03-18-2003 (WEDC) Minutes Minutes
March 18,2003
Board Members Present
Marvin Fuller
Kevin St. John
John Yeager
Staff Present
Samuel Satterwhite, Executive Director
With notice of the meeting posted in time and manner required by law and a quorum of Board
members present, the Board of Directors of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation
(WEDC) met in Regular Session on March 18, 2003 in the Conference Room of Woodbridge
Golf Club located at 7400 Country Club Drive, Wylie, Texas.
The meeting was called to order by President John Yeager at 7:05 a.m.
ITEM NO. 1 — Consider and Act Upon Approval of Minutes for the February 10, 2003,
Regular Board of Directors Meeting of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation.
MOTION: A motion was made by Marvin Fuller and seconded by Kevin St. John to
approve the minutes for the February 10, 2003, Regular Board of Directors
Meeting of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. The WEDC
Board of Directors voted 3 — FOR and 0 — AGAINST in favor of the
ITEM NO. 2 — Consider and Act Upon Approval of the January, 2003 Treasurer's Report
for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation.
MOTION: A motion was made by Kevin St. John and seconded by Marvin Fuller to
approve the January, 2003 Treasurer's Report for the Wylie Economic
Development Corporation. The WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 —FOR
and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion.
ITEM NO. 3 — Consider and Act Upon Approval of the February, 2003 Treasurer's Report
for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation.
MOTION: A motion was made by Kevin St. John and seconded by Marvin Fuller to
approve the February, 2003 Treasurer's Report for the Wylie Economic
Development Corporation. The WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 —FOR
and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion.
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ITEM NO. 4—Discuss and Act Upon Issues Surrounding Development of WEDC Property
Located at 404 S. Highway 78.
Staff reported that a water sample needed to be taken to confirm that no residual hydrocarbons
remained in the pooled water prior to pumping the water into the City of Wylie treatment system.
Following the removal of the remaining water in the excavated site, Intercon Demolition will
grade the site.
Board member Fuller instructed staff to confirm that Intercon is not looking to the WEDC for
payment of the $16,000 negotiated to return the dirt to the excavated site. Staff brought the item
forward as information only, not requiring a motion or a vote.
ITEM NO. 5 — Discuss Issues Surrounding the Offering of Incentives to Project First
Staff provided the Board with an update of a site visit to Atlanta to tour the facilities of Project
First Priority. Staff, along with Board member Bowland, indicated that the asphalt used in the
manufacturing process, did not appear to present any negative issues as it relates to any smell
emanating from the site. The Board agreed that with the lack of construction activity, the WEDC
should utilize all resources budgeted for FY 2002 — 2003. Staff had proposed $187,000 as a
local employment grant paid out over 4 years and a relocation grant of$50,000. Board member
St. John recommended that the relocation grant equal $150,000 and the employment grant equal
$87,000 as an effort to be more aggressive.
Staff summarized that the total package, including tax abatements and permit waiver fees could
equal $365,794 with a breakeven point of 4.2 years.
MOTION: A motion was made by Kevin St. John and seconded by Marvin Fuller
authorizing staff to offer a WEDC incentive package of $237,000 to
Project First Priority. The WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 — FOR and
0—AGAINST in favor of the motion.
ITEM NO. 6 — Discuss and Act Upon Issues Surrounding the Purchase of Promotional
Items for the WEDC.
Staff requested that the WEDC Board of Directors authorize the expenditure of$1,700 for the
purchase of WEDC promotional items. Staff represented that logo golf balls could be purchased
for $700 and leather portfolios can be purchased for $1,000. Golf balls will be used for brokers,
etc. and the portfolios will be used for prospects. Board member St. John instructed staff to be
prudent in the distribution of the above items ensuring the promotional items are used strictly for
the intended purpose.
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MOTION: A motion was made by Marvin Fuller and seconded by John Yeager to
approve the purchase of promotional items for the WEDC not to exceed
$1,700. The WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 —FOR and 0—AGAINST
in favor of the motion.
ITEM NO. 7—Discuss and Act Upon Issues Surrounding WEDC Legal Representation.
Staff indicated to the Board that the WEDC is currently "between attorneys." The WEDC has
utilized Jackson Walker and Vail, Hamilton recently for specialized case work, but has not felt
comfortable with the services of Leggot & Clemmons (WEDC counsel for the past 7 years).
