05-20-2019 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes u
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Regular Meeting
May 20,2019—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road,Bldg. 100
Wylie,TX 75098
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chair Linda Jourdan called the meeting to order at 6:30 and announced the presence of a quorum. Board
Members in attendance; Vice Chair Jason Potts, Board Member Byron Betler, Board Member Andres
Gonzalez and Board Member Lisa Shields.
Staff present were Mr. Jasen Haskins, Planning Manager, Mr. Kevin Molina, Senior Planner and Ms.
Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant.
Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-
agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. The Board requests that comments be limited to three (3)
minutes. In addition, Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate, or take action on any matter presented during
citizen participation.
No citizens present to address the Board.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board and will be enacted by one
motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed
from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes for the March 25,2019 Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Betler, and seconded by Commissioner Gonzalez, to approve the
minutes as submitted.A vote was taken and carried 5—0.
Public Hearing
Minutes May 20,2019
Zoning Board of Adjustment
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1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Terry Willis for a
variance to Section 3.2.B.4.b of the Zoning Ordinance, to change the allowed rear
setback of a non-enclosed patio from being 10 feet to 5 feet to allow for the placement
of an unenclosed patio on a property located at 111 Autumn Sage, Lot 35 Block G of
the Dominion of Pleasant Valley Phase 1. ZBA 2019-06
Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the property is located at 111 Autumn Sage within the Dominion of
Pleasant Valley Phase I Addition. The property is zoned Planned Development Ordinance 2017-
The applicant is requesting a variance to the zoning ordinance to allow for the placement of an
unenclosed patio that is five feet away from the rear property line. The proposed unenclosed
patio has dimensions of 22 by 16 and measures 352 square feet. The Planned Development
Ordinance 2017-31 does not address patio covers
The purpose of the request is due to wanting additional privacy from the rear neighbor in close
proximity to rear year.The patio will provide additional screening.
Public Comment Forms were mailed to 32 property owners within 200 feet. One comment form
was received in favor and no comment forms received in opposition of the request.
Board Discussion
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Willis, owner/applicant for the subject property, approached the Board
Members, stating that their property is at the corner of Autumn Sage and Red Bud Pass. The
property is 3,723 square feet and the property behind theirs is 4,065 square feet, and runs along
the entire back of their property. The desire is to have additional screening, by constructing an 11
to 14 feet patio cover. The Homeowners Association did approve based upon the approval from
the City of Wylie for an unenclosed patio. The work has not started.
Board Comments
Chair Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Board, Chair Jourdan
closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Gonzalez, and seconded by Board Member Betler to
Grant the variance to Section 3.2.B.4.b of the Zoning Ordinance, to allow five feet rear setback
for a non-enclosed patio. The property being located at 111 Autumn Sage, being Lot 35 Block G
of the Dominion of Pleasant Valley Phase I Addition. A vote was taken and carried 5 - 0.
2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request from Ed Pate for a
variance to Section 22-447.4 of the sign ordinance, to increase the maximum square
footage of windows signs from 25% per window panel to a maximum of 100% per
window panel. The property is located at 2014 N Hwy 78, Suite 170, Lot 1R-3R2R,
Block C of the Woodlake Village. ZBA 2019-07
Minutes May 20,2019
Zoning Board of Adjustment
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Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the property is located at 2014 North Highway 78,Suite 170 and is currently zoned
Commercial Corridor. The use is an automotive repair shop, which is an allowed use within Commercial
The applicant is requesting a variance to the sign ordinance to allow for up to 100 percent of the window
panels cover in lieu of the maximum square footage of 25 percent per window panel. The applicant is
requesting a variance for window signage, stating that the window signs will provide screening and
prevent theft.
Mr. Molina stated that the applicant has installed the signs,and received a letter from Code Enforcement,
because there was no permit issued.The purpose of the maximum square footage in the sign ordinance is
to prevent distraction to drivers.
Public comment forms were mailed to seven property owners within 200 feet. One response
received in favor and no responses received in opposition of the request.
Board Discussion
Mr.Ed Pate, Operations Manager,Integrity 151 Automotive, 2014 N Highway 78,Suite 170,the applicant,
stated that their facility does not face Highway 78 and is located to the rear of the building. He did not
want to install shades or window tinting.The signs have been installed for about three months.
Board Comments
Chair Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Board, Chair Jourdan closed the
Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Betler, and seconded by Board Member Gonzalez, to Deny the
request for a variance to Section 22-447.4 of the Sign Ordinance. Property located at 2014 N State
Highway 78, Suite 170, being Lot 1R-3R2R, Block C of the Woodlake Village. A vote was taken and
carried 5 -0
Minutes May 20,2019
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Page 3
A motion was made by Board Member Better and seconded by Board Member Gonzalez, to adjourn the mi.
meeting. A vote was taken and carried 5—0.
in a Jourdan, Chu'
Mar ra ey,Adminis ative Assistant
Minutes May 20,2019
Zoning Board of Adjustment
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