02-11-2019 (Parks & Recreation - Sub-Committee Meeting) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CIS"'` OF NOTICE OF SUB- COMMITTEE MEETING Special Meeting Agenda February 11, 2019 — 7:30 p.m.* *(or immediately following the Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting) Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers 300 Country Club #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Bobby Kinser Board Member Phil Gilbert Board Member Brett Swendig Board Member Robert Diaz Board Liaison Brent Stowers Parks Manager Janet Hawkes Board Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:www.wylietexas.gov. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the Board Secretary prior to each meeting. A QUORUM OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS MAY OR MAY NOT BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. NO ACTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING WILL BE TAKEN. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Recommendations of potential projects utilizing the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund. ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the Parks and Recreation Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Parks and Recreation Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Parks and Recreation Board at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Parks and Recreation Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sections and purposes: Texas Government Code Sections: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. February 11,2019 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Subcommittee Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 8th day of February 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed City of Wylie Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund Statement of Revenues and Expenditures-Cash Basis as of December 31,2018 West Central East Total All Zones Beginning FY 2018 Fund Balance 54,978.25 350,658.96 104,121.82 509,759.04 Revenue Parkland Dedication (YTD Actual) - - - - County Grants(YTD Actual) - - - - Interest Income(YTD Actual) 80.02 510.39 151.55 741.96 Miscellaneous Income - - - - Contributions/Donations - - - - County Proceeds(OFS) - - - - Total Revenue 80.02 510.39 151.55 741.96 Actual Expenses(plus Encumbrance&Reserve) - Budgeted Expenses (80,000.00) (280,000.00) - (360,000.00) Total Fund Balance Based on Actual 55,058.27 351,169.35 104,273.38 510,501.00 Actual Balance as of FY19-20 (24,941.73) 71,169.35 104,273.38 150,501.00 Projects to Complete in FY19-20 Park Zone Twin Lakes Park Trail (Collin County Grant) Central Braddock MP Central Parkside MP West Citywide Parks and Open Space MP 4B Potential Projects for FY19-20 Playground at Twin Lakes Park(Collin County Grant) Central Landscape/Irri.design for Avalon Park North and South East 11 .„ j d ^` A 1, ill NW i # {W \ ,A tiltilli Y!MY r al `{ t :,i .^ 1t �"'��, �/ `f 1 \,,„,. \ 010. f r ' p# ,r,_, .___ -'''',,,,1, .r .0 0 Et LIB 1 �(C �ti."'