % f w Fear L L / I+ '5 ZONED:A i men= D)R LOT 17 \ / LOT 16 Litt is Low to [nr[a [n'[tz LOT a LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 ' I 1 LOT t D a BLOCK A / I I IS Barragan,Martinez&Walls,LLC WYNDHAM ESTATES,PHASE 11 1 1 ' 1 1 Vilt Consulting Civil Engineers CAB.8,SLD.101 1 L PRC.C.T. LOTS a01 WALTER HILL DRNE COMACT:Dove Wolla ZANED,SF-10T19 / STAND PRAIRIE,TEXAS 75n50 PHONE:(]19),t_..B3 LEGEND GENERAL NOTES 78/KREYMER,LTD.c/o '. Site Plan ,.n„DIMENSION ARE TO FACE DE CURB WILMS OTHERWISE NOTED. DPP x 1&P/ Wi 6Ur N&&R Mark IL Smith Company,Inc. FISTING UNDERGROUND GIRL[maul, Wylie Comers Retail Center T.ALL OLWO RADIUS ARE R UNLEss OTHERWISE NOTED TLIN [INTO&.LATER 9RLYE DAnT�ACT TEXAS T FAN.414 440-z9n S.W.C.State Highway 78&Kreymer Lane sttu BE a uxxUW,xm[.UNLEss mH[RWISE NOTED. HERS a0 [INTO&FAR[ExiSlist 0 NI N ,CONTACT: surcH Lot 1,Block A/Wylie Retail Office Park Addition _ Soa IE M0PS "'B PLANE'S SOUTHWEST SURVEYING INC.'. City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas S.SEE NRMITECIURRLEltwPuS!OR SCREEN BALLS.FENCES n GATES rtn� PROPOSED FIRE mwun ]G WOLF,:DRNE PHONE:(972)601-99 DESIGN DRAWN DATE SCALE NOTES FILE SHEET I's% PROPOSED WATER errER CONTACTS nu LANE.R5�-]013 FM:(9]3)601-1819 a s ALL HUMOR ENE LONE RADII ARE TO BE A xlxwu of 25 LED. PROPOSED REAM/ALL PROPOSED PNNI&SPACES ` N S 0118 ...see. 09/05/06 H,:Ne Lone SD91 SP-1 BREAK FETAL CANOP 4'BRICK ACCENT INTEGRAL COLOR 'QUICK BRICK' SPLIT FACE CMU _ EIFS CORNICE CANVAS AWNING �. �.. . - .STONE .i; �38 ."i--mil' p a _ = ,ik 'CORATIVE s B-- —vr--�---- , a - - 1' - _ _. M . <m w - ---- ' __.�--�� _ e__ ,14 ®� J SPLIT-FACE 1 r -•.1 I _ �� r- I� awxs � �` 1 4 CMU W/HEAVY _.• �.. ( - { ~ C en .. m) B .- MORTAR MKT:•,..: 's -_ 1 R .._: __ i ., -, sM ' 01 FRONT ELEVATION I:20 NORTH INTEGRAL COLOR 4'BRICK ACCENT SPL _ 1' —�•s _�------ems-------e---- ariseeR --- --- - 1-sysPsar=-�_1_— — - EIFS=ORNCE • T FACE CMU 'QUICK BRICK' �h ram -- � _ --r --- — - - -_ e' a a —_ _� _A`x•Rar- - -- - .. ,,wim,ix Rax� t. ril O.IT��rs - �'. v� • ryes-� ----=-�: =--=-'-' ------r= -- - ----------- _ • , — 02 REAR ELEVATION I 2 0 SOUTH BREAK METAL CANOPY\ 4'BRICK ACCENT ,INTEGRAL COLOR INTEGRAL COLOR 4'BRICK ACCENT /BREAK METAL CANOPY LI a�. a 'QUICK BRICK' I SPLIT FACE CMU SPLIT FACE CMU 'QUICK BRICK' .STONE .1 � �y.. _ONCE VL F /EIFS CORNICE �� SMA.ST _.+ "`�i��... EFS C �G/ � 'xi- F CORATIVE -' - - - DECORATI ' :, ��'•CONCE _ 1,a - �1 ��T �. SCONCE," r, 4 CMU WJ HEAVY Y 'f >, _ __ _ 3W/HEAVY 1 SPLIT-FACE - -,,,,MGRTAB.JOIN.T�. , I - ' CMU W/HEAVY 4 03 SIDE ELEVATION 04 SIDE ELEVATION ':20 EAST '..20 WEST I� EL-04 QMOUE:r..'\\. 5310 Harvest Hill Rd. Suite 146 WYLIE CORNERS ,420 `°° Dallas Texas 75230 APPROVED.Y. ''�' 972385.9651 WYLIE,TEXAS TE, G S 0 fax 972.385-3462 MARK SMITH CO. „...4::::::,,,.. Wylie Corners Design Standards SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS—4 of 8 Building placement: c. facade oriented to the street Access Drives: a. Combined access points with adjacent tracts Access Drives: b. direct connection between building and street Location of service areas: a. Not visible from public street but provide masonry screening LANDSCAPE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS —4 of 8 Landscaping in Required Yards: a. Landscaping that exceeds the min. by 10% Landscaping of Parking Lots: a. Landscaping 10% or more in excess of 50 sq.ft./space b. Parking lots with no space further than 40 feet from a landscaped area. Added features: Use of Detention Ponds for Landscape Feature. Service are is screened with plant material. ARCHITECTURAL POINT REQUIREMENTS Element Base Standard Desieable iselect 3 of 91 Pokits Baring Materials a. Biking constructed