10-08-2019 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda October 8, 2019 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Eric Hogue Mayor David R. Duke Place 1 Matthew Porter Place 2 Jeff Forrester Mayor Pro Tern Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T.Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Chris Hoisted City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Stephanie Storm City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS 00 Proclamation of Toastmasters Month,October 2019. 00 Proclamation Declaring October 6-12,2019 as Fire Prevention Week in the City of Wylie 00 Promotion of Police Lieutenant Tommy Walters to Asst.Police Chief October 8,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of September 24, 2019 Regular Meeting and September 24, 2019 Work Session of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon,Ordinance No. 2019-30 setting the time and place for all regular City Council Meetings in the 2020 calendar year. (S. Storm, City Secretary) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Birmingham Bluffs Phase 1, establishing 29 single-family residential lots and two open space lots on 6.443 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of Westgate Way and Brown Street. (J. Haskins, Planning Manager) D. Consider, and act upon,Ordinance No. 2019-31 amending Ordinance No.2019-27(2019-2020 Budget) for proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2019-2020; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing an effective date of this ordinance. (M. Beard, Finance Director) E. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of August 31, 2019. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) F. Consider, and act upon, a request to eliminate the railings between columns for a previously approved newly constructed Greek Revival residential structure for commercial uses on a single lot within the Downtown Historic District, located within the Keller's 1st Addition, Block 2, Lot 3 (105 N.Jackson Ave). (R. 011ie, Asst. City Manager) REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a residential replat of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie High School Addition to create Lot 1R, Block A to allow for adjustments to utility and fire lane easements, property located at 2550 E. FM 544. (J. Haskins, Planning Manager) Executive Summary The applicant has submitted a Replat for Lot 1, Block A of Wylie High School Addition to create Lot 1R, Block A on 78.341 acres.The purpose of the Replat is to relocate and label utility and fire lane easements due to renovations of Wylie High School. 2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a final plat of Kellers 1st Addition Lot 9R Block 5, being a replat of Lots 9 and 10 of Block 5, establishing one commercial lot on 0.376 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Jackson Street and Calloway Street. (J. Haskins, Planning Manager) October 8,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 Executive Summary The applicant has submitted a final plat that is proposing to create Lot 9R Block 5 of Kellers 1s`Addition by combining lots 9 and 10 of Block 5. 3. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon, a final plat of Kellers 1st Addition Lot 3R Block 6,being a replat of Lots 1R,3,and 4 of Block 6,establishing one commercial lot on 0.752 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Jackson Street and Calloway Street. (J, Haskins, Planning Manager) Executive Summary The applicant has submitted a Replat that is proposing to create Lot 3R Block 6 of Kellers 1st Addition by combining lots 1R, 3 and 4 of Block 6. 4. Hold a Public Hearing to discuss and review updates to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvement Plan, and modifications to the impact fees. (T. Porter, Public Works Director) Executive Summary On August 13, 2019, Council approved Ordinance No. 2019-19 setting a date, ordering a public hearing to discuss and review updates to the Land Use Assumptions,Capital Improvement Plan,and Water,Wastewater and Thoroughfare Impact Fess. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code outlines the process and procedures for approving and updating impact fees. The Capital Improvements Plan identifies the projects necessary to serve the projected population over the next ten years and is based on the recently approved Thoroughfare Plan. 5. Consider,and act upon,the acceptance of the resignation of Bryan Brokaw as a board member to the Wylie Economic Development Board and to recommend a replacement to fill the current term until June 30, 2022. (S. Storm, City Secretary) Executive Summary When the 2019 Board and Commission interviews were held, Bryan Brokaw's term was renewed until June 30, 2022. The WEDC Board does not have designated alternates or replacements. Staff has attached the applications of those who are qualified applicants and expressed an interest in serving on the board. EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087 --Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. 00 Consider the sale or acquisition of property located near FM 1378 and Brown Street. October 8,2019 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III,Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on October 4,2019 at 5:00p.m.as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council Minutes Regular Meeting September 24,2019—6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Eric Hogue called the regular meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. The following City Council members were present: Councilman David R. Duke, Councilman Matthew Porter, Mayor pro tern Jeff Forrester, Councilman Timothy T. Wallis, and Councilman David Dahl. Councilwoman Candy Arrington was absent. Staff present included: City Manager Chris Hoisted; Assistant City Manager Brent Parker; Assistant City Manager Renae 011ie; Police Lieutenant Tommy Walters; Chief Building Official Bret McCullough; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly; Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz; Finance Director Melissa Beard; Fire Chief Brandon Blythe; Human Resources Director Lety Yanez; Planning Manager Jasen Haskins; WEDC Executive Director Sam Satterwhite; Project Engineer Wes Lawson; Public Works Director Tim Porter; City Secretary Stephanie Storm, and various support staff. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Hogue gave the invocation and City Manager Hoisted led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS co National Manufacturing Day Proclamation Mayor Hogue presented a proclamation proclaiming October 4, 2019 as Manufacturing Day in Wylie, Texas. Representatives from WISD, Sanden International,North Texas Municipal Water District, Savage Precision Fabrication, Pella Corporation, Deanan Gourmet Popcorn, Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas, SAF-Holland, Lone Star Circuits, Wylie Chamber of Commerce, and Wylie Economic Development Corporation,were present to accept the proclamation. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Minutes September 24,2019 Wylie City Council Page 1 Debbie Migliore addressed Council requesting a zoning amendment to allow piercings in Historic Downtown.Wylie saying she wanted to perform her small business to the fullest. Melissa Kenfield addressed Council stating her perception of the September 10 City Council meeting regarding the items related to the budget. Due to technical difficulties with the audio, Mayor Hogue convened the Council into Executive Session at 6:43 p.m. while staff re-set the system. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on its negotiating position. 0o Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property located near the intersection of State Highway 78 and 5'Street. 00 Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property located near the intersection of State Highway 78 and Ballard Street. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; or (2) to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1). co Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Project 2019-7a. Sec. 551.074. PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. (a) This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply if the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. co Presentation of issues pertaining to WEDC Personnel. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. Mayor Hogue reconvened into Open Session at 7:11 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Duke seconded by Councilman Dahl, to authorize the Wylie EDC to offer incentives for Project 2019-7a in the amount of$120,000. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Arrington absent. Minutes September 24, 2019 Wylie City Council Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of September 10, 2019 Regular Meeting and September 10, 2019 Work Session of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for B&L Park to establish one lot of 5.013 acres within Wylie's ETJ, property located at 6201 Pleasant Valley Road. (J. Haskins, Planning Manager) C. Consider, and act upon, the first modification to PSPO #W2018-92-E for the 2018. Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan, Braddock Park Master Plan, and Parkside Park Master Plan to Dunaway Associates L.P. in the amount of$55,625.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing Manager) D. Consider, and act upon, approving the Financial Management Policies. (M. Beard, Finance Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-23(R) approving the current Investment Policy as required by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256, Public Funds Investment Act, Subchapter A — Authorized Investments for Governmental Entities. (M. Beard, Finance Director) F. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for August 31,2019. (M. Beard, Finance Director) G. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for August 31, 2019.. (M. Beard, Finance Director) H. Consider, and act upon Resolution No. 2019-24(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Wylie and North Texas Municipal Water District for the construction of new right of way for a portion of Lynda Lane and the abandonment of a portion of the old right of way for Lynda Lane, being a variable width beginning approximately 120 linear feet inside Collin County jurisdiction and extend east approximately 680 linear feet across City jurisdiction to a terminus intersection with Forrest Ross Lane. (R. 011ie, Asst. City Manager) I. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-25(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, amending Resolution No. 2003-20(R), Rules 1,3, and 9. (C. Hoisted, City Manager) J. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-29 of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, establishing Rules of Procedure for the conduct of public testimony at meetings of the Wylie boards, commissions and committees that are subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act. (C. Hoisted, City Manager) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Dahl, seconded by Councilman Duke, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with.Councilwoman Arrington absent. Minutes September 24, 2019 Wylie City Council Page 3 REGULAR AGENDA Tabled from 09-10-2019 Remove from table and consider Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Forrester seconded by Councilman Porter, to remove Item 1 from the table. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Arrington absent. 1. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-22 to change the zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Single Family-10/24 (SF-10/24), to allow for 49 single-family lots on 16.481 acres, located on E. Stone Road approximately 1500 feet south of E. Brown Street. ZC 2019-10 (J. Haskins, Planning Manager) Staff Comments City Manager Hoisted reported that staff did receive the executed development agreement. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester, seconded by Councilman Porter, to approve Ordinance No. 2019-22 to change the zoning from Agricultural (AG/30) to Single Family-10/24 (SF-10/24), to allow for 49 single-family lots on 16.481 acres, located on E. Stone Road approximately 1500 feet south of E. Brown Street ZC 2019-10. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Arrington absent. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a residential Replat of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie East High School Addition to create Lot 1R, Block A to allow for adjustments to utility and fire lane easements, property located at 3000 Wylie East Drive. (J. Haskins, Planning Manager) Staff Comments Planning Manager Haskins stated this is a replat of Wylie East High School and with the expansion and renovations being made, the applicant has to realign the utility and fire lane easements. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on Item 2 at 7:16 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. No citizens were present wishing to address Council. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman. Porter, seconded by Councilman Dahl, to approve a residential Replat of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie East High School Addition to create Lot 1R, Block A to allow for adjustments to utility and fire lane easements, property located at 3000 Wylie East Drive. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Arrington absent. 3. Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a Development Agreement pending Annexation between the City of Wylie, Serene District Townhomes, DBA The District Townhome (Tract 1 Owner), The District Lifestyle LLC (Tracts 2 & 3 Owner), and The District Lifestyle II LLC (Tracts 4 & 5 Owner), for the development of a mixed-use master Minutes September 24,2019 Wylie City Council Page 4 planned community, located south of Alanis Drive and east of SH 78. (R. 011ie, Asst. City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager 011ie addressed Council stating the applicant has submitted the Development Agreement for the development of five separate tracts totaling 20.433 acres. Tract 1 consists of 4.79 acres and is situated in Wylie's ETJ. If the Development Agreement is approved, the next step would be a voluntary annexation of Tract 1 followed by zoning of the five tracts. Staff has met and discussed the contents of the agreement with City Attorney as well as the applicant's attorney and there are some corrections that need to be made. 011ie compared the Zoning Ordinance with what the applicant is requesting for Tract 1, Townhomes. The current City standard is 3,500 square feet for exterior lots and 3,000 for square feet interior lots. The applicant is proposing 1,495 square feet on rear entry units and 1,875 square feet on front entry units. The minimum lot width is 30 feet and the applicant is proposing 23 feet. The minimum lot depth is 100 feet and the applicant is proposing 66 feet. The corner lot width is 45 feet and the applicant is proposing 15 feet. The applicant does exceed the minimum dwelling size for two dwellings by proposing 1,403 square feet instead of the required 1,000 square feet. In regards to the elevation repetitions, the applicant is proposing skipping 14 lots on the same side, instead of the seven on the same side,but this is not reflected in the concept plan. 011ie reported on the other four tracts; in regards to commercial, some of the comparisons with the Zoning Ordinance include the maximum height is 36 feet and the applicant is proposing 50 feet, the maximum number of stories is two and the applicant is proposing four, the lot coverage is 45% while the applicant is proposing three lots can be up to 65% with the cumulative total not to exceed 45%, the masonry standard is 80% masonry with maximum 20% EIFS and the applicant is proposing 75% masonry, 25% decorative accent, and no EIFS. The laws changed so the City cannot control EIFS any longer; however, part of the agreement is an exhibit that the applicant will adhere, or exceed to the City standards. 011ie stated on page 4, in section 4 of the Agreement, it states platting allows for the submission of Preliminary Plat for Tract 1 only. 011ie reported it is staffs opinion that the entire development should be preliminary platted at one time, with final platting submitted as each phase is ready to develop. In Exhibit F, General Standards, it states at least 40,000 square feet of commercial/retail/office/residential space has to be constructed on Tracts 2, 3, and/or 4 and 5 prior to receiving final inspections or certificates of occupancy for any building on Tract 1. The applicant is requesting a reduction in required parking between 15-20%. Tracts 2, 3, 4, and 5 will consist of retail, apartments, office space, and condos so the applicant believes some residents will be gone during the day and the retail could use some of those parking spaces. Applicant Comments Chuck Branch and Dede Belz, representing Daydra Management, gave a presentation to Council on The District. Myron Dornic,Attorney for Daydra, also addressed Council regarding The District. Council Comments Mayor Hogue asked how the developer will get utilities to the project. Ryan Cole, representing Daydra, responded there are two different tracts and they are working with the two different owners. Hogue asked why not the entire preliminary plat for the development. Dornic replied both preliminary plats have been submitted for review. The reason only one was mentioned in Part B of the agreement was because Part B was only about Tract 1. Hogue asked whether, with the work currently being done, they had pulled permits. Cole replied that permits have been pulled and all are current except for one that just expired for grading, which they are currently renewing. 011ie replied that is correct on the ETJ piece; however, they were given a stop work order on the piece inside of the City limits because there was work being done without a permit. 011ie reported they did receive the preliminary plats, but staff did not include Tracts 2-5 because they were incorrect and did not match the Concept Plan. Councilman Porter asked if the Fire Minutes September 24, 2019 Wylie City Council Page 5 Department would have adequate apparatus coverage to accommodate the proposed development's 50- foot building height. Fire Chief Blythe replied a larger ladder would most likely not have to be purchased and the buildings within the City limits should be sprinklered; however, the Fire Marshall has not formally reviewed the plans. Mayor pro tem Forrester asked if the City has received support from the school district. 011ie replied that staff has not submitted anything to the school district because the project is only at the development agreement stage. Citizen Comments Denny Armstrong, Norman. Hall, Hayley Macantonio, Daniel DeFrane, Rebekah Defrane, Brad Binke, Leah Defrane, Brandon Ireland, Maria Smith, Tim Smith, and CE Sebastian addressed Council in favor of the proposed development. Council Comments Mayor Hogue asked EDC Executive Director Satterwhite to come up. Hogue asked Satterwhite to describe some of the challenges the WEDC has encountered regarding developing projects on Highway 78. Satterwhite responded that, due to the daytime population, it has been challenging to interest full- service sit-down restaurants. Another challenge, he said, is not having both east-west and north-south traffic. Porter asked for an update from the last discussion with Council regarding communication with TxDOT regarding traffic signals on Highway 78. Cole replied Jones Carter, the engineering for the project, has reached out to TxDOT, and currently they are doing a right-in/right-out and a left turn lane. The applicant requested that Council table this item until the October 22 City Council meeting so that they can respond to any open issues with staff. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Duke, to table Item 3 until the October 22, 2019 City Council meeting. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Arrington absent. 4. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2019-26(R) reviewing and approving a First Amendment to Chapter 380 Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Texas and Cross Development, LLC; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the Chapter 380 Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same; and providing for an effective date. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) Staff Comments WEDC Executive Director Satterwhite addressed Council stating this is a request to extend the deadline to complete the project contemplated under the Chapter 380 Agreement that Council approved on March 13, 2018. The developer first approached City/WEDC staff in January 2019 to discuss the request for an extension due to the significant amount of rainfall that impacted the project beyond what is normally anticipated. Satterwhite reported from September 2018 to December 2018 33 '/z" of rain fell, and from September 2018 to October 2018 approximately 28 %s" of rain fell. In January 2019 it was staffs position that the project needed to progress to keep focused upon meeting the existing requirements. Staff is requesting, on the developer's behalf, an extension of 120 days, extending the September 1, 2020 completion date to December 31, 2020. Council Comments Councilman Porter confirmed the developer is requesting a 120-day extension for a two-month period during which, per the report, there were only 29 work day delays and lengthy periods of no rain. Satterwhite replied that was correct. Councilman Dahl clarified the developer is unsure of what the future holds and they are giving a date they know they can achieve. Satterwhite confirmed that is correct and staff has made it clear to the developer there will not be another request to change the date granted. Minutes September 24, 2019 Wylie City Council Page 6 Hoisted clarified the type of work being done at the start of the project was underground utilities and concrete paving, which is affected by weather. Hoisted stated there is a point in a project at which the weather does not impact progress to as great an extent as earlier in the construction. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Duke, to deny Resolution No. 2019- 26(R) reviewing and approving a First Amendment to Chapter 380 Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Texas and Cross Development, LLC; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the Chapter 380 Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same; and providing for an effective date. A vote was taken and motion failed 3-3 with Mayor Hogue, Mayor pro tern Forrester, and Councilman Dahl voting against and Councilwoman Arrington absent. Mayor Hogue recessed the Council into a short break at 8:30 p.m. Mayor Hogue reconvened the Council at 8:35 p.m. Council Comments Councilman Wallis asked if a 60-day extension would be sufficient. Satterwhite replied that would be a generous gesture of the Council and felt that it would be doable and attainable. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Wallis, to approve Resolution No. 2019-26(R), with the modification of 60 days, reviewing and approving a First Amendment to Chapter 380 Agreement by and between the City of Wylie, Texas and Cross Development, LLC; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the Chapter 380 Agreement; further authorizing the City Manager to take any and all other actions necessary to effectuate the same; and providing for an effective date. A vote was taken and motion passed 5-1 with Councilman Dahl voting against and Councilwoman Arrington absent. 5. Consider, and act upon,Resolution No. 2019-27(R), to ratify contract#W2019-125-B and first modification for the Bay Expansion of Fire Station #2 with Clayton Contracting Inc. in the amount of$54,240.06, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (B. Blythe, Fire Chief) Staff Comments Fire Chief Blythe addressed Council stating that during the course of demolition of a portion of the exterior wall, it was discovered that the structural header beam for this bay was not installed as shown on the architectural drawings. The contractor has submitted the first modification for this project in the amount of$5,433.12 to remove and install the correct structural support. This modification will bring the total of the project to $54,240.06. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Forrester, seconded by Councilman Porter, to approve Resolution No. 2019-27(R), to ratify contract #W2019-125-B and first modification for the Bay Expansion of Fire Station #2 with Clayton Contracting Inc. in the amount of$54,240.06, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Arrington absent. READING OF ORDINANCES City Secretary Storm read the captions to Ordinance Nos. 2019-22 and 2019-29 into the official record. Minutes September 24, 2019 Wylie City Council Page 7 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Forrester, seconded by Councilman Porter, to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Arrington absent. Eric Hogue,Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Minutes September 24,2019 Wylie City Council Page 8 Wylie City Council Minutes Work Session September 24, 2019—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the work session to order at 8:45 p.m. The following City Council members were present: Councilman David R. Duke, Councilman Matthew Porter, Mayor pro tem Jeff Forrester, Councilman Timothy T. Wallis, and Councilman David Dahl. Councilwoman Candy Arrington was absent. Staff present included: City Manager Chris Hoisted; Assistant City Manager Brent Parker; Assistant City Manager Renae 011ie; Police Lieutenant Tommy Walters; Chief Building Official Bret McCullough; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly; Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz; Finance Director Melissa Beard; Fire Chief Brandon Blythe; Human Resources Director Lety Yanez; Planning Manager Jasen Haskins; WEDC Executive Director Sam Satterwhite; Project Engineer Wes Lawson; Public Works Director Tim Porter; City Secretary Stephanie Storm, and various support staff. JOINT WORK SESSION - CITY COUNCIL AND THE WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD 0o Discuss the proposed Parks and Recreation Foundation. (R. Diaz, Parks & Recreation Director) Parks and Recreation Director Diaz addressed Council stating Brett Swendig was in attendance from the Parks and Recreation Board. Parks and Recreation staff was approached by Anne Hiney, President of the Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation (BPPF), regarding the possible closing down of the foundation. It had originally been formed to create Pirate Cove Playground, and, since the majority of the maintenance associated with Pirate Cove is now being performed by parks and recreation staff, there is no longer a need for the foundation. However, staff discussed with Mrs. Hiney the possibility of transitioning the BPPF to a parks and recreation support foundation, similar to the Friends of Smith Public Library. The foundation's purpose would be to provide a nonprofit fundraising organization specifically for parks and recreation, providing such functions as funding scholarships for parks and recreation activities to those in the City who are not able to afford them. Parks and Recreation Staff has discussed this type of foundation with the Parks and Recreation Board and the Board supports this effort. Staff is seeking input from the City Council on their support of this type of foundation before more efforts are made from the BPPF and parks and recreation staff to move forward in. Minutes September 24, 2019 Wylie City Council Work Session Page 1 transitioning the current foundation to a parks and recreation foundation. These efforts include an eventual agreement between the City and the newly formed foundation. Council gave direction to proceed with creating a foundation; however, they suggested keeping it simple and as informal as possible in regarding its relationship with Council. WORK SESSION 0o Discuss two intersection configurations provided by the engineering consultant for the intersection of FM 544, County Line Road and Vinson Road. (T. Porter, Public Works Director) Public Works Director Porter addressed Council stating the engineering consultant has looked at the traffic counts and existing right of way at the intersection of FM 544, County Line Road and Vinson Road. They have proposed two layouts for the future intersections. One option is for a roundabout with a bypass lane from southbound FM 544 to Vinson. The second option is for a horizontal curve to align FM 544 with County Line Road and Vinson to intersect at a T intersection. Council gave direction to proceed with the roundabout option. co Provide an update on partnership with Enterprise Fleet Management for the city's fleet. (B. Parker, Asst. City Manager) Assistant City Manager Parker addressed Council stating over the past several weeks, staff has worked with Enterprise to develop a five-year budget projection. Parker reviewed the five-year implementation plan provided by Enterprise Fleet Management. The average vehicle replacement over the last six years has been 14 vehicles with the average budget amount being between $600,000 and $630,000. Enterprise Fleet Management provides the city an option to lease vehicles on a four-year rotation. The annual lease payment, once the transition is complete, will be approximately $1,000,000 for 118 vehicles. The payment includes maintenance except for emergency response vehicles. Councilman Wallis stated based on the proposed numbers and the current cost to the City, he cannot see the value of the program. Councilman Duke stated he liked the idea of a fleet management system, but would like to see additional numbers and a clearer indication of savings should the city move to the system. Councilman Dahl stated he liked the fleet management system and asked if Staff has done any competitive pricing with other fleet management companies. Councilman Porter stated he like the idea of fleet management; however, the cost increase is a concern. Mayor pro tern Forrester stated he liked the idea of a lease program, but there is a gap regarding the timing and new money. Mayor Hogue stated he would like more details in regarding what we are currently spending in fleet maintenance, but would like to continue to look at a fleet management system. 0o Work Session / Discussion / Presentation of the current City of Wylie Outdoor Warning System and future options. (B. Blythe, Fire Chief) Fire Chief Blythe addressed Council stating the outdoor warning system is used as one resource in our community to alert citizens to severe weather events and other incidents. Blythe spoke on the benefits and limitations to using this resource, how the system is currently utilized and the expense to do so, options going forward that range from moving away from the system altogether to a saturation strategy to ensure the whole city is covered including the necessary system upgrades, and other alert systems that could be Minutes September 24, 2019 Wylie City Council Work Session Page 2 used in conjunction with the outdoor warning sirens and public outreach so citizens clearly understand their functionality. Council direction was to utilize a layered approach utilizing the outdoor warning system and phone notifications. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Wallis, to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Arrington absent. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Minutes September 24, 2019 Wylie City Council Work Session Page 3 Wylie City Council oF 1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Item Number: B Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: City Secretary Account Code: Date Prepared: July 22, 2019 Exhibits: Ordinance & Calendar Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-30 setting the time and place for all regular City Council Meetings in the 2020 calendar year. Recommendation A motion to approve, Ordinance No. 2019-30 setting the time for 6:00 p.m. and place for all regular City Council Meetings in the 2020 calendar year. Discussion The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter in Article III, Section 9 states that the City Council shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and as many additional meetings as it deems necessary to transact the business of the City. The City Council shall fix, by ordinance, the date and time of the regular meetings. Special meetings of the City Council shall be held on the call of the mayor or a majority of the City Council members. By this Ordinance, the dates and times of all regular meetings in 2020 will be set. During the months of November and December one meeting per month has been scheduled due to the holidays. Upon request of the Council, special called meetings and work sessions can be scheduled at any times designated by the City Council and posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-30 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY SETTING THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2020 FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS, REPEALING AND SEVERANCE CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council normally meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month; and WHEREAS, the City Charter requires the City Council to meet at least once each month; and WHEREAS, many citizens, City employees and elected officials take vacations or are unavailable during the holidays; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it will be beneficial and in the best interests of the public to set forth its regular meeting dates for the calendar year 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 2: The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby determines that regular meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for the first ten months of 2020 (January through October) and on the 2nd Tuesday in November and December 2020, which shall be on the following dates: January 14 and 28, 2020 July 14 and 28, 2020 February 11 and 25, 2020 August 11 and 25, 2020 March 10 and 24, 2020 September 8 and 22, 2020 April 14 and 28, 2020 October 13 and 27, 2020 May 12 and 26, 2020 November 10, 2020 June 9 and 23, 2020 December 8, 2020 SECTION 3: Nothing herein shall prohibit the City Council from canceling or changing the regular meeting dates established herein or from holding special or other meetings as allowed by law. SECTION 4: The City Council's regular meetings shall generally begin at 6:00 p.m. and are usually held at 300 Country Club Road, Building #100, Wylie, Texas in the City Council Chambers in City Hall; however the exact time and location for each meeting shall be posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Ordinance No. 2019-30 Ordinance Establishing Meeting Dates-Calendar Year 2020 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 5: Savings/ Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed Ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. Any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 8th day of October, 2019. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST TO: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No. 2019-30 Ordinance Establishing Meeting Dates-Calendar Year 2020 Page 2 of 2 2 2 Wylie i t ouncil Yearly Cal r a January February March .. { . . i . EFi S S , H M T W T d F ; S S ' M T W 'S T W T T ' F S 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 r£„> 11 12 13 14 IlillPin 12 13 t�xt14 15 16 17 18 9 10�till 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ito19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23seyr 25 26 27 28 26 27,glitit 29 30 31 23 24,v�t 5 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 April May June S i T F .. S...:; S :,.' M •.. T W T..:,. F S W 1 T F S 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 watlifi 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8;;<<ttt t9 10 11 12 13 12 131141,11 15 16 17 18 10 11{;t{;l{'i12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22��:;, 24 25 26 27 26 27 5;:s2 29 30 24 25.14 * 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 ket31 July August September S : M l T . W 1, T 'i F ; S S M T W T F S S M T p W I� T F S 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 t4t�`tfzt}t;`. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7,;i;,>:,,it, ti 9 10 11 12 12 13 >jis 15 16 17 18 9 10t4ifltiWPI r 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 :}t �t t€ t:, rs 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 11 23 24 25 26 Peng t 26 27,,}'1 4 29 30 31 23 24 };25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 30 31 October November December S : M C T W I T F S S M ,L T W Ti„ F S S M T i W T F G S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 911111 11 12 13 14 6 71111,141 9 10 11 12 1`t ,Fs 11 12r'r13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 Big" 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 2020 Council Dates Wylie CityCouncil Y AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: September 25, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Birmingham Bluffs Phase 1, establishing 29 single-family residential lots and two open space lots on 6.443 acres,generally located on the northwest corner of Westgate Way and Brown Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Birmingham Bluffs Phase 1, establishing 29 single-family residential lots and two open space lots on 6.443 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of Westgate Way and Brown Street. Discussion OWNER: Birmingham Lot Venture Ltd APPLICANT: Stantec Consulting Services The applicant has submitted a final plat for Phase 1 of the Birmingham Bluffs single-family planned development. This final plat is a portion of the Birmingham Bluffs preliminary plat approved in June 2018. Because a few lots from that preliminary plat are in the flood plain, the applicant split the preliminary plat into two, phased final plats. The applicant has an approved Conditional Letter of Map Revision(CLOMR) from FEMA, made the necessary improvements at the site, and has submitted for a Letter of Map Revision(LOMR). Once approved, the limits of the floodplain would be moved to outside the affected residential lots and the applicant can submit a phase two final plat. This plat consists of 29 residential and two open space lots and conforms to the preliminary plat with the exception of the east-west street renamed to Manchester Drive due to the previous name being similar to an existing street. The development will have access from Westgate Way and Brown Street. All of the open space lots are to be owned and maintained by the subdivisions HOA. This plat dedicates 20' of right-of-way on Brown Street. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. For conditional approval or disapproval the Council must provide a written statement of the reasons to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Gov't Code. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commissioners voted to recommend approval 6-0 Page 1 of 1 AREA tl, P � m, ' 'I ''i.,. ----' _,„...-.‘„- i ', -tr . oT.sn xse J� ' r,> MEAD N HA9M3 P SE 1 o ,wK eaw a„„„- ' / RC C.. 4 - i ce. p w ao BIRMINGHAMc inr zuPHASE 28 j PAW'C ARG ccc ' DEDICATION Lor es °-F C 39 . dF PR.C'A y 2A ®0 NGHAM SCALE BH wr e r I.or\F ' i� 40 �� � 4GPal V r 22 4 LOT SO of 4 � VICINITY MAP 22 oT e e COMMON AREGN A 1Maasw :';`TY COMMON 2 AREA BLOCK DR ars• Osh9J- BIRMINGHAM FARMS, / Eor zw cA a9 m;z-r,=1 Ilk ___- alreM: " orrwoom,�a r PRcc 1 Mares,urr �� , oo�ss�z wr anu r �� oaa C4. - I'I L T rur Asa r ..so \\ // CAB N,. �r BIRMINGHAM PHASE 2A , �� T PRCCT. 5 PAGE . RR ARC orun,.n.en DEDICATOR of T 1 PARK AREA �_a, DEDICATION�rva� aara E,a i e 'I ''"9-s'.°,row.`,. -s ae•aaoa"E 11 KI((II 'r w- am E -N aaro6.a6.E �I / T m z .4011' I Hon S88 04 E 29395 . sy r / � -N 65T543"E uos nano sao. so.00 xioo � I 1 /j " BIRMINGHAM 3i PHASE — oo ws vo c.6n6 1 rf r' t00 oo� o WORT-II NG WAY ® ® M /r= I. S 68'44'04'E-' PI 1 6 2 R 3 P 4 w 5 —� e 10 R 11 - 12 13 a 14 5 T s f r,/ sa a9' - - LOTx o � r I i L3 J I,Ivy r _ — ( — _ (BLOCK, )_. / / r oo sno o _- � sax- saoo -r� aoo --ooD �...saro s Po / C4ft3.f t btt"H t t.;a �. J w oo N O11556"E-"'M - — z - -.—_. MANCHESTER DRIVE v.o ooa�.°' i r rr Nril C Pn. ., 5000 R o.vv.acz. bM \ /r r r r 1 - - ` 3 '.y sw /`, / > 3 pS q� 1 R 3 _ 4 , 5 _ 6 8 T EE 9 8 10 11 _ 12 g 13 14 18 SIF o vo ffi r � rz r r axo nm�%,b r ` r li N Ot'15'56'E n � m _ 0 r � _....__ _. �..... Ns.. sa so as so LOT N,610CI(E(HM) a-.a __. �a9tBM s.on �_ CWau6Y rro. =. °^ ° n< a ssx -S ae as o4 w BTz ao vry / xo noel 4 a ro m WEST BROWN STREET 2+ T " (FM.HIGHWAY NO.3412) POINT OF BEWNN/N6f LEGEND a<C. oau.. mR (OU FOS TOF)T S 1xE van vrRr / .. ur c csP R s v.s' ... w.wE ( orrvEnunsc w.ss No v,wsso ,Fo au«o,�„ Mom 2 No') Msr.Na no-o ,,,, II, L I" CHURCH o noom a NEW No A ASE 3 I �HTpPA / PRCCT H I CC - Exas - rc E 62ADDITION E T2 . ac os or coLrry co9rvr..1ws P-Rc CT FINAL PLAT Y Pre11 orY BIRMINGHAM BLUFFS, PHASE 1 UNE TABLE LINE TABLE LINE TABLE GUM TABLE _ - eEa AIE �rvL eEaAlrv� Tarv�E aa�T,R,.Ic,r�AD� w aErvDTH 6EaMrvc For Review Purpos sOnly LOTS 1-6,BLOCK B,LOTS 8-16,BLOCK C,LOTS 1-16,BLOCK E w,n eE n wM._ Na Easc:nEUT n E1z zs.=s' s. 'r �� BEING 6.443 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN D.W-WILLIAMS SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.1021 of EnsEMErvr ry as z a v.c 'r eau'uwT z S C .s r n.E EI,owPurvaCcx�EuiU Er van ....y Ea eT - _E APPLICANT/OWNER SURVEYOR: CITY OF W ARIE,EA COLLI 6 COUNTY,TEXAS uE. UTILITY EASEMENT u ry,3 I' n 'e se se TB s u as 2s'n'E HRM NfNPM LOf VENTURE T - S LID. STANTEC CONS G w CRN ING OTAL AREA 6 441 ACRE e.A au in rvR SEreurc urvE Is ry an "E Gsse _'oz E eC3s E1E s aaaa'oa"E BS Da „,„ asso ,9,o' „,p n..„5„E 8214 WESTCHESTER DRIVE,SUITE T. PLAN\1T.TIL�>5024 SU TE 200 2 Ny RFS1UtNTi AI.IO IS DErvoTEs slrezrr xnME cnauvx s aT s TSOe S aers'sF"w vz1' a s.aT' anso 103 H,s' a- i nasz'os"E v 1 2s P'J-RFSIUFNTIAI..l01S CONTnG'..OtIN nRN01.0 TA ) -MURPHY,2P LS.473-2463 SEPTEMBER 23,2019 STANTE0 PROJECT N0.222210757 TBPLS pt Ct93n88 SHEET 1 OF 2 OWNERS CERTIFICATE OWNERS DEDICATION SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS NOW THEREFORE,!NOW AM MEN BY MESE PRESENTS KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS caw,or CowN 9 ACTUAL.MAT BIRMINGHAM LOT VENTURE LTD.ACDNO Br AND THROUGH ITS DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT,DOES HEREBY ADOPT THAT 5 MICHAEL.J MURPHY,00 HEREBY CERTIFY MAT I PREPARED MIS PLAT FROM AN MD ACCURATE TMS MAT,DESMNATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS SIRIANDNAM BLUFFS.PHA.1.AN ADDITION TO THE CITY SURVEY OF THE LAND AND MAT ME CORNER MONUMENTS SHOWN MERE.AS SET WERE PROPERLY P YMEREAS,BIRMINGHAM LOT VENTURE,My/0 THE OWNER OF A 6.645 ACRE TRAM LAND 0/TUATED OF AMIE,COLLIN COUNTY.MXAS,AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE.IN FEE SIMPLE,TO ME PUBLIC USE FOREVER,THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE MTH TUE SUBDMSION ORDINANCE THE CM!OF WYLIE THE D.W WILLIAMS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.1021,CITY OF WMIE,COLLIN COMM TEXAS,AND BENG AM STREETS,RMHT-0E-WAY.AND OTHER PUBLIC IMPRO,MENTS SHOWN THEREON THE STREETS AND ALLEYS.IF ANY,ARE OF A CALLED M 502 ACRE TRACT LAND DESCRIBED IN A SPECML WARRANTY DEED WITH VENDOR'S DEDICATED FOR STMET PURPOSES.THE EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC USE AREAS,AS SHOW,PRE DEDICATED FOR THE DF1ED MIS ME DAY OF 2D19. PUBLM USE FOREVER,FOR iHE PURPOSES INDICATED ON MIS MAT.NO DMLONGS,FENCES,IREES,SHRUBS,OR OMER DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS.PTZIrRrORg of cDuw co uNTY,TExas,sAm c.aa3 AwEs aEwa MORE vARnauRLvEASEMENTS AS SHOWN,EXCEPT MAT LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS MAY BE RACED LANDSCAPE EASEMENTS,IF Preliminary APPROVED SY ME CITY COUNCIL OF ME CITY OF WMIE ADDMON,MIL!,EASEMENTS MAY ALSO EE USED FOR ME DATION OF ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES DESIRING TO USE OR USING THE SAME UNLESS ME This document chell not be WEST RMHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORTH WESTGATE r BEGINNING AT A M.NAIL W,N WASHER STAMPED MiANTEM FOUND Avl Cr EASEMENT LIMES THE USE- rune_SAID USE BY PUBLIC UTILITIES BEING SUBORDINATE TO ME - n SURVEYOR _ - - - Pueuc s AND CITY or WINE s USE MerecoF. STATE Dr TExas rvo.vTza For Review PurposesreCorded`Or vOnly THE NCR war L C n KNOWN ISLE HCHwnv No T (VARIABLEROIL+ FE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID IF My ACRE TRACT OF LAN, THE CITY OF FUME AND PUBFIC UM!,ENTMS SHAH.HAVE THE RIM,TO REMO,AND FEE;REMOVED AU.OR PARTS OF ANY SUILDIUGS.FENCES.MEES,SHRUBS 0,OTHER MPROVEMENTS OR GROWTHS WHMU MAY 51 ANY WAY ENDANGER THENCE,NORTH 88,9.0a"WEST ALONG THE NORTH RGHr OF SAID WEST BROWN EASEMENTS. OR EMICIENCY OF MLR RESPECT!,SYSTEMS IN SAID ee,al,zo19 DISTANCE OF 872 00 FEET 5/0-MCHD"saN et" AND EGRESS 10 OR IHER RESPECME EASEMENTS FOR THE PURFOSE OF CONSTRUCTING,"'FOR A 5/8 rva NSPECMG,P - u.OR ARTS OF MEa IRON ROD WITH',MOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED 'MANTIC' > RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS our n E rv[ass ANY THE OCR. c r M sSM E LE ONE_ STA OF.AS SAID 18..102 ACRE OF LAND AND FROM WHICH A 1/2-MCH MON ROD FOUND BEARS WEST,A INSTANCE OF 0.9 FEET,BEARS NORTH 8,49,4 WEST, A DISTANCE MIS PLAT APEROvED SUBJECT To ALL PLATTING ORDINANCES,RULES,FEGMAnpNS,,AND RESOLUTIONS of THE CITY of COUNTY OF COLONOF 4.15.2,FEET, WME,TEXAS LeA' A"A"'" 'WITNESS,MY HAND MIS THE DAY 2019 s D Rastas 5.56E EEAST,WstTorzT OF35. FEETLLo s O MCH IRON Roo WITH YELLOW PLASM Br.BIRMINGHAM Lot vCrvnRE.LTD sCnEN UNDER MYxa.oHANDasEara oFHCE ON OrHls ME mrvsDERAT oaaEssE6 arvo Iry ME ca.aDAY OF CO rnsrzDN COR NORTH 01,5.56.EAST,A DISTANCE OF MO..FEET Tn A 5/8-INCH IRON ROD MTH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED STANTEC SET FOR CORNER. JOHN ARNOLD FEET To A s/e-INa IRON Roo WITH YELLOW PLASM NOTARY PUBLIC Iry AND FOR THE STATE of TEXAS NORTH 93,4'04"WEST,DISTANCE OF 2,21 CAP STAMPED',TANTE,SET FOR CORNER; NO H 0115D A" ST,A DISTANCE SET FOR OF 50.00 FEET TO A 5/a-INCH IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASM STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COW. $ FEET TO a 5/e-MCH IRON ROD WITH YELLOW FLAMM CA SET FOR CORNER: aamlow olmcsmM XECUTEDs ry 6SAME F To PURPOSES A D CONSNOINSTRUMENT.AND CAP STAMPED s vC x FOR CORNER; F TO A 5/e-LNG:RON ROD WM YELLOW PLASTIC CPaC TY THERfi. S E. SAME FOR THE Punt Dsrs AND CONSIDERATION EXPRESSED AND IN ME COMMENDED FOR APPROVAL FEET A A 5/8-INCH IRpN ROD WITry YELLOW PLASM NNO„R MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.ON THYS THE DAY OF 2019. NORTH 01,55J EAST.A DISTANCE OF M0.00CAP 5 aarvN rvO a"Nc coMM SIGN DATE SOUTH don'EAST,A DISTANCE OF 26289 PEET Ton5/8-INCH RON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASM NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE 0,TEXAS IE,TEx,u CAP STAMPED MTANTEM SET FOR THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A NON....TANGENT CUR,TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS POINT WHICH BEARS SCUM 75'5,22-VoV.ST,A DISTANCE OF 255 00 FEET, APPROVED FOR CONSIRUCION SOUMEASTERLY MTH SAID CURVE 7P THE RIGHT THROUGH A FENTRAL,ANGLE OF 0,46.03'FOR AN ARC LEN.,OF 12 32 FEET HAMNG A CHORD BEARING OP SOUTH 1.2,2,7..EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE CORNER, 12.32 FEET M A 5/8-MCH RON ROD MTH YELLOW PLASTIC CAT STAMPED STANTEC OR CITY OF WYUE,TEXAS DATE. SET f NORTH 85155,EAST.A DISTANCE OF 114.26 FEET TO A 5/8-INCH IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED',TANTE,SET FOR CORNER: B-INCH IRON ACCEPTED NORTH 3MDEMM EAST,A DISTANCE OF 40.11 FEET TO A 5/ IN CABINET rv,PAGE 887,PLAT RECORDS of COLLN COUNTY,TEXASSO(E_ ). HEREgE aECOxOEn MANOR,OM OF WYUE TExAS DATE "NEEEAST, "COMMON LINE OF SAID 18. P LAND AND SAID MR AM FARMS.PHASE 2A,A DrSTANCE OF 293.95 FEET TO A 5/8"'REM IRON ROD WITH ACRES OR 280.673 SQUARE PEET OF LAND THE MDERSIONED,THE GMY SECRETARY OF THE CITY 0,WMIE,TEM,HEREBY CERMIES MAT ME FOREGOING FINAL PLAT OF THE BIRMINGUAM BLUFFS ADDMON TO ME CITY OF WYLIE WAS SUMAITTED,SY FORMAL ACTION,MEN AND MERE ACCEPTED ME DEDICATION,SMEETS,ALLEY,P.ARKS,EASEMENT,PUBLIC PLACES.AND WATER AND SEWER LINES AS WITNESS MY HAND MIS DAY OF 2019 GENERAL NOTE8 LEICA GEOYSTEMS'NORTH TEXAS 'NETWORK. AWNS.TO AN CITY SECRETARY ...AGE COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 0.99,847313. CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS 2 REFERENCE BENCHMARKS. CITY OF WYLIE GEODETIC CONTROL MONUMENT NUMBER CM 2 FOUND. CITY OF WYLIE GEODETIC CONTROL MONUMENT NUMBER CM a FOUND. SITE BENCHMARKS: ALL EASEMENTS WITHOUT RECORD ANFORMaPo�WARE�DEDICATED BY MISMPaT�aa FO,L MAT WILL Be FINAL PLAT 1...riZZNTENANCE BETWEEN ME HEIGHT OF 2-FEET AND 9-FEET MAY BE PLACED IN THE YIDBIUY BIRMINGHAM BLUFFS, PHASE 1 ,. LOT,R.MOCK A WILL BE DEDICATED TO AND IMAYALNED BY THE CITY OF WYLIE. LOTS 1-5,BLOCK B,LOTS 8-18,BLOCK C,LOTS 1-15,BLOCK E e. Lc AND MONUMENT SIGNS WILL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY ME BEING 6.4.43 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN noMEwrvrzs assocanory D.W.WILLIAMS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.1021 ETZZ CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS APPLICANT/OWNER: SURVEYOR TOTAL AREA-6.443 ACRES BIRMINGHAM LOT VENTURE.LTC. SCAN C CONSULTING SERVICES;G wESTCHESTER DRIVE,SUITE TO 6080TTENNYSON PARKWAY,SUITEN 200 29 RESIDENTIAL LOTS PIPEYINES RESULTING MOM CONSTRUCTON BY THE DsvELOPFR OR HOMEOWNER mLL BE ME PLANO.TEXAS 75024 2 NON-RESIDENTIAL LOTS RESPONSIBILITY n R R H MJER TO MAINMIN NTMWD MPELMES. FORMER,ANY COST FOR MPAIR FOR DAMAGE TO THE 82� zae3 O E.DEVELOPER o cMEO .. CONTACTJOHN ARNOLD H TA T.4 MICHAEL J.MURPHY,RP L.S. SEPTEMBER 23.2019 TBRIS R105.5a8 PROJECT NO.222210757 SHEET 2 OF 2 Wylie City Council oF 1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Item Number: D Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Various Date Prepared: September 30, 2019 Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2019-31 amending Ordinance No. 2019-27 (2019-2020 Budget) for proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2019-2020; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing an effective date of this ordinance. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2019-31 amending Ordinance No. 2019-27 (2019-2020 Budget) for proposed budget amendments for fiscal year 2019-2020; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing an effective date of this ordinance. Discussion With the approval of the Utility Manager position upgrade in the fiscal year 2019-2020 budget, the three Utility Technicians and their associated expenses will be transferred from the Water department to the Utility Billing department. Both departments are within the Utility Fund. The Utility Manager will now supervise the three Utility Technicians as well as the Utility Billing personnel. The expenses include all salary and benefits along with additional expenses related to meter equipment, fuel, training, safety apparel, software maintenance, and meter testing. This amendment results in a net zero change to the Utility Fund budget. Exhibits A and B Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-31 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2019-27, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 2019-27 setting forth the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2020; and, WHEREAS, the City Departments and Divisions routinely review their budget appropriations to determine if any changes are necessary; and WHEREAS, based upon said review the City staff now recommends that certain amendments to the Budget be considered by the City Council; see Exhibits A and B; and, WHEREAS,the City Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY 2019- 2020 Budget; see Exhibits A and B, with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City; and therefore, desires to adopt the same by foiiiial action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION I: The proposed amendments to the FY 2019-2020 Budget of the City of Wylie; Exhibits A and B, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 2019-31, are, completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY 2019-2020 Budget. SECTION II: All portions of the existing FY 2019-2020 Budget and Ordinance No. 2019- 27, except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION III: Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause,phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Ordinance No. 2019-31 —City Council Budget Amendment FY 2019-2020 SECTION V: That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of the Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas,this 8th day of October, 2019. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No. 2019-31 —City Council Budget Amendment FY 2019-2020 Budget Amendment Exhibit A Budget Transfer from Utility Fund Water to Utility Billing Fund Department Account Number Account Description Debit Credit 611 5712 51110 Salaries 117,998.00 611 5712 51130 Overtime 2,500.00 611 5712 51140 Longevity Pay 1,165.00 611 5712 51220 Phone Allowance 2,310.00 611 5712 51230 Clothing Allowance 2,160.00 611 5712 51310 TMRS 18,296.00 611 5712 51410 Hospital and Life Insurance 31,825.00 611 5712 51420 Long-Term Disability 673.00 611 5712 51440 FICA 7,522.00 611 5712 51450 Medicare 1,759.00 611 5712 51470 Workers Comp Premium 1,933.00 611 5712 51480 Unemployment Comp (TWC) 810.00 611 5712 52130 Tools/Equip(non capital) 750.00 611 5712 52310 Fuel & Lubricants 6,660.00 611 5712 52350 Meter/Service Connect Supplies 216,125.00 611 5712 52710 Wearing Apparel & Uniforms 300.00 611 5712 54810 Computer Hard/Software 3,000.00 611 5712 56040 Special Services 20,000.00 611 5712 56210 Travel &Training 1,200.00 611 5715 51110 Salaries 117,998.00 611 5715 51130 Overtime 2,500.00 611 5715 51140 Longevity Pay 1,165.00 611 5715 51220 Phone Allowance 2,310.00 611 5715 51230 Clothing Allowance 2,160.00 611 5715 51310 TMRS 18,296.00 611 5715 51410 Hospital and Life Insurance 31,825.00 611 5715 51420 Long-Term Disability 673.00 611 5715 51440 FICA 7,522.00 611 5715 51450 Medicare 1,759.00 611 5715 51470 Workers Comp Premium 1,933.00 611 5715 51480 Unemployment Comp (TWC) 810.00 611 5715 52130 Tools/Equip(non capital) 750.00 611 5715 52310 Fuel & Lubricants 6,660.00 611 5715 52350 Meter/Service Connect Supplies 216,125.00 611 5715 52710 Wearing Apparel & Uniforms 300.00 611 5715 54810 Computer Hard/Software 3,000.00 611 5715 56040 Special Services 20,000.00 611 5715 56210 Travel &Training 1,200.00 436,986.00 436,986.00 Budget Amendment Exhibit B Budget Transfer from Utility Fund Water to Utility Billing Water Department Proposed Staffing 611-5712 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Assistant PW Superintendent 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Water Utility Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Water Quality Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 Crew Leader 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Equipment Operator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Utility Technician 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 Maintenance Worker II 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 Maintenance Worker 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 TOTAL 19.0 19.0 19.0 16.0 Utility Billing Proposed Staffing 611-5715 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 Utility Manager 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Utility Billing Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 Senior Billing Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Billing Clerk 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Utility Technician 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 TOTAL 5.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 Wylie City Council 0F AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 10-8-19 Item Number: Department: WEDC (City Secretaty's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: September 24, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of August 31, 2019. Recommendation Motion to approve the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of August 31, 2019. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on September 24,2019. Page 1 of 1 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Statement of Net Position As of August 31,2019 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 661,477.09 Receivables $ 140,000.00 Note 1 Inventories $ 11,696,750.14 Prepaid Items $ - Total Assets $ 12,498,227.23 Deferred Outflows of Resources Pensions $ 101,121.55 Total deferred outflows of resources $ 101,121.55 Liabilities Accounts Payable and other current liabilities $ 11,545.54 Unearned Revenue $ 79,200.00 Note 2 Non current liabilities: Due within one year $ 49,165.61 Note 3 Due in more than one year $ 6,244,066.09 Note 4 Total Liabilities $ 6,383,977.24 Deferred Inflows of Resources Pensions $ (30,407.41) Total deferred inflows of resources $ (30,407.41) Net Position Net investment in capital assets $ Unrestricted $ 6,245,778.95 Total Net Position $ 6,245,778.95 Note 1: Includes incentives in the form of forgivable loans for$140,000 Note 2: Exco amortization;deposits from rental property Note 3: Liabilities due within one year includes compensated absences of$14,237 Note 4: Includes$3,503,499.53 draw-down of the approved$4,500,000 loan from American National Bank as of August 31,2019 9-11-2019 04:22 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF AUGUST 31ST, 2019 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 659,477.09 1000-10115 CASH - WEDC - INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 ESCROW 0.00 1000-10180 DEPOSITS 2,000.00 1000-10198 OTHER - MISC CLEARING 0.00 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 1000-10481 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-11511 ACCTS REC - MISC 0.00 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.00 1000-12810 LEASE PAYMENTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12950 LOAN PROCEEDS RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12996 LOAN RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-12997 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 0.00 1000-12998 ACCTS REC - FORGIVEABLE LOANS 140,000.00 1000-14112 INVENTORY - MATERIAL/ SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND & BUILDINGS 11,696,750.14 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO/ SANDEN BLVD 0.00 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES - MISC 0.00 1000-14410 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS 767,988.87 13,266,216.10 TOTAL ASSETS 13,266,216,10 LIABILITIES 2000-20110 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20111 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR PAY-EMPLOYEE 0.77 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20120 FICA PAYABLE 0,00 2000-20121 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20122 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20126 ICMA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20127 EMP, LEGAL SERVICES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20130 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT 3,633,26 2000-20131 EDWARD JONES DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20132 EMP CARE ELITE 12.00 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY 48.00 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 9-11-2019 04 22 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2019 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE 2000-20201 AC PENDING 7,851.51 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20530 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20540 NOTES PAYABLE 767,988.87 2000-20810 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 2000-22270 DEFERRED INFLOW 78,000.00 2000-22275 DEF INFLOW - LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 2000-22280 DEFERRED INFLOW - LEASE INT 0.00 2000-22915 RENTAL DEPOSITS 1,200.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 858,734.41 EQUITY 3000-34110 FUND BALANCE - RESERVED 0.00 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 9,729,021.76 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 9,729,021.76 TOTAL REVENUE 5,724,165.11 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,045,705.18 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 2,678,459.93 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 12,407,481.69 TOTAL IJARILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 13,266,216.10 9-11-2019 04:22 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2019 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS 1000-10312 GOVERNMENT NOTES 0.00 1000-18110 LOAN - WEDC 0.00 1000-18120 LOAN - BIRMINGHAM 0,00 1000-18210 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 0.00 1000-18220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 1000-19050 DEE OUTFLOW TMRS CONTRIBUTIONS 35,543,29 1000-19051 DEF OUTFLOW SDBF CONTRIBUTIONS 543.00 1000-19075 DEF OUTFLOW - INVESTMENT EXP 0.48 1000-19100 DEF OUTFLOW - ACT EXP/ASSUMP 65,034„78 1000-19125 (GAIN)/LOSS ON ASSUMPTION CHG( 30,407.41) 70,714.14 TOTAL ASSETS 70,711.14 LIABILITIES 2000-20310 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 81,193,87 2000-20311 COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE-CURRENT 14,237.00 2000-21410 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 3,991.77 2000-28205 WEDC LOANS/CURRENT 30,936.84 2000-28220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 2000-28230 INWOOD LOAN 0.00 2000-28232 AND LOAN/EDGE 0.00 2000-28233 ANB LOAN/PEDDICORD WHITE 0.00 2000-28234 AND LOAN/RANDACK FIUGIIES 0.00 2000-28235 AND LOAN 0.00 2000-28236 ANB CONSTRUCTION LOAN 0.00 2000-28237 ANB LOAN/ WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY 251,320.68 2000-28238 ANB LOAN/BUCHANAN 0.00 2000-28239 ANB LOAN/JONES:HOBART PAYOFF 0.00 2000-28240 FHUGHES LOAN 0.00 2000-28242 ANB LOAN/HWY 78:5TH ST REDEV 3,503,499.53 2000-28245 ANB LOAN/DALLAS WHIRLPOOL 2,000,000.00 2000-28247 JARRARD LOAN 230,437.84 2000-28250 CITY OF WYLIE LOAN 0.00 2000-28260 PRIME RUTS LOAN 0.00 2000-28270 BOWLAND/ANDERSON LOAN 0.00 2000-28280 CAPITAL ONE CAZAD LOAN 0.00 2000-28290 HOBART/COMMERCE LOAN 0.00 2000-29150 NET PENSION LIABILITY 171,1.08.17 2000-29151 SDBF LIABILITY 6,506.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 6,293,231.70 9-11-2019 04:22 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE; 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2019 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT)) TITLE OQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG( 3,412,605,24) 3000-35900 UNRESTRICTED NET POSITION 120,264.00) TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY ( 3,532,869.24) TOTAL REVENUE ( 3,503,499.53) TOTAL EXPENSES 813,851,21) REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ( 2,689,648.32) TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) ( 6,222,517.56) TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 70,714.14 9-11-2019 04:26 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF AUGUST 31ST, 2019 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP FINANCIAL SUMMARY CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D NUDGE I' 5 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 2,600,000.00 283,602.93 0.00 2,143,889.20 0,00 456,110.80 82.46 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST INCOME 3,600,00 438.55 0,00 8,204.91 0,00 (' 4,604.91) 227.91 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 1,675,166.00 6,435.00 0,00 68,571.47 0.00 1,606,594,53 4.09 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,503,499.53 0.00 996,500_.47 77.86 TOTAL REVENUES 8,778,766.00 290,476,48 0.00 5,724,165.11 0.00 3,054,600.89 65.20 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 9,871,731.13 178,438.58 0.00 3,045,705.18 19,851.13 6,806,174.82 31.05 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,871,731.13 178,438.58 0.00 3,045,705,18 19,851.13 6,806,174.82 31.05 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 1,092,965.13) 112,037.90 0.00 2,678,459.93 ( 19,851,13) ( 3,751,573.93) 243.25- 9-11-2019 04:26 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE. 2 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2019 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET 5 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST, ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000-40150 REV IN LEIU OF TAXES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 4000-40210 SALES TAX 2,600,000,00 283,602.93 0.00 2,143,889.20 0.00 456,110.80 82.46 000 , TOTAL TAXES 2,600,000.00 283,602.93 0.00 2,143,889.20 0.00 456,110.80 82.46 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV, 4000-4351.8 380 ECONOMIC AGREEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 3,600.00 438.55 0.00 8,204.91 0.00 (; 4,604.91) 227.91 4000-46110 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46150 INTEREST EARNINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-461.60 LOAN REPAYMENT (PRINCIPAL) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0„00 0.30 0.00 4000-4627.0 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 3,600.00 438.55 0.00 8,204.91 0.00 ( 4,604.91) 227,91 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 122,440.00 6,435.00 0,00 101,230.53 0...00 21,209.47 82.68 4000-48310 RECOVERY - PRIOR YEAR EXPEN 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48410 MISCiELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48430 GAIN/(LOSS) SALE OF CAP ASS 1,552,726.00 0.00 0,00 ( 32,659.06) 0,.00 1,535,385.06 2.10- TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 1,675,166.00 6,435.00 0.00 68,571.47 0.00 1,606,594.53 4.09 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4000-49160 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0..00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-49.325 RANK NOTE PROCEEDS 4,500,000.00 0.00 0,.00 3,503,499.53 0.00 996,500.47 77.86 4000-49550 LEASE PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS (0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-49600 INSURANCE RECOVERIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,503,499.53 0.00 996,500.47 77.86 TOTAL REVENUES 8,778,766.00 290,476.48 0.00 5,724,165.11 0.00 3,051,600.89 65.20 9-11-2019 04:26 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 3 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2019 Ill-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 5611-51110 SALARIES 290,180.00 34,105.56 0,09 267,047.27 0,00 23,132.73 92.03 5611-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 5611-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,452.63 0.00 0.00 1,444.00 0,00 8.63 99.41 5611-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5611-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5611-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00` 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 5611-51.210 CAR ALLOWANCE 12,600.00 1,453.89 0.00: 11,388.80 0.00 1,211.20 90.39 5611-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,656.00 0.00 0,00 4,656.00 01,00 0.00 100.00 5611-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51260 MOVING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00', 0.00 0-„00 0.00 0.00 5611-51310 TMRS 45,879.00 5,362.35 0,00 42,380.46 0:.,00 3,498.54 92.37 5611-5141.0 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 41,277.00 92.80 0.03 36,587.52 0,00 4,689.48 88.64 56_1-51415 EXECUTIVE HEALTH PLAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5611-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,655.00 86.85 0,00 1,030.56 0,00 624.44 62.27 5611-51440 FICA 18,863.00 2,121.45 0.00- 14,351.61 0,00 4,511.39 76.08 5611-51450 MEDICARE 4,412.00 496.16 0.00 3,874.81 000 537.19 87.82 5611-51.470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 396.00 0.00 0_011- 302.39 0.00 93.61 76.36 561.1-51980 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 810.00 0.00 0.00- 27.00 0.00 783.00 3.33 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 422,180.63 43,719.06 0.00 383,090.42 0.00 39,090.21 90.74 SUPPLIES 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,300.00 0.00 0.00 3,091.05 0.00 2,208.95 59.32 5611.-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 890.00 0.00 0,00 101,50 0.00 788.50 11.40 5611-52130 TOOLS/ EQUIP (NON-CAPITAL) 1,099.00 0.00 0::00 1,098.41 0.00 0.59 99.95 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 2,150,00 203.73 0.00 1,633,31 0.00 516.69 75.97 5611-52990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 TOTAL SUPPLIES ,..�_ 9,439.00 -----203.73 ....mm .�,,.000 ._._.. 5,...9 2 2_._. ........_........,............ 0._... .7 3 ;�,..62,.,,.... 4.27 0.00 3,514.73 62.`l6 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5611-54630 TOOL' & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 2,601.00 0,00 0.00 2,568.81 0.00 32.19 98.76 5611.