.l���v:,,,"r..:,,: r,:,,,,r",: ,-0.,r.,r,,.,<y• �wurrar�raa�{r�raA�r`s�ar ar�arsat� 'iaa rr q ,n ,a�eas s� / fir_ 21. at�r..ra.ia *r.'" -coo 'N ��'~ ti' F TYV �O ) cla) .4104 �4 k 21 f7 ��' t.7 ( 1 ) 1 ` y, tw•rrraaraE ! GJ �l� ., rh4xa+prr..,, " 6 ....a Cl" c:�__.�' l�",x ( '- 1 I --- t 1 w i. Cake, 2 y� 0 / ram T ?.. 3 e. Kingsbridge p - ; Park - IL 5 W w aa. " i 1 i.....Irrrrararrnarrwarwr4 ,/, /'} `�1 , It r STONECREST T`RL 'L�.OAKS ' .. ! > fl 1r....�ra..�a.�r{...r1/1....111 ' RAIN Tf -' .. w" ., East 4,1 ...lc reekside DR ��� . a Estates Fork ' oS E.k Park ' North Park WINON - , c "" ram_- I- .. cOR �� .�`` NAT CIA f ' \., RUSHING WAY Prt rr�Iaa.ullrrrtaJFr11ArNi#rlra {a�r#rr#r.arst i "" t w . „„ BOXWOOD LN STARPOINT 1 ' " REAGENEA • } � Avalon (Lavon FriendshipPark /� ��, 47 1 tI: , ,47,4 �� , " ! � �� e w fake) Park Yt DR MALat JVv U�{ �.",, �ar�ra�u ��rr� m�ecc— �� �, �. „„, 1 RELIC TEAKWOOD DR �� GJ a � � l �� Trinity _�� 1 2m .4 r CR�EEl, JACOB DR SUMMERDALE LN `; `" Creekside (,, Fll Trailhead vv_ LEN�C7 CREEKSIDE, tr . 0 IISON D 2 Wylie ' y, Estates E� a LEE O t ESTATES 1 rr m, i3 R South Park ., ,� �� �, s � �. �� Lakes �__ _�_�_��_ �__ �_�. . POSEY LN erg ui � � `' 1 JAYDEI � � a,�, Park . �R PHASE 9 A� < OLUMBUS LN N��E'hQ'Affi(a. — C aJ y IL..#..E DR 0 �'\ _. _ rn k :^aay �•1 t �...,� �.ti..+. ? 'd..,,�," t CICY LN WAY .� x Dodd ������� ( _.-� H ) 0 GAAI0 , ,/ 4".` y. ,' �` ..ar.arira.r r.ar.rr �ac.rcR . o r, T'V d�^�y. 1 `T` L 1 � Park rr�rr�as�i' �_ t'----- ! ' " 3," 0041° as " `..A 4 "'6bsTtE�Efi•.".:SZ"'.2`S 'fi'Pvr'�,igt r.�. &.7'/K AJ S'�. �� f ".' y t,..'F h,' ' Tom' iy �.�.. .. .ry�y„r i..t ...,gG4£ 1✓+ 44, ?8'v,''uwe+�yrv9„'Sl�k'.{la { , r•3 I REDA LN as a� a a „ze/ 1/1 '�,. 1 1, ._..,. W f 0 s r crwamay; L__.. �l , <C 0 \ L.-s C"I i r M 7�t t I 1 ( '' ra ,aaa-a ,-- as_�I Wylie ;\. Riverwa Park - GR. , Birmingham a_rr.rra_"--E cl,/1),)„,„„))//2\")2 : 1 _ "� y �' ,, g ■ Lakes ""` Srk.I t� I 1 r`+" 'i"� Farms Phase 47ir�{r�rrwan#rarer{r�ar�rrarrrawrK*��♦ 1----I �'� ,'.} "... i{ Park 2 '� "``\.. k !1➢ 4� l" s, 0 _NI.LJ F ♦ �"I .0 ��' as3sa3CKaM:,, et, ate, eme / �� . � ' K LN 14A Park .,. �. � � � . Dili 2 r LLI O� ""ft WestZone rt ., / ,. Birmingham r' � RII � s �? �C)A RC u. �� cc �' 1 Sage �. 7,t,,,,,, N f— <CI CL ,..� aFarms Phase . ` �Creek LAKE RA$ U) t q �, ..r�*{ s{..► t .C° `' �. �,,,. ", "�` ' LINCOLI t DR TL1 {r�i**tr*� {a+r a{a► r C3 � aa �t.1; G�1 h 1 B {{vs „a{� >aa Park " � � o Meadows of 4 Park Meadowview {{�{,,,; {;{,,...{{ Iil � ir -. e ' t Birmingham NN DR J Estates Park „{rrr{{- f{sr.%{ ", � . 1-.: 44) KENNEDY DR ♦ r{,r,.{i{a {wr{o+k, 4 `t {.r „„. { NTB �EWIS RANCH' as �q \ Phase 2 Park O „ O aran4{a�{r{ %::a{ r, ''' . j 7 ---_�. :HO:37:S Joel Scott .• «lvvv PHASE 2 �. ,. TIRE ��.'�'�. D �'" '" - :u� _ a•S"`A.,„'?E3rJT•R O O < Memorial ,.•► � L'� �1 "���r."PRE 9ttdcf � 1_. 