10-01-2019 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning &
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Regular Business Meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting Agenda
October 1, 2019 — 6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building #100
Wylie, TX 75098
Ron Smith Chair
Randy Owens Vice Chair
Brad Emerson Commissioner
Cory Plunk Commissioner
Mike McCrossin Commissioner
Bryan Rogers Commissioner
Charla Riner Commissioner
Jasen Haskins Planning Manager
Kevin Molina Senior Planner
Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie
Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.Gov
within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie
website: www.wvlietexas.gov.
The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the
audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.
Hearing impaired devices are available from the Secretary prior to each meeting.
Announce the presence of a Quorum
Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a
non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three
(3) minutes. In addition, Commissioners is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter
presented during citizen participation.
A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from September 17, 2019 Regular Meeting.
October 1,2019 Planning&Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the Planning&Zoning Commission should determine that
a closed or executive meeting or session of the Planning&Zoning Commission or a consultation with the attorney
for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with
attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by
the Planning & Zoning Commission 1 at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Planning & Zoning
Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for
the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited
to,the following sanctions and purposes:
Texas Government Code Section:
§ 551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City.
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding
an amendment to the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance (2006-04), Section 5.1 (Land Use Charts) and
Section 5.2(Listed Uses)as they relate to allowed uses within the Neighborhood Services(NS)Zoning
District. ZC 2019-13.
I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on September 27, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance
with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a
courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexa,s'.gov.
Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed
G Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
September 17, 2019— 6:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100
Wylie, TX 75098
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Vice Chair Randy Owens presided the meeting and called the meeting to order at 6:01PM.
Commissioners present: Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Bryan Rogers, Commissioner
Cory Plunk, Commissioner Brad Emerson, Commissioner Mike McCrossin, and Commissioner
Charla Riner. Those absent: Chair Ron Smith.
Staff present: Mr. Jasen Haskins, Planning Manager, Mr. Kevin Molina, Senior Planner, and Ms.
Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant.
Commissioner Rogers gave the invocation and Commissioner Riner led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a
non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three
(3) minutes. In addition, Commissioners not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented
during citizen participation
No one approached the Commissioners.
A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from September 3, 2019, Regular
Commission Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to approve the
Minutes from September 3,2019 meeting, as presented. A vote was taken and the motion carried 6-0.
Minutes September 17,2019
Page 1
1. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat
for Birmingham Bluffs Phase 1, establishing 29 single family residential lots and two
open space lots on 6.443 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of Westgate
Way and Brown Street.
Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the plat will establish 29 residential and two open space lots. The development will
be creating three collector streets, each with 50 foot right-of-ways. The plat will also be dedicating 20 feet
of right-of-way on Brown Street.
Commissioners Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Riner, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to recommend
approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Birmingham Bluffs Phase 1, establishing 29 single
family residential lots and two open space lots on 6.443 acres, generally located on the northwest corner
of Westgate Way and Brown Street. A vote was taken and carried 6— 0.
2. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Village East Apartments on Lot 1, Block 24 of
Railroad addition measuring 0.956 acres. Property located at 105 S 5th Street.
Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 443.50 square feet addition to the existing
office building of the Village East Apartments.
The Zoning Board of Adjustments approved a variance for this addition on August 19, 2019. The new
construction is to match the exterior materials of the existing apartment complex.
Commissioners Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Plunk, to approve a
Site Plan for Village East Apartments on Lot 1, Block 24 of Railroad Addition measuring 0.956 acres.
Property located at 105 S 5tn Street. A vote was taken and carried 6—0.
3. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Wylie High School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie
High School on 78.341 acres. Property located at 2550 W. FM 544.
Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to expand classrooms from 117 to 164 and add a multi-
purpose gym that also functions as a storm shelter. The plan also provides an increase in parking to 1,112
The exterior materials of the additions are to match the look of the existing building and are comprised of
brick, stone veneer and cast stone. Commissioner Plunk questioned the screening of the HVAC units.
Staff stated that the property is zoned Agricultural District (AG/30) and screening is not required for this
Commissioners Action
Minutes September 17,2019
Page 2
A motion was made by Commissioner Emerson, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to approve a
Site Plan for Wylie High School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie High School on 78.341 acres. Property
located at 2550 W. FM 544. A vote was taken and carried 6—0.
Public Hearing
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City
Council regarding a residential Replat Lot 1, Block A of Wylie High School Addition to
create Lot 1R, Block A to allow for adjustments to utility and fire lane easements,
property located at 2550 E. FM 544.
Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the purpose of the replat is to relocate and label utility and fire lane easements. In
August, 2019 the Commission approved a site plat for the property that increased the number of
classrooms and parking spaces, and added a multi-purpose gym.
Public Comments
Chair Owens opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Owens
closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Riner to recommend
approval to the City Council regarding a residential Replat of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie East High School
Addition to create Lot 1R, Block A to allow for adjustments to utility and firelane easements, property
located at 3000 Wylie East Drive. A vote was taken and carried 6—0.
2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City
Council regarding a final plat of Kellers 1st Addition Lot 3R, Block 6, being a replat of
Lots 1R, 3, and 4 of Block 6, establishing one commercial lot on 0.752 acres, generally
located on the southwest corner of Jackson Street and Calloway Street.
Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the purpose of the replat is to create Lot 3R Bock 6 of Kellers lst Addition by
combining Lots 1R, 3, and 4 of Block 6. As a corner lot, the northern, eastern and southern sides of the
property are required to have a 25 feet setback building line. The western side will have a 10 feet setback
building line.
Public Comments
Chair Owens opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Owens
closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner Emerson to recommend
approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat of Lot 3R, Block 6 of Kellers 1st Addition, being a
Replat of Lots 1R, 3, and 4 of Block 6, establishing one commercial lot on 0.752 acres, generally located
on the southwest corner of Jackson Street and Calloway Street. A vote was taken and carried 6—0.
Minutes September 17,2019
Page 3
3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City
Council regarding a final plat of Kellers 1st Addition Lot 9R Block 5, being a replat of
Lots 9 and 10 of Block 5, establishing one commercial lot on 0.376 acres, generally
located on the northeast corner of Jackson Street and College Street.
Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the location of the property is the northeast corner of Jackson Street and College
Street, and requested the Commissioners to clarify on the motion.
The replat will combine Lots 9 and 10 of Block 5, creating a final plat for Lot 9R Block 5 of Kellers 1st
Addition. As a corner lot the eastern and southern sides of the property will have a 25 feet setback
building line. The northern and eastern sides will have a 10 feet setback building line.
Public Comments
Chair Owens opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Owens
closed the Public Hearing.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Riner to recommend
approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat of Kellers lst Addition Lot 9R Block 5, being a Replat
of Lots 9 and 10 of Block 5, establishing one commercial lot on 0.376 acres, generally located on the
northeast corner of Jackson Street and College Street.
Chair Owens stated that the next meeting will be held on October 1, 2019.
A motion was made by Commissioner Riner, and seconded by Commissioner Emerson,to adjourn the
meeting.A vote was taken and carried 6 -0.
Randy Owens, Chair
Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant
Minutes September 17,2019
Page 4
Planning & Zoning
Meeting Date: October 1, 2019 Public Hearing: 1
Department: Planning
Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: N/A
Date Prepared: September 23, 2019 Zoning District:
Zoning Ordinance Sections 5.1
Exhibits: and 5.2
Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding an amendment to
the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance (2006-04), Section 5.1 (Land Use Charts) and Section 5.2 (Listed Uses) as they
relate to allowed uses within the Neighborhood Services (NS)Zoning District. ZC 2019-13
Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding an amendment to the City of Wylie Zoning
Ordinance (2006-04), Section 5.1 (Land Use Charts) and Section 5.2 (Listed Uses) as they relate to allowed uses within
the Neighborhood Services (NS) Zoning District. ZC 2019-13
On August 13, 2019 Planning Staff and City Council held a work session to discuss multi-family (MF) uses in
Neighborhood Services (NS). At the conclusion of that work session, Staff was directed to examine the possibility of
removing multi-family uses from the NS district.
The result of Staff's examination indicates that changes to the allowed multi-family uses in the Neighborhood Services
District should be considered because:
• The NS district and it's uses were established in the 2001 `Village Center' Zoning Ordinance (ZO). The Village
Center concept and related tenets were largely abandoned in the 2006 ZO.
• Generally speaking, cities surrounding Wylie do not allow multi-family uses in NS districts
• As Planning best practice, NS districts generally focus on non-residential uses or emphasize commercial
• Staff mailed notifications to over 400 citizens who live near NS zoned districts and responses indicate support is
overwhelmingly in favor of an amendment removing multi-family uses from NS.
Based on the aforementioned reasons, Staff is recommending amendments to Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the Zoning
Ordinance, summarized as follows:
• Removing Assisted Living, Multifamily, and Single Family (attached) as allowed uses within the NS district.
• Changing the Boarding or Rooming House use from a by-right use to a required Special Use Peiiuit(SUP).
Page 1 of 2
Page 2 of 2
• Removing the NS district from the text within Section 5.2 of Assisted Living, Multifamily, and Single Family
(attached) `additional provisions' definitions, as those uses would no longer be allowed in NS.
City Council will consider this item on October 22, 2019
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director JH September 25, 2019
WYLIE Zoning Ordinance
Buildings, structures and land shall be used only in accordance with the uses permitted in the
following Land Use Tables, subject to all other applicable requirements of this ordinance.
S bel Meanin
"P" The use is permitted as a principal use in that zoning district by
right. Additional requirements for this use may be required and are
listed in Section 5.2 Listed Uses, Additional Provisions.
"P*" The use is permitted,however special provisions are required
when located in this district. These provisions are listed in Section
5.2 Listed Uses, Additional Provisions.
The use is permitted in that zoning district only after first
obtaining a Special Use Peiruit(SUP) as set forth in 5.4 Special
Use Permits.
"T" The use is permitted in that zoning district only after first
obtaining a Temporary Use Peiruit(TUP) as set forth in Section
5.5 Temporary Uses and may include additional provisions.
A blank square means that the use is not allowed in that zoning
district as a .rinci.al use.
