12-20-2005 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet AGENDA
2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098
Tuesday,December 20,2005
7:00 p.m.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the December 6, 2005 Regular Meeting.
1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie High School No. 2, generally located north
of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road (C.R. No. 434, and more specifically described as a tract
of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County,
and being all of land conveyed to the Wylie I.S.D. by deed recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No.
2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie High School
No. 2, generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road (C.R. No. 434, and more
specifically described as a tract of land situated in the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No.
688, City of Wylie, Collin County, and being all of land conveyed to the Wylie I.S.D. by deed
recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 2005-0041831.
1. Distribute Revised Design Standards of Articles 3 and 4 and the Use Regulations in Article 5 of
the Zoning Ordinance.
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Posted Friday, DECeinber 16, 2005, at 5:0CP .m.p
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
December 6, 2005
Notice was posted in the time and manner required by law and quorum was present.
Commission Members Present: Staff Members Present:
Scott Ames Renae 011ie, Assistant City Planner
Red Byboth Mary Bradley, Secretary
Joel Hemphill Mindy Manson, Assistant City Manager
Dennis Larson
Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Commissioner Byboth gave the invocation and Commissioner Hemphill led the pledge of
No one appeared to speak to the Commissioners.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 15, 2005
Regular Meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner
Hemphill, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 4 — 0, with
Commissioners Gregg, Hennesey, and Alexander absent.
P & Z Commission Meeting
December 6, 2005
Page 2 of 8
1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Artex Electric, generally
located at 204 & 206 Windco Circle, and being more specifically described Lots
20 and 21 of the Wyndham Estates Phase III Addition.
Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is proposing a 1,440 square feet warehouse building on
Lot 21, and a 7,974 square feet area for truck parking on Lot 20. The property was
platted in 1986 as Lots 20 and 21, of the Wyndham Estates Phase III Addition and is
zoned Industrial (I) District.
The eastern property line abuts a single-family residential district. The applicant shall
install a six feet high wood fence along the entire length of the eastern property line.
Commissioner Byboth asked the applicant for consideration of an eight (8) foot fence,
however, the property is platted under the 1986 Zoning Ordinance, which requires a
minimum six (6) foot fence. Tony Bourns, 1607 Foxwood Lane, Wylie, Texas, applicant
for the property, stated that since the requirements for screening is a minimum six (6)feet
fence, which is the intention of the site, but will consider an eight (8) foot fence when
final plans are drawn and submitted for building permit.
A motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Byboth, to
approve the Site Plan for Artex Electric, generally located at 204 and 206 Windco Circle,
and being more specifically described Lots 20 and 21 of the Wyndham Estates Phase III
Addition. Motion carried 4 — 0, with Commissioners Gregg, Hennesey, and Alexander
2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for
Woodbridge Phase 12, generally located northeast of Woodbridge Phase 9 at the
intersection of Lost Highlands Lane and Highland Meadows Drive, and being
more specifically described as a tract of land situated in the Richard Newman
Survey, Abstract No. 660, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being part
of the 199.3963 acre tract of land described in deed to Woodbridge Properties,
LLC, recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No. 97-0032076 Land Records of
Collin County, Texas.
Ms. 011ie stated that the property totals 25.5276 acres and will create 142 residential lots.
The subject property is part of the larger mixed use Woodbridge Planned Development
(PD 98-15), which consists of Single-Family Residential of varying densities. The entire
Planned Development is 921 acres in size, of which approximately 409 acres and 1,650
single-family lots of the PD are located within the Sachse city limits.
P & Z Commission Meeting
December 6, 2005
Page 3 of 8
The Phase 12 Addition creates lot sizes of 5,500 square feet, which is in compliance with
the PD. This is the fourth residential phase which is entirely within the Wylie city limits,
and is bordered by the landfill to the north.
Lost Highlands Lane will serve as the primary point of access. A sixty (60) foot access
and utility easement is provided by separate instrument for a portion of Lost Highlands
With no questions for the applicant or staff a motion was made by Commissioner
Hemphill, and seconded by Commissioner Ames, to recommend approval of the Final
Plat for Woodbridge Phase 12, generally located northeast of Woodbridge Phase 9 at the
intersection of Lost Highlands Lane and Highland Meadows Drive, and being more
specifically described as a tract of land situated in the Richard Newman Survey, Abstract
No. 660, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being part of the 199.3963 acre tract
of land described in deed to Woodbridge Properties, LLC, recorded in Collin County
Clerk's File No. 97-0032076 Land Records of Collin County, Texas. Motion carried 4 —
0, with Commissioners Gregg, Hennesey, and Alexander absent.
