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12-03-2019 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning Commission roF .0,44, , yr,,,,:_.,,---- --"--"'"''''''''' ,,,.\__thi,.::_it:4 ill tifr4ri7iir --IPE 'N/ , ,—. oximfair \ t f r� i 1 r,.r \/ ;:l::,":),-M&*- pNtA F LRA t4yq F i ' ' e 18870 s,r 4rE OF TVSX ecem er19 Regular Business Meeting Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda December 3, 2019 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, TX 75098 Ron Smith Chair Randy Owens Vice Chair Brad Emerson Commissioner Cory Plunk Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Bryan Rogers Commissioner Charla Riner Commissioner Jasen Haskins Planning Manager Kevin Molina Senior Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: wwwwvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioner requests that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In addition, Commissioners is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 19, 2019 Regular Meeting. December 3,2019 Planning&Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Planning & Zoning Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Planning & Zoning Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission 1 at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Planning & Zoning Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes peiinitted by the Act,including, but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding an amendment to Planned Development 2008-43 (PD-2008-43) to allow for service and loading areas to face FM 544 on Lot 16R, one lot of 1.06 acres located at 3020 W FM 544. (ZC 2019-15) 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural/30 (AG/30) to Single-Family-10/24 (SF-10/24), to allow for a Single Family Use on one lot of 1.52 acres located at 605 Parker Road. (ZC 2019-16) ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on November 27, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: wwwwylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Planning & Zoning Commission C TY O F Minutes Regular Meeting November 19, 2019—6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Vice Chair Randy Owens presided the meeting and called the meeting to order at 6:01PM. Commissioners present: Vice Chair Randy Owens, Commissioner Charla Riner, Commissioner Bryan Rogers, Commissioner Mike McCrossin, Commissioner Cory Plunk and Commissioner Brad Emerson. Those absent: Chair Ron Smith. Staff present: Mr. Jasen Haskins, Planning Manager, Mr. Kevin Molina, Senior Planner, Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant and Sam Satterwhite, Director of WEDC. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Rogers gave the invocation and Commissioner Riner led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that not listed on the Agenda. Residents must,fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In addition, Commissioners not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation No one approached the Commissioners. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 5, 2019, Regular Meeting. Commission Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to approve the Minutes from the November 5, 2019 meeting, as presented. A vote was taken and the motion carried 6-0 (5-0-1, with Commissioner Plunk abstaining without cause). Minutes November 19,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 1 REGULAR AGENDA Commissioner Rogers recused himself for Item A. A. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Torres Addition, establishing one lot on 0.331 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of Alanis Drive and Martinez Lane. Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the Final Plat will create one lot for a tile retail and warehouse building that measures 3,573 square feet. The property received a variance in February 2018 to allow a rear setback of five feet. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Emerson, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Torres Addition, establishing one lot on 0.331 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of Alanis Drive and Martinez Lane. A vote was taken and carried 5 —0. Commissioner Rogers joined the meeting. B. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat of Woodbridge Centre Phase II Lot 4R,Block A, being a Replat of Lot 4A and 4B,Block A,located at 731 Woodbridge Parkway. Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the purpose of the plat is to combine Lots 4A and 4B into a single lot that measures 1.461 acres and record access, drainage and water easements. The property is located within the Woodbridge Centre Phase II and is part of Planned Development Ordinance 2018-12. A site plan for a medical clinic is also on the agenda for this subject property. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Rogers, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat of Woodbridge Centre Phase II of Lot 4R,Block A,being a Replat of Lots 4A and 4B,Block A,located at 731 Woodbridge Parkway. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. C. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for a medical clinic, on Lot 4R, Block A of Woodbridge Centre Phase II on 1.461 acres,located at 731 Woodbridge Parkway. Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to develop an 8,000 square feet orthopedic medical clinic on 1.461 acres. The property is within Planned Development Ordinance 2018-12. Minutes November 19,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 2 The plan proposes 54 parking spaces with three of them being handicapped spaces. The site will be accessed by a new drive connected to existing access points to the south (B&B Theaters) and to the north(Kroger). The plat is on the current agenda. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Emerson, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to approve a Site Plan for a Medical building, on Lot 4R, Block A of Woodbridge Centre Phase II on 1.461 acres, located at 731 Woodbridge Parkway. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change in zoning from Community Retail (CR) to Planned Development - Community Retail(PD-CR),to allow for a Church/House of Worship Use on Lot I Block 1 of Wylie Shopping Village located at 701 South State Highway 78. (ZC 2019-14) Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is requesting to rezone one lot of 4.709 acres located at 701 South State Highway 78. Northplace Church is desiring to repurpose the existing property and structure formerly a grocery store. The property is currently zoned Community Retail. A church is allowed by right within a Community Retail. The Planned Development Conditions stipulate that if the church moves, the property goes back to Community Retail zoning. The purpose for the zoning request is to allow for a church to use the existing non-conforming site and bring the overall site design up to current design standards with the exception of the following special conditions: • Reduction parking stall dimensions to 9 feet by 20 feet. • Increase of parking space maximum to 270 spaces. • Reduction of Landscape Area from 20% to 15.8%. • Reduction landscape design desirables to three. • Elimination of meandering sidewalk along State Highway 78. Twenty-three notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet.No responses received in favor or in opposition of the request. Commissioners Discussion Chair Owens questioned the purpose of the reduction of the Zoning Ordinance,when nothing was given. Planned Developments were typically give and take agreements. Staff responded that the applicant is proposing more landscaping than what is required along the street frontage, and the applicant is exceeding the maximum parking spaces requirement. Public Comments Minutes November 19,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 3 Chair Owens opened the public hearing. Mr. Thomas Jones, 5815 Meadowcrest, Dallas, engineer for the subject property, stated that the Planned Development by nature outlines what is not being done, as opposed to what is being done. The use on the property was previously a grocery store with fuel pumps. The concrete pavement is in place and the fuel pumps have been removed. There is no landscaping in the front or rear of the building. However, the landscaping will be enhanced significantly with 16 landscape islands between the face of the building and State Highway 78. There will be a total of 267 parking spaces, 67 in the back and 200 in the front. Mr. Shane Gore, 104 Champion Drive, Wylie, Executive Pastor of Northplace Church, stated that the majority of the parking will be on Sunday. The midweek service will be for the youth. Chair Owens closed the public hearing. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Community Retail (CR) to Planned Development — Community Retail (PD-CR), to allow for a Church / House of Worship Use on Lot 1 Block 1 of Wylie Shopping Village located at 701 South State Highway 78. (ZC 2019-14). A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Vice-Chair Owens stated that the next meeting will be held on December 3, 2019. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Riner, to adjourn the meeting. A vote was taken and carried 6 - 0. Randy Owens, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant Minutes November 19,2019 Planning&Zoning Page 4 Planning & Zoning g CITY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: December 03, 2019 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Woodbridge Crossing Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Addition Planned Development Date Prepared: November 18, 2019 Zoning District: (PD-CC) Locator Map, Zoning Exhibits,Notification Map Exhibits: w/responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding an amendment to Planned Development 2008-43 (PD-2008-43) to allow for service and loading areas to face FM 544 on Lot 16R, one lot of 1.06 acres located at 3020 W FM 544. (ZC 2019-15) Recommendation Motion to recommend (approval, approval with conditions or disapproval) to the City Council regarding an amendment to Planned Development 2008-43 (PD-2008-43) to allow for service and loading areas to face FM 544 on Lot 16R, one lot of 1.06 acres located at 3020 W FM 544. (ZC 2019-15) Discussion OWNER: Woodbridge Crossing, LP APPLICANT: Harrison French & Associates The applicant is requesting to amend the design standards of Lot 16R within the Woodbridge Crossing Planned Development to allow for service and loading areas that are visible from FM 544. The request would allow for garage bays on a minor automotive repair use to face FM 544. The applicant is proposing to amend Section 3.8 of the Development Standards of the Woodbridge Crossing Planned Development as follows: • Delete - Service and loading areas shall not be visible from FM 544 and the Secondary Collector adjacent to the West property line or shall contain masonry screening. • Add - With the exception of Lot 16R, Service and loading areas shall not be visible from FM 544 and the Secondary Collector Adjacent to the West Property Line or shall contain masonry screening. Due to the lot configuration, Lot 16R may allow for service and loading areas to face FM 544 with landscape screening in accordance to the requirements of PD 2016-01, which states that 15% of the site shall be landscaped. Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 If approved, the proposed development will be providing landscape screening along the frontage of FM 544 and be in compliance with all of the design requirements of the planned development. An amended plat and site plan submittal will be required before development could begin. In accordance with State Law, 52 notifications were mailed to property owners within 200' of the subject property. No responses were received at the time of this posting. Council consideration on January 14, 2019 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH November 22, 2019 Locator Map TLI_____H ; i i 7---,/ im;L.,,..L. i „.„ir„.....6d_.„_:\ \;-::......,,,,,„„:..,,,,,,,,- ,,,,,,,-,..:::::ti-J1„.....„, L....L.,n,\ ,,,,,, 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 i " 1:i 1 PT rI. SA y K Sc �- � SP`__ �_ La 1 a Al a ae A A TR' - T 1 • MUR1 1 " 4 4444®44444444444.4..4444*- - - - -4a��►,1►�,�i .a�►L4�����4�4�4�4�4. STEELLgo------7 44®4444444444* WAVES L N RTH POINT P 44444444444444444444 ` _.a T RAILING 1,. 444444444444444444 Ce ...a / , ®444444444444 I L®44 ALCC , 44 •i> 0 a I LF ROLLING HILLS LN cri. EXCHANGE �,,,ry } H NSLEY LN V F ANI VI W ; 0 KINNEY DR I N STILLWATER CAR I CONCORD OR., A \ 0 4 T SAC`t5L t ZC-2019-15 t ►4i444i444A Subject Pro ert ir.1 ,.,,, ..:-.,,,t,.,,J7,5A1,1,;,,,,,,:,1 ,(1,,',,f,",174,,i NI 11':',"'rt ' fir,,; 0 265 530 1,060 1,590 2,120 2,650 C I TY 0 F WYLI E L A , Feet w ' t EXHIBIT "B" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (ZONING CASE 2019-15) 1.