10-14-2019 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet (Steering Committee) Wylie Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan Steering CITY OF Committee NOTICE OF MEETING Meeting Agenda October 14, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Joni Robinson Chair Emmett Jones Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez Board Member Brian Willeford Board Member Matt Rose Board Member Phil Gilbert Board Member Brett Swendig Board Member Steering Committee Members not on Parks and Recreation Board: Keith Stephens, Jeff Forrester, Dan Chesnut, Chris Hoisted, Renae 011ie, Brent Parker, Robert Diaz, Tim Porter, Sam Satterwhite, Brent Stowers, Carmen Powlen, Janet Hawkes, Wes Lawson, and Jason Greiner In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas. ov. The Board Chair requests that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. A QUORUM OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS MAY OR MAY NOT BE PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. NO ACTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING. JOINT WORK SESSION WITH THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AND DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES • Review of the First Draft of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan with the Master Plan Steering Committee. • Review the Parkside Park Conceptual Park Plan. • Review the Braddock Park Conceptual Park Plan. October 14,2019 Wylie Parks, Recreation,and Open Space Master Plan Steering Page 2 of 2 Committee Agenda EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the Parks and Recreation Board should determine that a closed or Executive meeting or session of the Parks and Recreation Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Parks and Recreation Board at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the Parks and Recreation Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sections and purposes: Texas Government Code Sections: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 11 th day of October 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed k3A,14,n1"'i,,,,,"%%,,'Nl34L"b`>4fl'tS`i\'SS\4",t%11%141.AKX,AVA.,`"el ,,,,,,3M,.',°''MARZS,,S',\Cl�b°tMARZ S1'MVMARZSS',\Cl�VM''=MRZ'S',I,V UARZSI31^:3�Cl�b°t`aUUARZ S113:. U'%RZ'S31^:3�Cl�b°t`aUUARZ SS',I,V UARZSI31^:3�Cl�bM'=ZA�S.h'S',I,V UARZSI31^:3�Cl�b°M'=MRZ S113:. UUARZSI31^:3�Cl�b°tMARZ SS,I,SV UARZSI31^:3�Cl�b°tMARZ SS,I,SV UARZSI31^:3�Cl�b°tMARZ SS,I,SV UARZSI31^:31�CM„' r„,,M rr.AfII ,fig„d: ,11, c 1 Y OF WYLIE � t . 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A special thanks to the following individuals who participated: CITY COUNCIL STEERING COMMITTEE Eric Hogue,Mayor Dan Chesnut, Former Parks & Recreation Board Jeff Forrester, Mayor Pro Tern Jeff Forrester, City Council Matthew Porter Phil Gilbert, Parks &Recreation Board David R. Duke Jason Greiner, City Staff Candy Arrington Janet Hawkes, City Staff Timothy T. Wallis D.V.M. Chris Hoisted, City Staff David Dahl Emmett Jones, Parks &Recreation Board Wes Lawson, City Staff PARKS & Renae 011ie, City Staff RECREATION BOARD Brent Parker, City Staff Joni Robinson, Chair Tim Porter, City Staff Emmett Jones, Vice-Chair Carmen Powlen, City Staff Phil Gilbert Joni Robinson, Parks &Recreation Board Brett Swendig Matt Rose, Parks &Recreation Board Gloria Suarez Sam Satterwhite, City Staff Brian Willeford Keith Stephens, Former City Council Member Matt Rose Brent Stowers, City Staff 4B BOARD DUNAWAY TEAM Eric Hogue Philip Neeley,ASLA,Project Director David R. Duke Elizabeth Mcllrath,ASLA,Project Manager David Dahl Anita Beard, ASLA, Landscape Architect Matthew Porter Kourtney Gonzalez, Graphic Designer Daniel Chesnut Andrea Thomas, National Service Research Emmett Jones Scott Hevel CITY STAFF Chris Hoisted, City Manager Brent Parker,Assistant City Manager Renae 011ie,Assistant City Manager Robert Diaz, Parks &Recreation Director Brent Stowers,Parks Manager Carmen Powlen, Recreation Manager Janet Hawkes,Administrative Assistant 11,A1 CITY OF WYLIE I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I 2 - - IN PARKS RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION :II ... , „.,. 4E10 4 . , 2 ''' METHODOLOGY :... 7 AVENTORY : 10 POPULATION 3( DEMOGRAPHICS : 58 b-,,j •.•‘'I' BENCHMALKING : , „.. ., 111111 .,, 67 STANDARDS : I,' NEEDS ASSESSMENT , ., , , 430 *I 74 ,,t, r', PRIOWY !RANKINGS : 82 ,„. ,.. I PLE ENTATON z 1;,;-'1 „ „ APPENDIX : 94 „, ,, ,, CITY OF WYLIE I TABLE OF CONTENTS I 3 IA/ VI se , , m�° :. n1. , „a'v: ��,m��I" „„"""9 >„tr '^° " i' k�W*i"q,m' ' " w7, 3 I mV" w, , ° „, " 0°„,c,, , 0,, M � t.,:,,,.:hlt FA a�, „ "" " , W , 74 ' m d �; an, t:i , „ ,, „ " �;� 6„ti " y ' ' e' "„ ,rm r w s„I, ," y °, h °N" ,L41 44,, ova "n„ " �w,a h a r m d " , ,a 5 �, 'h d*, r�, ��"'ateilk of ♦`gs. O", u , 13,; ��m t. 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Even with o current population well over5{}'0O(l' the City hasretained its small-town atmosphere that appeals tV its residents and business owners. Being centrally located befvveen [ovon Lake and Lake Ray Hubbard, Wylie alsodnzwsovvidcnzngccJreginnol activities and annual visitors to enjoy recreation ot the lakes. The City of Wylie is fortunate to be in a position economically that allows it to not only meet the critical needs of its community, but to focus on dynamic ways to enhance its quality of life. The parks system is o key part of this strategic focus. To be proactive in planning for the growth of the pork system, the City commissioned Dunaway Associates to prepare o Parks, Recreation &_Open Space Master Plan. The team established o visionary process that involved City leaders, City staff, Park Board members' and Wylie citizens in the overall master plan process. ����U�� N[��� ������� �� AK-- --- -^ ``~- ^~'�— � �~ � _ _ The purpose of this Master Plan is to focus on identifying and preparing for implementation of the City's parks and recreational needs for the next five-year to ten-year period. It addresses the entire City limits including existing, proposed, and future parks &_ recncotion opportunities. The planning team interacted with o diverse Steering (-onnrni||ee' as well as various City staff, community leaders, and citizen groups uring the planning process. In preparing this plan, some of the k"» objectives for future direction of the Wylie pork system include the following: ^ Provide high-quality parks andrecreation resources that offer o balanced variety u{year-round recreational needs ot the Wylie community; ^ Determine practical meansmfmaintaining and upgrading existing parks and facilities tum prescribed standard and purpose; ` Improve the overall appearance and usability uf park and recreation resources; ^ Acquire park land and develop outdoor recreational facilities; ` Encourage cooperation and develop partnerships with the school district, governmental agencies, area corporations, and community organizations to assist with funding, development and maintenance of park &_ recreational facilities ^ Obtain adoption of the Master Plan by City Council in order to provide direction to City officials, City staff, and residents for implementing the Master Plan To ensure that these objectives were addressed, the Steering Committee worked closely with the Dunaway team through key steps of the planning process. They also helped facilitate communication bctvvccn City staff and public officials and served as o sounding board for the Action Plan initiatives within the plan. CITY (}FVVYL|E I INTRODUCTION 1 5 � n� PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN U�� ��T�� �����[� 1| �0 uw� �x /m� om��o�u �mm This Master Plan provides direction for park expansion, pork redevelopment, and new park development to serve the growing population of Wylie. Section 7 overviews the methodology and key steps within the overall planning process. Section 3 includes o complete inventory nfexisting parks and recreational facilities. Section 4 describes o brief analysis of current population and demographics. Section 5 outlines benchmarking of peer communities with comparable park system features. Section 6 provides a review of park industry standards and comparisons to the current park system. Section 7 documents the results of the needs assessment and public involvement process. In Section 8, the Master Plan identifies the recommended priorities and locations for actual park improvements. Section 9 provides Implementation guidelines including potential funding sources for identified priorities. Finally, the Appendix includes back up documentation received during the citizen input phase and feasibility diagrams that depict potential development nfseveral currently undeveloped parks in the Wylie park system. As o guiding document, this Master Plan will serve as o strategic tool for fiscal planning and development ofW"lic's pork system. Annual reviews of the Master Plan are important to ensure that the implementation is on course. These reviews will also allow City staff and City leaders to address specific changes in priorities and/or special needs that may arise. The key istV maintain ocommitment for developing avibront, balanced park system that serves Wylie todoyond also builds in expectation of the generations tocome. CITY {JFYVYL|E INTRODUCTION 1 6 �� � ' '''''OfR ' ,'pma0„ " "I�„ ',h",w, 4 ^' <, m,m M"y �� }xA d.a "',� o����, r4:, C.', P1� i as is m,, • 2z� k§'M, 4>>4>s ,,� z' 'La+d';�.,„ rt;'is � V+. �Et � „ %}',��y xs: ���j��°sWd� \ tUt "° u "au•••• 1Wi���n',�������,�� ���� a .-4 4 ve '" •�' -, ,zz 0 �, ,„ ,M r 5 4 ij, ��� ii r , n sl d,t96, `yn{t `, 44444,4 "k '�� ," Akwap" k't, 1,, 'kit `'�" *74 7 5\ �. ) z' yq �t�� ��,`�.�! �.. ,'fl 44 „m , 4 ,``)n "4 s td ? k,k.,ax u `''\\\*, 44,mIIII3 ys,' off, „ `l '@ 1� ur;a kr 44 t , ay r �nuti, 414 ry 4 ",,,,,,,,, METHODOLOGY o xou ar ",, ,,4y, t ,,,, �,: t $ �� a`",, t."`0" ',, 'y<>S' t ,''.'r '�v'•ae „„n a:«r+?�' 'a.,. ,i ., iiiii ' 100,41'}w.w Yti' ;'''''s t" ,e ,Q 1 'ib ,t c' a p '`m„4't ;,.r>' ,i"' z niiii '40 ,��r ,mF� i 3t "It ," . 1,1,u ,44,4 444444 �� ',`tir,. 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' fl,''': ''Yn ` , '' ,t...'i.r" '• ,,,kt 4..4�5' 14 m ,4 ,�i,y, i d •U'\•a, tl, " Z" ,,,,1 �,t 4,,'`l�\°413\, ,,,,\ J, �.F 1' 1It.4 „ ,^,`aka ni" '4` � '' \, 4;z 't 4 I'r �F: �' „,,o '1,3' �gT�4'r royn` ,',, ' s) m "�$''" m i9 w.....�,w. .,.e.,,,......,,,,,_.w;.. ., k tcu,.'a.,.....�.,-..�.,.�,..w_w...W.e...'�,�.,, ...�,�.,�,..�....,.,,..,.-,�_«.... ,_-.,..n,....,.._.., „,,,...,'.,,_„,,,,„,...,,„„ .,—�,-. „.,.'..„:...s PARKS RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN METHODOLOGY The Master Plan was prepared using a two-phase planning process. Phase I was focused on the Inventory and Needs Assessment. Phase II involved preparing the Park Master Plan document, A detailed outline of the process is as follows: PHASE I - INVENTORY AND NEEDS Data Collection & Base apoinq OOOOO CO OOOOOOOO The team prepared a base map from the digital/GIS data provided by the City. The ( base map illustrated information such as existing park sites, schools, city facilities, 01 drainage corridors, streets, etc. InYn 8 tgrY .(1uPP.IY.A.n? Yss. The team was provided a current inventory of the entire park system. Team members and City staff performed a tour of the existing parks and recreational facilities 02 , available in Wylie. Each site was documented for its existing conditions and amenities. Population & Demographic Trends The team obtained the latest updates of demographic and population data from City Staff and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG).This included n factors of population, race, housing, employment, income, and future growth. No Benchmark Analysis The team selected peer city park systems in the North Texas region that coincide with some of the characteristics of Wylie. City staff and team members toured these cities 04 to review park developments, recreational facilities, and maintenance levels. Standards Analysis The team utilized some of the published recommendations by the National Recreation „04°' and Park Association (NRPA), as well as local DFW guidelines, for evaluating 05 standards for both park acreages and facilities. . Public hut& Needs Assessment /CD' Ite With National Service Research leading this effort, a series of steps were utilized to 6 determine the park and recreation needs of the community. This included four (4) /7"44z, visioning sessions with Wylie citizens, and then an online survey through the City's website. From the feedback, the team was able to quantify the specific needs of the citizens. CITY OF WYLIE I METHODOLOGY I 8 %NI PARK& RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN I I ' I **4 The team developed a priority criteria system for ranking high, moderate, and low [LE priority needs. From these criteria, a weighted priority ranking was established based 11 upon input from the Citizen Survey, Park Board, City staff, and Dunaway team. Attilt 'la „0„ 610001000 000 Wee The team prepared specific recommendations in an Action Plan that outlines renovations and new development of parks and recreational facilities to meet future needs within the community. Imple 'entail" p70 To support the Action Plan, the team prepared an Implementation Plan for the cP° 64.1* projected budgets / capital costs within the Action Plan. This included funding . recommendations that might be utilized over the next 5 to 10 years. 