-54990 OTHER 5,000.00 0.00 0..00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANL: 7,601.00 0.00 0.00 2,568.81 0.00 5,032.19 33.80 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5611 560.30 INCENTIVES 1,122,100.50 11,500.00 0.00;; 411,144.69 10,645.77 700,310„04 37.59 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 633,900.00 36,795.27 0,00 572,161.40 0.00 61,738.60 90.26 5611-56080 ADVERTISING 127,000.00 8,190.00 0.061 53,187.50 0.00 73,812,.50 41.88 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 68,100.00 3,500.00 0.00. 40,918.20 0..00 27,181.80 60.09 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 9,628.00 521,.88 0,00 8,369.32 0„00 1,258,6E 86.93 5611-56180 RENTAL 29,328.00 2,444.00 0.007 28,940.00 0,00 386,00 98.68 5611-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 55,425.00 256,34 0.0(1 33,248.45 0,00 22,176.99 59.99 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 30,610.00 7,541.24 0,00 24,496.18 0,00 6,113..82 80.03 5611-56310 INSURANCE 4,310.00 0.00 0.00 4,001.71 0-.00 305,29 92.92 5611-56510 AUDIT & LEGAL SERVICES 39,000.00 1,730.00 0.00 34,157.50 0,00 4,842,50 87.59 5611-56570 ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL 30,000.00 822.32 0.001> 15,917.23 0,.00 14,082.77 53.06 ....� 5611-56610 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 2,400.00 323.63 0.4311.. 3,116;31 0„00 (: 16,31) 129.85 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,151,801.50 73,574.68 0.00 1,229,661.49 10,645.77 911,494.24 57.64 9-11-2019 04:26 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 4 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2019 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET I OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST, ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DEBT SERVICE & CAP, REPL 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-57410 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 1,628,051.00 31,526.97 0.00 823,526.19 9,173.76 795,351.05 51.15 5611-57415 INTEREST EXPENSE 343,898.00 24,314.14 0.00 205,119.93 31.60 138,746.47 59.65 5611-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 1,971,949.00 55,841.11 0.00 1,028,646.12 9,205,36 934,097.52 52.63 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5611-58110 LAND-PURCHASE PRICE 4,800,000.00 5,100.00 0.00 3,959,210.14 0.00 840,789.86 82.48 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 507,760.00 0.00 0.00 323,620.09 0,00 184,139.91 63.73 5611-58410 SANITARY SEWER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 105.98 0.00 ( 105.98) 0.00 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 5611-58910 BUILDINGS 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 3,887,122.14) 0,00 3,887,122.14 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,308,760.00 5,100.00 0.00 395,814.07 0,00 4,912,945.93 7.46 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 5611-59190 TRANSFER TO THOPUGHFARE INC 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 5611-59430 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJ EU 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-59990 PROJECT ACCOUNTING 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 °A° 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 9,871,731.13 178,438.58 0.00 3,045,705.18 19,851.13 6,806,174.82 31.05 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,871,731.13 178,438.58 0.00 3,045,705.18 19,851.13 6,806,174.82 31.05 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 1,092,965.13) 1(2,037.90 0.00 2,678,459.93 ( 19,851.13) ( 3,751,573.93) 243.25- **, END OF REPORT *** ` — Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub Ledger August 31. 3O1S Notes Payable Date of Add'|drewm Rate of Principal Purchase Payment Beginning Bo|- to date � Principal |ntanamt Interest Balance � � August 1. 2O19 6.038.722.12 ANBTX-8813O&7G mxOomam|oGsPnxvY (#moofou) 8/15/14 13.267.83 274.511.85 12.048.18 021.75 2.61 261.865.67 AN BTX-88148481 ouCuxwAw(#6uoreu) 8/13/14 7.33195 7.965.29 7.865.29 25.88 3.77 0.00 ANBTX-B815BO43 K&M/HoBxeT(#47oru8) 9/2Y15 8.745.25 17.870.00 8.807.24 58.01 4.00 9.182.78 ANBTX-88158357 omLLAaxvH|RLpoOL(#32nf60) 11/22/18 varies 0.00 6.888.89 4.00 JARRARO GRAYS AUTO(#muoF1ou) 12/1/16 3.109.15 234.902.72 2.228.20 880.89 4.50 232.874.46 ANBTX-88193982 xmo BROWN&7e(#moF6u)^ 12/12/18 varies 3.503.489.53 0.00 15.83874 5.25 3.503.499.53 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Inventory Subledger August 31, 2019 Inventory-Land Date of Pur, Address Acreage Improvements Cost Basis Sub-totals Cooper McMasters 7/12/05 709 Cooper 0.48 0 n/a $202,045 Heath 12/28/05 706 Cooper 0.46 $32,005 3,625 186,934 Perry 9/13/06 707 Cooper 0.49 0 Demo 200,224 Bowland/Anderson 10/9/07 Cooper Dr. 0.37 0 n/a 106,419 KCS 8/1/08 Cooper Dr. 0.41 0 n/a 60,208 Duel Products 9/7/12 704 Cooper Dr. 0.50 0 n/a 127,452 Randack 10/23/12 711-713 Cooper Dr. 1.09 217,500 8,880 400,334 Lot 2R3 7/24/14 Cooper Dr. 0.95 0 n/a 29,056 $1,312,672 Industrial Ct. Ind Ct-Hwy 78 7/06 -4/16 Ind Ct-Hwy 78 1.45 0 n/a 924,486 Jarrard 12/22/16 201 Industrial Ct 0.29 32,893 3,900 300,493 1,224,979 Regency Regency Pk. 6/4/10 25 Steel Road 0.65 0 n/a 25,171 25,171 Commerce Hobart Investments 11/12/13 Commerce 1.60 0 n/a 156,820 Hobart 1/6/14 605 Commerce 1.07 396,263 20,000 386,380 Dallas Whirlpools 11/22/16 900-908 Kirby 4.79 128,925 9,000 2,182,080 2,725,280 Downtown Heath 3/17/14 104 N. Jackson 0.17 0 Demo 220,034 Udoh 2/12/14 109 Marble 0.17 0 n/a 70,330 Peddicord 12/12/14 100 W. Oak St 0.35 155,984 4,444 486,032 City Lot 12/12/14 108/110 Jackson 0.35 0 n/a Jones (K&M) 9/3/15 106 N. Birmingham 0.21 42,314 4,125 190,596 FBC Lot 6/15/16 111 N. Ballard St 0.20 0 n/a 150,964 FFA Village 1/7/18 102. N. Birmingham 0.17 35,390 910 99,804 1,217,760 Alanis White Property (Alanis) 12/12/14 Alanis 6.63 0 n/a 420,336 420,336 South Ballard Birmingham Trust 6/3/15 505 -607 S. Ballard 1.12 0 n/a 409,390 Murphy 3/7/19 701 S. Ballard 0.20 115,724 1,312 172,487 Braley 7/22/19 503 S. Ballard 0.26 50,762 840 177,398 759,275 Squire Gallagher 3/14/18 Squire-lot 2-4 2.67 100,404 6,000 573,844 573,844 Brown &78 Turner 12/5/18 504 E. Brown 1.02 84,077 1,180 308,180 Wallace 12/18/18 502 E. Brown 0.19 24,637 680 204,775 Karan 12/28/18 300 E. Brown 2.39 0 0 1,250,391 O'Donald 1/7/19 410 E. Brown 0.19 64,421 940 177,044 Weatherford 2/12/19 303 Marble 2.17 0 0 757,488 Brothers JV 2/26/19 306 &308 N. 2nd Stri 0.38 0 n/a 145,923 Pulliam 2/27/19 300 N. 2nd Street 0.26 122,764 1,364 218,472 Swayze 4/18/19 208 N. 2nd Street 0.26 73,313 1,860 187,501 Swayze 5/9/19 204 N. 2nd Street 0.26 121,781 2,033 187,658 3,437,433 Total 34.19 $1,799,157 71,093 $11,696,750 $11,696,750 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and not part of land value. WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2019 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2016 2017 2018 2019 18 VS 19 18 VS 19 ' DECEMBER $166,418 $197,808 $184,849 $214,867 $30,019 15.18% JANUARY 163,463 196,347 191,896 223,750 31,854 16.60% FEBRUARY 260,166 276,698 275,668 307,367 31,699 11.50% MARCH 167,082 191,648 182,852 208,222 25,370 13.87% APRIL 154,920 168,844 163,485 182,500 19,015 11.63% MAY 238,646 244,816 203,707 274,299 70,592 34.65% JUNE 180,194 191,732 199,412 234,174 34,762 17.43% J U LY 212,620 223,571 213,977 215,108 1,131 0.53% AUGUST 268,976 261,573 249,590 283,603 34,013 13.63% SEPTEMBER 197,339 210,974 213,426 243,048 29,623 13.88% OCTOBER 201,506 195,549 210,702 NOVEMBER 270,426 267,816 273,197 Sub-Total $2,481,757 $2,627,376 $2,562,759 $2,386,938 $308,077 14.89% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $2,481,757 $2,627,376 $2,562,759 $2,386,938 $308,077 14.89% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS ' $350,000 _. .. .uma.o,... .M.u..u.�w._ ..,�.�.. ........u«w�..�ss . ......,..._..� $300,000 im _.. $250,000 __w..._ W__ $200,000 _ ::::::: I $50,000 .. 1 0 m � Q a O o 0 cn Z Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Item Number: F Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: September 27, 2019 Exhibits: 5 Subject Consider, and act upon, a request to eliminate the railings between columns for a previously approved newly constructed Greek Revival residential structure for commercial uses on a single lot within the Downtown Historic District, located within the Keller's 1.5L Addition, Block 2, Lot 3 (105 N. Jackson Ave). Recommendation Motion to approve a request to maintain ADA compliance, to eliminate the railings, and to add additional landscaping between columns for a previously approved Greek Revival residential structure for commercial uses on a single lot within the Downtown Historic District, located within the Keller's 1"Addition, Block 2, Lot 3 (105 N. Jackson Ave). Discussion Owner: Charles A. (Mac) McClure, CCIM, McClure Partners McClure Partners began construction on a residential structure for commercial office use in the latter part of 2018. The applicant had obtained approval through the Commission and Council to construct a single-story Greek Revival style structure to consist of composite masonry material which includes Hardy products, with a wood pattern, columns and railings defining covered porch. According to Virginia Savage McAlester's book A Field Guide to American Houses, some of the identifying features of the Greek Revival style is gabled or hipped roof of low pitch, cornice line of main roof and porch roofs emphasized with wide band of trim, most have porches, supported by prominent square or rounded columns, front door surrounded by narrow sidelights and a rectangular line of transom lights above. The project is nearing construction, and the applicant is petitioning to remove the railings between the concrete columns and install heavy landscaping. In addition,the applicant has removed the ADA ramp and railings. Upon meeting with the State ADA representative on site it was determined that a ramp would not be required if a sidewalk meeting the necessary slope was installed for access to the building. The owner redesigned the layout to conform to State regulations. HRC DISCUSSION: The Commission questioned why the removal of the rails. The applicant stated he would like to increase the landscaping of the yard and the rails would not be visible. The Commission voted 4-0 to recommend approval to the City Council to remove the railing with the stipulation that additional landscaping must be installed between columns. (Rev 01/2014)Page 1 of 1 APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC REVIEW Date: ' IqJ t ' NOTICE TO APPLICANT Completed applications and drawings must be in the Planning and Engineering Office no later than 10 days before the meeting. (Regular meetings are held on the 4th Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, or Special Called Meetings as needed.) 2 It is imperative that you complete this application in its entirety. Incomplete applications will be returned and could delay the commencement of your project. 3 The presence of the applicant or his/her agent as designated herein is necessary at the Historic Review Commission Meeting. 4 All presentation material must be received by Staff on the Monday the week prior to the meeting. This will be case for Historic Review Commission and City Council APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: 11W r*, Phone: ,tef 0 Qc Mailing Address: —1-k- it'a Email Address: Fax: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: Phone: Mailing Address: Email Address: Fax: PROJECT INFORMATION j, Name of Business (if applicable): 1 e 041-1/4 Current or intended use of the building: Address of Project: 1,L, (The below in/ormation (Lot, Block, Subdivision, and Frontage) can be obtained on the County Appraisal District",s svebsite by entering the physical(ttidre,ss at the property: Inti), collmcod tvg,or hap (friihtsctid org. Or hiip rockii alh°thl org Tryon do not have access to the Internet or cannot locate this in/urination on the svebsite, contact the Planning Department at (972)516-6320,P assistance. Lot , Block Subdivision Current Zoning: Which District is the property located within? LW' Downtown historic District 0 South Ballard Overlay District 0 Other SCOPE OF WORK o Remodeling/Renovating Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed alterations and /or repairs (attach additional sheets if necessary): w Are you painting an exterior feature? YES NO If YES Describe Feature Color Nanle ample Attached Ex. Window and door frames SW Autumn Hue (No. 7665) YES NO YES YES NO YES NO Are you replacing an exterior feature? YES NO If YES: Describe Feature Current Af1aterial Proposed Material Sample Attached Ex Windov, frame Wood Vinyl YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO o New Construction Are you replacing an existing structure? YES NO If YES, complete "`Demolition" below,. o Demolition Describe the condition of the existing structure: What is the estimated cost of restoration or repair of the existing structure? Explain why the property is being demolished as`opposed to re"stOted or renovated for`adaptive reuse: What do you plan to do to mitigate the loss of the landmark structure? o,Si2n Type of Sign: o Attached Sign o Pole Sign o 'Temporary Sign o Banner o Monument Sign o Other(Specify) Sign Dimensions: Total.Square Footage Will the sign be connected to electricity or lit in any way? YES NO If YES, What is the method of lighting? Will this sign project over a public sidewalk? YES NO If YES, Nvhat is the distance from the sidewalk to the bottom of the sign? Have you submitted an application for a Sign Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO o Fence What is the proposed material and style of fence you intend to install? What is the proposed height of the fence? Are you replacing an existing fence? YES NO If YES, \\hat is the current fence material l-lave you submitted an application for a Fence Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed project(attach additional sheets if necessary): "t"INN, P"toN C.-NC Al -r v ca,tic REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: a Current photographs of the property o If available, historic photographs of the property o Site Plan indicating the following: o Dimensions of the lot on which the building Vill be located, including setbacks (cheek official plat records and Zoning Ordinance) O Location and width of all easements (check official plat records) • Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, parking areas, and existing signs (if any) 0 Architect's rendering or elevations of proposed construction a Sample board of materials and colors to be used a Site Plan Fee $250.00 - Check/Card/Cash (Check made payable to City of W)lie) Intended start and finish dates: Start Finish I have carefully read the complete application and know the same is true and correct. I understand the ordinances governing the activity described in this application, and I agree to comply with all provisions of the City ordinances, State laws, and all property restrictions,whether herein specified or not. X (Owner or Authorized Agent) RETURN TO: City of Wylie Planning Department 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 (972) 516-6320 JJ" 1 rJli A 7— I___, I 1.0 Ij 1 J ' , A , .4 -, - . , ,...i t ra r- -4M 1 z 1 , , ' Z A 11 Z ' , \ ni 1 r 9 I,011910 ,, II 1 j 1i, oliOWOiI 14 1 \\\\ k It I I 1 \\ i i I ii...j t ‘ TIT DIU! IntliW1111 : \ i--- WiHililliii , I ;ill 11\9 N LL_L_,u ; I JI 1 I r .--71,--1, J , o 0; I 1 1 1 010 Fri 1 I I /1/ g 11 JI11111111111 ' / / "01 1 1 ' /I — II .:i<i,m ----) ,fli1illiIII g). 'A r en IIII,UPI[Jiale11111 I / !ni,,, > b r -I II 1 I > I 1 1 \ 0 Z II r Iligl,i0fillitilinn, '. 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L o a 4 4 c d 4 q A ^ c, A 41 < A' E r AAA i a."a'E [ a __ '.� [yi.� �' _ 1 ( �4 ;a 4 <1 4 d <; f I.9. wA E i.d �a . r7 Q .., ,i `7 q; ra ` `M G' v g� ~ fe <�. 7,11.- <„`G '0� P � 4 > 4 R P 4 P 40 4 P G 1 }4 1- � w s 9 I l�. a B S-b M ..T In g p C i .°, -=€n •P , k _ ; $< Ll+� 4a P ,,1 R C P. < R 40 40 4G,; � € _ r { 4 $ €4 n,- r s t 9 4 _ ; �C7 1 F` i ; N!1- � /1 j44I81 a ` '"' { .� '.. r" z;.. 63R 4 ® ' }; 4 i__. �` € cy a P4 ... R c o '� P m a 6 s-E' ', 3. rs 8 <, G 4 ^' G 4 [ A r 4, = 4� , A <7 �.,ef.t 4 ,m A 4 C GI k'p tit 4 7 4 4 4 4 3 3 a.a. 4 g1 '43 3 ,.-P .A 1 4 P _ 9 I Z . 4 a 4 r"l 4�4 G. < 3 < d '1 4 4 `-3 < 4 '1 i �.. .s—re—v' < D --;0 ear P ., P Q �':P !7� P t > C P 4 P ,." q R C ! P< 4 <y .? <' n 4„ ..z , tt d < , A <, < 4 C 4 7 „ n C u 4 4 n 4 „ 311; .�� 4 -.1.4 d I sa A a 4 G < 4 4 G 1i A <a 4 N. s G 4 4 `7 4 A i 3' 4 P 4 R j— s P P 40 4� P 40 ..c c V A I'4 a £➢ 1 1,1 .1 CO 4 c, s 4 4., d - K 4 sF „ 4 4 ,. G.1 5„ A 4 C7 4a ib 4 4 si to Al 7 41 �-�t ;•;` 4 1 ' '* 4 4 4 a — VI 6`CPW .NA , K 4 �x ` r 4 1 1 4 4 i i 17 31 J 41311 4- I 4 ' « ............. .._...__.._ Qy 4 4 .tea �•, 4 '1 , ._ �7 Q 4>; I 1 C7 ?,�3 < R E i 4 a 3c 4 4 § ti a 4 I a I 4 P 1 E 113 1 g E ' C P ' - 10 4 D g t R 4 P 4 4 E^ P 4 ,3, +L� a s'a „1 4 4 el 4 C I 9 �}+ a"e` 4 a e,a ui <3 A 1 4 i :^ 4# G G .4 '�° 4 zi `� - 31 ae'i B 'i- r.9 t,§.'9 '�"} P 4 P 4 9 4 R 4 4 'i 4 9 sa 44 °k 2, x F Wylie CityCouncil Y AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: September 25, 2019 Exhibits: 3 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a residential replat of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie High School Addition to create Lot 1R,Block A to allow for adjustments to utility and fire lane easements,property located at 2550 E.FM 544. Recommendation Motion to approve a residential replat of Lot 1, Block A of Wylie High School Addition to create Lot I R, Block A to allow for adjustments to utility and fire lane easements,property located at 2550 E.FM 544. Discussion OWNER: Wylie ISD APPLICANT: RLK Engineering,Inc. The applicant has submitted a Replat for Lot 1, Block A of Wylie High School Addition to create Lot 1R, Block A on 78.341 acres.The purpose of the Replat is to relocate and label utility and fire lane easements due to renovations of Wylie High School. Those renovations include increasing the classrooms from 117 to 164, adding a multi-purpose gym that functions as a storm shelter, and increasing the parking to 1,148 parking spaces. These renovations require the realignment of previous utility and fire lane easements.A site plan reflecting these changes was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 17, 2019. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations.Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Comment forms were mailed to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property as required by state law. At the time of this posting, one comment form was returned in favor and none in opposition of the replat. For conditional approval or disapproval the Council must provide a written statement of the reasons to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commissioners voted to recommend approval 6-0 Page 1 of 1 80. 3"E _` t . __ -- / 0 Q _____________ , A Atli R=177.17' / I,35106' q=21ryi'24" CB N16.28'36^E S pUIL q,, CJQ R 184986 9 / // 34944' T 34602 1Q \\G� WIA f5r�7flnn6r� L=sac r,,,,o w\ ne._ 9 ss C8®S81"23 E _no . � io°e rve zm>o>asoaoessvo / XL= __,/,-,-68-66_,,666-6:666.666 -i\'\6—,77---/-666'66;x6"(8--X, / e,,;-,--_,,,,,,,:)----_______ , - i �✓ °e2.77 -. o°e 999 ° _et \ 99 ITY MAP re � o-u� av rvs Poe rms ao� / / o1 jZ40>• \ 5 100 O 300 \\ � � ���� / \ // , � 9PaP1 C oCaLF cm.Prvus y n \N26'00'36E � z° \ c \ \ 1 54.4 \\"In / Px v %° Lot ae,e,„B / / 6 q�25ry 0.'12" nnoodo ale ""F lit„A` L€ /\ - e»i \\ 13.945.00. / / -5 TTT CB Nt 3'23'29'E /'� / __ 4t2 sa' — / \-4.;. Curve Data Chart t /, /\ $ �o n ee�c.� w°� - a J _ ee^eme°t nee ev n� ,, }'/ ioo eo,Feea e - T.=919997 29 \ F,; / j „ 9-] =2.9 '129999 199 9 199 12 2,922 • 1.-'9.09r 11100. '7792, o,.°"Pat -H' 5. // a,a�-- .e y aa,t 18 W 385.8J' T, N89'05' „z i,M . T g. a% er. ; a n tint lL j/ \x.` // Lot 1R, Block A ' o a \ / a (°° o,vEe°„°tlaEoeemeoi - � _ 25h 3 4` pSa F[ $ e x a / ]&.34tp Cr' y� / e \� �e 2o,5e.�Onene��ee �. �.e. ,„„_, ��.„. w re a.��._� /A / ._ .._ ` \ M N46'S1'16"E Ct,l� \\ 544'S00' "qp ]3.00' con_2ois g /\ // \\\ �,of N42'49'OS"E S N E E 1 1 OF 2 /V ry/ 1 E \ tar a t R E P r o // �� 'l� e, .__°' WYLIE HIGH SCHOOL 2 et / °--'� e` / LOT 1R, BLOCK A ���� sy\\ '�w NJ2'S5'22'E� 3 // r "y` ` \y 7� oY SP 108.18' �^ Being A Replat Of Lot 1,Block A / • W, 0gsjy, Wylie High School Addition �\ 1 I I 3O'`0' Recorded In Cabinet O.Page 551 / °'° °emmt 9t •_"°' 'A CI-XI It 78.341 Acres Situated In The \� fie 3 6 i ss I. CLIFTON SURVEY'� ABSTRACT 193 / n .m op N]6' 5°"E N t "s°, J. W. CURTIS SURVEY—' ABSTRACT 196 / w s woe,Eem�. m 60' m J. MILL IRONS j6' as °°e IRONS SURVEY ti ABSTRACT 563 / \�2_ ,e°_4.:�im er mis r+imt S19'28'45"E _ n, _\\'. J0.00' S1 °, a ,3 D. STRICKLAND SURVEY ABSTRACT^ --- ... -----.... ,,.,--... ( TMo'[ i90 84 tt �' \ __ is J°'E roS WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 5 4" "°° % N 523'32'48"E W Owner ^n ewn� N89V5'19"W 1688.98 m,�s _ s \ 91.00' 9E B xo ] 8 Telephone 9T2 429-3000 1,9',03 �00+�,-�eea a� ;A Engineer NOTES: 3 PI.K BF.ng'�t ekr�ng,In�.. i`., nSNree to fines and witnnadlnp of ufin Uee and buatrtl gSPe le[s. c 2 9 e T p ne 972 3 599-1T33 N6J'2J'15"W 31d59' sews,EO 4.^ o Survey wD eh d oto e to 7°e nort a q N88.23'4^,— an 5 Vertirn posit,en ate r rented to NnW88 to ley(GtIC11.1QS)- 490.92 t c PO Box tuorced�n COU'inet 0,Poge Svc unless 2T54O9 PURPOSE OF REPEAT: Telephone 972 Tezas 00 noted othernise- sewer_asements,and dedicate tyre lane easements. "'M.92-ooeesa2 g f 2] 2019 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY OF COLLIN NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS,the Wylie Independent.School District is the owner o a tract That theWylie Independent School District,a n by and through hot 5 DONd J.Surdukan,do hereby certify thot Died this plat of la Clifton Survey,Clift Survey,A 193..f J.W. its duly author,.officers,does hereby adopt to Curtis 5 0.563. HIgh School Addition,Lot IR. monuments shown thereon as set were properly pMced under my d the D.Strickland Survey,Abstract No.841,City of Wylie,C I.. B High School simple. t l. Block A,an addition to the City of N and does P y o son n accordance wth the subd vs on ordnance of the Coll School,an e City o Cabinet 0,Page The streets Records of Collin County.Texas,and being o p <u y and alleys,if any,ore dedicated for street purposes.The easements and desrbed as follows. Public use areas,as shown,ore dedicated Davidthe purposes Indicated on this plat.No BEGNNNG o 1/2 rods stomped' 613" imp o or gr s o paced upodn, .9stra(on No a F613 at t f the asti Woodbridgeimprove—for s STATE OF TEXAS widthaR.OrW.W55't this point and from centerline). south line of FM.544(aPvariable landscape tip In addition,utility easements may also COUNTY OF COLLIN b..used for the mutuol use ond aocommodotion of all pi.,utilities BEFORE E, undersigned a r - and TINE of 60.98 feet to o /8"iron rod found for corner,said point being the to particular utilities,said use by public utilities being subordinate to Soto e d D J S d known me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing of o curve to the nd City of Wylie's use The City of bed 9 82 right length of 34502 fee< and a2chord public's a Wylie instrument, for bearing 81 3 42 E 680.25 feet utility entitiese the 'g t t removed o the co s tle at o s therein ex.-ea,.and n the c.oc, fences,parts of any buildings, trees,s rein stated. THENCE to the gendanger with the south line r P.M.5 along of 684.14 feet a N.or systemssaid easements. The City of e and public utility entities shall at all GIVEN ender y an and sea or office,this the y of 5/8 iron rod found for corner and the end o said curve o a times h right ingress egresshand 2019. ive THENCE S30'a8'00"E,continuing a ong said R.O.W.i distance o easements forthe reconstructing.in and adding to or removing all .24.07 feet t or corner of a m t5 t the t for tract of Mnd described in a deed o f Frances CB.inWells,as recorded inor theirarts. without e necessity y time the Stafe of Texas Volume 90, 36,Deed Records o i, Texas; o p ocunnq permission rom y e. THENCEand t r lutons ord the)tasty of WNlela Txas. 'nan=ee,rules,regulations 5/8"Mon rod found for corner in the north line of of c tract of described Ina deed to R Richard Porker&Ben Scholz.os recorded land WITNESS my hand,thisVolume.08,Page 1628,beed Records o Collin County,Texas; _,_ y f �019. THENCE N89'05'19"W,aong the nor th line of soid Parker&Scholz trt, o distnnce of 385.83 feet to a 5/8"iron rod found for corner, Wylie dependent School District Name,THENCE S0.3157.6PN,along the west line of said Parker&Scholz tract. distance of 59886 feet to a point for corner in the center of Muddy 1'itle Creel, THENCE tong the center of Muddy Creek,the following courses and diotonces- RECOMMENDED OF APPROVAL STATE OF TEXAS N4255'25'E,a COUNTY OF COLLIN Recom ded forOpp owl N45'511.15"E,a distonce of 76.81 feet; S4 50 40 E BEFORE ME undersigned authority, Notary Pub' and for the T3, tined c n Zo g ommisson Data a 0 feet known fore City roan Panning& S10143'05.,a of 114.80 feet: r the orWylie.Texas ".26I50 W a 4.80 feet: instrument,a dions t that e or the�T r Construction NJ626'S0"E,a considerations therein expressed and in the capacity Approved fo S75'0e'00"E,o distance o to therein stated. _90 feet; 14'5345 a distance o f 121.60 feet; GIVEN under y and and seal of office this the y f S21 , f 11000 feet, 2019 yr,City or Wylie,Texas Date THENCE 523 f 34 0"ED c Accepted feet to a point for corner at the most no rtherly northwest corner of a trct of lond described in o de.to ror II S.D.as recorded in Collin County Clerk's File No.92-0092602'no the state of Texas Mayor, y of Wylie,Texas Dote THENCE S17,1-bz02'W,leaving said creek,and along the most northerly northwest line of said school tract,a distance of 172.54 feet to a wooden fence post for corner, undersigned,the City Secretary o o e City Wylie, xos hereby THENCE N.8,23.4"W,along the north.e of said school tract,a distance certifies thot e forgoing F of the Hight School n of 490 92 feet to a bois di arc tree found for corner at northwest of s submitted to the City Council on the corner thereof,sorne point being the t corner<o25 Block e addition y Wylie then ond there oc... tad 19, and o e Counof-woy formation, ts, Addition a recorded in Cabinet 0,Page 1,Plat Records upon said Plat of Collin h County,Txas and said Council further authorized the mayor to note the acceptance THENCE N]27'15"W,w thereof y signing is name as hereinobove subscribed.' 318.59 feet to a 1/2"iron rod set with yellow plastic cap stamped Witness my hand.his y of 4613 for comer, SHEET 2 OF 2 THENCE NO3157'05"E,w of 2,a of REP L A T 152.5"for comer,feet to a 1/2 iron rod se_w� yellow plastic cop stamped c1ty eta Ilw a tame ty°`w�lery WYLIE HIGH SCHOOL THENCE Neet t 09"1 w of ti a eof d a13" re t/hen ridges riivet(a c stamped at this p `t)corner n the eat_line of Woodbridge Drive(a ss aeries.at LOTS 1R, BLOCK A THENCE N601e9'04"E,w the of W ge Drive,a distance Being A Replot Of Lot 1,Block A of 1040.95 t 1/2" stamped 613 Wylie High School Addition ce beginning o9 a cur to get,a g of 211.55 feet and a chordebeanngu N1�323'120"E,41C,_88 fee, Recorded In Cabinet Q.Page 661 78.341 Acres Situated In The THEnNCE th a northeasterly dhection along sold curve to the rig.,and e east line of Woodbridge Drive,arc distance of 416 24 feet to �n awltl/2"Iran rod eat with yellow sti=cap stomped.613"for corner; I. CLIFTON SURVEY r ABSTRACT 193 of THENCE4.5 Nto,t.36o w of Woodbridge Drive,a J. W. CURTIS SURVEY" ABSTRACT 196 and the yea J. MILLIRONS SURVEY ABSTRACT 563 central nzn angle of19 o39no:dab adios N)611055.0 feet,4atang g of a curve to the left having t lengthD. STRICKLAND SURVEY ABSTRACT 841 THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said curve to the left,and WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS with.e east line of Woodbridge Drive,an arc distance of 351.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 3,412,544 square feet or Own er 7e341 acres of land_ Wylie Independent School District 9511 Bollard Street Wylie,repos 75098 Telephone 972 429-3000 Fnglneer NOTES: a Engl exas Registration ng, Selling a ptes ond bounds is 111 West Main Street ortion n City o and Saddition lott eta 013 to fines and withholdingof utilities and buildingpermits- Telephone p ne 972 359-1733 e bolls of bearings,horizontal and vertical SIIrvevor derived frorn Texas WDS W rota true north Verticalposition are referenced to NAVD88 using(0E10003).os Sur...Surveying,Inc PO Box 126 All easements are recorded in Cabinet O.Page 551 unless Anna.Texas 75409 noted otherwise, Telephone 972 924 8200 Notification Map , ,,,,.„, , ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,_, , , / i, , ,2 x 13101 0''.i 1 -ApT...-.. ...,. ... CLAS °�a�w. -.ir .s Y� ia Yr. 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Please feel free to contact Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location &Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,September 17,2019,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location &Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,October 8,2019,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas }� Name: A 1nf"i Z.ti.G. (please print)Address: 5_3.0 ( 1)oco%fi4t_. ecut— ( d . 32.l s� IiL ) Signature: 0 . ' Date: 91 11 ) 19 COMMENTS: r Locator Map . .. --N . ,, \r , I -------/ t i --.,24d,-----, •, _ - I ,/ . ----, <>,6,' ,./:1",„*. *///' •s; / C 1 1 . "„--,Y(' ..z,'k I I - 1 • ‘i .0 •%,:tr ) :VANN '!'ST--,C.A-,/ ..a /•q? • ! i , 1 ! , • ! .;,6i.,,, , ,, - , / ''zt 1, • , 1 i , . , • , , ,',,,„. ------,hs , .', NecPc‘ -----„,,, '- -1/1f-SatTELD"Ft;---, i.---' -1 ,,, , , • . 1 ---, , ....,,., , . f5, / •\ t,, / ! 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Wylie High School v.1 A 0 .4-‘ th• rt h. 1 V,I, ;5!-.•• 4 1,.}.':' ...:10:‘r I "14..r.---4-: 3 .......3 :',1.j34-i.,--;,.-::-.9 ,. • i r r• -1 0 ii13.1(• j :---- 7::: , • A Subject Property flt , •?....... 1-.... a0 0 255 510 1,020 1,530 2,040 2,550 C i 11/ 0 17 , .... N mil vim alimmommimm MOMINSIMMOMMIN WYLIE Feet Wylie CityCouncil Y AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: September 25, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider,and act upon,a final plat of Kellers 1"Addition Lot 9R Block 5,being a replat of Lots 9 and 10 of Block 5, establishing one commercial lot on 0.376 acres,generally located on the northeast corner of Jackson Street and College Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a final plat of Kellers 1st Addition Lot 9R Block 5, being a replat of Lots 9 and 10 of Block 5, establishing one commercial lot on 0.376 acres, generally located on the northeast corner of Jackson. Street and College Street. Discussion OWNER: John A.Yeager APPLICANT: Carroll Consulting Group Inc The applicant has submitted a final plat that is proposing to create Lot 9R Block 5 of Kellers 1st Addition by combining lots 9 and 10 of Block 5. The property is currently undeveloped and zoned Commercial corridor district. As a corner lot the western and southern side of the property have a 25' setback building line. The northern and eastern side will have a 10' setback building line. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations.Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. For conditional approval or disapproval the Council must provide a written statement of the reasons to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commissioners voted to recommend approval 6-0 Page 1 of I XAS BUTLER LODGE OWNER'S CERTIFICATE i POSSUM LO ADDITION SCOUTNi°OFE .7----2:" LOT I,BLOCK 2385 RAILRLOT OAD ADDITION COLLIN 34 VOL L. 2010,BLOCK G.18 Whereas, land situated MVC-C t' CCT A6 Shelby Survey, City o _T. Con O B oak 5 o .an addition to the City of Wylie,Texas CALLOWAY _ according=t 128001603920,Official Public Records,Collin County. Ys Texas,a _ —"------ T Yeager by deed recorded in p t,cu y described as follows Instrument Numbs.2D16I and being ore w� m - theintersection -way D o CCC INCNC RFLS 51 m tvt Street(0 ) y line of Jackson Street( W)for the southwest comer of said Lot 9; CALLOWAY STREET (70' R.O.W.) T Llo 2'e o f 9 0 f Street. c1zEN o w /6 " _5 - 5 - - 5 3963 10 d the southwest corner lock 5 of Kellers 1.Addition.Lots and 11R, y distance Texas according the of LotthereofB Volume 9 1 R P Records,ock S,County,Texas, t o CtY of VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) Thence,South 89,5.8"East,along the north line of said Lot 10 a.the south e of said Lot 11R,a 135.00 eet to a 5/8"i pin found w PLS 3963"on the west line of a 20'A y and for the northeast comer of said Lot 10 and the southeast corner of said Lot I R: e,South 00.14',w along to ins 10 a d 20'A o distance o Thence, set,al e east T e.of cope I...0 9 antl and the west line of sal ley, 131 00 feel to a 1/2"iron pin set with yellow cap stamped"CCG INC RPIS 5929"on the north nghtofwoy line of said College Street and for the soutneost corner of said T1:::tri,z,e Noorrt1h2,890.045;e4e8,"tWoeLt„e oplo07,t10-7 z,..line of said Lot 9 a.the north right-of-way line of said Codege Street,a d ,nrimg ond containing 16,375 square f eet or 0.376 acres of la. KELLER 1ST ADDITION LOTSAl.1 R,BLOCK 5 ,Si AUDITION KELLERS 1ST ADDITION LOT I IR,BLOCK 5 LOTS 1R AND I1R BLOCK 5 NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN 6Y THESE PRESENTS LOT IR,BLOC VOL. 014,PG.319 LOT 1R,BLOCK S M.R.C.C.T. VOL.M014,PG 9 VOL.P,PG-65 4 C,T, 3 MRG-C:t_ 0 n by and through his(its)duly authorized of ad this plat designating the KELLERS ter ADDITION,LOT 9R,BLOCK 5,a hereby of s GRAPHIC SCALE hererab property as, hereby apublic n thereon.The streets and alleys,if any,are .dicuted,for n the pubimprovements or improvements fY 1.:4::, .ti-,,, growths hotl be constr..or placed upon,over or oc,os5 the easements as shown,except that londscope be pace ,aecape easements,if approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In t FEET) ��& S89'45'48"E 125.00' ®�� be the for the mutua u the addition,utility I.m r so It O e.same f easements . r o _m is the use m porceaa T he easement es,sad use y pu-c ut tits being subordinate d n le to the public's s antl City s use thereof. v 10'BUILDING LINE _ F- -- LOT e City ht yYre s,fences, W T5 _ Theca Cty� _W right q q ,v a rolling iantain eadIng or removing all parts of.her respective ysiemscw he inspecting, o f s to or from respect ve easements for the pu rpose e o reconstructing, spec FF pat meters and adding N ovn a or art res ec'e s -Noah t necessity LOT 3 N w W'1C ru at a -e p ocu/nq pit mss on from anyone. RECOMMENDEDFOR APPROVAL Z This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances,rules,regulations and resolutions or the City of Wylie,Texas_ p LOT 9R,BLOCK 5 _ LOT 6 WITNESS,my and,this the d y of_20_ KELLERSADDITION (At - 16,375 SO.FT. KELLERS 1ST ADDITION 0 0 LOCK 6 Y wm 0.376 ACRES m BLOCK 5 Chairman.Manning&Laning Commission Date VOL.29 PG.349 < VOL 2R9,PG-3e9 y y e,Texas M.RO,C T_ ry - M.GOT. John A.Yeag,5 Owner LOT T APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONTATN OF TEXAS O O O LOT 4 � L.... :.::r m nor COLLIN 25'BUILDING LINE Mayor, y of Wylie,Texas Date LOT 8 Before me the under.gned authority,o Notary Public in and for the State o Yeager,Owner,known to m subscribed o foregoing strument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for purpose antl considerations therein expressed. ACCEPTED hood antl office,this day of ,2019. N89'45'48"W 125.00' POINT OF YUPs. vcLP.s. Given tender y seal of BEGINNING oy r,City of Wylie,Texas Date StateNotory Public for the of Texas COLLEGE STREET (60' R.O.W.) My Commission expires t9T 1R,BLOCK T OF KELLERS 1ST'ADDITION KELLERS 1ST ADDITION I lI y es t ertfh_ot the f g g n aof p th Texase KELLERS FtR S,ADDITION 12,BLOCK 8 1..03 1 BLOCK 8 PG.684 VOL. G-349 VOL.2.9. G.349 subdivision or addition to he City of Wylie was submittedhe CiD, M R.0 CT. M R.0 CT_ td_RC-C,1'- saidCouncil,by form.action,then and there accepted the dedication of street.alley,port.,easement.public places,and ooter and lines ws shown ond set forth in and upon said plat And sewer Council further gni acceptance thereof by ng his name as hereinoboae subscribed. s Witness my ha.this day of SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 'ty of wytZr Texas That I,James Bart Carroll,dD hereby certify that I prepared than plot from an actual and accurate FINAL PLAT survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown set were properly placed under y personal supervision,n accordance with me Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Wylie. KELLERS 1ST ADDITION Mated this the _...._day of .....2019_ LOT 9R, BLOCK 5 BEING A REPI...AT OF LEGEND Jomes Reeste Carrol l Professional Land Surveyor No 5129 LOTS 9 & 10, BLOCK 5 OF KELLERS 1ST ADDITION I.P.F.