10-22-2019 (City Council) Agenda Packet Work Session Wylie City Council NOTICE OF MEETING Work Session Agenda October 22, 2019 6:30 p.m. (or immediately following City Council Meeting) Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Eric Hogue Mayor David R. Duke Place 1 Matthew Porter Place 2 Jeff Forrester Mayor Pro Tern Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T. Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Chris Hoisted City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Stephanie Storm City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. JOINT WORK SESSION - CITY COUNCIL, WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AND WYLIE HISTORICAL REVIEW COMMISSION 0o Stonehaven House Feasibility Study. (R. Diaz, Parks &Recreation Director) October 22, 2019 Wylie City Council Work Session Agenda Page 2 of 2 WORK SESSION ao Discuss term limitations for City Boards and Commissions. (R. 011ie, Asst. City Manager) co Provide an update on partnership with Enterprise Fleet Management for the cities fleet. (B. Parker, Asst. City Manager) EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attomey for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 18th day of'October, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed '",'::::,,,,,;:,::,,,":',"",,>::::.‘,::::,,,,,',:,:.„:„.„,,.;,,,:,,,,:,,,,,,,,,::::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,';,;',;,;:,,,,,,,,,,,:::::,,,,:::::,,, I,. . ,,,.::',,,:::::,!::::,„:::::::,,,..:-„,.....:,,,,,,,,,,,,:,...,„,:::.,,,,i,....:::::,:::,......,..::::,,,,::::::',.;:,:,::::::::,;::„....:::: :,;1::::::,,,. . i"-sirci iitexas ::::,,>,,,,,..„.,, ?„..,::::,,,,,,„„:„..,,,,,‘",:",,,,.,„.:,......„,.:,,,,,,,,‘„,,,,...:::,...,..,,,....:„..„....,,,,„ ,...i.,,,,,,,,,:.:,..i.„...,....,::,,,,,,,,,:„..,:,:;,::„....,,,,,,,,,,,,„..„„,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,T,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-., I ,":,,,;..1:::,;,...'[..,:,::::;,,,‘J,;,:::....,;:,„..,,,,,.::,:::;,:::::;:,..,:::::::::::::„:.."::::,,;,::',,::::,::::::::,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:„...,:, K mley ))) Horn '',-:,."-----.,,,,,,,,/,,i4,,,4„,':kiitise:ReuSo-,.:::',.,::::',,,,,; Wylie T > : ; I Al VI/ ui din irl„$ ,`'>; '" W .. i :: PQ L�Y E L+1 „r urtta•.z., y T i lil II Dallas Table of Contents 1907 MariIla St. Second Floor History 3 Dallas,Texas 75201 p 214.748.4561 Historic Treatment 5 Austin Future Use Discussion 6 2900 S.Congress Ave. Suite 200 Rehabilitation Recommendations 8 Austin,Texas 78704 p 512.444.4220 Drawings Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation i8 Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 2 History William E.Stone and Charlotte L.Howard moved to the 40 acre property,a farm under family ownership since 1851, following their marriage in 1912.The couple's farm actively produced a rotating crop of cotton,corn,and wheat until William's death in 1931.William was a self-starter who pioneered the adoption of technological advancements like electric lighting, municipal water service,and lightning rods in the community. Charlotte continued the farm,and William's progressive land conservation practices with success following his death,growing the farm to 400 aces at it's peak. William and Charlotte lived in a small bungalow that was relocated for the construction of the Stonehaven house at it's original location,sometime between 1912 and 1920.Designed by William with the help of pattern books and a knowledge of the developing American Craftsman movement,the house incorporates popular elements of the Prairie School,including a strong horizontal orientation and afocus on natural materials and earthy colors.Contractor Carl Shuman of Rockwall,constructed the house with a mix of locally available materials and mail ordered products such as the distinct styled fireplaces,fireplace tile,and door hardware.Specific design selections were made by the couple that are highly unusual for the area and time period.The Stone's had extensive knowledge of the popular Chicago school style in architecture and furniture. The Stonehaven house was constructed and sited,as most houses of the time,to take advantage of prevailing winds and shade.A grand east facing concrete porch and stair welcomed visitors to a formal living room with Craftsman trim and an Arts and Crafts tiled fireplace.A second,slightly less grand,fireplace backs up to the living room and heats a more private foyer that opens to the bedrooms.A formal dining room and sun room(possibly a former porch extension)flank the living room with grand double doors. Windows play an important role in the house design and are located not only around the house perimeter but are operable at the interior as well.Stained glass clerestories separate the foyer from the living room, but equally spectacular single hung counterweighted windows are located at the sun room and kitchen. East facing porch windows,originally leaded,were placed higher in the wall for interior privacy.The tight muntin spacing of the upper sashes at double hung windows and fixed windows is also unusual for central Texas,but continue a vertical versus horizontal theme used throughout the house. The Stonehaven house was moved from it's original site to the north in 2017 as a part of a land sale and now resides at the corner of S.Ballard Ave and Virginia Lane. kitw ,,. d om +<s. � "i,., n � � . East Elevation circa 1933 Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 3 • East Elevation circa 1922 4"ai 1' 'l * 1 '"4 �' x rt - , - •�- a � '- � South Elevation circa 1930 ilii,t w 4 .+.,,,, East Elevation circa 1933 Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 4 Historic Treatment The United States Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties provide a consistent national guideline for how to keep and maintain historic structures.The Secretary's Standards should be considered best practices on the best approach to historic properties.The Standards are maintained and administered by the National Park Service(NPS). The Stonehaven house's period of significance is between 1912 (earliest date of construction)to 1931 (death of William Stone)or the time period of construction and residence by William and Charlotte Stone. The appropriate treatment for the house is a rehabilitation approach that allows for the compatible use for a property through repair, alternations and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural,or architectural value.Refer to the appendix for the full treatment standards. s • t� mw„ � ��6rRw aa4 1y� r t �>�1 ��d waa4 � hum �« s + ' l x t r �" , "ala sryn e ��"w� Ps air�r'*yp irct a,,1 a J� rs � 0���tl �^ ✓r� � J +�J ^ 9 '� r P,; „ , ;;5. s M; East Elevation prior to relocation Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 5 Future Use Discussion The following is a recap of the initial meeting with the Parks and Recreation Director,Robert