'Atoi> taptirliminat rark aster Ian The team prepared the Preliminary Park Master Plan document outlining the entire process, findings, and recommendations. This included preparing exhibits/maps for the items recommended with the Action Plan. Step 11 Fi I 1 'aster Plan 0,07 te The team prepared the Final Master Plan document. This task included final presentations to the Park Board and the City Council. CITY OF WYLIE I METHODOLOGY 9 No Text PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 0 1 4 0 "1°P P °0 0 "°4 1 0"Q 1 4 0 11 11 11 1 ° Within their growing community and increasingly utilized pork system, City staff has kept on excellent inventory of the recreational amenities in the Wylie pork system. (]sing information provided by City staff, the Dunaway team was able to compile o complete inventory of existing parks, recreation facilities and open spaces in the system. From this inventory, Dunaway staff toured and photographed each pork site throughout Wylie. Acreage and amenity inventories for each park were provided to Dunaway. The following pages provide o summary inventory of the existing parks and recreational facilities within the City including park location, size, list ofamenities, etc. Each facility isalso identified per ifs location in the East, West or Central zone wfWylie. /Seepoye 57/orfullporkmopwifh zones) CITY {JFVVYL|E I INVENTORY 1 11 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 12 ©A f'V LOCATION: 300 Country Club Rd ACRES: 164.7 CLASSIFICATION: Regional Park AMENITIES. Hike / Bike Trak -±G mi Nature Trak -C2 mi Gymnasium - I Benches -9 Drinking Fountain - 2 Foot Bridges - 2 Handicap Parking - 2 Off -Street Parking - 32 \ \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 12 ©A f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION: 307 Crosscreek Dr ACRES: 4.8 CLASSIFICATION: Linear Park CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 13 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ) LOCATION: i ) 3GSelma L ( ) � ) ACRES: \ { 5.29 ( \ )CLASSIFICATION: \ \ Neighborhood Park \ ) \ ) & EN71» \ \ 'Soccer Goals -4 } \ ' Bo&gops -4 ) ' 93GPurposePmGe Fields -2 } ) 'CricketD§d - i \ ) \ ) ) ) \ \ ) ) ) CITY OF G YLIE IINVENTORY 1 14 VAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN {... .......w.....> {) L CAT N: l6WGG@:Woy \ ( \ ACRES: ) ) ( ( CLASSIFICATION: ) ) Neighborhood Park ) ( & EN71» ) ).Basketball Full Court d ) \ .Hike 2Bike trail -C3mi ) \ . Playgrounds -i { \ .Covered Picnic Tables -3 ) ) .Small Pavilion d ( \ . BBQ Grills -2 { ) . Benches -4 ) ) . Drinking Fountains d { { .Handicap Parking d ) } .O4 Street Parking d2 ) ) ( \ } ( ) ) ) \ } CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 15 \ PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 16 t L LOCATION: 2600 Irene Dr a ACRES: 17.16 CLASSIFICATION: u Linear Park AMENITIES: Hike / Bike Trail - 0.3 mi Footbridges -1 Handicap Parking -1 Off -Street Parking -12 CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 16 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN { CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 17 - LOCATION: ) 300 Nathan Dr © : \ACRES: \ ) 28.2 ) \ } ) CLASSIFICATION: ( ) Neighborhood Park \ \ � ) & EN7mS ± ) . Playground d \ \ 'Covered Picnic Table d ) . Benches-] } \ \ \ � ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 17 - PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN \............�� � { CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 18 ©A LOCATION: \ { 3105SnnoM C ) {ACRES: {24 \ \CLASSIFICATION: { Neighborhood Park \ & EN7|ES: { . Basketball Coup d { . Some Goals -2 \ .Backstop - i \ .Hike ZBike Trails -0.85 mi { . Playground - 2 { . Benches -8 \ . Foot Ddges d {.Off -Street Parking -G \ . Handicap Parking - I \ \ \ \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 18 ©A PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ]21, LOCAT|900 Ryrwa LACRES: 4.2 CLASSme&T :Neighborhood P&& EN|T|E5: GQZEQ wails-COBoy round dCoveedEmETGc § .Small Pavilion d \ . BBQ Grills - I \ \ . Bench „ -4 \ . Drinking Fountains d \ \ \ : \ \ \ ° \ � \ ° \ \ } \ � \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 19 ©A PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION: 1109 Wooded Creek Ave ACRES: 11.1 CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Hike / Bike Trail - 0.4 mi Playground -I Benches - 2 CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 20 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN �:..� LOCATION: _.:�._.:., \2906 RanD \ \ ACRES: } 34.09 }CLASSIFICATION: } \ Linear Park \ \ & EN|T|E5: \ .GyZEy Trail- CG5mi \ . Nature »so-34oces \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � CITY SFWYLIEIINVENTORY 121 - PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ( . . . . ... .. . N: \ . . . . 2 ` \ § 2 ]\&Spanish Oak 91 \ 1 \ ACRES: ( } 0.08 }CLASSIFICATION: \ \ Neighborhood Park \ \ & EN|T|E5: \ ° Undeveloped \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ } \ \ \ \ } \ \ \ \ \ \ } CITY SFWYLIEIINVENTORY 122 \-\l PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION: 300 Lakehurst Dr ACRES: 2.05 CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Basketball Courts - I Soccer Goals - 4 Multi -Purpose Practice Fields - 2 Benches- 4 Off Street Parking - 14 \ } *Soccer fields at Lakeside Estates Park are owned by the City of Wylic The pond, parking lot, pool, n CITY OF WYLIE IINVENTORY 1 23 1A1 f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ( } \ LOCATION: ; \ 208E ylAdDr \ \ \ ACRES: } 26.7 }CLASSIFICATION: \ \ Neighborhood Park \ \ & EN|T|E5:Unde§oped \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ { ®See Appendix for Concept Plan CITY OF WYLIE l INVENTORY 1 24 A PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION:IN 851 Hensley Ln RACES: CLASSIFICATION: Community Park AMENITIES - Softball ENITIES-Softball Fields - 4 Soccer Fields - 9 rootbail heids - 5 Basketball Court -1 Volleyball Courts (Sand) - 2 Hike / Bike Trail -1.8 mi Playground -1 Covered Picnic Tables - 5 Picnic Units - 5 Bleachers -18 Drinking Fountains - 2 Restroom Buildings - 2 Concession Building - 2 Off Street Parking - 287 Handicap Parking - 32 CITY OF WYLIE ( INVENTORY 1 25 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION: 800 Thomas St ACRES: 39.7 CLASSIFICATION: Community Park AMENITIES: Baseball Fields - 8 Basketball Courts - 3 Backstops - 6 Multi -Purpose Practice Fields - 5 Hike / Bike Trails -1.05 mi f Playground -1 Covered Picnic Table -11 Large Pavilion -1 Small Pavilion -1 BBQ Grills - 4 Benches - 5 Bleachers -16 Drinking Fountains - 2 Restroom Buildings - 2 Concession Buildings -1 Off -Street Parking - 236 •Handicap Parking - 7 5�a CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 26 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ( y \ LOCATION: Ballard Av > \ ACRES: } 4.]5 }CLASSIFICATION- Special LASSmc&pON-SpmG Use Areas \AMENITIES - Playgrounds EN|T|E5:Royround -1 ) .Covered Picnic Tables -8 \ .Gazebod ( .Large Pavilion d \ . BBQ Grills -3 \ . Benches -G \ . Drinking Fountains d \ . Memorial / Monumen!-i \ Restroom Buildings -1 ) . Handicap Parking -3 \.Off-Sf»ed5 \ \ \ \ \ } \ \ \ � CITY OF W YLIE IINVENTORY 1 27 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ��s�4�w�ac��4a`ya:�,.x..�z,,.«�av>.�x�.'a4axsxxxx�a�m�ca..�..ca.�a`�saxga�}uwxv;�a�,sxxcse>a�axsw LOCATION: 1202 Birmingham St ACRES: 3.3 4 CLASSIFICATION; Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Backstops - 2 Hike / Bike Trails - 0.4 mi Playgrounds -1 Covered Picnic Tables - 2 Small Pavilion -1 Picnic Units - 2 BBQ Grills - 3 Benches -2 Drinking Fountains -1 Handicap Parking - 2 Off -Street Parking -13 CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 28 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN } \ LOCATION: \ 803Moreno C \ \ ACRES: } ].5 }CLASSIFICATION: \ Neighborhood Park \ \ & EN|T|E5: \ .Hike ZBike wails -0.3 mi ) . Playground d \ .Picnic Units -2 § . Benches -3 \ .Handicap Parking d \ . O f-S!»e Parking - 9 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \c \ T%npark isowned by 6edy of t Wylie and HOA maintained, CITY OF G YLIE IINVENTORY 1 29 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION: 111 Dominion Dr ACRES: 2.1 CLASSIFICATION: Linear Park AMENITIES: Planned Hike / Bike Trail - 3.9 mi This park is owned by the City of Wylie and HOA maintained. CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 30 VAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION: III Dominion Dr ACRES: 12.9 CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Playground -I Swimming Pool -I Pond -I lk\*This park is owned by the City of Wylie oncd1',HH0A maintained. CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 31 I -A# 1r'v PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION: 5351 Pleasant Valley Rd ACRES: 37.7 9. AM AMENITIES: Hike / Bike Trails - 0.5 mi Nature Area - 37 acres Benches -3 Off -Street Parking - 9 Handicap Parking -I This park is owned by Dallas County and maintained by the City of Wylie. CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 32 VAI f IV PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ( . . . . . .. . . \231 . .. . .., Sh dy m\k Dr \ \ ACRES: 0.7 } \ \ CLASSIFICATION: \ Neighborhood Park § \ AMENITIES - EN|TE»Boyround Playground d \ \Benches-] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 33 \ PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE j INVENTORY 1 34 LOCATION: 326 Canyon Lake Dr ACRES: 6.1 CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: i ° Picnic Units - 2 t t CITY OF WYLIE j INVENTORY 1 34 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN \ \O\2 m D \ \ ACRES: } ]3.3 }CLASSIFICATION: \ \ Neighborhood Park \ \ & EN|T|E5: \ ' Undeveloped \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ( ®See Appendix for Concept Gan CITY SFWYLIEIINVENTORY 135 - PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ..........�... ( � 2 \ LOCATION: \ GR Cedar Point Dr \ \ ACRES: \ ]3.5 § { \ CLASSIFICATION: \ Neighborhood Park \ i \ A EN|T|E5:' Undeveloped \ \ � \ \ � \ ° \ \ } \ � \ \ \ \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }y \ See � AppenJz6rConm@ Plan CITY SFWYLIEIINVENTORY 136 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 13i LOCATION: 406 Carver Dr ACRES: 1.96 CLASSIFICATION: Linear Park AMENITIES: Hike / Bike Trail - 0.42 mi lx CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 13i PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ........ w.���,\ ( : \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 38 ©A LOCATION: } \ Wevgo@ Way \ \ ACRES: 6.3 } }CLASSIFICATION; \ \ Linear Park \ \ & EN|T| 5: \ .Hike ZBike Trail- 0.5 mi \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 38 ©A PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 139 LOCATION: 424 Westgate Way L ACRES: 12.2 L CLASSIFICATION: Community Park AMENITIES: Hike / Bike Trail - 0.9 mi Skating Facilities -1 Covered Picnic Tables - 3 Small Pavilion -1 Picnic Units - 8 BBQ Grills - 5 Benches -11 Drinking Fountains - 3 Off -Street Parking - 8 Handicap Parking -1 L L a CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 139 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN \............ .....