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 1_1 Purpose: The purpose of this Planned Development District is intended to provide for the mixing and combining of uses allowed in existing districts and uses in which there is a nonexistent district in the City of Wylie with appropriate land use regulations and development stand- ards. Each permitted use is planned, developed or operated as an integral land use unit while providing flexibility in the use and design of land and buildings where modification of specific provisions of this ordinance is not contrary to its intent and purpose or signifi- cantly inconsistent with the planning on which it is based and will not be harmful to the neighborhood. The flexibility provided in the detailed provisions outlined in this Planned Development District allow for additional expansion of the creative and innovative con- cepts defined in the Nonresidential District Regulations, as herein amended of the existing zoning ordinance to be compatible with the creation of a Retirement Housing District. The combination of the allowable uses within the existing districts and the additional al- lowable uses established herein provides for the enhancement and implementation of the City's vision of the Comprehensive Plan for the development of a large parcel of land. The use of existing creative development goals and objectives contained within the Non- residential District, combined with the additional flexibility provided by the use of selective enhancements allowed by the use of a Planned Development District, combined with the addition of a Retirement Housing District, provide for a unique and creative master planned development which is of general benefit to the City as a whole. 1.2 Zoning Classifications: Tract 1 shall be developed in accordance with the standards defined in Corridor Commer- cial District (CC). Tract 2 may be developed in accordance with the standards defined in Retirement Housing District (RH), Corridor Commercial District (CC) or Business Center (BC). Tract 3 may be developed in accordance with Corridor Commercial District (CC) or Busi- ness Center(BC). 1 2.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-RETIREMENT HOUSING DISTRICT (RH) 2.1 General Description: The residential development within this Planned Development District, located within the master planned development are intended to accommodate a variety of retirement housing land uses and densities. They are designed to provide a component for retirement housing adjacent to and in support of neighboring commercial development which provides the needed civic, business and commercial requirements of not only the surrounding immedi- ate neighborhood but a larger quadrant of the overall Wylie community. The retirement housing units may encompass independent living facilities, assisted living facilities or con- tinuous care facilities. The development standards for this district identified herein are necessary to achieve the previously stated purpose and are further outlined within these development standards. 2.2 Permitted Uses: Land uses permitted within the Retirement Housing District (RH) are as follows: (A) Retirement housing. (B) Real estate sales offices and model homes during the development and marketing of the residential areas. (C) Temporary buildings, advertising signs, parking lots, temporary concrete batch plant and other uses incidental to construction work and sales promotions on the premises, which shall be removed upon completion. 2.3 Density: The overall maximum allowed density for residential units for retirement housing devel- oped within the Retirement Housing District (RH) classification is 25 units per acre. 2.4 Minimum Age Requirement: To qualify as a retirement housing facility, the units shall(i) have a head of household of 55 years of age or older of which the surviving member(s) of a household, regardless of age, may occupy a unit provided that the household head meeting the age requirement has died or(ii) restricted to age 62 or older in accordance with the Fair Housing Act. Management personnel and his/her family may occupy units without complying with the minimum age requirement. The total of such dwelling units shall not exceed two per 100 dwelling units, or portion thereof, in the project. 2.5 Retirement Housing Development and Design Requirements: The Retirement Housing Development and Design Requirements, hereinafter defined, re- place Section 3.4 Residential Design Standards of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. 2 There are no points associated with the development and design requirements within the Retirement Housing District (RH). Development within this district shall conform to the following development and design requirements: The maximum building height shall be 4 stories. The minimum setback from a property line of land designated to be developed as retirement housing is 20 feet for each story of building height. The minimum floor area requirements or unit sizes shall be in compliance with state regulations for facilities eligible to receive Medicare/Medicaid funding. The units may be constructed as one building or multiple buildings of attached units or any combination thereof. Materials for buildings within the development shall be one hundred percent (100%) masonry including, but not limited to, brick, stone, cast stone, decora- tive concrete, stucco, EIFS, cementitious siding or concrete masonry units. 2.6 Parking Requirements: Parking for independent living shall be provided at a minimum ratio of 1.1 parking spaces per dwelling unit. Handicapped parking shall be provided at the rate of 1 parking space per 25 dwelling units or portion thereof unless required otherwise by the Texas Depart- ment of Licensing and Regulation. Parking for assisted living or continuous care facilities shall be provided at a minimum ra- tio of 1 parking space for every 2 beds. 2.7 Accessory Uses: In an effort to enhance the quality of life in a retirement facility, the following accessory uses are allowed: Snack Bar Barber and Beauty Shop Private Community Center Private Retail or Convenience Shop Private Pharmacy Private Game Court Arts and Crafts Studio Office Private Club Private Community Pool and Jacuzzi 3 Common Dining Facilities Commercial Kitchen Facilities Chapel Greenhouse Private Theater On-Site Real Estate Rental/Sales Office Private Medical Facility to include a medical facility, healthcare facility, and an inhala- tion facility and other medical uses. 4 3.