'Ili 0 � �� �' .:.,,STONo. neCALLIECTs� � Park �� �- BISSEL WAY :� REATADROR �_ w.. OR Re er c rr �C' C ~ ,C> ---',_ . i ._.. WYNDHAtvt C C LEWIS �1�L11�1C?N` ''C` ,.,., i FOR T R Sage Municipal li .w., THE PARC "� � , S�3ERIDAN AT 1N,Y�IE c� t` ? �AVaIOn Addition RANCH �� �� f APARTMENTS a� � IKI LNONTAG�aPHASE 1 '{ , Creek Trail Complex p - _ BI BMI�NGF AM EAST . F �✓� � � �_� Phase 1 Park NA DR Eureka Lewis ��, _ � # / :' '�� 4 s cl 6 GLENDALE DR C)) ,� D AD Wooded Oncor Park Ranch "' / "�" It`�"/"� 4._-- �� } Park GOL IIti wAMESTOWN DRr,'` j � ING Creek Park COLLIN,COLLEGE �� NEW HAVEN AT Park ' 1 O I EL as IMas :aaaa ,a.aaaaa •a3aa• `t ` 4,,V DR CAMPUS,(FUTURE) kAWYLIE 0 ,. as ; Lu ADDITION IE 0 1 _._ .�___ Y 3'^vanazzaamlaa3mv`lawas3"„u�a'i:;F,vy�k"iw,:.42i",3T'flt'b• t t Et r H71 0 Kreymer Estates t ,". ` r o (Senior Assisted Olde W MARBLE ST it co Li � �� Y ELOT DR Lakeside ,.� Living)W OAK Sr ' Phase 1 & 2 Park 6 w LA EFIELD DR v t R ... ',,: 1ST i - ' 0 Estates "�� Park rk "� �� .v � "� `l ELLIOT a ' Park pit LSlDE DR '1 CHS IRE LNAvalon '" '' 0Parkside K URI IIVMAS T EEKDR Ire.,•, �� ,„ t` `f II �` MAJES Grayhawk t \ PEENING ST Phase Y x)ONO Park 4117 � � Creek Kirby Kreymer Estates OGUlAST;PI:14-St 2 Park Park �\a Hollow ' . KREYMER 1MOSSY . ���� � vIT � ', �� �, �, � ' Park Phase 2, 3, �r " N �`� ► � ' ��� ..,�. � , 1 �� �; �, �``," �� r ' ,� �, � Park ° & 4 Trails 1 ��, � • ��,. r R i KREYMER EAST / � ��� w" 11.Eeaaaava �`,�`1 1 e�r�l r t�r�uvt.tt dF,,y aaa } '2 � � K / �^ �-- fl1 � � � �,waaaaamzaa�aaa� COOP , G H , F2 0 a Fs'' Y GRAYHAWK PARK ' -� �_....._� -� r a ww �: �. aa,� aa, a a,. � LL! Lt C '` .. .w ' Ili) KREYMER STEEL RD1 _< Founders 0 4 0 rn < 0 a EAT 1 '` %f001.150-5,,,,14/e4 c '` t oPHASE 3 ' 'r' OODBRIDGE Park m 0 _ r�4htE•,„ j 1 w rY .`�`t:,,' ` E STIOA G: el'D,. 'r• ^ -- vw, ,s;, e„ _ ,,;z am,, r`` l i+' PHASE 21 Woodbridge0 �� / �� � " Phase 21 Park Valentine DUNCAN WAY CRESTVIEW LN �r � �y ���' 1`y `�' EfER✓ALCM O DR ; �, Park " PIRATE C D� " �_" {µby im { Ak. "'EXCHANGE sT ,� WESTGATE . LNG tfitLl.SfLN CEDARt �L DR / �' �" i Rw�EL APARTMENTS ' Bozman Farms � 1} n� OA BROO �� �: i ` ' t �" K DRBOZMAN .�,` j t � " R �� r. WILLOW WAY y,,,,,:471,,,w+0,,,,,.\,H,1:171:T_I\ �' v ( - . r'G A S WOODBRIDGE {� Community �StateS Park FARMS ` , v "' yTOWNHOMESii � � l - - i ��� STONEYBROOK DR Park` LaRENE DR � D ESTATE'S 1? 7 ��� (' Alley . N � s ,) 1 HENSLEYLN t ALFRED DR COt � EKE I"RL � �' Fa- �•,• :•� : « csccs,rccc: a •saa€ :. :yaW N TR \ r Stone LAKE TRAVIS DR ;-, 0 vLA ut �, ��i .,'' 1 �, ,� r,: I DR 1 C'l Ranch MILFORD DR LAKE WICE fITA DR TWIN OAKS DR �.:' "" Ste`�r' t ��� N :a •.a i zl: �,as2 BOZMAN FARM t �., r' �, 11 I \ -7<, KRi a LN FlA1 bDDEN VALLEY C Rt E TEXOMA DR ��. Park LAB a E•S=ELI a,D:MI•EM/a,,,, aG,E£., ESTATES � ► ° � ,�. i �, �._ � l a c " D DR PH. 5B WILLO�•7 ,. �� rDR Z c � a WIEELIS RD �� //-',::), ) �.__�= a � Southbrook Park Twin ' fl#BOZf,, jr` I , -. ENA p �" .........r_ ...r.._.r......r...)...:...... 0 � Lakes MAN.0 0 • <J �• MARTIN DR " h t " /, FARM j .:r,,`' MSCPark a as a aalta. ESTATES PH. 6 �}' : ; r� �. / 'O CAR _L DR I-ac „ „ Its (s, w:,.,,,:r," GLEN`S .,',: O �Sa �. a aaaa � aaaaa .n k' ,l SUN MEADOW DR ER CR SHADYBRO1. , y �� .