09-02-2014 (Impact Fee Advisory) Agenda Packet Impact Fee Advisory
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September 2 , 2014
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Impact Fee Advisory Committee
- __,,vir' ._, ,__,_I NOTICE OF MEETING
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, September 2, 2014— 6:00 P.M.
Following the P&Z Regular Meeting
Wylie Municipal Complex— Room 230
Large Conference Room
300 Country Club Rd., Bldg. 100
Ron Smith Chairman
Dennis Larson Vice Chairman
Diane Culver Commissioner
David Williams Commissioner
Mike McCrossin Commissioner
Randy Owens Commissioner
Jerry Stiller Commissioner
Tommy Pulliam Commissioner
Renae' 011ie Development Services Director
Chris Hoisted City Engineer
Charles Lee Senior Planner
Jasen Haskins Planner
Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the
appropriate news media,and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.goy within the required time frame. As a courtesy,the entire Agenda Packet has
also been posted on the City of Wylie website:www.wvlietexas.gov.
The Chair and Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council
Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in
advance by contacting the City Secretaiy's Office at 972.516.6020 or TD 972.442.8170.
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
1. Consider and act upon Minutes from the August 19, 2014 Meeting.
September 2, 2014 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 2 of 2
Regular Agenda
1. Consider and Act upon approval of written comments and direct a member of the committee to file the
written comments with the Planning Director no later than before the 5th business day before the date of
the public hearing to be held by the City Council regarding Land Use Assumptions, Capital
Improvements Plan, and Impact Fees.
I certf that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 29th day of August, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted.As a courtesy, this
agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov.
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date Notice Removed
7 Wylie Impact Fee Advisory Committee
Wylie Impact Fee Advisory Committee
Tuesday August 19, 2014—
Following the P&Z Meeting
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Chairman Ron Smith called the meeting to order at 7:0PM. Present were: Commissioner
Diane Culver, Commissioner David Williams, Commissioner Randy Owens, and
Commissioner Mike McCrossin. Commissioner Dennis Larson and Commissioner
Tommy Pulliam were both absent.
Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Joe Carter, Birkhoff, Hendricks &
Conway, L.L.P., Professional Engineers, Charles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen Haskins,
Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 5, 2014,
Regular Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner
Culver to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried 5 —0.
Work Session
Item 1
Work Session on Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, and modification
of impact fees, Continuation from August 5, 2014 Meeting.
Staff Presentation
Mr. Carter with Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P., 11190 Greenville
Avenue, Plano, stated that two changes were made to the Thoroughfare
Capital Improvement Plan and Roadway Impact Fees, which was discussed at
the last meeting to study North Ballard area and to see how traffic flow may
be improved.
Minutes August 19,2014
Wylie Impact Fee Advisory Committee
Page 1 of 2
The other change was the boundary line between east and west, typically runs
along State Highway 78 until you get to Lake Forrest, then it turns North. At
the last meeting projects along Park Boulevard were incorrectly put into the
west zone area. The correct revised maximum Western Service Area is
$741.00, and the revised maximum Eastern Service Area is $2,032.00.
Also, included in the packet is a comparison of impact fees from surrounding
cities, which was requested from the Commissioners. Also included is a
comparison on property taxes with commercial uses.
The written comments by the Committee will be submitted to City Council on
September 23, 2014. The Committee will take an action consideration on
September 2, 2014.
Board Discussion
The Commissioners discussed three options of leaving the fees alone, or
leveling out equaling, or reducing the impact fees from what they are
Board Action
The Commissioners directed Staff to provide a spreadsheet that they could
input various impact fees and have it calculate the projected income from that
fee. The Commissioners will consider and act upon the options at the
September 2, 2014 meeting; The options include leaving the impact fees the
same as they are currently; or lower the impact fees; and to charge the same
amount on both the west and east service area, not to exceed the current fee.
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner
Wiliams, to adjourn the meeting at 9:21pm. All Commissioners were in consensus.
Ron Smith, Chairman
Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant
Minutes August 19, 2014
Wylie Impact Fee Advisory Committee
Page 2 of 2
v Wylie Impact Fee Advisory
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Meeting Date: September 2, 2014 Item Number: 1
Department: Planning
Prepared By: Mary Bradley Subdivision:
Date Prepared: August 28, 2014 Zoning District:
Exhibits: Comparison Spreadsheet
Consider and Act upon approval of written comments and direct a member of the committee to file the written
comments with the Planning Director
Make a motion to appoint a member of the committee to provide written comments and to file the written
comments with the Planning Director no later than before the 5th business day before the date of the public
hearing to be held by the City Council regarding Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, and
Im•act Fees.