Diaz and staff members Julie Pannell and Carmen Powlen and with the design team of Kimley-Horn and Architexas.The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the assets and liabilities of the historic property and explore possible uses that would be feasible,preserve the historical integrity and become an asset to the community.The following are potential uses that were discussed: House Museum The Stonehaven house tells the story of the turn of the century family who brought modern conveniences to Wylie and a national perspective of art and science of the time.All of the house's former contents have been carefully stored for exhibit display within the building.The house exhibits should align with education lesson plans on Texas history or focus on adult education.The furniture contents exceed the square footage available for a commercial setting and would need heavy curation. The use of the interior bathroom as an exhibit space or as a functional restroom were undecided. The introduction of a freestanding restroom and storage building was proposed to allow for later decisions to made regarding the existing restroom and provide additional facilities for events. The local community's demand for a house museum should be studied to determine the need for heritage tourism and the costs associated with unoccupied upkeep (if the museum is not open regularly).Additionally,staffing costs or the availability of a volunteer docent should be addressed. Meeting and Office Space The Wylie Historical Society requires regular meeting space that would fit within the two different room sizes;the living and dining rooms.Office space would be provided in the bedrooms as well as a coffee bar in the kitchen for food warming only.The original restroom would be renovated to meet codes and accessibility requirements. Small Retail The existing kitchen would be renovated for a limited menu,possibly limited to coffee and prepared foods,while the remainder of the house is restored to its original appearance.The restroom would need to be brought up to current codes and accessibility. The property is currently not zoned for commercial use and no additional on-site parking is currently planned. Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 6 Site Improvement Discussion Parking is available at the adjacent park parking lot with 8 spaces. On street parking is available along Virginia Lane.A plan to increase the available parking for the house needs to be addressed on street or off. Provide accessible parking and accessible route into the house. Site planning should include an accessible approach from the park,and neighborhood and provide usable community space. No public restrooms are available at the adjacent city park. Limit the amount of landscaping that requires upkeep. Connect house to park and community. Home Needs Discussion Evaluate furniture in storage to identify items that may be useful in the operation and interpretation of the house. Identify immediate repair needs. Basic accessibility improvements are required at the house and restroom.Provide a new accessible ramp that meets Texas Accessibility Standards to access house. Develop a maintenance plan for short,medium and long term maintenance needs. Conduct a paint analysis to establish and maintain the house's historic exterior paint scheme. » t tt Yew t '�� „��,�4 17 ,., � West elevation from parking lot Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 7 Rehabilitation Recommendations The primary goal of the City of Wylie as owner of this valuable historic community resource is to facilitate a use that will: (1)Preserve the house and site's historical integrity while providing an occupiable space for community use (2)Promote a sustainable and appropriate use that engages the community (3)Contributes,enhances and promotes the history of the community and it's early families (4)Requires minimal financial commitment or upkeep 14; acf ' ,raa,9t:'�vvw�l�a'N t~r W; 31 1v'M � � d Ip l IPS ; E��ZC jj�Vl�p1' C"a , ',,,,.t, 4., ii 1, , 1, l�l i1 1 V'„ .2 (i� „,,,„ h 1 V 1 w V 1 ., , , °ti V (:W 1 vv,r Car °CCaa41 V �Y�f !!;'Yx'PCrx: "'' \1rhxNd i wx rml to yNmCllnh�wYl.11,l l 11{htil v J1Ill°Il^ 4 I�1' Il Building Codes 2015 International Building Code 2015 International Existing Building Code 2015 International Energy Conservation Code Code Review Project will require TDLR/Texas Accessibility Standards registration and review Project Type:Alteration of existing building Construction Type:VB Use Group Classification:Business or Assembly,Calculations based on most restrictive A-3 occupancy approach • Small Assembly buildings with less than 50 occupants can be considered a B(Business Occupancy) • A-3 requires 92 total building occupants • Consider restricting occupant load with Fire Marshal approval Total Building Area:1900 GSF,1,376 net SFforA-3 Building Height:<20 feet,Allowable height:40 feet Automatic Fire Suppression system is not required,Fire extinguishers to be located throughout the building No fire separation required between rooms Capacity of Egress:92 occupants requires 18.5 inch egress width,96 inch provided Plumbing Requirements:A-3 requires 1 male and 1 female restroom,drinking fountains,)service sink Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 8 Preservation Hierarchy of Spaces Priority Level 1 Exterior-East elevation of greatest importance Living Room Dining Room Priority Level 2 Foyer South Sun Room Priority Level 3 Original Restroom Bedrooms Kitchen / " �,f'k Yk�h',,,', ,k i 5, 4�'S m ','S. 1. t 'r "-0Nud'_P a.C.b1R V 1t 41 CY 1k.0EFYF ( 3 , avaeRma MCA i' 1 k ca 6 „b k k S `m S ly B 1" -117—:;iesunea a o � A a '4' =----'�' Proposed Site Circulation Rehabilitation Approach Restore the Stonehaven house exterior to the period of significance(1912-1933)based on historic photos. Restore Priority level 1 interior areas to period of significance;Living room and Dining room. Rehabilitate the rest of the house to meet modern office and restroom needs for commercial occupancy. Provide doghouse building for additional accessible restroom and storage within the site.Adds shared amenities for city park Create the feeling of"place"and community identity Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 9 Site Parking • Relocate parking lot towards the east within the existing sidewalk to allow more room for new accessible restroom doghouse building.Relocate parking entrance towards the west. • Provide van accessible parking space. • Additional parking available on Virginia Lane. Doghouse(Restroom Building) • Provide accessible restroom and on-site storage in a dog trot arranged building.The structure could be naturally ventilated with supplemental heat as necessary.The central covered open air walk-thru marks the beginning or entry gate of the Stonehaven house"property". • The doghouse building could reference the local farm vernacular of painted wood siding,brick or stucco, deep