� { LOCATION: » {75OdmdGDr {ACRES: { 5.6 {CLASSIFICATION: { Linear Park \AMENITIES: { . Roysued d { . Benches -4 { .Hike ZBike Trail ƒ\Reƒ -C9 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 40 ©A PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 41 JAI LOCATION: 300 Masters Ave t ACRES: 0.5 CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Playground -1 Picnic Units - 3 BBQ Grills - 2 Benches -1 Off -Street Parking - 5 Handicap Parking - 1 k a k a a k �a CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 41 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 42 VAI LOCATION: 1705 Harvest Crossing ACRES: 10.27 L CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Playground -1 Small Pavilion -1 • Covered Picnic Tables -1 L L L a CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 42 VAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE j INVENTORY 1 43 LOCATION: 1330 Valley Stream Dr ACRES: 15 CLASSIFICATION: Linear Park AMENITIES: • Undeveloped L a L a a L a a L a a CITY OF WYLIE j INVENTORY 1 43 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 44 LOCATION: 101 Lyndhurst Dr ACRES: 15 CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Playgrounds -1 Hike / Bike Trail -1.4 mi Small Pavilions -1 Benches - 5 k k k k k k This park is owned by the City of Wylie and HOA maintained. Y":flUS}11SR4�i`3.4`�"c41:�ikl�U3\2�4Si�L1`9�`SRS1��lY`b1�:w'�2\TSaV'SS\�?R::14.R3�'.i1k3:s*SA14g'..gi\W`:\'�\\\\\-'A\W`3435'k�4AU��..,� CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 44 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE j INVENTORY 1 45 JAI LOCATION: 961 East Brown St04 ACRES: 13.6 CLASSIFICATION: Special Use Area AMENITIES: 9 -Hole Disc Golf Course -1 Handicap Parking - 2 Off -Street Parking - 8 L L L a CITY OF WYLIE j INVENTORY 1 45 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 46 y LOCATION: 1312 East Brown St ACRES: 5.6 a CLSIFICATI : Community Park AMENITIES: Backstops - 2 Multi -Purpose Fields - 2 Soccer Goals -4 F F F F F t a CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 46 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION 213 Kings Ct ACRES; 2 CLASSIFICATION: Linear Park AMENITIES: k Hike / Bike Trails - 0.25 mi L L a L L a L L a CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 147 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ACRES: 0 5.9 1411 -9- INN ON 11A AMENITIES: 'Covered Picnic Tables 2 ' Benches 4 Small Pavilion -I *This park isowned 6fthe City of Wylie and HOA maintained. CITY (}FVVYL|E I INVENTORY 1 48 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 49 LOCATION: 351 Rutherford Ave 0 ACRES: 4.52 L CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Basketball Courts -1 Hike Bike Trails - 0.33 mi Playgrounds -1 Covered Picnic Tables - 3 Small Pavilion -1 Picnic Units - 2 BBQ Grills - 4 Benches - 7 Drinking Fountains - 1 L L a CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 49 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN L LOCATION: 4050 Wylie East Dr0 L ACRES: 9 CLASSIFICATION: Neighborhood Park AMENITIES: Playground -1 L Aesthetic / Fishing Pond -1 Covered Picnic Tables -1 Benches - 4 Small Pavilion -1 L a L a a L a L This park is awned by the City of a Wylie and HOA maintained. CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 50 JAI PARKS. RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ( LOCATION: ( § ° \ 22 Cdr L » \) { ACRES: { 6.7 {CLASSIFICATION: \ Neighborhood Park \ & N|T|ES: \ .Hike ZBike Trail- 0.6 mi { . Playground d \Benches -G .A vhe:ZBaagPndd \ \ \ \ \ \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 51 -A PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN \..................� { LOCATION: \ { GS Spencer Ln ;\ ( \ ACRES: ) { ].l \ \CLASSIFICATION: \ { Neighborhood Park } \ & EN|T|ES: { .Hike ZBike Trail- 0.15 mi { . Benches -3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 52 -A PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LOCATION: 1901 Skyview Dr ACRES: 80 CLASSIFICATION: 0 Community Park AMENITIES: Volleyball Courts (Sand) -1+ Equestrian Trails -l+ Playground -1 Swimming Beach -1 Covered Picnic Tables -1+ Small Pavilion -1+ BBQ Grills -1+ Restroom Buildings - l+ L a L a "Thisark is owned b the United P Y ,k States Army Corps of Engineers. CITY OF WYLIE 6 INVENTORY 1 53 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Park Inventory &Amenities -West Zone CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 154 JAJ PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN aPark Inventory & Amenities - Central Zone CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 55 W f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Park Inventory &Amenities -East Zone CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 156 lAkl f IV PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Legend WvfieTj 'voklal 8 r 8 c -d i Rs Rt", Nclf'3 1,4 mEkinw Roadways CITY OF WYLIE I INVENTORY 1 57 I-Aki f N No Text PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 0 0° 0"°0 - 0° "1 11 11 "1 4 11°�0 Is 0 0����� The population of o community can be evaluated in o variety ofways for purposes of park planning, both physically and financially. The offering of public facilities is based in part on the consumption characteristics of the residents. This is true in planning for recreational needs within the Wylie community. The location, size, and amenities o[parks should be based nnthe density and distribution ofthe population as recipients of these services. In order to assist in forecasting the future park and recreation needs throughout Wylie, this section provides information on some particular characteristics over the past five to seven years. Data was obtained through the City ofWylie Economic Development Corporation using current ES[}icommunity profile reports. Caucasian Africa n -American American Indian Asian Some Other Race Two orMore Races Hispanic Origin n 2010 E 2018 -, 2023 CITY OF WYLIE I POPULATION & DEMOGRAPHICS 1 59 10 House Values $2,000,000 + $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 $1,000,000- $1,499,999 $750,000 - $999,999 $500,000 - $749,999 $400,000 - $499,999 $300,000 - $399,999 $250,000 - $299,999 $200,000 - $249,999 $150,000 - $199,999 $100,000 - $149,000 $50,000 - $99,999 Less than $50,000 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 0,00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 112018 M 2023 Data Note: Household population includes persons not residing in group quarters. Avergoe Household Size is in the household population divided by total households. Persons in families include the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption. Per Capita Income represents the income received by a// persons aged 15 years and over divided by the total population. CITY OF WYLIE I POPULATION & DEMOGRAPHICS 1 60 JAI f'v No Text 2 3 Ot 1MIA", k avem "am Now PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 0-14 15-34 35-54 55-74 75+ N 2010 0 2018 2023 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esh forecasts for 2078 and 2023 Esn'converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. CITY OF WYLIE I POPULATION & DEMOGRAPHICS 162 I -At f 11 No Text PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve Plan o, TX • Highly Visable Nature Preserve/ Civic Complex • Balance of Open Space &-Activity Programming • Public / Private Partnerships • Facility &- Meeting Room Rentals • Amphitheater &- Outdoor Festival Space • Diverse Trail Network Jack Carter Dog Park Plano, TX • Resourceful Placement of Destination Facilities • Citywide Trail Network Connection • Durable Architectural Details CITY OF WYLIE I BENCHMARKING 1 64 VAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Jack Carter Outdoor Pool Plan o, TX Popular Aquatic Destination Utilized Open Space in Utility Easement Wide Ramge of Waterplay Features Positive Revenue Generation Citywide Trail Network Connection Carpenter Park Plan p TX • Highly Active Community Park/ Multi -Generational Range of Indoor/ Outdoor Activities • Competitive Sports Fields • Citywide Trail network Connection The Vineyards* Grapevine, TX • Revenue Generating Lakefront Campground • Variety of Camping Opportunities (RV Camping, Primitive Campsites, Rental Cabins) Support Amenities (Playground, General Store, Restroom/Shower) • Lake Access (Swimming Beach, Boat Ramp, Pier, etc.) *Park closed on day of benchmark tour CITY OF WYLIE I BENCHMARKING 1 65 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Oak Grove Park Grapevine, TX Lake District Sports Destination Tournament Quality Fields • Upgraded Architectural Therning • Offers Lakeshore Activities & Trails Andrew Brown Park - West Coppell, TX Newly Updated Softball 4-Plex and Soccer Fields • Nice Mix of Neighborhood Park Amenities (Playground, Pavilion, Basketball, etc.) • Internal Trail Loops and Citywide Network Connections Strong Architectural Identity Connects with Andy Brown East Neighborhoods Coppell, TX 0 11 . 01 "1 0 101 0 0 11 0 11 1 01 0 0 11 1 11 The CORE Recreation Center and Aquatic Center • Large Civic Green with a Variety of Flexible Event Spaces • Connected Water Features with Access Points Strong Architectural Identity Connects with Andy Brown West Neighborhoods . Hierarchy of Trails Within Citywide Trail Network CITY OF WYLIE I BENCHMARKING 1 66 10 f'v No Text PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN When the Dunaway team evaluated the current park system in Wylie, it was important to understand the range of parks, recreation facilities, and other open space areas utilized for recreational activities. A key part of this evaluation was comparing the needs of the present population as well as considering future growth expected. This Master Plan includes a selection of traditional standards established by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), especially applicable to growing communities like Wylie. The NRPA standards have been the most widely accepted and used standards for decades. This section includes a comparison of Wylie's current park system to NRPA standards based upon park acreage per population, as well as recreational facilities per population. Criteria for Standards The most common standards for park planning, as recognized by park and recreational professionals, are the published standards by the NRPA. As acknowledged in their publications, the NRPA recognizes the 'Importance of establishing and using park and recreation standards as: A Enational expression of minimum acceptable facilities for the citizens of urban and rural communities A guideline to determine land requirements for various kinds of park 1-j and recreation areas and facilities A basis for relating recreation needs to spatial analysis within a community wide system of parks and open spaces One of the major structuring elements that can be used to guide and assist regional development A means to Justify the need for parks and open space within the overall land use pattern of a region or community The purpose of the NRPA standards is to present park and recreation space guidelines that are applicable for planning, acquisition, and development of parks systems. These standards should be viewed as a guide by those municipalities that use them. The standards are to be coupled with the expertise of park planners when evaluating a community to which they are applied. Variations in the standards can also be established to reflect the unique social and geographical conditions of the community. CITY OF WYLIE I STANDARDS 1 68 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Park Classification System As the team evaluated Wylie's park system, they slightly revised the classification of each park by type, size, service area, and acres per 1,000 population. The following five (5) NRPA classifications for parks were used for this Master Plan: Neighborhood Park Neighborhood parks serve a variety of age groups within a limited area or "neighborhood". They range in size from 1-15 acres and generally serve residents within a V4 to %z mile radius. The neighborhood park is an area for active recreation such as field games, court games, playgrounds, picnicking, etc. Facilities are generally unlighted and there is limited parking, if any, on site. NRPA standards for these parks are I to 2 acres per 1,000 population. Community Park Community parks are larger than neighborhood parks and serve several neighborhoods. They range in size from 16-99 acres and serve the entire City. The community park may be a natural area or developed area for a variety of outdoor recreation such as ballfields, playgrounds, boating, fishing, swimming, camping, picnicking, and trail systems. NRPA standards for these parks are 5 to 8 acres per 1,000 population. Regional Park Regional parks are very large multi -use parks that serve several communities within a particular region. They range in size from 500 acres and above and serve those areas within a one hour driving distance. The regional park provides both active and passive recreation, with a wide selection of facilities for all age groups. They may also include areas of nature preservation for activities such as sight-seeing, nature study area, wildlife habitat, and conservation areas. NRPA standards for regional parks vary due to the specific site and natural resources. Special Use Areas Special use areas and parks are for specialized or single purpose recreation activities. NRPA defines these areas such as historical areas, nature centers, marinas, zoos, conservatories, arboretums, arenas, amphitheaters, plazas or community squares. There are no specific standards for size or acreage since each community will vary. Linear Park Linear parks are built connections or natural corridors that link parks together. Typically, the linear park is developed for one or more modes or recreational travel such as walking, Jogging, biking, in-line skating, hiking, horseback riding, and canoing. NRPA does not have any specific standards for linear parks other than they should be sufficient to protect the resources and provide maximum usage. CITY OF WYLIE I STANDARDS 1 69 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN * The graphic on page 73 illustrates the service areas of each park facility in Wylie's existing system. CITY OF WYLIE I STANDARDS 1 70 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN For its current population of approximately 52,500 the city of Wylie is above standards for providing neighborhood parks and is below standards for providing community parks. For its projected population In 2023, the city of Wylie is expected to continue to exceed standards for providing neighborhood parks to its citizens. The deficit in providing community parks is expected to increase. CITY OF WYLIE I STANDARDS 1 71 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN � � I 'Dunaway recommendation for high use by Youth Sports. 