w 'IL 1 E Zoning Ordinance
Low-Density Residential Districts
AG/30 Agricultural District
SF-ED Single Family—Estate District
Medium Density Residential Districts
SF-20/26 Single Family - 20 District
SF-10/24 Single Family - 10 District
High-Density Residential Districts
TH Townhouse District
MF Multifamily District
MH Manufactured Home District
Commercial Districts
NS Neighborhood Services District
CR Community Retail District
CC Corridor Commercial District
BG Business Government District
Industrial District
LI Light Industrial District
HI Heavy Industrial District
Special Purpose and Overlay Districts
PD Planned Development District
FP Floodplain District
DTH Downtown Historic District
SBO South Ballard Overlay District
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed-Use
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
/30 ED 20/ 10/ F H H 0
Related 26 24
1. Animal Boarding Kennel S S P 1 per 325 sq ft of main
with Outside Pens structure
2. Animal Boarding/Kennel S S S P* P* P* 1 per 325 sq ft
without Outside Pens
3. Animal Production P* Per approved Site Plan
4. Commercial Greenhouse P* P* P* S P 1 per 300 sq ft of main
or Nursery structure
5. Crop Production P* P* none
6. Stable(Commercial) S P* 1 per 3 stalls
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit (L)=Loading spaces are required
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed-Use
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
B.Residential&Lodging AG/3 SF- SF- SF- TH MF MH NS CR CC BG L I H I DTH SBO
0 ED 20/ 10/
26 24
1 1. Assisted Living Apartment P* S- P* S 1 per room(L)
2. Bed&Breakfast Inn S S S P* S P* P* P* 1 per room
3. Boarding or Rooming House P* PYS P* P* P* 1 per room(L)
4. Hotel or Motel S P P P P* P 1.25 per room(L)
5. Manufactured Home P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 2 per dwelling
6. Manufactured Home Park P 2 per dwelling
7. Multifamily Dwelling P P- P* P 2 per dwelling
8. Single Family Dwelling, P P W P* P 2 per dwelling
9. Single Family Dwelling, P P P P P 2 per dwelling
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit (L)=Loading spaces are required
WY'CIE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
C.Institutional&Community AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF MH NS CR CC BG L I H I DT SBO
Service 30 ED 20/ 10/ H
26 24
1. Cemetery or Mausoleum S S S S S S P Per approved site plan
2. Church/House of Worship P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 1 per 250 sq ft
3. Civic Center PP PP P P P P 1 per 300 sq ft
4. College or University S S S S S PP P P 9 per classroom*(L)
5. Cultural Arts Facility P* P* P P P P P P 1 per 325 sq ft(L)
6. Day Care Facility S S S S S P* S P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 4 per classroom*
7. Group Home P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 1 per 2 beds
8. Hospital or Sanitarium P P 1 per 2 beds(L)
9. Library PP PP P P P P 1 per 325 sq ft
10. Mortuary or Funeral Home S P P 1 per 250 sq ft
11.Nursing,Convalescent P* P P 1 per 4 beds(L)
Home or Hospice
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit (L)=Loading spaces are required
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
CONT. 26 24
12.School(Public or Private) P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 1.5 per classroom(L)
13.School(Public or Private) P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 7 per classroom
14.School,Business P P P P P 9 per classroom
15.School,Technical or Trade P P P P 9 per classroom(L)
P=Peiinitted P*—Permitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit (L)=Loading spaces are required
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
30 ED 20/ 10/ H H
26 24
1. Financial Institution (with S S P P 1 per 400 sq ft(L)
2. Financial Institution P P P P P P P 1 per 300 sq ft(L)
(without drive-thru)
3. Financial Institution, S S S S S S S 1 per 250 sq ft(L)
4. General Office P P P P P P P 1 per 400 sq ft(L)
5. Medical Clinic P* P P P* P* P P 1 per 350 sq ft(L)
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit (L)=Loading spaces are required
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
E.Recreational,Entertainment AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF M NS CR CC BG L I H I DT SBO
&Amusement 30 ED 20/ 10/ H H
26 24
1. Commercial Amusement or S P S S 1 per 300 sq ft
2. Commercial Amusement or S P S S 1 per 100 sq ft
3. Commercial Amusement or S S S Per approved SUP
4. Community Park, P P P P PPPPPPPPP P Per approved site plan
Recreation Center,or Golf
5. Country Club or Golf P P P P PPP S S P P P 4 per green
6. Golf Driving Range S S S S S S S S S S 1.25 per tee(L)
7. Health Club P* P* P* P P P P 1 per 200 sq ft
8. Neighborhood Park or P P P P PPPPPPPPP P P Per approved site plan(L)
9. Sexually-Oriented Business P* 1 per 150 sq ft(L)
10. Shooting Range,Indoor S P 1 per 400 sq ft(L)
11.Theater P P S P P 1 per 200 sq ft
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Peiiuit (L)=Loading spaces are required
W 'UE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
F.Retail,Personal Service& AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF M NS CR CC BG L I H I DT SBO
Commercial 30 ED 20/ 10/ H H
26 24
1. Animal Clinic or Hospital S S P P 1 per 400 sq ft(L)
2. Automobile Rental S P* P P* P 1 per 400 sq ft(L)
3. Automobile Repair,Major S S P 1 per 400 sq ft(L)
4. Automobile Repair,Minor S P P P S 1 per 300 sq ft(L)
5. Body Art Studio P* P* 1 per 150 sq ft(L)
6. Car Wash S S S Per approved SUP(L)
7. Club or Lodge(Non-profit) P P P P P 1 per 200 sq ft(L)
8. Contractor's Maintenance S P 1 per 500 sq ft main structure
Yard (L)
9. Dry Cleaning or Laundry, P P P P P P* 1 per 350 sq ft(L)
Drop-Off or Self Service
10. Cleaners(Commercial) S P* P* 1 per 1000 sq ft(L)
11. Equipment Rental S S S P P 1 per 500 sq ft main structure
12.Food Processing S P* P P 1 per 1000 sq ft(L)
13.General Merchandise Store P P P P* P P P 1 per 400 sq ft(L)
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit (L)=Loading spaces are required
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
COM.,CONT. 30 ED 20/ 10/ H
26 24
14.Grocery Store S P P P P 1 per 300 sq ft(L)
15.Home Improvement Center, P P P 1 per 400 sq ft(L)
Lumber,Brick,or Building
16.Household Equipment& P P P P P 1 per 500 sq ft(L)
Appliance Repair
17.Motor Vehicle Fueling S P P P P Per site plan(L)
18.PawnShop P l per 250sgft(L)
19.Personal Service Use P P P P P P 1 per 250 sq ft(L)
20.Restaurant with Drive-in or P* P* P* 1 per 150 sq ft(L)
Drive-through Service
21.Restaurant without Drive-in P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 1 per 100 sq ft(L)
or Drive-through Service
22.Truck,Machinery&Heavy S P 1 per 600 sq ft of main
Equipment Sales,Service or structure(L)
23.Vehicle Display,Sales or P P 1 per 500 sq ft(L)
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Peiinit (L)=Loading spaces are required
W 'UE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
COM.,CONT. 30 ED 20/ 10/ H R
26 24
24. Beer&Wine Package P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 1 per 250 sq ft(L)
25.Antique Shop(Inside Sales) S P* P* P* P* 1 per 250 sq ft(L)
26.Secondhand Goods S P* l per 250 sq ft(L)
27.Used Merchandise S P* P* P* 1 per 250 sq ft(L)
Resale/Consignment or
Thrift Shop
28.Permanent Cosmetic P* P* P* P* P* 1 per 250 sq ft(L)
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Peiinit (L)=Loading spaces are required
IA 1
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
G.Utility,Transportation& AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF M NS C CC BG L I H I DTH SBO
Public Service 30 ED 20/ 10/ H R
26 24
1. Airport,Heliport or Landing S P P Per approved site plan(L)
2. Animal Shelter P P 1 per 750 sq ft of main
3. Commercial Bus Station, S P P Per approved site plan(L)
Terminal or Service Facility
4. Commercial Radio or TV S SPP Per approved site plan(L)
Transmitting Station
5. Electric Substation or Gas S P Per approved site plan
Regulator Station
6. Helipad S SPP Per approved site plan
7. Local Utilities P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* Per approved site plan
8. Mounted Antenna S S S S S P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* none
9. Police or Fire Station P P P P P P PPP PP P P P Per approved site plan
10.Post Office S S S S P PPP PP P P P Per approved site plan(L)
11.Radio,Television or S S S S S Per approved SUP
Microwave Tower
12.Railroad Yard P Per approved site plan
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit (L)=Loading spaces are required
IA 1
W 'UE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
SERVICE,CONT. 30 ED 20/ 10/ H
26 24
13.Sewage Treatment Plant S Per approved SUP
14.Telecommunications Tower S S S S S S S S S S S P* P* Per approved site plan
15.Telephone Exchange S P S P P Per approved site plan
without Shops or Offices
16.Transit Passenger Shelter P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Per approved site plan
17.Utility or Government S P P S S S P P S S Per approved site plan
Installation other than listed
18.Water Treatment Plant, P P Per approved site plan
Reservoir or Water Storage
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Peiinit (L)=Loading spaces are required
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
H.Industrial&Manufacturing AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF M NS CR CC BG L I H I DTH SBO
30 ED 20/ 10/ H
26 24
1. Asphalt or Concrete Batch S Per approved SUP(L)
2. Industrial(Inside) P* P* 1 per 1000 sq ft(L)
3. Industrial(Outside) S S Per approved site plan(L)
4. Light Assembly& P P P 1 per 1000 sq ft(L)
5. Mining S S Per approved SUP
6. Printing&Publishing P P P P* P* 1 per 750 sq ft
7. Salvage or Reclamation of S 1 per 1000 sq ft(L)
8. Salvage or Reclamation of S Per approved SUP(L)
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Permit (L)=Loading spaces are required
WYLIE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
I. Wholesale,Distribution& AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF M NS CR CC BG L I H I DTH SBO
Storage 30 ED 20/ 10/ H
26 24
1. Auto Auction S Per approved site plan(L)
2. Contractor's Maintenance P* P P Per approved site plan(L)
3. Freight Terminal P Per approved site plan(L)
4. Landfill S Per approved SUP
5. Livestock Auction Pens or S Per approved SUP(L)
6. Mini-warehouse(Self- S S 1 per 20 units
7. Office S P P P* P 1 per 750 sq ft(L)
8. Outside Storage P P Per approved site plan(L)
9. Recycling Collection Center S S S P Per approved site plan(L)
10. Warehouse/Distribution S P 1 per 1500 sq ft(L)
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Peiinit (L)=Loading spaces are required
w 'U I E Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
J.Accessory Uses AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF M NS CR CC BG L I H I DTH SBO
30 ED 20/ 10/ H
26 24
1. Accessory Agricultural P* S None
2. Accessory Community P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* 1 per 300 sq ft
3. Accessory Game Court P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* S P* P* None/Per approved site plan
4. Accessory Outside Display P* P* P* P* P* P* None
of Merchandise
5. Accessory Outside Sales P* P* 1 per 500 sq ft
6. Accessory Outside Storage S P* P* None
7. Amateur Communication P* P* S S S P* P* P* P* P* P* P* None
8. Caretakers S PPPPP P P P P 1 per 1000 sq ft
Quarters/Domestic or
Security Unit
9. Home Occupation P* P* P* P* P* P* P* None
10.Private Stable P* P* None
11.Swimming Pool(Private) P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* P* S S None
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Peiinit (L)=Loading spaces are required
IA 1
WYUE Zoning Ordinance
PERMITTED USES Residential Districts Non-Residential Districts Parking
Low- Medium- High-Density Commercial Industrial Mixed Uses
Density Density Residential
Residential Residential
K.Temporary Uses AG/ SF- SF- SF- TH MF M NS CR CC BG L I H I DTH SBO
30 ED 20/ 10/ H
26 24
1. Christmas Tree Sales T T T T T T T T 1 per 1000 sq ft
2. Occasional Sale/Garage P P P P P P P T T None
3. Seasonal Sales Stand T T T T T 1 per 1000 sq ft
4. Temporary Concrete or T T T T T T T T T T T T Per approved site plan
Asphalt Batch Plant
5. Temporary Construction T T T T T T 1 per 300 sq ft
Yard,or Construction or
Sales Office
6. Temporary Crop Production p T T T T T T T T T T T T T None
7. Temporary Grazing T T T T T T T T T T T T None
8. Temporary Living Quarters T T 2 per dwelling
9. Traveling Show,Carnival or T T Per approved site plan
P=Peiinitted P*=Peiinitted with additional requirements when located in this district.
S=Special Use Permit T=Temporary Use Peiinit. (L)=Loading spaces are required
WYLIE Zoning Ordinance
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All permitted districts, required parking, and loading are outlined in Section 5.1 Land Use
A. Agricultural&Animal-Related Uses
1. Animal Boarding/Kennel with Outside Pens
Definition: A facility or area for keeping 4 or more dogs, cats, or other household pets
outside, or where grooming,breeding, boarding, training or selling of animals is conducted
as a business. This use does not include Animal Clinics or Hospitals.
2. Animal Boarding/Kennel without Outside Pens
a. Definition: A facility or area for keeping 4 or more dogs, cats, or other household pets,
or where grooming, breeding, boarding, training in conjunction with selling of animals
is conducted as a business, and where all activities are conducted indoors. This use does
not include Animal Clinics or Hospitals.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts when adjacent to a residential use:
(1) Rooms containing cages or pens are not permitted to have windows, doors, or
other penetrations on exterior walls.
(2) Areas designated for holding, boarding, or grooming of pets are limited to no
more than 10 percent of the gross floor area.
3. Animal Production
a. Definition: Animal production means an area used for the raising of animals and the
development of animal products on a commercial basis. Typical uses include cattle and
sheep ranching, dairy farming, fish farming, and the raising of poultry and swine.
b. Additional Provisions:
AG/30 Districts:
(1) Site must be surrounded by agricultural or industrial zoning or a major arterial on
all sides.
(2) This use shall not be operated on an area less than 5 acres.
(3) The area used for the production of animals shall be set back from the front, side
and rear property line a minimum of 100 feet.
(4) The area used for the production of large animals, which includes but are not
limited to pigs, cows, sheep, goats, and horses, shall not be located closer than
one-half of a mile to any residential zoning district, and one-quarter of a mile to
any commercial zoning district.
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(5) Structures may be erected for a private stable, pen, barn, shed or silo for raising,
treating, and storing products raised on the premises. A dwelling unit is also
SF-ED Districts:
(1) Site must be surrounded by Agricultural or Estate District zoning or a major
arterial on all sides.
(2) This use shall not be operated on an area less than 10 acres.
(3) Equine species only. Swine and poultry prohibited.
(4) The area used for the production of animals shall be set back from the front and
rear property line a minimum 150 feet, and from the side property line a minimum
of 75 feet.
(5) Structures may be erected for a private stable, pen, barn, shed or silo for raising,
treating, and storing products raised on the premises as an accessory structure
only, and may not exceed 2% of the lot area.
4. Commercial Greenhouse or Nursery
a. Definition: Commercial greenhouse & nursery means a facility for the cultivation of
plants within a protected environment on a commercial basis.
b. Additional Provisions:
AG District: Limited retail sales are permitted on-site subject to the following
(1) Retail sales are permitted at all times as part of the commercial greenhouse and
nursery use when the retail sales do not exceed 10 percent of the total greenhouse
floor area.
(2) Up to 100 percent of the total greenhouse floor area may be devoted to retail sales
activities during an occasional greenhouse sale. No more than 4 occasional
greenhouse sales may be conducted during any 12 month period. Each occasional
greenhouse sale shall be limited in duration to no more than 3 consecutive
calendar days.
NS & CR Districts:
(1) Use shall be limited to 5,000 square feet of land area.
(2) Inside retail sales permitted.