roof overhangs,and porches. Site fence • Provide a site fence along Virginia Lane and S.Ballard Ave using the local farm vernacular.The fence will be short in height and constructed from"bodark"wood(Osage-Orange),cedar or metal posts and novelty wire. • Entry gate at the pedestrian entrance from Milford Drive to announce the entry to the Stonehaven site. Paving • Paving materials once inside the site fence will be either decomposed granite or brick pavers.Existing con- crete sidewalks around the perimeter will remain. Gathering Area&Orchard • The north half of the site could include a space for outdoor functions or include programing for park visitors. Brick pavers or decomposed granite similar to the walks around the house would pave the area. • Adjacent to the gathering space is a planted orchard reminiscent of the Stone Farm's fruit or pecan orchards. The orchard would also shield the house from strong north winds. • Site water will be provided via an upright cistern collecting rainwater from the house roof. Cistern • Locate an above ground upright rainwater cistern to the north of the house for water collection from the house roof.Water to be used for on-site hand watering. House Exterior Roof • The existing roof is in good condition and is recent.The lightning protection system was removed when the existing roof was installed.Install lightning rods as decoration or as a part of a functioning lightning protection system. • Determine if a roof warranty exists.Collect documents for future use. • Provide roof perimeter 6 inch half round copper gutter and downspouts.Connect copper gutter to cistern. • Recreate original weathervane based on existing photos(if available). • Apply blown insulation in attic space. Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 10 �, aE�NsrreT�CONCRETE PORCH NEww MATCH TO ADJACENT 'MI NEW STUCCO CLAD RAENc wHs uromnrcrvnoiuENr El COFFEE BAR SMALL MEETING ArvocowMNcwEas DOW MATCH 0 ROOM a ACCESSIBLE EN TRANCE l CONCRETE STAIRS WITH METAL HANoreA s OFFICE 2 FOYER EXHIBIT dGALLERY MEETING ROOM RECONSraUCi 36•DOOR AT ADA RES IROOM RECoN=rRUCrEREEEACE, _ RECONSTRUCT FIREPLACE INSTALL EXISTING DOORS r0E INSTALL sr,LVAOEoSCREEN DOOR , i ® I► � r OFFICEt � �� SUN ROOM EXHIBITS IHI,. I _ CONCRETE ORAl RN 0100 METAL TONE RAIL �L$velo-Proposed Proposed Floor Plan Porches East porch • Construct new concrete porch structure,perimeter stem wall,and porch slab.Provide stucco finish at porch perimeter railing and columns. • Replace significantly deteriorated porch ceiling tiles,repair and paint existing metal ceiling tiles. West porch • Remove bathroom addition.Reconstruct porch at demolished bathroom addition.Reinstall screen and bead- board railing. • Porch becomes accessible path into the house with accessible ramp. Walls • Remove existing crawl space skirting from all exterior elevations. • Refer to structural approach below for proposed concrete/CMU stem wall at house crawlspace skirting and at east porch.The west sleeping porch skirting was originally enclosed with wood siding to match the house siding. • Crawl space skirting finish to be flush to the siding above with a pronounced water table line dividing the two. Existing fence post framed structure and CMU block prevent the reconstruction of this historic arrangement. • Minor wood siding replacement for repairs around windows and doors with water damage. • Consider removing exterior siding for salvage,carefully documenting location.Remove interior wall board at top of wall(except at Living Room).Install moisture barrier to exterior sheathing(provide sheathing if not pres- ent)and install blown insulation or batt insulation to framing cavities from interior.Reinstall existing exterior wood siding,trim,and repair interior wall board. Windows • Restore existing wood windows.Conduct minor repairs(replace broken glass,replace sash cords,etc.)and reputty window glass as required. • Consider replacing east facing Living room and Dining room windows with leaded glass with lotus motif as described in historic plaque application or as found in photos. Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 11 twy naww a ., ,,:'yam ..... ter. �'. �� �'4s�}t� a um "C i$ 1t ts3z '� 43sfr�{a � t afi s0 1 AA vsi ra 0 440 ys \ g,N n„9 \4 ; 8 aGr lly r Mlrr4 ;wing Room Fireplace • Provide new exterior double hung wood window to match at the former door location in the original exterior wall once the west porch is removed. Doors • Confirm accessibility of exterior doors.Provide new door 36"door and hardware at location of removed west restroom addition. • Repair existing doors as needed. • Provide accessible hardware along accessible route(from west porch). • Install salvaged screen door to existing bedroom(Office 1). • Repair existing hardware at east porch front door.Repair water damage at exterior veneer,paint. House Interior Floors • Refinish existing wood flooring. • Replace sub-floor to match existing thickness at restroom and as needed around chimneys.Install new wood floor boards to match existing and new VCT floor at restroom.Match floor board width and wood type. • Insulate underside of floor structure with batt insulation between joists. Base&Trim • Refinish existing wood base.Complete any missing areas in primary spaces.Provide flat profile 3/4 inch(1x) wood base elsewhere to match height of original base.Stain or paint to match original finish. Walls • Protect existing wall board in Living Room,paint. • Install 1/4 inch gypsum board over sheathing where sheet rock is not present for walls will be painted (restroom and guest room).Provide wall paper on blankstock liner directly on existing wood sheathing at all Dallas I Austin www,architexas.com 12 other walls.Paint all rooms without wall paper. Interior Doors&Windows • Reinstall salvaged stained glass interior windows. • Reinstall salvaged doors.Consider providing floor mounted hold opens if doors is an accessibility concern. • Refinish existing interior doors.Provide accessible lever hardware only where required along accessible route(west porch exterior door,accessible restroom). Ceilings • Remove non-original ceilings(adhered ceiling tile).Install new gypsum board ceilings.Existing fiber board ceilings in Living Room to remain.Paint all ceilings. • Provide new attic access hatch to meet current codes and for ease of use. Locate in Foyer at previous basement entry or in a bedroom. Cabinetry • Remove existing cabinets from kitchen(60s or 70s era).Protect built in cabinet at east wall. • Provide new lower and upper cabinets for storage and coffee function or as needed per use approach. Provide refrigerator of a smaller size and a dishwasher.Provide accessible portion of counter-top height. Structure • Conduct a structural assessment by a licensed structural engineer to evaluate the existing structural system. • The existing structure observed includes a mud-slab"footing"below 8 in.x 4 in.x 16 in.concrete