2 Facility guidelines from NRPA guidelines as well as DFW area standards. CITY OF WYLIE j STANDARDS 1 72 10 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Legend E v 3 bo I g Pak, 5, Vkyly Pig ET -1 gJ'sw' Ak-ol (Pockefl Flarle. 8 e no ce A re -a "Pi tld i I e R, ad i u s) Service Area o x°21 KlOe RediusIr commuselk"y Rallk yep v x- el A � es (2 Mies &J,- ) CITY OF WYLIE I STANDARDS 1 73 lAl f'V No Text PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN EEDS 0 0°���0 "1 11 1� 0 11°��0 0 1 1 0 ������0 0 V 4 11°�0 Is 0 0 11 11� The Needs Assessment isone ofthe most significant instruments inthe development ofoParks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. The findings ofthe Needs Assessment provides o foundation for the direction of the Master Plan and provides guidance for developing priorities for park facilities and future parks and open space development. National Service Research v,�. (NSR), full-service research firm, employed o multi -step approach in garnering opinions of the citizens of the City of Wylie. The Needs Assessment process was undertaken to meet the following objectives: ~ Identify priorities nfWylie Citizens for parks, facilities and program needs ~ Measure the interest invarious activities, events and programs ^ Identify support for funding options for future development ~Evaluate profiles Vfsurvey respondents bykey demographic variables In order to complete this study, four visioning sessions were conducted. Two were held on September 27'20l/\o|6:O0pmand 7.3(}pm(Wylie Senior Recreation {.ente6/\nadditional two meetings were hold on October 4, 2018 at 6:[)0prn and 7:3(}prn (Wylie Recreation Center). The results of these visioning sessions assisted NSR with the survey instrument design (sec appendix for visioning session notes). The final survey instrument was available online through the City's website and various social media sites. Additionally a postcard announcing the survey was mailed to 8,000 randomly selected households inthe West, Central, and East regions ofthe city (see graphic bel~~J.The postcards were mailed October 29, 2018 and the survey closed December 14, 2018. A total of 1,470 responses were received. /\total of 58 of the surveys were on paper and were received from the Senior Center and Recreation Center. The margin of error of this sample size data 95% confidence level is plus or minus Area Zones - Wylie Survey responses received per zone. CITY OFVVYL|E I NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1 75 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Awareness of Parks, Recreation Facilities & Programs 45% of respondents find out about parks, recreation facilities and reacreation programs thrugh the City of Wylie website. Other prominent means were Facebook/social media, and Park and Recreation Department flyers/brochures. City of Wylie website Facebook/Social Media Park & Recreation Dept. flyers or brochures Youth Sports Associations School District publications Emails from Wylie Other 0% 20% 40% 60% Note: Percentages will total to more than 100% clue to multiple responses allowed. CITY OF WYLIE I NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1 76 JAI f'v PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Excellent Somewhat Unsatisfactory Excellent Good/Satisfactory Somewhat unsatisfactory No Opinion 70%ofrespondents reported the quality cfparks and recreation opportunities are excellent or good. 26%rated them somewhat unsatisfactory orpoor. The primary comments regarding why the quality ofparks are somewhat unsatisfactory orpoor: AthelhcFields need better nnaintenoncp/noorquolifv More variety of opportunities indoor and outdoor Need opool, aquatic center, sposhpmd ^ More trails and trail connections 60%nfrespondents reported the quonititvmfparks and recreation opportunities are excellent Vr good. 36%rated them somewhat unsatisfactory o/poor. - [hoprirnorycunnrnontsregonding why the quantity ofparks are somewhat unsatisfactory orpoor: Need more othelticfields ^ More variety ofactivities ~ Need opool, aquatic center, sposh pod ~ More trails and trail connections CITY [)FVVYL|E I NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1 77 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Frequency of Park Use Within the last year responclants have reported that 52% use parks, 40% use athletic fields, 41% use playgrounds,and 32% use trails monthly or more. Parks Athletic fields Playgrounds Trails Recreation Center Pavilions Senior Recreation Center Tennis Courts Sand Volleyball Court Skate Park Veterans Memorial Disc Golf Brown House Historic Building 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% El At Least Weekly At Least Monthly ❑At Least Quarterly El Twice a year or less in Never CITY OF WYLIE I NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1 78 JAI f'v PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Programs of Interest Respondents indicated programs they and members of their households would be most interested in participating. Farmer's market, festivals/events, fitness classes/events, swim lessons and arts &- crafts were programs of most interest to the respondents. CITY OF WYLIE I NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1 79 I -Al f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN *Mean Score: a// respondents rank every facility as 4 -definitely needed, 3, 2, 1 -not needed. The mean score column represents a calculation of the 4, 3, 2, 1 scores, Rank. a// respondents are also asked to rank their TOP THREE facilities only. The rank column represents these totals in order of importance according to respondents. CITY OF WYLIE I NEEDS ASSESSMENT 180 10 f'v 4 -Definitely Needed 1\3 PliFI.-Rai 1—Not No Mean 3 2 Needed Opinion Score* RANI(,* Aquatic center (indoor leisure area and lap lanes) 57% 15% 11% 9% 8% 3.29 ;L Hike/bike/walk trails connected throughout the city 48% 24% 1 15% 6% 7% 1 3.22 '2' Aquatic Center (outdoor leisure area and lap lanes) 45% 15% 16% 13% 11% 3.03 7 . . . . . . . . ..... . . Spray ground/water splash pads 46% 18% 15% 11% 10% 3.11 . . . . . . . . . . . .........4 . . . . Dog park 31% 18% 21% 16% 14% 2.75 Expanded amenities at Lake Lavon 45% 1 22% 15% 7% 1 11% 3.18 Additional practice fields 28% 14% 19% 17% 22% 2.67 . ............ ... Hike/bike/walk trails along the lake/dam 42% 23% 18% 7% 10% 3.10 "` . . . . ... . . . . . . ...... . .\\\ Z" Multipurpose sportsfields 28% 15% 19% 17% 21% 2.68 "9 Amphitheater 15% 21% 25% 20% 19% 2.39 . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . \\\, Recreation on East side of Wylie 21% 14% 15% 23% 27% 2AS '11.. . ...... . Updated playgrounds for children 28% 24% 22% 11% 15% 2.31 ............. . . . . . . .. �40V\\ 100 Pond with fishing pier 23% 19% 22% 19% 17% 236 . . ..... Expanded senior recreation center 13% 13% 24% 16% 34% 2.35 4414 Additional lighting in parks 38% 22% 18% 9% 13% 3.03 Open spaces/natural areas 27% 22% 24% 13% 14% 2.73 Mountain bike/BMXtrails 16% 14% 26% 19% 25% 2.36 17 Nature center/nature preserve 23% 20% 23% 18% 16% 2.57 Community garden 18% 16% 25% 1 21% 20% 1 2.38 Special events in parks 22% 27% 24% 11% 16% 2.70 20 Additional large pavilions (special events, reunions, etc.) 16% 21% 30% 17% 16% 2.43 Benches/seating areas 22% 25% 27% 13% 13% 2.65 22 Picnic areas with grilling stations 17% 23% 30% 16% 14% 2.49 ......... Exercise stations along trails 14% 17% 26% 25% 18% 2.23 4 Wildlife/ Ian education stations in parks 14% 16% 27% 22% 21% 2.26 p Expanded skate park 7% 7% 19% 34% 33% 1.79 Additional classroom space at Wylie Recreation Center 9% 10% 22% 24% 35% 2.05 `.27 Expanded Veterans Memorial Park 6% 13% 25% 23% 33% 2.03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, I A '3� Additional art/sculptures in parks 6% 8% 19% 44% 23% 1.6�t29 . . . . . . . . . . . . *Mean Score: a// respondents rank every facility as 4 -definitely needed, 3, 2, 1 -not needed. The mean score column represents a calculation of the 4, 3, 2, 1 scores, Rank. a// respondents are also asked to rank their TOP THREE facilities only. The rank column represents these totals in order of importance according to respondents. CITY OF WYLIE I NEEDS ASSESSMENT 180 10 f'v PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Funding Priorities Almost half of respondents strongly support 'increased 'improvement fees from developers. 63% support paying increased user fees. 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Increased improvement Increased user fees fees from developers Bonds MlStrongly Oppose [-]Mildly Oppose [—]Neutral RM Mildly Support ElStrong Support Increased property taxes Funding Option Support 57% of respondents are willing to pay more in property taxes to fund the improvement priorities suffested in this survey. I I i No increase Up to $50/year Up to $75/year Up to $1 00/year Up to $200/year More than $200/year 0% 20% 40% 60% CITY OF YLIE I NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1 81 1A1 f IV No Text PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 0 @ 11 0' 11 0 It 11 Q 11 11 e I. 11 It 11 11 ft . 1� "I V, "1 0 0 V4 11 11 "1 0 Is 0 0 \ * 11 11 11 Establishing clear priorities for the park system is essential for guiding a successful Master Plan. This allows City leaders to understand the importance of annual budgeting and strategies that will meet the needs throughout the Wylie community. The priorities in this section are a result of incorporating the inventory of the current resources, benchmarking outcomes, and citizen survey into a ranking of priority needs. At the completion of the citizen survey during the needs assessment phase, a method of ranking priorities was implemented. This method included using specific input from the citizen survey results, Park Board, City Staff, and the Dunaway team. The following weighted values were assigned to each: Citizen Input / Survey Results (55%) The specific needs and requests by the Wylie community as tabulated from the citizen survey Steering Committee (20%) The specific parks and recreation needs in Wylie as identified by the appointed Steering Committee members Parks & Recreation Department to The specific needs as identified by City staff based upon recreation programs and demands upon resources Dunaway Team (10%) The specific recommendations by the Dunaway planning team based upon assessing the unique needs of the Wylie community, current park resources, demographic profile, and future demands for recreational resources The results of the priority ranking were tabulated into three categories: High Priority, Moderate Priority, and Low Priority. The table on the following page provides a summary of the priorities for Wylie. CITY OF WYLIE I PRIORITY RANKINGS 183 I -At f'V No Text No Text PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 0 V, t" 0 11 \1 V 0 11 & 11 0 11 1 1 IV 0 . 13 "I V, "I a 2 0 0 V 4 11 11 "1 0 Is 0 0 \ * 11 11 \1 Wylie has a tremendously large park system that has successfully served the community. Over time much of the infrastructure in the parks has aged and exceeded their life cycle. The biggest challenge will be prioritizing new capital dollars that will provide for needed park renovations, expansions, and new amenities. To increase capital dollars, Wylie has an opportunity to pursue a variety of other funding sources that would add to the City's financial resources. Some of the following sources can be a part of the overall implementation plan. 1111, 101", 1 M-1,110 To meet needs identified for a growing park system, there are various methods for obtaining additional park land in the appropriate category. This includes land (or fees) donated by developers within the requirements of a park dedication ordinance. As part of this master plan, the Dunaway team reviewed the City's current park dedication ordinance and provided recommendations for revising the ordinance to City staff. One of the biggest challenges facing City leaders in Implementing a park master plan will be prioritizing new capital dollars that will provide for needed park renovations, expansions, and new amenities. To achieve this, City leaders will need to outline an annual strategy for funding capital improvements across the entire park system. To add to the City's available financial resources, Wylie has an opportunity to pursue a wide range of other sources that would help fund the various capital improvements prioritized in this plan. Some of the following sources can be part of the overall implementation plan and are keyed to priorities and park locations in the Implementation Plan on the following pages of this section. CITY OF WYLIE I IMPLEMENTATION 186 I -At f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN F! Advertising ----- - - -------- J, This funding source comes from the sale of advertising on park and recreation related items such as the city's program guide, on scoreboards, and other visible products or services. 