02-11-2019 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Regular Meeting Agenda
February 11, 2019 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers
300 Country Club #100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Joni Robinson Chair
Emmett Jones Vice-Chair
Dan Chesnut Board Member
Matt Rose Board Member
Bobby Kinser Board Member
Phil Gilbert Board Member
Brett Swendig Board Member
Robert Diaz Parks and Recreation Director
Brent Stowers Parks Manager
Janet Hawkes Board Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie
Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website:
www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted
on the City of Wylie website:www.wylietexas.gov.
The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.
Hearing impaired devices are available from the Board Secretary prior to each meeting.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their
name and address.Board requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes.In addition, the Board is not
allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the January 14, 2019 Meeting.
2. Consider and act upon the vendor application for the Wylie Citizen's Police
Academy Alumni Association Cops and Robbers fundraiser 5k and Fun
Run to be held at Founders Park on September 21, 2019.
February 11,2019 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
• Master Plan and projects update.
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Parks and Recreation Board should determine that a
closed or executive meeting or session of the Parks and Recreation Board or a consultation with the attorney for the
City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as
authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Parks
and Recreation Board at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Parks and Recreation Board may
conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning
any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to, the following
sections and purposes:
Texas Government Code Sections:
§551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City.
§551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
§551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City.
§551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit.
I cent/that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 8th day of February 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in
accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was
contacted.As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website:www.wylietexas.gov.
Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,January 14,2019—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
300 Country Club Road#100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chairperson Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Chesnut, Board
Member Rose, Board Member Jones, Board Member Kinser, Board Member Gilbert, and Board Member
Swendig in attendance.
Staff members present were Parks Manager Brent Stowers and Parks Board Secretary Janet Hawkes.
No citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the December 10, 2018
Regular Meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 10, 2018 regular
meeting. Board Member Gilbert seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-0.
2. Consider and act upon the proposed park improvements for the Kreymer at
the Park Development.
The representative for the Integral Real Estate Development, LLC, Richard Hovas of Engineering
Concepts, was in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions the Board might have
regarding the proposed park improvements. The developer is proposing to satisfy parkland
dedication requirements through a combination of improvements and funds in lieu of land dedication.
The developer proposes to dedicate approximately 2.36 acres of parkland and install approximately
$419,186 worth of improvements, including a playground, landscape, irrigation and an eight foot
concrete trail to connect to the trails in the Greyhawk Subdivision. Dedication and Improvements
would be dedicated to the City and maintained by the Home Owner's Association.
Board Member Rose suggested that for safety reasons the developer consider a plan revision to
include less trail road crossings; however, Mr. Hovas responded that the current plan was
considered due to the location of residential driveways near these crossings. He indicated that if the
trail modification was required by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the suggested revision
would indeed be made.
Board Action:
Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the proposed park improvements for the Kreymer at
the Park Development. Board Member Swendig seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and
passed 7-0.
3. Consider and act upon reviewing park improvements by the Wylie
Baseball/SoftbalUAssociation at Community Park.
Lance Wallace, President nfWylie Baseball/Softball Association ( VBSA.)was in attendance etthe
meeting to make presentation reviewing potential park improvements at Community Park and
answer any questions the Board might have. The VVBSAia requesting to amend their initial March
2018 proposal that included installation of fencing on the east side fields and scoreboard
replacements. They wish to instead make infield improvements to the Rowell, Dbba|o. Eldridge and
Cooper fields. The requested change became a priority after the fall 2018 baseball/softball season
was cancelled due to excessive rain, therefore necessitating the league to refund registration fees to
all players.
Infield improvements would include hiring a contractor for the application of product called
Masterseal Infield Mix which will improve drainage and increase the playability of the infields after
rainfall. The VVBSA proposes tndonate approximately$33.193toward improvements tothe 0owe||.
Tibbals and Eldridge fields, in conjunction with a $20,733 allocation from the Wylie Parks Acquisition
and Improvement (A& 1)central zone funds for the improvement of Cooper field. The staff
supervised project would be completed within 7-10 days by City contractors in time for the spring
2O1A baseball/softball season.