masonry block piers with wood block shims supporting the wood perimeter and interior beams.The concrete piers are aligned with the exterior wall siding,leaving no space for crawlspace skirting. • No concrete perimeter beam was observed below the CMU piers.No footing at the fireplace was observed. • Provide fully engineered concrete foundation as required based on structural assessment.Include structural support for the reconstructed functional brick chimneys and concrete east porch. • Construct a concrete or CMU stem wall to enclose the crawlspace and restore the appearance of the original concrete exterior base wall.The stem wall extends out to the porch and includes a concrete porch slab to match the original.If constructed of CMU,the wall will be coated with stucco to replicate a concrete appearance.Provide slight indentations at locations of original basement windows. • Provide concrete mud slab within concrete perimeter beam and slope to drain at the exterior or to an internal drain. Insulate below floor structure with rigid polyiso insulation. • East porch shall be structurally connected to the house with a continuous perimeter concrete beam to prevent differential settlement. • Stairs up to the occupied floor of the house shall be of concrete to reconstruct the original stairs at the south and east entries. • Provide a wood framed accessible ramp along north side of building up to the west porch. MEP • Remove existing HVAC,ducts,electrical,and plumbing.Salvage original switches,switch and outlet plates. • Provide all new split system HVAC.Install all ductwork,electrical,data,and plumbing in crawlspace. • Provide additional outlets and data at bedrooms for office use. Accessibility • Provide accessible van parking space with access to accessible route to house and to park sidewalk. • Provide accessible route from parking up to occupied level of house. • Desired ramp location is along north elevation out of view. • Confirm doorwidthsthroughout house.Any door with knob handles along accessible route can remain if door is in an open position with a hold open and necessary clearances are provided. • Provide accessible restroom in house.Consider providing a second accessible restroom for house and community Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 13 use in Doghouse building. Sustainability • Rainwater harvesting from house roof into an upright cistern for hand watering of site. • Spray foam insulation of all exterior walls,underside of roof,and within crawlspace underside of floor structure. • New energy efficient HVAC system • New low water use plumbing fixtures. • Restoration of functional wood windows and screens for use of natural ventilation when in season. • Landscaping selected for drought tolerance and as non-invasive species,preferably native species. • Preference for local materials and installers. � >,,al ,tzi ti o- §'}<_, y;cia .t. 11 r r �,t Ls;a,,>t us.„,n,"X+ *. ,�..j ti .� r r~ 4 °a 2 " r fur, rR mv & �Y m«tie . y ^' u "f k„ v' X I�ri o ti� • . ' Iw '. ° „ ,,,,, Al '� R it Ek ft ( I 7 � r a w fir. ; Salvaged wood doors in storage at left ip Salvaged fireplace tile for replication above Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 14 Drawings Site Plan-Existing Site Plan-Proposed Site Plan-Circulation Diagram Floor Plan-Demo Floor Plan-Proposed Exterior Elevations Exterior Elevations Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 15 PROPERTY LINE_""' -.._ ( /),/, SINGLE-FAMILY I °' RESIDENCE W Z UJ I� 0 Z I I Q o STONEHAVEN HOUSE m z J } r a O CL a ONS \ 11121141 —_-- IRRIGATION SERVICE �1RGIN�P SANE Site Plan - Existing 1 = 30 -0 TRUE NORTH Project: Stonehaven House Location: Wylie, TX Arcl ltexas CREATE -- CONSERVE VE Phase: Programming Date: 09.30.2019 pROp,� I ENTRY PORTAL _ I J 04 14) 4v %tc000000i ORC ARD pia ( � LuNI , or W WZ /t I r. - '.-- - - - :11 SI • w 0 v 1 ct SINGLE-FAMILY w RESIDENCE111111 GATHERING AREA o i Q m z AC SSIBLE a ig yNI iRA P — Ui ooN ROOF WATER COLLECTION -AA¢Trw \%r�17 ya7° W CISTERN T STONEHAVEN 1- li HOUSE 'A. 1 a ec ISTREET ENTRANCE DECOMPOSED GRANITE WALKWAY OPTIONAL DOGHOUSE BUILDING M:�o_ w (0 10 ACCESSIBLE O� F -- Ad ENTRANCE \ 70 pool lir(i, `, - fil - FAN w`Q PR`L�NC? IRRIGATION SERVICE \NP\'PNE N I Site Plan - Circulation Diagram 1" = 30'-0" TRUE NORTH Project: Stonehaven House Location: Wylie, TX Architexas C FEAR E 4 CONSERVE Phase: Programming Date: 09.30.2019 Irr ENTRY E I I + ' I c ,w\ err � '. . F i ,,� , , I- ilEr z BRAD �' /* cLii r l I Igil' 0 0 CK SINGLE-FAMILY4if ' GATHERING IN AREA: t I -r ti RESIDENCE f' I 4i4J CO , Mtn 0 Lei T T \ 4 .- M -- r wC � 41114 I ,— ,.. -.r < 'as.« ge>=. may. ' — COLLECTION � CESTERNRCCFWATER C kJ r STONEHAVEN > // 1 v HOUSE / x 1 1 < /`/ <,.M, I STREET ENTRh@CE ti � 1 m.........1_ _ ___ , /} , _ DECOMPOSED GRANITE WALKWAY 1 � / ``.. OPTION AL DOGHOUSE®.G@L6ING — ,. , .\ I ,� 1' C ACCESSIBLE', ti ` Eh1TRANCE ._ « l SA � _�—--",� ,%� ----- IRRIGATION SERVICE N Site Plan - Circulation Diagram TRUE T Project: Stonehaven House Location: Wylie, TX ArchitexasCREATE + CONSERVE Phase: Programming Date: 09.30.2019 8 -0 1/2" 34'-4" 9'- 10" / / / / 10'-8 3/4" L s m \ UJ I 1.- I ct I I/ PROTECT EXISTING o II WOOD FLOORING,TYP I "..7) (W I 1 1 ) -- 1 I V zr> r -1 REMOVE ADDITION L a 1 1 1 ---i i 0 ( \ 11 1 I I I I I I CO Nr : -61 IIIL REMOVE - REMOVE WOODSTEPS cs) cr) REMOVE DOOR AND 0 ZN ENLARGE OPENING AND PORCH DECK in es) N REMOVE DAMAGED ----;1 WOOD FLOORS REMOVE EXISTING " 11 1-r:11-Thl z z LU LLI 0- 0- 0 0 co PLUMBING FIXTURE,TYP ... I REMOVE EXISTING WALLS 1.1 cr) 1 ia b \ n c- 11'—9 1/2" 22'-0 1/2" :=- Level 1 - Demo 1/8" = 1'-o" Project: Stonehaven House Location: Wylie, TX CREA1 E -I- CONSERVE Architexas Phase: Programming Date: 09.30.2019 DN �. RECONSTRUCT CONCRETE PORCH W II / DN II STUCCO CLAD RAILING COFFEE BAR AND COLUMN COVERS INFILL WALL TO MATCH ADJACENT = T MULTI-USE NEW WINDOW TO MATCH STORAGE L t L 209 SF ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCE CONCRETE STAIRS 11 WITH METAL HANDRAILS MULTI-USE FOYER EXHIBIT GALLERY 151SF MULTI-USE 267 SF 1 384 SF RECONSTRUCT 36"DOOR AT ADA RESTROOM RECONSTRUCT FIREPLACE 1 L I �� r RECONSTRUCT FIREPLACE 2 I I INSTALL EXISTING DOORS,TYP INSTALL SALVAGED SCREEN DOOR 11 K / I 1., I•. MULTI-USE SUN ROOM EXHIBITS 172 SF 206 SF L CONCRETE STAIRS WITH METAL HANDRAIL Level I - Proposed I _ 1/8" = 1'-0" Project: Stonehaven House Location: Wylie, TX rchi exaS L e I Phase: Programming Date: 09.30.2019 -'--1' '',' ui ., u u-1, u 1 i '-,Y�:=A H'f�i':T7 t 1 11��S y�_'i' Z. I C ellln ti ti u u ii a u u u u u ii a u u u u 7 u u Li1 u u u u I a I ti I IO f e------------, ®Level I-Proposed Ioo -o'� Ground Level 1 97,-3„ South 1/8" = 1'-0" WEATHERVANE INSTALL EXISTING .. 