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT—BUSINESS DISTRICTS 3.1 General Description: The business center/commercial development within this Planned Development District lo- cated within the master planned development are intended to provide a focus for business center, commercial, entertainment and service-related uses for not only the surrounding immediate neighborhood but a larger quadrant of the overall Wylie community. Residen- tial neighborhoods in the immediate area as well as other existing and future neighbor- hoods within the City of Wylie and neighboring communities provide a customer base for businesses located within the master planned development. The nonresidential units will encompass components contained in the Business Districts of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. Revisions to the development standards for the districts identified herein are necessary within each respective district to achieve the previously stated purpose and are further outlined within these development standards. 3.2 Retirement Housing District (RH): The western portion of Tract 2, not to exceed twenty five (25) net usable acres, may be developed in accordance with the development standards hereinafter defined for Retire- ment Housing District (RH). 3.3 Permitted Uses: Land uses permitted within the commercial area indicated as Tract 1 as shown on Exhibit "C" are the allowed uses in Article 5 Use Regulations, Section 5.1 Land Use Charts, Fig- ure 5-3 Land Use Tables, Non-Residential Districts, Commercial, CC and Section 5.2 Listed Uses, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. Land uses permitted within the commercial/business area indicated as Tracts 2 and 3 as shown on Exhibit "C" are the allowed uses in Article 5 Use Regulations, Section 5.1 Land Use Charts, Figure 5- 3 Land Use Tables, Non-Residential Districts, Commercial, BC and CC, and Section 5.2 Listed Uses, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie and are revised to in- clude the following revisions: a. Sports complex including indoor/outside sports facilities including overnite ac- commodations for participants using the facilities of the sports complex and their families are allowed uses in Tracts 2 and 3. b. Allowable uses within a sports complex are as follows: Overnite accommodations. Indoor athletic facilities Outdoor athletic facilities including lighted fields. Sporting goods store. 5 Restaurant/snack bar facilities with vending machines w/o drive-in service. Office use. c. The following guidelines are to assist the building official in defining the allow- able uses. The facilities for overnite accommodations, sporting goods store, and restaurant/snack bar are not permitted to advertise their services with de- tached premise signs, off-premise signs, handbills sent to the general public, notices in a newspaper, or advertisements on radio or television, except as a part of an advertisement for the entire facility. The sporting goods store is on- ly permitted to sell athletic equipment to persons using the facilities of the sports complex. A decision of the building official concerning these guidelines is appealable to the Board of Adjustment. d. Churches except in Tract 1. 3_4 Outdoor Sales and Display Outdoor sales and display shall be permitted. Outdoor sales and display area shall not be located on required parking spaces and shall not be a greater area than 10% of the gross building area of the associated use. 3_5 Outdoor Storage: Outdoor storage is allowed. Outdoor storage shall be screened with a material to match the building. 3.6 Commercial Corridor District(CC): Tract 1, Tract 2, Tract 3, or any portions thereof, may be developed in accordance with the development standards as defined in Article 4 -Nonresidential District Regulations, Section 4.2 Business Districts, Commercial Corridor District (CC), Figure 4-4 - Commer- cial Corridor District (CC) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. 3.7 Business Center(BC): Tract 2, Tract 3 or any portion thereof may be developed in accordance with the devel- opment standards as defined in Article 4 -Nonresidential District Regulations, Section 4.2 Business Districts, A. Business Center (BC) and B. Commercial Corridor District (CC), in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. 3.8 Non-Residential Development and Design Requirements: The Non-Residential Development and Design Requirements, hereinafter defined, replace Section 4.4 Nonresidential Design Standards of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie. There are no points associated with the development and design requirements within the Business Districts. Development within these districts shall conform to the following de- velopment and design requirements: 6 Site Design Requirements. Access drives functioning as one-way aisles shall have a minimum width of 20 feet and a minimum turning radius of 25 feet. Access drives functioning as two-way aisles shall have a minimum width of 24 feet and a minimum turning radius of 25 feet. Landscaped treatment at all entrances. P 37�n4 r �• �gaxin masonry screen • ing. With the exception of Lot 16R, Service and loading areas shall not be visible from FM 544 and the Secondary Collector Adjacent to the West Property line or shall contain masonry screening. Due to the lot configuration, Lot 16 R may allow for service and loading areas to face FM 544 with landscape screening in accordance to the requirements of PD 2016-01, which states that 15% of the site shall be landscaped. The rear yard building setback for Commercial Corridor (CC) on Tract 1 shall be twenty-five (25) feet. Adequate parking spaces shall be provided to meet the developer and user an- ticipated requirements of the customers, guests and employees of each business structure. In general, parking shall be provided and designed according to the following minimum standards: A parking space shall be nine (9) feet wide and eighteen(18) feet deep for 90 degree parking. A parking space for angled parking shall be nine (9) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet deep for 60 degree parking. A minimum of one (1) parking per 250 square feet of gross floor area of retail for the overall development. A minimum of one parking space per 300 square feet of gross floor area of office/bank. A minimum of one (1) parking space of 150 square feet of gross floor area of restaurant. Other uses to provide data supporting their ratio to be approved by the City building official. A decision by the building official concerning these parking design requirements is appealable to the Board of Adjustment. Landscaping Requirements. 