� (�� DR ,C �1 BAV��� ' EK RIll 11 1 `' � , ° �f ROCKBRO , N� ;i' '<«"� 'y BOZMAN RD O r'' ( . D. r OP '3 r L �1' I Ii ELaM 7R s,,,aaaa � Braddock Place)) .. P ARK LW' e- 0 ,. Dominion C � r� � Phase 1 Park , ) r �\--r of Pleasant , ~ ! ' c Va I I ey Trail a �' ,4,„ ,.a,nt ,a. , � rx,�tr rasar •�E ," Ora ��` � � �; RD r 7) �. 1 r ,`� `� CEDAR POIN r,' 1 •} yM� CRLEKSID L � ,,' r�\ >-tt 1,0 -- (-It:� s.5.. .., �� ?#O � Braddock Place , „,. • e `., p _ ��`� Emerald Pheasant , ,- --~ EARK Phase 2 Park -\, _-_ , , �`•% �' „, ,,..:» D �'` _; a � Creek Park ��,.. � "`''r.'•{a Vista Park , „r' ��������� Wry s� � fie . is''r I , .iN. )\ v..... ��!v Dominion 4iOMINIONOF ��'� , ..,, 2 11 PLEASANT' ,} '`�' A �� .1 �� of Pleasant ��VAI`�EY �` c, ; �.. �' � {tea{rr{{ �EJ 1 9 `, ,•► L_. Valley Park ' ',r. , JAMESLEED 4, v" h �• i >.♦ p Q �' rartoe / •? DALLAS RD "A, G /co, ,,,, ,,,,„ Central done t�{� ,,, § ,„ „, „, „„ „„ _ 1 aR♦r„ ru}� U �. Lake Ray , 4 'i) � , .',as"S['u11't.,yu�,rw6."„y�':"r�'.uicvTt I �� ;). Hubbard , ,1I Dallas County c Muddy Creek - ' Preserve at Wylie ' �' * 1� } NAME OWNER NOTES TYPE STATUS ZONE ADDRESS Avalon(Lavon Lake) Park USACE Lavon Lake in Wylie city limits Regional Park Developed East Zone Unknown °, Avalon Addition Phase 1 Park City Backstops, Soccer Practice Field City Park Developed East Zone 1312 E Brown St City of Wy I ie „ , 1, , „‘„..., .. ,,,,,„„,,,„,„,„ Avalon Phase 2 Park City No amenities City Park Undeveloped East Zone 213 Kings Ct + ^"*' "'' Min-` Birmingham Farms Phase 14A Park ;;: :.,. . :a;::::,:; ;yA ,::: :; City Trails, Playground City Park Developed East Zone 725 Odenville Dr Birmingham Farms Phase 14B Park City Drainage&utility easement Utility Easement Planned East Zone N/A fir 111, Bozman Farms Estates Park City No amenities City Park Undeveloped East Zone N/A p a rks I n fo rm at •I 0 nBraddock Place Phase 1 Park City Future Park- Utility easement crossing City Park Undeveloped Central Zone 1300 Elm Dr Braddock Place Phase 2 Park HOA Future Park- Utility easement crossing City Park Undeveloped Central Zone 1401 Cedar Point Dr �Y Community Park City Athletic Fields, Playground,Trail Athletic Complex Developed Central Zone 800 Thomas St FCreek Hollow Park City Trail connection to woodland boardwalk City Park Developed West Zone 307 Crosscreek Dr Creekside Estates North Park City Playground / Drainage Easement City Park Developed West Zone 1600 Peggy Loftice Dr Creekside Estates South Park City Playground,Trails City Park Developed West Zone 3105 Hinnant Ct Legend Dallas County M uddy Creek Preserve at Wylie Dallas County Trails County Park Developed Central Zone 5351 Pleasant Valley Rd Dodd Park City Backstops, Cricket Ground, Soccer Practice Field City Park Existing West Zone 1501 Selma Ln Dominion of Pleasant Valley Park City Open Space Neighborhood Park Developed Central Zone 111 Dominion Dr Dominion of Pleasant Valley Trail Utility Easement Open Space, hike&bike trails, utilities Trails Planned Central Zone N/A lra i I East Fork Park USACE In Wylie city limits Federal Government - picnic, campground, boat ramp Developed East Zone Unknown Emerald Vista Park City Future Park City Park Planned Central Zone Not yet