-IRON PAD FOUND V01.... 29, PG. 349 v.GLP.S.-1/2.IRON PIN SET WITH AM..OW CAP STAMPED CTATETYAS OF TEXAWIN c RPLS 5129' SAMUEL B. SHELBY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 820 M.R.aaT.-MAP RECORDS.cou.TN COUNTY,TEAR undersigned Barthcatmoll,kNnown toamle to b dtherpers State of Texas�s this date selsscsibed CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS acknowledged to me that he executed the same f purpose and to the`o exert and a or ur OTET, derd reed CARROLL CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Se'ng a portion of this addition by metes a.bounds.a OVEN UNDER D AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS_....__DAY OF violation subject P.O. BOX 11 972-742-4411 to fre 9 of utilities and 9,99,permits. ABA A.YEAGEN .AVON, TEXAS 75166 TEXAS FIRM REGISTRATION No.:1000T200 System, D.83 North Central Zone 4202- All bearings ore based on the Texos State Plane Coordinate My Commission expires 5 TO CREA E ONE LOt FROM P 0.BOX 4�0 JOB No SCALE' DATE PREPARED'. 1 DRAWN BY, ' TWO EXISTING LOTS_ WYLIE,TEXAS 75038 2576-1B 1'�30' AUGUST 27,2019 1 CP Wylie CityCouncil Y AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: September 25, 2019 Exhibits: 1 Subject Hold a Public Hearing to consider,and act upon,a final plat of Kellers 1"Addition Lot 3R Block 6,being a replat of Lots 1R, 3, and 4 of Block 6, establishing one commercial lot on 0.752 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Jackson Street and Calloway Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a final plat of Kellers Pt Addition Lot 3R Block 6, being a replat of Lots 1R, 3, and 4 of Block 6, establishing one commercial lot on 0.752 acres,generally located on the southwest corner of Jackson Street and Calloway Street. Discussion OWNER: John A.Yeager APPLICANT: Carroll Consulting Group Inc The applicant has submitted a Replat that is proposing to create Lot 3R Block 6 of Kellers 1"Addition by combining lots 1R, 3 and 4 of Block 6. The property is currently developed with a 3,430-sf office building on the northern side and is zoned commercial corridor district. As a corner lot, the northern, eastern and southern side of the property have a 25' setback building line. The western side will have a 10' setback building line. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations.Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. For conditional approval or disapproval the Council must provide a written statement of the reasons to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local. Government Code. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commissioners voted to recommend approval 6-0 Page 1 of 1 _ our Ea OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OOFEXAS `—" s POSSUM LODGE ADDITIONCOLLIN l/ LOT 1, K a5 RAILROAD LOCUTION tract f Abstract VOL.L.PG.9 VOL. ,0,PG.14 .ere r c o _ RC. . MRCOT. BD Collinthe TR a9650, y W City of cwiLowey -- thereof recorded Pages 65 n Records,Collin -rig a Block according a heCp plot being Volume P rd Texas and b ty of Wylie,Texas of Ke ers isAddition, - e,John according thereof recordedPage 349.B Records,Collin County,Texas,and as conveyed too n A.Yeager by deeds S 201t61112800163930 as 161128001603,0 and E1128001603820, f.icial Public Reccords,Collin County, exas,and being ore x m particularly described 9 stomped y line of Jackson Street the R0 r fFe enorth comer of said ITI mtSL i S Beginning tr iron o ay liINC RRLS 5tF southeastcoright—of way line f C S (CJ ) —way ( _W) Lot 4; LIME t o.LEr,S CALLOWAY STREET (70' R.O.W.) T e,No.89 5-8"West,along the south line of said Lot 4 trod the north right—of y line of said CoIlege Street a distance of 125.00 feet to a 1/2 set yellow copstomped CCGINC PLS 5129""o e southwest corner of so tl VICINITY MAP Lot 4 and an the east line of a 20 Alley, (NOT TO SCALE) gruas 589'45'48"E 125.00' Thence,North Rota 12 e ea 0' the west-net of said Lots iR 3 and distance of R Lv_ 262.00 feet to o 1/2 iron pin set with yelIow cop ,tamped"COGINC RPLS 5129 or the south right of y o Co away 7000 Street(70'R.OW)end for the northwest corner of said Lot tR Thence,South 89,5'48"East,tong the —of—way line of sold Calloway Street a of said 25 BUIIDING LINE the west 2i00 ay line 1/2"Trop Stand n ee northeast corner of said Lot a eat said Cnilowoy Street and distance of 125.00 I. of said itJackson street and intersection to —way LOT 8 Thence,South 00.14'12"West,along the east of said t right—of y line of said Jackson Street• lines n a distance of 262.00 feet to the Point of 5eglnning a nt d coai g 32,750 square feet or 0-752tcre,of land. KELLERS 1ST ADDITION LOTS1 1 L,BLOCK 5 W.THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. R AND O ^ LOT 201 B 19 VOL. ONC.PG. a3 ppy , s(ts)tl officers,dti e GRAPHIC SCALE O hereby dedicate, and other public improvements shown b `° LaT 7 the-eon. .y - .. . p as mown are r" dedicatee for its- the pub, F - - buildings.r. improvements 0 0 O growths s o - o shall be constructed(IN f) N "'� 5/ P.F.W/YELLOW be used r landscape easements, t tncn"so rr E.LENS 1ST ADDITION v 8 be used for the mutual public utilMes desiring to use or using the some unless the easement limits the use to particuIar utilities.said use by pubIic utilities subordinate t t d f thereof. N CAP STAMPED e OC,6 RPLS 3963' __.. c D Mitrc'r.3 g LOT 3R,BLOCK 6 ^' L� City t gbuildings, St i32,750 SQ.Ff. _ CK 0.752 ACRES V) ,nal ess and egress to or f rom the.r respective easements for the purpose of constructing,reconstruchng,inspechng, Z — — to z at patrolling, p cu 9 mission from e_reading meters,and -ng t or en o g o port her respectivesystems without e necessity RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL LOT 6 — _ — 0 LOT IO This approved subtect toordinances.rules.regMations and resolutions of the City of Wyie,Texas. m YO WITNESS,my hand,this theday f_,20_ a ... KELLERS ADDITION Chalfman.Panning'z"'"Ctmmesan Date BLOCK 5 v r e Texas - ., VOL. 9 John A.Yeager,owner APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION w STATE o TEXAS COUNTY or CrouIN Mayor, y y Texas Date O 5 25'BUILDING LINE LOT 9 Before me,the undersigned outhority,a Notary Public in and for the State of Te on this date Own e per e fregoing instrument and acknowledged to me ACCEPTED that Fe executed the same for purpose and considerations therein expressed. Given under my ha.and seal of office,this y of ,2019. cLP.S. N89.45'48"W 125.00' ..clP. or ,r,City of Wytle,Texae Date POINT OF BEGINNING Notary Public for e State of Texas COLLEGE STREET (60' R.O,W.) y ammres�an p e he y ertmee tdm me r gon7 n p of me 'Texae, KELLERS 8R,BLOCK 7 OF LOT IR.BLOCK 7 of S 1ST ADDITION subdivision or addition to he City of Wylie was submittedhe CityVOL.J. G KELLERS 201If FI RST 68 TIN LOT 12.BLOCK 9 Council on the day of ,20___,and thenn_R.GC.T. M.R._G'r. Council,by formal action,then and there accepted the dedication of streets,olley.pork,easement.public places.and water and lines as shown and set forth in and upon sad plat ond a Co Council signing authorized name as herentboxe subscribed Mayor to note the mwer y FINAL PLAT Witness my hand this day of SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS KELLERS 1ST ADDITION 9 ewy4°'Texas Thot I,James Bart Carroll.dcertify that to LOT 3R, BLOCK 6 surveed under y p analland supervisioand that n,n accordanceorner with the Subdiown vision dina�were fthe yWylie. Doled a- he _...._cloy of ,P019- BEING A REPEAT OF LOT 1R, BLOCK 6 OF KELLERS 1ST ADDITION VOL.... P, PG. 650 AND LEGEND eomes Texas tReesteed°IProfessional Land Surveyor No.5129 LOTS 3 & 4, BLOCK 6 OF KELLERS 1ST ADDITION IRON PIN FOUND VOL. 29, PG. 349 Y.GtP.S.—1/2"ION PIN SEAS WWITH YE CAPSTAMPED CSTATETT OF OF E_ COLLIN INC RPLS 5129" SAMUEL B. SHELBY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. B20 M.R.ac,T.—MAP RECORDS.cou.IN souse,,TEXAS undersigned dBart authority, known tonmle to b dtherpers State of name(s this date CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS acknowledged to me that he executed the same f purpose and to the`o exert and a or ur OTE7, dam expressed. CARROLL CONSULTING GROUP, INC. - Selling a portion of this addition by metes a.bounds is a GIVEN UNDER D AND SEAL OF OFFICE,THIS_....__DAY OF _...._.._...._,2019. violation subject P.O. BOX 11 972-742-4411 to f ines and withholding of utilities and building permit,. QWNfj;); — All bearings ore based on the Texos State Rene Notary Public s of Texas THE PURPOSE OF THIS REPLAr OHN A.YEAGER .AVON, TEXAS 75166 TEXAS FIRM REGISTRATION No.:10007200 System, D.83'North Central Zone 4202 Coordinate My Commission expires IS TO CREATE ONE LOT FROM P.O.BOX 4.0 JOB No SCALE' DATE PREPARED'. 1 DRAWN BY: THREE EXISTING LOTS WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 25T19 t'�30' AUGUST 27,2019 1 CP Wylie City Council ie AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Item Number: 4 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Public Works Prepared By: Wes Lawson Account Code: Date Prepared: September 24, 2019 Exhibits: Impact Fee Updates Subject Hold a Public Hearing to discuss and review updates to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvement Plan, and modifications to the impact fees. Recommendation N/A Discussion On August 13, 2019, Council approved Ordinance No. 2019-19 setting a date, ordering a public hearing to discuss and review updates to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvement Plan, and Water, Wastewater and Thoroughfare Impact Fess. Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code outlines the process and procedures for approving and updating impact fees. The Capital Improvements Plan identifies the projects necessary to serve the projected population over the next ten years and is based on the recently approved Thoroughfare Plan. The Impact Fee Advisory Committee met on July 16, 2019 and August 6, 2019. to discuss the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvement Plan, and Impact Fees. The Committee provided written comments (attached) and recommended adjusting the water impact fee rate to $4,294.24/Living Equivalent Unit (LUE) and wastewater impact fee rate to $914.63/LUE as recommended in the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update. The Committee recommended adjusting the West Thoroughfare Impact fee rate to $914.00/Equivalent Service Unit (ESU) as recommended in the Roadway Impact Fee Update. Three Committee members recommended increasing the East Thoroughfare Impact fee to $914.00/ESU to match the West, citing concerns of discouraging development due to fee rates, to reflect the recommendation of the previous Impact Fee Advisory Committee, and to reflect the recommendation of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. Two Committee members recommended that the East Thoroughfare Impact fee be increased to $2,000/ESU, citing lower real estate costs on the east side and the recommended fee being lower than neighboring cities. The committee did not have any comments on the Land Use Assumptions or the Capital Improvements Plan. Page 1 of 1 %AI vr,11 CITY CIF WYLIE MEMORANDUM TO: COUNCIL FROM: IMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE SUBJECT: LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND IMPACT FEES DATE: 8/26/2019 CC: FILE The Impact Fee Advisory Committee met with City staff on Jul' 16, 2019 and August 6, 2019 to evaluate and give comments on the proposed water, wastewater impact fees and roadway fees and related relevant information. The IFAC recommends adjusting the water rate to $4,294.24 and wastewater rate to $914.63 as proposed in the updated study. Commissioners agreed to adjust the west roadway fees to $914.00. Three Commissions recommended the east roadway fees to match the west roadway fees at$914.00, citing concerns of discouraging development due to fee rates, to reflect the recommendation of the previous IFAC, and to reflect the recommendation from the Economic Development Corp. Two Commissioners recommended that the east roadway fee be increased to $2,000.00, citing lower real estate costs on the east side and the recommended fee being lower than neighboring cities. ryan Rogers, Commissioner ROADWAY IMPACT FEE UPDATE 2019 - 2029 Prepared For Prepared By BIlaCHOFF, HENDRICKS & CARTER, L.L.P. 11910 GREENVILLE AVENUE, SUITE 600 DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 TEXAS FIRM 526 And LEE ENGINEERING 3030 LBJ FREEWAY, #1660 DALLAS, TEXAS 75234 TEXAS FIRM F-450 June 2019 CITY OF WYLIE THOROUGHFARE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ROADWAY IMPACT FEES The first step in the development impact fee process is the development of a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This capital improvement plan includes projects intended for construction by the City of Wylie in the next 10 years to serve existing and future development. Existing Facilities The City of Wylie arterial and major collector street system is partially developed at this time. Several roadways in developed areas are partially built to current thoroughfare plan standards. Many existing streets are two-lane asphalt roadways with open surface drainage. The existing Principal/Major Thoroughfares within the City include State Highway 78 (SH 78), FM 544, FM 1378 (Country Club Road), McMillen Road/Park Boulevard, and Parker Road. Several roadways, including SH 78 and FM 544, are under the operation and maintenance jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Proposed Facilities The City of Wylie adopted an updated thoroughfare plan in 2018 that is the basis for development of the future street system. The thoroughfare system is a conventional network conforming to a hierarchical, functional classification system developed to support the forecast traffic demands of future land use. The highest classification of roadway is the Principal Thoroughfare type facility, followed by the Major Thoroughfare and Secondary Thoroughfare facilities. These roadways are generally multiple lanes — 4 lanes for Secondary or 6 lanes for Principal and Major Thoroughfares. These roadways also generally include medians that serve the function of controlling access, separating opposing traffic movements and providing an area for the storage of left turning vehicles. The lower classifications are the Collector and Downtown Collector facilities that are developed to serve the adjoining development. The character of the developments served should determine the sizes and alignments of collector roadways. City of Wylie—2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 1 Capital Improvement Plan for Roadway Impact Fees The thoroughfare facilities determined for inclusion in the Capital Improvement Plan of this study are tabulated in Table lA and graphically illustrated in Figure 1. Each listed project includes a description of the planned improvements, the approximate project length, and an engineer's opinion of probable cost to the City. In addition, under existing State Statute, a municipalities' cost associated with TxDOT facilities can be financed with impact fees. All roadways included in the 2019 CIP are identified in the City of Wylie Thoroughfare Plan. Table lB shows recoupment costs for projects completed as part of the previous CIPs with debt not retired. These recoupment projects are also illustrated in Figure 1. The engineer's opinions of probable construction cost were prepared without the benefit of a detailed preliminary engineering study for each project. The costs are based on data provided by the City of Wylie and on recent roadway project construction bids. Financing costs for the projects in the thoroughfare CIP were also included in the total estimated cost and the interest rate of 5% was provided by the City of Wylie. City of Wylie—2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 2 Table 1A -Thoroughfare Capital Improvement Plan City of Wylie 2019 Impact Fee Update PROJECT BOUNDARY PROJECT LENGTH TOTAL COST COST OF TOTAL PROJECT ARTERIAL NUMBER FROM TO EXISTING DESCRIPTION (ft) MO INTEREST INTEREST COST Woodbridge Pkwy. W5A FM 544 Hooper Road 4 lanes Build a 6-lane divided section 5,500 $ 2,324,530 $ 1,220,378 $ 3,544,908.00 McMillen Road W6 McCreary Rd FM 1378 4 lanes Build a 6-lane divided section 8,400 $ 10,653,020 $ 5,592,836 $ 16,245,856.00 Hensley Lane(East) W9 Hooper Rd McCreary Rd --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 5,100 $ 3,759,170 $ 1,973,564 $ 5,732,734.00 Woodbridge Pkwy. W10A Hooper Rd South City Limit --- Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 1,050 $ 967,560 $ 507,969 $ 1,475,529.00 Park Boulevard W11 FM 1378 Westgate Way 2 lanes Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 4,850 $ 5,530,040 $ 2,903,271 $ 8,433,311.00 Park Boulevard W12 - City Limit Skyview --- Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 1,550 $ 1,188,035 $ 623,718 $ 1,811,753,00 Park Boulevard W13 Skyview City Limit 2 lanes _ Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 1,300 $ 996,560 $ 523,194 $ 1,519,754.00 Sanden Boulevard W14 FM 544 SH 78 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 3,700 $ 3,086,910 $ 1,620,628 $ 4,707,538.00 Ann Drive W15 Kamber Lane Franklin Lane --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 800 $ 770,000 $ 404,250 $ 1,174,250.00 Jackson Avenue W16 Brown Street Parker Road --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 850 $ 713,060 $ 374,357 $ 1,087,417.00 Birmingham Street W17 Marble Street Brown Street --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 750 $ 646,710 $ 339,523 $ 986,233.00 N.Ballard Ave. W18 SH 78 W.Brown St. 2 lanes Study to improve capacity 1,750 $ 30,000 $ 15,750 $ 45,750.00 Forrest Ross Rd W19 Railroad Tracks Park Blvd 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 2,650 $ 3,047,200 $ 1,599,780 $ 4,646,980.00 Hensley Lane W20 Woodbridge Pkwy Sanden Blvd 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 5,250 $ 5,166,900 $ 2,712,623 $ 7,879,523.00 Hensley Lane W21 Sanden Blvd SH 78 --- Build a 4-lane divided section&half 700 $ 2,802,800 $ 1,471,470 $ 4,274,270.00 of a grade separation Proposed Collector W22 McMillen Rd Country Club Rd --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 5,400 $ 4,145,600 $ 2,176,440 $ 6,322,040.00 Parker/Ballard W23 W.Brown Street City Limit 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 5,250 $ 5,318,500 $ 2,792,213 $ 8,110,713.00 Steel Road W24 Springwell Pkwy Regency Dr --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 450 $ 415,700 $ 218,243 $ 633,943.00 Sub Total $ 51,562,295 $ 27,070,207 $ 78,632,502.00 Alanis Drive E1A SH 78 S Ballard 2 lanes Build a 4-lane undivided section 6,100 $ 1,977,955.00 $ 1,038,426.38 $ 3,016,381.38 Pleaasant Valley Rd. E7A S.Ballard Avenue South City Limit 2 lanes Realign&Build 4-lane divided 7,850 $ 9,408,375.00 $ 4,939,396.88 $ 14,347,771.88 FM 544 E8A Collins Vinson Road 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 6,300 $ 15,502,670.00 $ 8,138,901.75 $ 23,641,571.75 Stone Road E12 FM 544 East City Limit 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 9,400 $ 10,741,610.00 $ 5,639,345.25 $ 16,380,955.25 ... . 8, ' . ,ros,.,... ".." it""'H",tt .. <...'',l" „: 4w n .., d s..,. .. .,., :.' 2" 4 2.:.7 � r� Fod ,.,.;: � ...,E'1�A: .. �rp�k robing Lrt.. . . tiutti ty t,i�t.. 2.,��n� -.:_ . . =Build a I� ��itvrdti ticltl.. . �. 2,flOt}- ' : $,)3 �4,6 4 95` : .. .ttt1 ,, 22)f"a',.$ . :w 5'42, 71#{); County Line Road E14 FM 544 Troy Road 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 5,000 $ 5,642,170.00 $ 2,962,139.25 $ 8,604,309.25 Kreymer Lane E15 SH 78 City Limit 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 5,050 $ 5,691,005.00 $ 2,987,777.63 $ 8,678,782.63 Troy Road E17 Before Railroad Park Boulevard 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 3,600 $ 3,103,680.00 $ 1,629,432.00 $ 4,733,112.00 Forrest Ross Road E21 SH 78 School Driveway 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 1,500 $ 3,029,440.00 $ 1,590,456.00 $ 4,619,896.00 Park Boulevard E22 City Limit Spring Creek Pkwy. --- Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 2,700 $ 2,069,575 $ 1,086,527 $ 3,156,101.88 Park Boulevard E23 Spring Creek Pkwy. Centennial 2 lanes Build 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 850 $ 651,555 $ 342,066 $ 993,621.38 Park Boulevard E24 Centennial SH 78 4 lanes Build a 6-lane divided section 1,200 $ 920,105 $ 483,055 $ 1,403,160.13 Park Boulevard E24A Bridges - Railroad and Corps Bridges 1,000 , $ 7,371,615 $ 3,870,098, $ 11,241,712.88 Alanis Drive E25 SH 78 End of old alignment 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section&half 1,200 $ 3,258,800.00 $ 1,710,870 $ 4,969,670.00 of a grade separation Skyview E26 Realign to Forrest Ross Rd at Park Blvd --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 1,000 $ 849,100.00 $ 445,778 $ 1,294,877.50 Vinson Road E27 County Line Rd South City Limit 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 1,400 $ 2,446,600.00 $ 1,284,465 $ 3,731,065.00 Elm Grove Rd E28 Pleasant Valley Sachse Road --- Build a 4-lane divided section 3,000 $ 5,236,000.00 $ 2,748,900 $ 7,984,900.00 Green Meadows Way E29 Beaver Creek Rd Stone Rd --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 5,100 $ 4,463,400 $ 2,343,285 $ 6,806,685.00 Sub Total $ 86,188,270 $ 45,248,842 $ 131,437,112 Grand Total: CIP PROJECT TOTALS: f $ 137,750,565 $ 72,319,049 $ 210,069,614 Costs based on 50%of EOPCC by Half Associates Paving&Drainage prorated for length out of 13,600'total with averagge 2.49%cost increase 2015 to 2019 )assd"t1r..§0%:.af: ? 11 ciunf t?p n7ori;f P t( 4:1', icdctu,f :itYQOf 2,60 fii7e# itli' v f*ge Vd: ist,itrpr * e 2.q1A tOg City of Wylie-2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 3 Table 1 B - Recoupment Projects Completed with Previous CIP City of Wylie 2019 Impact Fee Update PROJECT BOUNDARY PROJECT LENGTH TOTAL COST COST OF TOTAL PROJECT ARTERIAL NUMBER FROM TO EXISTING DESCRIPTION (ft) W/O INTEREST INTEREST COST FM 1378 W1 FM 544 W Brown St 2 lanes Built a 6-lane divided section 3,500 $ 1,032,000 $ 541,800 $ 1,573,800 FM 1378 W2 W Brown St 800'north of Lakeway 2 lanes Built a 6-lane divided section 11,800 $ 10,683,815 $ 5,609,003 $ 16,292,818 W Brown Street W3 FM 1378 Ballard Ave 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 9,500 $ 9,827,184 $ 5,159,272 $ 14,986,456 Hensley Lane(East) W4 Hensley Hooper --- Built a 2-lane undivided section 3,100 $ 445,000 $ 233,625 $ 678,625 Country Club Road W5 FM 544 South City Limit --- Built 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 5,500 $ 4,784,003 $ 2,511,602 $ 7,295,605 McCreary Road W7 FM 544 South City Limit --- Built a 4-lane divided section 3,350 $ 1,420,000 $ 745,500 $ 2,165,500 Springwell Pkwy W8 FM 544 700'south of Capital --- Built a 2-lane undivided section 2,600 $ 1,220,000 $ 640,500 $ 1,860,500 FM 1378 W2A N.of Lakeway S.of N.Parker Rd. 2 lanes Built a 6-lane divided section , 1,150 $ 2,717,815 $ 1,426,853 $ 4,144,668 Woodbridge Pkwy. W10 Hooper Rd. South City Limit --- Built 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 1,050 $ 875,800 $ 409,595 $ 1,285,395 Sub Total $ 33,005,617 $ 17,277,750 $ 50,283,367 Alanis Drive El SH 78 S Ballard 2 lanes Built 3-lanes of 4-lane section 6,100 $ 4,464,331 $ 2,343,774 $ 6,808,105 Alanis Drive E2 Twin Lakes _ FM 544 3 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 2,700 $ 1,327,800 $ 697,095 $ 2,024,895 Kirby Street E3 SH 78 Birmingham 4 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 1,400 $ 1,115,600 $ 585,690 $ 1,701,290 Stone Road E4 Birmingham S Ballard 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 8,300 $ 999,000 $ 524,475 $ 1,523,475 Stone Road E5 Ballard Akin 2 lanes Built a 5-lane divided section 2,800 $ 3,530,000 $ 1,853,250 $ 5,383,250 S Ballard Avenue E6 Stone Rd Alanis Dr 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 3,600 $ 4,955,000 $ 2,601,375 $ 7,556,375 S.Ballard Avenue E7 Alanis Dr Pleasant Valley Rd 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 6,200 $ 6,667,500 $ 3,500,438 $ 10,167,938 FM 544 E8 JW Akin Collins Blvd 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 4,700 $ 13,960,600 $ 7,329,315 $ 21,289,915 East Brown Street E9 SH 78 Stone 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 11,100 $ 9,253,000 $ 4,857,825 $ 14,110,825 SH 78 El Eubaks Spring Creek Pkwy. 2 lanes Built 6-lane divided highway section 3,200 $ 4,829,000 $ 2,535,225 $ 7,364,225 Troy Road E16 City Limit East Fork 2 lanes Realign and build 4-lane divided 3,750 $ 3,783,900 $ 1,986,548 $ 5,770,448 Wylie E Drive E18 SH 78 School Driveway 2 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 1,500 $ 1,574,400 $ 826,560 $ 2,400,960 Dominion Drive E19 Sachse Road City Limit --- Built a 2-lane undivided section 2,300 $ 1,535,600 $ 806,190 $ 2,341,790 Collins Bioulevard E20 Current End East Fork --- Built a 2-lane undivided section 5,300 $ 3,449,200 $ 1,810,830 $ 5,260,030 Sub Total $ 61,444,931 $ 32,258,590 $ 93,703,521 Grand Total: CIP PROJECT TOTALS: I $ 94,450,548 $ 49,536,340 $ 143,986,888 City of Wylie-2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 4 No Text IMPACT FEE CALCULATION I. INTRODUCTION The next step of the Development Impact Fee process is the determination of the maximum fee per service unit that can be charged by the City for new developments. The fee is calculated by dividing the costs of the capital improvements identified as necessary to serve growth forecast to occur during the 10 -year planning period by the number of service units of growth forecast to occur. The specific steps, as described in following paragraphs of this section include: 1. Determination of a standard service unit; 2. Identification of service areas for the City; 3. Identification of that portion of the total capital improvements necessary to serve the projected growth over the next 10 -year period; 4. Analysis of the total capacity, level of current usage, and commitment for usage of capacity of existing improvements; 5. Determination of the "standard service unit" and equivalency tables establishing the ratio of a service unit to the types of land use forecast for growth. II. SERVICE UNIT To determine the impact fee rate applied to thoroughfare facilities the standard service unit selected was "PM Peak Hour Vehicle -Miles." This service unit can be obtained by multiplying the number of trips generated by a specific land use type during the PM peak hour (vehicles) by the average trip length (miles) for that land use. The PM peak hour was chosen because it is usually considered the critical time for roadway analyses. The trip generation data were directly obtained or derived for each defined land use type from "Trip Generation Manual, 10" Edition" of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, which is the standard data reference to determine vehicle trip generation characteristics of particular land use types and densities. Trip length information for each land use specified was based on data developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the 2017 National Household Travel Survey. The trip length was set at a maximum of three (3) miles for any land use, as this trip length was assumed to be the maximum average distance a trip would travel on roadways within each service area in the City of Wylie. Table 2 shows the typical service units for each land use type. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 6 Table 2 - Service Unit Calculation by Land Use Type City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Based on ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition 2 Based on FHWA National Household Travel Survey, 2017 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 7 Variable PM Peak Trips' (vehicles) Trip Length' (miles) Vehicle -Miles Residential Dwelling Unit 0.99 3.0 2.97 Office 1,000 ft2 1.42 3.0 4.26 Commercial / Retail 1,000 ft2 3.81 3.0 11.43 Industrial 1,000 ft2 0.98 3.0 2.94 Public and Institutional 1,000 ft2 1.04 3.0 3.12 Parks and Recreational Acre 13.11 3.0 39.33 Based on ITE Trip Generation, 10th Edition 2 Based on FHWA National Household Travel Survey, 2017 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 7 SERVICE AREAS The State Statute governing the imposition of development impact fees require that collection and expenditure of fees imposed for street facilities "...is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of'the political subdivision and shall not exceed six miles." To comply with this State Law, two service areas (West and East) were established for the City of Wylie to ensure that funds are spent within six miles of where they are collected. The service areas include most of the developable land within the city limits of Wylie. Within Wylie, the growth and intensities of growth for the ultimate development of the City and that portion of the service area expected to occur during the 10 -year period, 2019-2029, is forecast. The two service areas were shown in Figure 1. III. ASSUMPTIONS AND EVALUATION CRITERIA Determination of the eligible costs of capital improvements to serve the forecast growth over the 10 -year period from 2019 to 2029 was based on data provided by the City of Wylie. The basic criteria and assumptions made for this study include the following: 1. Costs of existing facilities constructed to serve new development have been included, and City of Wylie staff identified projects of this type. 2. Bond interest costs are included. 3. Street facility improvements, although necessary for additional capacity by new growth, will logically serve all existing and future growth by improved safety and drainage characteristics. Therefore, the 10 -year eligible costs have been proportioned as the ratio of the 10 -year growth to the total number of service units determined for the build -out. Table 3 shows the portion of ultimate build -out service units that will be attributable to growth within the next 10 years and is used to pro -rate the identified costs in the service area. In order to maintain the equity of impact fee assessment, the cost for streets included in the 10 -year Capital Improvement Plan will include the total cost of the street facilities, not reduced by any expected participation. Rather, construction by a developer of an arterial facility within or off-site should be treated as a credit to the impact fee assessment. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 8 Table 3 - Summary of Vehicle -Mileage Distribution by Development Period City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 9 Existing 2019-2029 Year 2029 - Ultimate Vehicle- Portion of Vehicle -Miles Portion of Vehicle -Miles Portion of Ultimate Service Miles Ultimate Added Ultimate Added Ultimate Vehicle - Area 2019 Vehicle -Miles 2019-2029 Vehicle -Miles 2029 - Ultimate Vehicle -Miles Miles W 67,066 0.943 2,608 0.037 1,420 0.020 71,094 E 40,226 0.830 5,831 0.120 2,434 0.050 48,491 Total 107,292 8,439 3,854 119,585 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 9 ELIGIBLE COSTS Table 4 presents a summary of the roadway capital improvement costs for the two service areas. The 10 -year portion of the total costs was calculated using the data from Table 3. Costs of each of the individual street projects were accumulated, or apportioned, for the service area in which they were located. Boundaries of the service areas were located to be coincident with natural barriers, the center of existing or proposed street facilities included in the capital improvements plan or along city limit lines. Costs of these projects included only those costs that will be paid for by the City of Wylie. IV. DETERMINATION OF STANDARD SERVICE UNIT AND EQUIVALENCY The determination of growth of service units and resulting impact fee rates were then made. Table 5 presents the derivation of service unit equivalents for each of the six defined land use types. The service unit equivalents are referenced to and based on the residential land use. Table 6 presents a summary of the calculations and resulting eligible costs per service unit. Under current State law, municipalities are required to administer a detailed financial analysis to support the use of an impact fee higher than 50 percent of the eligible costs. As an alternative to performing the financial analysis, the impact fee can be set at or below 50 percent of the total eligible costs. The total eligible costs per service unit are shown in Table 6. The City will use either a detailed financial analysis to adjust for tax credits or will use 50 percent of these eligible costs. V. IMPACT FEE CALCULATION METHODOLOGY The methodology for calculating the maximum allowable impact fee for roadway facilities can be summarized in the following three steps. First, determine the cost of the roadway facilities (existing roadways eligible for recuperation of construction cost and proposed roadways) that can be attributed to new growth over the 10 -year period. This calculation for Service Areas W and E are summarized on pages 14 and 15. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 10 Table 4 - Summary of Capital Improvement Cost by Service Area City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Service Area Zone Cost of Thoroughfare Portion of Capacity of Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth (2019 - 2029) Cost of Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth (2019 - 2029) W $128,915,869.00 0.037 $4,769,887.15 E $225,140,632.17 0.120 $27,016,875.86 Totals $354,056,501.17 $31,786,763.01 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 11 Table 5 - Thoroughfare Land Use Equivalency City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Land Use Development Unit Veh-Miles / Development Unit (1) SU Equivalency (2) Residential Dwelling Unit 2.97 1.00 Office 1,000 ft2 4.26 1.43 Commercial / Retail 1,000 ft2 11.43 3.85 Industrial 1,000 ft2 2.94 0.99 Public and Institutional 1,000 ft2 3.12 1.05 Parks and Recreational Acre 39.33 13.24 Notes: (1) Based on data from the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition and the FHWA National Household Travel Survey 2017 (see Table 2) (2) Ratio of each land use to service unit of Residential City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 12 Table 6 - Impact Fee Calculation for Thoroughfare by Service Area City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 13 Cost of Thoroughfare Number of New Cost Per Service Area Attributed to Growth Service Units Cost Per Service Unit Service Unit (2019 - 2029) (2019 - 2029) (Rounded) W $4,769,887.15 2,608 $1,828.94 $1,828 E $27,016,875.86 5,831 $4,633.32 $4,633 TO $31,786,763.01 8,439 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 13 Calculation for Service Area W Cost of Roadway Facilities (Tables IA and 1B - Service Area W) = $128,915,869.00 Proportion of Capacity Attributable to New Growth (Table 3 - Service Area W) = 0.037 Cost of Roadway Facilities Attributable to Growth (2019-2029 - Service Area W): $128,915,869.00 x 0.037 = $4,769,887.15 The second step is to determine the maximum calculated impact fee. The maximum calculated impact fee is the ratio of the total cost for roadway facilities attributable to growth in the next ten years (2019-2029) divided by the total growth in equivalent service units (ESU). The maximum calculated impact fee for Service Area W is: Maximum Roadway Impact Fee = Eligible Thoroughfare Cost Attributed to Growth (Table 4) Total Growth in Equivalent Service Units (Table 3) _ $4,769,887.15 2,608 ESU = $1,828.94 / ESU = $1,828 / ESU (Rounded Service Area W) This amount represents the maximum calculated impact fee for roadway facilities. For the final step, the current impact fee legislation requires the City to produce a financial analysis to support a fee greater than 50 percent of the eligible costs or to reduce the maximum calculated impact fee by 50 percent. If the City chooses to use a maximum allowable impact fee of 50 percent of the maximum calculated fee the amount would be $1,828 x 50% = $914.00. alculation for Service Area E Cost of Roadway Facilities (Tables I and 1B - Service Area E) = $225,140,632.17 Proportion of Capacity Attributable to New Growth (Table 3 - Service Area E) = 0.120 Cost of Roadway Facilities Attributable to Growth (2019-2029 - Service Area E): $225,140,632.17 x 0.120 = $27,016,875.86 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 14 The second step is to determine the maximum calculated impact fee. The maximum calculated impact fee is the ratio of the total cost for roadway facilities attributable to growth in the next ten years (2019-2029) divided by the total growth in equivalent service units (ESU). The maximum calculated impact fee for Service Area E is: Maximum Roadway Impact Fee = Eligible Thoroughfare Cost Attributed to Growth (Table 4) Total Growth in Equivalent Service Units (Table 3) _ $27,016,875.86 5,831 ESU _ $4,633.32 / ESU = $4,633 / ESU (Rounded Service Area E) This amount represents the maximum calculated impact fee for roadway facilities. For the final step, the current impact fee legislation requires the City to produce a financial analysis to support a fee greater than 50 percent of the eligible costs or to reduce the maximum calculated impact fee by 50 percent. If the City chooses to use a maximum allowable impact fee of 50 percent of the maximum calculated fee the amount would be 54.633 x 50% = S2.316.50. Impact Fee Calculation Example The land use equivalency table is provided in Table 7. This table identifies the total service units generated by specific uses within each land use category. To obtain the impact fee to be charged for a particular land use, the impact fee per service unit adopted by the City and the service units per development unit generated for that particular land use from Table 7 are used. Examples for calculating the impact fee for both a single-family dwelling unit and a 50,000 ft2 shopping center (commercial / retail facility) assuming impact fees of $914.00 per service unit (Service Area W) and $2,316.50 per service unit (Service Area E) are shown on page 17. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 15 Table 7 - Land Use Equivalency City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update CATEGORY LAND USEDEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT ITE TRIP UNITS RATEZ TRIP PASS -BY SERVICE LENGTHS TRAFFIC° UNITS$ MAX ALLOWABLE IMPACT FEE/ UNITE Service Area W Service Area E RESIDENTIAL Single -Family Detached Dwelling Unit 0.99 3.0 0 2.97 $2,714.58 $6,880.01 Multifamily Housing (Low -Rise) Dwelling Unit 0.56 3.0 0 1.68 $1,535.52 $3,891.72 Multifamily Housing (Mid -Rise) Dwelling Unit 0.44 3.0 0 1.32 $1,206.48 $3,057.78 Multifamily Housing (High -Rise) Dwelling Unit 0.36 3.0 0 1.08 $987.12 $2,501.82 Mobile Home Dwelling Unit 0.46 3.0 0 1.38 $1,261.32 $3,196.77 OFFICE Office Building 1,000 ft2 GFA 1.42 3.0 0 4.26 $3,893.64 $9,868.29 Medical Office 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.46 3.0 0 10.38 $9,487.32 $24,045.27 COMMERCIAL Automobile Care Center 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.11 3.0 0.28 6.72 $6,142.08 $15,566.88 Building Materials/Lumber 1,000 ft2 GFA 2.77 3.0 0 8.31 $7,595.34 $19,250.12 Drive -In Bank 1,000 ft2 GFA 20.45 2.4 0.35 31.90 $29,156.60 $73,896.35 Fast Food Restaurant 1,000 ft2 GFA 32.67 2.4 0.50 39.20 $35,828.80 $90,806.80 Free -Standing Discount Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 4.83 3.0 0.17 12.03 $10,995.42 $27,867.50 Garden Center/Nursery 1,000 ft2 GFA 6.94 3.0 0 20.82 $19,029.48 $48,229.53 Golf Course Acres 0.28 3.0 0 0.84 $767.76 $1,945.86 Hardware/Paint Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 2.68 2.8 0.26 5.55 $5,072.70 $12,856.58 Home Improvement Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 2.33 3.0 0.42 4.05 $3,701.70 $9,381.83 Hotel Rooms 0.60 3.0 0 1.80 $1,645.20 $4,169.70 Pharmacy/Drugstore 1,000 ft2 GFA 10.29 2.8 0.49 14.69 $13,426.66 $34,029.39 Super Convenience Market/Gas Station Pumps 22.96 2.4 0.76 13.22 $12,083.08 $30,624.13 Sit -Down Restaurant 1,000 ft2 GFA 9.77 3.0 0.43 16.71 $15,272.94 $38,708.72 Shopping Center 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.81 3.0 0.34 7.54 $6,891.56 $17,466.41 Supermarket 1,000 ft2 GFA 9.24 2.8 0.36 16.56 $15,135.84 $38,361.24 INDUSTRIAL Industrial 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.63 3.0 0 1.89 $1,727.46 $4,378.19 Mini -Warehouse 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.17 3.0 0 0.51 $466.14 $1,181.42 Warehouse 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.19 3.0 0 0.57 $520.98 $1,320.41 INSTITUTIONAL School Students 0.17 3.0 0 0.51 $466.14 $1,181.42 Day Care Center Students 0.79 3.0 0 2.37 $2,166.18 $5,490.11 Nursing Home 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.59 3.0 0 1.77 $1,617.78 $4,100.21 House of Worship 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.49 3.0 0 1.47 $1,343.58 $3,405.26 1 GFA = Gross Floor Area 2 (Vehicles); Based on ITE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition 3 (Miles); Based on FHWA National Household Travel Survey (2017 and 2009); or a maximum of 3 miles 4 Percentage of traffic already passing by site - land use is an intermediate destination 5 (Vehicle -Miles) 6 Based on 50% of maximum calculated impact fee for each service area The land uses and trip generation characteristics listed in this chart are intended as examples. The complete table of land uses and trip generation characteristics is contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, Tenth Edition, which is incorporated herein by reference. City of Wylie - 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 16 Service Area W — Example Calculations SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (Service Area W) • Vehicle -Miles per Development Unit for Single -Family Dwelling Unit (1 Dwelling Unit) x (2.97 Vehicle -Miles / Dwelling Unit) = 2.97 Vehicle -Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $914.00 / Service Unit: (2.97 Vehicle -Miles) x ($914.00 / Vehicle -Miles) _ $ 2,714.58 50,000 ft2 SHOPPING CENTER (Service Area W) Vehicle -Miles per Development Unit for Shopping Center (50,000 ft2) x (7.54 Vehicle -Miles / 1,000 ft2) = 377.00 Vehicle -Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $914.00 / Service Unit: (377.00 Vehicle -Miles) x ($914.00 / Vehicle -Miles) _ $ 344,578.00 Service Area E — Example Calculations SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (Service Area E) • Vehicle -Miles per Development Unit for Single -Family Dwelling Unit (1 Dwelling Unit) x (2.97 Vehicle -Miles / Dwelling Unit) = 2.97 Vehicle -Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $2,316.50 /Service Unit: (2.97 Vehicle -Miles) x ($2,316.50 / Vehicle -Miles) _ $ 6,880.01 50,000 ft2 SHOPPING CENTER (Service Area E) • Vehicle -Miles per Development Unit for Shopping Center (50,000 ft2) x (7.54 Vehicle -Miles / 1,000 ft2) = 377.00 Vehicle -Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $2,316.50 /Service Unit: (377.00 Vehicle -Miles) x ($2,316.50 / Vehicle -Miles) _ $ 873,320.50 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 17 CITY OF WYLIE allillffivulyQ " i 7 11910 7.. DALLAS, TEXAS ,+ Phone (214)361-7900; Fax(214)461-8390 • I 1 WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATE 2019-2029 Prepared For Prepared By /'CARTER, R 11910 GREENVILLE '` VENUE, SUITE 600 DALLAS, TEY,4S FIRM 526 CITY OF WYLIE I NEW Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. On April 24, 2001, the City of Wylie adopted Ordinance No. 2001-19 "Establishing Water and Wastewater Impact Fees" in accordance with Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code. The ordinance and associated impact fees were established and based on the Service Area Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan prepared by Hunter Associates of Texas, Ltd., dated March 2001. The City updated their water and wastewater impact fees by Ordinance 2012-18 in response to the adoption of a new Comprehensive Land Use Plan in .May 2012 and an expansion of the City's corporate boundaries and environmental jurisdiction. The maximum calculation fee and current imposed fees are summarized below: Chapter 395 requires that an update of the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, and impact fees be performed every five years, unless it is determined by the political subdivision after a review that such an update is not necessary. In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 395.052 of the Local Government Code, this report reviews the City of Wylie's Land Use Assumptions and updates the Capital Improvement Plan. Chapter 395, of the Local Government Code is an act that provides guidelines for financing capital improvements required by new development in municipalities, counties, and certain other local governments. The basis for determination of an impact fee requires the preparation and adoption of a land use plan and growth assumption, and the preparation of a 10 -year capital improvement plan. A master plan of the water and wastewater systems is j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - I - Fee Per Service Unit Calculated Maximum Fees Imposed (Ordinance 2011-11) Water $3651.42 $3651.42 Wastewater $773.48 $773.48 Chapter 395 requires that an update of the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, and impact fees be performed every five years, unless it is determined by the political subdivision after a review that such an update is not necessary. In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 395.052 of the Local Government Code, this report reviews the City of Wylie's Land Use Assumptions and updates the Capital Improvement Plan. Chapter 395, of the Local Government Code is an act that provides guidelines for financing capital improvements required by new development in municipalities, counties, and certain other local governments. The basis for determination of an impact fee requires the preparation and adoption of a land use plan and growth assumption, and the preparation of a 10 -year capital improvement plan. A master plan of the water and wastewater systems is j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - I - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. necessary to prepare a 10 -year capital improvement plan. From these two phases, a maximum impact fee is calculated. The Act allows the maximum impact fee to be charged if revenues from future ad valorem taxes and water and sewer bills are included as a credit in the analysis. If not, the Act allows the maximum fee to be set at 50% of the calculated maximum fee. The following items were included in the impact fee calculation: A. The portion of the cost of the new infrastructure that is to be paid by the City, including engineering, property acquisition and construction cost. B. Existing excess capacity in lines and facilities that will serve future growth and which were paid for in whole or part by the City. C. Engineering and quality control fees for construction projects. D. Interest and other finance charges on bonds issued by the City to cover its portion of cost. The engineering analysis portion of the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee review determines utilized capacity cost of the major water distribution and wastewater collection facilities between the year 2019 and the year 2029. Facilities in this analysis include, water pump stations, elevated and ground water storage tanks, water transmission lines, wastewater treatment plants, wastewater lift stations and wastewater collection lines. The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) owned water treatment and distribution components were excluded from this analysis. The study period is a ten-year period with 2019 as the base year. The impact fee calculation for the water and wastewater systems is based on land uses provided by the City of Wylie. Concurrently with this Impact Fee Update, the City's Water Distribution Master Plan has been updated. The Master Plans are available for review from the City of Wylie. The equivalency factors utilized in this analysis conform to the latest American Water Works Association Standards (C700 - C703). j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 2 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. II. GLOSSARY 1. Advisory Committee means the capital improvements advisory committee established by the City for purposes of reviewing and making recommendations to the City Council on adoption and amendment of the City's impact fee program. The City Planning and Zoning Commission plus one business representative will serve this role. 2. Area -related facility means a capital improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the impact fee capital improvements plan and which is not a site -related facility. Area -related facility may include a capital improvement that is located off-site, or within or on the perimeter of the development site. 3. Assessment means the determination of the amount of the maximum impact fee per service unit that can be imposed on new development. 4. Capital improvement means either a water facility or a wastewater facility, with a life expectancy of three or more years, to be owned and operated by or on behalf of the City. 5. City means the City of Wylie, Texas. 6. Credit means the amount of the reduction of an impact fee due, determined under this ordinance or pursuant to administrative guidelines, which is equal to the value of area - related facilities provided by a property owner pursuant to the City's subdivision or zoning regulations or requirements, for the same type of facility. 7. Facility expansion means either a water facility expansion or a sewer facility expansion. 8. Final plat approval means the point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval in accordance with the City's subdivision regulations, and the plat has been approved for filing with the County. 9. Impact fee means either a fee for water facilities or a fee for wastewater facilities, imposed on new development by the City pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code in order to generate revenue to fund or recoup the costs of capital improvements or facility expansion necessitated by and attributable to such new development. Impact fees do not include the dedication of rights-of-way or easements for such facilities, or the construction of such improvements, imposed pursuant to the City's zoning or subdivision regulations. j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -3 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. 10. Impact fee capital improvements plan means either a water capital improvements plan or a wastewater capital improvements plan, adopted or revised pursuant to the impact fee regulations. 11. Land use assumptions means the projections of population and growth, and associated changes in land uses, densities and intensities over at least a ten-year period, as adopted by the City and as may be amended from time to time, upon which the capital improvements plans are based. 12. Land use equivalences means a table converting the demands for capital improvements generated by various land uses to numbers of service units, as may be amended from time to time. 13. New development means the subdivision of land; the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure; or any use or extension of the use of land; any of which increases the number of service units. 14. Plat has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Plat includes replat. 15. Platting has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Platting includes replatting. 16. Property owner has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Property owner wner includes the developer for a new development. 17. Recoupment means the imposition of an impact fee to reimburse the City for capital improvements that the City had previously oversized to serve new development. 18. Roadway means any freeway, expressway, principal or minor arterial or collector roadways designated in the City's adopted Thoroughfare Plan, as may be amended from time to time. Roadway does not include any roadway designated as a numbered highway on the official Federal or Texas highway system. j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 4 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. 19. Roadway capital improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the roadway facilities or roadway expansions and their costs for each road service area, which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years. 20. Roadway expansion means the expansion of the capacity of an existing roadway in the City, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing roadway to better serve existing development. 21. Roadway facility means an improvement or appurtenance to a roadway that includes, but is not limited to, rights-of-way, whether conveyed by deed or easement; intersection improvements; traffic signals; turn lanes; drainage facilities associated with the roadway; street lighting or curbs. 22. Service area means either a water service area or wastewater benefit area within the City, within which impact fees for capital improvements or facility expansion will be collected for new development occurring within such area, and within which fees so collected will be expended for those types of improvements or expansions identified in the type of capital improvements plan applicable to the service area. 23. Service unit means the applicable standard units of measure shown on the land use equivalency table in the Impact Fees Capital Improvements Plan that can be converted to water meter equivalents, for water or for wastewater facilities, which serves as the standardized measure of consumption, use or generation attributable to the new unit of development. 24. Site -related facility means an improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of a new development, and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of water or wastewater facilities to serve the new development, and which is not included in the impact fees capital improvements plan and for which the property owner is solely responsible under subdivision or other applicable development regulations. 25. Utility connection means installation of a water meter for connecting a new development to the City's water system, or connection to the City's wastewater system. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 5 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. 26. Wastewater facility means a wastewater interceptor or main, lift station or other facility included within and comprising an integral component of the City's collection system for wastewater. Wastewater facility includes land, easements or structure associated with such facilities. Wastewater facility excludes site -related facilities. 27. Wastewater facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of any existing wastewater facility for the purpose of serving new development, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing wastewater facility to serve existing development. 28. Wastewater capital improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the wastewater facilities or wastewater expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years. 29. Water facility means a water interceptor or main, pump station, storage tank or other facility included within and comprising an integral component of the City's water storage or distribution system. Water facility includes land, easements or structures associated with such facilities. Water facility excludes site -related facilities. 30. Water facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of any existing water facility for the purpose of serving new development, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing water improvement to serve existing development. 31. Water improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the water facilities or water expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years. 32. Water meter means a device for measuring the flow of water to a development, whether for domestic or for irrigation purposes. j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 6 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. III. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS (Provided By: The City Of Wylie) A. Purpose Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code prescribes the process by which cities in Texas must formulate development impact fees. The initial step in this process is the establishment of "Land use assumptions" for the City upon which the impact fee program is based. An executive decision has been made to use the 2005 Future Land Use Plan instead of the 2012 Future Land Use Plan due to the land use categories used in the 2012 Future Land Use Plan being too broad for a hydraulic analysis. These land use assumptions, which are derived from the 2005 Future Land Use Map and from the 2018 Population Projections provided by City Staff, will become the basis for the preparation of impact fee capital improvement plans for water and wastewater facilities. To assist the City of Wylie in determining the need for, and the timing of, capital improvements to serve future development, a reasonable estimation of future growth is required. The growth and development projections were formulated by the City of Wylie based upon assumptions pertaining to the type, location, quantity and timing of various future land uses within the community, and to establish and document the methodology used for preparing the growth and land use assumptions. B. Elements of The Land Use Assumption Report This report contains the following components: 1) Methodology -- Explanation of the general methodology used to prepare the land use assumptions. 2) Service Zone Map — The impact fee service area for water and wastewater facilities is shown on Figure 1. 3) Base Data — Information on population and land use for Wylie for each capital facility/impact fee service area. 4) Ten -Year Growth Assumptions — Population and land use growth assumptions for ten years for each capital facility/impact fee service area. 5) Ultimate Population Projections — Projections that reflect a completely developed condition, based upon the City's ultimate "build -out" scenario. 6) Summary — Brief synopsis of the land use assumptions report. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - % - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. C. Methodolo2 Based upon the growth assumptions and the capital improvements that will be needed to support future growth, it is possible to develop an impact fee structure which fairly allocates capital improvement costs to growth areas in relationship to their impact upon the entire infrastructure system. The database and projections in this report have been formulated using reasonable and generally accepted planning principles and methodologies. These land use assumptions and future growth projections take into consideration several factors influencing development patterns, including the following: 1) The character, type, density and quantity of existing development 2) Existing land use patterns 3) Anticipated future land uses (as shown in the City's 2005 Future Land Use Plan) 4) Availability of land for future expansion, and the City's physical holding capacity 5) Current growth trends in the City and region 6) Location and configuration of undeveloped (vacant) land 7) Known or anticipated development projects 8) Potential sanitary sewer availability (e.g., topographical constraints) 9) Growth policies adopted in the Future Land Use Plan A summary of the general methodology used for the preparation of this report follows: 1) Establish impact fee water and wastewater service areas (Part III D — Service Area Map). 2) Collect/determine benchmark (i.e., base year) data on population and land use as of January 2018 (Part III E — Base Year Data). 3) Project population and land use growth for ten years by impact fee service areas (Part III F — Ten -Year Growth Assumptions). 4) Project the ultimate population for a fully developed City, assuming full development of service area(s) (Part III G — Ultimate Population Projections). A more detailed methodology for each is contained within the referenced sections. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 8 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. D. Service Area Maps Figure 1 on the following page shows the proposed service area for water and wastewater facilities. The service area boundary for wastewater includes all land area within the existing City limits, all land within the Wylie Water CCN, and those portions of shared Water CCNs that Wylie will provide wastewater facilities as development occurs. The service area boundary for water includes all land within the Wylie Water CCN, and those portions of shared CCNs that Wylie will serve as development occurs. However, portions of the existing and proposed development within the City limits obtain water from alternative suppliers, namely the Wylie Northeast Water Supply Corporation District and the Eastfork Special Utility District. This background information provides insight to the discrepancy between the overall City population and the population within the water service area (discussed later in the report). A recommended priority listing of projects for water and wastewater facilities will be outlined in the City's Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The actual ten-year CIP upon which the impact fee program must be based has been prepared, per the requirements of Chapter 395. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 9 - LEGEND WYLIE CITY LIMITS FEMA FLOODPLAIN (APPROXIMATE) " mmmm WASTEWATER SERVICE AREA d WATER SERVICE AREA CCN ( ) 736, SERVICE -" ✓ ; " �f MCMI ROAD° 5,/ lox mt " ✓ `� D.X.RY �C m S.N. 78 W � .,,...�.:� �� � tea: .. d� W @ .,.,� ,p� MaOlf` �" /"✓ I 3412 ( �0 r W:'OROWN ST. C.R. 4-3 /✓" W x ' 679 SERVICE ARkA M. 544 � 1 � ,✓ „✓ ✓" OArRt " � ,✓� F.k1, 544 ? " > F.M. 544IN 1f• ` MAVELL J CR K ✓ "" "� "� ALANIS DR � u�i /�✓" ✓ C i �-y F- . .. . .. WYLIE SCALE: 1"=4000' WATER & WASTEWATER ; � �. " ` FIGURE 1 SERVICE AREA MAP ' &PoQIOFF. HENDR OM & CARTER. LLP. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS MAY. 2019 J SIO Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. E. Base Year Data This section documents historical growth trends and base data for the City. This "benchmark" information provides a starting basis of data, as established in the City's Future Land Use Plan and updated in April 2005, and the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, adopted in 2012 for the ten-year growth assumptions. One method of predicting future growth is looking at past growth. The historical growth rates for Wylie are shown in Table 1 below. Table 1 HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE City of Wylie, Texas Year City of Wylie % Change Compounded Average Annual /a Change per Period 1970 0) 2,675 0.00% 0.00% 1980 0) 31152 17.83% 1.65% 1990 0) 8,71.6 176.52% 1.0.71% 2000 0) 14,965 71.70% 5.55% 2010 0) 41,427 176.83% 1.0.72% 2018 (2) 52,003 25.53% 2.88% Source: U.S. Census. «� Source: Current Population Estimate, Provided by City Staff. Over the 40 -year period of 1970 to 2010, the City of Wylie experienced a significant amount of growth. The City is continuing to experience an increase in population, housing, and commercial development activity, although the rapid growth experienced through the early 2000's began tapering down in 2006-2007 due to a variety of economic factors. As of 2018,.the City of Wylie is projected to have a total of around 600 residential lots to be constructed. The build -out of these lots will increase the existing housing stock as follows: 17,128 existing units (2018) + 600 future units (2019) = 17,728 units or a 3.5% increase. Accordingly, it is anticipated that the City has the lot inventory to maintain the increases in population and housing growth experienced over the last few years. It is also anticipated that the City will continue to receive petitions for the zoning and platting of new subdivisions. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - I I - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Another comparison and useful base data source for population growth is the past trends in residential construction. Table 2 shows the growth trend in residential construction in the City from 2013 to 2018. At the end of 2013 there were approximately 15,024 residential units; this is the base number for percentage of growth. Table 2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS PER YEAR City of Wylie, Texas Year PriorTotal Residential Units New Residential Units % Growth ; 2013 15,0240) 250 1.7% 2014 15,2740) 298 2.0% 2015 15,5720) 542 3.5% 2016 16,1140) 447 2.8% 2017 16,5610) 567 3.4% 2018 17,1280) 600 3.5% Average: 451 new residential units per year over 6 years (1) City of Wylie 2018 Population Projections The growth in housing shown in Table 2 illustrates the recent trend in residential activity for the City of Wylie. The trend shown here reflects that observed for the recent trend in population growth. The City has seen moderate gains in residential growth over the past few years. As mentioned earlier, the City's available lot inventory is increasing. For the purposes of documenting changes in population, land use, density and intensity, the data format to be used as a basis to formulate the land use assumptions will be principally population and land use estimates. These estimates and the land use inventory, from the City's 2005 Future Land Use Map, were used to establish a beginning baseline and updated to June 2018 for the population projections provided by the City. 1) Population and Land Use Existing land uses were documented throughout each of the service areas in development of the Land Use Plan. Residential and non-residential building activity for each of the service areas was then analyzed to establish base population for 2018. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -12- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. The estimated population in 2018 for both service areas is: Water Wastewater ■ Population ........................... 43,147 ......................... 52,003 ■ Dwelling Units .................... 14,479 ......................... 17,451 ■ Households .......................... 13,842 ......................... 16,683 These residential calculations are based on the following assumptions: ■ Occupancy Rate .................... 95.6 percent (2010 U.S. Census for Wylie); and ■ Average Household Size ....... 2.98 persons/household (2010 U.S. Census). 