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STUCCO RECESS AT FORMER BASEMENT Wesr WINDOW LOCATIONS 2� 1/8" = 1'-0" Project: Stonehaven House Location: Wylie, TX Architexas CREATE E -I-- CONSERVE Phase: Programming Date: 09.30.2019 �7. �u u rsl A::.'f�i T'-H Y 1 i ,H.""I 'A .i_Y,��x 1'-', i A:7. -.... x , .. ,�T A,i-r' Y, x-?, A,i-r' S, Y Y, A,i-H.'f 1, , A.,Hr ��,,ra.x�Y, A,,HH YS, 1 , A,H��- ,-H a , F'.sj + A A:: ams-r' , s'� A ,'�i'-r�, A , A -r , s x..:. ',' '..rrA. 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L �� CISTERN �. 1 ROUND COPPER DOWNSPOUT STUCCO RAILING AT PORCH CONCRETE PORCH AND STAIRS ----------, Level 1-Proposed 100'-o° round Level 97 -3 East I 1/8" = 1'-0" Project: Stonehaven House Location: Wylie, TX rc ltexaS CRLA1L e I Phase: Programming Date: 09.30.2019 Architexas CREATE 4 CONSERVE Stonehaven House Wylie,Texas AREA:1900 GSF DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST SECTION COST Demolition $22,155 Remove west porch addition 110 SF $25 $2,750 Remove concrete parking paving 3400 SF $2 $6,800 Remove east porch floor and structure 540 SF $15 $8,100 Shoring and bracing at east porch 1 EA $3,000 $3,000 Wall removal at bathroom 18 LF $10 $180 Sub floor removal at bathroom 90 SF $5 $450 Demo kitchen millwork and appliances 125 SF $7 $875 Site Work $102,660 Decomposed granite walks 1800 SF $5 $9,000 Brick paver gathering area 2300 SF $7 $16,100 Low novelty wire fencing with entry gate 320 LF $30 $9,600 Trees-Canopy 14 EA $900 $12,600 Trees-Orchard Trees 10 EA $900 $9,000 Trees-Ornamental 14 EA $300 $4,200 Low vegetation 320 SF $8 $2,560 Site sprinkler system-irrigation service 1 EA $1,000 $1,000 Site sprinkler system-irrigation 8000 SF $1 $10,000 Site sprinkler system-tree bubblers 14 EA $150 $2,100 Small cistern 1 EA $10,000 $10,000 Site lighting-Landscape 0 ALLOW $5,000 $0 Site lighting-Parking 2 EA $6,000 $12,000 Site Signage 3 EA $1,500 $4,500 Utilities $11,800 Extend utilities to the house 28 LF $350 $9,800 Weatherhead overhead electrical connection 1 EA $2,000 $2,000 Concrete $57,800 Concrete parking paving 3400 SF $8 $25,500 Concrete east porch&Stairs 650 SF $22 $14,300 Structural Foundation-UNKNOWN 1 ALLOW $18,000 $18,000 Masonry $20,000 Reconstruct fireplaces(quantity 2)&replica tile 2 EA $10,000 $20,000 Metals $4,800 Copper Gutter&Downspout 300 LF $16 $4,800 Wood $20,040 Bathroom subfloor 90 SF $4 $360 Restore west porch railing 500 SF $12 $6,000 Millwork®Coffee Bar 12 LF $350 $4,200 Exterior wall infill at former addition 40 SF $12 $480 Exterior crawl space wall(200 LF) 600 SF $15 $9,000 Waterproofing/Insulation $23,780 Install existing lightning rod,new weathervane&new lightning system. 1 ALLOW $8,000 $8,000 Install blown insulation at attic&batt at crawlspace 5260 SF $3 $15,780 Openings Doors/Windows $25,700 Restore existing windows(quantity 25) 25 EA $500 $12,500 Select window sash replacement(5 sashes) 1 ALLOW $5,000 $5,000 Restore existing exterior doors 2 EA $500 $1,000 New exterior doors at west porch 2 EA $2,000 $4,000 Installed salvaged interior doors 1 ALLOW $2,000 $2,000 New interior restroom door(accessible) 1 ALLOW $1,200 $1,200 Finishes $54,858 Refinish wood flooring 1800 SF $4 $7,200 New restroom VCT 90 SF $5 $450 Dallas(Austin www.architexas.com 16 Architexas CREATE 4 CONSERVE Stonehaven House Wylie,Texas AREA:1900 GSF DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL CAST SECTION COST 1/4"Gypsum Board at walls to be painted(Includes Living Room,guest,&bathri 1650 SF $2 $2,888 New wallpaper&blankstock liner(Excludes living room,guest,and bathroom) 3500 SF $5 $17,500 Restore&complete stained trim(throughout house) 540 LF $8 $4,320 Exterior Painting 3800 SF $3 $11,400 Interior Painting(Living,guest,and bathroom) 3600 SF $2 $5,400 Gypsum ceilings(bedrooms,bathroom) 1900 SF $3 $5,700 Miscellaneous $89,000 Doghouse Restroom Building 1 EA $75,000 $75,000 Accessible wood framed ramp 1 ALLOW $10,000 $10,000 Appliances(refrigerator,dishwasher) 1 ALLOW $2,500 $2,500 Toilet accessories(accessibility grab bars,mirror,paper towel,etc.) 1 ALLOW $1,500 $1,500 Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing $48,200 New residential HVAC system 1 ALLOW $12,000 $12,000 All new electrical system 1 ALLOW $8,000 $8,000 All new plumbing piping,fixtures,hot water heater 1 ALLOW $14,000 $14,000 Firm alarm and security system 1 ALLOW $750 $750 Rewire,repair,and install 2 light fixtures 1 ALLOW $750 $750 Light fixtures&switches-Period(Quantity 12) 12 EA $750 $9,000 Light fixtures&switches-Modern(Quantity 5) 5 EA $500 $2,500 Attic access hatch 1 ALLOW $1,200 $1,200 SUBTOTAL $480,793 General Conditions(10%) $48,079 Project Contingency(15%) $72,119 SUBTOTAL $600,991 BUILDING PERMIT(1.5%) $7,212 GENERAL LIABILITY(1.5%) $7,212 FEE(overhead and profit)(8%) $38,463 BOND(50/0) $26,924 SUBTOTAL $79,812 SUBTOTAL WITH BOND $680,802 Architectural&Engineering Fee&Expenses(15%) $90,149 Landscape Architecture&Civil Engineering $40,000 Furnishings&Exhibits Not In Contract PROJECT TOTAL COST $810,951 Dallas(Austin www.architexas.com 17 The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation The Standards(Department of Interior regulations,36 CFR 67)pertain to historic buildings of all materials,construction types,sizes,and occupancy and encompass the exterior and the interior,related landscape features and the building's site and environment as well as attached, adjacent, or related new construction.The Standards are to be applied to specific rehabilitation projects in a reasonable manner,taking into consideration economic and technical feasibility. Rehabilitation is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations,and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical,cultural,or architectural values. 1. A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment. 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved.The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. 3. Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time,place,and use.Changes that create a false sense of historical development,such as adding conjectural features or architectural elements from other buildings,shall not be undertaken. 4. Most properties change over time;those changes that have acquired historic significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved. 5. Distinctive features,finishes,and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced.Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature,the new feature shall match the old in design,color,texture,and other visual qualities and,where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical,or pictorial evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments,such as sandblasting,that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures,if appropriate,shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. 8. ignificant archeological resources affected by a project shall be protected and preserved.If such resources must be disturbed,mitigation measures shall be undertaken. 