(3) All outside storage shall be screened from adjacent properties and streets.
5. Crop Production
a. Definition: Crop production means an area used for the raising or harvesting of
agricultural crops intended to provide food or fiber.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) Crop production shall require at least a 5 acre land area.
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WY L.I E Zoning Ordinance
(2) Structures maybe erected for a private pen, barn, shed or silo of the treating and
storing of products raised on the premises.
6. Stable, Commercial
a. Definition: Commercial stable means a facility for the business of boarding or renting
horses to the public.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) Commercial stables shall require at least a five acre area. Animal/land ratio shall
comply with requirements of the City of Wylie Health Code.
(2) A commercial stable shall have sufficient drainage and other facilities so as not
to create offensive odors, insect or rodent breeding, or other nuisances.
(3) A pen, corral, or similar enclosure shall have a minimum front setback of 50 feet
and a minimum side setback of 30 feet from the property line. In addition, they
may not be located any closer than 100 feet to the dwelling on the premises or
100 feet to any property line. This provision does not apply to perimeter fences
which may be located along the property line.
(4) Additional parking may be required for the parking of trailers if any events are
planned or conducted on the property which will draw horses from other stables
or other conditions are specifically identified that require parking of horse trailers
on the property.
B. Residential&Lodging Uses
1. Assisted Living Apartment
a. Definition: An establishment that furnishes, in one or more facilities, food and shelter
to five or more persons who are unrelated to the proprietor of the establishment and
that provides personal care services as defined by Chapter 247 of the Texas
Administrative Code. Personal care services include assistance with meals, dressing,
movement, bathing, or other personal needs or maintenance; the administration of
medication; or the general supervision or oversight of a person's physical and mental
well-being. The term does not include a Nursing, Convalescent Home or Hospice.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) Retirement housing may contain suites for the use of residents. Suites are defined
as one or more rooms designed to accommodate one family containing living,
sanitary and sleeping facilities, but not containing a kitchen.
(2) One dwelling unit or suite may be designated as caretakers.
(3) The facility shall have access to a collector or larger street.
2. Bed & Breakfast Inn
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WY L.I E Zoning Ordinance
a. Definition: A house, or portion of a house, where short term lodging rooms and meals
are provided. The operator of the inn shall live on the premises or in adjacent premises.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) The number of guest rooms is limited to 6.
(2) Cooking facilities for guest rooms are not permitted.
(3) Individual guest occupancy is limited to no more than one month in any 3-month
CR district:
(1) This use may only be permitted in existing structures.
(2) The renovation of existing structures to accommodate this use shall maintain the
existing character of the neighborhood.
3. Boarding or Rooming House
a. Definition: Boarding or rooming houses means a facility that has 5 or fewer guest
rooms that are rented separately to occupants.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) This use may serve meals to the occupants.
(2) This use may not have kitchens in the guest rooms.
CR districts:
(1) This use may only be permitted in existing structures.
(2) The renovation of existing structures to accommodate this use shall maintain the
existing character of the neighborhood.
4. Hotel or Motel
a. Definition: Hotel means a building or group of buildings whose main function is to
provide rooms for temporary lodging where entrance to each room is gained from a
completely enclosed area and which structure may also contain a restaurant,conference
rooms, and various personal service shops. Motel means a building or group of
buildings whose main function is to provide rooms for temporary lodging in which the
rooms are directly accessible from an outdoor parking area.
b. Additional Provisions:
DTH: No motels are permitted.
5. Manufactured Home
a. Definition: Manufactured Home is a factory-built, single-family structure that is
manufactured under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 5401, the National
Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, is transportable
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WY L.I E Zoning Ordinance
in one or more sections, is built on a permanent chassis, and is used as a place of human
habitation; but which is not constructed with a permanent hitch or other device allowing
transport of the unit other than for the purpose of delivery to a permanent site, and
which does not have wheels or axles permanently attached to its body or frame.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
Housing units shall be finished in a manner entirely consistent with site-built single-
family homes and shall be placed on a concrete foundation so as to be virtually
indistinguishable from other homes in the area.
6. Manufactured Home Park
a. Definition: Manufactured Home Park means a unified residential development of
manufactured homes on transient stands arranged on a lot under a single ownership.
Manufactured homes are factory assembled structures without permanent foundations
and designed to be transported on its own wheels, arriving at the site as a complete
dwelling unit.
Removal of the wheels and placement on a foundation does not change its
classification. The term manufactured home includes half units that are transported to
the site on their own wheels and assembled. It does not include travel trailers, campers,
camper buses, motor homes, or modular houses.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) Incidental Uses. Uses that are customarily incidental to the manufactured home
park, including employee washrooms, manager's office, laundry rooms,
swimming pools, and game courts, are permitted provided they are located at least
50 feet from a single family attached or single family detached zoning district.
The game courts, laundry rooms, and swimming pool shall be for the exclusive
use of the residents and their guests. No exterior advertising of these uses is
(2) Accessory Structures.
(a) The manufactured home park use includes accessory structures such as
personal storage buildings, awnings, cabanas, and porches which are
erected on the same transient stand as a manufactured home.
(b) Accessory structures located on the same transient stand as a manufactured
home are subject to the same setback regulations as the manufactured home
itself, except for required storage buildings which may be set within 3 feet
of the rear or side line of the transient stand. Storage buildings located
according to this exception must:
i. be separate from the manufactured home;
ii. be separate from all other accessory structures; and
iii. be located to the rear of the manufactured home.
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(3) Pad Site. The pad site for the manufactured home shall be improved to provide
adequate support for the placement of the manufactured home, thereby securing
the superstructure against uplift, sliding, rotation and overturning due to frost
action, inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting on the structure.
(4) Transient Stand Requirements. Each transient stand within a manufactured
home park shall have the following:
(a) a separate personal storage facility,
(b) a utility riser for each utility provided or required by the units located within
the park,
(c) a hose bib capable of accommodating a standard garden hose
(5) Park Requirements. Each manufactured home park shall provide the following:
(a) A park management and operations facility shall be located in a permanent
(b) A clubhouse containing at least 2,500 square feet of floor area or, 10 square
feet of floor area for each transient space in the manufactured home park,
whichever is greater. The club house shall be located in a permanent
(c) A standard depth swimming pool containing at least 800 square feet of
surface area, or 3 square feet of surface area for each transient stand within
the manufactured home park, whichever is greater.
(d) A recreation vehicle and utility vehicle storage area with a minimum of 100
square feet of area for each transient stand within the manufactured home
park, screened from adjacent public right-of-way. Recreation vehicles and
utility vehicles shall not be stored on transient stands within a manufactured
home park.
(6) Signs. The following signs shall be provided in a manufactured home park.
(a) An identification sign in accordance with the sign provisions of this
ordinance, located at each entrance to the park. The sign shall include the
name of the park and its address.
(b) Each manufactured home transient stand shall be numbered uniformly with
numbers not exceeding 4 inches in height. This sign shall be located so that
it is visible from the street or drive at all times.
(7) Community Television Antenna. All manufactured homes shall have buried
television antenna service from one central television antenna, and no individual
outside television antennas will be allowed.
(8) HUD Approved. All manufactured homes to be HUD approved. All
manufactured homes installed in manufactured home parks shall be HUD
approved and bear the required decal.
(9) Access and Traffic Circulation. All manufactured home parks shall provide
access and means of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic circulation as follows:
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WY L.I E Zoning Ordinance
(a) Access. Motor vehicle entrances and exits shall be designed for safe and
convenient traffic movement from adjacent public streets and onto internal
streets and shall be limited to one entrance.
(b) Internal streets. Internal streets shall be privately owned, built and
maintained, and shall be designed for safe and convenient access to all
spaces and to facilities for common use of park residents. All streets shall
have concrete curbs and guttering set to City standards.
i. On all internal streets, roads or driveways designed or intended to
provide access to 2 or more spaces, there shall be 27 feet of pavement
width with no on-street parking, unobstructed for vehicular access at all
ii. If streets, roads or driveways are designed or intended to be used also
for vehicular parking, a parallel parking space shall require a minimum
width of 16 feet by 10 feet of street specification concrete, and no such
parking space shall occupy or encroach upon the minimum unobstructed
access areas.
iii. Dead-end streets shall be limited in length to 600 feet and shall be
provided at the closed end with a turnaround having a radius of not less
than 44 feet.
(c) Outside Entry Roads. Outside roads to the development shall be assessed
on a pro rata basis using spaces as a criteria as dictated by the Council
pertaining to development expense, if there is a usable road that complies
with City specifications. If no road exists, it becomes the sole expense of
the developer to provide one.
(d) Perimeter Streets. Requirements for perimeter streets, as outlined in the
Subdivision Ordinance, as amended, shall apply to manufactured home
(10) Utilities:
(a) All Manufactured Home Parks must be connected to the public water and
sewer system.
(b) All Manufactured Home Parks shall comply with City requirements for
water, sewer, electrical, gas, and all other utilities.
7. Multifamily Dwelling
a. Definition: Multifamily Dwellings means 3 or more dwellings located on a single lot.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) All multifamily units shall provide laundry facilities consisting of 2 washers and
4 dryers for every 20 dwelling units or hook-ups in each dwelling unit.
(2) Projects of 10 or more 2-bedroom units shall provide central playground(s)
equivalent to 15 square feet for every 2 bedroom dwelling unit.
(3) For projects of 30 or more units the following shall be provided:
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(a) A lighted building directory in a public area.
(b) Lidded dumpsters.
(c) On-site management.
(d) Covered mail boxes located in a central area which is lighted and has seating
(e) Laundry rooms shall have secured access.
(f) Common areas shall be visible from windows.
(4) Uses that are customarily incidental to the Multifamily Dwelling use, including
employee washrooms, manager's office, laundry rooms, swimming pools, and
game courts, are permitted provided they are located at least 50 feet from a single
family attached or single family detached zoning district.
(5) The game courts, laundry rooms, and swimming pool shall be for the exclusive
use of the residents and their guests. No exterior advertising of these uses is
f,S&-CR districts:
In addition to the standards above, the following shall apply:
(1) Residential uses shall be in a mixed-use structure, or
(2) Residential uses shall be part of an approved mixed use development plan where
the residential is integrated within the development and residential and non-
residential uses are developed concurrently.
8. Single Family Dwelling,Attached
a. Definition: A dwelling unit attached to one or more other dwelling units where each
dwelling unit is located on a separate lot. Attached single family dwelling units may
include duplexes, townhouses, four-plexes, etc.
b. Additional Provisions:
CR districts:
In addition to the standards above, the following shall apply:
(1) Residential uses shall be in a mixed-use structure, or
(2) Residential uses shall be part of an approved mixed use development plan where
the residential is integrated within the development and residential and non-
residential uses are developed concurrently.
9. Single Family Dwelling, Detached
Definition: Single family dwellings means one dwelling unit located on a lot.
C. Institutional& Community Service Uses
1. Cemetery or Mausoleum
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Definition: Cemeteries & mausoleum means:
(1) A cemetery is a place designated for burial of the dead.
(2) A mausoleum is a building with places for the entombment of the dead.
2. Church/House of Worship
a. Definition: Church means a facility used for people to gather together for public
worship, religious education, or other religious activities.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) The following structures, when located on top of a church building, are excluded
from the height measurements of the church building:
(a) belfries, bell towers, campaniles, or carillons;
(b) crosses;
(c) cupolas, spires, or steeples; or
(d) similar architectural appurtenances used as religious symbols.
(2) A rectory, convent, or monastery is permitted as an accessory use. These
accessory uses may be located on a separate lot and are not subject to the area
limitations in Article 3 Residential District Regulations.
3. Civic Center
Definition: A Civic Center is a building or complex of buildings that house municipal
offices and services, and which may include, but are not limited to, cultural, recreational,
athletic, convention or entertainment facilities owned, managed, or operated, in whole or
in part by a governmental agency.
4. College or University
Definition: A college or university is an academic institution of higher learning beyond
the level of secondary school.
5. Cultural Arts Facility
a. Definition: Cultural arts facilities means a facility for the development, production,
and presentation of the visual and performing arts, including live theater, dance,music,
painting, sculpture, and crafts.
b. Additional Provisions:
NS & CR districts: Structure shall be no more than 10,000 square feet in area.
6. Day Care Facility
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WY L.I E Zoning Ordinance
a. Definition: Day care facility means a facility that provides care, training, education,
custody, treatment, or supervision for 7 or more persons who are unable to care for
themselves and who are not related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the owner or
operator of the facility, whether or not the facility is operated for profit or charges for
the services it offers. This use does not include:
(1) A facility that is accessory to a use, such as a shopping center, business, religious
institution or other establishment, where children or adults are cared for during
short periods of time while parents or persons responsible for them are engaging
in activities related to the primary use; or
(2) A facility that operates solely for educational instruction to children in grades
kindergarten through at least grade two, that does not provide custodial care for
more than one hour during the hours before or after the customary school day.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) No overnight accommodations shall be provided.
(2) State license required.
