08-25-2008 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board
Monday,August 26, 2008—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Staff Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m.
Board Members present: Dan Chesnut, Benny Jones, Donna Larson, Brandi Lafleur and David Willey.
Staff members present: Public Services Director Michael Sferra, Parks & Recreation Asst. Superintendent
Robert Diaz and Parks Secretary Charlotte Rice. Absent was: Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Elect new Board Officers, Chair and Vice-Chair, for the 2008-2009 terms.
Board Action:
Board Member Dan Chesnut nominated Anne Hiney to continue as Chair and Board Member
Donna Larson seconded that motion. Board Member David Willey nominated Dan Chesnut as Go-
Chair and Board Member Benny Jones seconded. A vote was taken and passed at 6-0.
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the July 28, 2008 meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Willey made a motion to approve the July 28, 2008 minutes and Board Member
Jones seconded. A vote was taken and passed unanimously at 6-0.
3. Consider and act upon recommending a design theme for the restroom/concession buildings as part
of the Founders Park Improvements project.
Board Action:
Parks & Recreation Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz presented a series of train depot photos
to give the Board examples for possible re-working the concession/restrooms for Founders Park.
Chairman Anne Hiney felt that the money spent on redesigning could be better spent on other
amenities, such as shade structures and parking lots. The Board decided that the original design
would be satisfactory; Board Member Willey made a motion to approve the original rendering and
Board Member Jones seconded that motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously at 6-0.
4. Consider and act upon an offer from the Wylie Rotary Club to install horseshoe pits at Olde City Park
and a sand volleyball court at Founders Park.
Board Action:
Public Services Director Mike Sferra said the Wylie Rotary Club was interested in funding and
installing three horseshoe pits at Olde City Park, as well as a sand volleyball court at Founders
Park. It was understood that the Rotary would perform all installation work—including labor and
materials—along with subsequent maintenance for both. There would be no cost to the City. Board
Member Donna Larson suggested that vinyl-coated chain link fence be used to contain the
horseshoe pits, instead of uncoated chain link, for aesthetic purposes. She also recommended that
the Board approve this request under the circumstances of being presented with actual renderings
for each project and that the Park staff review the design and construction plans for the facilities.
Board Member Willey made a motion to approve item with the above conditions and Board Member
Jones seconded that motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously at 6-0.
5. Discussion of park pavilion fees and B.P. Community Center fees.
Board Discussion:
Parks & Recreation Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz presented fee structures from
surrounding cities for the Board's consideration, in order to create/revise the fee structures for park
pavilions and indoor facilities. Mr. Diaz imparted needing to set a revenue goal for these in the
coming months, so that by November 2008, City Council could be informed. Mr. Diaz said that
rental fee discussion for the Recreation Center could be decided at a later date, but the Community
Center and park pavilions needed analysis. Mr. Diaz said that once the Recreation Center was
open, the Community Center might evolve into a non-rentable building exclusively for senior
activities. Public Services Director Mike Sferra suggested a graduated fee structure for different-
sized pavilions and Board Member Donna Larson suggested separate fees for weekdays and
weekends. It was decided that before any decisions were made, staff would first prepare a
frequency study regarding reservations of existing park amenities, the types of events held over the
past year at those parks, along with calculating how many non-residents reserved pavilions versus
residents. Mr. Diaz will present options for a revised rental fee structure for the Community Center,
including possibly charging for use of the kitchen and separate fees for events occurring during
business hours and after business hours, as suggested by the Board. These studies will allow the
Board to assess future fee structures and revenue estimates.
A motion was made by Board Member Jones to adjourn and Board Member Willey seconded the
motion; consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 7.50 p.m.
�- nne Hiney,, Chair
Cha otte Rice, Park Board Secretary
Minutes-August 25,2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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