0 Corporate Sponsorships This funding source comes from corporations that invest in the development or enhancement of new or existing facilities. Sponsorships are also successfully used for special programs and events. Fees/ Charges This funding source comes from fees for use of a facility or participation In a city sponsored recreational program. ............................ Foundations /I This funding source comes from tax-exempt organizations who give donations for specific facilities, activities, or programs. These may include capital campaigns, fundraisers, endowments, sales of 'items, etc. Friends Associations This funding source comes from friends group that raise money typically for a single focus priority. This may include a park facility or program that will better the community they live in. General Fund This funding source is the primary means in providing for annual capital programs, improvements, and infrastructure upgrades. General Obligation Bonds ............... This funding source comes from bond programs approved by the citizens for capital improvements within the parks system. Grants - TPWD Outdoor Program This funding source comes from grants for the acquisition and development of outdoor recreational facilities. r I I I Grants - TPWD Recreational Trails Prograll This funding source comes from grants for the development of new trails or trail extensions. CITY OF WYLIE I IMPLEMENTATION 1 87 I -Al f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 10 Grants - Transportation Enhancement (TCOG / TXDOT) This funding source comes from grants for the development of new trails or trail extensions. Hotel / Motel Funds This funding source comes from taxes accrued for local hotels and motels in Wylie. Interlocal Agreements Ej W This funding source comes from contractual agreements with other local units of government for the joint -use of indoor or outdoor recreational facilities. M Irrevocable Trust This funding source comes from individuals who leave a portion of their wealth for a trust fund. The fund grows over a period of time and is available for the city to use a portion of interest to support specific park facilities as designated by the trustee. Naming Rights This funding source comes from leasing or selling naming rights for new indoor facilities or signature parks. Park Dedication Fee This funding source comes from private developers who give land for public parks. This may include land along drainage corridors that can be developed for greenbelts and trails. Par Improvement Fees This funding source comes from fees assessed for the development of residential properties with the proceeds to be used for parks and recreation purposes. Partnerships This funding source comes from public/public, public/private, and public/not-for-profit partnerships. Permits (special Use Permits) This funding source comes from allowing other parties to use specific park property that involves financial gain. The city either receives a set amount of money or a percentage of the gross from the service that is being provided. Private Donations This funding source comes from private party contributions including funds, equipment, art, and in-kind services. CITY OF WYLIE I IMPLEMENTATION 1 88 I -At f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN [2:0] Reservations This funding source comes from revenue generated from reservations of parks and facilities. The reservation rates are fixed and apply to group shelters, meeting rooms, and sports fields. Revenue Bonds This funding source comes from bonds used for capital projects that will generate revenue for debt services where fees can be set aside to support repayment of the bond. 2?j Sales / 4B Tax (1/2 Cent) This funding source comes from a voter approved sales tax that goes toward parks and recreational improvements. Special Fundraisers This funding source comes from annual fundraising efforts to help toward specific programs and capital projects. Volunteerism / In -Kind Donations This funding source provides indirect revenue support when groups or individuals donate time to help construct specific park improvements (signs, playgrounds, nature trails, etc.) CITY OF WYLIE I IMPLEMENTATION 1 89 I -Al f'V No Text PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PIAN CITY OF WYLIE I IMPLEMENTATION 191 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN CITY OF WYLIE I IMPLEMENTATION 1 92 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN fi7l HIGH PRORITIES TadCgtv Cannoctol,,', 0 0 ;Naha qo Tralmaicng, Late 0 Aqxa-c C*iltt mocxw 0 '4zovltx� C4,4""t outm"o""r 0 0 mo,"trx'�,".1vw �"kmxls Fowl% Atoai' MODERATE PRORITIES kD kt*m gar "t uptiawo, Aqlyslcx"veu 0 ft 0 w 0 Rqr"'m'afx'f" coolms on vw Eas" "'WW44 'c"'O'A"oto 'Ex ovow� Stal*,"As Along t fa, I's Cv) 0,011d, �'vlh 9 LOW PRORITIES Q (1) Q CITY OF WYLIE I RECOMMENDATIONS & IMPLEMENTATION 1 93 lAkl f'V 0 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN APPENDIX .1 11 11 0.1 P., 0 1 0 0 . P .1 P 111. P 0 ff 111. 0 2 41 11 4 1 0 41 I'll 4 0 11 11 11 1 Visioning Session Notes The following notes were recorded by the Dunaway team during round table discussions with Wylie citizens at each visioning session. In addition to providing round table discussion comments, citizens were asked to com- plete a short questionnaire at each visioning session. Questionnaire comments are also included below. Trails/Nature Areas Education stations (plant/wildlife) along trails Water stations along trails Longer trails — 5 miles or more Implement trails master plan Add more soft surface trails More trail connections — especially along the lakes Cycling trails connected to cities Take advantage of easements to add trails Flood plain areas can be used as open space/natural areas Bicycle and skate lanes along roadways Trails along creeks More trail access to lakes Need above ground crossing on 78 More parking Restrooms along trails that are open year -around Nature trails Art along trails Exercise stations along trails Trails along lake ray hubbard More sidewalks Shaded areas along trails Emergency call stations along trails Lighting on some trails Maintenance and drainage needed along some trails Braddock park — trails, no sports, no playgrounds Make city more bikeable More trail connections Bike racks in some areas More neighborhood trail connections Fishing pond within the city for fishing Monarch butterflies, education/wildlife stations CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 95 I -At PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Indoor Recreation — Senior Center ^ Brookshires—useforexponded Senior Center (lo/ger,more parking, safer, near Founder's Plaza) ^Improvedrestmoms ^ Fitnessoneocurrent|ytoosnnoU—needodedicohedond lo/gerspoc=j ^ Private areas for meetings ^ Indoor walking track ^ Larger place toput coats ~ Room for Reelers ~ Senior Center would like some size and quality as Library and Wylie Recreation [enter ~ Dedicated dining area ~ Post office drop ~ Cove/ed outside area for outside activities ~ More parking ~ Want itclassy like the Hilton ~ Safe walk from parking (Bridge SRCWaterb/ooL) ~ Golf carts ~ Computer/lab instruction area ~ Printer, copier, fax, scanner ~ More buses ~ Access togenealogy materials ~ Notaryon-site ~ More room ~ Outdoor seating ^ Need osecond recreation center ^ Event space (Dinner in the [)ori) (Lions Club) ^ Rollerskoting rink ^ Food truck area ^ Aquatics/ aerobics AopJ ^ Free tokids ~ Basketball with nofee ~ More fitness equipment (due to high use, very busy center) ~ Bicycle friendly (less choppy, easy access, safety) ~ Natural trails ~ South ufDam — nature trails and parking Indoor pool with diving (deep area) CITY [}PVVYL|E l APPENDIX l 96 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Spodswovfinding ^ Football (artificial turf) x4+ -Possible stadium -Shaded seating -Permanent restnoornsand concession -4(}0 players registered -Year-round ~ Horseshoes (senior center) ~ Boseboll/so{f ball —4p|exwith restroonnsand concession ~ Practice fields (useable fields) ~ Full size soccer fields ~ Pickleboll ~ Tennis courts ~ Sand Volleyball ~ American Nirgo Warrior Course ~ Multi-purpose practice fields ~ Reserved practice fields ~ Soccer ~ Fishing ~ Drive In theater ~ Disc golf ~ Dog pork ~ Interoctive/hondson play (music) like Hope Park in Frisco ~ Aquatics —lap poo[ diving board ~ Trails — lighting, emergency call areas, rest rooms, drinking fountains Civic Events/Special Use ~ [)oQ park with dog vvuterfounfoin—use USLOE property and for aquatics ~ Amphitheater ~ Multi -use vvoter@ K/eyrner Estates ~ Trash cans @ Onco/park oncourse ~ Vet memorial at Old City Park Toll floB poles ~ Large outdoor event space plus /est/oums ~ Skate park —larger/more active ~ Sculpture park ~ Community garden ~ Neighborhood event space CITY {}PVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 97 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ West entrance for frail @ Brown ~ (_onnnounifystoge/ornphifheofe/ Aquatics ~ Puol—mvirnnoing/ex. ^ Spray grounds ~ Lazy river ~ Competition (no swim team use) ~ Indoor facility / natatorium ~ Therapy pool and ramp ~ Non -chlorine ~ Neighborhood access ~ Combined facility ~ Pool at Recreation Center ~ Indoor ~ Events/orgonizedoctivities/voriety ~ Deep water Outdoor Park Facilities ^ [)ogpork—of leash for small and large dogs, waste stations ^ Pavilions -Large — rental opportunities ~ Community garden ~ Soft surface trails innon-flood areas ~ Mountain bike trails ~ /\T\/frocks ~ Veterans Memorial expansion -Wall -Plaques -Flog poles -DAR support ~ iovonLake amenities -Fishing piers -Darn access -Small cabin rental -Kayak rental -Swimming beach area CITY C}FYVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 98 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Amphitheater ~ Skate park (indoor and outdoor) b1llen.B/ookshi/e'sacquisition) ~ BMX track — combo track/facility ~ Outer loops — cycling — community rides from Richardson ~ Large pavilions ofmunicipal complex ~ /\rtvvolk/»culptuxe garden along trail ~ Nature form animal exposure for kids (petting zoo) ~ Rest/oonos—keepopen In winter ~ Dual dog/people drinking fountain ~ Looping trails inneighborhood ~ [/eeksideutility easement (tree swing) -Waking trail connections -Linking neighborhoods -Sidewalk connections ~ Dated playgrounds A|innnktCourt) (_reekside ~ Community creek clean upevents with HOA partnership ~ iovon[oke -Shoreline amenities -Fishing piers—sufe/cleon -Signage at lofe—tinnes'costetc. -Accessible -Map for visitors -Think ofusers without u boot ~ Cat park ~ Safe routes to schools ~ Trees along trails everyvvhere—McKinneyexnnople ~ Shade structures ~ Amphitheater/small venue for concerts ~ Pollinator gardens — community groups tosupport ~ Missing links/connections toeach neighborhood park ~ Tree program (replant) ~ Adult user amenities -Exercise stations -Call stations ~ 3-5 mile trails with shaded rest stops ~ Open nature/preserve south ofiovondam ~ Natural hiking areas/mowed paths ~ [[)RpS land opportunities ^ Neighborhood connections CITY {)FVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 99 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Questionnaire Comments What imthe best thing about living in Wylie? ^ Quiet and not congested ^ Small town atmosphere ^ Eosyoccess—gneotporkin(_neekside ^ Family ~ The people ~ The evolution ~ Diverse community ~ Small town feeling, moves here in 2006 when senior center was o very small library with hope for bigger thingstocome ~ The variety of shops and vendors ~ We haven't lived here long (6 months) but find the people very friendly ~ Family friendly, lots of things to do with families (young kid'). Lob of public art ~ Small town feel ~ Community involvement ~ I moved here from the east coast. The senior center has been great for me. The stoff, prugnzrns—pleose continue and increase the size ~ Senior recreation and travel ~ Small town feel with community events ~ Senior center ~ Variety ~ Senio/center, small residential feeling ~ Our community oreos, our parks ~ Small town neighborhood feel ~ Active and growing ~ The people ~ Parks, size oftown ~ Small community, city government for community octivities. Senior center ~ Library, Old stone mansion, programs otsenior center, Ballard St. Cafe, Wylie [}pry ~ Still has small town feel ~ The people, sense of community ~ Small town feel with conveniences, retail, medical, within easy