7. Group Home
a. Definition: A facility providing food and shelter, personal guidance, care,
rehabilitation services, or supervision for not more than 6 disabled persons, regardless
of their legal relationship to one another, and 2 supervisory personnel. A group home
is a community-based residential home operated by the Texas Department of Mental
Health and Mental Retardation Act, which provides services to disabled persons, or a
nonprofit entity certified by the Texas Department of Human Resources as a provider
under the intermediate care facilities for the mentally retardation program.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) State license required.
(2) No group home shall be established within 750 feet of another group home.
8. Hospital or Sanitarium
Definition: Hospitals & sanitariums mean an institution where sick or injured patients are
given medical treatment.
9. Library
Definition: Library means a nonprofit establishment for the loan or display of books.
10. Mortuary or Funeral Home
Definition: Mortuary,funeral home means a facility in which dead bodies are prepared for
burial or cremation and where funeral services may be conducted.
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WY L.I E Zoning Ordinance
11. Nursing, Convalescent Home or Hospice
a. Definition: Nursing, convalescent home or hospice means an establishment, in single
or multiple facilities, which provides lodging and skilled nursing care for elderly,
disabled, chronically ill or convalescent patients. The facility may also provide minor
medical treatment under the direction and supervision of a physician.
This use does not include:
(1) A hotel or similar place that furnishes only food and lodging, or either, to its
(2) A hospital; or
(3) An assisted living apartment.
b. Additional Provisions:
MF District:
(1) The minimum parcel size required shall be 10,000 square feet.
(2) The maximum number of beds per acre shall be 50.
(3) Facility shall be located on a collector street or larger.
12. School, Public or Private, Elementary
a. Definition: Schools,public or private, elementary means an educational institution that
has a curriculum for kindergarten and/or elementary education.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
Pick-up and drop-off areas which will accommodate 4 school buses shall be provided
13. School, Public or Private, Secondary
a. Definition: Schools, public or private, secondary means an educational institution that
has a curriculum for secondary education, or post secondary education.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) Secondary schools shall be located on a collector or larger street.
(2) Pick-up and drop-off areas which will accommodate 6 school buses shall be
provided on-site.
14. School, Business
Definition: School, business means a facility offering instruction and training in a service
or the arts such as secretarial, barbering, cosmetology, commercial arts, computer
operations, and similar training.
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15. School, Technical or Trade
Definition: School, technical or trade means an establishment offering instruction and
training in technical and skilled trades or crafts such as auto repair, cooking, welding,
bricklaying, machinery operation, electronic and electrical services, plumbing, or other
similar trades or crafts.
D. Office Uses
1. Financial Institution,with drive-through
a. Definition: Bank headquarters or branch of a financial institution with drive-through
window means a facility granted a charter under the Texas Department of Banking as
a state-chartered bank, savings and loan, or credit union for the custody, loan or
exchange of money, and the extension of credit that provides drive-in window service
for customers in motor vehicles. This term excludes a check cashing or payday loan
establishment, loan or mortgage broker, stockbroker or other financial institution
without a state bank charter. An automatic teller machine is not considered a bank.
b. Additional Provisions:
The minimum stacking space for the first vehicle stop for a commercial drive-through
shall be 100-feet, and 40-feet thereafter, for any other stops.
2. Financial Institution,without drive-through
Definition: Bank headquarters or branch of a financial institution without drive-through
window means a facility granted a charter under the Texas Department of Banking as a
state-chartered bank, savings and loan, or credit union for the custody, loan or exchange of
money, and the extension of credit that does not provide drive-in window service for
customers in motor vehicles. This term excludes a check cashing or payday loan
establishment,or other financial institution without a state bank charter.An automatic teller
machine is not considered a bank.
3. Financial Institution,Alternative
a. Definition: A non-depository, check cashing business, payday advance or loan
establishment, money transfer business holding a Money Transmission or Currency
Exchange license with the Texas Department of Banking, car title loan business or a
stand alone automatic teller machine on a single lot as a primary use.
b. Additional Provisions: In addition to requiring a Specific Use Permit, an Alternative
Financial Institution as defined in Section 5.1.D.3, shall comply with the following
(1) Hours of operation shall be established by City Council;
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(2) No outside queuing;
(3) Must have an indoor waiting area large enough to accommodate all customers;
(4) A lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be located at least 1,000
feet from any lot containing another alternative financial institution, as measured
in a straight line between the nearest point from one property line to the other
property line.
(5) No lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be located within 500
feet of the rights-of-way for any 4 lane divided or greater thoroughfare as
indicated on the most current Thoroughfare Plan.
(6) A lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be located at least 300
feet from any lot zoned or used for residential purposes, as measured in a straight
line between the nearest points of one property line to the other property line.
4. General Office
Definition: General office means a place for the regular transaction of business.
5. Medical Clinic
a. Definition: Medical clinic means a facility for examining, consulting with, and
treating patients with medical, dental, or optical problems on an out-patient basis.
b. Additional Provisions:
NS District: If the building is over 5,000 square feet, an SUP is required.
LI and HI Districts: May only occupy up to 10 percent of the gross floor area of a
E. Recreational,Entertainment&Amusement Uses
1. Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside
a. Low-Density
Definition: Low-Density Commercial Amusement, Inside means a facility wholly
enclosed in a building that offers entertainment or games of skill to the general public
for a fee, where the space used by the equipment for the games or entertainment
preclude occupancy of a majority of the floor space. These types of uses include, but
are not limited to bowling alleys, miniature golf, and practice cages.
b. High-Density
Definition: High-Density Commercial Amusement, Inside means a facility wholly
enclosed in a building that offers entertainment or games of skill to the general public
for a fee, where a majority of the floor area is usable for occupancy. This use typically
include but are not limited to billiard parlors, arcades, and other coin-operated
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2. Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Outside
Definition: Commercial amusement, outside means a facility offering entertainment or
games of skill to the general public for a fee where any portion of the activity takes place
3. Community Park, Recreation Center, or Golf Course, Public
Definition: Community park, recreation center, or golf course means a large scale
recreation facility or park owned or operated by a public agency and available to the general
public, typically over 10 acres in size and equipped with active recreation facilities and
equipment which draws patrons from the entire community.
4. Country Club or Golf Course, Private
Definition: Country Club or Golf Course with private membership means a private
recreational club containing a golf course and a club house that is available only to the
country club membership and their guests.
5. Golf Driving Range
Definition: Golf Driving Range is an area used for hitting golf balls. A driving range may
include an indoor management office.
6. Health Club
a. Definition: An establishment that provides facilities for aerobic exercises, running and
jogging, exercise equipment, game courts, swimming facilities, and saunas, showers,
massage rooms, and lockers.
b. Additional Provisions:
MF and MH District: Health club shall be integrated into the residential development
and shall be open to residents only.
NS District: If the building is over 5,000 square feet, an SUP is required.
7. Neighborhood Park or Playground
a. Definition: Neighborhood park or playground means a recreation facility or park
owned or operated by a public agency and available to the general public, typically
under 10 acres in size and equipped with passive recreation facilities and limited
equipment which draws patrons from the immediate neighborhood.
b. Permitted Districts: See Land Use Charts in Section 5.1.
c. Required Parking:
When parking is required, the number shall be determined during a site plan review
process that considers:
(a) The proposed mix of recreation uses and their operating characteristics;
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(b) Experience with similar recreation facilities; and
(c) The following general standards when applicable:
i. 3 spaces for every game court;
ii. One space for every additional 150 square feet of floor area in
structures; and
iii. 70 spaces for every playing field or diamond used for league play.
d. Required Loading: None
e. Additional Provisions: No parking is required when the use: is less than 3 acres in
size, is completely located within a residential neighborhood, has no structural facilities
beyond playground equipment, and is not adjacent to a collector or larger street.
Otherwise parking is determined by the site plan.
8. Sexually-Oriented Business
a. Definition: An adult arcade, adult bookstore or adult video store, adult cabaret, adult
motel, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, escort agency, nude model studio, or
massage establishment.
b. Additional Provisions: This use shall meet all requirements of the Chapter 26
"Businesses"of the City of Wylie Code,Article III Massage Establishments and Article
IV Sexually Oriented Businesses.
9. Shooting Range, Indoor
Definition: Indoor shooting range means an indoor facility where individuals may
discharge firearms in a controlled setting for the purposes of testing accuracy, for training,
or for sport.
10. Theater
Definition: Theater means a facility for showing motion pictures or staging theatrical
performances or other performing arts to an audience inside an enclosed structure.
F. Retail,Personal Service& Commercial Uses
1. Animal Clinic or Hospital
a. Definition: Animal clinic means a facility for the diagnosis, treatment, and
hospitalization of animals including, but not limited to dogs, cats, birds, and horses.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts when adjacent to a residential use:
(1) Rooms containing cages or pens are not permitted to have windows, doors, or
other penetrations on exterior walls.
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(2) Areas designated for holding, boarding, or grooming of pets are limited to no
more than 10 percent of the gross floor area.
2. Automobile Rental
a. Definition: Automobile rental means a facility for the rental of vehicles including
automobiles, vans, and light trucks under 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.
b. Additional Provisions:
CR and L I Districts:
(1) Passenger vehicles only.
(2) No more than 20 rental vehicles shall be stored on the site at any one time.
3. Automobile Repair, Major
Definition: Garage for repair & rebuilding of personal vehicles means a facility for the
repair, maintenance, and restoration of vehicles under 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.
This use includes engine rebuilding and body work and painting necessary for the
restoration of motor vehicles.
4. Automobile Repair, Minor
a. Definition: Auto service center means a facility for the servicing or minor repair of
automobiles. This use may include the retail sales of lubricating oils, tires, or parts for
use in motor vehicles. Minor repairs include replacement of engine, transmission,
chassis and drive train parts, tune-up and adjustments of motor vehicle engines and
systems, and the replacement and repair of minor body parts such as windshields and
windows and body trim parts. This use does not include rebuilding of engines or the
restoration and painting of motor vehicles.
b. Additional Provisions:
NS District:
(1) All activities and operations shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed
(2) Noise from bells or loudspeakers shall not be audible beyond the property line at
any time.
(3) Openings in service bays shall not face public rights-of-way and shall be designed
to minimize visual intrusion into adjoining properties.
5. Body Art Studio
a. Definition: A Body Art Studio, whether public or private, temporary or permanent, in
nature or location, whose services include tattooing, body piercing and/or body art,
whether or not for profit, are performed, including mobile body art establishments.
b. Body Art shall mean the placing or inserting of designs, letters, figures, symbols, or
other indelible marks upon or under the skin of any person, using ink, scarring or other
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substances that result in the permanent coloration of the skin by means of the use of
needles or other instruments designed to contact or puncture the skin. This includes the
practice of physical body adornment by establishments and operators/technicians
using, but not limited to, any of the following techniques: body piercing, tattooing,
branding, scarification, and non-medical implants. This definition does not include
practices that are considered medical procedures by a state medical board, such as
implants under the skin, which shall not be performed in a body art establishment or
cosmetic tattooing as defined in this Section. Nor does this definition include, piercing
of the outer perimeter or lobe of the ear with pre-sterilized single-use stud and clasp
ear piercing systems, the application of gemstones or other objects and adornments to
the skin via the use of temporary adhesives, or the application of temporary tattoos or
markings that do not involve the piercing of the skin and may be washed away with
soap and water or otherwise naturally disappear within weeks or a few months after
application (e.g., henna or body or face painting).
c. Additional Provisions: Certifications of Occupancy for Body Art Studios must be
held by a person licensed by the State of Texas, as set forth in Chapter 146 of the Texas
Health and Safety Code, as such may be from time to time amended and such facilities
must meet all environmental health requirements of the City of Wylie and the State of
Texas. Body Art Studios must be set back 1,000 feet from any other Body Art Studio;
Residential Zoning District; Church;Public,Private or Parochial School; and Day Care.
6. Car Wash
a. Definition: Car wash means a facility for the washing or cleaning of vehicles. A car
wash may be:
(1) a single unit type which has a single bay or a group of single bays with each bay
to accommodate one vehicle only where a person uses a high pressure hose to
wash the vehicle by hand; or
(2) an automated single unit type which has a single bay to accommodate one vehicle
at a time; or
(3) a tunnel unit type which allows washing of multiple vehicles in a tandem
arrangement while moving through the structure.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) The following off-street stacking spaces are required:
Type of Car Wash Total Number of Stacking
Spaces Required
Single unit, not 2
Automated single unit 2
Tunnel unit 5
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(2) Bay openings shall not face public streets or adjoining residential properties.
(3) All washing facilities shall occur under a roofed area with at least two walls.
(4) Vacuuming and/or detailing area may be outside the building but shall not be
within 50 feet of the front property line and shall not be closer than 100 feet from
any residential district.
(5) Vacuuming and/or detailing area may be outside the building, but shall not be
within 200 feet of the rights-of-way for any 4 lane divided or greater thoroughfare
as indicated on the most current Thoroughfare Plan.
(6) The building shall not be less than 150 feet from any residential district.