7 Landscape islands shall be placed along parking runs not to exceed a maximum of twenty(20) spaces in a single row of spaces. In a double row of spaces, landscape islands shall be placed a maximum of every forty(40) parking spac- es. Parking rows 12 spaces or longer shall have landscaped islands at each end. Landscaping in required yards for buildings less than 40,000 square feet shall be 15% of the site. Landscaping in required yards for buildings over 40,000 square feet shall be 10% of the site. Architectural Requirements. Materials for buildings within the development shall be one hundred percent (100%) masonry including, but not limited to, brick, stone, cast stone, decora- tive concrete, stucco, EIFS or concrete masonry units. An architectural design theme will be established for commercial development in Tract 1 Franchise buildings will be allowed in Tract 1 with the incorporation of ele- ments of the architectural design theme. Building entrances are encouraged to be emphasized with architectural ele- ments. 3_9 Screening Wall Requirements: Screening wall requirements between Tract 1 and Tract 2 shall be as follows: There shall be a six(6) foot masonry screening wall constructed by the developer/builder of the commercial property for Tract 1 adjacent to any portion of Tract 2 which is devel- oped as Retirement Housing District (RH). The screening wall shall be constructed of stone, stucco, brick, concrete or similar materials or any combination thereof. Decorative metal fencing may be used as an accent feature to a screening wall from the front or side building line to the front or side property line or street right-of-way. Decorative metal gates may be used in a screening wall for access to utility transformers and control panels. Design of any landscaped buffer area or screening wall shall be submitted at the time of development plan approval. There shall be a ten(10) foot wide landscape buffer constructed by the developer/builder of the commercial property in Tract 1 adjacent to any portion of Tract 2 that is developed as Business Center(BC). 3.10 Signage: Signage shall conform to the City of Wylie's Sign Ordinance, except as specified below and shown on the Concept Plan: 8 One (1) Wylie Gateway sign, shown as a proposed city sign on the Conceptual Site Plan attached hereto, shall be allowed at the corner of F.M. 544 and the extension of McCreary Road. Two (2) architectural feature development signs for use by primary and multiple users of commercial space, shown as proposed development signs on the Conceptual Site Plan attached hereto, shall be allowed. The development shall allow three (3) tenant signs, shown as proposed tenant signs on the Conceptual Site Plan attached hereto, along the adjacent thoroughfare frontage (F.M. 544). One (1) monument sign shall be allowed for each free-standing user located along F.M. 544. One (1) monument sign per drive along the right-of-way of the Secondary Collector adjacent to the West property line and the Collector adjacent to the East property line shall be allowed. One (1) monument sign shall be allowed on FM 544 at the intersection with the Sec- ondary Collector located adjacent to the West property line for each retirement home de- velopment. One (1) monument sign shall be allowed on FM 544 at the intersection with the Sec- ondary Collector located adjacent to the West property line and the Collector located ad- jacent to the East property line for the sports complex. One (1) monument sign shall be allowed at the intersection of the Collector located adjacent to the T.P. & L. right-of-way and the Secondary Collector adjacent to the West property line. One (1) monument sign shall be allowed at the intersection of the Collector located adja- cent to the T.P. & L. right-of-way and the Collector adjacent to the East property line. Monument signs shall not exceed an area of 200 square feet. Development signs shall not exceed an area of 300 square feet excluding the architectural features on which the sign is mounted. Occupants with 60 feet or more of lineal frontage of building wall, shall be allowed to in- stall wall signs not to exceed 75% of the width of the available building frontage or store frontage for such occupant and the height of the allowable wall signs shall not exceed 7 feet. Ex: 250 feet of frontage X 0.75= 187.5 total allowable width for signs For occupants with less than 60 feet of lineal frontage of building wall, wall signs shall not exceed 75% of the width of the available building frontage or store frontage for such oc- cupant and the height of the allowable wall signs shall not exceed 4 feet. 9 Any occupants of buildings located within 300 feet of the property line along FM 544, shall not have wall signs that exceed 4 feet in height. Target shall be permitted to install its corporate logo bullseye (i) not to exceed 12 feet in diameter on the side and rear of the building, and(ii) not to exceed 9 feet in diameter on the front of the building. Side and rear wall sign shall not exceed in square footage area or be greater in size than sign mounted on the front of the building or lease space. 4.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - GENERAL CONDITIONS 4_1 Conformance to the Wylie Zoning Ordinance: Except as amended herein, this Planned Development shall conform to any and all applica- ble articles and sections of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance in effect as of September 16, 2005 which is the date of the "Application For A change In Zoning" for the property. 4.2 Procedures of the Planned Development District: a. Zoning Exhibit: A zoning exhibit is hereby attached and made a part of the ap- proval for this Planned Development District. The zoning exhibit, indicated as Ex- hibit "C" sets forth an overall property boundary description and the designation of each zoning tract identified by a number which corresponds to the tracts defined in this Exhibit "B" Planned Development District Development Standards. b. Conceptual Plan: The Conceptual Plan is hereby attached and made a part of the approval for the Planned Development District as Exhibit "D". c. Development Plan: Prior to any development under this approved Planned Development District, a development plan for each phase must be submitted to the City of Wylie for ap- proval. The development plan shall suffice as the preliminary plat for all tracts or districts. The development plan shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council prior to the issuance of any building permit for construction. In the event of a conflict between the development and design standards and a develop- ment plan, the development and design standards shall apply. 