3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for
Greenway — 78, generally located south of Hwy 544, and west of S.H. 78, and
being more specifically described as a 8.300 acre tract of land situated in the E.C.
Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 267, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas,
and being all of that tract of land described in Special Warranty Deed with
Vendor's Lien to Greenway-Columbia, L.P., recorded in Volume 5890, Page
5358, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
Ms. 011ie stated that the property totals 8.300 acres and will create three commercial lots.
Lot 1 is 1.843 acres in size, Lot 2 is 2.036 acres in size, and Lot 3 is 4.421 acres.
Currently on Lot 3, two buildings are existing, a 192,563 square foot one-story tin
building and a 4,103 square foot single story wood frame building.
The Preliminary Plat substantially conforms to the approved Conditions of the PD, set
forth in the PD 2004-43, allowing mixed retail and light industrial uses. The parcel along
the frontage of FM 544 shall comply with all regulations of the Community Retail
District. The back portion of the subject property shall comply with all regulations as set
forth in the Industrial District of the Zoning Ordinance as adopted February 27, 2002.
No Site Plan has been submitted for the subject property.
Rodney Hitt, Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, 8350 N Central Expressway, Suite
1000, Dallas, Texas, represented the engineer for the subject property, stated that one of
the existing buildings in the back, the 192,563 square foot building, is leased out for
another two (2)years.
P & Z Commission Meeting
December 6, 2005
Page 4 of 8
A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner
Hemphill, to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for Greenway — 78, generally
located south of Hwy 544, and west of S.H. 78, and being more specifically described as
a 8.300 acre tract of land situated in the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 267, in the
City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of that tract of land described in
Special Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien to Greenway-Columbia, L.P., recorded in
Volume 5890, Page 5358, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. Motion carried
4 —0, with Commissioners Gregg, Hennesey, and Alexander absent.
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council
regarding a change in zoning from Agriculture (A) to Planned Development (PD)
District for commercial, retail and single-family residential uses of varied
densities, generally located in the southeast corner of S.H. 544 and McCreary
Road, and being more specifically described as part of a 111.848 acre of land
called Tract 1, situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, conveyed
to Iona H. Ingram and being part of a 87.282 acre parcel of land called Tract 2,
conveyed to Mary Allene Jones, from the partition of the Estate of Mollie Sachse,
described in Partition Deed recorded in Volume 826 at Page 579 of the Deed
Records of Collin County, Texas, and also being a part of a 111.848 acre tract
conveyed to Mary Allene Jones by Executrix's Deed recorded in Volume 05102
at Page 04465 (County Clerk's File No. 2002-0020781) of the DRCCT. (Zoning
Case No. 2005-19). Item tabled from the October 18, 2005 meeting.
Ms. 011ie stated that the subject property is located south of FM 544 and west of Regency
Business Park Addition. The property totals 186.56 acres and is divided into three (3)
parcels by the rights-of-way and easements of major utility transmission uses. Tract 1 is
61.746 acres in size, Tract 2 is 68.995 acres, and Tract 3 is 55.820 acres in size. The
property is traversed in an east-west direction by an un-developable 150 feet wide right-
of-way of a major electric power transmission line (approximately 9 acres).
Twenty-eight (28) notifications were mailed, with four (4) written responses returned for
this request(1 opposing and 3 favoring).
The request proposes to divide the property into three major use areas. Tract 1 along FM
544 for a depth of 1,000 feet being 61.746 acres is designated for Corridor Commercial
uses. Tract 2 consisting of 68.995 acres will be developed as commercial uses in
accordance with the development standards of either the Business Center (BC), Corridor
Commercial (CC) District or Retirement Housing District (overall maximum density of
25 units per acre) as defined in the PD Conditions. Tract 3 (55.820 acres) will be
developed in accordance with the standards of the Corridor Commercial District or the
Business Center District.
P & Z Commission Meeting
December 6, 2005
Page 5 of 8
The Comprehensive Plan recommends that Tracts 2 and 3 of the subject property be
developed as Light Industrial in keeping the development of the Regency Business Park
Addition to the east. The Plan recommends that the northern portion (Tract 1) be
developed as mixed retail uses within the Corridor Commercial District. The proposed
scheme generally conforms to the recommendations of the Plan.
The request proposes Retirement Housing on the western portion of Tract 2, not to
exceed twenty-five (25) net usable acres, and shall be restricted to 55 years of age and
older(head of Household)with management living on-site.