(7) A permanent screening fence or wall not less than six feet in height shall be
constructed along any site property line which abuts a residential district. During
site plan review, the Commission may allow a living screen to be combined with
or in lieu of the solid screening.
7. Club or Lodge, Non-profit
Definition: Club or lodge,non-profit means a facility providing for the activities of private
service organizations and clubs that operate on a non-profit basis.
8. Contractor's Maintenance Yard
Definition: Contractor's maintenance yard means a facility for the storage and maintenance
of contractor's supplies and operational equipment.
9. Dry Cleaning or Laundry, Drop-Off or Self Service
a. Definition: Dry cleaning, laundry store means a facility for the cleaning of garments,
principally for individuals. This use may be either:
(1) a facility where patrons do their own cleaning; or
(2) a facility where the cleaning is done by employees of the establishment.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) The minimum stacking space for the first vehicle stop for a commercial drive-
through shall be 100-feet, and 40-feet thereafter, for any other stops.
(2) DTH:No drive through window service.
10. Cleaners, Commercial
a. Definition: A Commercial Cleaners is a facility or area for cleaning items in bulk
quantities such as clothes and linens. This definition includes cleaning for hospitals,
restaurants, hotels, diaper cleaning services and other similar accounts, as well as rug
and dry cleaning plants where on-premise retail services to individual households are
incidental to the operation of the plant.
b. Additional Provisions:
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Discharge of fumes into the atmosphere is prohibited.
11. Equipment Rental
a. Definition: Equipment Rental means a facility for renting tools and heavy equipment.
b. Additional Provisions: None.
12. Food Processing
a. Definition: A facility in which food for human consumption is provided in the final
form, such as candy, baked goods and ice cream, and the food is distributed to retailers
or wholesalers for resale on or off the premises. The term does not include food or
beverage processing which uses any mechanized assembly line production of canned
or bottled goods.
b. Additional Provisions:
CR District: Structure must be 10,000 square feet or less.
13. General Merchandise Store
Definition: General merchandise means a retail store for the sale or trade of general
merchandise. Typical general merchandise includes clothing and other apparel, equipment
for hobbies and sports, including bicycles, gifts, flowers and household plants, dry goods,
toys, furniture, antiques, books and stationary, pets, drugs, auto parts and accessories, and
similar consumer goods. The term "food store" includes a grocery, delicatessen, and
convenience and specialty foods stores. This use does not include other uses in this article
that are specifically listed.
14. Food Store
Definition: Food store means a retail store for the sale of food. This definition includes
general merchandise stores, such as convenience stores, supercenters, and pharmacies that
have 20% or more of the floor space, including aisle space, dedicated to food stuffs. This
use does not include other uses in this article that are specifically listed.
15. Home Improvement Center, Lumber, Brick, or Building Materials
Definition: Home improvement centers, lumber, brick, or building materials means a
facility for the sale of home,lawn,and garden supplies,bricks,lumber, and similar building
16. Household Equipment &Appliance Repair
Definition: Household equipment and appliance repair means a facility for the repair of
household and home equipment, including appliances, lawnmowers, power tools, and
similar items.
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17. Motor Vehicle Fueling Station
a. Definition: Motor Vehicle Fueling Station means a building or covered premises used
for the dispensing and sale of fuels or oils and accessories for the motor vehicle trade,
together with automatic car wash facilities.
b. Additional Provisions:
NS District:
(1) SUP required and the additional conditions in 2 through 5 below.
(2) All commercial activities and operations shall be conducted entirely within an
enclosed structure, except as follows:
(a) The dispensing of petroleum products, water and air from pump islands.
(b) The sale of items via vending machines which shall be located next to the
main structure.
(3) Pump islands shall be located a minimum of 45 feet from a street right-of-way
line. A canopy or roof structure over a pump island may be located no closer than
35 feet from the street right-of-way line.
(4) One off-street stacking space is required for each pump and water/air dispenser.
(5) No used or discarded automotive parts or equipment or disabled, junked, or
wrecked vehicles shall be located in any open area outside the main structure.
(6) Noise from bells or loudspeakers shall not be audible beyond the property line at
any time.
18. Pawn Shop
a. Definition: Pawn Shop means a facility licensed with the Consumer Credit
Commissioner to loan money on the security of personal property and the sale of
unclaimed property by a pawnbroker who is authorized to legally transact business in
accordance with Chapter 371 of the Finance Code and as amended.
b. Additional Provisions: Must be licensed in accordance with the Texas Finance Code
Chapter 371, and as amended.
19. Personal Service Use
Definition: Personal service use means a facility for the sale of personal services. Personal
service uses include, but are not limited to a barber/beauty shop, shoe repair, a tailor, an
instructional arts studio, a photographic studio, a handcrafted art work studio, a travel
bureau, and duplicating shop.
20. Restaurant with Drive-in or Drive-through Service
a. Definition: Restaurant with drive-in or drive through service means
(1) A restaurant with drive-in service is an establishment principally for the sale and
consumption of food where food service is provided to customers in motor
vehicles for consumption on the premises.
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(2) A restaurant with drive-through service is an establishment principally for the
sale and consumption of food which has direct window service allowing
customers in motor vehicles to pick up food for off-premises consumption.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) The minimum stacking space for the first vehicle stop for a commercial drive-
through shall be 100-feet, and 40-feet thereafter, for any other stops.
(2) CR District: Drive through and stacking area shall not be located adjacent to
residential uses.
(3) The "Additional Provisions" listed in paragraph 21, subpart e., below, for
"Restaurants without Drive-in or Drive-through Service" shall apply to
Restaurants with Drive-in or Drive-through Service that sell alcohol.
21. Restaurant without Drive-in or Drive-through Service
a. Definition: Restaurant without drive-in or drive through service means an
establishment principally for the sale and consumption of food on the premises.
b. Additional Provisions: Restaurants that sell alcohol shall be subject to compliance
with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, as it exists or may be amended, and to the
following development criteria:
(1) Restaurants are only permitted to sell alcohol by right if the subject property was
located within the City limits as of May 13, 2006. For property annexed into the
City after May 13, 2006, a restaurant that sells alcohol must obtain a permit for a
Private Club from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for the ability to
sell alcohol.
(2) A restaurant that sells alcohol shall not be located closer than 300 feet to a church
and/or public hospital measured along the property lines of the street fronts from
front door to front door, and in direct lines across intersections.
(3) A restaurant that sells alcohol shall not be located closer than 300 feet to a public
or private school measured in a direct line from property line to property line, and
in direct lines across intersections.
(4) The distance between a restaurant that sells alcohol and a private school can be
increased to 1,000 feet if the City Council receives a request from the governing
body of the private school to do so.
(5) Restaurants that derive more than 75% of their revenue from the sale of alcohol
are only permitted by specific use permit and may only be located in the zoning
districts where the applicable type of restaurant is designated as "P*" on the Land
Use Chart, Section 5.1, Subsection F, paragraph 20 or 21 of this Article 5.
c. Additional Provisions for BG District: Restaurant Use must be incorporated into the
Civic Center facility and owned, managed, operated, or contracted through, in whole
or in part by a governmental agency.
22. Truck, Machinery & Heavy Equipment Sales, Service or Repair
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Definition: Truck,machinery and heavy equipment sales, service or repair means a facility
for the display, sales, servicing and, or repair of trucks, machinery and heavy equipment.
This use includes farm equipment and recreational vehicles over 6,000 pounds in weight.
23. Vehicle Display, Sales or Service
Definition: Vehicle display, sales, and service means a facility for the display, service and
retail sale of new or used automobiles, boats, trucks, motorcycles, motor scooters,
recreational vehicles, aircraft, or trailers.
24. Beer &Wine Package Sales.
a. Definition: An establishment, including but not limited to General Merchandise or
Food Store of any size or Motor Vehicle Fueling Station, engaged in the selling of beer
and/or wine to the general public for off-site personal or household consumption and
rendering services incidental to the sale of such goods.
b. Additional Provisions: Beer & Wine Package Stores shall be subject to compliance
with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, as it exists or may be amended, and to the
following development criteria:
(1) The establishment shall not be located closer than 300 feet to a church and/or
public hospital measured along the property lines of the street fronts from front
door to front door, and in direct lines across intersections.
(2) The establishment shall not be located closer than 300 feet to a public or private
school measured in a direct line from property line to property line, and in direct
lines across intersections.
(3) The distance between a Beer& Wine Package Sales Establishment and a private
school can be increased to 1,000 feet if the City Council receives a request from
the governing body of the private school to do so.
(4) Beer sales are not permitted in residential areas. Residential areas include
properties that are zoned in any Residential District category or a planned
development that allows residential component,because these zoning districts are
part of the neighborhood(s) within which they are located. Notwithstanding, a
planned development ordinance may allow for Beer & Wine Package Sales at
designated locations in the planned development that meet the requirements set
forth herein.
(5) Beer & Wine Package Sales establishments that derive more than 75% of their
gross revenue from the sale of beer and/or wine:
(a) Are permitted only by Specific Use Permit in the NS, CR, CC, LI, HI and
DTH zoning districts;
(b) Shall not be located closer than 1,500 feet from another Beer & Wine
Package Sales Establishment that derives more than 75% of its gross
revenue from the sale of beer and/or wine, measured building-to-building
(or outer wall of the lease space) in a straight line;
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(c) Shall not be located closer than 800 feet from the building to the property
line of a residential zoning district, including residential portions of a
planned development zoning district; and
(d) Shall not be located closer than 1,500 feet from the property line of a City
park, or the property line of a property owned by a church, public hospital,
public or private school, public or private college/university, rehabilitation
care institution, or child or adult day care, measured in a straight line from
front door of the establishment to the nearest property line of a residential
zoning district, City park, church, public or private hospital, public or
private school, public or private college/university, rehabilitation center, or
child or adult day care.
25. Antique Shop (Inside Sales)
a. Definition: A retail establishment engaged in the selling of works of art, furniture, or
other artifacts of an earlier period,with all sales and storage occurring inside a building.
An Antique Shop is differentiated from a "Used Merchandise Store, Resale or
Consignment Shop", in that it does not market common, contemporary used household
good, clothing or furnishes, rather it deals primarily in vintage and nostalgia items
(generally over 50 years old) and in antiques (generally over 100 years old) from past
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) SUP required in NS District.
(2) Outside displays are permitted only in areas designated on the site plan filed with
the City.
(3) Outdoor display areas may not exceed five percent of the primary building floor
area. (Building area is defined as the entirely enclosed portion of the primary
building or lease space.)
(4) Outdoor display may occupy up to twenty percent of a covered sidewalk that is
adjacent to the subject building. Such display shall not impede pedestrian use of
the sidewalk and at least a five foot passable distance shall be maintained.
(5) All sales and storage occurs inside.
26. Secondhand Goods
a. Definition: Secondhand Goods means a facility and/or Dealer who purchases regulated
property for the purpose of resale. Regulated property means any new or used:
Electronic equipment; business machines; photographic equipment; power tools;
musical instruments; firearms; jewelry; crafted precious metals; compact discs and
cassette tapes; or Recreational sporting goods and equipment.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) SUP required in NS District.
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(2) A Secondhand facility and/or Dealer must adhere to the standards of Chapter 94
of the City Code of Ordinances and as amended.
(3) Outside displays are permitted only in areas designated on the site plan filed with
the City.
(4) Outside placement of an item overnight is prohibited.
(5) Outdoor display areas may not exceed five percent of the primary building floor
area. (Building area is defined as the entirely enclosed portion of the primary
building or lease space.)
(6) Outdoor display may occupy up to twenty percent of a covered sidewalk that is
adjacent to the subject building. Such display shall not impede pedestrian use of
the sidewalk and at least a five foot passable distance shall be maintained.
(7) No outdoor display may be located in any portion of a parking lot.
(8) Outside sales of merchandise are prohibited.
27. Used Merchandise/Resale Shop/Consignment or Thrift Store:
a. Definition: An establishment that generally markets common, contemporary used
household goods, clothing or furnishings on a straight"for sale" or consignment basis.
This term includes a used merchandise store that is operated by a non-profit, charitable
or religious organization.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) SUP required in NS District
(2) Outside displays are permitted only in areas designated on the site plan filed with
the City.
(3) Outdoor display areas may not exceed five percent of the primary building floor
area. (Building area is defined as the entirely enclosed portion of the primary
building or lease space.)
(4) Outdoor display may occupy up to twenty percent of a covered sidewalk that is
adjacent to the subject building. Such display shall not impede pedestrian use of
the sidewalk and at least a five foot passable distance shall be maintained.
28. Permanent Cosmetic Establishment
a. Definition: Permanent Cosmetic Establishment means the practice commonly known
as permanent makeup, in which micropigmentation or intradermal cosmetics are applied
by trained personnel to permanently or semi-permanently simulate the appearance of
common cosmetic applications such as eyeliner, lip liner, lip color, eyebrow enhancement,
and beauty marks; or to otherwise permanently or semi-permanently restore or improve the
appearance of damaged or disfigured skin or other bodily features to natural coloration and
b. Additional Provisions: Certificates of Occupancy for Permanent Cosmetic
Establishments must be held by a person licensed by the State of Texas, as set forth in
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Chapter 146 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, as such may be from time to time
amended and such facilities must meet all environmental health requirements of the City
of Wylie and the State of Texas.