2) Land Use Prior to an evaluation and projection of future land use patterns, an understanding of existing conditions is essential. Documentation of existing land use patterns within the City and its ETJ was included as part of the Land Use Plan prepared by others. This data was updated based on information provided by the City to reflect residential and non-resident development activity that occurred through 2018. This documentation provides an overview of the general present physical composition and condition of the City. Table 3 shows a summary of estimated existing land uses for the land area within the water and sanitary sewer service zones. TABLE 3A Existing Land Use For The Water Service Zones — 2018 City of Wylie, Texas Land Use Acres Used (Developed) Percent of Developed Area Low Density Residential 379 5.20% Medium Density Residential 2,864 39.30% High Density Residential 306 4.20% Commercial /Retail/Office 309 4.24% Commercial Corridor 399 5.47% School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 295 4.05% Neighborhood Services 55 0.75% Downtown Historic District 34 0.47% Utilities/Heavy Industrial 375 5.15% Light Industrial 459 6.30% Parks & Open Space 320 4.39% Agricultural 1,493 20.49% Total Area: 7,288 100.00% j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 13 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE 3B Existing Land Use For The Sanitary Sewer Service Zones — 2018 City of Wylie, Texas Land Use Acres Used ' (Developed) Percent of Developed Area Low Density Residential 2,210 17.73% Medium Density :Residential 4,556 36.54% High Density Residential 385 3.09% Commercial /Retail/Office 658 5.28% Commercial Corridor 399 3.20% School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 51.8 4.15% Neighborhood Services 55 0.44% Downtown Historic District 34 0.27% Utilities/Heavy Industrial 641 5.14% Light Industrial 678 5.44% Parks & Open Space 525 4.21% Agricultural 1,808 14.50% Total Area: 12,467 100.00% Table 4 shows a summary of estimated existing land uses in acres per 100 persons. Existing Land Use Per 100 Persons For The Water Service Zones — 2018 City of Wylie, Texas Land Use Category Acres Per 100 Persons Low Density Residential 0.88 Medium Density Residential 6.64 High Density Residential 0.71 Commercial /Retail/Office 0.72 Commercial Corridor 0.92 School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 0.68 Neighborhood Services 0.13 Downtown Historic District 0.08 Utilities/Heavy Industrial 0.87 Light Industrial 1.06 Parks & Open Space 0.74 Agricultural 3.76 Total Area: 1.6.89 Based upon 2018 water service area population of 43,147 persons. j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 14- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TARI N IR Existing Land Use Per 100 Persons For The Sanitary Sewer Service Zones — 2018. City of Wylie, Texas Land Use +Category Acres Per 100 Persons Low Density Residential 5.24 Medium Density Residential 10.80 High Density Residential 0.91 Commercial /Retail/Office 1.56 Commercial Corridor 0.95 School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 1.23 Neighborhood Services 0.13 Downtown Historic District 0.08 Utilities/Heavy Industrial 1.52 Light Industrial 1.61 Parks & Open Space 1.24 Agricultural 4.28 Total Area: 29.55 Based upon 2018 sewer service area population of 42,196 persons. F. Ten -Year Growth Assumptions Growth is characterized in two forms: population (residential land use) and non- residential land use. Several assumptions were necessary in order to arrive at reasonable growth rates for population and employment in the City of Wylie. The following assumptions were made as a basis from which 10 -year projections are initiated: 1) Future land uses will occur as shown on the Future Land Use Plan. 2) The City will be able to finance the necessary improvements to the water and wastewater systems to accommodate expected growth. 3) School facilities will accommodate expected increases in school-age population. 4) Densities will be as projected, based upon anticipated zoning districts. 5) Known or anticipated development projects will occur as presently planned. The 10 -year projections, or land use assumptions, are based upon the establishment of a reasonable growth rate based upon past trends and/or other considerations. Considering the increasing trends in population and housing growth (Table 2) and the City's proximity to the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area and combining these factors with anticipated development projects provides a reasonable indication of growth potential. Based upon these assumptions, the annual average number of residential dwelling units constructed j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 15 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. per year over the next 10 -year period is projected to be approximately 234. A household size of 2.98 persons per household with an occupancy rate of 95.6 percent was used to calculate the future population based on the projected residential activity. The 2018 population of 52,003 (source: City of Wylie) is projected to increase to approximately 58,667 by the year 2028, representing a compounded annual growth rate of 1.2%. This rate would generate an average population increase of about 667 persons per year. The following shows the formula for calculating the ten-year growth assumptions: Residential: 234 dwelling units x 0.956 occupancy rate = 224 occupied dwelling units/year 224 occupied dwelling units/year x 2.98 household size = 667 persons/year (+/-) 667 persons/year x 10 years = 6,670 persons net 10 -year residential growth "Note: It should be noted that the 10 year population and housing projection assumes growth potential within the existing municipal boundaries and the existing extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). These projections do not assume residential growth beyond the existing ETJ. " This rate of growth (1.2% compound annual growth rate) is a conservative reasonable rate for Wylie to be expected to grow at over the next 10 years. The growth rate projected for Wylie is less than the compounded annual growth rate over the last 8 years (2.88%) and is consistent with other comparable cities within the region. Table 5 shows the average annual compounded growth rates for other cities in the area and for Collin County from 2010 to 2018:. TABLE 5 Populations and Growth Rates of Area Cities and Collin County — 2010.to 2018 Source: U.S. Census, 2010 and 2018 Population Estimates, North Central Texas Council of Governments (2018). j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doe - 16- Compounded 2010 2018 ' Average City/Jurisdiction Papulation Population Annual Change (2010-2018) Wylie 41,427 52,003 2.88% Allen 84,253 96,870 1.76% Frisco 116,989 172,940 5.01% McKinney 131,117 179,970 4.04% Murphy 17,708 20,010 1.54% Plano 259,841 281,390 1.00% Prosper 9,423 22,650 11.59% Collin County 782,341 969,730 2.72% Source: U.S. Census, 2010 and 2018 Population Estimates, North Central Texas Council of Governments (2018). j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doe - 16- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Table 5 illustrates that the regional growth pattern is continuing to move outward from Dallas toward the City of Wylie. Those cities that experienced the greatest amount of growth from the 1980s to the 1990s have achieved significant levels of build -out and those cities further north have begun to experience significant population and housing increases. Those cities north and west of Wylie are currently experiencing growth rates similar to those projected for Wylie through 2028. The projected annual growth rate for the City of Wylie and the resulting population projection of 58,667 persons (48,694 persons within Wylie's Water CCN) for the 10 -year planning horizon is considered reasonable for planning purposes. As mentioned, this growth is projected throughout the City's water and wastewater service area, with a substantial amount of the growth being beyond the current municipal boundaries during the next ten years. The previously described growth rate represents growth throughout the water and wastewater service zones. It is anticipated that most of this projected growth will ultimately be incorporated into the City service area limits for several reasons: 1) More stringent environmental laws pertaining to septic waste systems. 2) Increasing insurance rates outside corporate City limits. 3) The City's progressive philosophy regarding water and sewer line extensions. 4) Proposed upgrading of construction standards in the City's ETJ. Changes in population affect the use of land. In the case of Wylie, increased population is due to the conversion of vacant or agricultural land into residential and other land uses. Non-residential development will increase to provide the goods and services that the increased population will demand. The estimation of the additional acres to be developed for the next 10 years will aid in the determination of demand for additional water and wastewater facilities. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 17- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Table 6 shows the additional. Retail/Office, Commercial, and industrial land uses required for the increase in population projected through 2028 (6,670 people). TEN-YEAR LAND USE PROJECTIONS -- 2028 For The Water Service Zones — 2028 City of Wylie, Texas Land Use Future Acres Per 100 Persons Acres Required For 6,670 Persons Commercial/Retail/Office 1.80 120 School, Public/Semi-Public, Services 0.67 45 Utilities, Heavy and Light Industrial 2.50 167 Parks & Open Space 1.03 69 Total Acres: 6.00 401 Source: City of Wylie, April 2005. The future acres per 100 persons reflect those ratios that have been observed for Texas cities with healthy local economies. It should be noted that these ratios also closely reflect the existing land use mix for Wylie's water and wastewater service areas. The ratios are used to calculate the amount of non-residential development that the local population may support. G. Ultimate Population Proiection An ultimate, or holding capacity, land use and population projection was also established in the City of Wylie's Future Land Use Plan. First, known densities of development were considered. Then, based upon the remaining developable vacant land in Wylie and its ETJ, densities of anticipated development projects were applied. The ultimate population of the City of Wylie is a function of anticipated residential land use area (acres), housing density (dwelling units per acre), and population density (persons per dwelling unit). Based upon the land uses identified on the Future Land Use Plan, the total ultimate land use areas of residential development were calculated using the density standards adopted as part of the Future Land Use Plan. The ultimate holding capacity for the planning area, assuming that each residential area is built out to its maximum capacity, generates a maximum population of approximately 50,589 persons for the water service area and 60,950 persons for the sewer service area, excluding the unincorporated Lake areas. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 18 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. H. Summary The data used to compile these land use assumptions were from three sources, anticipated development for the City of Wylie, residential building data and other data from the City, and information from the Future Land Use Plan. The ten-year growth projections were calculated based upon reasonable growth rates and trends for Wylie and the surrounding area. Ultimate projections were based upon the holding capacity of vacant land using land use types and applying densities as established by development policies, the Future Land Use Plan, and known proposed development plans. The land use assumptions may be summarized as follows: 1) The Wylie wastewater planning area contains approximately 19.75 square miles. 2) The 2018 estimated population in the existing water service area is 43,1.47. The 2018 estimated population in the existing wastewater service area is 52,003. 3) The ten-year growth projections were calculated using a compounded average annual growth rate of approximately 1.2%. 4) The ten-year population projection for Wylie is approximately 48,694 persons inside the water service area and 58,667 in the sanitary sewer service area. As noted, the population within the water service area excludes those residents obtaining water from providers other than the City of Wylie and the population within the sanitary sewer service area excludes a small percentage not connected to the wastewater system. 5) The ultimate (build -out) population within the water service area is approximately 50,589 persons and 60,950 persons in the wastewater service area, according to the 2018 population projections. j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc - 19- Birkhqff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code requires that impact fees be based on a defined service unit. A "service unit" is a standardized measure of consumption, use generation, or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards. This update defines a water and wastewater service unit to be a 3/4 -inch water meter and has referred to this service unit as a Single Family Living Unit Equivalent (SFLUE). The SFLUE is based on the continuous duty capacity of a 3/4 -inch water meter. This is the typical meter used for a single-family detached dwelling, and therefore is considered to be equivalent to one "living unit". Many single-family dwellings were constructed with 5/8 -inch meters in the City; therefore, 5/8 -inch meters are also considered one "living unit". Other meter sizes can be compared to the 3/4 -inch meter through a ratio of water flows as published by the American Water Works Association as shown in Table 7 below. This same ratio is then used to determine the proportional water and wastewater impact fee amount for each water meter size. TABLE 7 Living Unit Equivalencies For Various Types and Sizes of Water Meters (a) Source: A WWA Standard C700 (1995) - C703 (1996) j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact fee\cip & impact tce\iepmrts\03-report.doc - 20 - Continuous Duty Meter Type Meter Size Maximum Rate (gpm) (1) Ratio to 1/4" Meter Simple 5/8" & 3/4" 15 1.0 Simple 1" 25 1.7 Simple 11/25 50 3.3 Simple 2" 80 5.3 Compound 2" 80 5.3 Turbine 2" 100 6.7 Compound Y 160 10.7 Turbine Y 240 16.0 Compound 4" 250 16.7 Turbine 4" 420 28.0 Compound 6" 500 33.3 Turbine 6" 920 61.3 Compound 8" 800 53.3 Turbine 8" 1,600 106.7 Compound 10" 2,300 153.3 Turbine 10" 2,500 166.7 Turbine 12" 3,300 220.0 (a) Source: A WWA Standard C700 (1995) - C703 (1996) j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact fee\cip & impact tce\iepmrts\03-report.doc - 20 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. The City of Wylie provided the existing water meter count by size category as of June 2018. In total, there are 13,048 water meters serving the existing population of 43,147 residents and businesses. Table 8 shows the number of existing meters, the living unit equivalent factor and the total number of living unit equivalents for water accounts. The City reports there are 16,341 accounts in 2019, this represents an approximate annual increase of 2.91% and is similar to the growth rate for the water system. Table 9 illustrates the existing accounts and SFLUE's based on the same percentage of growth as shown in the water system. Using the growth rate provided by the 2018 Population Projections prepared by the City, a straight-line extrapolation of water meters and wastewater accounts were calculated for the year 2028. Living unit equivalents were then applied to the water meters and wastewater accounts for 2018 and 2028 resulting in a total number of living units. The difference in the total number of 2018 and 2028 living units results in the new living unit equivalents during the impact fee period. The calculation of living unit equivalents is summarized in Table 8 and Table 9. j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -21 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE 8 Water Living Unit Equivalents 2019 - 2029 TABLE 9 Wastewater Living Unit Equivalents 2019 - 2029 2019 2029 New Meter Size Number' of Water Meters Living Unit Equivalent Ratio for 1" Used Total Number of Living Units Number Living Unit Equivalent of Water Ratio for 1" Meters Used Total Number of Living Units J, SFL,UE's During Impact Fee Im P Period 5/8" & 3/4" 12,510 1.0 12,510 14,118 1.0 14,118 1,608 1" 214 1.7 363 242 1.7 410 47 1-1/2" 19 3.3 62 21 3.3 70 8 2" 274 6.7 1,835 309 6.7 2,071 236 3" 8 16.0 128 9 16.0 144 16 4" 12 28.0 336 14 28.0 379 43 6" 9 61.3 551 10 61.3 622 71 8" 2 1 106.7 1 213 1 2 1 1.06.7 1 240 27 Totals 13,048 15,998 14,725 1 18,054 2,056 TABLE 9 Wastewater Living Unit Equivalents 2019 - 2029 j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -22- 2019 2029 Meter Size ! Number of Water ! Meters w/Sewer Accounts Living Unit Equivalent Ratio for 1" Used Total Number of Living Units Number of Water Living Unit Meters Equivalent w/Sewer Ratio for P Accounts Used Total Number of Living'; Units New SFLUE's During Impact Fee Period 5/8" & 3/4" 15,803 1.0 15,803 17,834 1.0 15,780 2,031 F, 214 1.7 363 242 1.7 41.1 48 1-1/2" 1.9 3.3 62 21 3.3 69 7 2" 274 6.7 1,835 309 6.7 2,070 235 3" 8 1.6.0 128 9 16.0 144 16 4" 1.2 28.0 336 1.4 28.0 392 56 6" 9 61.3 551 10 61.3 613 62 8" 2 106.7 1 213 2 106.7 1 213 0 Totals 14,532 17,482 16,387 19,692 2,455 j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -22- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Professional Engineers prepared computer models for the years 2018 and 2028. The models were developed from the 2018.Population Projections provided by the City of Wylie. The land areas follow closely to the construction of major facilities in the system as outlined in Figure 2. These facilities include major distribution lines, pump stations, ground storage reservoirs and elevated storage tanks. All computer models were run for the Maximum Hourly Demand and the Minimum Hourly Demand to insure proper sizing of the facilities to meet peak demand periods. A. Existing Pump Stations, Ground Storage Reservoirs & Elevated Storage Tanks Table 10 outlines a summary of the City's existing water facilities. TABLE 10 Water Distribution System -- Existing Pump Stations & Ground Storage Pump Station Total Number of Pumps Rated Capacity (MGD) Number of Ground Storage Tanks Total Ground Storage Available (Gallons) Nortex 5 9.20 2 2,500,000 East Brown 5 10.64 1 1,500,000 Newport Harbor 4 11.73 1 21000,000 Total: ------ ----- 4 6,000,000 Elevated Storage Tanks Creekside Elevated Storage Tank South Ballard Elevated Storage Tank Regency (Decker) Elevated Storage Tank Total Capacity in Gallons 2,000,000 250,000 750,000 3,000,000 The pump stations and ground storage facilities were analyzed with the maximum daily demand, while elevated storage act dynamically and are therefore analyzed utilizing the difference between the Maximum. Hourly Demand and the Maximum Daily Demand. B. Distribution Lines The distribution lines consist of all lines within the service area boundary supplying water to customers in the City of Wylie. Lines vary in size from 5/8 -inch and 3/4 -inch services to j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -23- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. 24 -inch transmission lines. Only those water lines 12 -inches and larger in diameter were considered in the Impact Fee calculations. The cost of water lines includes the approximate construction cost, appurtenances (water valves, fire hydrants, taps and the like), utility relocations, purchase of easements, and engineering costs in 2018. Financing cost over a 20 -year term with an assumed bond rate of 5% is included for each project. Unit cost for proposed capital improvement water lines 12 -inches and larger in diameter were classified as City initiated water lines including the full cost of the facility. Developer initiated water line projects, 12 -inches or less in diameter, are not included in this Impact Fee analysis, as the cost for these size lines are the responsibility of the developer. C. Water Supply The City of Wylie currently receives all of its water supply from the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD). Wylie's allocation of the capital cost of services as a customer of the NTMWD was specifically excluded from the impact fee analysis. If included, Wylie's share of the NTMWD capital cost could include the original construction cost, expansion cost, financing cost, engineering cost and real estate cost of the following components: 1) Water Rights Cost in Lake Lewisville and Other Reservoirs 2) Raw Water Intake Structures 3) Raw Water Pump Stations 4) Water Treatment Plant and Expansions 5) High Service :Pump Stations 6) Transmission Lines 7) NTMWD Owned Ground Storage Facilities 8) Metering Facilities j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -24- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. D. Water Distribution System Capital Improvement Projects In order to meet the demands of the anticipated growth over the next 10 -years, as provided in the 2018 Population Projections, certain water distribution system improvements are required. Figure 2 shows the recommended system improvements and Table 11 itemizes each project and the project cost. These recommended improvements assist to form the basis for the Water System Impact Fee Calculation. Actual capital cost, including construction, engineering and easements of the various elements of the existing water distribution system was utilized where the information was known. The existing cost of facilities was determined from records provided by the City of Wylie. Where actual costs are not known, an average cost in 2018 dollars has been calculated. The average unit cost is from a limited survey of projects, which bid recently, plus an estimated cost for engineering and easements. There are many variable factors that can have a significant impact on the actual construction cost of a project such as local conditions, material cost increases and fuel cost increases to name a few. The capital improvement plan provides for system improvements within the defined service area. Some of'the system improvements may be physically located beyond the boundaries of the services area; however, they are necessary to provide adequate system service and capacity. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -25- ELEVATED STORAGE TANK I (EWF-9) im EXISTING NEWPORT HARBOR PUMP STATION GSR#1 (EWF-1) PUMP STATION (EWT-2) PROPOSED GSR #2 (PWF-2) EL6 12* EL2 8" w ........... .. 3 ELB EL8 12 12 12 J L3 EXISTING NORTEX PUMP STATION PUMP STATION (EWF-3) G:WF-4 GR GSR #1 2 (E WF-A) ELS ELI L5 LLIJ m w- 24 - LL 1.5 MG E-EVATED STORAGE TANK (PWF 1) EXISTING EAST BROWN STREET PUMP STATION • PUMP STATION (EWF-6) GSR # I (EWF-7) • NTMWD METER VAULT (EWF-8) JAI fN 0TY OF WYLIE LEGEND WYLIE CITY LIMITS WYLIE CCN BOUNDARY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY EXISTING WATERLINE - NO IMPACT FEE EXISTING WATERLINE IMPACT FEE 12(PIPE NO.) mmmmm . PROPOSED WATERLINE IMPACT FEE ,2, (PIPE NO.) EXISTING JUNCTION NODE EXISTING ELEVATED STORAGE TANK (PROJECT NO.) EXISTING ELEVATED STORAGE TANK TO BE ABANDONED PROPOSED ELEVATED STORAGE TANK (PROJECT NO.) EXISTING PUMP STATION (PROJECT NO.) I SCALE: 1"=3500' WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND RECOVERY MAP BIRKHOFF,11\,DRII 11IT11, L-L.P. T—, F521 eivi A - FIGURE 2 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE 11 CITY OF WYLIE TEXAS 2018-2028 WATER & WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE 10 -YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PROPOSED Water System (Capital Improvement Plan) Project ID Project Total Capital Cast tr} Debt (�} Service) Total Project Cos 10 -Year Utilized Capacity Cost ($) PROPOSED FACILITIES PWF-1 South Ballard 1.5 MG EST $4,715,000 $2,851,876 $7,566,876 $7,566,876 PWF-2 Newport Harbor 1.0 MG GSR $2,300,000 $1,391,159 $3,691,159 $3,395,866 SUBTOTAL: $7,015,000 $4,243,035 $11,258,035 $109962,742 PROPOSED WATER DISTRIBUTION LINES ; Ll Southwest 12 -Inch Connector [679 Service Area] $488,000 $295,168 $783,168 D $783,168 L2 State Highway 78 Distribution Line No. 2 [679 Service Area] $573,400 $346,822 $920,222 $920,222 L3 Cotton Belt Avenue Water Line [679 Service Area] $133,000 $80,446 $213,446 $210,092 L4 State Highway 78 & Spring Creek Parkway Loop [679 Service Area] $976,000 $590,336 $1,566,336 $1,566,336 L5 24 -Inch Distribution Line from Ballard Elevated Tank $60,000 $36,291 $96,291 $96,291 SUBTOTAL:J $2,230,400 1 $1,349,063 1 $3,579,463 1 $3,576,109 WATER SYSTEM PLANNING EXPENSES IC�- Water System Master Plan $37,700 $0 $37,700 $37,700 Water &Wastewater Systems Impact Fee Review $31,300 $0 $31,300 $31,300 SURTOTAL:J $69,000 1 $0 $69,000 $69,000 PROPOSED WATER SYSTEM TOTAL: $99314,400 1 $5,592,098 1 $1499069498 $14,607,851 j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doe -27- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Utilized Capacity Utilized capacity for the water distribution system was calculated based on the water line size required for each model year (2018, 2028 and build out). Master planning of the water distribution system is based on the maximum daily demand, maximum hourly demand, and the minimum hourly demand. Pump station capacity is generally based on the maximum daily system demand while transmission and distribution facilities are sized based on either the maximum hourly demand or the minimum hourly demand, whichever demand is greater for a particular water line. Often, the capacity of a water line is determined by the flows generated by the minimum hourly demand. The minimum hourly flows are usually higher in those lines that are used to refill elevated storage. For each line segment in the water distribution model, the build -out flow rate in the line was compared to the flow rate in the same line segment for the 2018 and the 2028 models. The percentage of utilized capacity was calculated for each year based on the build -out capacity. The utilized capacity during the Impact Fee period is the difference between the year 2028 capacity and the year 2018 capacity. Table 12 below summarizes the total 20 - year project cost and utilized cost over the impact fee period of 2018 - 2028 for each element of the Water Distribution System. The total 20 -year cost includes financing cost over a 20 -year term with an assumed bond rate of 5%. The utilized capacity for each water distribution facility, both existing and proposed, is presented in detail in Impact Fee Capacity Calculation Tables 13, 14, and 15. TABLE 12 Summary of Eligible Capital Cost and Utilized Capacity Cost Water System Facility Total 20 -Year Project Cost Utilized Capacity ($) in the CRP Period Existing Water Lines $9,579,634 $980,204 Existing Water Facilities $23,805,756 $2,069,874 Proposed Water Facilities $11,258,035 $10,962,742 Proposed Water Lines $3,579,463 $3,576,109 Planning Expenses $69,000 $69,000 Total $48,291,888 $1.7,657,929 j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -28- ...... 11 MigJ, ff-d A C r.,„e,, G L Px. TABLE 13 CITY OF W 'LIE, TEXAS 2018-2028 WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPACT FEE STUDY EX IaTING WATER FACILITIES Cost (SI Utilized % Cavacitv Utilized S Debt Service Total interest 20 Year t In The In The Year Engineering 8c project Rate Service Utilizing 'Dotal 20 Vr, CRF CRF Pro'ect u�io. Svs#cuss Improvements Const. Capacity ConsL 'Eestlug Cost % Simple Interest Project Cost 3 2018 2028 Period 2'418 2028 Period Newport Harbor Pump Station EWF-I Ground StoragefieservalrNo.l I 2010 20MG 51,868,862 $70 200 $1.939,(162 S0% $1.172.845 $3,1T1907 70% 92:J 13l $2,,458.407 $2,862,95,1.. $404.547 EWF-2 Pum Station 2 2018 111,7 MGD` 90%953 $86,950. $895,903 50f $342,493 $1.439.396 791 92: rn 13% $1,137,123 $1,324,244 $187,121.. Subtotal Newport 1[arbor pump Station: 52,(78,815 S1.5L15d $2,835,9G5 51,715,33$ ;$4,551,303 - $3,595,534 54,($7,198. &59E,668 Nortrx }'uttt. Station - EWF-3 Pump Staticatr... ---3 2007 9.2 MOD ,$1,7.30,939.. $95,000 $1.224,919 5.9'.',^„ $749,511 $1ei6?,4517. 9AJ.. 1001 6% 51°849':403 ST,967,450 $11$.047 EtVC-4 .. Ground StorageRcservairNo l 4 2010 15MG $4.8151,142. $70,200: $1.871.342 50% $1,131,884 S3„003,22Cr. 94"/n 11301: 6% 52823;Ci'i2 $1:OQ3,225 $186,194 EWF-5 Ground Storage Reserrair.No.2 5 20:18 1 0 MG $2,007,247 ::$127,930 : $2.135.397 s 0% $1,291,478 :$3,426,675 J4°:n 1110: 5/ $3,241;075 $3;426,4,75 '.... S2t15;500 Subtotal Norte.. Pum Station: $4,939,328 $293,150 &,5,232,478 $3,1,54,873 58,397,351-: _ - 57,893,510 58;397,351 5.503,841. East liruzs Street Pntkt ttEtiOm - EWF6 P„aa,pStatson 6 2014 1 03 MGD &7,855,140 $167,872 52,018,01.. 595°�� $1.22(},59$ $3,238,610 94l 1001 6% ,$3.�4:'293 $3,38.S,1a $194.117 EW NTMWD Moder Vault 8 2014 5310,37.5 $27,249 $337,624 a 0l $204 212 $541 836 94% 1001. 6/, S9.32f> 5?41,83H $547.795FWF-7 GrounalStor eRe&—h-N.1 7 2014 $1.411,000 $123,879 $I,434.fl79 S,US' 5928,374 $2,463,2,53 94°+ar' I00Jo 6%' 459 $23463'2.3 h. 147,795 Subtotal East Brown Street Pump Station: 0,576,515 '$314.000 53,890,515 &2,353,184 56443,699 ---.- 55,869,077 $6,243,&99. '$39+1,622 Exlstltl El evated Stam e 5&T-9 Creek ule EST 9 1 2009 2.0 S2,729,660 $14t,000 $2,874,660 5.0% 51,738 ?43 1 $4,613,403 -. 791 92 1 1 13% $3.544,588 54 244 331 $399 743 Subtotal Existing Elevated Stoma e: 52,738,660 $146,000 52,874,6#x0 51;738,843 $4,613,443 53,644,58& 54,244',331 5599,743 TOT EXISTING WA1`Elt FA ILITIESE lF313,923,318 $910,300 514,833,618 58,472,138 $ 3,805,755 521,5502,705 523,4T2,3T $2,064,$74 on. Cost Provided by the City and 2012 Impact Fee Study -.. -. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 2018-2128WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPACT FEE STUDY PROPOSER WATER FACILITIES Cast Od M.1 a tacit Utilized IS) En8lneerirag, Debt Testing and Total Service 20 Year Dew In The 1. The .Projected Projected :Property Project. Interest Service Utilizing Total 20 Yr, CRF CRF ENo.j$'s#car Im revements Year Capacity C"anst. iS,:,3uisitlon Cost &'Cake "lo Simple tiuierest Projem#Cos(& '+ 20E8 2028 period 2018 2.428 Period Pru used Facilities P F'-4 (l) South Ballard 15 MG EST 25 2020 1 1.5 MG I $4,100,000 $300,000 $4,715,000 S.0°lo 52,851.,876 57,466,876 01 IaQ...°lo 1001 $0 $7.566.876 $7,566.876 PthIF-2 1: New st harbor 1 0 MG GSR 25 2025 I 0 MG $2 000 4011 $aQQ OOa 52 31)0.004 5 a1 $1,341 459 $3 t;9E 944 01 92% 92% SO $3.395 856 S3,395,966 TOTAL R P SEI) WATER FACILITIE 55,1Oti5,400 54150(p0 $7, 15 00tJ 54,243, 5 511,258,035 � —®®� �� $ 5(4,962.2(2 Skil„06 .T 2 (i) Estimated Cost: -_. _.. . IrV,,fk2A,\l ,teh .-tl.—v ,[ ,m u , o- grit F-e,r,6.,—eO.,—\'nvw ,ro ware'.”— rcaC"—a Yus4cviae -29- Birkhgff Plendraek€ Carter, L./.1' j, 812019 TABLE 14 CITY OF WYLIE, 2018-202SWATER SYSTEMIMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING -"WTE LINES �% iltilized Capacity bt(5) Utilized Ca aacity Avg, Unit Service 20 Year Debt 'Fatal 20 Year During Pipe Length Diameter Date of Cosi Total Capital Intersest Service Utilizing Project '; Fee Do ring flslurnber Ft, laches (Const, $/1+t Cost n tate % Simple Interest Utast ($1 2018 2028 Period 20til 2020 Fee Period (ELI) - East Alanis Drive Distribution Line [679 Service area This project wall connect the existing 20" waterhne along South Ballard Avenue to the existin 12" waterline along Alanis Drive West or Martinez Lane (2) P-387 21090 12 $55.70 $116;423 570,419 $186,842 82% 100% 18°1a $.153„211 $186;842 $33,631 (2) P-388 420 12 $55.70 $23;396 $14,151 $37;547 97% 100% 3%m $36;421 $37,547 $1,126 (2) P-222 350 12 $55.70 $19,497 $11,793 $31;290 95% 100% 5%u $29,725 $31,290 $1,565 (2) P-381 840 12 $55.70 $46,792 $28;302 $75;094 89% 99% 10% $56,834 ' $74,343 ' $7,509 (2) P-221 5101 12 $55.70 $28;410 $1.7,184 - $45,594 89%n 990/0 10% $40,578 $45,138 $4,560 Subtotal: 1 4,210 2005 1 $234,518 5.0% $141,849 $376,367$48,311' (EL2) - Creekside ( iverchase) Distribution Laine [730 Service area] This project connects the existing 16" waterline east of the Creekside Estates Subdivision to the existing 12" waterline at Creakside Estates Drive (1) P-352 2,430 20 $43.94 $10!5,786 $64;590' $171,376 770 89% 12% $131,960 $152;525 $20,565 (1) P-199 1,670 20 $43.94 $73;388 $44,38} $117,777 80✓� 92°b l°a $94,222 $108,355 $14,133 (1) P-375 1Subtutalc 2,260 20 $43.94 $99„316 $60;071 $159„387 9S%cr 99%rf 1% $156,199 $157;793 $1,594 -1 ffi,360 2006 $279,490 5.0°1 $169;1}50 $448,540 $382;381' $418,673 $36;292 (E 3) - McCreary Road Water Distribution Line [730 ServiceArea] This project connects the exi ing 12"° waterline at the Southfork Mobile Home to the existin. 12" waterline in Creekside Estates Please 4. (2) P-218 1,940 16 1$100,115 $195,847 5118;458 $314,305 71%® 92%«, 13% $248,301 $289,161 $40,860 (2) P-371 1 3,120 16 $100.63 $313,962 $189,900 $503„862 79°f 11 92% 13% $398,051 $463,553 $65,502 (2) P-223 340 16 $75.71 $25,743 $15;571 $41,314 86%u 95% 4%c $35,530 $39,248 $3,718 (2) P-335 2,490 20 $125.68 $312,952. $18+9;294 $502,242 86% 94% 8% $431,928 $472,107 ' $40,179 Subtotal: 7,810 2007 $848,504 5.0%u 1 $513,219 $1,361;723 $1113;510 $1,264,069 $150,259 - F.M. 1378 Distribution Line (South) 1730 Service Area thIS' ro'ec connects the existing 12" waterline along KNI, 1378 at Brown Street to the existing l2" waterline in LakeEoeld Drive. (2) P-360 840 12 $72.57 $60,960 $36,872 197,832 1�0% 10i}al� 0°l $97,832 $97,832 $0 (2) P-153 ),830 12 $72.5,7 $132,806 58(7;328 $213,134 99% 100✓r, 1% $211,003 $213,134 $2,131 LLL Subtotal: 2;670 2009 $113,7661--'5,091; $1171200 $310;966 $308,835 $310;966 $2,131 (EL5) - South Ballard Distribution Line 1679 Service Areal This project connects the exis 'ng 12" & 8"' waterlines at the intersection of Birmin ham &. South Ballard to the existing 1211 waterline at lanis Drive. (2) P-382 630 16 $201,46 $126,919 $76„767 $203;686 100% 100% 0% $203;686 $203,6 6 0 (2) P-369 700 16 $201.46 $141;121 $85,297 $226,318 100%0 100% 0% $226;318 $226318 �1 (2) P-383 610 16 $201.46 $122,890 $74,330 $197,220 93%e 100% 7% $183,415 $197,220 $13„805 (2) P-384 570 16 $201,46 $114,832 $69,456 $184,248 65% 100% 35% $119787 $184,288 $64,501 Subtotals 2,510 2.009 $505,662 5.0%o $305,850 $811,512 $733;206 $811,512 $78,306'' ACLERICA€SwyYe�MS.213 W&WW-1 ha,oushf-I-Park F-ICIPP I -Nd Fee\RpAarts}rAyh 2018 ivdfi, I.Pa Ct Feex1.W d- N'... -30- Hirkhwa(f, 17endrickv (..arter, 1r 1,P, M/2019 TABLE 14 CITY OF WYL E, TEXAS 2018-2028 WATERSYSTEMACT FEE STUDY yRL7(NL'WATERyMYd Debt �rtelwz£d t'.a snclt, � 11tr1i?ed Capacity Avg. Unit Service 24 "ear Debt 'fatal 20 Year During Fila£ leagtb Diameter Plateof Cost Total Capital latersest Service Utilizing Project Fee luring un.hiuzrober Fi leaches Const. $IFt cost $ Bate % Sim l£ Interest most $ 2418 2428 Period 2018 2425 Fee Period (EL6) - Spinnaker Way Water Line 1730 Service Area] This project connects the existing 18" waterline at Anchor Drive to the existing 12" waterline at Coral Reef Lane; (2) P-312 750 12 $171.31 $132;983 $80,435 $213,418 95°f� 100°fa 5°fo $202,747 $213,418 $10,571 Subtotal; 750 2449 $132;983 S.t;�fa $84,435 $213,418 $242747 $213,418 $10,671 (EL7) ® F.M. 1378 Distribution Line (North) 1730 Service Areal This project connects the existing 12" waterline at Anchor Drive to the existing, 12°" waterline along RM. 1378 at McMillen Road. (2) P-399 700 20 $166.34 $116,438 $70,428 $186,866 100% 100% 0% $186,866 ' $186,866 $0 (2) P-386 490 18 $149.70 $33,353 $44;368 $117,721 74% 92% 18% $87,114 $108,303 $21,189 (2) P-025 11020 18 $$149.70 $1.52;0194 $92;357 $245;051 76% 92% 16% $186,234 ' $225,447 $39°208 (2) P-424 080 18 $149.70 $146,706 $88,735 $235,441 69%u 89% 20% $162,454 $209;542 $47,08,8. (2) P-403 1,600 lid $149;70 $239,520 $144,874 $384,394 78% 94% 16% $299,827 $361,330 $61,503 (2) P-155 2„320 16 $13107 $308,722 $185,731 $495,453 88% 99% 11% $435,999 $490,498 $54,499 (2) P-154 2;170 12 $99,$0 $216,566 $130990 $347;556 .1 99% 12% $302,374 $344,080 '' $41,706 Subtotal: 9,280 2010 $1,2541004 5.