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07-16-2019 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning Commission ('A; o - -,...._ ?Alt 1,--Air tle 7 t +. f ir / _____:... /, .....7.-. \r 1\ss,,,., . y � RAILWAY am �k G4 . �rd Fada �e�. 4F 0 �0, 4 VA sz rE OFJ July0 19 Regular Business Meeting Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda July 16, 2019 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, TX 75098 Ron Smith Chair Randy Owens Vice Chair Brad Emerson Commissioner Cory Plunk Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Bryan Rogers Commissioner Charla Riner Commissioner Jasen Haskins Planning Manager Kevin Molina Senior Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In addition, Commissioners is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from July 2,2019,Regular Meeting. July 16,2019 Planning&Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the Planning&Zoning Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Planning & Zoning Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Planning & Zoning Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to, the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat of Woodlake Village Addition Lot 1 Block D,to allow for a Police or Fire Station use on 7.136 acres, located at 2000 N State Highway 78. 2. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Wylie Public Safety Building, on Lot 1, Block D of Woodlake Village Addition on 7.136 acres. Property located at 2000 North State Highway 78. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural-30(AG-30)to Single Family(SF 10/24),to allow for single family development, not to exceed 49 residential lots on 16.48 acres, located at 2605 E. Stone Road. ZC 2019-10 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on July 12, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting July 2, 2019—6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chair Ron Smith presided the meeting and called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Commissioners present: Chair Ron Smith, Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Bryan Rogers, Commissioner Cory Plunk, Commissioner Mike McCrossin, Commissioner Brad Emerson and Commissioner Charla Riner. Staff present: Mr. Jasen Haskins, Planning Manager, Mr. Kevin Molina, Senior Planner, and Ms. Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Rogers gave the invocation and Commissioner Riner led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In addition, Commissioners not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation No one approached the Commissioners. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 1. Motion to nominate Vice Chair. A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to nominate Commissioner Owens as Vice Chair. A vote was taken and the motion carried 7 -0,with Commissioner Owens abstaining. 2. Motion to nominate Chair. A motion was made by Commissioner Emerson and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to nominate Commissioner Smith as Chair. A vote was taken and the motion carried 7—0. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from June 4,2019,Regular Meeting. Commission Action Minutes July 2,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 1 A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to approve the Minutes from June 4, 2019 meeting, as presented. A vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon a Site Plan for a general office/warehouse use, on Lot 12, Block C of Regency Business Park Phase 3 Addition on 1.241 acres. Property located at 2770 Capital Street. Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 5,994 square foot building for a general office/warehouse use on 1.24] acres. The property is zoned Light Industrial and is platted within the Regency Business Park Phase 3 Addition,being Lot 12 of Block C, specifically 2770 Capital Street. The site plan proposes 17 parking spaces with one being a handicapped space. The parking required for this development based on stated use is 15 spaces. The access point is from Capital Street with a 24 foot wide fire lane. The southern side of the development will be used for outside storage of materials and bordered by a six foot chain link fence with privacy screening fabric. The applicant added the screening fabric at the request of staff, due to the residential development currently visible from the property. The applicant is aware that he is required to install a fire hydrant at the entrance of the property which will be included in the civil engineering plans. Board Discussion Commissioner Plunk asked for the type of company and what will be stored in the back. Vice Chair Owens questioned if the area to the south will be concrete paving. Mr. Michael Anderson, Cardinal Strategies, 1401 N. Central Expressway, Suite 220, Richardson, Texas, applicant for the subject property, stated that his company is an engineering environmental construction firm. Typically stored for a short period will be dirt stockpiled below the six-foot requirement and PVC pipes stored in the back. The type of equipment used is excavators, 4300 International Trucks and dump trucks, which will be stored. The area to the south will be gravel. Staff responded that the project engineer will deteiniine if alternate paving is approved upon review of civil engineering plans. Mr. Anderson stated that the project yard will be a professional, well maintained maintenance yard with limited access. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Emerson, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to approve a Site Plan for a general office/warehouse use, on Lot 12, Block C of Regency Business Park Phase 3 Addition on 1.241 acres. Property located at 2770 Capital Street. A vote was taken and carried 6— 1, with Vice Chair Owens voting in opposition. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Neighborhood Services (NS) to Planned Development (PD-NS), to allow for a Wholesale Contractors Maintenance Yard use on 1.89 acres, located at 634 North Ballard. ZC 2019-09. Minutes July 2, 2019 Planning&Zoning Page 2 Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is requesting to rezone one lot of approximately 1.89 acres from Neighborhood Services to Planned Development-Neighborhood Services, to allow for a Wholesale Contractors Maintenance Yard. The property is located at 634 North Ballard. In May of this year, the applicant requested change of zoning to Commercial Corridor. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval to City Council. However, the City Council requested the applicant reapply for Planned Development citing concerns about the other potential uses allowed in the Commercial Corridor should the applicant sell the property. Additionally, as part of the development standards the applicant will also be required to screen the outside storage areas from adjacent residential properties and streets with a wooden fence and living screen in lieu of masonry screening, and parking space for this development will be at a ratio of one space for every 500 square feet of main building area. Public Comments Chair Smith opened the public hearing. Mr. Ted Griswold, 608 Grassy Glen, adjacent property owner, asked for clarification on the zoning. Staff responded that the request is to allow outside storage to the rear of the property for engineering firm, which is not allowed within the Neighborhood Services zoning. The conditions of the Planned Development require the zoning to revert to the baseline Neighborhood Services zoning if the existing telecommunications-engineering firm, known at TDC2, LLC, ceases to own or occupy the subject property. Chair Smith closed the public hearing. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Riner, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Neighborhood Services (NS) to Planned Development (PD-NS), to allow for a Wholesale Contractors Maintenance Yard use on 1.89 acres, located at 634 North Ballard. ZC 2019-09. A vote was taken and carried 7—0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to adjourn the meeting. A vote was taken and carried 7 -0. Ron Smith, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant Minutes July 2, 2019 Planning&Zoning Page 3 This page is intentionally blank Planning & Zoning OTY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 16,2019 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Woodlake Village Addition Commercial Corridor—Special Date Prepared: July 9, 2019 Zoning District: Use Permit(CC-SUP) Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat of Woodlake Village Addition Lot 1 Block D,to allow for a Police or Fire Station use on 7.136 acres,located at 2000 N State Highway 78. Recommendation Motion to recommend to the City Council regarding a Final Plat of Woodlake Village Addition Lot 1 Block D, to allow for a Police or Fire Station use on 7.136 acres,located at 2000 N State Highway 78. Discussion OWNER: City of Wylie APPLICANT: Brent Parker,ASM City of Wylie The 7.136 acre tract is located at 2000 N SH 78 between Eubanks Lane and Spring Creek Parkway, and is zoned Commercial Corridor—Special Use Permit. This final plat creates one lot for a Police/Fire Station Use. The site plan for the development is also on the agenda for consideration. The plat dedicates the necessary firelane, access, and utility easements. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Council consideration on August 13, 2019 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH July 9, 2019 Page 1 of 1 1 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE & DEDICATION STATEMENT ) \ LEGEND STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN ) \ 0 . . . SET 1/2"REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "MLA RPLS 4873"(UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) WHEREAS, CITY OF WYLIE IS THE SOLE OWNER OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE ° DIMENSION POINT, NOTHING SET OR FOUND FRANCISCO DE LA PING SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO. 688, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING ALL OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF MI 'NI . . . FOUND MONUMENT AS DESCRIBED LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO CITY OF WYLIE, RECORDED IN VOLUME 2216,PAGE 990,DEED RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS,AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: FD . . . FOUND 60 0 60 120 180 D.R.C.C.T. . . . DEED RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS BEGINNING AT A 1/2"REBAR FOUND AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT, SAID POINT BEING ON FD 1/2"REBAR WITH BLUE I P.R.C.C.T. . . . PLAT RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 78, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT \ PLASTIC CAP STAMPED M.R.C.C.T. . . . MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 1, BLOCK A, WOODLAKE VILLAGE ADDITION,AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS,RECORDED IN -GORRONDONA&ASSOC." GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=60' VOLUME G, PAGE 385,PLAT RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; -I- O.P.R.C.C.T. . . . OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS •..•55 17' \ I R.P.R.C.C.T. . . . REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1,NORTH 00 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 14 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 776.00 FEET TO A 1/2"REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED"MLA RPLS \ \ 1 11 4873"SET AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CENTENNIAL DRIVE, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; \ \ I VICINITY MAP THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT AND SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, NORTH 75 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 25 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 389.44 FEET TO A 1/2"REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED \ \ FD 1/2"REBAR WITH I SCALE 1"= 1,000' "MLA RPLS 4873"SET AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT FROM WHICH A 1/2"REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED"JPH LAND SURVEYING"FOUND BEARS NORTH 61 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST A "JPH LAND SURVEYING" LOT 1 R-5, BLOCK C, I W DISTANCE OF 0.58 FEET; \ WOODLAKE VILLAGE \ CC#2004-0143897 O.P.R.C.C.T. I Q THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 14 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 877.43 FEET TO A 1/2"REBAR FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT,SAID CENTENN�AL POINT BEING ON SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 78; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID CITY OF WYLIE TRACT AND SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, NORTH 89 \ \ /¢ SITE W DEGREES 06 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 376.