access ~ Small town feel, good schools, convenient to work Growing community with lots of possibilities CITY C]FVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 100 JAJ PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN What are the best things about the park system asKtexists today that you want tomake sure are pme- senned/maintained? ^ Bike trail and recreation center ^ Recreation center ^ Outdoor practice facilities — Brent isvery helpful to(_reekside ^ Recreation center and municipal trails ~ Preservation and maintenance ~ Cleanliness ~ Add walking trail around senior center and o bike path ~ Open space, public art ~ Number o{parks close topeople ~ BoUfields, parks, senior center ~ Senior center and recreation center ~ Senior travel with our wonderful staff ~ Easy access, nocqo/ parks for nth lehcs/sports spread out ~ Shade trees, green spaces ~ Walking paths ~ Walking trails, Old City Park ~ 3 -Trolls ~ Discount rates for Wylie residents and senior center ~ Programs otsenior center, library ~ Upkeep ~ Senior activities, educational programs, walking trails, green spaces, recreation center ~ Love the recreation center and senior center ~ New trails behind recreation center ~ Recreotioncente/—oddindoorpool Are there things/issues that need to be addressed through the Master Plan or park department? ^ Ensure no parking in residential areas ^ Lake Luvonparks and fishing ^ Safety ^ FishinBlake/»ond ^ Football fields (Fields otFounders Park are inpoor shape) ^ Aquatics, civic events ^ Continue upgrades ^ Recreation center—one day pass is too expenoive— need hourly pass ^ Not offering the center to everyone—need o dog park ^ Expand walking trails, build bridge to Watorbrook parking lot, odd sidewalk from senior center to Water- brook atepbromk church, odd postal mail box' expand senior center CITY {}PYVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 101 PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ More soccer fields, more use of municipal complex, Wayfinding at Founder's Park ~ Trails ~ Parking, expansion, growth ~ More /estnoornsot Senior Center, more buses otsenior center ~ Aquatics facility, spread out sports activities otFounder's Park ~ Pool, skating rink, wading area for dogs ~ Flower gardens, more preservation of green space, expand senior center, community garden ~ Community center fo hold large groups for events inside ~ Less art, save city money ~ More open parks area ~ City owned park otLake iovon.trail connections, with beach ~ Large outdoor event space, amphitheater otMunicipal complex ~ Conference center orenclosed arena/auditorium ~ Senior center istoo small, need ocommunity garden ~ Lap pool ~ Dog pork, better lighting in smaller parks, better announcement ofevents ~ Safe routes toschools via cycling/vvolking, bike lanes and initially bike routes with City signage ~ More urlonger trails. Bicycle friendly connections between neighborhoods and downtown shops What do you want more of, less or same of? MORE ^ Nature trails ^ Pool, events ^ Updated playground in(_reeksidepark ^ Aquatics ^ Connections tuofher parks ^ Teen community events, summer camps, splash parks, civic centers ^ Soft surface trails, amphitheater, aquatics, outdoor park facilities, Luvon Lake lmkefronf use ^ Public art, family friendly options ^ Bike trails, nature areas, tneoo, nestrounno, trash cans, recycling cons ^ Larger senior center ^ Dog park ^ Aquatics, additional sports park, different trail options ^ Activities for kids ^ Future planning ^ Outdoor grills, fishing ^ Trail connections ^ Incloor/oufdoormquotics ^ Event areas, splash pad inexisting park CITY [}FVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 102 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Dog park, trails that are longer, soft trails ~ Shaded park area with olot ofseating, more parking otsenior center ~ Senior center facilities and programs, sidewalks ~ Lap pool urregular pool, soft surface trails ~ Dog park ~ Senior trips and activities ~ Safe streets for cycling and pedestrians, trails, trees Trails, pool LESS ~ Development in flood plains ~ Sports areas ~ Houses ~ Football stadium ~ Storage facilities, smoke shops, phone places ~ Big trucks What are your dreams, visions, desires, needs for the park system moving forward? ` Trails with trees, benches that are well lit, no sports park near residences ~ Lake Lovonparks for fishing and picnicking ~ Wylie tostand out and be known for something like the balloon festival in Plano ~ Connecting walking and biking trails ~ Recreation center and senior center activities ~ Evolve as the city grows, weather that means buildinQ, improving technology ~ Community pool inside the recreation center with trained lifeguards ~ Not tobeonwait list because people from other cities come and line upand get them ~ Garden with benches, transport carts, dog park, pool for seniors, water spouts to draw geese and ducks, newporklond—puohoseBrookshiresond build olarger senior center, amphitheater ~ Sculpture garden art walk otmunicipal complex with amphitheater, large outdoor pavilion, event space ~ Implement trails master plan ~ Larger senior center with water facilities ~ Water park for all citizens, lo/ger senior center ~ Aquatics, exercise opportunities, youth sports, maintain green space ~ More senior programs with incloorvvolking area ~ Keep people informed ~ /\narea 10teach usabout nature and animals innature and how wehumans impact them. Moybecollob- onote with Texas Parks and Wildlife on this for ideas. ~ Dog park CITY {)FVYYL|E I APPENDIX 1 103 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Veteran's Memorial ~ Art along the trails or sculpture park. The art fund will commission the ori ~ Expand senior center in the some caliber osthe library and recreation center ~ Wide walking trails, pool, water park ~ Longer trails, cleaner park system, address safety issues in porks, more sidewalks, indoor pool, don'tne- g|ect the older sections of town. ~ Bike lanes, farmers market, connect all of Wylie so residents can walk and cycle safely. Bicycle friendly commuting throughout Wylie ^ Longer trails for biking and running ^ Trails along lake/ponds ^ Connect current trails ^ Need crosswalks mtintersections ^ Have otrail system like Richardson ^ Nature center near the lake with nestnoonns ^ Soft and hard surface trails ^ Hiking/mountain bike trails ^ Utilize [}ORA/\ (Dallas Off Road Bicycle Association) volunteers who maintain trails ^ Needs safe trails along 544/bikelane ^ Connect trails with other cities ^ Sage Creek Trail has drainage issues ^ Needs bike lanes along streets ^ Parkside Pmrk— has /1(} acres of open space — make it o nature preserve with trails ^ Need kid friendly biking —odd more sidewalks ^ Trail system to connect with the schools so kids can bike to school ^ Bozeman Pork—connect with other trails ^ Off leash dog area with trails ^ Water fountains along trails ^ Disc golf — add walking paths and improve drainage ^ Add walking trail at the [lmno ^ Provide signage at each park — designate that it is a City of Wylie park (sometimes confusion as to whether the park isonHOA park orCity park ^ Work with Corp of Engineers on trail along lake property ^ Create partnership with Avalon Park ^ Kayak rental along lake ^ Fishing piers otlake and otponds CITY [)FVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 104 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Pheosort[reek—extendexistinBt/uil ~ Nature area for bi/dvvotching and wildflower planting ~ Soft surface trails next to hard surface trails ^ Pickle ball (indoor) ^ Pool fable ot Senior Center ^ Ping pongofSenior Center ^ Gaming (in osocial way) ~ Board games ~ Expand climbing wall ~ Obstacle course ~ Wrestling ring ~ K]in]oWarrior course ~ Lose/hz0 ~ Pinsfock ~ STEAM ocjivities—feen/fvveen (summer) ~ Robotics ~ All -day ply for teen/tvveens ~ Activities with friends ~ Explu/ing/odvenfu/e ~ Triathlons (club) ~ Community chorus ~ Pool at Rec(_enher ~ Amphitheater otCenter ~ Bouldering ~ Art classes ~ Special events that are cheap ~ Indoor tennis ~ Racquetball ~ Outdoor tennis ~ Tennis center ~ Longer child care hours ~ Lower cost for membership ~ STEM/STEAM ~ Indoor trail with Nin]o elements ~ Dance classes ~ Ballet ~ L,yrnnosfics CITY (}FYYYL|E I APPENDIX 1 105 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Introduction classes for all sporfs/octivities ~ Archery ~ /\dultsports/leogues/fou/nornenfs ~ Extend hours for gym (open ot4ono) ~ Indoor recreofIon center for east side ofWylie ~ Small library oneast side ufWylie ~ Computer classes ot Senior Center ~ Senior center oneast side ofWylie ~ More buses ot SRC ~ More yoga class times ~ More pilutes ~ More space tooffer more classes ~ Indoorspo/ts—soccer—odultsond kids ~ Adult soccer leagues /tournaments ~ Racquetball ~ Indoor multi -sport facility ~ 7unnbo ~ Musical classes—piuno. guitar, drums ~ Squat racks and benches ~ More free weights —45 lb bars ~ Power plates ~TRX ~ Busuand stability baits ~ Circuit training area ~ Tires for work outs ~ Battle ropes ~ Steam room ~ Sauna ~ Open walking track to kids with strolle/s—oll ages ~ Downstairs frock open to all ages ~ Indoor pool ~ Classes to do with younger kids ~ Family exercise classes ~ Hong boo/ds for climbing ^ More parking ^ Spread sports out to different facilities ^ Drainage onfields ispoor (Russell Creek, Carpenter Park) Piano, T)( CITY OFVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 106 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Netting along soccer fields &-unyfields ~ Better drainage ~ Turf fields A"ctbolAArtificial turn—FoundeoPo/k ~ Current football fields are poo/ (no rest/oorns/concessimn stand) -Cover bleachers ot turf fields -Nee less /oinouts -Separate location for football/new complex needed -Extra revenue for off season ~ More fields ~ Need adult sports fields ~ Need separate complex for soccer and football ~ Scheduling conflict for soccer forcing kids toplay onSunday ~ Congestion at Founders Park ~ Soccer needs show case fields -Maybe perimeter fencing around Founders Park ~ Soccer needs more practice space inWylie -More green space -Schedule practices versus first come first served bosis— boseboll, softball, soccer ~ Future expansion o{all sports and complexes ~ Athletics needs to grow with population growth ~ Make fields we have now more playable -Make some fields with artificial turn (priority the infields) ~ Skinned fields otDodd Park ~ More Cricket fields inanother location ~ Baseball inthe spring season isalready otmax otCommunity Park (have toplay Wednesday and Sunday ~ Soccer has over l.5[)(}kids and are maxed out otFounder's Park ~ More tournaments but need the facilities tnhandle the wear and tear ~ Need to consider winter grasses ~ Baseball and soccer suffer due torain outs -Need better drainage -Need onew complex ~ Indoor sports complex (like Plano) ~ Improve parking otFounder's Park ~ Not enough practice fields for baseball -Need to be able to reserve space for practice -Current practice fields are inbad shape (Avalon Park) Need a large green space area that is maintained for sports, kite flying, picnicking, etc. CITY [)FVVYL|E i APPENDIX 1 107 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Need more adult sports ~ Resf/oonosotpractice facilities ~ Need more lit volleyball courts -Expand the ones mtFounder's Park -Improve drainage ot Founder's Park -Need outdoor rinse station otVolleyball court ~ Beach volleyball otCorp o{Engineers lake ~ Larger skate park ~ /\nophif heater for outdoor musicals ~ No art ~ Dog park (behind college7\ ~ More 5Kraces ~ Mountain bike pump track ~ Dog pork and dog trail along lake ~ Splash pod ~ More indoor rectokeep upwith growth ~ Farmers market ~ DART station ~ More art ~ Enhancing lokes, camping, access for everyone, walking trails /No (1SACE involvenoenA ~ Poddlefnzils. launching at Kroynner Pork, Bozeman Park &_ Ray Hubbard ~ Community Garden ~ Indoor lop pool with multiple lanes -Swim and tri training ~ Nohztorium—lops and leisure ~ Multigenenzlona Ifacility ~ Pool with slides ~ Pool ntreccenter ~ Family aquatics ~ Combo indoor and outdoor facility ~ Outdoor recreation pool -Family -Support facilities —pavilions -Wafer slides -Diving CITY OFVVYL|E | APPENDIX 1 108 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Splash pods (at Old City Park and Recreation (_enter) ~ Lazy river/beach area ~ Potential partnership with IS[) ~ Wafer aerobics / Indoor heated ~ Intermediate depth water for lops and recreation ~ Learn toswim lessons ^ Outdoor skofIng rink ^ Kirby Park and Valentine -Swingondspide/set—hosoutdotedequipment -Update existing playgrounds ~ Founde/sPork—pinzfeshipdongerous ~ Sproyg/ounds ~ Larger shade structures (fabric) ~ Needotreep/oBrorn—shodeinporks ~ LovonLake Park —CORPS property/maintenance ~ Pavilions — large, rentable, grilling stations ~ Utilize fluodvvoyproperty ~ Bozeman Po/kunderufilized ~ East Wylie has minimal park land ~ Dog parks ~ Need osnnoll lake/pond in o public