04-24-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Monday, April 24, 2006 —6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. with the following Board members present: Eugene Garner, Frankie Delgado, David Willey, Benny Jones, Brandi Lafleur and Anne Hiney. Staff members present were Bill Nelson, Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Assistant Parks Superintendent and Beth Zoucha Park Board Secretary. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked anyone present to address the Board to come forward and state their name and address. Citizen Comments Colby Price residing at 103 Liberty Drive, Wylie Texas addressed the Board in regards to building a Skate Park in the City of Wylie. Mr. Price stated that he would like to have a place to legally ride his skateboard. Mr. Price presented information from an outside vendor that leases and sets up Skate Parks. Mr. Price also presented a petition signed by various citizens and business owners in the City of Wylie that would like to see a Skate Park built. Board Member Anne Hiney asked if the company would also manage the park to which Mr. Price replied he did not believe that they would. James Thorton also addressed the board on behalf of Mr. Price to offer additional details about the difficulty to find a legal place to ride their skateboards. Mr. Thorton stated that skateboarding and BMX riding is just as popular a sport as football, soccer and baseball. Mr. Thorton also spoke about the dangers of the kids riding in the streets and sidewalks and the benefit of building a park would offer more safety for the children that ride skateboards and bikes. Board Member Frankie Delgado asked about what size park they would like to see built. Mr. Thorton replied they would like to see a park the size of a small parking lot, similar to the parking lot behind Sonic. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked that Mr. Price and Mr. Thorton come back to address the board with Specs and Prices on various Skateboard Parks. Peter Patnaude residing at 1812 Eastfork Lane addressed the Board in regards to construction off road mountain biking and hiking trail in the unincorporated areas of Wylie. Mr. Patnaude stated he represents Minutes—April 24,2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 the biking organization titled DORBA — Dallas Off Road Bike Association. Mr. Patnaude stated that DORBA would build and maintain the trails. Mr. Patnaude stated they would like to begin attending the Board meetings to try and find a park or unusable land that could be used to make the trails. Board Member Anne Hiney asked Mr. Patnaude about the current DORBA trail in Sage Creek and if it could be tied into the trail they are requesting now. Mr. Patnaude was unsure if it could be tied in but though it would be ideal to do that. The Board discussed the possibility of using the Wells Property and Muddy Creek Reservoir areas. Board Member Eugene Garner asked if there was a lot of conflict between bikers and hikers due to the small size of the trail. Mr. Patnaude answered that there was not much contention between riders and walkers and the environment was very pleasant. The Board instructed Mr. Patnaude to get together with the Parks and Recreation Department and try to identify some areas that may be used for the DORBA trails system. pq pp�" 9 Rom` e`, m� ^�' u 4, ����f�' ...,.n, ... 6 9�� � 4 , �Y`ldt 1;� `'. „� �� � _ �I bW 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the March 27,2006 meeting. Parks Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz asked the Board if we could table the minutes due to some information that needed to be added to the minutes. Board Action Board member David Willey made a motion to table the minutes as submitted. Board member Anne Hiney seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 2. Consider and act upon approving the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation and Friend of the Library selling items during the summer concert series as a fundraiser for their respective organizations. Board Comments Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked if everyone had time to look over the summer concert series concession sales. Parks Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz to add the Downtown Merchants Association verbage to the agenda notice. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked if it would be correct for presentation to Council. Mr. Diaz responded that it would. Board Action Board Member David Willey made a motion to approve. Board Member Brandi Lafleur seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 6-0. Board Member Anne Hiney recused herself from the vote due to conflict of interest. Minutes—April 24,2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 3. Discuss athletic light fee and timeline for athletic/user fee review. Staff Comments Park Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz addressed the board in regards to the user fees for the athletic parks. Mr. Diaz presented a comparison between the City of Wylie and several of the outlying cities (Garland,Allen, Mesquite, etc...)Mr. Diaz also spoke to the board in regards to the revenue of user fees and the expense to maintain the fields. Mr. Diaz also addressed the timeline for taking the new user fees to Council for approval. Board Discussion Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut told Parks Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz he would