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING,CONTAINING FD 1/2'REBAR WITH I ❑ 0_ U 310,845 SQUARE FEET OR 7.136 ACRES OF LAND,MORE OR LESS. \ \ ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "JPH LAND SURVEYING" �`" NOW, THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: \ LOT 1R-3R1,BLOCK C 1\ WOODLAKE VILLAGE LOT 1R-3R2R,BLOCK C, jITATE HIGHWAY WAY N0.78 THAT CITY OF WYLIE,ACTING HEREIN BY AND THROUGH HIS(ITS)DULY AUTHORIZED OFFICERS,DOES HEREBY ADOPT CABINET R, SLIDE 137, W THIS PLAT DESIGNATING THE HEREIN ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS LOT 1,BLOCK D, WOODLAKE VILLAGE \ P.R.C.C.T. WOODLAKE VILLAGE _ ADDITION,AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND DOES HEREBY DEDICATE,IN FEE SIMPLE, TO THE PUBLIC \ CC NO. 20070123010000220, 127 37' FD 5/8"REBAR WITH USE FOREVER, THE STREETS,RIGHTS-OF-WAY,AND OTHER PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN THEREON. THE STREETS 0.P.R.C.C.T.R.C.C.T YELLOW PLASTIC CAP AND ALLEYS, IF ANY,ARE DEDICATED FOR STREET PURPOSES. THE EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC USE AREAS,AS SHOWN, \ I STAMPED"RPLS5587" Y DEVONSHIRE ARE DEDICATED,FOR THE PUBLIC USE FOREVER,FOR THE PURPOSES INDICATED ON THIS PLAT.NO BUILDINGS, Z FENCES, TREES, SHRUBS OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS OR GROWTHS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OR PLACED UPON, OVER m WYNDHAM CALLlE OR ACROSS THE EASEMENTS AS SHOWN,EXCEPT THAT LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS MAY BE PLACED IN LANDSCAPE \ \ I EASEMENTS, IF APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. IN ADDITION, UTILITY EASEMENTS MAY ALSO LOT 1 R-4RR, BLOCK C, W W SHEPARD / BE USED FOR THE MUTUAL USE AND ACCOMMODATION OF ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES DESIRING TO USE OR USING THE SAME WOODLAKE VILLAGE co tl UNLESS THE EASEMENT LIMITS THE USE TO PARTICULAR UTILITIES, SAID USE BY PUBLIC UTILITIES BEING SUBORDINATE LOT 1, BLOCK A, CC NO. 20070123010000220, o DONNA TO THE PUBLIC'S AND CITY OF WYLIE'S USE THEREOF. THE CITY OFWYLIE AND PUBLIC UTILITY ENTITIES SHALL HAVE \ O.P.R.C.C.T. w SHAH'GROUP OLD KNOLL �.- THE RIGHT TO REMOVE AND KEEP REMOVED ALL OR PARTS OF ANY BUILDINGS,FENCES, TREES, SHRUBS OR OTHER co I ADDITION IMPROVEMENTS OR GROWTHS WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ENDANGER OR INTERFERE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION, \ CC NO. 20060726010003180, MAINTENANCE, OR EFFICIENCY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS IN SAID EASEMENTS. THE CITY OF WYLIE AND PUBLIC UTILITY ENTITIES SHALL AT ALL TIMES HAVE THE FULL RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO OR FROM THEIR \ FD O.P.R.C.C.T. RESPECTIVE EASEMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING,RECONSTRUCTING,INSPECTING,PATROLLING, STAMPED WITH ALUMINUM I ACCESS EASEMENT GENERAL NOTES MAINTAINING, READING METERS,AND ADDING TO OR REMOVING ALL OR PARTS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS \ CAP STAMPED"JPH LAND FD"PK-NAIL"WITH WASHER VOLUME 5552,PAGE 408, \ SURVEYING"N 61°11'42"W 0.58' STAMPED"JPH LAND FD 1/2"REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAPD.R.C.C.T. WITHOUT THE NECESSITY AT ANY TIME PROCURING PERMISSION FROM ANYONE. FROM PROPERTY CORNER SURVEYING"0.49'WEST OF CITY STAMPED"JPH LAND SURVEYING"0.23' OF WYLIE TRACT EAST LINE I S 00°53'14"W 877.43' �WESTOFCITYOF WYLIE TRACTEAsruNE (HATCHED) FD5/8°REBAR 1. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM NORTH • s 127 41' CENTRAL ZONE(NAD 83)DERIVED FROM GPS OBSERVATIONS USING THE DALLAS/FORT WORTH WITNESS,MY HAND AT WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, \ L3 ACCESS EASEMENT AREA VIRTUAL REFERENCE NETWORK(VRN). THE VRN IS MAINTAINED BYALLTERRA AND IS THIS DAY OF 20 FD 5/8"REBAR WITH ` VOLUME 5877,PAGE 94, F '' YELLOW PLASTIC CAP -BASED ON TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REGIONAL REFERENCE POINTS(RRP). FIRE LANE,ACCESS \ AND UTILITY D.R.C.C.T. �_ STAMPED"RPLS5587" 2.03' EASEMENT ,. "44 2. OWNERSHIP REFERENCES SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON COLLIN APPRAISAL DISTRICT WEB L23 L5 `'\ 111 <72 CV L13- -"� L32 t 65.02' PAGE DATA (WWW.COLLINCAD.ORG). \ 1C4 N C5 C1 G� WATER EASEMENT CHRIS HOLSTED N L25 C7 fL3l ..( L27 3.ACCORDING TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY'S FLOOD INSURANCE - CITY MANAGER, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS \ I 1warER EASEMENT -4 L29'' RATE MAPS NUMBER 48085C0420J, EFFECTIVE DATE JUNE 2, 2009. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY L21 - L26 (SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREON)APPEARS TO LIE WITHIN: STATE OF TEXAS ) \ ) ZONE'X"(NOT SHADED ON PANEL) DEFINED THEREIN AS: COUNTY OF COLLIN ) \ co w "OTHER AREAS. AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2%ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN". BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED LOT 1, BLOCK D, a \ O 3 ALLEN NATIONAL r\ Z THE ABOVE INFORMATION WAS DERIVED FROM FEMA'S WEB SITE. THE REFERENCED FLOOD WOODLAKE VILLAGE co �- o a PROPERTY, LLC ,KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAME IS INSURANCE RATE MAP WAS THE CURRENT MAP ACCORDING TO SAID WEB SITE DURING THE Q = g CC NO. SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT,AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE \ ADDITION , CITY OF WYLIE c? RESEARCH PHASE OF THIS SURVEY.ADDITIONAL RESEARCH INTO LETTERS OF MAP REVISION, PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATIONS THEREIN STATED. VOLUME 2216 PAGE 990 _ 20080417000457980, AMENDMENT, OR ANY OTHER INFORMATION ON SAID WEB SITE WAS NOT PERFORMED. WD.R.C.C.Tco (� C2 a 0.P.R.C.C.T.R.C.C.T. \ > o o MARSHALL LANCASTER&ASSOCIATES, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATION AS TO THE o 310,845 SQUARE FEET ti _ '.I I d U - z co w w ACCURACY OR CURRENT STATUS OF SAID MAPS. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE w OR 7.136 ACRES w w-� 7 I- 2t' -, zill \ j I Q o W ti ¢ ° 4. TITLE ENCUMBRANCE RESEARCH(SUCH AS EASEMENTS) SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY IS BASED " W Q W CO ON INFORMATION CONTAINED IN A 75 YEAR EASEMENT SEARCH PREPARED BY PROVIDENCE THIS DAY OF 20 "' FEMA ZONE X z , N �; TITLE COMPANY, GF NO. 124002490, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCTOBER 17, 2018. \ - d d IeV r (NOT SHADED) w M REFERENCE IS MADE TO RECORD DOCUMENTS LISTED THEREIN FOR FULL PARTICULARS. Z r, WATER ' (SEE NOTE NO. 3) -U EASEMENTS AND OTHER TITLE ENCUMBRANCES, BOTH RECORDED AND UNRECORDED, MAY o EASEMENT Z Q - \ F z I Z a EXIST THAT ARE NOT CONTAINED WITHIN SAID RESEARCH(AND THEREFORE NOT SHOWN ON \-- _° o&Y THIS SURVEY). MARSHALL LANCASTER&ASSOCIATES, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATION AS NOTARY PUBLIC Z L16 ZONING CLASSIFICATION "GC/SUP" ' W \ w o ,L,•' a TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF SAID TITLE ENCUMBRANCE RESEARCH. U t` (SEE NOTE NO. 5) m L20 I rn J o COUNTY, TEXAS J 30'DRAINAGE& s 5.ACCORDING TO THE ZONING MAP FROM THE CITY OF COLLIN PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT \ L18 VOLUMEUTILITY EASEMENT 38 DEPARTMENT WEBSITE, ON JUNE 12, 2019, THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED CC/SUP, DEFINED L38 G,PAGE 385, •• r`• AS COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR/SPECIAL USE PERMIT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF WYLIE CODE OF \ 10.53' -'• •J L40 P.R.C.C.T. 2U ICI ALH WATERTEXA SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE C3 MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES,ARTICLE 4, SECTION 4.1. SEE SAID CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR MORE C6 C2 3• WATER EASEMENT INFORMATION. m. \ L9 �_/ C9 L34 J 65 00' DISTRICT EASEMENT \ o _ o VOLUME 744,PAGE 751, FIRE LANE,ACCESS L7 D.R.C.C.T. ALLEN NATIONAL STATE OF TEXAS L _ - AND UTILITY PROPERTY, LLC 6. SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY MEETS AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF THE CITY ) ..____ _____ _ , - EASEMENT ' VOLUME 4205, ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND ) \ L1 PAGE 2089, BUILDING PERMITS. COUNTY OF TARRANT ) D.R.C.C.T. \ • O - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: N 00°53'14"E 776.00' 127.56' POINT OF RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL THAT I, MARSHALL LANCASTER, REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT \ BEGINNING ' I THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL AND ACCURATE SURVEY OF THE LAND AND THAT THE CORNER LOT 1, BLOCK A, FD 1/2"REBAR MONUMENTS SHOWN THEREON AS SET WERE PROPERLY PLACED UNDER MY PERSONAL SUPERVISION IN \ WOODLAKE VILLAGE \ VOLUME G,PAGE 385, I ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLATTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS. P.R.C.C.T. \ \ CHAIRMAN, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DATE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS "PRELIMINARY' THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT FIRE LANE ACCESS AND FD 1"PIPE - BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND LOT 1, BLOCK B, SHALL NOT BE USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED 0 F T i LOT 2, BLOCK A, APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION , ..••••••.F.F. WOODLAKE VILLAGE \ UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT," �P..• WATER EASEMENT TABLE BOB HEATH �:q��azRcags VOLUME G, PAGE 385, UTILITY EASEMENT TABLE ADDITION MARSHALL LANCASTER DATE *a BSA ;* P.R.C.C.T. \ \ CC NO. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4873 20151214010004450, MARSHALL LANCASTER \ COURSE BEARING DISTANCE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE `r 1864 NOR WOOD DRIVE, SUITE E • \ COURSE BEARING DISTANCE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE n O.P.R.C.C.T. HURST, TEXAS 76054 :q 4873 a LI N 00°56'44"E 746.60' CI R=28.00' L=43.95' L15 N 75°4T25"E 10.36' L28 N 89°10'30"W 8.76' M MAYOR, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DATE ( ...0A- ss�O\-;:O- \ TAN=27.9T CA=89°56'I4" L 16 S 00°52'52"W 91.25' L29 N 00°49'30"E 10.00' �s FD'x'CUT tiD.S U R y L2 S 89°02'52"E 339.72' - E \ L3 S00°51'25"W 746.21' L17 N89°12'10"W 25.00' L30 S89°10'30"E 8.76' Co C6=N 44 27.97'"W CL=39.58' ACCEPTED L4 N 89°06'46"W 29.11' C2 R=28.00' L=43.98' LI8 N 00°4T50"E 10.00' L31 N 00°49'30"E 19.48' o FINAL PLAT \ \ L5 N 00°49'30"E 251.89' TAN=28.00' CA=90°00'18" LI9 S 89°I2'10"E 15.01' L32 S 00°49'30"W 186.88' L6 N 89°06'44"W 225.55' CB=S 45°53'07"W CL=39.60' L20 N 00°52'52"E 78.57' L33 N 89°10'30"W 15.00' co z LOT 1, BLOCK D \ L7 S 00°52'58"W 251.86' R=28.00' L=43.95' L21 N 00°4T29"E 295.35' L34 N 00°52'58"E 186.86' L8 N 89°06'46"W 29.32' C3 TAN=27.96' CA=89°55'49" L22 S 89°15'41"E 33.57' L35 S 00°52'58"W 15.85' WOODLAKE VILLA GE ADDITION ...\ L9 N 00°52'58"E 364.70' L23 S 00°49'30"W 10.00' L36 S 89°07'02"E 10.00' LOT 1, BLOCK A, FD1/2°REBAR WITH BLUE • L1O S89°12'10"E 231.15' CB=N45°50'24"E CL=39.57' MAYOR, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DATE 1 • 14' L24 N 89°15'41"W 23.56' L37 S 00°52'58"W 10.00' BOB HEATH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED • "` 60' \ L 11 S 00°43'39"W 78.14' R=28.00' L=43.95' ADDITION "GORRONDONA&ASSOC." - C4 L25 S 00°47'29"W 284.99' L38 N 89°07'02"W 10.00' I 7.136 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF THE L12 S 20°I4'39"W 18.59' TAN=27.97' CA=89°55'49" L26 N 89°06'44"W 5.36' L39 S 00°52'58"W 185.81' CC NO. L 13 S 00°49'30"W 269.44' CB=S 44°14'15"E CL=39.57' 20151214010004450, THE UNDERSIGNED, THE CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY CERTIFIES FRANCISCO DE LA PING SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 688 \ \ L14 N 89°06'44"W 225.47' C5 R=28.00' L=44.01' L27 N 00°49'30"E 182.19' L40 N 89°06'46"W 15.00' O.P.R.C.C.T. THAT THE FOREGOING FINAL PLAT OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS TAN=28.03' CA=90°03'46" COURSE BEARING DISTANCE SUBDIVISION OR ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE WAS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON \ \ CB=S 45°51'23"W CL=39.62' C7 R=28.00' L=4.66' I THE DAY OF 20 ,AND THE COUNCIL, BY FORMAL ACTION, THEN AND THERE ACCEPTED THE DEDICATIONS OF STREETS,ALLEYS, PARKS, EASEMENTS, PUBLIC R=28.00' L=43.98' TAN=2.33' CA=9°31'47" THIS PLAT FILED AS DOCUMENT ON DATE \ \ C6 FD 5/8"REBAR WITH RED PLACES,AND WATER AND SEWER LINES AS SHOWN AND SET FORTH IN AND UPON SAID PLAT TAN=28.00' CA=89°59'42" CB=S 86°07'22"W CL=4.65' PLASTIC CAP STAMPED CB=N 44°06'53"W CL=39.60' C8 R=28.00' L=30.46' 'B •OUNDARY SOLUTIONS!' FD TXDOT CAP AND SAID COUNCIL FURTHER AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR TO NOTE THE ACCEPTANCE THEREOFil FD 1/2"REBARS"" 127.61' - BY SIGNING HIS NAME AS HEREINABOVE SUBSCRIBED. \ \ TAN= 16.94' CA=62°20'10" CL=28.98' DATE: 07/08/2019 JOB NO.: 18118B DRAWN BY:KF CHECKED BY:MLL CB=S 30°20'35"E \ \ C9 R=28.00' L=30.46' WITNESS MY HAND THIS DAY OF ,A.D., 20 MARSHALL LANCASTER & ASSOCIATES INC. S/(J![ VcYO p TAN= 16.94' CB=N 32°03'o3°E