A Sports Complex is allowed in Tracts 2 and, including Indoor/Outdoor athletic fields as
well as overnight residential accommodations. It will generally conform to the standards
of the CC and/or BC Districts with any variant conditions being defined later by the
Building Official or the Zoning Board of Adjustments.
Don Herzog, Herzog Development Corporation, 9696 Skillman Street, Suite 210, Dallas,
Texas, applicant for the subject property, presented a slide presentation to the
Commissioners, stating that at the October 18, 2005, the recommendation from the
Commissioners was to modify the residential uses. The PD Conditions have been revised
with the following modifications: The Commercial area adjacent to FM 544 has been
expanded from the previous submittal to include additional parking over on the southwest
corner for a possible theater complex. The Patio Homes and Townhouse and Duplex
Development have been removed from the project. The Retirement Housing
development has been moved from the east side to the west side of the middle tract
adjacent to the McCreary Road extension. The Sports Complex is enlarged, and
proposes a church, affiliated with the Sports Complex, as a buffer between the Sports
Complex fields and the property to the east, which is zoned for Townhouses.
Additionally the East/West Collector presented at the previous submittal, has been moved
to the north side adjacent to the transmission line, which provides access to the Sports
Complex building and for balance ingress/egress from the Sports Complex facility.
The parking requirements for the Sports Complex were modified and a copy of the
revised PD Conditions was distributed to the Commissioners. The parking requirements
allow one space for each 150 square feet in the indoors sports facility building and 15
spaces for each ball field and one parking space for each lodging unit. The handicapped
parking shall be provided at a ration of 20 spaces for the first 1,000 spaces plus one space
for each 100 spaces over 1,000 spaces of fraction thereof.
Mr. Herzog stated that at the October 18, 2005 meeting, he received copies of the
proposed Zoning Ordinance that the Commissioners and Council are reviewing and
revising, and the proposed PD Conditions incorporates specifically no point system.
P & Z Commission Meeting
December 6, 2005
Page 6 of 8
Commissioner Byboth questioned the extension of Springwell Parkway. Mr. Herzog
stated that Springwell Parkway will be extended on the east side of the property and tied
in with adjacent property owner on the south of FM 544. Springwell Parkway will be a
four-way intersection with a possible signalize with start out as an 80 foot right-of-way,
with divided entryway and transition down as a 60 foot right-of-way.
Jerry Green, represented Zerga Development Company, 1500 S. Central, Suite 650,
McKinney, Texas, developer for the proposed senior housing, stated that the concept
plan proposes a three story independent side. No federal funding is requested, but is
market rate driven allowing Medicare or Medicaid funding. The age restricted is 55
years old, however, the average age in existing developments is 70 years old. Subject to
the market there will be three meals served a day. This is a gated active community, and
will provide safety for the senior citizens.
Scott Albert, Interplay Sports/NFC Sports, 300 Harvest Bend, Wylie, Texas, represented
developer for the proposed Sports facility, stated that the sports complex will be an
expansion of the existing facility located on 702 Highway 78 North. The sports complex
will include soccer, baseball, football, rehabilitation center and a food court, but no
Chairman Larson opened the Public Hearing.
Ali Manteghi, 112 Regency, Wylie, Texas, spoke in opposition of the expansion of
Springwell Parkway, due to screening to the back of his business property.
Paul Mann, 114 Regency, Wylie, Texas, spoke in opposition of the expansion of
Springwell Parkway, due to adjacency to the back of his business property and no
Mr. Herzog stated that the expansion of Springwell Parkway will allow the adjacent
business owners two accesses to their property, and the proposed commercial lots will be
screened with landscaping.
Chairman Larson closed the Public Hearing.
The Commissioners questioned Ms Manson of the liability for existing property owners
to obtain screening. Ms. Manson stated that the existing property owners will not be
required to screen their properties, however, new property owners will be required to
screen their properties.
P & Z Commission Meeting
December 6, 2005
Page 7 of 8
A motion was made by Commissioner Hemphill, and seconded by Commissioner
Byboth, to recommend approval of zoning case 2005-19, with stipulation that tract 2 and
3, proposed as the Retirement Housing District be deed restricted to 55 years old and the
deed restriction be filed upon Final Plat. Motion carried 4 — 0, with Commissioners
Gregg, Hennesey, and Alexander absent.
2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council to
include additional land in Planned Development District 2005-25 for commercial
uses, generally located in the southwest corner of Country Club Road (F.M. 1378)
and Parker Road (F.M. 2514), and being more specifically described as a tract of
land situated in the Patterson, William Survey, Abstract No. 716, Collin County,
Texas, and being a resurvey of a tract of land described in a deed to Robert
Marion Young of Record in Volume 1295, Page 185, Deed Records of said
County, and being a part of the William Patterson 640 acre survey, Abstract No.