park (not insubdivision\ ~ Public fishing dock ~ Fishing opportunities (bait and tackle shop) ~ Trees otDodd Park ~ Celebration Po/k—rnulti-user (inspiration) ~ Lack ofnes+noornsotparks inWylie ~ Need for indoor u/outdoor birthday kids gathering space ~ Disc golf parking too small -9-hole—room for trail or redesign for amenities along course -Add pavilion ~ Sidewalk connections and bike lanes needed ~ Troilconnectionsviogreenvvovs/belfs—connectivi+y ~ Centralized park system /dog po/k, skate park, etc,) ~ Parkside Park needs trails ~ Muddy(_reek—Tyle/f/mil floods, maybe need boardwalks ~ Amphitheater ~ Larger event spaces CITY [}PVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 109 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Dog park ~ Lakefront amenities A"von.noCORPS operated) ~ Larger pavilions/more pavilions ~ Rest/oums—upgnzdeexistingondoddrnore ~ Limited restroom otOld City and Community Park — open all year ~ Grilling stations ~ Kayak launch at lake ~ Lighting in parks (Stone Ranch example) ~ LE[} lighting ~ Parking ntFounder's Park ~ Lighting along trails —Community pork creek ~ Drinking fountains (filter, rnointenonce, with dog bowls) ~ Shade trees at parks ~ RestroomsotCommunity Park fields (Porto pottie/shelteJ ~ Updated playground equipmentacross the system ~ Friendship Park playground equipment variety intypes for various ages ~ Zipline (Rockwell example) ~ Outdoor trampoline park ~ Dedicated bike lanes for cyclist groups or off road ~ Leather's Community playground isnot visible tofind kids in ~ Splash pads at Old City Park Questionnaire Comments What imthe best thing about living in Wylie? ^ |/s not Dallas ^ Granddaughters ^ Still has small town feel ^ Opportunities ~ Small town feel ofthe community ~ Neighborly, good mix ofcountry and city events ~ Open spaces, quiet neighborhoods ~ Schools—duol language program ~ Plenty o{amenities ~ /\rnenitiesforthepopulotionespedollyfonoilies—likeHoUovveen ~ Active senior center ~ The ISD and school personnel ~ Wylie IS[) ~ Family friendly, downtown even1s, boll fields Friendly community in a safe environment with access to businesses and parks and recreation CITY {}FVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 110 JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Small town feel ~ Mychurch is here, great community events ~ Being part ofo growing city and getting involved in its future ~ Schools ~ Small town feel ~ Even with growth itstill has osmall town feel ~ Ability togrow to fit the needs ofincreased population ~ The library and schools ~ Schools and atmosphere ~ Family focused community ~ The schools and small town feel. However, the small town feel is diminishing ~ Location ~ Safe communities ~ Small town feel ~ Family oriented, feel like o srnoU tuvvn, community events that matter ~ Safe, friendly community ~ Amazing schools, really cool art, and that small town feel ~ Small town feel ~ Indoor recreation ~ The community ~ Close tofamily and the Wylie senior center ~ Safe, friendly community ~ They appreciate seniors ~ The City appreciates its senior citizens ~ Friendly senior dtizens, attractive atmosphere ~ Senior center, green space, small town feel ~ Senior center ~ Small town feel What are the best things about the park system asitexists today that you want tomake sure are preserved/maintained? ` Outdoor areas for gatherings, city events, adult sports ^ Facilities ^ Playground area ^ Recreation center, playgrounds ^ Well rounded for age groups and activities ~ Activities for all ages, city events. trails ~ Trails for walking/running ~ Founder's Park baseball fields, neighborhood parks maintained bvthe city CITY OFVVYL|E | APPENDIX I 11l JAI PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Indoor sports ~ Existing parks need tobemaintained oswell orbetter than today ~ Fitness center with reasonable rates for us ~ We live next toHollovv(_reekPorkentronce—rnonebeoutificotionofthepo/k—flovveo.cutgross'soil maintained-/esoddingneeded ~ They need tobeuptodate ~ Reccenter isoblack holdforcellphones—IquitgoingbecouseIneedrnypodcosts ~ Recreation center facility isexcellent ~ Parks and rec center ~ Keccente/ ~ Pavilions, shade trees ~ /\ fairly decent mix o{ot hleticfodlifies ~ Solid ground work has been laid with land owned by he city to make future improvements ~ Bike trails and parks ~ pork updutes, tnzils, library and rec center ~ Excellent sports fields ~ Walkingtroils—continuetoexpond ~ Rec center ~ Clean parks ~ Walking trails ~ Wide bike trails, rec center ~ Not many options compared to Plano ~ Not enough options currently, we gotoAllen, Plano for many pork related activities ~ Nice sidewalks ~ Many parks within walking trails ~ Trails, nature areas ~ Tnails, sculptures. decorations ~ The people and f he staff ~ Senior Center ~ /\ good active senior center ~ Senior center isgood, free admission for all seniors ~ Work out programs and u*c center ~ More work out programs ~ Bette/ parking otsenior center CITY {}FVYYL|E I APPENDIX 1 112 PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Are there things/issues that need to be addressed through the Master Plan or park department? ^ Adult sports ^ Maintenance ofthe smaller neighborhood parks ^ Rec center membership too expensive, not enough athletic fields, no city pool or nototoriurn, better maintenance ~ More athletic fields for g/oups/spurts. dog po/k, running trails in the flood oreos, develop existing parks that have nousage ~ Public pool should beadded, swim team, reservoir maintenance (behind Sage Creek) ~ Includeindoorpicklebollcou/ts/7orzAvvithopenployduringtheweekundonSoturdoysplusoneortwu evenings per week ~ Dog park ~ Disc golf area isjunky and over grown ~ Concerned about safety of bridge in Hollow Creek Park — after rains accumulation of debris around bridge support beam, parks need better lighting ~ Football fields need togototurf ~ Bike troils—connect the porks, safe crossings across the nncgur roads ~ Trail at Sage (_/eek HOA is dangerous—always muddy, dirt covers trail when if rains ~ Poor parking facilities, drainage ofathletic fields is terrible, trail system is disjointed for cyclists, no aquatics ~ Available paving otsports fields, separate sports fields ~ Need aquatic center ~ More sportsfields— Kids under 10 should not be expected to play 10 games in 4 V2vveeks. No availability for practices and development ~ /\rnphitheoter— can bring life' family atmosphere to Wylie. ~ Better lighting inparks ~ Add opool and sauna tothe /eccenter ~ More adult sports activities that don't cost ofortune ~ Porking—Founde/spo/k does not have enough sports tosupport Saturday morning activities ~ Splash pad and opool, make reccenter track open fomoms and kids—oddfonnilyevcntsondclossesot neccenter ~ More walking tnoils—connect the trail behind Sage (_reek and trail behind rec center -please deal with terrible flooding on this trail ~ More enrichment programs; art classes otthe reccenter ~ Lake front public use maintained by the city and not (_ORPS, use of dam bridge, possible walking trail like Cedar Hill did with theio—noore trail links to parks ~ Lack ofaquatics ~ Senior center— more travel progronns, more parking, bigger exercise room, more restroonns ~ Enlarge senior center ~ Aquatics, lockers, therapy pool, more trips CITY (]FYVYL|E i APPENDIX 1 113 10 PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN What do you want more of, less or some of? MORE ^ Adult sports ^ Outdoor grills ^ Trails ~ Athletic fields, outdoor pool ornatatorium, dog park ~ Athletic fields, running trails, aquatics, dog park, basketball court ~ Another playground like Pirate Playground otFounder's park, trees ~ Indoor pickle ball, ping pong.pool table for seniors ~ Aquatics/water park, indoor activities, dog park ~ Special use facilities for concerts ~ Walking/bike truils, picnic area with griUs, yoBu, fitness classes for adults. ~ Pool, water, nature trails ~ Bike trails ~ Rentable community pavilions, city playgrounds ~ Porks, trails around the lake for biking, running ~ Bike lones, trails for running. 5K races ~ Natural materials —stone, ort ~ Piano has multiple soccer fields at multiple parks and aquatics at lack Canter Park ~ Spray park, parking, use ofLake Lovon.shade around trails ~ Bike trails tocross 78 and 544, restruonns in parks ~ Community outdoor facilities, dog park ~ Soccer fields ~ Athletics, and group fitness classes, community pool, swim leaons, splash pod ~ Covered pavilions otparks —the ones wrhave are not large enough ~ More baseball fields thotooemointoined—/\volonPhoselisinbodshope ~ Pool, splash park, ~ Nature trails, walking trails, farmer's market ~ Improve Tyler trail behind Sage Creek HOA—unoble to use when it rains ~ Fornner's Market, need DART stotion—troffic is getting bad ~ Art in purks, swimming pool ~ Water octivihey, splash pork' pool with slides, public fishing ponds, kayak launch on Lake Lovon ~ Aquatics ~ Senior center— more parking, larger facility, more restroonns, more trips, walking track ~ Green spoce, senior vacation trips CITY {}FVYYL|E I APPENDIX 1 114 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN LESS • Art In the park • Sports parks • Sports What are your dreams, visions, desires, needs for the park system moving forward? • If you build If they will come! • Community Chorus • Dog park with drinking water • Dock where families can fish together • Splash pad, music pavilion • Large scale skate park —for bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, scooters • Outdoor summer rec area with pool and activities, open soccer fields • Dog park, aquatics, utilize lake, more in East Wylie • Bike trails with trees (like Murphy) • Splash pad • Indoor pickle ball • Indoor kid activities that are not sports related • Swimming for kids • Indoor pool next to rec center • 18 -hole golf course • Trails that connect, clean accessible waterways, small lakes/ponds, more sculptures, community gardens, aquatics • Preserve nature trails and expand them • Something similar to Elan Park in Orlando for community events • Football fields with restrooms and food court • Plan for the future — connect parks, build pool or splash pad, adult oriented park activities • Public pool • Another small rec center • Trail system around lake for running and biking, splash pads • Trails that connect throughout Wylie • Bike friendly trail system — so kids can get to school on their bikes • Better drainage at athletic fields to avoid cancellations • Water park like Jack Carter in Piano • Better maintenance of weights and machines • Parks for younger and older kids, nature center, splash pad, outdoor concert area, restrooms • Trails that connect to Murphy, Richardson • Pool CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 115 I -Al f'V PARKS, RECREATION &. OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN ~ Maintenance and upkeep needs tubepart ofthe vision ~ Improved drainage for existing sports cornplexes, more sports fields for game and player development use. development o{ocompetitive soccer program ~ Park oneast side ofWylie ~ Aquatic facility — needs to be budgeted far enough in advance so taxes aren't raised ~ Pool and splash park ~ Reccenter track open toparents with kids—con'trnndel how toexercise ifthey can't bewith us ~ Pool, dog park, DART system ~ Pool connected to rec center, expand senior center, dog park with areas for large and small dogs ~ Kayak areas oflake ~ Keep them nice and maintained ~ Aquatics, outdoor park facilities and trails ~ Expand senior center CITY {}FVVYL|E I APPENDIX 1 116 VAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Citizen Survey Document The following survey was distributed to 8,000 randomly selected households throughout Wylie. Dear Wylie Residents: The City of Wylie is currently updating your and we need your help by filling out this survey! Your input will help guide our park and recreatio _pjqnrjmg_gfforts for the next 5 o10yp@iijs, Please take a few minutes tri complete this important survey. Your answers will remain anonyrnous. Thank you for taking time to participate in this important survey effort. Sincerely, Robert Diaz, Director of Parks and Recreation pArks.Ldnli?tesas.y gp 972-516-6340 1. How do you find out about parks, recreation facilities and recreation programs in Wylie? (cl?P4 kaa tlwtapsvy,,[ iLJ City of Wylie website 46J Facebook/social media 7-J Other 2LJ Youth Sports Avorrations LJ Em ails from Wylie J Park & Recreation Dept, flyers/brochures ELJ School district publications 2a. Overall, how would you rate the Q-VAUTY of parks and recreational opportunities in the City of Wylie? iLJ Fxcellent 2LI Good/satisfactory 3J Sonnewhat unsatisfactory 4LJ Poor 5LJ No opinion 2b. If somewhat unsatisfactory or poor, please explain: .......... . _ ........................... .. .. ... ........................ .. .. . ......... ................. . ........ __ _ . ... .................. .. .... ................. ................ 