9. New additions,exterior alterations,or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property.The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing,size,scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future,the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. Dallas I Austin www.architexas.com 18 Dallas(Austin 2900 S.Congress Ave. 1907 MariIla St. www.architexas.com Suite 200 Second Floor Austin,Texas 78704 Dallas,Texas 75201 p 512.444.4220 p 214.748.4561 „ . _ . . . . ....„ . ,.. . „ .. , . .7.• . „ . - .• 7.i • . . ... . ... , . ,. , . .- . . • .• .,, • . . .• . ;. . • ' • 77P7 , . .. - -7.15,, ,„•,.„,” Stonehaven *.,„ „,,,,,,J1„0,:,,,,!!!:,,,,,,„:::,:•.,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „.„.....„,,,,,,,,,,,11,1,•••,,,,,,,,,,...7747•77,7,,,,,,72,77,,;7-, ,7,,7 , ,:„„,„,„,,,,,,,„4,,,,,.,;,,,,,i77,„7770,47474;.7.,,,;,,,,;,z,;,,,,,7",,,,,k,,,747,,;,,74,f,,7„,„7,4„;,•,47-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,;,„77,i,,777,„,'„,,„4,,,,,„,,,,,,,„ft„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--,,,,,,,,,e4H,75„,,,,7p7,7,2,„4-,,„,,t,r,„,,,,„,,,,,,,,,t,,,„,„74r7,,,,,,,,,,,.„7. , .. . „ .. .. • House Reuse -...„ • ,.,,,,,,.,,,re,:,•,'„r:,:,,,r71-;:,••••;;;,•-• , ,,-.•;,,,,,,. ,, ,,,,,z,•••0„,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•.„,, ,..„,„1,77,7,6 ,,,,,,,,.„.„..,,,,zr,,.•,,,,,,,;,,,,,,4,27,,,:„„-,„„,,,,•,,,,,,,...,,,,,,4,,,,i,,,,.,,,,-i,,,,,,,,,„k„,-...,,,,,,,,z.-4.„,,,....,,,,,,L,,,,5:._,.,,,,,,..„,;.,,,,„.,,,„•,•",,,,,,,,,,,,,,*7,,,,,,,,,,,, • • .„„7.--..,,,,7'775. ;7777-7,'"7777,r,7777,7"74'77777,"7777,7,7477777,775,477„^„7,7,:',777-;%;1:7'7777•77'7,' "•777,,,,7-77',77 ,,',7 7474,,,,,07-77'7' . •• ,, '77,7„„:77,'!,,,77, ; .. , ,•7 ..,7'''.7-7',77777,7,„•,,,,777'^."^:,,,',...„.r,....,,:a..,..,,,,,,,,,,,^.4,?,,,,,,,,;',,,,,,,,,2„,,T,,,,,,,,,t,„3,,,,,„0„,,,,,„•,,,,,,,„.,...„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,,,,,,„•,,,, , 1,,, ,„, „,, ''',",, .. . . ,„""''''' "'",,,'.,-'''.01`,.,...,1,5b,,,,';•,,I,,,47,P.,,,',,Va;',...'7,-^',.,,Ye,.. 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WYLIE Stonehaven House History William & Charlotte Stone : 4 , a. . , , 1 Constructed between 1912 and 1920 o , . ,,... 400.-mor, 0140 Iii.•- Homestead within large, innovative farm Crops: cotton, corn, wheat, fruit orchards Tst, „t, lo , . i MI Lw , • , 44 ' C 'tj)\4 4,"4 4k,, r 04 Designed by William with pattern books , irs 0 , _„ ., t,,, ,m0„4 ,,- 7,, . •,,ty, , , 'n, , 'A • ^ 1---,---,---,-7,---, 4 1 11 1 ---71 • $' -r:04 American Craftsman Style Simplicity of form ..- _.. . . 1 r •..- .4,0,0r0-0,, Strong horizontal emphasis • , .4„, ..,,,•,,,, , „„4„0„. ...,,, 4^. Deep overhangs II -,r-i-----, - IT i co _ ,, , . • -60,--,1 Tr , [REF gyfilf ., , 1 Orientation for ventilation — . . 4 — 1 •' ' Minimal ornamentation 1 CIPF NI I I — I I' n DEN .., Natural materials IIIII IIIII „ [ , . _ - — House remained in the family until 2017 ---, I ' Recorded Texas Historic Landmark ....0 ___ - 'irtit Architexas CREATE I CON'JERVE KimleyHorn WYLIE Stonehaven House Historic Treatment I ci 2:14. Period of Significance: 1912 - 1931 1931 — William Stone's death • Treatment Approach: Rehabilitation Compatible use of the property Allows for repair, alteration, and additions '\-0,-400•44.44%0001, • 1, 0 .... , 4 4 * I 111 • *W 0 4 I a 4 a * * 1 * g * `,441, '` * ard• * I4k, * $ r *** , Preserve portion of features that convey No . . historical, cultural, or architectural •• i'', 0„,,, 0 * * ....Ire lot..s4 0,4114. . -4,,,,,, 4000, value. * 4 $41111,i *k 4 it 1 .0. ilt k, Ili" , t * • 1 Olik*t /IL 41'41 V, 4 N 4. * 4., - - '111$ i VI! Architexas CREATE I CONSERVE Kimler)) Hom WYLIE t"`.'*• ',..:•,..*,, 4,,:',).' i'.'4,, •''''F,''''''.'''.t.' • ..n:',,,,,4„.,:„"ir,",nn",;,',N,v,•'\n,,n(Vo'•'•'•'""'''.,:"., ':1,"• : ' t:n:...,, ,1.4,n,k-7.7..:nt,••,,,,,le" f,'':',4,:':'',•7',,,,,••••‘,5.7„,,...• z,m&olAe ' • " ,, 1:',...:::.4:';''';',. ' ,flo l',,'"'*:''''''''',''' '''' 11;r!'•*' , "'''.34'''''. 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A ,,. ..,--,,, ,n!:', .." 7,''i';',.;,,f• ,:::,,,),,,, 'T74,,r4,Y,, Pkt,..—,,,w.,.., Stonehaven House Site Analysis ''.; r,fl#, -,••",k••;.;,.',-,:%'vt:4*, *::f ''',.ilt's,,e,P,';*1' ? 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'::';',.k.,67, ' i ORCHARD D II 1 Z , III V , ''', ,- \ Ir IIII-- , .. - - , ';-,'• ' ' ".±1 > , • ' • I < , , ,' Available parking ,...._.... ,,L,, '---,..-- , ..--„,› 1 , , , ,-,;,, „ , a . , . SINGLE-FAMILY I 1 .. . , , ,I, GATHERING AREA , .!-,./. , ,, , RESIDENCE ' ! Ili: ---I' ' I , I. , ' '. ! . . , 1 . , , Opportunities .,..., :-, , Lfi 0.. , I ' _„ ' ' , ,,,_ ,, 1r K.!! • • Tz , -----7.--: - - , -- . .......,. .... ......_, ....„. . ,, . , I ' (''','.k..-t_., , '.,".'.4:, I A AODA WA 11 LI,A.A.A.U.A.,1,O'N Create sense of place with landscaping ,--- perimeter and change of paving -- --, , rcr., cr HOUSE ,,- . and historic fencing LArILEA'ANGRANCE I • . , Amn\AtA,AAA A v ',,,, ,i Improve on-site circulation and accessibility OPT FOGA,DOGHOUS E BUA\ONG A,A,,- ,,„., „AA ,,. i,,,,,'rt .' AA , 1 I ,,.A- '• AAA'' A , , ,AA A., A' A ,AAA .....-"- ',..4A ''''''''''' '' L -J ''''' " - I' I ' : ' II • ..------ ' ' :I Provide accessible restroom and storage within „ , , , „..,_ site • .0'0building, ACCE,As,e,A, ',' , '', - ( „:,,Y, ', 4 — ' INFRANCE. ' ' \\ —\ \ ', `. q - -,--- ''' '''' '''''''::.::L' \ . ‘ , ,- \* \\, - -,----- Aor",'''''m - - __ • • • Provide outdoor gathering space adjacent to _,.,„_ _____- ----- ,,,. P,A.C,Al ON AA AAA E . fruit orchard Cistern for landscape watering , ,,,,,,,,:,,, -,,,,._•_,__ „,.,,,, . ' Architexas EATE --I- 1.:;ONERE . i:'.. i 'Y LI Stonehaven House Future Use _........._................................., ,......_ Reviewed Uses , i _ House Museum I RECONSTRUCT CONCRETE PORCH • Share store of turn of the century gm STUCCO CLAD RAILING innovative agricultural family 1 CF-ji COFFEE BARI' AND COLUMN COVERS ,j• , INFR L WALL.TO MATCH ADJACENT I -...... r 1 MULTI-USE ,„2! -§it NEW WINDOW TO MATO I I STORAGE, 1 1 , — , ul Concerns with staffing/volunteer, 1 I 20P SE 1 ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCE 1 , _-- community demand , — CONCRETE STARS I I 71 I; I WITH METAL HANDRAILS 4 I i , 1 I ,1 MULTI-USE FOYER EXHIBIT - L' , Small Retail Limited to coffee and prepared foods II -- j GALLERY 11 151 SF 11 11 267 SF 1 MULTI-USE a i I Activate the neighborhood & building 1 1 384 SF . I R FELONS I RUC 1€0 DOOR Al ADA RESTROOM I RECONSTRUCT FIREPI ACE 1 I111 1 1 I I RECONSTRUCT FIRER ACE 2 Property not zoned for commercial . ,-------k -11111-Millt.1111 INSTAI I EXISTING DOORS,TYR t A INSTALL SALVAGED SCREEN DOOR -I "Mill__ _ SUN ROOM ,, Proposed Use 11 11,,,MULTI-USE ill .----- I EXHI%ITS 1, , ro sF L..... 1, II II I\ 206 SF Meeting and Office Space ....,NM AMU.VANN. "--- - /1111M11111, 411111111111111111111111.11.111111161111111 UNII CONCRE TC STAIRS WITH ME rAt HANDRAIL --- Variety of room sizes , Encourage continuous occupation , g Architexas CREATE I CONciERVE ) - A V YU Stonehaven House Rehabilitation .41.... , Recommendations Preservation Hierarchy ; .1"----- -41- . -,----;;---- --:-.