of brick with rain 24% .f a. Ube of 2 eornpimentary Ornery / atone, cast stone,decorative concrete on facade materiels to help echaive bom facade, fandlor de articulation, deteaal%variety. tk Roofs with pitch greater then 2,12 W8e nfa Required Yerds specified roofing materials a Bullrings should copy arch. styles& details riot a_ Copy same style entire black- x/■ design themes, material9, end colors of the - . fuhre talticsyi be ammo dm*style. sirroundkig new development Context w/In 20cr of a Dottier. Building Articulation a. Walls not exceed height width ratio of 1.12 e. Application of base standards to Form, & mass+rp wJo variation in maf,eira of facade. Min25% facades not facing a public street, +• of facade offset at Ioafst 4', .• aide elevm1ic b Entrances ernphaslxed wilh arch elemenle. / a.Use of architectural detailing andior to f.,a c Crowdfloor facades require specified visual tone appearance,roVide variety In features along 00% of length detsleg.Mg marker dementia. film Wires A.swum* Architoctiral a- &kings n NS&CR Districts ahal be a. Baldrics with pitched roofs CornpefnbiRty compatible with surratrrdlrrg neighborhoods. meeting nee requirement of b- BLit ings inCC Dietniat or within 201Y of 4/ reeldentiel ds++elopmeM- resldenstial areas shell be arch. cornpetale. b. Buildings with hip roof sections, dormers, Of two or more gable roof sections at right ones to ea. other. Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 2, 2006 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 04/21/06 Budgeted Amount: $ Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Corners Addition. Subject property being generally located on the southwest corner of S.H. 78 and Kreymer Lane. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat creating 5 commercial/retail lots for the Wylie Corners Addition. Discussion The property totals 8.7264 acres and will create 5 commercial/retail lots. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District and has never been platted. The Wyndham Estates Phase I residential subdivision abuts the subject property to the south, therefore a six (6) foot high solid screening wall will be required to separate the CC district from the Residential District. The plat dedicates an existing 8,982 square feet of right-of-way for Kreymer Lane. A Site plan for Lot 1 is on the current agenda for consideration. The remaining 4 lots have not been site planned, but will be commercial/retail in nature. Lot 1 will be developed in two phases with phase 1 being an 18,750 s.f. single story building (15,000 s.f. of retail use and 3,750 s.f. for restaurant). The Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 zoN®w LEGAL DESCRIPTION •x 5iTtII4`tTdE4 p iAmTsI��1/Wlxe`x+1P1.w pWYyY 1A]el)+�7Ob - ,� BEING on BJ 89 acre m land 'n the Francisco D<L o P'no Survey, Abstract n e County, said tract al.be port of 1 acre trac n ane a decrndin Warronty bra Corpora that recorded Volume Page of the D:e Records.Collin County.Teeos,and being ore particularly described as follows: BEGINNING or o lit ir. rod found in the south right-Cif-way line of State Highway No TB (a vere t0 ) said point the northeast corner of a tract m led conveyed to SaraV.Norco.as recorded Volume All.Page 5 of theDeedRecords. n County,Tezos PODIT OP 0053]Ac THENCE,EOM,Deng the south right of xoy line of said State Highway No 78,a distance of.912 BEOWnoro ,am6yppgp ROW DEDICATION s H feet to a 1/2.iron rod found in the southwest right-.