G. Utility, Transportation&Public Service Uses
1. Airport, Heliport or Landing Field
Definition: Airport, heliport, or landing field means a facility for the taking-off or landing
of fixed or rotary wing aircraft.
2. Animal Shelter
Definition: Animal Shelter means a pubic or non-profit facility for the harboring of
animals including, but not limited to dogs, cats, and other household pets.
3. Commercial Bus Station, Terminal or Service Facility
Definition: Commercial bus station and terminal means a privately owned or operated
facility for the boarding and discharge of bus passengers.
4. Commercial Radio or TV Transmitting Station
Definition: Commercial radio & TV transmitting station means a facility for the
transmission of commercial programming by radio or television within the commercial
band of the electromagnetic spectrum.
5. Electric Substation or Gas Regulator Station
Definition: Electric substation&gas regulator station means a facility for the transforming
of electricity or the reduction in gas pressure for distribution to individual customers.
6. Helipad
Definition: Helipad means a landing area used for the taking off or landing of helicopters
for the purpose of picking up and discharging passengers or cargo. This facility is not open
to use by any helicopter without prior permission having been obtained.
7. Local Utilities
a. Definition: Local utilities means electrical power, telephone, gas, water, and sewer
drainage lines; air pollution monitoring stations and flood staging stations; and,
unmanned, in-line facilities such as water wells, or pumping stations, telephone
exchanges, switching, and transmitting equipment, including cellular telephone cell
sites that are operated by the City or by a public service utility company. This use does
not include any use otherwise listed in this Chapter.
b. Additional Provisions:
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All permitted districts:
Above-ground storage tanks are not permitted under this use.
8. Mounted Antenna
a. Definition: Mounted Antenna means an antenna that is attached to a permitted
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) Antennas mounted on buildings.
(a) Roof-mounted telecommunications antennas are allowed on buildings in all
zoning districts, provided:
(b) a non-whip antenna does not exceed the height of the building by more than
10 feet and is screened from view from any adjacent public roadway, and
(c) a whip antenna does not exceed the height of the building by more than 15
feet and is located no closer than 15 feet to the perimeter of the building.
(d) Prior to installation of a roof-mounted antenna, the City shall be provided
with an engineer's certification that the roof will support the proposed
antenna and associated roof-mounted equipment.
(e) Roof-mounted antennas and associated equipment may be screened with
enclosures or facades having an appearance that blends with the building on
which they are located or by locating them so that they are not visible from
an adjacent public roadway.
(2) Building-mounted telecommunications antennas of the non-whip type are
allowed on nonresidential buildings in all zoning districts provided the antenna is
mounted flush with the exterior of the building so that it projects no more than
thirty inches from the surface of the building to which it is attached; and the
antenna's appearance blends with the surrounding surface of the building.
(3) Associated equipment shall be placed either within the same building or in a
separate building which matches the existing building in character and building
materials or blends with the landscaping and other surroundings immediately
adjacent to the separate building housing the equipment. Associated equipment
for roof-mounted antennas may be located on the roof of the building if it is
screened from view from any adjacent public roadway.
(4) Other existing structures. Telecommunications antennas are allowed on existing
utility, lighting, telecommunications towers and sign structures exceeding 50 feet
in height, provided that the antenna does not exceed the height of the structure by
more than 10 feet if a non-whip type or 15-feet if a whip type. Existing structures
may be rebuilt if necessary to support the load of the new antenna if the rebuilt
structure is substantially similar in appearance to the existing structure it replaces.
(5) When an application for a building permit to locate a telecommunications antenna
on an existing building or other structure is made, color photo simulation showing
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the site of the existing structure with a photo-realistic representation of the
proposed antenna and the existing structure or any proposed reconstruction of the
structure as it would appear viewed from the closest residential property and from
adjacent roadways shall be provided. The applicant shall also submit photographs
of the same views showing the current appearance of the site without the proposed
(6) Telecommunications antennas shall not be constructed or used without all
approvals and permits first having been secured.
9. Police or Fire Station
Definition: Police or Fire station means a facility operated by a governmental entity as a
police or fire station.
10. Post Office
Definition: Post office means a government facility for the transmission, sorting, and local
distribution of mail.
11. Radio, Television or Microwave Tower
Definition: Radio, television or microwave tower means a structure supporting antennae
that transmit or receive any portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
12. Railroad Yard
Definition: Railroad yards mean a facility for storing and making up trains.
13. Sewage Treatment Plant
Definition: Sewage treatment plant means a facility for receiving and treating sewage from
the City sanitary sewer system.
14. Telecommunications Tower
a. Definition: Telecommunications tower means a structure more than 10 feet tall, built
primarily to support one or more telecommunications antennas.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) A site plan is required for all telecommunications towers. Site plan review shall
include the following provisions in (2) through(16), below.
(2) Tower height, including antenna array, shall not exceed 120 feet.
(3) Telecommunications towers shall not be located closer to a residential district
than 200 feet or a 3 to 1 distance to height ratio, whichever is greater.
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(4) New telecommunications towers must be a minimum distance of 5,000 feet from
another telecommunications tower.
(5) All guys and guy anchors shall be located within the buildable area of the lot and
not within the front, rear, or side yard setbacks and no closer than 5 feet to any
property line.
(6) The base of the tower shall be enclosed by security fencing at least 8 feet high.
(7) Equipment buildings shall be similar in color and character to the main or
adjoining building or structure or blend with the landscape and other surroundings
immediately adjacent to it and be screened by a masonry wall.
(8) The tower shall be erected and operated in compliance with current Federal
Communication Commission and Federal Aviation Administration rules and
regulations and other applicable federal and state standards.
(9) A telecommunications tower shall be:
(a) Used by a minimum of 3 or more wireless communications providers; or
(b) Designed and built so as to be capable of use by 3 or more wireless
communications providers, including providers such as cellular or PCS
providers using antenna arrays of 9 to 11 antennas each within 15 vertical
feet of each other with no more than 3 degrees of twist and sway at the top
elevation. The owner of the tower and the property on which it is located
must certify to the City that the antenna is available for use by another
wireless telecommunications provider on a reasonable and
nondiscriminatory basis and at a cost not exceeding the market value for the
use of the facilities. If the property on which the tower is proposed to be
located is to be leased, the portions of the actual or proposed lease that
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this paragraph shall be
submitted with the zoning application.
(10) All towers shall be of a tapering monopole construction, except that another type
tower shall only be allowed upon a showing that it would cause less visual impact
on surrounding property than a similar monopole structure.
(11) No lettering, symbols, images, or trademarks large enough to be legible to
occupants of vehicular traffic on any adjacent roadway shall be placed on or
affixed to any part of a telecommunications tower,antenna array or antenna,other
than as required by FCC regulations regarding tower registration or other
applicable law.
(12) Telecommunications towers shall be constructed to minimize potential safety
hazards. Telecommunications towers shall be constructed so as to meet or exceed
the most recent EIA-222 standards and prior to issuance of a building permit the
Building Official shall be provided with an engineer's certification that the tower's
design meets or exceeds those standards. Guyed towers shall be located in such a
manner that if the structure should fall along its longest dimension, it will remain
within property boundaries and avoid habitable structures, public streets, utility
lines and other telecommunications towers.
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(13) Telecommunications towers and equipment buildings shall be located to
minimize their number, height and obtrusiveness, to minimize visual impacts on
the surrounding area, and in accordance with the following policies:
(a) The height of towers and monopoles shall have the least visual impact and
be no greater than required to achieve service area requirements and
potential colocation, when visually appropriate.
(b) The selected site for a new monopole and tower provides the least visual
impact on residential areas and the public rights-of-way. Analyze the
potential impacts from other vantage points in the area to illustrate that the
selected site provides the best opportunity to minimize the visual impact of
the proposed facility.
(c) Site telecommunication facilities to minimize being visually solitary or
prominent when viewed from residential areas and the public rights-of-way.
The facility should be screened by vegetation, tree cover, topographic
features, and buildings or other structures to the maximum extent feasible.
(d) Place telecommunication facilities to ensure that historically significant
landscapes are protected. The views of and vistas from architecturally
and/or historically significant structures should not be impaired or
diminished by the placement of telecommunication facilities.
(e) A variance may be granted to these policies for a telecommunications tower
when it is determined that such a variance better accomplishes the polices
set out in this subsection than would a strict application of the requirement.
Such variance shall be no greater than necessary to accomplish those
(14) No signals or lights or illumination shall be permitted on a monopole unless
required by the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Aviation
Administration, or the City.
(15) If any additions, changes,or modifications are made to the monopole,the changes
shall comply with all of the above requirements for new towers and shall
demonstrate, through the submission of engineering and structural data, that the
addition, change, or modification conforms to structural wind load and all other
requirements of the current Building Code.
(16) Telecommunication towers which have not been used for a period of one year
shall be removed from a site. The last telecommunication service provider to use
a tower shall notify the Director within 30 days that use of a tower has been
15. Telephone Exchange without Shops or Offices
Definition: Telephone exchange without shops or offices means a facility for the switching
and routing of telephone transmissions.
16. Transit Passenger Shelter
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Definition: Transit passenger shelter means a structure which affords protection from the
weather to persons who are waiting to board a publicly owned or franchised transit vehicle.
17. Utility or Government Installation other than listed
Definition: Utility or government installation other than listed means
(1) A "utility other than listed" is a public or private facility franchised or operated
by a Governmental unit as a utility, and which is not specifically covered by the
use regulations in this chapter.
(2) A "government installation other than listed" is an installation owned or leased
by a government or quasi-public agency and which is not specifically covered by
the use regulations in this chapter.
18. Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir or Water Storage
Definition: Water treatment plant, reservoir and water storage tanks means a facility which
is part of a water system, and is used for the purifying, supplying, and distributing of
drinking water, or the storage of treated or untreated water.
H. Industrial &Manufacturing Uses
1. Asphalt or Concrete Batch Plant
Definition: Asphalt or Concrete Batch Plant means a permanent facility or area for the
mixing of concrete or asphalt.
2. Industrial, Inside
a. Definition: Industrial, inside means an industrial facility where all processing,
fabricating, assembly, or disassembly takes place wholly within an enclosed building.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts: Hazardous or high risk uses require a Special Use Permit.
3. Industrial, Outside
a. Definition: Industrial, outside means an industrial facility where any portion of the
processing, fabricating, assembly, or disassembly takes place outside or in an open
structure. For purposes of this provision, open structure means any structure or building
which has omitted walls.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts: Hazardous or high risk uses require a Special Use Permit.
4. Light Assembly & Fabrication
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Definition: Light Assembly and Fabrication means a use engaged in the manufacture,
predominantly from previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, including
processing, fabrication, assembly, packaging, incidental storage, sales and distribution of
products, but excluding basic industrial processing.
5. Mining
a. Definition: Mining means the extraction, removal, or stockpiling of earth materials,
including soil, sand, gravel, or other materials found in the earth. The excavation of
earth materials for ponds or lakes, including excavations for fish farming ponds and
recreational lakes are considered mining unless otherwise expressly authorized by
another provision of this ordinance. The following are not considered mining:
Excavation, removal, or stockpiling of earth materials incidental to construction
approved by a final plat, building permit, or for governmental or utility construction
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) A master plan and site plan, operation plans, and a restoration plan shall be
provided with the Special Use Permit application.
(2) A Special Use Permit shall not be granted unless required state review and
approval has been obtained.
6. Printing & Publishing
a. Definition: Printing and Publishing means a facility for the commercial reproduction,
cutting, printing, or binding of written materials, drawings, or other graphic materials
on a bulk basis using lithography, off-set printing, blueprinting, or similar methods.
b. Additional Provisions:
SBO/DTH: Size limited to 4,000 square feet of floor area.
7. Salvage or Reclamation of Products, Inside
Definition: Salvage or reclamation of products, inside, means a facility which stores,
keeps, dismantles, or salvages scrap or discarded materials or equipment inside an enclosed
building. Scrap or discarded materials include but are not limited to metal, paper, rags,
tires,bottles, or inoperable or wrecked motor vehicles,motor vehicle parts,machinery, and
8. Salvage or Reclamation of Products, Outside
a. Definition: Salvage or reclamation of products, outside means a facility which stores,
keeps, dismantles, or salvages scrap or discarded materials or equipment outside of any
structures. Scrap or discarded materials include but are not limited to metal,paper,rags,
tires, bottles, or inoperable or wrecked motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts,machinery,
and appliances.
