04-08-2019 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes I, CITY OF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,April 8,2019—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairperson Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Board Member Rose, Board Member Jones, and Board Member Swendig in attendance. Board Chairman Chesnut, Board Chairman Kinser, and Board Chairman Gilbert were all absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Diaz, and Parks Board Secretary Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the March 11, 2019 Regular Meeting. Board Action: Board Member Robinson made a motion to table the approval of the March 11, 2019 minutes to be brought back for the May regular meeting due to lack of quorum. Board Member Rose seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 4-0. 2. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication for the Brookside Estates Development. Skorburg Company representatives Trey Wallette and Adam Buczek appeared before the Board seeking approval for parkland dedication for the Brookside Estates Development. They proposed to meet City requirements by dedicating funds in lieu of land dedication; however have requested funds be reduced to$1,000 per lot instead of the required $2,000 per lot, explaining unique circumstances surrounding the development of Brookside Estates have created hardships in paying the required fees. Circumstances include reduced lot count and the addition of landscape/tree preservation as requested by several homeowners residing outside of City limits in the adjacent Grayhawk Development. In addition to the$1,000 per lot, representatives proposed to include the 1.6 acres of open space as parkland dedication, maintained by the Homeowner's Association with a minimum guaranteed improvements totaling $20,000. The Board expressed several concerns over Skorburg Represenative's proposal, primarily the risk of setting a new precedent for future developers that may expect the same allowances. Board Action: Board Member Swendig made a motion to approve a minimum parkland fund dedication to the City of$100,000 with an additional $22,000 to be used for park improvements on property that would be owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. All of the improvements would be subject to review and approval by the Board as part of the Planned Development process. Board Member Jones seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 4-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Parks and Recreation fees. Director Diaz advised that staff feels the need to reassess the various Parks and Recreation fees. In order to confirm interest in pursuing changes, he recommends having the Board have a work session with City Council prior to staff beginning the cumbersome and time consuming process of researching and evaluating fee changes. There have been no increases in the Recreation Center fees since opening in 2011, and the park pavilion, athletic and lighting fees have been in place for at least 10 years. The update of the fees would possibly add revenue and come in line with the fees being charged by other cities in the area. The Board recommended to staff that working with the City Council on a fee strategy prior to beginning the process of recommending any changes would be the best course of action. • Projects update. The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for April 22nd at 6:30 pm in the City Hall 2nd floor conference room to discuss the Parks and Recreation Master Plan survey priority ranking results with Dunaway consultants. There are no updates on the Braddock Park concept design Parkside Park Concept design but completion is expected to be in fall of 2019. The Twin Lakes/Southbrook trail connection design is complete and staff will be pursuing the upcoming Collin County grant. Staff will present the resolution to City Council for their review in June with the subsequent grant proposal submitted to Collin County in July. Parks and Recreation has a budget of$250,000 available to match $250,000 in grant money,totaling $500,000 if awarded. The Brown House Feasibility Study is complete and consultants are recommending a phased budget possibly utilizing hotel/motel tax funds as well as turning the facility into a visitor's center and museum. Staff visited Roanoke, Texas recently to tour a similar historical facility which they turned into a visitor's center and museum; providing staff a good template for what the Brown House could transition to. Staff discussed with the Board the possibility of utilizing Hotel/Motel Fund proceeds for capital improvements to the Brown House in the upcoming 2019-20 fiscal year budget. Staffing for the Brown House would be proposed to remain funded by the 4B Fund for the next budget year. The Stonehaven house feasibility study staff kick-off meeting is scheduled for April 16,with an expected study completion date of sometime during summer 2019. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Rose. Board Member Swendig seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. ATTEST .;14117(-- 4AA376-ta_ Janet Hawkes,Parks Board Secretary J ni Ro inson,Parks Board Chairperson Minutes April 8, 2019 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2