10 4.3 General Compliance: Except as amended by these conditions, development of property within this Planned De- velopment must comply with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations, Building Code and other ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Wylie as they exist as of September 16, 2005 which is the date of the "Application For A change In Zoning" for the property. 4.4 Street Requirements: The street shown on the Conceptual Site Plan as Exhibit "D" attached hereto as a North/South Secondary Collector adjacent to the West property line shall be developed as a Secondary Collector Type C with a 100 foot right-of-way with 4 lanes of pavement (2 lanes at 25 feet back to back of curb). The street shown on the Conceptual Site Plan as Exhibit"D" attached hereto as a North/South Collector adjacent to the East property line shall be developed as a Collector Type D with a 60 foot right-of-way with a 2.5 foot wide easement adjacent to the right- of-way for utilities with a pavement width of 38 feet back to back of curb. The street shown on the Conceptual Site Plan as Exhibit "D" attached hereto as an East/West Collector located along the North side of the T.P. & L. right-of-way shall be developed as a Collector Type D with a 50 foot right-of-way with a 2.5 foot wide ease- ment adjacent to the right-of-way on the North side for utilities with a pavement width of 38 feet back to back of curb. The minimum centerline radius for a Secondary Collector Type C shall be 1,000 feet and a Collector Type D shall be 350 feet. 4_5 Secondary Collector and Collector Landscaping Requirements : The parkways along the Secondary Collector and Collector Streets shall be landscaped with a mixture of large canopy trees and small/ornamental trees. The placement of the large canopy trees shall be adequate for adequate spacing of the small/ornamental trees; however the maximum spacing of the large canopy trees shall not exceed 100 feet. 4.6 Secondary Collector and Collector Sidewalk Requirements: All sidewalks along the Secondary Collector or Collector Streets shall be 8 foot wide. A sidewalk shall be constructed only along the East side of the North/South Secondary Collector adjacent to the West property line. A sidewalk shall be constructed only along the West side of the North/South Collector ad- jacent to the East property line. A sidewalk shall be constructed only along the North side of the East/West Collector lo- cated along the North side of the T.P. & L. right-of-way 11 In order to provide for the meandering of a sidewalk, the pavement for any secondary col- lector or collector shall be allowed to be offset a maximum of five (5) feet from the center of the right-of-way to provide for additional parkway on the side of the street designated for the construction of the meandering sidewalk. 4.7 Detention: Detention will not be required if the storm water runoff from this property, or any portion thereof, is discharged into: Property within the City of Sachse into existing drainage structures or with City of Sachse approval for additional improvements and a drainage study updating the existing study provided to the Cities of Sachse and Wylie for Maxwell Creek along the Wood- bridge West area adjacent to the landfill and the approved CLOMR for Woodbridge. Directed and discharged into Maxwell Creek within an enclosed drainage system and a drainage study. Directed into Maxwell Creek within an authorized drainage easement along an existing drainage way or natural water course. 12 . , , , HFAA A h i.. H ARCHITECTS __ _ _ — — _ _ _ - — ��s N ENGINEERS INTERIORS E FARM TO MARKET RD 544 SCALE HARRISON FRENCH 20 0 20 40 & ASsocIATFS , 1. T0 (120' WIDTH PUBLIC RIGHT—OF—WAY) 4 m 1705 S.Walton Blvd.,Suite 3 1 inch =20 ft. Bentonville,Arkansas 72712 t 479.273.7780 f 888.520.9685 www.hfa-ae.com LEGEND K mW .444 , o -' - '� D D Q� wWZ Q ,.., — — PROPERTY LINE - 0 o in U =LU - -- zo �zZ ° — �1 SCAPE SETBACK LINE w a o°z 0 w=o a N .. ;`__ /'- I , o » a ' °, ;; BUILDINGILAND a 3 w—w orzcc N 89 57 14 E 1 2. ���Q�z��oo� ,: ,'� .v_. p » a CURB GUTTER O x� m ���oo��a _, a; CU & GU m� aooawwo '' N 89 58 17 E 1 6 2 5 X W .f ..,....,, I G -.0 o_Lll-W�. K L Q= a I ° O 8"1- ' # J ¢o a cmZWZF-�nc�F-ct ° PARKING COUNT Q Zo �o o� W��� o� ~ �W �w r -.J ; pU O hW LIwWZZw ° �a z� n WiLoo 5<oZ TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW �¢ o o a o r a a w o i o y �Ia 6 a LI -Cj2C LANE // FIRE LANE FIR2iJ.NE F � / \ - --� I 0 ~ rr i PARKING CALCULATION (PLANNED dr N l DEVELOPMENT 2006-01) __.. _ _: 3NH13211d 3NV DWI NAY ANAl AN1A t Or} R5' R5' R5' / OFFICE/BANK/AUTO MINOR 2,100 SF/300= c10 41' /7 i' REPAIR(1 SPACE PER 300 SF) 7 SPACES REQUIRED 9 SPACES PROVIDED o 1 E t t t l'it bd1S c 191 3N218 A a na ° 0. a (nNa • a° oho ZONING NOTES (PLANNED O O PROPOSED I 24' ICA' DEVELOPMENT 2006-01) VALVOLINE INSTANT ` — j 20' ° OIL CHANGE I w "' SINGLE STORY ° J ° 2,100 SF ° REQUIRED PROVIDED 0 0 ITI �� /l ZONING PD-PLANNED 67' Iil �, DEVELOPMENT ill11\-)N.) BUILDING SETBACKSFRONT-25' z 111 CO a a 00; SIDE-10'a ° ' A � N REAR 10' W° ` r,. , 1 I MIN LOT SIZE N/A 45 979.75 SF V f h 1.06 ACES Z /' r = +- w �...� a > l.! e e ° . / MIN LOT WIDTH N/A 162.95' I N'; MAX BUILDING HEIGHT 50' z h k tLOT COVERAGE N/A 4%N 41'�_ — V V' O v J O W _. 2 ',�, 4. t I h J V zU E z O Q z w �1'3. 1FIRE LANE STRIPING / i ill / ill&f /II! ,,,.. r0 (n ON] Lo ,,,,,,:.:,..cp, ,. ,,,., . 1S31 ,, 3Nbb81 , , , , ti W" ' � J DO NOT ENTER 1 � 0 _ e��� / F- I Alim ��d�b, 47 I � woco I ' il?„,,o, ) 'V 7 : o I - 0 * 0 �, r cn p LL - ,, EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT � !� 7 CD ,, � „F 'L' `: ' / 0I 4 � � O 0 ryan.gillll/15/201912:07:17 PM M " „ . N 89°44'30" E ��_ O / / ' 2 ' ; j HARRISONFRENCH34 91 (M) y Cl 75°2QAsisO ' — ASS TLTD 0 S 89°3940 W N 46 r.FEARI 28 2 _ .9N R 4' ` Project No. 06-19-20030 o Scale LO I Drawn WDW LL "'nip )„_ = " i 1 ; CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD—LENGTH �yl W C1 R 29.66' 115.00' 14°46'38" N 82°52'11" W 29.58' ' ` , Checked WFM co C1(M) 29.68' 1 15.00 14°47'16" N 82°54'06" W 29.60' Date 11/15/2019 co C2(R) 74.45' 650.00' 6°33'45" N 15°08'22" E 74.41' _r I i 0 = r / , /' C2(M) 74.44' 650.00' 6°33'43" S 14°58'01" W 74.40' :' Drawing Title � •" SITE PLAN a`V� is o / o Drawing No. C3 . 