CA=62°20'10" CL=28.98' I i 1 /T OWNER CONSULTING LAND SURVEYORS \ \ MARSHALL LANCASTER&ASSOCIATES, INC. CITY OF WYLIE I commercial, retail and industrial construction surveying 1864 NORWOOD DRIVE, SUITE E, 300 COUNTRY CLUB RD., •land title surveys ' topography •subdivision platting \ \ HURST, TX 76054 BUILDING 100 WYLIE, TX 75098 I CITY SECRETARY 1864 Norwood Drive, Suite E, Hurst, TX 76054 PHONE:817-268-8000 PHONE:972-516-6000 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS metro (817) 268-8000 fax(817) 282-2231 www.mla-survey.com firm no.10045100 \ \ CASE NO. SCALE: 1"= 60' SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 ir Planning & Zoning OTY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 16,2019 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Woodlake Village Addition Commercial Corridor—Special Date Prepared: July 9, 2019 Zoning District: Use Permit(CC-SUP) Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Wylie Public Safety Building, on Lot 1, Block D of Woodlake Village Addition on 7.136 acres. Property located at 2000 North State Highway 78. Recommendation Motion to a Site Plan for Wylie Public Safety Building, on Lot 1, Block D of Woodlake Village Addition on 7.136 acres. Property located at 2000 North State Highway 78. Discussion Applicant: Brent Parker,ASM City of Wylie Owner: City of Wylie The applicant is proposing to expand and remodel an existing 33,733 square foot one story building to 55,390 square feet to accommodate a Police/Fire Station use on a single lot measuring 7.136 acres. This development will be classified as a Police or Fire Station Use and is an allowed use by-right in the Commercial Corridor zoning district. The proposed development is an expansion and remodel of the City of Wylie Public Safety Building that was damaged in a hail storm in April 2016. The development includes the municipal jail, offices for police, fire, and courts, an expanded dispatch/911 facility, and other facilities for the administration of the police and fire departments. Parking is provided in two sections, the south/front area for the public and the north/rear area for employees and public safety vehicles. Access to the rear area will be restricted by a metal fence and gating. The exterior materials are comprised of stucco and stone and is in compliance with the architectural requirements of the zoning ordinance. The landscape plan features—100,000 sq ft of landscaping with the addition of over 40 trees to the site. As presented, this site plan is in compliance with the design requirements of the zoning ordinance. Approval of the site plan is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH July 9, 2019 Page 1 of 1 E LINE LEGEND: BENCHMARK: NN AL -••-••- PROPERTY LINE I E CITY OF WYLIE CONTROL MONUMENT #1 EN DRA I NAGE FLOW LOCATED AT NORTH SIDE OF SH 78 NEAR C •�--• E1T € NR — WYLIEPOLICECOMPLEX - 2000SH78N MAPSCO PAGE 664S PROPOSED STREET ELEVATION = 530.294 LU - 610- - EXISTING CONTOUR LINE. -510— PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE CITY OF WYLIE CONTROL MONUMENT #2 /� SI �E — — - BUILDING SETBACK LINE — — — DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED Al THE OLD CITY PARK �, ir 1�1. + ■ DRAINAGE DIVIDE LINE 10.4'SOUTH OF THE BUILEIING AT Gj 104 SOUTH BALLARD ROW / LOT LINE MAPSCO PAGE 663Y lyl ELEVATION = 550.238 f • M. 544 Y OLD HWY 78 ', .y 1 : I LOT 1R-3R2R, BLOCK C, / , 1 I ' `y 1 y 1 t ` , ; WOODLAKE VILLAGE ►► n i i, V C N I T Y MAP I 1 LOT 1R-4RR,BLOCK C, 1 WOODLAKE VILLAGE t I 1 1 I CC NO. 20070123010DOD220, / I I . CC NO. 20070123010DD0220, y 1 ' 1 O r0 SCALE ) 1 ► \ 1 LOT iR-3R1, BLOCK C y , t. I O.P.R.C.C.T I I r t ` t \ y t�1— WOOD VILLAGE / /' I -"• — r O.PR.GC.T 1 1 r �m LOT 1, BLOCK A, • y o t. �AB{lVET SZ,-SLIDE 137r I lNLL�T _y ' /I ` 1 •_..__ zrs7♦ _. ' Qy SNANI GROUP ADDITION + ! o r lu y i CC NO. 20060726010003180, ` — r t 1 ' , law { I O.PR.C.C.T. z'8 t+ FD 1/2"REBAR WITH AC STAMPED t r U 1 j ► OJ 1 1 T' , - Lava s viwarr :-nr.60.444a, / _ — I r }� �' FlJrf2'REBAR WITH ACSTAMPED y 1 r 1 $� y { W0.58'FROMPROPERTYCORNER ---� .. _ ��, P1ly�ynsty�yl,��. Z _ _p,4R,gCLEL_PARKING_ _ t �, , 1 ® a .'� 1 ----1 —.--------------...... ---'-----'--- -- -- --�i�=x��•�.sA-mILEF�, �c�at�x�r �x - - 1 oIllik AIL I , �. i �' RIM a -„5530.54' ANCHO Art .7-AAA' , 1° Y• e71i a F ClTYOF WYLIE TRACT EAST LINE ` TOP OF 4F-_— GRATonnim- ELEV87 _ 52tLET' ~ fRlMLE. t r t t i t lr. +..�1..f* ►+9 8 R `7 ' y 'INREBA y I 0 100 20 30 aD 60 80 120 t �_ l I € I I I I I I 1 € I I I ! I I I I I € I I I I I 1 I ! �� J , _ Nor ,J ,I { 1\ 1 1 I € f I I I I ICS i I 1 # I I I t I I I 1 I I I # € t I I I I € I • , ! i f j IS �N CS - - 5,2- LS SD' ;iIT 4 ; '� t�, ► t ; 1• y l a�1 ,� LS I tt 1 € b I f 11 I I I € \ ) 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1231 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1' 1 4 1 1 I �rR{ tY GA t C' r.... - fi y+e , , r .- ,-ra.,.,sa ° 2 0 2 /w .- �� �� r ` { SCALE IN FEET s PA r ?.] \ Y f i t i� i I 1 " ■� sir � =1 o A 4 I SCALE0 •1 .y �•I P +a f•f� t3i1331# 1 ry y L_..�+.�Iflll•. t 1 •'k• t.t I 1 , J .I E 1 ! REH4R WITH Y 3 PA Kl .. .��•��.- !FATE; NG SPACES I 4 PROPOSED A E ,� '4 'srAMPE{ D"RPL55587' 1 i I I i a d t 1 QUMPSTER C• ION # 1 �I I I fl { 5 JMPPP!IC JY!� + —s-JSr a L —'u� I'' �' ���1 '�� II.+A'Ri�E�i, s EJ � C��a ,_ _ _ .� � m ��..:� _ � k ': Illiiippr irk �. # p 0 1 ,/��l t t, 1 t �� J 1.1A ir e- �• ....� �. .� ."� t i 1dt l ri d7f{;4.rrlllll� 4 � WATER' y 1 1 $ } a�I y ' > 1 ,` 1, VS, �°� y °1 t I I P hk -_ a� I 1 (rri zr+ !;1 E I i !MARkEi� r LET it 1 �1 tt W . ___ ___ HEAD-IN PARKING ,` ,I I ' , 1 1 t z } , o # a a a PROPOSED PARKING COVER 1 f,." CS ! ! 1 ...:Di 1 1 t I�r�. Z�\ 1 ��R HE IN PARKING 111 , , •,.'fl . i .,, MEASURE 10'XZr)' r F I I � , d t4 ° I v • f ME RE 1O' ZO' I 1 AT E \ _J I / i (s d ♦ 1 I rf%4 r 1 1 °S 1 1 + * o \ ��� r - -f r , ® 5 k' j I ra ♦ { I~u a 1 t 41 I 1.; . ,�� 4 � S Izr4r I 1 U t \ i I t, �� I 1 �i1} �a Iz r 1 1 t ti�! '1 y ►� �m Y '� I �. .:��' %� 1 1 1� I• rr, I� ] �\\\\t ,tr r III 6 I�� ►: 1 I 1°can ! 1 t awl C U U I yt 1 ` i ' MARKINGS — J!�� 1 ♦ ® I' , z r1 S`s I�IIIIIIII r r I 11M GN NT I•`1�1 ' 1 !! ! 1 t� D�1 I I '1 y It 's z� tit — ( — — lii. // i '-'-'- -•'"-'-•^._.-•- ■-.` -•- -•-•- -•-•-'-•-•- ::r' {{ ���, ► ' I I O ! ! i ALLEN NATIONAL y 1 Ay - II ~ •\ \ 121115:Thitl: t'' �~ 11!— ► I 1 I ,r11 4sj 3t o ! ! 1f j PROPERTY LLCm I F.` IPROPOSED P IAkG COVE' i. t :.1 + , z A�i ,• _ !I 1 , `.s ► 1 I 1F�I I 1 1 1! s 1 ' CC lV0.20080417000457980, { n m r I \ ��� �# Z.l�` �o, r I I I m ! 