(30/0 1 $758,483 $2,012482 $1,660,8731 $1,926,G661 $265,193 (EL8) est Brown Distribution Line 1679 Service Areal This project connects the exis irg 12", waterline at PAY 1378 and connects the existing12" waterline at Sanden & Ann Drive to the existing12" waterline at West ate Way (2) P-391 1,050 12 $"75.13 $78,887 i $47,71.5 $126,602 0% 100% 100% $0 $126,602 ' $126}602 (2) P-395 300 12 $15.13 $22,539 $13,633' $36,172 100% 100% 0% $36,172: $36,172 $0 (2) P-407 1,040 12 $75.13 $78,136 $47,261 $125,397 89% 100% 11% $111,503 $125,347 $13,794 (2) P-151 8,930 12: $75.13 $145,003 $87,705 $232,708 0% 100% 10ti1Ffq $0 $232,708 $232,708 (2) E P-404 1„280 12 $75$3 $95;158 $58;167 $154,335 100%100% 0°3o- $154,335 $1154,335 $0 Subtotal., 5,644 1 2412 ' $420,733 5.0% 15254,481 $675,214 $302,110 5675,214' $373,144 (EL9) - East Brown Distribution Line 1679 Service Areal This project connects the existing 12° waterline at SH 78 to the existing 12" waterline in Eubanks tea . (2) P-430 920 24 $219.56 $201;945 $122,177 $324,172 100°fir 100% 0% $324,172 $324,172 $0 (2) P-012 2,550 24 $219,56 $554,877 $3351543 $898,520 100% 100°foe 0% $898,520 $898,520 $0 (2) P-365 320 24 $219.56 $70,,259 $42;496 $112;755 100% 1001/0 0% $112,755 $112,755 $0' Subtotal: 3;790 2412 $832,131 5.0% $543;316 $1,335,447 $1,335;447 $1,335,447 $4' (ELIO) - Mate Highway 78 Distribution Line No. 11679 Service Areal This project connects the exi ing waterline near Binnin ham Avenue to the existing 12" waterline in East Brown Street (2) P-374 920 20 $245.42 $226;249 $136,847 $363,096 100% 1000% 0% $353,096 $363,046 $0 (2) P-376 1„650 20 $24592 $405;773 $245,433 $651,206 100% 100% 010 $651,206 $651,206 $0 (2) P-379 460 12 $245.92 $113,125 $68,424 $181,549 100% 100% 0% $181,549 $181,549 0 (2) P-402 113.20 24 $24592 $324,514 $196,346 $520,965 100% 100% 0% $520,965 $520,955 $0 Subtotal. 4,354 2012 $1,469,766 5.0%$64'1,454 $1;716,816 $1,716,816 $1,716,816 s4 1:YGLEFICAL�10.'i'Ireh2d11A-11& WffiV1'W Bhorrs"4hfare fmp ct Fez%CIP & Pmaact Fe,�R,"ft 1WYIi�2018 Water Imp& Fec+,tk W !i _A... -31- lfarkhof, Hendrick -Corer, L.t.:1� 5,A'2019 TABLE 1 CITY OF W YLIE, TEXAS 2018-2028 WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING - WATER LINES Debt 1 } Utilized C a acit' _ Utilized Ca avit , Avg. Unit Service 20 Year Debt Total 20 Year Darin Pipe , Length Diameter Date of Cost Total C.'alaitat Intersest Service [Utilizing Project Fee during Number Ft. Suchen '' Const. $lFt Cost Hate "�� irn le interest Cost 2018 202$ Period 2018 20211 Fee Period (ELI I) - Spinnaker Way I2 -Inch Water_Line 1730 Service Area] This project connects the existing 8" waterline at Windward lane to the existing 8" waterline at Coral Reef lane. (2) P-446 450 12 $439;35 $197;619 $119;530 $317,144 95% 100% 50% $301,292 $317,149 1 $15;857 Subtotal: 450 23312 $197,619 5.0% $119,330 $31'3,149 $'301,292 $317,149 S15, 57 TOTAL. TING WATER T.,INESn �e 47,561 X5,969,172 $3,6I0,463 X9,579,634 SS,3S4,26 ,364,40 $350,204 1 - City Participle in Cost Oversize 2 - City initiated and Funded * - Based on Cost Provided by the City and 2012 impact Fee Stud, ai%CLERICAL\wylel2018-taew&VM,T,r,,gnrlrc.:'Pa Fe�AOP &IMPat2038 water Impase F-XISXW It a... -32- TABLE 15 Birkhq f Hendricks Carter, L.L.P 1S: Y;'2tt I ri CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 2018-2028 WATER SYSTEM IMPACT IEEE STUDY PROPOSED C"IP - WATER LINES --A wrage Unit costs ate &useaf ir; 2018 do11ars vnles,,s otherwise indicated and includes 20%faar engineering and easements. �., Qla Utilized C acit i5 Utilized Ca acit Debt Avg Unit Service ; 20 Year Debt Total 20 Year Pipe Length Diameter cost Total Capital interest Service Utilizing Project liming During Number 't.(inches) SfFt. Cost $ Rate ala > Sim le Interest Cost (SI 2018 ' 2028 Fee Period 2018 2028 Pec Period (Ll) ® Southwest 12 -Inch onneetor [679 Service Area This Project connects the 12" waterline on McCreary Road to the 12" waterline on S rin well Parkway (2) P-3ld 4, too $122,00 $488,000 $245,168 $783,168 Oofo 1fl0°0 1010°/a $0 $783,168 -166-812 $7F43, ublcital: 4 ii00 5488,000 ,0afa 5295,168 $783,1681 $0 $?83,168 $783,168 (L2) m State Highway 78 Distribution Line No. 2 [679 Service Area, This project connects the existin 12" waterline in Fast Brown Street to the existin 12" waterline in Eubanks Lana;, (2) P-377 1;700 12 $122.;11) 92d7,A40 $125,446 $33^,$46 0°l0 l0d% 100°la $0 $332;846 $332,846 (2) Cs -378 3;000 12 $122,1;0 $366,000 $221,376 $587,376 0°l0 1d0a1a 100°/ $587,376 $587,376 Subtotal: 4,7010 $573,4gfl 5,0% $346,822 5920,222 -- Cl'I' S92Q222 $920,222 (L) - CottonBelt Avenue Water Line [6'79 Service area] This protect replaces an existing 4"' and 1 t" waterline alone Cotton Belt Avenue. (2) P-393 f00 8 $95.00 $57,000 $34,477 $91,477 0% 94%a 990/0 $0 ' $90,562 $913,562 (2) P-397 8001 8 $95,00 J- $76,000 $45,969' $121,969 0010 98% 98% $0 $114,530 $119,530 Subm,tali 1,400 5133,000 5.0% $80,446' $213,446 0 5210;092' $210,092 (U) ® State Highway 78 & Spring Creek Parkway Lo [679 Service Area] This tattimt at an existin 12" waterline on Spring tree& Parkwav and extends east. Then extends south to State iRhway 78. 'Then extends along State Highway 78 to connect€a to an existing waterline can Spring Creels Parkway, (2) P-347 3,:2011 12 $122.00 $390,400 $236,134 $626,531 t7°lo '00 /0 11000 $0 $626,534 $626,534 (2) P-348 1,400 12 $122.00 $17(7,800 $1fl3,3ti9 $274,11}9 i7°l0 1.00° Id1}°la $0 $274,109 $274,109 (2) P-349 3;400 12. $122.OQ $414,800 5250,843 $665,693 0% 100°/ 100% $0 $665;643 $665,693 Snblotal: $;1100 $976,000 5.0°fa 5,590,336 $7,566,336 $1 $1,566,336 $1,566,336 (LS) - 24 -Inch Distribution Line from allard Elevated Tarn This Project connects the proposed Ballard 1.5 MG elevated storage tank to an exis ing 16 -inch water line on Ballard Ave: (2) P-060 200 1 24 $300,00 $60,000 $36,291 $96,291 1 100% loot, $0 $96,291 $46,241 Subttatal: 200 $60,000 &0% 536,291 $96,291 50 $96,291 $96,291,, TOTAL PROPOSED WATER LINES: 18,300 $ 2,230,400 S 1,349,063 1 $ 3,579,463 $ S 3,576,109$ 3,576;109 (l } - City Participate 1n Cost Oversize (2) -'City Initiated and Funded B - Bore Across State Highway or Interstate P - Parallel Water Line * - Based on Actual Bid Trace 1I -Replacement 9:tC1.EeiChL\4MyXi l2p$Fy SY&WffiWw-ihurougiifsrte-Impett sanlC3PH BmpaCT Fee\RCP,dNWybe 2018 Water rmpact Fe,,AsxWLlne,_CaP ... -33- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. VII. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM A. General At this time, most of the wastewater generated in the City of Wylie (concentrating in areas adjacent to the present city center) flows by gravity and a combination of lift stations and force mains to the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (operated by the NTMWD) southwest of the City center. The Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant located near the center of the City was decommissioned. A small amount of current wastewater flow is handled through local residential septic systems. The average daily flow capacity of the new Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant is 10.0 MGD and the peak flow capacity is 30.0 MGD. This impact fee study considers no significant development in the Lake Ray Hubbard Collection Basins prior to 2029. Therefore, infrastructure improvements are not planned or included in the impact fee calculation. Muddy Creek, Cottonwood Creek and Rush Creek Basins are anticipated growth areas. 1) Muddy Creek: Muddy Creek includes the bulk of the existing development and produces the predominant volume of wastewater flow. The Muddy Creek Basin will add approximately 3,895 to the population by 2029. 2) Cottonwood Creek: Generally south of the City center is an expected growth area where approximately 919 will be added to the population by 2029. 3) Rush Creek: Generally east of the City center is an expected growth area where approximately 1,234 will be added to the population by 2029. B. Collection Lines The wastewater collection system analysis is a static analysis covering all of the drainage basins within the study area. The wastewater project cost includes necessary appurtenances, purchase of easements, utility relocation, pavement removal and replacement, and engineering costs. For existing Impact Fee projects, actual costs were utilized where known. Future project cost estimates were based on budget information provided by the NTMWD and include engineering, construction and inspection costs when provided. The natural ground in the area to be served by the Wylie Wastewater Collection System varies in elevation from approximately 460 feet above mean sea level near the Muddy j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeAreports\03-report.doc -34- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Creek Regional. Wastewater Treatment Plant to 620 feet above mean sea level near the northwest City Limit. There is a natural divide running generally North to South near the Wylie city center (following Ballard Avenue to the Pleasant Valley Road). The land on the west side of this divide generally falls to the southwest and includes five main basins. These basins are (from south to north) Lower Muddy Creek, Tributary 1 to Muddy Creek, Tributary 2 to .Muddy Creek, Tributary 3 to Muddy Creek and Upper Muddy Creek. The natural creeks, whose basins will collect wastewater through the installed system of trunk lines, flow into the geographic area normally serviced by the North Texas Municipal Water District. The fall of the land on the east side of this divide is to the southeast and includes three main basins. The basins are Cottonwood Creek (near the City center), Rush Creek (east of the City center) and Tributary 1 to Rush Creek (east of the main channel). These basins flow naturally into Lake Ray Hubbard. Flows in the City of Wylie service areas are collected in Lift Stations at the downstream limit of the service area and lifted over to the Muddy Creek basin. C. Treatment The Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant is located just north of Alanis Drive and west of Ballard Avenue. Currently, this plant no longer serves the City and was decommissioned. The Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant was constructed southwest of the City center near Lake Ray Hubbard. An expansion of the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant was completed several years ago and additional expansions are anticipated over the next five years. The North Texas Municipal Water District operates the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. D. Capital Improvement Program The existing wastewater collection system is adequately designed to accommodate the growth expected within the impact fee period; therefore, no improvements are required based on the current projections. However, the current NTMWD wastewater treatment plant is reaching capacity and the NTMWD plans to expand the capacity to accommodate future growth. Due to this circumstance, there only new improvement shown in Table 15 is the City's percentage of the flow contribution times the cost of the expansion and the portion predicted to be used for new development over the 10 -year CIP period. j:Aclerica➢wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -35 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. E. Utilized Capacity The Land Use Assumptions from the City of Wylie were utilized to calculate the utilized capacity for the wastewater collection system based on land absorption from population growth projections. The population and employment growth in each wastewater drainage basin were determined based on the City's growth projections. These growth rates were utilized to calculate 2018 and 2028 design flows. The following summarizes each design flow component utilized to calculate the wastewater design flows. 1) Population Based Flow: For the purpose of this wastewater impact fee study an average per capita flow of 110 gallons per day (gpcd) is a reasonable basis for the design of the wastewater collection and treatment facilities. Peak flows associated with this per capita rate have been estimated for various segments of the collection system by using the following formula PF = ((5/(population/1000)^0.167). The formula takes into account the estimated population, and, indirectly, the area of the drainage basin to be served. This method gives a ratio of peak to average flows varying from a maximum of 5.0 times the average flow for a population of 1,000 or less to 2.32 times the average flow for a population of 93,700 (includes 18,000 for the City of Murphy also served at the Muddy Creek Regional WWTP). 2) Non -Population Based Flow: Non-residential average flows are estimated based on an average daily flow per acre for each non-residential land use category. The following were used for average daily flow per acre for each category: Business/Commercial Corridor: 1,600 gallons ... Commercial/Retail: 1,400 gallons Neighborhood Services: 1,200 gallons ............... Public/Semi :Private: 1,000 gallons Heavy Industrial: 2,400 gallons .......................... Light Industrial: 2,000 gallons Parks/Open Space: 5 gallons .............................. Floodplains: 0.01 gallons A 2.0 Peaking factor was used for each non-residential land use. The combination of per capita and non-residential based flow is the basis for aggregate dry weather flow in the basins. 3) Infiltration and Inflow: Groundwater can infiltrate into the sanitary sewer system through faulty sewer pipe joints, tree roots, breaks in sewer pipes and manholes and faulty service lines. Infiltration creates an average day flow related burden on wastewater collection systems and treatment plants. Infiltration is fairly constant and not necessarily based on temporary storm events. Normal plant capacity must j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -36- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. be designed to handle infiltration related flows. The City is in the process of completing a program to evaluate the actual flow rates of major system gravity sewers and may embark on a program to rehabilitate lines that contribute significant infiltration volumes when economically and environmentally feasible, and/or desirable. Inflow is generally related to storm events that increase groundwater and surface water flow into the sanitary system. The additional flow is generally recognized to enter through manholes, service lines, roof drains and storm drains. Inflow related flows could cause surcharged sewers, overflows at manholes and peak flows to surpass the capacity of the treatment plant. The wastewater collection system planning calculations include a combined infiltration and inflow rate of 400 gallons per acre per day (gpad) for the entire wastewater service area. This flow is not peaked. The percentage of utilized capacity was calculated for the design flow of each study year based on the build -out capacity. The utilized capacity during the Impact Fee period is the difference between the year 2018 capacity and the year 2028 capacity. Table No. 16 below summarizes the project cost and utilized cost over the impact fee period of 2018 - 2028 for each element of the wastewater system. The utilized capacity for each existing wastewater facility and collection line is presented in detail in Impact Fee Capacity Calculation Tables 17 and 18. TABLE 16 Summary of Eligible Capital Cost and Utilized Capacity Cost j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report-1.docx -37- Utilized Wastewater System Facility 20 -Year or Outstanding Capacity ($)' in the Project Cost CRP Period Existing Wastewater Collection $4,362,263 $1,090,566 Lines Existing WW Treatment Facilities $3,188,000 $ 478,200 (Wylie Share) Proposed WW Treatment Facilities $11,668,355 $2,917,089 (Wylie Share @ 69.5% Flow) Planning Expenses $11,000 $5,000 Total $1.9,229,61.8 $4,490,855 j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report-1.docx -37- Birkhoj/ ffendrlcks Carter, L.L.P. 711812019 TABLE 17 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING & PROPOSED CIP - WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES Improvements Year Const. Projected Capacity (MGD) Facili Cost ($) Ca acity Utilized (°lo) Ca acity Utilized Const. ! Debt Seruice Interest Rate °lu 20 Year Debt Service Utilizing Simple Interest Total 20 Yr. Project Cost $ 2018 202$ In The CRF Period 201$ 202$ In The CRF Period Wastewater Treatment Facilities NTMWD Muddy Creek WW Treatment Plant Expansion 2012 10.00 $3,188,000 $0 $3,188,000 85.0% 100.0% 15.0% $2,709,800 $3,188,000 $478,200 NTMWD Muddy Creek WW Treatment Plant Expansion 2A (Admin)* 2020 1:0.00 $0 $0 $0 0.0°10 1Wo /+, 100.0% $0. $0 -: $0 NTMWD Muddy Creek WW Treatment Plant Expansion 213(5MGD)** 2021 15.00 $11,668,355 $0 $11,668,355 1 QO% 25.0"/0 25.0"/ $0 $2,917,089 $2,917,089 Subotal: WWTP Facilities $14,856,355 $0 $14,856355 $2,709,800 $6,105,089 $3,395,289 Treatment Facilities Total 1 $14,856355 $0 $14,856,355 $2,709,800 $6,105,089 $3,395,289 J:ACI.FRICA1,\Wylie'2018-118 W&W W-Thoroaghfaredmpact Fee\Wast—tei{Table 17 - W WTP Utiliwd Capacity.xlsx -36- Hirkhti f, Hendricks and Carter, L.L.P. 71912019 TABLE 18 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING CIP - WASTEWATER COLLECTION LINES * - Based on Actual Bid Price 1 - City Initiated and Funded J:ACLERICAI.AWy1ieA2018-118 W&WW-Thoroughfare-Impact FeeAWastewater\Table 18 - Exist Wastewater Utilized Cap.xlsx -39- (°1d) Utilized Capacity ($) Utillzed Capacity Avg. Unit 20 Year Debt + Total 20 Year Pipe Length Diameter Cost Total Capital Service *7u 5% Project During During Number (Ft) (Inches) Date of Const. ($/Ft.); Cost ($) Simple Interest Cost ($) 2018 2028 Fee Period 2018 2028 Fee Period Twin Lakes Relief Sewer - Phase I & 11 This Project includes 12,400 LF of new 30" and 42" Transfer Sewer commencing at the Twin Lakes Lift Station and running along Pleasant Valley Road to the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. I *4,200 30 2008-2010 $182.43 $766,205 $402,258 $1,168,463 70% 95% 25% $817,924 $1,110,040 $292,116 I * 8,200 42 $255.40 $2,094,295 $1,099,505 $3,193,800 70% 95% 25% $2,235,660 $3,034,110 $798,450 Subtotal: 12,400 $2,860,500 $1,501,763 $4,362,263 $3,053,584 $4,144,150 $1,090,566 Existing Wastewater Line- CIP Total $2,860,500 $1,501,763 $4,362,263 $3,053,584 $4,144,150 $1,090,566 * - Based on Actual Bid Price 1 - City Initiated and Funded J:ACLERICAI.AWy1ieA2018-118 W&WW-Thoroughfare-Impact FeeAWastewater\Table 18 - Exist Wastewater Utilized Cap.xlsx -39- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. VIII. MAXIMUM IMPACT FEE CALCULATION — WATER & WASTEWATER SYSTEM The maximum impact fees for the water and wastewater systems are calculated separately by dividing the cost of the capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated and attributable to new development in the service area within the ten-year period by the number of living units anticipated to be added to City within the ten-year period as shown on Table 8 and Table 9. To simplify collection, we recommend the fee remain fixed throughout the next 5 -year period, unless changed by Council. Water Impact Fee — Eligible Existing Utilized Cost + Eligible Proposed Utilized Cost Number of New Living Unit Equivalent over the Next 10 Years $3,050,078 + $14,607,851 = $17,657,929 2,056 2,056 Calculated Max. Water Impact Fee = $ 8.588.49 Allowable Max. Water Impact Fee: (Max Impact Fee x 50% )* _ * - Maximum allowable impact fee is 50% of the maximum calculated i 395 LGC Wastewater Impact Fee — Eligible Existing Facility Cost + Eligible Proposed Facility Cost Number of New Living Unit Equivalent over the Next 10 -Years $1,573,766 + $2,917,089 = $4,490,855 2,455 2,455 Max. Wastewater Impact Fee — $ 1,829.27 ❑owable Max. Wastewater Impact Fee: (Max Impact Fee x 50%) _ -Maximum allowable Impact Fee is 50% of the maximum calculated im $ 914.63 395 LGC. Based on the Allowable Maximum Impact Fee Calculation for Water and Wastewater, Table 19 calculates the maximum impact fee for the various sizes of water meters. j:Ac1eica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -40- Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE 19 Allowable Maximum Fee per Living Unit Equivalent 50% Maximum Water Impact Fee per Living Unit Equivalent $4,294.24 50% Maximum Wastewater Impact Fee per Living Unit Equivalent $ 914.63 Typical Land Use Meter Type Meter Size Living Unit Equivalent Maximum Impact Fee Total Water Sewer Single Family Residential. Simple 5/8" & 3/4" 1.0 $4,294.24 $ 914.63 $ 5,208.87 Single Family Residential Simple 1" 1.7 $7,300.21 $ 1,554.87 $ 8,855.08 Single Family Residential. Simple 1-1/2" 3.3 $14,170.99 $ 3,018.28 $ 17,189.27 Single Family Residential. Simple 2" 5.3 $22,759.47 $ 4,847.54 $ 27,607.01 Comm./Retail Compound 2" 5.3 $22,759.47 $ 4,847.54 $ 27,607.01 Comm./Retail Turbine 2" 6.7 $28,771.41 $ 6,1.28.02 $ 34,899.43 Comm./Retail/Multi Family Compound 3" 10.7 $45,948.37 $ 9,786.54 $ 55,734.91 Comm./Retail/Multi Family Turbine 3" 16.0 $68,707.84 $ 14,634.08 $ 83,341.92 Comm./Retail/Multi Family Compound 4" 16.7 $71,713.81 $ 15,274.32 $ 86,988.13 Comm./Retail/Multi Family Turbine 4" 28.0 $120,238.72 $ 25,609.64 $ 145,848.36 Industrial Compound 6" 33.3 $142,998.19 $ 30,457.18 $ 173,455.37 Industrial Turbine 6" 61.3 $263,236.91 $ 56,066.82 $ 319,303.73 Industrial Compound 8" 53.3 $228,882.99 $ 48,749.78 $ 277,632.77 Industrial Turbine 8" 106.7 $458,195.41 $ 97,591.02 $ 555,786.43 Industrial Compound 10" 153.3 $658,306.99 $140,212.78 $ 798,519.77 Industrial Turbine 10" 166.7 $715,849.81 $152,468.82 $ 868,318.63 Industrial Turbine 12" 220.0 $944,732.80 $201,218.60 $ 1,145,951.40 Note: All amounts are rounded to the nearest $0.01. j:Ac1erica1\wyheA2018-118 w&ww-thoroughfare-impact feeAcip & impact feeArepmrts\03-report.doc -41 - CITY OF WYLIE 2019-2029 i r ' r 11"Ww", r r iSUMMr 11910 GREENVILLE AVE., SUITE r/ DA1EXAS 75243 LLAS, Phone (214)361-7900; ) Fax(214)461-8390 /ti/` a' HT , AM Lity of ylie Water, Wastewater and Thoroughfare ,P No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text No Text 'IAHLE 13 CTFY OF' WYLIE, TEXAS 2018-2UN4VATER DIS1RIBUTION" INIPAcr FIFE, STUDY EXISTING NVATER FACILUVICS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS I#M-2028' SVAIER DIS'l-RIBUTION IMPACT FEL S-I-L',DV 1 ROIIOSEI)W.A'I'ERFA('11-1'1'IES ----------------------------------------- T�wAt Imigrm 29) va" Dom TM n� Tm'Tlr Yew ithollm-Ift a hq,�kv,t Atf �M� setvkt I.Iftoing Tomilm Vw, CRF CAF f*jm- No, 8�_iltft lm�4twmtm ty Cows Tv"Jog coo simpl*14""o P"Jevtowo, s 0 2 1* 2102A VV604 U14 NU 1pvlrlod Ntalion 6,wN siw,,g,, R,-,l,vw ?aa,, I Ct IN Iry 5�j ??,9,4� 11 I NJ N 18 L?M(M �,KWJ-qil (,,)Z 58WOK.�', 5 yl� S,54?.4,P' F 1,4 � 7V, 92,1 1 I I , 7 �lt Sl 2 4:!44 )IS7.r'1 sulmi"tal Newp4wt Harhof Pump ,,tAtkou 1 5�lj ml IS 1,71 5,m *4,�,; �IL. MAN7J99 ssm,ms • u S, m ton F1Al--3 Pomp &k1tim X "Y 9.2 NiCiD SLQO,aAl N J25,1a3,j 5 1 S1,I)Wt,45Ci Y4'. I OW, 6%, s C�o s I I K.047 FWFA Clb-,,—1 Ra --w N—, 1 4 20 10 1. 5 14(1 SI,M,142 7fl.2041 51,K7L,342 i WN 3t,rU,184-4 $3,oll,226 9C,� HKI% 6% S2,K2.3,032 Si CK2,726 $ I NO, EA+ 5 N11, 2 SLU0.111 S121,7A5D SIJM,.E47 i0l-,, A 4r 1_ 6, 6 15 411% HKP,�, S24*.0ml —G .moom I S291�1 NMMAIS sl, umv� S9,197J, SIM,, "10 7041 Elssf Brown stroe't 1111.1pswii- 6 ?0 14 :10,7 ki(:,D SW',,VE 57,Q I KC, I i ly", 0 m', I WN, r1% wu,)�li 610 Ssl,94, 1, 17 EW F Urminj SHm.p'N', 1 7 2014 1 3 ldfl "", A �.j I mim -�5, N11 2 �-Ml S1,13U,09 Lrli 5:k 94`-I H01- 6% si-I 1 S.,151 sl,,Wk.25� SI'l-, N, I MWI) Wier vawl�,, X 14 NA , S 3 S27,241) 1 6% KY, Aill"ZU2, SUbOutA EPA Urtmn Strco Pup; Sumiwu; Itl 4% 414 --t&thool? of 24,1,6,99 $114F LPA,V,i� F 1$ 1110C., KiJbiling Vjl�,VAIVq �.A _I;_ -!-i !;-!�v A $2�72M6fof) $140,n@0 SIA74,WY s 03 S" HA S4,144,1, I TOTAL EXISTING WATER VACUATIES S11923.318 S910,300 SZOA02,705 Sti, P7LS7`0 $2,069,874 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS I#M-2028' SVAIER DIS'l-RIBUTION IMPACT FEL S-I-L',DV 1 ROIIOSEI)W.A'I'ERFA('11-1'1'IES * - proposed Construction Cost For WWTP Expansion 2A is assumed ineligible for Impact Fees lNo Additional Capacity) Proposed Construction Cost Far NNAN'TP Expansion 2B is based on (69.5% as Wylie flow contribution) for a 5 NIGD Expansion (and 25% of use at end of 10 year CJI" from grokvtk) TABLE 18 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER COLLECTION SVSTEM, IMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING CIP - WASTEWATER COLLECTION LINES * - Bawd oil Actual Bld Pries, I - Cky Initialed aad 1unded 110MMUM"= Waitewa ter Treatment Facilities NTSIW'D M,,ddy (,,,-k WW 1 -1,n -t 111'a't EApa.o.o. 2B (5 MCHW- * - proposed Construction Cost For WWTP Expansion 2A is assumed ineligible for Impact Fees lNo Additional Capacity) Proposed Construction Cost Far NNAN'TP Expansion 2B is based on (69.5% as Wylie flow contribution) for a 5 NIGD Expansion (and 25% of use at end of 10 year CJI" from grokvtk) TABLE 18 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WASTEWATER COLLECTION SVSTEM, IMPACT FEE STUDY EXISTING CIP - WASTEWATER COLLECTION LINES * - Bawd oil Actual Bld Pries, I - Cky Initialed aad 1unded Based on the Allowable Maximum Impact Fee Calculation for Water and Wastewater, Table 19 calculaics the maximum impact fec for the various sizes of water meters. ,' ole: All amounts nts tare r• undtct to the rnearevt $0 01. Meter Meter Living Maximum Impact Fee I £ Ical I and N3se T e Size ealent Nater Setrer Total Single Family 5/8" & Residential Simple 3/4" 1,0 $4„294.24 $ 914,613 $ 5,2018.87 Single Family Residential Simple V, 1.7 $7,3(1(1.21 $ 1,554.87 $ 8,855.018 Single Family ResidentialSimple ...., . ....., 1-1/2” �. _ _.. 3.3 $14,170.99 ..�._�__..__. $ 3 018.28 $ ... 17,189.27 Single Fant....ily__ Si Residential Simple 2" 5.3 $22,754.47 $ 1,847.54 $ 27,6017.011 Comm./RetailC"clmpelund 2" 5.3 $22 754.47 $ 4 847.54 S 27 6t17 031 Cntnn7, Retail Turbine 2" 6,7 $28,771.41 $ 6,128,112 $ 34,894.43 Conn u./Retail Multi Family C+ inn Quid 3" 111.7 $45„948.37 $ 9,786,54 $ 55,734.41. Comm. rRetai UNIi'ilti Faitlily Turbine 3” 16.0 $618„707.84 $ 14,634.08 $ 83,341.92 Comm./ Retaii/Multi Family Comp: and E 4” 161.7 $71,713.81 $ 15,274.32 $ 86,488.13 Comm./Retail/Multi Family Turbine 4" 28.0 $120,238.72 $25,609.64 $ 1.45,848.36 Industrial _Compound _......_6?" 33.3 $1.42,448.14 $ 301457.18 $ 173,455.37 Industrial Turbme 6" 61..3 $263,236.91 $ 56,066.82 S 319,3013.73 Industrial Compciund 8" S3.3 $228,882.99 $48,749.78 $ 277,632.77 Industrial Turbine 1 8'" 1016.7 $458,195,41 $ 97,591.02 $ 555,786.43 Industrial Compound 10" 153.3 $658,30&99 $1401,212.78 S 798,519.77 Industrial Turbine 10" 166.7 $715,849.81 $152,4618.82 $ 868,318.63 Industrial Turbine l2'" 2201.11 $944,732.811 52111,218.6111 S 1,145,9:51.40 ,' ole: All amounts nts tare r• undtct to the rnearevt $0 01. No Text No Text ':e .� ,;i�• X57, � �' rt,.,v � t'�:. >R„ �„ta��,. � � � ��" , 1x � , `` .tom � �ttt�y v $L,t. 1t y„tf �; � �` , � , ,ti t r { g � � i � .. ,..,.2 �?. .:" S „ ,,.: ks,`.a, .. 7 ,,.v r •n „ as ., .?£) ttytlt :� ...,, ��i&� as°arg'��.�a � 3 ,., , t .,� Y r>%na x , 3y � • ,,' I,i.l r>srs+tt ,,,,..,� ;. t� �_, ,"MMSuld Rn dgay In 4 9 am % .. y 4m�vI ~40, iamxtwn..�o-; La�a � 'r,M� nt<,oa. utzw �.a ,q ...... f39oamORman,rh b�i��n�r,� E�"�rs���s � } x tt ' t r roti;' , s,'`., gy • tt j tt ,r<ttr T4s e_ ,��n Fen; al FdFry xlLr.cta�: La;.n:.s a''=s-;.Y,ntjy ` •..'a. in a,:.,_ { ,: t sts n }k3y r tial!. d7 ;a 1 r„ '. ;��.p Frr�irc� _, F�Bw,th�er.o.: '. .. . F'v�'n@eti=� P. 1F+„?„"»„ � ;, �,, ,., "�:` �.,,,,., ^• ax �m ��, . �iwt !3s.?b,4a;ry s:uk �*�,.�nF��� n�a�+9��.,�n3V�u �'�e� §s'"�a�n�'p`�'i�?3 ;'�% s i ARTERIAL PROJECT NUMBER BOUNDARY FROM TO EXISTING PROJECT DESCRIPTION LENGTH (ft) TOTAL COST WfO, INTEREST COST OF INTEREST TOTAL PROJECT COST Wordbrit-ge Pkwy- W5A FM 5" Hooper Road 4 lanes Build 64ane divided section 5,500 $ 21324530 $ 11220,37a $ 3,544.908.00 McMillen Road 4V6 McCrea fed FNI 1378 4 lanes Build a 64ane divided section 8,400 $ 10,653R20 5,592A36 $ 16,245,856, Hensley Lane (East) 1 9 Hoo"r Rd McCreary Rd --- Build a 2 -lane undivided section 5,100 5 3,759,170 1,973,564 $ 5,732.734.00 Woodbridge Pkwy- W1 CNA Hoopef Rd South City Limit ... Build 4 -lanes of fuiure 6 -lanes 1,050 $ q67,560 5,07,969 $ 1,475,529.00 Park Boulevard Vvi 1 FM 1378 Westgate Way 2 lanes Build, 4 -lanes of future 64anei 4.B,50 S 5530;440 2.9103,271 $ 8,433„311 00 Park Boulevard WY12 CRY Limit %yview .. Build 4 -lanes of future 64anes 1,550 1,1,65,435 623,718 1,811,75100, Park Boulevard W1:3 SkWiew CAIV LiMit 2 laimes Build 44arres of fulture 64 nes 1,300 996,560 $ 523 194 1,,519,754.00 Sanden Boulevard W14 FM 544 SH 78 2 lanes Build 4 -lana divided section 3,700 $ 3,496,910 $ 1.620,628 $ 4,707,538.00 Ann Drive W15 Kamber Lane Franklin Lane --- Build a 2 -lane undivided section 800 S 770N0 $ 404250 $ 1,174250,00 Jackson Avenue W16 Brown Street Parker Read ... Build a 2 -lane undivided section 850 S 713,060 $ 374,357 $ 1,087,417.00 Birmingham Street W17 Marble Street Brown Street ... Build a 2-lans, undivided! section 7$0 $ 646,710 S 339 523 $ 986,233.00 N Ballard Ave. W18 SH 78 W. Brom St 2 lanes Study to im•prove capacity 1.750 $ 30;440 $ 15,750 $ 45,754 OO Forrest Ross Rd wig Railroad Tracks Park B11vd 21anes Build a 44ane divided section 2,650 S 3,047,200 $ 1,5,99,780 $ 4,646,980.00 Honslay Lane W20 Vileodbridge, Pkwy Sanden Blvd 2 lanes Build a 4 -lane divided section 5,250 S 5,16800 S 2,712,623 $ 7,879,523.00 Hensley Lane W21 Sandern Blvd SH 78 ... Rudd a 4 -lane divided section & half of a grade separation 700 5 2,802,800 S 1,471,470 $ 4,274,270.00 Proposed Collector W22 McMillen Rd Coin Club Rd ... Build a 2 lane undivided section 5,400 $ 4,145,600 $ 2A761440 $ 6,322,040.00 Parker.6allard W 23 W. Brown Street Limit 2 lanes Build '2re divided section 5,260 $ 5,318,900 $ 2,792,213 $ 8.110,113 415 Steel Road W24 l Springwell Pkwy Regency Dr .. - -2-2 Id . 2 -de undivided auction Build 450 S 415,700 $ 218,,243 $ 633,943. GO Sub Total S 51,56221J!I S 27,070,207 $ 7$4 5;32 50210 Alards, Drive ElA SH 78 S Ballard 2 lanes Build a,4 -lane undivided section 6,100 S 1,977,955,00 $ 1 �038,42638 $ 3,016.381 �,38 Pleaasent Valley Rd. E7A S. Ballard Avenue South City Limit 2 lanes Reakqn & Build 4 -lane divided 85 '7,850 $ 940,8,37&00 $ 4,939,39&89 $ 14,347,771.98 FM 544 F8A Collins Vinson Road 2 lanes Build a 44ane divided section 6300 $ 15'502 p7n 00 $ 8,138.901_75 $ 23,641,571.75 Stone Road E12 FM 5" East City Limit 21anes Build a 4 -lane divided section 9,400 S 10,741 610,00 $ 5,639,345,25 $ 16,380,955,25 , ­­ County Line Road , 3A E14 FM 5" Troy Road 2 lanes Build a 44ane divided section "'R -21 5000 1; 5,642,170-00 ........... $ 219184139-25 .. . ...... . $ 8,604,309.2s Kraymer Lane E15 $If 78 City Limit 2 lanes Build a 4 -lane divided section 5.050 S 5,691,01)5:00 2,987,777,63 $ 8,678,782 53 Troy Road E17 Before Railroad Park Boulevard 2 lanes Build a 4 -lar* divided section 3.600 S 3,103,680.00 1,629,432,00 $ 4,733,112.90 Forrest Ross Road E21 SH 78 School Driveway 2 lanes Build a 4 -lane divided section 1,5()0 $ 3,023,440.00 1,590,45600 $ 4,619,896.00 ParkBoul, evard E122 City Urnift 6ng Creek Isk". - Build44a of future 64anes 2,700 $ 2.m,616 $ 1,1 66$27 3A66,1011,84 Park Boulevard E23 Spring Creek Pkwy. Centennial 2 lanes Build 4Aanes of future 6 -lanes 850 $ 65115,55 34ZO66 993,621,38 Park Boulevard E24 centennial SH78 4 lanet Build a 64ane, divided section 11200 $ 920,105 4631055 1,403,160,13 Park Boulevard E24A Bridges Railroad and, Coups Bridges 11000 $ 7,371,4516 S 3,870,498 S 11 241 712,88 lands Drive E25 SH 78 End of old alignment 21anes Build a 4 -lane divided section 8 half sofa grade separation 1,200 $ $ 4,969,670.00 Skyview E26 Realign to Forrest Ross Rd at Park Blvd ... Build a 2 -lane undivided section 1,000 $ S 445,778 $ 1,294,877.50 Vinson Road E27 County 1,,,jne Rd South CRY Limit 2 lanes Build a 44ane divided section 1,400 $ 2,446 600,00 $ 1.284,465 $ 3,731,065 00 Elm Grove Rd E28 Pleasant Valley Sachse Road --- Build a 4 -lane divided section 3,000 S 5,236.000.00 $ 2;748,900 $ 7,984,900DO Meadows Ww-, E29 Beaver Creek Rd I Stene Rd Build a 2 -lane undivided section = $ 4A63 400 2,343,2851 $ 61806,685. DO -roan Sub Total 1 S &6,188,270 45,248,842 $ 131,437,412 Grand TotaL CIP PROJECT TOTALS: I S 137,750,565 1 $ 72,319,049 1 $ 210,069,614 Costs 415 on,50% ofEOPCD byffalffAssmmales Paving & Drainage prorated for Jength ort oaf 13,60W total with averaq,99 2.49% cost increase 2G15 tD 2019 a, t: Ift, aw 911, City of Wylie 20119 Impact Fee Update ARTERIAL PROJECT NUMBER BOUNDARY FROM TO EXISTING PROJECT DESCRIPTION LENGTH (ft) TOTAL COST WID INTEREST COST OF INTEREST TOTAL PROJECT COST FM 13,76, W1 FM 544 W Brown St 2 Innes Built a 6 -lane divided section =700 T 1,032,000 $ 71,80-0 1,573,900 Frol 1378 W2 W Brown Sill 844` north of Laki9way 2 Lanes Built a fi-lane divided secron 11,800 $ 10,6183.515 $ 5;609,003 16,292,818 W Brown Street W3 FIVI 1378 Ballard Ave 2 Lanes Built a 4 -lane divided section 9,500 -$ 9,827,11 &4 $ 51591272 $ 14,986,456 Hensley LaneEast) W4, Hensley Hooper --- Built a 2 -lane undivided section 3,100 $ 445,000 $ 233,625 $ 678,625 Country Crab Road W5 FM 544 South City Limit, ... Built 4 -lanes of future 6 -lanes 5 ,500 $ 4,784,003 $ 2511,602 7295,605 McCreary Road W7 FM 544 South City Limit ... Built a 4 -lane divided section 3,350 $ 1,420, DOG $ 745,500 $ 2,165,500 Springwell Pkwy W8 FM 544 700'south of Capital ... Built a 2 -lane undivided section 2,63O $ 1,224,4174 5 6410,500 1,860,500 FM 1378, W2A N ott-akeway S.,of N , Parker Rd 2Wes Suilta 6 -lane divided section 1,150 $ 2,717,615 S 1,426,853 4,144,668 Woodbridqe Pkwy. W10 Hooper Rd. South City Limit Built 4 -lanes of future 6 -lanes 1 0760 $ 875,900 S 409,595 $ 1,285,395 Sub Total $ 33 4115,617 $ 17,277,750 50,283,367 Alanis Drive El SH 78 S Ballard 2 ianes Built Vanes of4-lano section 6,100 $ 4,464,331 $ 2°343,774 6,808,105 Alanis Drive E2 Twin Lakes FM 544 3 lanes Built a 4 -lane divided section 2j00 S 11,327 800 S 697,095 $ 2,024,895 Kirby Street E3 SH 78 Birmingham 4 Lanes Built a 4 -lane divided suction 1,400 $ 11,115.600 $ 555,690 $ 1,701,290 Stone Road E4 Birmingham S Ballard 2 lanes Built a 4 -lane divided section 8300 $ 999,000 S 524,475 $ 1,523,475 Stone Road E5 Ballard Akin 21anes Built a 5 -lane divided section 2,800 $ 3,530,000 $ 1,853,250 5,383,250 S Ballard Avenue E6 Stine Rd Alanis Dr 2 lanes Built a 4 -lane divided section 3,600 S 4,955,000 S 2661,375 $ 7,556,375 S, Ballard Avenue E7 Allarvis, Dr Pleasant VWiay Rd 2 lanes Built a 44ane divided section 6,200 $ 6,667.1500 $ 1500,438 10,167,93B FM 544 E8 JW Akin Collins Blvd 2lanes Built a 4 -lane divided section 4,700 $ 13,960,600 S 7,329,315 21,289,915 East Brown Street Eg SH 713 Stone 21anes Built a 4 -lane divided section 11,100 $ 9,253,000 $ 4,857,825 14,11 0,B25 SH 78 E10 Eubaks Spring Creek Pkwy, 2fanes Builtlane divided Jas hway section 1200 $ 4,829,000 S 2,535,225 7,364,225 Troy Road E16 City Limit East fork 2Lanes Realign and bufld 4 -lane divided 3.750 $ 3,783.90() $ 1.956,548 $ 5,770,448 Wylie E Drive E18 SH 78 School Driveway 2 lanes Bufli a 4 -lane divided section 11500 $ 1,574,400 $ 826,560 $ 2,400,960 Dominion Drive E19 I Sachse Road I City Limit .. Built a Vane undivided section 2,300 1 11,535,600 S a06,190 $ 2„341,74{} Collins Sioulevand I E20 I Current End I East Fork Built a.2 -lane undkvided section 5 300 :E% $ 3,449 200 $ I 816,834 $ 5,260,030 Sub Total $ 61,444931 $ 32.258590 $ 93J03,721 Grand Total, CIP PROJECT TOTALS: $ 94,450,548 $ 49,536,340 $ 14S,986,888 No Text Table 4 - Summary of Capiltal Improvement Cost by Service Area City of Wylie 2019 Road1way Impact Fee Study Update Zone Cost of Thoroughfare Portion of Capacity of ThoroughUre Attributed, to Growth (2019 w 2029) Cost of, Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth (;019 - 2029) $128 869.00 $4,769,887.15 $225,140,632.17 $27,016,875.86 $354,056,501.17 $3117861763.011 Cost of Thoroughfare Number of New Cost Per SeMce Area Attribut", to Growth Servilce Units Cost Per Service U Ot Service Unit :2 £1f . 