0 .......................................................... Agiii, -1-1FA N „„ - : ARCHITECTS ______:,„:„____„:„„„„___ c_:,:,_,_ „_,„ INTERIORS - SCALE HARRISON FRENCH E FARM TO MARKET RD 544 & �� s s o c z f� r s , 1. 'r v (120' WIDTH PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY) ��f 20 0 20 40 1705 S.Walton Blvd.,Suite 3 Bentonville,Arkansas 72712 4 1 inch = 20 ft. t 479.273.7780 f 888.520.9685 (LN (LT (Sc www.hfa-ae.com 73 3 26 AK ALQR539 _....-z -_ CO w � MINIMLJIV110 PLANT SCHEDULE CO Z =OQD. 2 Y LANDSCAPE w al CY 1-r w o i BUFFER - -- ` - Da°Q>wo0a ° fiV — -- '— x a z z _ zai MENTAL TREE DE TY MM N B TANI AL NAME NT AL IZE ..; -., -,- ✓ 1 ' f7 v ., ) �.' ° ° O S CO Q CO O / O C CO C S Q OZOW OON RNA f C z� _V,� 0 ,,J 1 9° / 4 E °t.. .: I / < ,• 1�; ImQax¢oO�� Q 1 Ha -� -d �d � � �f ,f � pep � � '" �`� : /_ "`;A a m ���- w Q x ;"--, / < . \, • O 7 ,,,,/ 7 POp �� _ ..P ill Li. co,:,, i j C4QU0Q(nuj0V7=J Oypp 2 ' CC 3 Eastern Redbud/Cercis canadensis B&B 3"Cal 8' 10 HT a s o o-w w w a x i--- ..._..._ --.- " ' ------- - o -h nip�� � � � �1 Y� ���1f•� �� W v '"-, „„., *<:y' 1 l C7h z ca F O F__O O U: OZ O ��� - I _= 7 , ' ' l t'At-- , 0 0 0 ' ,0 °0 003, 51; 00 ' illtili LN 6 Natchez Crape Myrtle/Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei'Natchez' B&B 3"Cal 8'-10' HT J w Z wo= 0 •AitAt i�ti opagt',�isak / 0 0. • oix A :� tirt ► p Multi trunk 3 cal.equivalent \® , � .ar.> sarara naaar.> ._ VkL t.arar°axsras•_ 1 f- w a- z,_ oz U IA w o O o a o z ®0 :IlitTritattiteitaiiiiiii.4. rr,�t#fir#i�r �rr � rv # # # # # � r �i � � r,g#'�' . 1 eU x oa wcecrzUcro ,� wH, ., tTrt»tTr> arift a ,� a a - :t ip/ r< o❑ <oF-waawoao STEEL EDGING ✓= y ° �' _� —�� v v STEEL EDGING : it0'• �,'Y� 1110 ML 6 Dwarf Southern Magnolia/Magnolia grandiflora Little Gem' B&B 3"/4" 8' 10 HT ir .� /; : r r _..41 i / Sim O .0• O ,, ! i' ! _ � z' ° ' SHADE TREES CODE QTY COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME CONT CAL SIZE a) re, -- , .,0R A0 •h OOOOOO: .tidi mils _ir'°' OY • ,f , d `- _ teltr� 00 � ; 40 QR 3 Red Oak/Quercus rubra B&B 3"Cal 14'to 16' HT. , . ® ® AK IC Iiii Ems= ; - © 28 12 35 ♦ 29 iiii ® 110 TD 2 Bald Cypress/Taxodium distichum B&B 3"Cal 14'to 16'HT. Nil 21 T .11 ( , .► SHRUBS CODE QTY COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME CONT IC - i U I`` 25 37i®, �� 0 AK 46 Glossy Abelia/Abelia x grandiflora'Kaleidoscope' 5 gal u) AIL o LT 260il IC 72 Larissa Holly/Ilex cornuta'Larissa 5 gal ,,_" U 8 0� E f f17 1a1. cn II LT 60 Texas S g /Leuc p y um candidum Thunder Cloud TM g l AK 11 � ae ohll 5 a 123v1S - I .) f it I �I -, w � 22 d l i MS 49 Adagio Maiden Grass/Miscanthus sinensis'Adagio' 5 gal am 9 9 31iHLIB d d a a too' ' r O mommilio d ,�d r G ._. a 1 010 r ' �° ""' � O 0� 0 SC 127 Common Sage/Salvia officinalis'Purpurascens' 2 gal a a O _, PROPOSED a j Ul �` , r < �. GROUND COVERS CODE QTY COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME CONT VALVOLINE INSTANT a OIL CHANGE ay �' SINGLE STORY . a , a d 2,100 SF ( CD 16,750 sf Bermuda Grass/Cynodon dactylon sod U m (LiN NON i ll �� i< i _ _ z ,,5„ a _ 4 O d �, v v j l .# ...... �''y " '}" v v 4 d ad O d 1 v N N ' 4 a 00 00 d r; a a a�� 1 A t f- cfl! 0 e � GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES: �/ �'.;Cf �I � � . ,� ° �. THIS PLAN IS FOR LANDSCAPE LAYOUT ONLY.ALL GRADING, UTILITIES,SITE STRUCTURES,ETC.ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE Q NI VERIFIED WITH CIVIL PLANS AND IN THE FIELD. ,tr.'yycf f f v ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL ARRIVE AT THE SITE WITH SOIL MOIST. 0 IN O.yN j////// LEGIBLY AND SHALL REPAIR ANY AND ALL Y ,� ML -� OCCUR ASAO RESULT OF LANDSCAPE NOSTALDLATION�EUTILOIT ESESDHOWN ON MARKED, ARE APPROXIMATED,AND SHOULDD BEGVERIFIED ON THE y _ ' " ' 3 CIVIL UTILITY PLAN AND IN THE FIELD. EJ i 1 F... Li] 1 / UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL LANDSCAPE WORK BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT IF PLANT SIZE AND GENERAL HEALTH ARE NOT AS ' V Z (D I- O usi ^ © � �� ♦ f I ! REQUIRED ON PLAN. ...f" Z Li/ ' 6 1 t � � r,% ALL TREES MUST BE STRAIGHT TRUNKED, FULL HEADED A::::EETAARL L:Er:lc:RAE:DE::AS SPECIFIED. a W' °2S � r,',` �� ALL PLANTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE LAN C OWNER BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER INSTALLATION. OP Ito ON] Q�� / � THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE ANY ALTERATIONS OR REVISIONS TO THE LANDSCAPE PLAN. LL] 1531 `U N THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING FEATURES ON SITE. _ W g "� '' ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON AND OFF THE SITE, INCLUDING THE TEMPORARY DETENTION AREA,SHALL BE COMPLETELY HYDROSEEDED OR 0 DO NOT ENTER �� SODDED WITH GRASS SEED SPECIFIED ON PLANS. / �' SEEDING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IMMEDIATELY AFTER BED PREPARATION. HYDROSEED MIXTURE SHALL CONTAIN CELLULOSE MULCH ,,` q APPLIED AT A RATE OF 2,000 LBS./ACRE,WITH A MAXIMUM OF 50 LBS./100 GAL.OF WATER. IF SEEDING IS DELAYED AFTER MIXING 1/2-2 HOURS Q G "� ADD AN ADDITIONAL 50%OF SEED MIX, IF DELAY IS LONGER THAN 2 HOURS,BEGIN WITH NEW MIXTURE./ ��I MAINTENANCE: SEEDED AREAS ARE TO BE WATERED ENOUGH TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE SURFACE SOIL MOISTURE FOR PROPER SEED GERMINATION. „ //il ill,„ I/�,� WATERING SHALL CONTINUE FOR ALL GRASSED AREAS FOR NOT LESS THAN 30 DAYS FOLLOWING SEEDING OR UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF QR (TD 7 % GRASS,WITH 90%OR MORE COVERAGE, IS ACHIEVED. IMMEDIATELY RESEED, FERTILIZE,AND MULCH DAMAGED AREAS OR ANY AREA THAT 2 / ��- // � FAILS TO ACHIEVE THE COVERAGE SPECIFIED ABOVE UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS,WITH 90%OR MORE COVERAGE, IS ACHIEVED. v A.� THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS,BEFORE PRICING THE WORK. Co ,_ J Z I„, _ - v I�,�.'_= -J "_ .., r y ',' THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL FULLY MAINTAIN ALL PLANTING(INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WATERING,SPRAYING, MULCHING, o ;;,, r l Y FERTILIZING, ETC.)OF PLANTING AREAS AND LAWNS FOR 90 DAYS AFTER SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. 