Staff further conveyed that the WEDC had worked with City Attorney, Richard Abernathy over
the past several months on a tax abatement for Home Depot and was very pleased with his work.
Board member St. commented that if staff is comfortable with Mr. Abernathy, the WEDC should
retain him now in the event that Project First Priority relocates to Wylie.
MOTION: A motion was made by Kevin St. John and seconded by John Yeager
authorizing the WEDC Executive Director to execute a Retainer
Agreement between the WEDC and Abernathy, Roder, Boyd & Joplin.
The WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 —FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor
of the motion.
ITEM NO. 8 — Discuss and Act Upon Issues Surrounding a Loan Agreement Between
Chester F. Lagrone, Cynthia Althuser Lagrone and the WEDC.
Staff indicated that Althuser's is not in default as defined under Section 6 of the Loan Agreement
between Chet Lagrone, Cynthia Althuser Lagrone and the WEDC. Therefore, as per Section 5(a)
of the Loan Agreement, the WEDC shall forgive the principal and interest payment associated
with Note.
MOTION: A motion was made by Marvin Fuller and seconded by Kevin St. John
forgiving Payment 2 ($18,413.33) and all associated interest as required
under the Loan Agreement between Chester Lagrone and Cynthia Althuser
Lagrone and the WEDC. The WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 — FOR
and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion.
ITEM NO. 9—Discuss and Act Upon Issues Surrounding a Loan Agreement Between Tony
D. Linduff and the WEDC.
Staff indicated that Multi-Machining is not in default as defined under Section 6 of the Loan
Agreement between Tony D. Linduff and the WEDC. Therefore, as per Section 5(a) of the Loan
Agreement, the WEDC shall forgive the principal and interest payment associated with the Note.
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MOTION: A motion was made by Kevin St. John and seconded by Marvin Fuller
forgiving Payment 2 ($16,137.66) and any associated interest as required
under the Loan Agreement between Tony D. Linduff and the WEDC. The
WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 — FOR and 0 — AGAINST in favor of
the motion.
ITEM NO. 10 — Discuss and Act Upon Issues Surrounding a Loan Agreement Between
Yelrow, Inc. and the WEDC.
Staff indicated that Yelrow, Inc. is not in default as defined under Section 6 of the Loan
Agreement between Yelrow and the WEDC. Therefore, as per Section 5(a) of the Loan
Agreement, the WEDC shall forgive the principal and interest payment.
MOTION: A motion was made by Kevin St. John and seconded by Marvin Fuller
forgiving Payment 3 ($10,715.34) and any associated interest as required
under the Loan Agreement between Yelrow, Inc. and the WEDC. The
WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 — FOR and 0 — AGAINST in favor of
the motion.
ITEM NO. 11 —Discuss and Act Upon Issues Surrounding a Loan Agreement Between DC
& Associates, Inc. and the WEDC.
Staff indicated that DC & Associates is not in default as defined under Section 6 of the Loan
Agreement between DC & Associates and the WEDC. Also, staff indicated that the Executive
Director did not bring forward for consideration to the WEDC Board of Directors forgiveness of
Payment 4. Therefore, as per Section 5(a) of the Loan Agreement, the WEDC shall forgive the
principal and interest payment for Payment 4 and Payment 5.
MOTION: A motion was made by Marvin Fuller and seconded by Kevin St. John
forgiving Payment 4 ($10,000.00) and Payment 5 ($10,000.00) and any
associated interest as required under the Loan Agreement between DC &
Associates, Inc. and the WEDC. The WEDC Board of Directors voted 3 —
FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion.
ITEM NO. 12—Staff Update of Retail/Commercial Projects Impacting the City of Wylie.
Staff updated the WEDC Board of Directors on the construction of Alanis, Wendy's,
Blockbuster, and a periodontist locating adjacent to Dr. Jeff Hambrice. Staff also informed the
Board that American National and Inwood National Banks would be approached to discuss the
potential for refinancing a WEDC note currently held at American National. Staff brought the
item forward as information only with no motion or vote required.
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ITEM NO. 13—Citizen Participation.
There being no citizen participation, President Yeager proceeded to Item No. 14.
ITEM NO. 14—Adjourn.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 a.m.
John ager,President
Samuel D.R. Satterwhite
Executive Director