----.--- - r.... 7 ---,------- - -•';'-::-----, - - I'll 1 III III Priorityl Ili v l' ii 1 — l inii 1 1 11111 III — Ill iou Exterior — East elevation of greatest importance v , a- -a- I ..-----, Living Room Dining Room ( I ,,South ,!1/8"=1T-0" --- Priority 2 Foyer South Sunroom Priority 3 -:-..=,,,, -,---.1-4J,-AJ,,,, „A41- 1,- -p - , -,„,-, :1-- -,„.-. ..,._ _. - --w - _11,--1:-.,:- ----1,-,_,, , ,I-.., _J Bedrooms _ „__,- 1 r i 1 41.1•14111•11•111•1411•11.1WINIMMINMININNIMMIMEMININIMPWIWAININ.110110,1111M.M11.••••• 10111•1.1111•111111•MMOIMMININFIM11111111111•11MIMIM110•11. 11111111 I I ii Fri u 4 _ ' IIIII 111.__ .... I. 1. Hi , ii I __AL mil 4 -, Mil ( .,...) Mest )1/8"=10" Architexas CREATE I CONc,-JERVE YU j . Stonehaven House Rehabilitation H F , Recommendations --_ , , ' .I Y I j__4 ' , .'-cam, c TY_,� �,w,s, ' � Site 4,-4 yr'-.,+ i-'ri i .-- I ce'.^ i "-a r Y .-i- -i r a__• a ,,,, ° , . Relocate parking, make accessible i IIII IIII ��' Doghouse Restroom Building entrance to site g g , x Low site fence of natural materials, novelty wire "° 11 Softer paving; brick, decomposed granite North Soft paved Gathering areas next to Orchard 2 21/8"= 1"-0" Sustainable rainwater collection; cistern Exterior Reconstruct concrete/stucco east porch �� Remove west porch addition, add ramp for _ , .. ' „ _ accessibility e-a-c � � `�' -�,, r'`_,-r'`r' '�i-�i-'fir �-'�-' r �- c -r. Install existing lightning system & new 0 ,�Y � : Y' � � = sti I to i � �- —�.-, � - -� �� , � ��,-�� , .� weathervane u u u u u u u u u u i 4 i Insulate exterior wall cavity, roof, crawlspace Restore existing windows & doors, minor repairs �_ 1 __.,East 1/8"=1'-Q"" pA p1. ii S. rc t CREATE I CgN�ER`v'E � UU Stonehaven House Rehabilitation ". , 'N' Recommendations fi � �, .� � a. "«•., a i^v��,,,,ro "�rr�, �n'::' 'Li 1•.� ..:. : : ',,m•'"";, "'#}„"' a,✓:?", .' .N ',•.,,yi .: a.. " °f'i�'�?IkY"'" ,. �„ 'u1��l�il:� nw " .. ,...:..,".� w4 yy h' u" i��m.r!•'': . rFy l..a'.�s�.^"4'..P.•.;x:""":lmm.�:w,l.'"'.Ym:�,.',.;.:t;.+d1�1'huW 44,444 +"�W> m .o au w.:+.lwi'm".�gy.m L��'p•".u"'6".m "a Ie .v'.,' ._, l ri:•.'� v"'qI" ..: x�Y :.:5..{ :B,< �eq ., �.`. „. m. " "Mn jf „'L *� � 1a " ,.Wm nXi: x . , Pt ,�N N .n " , . a .M i n ` mr�l ,d m u •xw Interior nc6 , a i « }. N �h w ,4 .pry ; � : wp$ W zq, ' , v Refinish • xisting woo w rk iA i. 4 ^ s "y " F • µ' 1 T : r INN e w"" � Reconstruct chimney, recre recreate te damaged e ttrh "r n� a , ta4 , t ry !n x � "�f� :t n. u , qy t ,yy ' : ` . .ixvS ro „ y ' y W d <� Tn. >. !µ t ? t " S a d'Sw��'� ''„444�I"" i tl'N : Provide appropriatewallpaper or oe ck walls at PM , t�RpiN{ A""w ,W 4Ym' r } �� r 4 . ° rkiM N a� m `x u,, . L,' "' w: MsCoffee function use of forme kitchen t ' wn ° m, mm Wg r it Enlarge restroom for accessibility m ;" Structure Y, W« 1. Conduct structural assessment of existingop, We,IiIV uumt ;v.�tf'. ,(�< fit: , ;Ilm!y ;r .t foundation '�r. ::ik ". ^'�ui: i Sei'`;;�in"ii; pr• ' rny„'t,'4 ` ,.. . rv ..;:;M„mM,.:...t�,:.,,w... .,..r;..rdr:�✓ C":. '"M4� ,\'' ?:,,�;`"'' .yp m."'M... ma^,..,..,.,,' „°a"'y,. .''.�,N6 'I: ' ."'"N,i� m14 Enclose crawlspace with CMU wall with stucco '. 1 finish to replicate original concrete look ILY ' mY, �w. 4; Flu,' ix N 1�14 1. '^V 1, Ny�'�� 's'mm'w i y�i �'. m qy ml� "IRS; yS'w",'w ' " dp t�' #,r,"" , M"k is Si 14li+. ro. w ". '" :air�t".,""":, t n � ,y „",1' :��'A{' a s .b : . Split HVAC system �' Wr" k1. �y� :.. 'mR:„+vo h'��J 1``' i ,,:, .'1,<'.-lYli»: "yx'I ' •', mot." �, iT ,:" , Reuse on final switches and outlet lates � w �s g p `}IIII Upgrade electrical and lumbin systems „'w. Architexas CREATE I CON'JE VE Kimley ''" HV1 WYLIE ' Stonehaven House Budget qy.. .; ,a•p . »r M M "'". .'""@.t' gip, v. a9�' : "' „„r �a KYM�,,...,..,, .,. yNt yM„ « w,;�, ..,.„, ,. ,��,�„u �: Materials and Labor $480,800 Y �e� • gin , � (Excludes foundation work) b , -. ,, - *+� a a ' 4 r T,i,t, .Y �Y.4 • , .1 a *'a *,4to e a* , "� M," s C" '°'.' #k a1P'.{e).;AO k._.�14„, ,x *' X , a '04 *' ' (tit** v**"v` ''ItIN# "T'+ti :` °, , 4'' A *r� wyN�"• .. ` Rt, K General Conditions + Contingency $120,198 ,. . ; or- , ,„ Ir. 'al 441, . " 1 I ,,,i I „, ,, *t... Permit, Liability, Fees, Bond, Design $209,960 it , , R Total Project Cost Estimate $810,900 o v 1 M , a w .... w ..r'.L ,� iro,,,.'aW'r s*,�, T 3 »J"« I A Apt � N a gg nras ` v M , . { to l Iv J a A 4,I o 1i i4.p �." t„$ t E ot j w Wr fi f ^ " r � � ' 0 w. T „ ' l u" Wy w 'tw t. ro i d I iG u i r v 6., pJw, Architexas CKimleyHorn VI! WYLIE Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 22, 2019 Item Number: WS 2 Department: City Manager (City Secrcra,i 's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 2019 Exhibits: Subject Discuss teiiii limitations for City Boards and Commissions. Recommendation Direction Discussion At the direction of City Council, staff is providing the following research on term limits for Boards and Commissions. Staff researched the cities of Plano, McKinney, Prosper, Lewisville, Frisco, Murphy, and Sachse, and the results are attached as Exhibit A. Most cities researched have 2 year terms for appointed members,with 2—3 year consecutive terms before they are no longer allowed to serve. Wylie's Animal Shelter Advisory Board has specified term limitations. In accordance with Ordinance 2015-37, no member shall serve for more than three consecutive terms or six years (whichever is less). The Board of Ethics has specified term limits that state no member shall serve more than one term of two years (Ordinance 2014-19). Wylie has established the following Boards & Commissions: Animal Shelter Advisory Board Board of Ethics Boards & Commissions Interview Panel (appointed yearly) Construction Code Board Historic Review Commission Impact Fee Advisory Committee (P&Z members plus one citizen appointed by Council) Library Advisory Board Parks & Recreation Board Park & Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) Planning&Zoning Commission Public Arts Advisory Board Subcommittee for WISD Relations Wylie Economic Development Corporation Zoning Board of Adjustments Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 By Charter, the Library, Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks Board, and Zoning Board of Adjustment members serve a two-year term, with no mention of reappointment limits. The other Boards and Commissions are established by ordinance. Changes to the Home Rule Charter require the amendments to be taken to the Wylie voters for approval. The Wylie Economic Development Corporation & Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B) are the only corporations established by the City and has its number of members and terms set by the Articles of Incorporation and/or Bylaws. Some options to consider: Establish ordinance for reappointment term limits for Boards and Commissions