assigned Eureka Park City Basketball Court, Playground,Trail City Park Developed East Zone 351 Rutherford Ave Founders Park City Athletic Fields, Playground,Trail Athletic Complex Developed West Zone 851 Hensley Ln Park Zone Friendship Park City Basketball Court, Playground,Trail City Park Developed West Zone 1621White Ibis Way Grayhawk Park City Trail, Pavilion City Park Developed East Zone 2301 Ray Hubbard Way Joel Scott M emorial Park City Skate Park, Pavilion,Trail City Park Developed East Zone 405 N Westgate Way Kingsbridge Park City Trail, Bridge, Parking Lot City Park Existing West Zone 2600 Irene Dr Park Jpe npace Kirby Park City Playground City Park Developed East Zone 300 M asters Ave Kreymer Estates Phase 1&2 Park City&HOA Playground,Trail City Park Developed East Zone 101 Lyndhurst Dr Kreymer Estates Phase 2,3, &4 Trails City&HOA Trail City Park Developed East Zone N/A Lakeside Estates Park City Basketball Court, Soccer Practice Field City Park Developed West Zone 101 Springwell Pkwy Development Projects Lewis Ranch Park City Playground,Trail, Pond, Dock City Park Developed East Zone 4041 Quincy Ct Meadows of Birmingham Phase 2 Park City Trail City Park Developed East Zone N/A M eadowview Estates Park City Trail City Park Developed East Zone 406 Carver Dr .ra�aar."�"""""r': M unicipal Complex City Trails,Open Space City Park Developed West Zone 300 Country Club Rd \/Vyl i e C it Limits Olde City Park City Playground, Pavilion/Gazebo,Veteran's Memorial City Park Developed Central Zone 112 S Ballard Ave y Oncor Park City Disk Golf City Park Developed East Zone 961 E Brown St 1111111111-11111111111111112111111112111111111111111114 Parkside Park City Open Space City Park Existing West Zone 2106 Lakefield Dr Pheasant Creek Park City Playground, Pavilion City Park Developed East Zone 1705 Harvest Crossing Dr Riverway Park City Playground, Pavilion City Park Developed West Zone 1200 Riverway Ln „, W lie ETJYSage Creek Park City Playground,Trail City Park Developed West Zone 1109 Wooded Creek Ave Sage Creek Trail City Trail City Park Developed West Zone 2906 Ryan Dr ED ate : 817 /2tJ 1 8 Southbrook Park City Playground City Park Developed Central Zone 231 Shadybrook Dr Stone Ranch Park City Playground,Trail, Historic Property City Park Developed Central Zone 803 Moreno Ct Trinity Trailhead City Equestrian Equestrian Developed East Zone 1815 Skyview Dr 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Twin Lakes Park , City Open Space City Park Undeveloped , Central Zone 326 Canyon Lake Dr 1 inch - 1 0 0 feet Valentine Park City Playground, Pavilion,Trail City Park Developed Central Zone 1202 S Ballard Ave �������� ��������� M I es Woodbridge Phase 21 Park Oncor Future Park and Trail Future Park and Trail Planned West Zone 320 Springwell Pkwy Wooded Creek Park City Future Park-Trail Connections City Park Proposed West Zone 2616 Spanish Oak Trl Wylie Lakes Park City Playground,Trail, Pond with Fountain City Park Developed East Zone 2123 Megan Ct ____ Wylie Lakes Park 2 City Trail City Park Developed East Zone behind 1916 Spencer Ln