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b. Additional Provisions:
(1) All outside storage, salvage and/or junk shall be screened from view of public
streets by a 10-foot high solid screening device that complies with the following
(a) The screening device shall be setback a minimum of 20 feet from all streets;
(b) All screening devices shall form an opaque, solid barrier, without gaps or
openings, except as provided in (d) below;
(c) All screening devices shall be constructed of masonry or concrete as
specified in Section 7.1_I;
(d) Only openings in screening devices which are necessary for reasonable
access to the salvage yard shall be permitted, but shall be equipped with a
solid gate or door constructed and maintained in accordance with the
requirements for screening devices set forth in this section. All openings so
permitted shall be closed and securely locked at all times, except for needed
access and for fire and emergency vehicles;
(e) All screening devices shall extend downward to ground level, and shall also
test plumb and square at all times;
(f) Any painting, staining, coating, covering or other coloring of any screening
devices shall be of a uniform color;
(g) The screening device shall not be used for bill postings or for other
advertising purposes, except a space not larger than 50 square feet which
may be used for the advertisement of the business of the owner.
(h) All screening devices shall be maintained, repaired and/or replaced to
ensure compliance with the requirements in this section at all times; and
(i) No junk or salvage of any character, or parts, or machinery of any kind shall
be allowed to remain outside.
(2) Screening shall not be permitted in the floodway. If the location of the required
screening is in the floodway or floodplain, screening should be placed elsewhere
on the property to achieve the desired screening.
I. Wholesale,Distribution& Storage Uses
1. Auto Auction
Definition: Auto auction means a facility for the auction of automobiles, vans, and light
trucks used as personal vehicles.
2. Contractor's Maintenance Yard
a. Definition: Contractor's maintenance yard means a facility for the storage and
maintenance of contractor's supplies and operational equipment.
b. Additional Provisions:
CC District: All outside storage areas shall be entirely screened from view of streets
and adjacent residential property with a masonry wall.
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3. Freight Terminal
Definition: Freight terminal means a facility for the transfer and storage of freight.
4. Landfill
Definition: Landfill means an area where a type of operation in which refuse and earth or
other suitable cover material are deposited in alternate layers of specified depth in
accordance with a definite plan on a specified portion of open land, with each layer being
compacted by force applied by mechanical equipment.
5. Livestock Auction Pens or Sheds
a. Definition: Livestock auction pens or sheds means a facility for the auction of
b. Additional Provisions: If 20,000 square feet or more of gross floor area, one space is
required for each 3,000 square feet of gross floor area.
6. Mini-warehouse, Self-storage
Definition: Mini-warehouse, self storage means a building or group of buildings
containing one or more individual compartmentalized storage units for the inside storage
of customers' goods or wares, where no unit exceeds 500 square feet in floor area.
7. Office Showroom/Warehouse
a. Definition: Office showroom/warehouse means a facility that has the combined uses
of office and showroom or warehouse for the primary purpose of wholesale trade,
display, and distribution of products.
b. Additional Provisions
HI District: Retail uses limited to 10 percent of the gross floor area.
8. Outside Storage
Definition: Outside storage means a lot used for the outside storage of an item for a period
in excess of 24 hours.
9. Recycling Collection Center
Definition: Recycling collection center means a facility for the collection and temporary
storage of empty beverage containers, aluminum, glass, paper, plastics, and clothing for
recycling purposes.
10. Warehouse/Distribution Center
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Definition: Warehouse means a facility primarily for the inside storage of items and is
25,000 square feet or smaller. Distribution Center means a warehouse facility which is
primarily for distribution by rail or truck, and which is 25,000 square feet or larger.
J. Accessory Uses
1. Accessory Agricultural Buildings
a. Definition: Accessory agricultural buildings means buildings used for agricultural
purposes, including farming, dairying, horticulture, floriculture, animal and poultry
b. Additional Provisions:
AG District:
(1) Accessory agricultural buildings used for raising animals shall only be permitted
on sites of 5 acres or more.
(2) The area used for the production of animals shall be set back from the front, side
and rear property line a minimum of 100 feet.
(3) The area used for the production of large animals, including but not limited to
pigs, cows, sheep, goats, and horses, shall be located at least one-half of a mile
away from any residential zoning district, one-quarter of a mile from any
commercial zoning district.
SF-ED District:
Accessory agricultural buildings used for raising animals shall only be permitted on
sites of 5 acres or more.
2. Accessory Community Center, Private
a. Definition:Accessory community center,private means an integral part of a residential
project that is under the management and unified control of the operators of the project
or development, and that is used by the residents of the project or development for a
place of meeting, recreation, or social activity.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) A private community center shall not be operated as a place of public meeting or
as a business.
(2) This accessory use is not required to be located on the same lot as the main use.
3. Accessory Game Court, Private
a. Definition: Accessory game court, private means a game court for engaging in tennis,
handball, racquetball, or similar physical activities for the use of residents and their
guests of a residential main use.
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b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) This accessory use may occupy up to 50 percent of the area of the lot containing
the main use.
(2) This accessory use is not required to be located on the same lot as the main use.
(3) This accessory use may be required to provide parking if the adjacent properties
would be adversely affected by on-street parking
4. Accessory Outside Display of Merchandise
a. Definition: Accessory outside display of merchandise means the outside placement of
merchandise for sale for a continuous period less than 48 hours.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts: Outside display shall meet the following standards:
(1) Outside displays are permitted only in areas designated on the site plan filed with
the City.
(2) Outdoor display areas may not exceed five percent of the adjacent building floor
area. (Building area is defined as the entirely enclosed portion of the primary
(3) Outdoor display may occupy up to thirty percent of a covered sidewalk that is
located within twenty feet of the building. Such display shall not impede
pedestrian use of the sidewalk and at least a five foot passable distance shall be
(4) Any outside display areas not located on a covered sidewalk must be screened
from view of adjacent roadways, public areas and adjacent properties. Such
screening must:
(a) Be a minimum of eight feet high or one foot taller than the materials being
displayed, whichever is greater.
(b) Include a minimum of twenty percent solid screening matching the material
of the primary building.
(c) The remainder may be solid evergreen planting,wrought iron,or dark vinyl-
coated chain link or similar materials.
(5) Any outside display areas not located on a covered sidewalk must be located
immediately adjacent to or connected to the primary structure.
(6) No outdoor display may be located in any portion of a parking lot.
5. Accessory Outside Sales
a. Definition: Accessory outside sales means a site for the outside sale of merchandise.
b. Additional Provisions: Accessory outside sales shall meet the following standards:
(1) Accessory outside sales are permitted only in areas designated on the site plan
filed with the City.
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(2) Outdoor sales areas may not exceed five percent of the adjacent building floor
area. (Building area is defined as the entirely enclosed portion of the primary
(3) Outdoor sales may occupy up to thirty percent of a covered sidewalk that is
located within twenty feet of the building. Such display shall not impede
pedestrian use of the sidewalk and at least a five foot passable distance shall be
(4) Any outside sales areas not located on a covered sidewalk must be screened from
view of adjacent roadways, public areas and adjacent properties. Such screening
(a) Be a minimum of eight feet high or one foot taller than the materials being
displayed, which ever is greater.
(b) Include a minimum of twenty percent solid screening matching the material
of the primary building.
(c) The remainder may be solid evergreen planting,wrought iron,or dark vinyl-
coated chain link or similar materials.
(5) Any outside sales areas not located on a covered sidewalk must be located
immediately adjacent to or connected to the primary structure.
(6) No outdoor sales may be located in any portion of a parking lot.
6. Accessory Outside Storage
a. Definition: Accessory outside storage means the outside placement of an item for a
continuous period in excess of 48 hours.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) Outside storage shall not be permitted within required setbacks or buffer yards.
(2) Accessory outside storage is not permitted on an unenclosed front porch of a
residential building.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, outside storage shall be limited
to no more than five percent of the lot area containing the main use.
(4) Outside storage areas not screened by an intervening building shall be screened
from view from any public street by a screening device at least eight feet in height.
In addition, outside storage areas shall be screened from view of any adjoining
property by a screening device at least eight feet in height, except along adjacent
property lines in the same zoning district.
7. Amateur Communication Tower
a. Definition: Amateur communications tower means a tower with an antenna that
transmits amateur radio, citizens band, or both spectrums, and that receives any portion
of a radio spectrum.
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b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) Only one amateur communication tower per site permitted. No more than 2
antennae may be mounted on an amateur communications tower. The antennae
volume may not exceed 900 cubic feet for a single antenna and 1,400 cubic feet
for 2 antennae. In this provision, antenna volume is the space within an imaginary
rectangular prism that contains all extremities of the antenna.
(2) No portion of the amateur communications tower or its antennae may encroach
into the required front, side or rear yard, except the area under a guy wire and
anchor point may project a maximum of 3 feet into the required side or rear yard
if the guy wire and anchor point is attached to the top of a structural support that
is not less than 6 feet in height.In this provision,a structural support for an anchor
point is any pole, post, strut, or other fixture or framework necessary to hold and
secure an anchor point.
(3) The tower may not exceed 75 feet in height.
(4) The tower shall be set back an additional 12 inches from the required front, side
and rear yards for each additional 12 inches of height above the maximum height
permitted in the district.
8. Caretakers Quarters, Domestic or Security Unit
Definition: Caretakers Quarters, Domestic or Security Unit means an independent, self-
contained dwelling unit located on the same lot as the principal use or structure and which
provides residential accommodations for a property manager or security personnel.
9. Home Occupation
a. Definition: Home occupation means an occupation that is incidental to the primary use
of the premises as a residence and conducted on the residential premises by a resident
of the premises.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) On-premise advertisements, signs or displays are prohibited.
(2) The appearance of the structure shall not be altered, nor shall the occupation
within the dwellings be conducted in a manner which would cause the premises
to differ from its residential character either by the use of colors, materials,
construction, lighting, or by signs, or the emission of sounds, noises, dust, odors,
fumes, smoke, or vibrations.
(3) There shall be no more than two(2)employees who do not reside on the premises.
(4) Pedestrian and vehicular traffic will be limited to that normally associated with
residential districts.
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(5) There shall be no outdoor storage of materials or equipment. There shall be no
visible merchandise be visible from outside the dwelling.
(6) The use of utilities and community facilities shall be limited to that normally
associated with the use of the property for residential purposes.
(7) There shall be no use or storage of mechanical equipment not recognized as being
part of normal household or hobby use.
(8) A property owner may seek a variance to this ordinance in accordance with
Article 8, Section 8.4 to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
(9) As defined by the Human Resource Code, Chapter 42 an "In-home Day Care" or
a "Family home" that is certified, listed or registered with the State of Texas is
exempt from this Ordinance, and governed by the rules and regulations of the
State of Texas.
10. Private Stable
a. Definition: Private stable means an area for the keeping of horses for the private use
of the property owner.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) A private stable shall only be on a lot at least 2 acres in area.
(2) One horse is permitted for every acre of land.
(3) Private stables shall include a pen or corral containing at least 800 square feet for
each animal with a stable under a roof containing at least 100 square feet for each
(4) A private stable shall have property drainage and other facilities so as not to create
offensive odors, insect or rodent breeding, or other nuisances.
(5) A pen, corral, fences, or similar enclosures shall have a minimum front setback
of 50 feet and a minimum side and rear setback of 30 feet from the property line.
In addition, they may not be located any closer than 100 feet to the dwelling on
11. Swimming Pool, Private
a. Definition: Swimming pool, private, means a swimming pool constructed for the
exclusive use of residents of a residential use.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) Private swimming pools may not be operated as a business, except private
swimming lessons may be given as a home occupation use.
(2) Private swimming pools shall be surrounded by a fence constructed so as to
prevent access by unauthorized people.
(3) Private swimming pools shall not be located in the required front yard.
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K. Temporary Uses
1. Christmas Tree Sales
a. Definition: A Christmas tree sale means a temporary facility for the sale of Christmas
trees and related seasonal decorations.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) A temporary permit may be issued for a period of 60 days for this use. The
Building Official may grant one 30 day extension of the temporary use permit if
the use has fully complied with all applicable City ordinances and conditions of
the temporary use permit.
(2) Upon completion of the temporary use, the site shall be cleaned, all evidence of
its use removed.
(3) Off-street parking requirements for this use may be satisfied by using existing
parking spaces for other uses located within 500 feet of the Christmas tree lot, or
by providing temporary parking spaces that do not strictly comply with the City's
off-street parking construction requirements. The operator of this use shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Building Official that temporary off-street
parking space:
(a) Adequately accommodate the parking needs of the use; and
(b) Will not adversely affect surrounding uses.
2. Occasional Sale or Garage Sale
a. Definition: Occasional sale or garage sale means the temporary and occasional sale of
tangible personal property at retail by a person who is not in the business of selling
tangible personal property for retail purposes.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) The sale of tangible personal property may only be sold by the owner or lessee of
the premises where the sale is conducted.
(2) The owner or lessee shall be responsible for the tangible personal property at the
time of the sale.
(3) A person shall not sell merchandise acquired solely for the purpose of resale at
an occasional sale.
(4) A person shall not conduct an occasional sale for duration of more than 3
consecutive calendar days.
(5) A person shall not conduct more than 4 occasional sales on a premise during any
12 month period.
