05-16-2019 (Public Arts Advisory) Agenda Packet Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Meeting Agenda
May 16, 2019 — 6:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers/Conference Room
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
Wylie, Texas 75098
Michael Schwerin Chair
Nancy Peirce vice Chair
Anita Jones Board Member
Minerva Bediako Board Member
Lily Courtney Board Member
Ross Grant Board Member
Marjorie Bennett Board Member
Carole Ehrlich................................................................Board Liaison
Carole Ehrlich Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal
Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas. ov within the
required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:
The Chairman and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516-6020.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
• Discussion regarding the Animal Shelter Public Art Project Dedication. (C. Ehrlich,
Public Arts Coordinator)
Executive Summary
Staff will update the board on the Animal Shelter Public Art Dedication and work shop by artist
Robert Barnum.
. Committee report regarding fundraiser options for the 2019 Wylie Arts Festival.
(C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator)
May 16,2019 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Page 2
Executive Summary
Committee members Courtney, Schwerin, and Bennett will further discuss fundraiser ideas for the 2019
Wylie Arts Festival with the board.
• Update regarding the Bluegrass on Ballard Event, set for June 29, 2019.
(C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator)
Executive Summary
Staff will present an update regarding the Bluegrass on Ballard scheduled for June 29, 2019. This will
include work schedules for the Bluegrass event.
1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the minutes from the April 18, 2019 Public
Arts Advisory Board Regular Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, Public Art Coordinator)
2. Consider, and act upon, approval of the cost of a plaque to be placed at the
Animal Shelter Public Art site. (C. Ehrlich, Public Art Coordinator)
Executive Summary
The cost has increased from the original estimated cost of $400 to the actual cost of $602. Staff is
requesting approval of the additional cost.
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the Public Arts Advisory Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of
the Public Arts Advisory Board,or a consultation with the attorney for the City,should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or
session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et.seq.,will be held by Public Arts
Advisory Board at the date,hour,and place given in this notice as the Public Arts Advisory Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive
meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but
not limited to,the following sections and purposes:
Texas Government Code Sections:
§551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City.
§551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City.
§551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 13th day of May 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this
agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
May 16,2019 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Page 2
Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
Bluegrass on Ballard
Work Schedule
June 29, 2019
Morning 6:30 am—10:30 am All Members
All day volunteers: Carole Ehrlich
Volunteers: ROTC
Gloria Suarez
Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Called Meeting
April 18, 2019 — 6:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
City Council Chambers/Conference Room
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
The Public Arts Advisory Board meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Chair Michael Schwerin.
Members present included: Minerva Bediako, Nancy Peirce, Anita Jones, Lily Courtney, Marjorie
Bennett, and Ross Grant.
Staff present included Public Arts Coordinator Carole Ehrlich.
• Discussion regarding the Animal Shelter Public Art Project Dedication. (C.
Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator)
Staff/Board Comments
Ehrlich reported that the art dedication is scheduled for June 1, 2019 at 9:30 am at the Animal
Shelter near the sculptures. Artist Robert Barnum is requesting coverage for his lodging due to the
two day stay to complete the work session he proposed to prepare for the public. Ehrlich asked if
anyone knew of a facility that could provide equipment for a PowerPoint presentation since City
Hall would be closed on Saturday. Lily Courtney suggested the Conversations Coffee Shop where
attendees could sit and watch the presentation. She stated that she would talk to the owner to
see if that facility would work.
Ehrlich reported the plaque wording was part of the agenda packet so the board could see what
the artist wished to place on the plaque in honor of the animal shelter staff and the adoption
process. She stated that both the lodging for the artist and the plaque were in the agenda as a
business item for further discussion and consideration.
• Committee report regarding fundraiser options for the 2019 Wylie Arts Festival.
(C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator)
Board Comments
Chair Schwerin reported the committee had not had a chance to meet and further discuss the
options for a fund raiser for the 2019 Wylie Arts Festival. They would meet very soon and report
back to the board with additional options.