1+yy1[ I.'. CITY OF WYLIE • , ' 1 •• -- .' '„ u, 1 1, 1 1 , I O.PR.C.C.T. y m Ci \b ' r \ ;iimi\ r B �.I, a r�:i ' { 1 * 1— { 1 I 1 I . t 1 1 m b mi ti# \ -'�I� f VOLUME 2216, PAGE 990, '- ► I €I r •- ► v ! r I I 1 y # '' m i ',+ ' �, ONE STO•• ASONRY I r I I s e+ �I D.R.C.C.T. t r , 1 1 �I 1 • + t INLET `� % BUILDING. CONCRETE w+I r { t r r �' 1 rn 1 I I t CS - I I:::::::::::::::'ra I I I 4- Lp Rl�f ELEV=530.95'! ,1 i ' IT' FOU TIGN 1::::::::::::::: ::. 3 t r € 1 ! 21 z :, �' '' 1 ,, 10,845 SQUARE FEET { I 1 1 \ 1 OR 7.136 ACRES a { ► 1=- r1 = o ! I ' c_ 9• , •. MliI 1�� <'a '`t ),• jr j e �_4 t '' I LOT 1, BLOCK B, t y - -8 I{' �l+�+.+1�� 1 t r \ I {, `x f�: 1 I I I ! • a t , WOODLAKE VILLAGE j + i -� 1 i 1- I `\ �t I ;� ► r I €�1�f - 6 1I 1 } Ity I r '�J ca 1 1 I J ,i VOLUME G, PAGE 385, { i ► i 1 PROPSED BUILDING ADDITION , \ ® f{ r 5 ' j I �v I r e 1 t 3 ci 1 I i P R.C.C.T. 1 t i t ! 1_ • COMMUNICATION t \ I IL\\\ ?r r . N: 1 € I—_� ! tt o a ' k 1 I I t € '1` i - TOWER - - .. _ _ , F .. \ ® 45 '� N\� a a- r I II S I I I @ r 0 LLg3 1 tt Z �[ W 'I I I 1 ; t 0 rw.` . �..r..w� I I7L7iiiit { } " a] rNIyfI z 1 t t kI t — 1 1 fif t i 3 }'�''�IG r� I I I k 1 U0 C? '� S 1 r' ; EXISrING F.DrC. 1 I I t ,,1 t i t t s r� tI 1 ! - r : i'`..�,,�f �r� ' I I INUMENT X 1 F1 tWtI, I1it t �.. 1 i ' cirti #a- 4' III iGN . r I j nf© • t t CS • I ► 1 I r8 t w gr; 1 1 1 �1 ! !' ! t y ~ ¢ Xt iN tt . I M I ' tir. .tr ? ,r„ I1'�I � (SI 111tQaflJt '---------- --..-..-._-,----- - ----------- ----- k �r D'NORTH TEXAS 11 ► i t 14, ..` s,.r� `•r�;,_� 11 I n 1 1 1' ►'DRAINAGE& 1 3 I 1� 1 + tq I` t i N t „ �.. --� r'♦1II1 4 1 Iw I MUNICIPAL 1 t i }1 t i """" — r;� _ [ f i { HEAD-IN PARKING VOLUM PAGE 385, 11 1 h iUTIL ' EASEMENT ot tt 1� ,� Y :-,, . I t ' ! 1 I r z 1,;;F E �a MEASURE 1O'XZC?' 11 WATER D157RlCTIEtt'"""� PROPOSED PAR EASEMENTt i t rER I r 1 , nnt + IY 1 i 1 r ! , a4fF a ,*, P.R. .T , w !€ ! I 1 \ L1 t i ,I\ -'"" ! Ss) I . a 1 1 VOLUME 744, 1+p �T - - -- PROPOSED PARKINGv !I D'�urLDrnlla unE ! 1t rNeET t 1� t t a I t COVER .. . I # k;, a 1 PAGE 751, 1- ,., 1 #. �► ', �It.I iW -�� ::::: :: :::: �_�_s_rm_is_m-mi-o- Ir ! RfMELEV.=53i.6i'1 t N t 1 i r lT L/ 2740 1IIlhom '` `, r 1 . ' ..r i '•� �W L. \ } E w:. '� ZI ��R.C. f , h 1 1 l y t .� ', I _ \xI i 1+�. �I.� L ::': � . 1 .' 11� I M D.R.C.C.T. tt�LtME G,P�IGE 85 I 111 .I:AMMO 11111 y A if' Lw�I ,� �� ♦- - -- --- - - --!'"> 1 .. �sl< "' k` I c°�II ! 1 r 1 ! t 1,1V • ANTENNA �I" F\1, _ - _ Ol�C�' TES7 n. . �r �_ �y �r''��f # flIIR1 I I I 1 I of 1 tl 1 ro1vER CS -T-"-- T—T .r 5 I C''�► _► 1 y SL I I I I I !\�� INN11 scommilimi # ! I 1 y i 7. I I I 1 I \) INN li y 0 1111110100.... _ E ` t't!' ° ,i17.41, ilin.F.•• „_ II 1 11 I •NE r:', c r:G 1 t N. +1097 Rim i • z r 1 t i 1 ; w I N 11 I t ` �. i 1�JUNDATION w 4 r 1 { 1 I i r . 11 to.T' r t 80�f ro 1 i n•. UNABLE TO AH _ACCESS ANTENNA SITE _ ! w ! 1��E,CS�t+. .E' I 1{ 2 GUY r.: . AT TIME OF L. _ _ [[ SURVEY IMPROVEMENT $ � -............._.�.... � t , E ENT - r . ANCHOR k I A �1 � �i•� I I�_ �I� I� •h •,.a:.: i} 1. A I I I I _ : .+ �' LLEN sxa �1 J. zNATIONAL SHOWN 1 �1.-.. •h .+•::r.ra:.c.,::"'� { �`�s' t I I I I � # I ��I ����€ � � I �� � € I 1 I_ - •- -- -- -- -- '"-r`.ir."`�.::'��:.:a�ti.,.�.c:.- ':ter. _ . .�•. ,•� >,r � o , y PROPERTY LLC ORTHORECTrF1ED IMAGE OBTAINED - i = ;�1 , b b I I I I I I I CS I I I I I I I I I € I I I I € I I I CS - ; r I 1 1 1 VOLUME 4205, PAGE 2D89, WITH UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEM 1 t i\ ,) : � I� II 1 1 I I I I 1 I i I I I # I I I I 1 I I I I" 1 i l ! I 1 - - I I Q \ r'1 { $ ELECTRIC lb I% ' 7(t .Iit* r - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - '. - -• 532 - ^ - - i.. �, r �' ! i 1 t D.R.C.C.T.INLET IM R1M ElEV=532.19' \��((, tyi VAULT '� 1 1 ►►• - - I t \ I 1 776A[J' GUYS 1 y $ i yl 1 ` +- - _ FD 1!2"fL�BAR11! I \ J • It i L TT t ANCHOR ! GUY 1 7 1 1 t \ ', 4 a 9 1, ELECTRIC FRONTIER r ANCHOR 532! r Il 1 tI \ � 1 METER& COMMUNICATION 1 ! \ 1 1 yt 1 Box • 1m 1 1�- ! �1 FRONTIER BOX 1 w O.O r i ` 1 ti COMMUNICATION 1I- I w„ CITY OF WYLIE i LOT 1, BLOCK A, 1� r ! VOLUME 2216, PAGE 990, 1, t . GALVANI7ED PIPE ', sox 1 �1 , vE suRFacE WITH 1 WOODLAKE VILLAGE !8 a! ,!1 14 y ! KNOWN ACE WITH VOLUME G,PAGE 385, 1 r 1 o , 1 , R.C.C.T. 1 , C• MINER ATTACHED. �l P R.C.C. 1 f Ii b 1 tt {1 \ 1 ; !, il tt 310,845 7.13&ACRES ARE ET '1 { 1 t 1 I t I 4 relI-- I I 1 I NIIT � {t 11 1 1I 11 1° .FD i•PIPE �mr«»...- — ••,,..«.-.....,..•.......•.r..-,m..............,.."..................w.......... L. 1 . ! 1 1 ! r 1 Iti {f rl TRACT 195. SHEET 2 — FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY , OwN1 . ZONING: CC SUP ( 2009-25 ) E THE CITY OF WYLIE T 2. PROPOSED USE: PUBLIC SAFETY AND COURTS BUILDING 300 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD. BLDG 100. 1ST FLOOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN 3. PROPERTY AREA: 310.845 SF — 7. 136 ACRES wYL I E• TEXAS 75098 4 . BUILDING AREA: EXISTING — 33. 733 SF GENERAL NOTES! ! !. CHR I S HOLSTED. CITY MANAGER WYLIE PUBLIC SAFETY AND COURTS BUILDING PROPOSED — 1 . 500 SF NO APPURTENANCE BETWEEN THE HEIGHT OF 2 ( 972 ) 51 fi—fi00fi 5. BUILDING HEIGHT : 2 - STORY — 25' MAX AND 9' MAY BE PLACED I N THE VISIBILITY TRIANGLES ARCHITECT: STATE HIGHWAY 78 6. LOT COVERAGE: 13. 32% ARCHITECTS DE I SGN GROUP F . A. R. = . 1 70: 1 NO PART OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SHOWN TO 4131 N CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY. STE 200 WYLIE, TEXAS 7. PARKING PROVIDED: 234 SPACES + 9 ACCESS I BLE - 243 SPACES LIE WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA INUNDATED DALLAS. TEXAS 75204 ( STANDARD PARKING SPACE SIZE IS MINI MUM 10' WIDE X 20' DEEP ) BY 100—YEAR FLOOD PER MAP NO. 48085C0535 .1OF THE THOM POwELL . A I A LEEO AP BD+C TIaBE HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS FOR COLLIN C2141 282-5534 8. LANDSCAPE REOU I RED ( 20% GROSS AREA ) : 62. 169 SF COUNTY. TEXAS AND INCORPORATED AREAS. DATED REGIST 0075 i LANDSCAPE PROVIDED: MORE THAN 98.000 SF JUNE 02. 2009 ( ZONE x ) Ir10. _��� CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS ENGINEER: axa 90ZMm ROA%virr IE TEXAS 75098 C972)442•71 s HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES. INC. - 1525 BOZMAN ROAD DESIGN DRAWN DATE SCALE NOTES FLE NO. WYLIE. TEXAS 75098 RANDALL T. HELMBERGER. PE FILM CARD .IANUARx 1•`-� C D, SAN 1835 (9721 442-7459 2019 ...1SPLAN.dgn 7/3/2019 11:57:28 AM F E D C B A 6 I I I I 6 IRRIGATION NOTES : 1. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE DESIGN-BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. 3. ALL PLANTING AREAS WILL BE IRRIGATED BY AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 4. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO PROVIDE HEAD-TO-HEAD COVERAGE. SYSTEM TO FOLLOW ALL APPROPRIATE CODES. 5. IRRIGATION DESIGN TO INCORPORATE EXISTING SITE IRRIGATION INFRASTRUCTURE WHERE POSSIBLE. 6. DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CIVIL AND PAVING CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SLEEVING WHERE REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONCRETE WORK. 7. DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR TO UTILIZE CITY PREFERRED IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT. G 8. DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE IRRIGATION SUBMITTAL FOR CITY PARKS DEPARTMENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL. ;�( e r2H( G.�� ?'�:-fir". ' LANDSCAPE NOTES .• F��r fi� � O 116 0 G< 0�1. ALL PLANTED TREES ARE TO BE 3"CALIPER MINIMUM. 2. ALL PLANTED TREES ARE TO BE NATIVE TO THE NORTH TEXAS REGION. r gi fi ir - , . - s f " n Architects and Planners, _ , , D A } T ... U ,' o � " �.. I.S.K.ISK Reeves V, FA A �„ Ian AReeves,A.I.A.LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS ,0 04 'wo �. D p o Q D � : : :LEEDAP . ,', ,w,,,,�''___�.__,;,____ .__...__",".,,.,....�__.... . . �,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , ___._._._..�,". � ___,"__________,_.._,_._._._._.. ......._._._._._._._.._._"._._._._._.. �, - Winter Park, Florida 32789 SITE AREA TOTAL (SF) 310,844 - � � v 5 5 (407)647-1706 ' 1 :F. , � EGG PLANTED LANDSCAPE AREA °'�` EGG0 Corporate Registration 99 837 Number: No. BR1177 INCLUDING TURF (SF) EXISTING TREE To REMAIN , p1 I EGG �� I and ����_ _ o 4', , u is a et 0 o Q DI/o OF PLANTED LANDSCAPE AREA 33 /o ` , ; : :, .,,DA D Courts uildi9 ri I IT' ;, I ( I : i ` i : D � Q D � �- D Y TX ■ , : I v;� " __ tu uts de I D �_,_ .,_ C Exposition Avenue, A �..- , 0 824 e 5 t r" D ," - Dallas, 6 fi y o<< �. fi ,' 1 o a r ,% D D D D Texas522 1 D D D o214.954.7160 D f2 954 7162 14 o I -r \'V.I\ ''\ 7 -,-.9 / , ,,, „,-,\'' I NI Now \I \ i ' :1 il 47:!:;;;;':at, " ' , ` �T�` Du s (LM I � D'' r I` I ITI : r III II�II v 4 - 4 ,,, , iu /r AP I I ALL EXISTING TREES IN CENTRAL � < ' ;1'' :41:16.4.. '/Ax'.. \ GOURTYARD TO BE REMOVED e � rfi SM , GM _ _ _ MEef .� �� la�., :ram T ��" _Jf. AP nIllli r, r D cippj I!Ijl1 6�" - JP p 1 a - r� �v� f D` ,; i 1 GTPT APW Q=`c' 0 G , G 4ri s \ ,,,\„,,,5,,,..v, ,_______ , o i ' _?�_ \ � o o KAP,, i ; ";4 0,i./,.'..,: ,.-,,.: 1-,- ::,, -\,, :..\--41‘x* ,-AI'POIx! i H �" : 0 P o %o o KGTT ��: ► �!. . -, aOI 0 11 GM " . `t SL T: r. illli +!=1I SL I .. < , 06T�6"06 o 0:co co 06' c o ,[ 4,• toll I1 ' I w�. o .. LM L M TD EGG E '' w I- , „ „ ,, \I..° I .\:< Q 1I tI SM The architect hereby expressly '',, ' 0 reserves his common law copyright these - i, I I -I— °, It 1,1= and other property rights in ", I' , I jI� r drawings. These drawings shall not .: <,.. "__",`" -4,,,- �,_„_r____w�__ I I GT be reproduced without written and e , ° `� �� ar chitect,nnor areotheyttotbeh .?' ' . \ _ 064—#' , assigned to any party permission_ r GT LM 5M P�' and consent. L\: r✓, I 7-1 P_ r, l..mml,� D -i 0 == revision addenda r wi.:wwwwwwwww®++ 1 vs.r�err+ry aovrccmrr.:a� " ijt ` �, U o D 0 D TI rl \ � _"" �\ 00000� I�II I o00i100 III I ,o000�i0 - - - \_< F� i1T1..i.4.. C. 'IRO'. .,„,,,• _ -_ t A. D-- D `\ ,71. 1 .7_:.t T�1.t 1..:.1 T.�_l,..1., U,,,L...L.[-,,a,:..1..,[7k,�L,,L-ITLI-:I_�1,�l,�,L.;_l ,L Tx I,L1-.,-._1,41_ fil r, ,r MA0 147 i I i ICI :...� ^? -�M�. ,. „ "" : ,, III � 0 � D Q D x I11 ".,"... o o III( " 1€ fi I o i r ! " i I "<" �p Q , D r r7 D \L\ `„D ,7 D v D ' i 77 'r EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED I P' D D EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN 2 = �D rY� 2 0 A , , \V\\\\\\ 7,\\,,,\,,-\•,,,,,\,,,,,,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ',,'•,:;--:-. ;;,,:,,:,:,,,,i'',,l\':;-,\,:‘"-,... :•,., 7 i''' 0 0 0 r�-- shee- title �T:''' r; .,,,.. ,,,_ �. ...__,,, ,' .................._ _._. ,_„_„_„_„_„_„_„_,__ 'w- "�l - " Planting Plan ii -,-y f , P p • scale: 1" = 20'-0" • drawn: AA • checked: AD • approved: • date: 05.24.2019 • project number: 0 20' 40' NO NORTH A Planting Plan ° sheet number: 1' = 20'-0" L501L501 1 1 F E D C B A F E D C B A 6 I I I I 6 IRRIGATION NOTES : 1. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE DESIGN-BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. 3. ALL PLANTING AREAS WILL BE IRRIGATED BY AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 4. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO PROVIDE HEAD-TO-HEAD COVERAGE. SYSTEM TO FOLLOW ALL APPROPRIATE CODES. 5. IRRIGATION DESIGN TO INCORPORATE EXISTING SITE IRRIGATION INFRASTRUCTURE WHERE POSSIBLE. 6. DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH CIVIL AND PAVING CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SLEEVING WHERE REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONCRETE WORK. 7. DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR TO UTILIZE CITY PREFERRED IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT. G 8. DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE IRRIGATION SUBMITTAL FOR CITY PARKS DEPARTMENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL. ;�( e "~ 7-7-77--- - 1 HN • Cp c)IreC)\\\ LANDSCAPE NOTES _ , ,..,-, , , 1 \>9 1. ALL PLANTED TREES ARE TO BE 3"CALIPER MINIMUM. -- /� ;- L �( y /� ,~e£„xNv, 2. ALL PLANTED TREES ARE TO BE NATIVE TO THE NORTH TEXAS REGION. .,_ t t s teet",) - D � D itft - ,f,% , V a , , ( - , 9,8 ' Architects and Planners la nner s-- F� ao \oD op oD oD � € , D o - D\ U C 0 o - I D o ^ < . I.S.K. Reeves V, F.A.I.A. \ V \ V - q V V V V V V \ D Ian A. Reeves,A.I.A.LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS �, D p oD a p -- p � � � ;€ y �\ �v,� , : n ::: :S:LDusa t,�t , �'A D ` V . SITE AREA TOTAL (SF) �` 5 310,844 EGG EGG Winter Park, Florida 32789 �,t 1 , ; , ` �V �`�, ,5 (407)647-1706 � _- PLANTED LANDSCAPE AREA `�`� �� �� v Sly .. . BD EGG " Corporate Registration 99,837 ~~� 111 Number: No. BR1177 U ..'-"fr-,. .-~: EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED BD BC " �', INCLUDING TURF (SF) 1 , ��� EXISTING TREE TO BE REMAIN ,`-y `� ,v o ��1- �is- o ��,� „ oo O,,, w� ��� ��. �v ". Public Safetyand " ° OF PLANTED LANDSCAPE AREA 33° = - z �� � �. - 6��� s �!L� - .P� ti i 2� � t- ._ _ s ,�. ,-_� ____ _______ _ _ ___ ___ .� �, _ Courts Building 9 r_. 