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(6) A person shall not place more than one sign, not to exceed 2 square feet,upon the
lot where the sale is taking place. Any other signs remote from the property on
which the sale is taking place shall be located in compliance with the Sign
Ordinance, as amended.
3. Seasonal Sales Stand
a. Definition: Seasonal sales stand means a facility for the sale of agricultural products
that are seasonal in nature.
b. Additional Provisions:
(1) No product may be placed for sale or display and no structures used for a
temporary seasonal sales stand closer than 50 feet to the public right-of-way.
(2) No temporary seasonal sales stand may have more than 3,500 square feet of floor
(3) Upon completion of the temporary use, the site shall be cleaned, all evidence of
its use removed.
(4) Off-street parking requirements for this use may be satisfied by using existing
parking spaces for other uses located within 500 feet of the Seasonal Sales Stand,
or by providing temporary parking spaces that do not strictly comply with the
City's off-street parking construction requirements. The operator of this use shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Building Official that temporary off-street
parking space:
(a) Adequately accommodate the parking needs of the use; and
(b) Will not adversely affect surrounding uses.
4. Temporary Concrete or Asphalt Batch Plant
a. Definition: Temporary concrete or Asphalt Batch Plant means a temporary facility or
area for the mixing of concrete or asphalt.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) Concrete and asphalt mixed on site shall only be furnished to the specific project
for which the temporary use permit was issued.
(2) The Commission shall review requests for renewal of the permit if the specific
project requires an extension of time.
(3) The temporary batch plant shall be located and operated in such a manner to
eliminate unnecessary dust, noise and odor.
(4) On-site fencing, screening, or buffering shall be provided so that adjacent
properties are protected from hazards and negative impacts.
(5) Any public improvement that is damaged during the operation of the temporary
batch plant shall be repaired or replaced.
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(6) All equipment, materials, and debris shall be cleared off the site and the site shall
be completely cleaned upon completion of the project.
(7) Parking for this use may be satisfied by providing temporary off-street parking
spaces that do not strictly comply with the City's off-street parking construction
requirements. The operator of this use shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Building Official that temporary off-street parking space:
(a) Adequately accommodate the parking needs of the use; and
(b) Will not adversely affect surrounding uses.
5. Temporary Construction Yard, or Construction or Sales Office
a. Definition: Temporary construction yard, or construction or sales office means an area
for the temporary storage of building materials and equipment necessary for the
construction of a permanent use, and/or, a facility temporarily used as a construction
or sales office.
b. Additional Provisions:
All required districts:
(1) Limited to on-premise construction purposes associated with the properties
within the same platted subdivision.
(2) This use shall be discontinued after subdivision construction is 90 percent
(3) Parking for this use may be satisfied by providing temporary off-street parking
spaces that do not strictly comply with the City's off-street parking construction
requirements. The operator of this use shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Building Official that temporary off-street parking space:
(a) Adequately accommodate the parking needs of the use; and
(b) Will not adversely affect surrounding uses.
6. Temporary Crops
a. Definition: Temporary crops mean an area used for the growing crops on a temporary
basis while land is waiting for future development.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) This use shall not be operated on an area less than 2 acres.
(2) Structures may be erected for barn, or shed for the protection of machinery on the
(3) A temporary use permit for crops is valid for a period of 3 years. The Commission
may grant up to 2,one-year extensions, if conditions at the time of initial approval
have not changed.
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(4) Upon completion of the temporary use, the site shall be cleaned, all evidence of
its use removed.
7. Temporary Grazing
a. Definition: Temporary grazing means an area used for the grazing of animals on a
temporary basis while land is waiting for future development.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts:
(1) This use shall not be operated on an area less than 5 acres.
(2) An application for a temporary use permit shall specify the number and type of
animal that will be grazing. No temporary use permit shall be granted where the
number and type of animals to be grazed is likely to result in overgrazing and/or
significant environmental degradation of the site.
(3) Structures may be erected for a stable, pen, barn, or shed for the protection of the
animals on the premises.
(4) Standings under roofed stables shall be made of a material that provides for
proper drainage so as not to create offensive odors, insect or rodent breeding, or
other nuisances.
(5) A temporary use permit for grazing is valid for a period of 3 years. The
Commission may grant up to 2, one-year extensions, if conditions at the time of
initial approval have not changed.
(6) Upon completion of the temporary use, the site shall be cleaned, all evidence of
its use removed.
8. Temporary Living Quarters
a. Definition: Temporary living quarters means temporary facilities in the form of a
manufactured home,used as living quarters during the construction of a residence upon
a property not less than 1/2 acre in area.
b. Additional Provisions:
All permitted districts: A temporary use permit shall be valid for a 6 month period. An
additional 6 months may be granted by the Building Official, provided the exterior
walls and roof of the residence are completed.
9. Traveling Show, Carnival or Circus
Definition: Traveling show, carnival or circus means a temporary traveling show or
exhibition that has no permanent structure or installation.
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An accessory use or structure that is customarily incidental to the principal use or structure, and is
located on the same lot or tract of land, shall be permitted as an accessory use without being
separately listed as a permitted use, unless otherwise stated in these regulations. Accessory uses
are subject to the same regulations as the principal use. Accessory buildings shall comply with the
area requirements in Article 3 —Residential District Regulations.
A. Purpose
The Special Use Permit provides a means for developing certain uses in a manner in which the
proposed use will be compatible with adjacent property and consistent with the character of
the neighborhood. Special use permits are required where site specific impacts may exist that
require additional review to ensure compatibility between uses.
B. Special Use Permit Required
The Use Regulations in Section 5.1 Land Use Charts state when a Special Use Permit is
required for a use to be permitted in a zoning district. The Special Use Permit requirement for
a use in a district does not constitute an authorization or an assurance that the use will be
permitted. Each Special Use Permit shall be evaluated as to its probable effect on the adjacent
property and the community welfare and may be approved or denied as the findings indicate
C. Application
An application for a Special Use Permit shall be submitted to the Planning Department and shall
include the following:
1. A written description of the proposed use.
2. A plan showing the location of the proposed use on the site.
3. Any additional information required by the Director.
D. Review by the Commission and the Council
The Commission shall hold a public hearing and make a recommendation to the Council. The
Council shall hold a public hearing and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Special
Use Permit based on the review criteria in "E", below.
E. Review Criteria
In granting a Special Use Permit, the Commission and the Council shall determine that the
proposed use:
1. Complements or is compatible with the surrounding uses and community facilities;
2. Contributes to, enhances, or promotes the welfare of the area of request and adjacent
3. Is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare;
4. Conforms in all other respects to all applicable zoning regulations and standards; and
5. Is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan.
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F. Additional Conditions
The Commission and Council may impose reasonable conditions upon the granting of a Special
Use Permit consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, other state development goals and
objectives of the City, and the requirements of other City regulations. Such conditions may
include, but are not limited to the location, arrangement, operation, duration, and type and
manner of construction of any use for which a Special Use Permit is requested.
G. Effect of Special Use Permit.
1. The granting of a Special Use Permit has no effect on the uses permitted by right and does
not waive the regulations of the underlying zoning district.
2. A Special Use Permit runs with the land, a new owner is not required to reapply for a
Special Use Permit unless a time limit that has been established runs out.
H. Zoning Map
When the Council authorizes granting of a Special Use Permit,the zoning map shall be amended
according to its legend to indicate that the affected area has conditional and limited uses. The
amendment is to indicate the appropriate zoning district for the approved use and shall be
suffixed by an "S" designation.
A. Purpose
Temporary uses operating for less than 90 days within a one-year time period shall obtain a
Temporary Use Permit from the Building Official. Temporary Use Permits outline conditions
of operations to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
B. Temporary Use Defined
Temporary uses shall include short-term or seasonal uses that would not be appropriate on a
permanent basis. Temporary uses are identified in Section 5.1 Land Use Charts and 5.2 Listed
Uses. In addition, the following uses and activities shall be considered temporary uses:
1. Fundraising Activities by Not-for-Profit Agencies. Fundraising or noncommercial events
for nonprofit educational, community service or religious organizations where the public
is invited to participate in the activities and which last longer than 48 hours.
2. Special and Seasonal Sales Events. Significant commercial activities lasting not longer
than 90 days intended to sell, lease, rent or promote specific merchandise, services or
product lines, including but not limited to warehouse sales, tent sales, trade shows, flea
markets, farmer's markets, Christmas tree lot sales, product demonstrations or parking lot
sales of food, art work or other goods.
3. Entertainment or Amusement Events. Short-term cultural and entertainment events
including public or private events lasting not longer than 90 days intended primarily for
entertainment or amusement, such as concerts, plays or other theatrical productions,
circuses, fairs, carnivals or festivals.
C. Application
J Gr
WY L.I E Zoning Ordinance
An application for a Temporary Use Permit shall be submitted to the Building Official at least
10 working days before the requested start date for a temporary use and shall include the
1. A written description of the proposed use or event, the duration of the use or event, the
hours of operation, anticipated attendance, and any building or structures, signs or
attention-attracting devices used in conjunction with the event
2. A written description of how the temporary use complies with the review criteria in E,
3. A plan showing the location of proposed structures, including onsite restrooms and trash
receptacles, parking areas, activities, signs and attention attracting devices in relation to
existing buildings, parking areas, streets and property lines.
4. A letter from the property owner agreeing to the temporary use.
5. Any additional information required by the Director.
D. Review and Action by the Director
The Building Official shall make a determination whether to approve, approve with conditions,
or deny the permit within 5 working days after the date of application. Any applicant denied a
permit by the Building Official shall be notified in writing of the reasons for the denial and of
the opportunity to appeal to the Commission.
E. Review Criteria
Temporary uses shall comply with the following requirements:
1. Land Use Compatibility. The temporary use must be compatible with the purpose and
intent of this ordinance. The temporary use shall not impair the normal, safe and effective
operation of a permanent use on the same site. The temporary use shall not endanger or be
detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to property or improvements
in the immediate vicinity of the temporary use, given the type of activity, its location on
the site, and its relationship to parking and access points.
2. Compliance with Other Regulations. The temporary use shall conform in all respects to all
other applicable City regulations and standards.
3. Restoration of Site. Upon cessation of the event or use, the site shall be returned to its
previous condition, including the removal of all trash, debris, signage, attention attracting
devices or other evidence of the special event or use. The applicant shall be responsible for
ensuring the restoration of the site.
4. Hours of Operation and Duration. The hours of operation and duration of the temporary
use shall be consistent with the intent of the event or use and compatible with the
surrounding land uses and shall be established by the Building Official at the time of
approval of the temporary use permit.
5. Traffic Circulation. The temporary use shall not cause undue traffic congestion given
anticipated attendance and the capacity of adjacent streets, intersections and traffic
6. Off-street Parking. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided for the temporary use,
and it shall not create a parking shortage for any of the other existing uses on the site(s).
J Gr
WY L.I E Zoning Ordinance
7. Public Conveniences and Litter Control. Adequate onsite rest room facilities and litter
control may be required. The applicant shall provide a written guarantee that all litter
generated by the event or use shall be removed at no expense to the City.
8. Appearance and Nuisances. The temporary use shall be compatible in intensity,appearance
and operation with surrounding land uses in the area, and it shall not impair the usefulness,
enjoyment or value of adjacent property due to the generation of excessive noise, dust,
smoke, glare, spillover lighting, or other forms of environmental or visual pollution.
9. Signs. The Building Official shall review all signage, although a sign permit is not required.
The Building Official may approve the temporary use of attention attracting devices.
F. Additional Conditions
The Building Official may establish additional conditions to ensure land use compatibility and
to minimize potential adverse impacts on nearby uses, including, but not limited to, time and
frequency of operation, temporary arrangements for parking and traffic circulation,
requirements for screening or buffering, and guarantees for site restoration and cleanup
following the temporary use.
G. Appeals
A denial of a temporary use permit may be appealed to the Commission within 10 days of the
Building Official's action. The appeal shall be made in writing to the Building Official.
A. Unlisted Uses
The uses permitted in this Chapter are classified on the basis of common operational
characteristics and land use compatibility. Uses not specifically listed in this Chapter are
prohibited. However, additional new and unlisted uses may be permitted by the Director if the
use is similar to other uses listed in the same zoning district.
B. Appeals
An applicant, aggrieved by the decision of the Director, may file an appeal of the decision to
the Board. The appeal shall be filed in writing in the Department of Planning within 10 days
of the Director's action. Unless otherwise stated in the Board action, the determination of the
Board with respect to the appeal shall constitute a permanent and consistent interpretative
decision which the Director shall apply in all future instances.
C. Conditions
When considering requests for a new land use, the Director and Board shall consider the
potential effects of the use on adjacent properties in terms of requirements for services, visual
impact, traffic generation, the extent to which the use is consistent with other uses allowed in
the district, and other issues they deem appropriate.
D. Authorization of New Uses
If a new use is authorized by the Board, a text amendment shall be sent immediately to the
Commission and the Council.
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