-way fine of Krrymer tone(a MY ROW),and rpam M 1100. CEng,he beginning of a non tangent curve to,he right,having a central angle of 372832",a radius GRAPHIC SCALE of 9800D Not.and a chord inch bears South 15..17'East a distance of 13950 feet NwM t' n• B•In 12.00 00 soon '":t -50. - � THENCE,mulneoMery,along the soulhxest right-of-way line of sotl Krrymer Lone deporting the south 2.0W'1,A'rx 2 ass J ;got of xoYo roOlusaid Slate e 9nwq'nd o cn 9nnxn9cnalong bee rve curve. ,e he right nov n9 od nt nistonce on D]Igo - - 4t itli% 'si x3 B21'M (IN PERT) of 3Y]2-it a d found nd for corder.and o Gri n cs South tta right avin o al m s 45,7.5•E ?Iz.BY 1man=rs0' n. wms 35.19 =9 CrTu"E z39.3o feet: a math e e is net ona o rot is= 3D.80' ,r veal a xk \ LEGEND curve, arc distance smog m right-.-way n ae orner, Le nog as onae of Rm.9s Net�0 1/R•' rod mum for corner, 5 -YB•3J22 ` ANCHOR ON THENCE.South 00'0.5'00"East,continuin alon the southwest ri ht-m-xoy line of roitl Kr Lone. aR_SBr.BB' ^a -W Nxao uaaxsxxa aws axua n 9 9 ertneo a s LOti3�803 A - 1. . � 1 MAIM �v corner n381eet 1/z`on edtli euna er aim afi poet oa a recorded[ CB 1.T3953 en W m Estates,Phase on to a City of W e,Texas,a eo nn Cabinet E. /WYLIE RETAIL OPPIC9 PARK ADDITION )7, ss Page 101 of me Pot Records.Collin County,Texas,th 1 �(ONttPo@IALN \� J •'y, ss u THENCE,W departing thesouthwestright-of-way of said Krrymer Lone on along,h Bg1 VOLUAffi 1853,PAGE of said Wy m Eatetea,a distance of 82989 feet,nee 1/2`Ion rod ieuntl for corner,said apoint n g.i; 9,292 SP ��e dam N r came also being the southeast corner ne n said Sara Nercmdtn tract ntl east said e ZONED: C 02133 SP ` r\ � RO.W.D®ICATI. THENCE,N .parting,h of s m Eetotes,o long,h of E s x. o°'ssw.m'�nm w A\ Fee,or 8]2.Aces of Land.5C0.Lb feet tea,he POINT OF BEGINNING end containing ,121 Square $ xo. rjL - i 1\ ��• `� wv1.m RANCH soar COMMERCIAL PARK e.. 777. 8 xvno- - ma j7 yy�m._ CAL,' SLD.8 Nw tE nose me e LL_ \12 �\ r\\ ��\, ewe c.T. Romainetherefore.k distance m by these presents: '''.1 T ss' ���• �� �` JII ._ --.ex ai, 1.\\\ `\`�N VSAii t That 78/KREYMER,LTD, hereby adopt this o t designating peen obese sc �, - allir wn•xn wnx rvn -I .-- L-SS.33' ZONED:CC property os Lots 1.2.8 3:Block A.Wylie Retail Office plot Addition.Son addition to the City ofWylie.'bay' \\\`�� 11,... L-Jz.3s• Texas eebyeded n fee simple. o the public forever.the a and use on. The LOT I,IILOA2C.KA '� shoran, describand ed for,ne ore edicated pubcu ufor se ntltttce for mmeet rYe purepoaes.The aancat and P^spt alleys osn RADA V.NLABCOTTE ''� IIIII1II11IIIP_ I .1�1 I �,\\ \ may o used for e s o note f .SOid utilities desiring uto use eSeusing VOL.V. PG.1113 \ _ _ �`Ss the som unless the easementthmutual use the an use to Dorbcuon of is usetnq DUD tour being DRCC.T. 'IA.,. _ xn rd.i.a East BI.BI• -o`VM N4Sa subordinate to the public's ntl City of Wyfe's use thereof.The City of Wylie and public u Ent 1�,W' shall of all Imes hove the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respect).easements entities ZONED:CC s T� \ the purpme m constructing,reconstructing,inspecting,patrolling.maintaining,reading meters ono adding,o or removing a or ports of,n respective systems. g T 1'1 I I l n T n,a n I l T n EDT z DEOCK A g n, n et mat e asseseasement The undersigned doagree,h may b utilized by any person of 0.2S5 Ac. ` -�•}3, the brc for ay antl for other re rt,and for the e public vehicular ` /��® ® 2 0 ain R- ppp• d pedestran use tnand n ingress and deepartment poop emergency u nealong.upon and acme //. / -?3J.es' ark e f a al times ofthe CRY d Y hs nd o so RETAILPHASE I PBASB D ,W!a a-28.38SS' CB-5 6.18'll'E .id premises.x I right O privilege ordinances,rues, and resolutions ine,employees, ' eL-2}%.30 en and repeaen,at'Nea having ingress.egress,and egress n upon o across d premises. W. /RESTAIRWN'r RETAIL RESTAURANT R SaaB' 1 Tns pm epprwetl sub ect a Pitt ng or regulationsof the City of _ L&]so sP I 6,sao m+ ee-s�r_iuiB�S 1�' wyl e.Texm I I. ow , . ■il Wtnsss Y hand m Ye Texas,this day m Ro06. nee xwxn ��l!