In accordance with State Law and from the two work sessions, the Committee has discussed the land use
assumptions, capital improvements plan, and maximum impact fee amounts per service unit which may be
recommended to Council. The options discussed were:
1. The Western Area Zone and Eastern Area Zone be the same amount.
2. Lower the Impact Fees less than $741.00 for the Western Area Zone and $2,032.00 for the Eastern Area
3. Leave the Fees as is, passed by Ordinance 2007-34: $434.50 Western Area Zone and $718.50 Eastern
Area Zone.
4. Or another suggestion as deemed appropriate by the Committee.
Consistent with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395; the City's advisory committee shall provide & file
written comments/recommendations on any proposed amendments to the land use assumptions, capital
improvements plan, and impact fee before the fifth business day before the date of the public hearing on the
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RO 08/28/14
Page 1 of 1
Service Zone Cost of Cost of Thoroughfare Cost Per Max Amount of Percent of Impact Amount of Percent of
Area Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth Service Unit Impact Improvements Max Calculated Fee Improvements Max Calculated
(2015-2024) (Rounded) Fee Paid Impact Fee Charged Paid Impact Fee
W $95,566,342.00 $6,307,378.57 $1,482 $741 $3,153,689.29 50% $434.52 $1,850,589.98 29.3%
E $172,380,939.75 $28,615,236.00 $4,064 $2,032 $14,307,618.00 50% 50 $5,059,066.70 17.7%
Totals $267,947,281.75 $34,922,614.57 Totals $17,461,307.29 50% Totals $6,909,656.68 19.8%
Difference $17,461,307.29 Difference $28,012,957.89
Service Zone Cost of Cost of Thoroughfare Cost Per Max Amount of Percent of Impact Amount of Percent of
Area Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth Service Unit Impact Improvements Max Calculated Fee Improvements Max Calculated
(2015-2024) (Rounded) Fee Paid Impact Fee Charged Paid Impact Fee
W $95,566,342.00 $6,307,378.57 $1,482 $741 $3,153,689.29 50% $400.00 $1,702,396.38 27.0%
E $172,380,939.75 $28,615,236.00 $4,064 $2,032 $14,307,618.00 50% ; 74}0: 0. $4,928,805.41 17.2%
Totals $267,947,281.75 $34,922,614.57 Totals $17,461,307.29 50% Totals $6,631,201.79 19.0%
Difference $17,461,307.29 Difference $28,291,412.78
Service Zone Cost of Cost of Thoroughfare Cost Per Max Amount of Percent of Impact Amount of Percent of
Area Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth Service Unit Impact Improvements Max Calculated Fee Improvements Max Calculated
(2015-2024) (Rounded) Fee Paid Impact Fee Charged Paid Impact Fee
W $95,566,342.00 $6,307,378.57 $1,482 $741 $3,153,689.29 50% $400.00 $1,702,396.38 27.0%
E $172,380,939.75 $28,615,236.00 $4,064 $2,032 $14,307,618.00 50% $ 4}000. $2,816,460.24 9.8%
Totals $267,947,281.75 $34,922,614.57 Totals $17,461,307.29 50% Totals $4,518,856.61 12.9%
Difference $17,461,307.29 Difference $30,403,757.96
Service Zone Cost of Cost of Thoroughfare Cost Per Max Amount of Percent of Impact Amount of Percent of
Area Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth Service Unit Impact Improvements Max Calculated Fee Improvements Max Calculated
(2015-2024) (Rounded) Fee Paid Impact Fee Charged _ Paid Impact Fee
W $95,566,342.00 $6,307,378.57 $1,482 $741 $3,153,689.29 50% $ 00.00. $2,127,995.47 33.7%
E $172,380,939.75 $28,615,236.00 $4,064 $2,032 $14,307,618.00 50% $500.00. $3,520,575.30 12.3%
Totals $267,947,281.75 $34,922,614.57 Totals $17,461,307.29 50% Totals $5,648,570.76 16.2%
Difference $17,461,307.29 Difference $29,274,043.81
Service Zone Cost of Cost of Thoroughfare Cost Per Max Amount of Percent of Impact Amount of Percent of
Area Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth Service Unit Impact Improvements Max Calculated Fee Improvements Max Calculated
(2015-2024) (Rounded) Fee Paid Impact Fee Charged Paid Impact Fee
W $95,566,342.00 $6,307,378.57 $1,482 $741 $3,153,689.29 50% $576 $2,453,578.78 38.9%
E $172,380,939.75 $28,615,236.00 $4,064 $2,032 $14,307,618.00 50% $576 $4,059,223.32 14.2%
Totals $267,947,281.75 $34,922,614.57 Totals $17,461,307.29 50% Totals $6,512,802.09 18.6%
Difference $17,461,307.29 Difference $28,409,812.48