Hold an election to change terms established by Charter Actively appoint new members during interview selection process Maintain seasoned members for support 0 WVLIE PLANO MCKINNEY PROSPER LEWISVILLE FRISCO SACHSE MURPHY #of Appointment Max Term oT Appointment Max Term of Appointment Max Term poi Appointment Max a of Appointment Max #of Appointmen Max p of Appointment Max Term of Appointment Max Term Board/Commission Members Term Members Term Members Term Members Term Term Members Term Term Members [Term Term Members Term Members Term 3 Animal Shelter 5 2 3 7 2 2 4 1 3 1 Off c 7 2 Consec 6 2 Unlimited 3 Art 7 2 Unlimited 7 2 2 7 2 3 1 conseOff c 9 2 Consec 7 2 3 CCB 7/3 Alts 2 Unlimited 8 2 2 5 1 3 Consec 1 Off By 3 EDC 5 3 Unlimited 7 2 3 cl Off c 7 3 Reappt 5 6 Consec 7 2 3 7 2 Unlimited Ethics 3/2 Alts 2 1 3 HRC 7 2 Unlimited 7 2 2 7 t 3 1 Off senses 5/2 Alts 2&1 Stag Consec 7 2 3 Unlimited By 3 Library 7 2 Unlimited 7 2 2 7 1 3 1 Off c 7 2 Reappt 7 2 Consec 7 Unlimited By 3 P&Z 7/2 Alts 2 Unlimited 8 2 2 7 1 3 looff c 7 2 Reappt 7 2 Consec 7 2 3 7 2 Unlimited 7/2 Alts 2 3 By 3 Parks 7 2 Unlimited 7 2 2 7 1 3 cl 01f c 7 2 Reappt 5-9 2 Consec 7 2 3 7 Unlimited 7 2 Unlimited Parks(4B) 7 2 Unlimited ZBoA 5/2 Ails 2 Unlimited 8/2 alto 2 2 5/2 Alts 2 3 cj ott c 5/2 Alts 2 Reappt 5/2 Alts 2 Consec 5/3 Ails 2 3 5/4 Alts Unlimited 7/4 Ails 2 3 ,wrq°r: Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 22, 2019 Item Number: WS 3 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: City Manager Prepared By: Brent Parker Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: July 11, 2019 Exhibits: N/A Subject Provide an update on partnership with Enterprise Fleet Management for the cities fleet. Recommendation N/A Discussion The current fleet consists of 118 vehicles. Staff has researched cost saving options to address fleet management. Enterprise Fleet Management was identified as an option. Over the past several weeks, staff has worked with Enterprise to develop a five-year budget projection(attached). The average annual vehicle replacement is 16 vehicles with the average budgeted amount of$614,321. The city auctions an average of 16 vehicles per year with a dollar amount of$96,025. The annual fleet maintenance budget is $225,000 with an average of$57,618 for emergency response vehicles and $43,010 for non-emergency vehicles. Enterprise Fleet Management provides the city an option to lease vehicles on a four-year rotation, which would enable the city to take advantage of equity, safer vehicles, and reduced maintenance costs. The annual lease payment once the transition is complete will be approximately $1,000,000 for 118 vehicles. The payment includes maintenance except for emergency response vehicles. When taking in the considerations listed above of the reduced fleet maintenance budget, missed revenue on resale, and the annual replacement budget the difference is $26,000. Page 1 of 1 Enterprise Fleet Management Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 19-20 Fiscal Year 20-21 Fiscal Year 21-22 Fiscal Year 22-23 Fiscal Year 23-24 Accumulated Annual Payment(on EFM units) $ 250,586 $ 544,430 $ 821,138 $ 1,105,442 $ 1,105,442 Total Upfront Atermarket Equipment Amount $ 174,497 $ 217,026 $ 111,548 $ 90,301 $ 174,497 Total Resale Estimate from Existing Fleet(1)(2) 1 i . ...,, `r V. ,:0" Total Equity Estimate at Term(3) - - ;F ;F � ?0;' i, ' G„-f!1 Net Cash after Equity $ 242,583 $ 450,956 $ 697,186 $ 500,743 $ 1,003,039 Total Number of Leased Vehicles from EFM 23 52 84 118 118 Total Number of City existing Vehicles 95 66 34 0 0 Fleet Total 118 118 118 118 118 (1)Will evaluate current fleet yearly for market value-current estimate is rough based on age and mileage for replacement year (2)Estimated Equity is sight unseen and does not include the cost of deinstalling aftermarket or deidentifying vehicle (3)Estimated Equity at Term is the equity at the end of the 48 month term for the first 23 vehicles replaced(for FY22-23)and second 30 vehicles replaced(for FY23-24) City of Wylie Average Annual Fleet Replacement FY14-21 Vehicles FY15-15 Vehicles FY16-16 Vehicles $750,531.00 $531,596.00 $606,000.00 Avg Replacement 16 FY18-18 Vehicles FY19-13 Vehicles FY20-10 Vehicles Avg Budgeted Amount $614,321.17 $663,200.00 $672,400.00 $462,200.00 City of Wylie Average Annual Fleet Auction FY14-21 FY15-22-Inc'1 Seized FY16-14-Ind 2 Seized $121,533.90 $111,024.04 $78,071.03 Avg Auctioned 16.2 Avg Revenue $96,025.20 FY17-13 FY18-11-Inc'2 Seized $90,192.32 $79,304.69 Missed Reveunue $180,874.80 City of Wylie Average Annual Fleet Maintenance Avg Budgeted Amount $225,000.00 Avg Emergency Response $57,618.79 Avg Non-Emeg Response $43,010.81 Avg Maintenance Savings $181,989.19 f 1 Fiscal Year 19-20 Fiscal Year 20-21 Fiscal Year 21-22 Fiscal Year 22-23 Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26_Fiscal Year 26-27 Accumulated Annual Payment(on EFM units) $ 237,023 $ 542,758 $ 825,654 $ 1,102,170 $ 1,098,007 $ 1,072,659 $ 1,061,284 $ 1,047,872 Total Upfront Aftermarket Equipment Amount $ 174,497 $ 198,290 $ 103,555 $ 83,001 $ 38,953 $ 179,382 $ 70,428 $ 87,931 Total Resale Estimate from Existing Fleet(1)(2) $ 182,500 S 310,500 S 235,500 S 430,000 S - S - S - S - Total Equity Estimate at Term(3) $ - $ - S - 5 168,100 $ 370,668 $ 322,751 $ 354,350 $ 168,100 Net Cash after Equity S 229,020 $ 430,548 S 693,709 S 587,071 S 766,292 5 929,290 $ 777,362 $ 967,703 Total Number of Leased Vehicles from EFM 22 52 84 114 114 114 114 114 Total Number of City existing Vehicles 92 62 30 0 0 0 0 0 Fleet Total 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 (1)Will evaluate current fleet yearly for market value-current estimate is rough based on age and mileage for replacement year (2)Estimated Equity is sight unseen and does not include the cost of deinstalling aftermarket or deidentifying vehicle (3)Estimated Equity at Term is the equity at the end of the 48 month term for the first 23 vehicles replaced(for FY22-23)and second 30 vehicles replaced(for FY23-24) frN WYLIE Fleet Planning Analysis Fleet Mix Fleet Cost Annual Fiscal Fleet Annual Owned EFM Purchase Lease Upfront Maintenance Fuel Equity Fleet Net Cash Year Size Needs Aftermarket Budget Average 114 14 r 114 ' 0 599,267 0 0 150,000 340,430 -35,000 1,054,697 0 '20 114 22 92 22 0 237,023 174,497 129,908 317,010 -182,500 675,938 378,759 '21 114 29 62 52 0 542,758 198,290 113,048 300,810 -310,500 844,406 210,291 '22 114 32 30 84 0 825,654 103,555 95,064 283,530 -235,500 1,072,303 -17,606 '23 114 34 0 114 0 1,102,170 83,001 78,204 267,330 -598,100 932,605 122,092 '24 114 23 0 114 0 1,098,007 38,953 78,204 267,330 -370,668 1,111,826 -57,129 '25 114 29 0 114 0 1,072,659 179,382 78,204 267,330 -322,751 1,274,824 -220,127 '26 114 32 0 114 0 1,061,284 70,428 78,204 267,330 -354,350 1,122,896 -68,199 '27 114 34 0 114 0 1,047,872 87,931 78,204 267,330 -168,100 1,313,237 -258,540 8 Year Savings $89,541