2029) (;019 - 2029) (Rounded) $4,7691,887.15 $27,016,875.86 $31,786,763.01 No Text Tabi 7- Land, Use Equivalency Citv of WOW 2019 Roadwav Impact Fee Studv Update, CATEGORY LAND USE DEVELOPMENT ITE TRIP UNITS' RATE' TRIP PASS -BY SERVICE LEN TW TRAFFIC" UNITS5 MAX ALLOWABLE IMPACT FEE I DEVELOPMENT UNIT' Service Area W Service Area E RESIDENTIAL Single -Family Detached Dwelling Unit 0-99 10 0 2-97 $2,714.5,8 $67,880.01 Multifamily Housing (Low -Rise) Dwelling Unit Q,56 3-0 Q I 156 $1,535.52 $,3,459172 Mullifarnilly Housing (Mid -Rise) ravelling. It 0,44 3,11) 0 1,32 $,1,2,06,48 $3j,057 78 Miullifamity Housing (High -Rise) Owelfing Unit 0,36 3,0 01 1.08 $987.12 $2,501.82 Mobile Home Dwelling Unit 0.46 3,0 G 1.38, $1,261.32 $3,196.77 OFFICE Office Building 1 , DOO ft' OFA 1,42 3-0 0 4,26, $3,89164, $9,8138,29 Mliedicall Office 1,0_00 ftz GFA 3,46 30 0 1038 $9,487,32, $24M5,27 COMMERCIAL Autocrobile Care Center 1,000 ft` GFA 3-11 10 4.28 6-72 $6,142.08' $15,566-88 Building MartenatOlLumber 1, DQQ ft' 03 FA 2.77 10 a 8.31 $7,595,34 $19,260.12 Dvjrw,.-In Bank 1,000 ft' GFA 2,0.4,5 2,4 0,35 31,90 $29,156,60 $73,696,.36 Fast Food Restaurant 1,000 ft2 GFA 32,67 2,4 0,50 319,20 $35,828,80 $94,806,80 Fre,eStanding Discount Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 4-83 3.0 0,17 12.03 S10,905,42 S27,867-50 Garden rentedNursery 1,000 ft2 GFA 6,.94 3J7 0 247.82 $19,029A8 W,229-53 Godf Couirso Acres 0,26 10 01 0,84 $767,76 $1,945,86 Hardware) P aiint Store 1,4170 it' GFA 2,68 2.8 026 5 5, $5 072,70 SI2,856,58 Home Improvement Store 1,000 R2 GFA 2,33 3,0 0,42 4.05, $3,701.70 $9,381.93 Hotel Rooms 0.60 3,0 0 1.80 S1,645,20 $4,165.70 PharmacylNugs,tore 1,D00 ft2 GFA 1D-29 2-8 0.49 1469 $13r,412,6_'66 $34,029-39, Super Converelence MarketiGas Station Pumps 22,96 2-4 076 13,22 $12,083,08 $30,624,13 S07Down Restaurant 1 000 ft2 GFA 917 10 0,43, 16,71 S16,272.94, $38, 7@18..72 Shopping Center 1,004 ft2 GF 3..81 30 034 754 $6.691,56 $17,46641 Supermarket 1,000 ft" GFA 9924 2.8 0A6 16.56 $15,135.84 $38,361-24 INDUSTRIAL Industrial 1,000 R' GFA 0,63 3,0 0 1,89, $1,727,46 $4,37819 Mini-Warehowe 1,000 ft2 GFA 0,17 3,0 0 0.51 $466-14 $1,181.42 Warehouse 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.19 10 0 0-57 $520.98 $1,320.41' INSTITUTIOKAL School Students 0,17 10 0 0,51 $46614 $10181,42 Day Care Center Students 0,79 3,0 0 2,37 $2,16618 $5,4 90 11 Nursirrg Home 1,000 ftGFA 0, 511a 3,0 0 1.77 $1,617.78 $41A0101.21 House of Worship 1,4O0 ft"' GFA 0-49 10 0 1-47 1 $17343.58 1 $3,405.26 ' GFA = Gross Floor Area 2 (Vehiclos�; Based on ITE Trip C7enora4k)n &4 rtron (Miles); Based on FHWA Nations! HousehOd Travvt Survey (2017 and 2009)1 or a maximuirn of,3 miles Percentage of traffic already passing by site - land use is an imermediala destinabon (Vehicle -Miles) used on 50% of maximum ccilcWated impact, fee far each so 'c area rhe land uses and trip generation charactefistics listed in this chart are intended as examples. The complete table of land uses and trip generation characteristics is contained in the ristitute, of Transportation Engineers Trip Generaloor? Manual, Tonlh Edition, which is into rated herein by reference. Meeting Date: October 8, 2019 Department: City Secretary Wylie City Council Item Number: Prepared By: City Secretary Account Code: (City Secretary's Use Only) Letter of resignation; Date Prepared: October 1, 2019 Exhibits: Applications .- Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of Bryan Brokaw as a board member to the Wylie Economic Development Board and to recommend a replacement to fill the current term of September 24, 2019 to June 30, 2022. Motion to approve the acceptance of the resignation of Bryan. Brokaw as a board member to the Wylie Economic Development Board and to recommend to fill the current term of September 24, 2019 to June 30, 2022. When the 2019 Board and Commission interviews were held, Bryan Brokaw's term was renewed until June 30, 2022. The WEDC Board does not have designated alternates or replacements. Staff has attached the applications of those who are qualified applicants and expressed an interest in serving on the board. WEDC Board Qualifications are as follows: The number of Directors shall be five (5). Each Director shall meet at least one (1) of the following qualifications: (a) serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company; or (b) serve, or have served, in a position of executive management of a company; or (c) serve, or have served, in a professional capacity In addition to the above qualifications: (1) each Director must have lived in the City Limits or operated a business in the City Limits for a minimum of one (1) year; and (2) each Director must live in the City Limits during the tenure of office. The City Council shall consider an individual's experience, accomplishments, and educational background in appointing members to the Board to ensure that the interests and concerns of all segments of the community are considered. The Board may make recommendations of individuals to the council for appointment to the Board Applicants: oc Amy Anderson — WEDC as first choice; placed as 1" replacement on Public Arts Advisory Board oc David Brignac —WEDC as one of his first choices — not placed on a Board or Commission. Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 oo Mark Burnett —WEDC as second choice — not placed on a Board or Commission oc Joe Chandler WEDC as third choice — currently serves on Historic Review Commission oo Jal Dennis —WEDC as first and only choice — not placed on a Board or Commission oo Brandon Duck — WEDC as first choice — not placed on a Board or Commission oo Tim Gilchrist—WEDC as first and only choice — placed as 1st replacement on. Historic Review Commission. oo Anita Jones — WEDC as second choice — currently serves on the Public Arts Advisory Board oo Gurmehar Singh — WEDC as first choice — not placed on a Board or Commission oo Christopher Turner — WEDC as second choice — not placed on a Board or Commission oo Melisa Whitehead — WEDC as first choice — not placed on a Board or Commission WYLIE9 TX ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Mayor Eric Hogue W k, Wylie, Texas 75098 gmizzm: • �! I would like to inform you that on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 1 will be resigning my position on the Wylie EDC Board of Directors as my family is moving to a home just outside the Wylie City limits. It has been a great honor serving the citizens of Wylie, the Wylie City Council, and working with the fine people involved with the WEDC. I believe the work done by the WEDC to led by the City CouncCity & WEDC staff. As we will have only four Board members as of tomorrow, I would like to formally request that Council begin the process of choosing a new Board Member. Thank you Mayor for your leadership and providing me the opportunity to serve the great City of Wylie, Texas. Regards, Bry, I Brokaw FAM"Wkw1 1r, IN a -17M.- M�1- �11 I �W T 250 South Hwy. 78 - Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-7901 - www.WylieEDC.com Serving The City of Wylie - Wylie Independent School District - Wylie Chamber of Commerce Personal Information First Name Last Nage __. IIIIIIIIIIIII,IIIIIIII�II Amy Anderson Ra'Ise pa"A Co. yaw rrrtkkkn;,a.firs Iard@imrvane, . Registered Vater* Are yex, arggst,redvoter? tr Yes * No Voter Registration thhhDt CLXDU!)',;IL Viz, Visci n-agist re; n? County* Collin Contact Information rtdrr No,* Alt. Phone No. E-mail* ex. 1, 3- 5"r rt G,0 Address Skrc=xtAdira"s A&jrk =...,,s. Uirxi. 2 Wyle 75098 Residency Ar(gyou '-'A,he Icv;tk'inrYC? tir Yes ti No ' Ftow fry q, have t otr ba -:i a 'u v� h, ±-r �d ki !? 1,5 year; rr ipby r rit Information Occupation Audit Manager ,xalcxtI" mttxti, r€ �lon Texas USA Boards and Commission Preferences R,,ase rL x4 0 Ka I)oar aS ?tr l.tf . t, as lti c"A rt On We w C-ibsitp, t noq, to mikJ'f,'8ykuA rr i, 3i C 01 n rxr: Am i al Shertr Advisory Board Construction Code Board Historic Review Commission on Parks & Recreation Preference 2 Board Public Arts Advisory Preference 3 Board Wyfie Economic Preference 1 Development Corporation Wylie Economic serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company Development F serve, or have served, in a position of executive managernent of a company Qualifications W serve, or have served, in a professional capacily Zoning Board of Adjustment neosc'. iry tneflh' wi" I y You 0 "e serve '-"o a Fk'xtrds a re'l Coni'llsson TTvrr"ec Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Hp,'ase read be 1,XAvv ordnonce Acknowledgment & Signature I have reviewed Ordinance No. 2014-19, City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required in Section 10(A) of the Ordinance, if appointed, I agree to serve a tm year term to the Board/Commission that I have applied for, t am aware of the meeting dates and times of the Board/" ora f have applied for, If appointed, I agree to serve on the BoardlCommission for vftch I have applied, or would consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference, I understand that I may be reqUired to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act vrithin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office- I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in my contact information. My signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information is correct. Date * 05107/2019 Personal Information First Name Last Name . . , David Brign c i ease pro,,oide. yaw Cd Itin;,i.firs Iad@istiusia,. Re i to re d Vote r Are yR x+ a rqg st, red voter? * Yes * No Voter Re i tration tach it t 3iil lr;IL Omz: YOU re -gist red'In? County* Collin Contact Information Phone too:* Alt. Phone No. rix' y:ta t% r FP,0 Addressi x_t# rt.sr c.a Pw wyti 75098 Residency* Are ;E"t aA� i Ye (" No P,bw s{riythave yEribum a'Aylieicvsxient' I year 6 months �g�:..1?t; � P Cs'b ad's 4x d ?i�lti7,:'S eyos Crxintry Lisa mpi i went Information Occupation Probation Officer Dalla COUnty° Adult community Corrections[ Also serve in the U, a Arley Reserve) Boards and Commission Preferences Fir os e rew 41e bcorrl quaff icak- !rrstart tiri Phi, w etas, to pTicr to n-ia inn y r. it three, d K k e,rk: Inial Shelter Preference Advisory o rd Animal Shelter RezGe seect the rjualflcvxxi,, tho-t yrAja Tect Qualifications* Licensed veterinarian Representative frorn an animal welfare organization Resident of the City of Wylie Member of the City Council r Anirnal Shelter SUpervisor Construction Code Board Historic Review Preference 3 Commission Historic Review W Citizen Commission r Member of Doontmvn Merchants Association Qualifications Member of Wylie Historic Society Hisforian r Owner, resident, or tenant in a landmark property Ubrary Board Preference 1 Parks, & Recreation Preference 1 Board Planning &Zoning Preference 1 Commission Public Arts Advisory Preference 2 Board Wylie Economic Preference 1 Development Corporation Wylie Economic serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company Development serve, or have served, in a position of executive managerrent of a company Qualifications r serve, or have served, in a professional capacity Zoning Board of Preference 1 Adjustment Rezrv� nJk,'a�e b? it"fly w hy ya� "odoxild We ,,erve as a Baa� ds afx� Ccm-dsmm ncn-ber As the senior non commissioned over . a period that tested over two annual total periods of tm years,:served on a provincial combat reconstrLICtiOn & support team in Afghanistan as a key envoy as chief of a provincial government element for Afghan national Anny, Coordinated uAlth UN & RAJO Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Rease I Oie 4,6m",' d[ arse Acknowledgment & Signature t have reviewed Ordinance -No. 2014-19, City of VVylie Code of Ethlcs, above as required in Section 1 O(A) of the Ordinance, If appointed, I agree to serve a Uvo year term to the Board/Commission that I have applied for, I arn aware of the rreaeling dates and firnes of the BoardlCommission I have applied for. If appointed, I agree to serve on the Board/Cornmission for which I have appfied, or would consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference. I understand that I may be required toattend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act Wthin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office- I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there Is a change in my contact information, NN signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information is correct, Date * 01/04/2019 Personal Information First Name Last Name 13.0.13, MARK BURNETT Hchasc providp, Yaw foil kx;,r.firs Iard@istrvane, Registered Neuer* Are € x+ arggst�r€dvoter? * Yes * No Voter Registration to hT it t DU!)',t -DR', VOLI n--j-,t r€; n? County* Collin Contact Information a N : it. Phone No. -trail* Address ,rt at r"tC dre ,,-, CJNa Wulf a°.ra+a3Zip (Vk, 75098 Residency Are you a recicM-0 Yes r No Ftw R. -ng have , xr tr=t ca "Ye r es=tii`a l? 22 Empbyment Information Occupation An rlcan Arline SUc fir + e 'rw, lta T 00,11iMr- 9' United States Boards and Commission Preferences Rr-L-is€. F o arl the 1..ax ar€t qu rlif lc ar"&,,s I a atrrrt ovr tx, w O itr. prior to mk , your thrrs,,, €r,6c(rw Animal Shelter Advisory Board Construction Code Bard Historic Review Commission Parks & Recreation Preference 1 Board Public Arts Advisory Board Wyfie Economic Preference 2 Development Corporation Wylie Economic serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company Development serve, or have served, in a position of executive managernent of a company Qualifications W serve, or have served, in a professional capacily Zoning Board of Adjustment neasc'jrKir'ate Urtefty v�,,hy y(x,� wadd fike- serve',w a Boards arel UvIrlisson TTvrt"ec Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Hp,'ase read be Ix-4uv ordnonce Acknowledgment & Signature I have reviewed Ordinance No. 2014-19, City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required in Section 10(A) of the Ordinance, if appointed, I agree to serve a tm year term to the Board/Cornmission that I have applied for. t am aware of the:: rreefing dates and times of the Board/Corntnission I have applied for, If appointed, I agree to serve on the BoardlCommission for oftch I have applied, or =uld consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference, I understand that f may be required to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act vrithin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office. I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in my contact information. My signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that aH of the above information is correct. Date * 04/29/2019 Personal Informtir First Name Last Name . . , Jul Dennis Pease prrb6d€= Yaw tdCkx;,a.firs laaxt@i;;C�vane, . Registered Voter* Are y�x�a rqgist�,red voter? * Yes No Voter Registration to hT it CLXDUNOR', YOU rrlistf-f in? County Collin Contact Information Phone No,* Alt. Phone No. F -ria l l Address ` mit aft ir, ickes. r fklre ;, Ur�e,, y; aty. SA:att; Rrcx`hrre F1,x,,fylE,n Wylie Vexes C7 m?at Zir, C.,h,witry 75098 Collin Residency Are r Yes No Piwv€ gh,Fve ycnii,(`rtaOydo-e,�esded? 18 year r pbyment Information Occupation Self Employed Business Owner/ Fluence/ SFC} Registered re Principal Boards and Commission Preferences Construction Code Board EME329m, Parks & Recreation Board Planning & Zoning Commission Public Arts Advisory Board Development Corporatioln Develdiantent r serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company serve, or have served, in to position of executive management of a company serve, or have served, in a professional capacity Rkose irxkcate vrkfts, why ycwwaild lka serve as a Fkords aryCory-msscyi P-erytei, I believe that my extensive knovAedge of the regulations and reasons for the existence of the Wylie EDC makes rrie- an excellent candidate for the replacernent of current rrernber& Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Fla, ,w read U r tv,41mv a -di, wce Acknowledgment & Signature I have revievpd Ordinance No. 2014-19, City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required in Section 10(A) of the Ordinance, It appointed, i agree to serve a two year term to the Board/Cornt-nission that I have applied for. I am aware of the meeting dates and firnes of the Board/Commission I have applied for. if appointed, I agree to serve on the BoardiCommission for Mich i have applied, or would consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference, I understand that I may be reqUired to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act Wthin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office, I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in my contact information. My signature indicates that f have read, Understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information is correct, Date * 05/06/2019 Personal Information First Name fast Name D.03, Joe Chandler Fe x Cry€6 Yaw frrfkkx;,r.firs Iard@istrvane, RegisteredVoter* Are € x+ arggst�r€dvoter? * Yes * No Voter Registration to hT it t 3rrli, _DR', r€yri hr•i-M €; in? County� Collin Contact t Iof rmti r Phone No, Aft. Phone No.E-mail* ex, 123-9 6 K Address's :trsxt urP .•M Addres,, f 3r c CRY Wylie 75098 Residency*Are you a V%� ,6Nig r Yes r" No Fbj foram t€Ywe t a s beer, a` %fi e r r*,s=rii` l? 1/2 ?ears Employment Information Occupation VP ,turr voce IRA,C)x TX t..bt.rdr,y United States Boards and Commission Preferences rtes r..mad 'he t'rorrfqu ltc"Ifimskx%W'drsFffreusr..;s{rtr,priarfos eikneviseUsrcr�€r-6c(r is, An ima I She Iter Advisory Beard Construction Code Board Historic Review Preference 1 Commission Historic Review W Citizen Commission r Member of Downtovvn Merchants Association Qualifications F Member of Wylie Ffstoric Society r Historian r Ovsier, resident, or tenwit in a landmark property EMMEM Parks & Recreation Board Planning & Zoning Preference 2 Commission Public Arts Advisory Board Woe Economic Preference 3 Development Corporation Wylie Economic serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company Development serve, or have served, in a position of executive management of a company Qualifications serve, or have served, in a professional capacity Zoning Board of Adjustment RN-3se hd�czO brielve why YcmWt.XIId lkr,��servea,,� a Board�, and, Cbnmssun nmm:,,er� I ant currently serving on the Historical Review Commission. Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Re as read #Ki,:.u` xdnance Acknowledgment & Signature I have revieved Ordinance No, 2014-19, City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required in Section 1O(A) of the Ordinance, If appointed, I agree to serve a two year term to the Board [Cern mission that I have applied for, I am aware of the rneefing dates and times of the Board/Comi-nission t have applied for: if appointed, I agree to serve on the Hoard /Commisson for 4-iich i have applied, or onuld consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference. I understand that t may be required to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act within 30 days of taking my Oath of Office. I agree to contact the City. Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in my contact information, My signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information is correct: Date* 05,114/2019 Personal Information First Name Last Name D.03 Brandon Duck Reasp praAk'. Yaw RA kegv firsl ard �ist �Vanr,,, Registered Voter* Are y�x�a rqgist�,red voter? * Yes * No Voter Registration Ylhit CLXDU!), Viz: YOU n-agistered 'In? County* Collin Contact Information Phone No.* Alt. Phone No. E-mail* Address * 'SAreal Address" Ad-,Jrec,s Ljrx--,, 2 WYLIE TX R,m'ai I 4p Ccxk_� (budry 75098 us Residency Ana, yo aWVYIresickint? r Yes (` No Fbvi lung have. ycxi Lee,,n a v%y4e resdenP 4 years Employment Information Occupation Accounfing,'Finance - CPA Boards and Commission Preferences Animal Shelter Advisory Board Construction Code Board Historic Review Commission Parks & Recreation Preference 2 Board Planning & Zoning Preference 3 Commission Public Arts Advisory Board Wyfie Economic Preference 1 Development Corporation Wylie Economic serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company Development serve, or have served, in a position of executive managernent of a company Qualifications W serve, or have served, in a professional capaciiy Zoning Board of Adjustment F'Ta,'�Se ruIc"ate ltnefly why you wcu Id like-sEyve as a Boads and Cbnnissv, rm-rt er White living in Wisconsin I \Aais the CFO for the Wisconsin Eocnomic Developrnent Corporatbn. l VVOUld like to help shape the future of our community. Code of Ethics Ack now ledge meat Rease, r�,id ft a bo-,kiv ordraance Acknowledgment & Signature f have reviewed Ordinance No. 2014-19, City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required in Section I O(A) of the Ordinance, If appointed, i agree to serve a two year term to the Board/Commission that I have applied for. I ane aware of the meting defer, and times of the Board/Commission f have applied for, if appointed, I agree to serve on the Board/Commission for Mich I have applied, or could consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference. I understand that I rnay be required to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public information Act Wthin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office. I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in my contact information, My , signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information is correct, Date * 02/23/2019 Personal Information First tame Last Name D.03 Tim Gilchrist Rt,as e r a,,ide yaw talk tax;, a. t irsl and @im r vane, Registered 'cater*=areyexx a rggst�redvoter? * Yes * No Voter R gi tratio ra hT it t 7aa!i,; ,-Dmz: VOLI n--j-,Pere; 'In? County* Collin Contact Information Phone Aft. Phoria tura. Address s i Address Adalress erne aty Wylie 75098 Residency Are Vcua rekRant? r:` Yes r No .g years Employment t Inform tin Occupation Site Manager -mail `A..att T C., r„ "ry USA Boards and Commission Preferences kkr gI rtyee€rt ri Animal Shelter Advisory Board Construction Cods Board Historic Reis Commission mission Parks & Recreation Board Planning & Zoning Commission Public Arts Advisory Board Wyfie Economic Preference 1 Development Corporation Development Qualificatibris* serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company serve, or have served, in a position of executive management of a company serve, or have served, in a professional capacity F,Ta,,�se h6cate bnefly Why You wauld J, en, %,,, as �i Rnaids and Cbnniss� v, rmnt:er In racy 13 years of mi -king for Pella Corporation, I believe I've developed strong skills as a leader of people and of out, business. I believe those skills, along with my passion for the City of Wylie, can bring value to the city and our citizens: Codeof Ethics Acknowledgement Acknowledgment & Signature I have reviewed Ordinance No. 2014-19, Citv of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required in Section 1 O(A) of the Ordinance, if appointed, I agree to serve a tm year term to the Board/Cornmission that I have applied for, I am aware of the meeting dates and times of the Board/Conirnission t have applied for. If appointed, I agree to serve on the Board/Cornraission for "Nch I have applied, or would consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference, I Understand that I may be required to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act Wthin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office. I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in my contact Information, My signature indicates that t have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information is correct. Date * 04117/2019 Personal Information First Name Last Name ,,OIIII,IBIII A,,,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII anita jone I �■IIIIIIIIIIII I® Firr:�t f€ iCo.y Lw rdIketzr.firs I ardCist�vane, Registered Vote' Are € x+ ,irggst�r€dvoter? * Yes * No Voter Registration tbhhDtt 3ki'1;? EVe VOL I P r, listf-fOd"n? County*Chin Contact Information Rhone No,* Alt. Rhone No. -s ail ' x: Address "W"M Address 1 �IlON , , Wylie Texas . 75098 United States Residency Are yc r a V%, ,6e Yes r No Ftwv kxN have „cu �L"; n Y 0�vke, 32,5 years r pbyme it Information Occupation Realtor Boards and Commission Preferences Rerj v, reiad trvr ;rcard gl-aFoiratiens locLa&x; iui the V'V et'a dte pd(r , to rvikartg yiex €€€rer. 0'6ces. Animal Shelter Advisory Board Construction Code Board Historic Review Preference Commission Historic Review W Citizen Commission r Member of Dowr)tovw Merchants Association Qualifications P Member of Wylie Ffstoric Society r Historian r Owner, resident, or tenwit in a landmark property MEN= Parks & Recreation Board Planning & Zoning Commission Public Arts Advisory Preference 1 Board Woe Economic Preference 2 Development Corporation Wylie Economic serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company Development serve, or have served, in a position of executive management of a company Qualifications serve, or have served, in a professional capacity Raise, jrdwale britAl"hy Why ymr %vould ike �Merveas a Fkxards. arxl rTerrt, ,,er: Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Acknowledgment & Signature I have reviewed Ordinance No, 2014-19, City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required In Section 1 O(A) of the Ordinance, If appointed, I agree to serve a tm year term to the Board/Commission that I have applied for, l am asrare of the meeting dates and times of the Board/Commission I have applied for, f appointed, I agree to serve on the BoardlCornmission for volhich i have applied, or vvould consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference, I understand that I nyay be required to attend training on the Open Meetings of and Public Information Act within 30 days of taking my Oath of Office, t agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in city contact information. My signature indicates that I have read, Understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information is correct. Date * 04/03/2019 Personal Information First Name * Last Name D.0,13, GURMEHAR SWGH Rewe pr(,Mde your RA k-pzi,11 f irsl ard @ist t vane, Registered Voter* Are yx� ,i rqgisty ,red voter? r Yes r No Voter Registration 'Ahrlle County* Collin Contact Information Phone No.* It. Phone No. x, '1.x:3-41-,& "8CG ev Address SU(-,rvR Address Ackiret's L.,m,, 2 Oty Wyfie Risfial/ zqr", ccdk� 75098 E-rnail* Residency Are yrcau Wv,4die ressd-�rnL? Yes No Rm, srxn& g hwe you Let -Ln Ei tNklie mskdeat? Since July 2015 Employment Information Occupation Software Engineer Boards and Commission Preferences Rkiese raxt tN, bunl, golificatk"'I's M"A"d on IN., m--�bsfte p1c,,4, lo rrrkng yao thrt,?e- Animal Shelter Advisory Board Construction Code Board Historic Review Commission EMEM21=1 TX CkxnVy United States Parks & Recreation Board Planning & Zoning Preference 2 Commission Public Arts Advisory Board Wyfie Economic Preference 1 Development Corporation Wylie Economic serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company Development serve, or have served, in a position of executive manage cent of a company Qualifications serve, or have served, in a professional capacity Zoning Board of Preference 3 Adjustment F,'base wr6c,"', ,ate, U-1efN why ya� wcc4d likes e,,e as a Ere kiwi and Cbnnissv, rm, -Yter I am a Software Engineer and have served as tearn-lead and manager for various roles during my career. Want to contribute more to the city I live in Win my skills and knovAedge, in addition to the service I provide to this country as a US, Army reservist, I am also Block Captain for Charles Cr, Code of Ethics Acknowledgement A Reese, read the bdMY cvdmv Y -,e Acknowledgment & Signature I have reviewed Ordinance No, 2014-19, City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required in Section 1 O(A) of the Ordinance, If appointed, I agree to serve a tova year term to the Boa rd/Conirnissi on that I have applied for. I arn aware of the rneeting dates and times of the Board/Cornmission I have applied for. if appointed, I agree to serve on the Board/Commission for vwhich I have applied, or would consider an alternate appcijntrra--rb to a second or third board preference- t understand that I may be required to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Inforn-tation Act Wthin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office, I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in my contact information, My signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information Is correct; Cate* 03/29/2019 Personal Informtir First Name Last Name D.0,13, Christopher 'Turner flk,�,--kse [,xude uricitcrIkx¢,",firs Iad@istrvae, Registered Voter Are yx+ a rggsrrredvoter? r: Yes r"" No Voter Registration VV41"; i':xrat 1 O z; VOLT re -gist re; n? County* Collin Contact Information Phone No.* Alt. Phone No. ex: 123415,6-M0, Address iE"4 altrP 54* Wylie rI ZipCxxs. 75095 Yes r No P3.�h t�rs�Pure"�?„e�rr�nrz`1'�r'i+li�ru±ssn�rrt? "1.5yr Employment Information Occupation Monitoring Engineer -mail RaPr.rrrtarE c itsrE TX c uu vy u Boards and Commission Preferences; Reasa, read nlis. troancl quiiffilcations „u ated a;4i rte w dtrsfto, ponckr to rnulrrng y u r three e dx ic.�I. Animal Shelter Advisory Berard Construction Code Board Historic Review Commission Parks & Recreation Board Public Arts Advisory Board r I I I TIMP Devoloorriont Corpomfion Development Qualiflotibris* r- serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company F serve, or have served, in a position of executive managemnt of a company W serve, or have served, in a professional capacity As a homeowner, I have a vested interest in our community, especially vd-ren it comes to development. I work in IT and vQuid be interested in using my skills to enhance Wylie Code of Ethics Acknowledgement Rease rear -t ffielb'c'qcm cwdinaoce Acknowledgment & Signature I have revievo-ad Ordinance No. 2014-M City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as required in Section I O(A) of the Ordinance. .N It appointed, i agree to serve a two year term to the Board/Cornmission that I have applied for, I am aware of the rneefing dotes and times of the Board/Commission I have applied for. If appointed, I agree to serve on the Board/Commission for Wiich I have applied, or muld consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference. I understand that t may be required to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Inforn-otion Act Wthin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office, I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a Ghange in my contact information. My signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information is correct. Date * 0111312019 Personal Information First Name Last Name D.0,13, Hausa Whitehead Reast r,r ;t tcx.t tori kegzi.tirsl ardCist�vane, Registered Voter* Are ye xx ri rqg sty red voter? * Yea * No Voter Registration s<rt t .r i,z: ssci rrtsP re; County* Collin Contact Information Phone Alt. Phone tura. E-mail*ex 12-1,4,56-7MI ex, 12541i,3 -7,11,1K) Address' xx1 ra trr3,> lfe rb,t;'i ipQx,, 75098 Residency* Yes r No V b++i r �, P :ive ycm lu-,�eti =, l}t re ,,,.h.srr 7 years mpbyment I of rm do Occupation Liti ationant finer for GEICO suM )�1 �l^,, ��.,c: to ��[a-'tr"o- TX Of, ntry United States Boards and Commission Preferences Rease re,,,YJ tt . tx, e,:S sit ?ltt, t P i n.b t nE r: ih u t ysr ti xkshr ct r .r,rr .,,=pix :* Animal Shelter- risor Board Construction Cade Board Historic Review Commission Parks & Recreation Preference 2 Board Public Arts Advisory Board Wyfie Economic Preference I Development Corporation Wylie Economic serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company Development serve, or have served, in a position of executive managernent of a company Qualifications serve, or have served, in a professional capac4y Zoning Board of Preference 3 Adjustment F,base wrlc'ate I 'n N, why you %mind !Fke, serve as a Boa ds and Cbnnissv, n, V- -Yter Since moving to Wylie, I have become an advocate for the city as v& -Il as the school district. I have always been a resident of Collin County, and I truly believe Wylie is the best city to We Wthin it, I am currently Involved in my local HOA and am interested in expanding into city affairs, Code of Ethics Acknowledgement A Re ase, read the bdCvY <xdkvtnce Acknowledgment & Signature I have reviewed Ordinance W, 2014-19. City of Wylie Code of Ethics, above as requIred in Section 1 O(A) of the Ordinance, If appointed, I agree to serve a No year term to the BoardlCommission that t have applied for. t am avvare of the rneefing dates and times of the BoardlCornmission I have applied for, tf appointed, I agree to serve on the Board/Commission for vohick I have applied, or would consider an alternate appointment to a second or third board preference- t understand that f may be required to attend training on the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act Wthin 30 days of taking my Oath of Office, I agree to contact the City Secretary's Office in the event there is a change in my contact information. My signature indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and that all of the above information Is correct - Date * 05/11/2019