_ ��22„BhLb. ��� �.44.-__ � Ell ii 1 Nork Krgmer,LTD._/^ c. T.tEr:ii I, 6 G\ , ii IIIE _ i s DBr.3•p4•E or R Smth Compaq,n s yy. k R sni to Vw di. " xn.�••• .m rtw' xa sxmi w �s I' m.r.ss _ STATE Df TEKAS, West-82985' 1'1 CDMNTY OF CDLL N, -�--~v1 ^ - -�-��- _ WF• BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority.a nolo,pubic n and for sotl County and Stoteescon this day t WYLB3 RANCH PAST,PHASE I personally appeared MARK R.SMTHknownn ma tme to be hat he ezthe person some and 4 CAB.Hi SIM.2Y1 the foregoing um acknowledged, ,net nTee for'the purposes ad / ,,m,e ,m in aor,K ,mD a car ,m,a ,ma ro,'eLor' PRC.C.r. eons,herein ezPressed. to A ror GIVEN antler my hand end creel ei office this day of 2008 ,m,s ,mu ror,r I IWYtD1HAM�THB,PHA�Ii /' `1 2DNIDY.A CAB.E, .101 , I R ----- P �.C.r I I I NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Texas I 2DNEIs:IiW-10/19 II I 7 I Loir s All -�� ' NOTE: x anda 1 t a Me xdnn tea and building and Recommended for Approval LTD, • 1 Selling a pan on of ma amr n by Metes and Bounds a a vomon of City Ordinance mode a 78/Eieymer,LTD do State La audtt, o fines a d ngs of utilities d ng permits. Mark R.Smith Company,Inc.. � M eetl Chairman,Planning Zoning Commission Dote RICO La o E ,/ p _ 2 Beer ng Souree;age ao h rgM of soy net of State Hghxoy Ne la:. (feat)ea reeer in g g FAN 219 389 Yee] _ u H u t9 I Ve ume 1653 Poge 538 0l me Deetl Recortla,Ce n County,Tezos Y f Y •Texas 5225 COMACfhLNRNL.]SNEH 1 A o SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT Approved for Construction LANE'S SOUTHWEST SURVEYING INC. J.L.LANE,a Registered Professional Land Surveyor m the store m Texas,do hereby certay that N.2]t]WHEY NNE TSPHONE(g]�)681-9992 n A /\ prcporctl this plot from on actual on the ground sung o1 the land and lhot the corner monuments `MOST 5 JSt50 36t2 FAx. ) t 9829 �, © shown therron were properly placed antler my personal supervision in accordance site the Plotting Rulm Mayor.City of Wylie.Texas [rote CDxUCTEJiuxuuE,RPLS w09 BWx5091 l dill '1 1, and Regulations m the City m Wylie,Texas. A e 11 SITE . MLA.slaw./2ges row arvKw wawa:ONLY.less Accepted Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only ������� gggd DB KD r LLCM,PM AN palpmE Dale PRELIIvffNARY PLAT '� 111/.�11111111_••, Registered Professional and Surveyor No.2309 ddnO ,11 the wY11 OF r,City of Wylie,Texas Date r ltl ..... P` STATE OF TEXAS; The undersigned,C'II Secretory of the COy off lie,Texas,hereby certifies Mat a foregoing final plat• LOTS I 2 &3 /BLOCK A P -T COUNTY OF COLLIN: RETAILOFFICE PARK ADDITION a City m W e CityCouncil n V, tt��� y e undersigned an n n t ere, e the ro "q WYLIE RETAII OFFICE PARK ADDTITON "link YYYYO JIP3� Illly BEFORE NE,,n araignn authority,a notary public in d for said County and State,n day of Ro06,o e1DCouncil,by formal a1 accepted,n of s alley, '42.G I 1lll ell v Personh,g oyPeny.nl UNE,n w t me that he eeson xIn. a ssri to nE POMs,a utnonaed pumic Placm anme,net a aexer as banwni nor submitted den nereinPbn esou0,0/and daCouncil 8.726E ACRES �..I feeioinll m amen .,N, Ieagn to zttutn meefer,he purposesno iurtner a net Mgor to c eptance Itnercm action. nt sate a w bacfbed.t SITUATED IN THE 1111-'`IIIIIII considerations thereinhand express.. emn. a n wane me and,hiss r """'_ a9 my n day of A.o.,zoos. FRANCISCO DE LA PIRA ANC""IL��''''' '-=P INI� - GNEN u al m office,n' day m ,RODS..tII11L1110 m nSURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 688 ` IN THE CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS \ SCALE: 1"=1000' NOTARY PUBLIC m and for me state m Texas coy Of W,IN.Texas APRIL 5,2006