00 I r. , , HI cv ,� THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETELY GUARANTEE ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR ONE(1)YEAR BEGINNING AT THE DATE OF '' � � � �� SHALL PROMPTLY MAKE ALL REPLACEMENTS BEFORE THE END OF THE __-___ SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION.THE LANDSCAPE / /, GUARANTEE PERIOD(AS PER DIRECTION OF THE OWNER).CONTRACTOR 0 ANY PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES,TURNS BROWN OR DEFOLIATES(PRIOR TO TOTAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK)SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE ANDREPLACED WITH MATERIAL OF THE SAME SPECIES,QUANTITY,SIZE AND MEETING ALL PLANT LIST SPECIFICATIONS.- V.. _ w� cn - / " �4� STANDARDS SET FORTH IN"AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK"(ANSI Z60.1)REPRESENT GUIDELINE SPECIFICATIONS ONLY AND a> SHALL CONSTITUTE MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL NEW PLANT MATERIAL. ALL NEW PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE PLANTED AND 34.90'(R) ' MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE REQUIREMENTS FOR TREE, 1 SHRUB,AND OTHER WOODY PLANT MAINTENANCE(ANSI A300 PARTS 1 THROUGH 6). 0 -/I.I',„, 20 1 C:, P,C,, 1 ' '=','-', I N 89:44'30" E — :-,_ , ,,, .., - ' -\--- -- _ .„, ,, i,„/ o 6 ALL TOPSOIL(4"-5"IN PLANTING BEDS)(1"-2"FOR SEED AND SOD AREAS)APPLIED TO THE SITE SHALL BE LOAMY, FRIABLE SOIL,CONTAINING A _ ____......... --- ', ... �.. / MINIMUM OF 1.5 PERCENT BY DRY WEIGHT ORGANIC MATTER; FREE FROM SUBSOIL, REFUSE,ROOTS,HEAVY OR STIFF CLAY,STONES LARGER L 34.9 1 '(M) ,,i CI S �50 BgS�S THAN 25 MM(1 IN.),NOXIOUS SEEDS,STICKS,BRUSH,LITTER,AND OTHER DELETERIOUS SUBSTANCES;SUITABLE FOR THE GERMINATION OF w - ° 28 �� QF ' SEEDS AND THE SUPPORT OF VEGETATIVE GROWTH.THE PH VALUE SHALL BE BETWEEN 5.5 AND 6.5. O S 89° 39 40 W N jso' 46 E EAR�NG rj 1 28` 82.9 ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE TOP DRESSED WITH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AT A MIN.4"DEPTH ON DEWITT PRO 5 LANDSCAPE .> ---- : S 7 j ; FABRIC. TOP OF MULCH SHALL BE EVEN WITH TOP OF CURBS OR EDGING. SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR ELEVATIONS. SECURE FABRIC WITH PINS OR pp1 f= b __ 8 �'T/ j / STAPLES(2"x5"). PINS SHALL BE PLACED AT 5'O.C.AND JOINTS SHALL OVERLAP BY 12" 2g , 4 (M) i LANDSCAPE EDGING TO BE STEEL AND SHALL BE DARK IN COLOR. Project No. Q 06-19-20030 i = _ , .1, ; / , IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT INSTALLED LANDSCAPING DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH OR OBSTRUCT ANY Scale ADA PATHS OR OTHER VEHICULAR OR PEDESTRIAN USE AREAS. IT SHALL BE THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPING litSO AS TO NOT INTERFERE WITH OR OBSTRUCT ANY ADA PATHS OR OTHER VEHICULAR OR PEDESTRIAN USE AREAS - /i -=�- Drawn WDW CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH — — — Checked WFM W � C1(R) 29.66' 115.00' 14°46'38" N 82°52'11" W 29.58' � / CITY OF WYL�E TX PLANTING REQUIREMENTS Date co 01(M) 29.68' 115.00 14°47'16" N 82°54'06" W 29.60' '� 10/31/2019 iS C2(R) 74,45' 650.00' 6°33'45" N 15°08'22" E 74.41' (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 2006-01) Drawing Title X �' r, ,, �- _ C2(M) 74.44' 650.00' 6°33'43" S 14°58'01" W 74.40' 2 v~` : I I- — — — — — — — — / REQUIRED PROVIDED / 1 LANDSCAPE ISLANDS SHALL BE PLACED ALONG PARKING RUNS NOT TO YES YES LANDSCAPE j EXCEED A MAXIMUM OF 20 SPACES IN A SINGLE ROW OF SPACES / PARKING ROWS 12 SPACES OR LONGER SHALL HAVE LANDSCAPED ISLANDS AT EACH END YES YES PLAN co LANDSCAPING IN REQUIRED YARDS FOR BUILDINGS LESS THAN 40,000 SF 15% 39% o I - SHALL BE 15%OF THE SITE • V / C. , o -:•__. _ Drawing No. c 6 ■ Page is too large to OCR. i�i�i�i�i�i This page is intentionally blank JAI fN CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Date: December 3, 2019 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Date Prepared: November 20, 2019 Planning & Zoning Commission Item: 2 Subdivision: WD Penney Survey Tract 59 Zoning District: Agricultural - 30 Locator Map, Zoning Exhibits, Notification Map Exhibits: w/responses Hold a Public Hearing and consider and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural/30 (AG/30) to Single -Family -10/24 (SF -10/24), to allow for a Single Family Use on one lot of 1.52 acres located at 605 Parker Road. (ZC 201.9-1.6) Motion to recommend (approval, approval with conditions or disapproval) to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural/30 (AG/30) to Single -Family -10/24 (SF -10/24), to allow for a Single Family Use on one lot of 1.52 acres located at 605 Parker Road. (ZC 2019-16) OWNER: Vijay Thangugal APPLICANT: Vijay Thangugal The applicant is requesting to rezone the property located at 605 Parker Road from Agricultural/30 (AG/30) to Single Family -10/24 (SF -10/24) to build a single family home on the site. The property is 1.52 acres with 95 feet of frontage along Parker Road. The layout of the property in the zoning exhibit is in compliance with the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. If the zoning request is approved, the property will be required to be platted when development begins. In accordance with State Law, 10 notifications were mailed to property owners within 200' of the subject property. No responses were received at the time of this posting. Council consideration on January 14, 2020 Department Director Initial JH Date November 22, 2019 Page 1 of 1 i AIN®r PAui,,ww____------------------- PARK BLVD h C - k_ LSA ,d ON ,. R f g € 7455 --------- an , � ¢fJ u Ell I f 6.��1� 7 &, r"il+& ?z5, t i( ' —Ft. I 5 � €5'35 �38�3ta351"te9'r bii 59P,�k .�_�.704 L j... Imo( �- WYLIE �€ ; L9 �1 F 4",1[ . � .1 �.. I - 300 =x f .:` SON _ jW r� I -I9,� 3111 601 9 < ,f 5193 € X15 `0 15" 1 08"LLI l _ 514 _ 59 i RACE DR -,- co.. 1r' 51 wS9 ' d6 1i3 pal r�j.._ '90 lw r ( 4 k� , E t j € Ck'3 i:l9k;3 ..3 r � � r5 t � ts£17� � �„! �5dk� Q [ � t$;� � � € atr� 1 t �.. . e b _._ , . �cE,s at�� ( t� a �. _: IkeQ11 9k1( 9.99 �G t(C4t1°C '9393 ( 9�"9fa(dk' !I IN 95.10, 005 Parker Rd W.D Penny Survey Site Plan Abstract No. 696 North 1"=40' i� 1.52 Acres Wylie, Texas creativearchitects www.creative-architect.com No War' is '1"o Commence Side,ualk As Per City Reg- Oa TF,, s,te U " Atter ao la ht la 201 9540 $cott@cr-ar.com The City Has Reviewed I% Fall Elsewhere The Site Pian Verdyi Aii 972-530-4872 Ca ' Bethatk=,ng F,a....t t ett) W�cn The Bled PIat aaa i��ed a 10/28/19 BuAding Permit. �\p lt\� *r- No Text i�i�i�i�i�i