3a. Overall, how would you rate the %LANTITY of parks and recreational opportunities in the City of Wylie? iU Excellent <J Good/salisfactory 3-J Somewhat unsatisfactory dLJ Poor SLI No opnion 4. Within the past year, how often have you or someone from your household visited or used the facilities listed below in Wylie? (Check one at for each j,.7,,3rk1,f.3oyt)1) CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 117 JAI f'V At son* At Woo Atk*0 T*Aco a yow il W*** "1011" *"(0141y or Im jj~ 1 Recreation CenterWLJi J2 J3 14 JJ[ Senior Recreation Center U 'j, J, LL Brown House Historic Building J Ll J, L) i-TTa-0 Lil LJ,, J Ll, Parks Athletic fields(poi(hce and Playing fields) L1 J, J7 Lj� J, 1 Tennis courts -111 Li J, J4 J, - - - -- -------- Sand volleyball court - ---- - --- L)i LJ J, Lin Js 1 Skate bark L1 Jh, i J, L), -il 1 Disc golf L), J. J, L) Js Playgrounds Lli J2 J. Lln Js . . . . .. . ............................................ ............... ............... Pavilions - -------------------------- U ---------- J, J .... . ........ ------------------------- LJ -------------------- J[ I VFtPTar)S MeV1101-1al Ji. LJ2 J3 Ljn j CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 117 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 5. In which of these programs would you and your household members (of any age) be MOST INTERESTED in participating? (Check all that apply) 01 ❑ Baseball 11 ❑ Biking 21❑ Pickle ball 31 ❑ Travel programs 02 ❑ Basketball 12 ❑ Tennis 22 ❑ Nature interpretive programs 32 ❑ Festivals/events 03 ❑ Softball 13 ❑ Sand Volleyball 23 ❑ Health/wellness classes 33 ❑ Arts & crafts 04 ❑ Soccer 14 ❑ Swim lessons 24 ❑ Fitness classes/events. 34 ❑ Music/dance.-........ _... os ❑ Football as ❑ Races (like 5K runs) 2s ❑ Preschool/toddler programs 3s ❑ Community Chorus oe ❑ Racquetball ar ❑ Adult sports leagues ._._- --- __. _..__�___ 2c, ❑ Youth programs/camps __ .._.._... 30 ❑ Community gardening 02 ❑ Horseshoes 12 ❑ Archery Range 27 L] Teen programs/camps 3®< ❑ Farmers Market 08 ❑ Disc golf n ❑ Fishing 2,9 ❑ Parent/child programs 381J Other_ os ❑ Cricket 10 ❑ Gymnastics 29 ❑ Family programs 39❑ None/not interested io ElPilates ❑ 20 ❑ Zumba — 30 ❑ Senior programs 6a. Which facilities or amenities need to be ADDED to existing or future parks and recreation facilities in Wylie? (Rate EACf l facillty on a sc8le from Ito 4 with + bL inn definite no&dod and I i7c ing not of allneeded) Definitely Not at all No opinion/ Needed Needed Not familiar A— Amphitheater ................. _.................... ....................._..... --.............. ....... ...4.. ...... ..,._3-............... 2....._--._..1.-................. B — Aquatic center (indoor — leisure area and lap lanes)...............................4....................3 ...................2 .................... 1 ................... '❑ C — Aquatic center (outdoor — leisure area and lap lanes)... _ ...........__ 4 .................3 .................2 ................1................ J D—Additional large pavilions (special events/reunions, etc.).......................4................... 3 ................ .... 2 .................... 1 ................... ❑ E— Dog park .......... .............. ............................ —............ ............. ............. ......,............ 4.......... ...3.................. 2 ..................1................. ❑ F — Hike/bike/walk trails that are connected throughout the city ......... 4 ..................3.................... 2....................1 ................... '❑ G — Hike/bike/walk nature trails along the lake/dam ........... .... 4......... ......3 , .. .........2 ____1 ... .__ H— Mountain bike/BMX trails....................................................................................4....................3....................2 .................... 1 ................... ,❑ I — Exercise stations along trails ........................................... ............. ................... . 4......... ....3 _...._ .........2 .......... 1............... J — Expanded amenities at Lavon Lake (fishing, picnicking, swim beach kayak rental, beach volleyball, camping, grilling stations, etc...--. ------ 4- ........... .._..3 ............ 2_ _...1- --- _...........la — Expanded skate park ................... ............................ .................... ............................ 4..........., ...... _3_ .................. 2...... .......... ....1 ...... .............I❑ L — Spray ground/water splash pads (outdoor spray park for all ages).. 4 ........ ...3 ............... 2 1.,.,......., ...,.. M— Additional lighting in parks............................................................. 4.... .............. .3......... .......... 2 ............. ,.....1 ..... ,........... ..'❑ N — Nature center/nature preserve for birdwatching/wildflower planting4 ................... 3.......... .......... 2 .................... 1 ................... '❑ O— Open spaces/natural areas .... ........ ................. ..............__........................... ... 4 ..................3 .................2 .....,.....1................ P — Picnic areas with grilling stations ............... ............ __........... ............. ........... 4........... ....3 ................... 2 ...................1................... Q— Benches/seating areas ...............—................................................... 4.......... ....3.................2..................1..................°❑ R— Community garden....,.... ..............2.................1.._..._ ........I❑ S — Expanded Senior Recreation Center........ 4 .......... ....3.... .....,...2 ... ,..... 1............... T— Updated playgrounds for children........................................................... 4 ..................3................... 2.................... 1 ................... ❑ U — Pond with fishing pier ......... ....................... .._................... 4— ........ ....3 ..... .........2 .......... 1......_....._ V — Additional practice fields (football, soccer, baseball, softball)........... 4 ......... ....3 ...................2 ....................1................... W — Multipurpose sports fields (football, soccer, baseball, softball) _....... .4 _........ .............. ...... .........2....... ____ ..... 1 ................ ... X— Expanded Veterans Memorial Park ................................. ............................ .....4....... ............. 3 .................... 2 ................ ....1 ....... ............ ❑ Y — Special events in parks...,-.. ...... 2 _.... 1 ,.._.... ,..... Z — Wildlife/plant education stations in parks .............. 4 ...............3 .....,............2 ...............1.............'❑ CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 118 JAI PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN AA -Additional art/sculptures in parks.. ....... .................................. 4- ........... ...... 3 2 .................... 1-- .............. ZI BB - Additional classroom space at Wylie Recreation Center 4 2 --- ... ----1 ... ---- ... - j CC - Recreation Center on the east wide of Wylie ............................................ 4 .................... 3 ...................2 .................... 1 ................... J DD - Other needs - ( ) ..................... 4 .................... 3 .................... 2 .........1..._.......... J 6b. Which THREE facilities/amenities above are the MOST important to you for the Parks and Recreation Department to focus on within the next five years? (Write in the letter to the left of the facility in the blanks) V 2"d_..._.__. 3a Wylie currently funds parks, facilities, recreation programs and capital expenses by utilizing recreation user fees, taxes, grants, bonds, corporate sponsorships, etc. The City diligently pursues grants and other funding sources to help fund new parks and facilities, however additional funding is needed to maintain and build new parks and facilities. 7. How strongly do you support EACH option to fund NEW PARKS AND FACILITIES EXISTING PARKS AND FACILITIES_? (Check one answer for each option) 8. How much more per year in additional property taxes would you be willing to pay in order to fund the improvement priorities you have suggested in this survey? (Check one answer} iLl More than $200/year 3LI Up to $100/year sLJ Up to $50/year 21-1 Up to $200/year 4LI Up to $75/year 6J No increase 9. How long have you been a resident of Wylie? (Check one answer) i LJ Less than 2 years 2LJ 2 to 5 years 3LJ 6 to 10 years 4LJ 11 to 20 years 5LI Over 20 years 10. Which age groups are represented in your household? (Check alfthatqpp/y) iLl 0 to 5 years of age 3LJ 11 to 13 years of age 5LJ No children in household 2L] 6 to 10 years of age 4J 14 to 18 years of age 11. How many persons, including yourself, reside within your household? 1J One 21-3 Two 31-1 Three 4LJ Four sL1 Five bL] Six or more 12. Your age? 1E] Under 18 3LJ 25 to 34 5J 45 to 54 7L] 65 to 74 21-1 18 to 24 411 35 to 44 6LI 55 to 64 sLI 75+ 13. Do you own or rent your home? AJ Own 2J Rent CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX I 119 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 14. In which sector of Wylie do you presently reside? (Check one answer) 2LJ East Zone 2J West Zone -iJ Central Zone iiF e. im 15. Additional information or comments you would like to bring to the Park and Recreation Department's attention. jVrite in re5oonse) CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 120 JAI f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Citizen Survey Comments Question 15 of the citizen survey provided space for respondents to write in additional comments they would like to bring to the Parks & Recreation department's attention. Some of these include: I wr,ctc�, be to iwPvc �ntoie (,I C""'r 1V C C Ovt-11I1'11'-1(),1,-1()r- is --v it 1 10" t? rutij, ! rt tf'ictl I'te in' t T ninc, cv a onl/1'I CI t � c c, L"'I I c h, c! t u k J I,--, i %ov I-,.,: Top Mentions Other citizen comments referenced several common themes including: • Taxes —100 mentions • Pool — 98 mentions • Fields — 85 mentions • Swim/swimming — 50 mentions • Parking — 39 mentions • Thanks — 36 mentions • Soccer — 35 mentions • Fees — 32 mentions • Dog parks/dogs — 27 mentions • Splash pad — 23 mentions • Baseball — 20 mentions • Playgrounds - 12 mentions CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 121 10 f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN t Rim - DRAFT Key Features: • Trail Loop wit Neighborhood Connections • Pavilions / Rest Stops • Non -irrigated Open Play Areas • Playground &_ Play Area (some irrigation) • Pond Trail Loop & Footbridge* • Off -Street Parking Conceptual trail connection with approval of Braddock Place HOA, Note.- The photographs on the following pages represent samples of park program elements, They are not intended to depict actual construction features. CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 122 JAI fN PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN f 4110,10MMUR Concept Images CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 123 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Key Features: • Playground &-Fitness Hub atTreeline • Group Pavilion • Nature Education Area • Irrigated & Non -Irrigated Open Play • Park Trail Loop • Park Entry & Parking Lot • Nature Trails w/ Trailheads • Bridge Connection to Emerald Vista Note: The photographs on the following pages represent samples of park program elements. They are not inlencled to depict actual construction features. CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 124 10 IFN PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Brad dock Place ParkSouth Concept Images CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 125 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Parkside Park Concept Plan - DRAFT Key Features: • Interpretive Boardwalk &- Overlook • Trail Loop w/ Interpretive Signage • Outdoor Classrooms • Overlook Pavilion w/Deck • Pavilion Bench Swings Entry • Playground &- Pavilion • Trail Connection to the College* • On -Street Parking Conceptual trail connection with approval of Collin County College. Note: The photographs on the following pages represent samples of park program elet-nents. They are not intended to depict actual construction features. CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 126 I -At f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Parkside Park Concept Images CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX I 127 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN M, erway Key Features (TB01): • Item I • Item 2 • Item 3 • Item 4 • Item 5 • Item 6 • Item 7 • Item 8 Note: The photographs on the following pages represent samples of park program elements. They are not intended to depict actual construction features. CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 1 128 I -Al f'V PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 4 " # Concept CITY OF WYLIE j APPENDIX 1 129