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F a f i r cot 0 . i \\I, ,„,„.,,, BD <5s> ,,, „ , EXISTING TREE TO BE REMAIN G2T EGG <OT ; 2 2 ,21 4 0 0 o e __ .n �. , Nr• , f p D p D p D .7 D p D p D p D D Q D Q a % • • Q Q a p p VD� D p p D v D DV 0 p 1 D D ��' D�� D D D D D � p D D D•� D �A J D D D D • DV� p D D D o D �� D< 0 D '\ q -, h`/ A 7l D D 4 V� o o o oIbh/A. o 't �, o o ��� o 0 0 . o o o ° shee title . y I '' ' 1 , .- • ,_, / / , / /'"' i , P , , , i-4 ilk,/ 0-3 '14 id, 1111111W i Planting Plan , o scale: 1" = 20'-0" o drawn: AA o checked: AD o approved: o date: 05.24.2019 project number: 0 20' 40' NO NORTH A Planting Plan ° sheet number: 1 1' = 20'-0" L502L 5 0 2 1 1 F E D C B A , STANDING SEAM STANDING SEAM ,,P _-- , ----- High Roof 22_ 9 -_ STUCCO STUCCO 1 NEW ENTRY CANOPY - - �v .__ v�� �� - - - B.O.WINDOWS 15' -4" 00- 1111111 IX< Go qc\ Top of Canopy S 13' -0" CI\ 1,'1 e ,__::,„_,,,= 4.rs Ali , , .\\ vir742:!,':: '.,:' X"\ Elie_ Finish o c:::) en5\):9 G‘( 6 North A-201 1/8"=1'-0" Architects and anners I.S.K. Reeves V, F.A.I.A. Ian A. Reeves,A.I.A. Susan Gantt,A.I.A., LEED AP Huh Roof 333 N. Knowles Ave. 22'-9" Winter Park, Florida 32789 STANDING SEAM J STANDING SEAM (407)647-1706 NEW ENTRY CANOPY " / Corporate Registration / Number: No. BR1177 STONE VENEER STONE VENEER STONE VENEER „-, STONE VENEER - - - _ - - C9 - - - Mam - OWS 1 z B.O.WIND _ T.O— a r C_ � .--- m� .� _ r- _ - � � ' - - S�r il' To. of Cano• EE- T r- - - - R "" -, L � ��_ y . !-:- _- -= __ = - I if =i - - t- - _ - i - - - r'= - - T' n r � � � � --:!Ili 1 r �= ce_. - -r_ . : , rir J �'__E_e - :- -�__-__ - - - =3,,-..,11 . ..w. . ' ' ' i—; - ,',',-C-N'I,--: ' —71 ,.--_=7..- Mom— - -f-- -- L±_%- — - 1 f - - f_ _ LL t{ L_- L;'? � ` ice_ ._N�_ _ _ _ - o o 0 I i - —- - ., , -"`; _ _- _ - _ "= --T=_r�=ram=r—�=r— - - — -- ' —— - --,�-- -- ----r�-- -- =ram■ . -. 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MainEAST ELEVATION: - p k G scale: As indicated 13' -0" gl STONE - 28% To of Cano• ° crown: Author STUCCO - 65 /° - - - , METAL PANEL - 6% - // o ,, checked: Checker COURTYARD ELEVATION: - - - -- 1 a roved: Approver pp pp o date: 05.24.2019 STONE 0% / _  __ o project number: STUCCO 100% - 3 , L , . = = METAL PANEL - 0 _ _ ___ __ _. , , , . . _. .. .. _€ �x,__- - _ - - -: ::: .  _ _ _ Finish Floor 982 0" - G sheet number: 1 East - North A-20 I A-201 1/8"=1'-0" This page is intentionally blank Planning & Zoning Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 16, 2019 Public Hearing: 1 Department: Planning Abstract No. 688 Francisco De Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: La Pina Survey Date Prepared: July 09, 2019 Zoning District: Single Family SF 10/24 Location Map, Concept Plan, Exhibits: Notification Map and Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Single Family (SF 10/24), to allow for single family development, not to exceed 49 residential lots on 16.48 acres,located at 2605 E. Stone Road. ZC 2019-10 Recommendation Motion to recommend to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG-30) to Single Family(SF 10/24), to allow for single family development, not to exceed 49 residential lots on 16.48 acres,located at 2605 E. Stone Road. ZC 2019-10 Discussion Owner: CJG Development Group,LLC Applicant: CJG Development Group,LLC The applicant is requesting to rezone a 16.48-acre property located on East Stone Road from AG/30 to Single Family (SF 10/24) for a single-family development of no more than 49 residential lots and one open space lot. The property currently contains a single-family home and was annexed into the City in 2014. The property is generally bordered on the east and west by low density residential and to the north by a utility use, all outside the city limits, and a planned development residential development to the south, located within city limits. As presented, the residential development will be in compliance with the design standards of the SF 10/24 zoning regulations found in the Zoning Ordinance. The minimum lot area would be 10,000 sq.ft. The minimum residential dwelling size will be 2,400 sq.ft with front and rear setbacks of 25 ft, and side setbacks of 10 ft. As presented, the concept plan provides approximately 0.395 acres of open space. The developer has agreed to provide a trail easement on the open space to connect to the existing Greyhawk trail to the south. The developer has also agreed to modify lot 30 as it is an irregular shape not allowed by the subdivision regulations. Lastly, the Fire department has stated that the project is not in compliance with emergency access requirements. The developer will be required to provide NFPA 13D fire sprinkler systems to the residential units. Should the zoning be approved the applicant will submit a preliminary plat for consideration before any development can begin. The zoning requested is generally compatible with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The area is designated as Suburban, which generally supports low to medium density residential or very low density commercial in support of a neighborhood. Notification/Responses: 40 notifications were mailed; with no responses returned in favor or in opposition of the request Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 at the time of posting. To be considered by City Council on August 13, 2019 Approved By Initial Date JH July 9, 2019 Department Director Locator Map 1_. .)riveway ,NETT -- WYLIE Elf IP� Qri e li 44, 41) ei { 2'304 \3032304/30+10t3'14.313 315 31, 319 32 Q3251b,3221.:k 3312337 Qr M1� ..,_, .. .. ;_.. i_,_ rl J WHTIVEYLN' 2414 2415 �'� fP30? 3Q 234031312 314 21b3S62332 r324>3224S( t 24 t 11 C} Y�Y LI Es, d - <' 2'41T ,. 3Q� 3 1 _.- a� �`2/ 2413�2i(J"P 3Q3 3G1? Q`31"t`€S 3S3 'i19�1172�"319l[ '4't4 - 20 �� 24) { '� Z4M1i 4tz � �4Qr � 1� i.N� � zar'� TOUCHSTONE RD �22a � z 2 a4ab 4 C� A�IJ 246 ,ke. 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WYLIE WYLIE ETJ E STONE RDTAWAKONI DRRAY ROBERTS DRWHITNEY LN BOB SANDLIN LN Driveway 2406 2605 2405 2406 2408 2410 2407 2409 2411 2413 2300 2301 2303 2302 2305 2304 2307 2306 2309 2308 2311 2310 2312 2313 2315 2314 2316 2317 2318 2319 2412 2414 2416 2418 2403 2405 2402 2404 2407 2406 2409 2408 2411 2410 2413 2415 2417 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2317 2316 2319 2318 2321 2320 2323 2322 2325 2324 2327 2329 2326 2331 2333 2335 COLLIN COUNTY ROCKWALL COUNTY 200 Foot Notifcation Buffe r Sub ject Property Notification Map 0 190 380 570 760 95095 Feet ¯ ZC 2019-10 ¯