April 18, 2019 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes P a c 2
• Update regarding the Bluegrass on Ballard Event, set for June 29, 2019.
Board Comments
Public Arts Coordinator Ehrlich reported there were currently forty eight vendor and twelve food
applications accepted. She noted this would anticipate over one hundred by the event date. She
asked for volunteers to mark booths at the park. Marjorie Bennett volunteered to assist Public
Information Officer and event logistics supervisor with this process. Chair Schwerin stated he was
not sure yet if he would be able to assist.
1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the minutes from the March 21, 2019 Public
Arts Advisory Board Regular Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, Public Art Coordinator)
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Jones, seconded by board member Peirce to approve
the March 21, 2019 Public Arts Advisory Board minutes. A vote was taken and the motion
passed 7-0.
2. Consider and act upon, approval of a plaque for the Animal Shelter Public Art
Project. (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator)
Board Discussion
Public Arts Coordinator Ehrlich addressed the board stating that the wording was enclosed in the packet
for board review and consideration. Board member Jones stated that she felt the comma between Shelter
and staff should be after volunteer. The board agreed the comma should be changed.
Ehrlich explained the plaque would be constructed of steel to be uniform with the aluminum used
for the sculpture. She reported that most plaques they have purchased in the past were in the
range of$350.00 to $400. She noted the plaque would not go over $400.
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Peirce, seconded by board member Courtney to approve
the design and wording of the plaque to be placed at the Animal Shelter Public Art Project at a
cost not to exceed $400.00. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.
3. Consider, and act upon, approval of the cost of lodging for artist Robert Barnum
for the dedication and presentation/work shop of his project. (C. Ehrlich, Public
Arts Coordinator)
Board Discussion
Public Arts Coordinator Ehrlich addressed the board stating that the request for lodging was
not usually provided, however with the artist providing a work shop for citizens at no
April 18,2019 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes F' a .�a 3
additional cost, it would be difficult for him to arrive and depart on the same day. He would
need to lodge the night before due to flight times and would not leave until the following day
due to the timing of the work shop. Ehrlich asked staff to consider the lodging. The artist is
providing his flight costs.
Chair Schwerin stated that this was an unusual request but due to the timing and the
opportunity for citizens to see the sculpture process from beginning to end, he believed the
cost was appropriate. Board members concurred.
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Courtney, seconded by board member Jones to
approve the cost of lodging for the two day stay for artist Robert Barnum, not to exceed
$300. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.
A motion was made by board member Peirce, seconded by board member Jones to adjourn
the meeting at 6:48 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.
Michael Schwerin, Chair
Carole Ehrlich, Secretary
April 18, 2019 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes P a e 4
Public Arts Advisory Board
Meeting Date: May 16, 2019 Item Number: 2
Department: Public Arts Advisory Board (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code:
Date Prepared: 5-9-2019 Exhibits: 2
Consider, and act upon, approval of the cost of a plaque to be placed at the Animal Shelter Public Art Site.
Motion to approve the design and wording of the plaque to be placed at the Animal Shelter Public Art Project at a cost of
Staff has researched the design and estimated cost of a plaque to be placed in front of the Animal Shelter art pieces. The
plaque will be made from metal to blend with the aluminum in the pieces. The artist wrote a few words about the intent
behind his sculptures which are included on the plaque.
The initial estimated cost of the plaque was approved in an amount not to exceed$400 at the last meeting; however when
contacting the company for the order, staff was told the cost would be $602. Staff is requesting approval of the additional
cost of the plaque. It will be installed by our public works staff. This cost is part of the project and is included as
contingency funding.
The final design is included with this packet.
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“RESCUED” The Power of Adoption
RESCUED is designed to honor the noble
and dedicated work of the Wylie Animal
Shelter staff and volunteers for their
efforts to care for and find forever homes
for lost animals
Robert Barnum
City of Wylie
Public Art Program
June 2019