The Board expressed concerns about the outfield drainage in addition to the infield's, the amount of
water required on fields prior to each use, and the longevity of the proposed use of Masterseal Infield
Mix. Parks Manager Stowers advised that extensive research had gone into the proposed drainage
solution, which came highly recommended by other area Cities, and although it will be necessary for
periodic reapplication (typically every five years) ofthe Maoteraea| Infield Mix, the cost will be
significantly less than the initial application. He stated that due to the current use ofwater
application tuthe existing fields prior to use, the additional amount of water will be minor in
The Board recommended VVBSAto provide more clarity in the details of their presentation prior to
addressing City Council by revising their request to specify the WBSA's intent to improve Rowell,
Dbba|s and Eldridge fields and the City's intent to improve Cooper field. The Board requested that
drainage at the t-ball fields in Community Park be evaluated; staff agreed and added that the four
softball fields drainage at Founders Park will also be addressed in next year's proposed A& I
Board Action:
Board Member Rose made a motion to approve park improvements by the Wylie Baseball/Softball
Association at Community Park to include Rowell, Tibbals and Eldridge fields along with the City
improvements to Cooper fields. Board Member Jones seconded the motion, and a vote was taken
and passed 7-O.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Gilbert. Board Member
Jones seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-U. The meeting was adjourned at7:40p.m.
Janet Hmmkaa. Parks Board Secretary Joni Robinson, Parks Board Chairperson
Minutes January 14. 2019
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Date: February 11, 2019 Item Number:
(City Secretary's Use Only)
Department: Parks and Recreation
Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code:
Date Prepared: February 7, 2019 Budgeted Amount:
Exhibits: 1
Consider and act upon the vendor application for the Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association
Cops and Robbers fundraiser 5k and Fun Run to be held at Founders Park on September 21, 2019.
Motion to recommend the vendor application for the Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association Cops
and Robbers fundraiser 5k and Fun Run to be held at Founders Park on September 21, 2019.
The Wylie Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association (WCPAAA) is requesting to do a fundraiser 5K and
one mile fun run at the Founders Park trail on September 21, 2019.
This is the first year this race will be held in Founders Park. It has previously taken place in the downtown
Wylie area near Olde City Park. Staff has contacted the sports leagues using Founders Park on this date since
this race will be held on a Saturday that is typically used for league play. League representatives have put this
event on their schedule and intend to hold games later in the day after the completion of the race. As with the
Turkey Trot held in November this race is held completely in the park, not utilizing any City Streets. Parks
staff will be working with the WCPPA representatives on coordinating the route and park set up.
Page 1 of 1
7.16 Decatur Way
Wylie, TX 75098
Date: 2/6/2019
TO: Robert Diaz
Address/Organization: Parks and Recreation, Wylie TX
FAX umber: 1-972-442-0758 Office umber: 972-516-6341
FROM: Linda S. Lewis
Number: 972-442-4207
Number of Pages. 4 Including Cover Sheet
REMARKS: Please acknowledge receipt of this FAX via email to
Islewis47@yahoo.com. Thank you!
Confidentiality Notice:
This communication is intended for the sole use of the individual to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is
privileged,confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.If the[leader of this communication is not the intended
recipient or the employee or agent for delivering the communication to the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any
dissemination,distribution copying of this communication may be strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in
error,please notify the sender immediately by telephone(collect if necessary),and return the communication at the address
above via the United States Postal Service. Thank you, (Rev:0 2)
IT 300 Country Club Rd,Building 100,Wylie,TX 75098
Office: 972-516-6340/Fax 972-442-0758
Email: parks@wylietexas.gov
VENDOR APPLICATION-Once approved by City Council, vendor has 7 days to finalize event with
Parks&Recreation facility staff Recommended timeline for submission is 2-3 months in advance of
events Please l'orward TYPED application to above address entail orr fax
Applicant Information
Name of Organization: Primary Contact Person's Name:
Wylie Citizens'Police Academy Alumni Association Diane Neel
O nization's Phone Number: °__ - _ _ �� _—
Organization's Primary Contact Person's Phone Number.