be interested in seeing the difference in out of town players and Wylie Citizen players. Mr Chesnut would like the old model revised that allows any child in the WISD to use our fields at current pricing and possibly changing that to City of Wylie Residents receiving preferred pricing and out of town users paying a premium cost. Board member Frankie Delgado expressed concern in regards to the Leagues spreading that cost across the board and then Wylie citizens paying the premium charge as well. Board Member Eugene Garner suggested that the Parks Department needs to find a way to police the users so as to determine the price for field usage. Board Member Frankie Delgado expressed concern about not having the leagues in the decision process for the user fees until June 2006. Board Chairman suggested that the leagues should be involved during the next Park Board Meeting. Parks Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz agreed and will invite the sports leagues to attend the next Park Board Meeting on May 22, 2006. 5. Staff updates on the following: • Joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Board May 2,2006. • Parkland dedication fund-commercial revenues • Trails in TXU easements • Construction status on Olde City Park and Founders Park tennis court lights Staff Comments Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz updated the board on the next Planning and Zoning Meeting to be held on May 2, 2006 at 7:00p.m. Mr Diaz informed the Board that Planning and Zoning would prefer that we attend their meeting. Board Members Anne Hiney, Daniel Chesnut, David Willey and Benny Jones volunteered to attend the upcoming Planning and Zoning Meeting. Board Members Eugene Garner, Frankie Delgado and Brandi Lafleur were undecided. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson addressed the board in regards to fees collected for the Parkland Dedication from new businesses in the City of Wylie. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut noted the amount already collected and identified various other new businesses that were coming to Wylie that fees would also be collected from. Mr. Chesnut also concluded that the current amount collected was not enough to Minutes—April 24,2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 purchase the land adjacent to Olde City Park but with more business the amount would be closer to what is needed. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson updated the board on the progress with TXU in regards to building concrete trail in their easements. Mr. Nelson said that TXU was given a MAP of Wylie and asked to mark where there easements were located, TXU returned the document with the corresponding mark ups. Mr. Nelson reiterated that TXU is still considering each request on a case by case basis. Board Member Frankie Delgado commented the issue is more than likely a risk management issue and that was probably the hold up. Mr. Nelson stated that currently the paperwork was now in the hands of their lawyers to review. Board member David Willey asked what size trails would be installed and how much it would cost. Mr.Nelson stated the plan was for 8' walking path with a cost of$5.00 per linear foot for a total of$170,000.00 per mile. Superintendent Bill Nelson updated the Board on the progress in Olde City Park and Founders Park. Founders Park Tennis Court light is complete. Mr. Nelson gave a brief instruction on the operating procedures for the lighting at the Tennis Courts and Pirate Cove Playground. Olde City Park, PO's have been issued for the purchase and installation of the Pavilion, the approximate time frame for completion is 12 weeks. The concrete slab for the pavilion should be installed next month. Board Discussion Parks Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz noted that Mike had heard from the gentleman at KCS in regards to the property adjacent to Olde City Park. Currently there is no other information at this time. Parks Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz noted that he had been in contact with the City Engineer in regards to the lights on Hwy 78 being set to far back and Mr. Holsted was unsure of the reason they were set back so far.Mr. Holsted is going to contact the state to find out what can be done. Board Member David Willey commented that he liked the new City of Wylie sign on FM 544. He also noted that he would like to see the trail system that Peter Patnaude spoke about during Citizen Participation move forward. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked if there was an ordinance in place in regards to Skateboarding at the City Parks. He also would like to look at possibly allowing the skateboarders to use the Founders Park Parking lot when it was not being used for other sporting events. Parks Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz said he did not believe it was an ordinance but the sign are there. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson agreed it was not an ordinance but it is apart of the Parks rules and regulations. Board Action With no further business, Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Board member Frankie Delgado seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 7-0. Minutes—April 24,2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4 Da iel Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman SUBMITTED BY: eth Zoucha,Pa k Boar II Secretary Minutes—April 24,2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 5