716, being out of that tract of land conveyed by J.T. Massey to Joe Taylor and
wife, Maxine Taylor by Warranty Deed dated January 26, 1952, recorded in
Volume 445, Page 15, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. (Zoning Case No.
Ms. 011ie stated that the proposed zoning change was advertised incorrectly with the
legal description. The request is to re-advertise the zoning change to Planning and
Zoning meeting on January 3, 2005, and City Council on January 24, 2005.
Ms. Jennie Young, 2625 Highway 1378, Wylie, represented one of the property owners
for the proposed zoning change. Ms 011ie stated that the law requires correct legal
description for zoning changes, and the applicant has submitted the correct legal
description. Ms. Manson stated that the lots are individually parcels, but submitted as
one zoning change. Ms. Manson requested that the notification and advertisement be for
January 3, 2005, Planning and Zoning Commission and January 10, 2005 City Council
A motion was made by Commissioner Byboth, and seconded by Commissioner
Hemphill, to table zoning case 2005-21, until January 3, 2005 meeting and be considered
at the City Council meeting on January 10, 2005. Motion carried 4 — 0, with
Commissioners Gregg, Hennesey, and Alexander absent.
P & Z Commission Meeting
December 6, 2005
Page 8 of 8
1. Discuss amendments to the Design Standards of Articles 3 and 4 and the Use
Regulations in Article 5 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Ms. 011ie discussed the proposed Articles 3 and 4 and Commissioners to amend the Use
Regulations in Article 5 to conform to Articles 3 and 4. Each Commissioner reviewed
and modified the uses.
A motion was made by Commissioner Ames, and seconded by Commissioner Hemphill,
to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM.
Dennis Larson, Chairman Mary Bradley, Secretary
Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: December 20, 2005
Consent Case Name: WISD High School #2
Action 1 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie
Public Hearing Exhibits: Site Plan
Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Independent School District, Wylie High School #2,
generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road.
The applicant is proposing a High School on one lot totaling 63.550 gross acres. The subject property was
rezoned to Agriculture District(A/28)in April of 2005.
The proposed High School will not be accessible from Bennett Road. Access to the site will be from Brown
Street which connects to a 100 feet right-of-way platted with the subject property.
The Site Plan complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie.
A Preliminary Plat is on the current agenda for consideration.
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: MM \ 12/14/05
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111 m"AfilZ MUT" Wylie I n:e5,.,,erE;dcztrd%h.,,roec:t District Iiir,0 Di.,,,i 4,7
Wylie Texas 75098
Telephone 972 429-3000
111 West Main Street
Allen,Texas 75013
Telephone 972 359-1733
October 28,2005 C 30,34
Agenda Item No. Meeting Date: December 20, 2005
Consent Case Name: WISD High School #2
Action 2 Prepared By: Renae' 011ie
Public Hearing Exhibits: Preliminary Plat
Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Wylie Independent School
District, Wylie High School #2, generally located north of Brown Street and west of Bennett Road.
The applicant is proposing a High School on one lot totaling 63.550 gross acres. The subject property was
rezoned to Agriculture District(A/28)in April of 2005.
The Plat dedicates a one hundred (100) feet right-of-way along the western portion of the property that will
extend from Bennett Road and connect to Highway 78.
The Preliminary Plat complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the
City of Wylie.
A Site Plan is on the current agenda for consideration.
APPROVED BY: Initial Date
Department Director: MM \ 12/14/05
Bell E.&Donna C.Lewis Bell E.&Donna C.Lewis Archie Lynn Eubanks&Margaret Bennett Eubanks /Ili
A Trustees—Eubanks Living Trust Trustees—Eubanks Living Trust Trustees—Eubanks Living Trust
Vol.4404,Pg.2490 Vol.4676,Pg.1819 CCF No.97-0003428
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Lake Ray Hubbard ABSTRACT No. 688
Meadow Heights Estates
City Of Dallas
Z • Tit&il)Crutt':917.1sVusrnrennetn t WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS
Ei Owner
5 Wylie Independent School District
d 951 Ballard Street
Wylie Texas 75098
Telephone 972 429_7:3.CgI7
La,Acres Ranch Estates
La,Acres Ranch Estates Vol.7,Pg.66 surveyor,q):',:•1,'•:";,t', '01,,,,
RLK Engineerin 9nNOIV 1 8 20115 11
111 West Main ti-eet
Allen,Texas 7 013
Telephone 972 35_1,-- -3 ,, ----=----- ------
November 17,2005
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