N/A 469-955-8308
Organization's Address: a Primary Contact Person's Address:
WCPAAA%Angie McIntosh 2000 N.Hwy 78,Wylie,TX 75098 A_
101 N.Westgate Way
Organization's Website/Email: Primary Contact Person's Email:
N/A diane.neel wylieisd.net
Organization's Non-profit Exemption Number/501c3(if applicable): Alternate Contact Person's Name/Number/Email:
30-0520098 Linda Lewis/214-240-9524/Islewis47@yahoo.com
Event Information
Event Name/Title:
Cos and Robb
bers Chase
Event Type(fundraiser,etc.): Purpose of Event:
Fundraiser Raise funds to support the Wylie Police Dept.
Event Location: Proposed Event Date: Alternative Date:
Founder's Park route selected by Parks and Recreation El-it-Date-Sept.21,2019 2 Date-N/A
Anticipated Number of Participating Vendors: Start Time(Ind.setup): End Time(Ind.deanup):
7 30 AM 2 PM
Anticipated Event Attendance: Event Target Audience:
200-300 I Wylie families and friends
Please list any and all specifics,as well as items s intended to sell. If available,attach additional pages,announcements or flyers.
We will sell late registrations at the event and T-shirts if someone doesn't want to run but wants to buy a T-shirt. We will have a jail
where someone can be arrested and need to be"bailed out"by someone giving a donation.There will be free bounce house,face
painting,cotton candy,and popcorn.
Flyer Attached.
If food is prepared on-site or off-site and brought to the event location to be offered to the public,free or at a cost, the vendor applicant must contact the Collin
County Environmental Services Office in McKinney In order to inquire whether a Temporary/Short-Term Event Food Service/Health Permit is required prior to the
event. It is possible that a health inspector must examine food preparation and storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers. Please contact
Clayton Stewart,Environmental Services Specialist,at 1-972-548-5528 or 1-972.548-5585. The Collin County website is www.coliincountyagay.
Sec.78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend,peddle,sell or offer to sell any cold drinks,cigars,
tobacco,cigarettes,fruits,candies,goods,wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center
facility;provided, r,that this section shall not apply to any person,organizations,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or
corporation,or employees of any person who are recommended by the Parks and Recreation :• rd and approved the City Council to operate a concession or
con ions for the sale of specified goods,wares,and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the
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10It It sia lt4 w5�242i1ter'AVONr}i51\�£`I t Ftt Ot5fc£1�ty4"£455te 4WPO (t14i ftt,€tSNN l W1O} F�£,t`1'tw#f£st`i�
• BOUNCE HOUSE tl t k}t, } ,� 1t41z4#F, z��tzr�{O t ���, t{}?rl
k?s y-?sal44 \ 1 „fit-,
• FACE PAINTING Proceeds raised will go to the Wylie
• COTTON CANDY Citizens Police Academy Alumni
Association and help them continue their
• POPCORN efforts in supporting the Wylie Police
• PLACE A FRIEND OR FAMILY Department and the Wylie Community.
Reg{ster Before'Sept. 9th to`Guarantee a,T-Shirt & Medal
Age 14 . &Under 1. .00 (Includes t-shirtmedal)
Age 15 & Up .00 (Includes t-shirt & medal)
Family Rate 4 runners 7O.00(Includes t-shirts & medals)
(must include at least 1 adult')
Project Update Completion Date Park Zone Budget Funded From
Parks,Recreation,and Open Space Master Plan Online survey is completed. Fall of 2019 All $ 141,740.00 4B
Steering Committee meeting in Feb.18,2019
Braddock Park Concept Design(with MP) No updates. Fall of 2019 Central $ 29,980.00 A/I
Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection design Started on Ph.2 and 3 design. Fall 2018 Central $ 34,000.00 GF
Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail Connection Begin design of Ph.2/3. Summer 2018 Central $ 250,000.00 A/I
construction Candidate for Collin County Grant.
Brown House Feasibility Study Looking to schedule possible meeting with Board, Winter 2019 Central $ 49,400.00 4B
Council,and possibly Historical Review Board
Parkside Park Concept Design(with MP) No updates. Fall of 2019 West $ 30,000.00 A/I
Stonehaven House Feasibility Study Will begin at the completion of Brown House Summer 2019 Central $ 50,000.00 Hotel/Motel